stickylizardcave · 1 year
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back at it again with my wally/frank propaganda
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redvelvettecakes1 · 3 months
(⚠️ spoilers for the newest welcome home update that came out march 9th ⚠️)
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OKAY SO I ACTUALLY HAVE SO MANY THINGS TO SAY ABOUT THIS UPDATE, IT WAS BY FAR MY FAVOURITE UPDATE SO FAR THAT WE HAVE GOTTEN. before I start however if you guys don’t know how to Access the secret website here is the link if you need it!
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but anyways, literally loved this animation too, it was so smooth and pretty, whoever animated these scenes did an amazing job because I loved each one so much
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they’re my favourite mother and son guys. ☹️
THEY WERE LITERALLY SO CUTE, WHEN MS. BEAGLE GAVE BARNABY A PECK ON THE CHEEK AND YOU CAN ALSO TELL HOW MUCH BARNABY CARES FOR HER, IT’S SO SWEET AND I LOVE THEM SO MUCH 😭 I also really loved the fact we got to see more artwork of ms. beagle, she is literally so pretty and her voice is so pretty too, I LOVE HERRR
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it was really nice to hear more about howdy’s family, AND THERE IS SO MANY OF THEM, HIS FAMILY IS ACTUALLY MASSIVE, I loved all their voices and character designs so much, they were all great, I WAS SURPRISED WE GOT TO HEAR ALL THEIR VOICES TOO, I was completely blown away from this update
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I felt so bad for the guy he was so stressed and exhausted from everything, it was also really sad to see how he was getting frustrated / upset when nobody was coming to visit him 😕 FRANK KEEP YOUR BOYFRIEND COMPANY PLEASE…
anyways, that’s all I have to say for this update, I literally loved it so much and this is definitely my favourite update so far, the voice actors, animators and clown did such a good job with this update and it was definitely worth the extra wait 🩷
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maximilliansblog · 5 months
Welcome Home Hyacinth Theory 🏠🪻🐛
Hello Tumblr! Most Welcome Home theories are just little bits and pieces or “Wally is evil, guys look!”/”Wally is not evil! He is a goober!” etc.
This theory is fully fledged and provides a plot and evidence. I call it the Welcome Home “Hyacinth” theory, after the myth that it is based on. This will be a very long post so here is a TLDR: Julie kills Eddie while they are playing croquette-bowling out of jealousy because he is getting too close to Frank, who is supposed to be her boyfriend/best friend within the show. Either just Eddie or everyone involved gets replaced, except for Wally, who witnessed everything. This is why we have all of those videos of Wally dissociating.
I have been sitting around in my toom rambling to myself about this theory like a madman for over a week so I decided to share it.
Please reference this post from @/partycoffin (the creator of Welcome Home) when discussing Welcome Home and be respectful in the comments and reblogs.
Extra information from @theneighborhoodwatch:
Welcome Home Observation Document
Welcome Home Livestream Trivia
Welcome Home Archive Links + Backup Screenshots
Fanmade Welcome Home Wiki (I don't recommend the Fandom wiki)
Extra information on exploring the website from @angel-lyah:
Welcome Home Website Secrets
Alright, let’s get into it! I have evidence to back up every single one of those claims, and I will include it in this post.
I want to be very thorough with explaining this. I’ll start by establishing that there are three main plots within Welcome Home (that I have noticed, anyways):
The plot of the late 60’s - early 70’s TV show, Welcome Home - only related to published episodes, books, audios, etc. that would have been shown to the public at the time of airing Welcome Home
“Behind the show” - feelings and actions of the puppets outside of the show (such as Frank and Eddie being a couple, or Frank being nonbinary)
The Welcome Home Restoration Project - people working to restore the TV show, Welcome Home, and find any and all information related to it and who made it
Okay so for the rest of this essay, when I mention BtS, it is related to the “behind the show” plot. I will color these things blue. When I write WtS, it is related to the “within the show” plot. I will color these things green. When I write WHRP, it is related to the Welcome Home Restoration Project. I will color these things pink. I will also mention things that have been said either on Clown’s Tumblr blog, Clown’s Twitter, or old streams. I will say CS, meaning “Clown source” to denote these things and color them orange. Clown source and behind the show areas often overlap, so Clown source information is dominant over behind the show information (if it is both I will just color it orange). Good? Good.
Now let’s establish our characters (only the ones related to this theory) and their relationships to one another. We’ll go alphabetically, starting with Eddie, then moving onto Frank, Julie, and Wally. 
I’m going to assume that if you are reading this, you have already visited the website (clownillustration.com) and have a basic understanding of who Eddie is. So I will only focus on the elements of his character that will be relevant in this theory.
Eddie (WtS) is clumsy and overworks himself. He is often dragged into Julie’s games. His house (post office) looks like this:
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Note the hyacinth flowers and the butterfly. Eddie (BtS) loves Frank. (CS) He is married to Frank in one art on Clown’s Tumblr. BY THE WAY IT TOOK FOREVER TO FIND THIS IMAGE!!!! THEY ARE IN THE BOTTOM LEFT CORNER!!
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Frank (WtS) is Julie’s boyfriend as it is implied that they are a couple within the show (I know a lot of us don’t like hearing this, but remember the three plots) (also for everyone that is going to argue with me on this, go look on their little profiles in the neighborhood section of the website and come back to me) and best friend. His house looks like this:
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Note the sunflowers. Frank (BtS) loves Eddie.
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(CS) As I said before, in one art on Clown’s Tumblr, Eddie and Frank are married (you can tell by the rings on their fingers in that image) . Frank is nonbinary but uses he/him pronouns (Clown refers to Frank on his blog with only he/him pronouns, so that is what I will use. Nonbinary people do not have to use they/them pronouns! Pronouns are not equal to gender!)
(WtS) Julie is a rainbow monster. Her thing is that she likes to make up and play games. She seems to be very strong (perhaps related to her being a rainbow monster), as she can easily lift Wally and is indirectly referenced to [throw a baseball very well] by Barnaby in the Live Interview audio. She also incorporates bowling into a lot of games where it is unnecessary. She seems to be immature, which is usually used to make her a playful character. Her and Frank are a couple. In several arts, her horns are different shapes or even nonexistent, implying that she has some ability to change her form. Her house looks like this:
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Note the heart motif throughout the design. (BtS) Julie is best friends with Frank. (CS) She is genderfluid (she is only referred to using she/her pronouns on Clown’s blog, so that is what I will use). 
(WtS) Wally is the main character in Welcome Home. His house is alive and is named Home. Home is often considered to be a ninth neighbor. Wally often communicates for Home. (WHRP) Wally signs Home’s name in the guestbook (as Home does not have hands) (please stop with the tentacles I have seen the art please stop for the love of god where did that even come from). (WtS) The other neighbors frequently ignore and talk over Wally, but he doesn’t seem to mind, saying that he loves all of his friends in the live interview audio.
Okay so now that that is established, let’s look at some promotional art. Promotional art is not necessarily canon and may contain outdated designs, but may hint at the plot of Welcome Home. 
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There is one more artwork that I would like to add, but it is on Clown’s KoFi. Here is a link to it that you can look at if you are subscribed to Clown’s KoFi:
[link to Clown’s KoFi here]
I won’t describe the image because some of you may not be subscribed to Clown’s KoFi. But if you are, you will see that the image supports my theory.
While we are discussing that image, I would also like to say that I believe that the puppets are some kind of biological organisms. I don’t have much evidence for this right now, but I may make a theory in the future. 
We will come back to those promotional arts soon. Right now, let’s look at Frank and Eddie’s houses and discuss some symbolism and mythology.
Frank’s house has sunflowers outside of it. Sunflowers are a symbol of Apollo. Eddie has hyacinths outside of his post office, obviously a symbol of Hyacinthus. Hyacinthus and Apollo were lovers, but Hyacinthus tragically died. Let me tell the story so we have context. (I am really into Greek mythology by the way, it’s always been a special interest since middle school but I am also a Hellenic pagan, you should follow my witchcraft and paganism blog, creatively named @maxiswitchcraftandpaganblog)
So Apollo, god of the sun, art, archery, and LOTS of various other things, loved Hyacinthus, who was a mortal Spartan man. And Hyacinthus loved him too, by the way. The god of the (west? don’t feel like googling it) wind, Zephyrus, was jealous of Hyacinthus, because he also loved Apollo. 
One day, Apollo and Hyacinthus were playing discus (like frisbee but the frisbee is giant and made of metal, kind of like a shield). Apollo threw the discus to Hyacinthus, but Zephyrus blew the discus off course with the wind, causing it to hit Hyacinthus in the head and kill him. Apollo created the hyacinth flower from Hyacinthus’ blood as he died, but in some myths made him a god. (read more on Apollo and Hyacinthus here)
I’m going to draw some parallels here. Frank = Apollo, Eddie = Hyacinthus, Julie = Zephyrus. Now Frank’s and Eddie’s parallels make sense because of the flowers, but where did I get Julie=Zephyrus from? Recall that (WtS) Julie and Frank are supposed to be a couple. Now, (BtS) Julie may or may not like Frank in that way, but she certainly enjoys being close to him as his best friend. Since she is already established as an immature character, it would make sense that she would be jealous seeing Frank get closer to Eddie.
Pause. So WtS, Frank and Julie are together. BtS, Frank and Eddie are together. If these are separate, then what is Julie jealous about? (WtS) Frank has been seen getting closer to Eddie even in the official material of the show. An example of this is him telling Eddie that he works too hard at the end of the “Eddie’s Big Lift” storybook record. So his BtS love for Eddie is leaking into the WtS canon. That is a problem for Julie, who is supposed to be Frank’s girlfriend WtS. So she comes up with an idea to fix this, much like the jealous god, Zephyrus. 
So what does she do? Let’s turn our attention to the “Just So” song demo. This song was never finished with instrumentals, and for a reason. The puppets function as actors in the show, as it is obvious that they have their own free will, and Julie does something that the writers do not expect later in this episode. So the song was never finished because the episode was ruined. 
In the “Just So” song demo, Frank and Julie are about to play croquette bowling. It was supposed to be just croquette, as Frank put on his croquette bow tie, but last minute, Julie added bowling to the mix. 
Wally knocks on the door and interrupts their song, saying that Home wants to play croquette bowling too. This implies that Julie told someone else that they would be playing croquette bowling after she added bowling. I feel like Wally and Home overheard Julie telling Eddie that they would be playing croquette bowling. This would make sense, as Wally often stands by and listens while the other neighbors talk. It is not unusual for Eddie to participate in Julie’s games, either, as we see from Julie playing “business woman in the big city” with him. [add a photo]
The song recording ends before we see them playing croquette bowling together. But I have a piece of evidence to tell us how it ends. Look at this promotional art again.
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You probably assumed that the figure in the back was holding a hammer, but that could actually be a croquette mallet!
It’s covered in some gory-looking stuff, probably from Eddie. Now look at the flower. Whose eyes look like that? Almond-shaped, round pupils. Only one character: Wally. Wally was a witness, which would make sense for him, since he often watches on as the other neighbors do things. 
Julie is holding the flower in front of her, looking innocent. This is a stretch, but I think that this might be symbolism for her saying that she didn’t do it on purpose, Wally saw the whole thing, ask him! And Wally doesn’t know what to do. I don’t know what he does from there.
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Maybe this image is a clue? I genuinely don’t know. Once again, promotional art is not necessarily canon, but we can use the concepts from it in theories.
This next part is also a bit of a stretch. The neighbors having a memory of something like that happening would ruin their “acting” (I think they are just being recorded as they do what they would naturally do). The show can’t have that. The solution? Replace everyone involved. 
Now go back and look in the promotional art section and look at that art of Frank. It looks like Frank is laying among extra puppet parts. They have extras!
And this is why Wally is dissociating in the videos we see when we click on the bugs. They did not replace him, because like the neighbors, they didn’t even notice he was there.
Okay yeah that’s the theory. It was really hard to get this into a coherent Google Doc and gather all the links. I was just rambling to myself about this in my room over and over pacing around for like a week. But yeah here you go, hope it's a good theory, sorry if it's not lol please be nice to me
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kandavers · 11 months
What your thoughts on the new update, I haven't found everything yet but I wanna know of you have any theories?
I think the New Update is Just The Absolute Most! It was so, so Very lovely!
It was my First Time actually getting on the Website ever since I joined the fandom, and I must say, the Visuals are So, So Pleasing to me! I'm very weak towards Sparkles and Colourful Things! When the Rainbow-coloured Menu Separator bars flew in, I fainted a little /j/pos! It's very Wonderful to see All the Hard Work the Welcome Home Restoration Team had put into the Website! I can feel the Love and Care radiating from it, and it makes me So, So Happy! I was Positively Squealing the Entire Time I was looking around the Webbed Site!
The Voice Actors were also so very Charming in their work! Although I did not expect Sally to sound like a... how you say... Elegant and Graceful theater director?? It was a pleasant surprise nonetheless! I just thought She would Have Sounded a Bit More Flowery! And as for Frank, I thought his voice would be Much Deeper, but again, it is Still very Pleasant!
As for the Theory part of Your Ask, I didn't do Much Digging Into the Website (yet!) since I quite enjoy being on the 'Happy surface' of Welcome Home! (As you can tell by the Fan Content I create hehehe) But one thing's For Sure, I am a Firm Believer that our Beloved Wally Darling isn't a Bad Guy! (Definitely not because I'm biased or anything...)
But I have heard some people Speculating that He Might be in Serious Danger and is in Dire need of Help! :((( I just hope He will be Okay!!!
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thenewrises · 3 months
a welcome home prattle from my mind
so I've been on the Welcome Home train since last year but I never delved into theories about the website. mostly I've just searched from the side, talked to friends who also enjoyed it, and watched videos on it such as Night Mind. but! with the recent updates, I have to say I have sooooo many thoughts and ideas about it. with horror being my favorite genre and loving when I have the ability to research a website full of secrets, it was only a matter of time before I dived in.
so! if you're interested, here are some thoughts I have about the update and maybe some interesting theories.
also! some of these ideas are thanks to the many theories I've read here on tumblr as well as watched when Night Mind released his vod. also including findings as well!
Welcome Home belongs to the lovely @partycoffin! if you are new to this site, please read the credits page where you can find warnings!
stick around and get comfy, this is a long one.
so there is no perfect order this will all go in, so I will label what I will discuss in bold and then go from there.
Voice Warps
something that we are not strangers to is many audio recordings and their voice warps. from the last update, anytime someone tried talking to or about Wally, their voice would contort and the tape would end. this time, we received more vocal content (shoutout to the VAs they are incredible) and there was one in particular that me and many others caught on. Wally is known not to know much about emotions or how to express them. from my knowledge after many hours perusing Clown's blog, Wally is somewhat of a blank slate. learning as the show moves.
in the audio recording "Homewarming Storybook Record", during the end of this tape in the last two or so minutes, Wally says that he's sad and doesn't know why.
starting at 18:16, after Barnaby explains why he may be sad, Wally gets... frustrated. upset. he says in a clearly perturbed voice "...how can that be?" the audio warps during this time, almost as if his entire environment around him changed just by his own emotions.
why is this? we know Wally is somewhat the center of this puppet universe, and the moment he expresses a negative emotion, it's almost like the worlds stability was tilted.
as long as he is his normal and happy self, the world seems fine and at peace. yet, the moment he expresses his despair, it's like a switch flipped. it's only when Barnaby explains what the meaning of Housewarming is, which reassures Wally, that he returns to his happy and now relieved self.
Frank and Julie (TW: Homophobia)
this will be a much more sensitive topic to discuss, and as someone who is LGBT+ myself, it is not always a fun thing to research. but, I think this plays a super important role in the overall story of Welcome Home and my theories for the future.
another new edit I discovered, as well as something I've learned reading on the site and listening to audios, is the push for Frank to play a straight role. of course, this is the 70s we're talking about. the Stonewall Riots had only just happened in 1969, and homosexuality was still noted as a mental disorder. when the DSM-I was released, homosexuality was labelled as a sociopathic disorder until 1974. the idea of an LGBT+ relationship in a children's show would be unheard of.
with us knowing Eddie and Frank are romantically involved, that makes this all the more heartbreaking to know. Frank playing off his feelings by calling Eddie "Mr. Dear." Frank playing all the straight male roles alongside Julie. Sally calling Julie and Frank's costumes "a couples costume."
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I find this such an interesting thing to include because not only is it eerily accurate to the timeframe, it also makes me think.
these are puppets. fictional and unthinking puppets. costumes you could even say. a person who creates the so-called fictional world of Welcome Home can control the narrative however they please because these aren't real people! of course they can be whatever you want! so... why did they create this relationship for Eddie and Frank? could it be someone within the Playfellow studio wanted to bring more positive awareness to the topic? were the actors who voiced (in this fictional world) the characters romantically involved?
or... are these puppets alive? they have their own emotions, thoughts, opinions. we know Wally is a sentient being, I mean, he literally would talk to us through the website. he reaches out to us through links, videos, audios, and even phone calls. so, does that mean EVERYONE is sentient?
in the audio "Eddie's Big Lift Storybook Record", we even hear Frank say to Eddie, "you always did work so hard." so, did they know each other in a past life? is this representative of the real life in story (fictional) voice actors?
we'll discuss this more later.
Sally Knows Something Is Out There
this is not new, as this was from the Halloween update but I wanted to include it because I feel like it's a look into the horrors of the world.
in the audio "Happy Haunting to Boo and Yours! Storybook Record", the transcript down not catch this, but Sally goes on to explain that out in the night, something lurks and waits for prey. it crawls around at night, up walls, scratching and screeching. Sally made sure to mention to ask, "why don't we go out at night?"
with her being a star from the sky, I sometimes wonders if before coming to the neighborhood she had seen it. and if not that, she mentioned if you stay quiet and stick close to the windows you can hear it. it cannot enter homes, it eats bugs if it's starving. it seems to have eaten other "neighbors." what could "it" be? some kind of creature in the night? why is it hunting them down?
Away From Prying Eyes
from all the symbols scattered on the website and with the help of the decoder in the Merchandise tab, we end up unscrambling an address.
we discover the website https://www.awayfrompryingeyes.net/ . in this site, we get to peruse "W" and their findings. now I think I can speak for a lot of people that my initial reaction was this was Wally. of course, this was dismissed rather swiftly after realizing that 1. this person was contacted by Wally and 2. they work for the project.
one thing that caught my eye quickly was the fact that the curator of the initial website became "unwell" and no one knew why. they claimed they did not know what caused them to be so unwell, or why they "created that page."
my guess is they mean the new (or in general) Welcome Home website. the curator created the new one because of Wally's interaction with it. they are trying to keep him silent, push away any suspicion. just who might this curator be?
W explains how they became Paranoid (with a capital P) once they discovered the collection of crude drawings, texts, and videos. seems to show that they are understanding that this has gone from a simple project to a unnatural phenomena.
the phone call from Wally is him talking to You (the collective You he knows) and he seems to express loneliness. "everyone is so busy during Homewarming", and he explains how quiet it is. I think he finds You to be a way to not feel so alone, as he seems to be the only sentient puppet of the crew.
well... he used to be the only one.
Commercials For Cigarettes and Pills
in the commercials, we get an array of holiday-themed music and advertisements. of course, we'll talk about the Eddie snippets, but I found a lot of disturbance with some of these. Welcome Home is a children's show, and many of the advertisements reflect that! products like cereal, music, Wally Ball and Cup, and Mama Beagle's Barnyard Eggnog. and then it gets... odd.
adults of course can enjoy this show, but it targets a young demographic. we get a commercial for Hooplah, a cigarette brand. then a commercial for Remderem, a sleeping pill.
now, this is the 70s, so maybe this could be a poor judgement marketing goal. I would not be surprised if it was a ploy for more money, but I still just find it so interesting that a children's show would advertise these. even in the merchandise tab of the project website, there's a fake pipe that blows bubbles. it all feels highly inappropriate for a child to intake this kind of material.
well, who said Playfellow was a moral brand?
Eddie Becomes Fully Sentient
we watch in real time the moment that Eddie realizes who he is.
during the commercials video, we find Eddie Dear preparing for the holidays. he starts off with a conversation with Poppy, which moved into her saying he works too much. throughout the video, we have snippets of real-life felt puppet Eddie decorating a tree, wrapping gifts, and at one point he plays multiple solo rounds of Tik-Tac-Toe.
he is wondering why no one has come to him about delivering gifts. why has no one visited him? he gets so distressed that he even slams his felt hands on the table. why has no one come to see him?
Sally resolves this by saying they did it to give him a break (which is interesting to me seeing as she tends to not give him the time of day), and she brings him to the Homewarming party. so he's surrounded by the neighbors, and in a big chair (Wally's chair, in fact) with a single pea on a plate.
and then things get weird.
Eddie starts sweating, derealization sets in. he's shown alone, single pea on a plate in hand. Home is staring back at him, and a heartbeat can be heard along with Eddie's staggered breathing. is that Eddie's heart or... Home's?
everyone's voices are disappearing in the background, Eddie is in a panic. and then things get even weirder.
Eddie looks at his arms, and they're made of felt. he taps his fingers on the arm of chair, then grips it in fear.
then the frame switches, Sally brought Frank over (was she worried about him?) to let him know that yes, she watched Eddie in the Post Office all day. Eddie is looking at his hands and legs, which are no longer felt but illustrated again. Frank calls out for him, even by his first name, and Eddie didn't even know where he was. but finally just wanted to go home.
this was the moment, that I believe Eddie discovered that he was a puppet. and he was being watched.
I find the single pea on a plate so interesting as this is the description:
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"take care not to place them too close together"
why is Eddie being singled out? he was left out of many advertisements during this update, thought everyone forgot about him, and was even left out of the Homewarming story with Wally and Barnaby. they had stated they met every neighbor, but why not Eddie?
Will Eddie Be Removed?
unfortunate news seeing as he is my favorite character in the entire story (Wally and Sally a close second). I adore him, and I want nothing more than for him to remain. but I have a bad feeling he may be our first victim. he's being isolated, becoming paranoid, showing emotions that may not be seen as "neighborly."
I don't think it's any coincidence that this was an early drawing we received:
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I believe Playfellow is removing Eddie, or attempting to. but for what reason? because of him and Frank? because he's not needed? that's what I'm hoping to learn more about in the next updates. because let's be frank (ha, get it?), it's not looking good for our favorite country mailman.
Ghost Thoughts and Theories
now it's time for me to ramble and yap your ear off because WOW this update was my favorite by far. I think this will happen every update honestly, but I thought it would be hard to beat the last update. this was incredible, from the animation, to the voice acting, to the crafts it was all wonderfully well done. I want every characters special item from the Homewarming wishlist!.
but now, what do I think could be happening? I have two very shaky ideas. I say shaky because these could be proven wrong easily, but if one or both is not then I can continue to build on it.
1. These friendly fellas reflect reality
so one thing I thought of is that maybe they are somehow reflecting reality. I mentioned before that maybe Eddie and Frank are their fictional voice actors (not the actual ones here in our reality!) who may be in a secret relationship. could those actors reflect their characters? are they getting rid of Eddie to represent them being torn apart?
but, this is a very meh theory. reason being that we have seen these puppets are capable of sentience. they may have their own souls, thoughts, and feeling that don't reflect a real life alive person from the 70s. but, wouldn't that be interesting?
2. Eddie's sentience was real, and his soul is about to be ripped away
there's an ongoing theory I've always juggled with in my head, the idea that these puppets have souls and a conscience. I'm genuinely led to believe this because of Wally himself. he has connected with us directly from his world. some kind of alternate reality away from hours. haunting that show.
would that mean the puppets were all real and alive people at one point? or are they completely new people all together? whatever the case, they are alive but not all of them may be aware they are in a show.
well, now Eddie is and he's in trouble.
although we aren't sure if Home truly is the villain in the story, we know that Home knows Eddie has "woken up." and he does not seem happy about it. if these puppets are alive, I fear that Eddie may be erased if he can't keep quiet. taken from the narrative for not playing his part. all he had to do was be the happy and clumsy mailman, but he had to go fall for Frank. he went and started to get frustrated and negative. he's never supposed to be the angry type, he's off script.
so what's next for him?
if you made it to the end, I'm glad I could keep you around! I think this update really gets the brain gears going, lots of questions we'll get answered in the future. this story is getting better by the day, and I'm thrilled to see everything that happens in the future. and I'll get to write more posts like this!
I found everything so endearing as I do every episode, and this will be a groovy ride.
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welcomehomerandomness · 11 months
Welcome Home Website Update Reaction Notes (7/22/2023) Part 2 (SPOILERS)
Here's Part 2 of my Welcome Home Website Update Reaction Notes (7/22/2023)! Hope you enjoy it!
I went back to the main page but awww cute Wally sprite on the news updates :)
I clicked the Home doodle on the main page and it took me to a page called “I”
“There you are! Welcome Home! Hahaha!” Wally I don’t know whether I can be happy or concerned
I clicked the yellow flower doodle on the What’s Welcome Home page and it took me to a page called “Help”
Yes I can hear you Wally
I clicked the red flower doodle on the What’s Welcome Home page and it took me to a page called “will”
My eyes are black too lol
I clicked the blue flower doodle and it leads me to the same page lol
Every time Sally calls Julie “Juliet” in “answer”, I smile
Also poor Sally telling Julie what she’s saying is not part of the script
I’m guessing every “answer” video is based off of Wally’s POV which is why his hands are shown in like two of them
Also Wally doesn’t seem to talk in any of these videos and all these videos glitch in the end, which is sus
I clicked the yellow flower doodle on the Stickers page and it took me to a page also called “I”
At the end of the http thingy, it says “i-2”
The eyes that Wally drew are kinda creepy lol
I love Julie and Barnaby’s dynamic in “answer” lol
Barnaby fake dying from Julie’s “bad” joke is kinda hilarious
Also Julie’s joke gave me a chuckle lol
Also Barnaby fake dying and jokingly asking Wally to bury him hints on some foreshadowing??? Oh no.
Barnaby and Howdy hanging out in “answer” awww
Also how many family members does Howdy have???
*searches up how many eggs do caterpillars lay* They can lay anywhere from 100 TO 300 EGGS??
*welcomehomerandomness was too stunned to speak and started to have an existential crisis.
W. T. F.
Anyways I wanna eat that strawberry soda pop so bad lol
Also Barnaby mentioning his mom awww
Eddie mentioning that he played hopscotch with Julie on “answer” is so wholesome
Poor Eddie being accident prone :(
Oh god poor Eddie about to be chased by Barnaby lol
Eddie and Howdy in the “answer” video are like co-workers lol
Eddie and Howdy = Hardworking Duo
I clicked the blue flower doodle on the painting on Wally’s character page and it took me to a page also called “will”
Oh nothing Wally I’m just writing down notes of you and your friends :)
Awww Eddie and Julie are playing office in “answer”
Poor Eddie is so confused
Julie getting upset and destroying stuff in the background is hilarious
Awww a cute Sally and Howdy interaction in “answer”
Also potatoes. That’s it.
One of the boxes is moving!!! It’s Wally!!!
Okay the videos I got so far are (4-14) Frank and Barnaby, (10-14) Sally and Julie, (11-14) Julie and Barnaby, (12-14) Howdy and Barnaby, (9-14) Frank and Poppy, (6-14) Frank and Julie, (1-14) Poppy and Howdy, (2-14) Poppy and Sally, (13-14) Eddie and Howdy, (8-14) Frank and Eddie, (7-14) Julie and Eddie, (3-14) Sally and Howdy, and (5-14) Eddie and Barnaby
I counted and there seem to be 13 “answer” videos in total since there are like 14 videos I can’t find the last one (14-14)  so please let me know if you guys find it please
I can’t believe I spent hours on this website lol
My hands are kinda tired from typing lol
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juggaloautist · 11 months
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Of coooourse‼️ I’m no gossip~!😋💕💅‼️
oh yeah btw, Every bug you click on at the website, all those videos are in Wally’s perspective. He’s always there, but his name is never mentioned until the end of the video. It is distorted and lowered because of course they don’t want you to find out. Under these videos are subtitles
All videos say Wally’s name at the end. Which shows that everyone knows Wally is there, they just don’t say his name and usually refer to themselves, someone else (if they’re there) and Wally in a pronouns sense instead of names (if Wally was ever hinted to be there. They’ll say each other’s names, just not Wally’s)
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Here are some subtitles
FRANK: …So they just won’t leave my tomatoes alone- And who am I to shoo them away? Isn’t a beetle just as permitted to partake of my plants as I am, Julie?
JULIE: Posilutely absotively, Frank!
FRANK: But I’ve taken such good care of them- I read to them every day, I water them the perfect amount-
JULIE: [She playfully accentuates his words, trying to mimic his annoyed tone] Oh you do! You pour a whole book on them and read them a water on their little heads and everything!
FRANK: [Exasperated] Julie! I’m serious!
JULIE: [Laughs] Oh, I’m sorry, Frank, I’m only teasing- You know, if this is bothering you so much, you should have a little sign just for those bugs! It can say, [Said with a lower pitched voice] ‘Terrific Tomatoes! Look but don’t touch!’
FRANK: [Sound of amusement.] What makes you think they’re going to be able to read all that?
JULIE: Well they’ve got big beautiful eyes, don’t they? Like big ol’... Saucer plates!
FRANK: Oh Julie! Don’t be so rude! You wouldn’t like it if they said that about you!
JULIE: Said what about me? How lovely my hair is? That I put just the right amount of polish on my horns?
FRANK: No, more like, ‘that Julie Joyful with her nose like an orange!’
JULIE: Oh? [Laughs] If they said that, they’d also probably say, ‘Oh! That Frank Frankly with that banana on his face!’
FRANK: Banana?! [Laughs] Well if they’re going to be so rude in my garden, maybe it’s best they don’t get to partake of any more tomatoes then!
JULIE: That’s right! [Thoughtful hum] Well… How are we going to keep them out? Maybe Howdy’s got something in his shop!
FRANK: Howdy is more inclined to sell us canned laughter than he is to sell us something actually useful! Besides… I don’t think he liked my rendition of A Flea and a Fly.
JULIE: Oh don’t you fret! I’m sure we can come up with a wonderful joke between the three of us! Isn’t that right, Wally?
POPPY: --pleased as poppyseed punch you asked me to make this cake for you, really, I-I-I-- well-- it’s such an honor!
SALLY: Oh, I’m sure it is, darling! Now, let’s get down to brass tacks.
POPPY: Oh, ah, well, I don’t think I have any of those - I don’t like to keep anything too sharp around here, you know–
SALLY: Details, Poppy dear, details.
POPPY: Ah! Of course. Of course! N-now then, what do you think you’d like?
SALLY: What would I like? Poppy, this is going to be on stage. It’s hardly a like, it’s a need. And it NEEDS to be BIG! BOLD!!
POPPY: Ah, b-big, big, yes… maybe, three tiers, then?
SALLY: Only three? Hah!! Dream bigger, Poppy!!
POPPY: O-o-oh, ah, um-- y-yes, yes, suppose it is a big neighborhood, better to play it safe-- [little chuckle] and you, ah, you do know I love to play it safe, dear!
SALLY: Ah, ah, ah, but not too safe! After all, this needs to be a showstopper! It needs to have beauty! Pizzazz! DANGER!
POPPY: D-danger? Oh, oh, oh my feathers, I don’t know how I feel about making a dangerous cake…
SALLY: Ahh, tut-tut-tut, my feathered friend! You’ll do great, I’m certain of it. There’s no one else in the neighborhood I would trust with this! [under breath] And not just because you’re the only one here who can make something that doesn’t come out of a gelatin mold.
POPPY: Oh-!! A-a-ah, well, goodness me-- you’re going to make me blush!
SALLY: [Satisfied chuckle] So! I take it you have everything you need?
POPPY: Oh-- um-- w-well, er, not quite-- see, when I asked what you’d like, I thought, maybe, you would have a flavor in mind…?
SALLY: A what?
POPPY: W-well, a flavor. You know, ah, we could do chocolate, or vanilla, or sprinkles, buttercream, butterbell, butterscotch…
SALLY: Oh. Hm. To be honest with you, I didn’t think that far.
POPPY: …you didn’t think about the flavor?
SALLY: [Lightly defensive] Well the audience can’t taste it from their seats, now can they?? Ohh. What do you think, Wally?
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strawberrycircuits · 1 year
quite literally every detail i could find on my own on the welcome home website that isnt explicitly related to any of the arg elements
keep in mind im on mobile, which we know causes some things to shift around, so if anyone who has access to a computer wants to add or correct anything, be my guest
- on the GIF of Frank's head rotating on the About Us page, there are these books that seem to say "HELLO. Its You Know Who?...... I'm Your Neighbor. Do you talk about me? You do. I see you." The red book at the bottom does not seem to have any legible text on it.
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-In the about page, the question of what the owners favorite puppet is is as follows: "Everyone on our team has their favorite, but if you ask me, mine is Wally Darling! He is the most, as he would say." this implies that "__ is the most" or something similar is a catchphrase of sorts for Wally, which provides content for the "That's the most." image of him on Clown's website.
-as a lot of us know, the text in response to the "Why did you make this website?" question on the about page has some obscured text. if anyone wanted to know what was under this text, the passage is as follows:
"I hoped this website would grab the attention of someone who has seen this show before and could tell us about it. If this wasn't possible, then we wanted to be the first to showcase this lost piece of media to help spur on the search for its existence. Many of our guest book signatures have talked about seeing this show before, so this is a good sign. It mean it is inside of you too, then. Does it hurt?"
its worth noting that while the "it means it is inside of you" isnt hidden, the "does it hurt?" only shows up if you highlight the passage. also means is misspelled on the site but clown is 1 person doing all of this so dont be mean about it lol
-there is actually a good bit of hidden text in the about page. at the end of the "how many episodes are there?" portion, it reads "The numbers are so hard to read. Sometimes I can’t see them." and at the end of the "how did you begin your research into welcome home?" one, it reads "We are thankful to be the first to jump start this journey! But it hurts."
-on the first piece of restored and recovered materials, the newspaper clipping has some small text at the bottom. the most interesting thing to me is that wally comes with the Home playset
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-in this drawing, you can see a painting of spirals (which we know wally loves to draw..) in the background, at Julies feet.
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-this page has text on the side! while the majority of it is seemingly indescipherable (codebreakers please look at this), the bottom part does spell "Hello you," with a W at the end. almost like a signature. theres also a backwards "wait" in there but im not sure if that was intentional.
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also, speaking of odd text, the way that "lovely eat" is spelled here feels off too.
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-wallys hand (presumably) is present in this shot of a book page (which like. side note. who the hell is speaking in this. why does wallys response make no sense. wtf is up w that). similarly, on the page of wally reading a book and barnaby asking about it, the book wallys reading portrays the exact same scene currently taking place. somethings going on with wally and books! (theres also a weird layering effect with the text in the latter scene, and its worth noting that when barnaby asks if hes started reading books now, wally sas "no, just the one." maybe these are the same book??)
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-on the links page, the banner that cycles thorough all the characters seems to linger on wallys for a moment longer.
-a lot of the content involving home and wally (particularly when hes staring right at you...) has home staring at Wally (i.e. the front page, the "There he is!" image) but it seems like home doesnt do the same for the other characters. pretty intriguing when you remember the "so below" page......
-also, ronald dorelaine is mentioned as the potential creator of the show. i just wanna point out that "dorelaine" sounds sort of similar to "darling," like its a bastardized form of the same word.
-the restored page displayed in the about section actually has text on it! it seems to say that Julie has two sisters and one brother, and it seems to imply that her family only consists of these siblings. theres more info about this in the news portion of the page, though. there is also a gloved hand, which i initially mistook for felt.
also, notice that the image has been destroyed primarily with paint, and with primary colors no less. i mean.. wally IS a painter, and his own colors seem to derive from the primaries, so i wonder if this implies that its him trying to destroy things? and if so, whos trying to bring them back? my moneys on eddie, since the about page says theyve been receiving materials in "brightly colored envelopes"
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-Home seems to be in the windowsill of eddies post office.
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-the file name for the front page image depicting wally is titled HELLO_edited.png, which might be another instance of wally reaching out to us through the file names.
-theres a counter at the bottom of the front page, too, which all the characters are looking at. if anyone can figure out wtf that means itd be appreciated. ((edit: its a view counter. <3))
ok thats all back into my pit i think <3
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faithneko · 1 year
So, I have recently fallen in love with Welcome Home like many others. Watching videos and exploring the website is so much fun and I’m so excited for when Clown is able to update it again (no rush of course!) I love to try and see if there is anything I haven't learned yet and I may have found something while poking around at the page. If someone else has already made this discovery please let me know! It has to do with the “Is Wally the victim or villain” question. I like to think he is a victim and Home is the villain because while some of his stuff can seem stalker/yandere like it also kinda screams for help? So what I’ve noticed on the website is that the only time Home’s icon is shown with it’s windows open is when Wally is seen. So on the home page as well as on the Guest book page where you can leave your own post. I don’t count the welcome home page that has the different art pictures since there are so many and it would be kinda out of place since he’s not really being there as an icon ( Like Frank and Julie on the news page) That just kinda drives the theory of Home trapping him inside more for me. With the link of him saying to be quiet because if he can’t see you then hopefully Home hasn’t noticed you either (it also makes it seems like you are hiding in something and thats why you really only see his eyes on the link verses pulling the gif in a new tab) He looks like he also has eye bags? (how a puppet would idk, and I could be wrong since I dont know how to brighten the image) Along with some art that had Wally with spelling blocks that if looked at closely spelled help. I have no idea where I saw it or if it was old art so it was taken down since I can’t seem to find it anywhere now but it would fit in very well!  What do y’all think? Like I said, if someone has already pointed it out please let me know! 
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I have a theory for Welcome Home arg:
So look at this picture:
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Let’s point the obvious:
01. We see the letters saying ‘Wally exclaimed LOOK I MADE A DOG” referring to Barnaby
02.Barnaby has no head at all
03.Barnaby and Wally are the only two that share the same color palette
Basing on these items I suspect that Barnaby was made by Wally himself, for what exactly, I don’t know. Another piece of evidence pointing to this was other artwork referring Barnaby in some way. One of them including Barnaby pulling off his head to show a man inside of him, or in other words a man in a fur suit to act as Barnaby. Another one was when the creator replied to ask that asked about a hat to Julie and Frank, and we see a small doodle of Barnaby when Julie and Frank talk about him, but Barnaby has no hat on the doodle, hence supporting the fact that Barnaby isn’t what we think he is.
Now one plausible theory is that Wally trapped the man who acted as Barnaby inside the show and somehow created Barnaby to give the man’s souls a body. Perhaps it can show how the other cast members ended up here and how the entire show disappeared. But that’s unlikely sine they have their own color palettes that don’t look similar to Wally’s. The only characters that Wally share a color palette with are Home and Barnaby.
I’m not certain why Wally would want to do that, but I have an inkling that Wally must’ve been alone inside the world he was created in and needed some way to escape being trapped in the house. On the website, there is a special code we can get by snooping around and we can receive different clues if we type that code in different ways. One of those clues was an audio, it’s hard to listen to but some suspect that the voice singing was Wally talking to House, with that we can think that he was trapped in house and was growing insane and desperate out of loneliness.
If anyone else has anything to add on this theory or corrections I’ve missed, then please be free to comment on this post. Honestly I’m kinda proud to connect some of the dots onto here on this recent hyper fixation of mine!
The creator is @partycoffin and check out their artwork and tell me if you found anything else pertaining to this theory of mine! :)
Also please don’t pester the creator, they are on a break and we should respect those boundaries. In the meantime please just look at their work and theorize on your own accords! I would love to hear about what you all think!
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mothiitea · 1 year
Another Welcome Home braindump/theory/ speculation from yours truly
Ok. So. Another little stroke of motivation and some ideas that have been marinating in my mind for a long while, and I have finally decided to share some more little ideas because my welcome home fixation is not leaving my head anytime soon. I’m not good at writing my thoughts out without it looking messy, so bear with me.
Please remember that Welcome Home is in its very early stages. This is just speculation and has not been proven canon in any way.
Recently, I have been thinking over the importance of envelopes in Welcome Home and what they could mean.
So, to start things off, I’m guessing most of us know that the Welcome Home Restoration Team first started their project when they received strange colored envelopes containing information and lost artworks from the show. From what I know, we haven’t gotten any pictures of said envelopes.
Now, moving on, which neighbor has some connection to envelopes and letters? Eddie. The mailman of the neighborhood.
From what I know, the letters that Eddie delivers are always in colored envelopes. I haven’t seen a single picture of just a plain white one, from my knowledge.
So far, we don’t know much about Eddie yet. Hardly anything at all. While the other neighbors have backstories from where they came from (Other than Frank), Eddie does not. His description says he mentions places that he thinks he came from, but they usually are proven false or he gets them confused with places he has previously delivered mail to or traveled. So, maybe something about his memory is off or had been altered in some way?
I feel like the envelopes sent to the Welcome Home Restoration Team have some sort of connection to Eddie. We don’t know how much influence the puppets have in the real world, or if it is simply contained in the website. But I have a feeling he had a hand in making sure they got those letters.
Now, for the speculation (or theory? I’m not sure what to call this lmao). I think that Eddie and Wally directly contradict each other. If Eddie, did, in fact, create those letters, that might mean he knows what is going on behind the scenes to an extent. Perhaps was some sort of cry for help. Maybe, wants the truth of the Welcome Home show to be released, and created the clues for us, the viewers, to investigate. Or, it’s a mix of all of those.
He sends the letters containing information, and the Restoration Team simply put them somewhere where others could see it and learn from it.
Wally, on the other hand, I believe, is trying to contain the information. He is behind every secret screen. And usually, he is center stage. Whether it is the images that cycle through the puppet’s eyes that linger on his pair specifically, and so forth. I feel like that is a sign that Wally is trying to silence the other neighbors and keep the truth hidden. And to do that, he communicates to us directly, trying to pull us further away from whatever is hiding behind the scenes.
Or, maybe it’s the opposite, and he is also trying to show us the truth. Who knows? Again, the story is very early in development, and I’m very excited to see what direction it takes. I do wonder, as the story develops further, if we will see ways that the other neighbors influence the clues in the website, and the ways they try and guide us to clues.
I might clean this up later, or add onto it if I find anything else or some sort of symbolism in the letters and envelopes, but for now, this all I have.
Also, sorry if this was a convoluted mess of speculation. I’m not the best at typing out my ideas in an organized way. It, quite literally, was a brain dump.
If any of you guys have anything to add or correct me on, please do! I love hearing people’s theories and speculations. And corrections are also appreciated. I haven’t been able to check the website since it is down for maintenance to check over information again.
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butchdykekondraki · 1 year
Babe. Babe.
Welcome Home. Tell me and Verna about it.
We're both fronting, saw it on your blog, became fixated. Tell us. Please.
It's so cool???
- Quackity 🎲
im about to have a category five autism moment
welcome home is a website art project with elements of puppets, retro tv shows and lost media it features a total of eight characters; >poppy, who is described as "“Perhaps the most frantic, frazzled, and feathered neighbor in Welcome Home, Poppy Partridge is the resident chicken so-to-speak. From a sprained beak to sunburnt feathers, she always thinks about the worst outcome of a pleasant situation. Then again, it never hurts to have a neighbor with a band aid on hand.”" she is a big bird esque character with multicoloured feathers and who lives in a colourful barn-style farmhouse
>wally who's excerpt reads "“Wally Darling is the friendliest neighbor in Welcome Home, perhaps even the best painter too. With a smile like his it’s hard to disagree! Always eager to make new friends and show them around the neighborhood, Wally is happy to lend a helping hand. But you knew that already, didn’t you?”" he is a yellow-skinned feller who is consistantly seen with a smile plastered on his face with tall, blue cinnamon roll shaped hair >eddie, who's short reads "“Reliable, kind, and ever determined, Eddie Dear is the best mailman Welcome Home has ever had, albeit the only one. Despite being a bit of a clumsy and forgetful fellow, Eddie loves his job and always manages to deliver everyone’s mail right on schedule.”" eddie has orange-yellow skin and is the most human looking of the characters despite his bright pink/red hair >howdy, who's description reads "“Howdy Pillar is Welcome Home’s friendliest and happiest shopkeeper! This colorful caterpillar knows his store like the back of his hands, which is impressive considering how many hands he has. Charismatic, quick-witted, and remarkably jolly, Howdy always seems to have whatever his neighbors need with a price that just can’t be beat!"" he is a catterpillar-esque human with red and yellow striped antennae sprouting from blue hair. he also has green skin and four arms which i think is neat :-) >barnaby, who's quote reads "“A goofy layabout with a love for jokes, Barnaby B. Beagle is Welcome Home’s funniest neighbor. Always ready with a joke on hand or even a silly observation, this big blue beagle always knows how to have fun, much to the dismay of some of the grumpier residents.”" he is a fat plush-like dog with colourful spots lining his body, multicoloured paw pads, a short nub tail, and two large ears that dangle on the side of his head >frank, who's detailing reads ""Arguably the smartest neighbor in Welcome Home, Frank Frankly is the resident bookworm with an expertise on butterflies. Despite being the grumpiest and greyest of this colorful cavalcade of neighbors, it’s good to have someone so organized and matter-of-fact amidst the bunch. After all, he enjoys being frank, even if it means being Frank, whatever that means! He is Julie’s best friend.”" he has grey skin, red cheeks, a yellow nose, and short black hair and is constantly frowning >julie, who's excerpt describes her as "“Undoubtedly the cheeriest neighbor a puppet could ask for, Julie Joyful is Welcome Home’s happiest resident. Amidst such a rainbow of brightly colored neighbors, that's really saying something! Upbeat, silly, and always ready to play with her friends, there’s never a boring day in Welcome Home while she’s around. She is Frank’s best friend.”" she has light-pink skin and blonde hair that consistantly changes how it looks and a small orange nose >sally, who's described as " “The most rambunctious resident in Welcome Home, Sally Starlet shines above the rest. She’s a fire-cracker who is willing to let her imagination run wild in the name of a new adventure, albeit at the occasional expense of her more cautious neighbors. Thankfully, she’s got a good head on her shoulders and perhaps, one could even say, a sunny disposition to match! “" she has two rows of sunray-like spikes and resembles the sun, with orange/yellow skin and a red nose. also her colour scheme is mostly warm and i think it's neat :-) that is like. about it lol. nightmind has a much better explanation ^_^
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thegongoozlerreacts · 11 months
Welcome Home Website (Part 3)
ok so i know its been forever since my last post but i was busy with real life stuff but im back now !!! hopefully i will be able to finish this today because i wanna continue playing arcadekitten games before i get busy LOL
anyways spoilers under the cut
so last i left off was the media page which i finished so now its time to look at the news
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oh also new drawings
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so cute i love these two
you cannot click on the little speech bubbles above them
i tried to open the image but it only opens the drawing of Frank and Julie singing?? it seems i cannot access the speech bubbles which oof
alright time to read the actual news update
ok so before that i wanted to open all the secrets i found in part 1 and 2 and !!! while i was going back i remembered about how you can click 'you' on The Neighborhood page so i did it just for funsies
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opens up a tab also called 'You' lol
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more Wally audio
very interesting his voice kinda glitches out on 'cant' when he says 'its ok if you cant'
and that effect of another voice on his continues until he says 'i will talk to you'
hmm is it just glitchy audio or does it mean something more ????? like, i remember in the guestbook before the update when there was blank parts, there was hidden text from Wally and 'W a L L y' and i remember hearing from someone that that might mean there's two different entities one is actually Wally and the other is pretending to be or like possessing him or smth
is the deeper voice in this audio just a glitch effect or some more evidence to that theory?? probably just a glitch effect but still LOL
ok now onto the actual news LOL
"We have definitive proof that Welcome Home is real, we can finally hear them." hmmm thats sus
oh its just about the audio recordings LMAOAOAOO
also the exhibition!!!! im so excited to look into that
aww theyre closing the guestbook :(( well thats alright i'll check out the new stuff on the last page when i get there
"I believe closing the guest book was a good idea anyhow. There are. There are images I don’t remember uploading to decorate your messages. I don’t know how they got there." oho?? do they mean the little drawings by Wally? fascinating
"But! Please excuse those pesky bugs, dear neighbor! What is a beautiful home without a pest or two?" feels like a little hint towards the bugs all over the site which... too late for me LOL
"Don’t forget to wave up high!" this. what does this mean. its definitely connected to that so below image right? definitely
oh and there's one more update under the big one
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fascinating the ringing ??? what ringing ??
well thats all for the News page, time to check out the bug video
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so its Howdy talking about his family drama (!! gossip) to Barnaby while wally is just chilling i guess with a drink
right so all the similarities between the bug videos are 1) the tabs are all called answer 2) the audio is of two of the characters having a conversation with each other 3) the camera is focused on a random object thats related to the context of their location 4) they all end and glitch out on Wally's name being said 5) they all end with one of the other neighbors asking Wally a question
the fact that they all end with a question being asked (to Wally) and then the tabs all being titled 'answer' mean something maybe its him trying to answer? or trying to remember his answer? because all the questions are something like 'what do you think Wally?' like,, all questions about his opinion/feelings/thoughts on something yk
its significant im sure, just not sure what the answer is
im still bothered that i cant open the speech bubbles above Frank and Julie but i'll let go of it for now and move onto the next page! which is the stickers page !!!!
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so first off the 'i' in 'stickers' in the text is interesting, not sure what it means or if its even supposed to be a clue LOL could just be the font (but that doesnt make sense because its not consistent with the other i's)
oh also the bug and the flower(?) drawing
so the flower leads to another tab called 'i'
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i love the stickers
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banners from before the update, can no longer click on the Barnaby gif
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theyre all so cute also just look at Frank and Eddie theyre in love!!!! i ship them !!!!
anyways thats all for the sticker page, so time to check out the secrets
i love them !! thats not the dynamic i expected for them but it works really well
continuing the trend of Wally being asked for his opinion on something
now onto the audio
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so those are definitely Wally's eyes
i think its interesting that the pupils were drawn in different ways
the right eye had its pupil drawn with a big circle and then spirals inward to fill it
while the left eye started with a smaller spiral that grows bigger
very interesting
time for the audio
its Wally explaining how to draw an eye,,, which is a clue a clue !!!! because in a past audio he said 'thats what an eye looks like' which means !!!!!!!! this comes before that!!
going back through the audios and actually i think on 'Help' Wally's voice has a small glitch when he says 'hear' but i may just be hearing things lol
so there's definitely an order to the audios, i think the first one is the one where he says 'welcome home! hahaha'
wait backing up. i do not remember the 'Will' audio being that. did i listen to that??? well i have now and what the fuck does that mean
is the 'You' audio after the 'a' audio? it feels like it but probably not
ok thats all for the stickers page !!
and for this post lol im gonna give my laptop a break before it overheats and explodes
but i am so excited to get to merchandise then the actual exhibition!! so hyped !! that will be later though, byebye !!
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sohannabarberaesque · 4 years
Moth Mondays with the Funtastic World of Hanna-Barbera:
Sis from The Hanna-Barbera Happy Hour
Something of a sassy type herself, Sis--along with her friend, Honey--can be imagined as having a rather interesting life after the short-lived variety series. And as if “pop-up” shortwave radio broadcasts weren’t interesting enough--well, let’s let Sis explain:
Can you imagine us being the only humans in a community of dive-hungry animals?
That was actually the case a few years back when Peter Potamus, intrigued somewhat by one of our mobile worldcasts on shortwave, invited us to his beach house colony on the Pacific coast between San Diego and Oceanside--yes, the same Oceanside of “Tan Yer Hide In--” notoriety--as happens to be the “home base” of his company of divers. You know, Wally Gator ... Magilla Gorilla ... Breezly Bruin ... Loopy De Loop ... I suppose you get the idea from their several TV documentaries demonstrating the fun and friendship of the diving experience, and you have to hand it to Peter Potamus for proving that SCUBA and snorkelling can be wonderful sports in themselves. And it may be a rather eccentric sort of colony, judging by a rather substantial practice and testing pool made from an old shipping container, and with “see-through” windows besides ... not to mention space along the Pacific for near-shore and open-water diving practice.
At any rate, over a sausage roast over a driftwood fire on the beach, pretty much the entire troupe couldn’t believe we were as much shortwave radio renegades as potential suckers for dive lessons from Peter Potamus; Mildew Wolf, in fact, wondered aloud whether we were serious diver material, let alone “diver babes.” (Honey and I, to be frank about it, took the notion in stride.)
In fact, the main reason Peter Potamus invited us to that colony was to have us introduced to the potential of diving as a worthwhile time-killer. He’s not only quite the adventurer, knowing about some isolated parts of Polynesia where the natives are still practically naked, but also something of an ambassador for diving in ways which Jacques Cousteau probably wasn’t. Peter Potamus likes peppering the presentation of diving’s potential with much whimsy drawn from the experiences of his dive company in many interesting dive spots around the country.
At any rate, Honey and I stripped down to our tankinis for what was certain to be a rather interesting experience in itself: Peter Potamus having us discover as much snorkelling, which is your basic near-shore sort of dive, as SCUBA, by way of the glass-sided practice pool next to Peter Potamus’ quarters in the colony. Which is constructed so that there’s a modest little deck to dive off of by way of both snorkelling and SCUBA. The difference, of course, being that with snorkelling, you can just jump into the water whereas with SCUBA, you have to do what’s essentially a backflip to enter.
Still, one thing I admit was slightly annoying was when practically the entire colony stood facing the glass side of the practice pool, practically ogling at us as if we were sexpots of the dive world, practically out of the covers of those tacky “mens’ action” pulp magazines also known as “sweat” such from the 1960′s. But suffice it to say that curiosity played into the picture as well, and I had to admit that Honey and I came off rather gracefully, not to mention looking rather “cool.”
Perhaps the highlight of our experience was where Peter Potamus “himself” invited us to try some open-water SCUBA just offshore of his colony ... and so, by way of a somewhat charming diver’s pontoon craft, we took up the opportunity. With Squiddly Diddly as cameraman, we couldn’t believe just how wonderful it actually could get underwater, even if was a transition between rock and coral reefs as was commonplace in the Pacific in those parts; as Peter explained it, things didn’t start turning to serious coral until well past the Mexican border, offshore of Ensenada ... nonetheless, such remarkably clear waters, some rather spectacular underwater “walls” with some equally-spectacular underwater caves and crevasses, even some unusually friendly sea lions and dolphins were points in our favour. In fact, one particularly friendly sea lion managed to “kiss” me on the cheek, and I admit feeling a little love-struck in the bargain.
Which brings to mind one especially amusing admission we brought up with the crew in a debrefing session after completing the dive: The very possibility of doing one of our shortwave radio worldcasts underwater, and actually wearing SCUBA gear rather than the old-school divers’ suit. And--get this--actually talking during the dive!! Peter admitted there were some new SCUBA mask and mouthpiece hybrids out as would permit the possibility ... though admittedly, it might require some research to develop a decent waterproof mike as would work in such a milieu for shortwave radio. But imagine sharing what the dive was actually like while actually diving!!
Which certainly got a laugh all around ...
“... and that’s the story from The Moth”
(The preceding is an independent fanfic feature having no official connexion or association with The Moth. For more information, please to visit their website ... and tune in to The Moth Radio Hour weekends on your local public radio station; check your local radio listings for the day and time.)
@warnerarchive @hanna-barbera-land @warnerbrosentertainment @hanna-barbera-blog @joey-gatorman @hanna-barberians
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