educaresall · 3 months
WB HS Examinees Opportunity to Re-exam Failed Subjects
West Bengal HS Examinees have the opportunity to Re-exam the Failed Subjects Exam – HS Board – WBCHSE State – West Bengal Subject – Surrender of WB HS Candidates Result and opportunity to Re-exam the Failed Subjects. Surrender of WB HS Candidates Result and opportunity to Re-exam the Failed Subjects -2025 Hon’ble President of West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education (WBCHSE) Mr.…
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drmonojog · 10 months
Historical Insights: Second World War - Causes & Far-Reaching Consequences
The Second World War, spanning from 1939 to 1945, stands as one of the most transformative and devastating events in human history. Fueled by a complex web of political, economic, and ideological factors, the war reshaped the global landscape and left an indelible mark on societies around the world. In this exploration of historical insights, we delve into the causes of the Second World War Causes and Consequences.
Causes of the Second World War:
Treaty of Versailles: The seeds of the Second World War were sown in the aftermath of the First World War with the Treaty of Versailles. The harsh conditions imposed on Germany, including territorial losses and reparations, created a fertile ground for resentment and fueled the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party.
Rise of Totalitarianism: The emergence of totalitarian regimes in Germany, Italy, and Japan contributed to the global tensions that led to war. Hitler's expansionist ambitions, Mussolini's imperialist dreams, and Japan's militaristic pursuits converged in a dangerous alliance that sought to reshape the existing world order.
Appeasement Policies: The appeasement policies of the 1930s, particularly by Western powers, inadvertently emboldened aggressive regimes. The failure to confront early acts of aggression, such as the annexation of Austria and the occupation of the Rhineland, allowed totalitarian powers to test the limits of international response.
Invasion of Poland: The spark that ignited the war came with the invasion of Poland by Nazi Germany in September 1939. The aggression prompted Britain and France to declare war on Germany, marking the formal beginning of the conflict. The invasion demonstrated the failure of diplomatic efforts and set the stage for a global conflict.
Far-Reaching Consequences:
Unprecedented Human Losses: The Second World War resulted in staggering human losses, with an estimated 70-85 million casualties. The horrors of the Holocaust, where six million Jews were systematically murdered, and the widespread civilian casualties underscored the brutality of the conflict.
Global Economic Devastation: The war left economies in ruins, particularly in Europe and Asia. The cost of rebuilding was astronomical, and nations struggled to recover. The United States emerged as a global economic powerhouse, setting the stage for the post-war era.
Formation of the United Nations: The devastation wrought by the war led to a collective global desire to prevent future conflicts. The United Nations (UN) was established in 1945, providing a forum for diplomatic dialogue and conflict resolution. The organization aimed to promote international cooperation and prevent the recurrence of global warfare.
The Cold War: The ideological differences between the Allied powers, particularly the United States and the Soviet Union, fueled the Cold War. The division of Europe into Eastern and Western blocs, the nuclear arms race, and proxy conflicts characterized the geopolitical landscape for decades, shaping international relations until the end of the 20th century.
Decolonization and Shifting Power Dynamics: The war accelerated the process of decolonization as colonial powers weakened. Former colonies in Asia and Africa gained independence, leading to a shift in global power dynamics. The emergence of new nations and the reconfiguration of geopolitical alliances marked the post-war era.
Technological Advancements: The war spurred unprecedented technological advancements. The development of nuclear weapons, jet propulsion, radar, and computing technologies transformed warfare and had profound implications for post-war scientific and industrial progress.
Establishment of Israel: The aftermath of the war witnessed the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948. The Holocaust and international sympathy for the Jewish people contributed to the recognition of Israel as a homeland for Jewish survivors, reshaping the geopolitical landscape of the Middle East.
The Second World War, with its roots in the aftermath of the First World War and fueled by the rise of totalitarian regimes, had profound and far-reaching consequences that shaped the course of history. From the devastation of human lives and economies to the establishment of international organizations like the United Nations, the war left an enduring impact on the world order. The lessons learned from the war underscore the importance of diplomacy, cooperation, and the collective pursuit of peace to prevent the recurrence of such catastrophic events. As we reflect on the historical insights into the causes and consequences of the Second World War, it serves as a solemn reminder of the need for vigilance in the face of global challenges and a commitment to fostering a more peaceful and just world.
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accio-victuuri · 5 months
this post from me is overdue only because i feel like whatever i say will not be enough. this is related to wyb and his cast mates’ blackface during a scene in FPU. i haven’t watched the movie, but i saw the clip and know of the context, but all in all, it doesn’t really matter cause it’s wrong. we first knew of it because of leaks that came out during filming. then as soon as i saw some people on wb sharing the close up, i was like nope. after a while, it went on hs as “wyb cosplaying bouboo”. the tag itself should tell you what the people there in general think of it. or how they view it. cosplay. no harm done. even youku’s official weibo account used the tag to promote SDC. i cannot even deal. then the FPU weibo account, the next day, posted the cut of the scene, probably seeing how popular the cos tag was and released it. i’m sharing this here, to show the difference of how this is taken in 🇨🇳 vs. outside. i’m sure there are people in the mainland who see it for what it is but they are in the minority. 
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let’s be real here. those of us who followed this movie knew it was gonna be problematic. tho i personally didn’t anticipate something like this coming out of it. with the question of why this was not cut, i could only guess that it was an “important” plot point. also this was yibo’s first “starring” movie and i doubt he had any say in the story. i’m not excusing him tho, there is definitely room for him to learn more especially since mainland china is no longer his sole audience.
i am and will continue to be a fan of wang yibo for as long as i can. i am aware of his limitations. if people are offended, i completely understand and your anger is valid. to those who wanna unstan him then go ahead. i know this is magnified as well because of his status as a celebrity. i can only hope that when you see someone you know commit the same mistake, that your first move is to not hate and scream at them. what we really need is for people to reach out and engage in meaningful conversations for the problem to be solved.
that’s all i can say for this matter. i don’t wanna agonize over what i’m gonna post anymore so this is it. 🤍
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womanexile · 7 months
Late night talking is about Taylor. What time frame is it talking about I wonder ? Hmmmm
LNT was the first official song written for HH. Little Freak and Boyfriends were written before but they were intended for Fine Line. So I think it was May 2020 when he wrote this. The song talks about it’s only been a few days and he’s missing his muse. He wants to make them happy when they’re down. TS has let us know now that things weren’t good between her & YB during lockdown. TS says she was lonely during this time. Now if you’re one of the few to believe WB is HS they could have been doing a lot of late night talking and wrote 2 songs together. Taylor also wrote cardigan at the end of April. She was feeling lonely, she called HS cause when she feels like an old cardigan under someone bed, he puts her on & tells her she’s his favorite.
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foxes-that-run · 10 months
I’m a big believer that William Bowery is HS. When I listen to Champagne problems it sounds almost like an apology or an acknowledgement of the sadness directed towards CH for not accepting his proposal (which she’s given us Easter eggs to- the words NO written in diamonds in look what you made me do with a ring case). As much of a dick CH seemed and how she allegedly went back to HS I kind love thinking that now as an adult she could look back and not have regret for saying no but show understanding for how that must have felt
or im delulu
Hi Anon,
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Wow I never knew about the No and jewelry box in LAWYMMD! The locket seems to point to CH too. It tracks, he was 32, they dated for a year and she was good for his career. But I don't think she cares enough for him for Champagne Problems to be about him. She doesn't hold back in I did something bad or high infidelity about him and he had gone on Twitter calling himself a beard.
I really like this analysis of Champagne Problems
I associate Joe with Champagne Problems, I believe he proposed and that he was rejected. I find he fits the best because of the dorm (HS and CH didn't go to university) and splashing out on the bottle (CH and HS have always been multi-multi-millionaires while dating her so I imagine Dom Perignon is not the best they would choose). Booking the night train to wallow could also be Joe.
Something else I find interesting in Champagne Problems is the scales at 4mins in, right at the end. Harry has a tendency to add a flourish to the end of his songs, like the coco’s and Camille voice note in Cherry, vocalisations at the end of FTDT and Super Pretty and Fine Line crescendo, whistling at the end of canyon moon. It’s not something I associate with Taylor or Jack.
I remember when I first heard this song, I was floored, I wondered if it was the end of her and Joe. In hindsight I think it was because of the subject matter and how William Bowery unfolded, but it took a long slow death to get there. However, I think WB wrote the melody on Piano and Taylor the Lyrics.
I am endlessly fascinated how it went from dropping easter eggs on WBs identity to declaring it Joe. Then giving him a production credit rather than a writing one and that being the end of it. Also how it came to be that that was the end of them other than a handful of sporadic sightings.
Then she also said "I wouldn't marry me either" in Your loosing me, I wonder if she later asked to marry him after being turned down?
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astarab1aze · 15 days
➥ CirQuet Dancer
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⸻Technical Information. // Face, Voice, etc.
01. Faceclaim. Lucyna Kushinada  [ Cyberpunk: Edgerunners ] 04. Voice Claim. TBA
⸻Profile Information. // Name, Age, etc.
01. Name. Nishka Varonis 02. Alias. Neesh, Ninnie Mouse (given by Faith) 03. Sex. Female 04. Gender. Female 05. Age. 26 06. Birth Date. April 24th   [ Aries ] 07. Blood Type. Sub-type HS-WB+ 08. Race. Witch, American by nationality ; Polish-Latvian by ethnicity. 09. Marital Status. Single   [ Multiship ] 10. Orientation. Bisexual  [ Biromantic / no preference ] 11. Residence. In the same shitty apartment complex as Faith (they’re neighbors, actually!) in Salem’s Crossing, Miami, Florida ; She keeps her place as neat and as clean as possible, almost as if nobody lives there.
⸻Physical Information. // Body, Equipment, Family, etc.
17. Physical Description. Nishka has short, iridescent white hair cut into an asymmetrical bob, some illusionary hints of various colors shining through in certain lights. Her eyes are pale white with an almost-luminous white ring around each of her pupils, framed by thick black lashes. Her skin is pale, almost milky white, delicate and soft, unblemished. She stands at 5’3”, slender, petite, lean and lightly toned. She has no scars, but myriad minimalistic geometric tattoos across her back, shoulder, and collar bones, with some mechanical doll-like joint tattoos throughout her body in similar style to the others (sort of…built-in costuming), which she enhances with illusion magic in order to make them glow. She has a wide variety of tastes, but can most often be found in any odd assortment of handmade costuming, enchanted with illustrious illusion charms, and she may occasionally wear a wig depending on the vibe of the show. Salmon lip gloss, red eyeshadow, and sharply-winged eyeliner (thank you, Faith!).
13. Equipment. She doesn’t keep much on her aside from the very basics; A traveling mirror, her cellphone, wallet, keys, her howlite wand, a broom for posterity’s sake, and a change of clothes. Often, she can be seen carting around a suitcase full of costumes and outfits for the Cyber CirQuet. 14. Occupation. Technically, she has many, but the job she was actually hired for was to be a simple acrobat - it just so happened to be that she would play nearly every role in management, customer service, performance, and more. She’s a contortionist, illusionist, dancer, clown, juggler, tightrope walker, special effects specialist, HR– Working for a small-time cyber-themed circus show, Cyber CirQuet. 15. Job Performance. Highly valued, the circus would dissolve without her hard work. They would never have made it out of Salem’s Crossing to New York or Chimachi were it not for her dedication, willingness to sacrifice personal time, and ability to work a crowd. 16. Parents. She’s an orphan, raised by sectarian bloodweavers of the Sightless Eye. 17. Siblings. She considers some of the other orphans to be like siblings, but she wouldn’t say she has siblings at all.
⸻Personality Information. // Likes, Strengths, etc.
18. Likes. Performing, making people laugh, smile, or gasp in wonder, lavender and lemon, gin, periwinkle, shrinking violets, FrankenLeeches, boo berry pies, practicing her routines, spinning unique conjurations for the kids, sewing, reading fantasies, stargazing, gossiping with Faith, photography, music, lemonade, chatting up the Bearded Lady for beauty tips, night markets, building ‘bucket houses’ for dumpster fey, etc. 19. Dislikes. Bearing all of both the responsibility and the risk, making mistakes, bruised feet, scarbuncle cheese, the ‘dirty’ aspects of magic, modernist architecture, uncleanliness, dolls, bugs, Sanguinarians, snallygasters, blackwyrms, humans, daytime, popcorn, water, Salem’s Crossing, people who can’t directly answer a direct question, slime, affinities opposed to her own, cleaning up the mess after a show, eye stalks, beanstalk stew, etc.
20. Positive Traits. Friendly. Fun-loving. Hard-working. Compassionate. Flexible. Generous. Resilient. Moderate. Patient. Loyal. Mindful. Gentle. 21. Negative Traits. Proud. Unforgiving. Workaholic. Short-tempered. Stubborn. Picky. Jealous. Cynical. Impulsive. 22. Goals. To bring the Cyber CirQuet to new heights in popularity as an attraction and show, earning enough of a raise in pay she might be able to more comfortably split rent on a possible joint apartment with Faith. 23. Desires. To eventually learn about her birth parents, find some closure and peace there, where she comes from and why she was orphaned. 24. Alignment. Neutral Good
25. Personality. Nishka is somewhat socially detached despite being a bit of a butterfly, uncertain of the world around her and exposed only to illusions and elaborate lies. Other people are separate from her, at arm's length, while she painstakingly recharges her batteries, rifles through her mind on what she needs to prepare for work, what themes she's going to use, whether or not she brushed her teeth and hair, what year is it-- Somewhat scatterbrained, mostly preoccupied, and happily so, putting off her goals in an effort to distract herself from the context. She is a hard worker and often incredibly proud of her work and herself, sometimes to her detriment. She doesn't trust other people easily and will have cynical views of their (presumed) intentions, managing her (and others') expectations - she doesn't like to be proven right, and when she is, well, she can be quite unforgiving. She's lived an interesting enough life that sorta dips to one side or the other - safety and security vs chaos danger, simply put, so she knows not to put too much of her heart into something when its certain to fail, even if she's just stubborn enough to see it through to the end anyway. Ultimately, she's a complicated and somewhat contradictory woman, informed by a number of experiences, loving and good in her own ways but woefully wrapped up in her own little world.
⸻Sorcery Information. // Affinity, Talent, etc.
26. Affinity. Light, Air, some Bestial - low-level but high acuity in select spells and talents, truly above and beyond potential but an inability to apply herself. 27. Shapeshifting. Innate Sugar Glider- naturally capable of shifting into the form of a palm-sized white sugar glider with a single, almost entirely invisible stripe down her back; She cannot maintain this form for long, limited to the transformative capabilities of any low-level mage despite her blood. 28. Utility. Alteration, minor conjuration, light enhancement, Float, barriers, minor telekinesis, charms, animal speech, 29. Specialization. Neon, Prismatic, and Illusions - in combining her natural-born affinities, she’s developed the ability to harness neon gas and prismatic light, using both in conjunction with her illusions to enhance her performances. 30. Graduate School. Dogwood J. Cotton’s Vocational Sorceries - school dedicated to job sorting lower classed and academically unclaimed children into a fitting magical career choice 31. Classification. Non-Anthromorphic Hybrid - Witch & Shapeshifter ; As she is both witch and shapeshifter, she is considered a hybrid between the two, though she lacks the potency of a full-blooded shifter.
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⸻Background Information. // Past to Present.
    Yaddayaddayadda working on this later (sorry)
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notkijoon · 2 months
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omg hi everyone!! i'm essie (she/her, 25+, est) and i am literally SO excited to be here ◡̈ this is my paranoid mess and excuse to look at hyunjin all the time lol moon kijoon. i love the concept of this roleplay so much so i'm so stoked to write with you all and see what crazy stuff goes down the next three months!!! (admins if ur reading this i would love for you to make this man lose his f*king mind okay i'm giving you guys permission now)
i'm down for more brainstorming & organic plotting; to avoid getting shad*wb*nned i do prefer plotting on discord (essie1123)! feel free to like this post if you want me to approach first & can't wait to get to know you all real soon ♡ here's some fun stuff below the cut :
typical art kid, just wants to do visual art stuff and be edgy and cool and slightly emo circa 2006 my chemical romance era u feel me
graduated hs in 2019 and moved to california to go to ucla
wound up getting himself involved in an artistic cult called echoes of eden out in the desert and saw some wild shit go down that basically traumatized him (picture the entire movie midsommar)
got so scared he left the commune but began becoming paranoid that members and their leader were stalking him and going to find a way to force him back
after moving back to korea, decided to take a job at camp saesori so he could feel like he was going under the radar for awhile to get away from the possibility that anyone was after him
somebody get this man a drink
the news of han minjung’s death brought his anxiety and paranoia to a new level as he’d only met her a few weeks before her death (plus this being his first summer here so like wtf forreal) and didn't know anything about her prior but has unjustifiably begun to believe that maybe he was actually the intended target
+ for the time being i've come up with just a few general connections i'd love to see for kijoon here !!
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benatarrrr · 1 year
hey uh
havent posted much art heres some shit from whiteboard with @marvusxoloto69
art dump ahead warning u now
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i love the demon drawing honestly
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ok marvus is hot af but i drew him so badly (lolbit is cute but i drew them awfully too)
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miguel o'hara shitposting
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i drew some hs characters i never drew before (kurloz, sollux, eridan, mituna, and then the stinky vriska doodle)
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another persona
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holy fuck i love drawing fangs
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he got hungry (he goes on hunts and slaughters and devours humans) but bro i think he needa napkin (also a sona thing)
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im so sorry for drawing karkat in crocs (karcroc) /ij this is actually from an older wb but oh well its goofy
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another older one but hs oc lore rahhh manalo death and lore (basically portraying how he never got to express his red feelings to oaklin) buT I MADE HIS HANDS TO FUCKINFG BIG GRGRGRGD
ok thats it sorry for art dumping but yeagh
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postsofbabel · 11 months
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educaresall · 3 months
West Bengal HS Exam Schedule 2025 Announced by WBCHSE
West Bengal HS Exam Schedule 2025 Announced by WBCHSE Subject – Exam Schedule (Date and time). Name of Exam – HS (Higher Secondary) will be started on 3rd March 2025, West Bengal. Name of Board – West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education (WBCHSE). Name of State – West Bengal Year of Exam – 2025. Official website – wbresults.nic.in and wbchse.wb.gov.in West Bengal HS Exam Schedule 2025…
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sorrowfulsoul · 2 years
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accio-victuuri · 8 months
fandom thoughts & are cpfs really gonna get banned from yibo related comment sections? 📝
i may regret publishing this cause it will, like it always does, attract the wrong sort but whatever. i don’t really care. for someone who has been here for a good number of years, i have really learned to pick my battles especially fandom-wise. i can tell you that every week, there will always be some kind of trouble going on with fans and you will be exhausted if you obsess over each one of them. i have said before that if there is anything that will drive me out of stanning the boys, it’s the toxic fandom — so that’s why i mostly steer clear. hence, having this small space for myself on tumblr.
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the fandom disagreements, whether that’s within cpfs, so/o vs cpfs, so/o vs other so/os and we somehow get dragged is always gonna be there. and it’s not really unique to our fandom. the question tho is why you are here? is it to participate in fan wars or to consume content related to xz and wyb? is it to be famous and get followers? etc personally, i’m here for xz and wyb. the active fandom is a bonus. there are so many things i love about the cpf community, but my priority will always be xz and wyb + their career. i mostly get involved if the issue makes it on HS and if it’s to amplify something positive within the fandom.
lately, i’ve mildly spoke up about people accusing cpfs of buying likes cause it was all bs.
which leads us to the next topic of being banned..
i guess this is a “hot topic” in other platforms that love drama.
so for the past days, including weibo night, cpfs have been commenting en masse in comments section. for example, with yibo’s weibo night post and ybo’s recent post about bystander ep photos. what you will notice is the use of ❤️💛 💚 to highlight that we are cpfs. the same thing is done in xz & xzs post. the only reason why we are more visible in the top comments of yibo posts is because motos are disorganized. i said what i said. i see efforts for their coordination but cpfs are just more organized when it comes to doing likes and votes. xfx are so much better than us on this tho. they have lots of professional fans. omg i’m gonna get dragged for being a xfx lol but it’s the truth.
you must notice that the friction between cpfs and motos have been happening for a while now. going as far back as SDC 5 finals ( even before that actually ) and so on. this is why i’m not surprised that this stunt from cpfs triggered them again. ⚠️
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the short answer is, no one is getting banned. what they can do tho, and that includes YBO is to report these comments as spam. and if you look at it, they do look like spam posts. if a user gets reported multiple times, then that is when the ban comes in. i don’t think they will be spending money on censoring certain emojis tho. i tried right now and you can still send it.
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i have seen some conversations on wb among cpf, that the comments should not be like this. it should really be actual comments on what is being shared. that we should not include xz’s name or face. that’s what i like about the fandom, cause we can admit if we do something wrong or if we need to improve in some aspects. we don’t blame other people, which is what other fandoms love to do btw. it’s all they can do. lol.
and it doesn’t help that in yuehua’s recent post regarding yibo’s lawsuits, the top comment is about demanding to control the comments section of yibo related posts. so of course they will look into that. sadly, the group that the company will always appease are the solo fans. it is what it is.
so that’s basically what the issue is about.
i’m actually just observing at this point but it’s not where my focus is. i am personally excited about saturday and seeing captain yibo 💥 plus i have other interests and things happening irl. this is why i don’t get people who seem to only be in fandom to start fights or obsess over cpfs. can’t relate.
i’m not saying that we should ignore everything and pretend that things are perfect. the point is, do not obsess over every fandom drama. also, look at things from cpf side before so/os. people usually come to me, sending me things that so/os say and my question is why the hell are you reading their posts? why are you in there? let’s stay on our lane. they are so/os, of course they will be biased. and don’t expect me to be always up in arms about stuff like this. my energy for over reacting is primarily for cpns and not fandom wars & drama.
lastly, being a cpf is not for the glass hearted. if you are weak-willed, this is is not for you. or maybe it is and this is the fandom that will build you up. i hope more and more people will find that perfect balance in participating in this fandom. that we set and implement boundaries — i know it’s especially hard for the new ones — when you are bombarded with the negativity. it’s not all that. there is so much more positive things to gain in being a cpf if you know where to look 🫶🏼
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illicien · 1 year
“Nobody asked about my writing” meme
Ohhh thank you so much for the tag @amethyst-noir! Having read these questions already I can tell this is going to become a pain in the ass to answer, bless you and thank you for the suffering.
 1: what are you currently working on? 
Far too many things. My writing tab currently has open:
One-Time Thing (third part in progress, but I have all of the parts in the same doc)
HS / Mafia AU Outline (when this starts becoming a thing more effectively I hope every single one of you is ready for me to be the most whiny bitch on the timeline; when my wife said "oh that sounds like it'll be 300k" I was like lol I've never written anything that long! But this outline... this fucking outline...)
Captured (inspired by a whump prompt, whether this comes into existence is entirely dependent upon the whims of my muse and they are feeling incredibly tempestuous of late.)
Seeing Double (This remains my comfort fic to sit back in because writing Stephen occasionally manages to help reset my brain when I get stuck.)
WB Hanahaki (I completely blame a combination of @winterbonesthings @six-demon-bag and @bicycleonfire for the fact that this even started to happen.)
To The Victors (This is literally the fic I've had open and been casually poking at now and then since before I even started OTT and whether it will be finished is also dependent upon the whims of my muse.)
And that's all WinterBaron shit I just have that I'm casually flicking through depending on what is best meeting my interests at any given hour of the day.
2: summarize your current project 
Which one? I'm literally gonna randomize 1-6 and find out which project we're summarizing.
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Well okay then. Seeing Double it is:
With the sudden splitting of timelines and opening of the multiverse, some of HYDRA's experiments in other worlds have created strange pathways to other worlds; while HYDRA has been mostly dealt with in their active timeline, the elimination of a specific base has left Sam, Bucky, and Zemo faced with an actively Winter Soldiered Bucky Barnes. Not quite sure how to handle their new situation, and mildly unnerved by the fact that this Winter Soldier has decided that obeying Zemo of all people is the best choice, Sam suggests taking him to Doctor Strange - because if anyone's going to be able to figure out sending him back to his own dimension, a sorcerer seems like the best option.
3: summarize your current project poorly 
(Same project? Different project? Different project.)
Zemo's fucking pissed to realize that he's in love with someone again; he'd ignore it, if it wasn't literally killing him.
4: describe your favorite character or characters
Tea sluts.
Oh, did you want a better description? Well you aren't getting one. They're tea sluts. You think they're perfectly put together, incredibly in control, and that's exactly what they like you to think as they casually sip their tea and pretend they're only the most sophisticated of people.
But it takes about two seconds to turn them from sophisticated and in control into whining little bitches. And I love that for them.
5: post a line from your current project without any context 
They'd taken time to collect - the remnants of Ultron scattered in a distinctive display, pieces welded together in a manner both grotesque and hauntingly beautiful.
6: how do you get through writers block?
Skip to a different project for a little bit. Sometimes it's less that I'm blocked in terms of writing, and more that I'm stuck on a specific scene or story, and moving on until I'm stuck on something else makes it easier for me to return to whatever I was initially stuck on.
7: would you want to live in the world of your current work? 
No. Not any of them. No thank you. Especially not anything MCU adjacent. I'll skip on that, thanks.
8: briefly discuss your outlining process, if you outline 
My outlining process only really exists for fics that I am well aware / intend to be more than one chapter. For example, there was no real outline for OTT, and it did get away from me because of that, in part. That's why OTT turned into a series rather than just being multichapter.
When I do outline, however, I have a very specific set-up that involves first jotting down several notes from my brainstorming session as I typically bounce the initial concept off of someone. Many bullet points exist. From there, it's a matter of grouping them into relevant areas, and then breaking things down into chapters from that point. I'll occasionally make specific notes about particular dialogue pieces as related to specific bullet points. Before I do a final dive into starting to write pieces, I'll go over chapter bulletpoints again to see if there are any specific things that could use to be arranged elsewhere.
If I write without an outline for a multichapter story, we get chaos like Collared and Embraced which are both currently still sitting unfinished, despite my best efforts.
9: what is the aesthetic of your current project?
Okay so I'm gonna return to To The Victors for this one, even though I mentioned it once already earlier, because of all of them this one has a very visual set up.
Piercing suspension; human food trays; an old castle hall draped with purple silk and velvet; the contrast of highly mechanical chrome bits and pieces against elegant fabrics and stone walls
10: what song sums up your current work the best?
Ooo this is hard, especially since I decided to save this one specifically for the OTT finale...
We'll go with:
Sending this one over to @six-demon-bag @winterbonesthings and @winterytrash cuz I'm sure y'all are working on something at least. @bicycleonfire too if you've got anything ongoing you wanna share 😉
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womanexile · 1 year
I remember when folklore was released and people saw the name WB and inmediately everyone thought he was Harry 🤪 like Joe was never an idea haha
I know Taylor said he’s WB but I still have a hard time believing it. Like exile is so Haylor and she said he wrote the whole first verse. “I can see you standing honey, with his arms around your body, laughing but the jokes not funny at all, and it took you five whole minutes, to pack us up & leave me with it, holding all this love out here in the HALL”. Why would he start writing a song about TS & HS? I just can’t wrap my head around this.
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notoriousbeb · 1 year
From the vault to #1 - crazy story… https://youtu.be/3v3zngdn0aA
It feels like a lot of people are nostalgic for music & movies from the past- I wonder if people are going through their backlogged catalogues to make into new releases? Especially with artists touring again. Taylor has been successful in bringing back her older work. Even the Kooks mentioned her re-recordings & thinking of renegotiating with their old label of restructioning contract of back catalogue. They may redo ‘06 album. Boys Like Girls are releasing their sophomore also Love Drunk that features TS. I wonder if 1D still have to release their greatest hits album? (part if older contract) It’d be interesting to hear it in their more matured voices.
The other day I watch a 13 yr old video that had a line TS quoted/wrote on her arm for Speak Now Tour. Lol, I wonder if the pianos drowned were real. https://youtu.be/4ASJBXu8tNo It also made me wonder if any more of HS’s unreleased work will see the light. I know some went to other artists, but I noticed he wrote quite a bit with the guy from Augustana. But I guess it’s sometimes odd circumstances that some songs get brought into the world. Sidenote: TS did write with a guy from Parachute named Will who lives in Nashville- was he ever brought up in the WB debate? Both were rumored as inspirations for each other in a couple of songs. Lol, he has funny TikTok music skits. It was sad 😢 that his wife passed away late last year.
I agree; the stories of how music is made and what sees the light of day (or doesn’t) is fascinating.
Loved the flashback to my past with the Augustana “Boston” video. I have to believe all those pianos in the beach were CGI—what a logistics headache otherwise. Lol.
I love that Taylor’s re-recording and vault tracks are inspiring other artists to do (re)release their own older works. Bring it on!
I don’t know if the 1D boys are still liable for that greatest hits contract, or if they’ve been able to get out of it. Personally, I’d love to hear them all together again. Everyone just seems so busy with their own careers. Time will tell!
I certainly hope we get more solo unreleased tracks from Harry. I adore “Him” the most. It seems like once he lets a song go, though, it’s gone. I’d love to be proven wrong, however.
I haven’t seen anyone suggest Will in the William Bowery debate, but I can’t see any artist letting another person get credit for their work—especially a Grammy. So sad to hear about his wife.
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septembersghost · 1 year
I heard Ed Sheeran's contract with Atlantic/WB is up- but he is possibly releasing an album in the fall (acorn hints). Also last spring, Miranda Lambert announced she was was leaving Sony. And HS hasn't announced if he is re-signing with Columbia/Sony- but hinted HS4 (but break or bye). Bad Bunny's label & management may have a large stake bought by Sony. Even Weeknd changing his music involvement. Lots of artists are diversifying into producing, acting, beauty or other roles. Music in limbo?
from what i've seen, ed is releasing the autumn album (the guess is 9/29) on his own label, and he isn't planning on it being a big/splashy rollout at all (similarly to subtract), it's just music he's created with a fall feeling that he wants to release. maybe some more of the work he did with aaron? i feel ed's priorities have shifted quite significantly given the tragedies he's experienced, cherry's cancer scare, and becoming a dad - all of which is very understandable - and he wants to release his music for its own sake and on his own terms now. i love a good autumn aesthetic album, so i'm looking forward to that! do we think he was fibbing about not re-recording endgame yet? (i wouldn't be too surprised if rep is still in the works, considering she could only start it last november, but it's hard to say!)
i read a while back that harry quietly reupped his contract with columbia for several more years, but i'm not sure if the source was reliable. there are some weird conspiracies being pushed right now by #that side of the fanbase and him ~freeing~ himself (as if harry isn't in control of his art, masters, and self-expression...it feels so insulting to him and his creativity when they suggest that :/), which seems to ramp up every time he takes a break, so any discussion that doesn't have verified sources about that i approach cautiously. i really don't believe hs4 is as far away as some seem to think, especially considering the great trajectory he's been on, but we'll see next year!
i do think the lucrative nature of brand deals, beauty/fashion lines, or branching out into other areas of the entertainment industry, while not entirely new or unusual, is also a response to the fact that streaming pays artists such a small fraction from their music compared to what physical album sales used to bring in. the music industry seems to be on some manner of precipice, and something will probably need to shift significantly in the future for artists to be fairly compensated for their art and for new artists to be able to succeed.
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