New GxK: The New Empire Exclusive Chinese Trailer!!!!!
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bogleech · 9 months
No hyperbole the single best objectively greatest officially licensed image ever made of Godzilla is the artwork for the Godzilla vs. Mothra poster where it's not only just fucking GORGEOUS and sick as all hell but also it just looks exactly like a family photo with proud new parents
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dedalvs · 10 months
Hello there! I was wondering if you could possibly translate this quote: (I know it's a different fandom, but I was wondering if you could translate it anyways. I think it would be neat to see it in High Valyrian.)... "Not all who wander are lost."
So listen… I know this wasn't the intent, and I know that you're kind of standing in for tons of people from my past, but like… When people ask to have something translated, do they really not give any thought to the grammatical complexity of what they're asking for? And 100% this is not just you, but like… Embedded clauses, relative clauses, counterfactuals…
Something I didn't realize till I started creating languages for a living is translation is my least favorite part of language creation—and it's what I spend the most time doing.
Okay, so, "Not all who wander are lost". Good lord. First, there's "lost", which has a literal and metaphorical meaning in English. Absolutely no idea if this would translate in High Valyrian, and I'm pretty sure I don't have a word for "lost", and I don't even know how to go about creating one. Spanish perdido essentially comes from "wasted" or "squandered". We know where English "lost" came from. There actually is a word for "to lose" in HV, but it's to lose a battle. Doesn't make sense to use it here. So I'm going with something that kind of evokes that mists that surround destroyed Valyria and use the locative of "fog", so to be sambrarra "in the fog" means "to be lost".
I also don't (or didn't) have a word for "wander", but I made a derivation based on one of my favorite words, elēnagon, which means to oscillate or swerve. Jorelēnagon now means "to wander". Seems to fit.
And that was the easy part. A relative clause is something like "The dragon that I saw is big". "Whoever I saw is big" also features a kind of relative clause—an indefinite relative clause. These things are absolute murder to create. But no. It's not just that. It's a modified indefinite relative, because it's not "Whoever wanders is lost", it's "All who wander are lost". BUT IT'S NOT JUST THAT. It's negated on top of that. NE. GA. TED. And not just in the usual way: It's the Mothra fumbling quantifier that's negated. It's not whoever wanders. It's not all who wander. It's NOT ALL who wander. This is like my nightmare—being asked to translate something like this. This is giving me flashbacks to season 1 of House of the Dragon when they asked me to translated "Would that it were", as if that was some reasonable thing for a human being to say in any language ever.
Anyway, if you type "indefinite relative clause" into my High Valyrian grammar, you come up with nothing, because I always forget to write down how the hell I decided to do them. I think because I have both relative adjectives and pronouns that I can just use the damn pronouns by themselves. God. "Not all…" Are you kidding me?! You know High Valyrian has a whole collective number to handle "all", right? What, do I just negate that? Will the meaning be the same as a negated quantifier?! Like it's [[not all] who wander], right? And you can bracket like that because they're all separate words. But what if "all who" is one word? What then?! BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT IT IS!
(By the way I just added a sentence to my grammar that includes the phrase "indefinite relative clause" so I can search for it. It's not like this wasn't written up, but I honestly probably forgot what the term was when I wrote the section the first time and I never revisited it.)
Okay. I'm calm and cool. So. Returning to the translation. There are two types of relative pronouns: One that refers to people or things, and another that refers to concepts or ideas or places. We're talking about people here, so we need the first one. And we need it in the collective. That's lȳr. Leaving the negation aside, this can be translated fairly easily:
Jorelēnus lȳr sambrarra ilza.
Okay, that's "All who wander are lost". I chose the aorist subjunctive for the relative because it's like "anyone who may wander"; I think it makes sense. Lȳr is grammatically singular, so it triggers third person singular agreement in both verbs. Since we're using ilagon as a locative copula here, I think (think) the present tense makes the most sense. So that is "All who wander are lost".
Now how the flarking frump do you say "not all" when "all who" is lȳr?!
So since lȳr is a pronoun it can be modified with an adjective, which would like like this:
Jorelēnus dōre lȳr sambrarra ilza.
But the problem with that is I don't think it gives us the intended meaning. I think that means "None who wander are lost", and that's not what the intended meaning is at all. It is basically "Some people who wander are indeed lost—perhaps many of them—but some of those who are wandering are not, in fact, lost". This is also why you can't negate the matrix verb. That would mean "Anyone that might be wandering is not lost"—again, not the intended meaning. This is the crux of the whole translation: Negating the quantifier and not what the quantifier is modifying.
For that reason, the only thing I can think to do is to go to a much more prolix, and, frankly, un-Valyrian-like expression. This would mean taking the relative pronoun out of the collective, putting it back in the singular, adding in a quantifier, and negating it. That would be this:
Jorelēnus dōre tolvie lȳ sambrarra ilza.
Is that it? I honestly don't know. It is a translation; I'm not sure if it's the best translation. Another possibility is to re-translate it and say "A few who may wander are not lost". That would look like this:
Jorelēnusy lȳn sambrarra ilosy daor.
The pronoun is now in the paucal, which triggers plural agreement on both verbs. (And, by the way, thank goodness sambrarra is a noun phrase; it doesn't have to agree with anything!) And this is, basically, "A few who may wander are not lost".
I feel like the second translation is better maybe…? It feels more Valyrianesque. But I'm not 100% sure it conveys the same sense.
Anyway, I started translating this a little over two hours ago. That's what this takes. That's how long something this complex takes. Granted, it didn't have my full attention at all times, because I was watching Booksmart, but this was my second time watching it, so I didn't have to give the movie my undivided attention (though it had been a few years; there were bits I didn't remember). But yeah. Translation. My god. Like…why. Creating languages is fun. Translation is work. (And if it's not work, you're doing it wrong. Mic drop; soap box kicked.)
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zombieclown16 · 10 days
Going back to an ask I had gotten about my ancestor designs, I’ve decided to do a deep dive into my process for making them and just my thoughts/inferences on their themes. I plan on doing more designs, so I may add more to this thread later!
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Mosura Briati (The SuperNova)
Mosura is definitely my most straight forward design. With the little amount of info we have on her, I mostly dedicated my time to making her look like her namesake, Mothra. Her coat is meant to mimic moth wings and her pant design is supposed to be reminiscent of not just moth legs, but specifically moth Jentha’s appearance in WDYDTT.
Her radiation coloring is more saturated and intense than Jentha’s pastel pinks and blues, more close to the warm colors you’d find on a Geiger counter (I did want to keep that neon blue though!) Originally, I wanted to give Mosura more techy apparatus’, something like what Jentha had when she was younger that could potentially reign in her powers, and I still just might in an alt outfit! But for the natural approach, this is what she looks like when she’s able to chill out and not worry about exploding everything around her. Mosura is a treat to me, because even though she is surely the most powerful being the planet had to offer, her biology is what makes her so strong. Not magic or tech or anything, but just her body as it was made. I feel like that is an important factor to how the VE ancestors function, within an unnatural or a natural. Mosura especially was an attempt to bring back order to a terrible place, like when a volcano erupts and the land around it starts anew. Love her for that.
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Fortmistress Deadlock
For the Fortmistress, my most controversial designs, I wanted her to be dramatic as hell with a sharp silhouette and a spiky appearance. Deadlock has her own semi canon design lost to the sands of VE time, so her leotard and face paint is a call back to those parts of her old look (I don’t want to post it if VE isn’t comfortable with that, so if you find it you’ll see what I mean!) However, my main inspiration for her was punk fashion mixed with the clowny wrestler appearance that would be inherit to her design. I find that the Fortmistress gets a strange rep within VE, as canonically during her time her caste and specifically purple bloods with psyops (including her) were fighting against the Fuchsia Bureaucracy who were attempting to use them as militia assets. The Mirths were confirmed as a cultural religion formed during a time of oppression, to gain community and commonality between people who had gone through the same as them while also standing up to a suffocating governmental system. That’s punk as fuck!!!!! To include this, I made her jacket a repurposed violet military vest, decorated and all, with the system she was fighting against! She’s big and intimidating and her psyops are a main focus of this piece because they really influenced her path in life and how she was likely treated by others. Cultural religions like this are not bad and Vilcus had very lovingly described a time period in which the Fortmistress would’ve been present where the Mirths were normal trolls finding community. (If you come in here with “the Fortmistress made them suck! She’s crazy!” I’m gunna do something drastic CHARACTERIZING AN OPPRESSED INDIVIDUAL AS WRONG FOR FIGHTING BACK AGAINST A BAD SYSTEM ISN’T VERY COOL there is no perfect minority and I’m not gunna pretend Deadlock was some amazing figure wronged by time, but someone who we don’t know all of the facts on)
I’m not going to dig too hard into my thoughts about Fortmistress Deadlock, (nor am I saying VE is intentionally doing her wrong because a very big theme for the ancestors is that they are mischaracterized by modern day Reptions cause it’s a huge game of historical telephone) so all I ask is for us to think very critically about her and the placement of making her a blood purist when it seems like she was fighting for people who didn’t have a voice at the time. Like why would I believe that fucking loser Pozzol Boyer has the best takes on her? Come on guys.
outside of that, that funny little key choker is canon and passed on to Taz, I wonder what it could be for?
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Acerigger Switchem
So I was like “what if a casino hall was a person?” And that’s how I made Aceriggers design. If a building could manipulate someone it would be a Casino in Vegas so obviously the guy named ACE takes a lot of that in. Seriously though, this guy is chalk-full of card suits, casino motifs and GOLD. Gold is a Turkin ore just as much as it is for a Kerian(I mean Murrit’s weapon is literally gold too) because of how it acts with TIME. Gold never ages or erodes, it is permanently shiny and beautiful, always captivating to the eye. Acerigger is chronically vain, he’s hot, he’s young, and he likes it that way. Gold would be his forte, as it is everlasting beauty that persuades you to think it’s actually worth something. His design is supposed to exhibit these traits!
I want to talk about his big bright coat specifically, as it is directly inspired by an article I saw titled “Ugly Vegas Carpets Want You to Keep Playing”saying that Casinos make their carpets so ugly cause they want you to focus more on playing games and not hesitate to see them by looking around at all the gaudy patterns. For Ace, it’s meant to mimic those ugly Vegas carpets that want you to focus on his pretty face telling you everything you want to hear instead of letting you look at all of the blaring red flags. The neon vomit pattern is like the classic animal kingdom warning sign screaming TOXIC STAY AWAY! (Murrits outfit is just as important to his bit characterization so Ace is the same. It’s all for the act, babes) Alongside all of that is the color red, associated with promiscuity and passion. The promiscuity is obvious, but Aces use of red is also a time player callback just as much as it represents a passionate display. He’s less so wearing red for himself as he is wearing it for others, displaying himself “bare” in way of a color associated with heavy emotions (specifically love) on his chest. This is also why I deigned to not give him shades, playing the opposite to Murrits party shade appearance. Aces act wants to coax people into him, make them feel comfortable and secure with an open face smile while Murrit means to create distance and close himself off, hiding away behind a face of disconnection.
Tbh also Murrits Twelfth Night design was a big inspiration. She’s like really gay and slutty for some reason there, so I made Ace gayer and sluttier to counterbalance.
Anyways, my personal characterization(made over several years of hyper fixation on the ancestors. Like I’m sorry I’ve been here a while, the lore is deep) for Ace is a pretty big influence into why I designed him the way I did, so I’ll include some analysis to explain myself in a really round about way. A lot of what Ace does is meant to draw people to him, to captivate an audience of individuals with smoke and mirrors. We know he is the opposite to Murrit, a character who cares greatly about others but hides it under a facade of combative and annoying traits to stave off the scent of her having genuine feelings(therefore the chance to be vulnerable with those feelings). The opposite to that is a person who is outwardly kind and compassionate, so wonderful in fact it’s hard to not be captivated(and even fall in love) with him. Ace is the antithesis of true love and genuine feelings while that’s exactly what Murrit needs to accept about herself, that she isn’t all of her facades and can form real relationships. Ace doesn’t do that, Ace is fake love and fake relationships and there is nothing under his lies, though he doesn’t act with the petty insecurities that Murrit harbors, he is all around heartless. It’s interesting because it is a contrast between two connected characters who though are oppositional, compliment each other nonetheless. All of the ancestors are like that with their descendants! It just sucks for Murrit that he got such a bad card draw. Oops this became a Murrit analysis I FUCKING LOVE FISH
That’s all I got, remember all of what I’ve said is subject to change because the ancestors probably have a page of accurate info on them BARELY. These interpretations I’ve made are based on what we’ve been provided already, which is not a lot! So if you have any questions I’d love to dive even more into my thoughts.
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kdooblee · 10 months
i saw this post on twitter today and i have to say something about it because it’s the most dogshit take i’ve ever seen about godzilla in my life
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godzilla, historically, has teamed up with many MANY fellow kaiju in the japanese films. it was japanese media that paved the way for him teaming up with other monsters. he REGULARLY teamed up with mothra, his best friend is anguirus, he teams up with jet jaguar, hell he even teams up with rodan.
do i agree that movies where godzilla is left alone to be a destructive force and moral lesson to humanity are better? of course, that’s what he was made for. do i also agree we could use less americanized remakes of foreign films? definitely. however, this dudes take and the arguments he makes in the comments don’t make sense.
godzilla has changed a lot since the 50s. he can be very silly and goofy and also very scary. do your research before making shitty takes, i guess.
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2screamingpears · 9 months
A not-complete list of wonderful changes, translation and localization I noticed when I went to see Book of Mormon in Madrid!
Hey! So I went to see The Book of Mormon last month in Madrid, and since I had watched (bootlegged) and listened to the original production, I was able to enjoy some changes they made so it could be enjoyed by spanish audiences!
First off, I should say that it wasn’t a replica production (and I think I much prefer this one!). The choreography was amazing, and definitely more elaborate than on broadway ! Here, have a look: https://youtu.be/NZ5UxjN2MPs?si=UErYQUODo5Qs-EMC
Some of the first changes I wondered how they were going to make was the opening number: both Hello and Hola have the same syllables but hola cannot be used, since the accent falls on the first syllable in hola and the second in hello….. so spanish mormons just end up saying how are you (¿qué tal?) 😂
Second change comes during the second number, two by two: one of the jokes is weirdly untranslatable, which is the addendum at the end of the phrase “we are the soldiers of the church of jesus christ (of latter day saints)”. Since in spanish “of la-tter day saints” (5 syllables) would be “de los úl-ti-mos dí-as” (7 syllables), they changed it to “yo-soy-mor-món” (i am a mormon) which fits! There is a joke lost, but mormonism isn’t as widespread as it is on the US, so it’s hardly noticeable.
This one is mostly to update the content, but during two by two when the trip to japan gets announced, the mormons are excited about soy sauce and godzilla (instead of mothra)
Next comes a change i also wondered about: how do you make a joke out of Elder Price’s wish to go to Orlando, of all things? In the English version, Elder Price would like to go to orlando because of Sea World, Disney and putt-putt golfing: spaniards have no cultural knowledge of what Orlando is, so the translated line is “Orlando! Disney me espera, soy fan de Frozen” (Orlando! Disney is waiting for me, I’m a Frozen fan) which really drives home the ridiculousness of choosing that place as your mission trip. Also, if you watch the video i linked, the joke is super amplified through choreography, which is part of why i love this production so much.
Hasa diga eebowai gets one change Very right: instead of saying fuck you god, they say “me cago en dios” (i shit on god) which is a very common way of cursing about things in spain: you can shit on the milk (me cago en la leche), on your mother (me cago en tu madre) and indeed, you can shit on god!
One fun localization comes in at the end of All-American prophet, a song that’s basically a sales pitch or infomercial : the fun little gag at the end where Elder Cunningham says “if you order now, we’ll also throw a seat of steak knives” gets changed to “if you order now, we’ll throw in a thermomix for free” For people who don’t know, a thermomix is The Product everyone gets from infomercials/ through independent sellers: it’s a chopper/blender/cooker/scale/kitchen robot, very convenient! My mother has one :) one of the ugandan ladies asks Cunningham about the thermomix inmediatly after finishing the number and he excitedly begins explaining the whole shtick every middle aged spanish lady has heard before, that got a big laugh :)
In the sequence before spooky mormon hell dream, when Elder Price’s so happy that he finally reaches Orlando, he throws in another elsa joke, saying that he’s blonde like her, so thats why she likes her😂
During Spooky mormon hell dream, one change that got Such a big laugh was seeing the four people that are in hell according to Elder Price: Genghis Khan, Hitler, Jeffrey Dahmer and, instead of Jonnie Cochran (idk even who he is) we got Silvio Berlusconi, politician and founder of communications company Mediaset, which runs a thrash tv channel called Telecinco (and that’s what he’s in hell for, according to the song)
The thing elder cunningham always says “tomorrow’s a latter day” gets changed to a saying a lot of catholic old people say, “mañana dios dirá” which both fits in the metric and localizes it, since mormonism isn’t that well known.
And that’s it! It was such a wonderful performance, and a testament to the beauty of translation: even if i know I understand English fairly well, seeing the jokes on my native language made everything 100x times funnier! Strongly recommend!
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snowywolf1005 · 5 months
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Okay... I think this is the final one!
Previously, you and luffy use maximum power to defeat kaido, but kaido has an idea, covering himself a gaint fire of himself.
And you with your shadow monster form:
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And you use your ability called Menacing Moonraze Maelstrom:
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"Let's fight it out! Straw Hat!" Kaido yelled, he Flys toward Luffy metal hand by opening his jaw. "Are they going to destroy onigashima?!" Momonosake yelled.
"Create Flame Clouds! Or we'll all... be swept up!" Yamato yelled. "Take this!" Luffy yelled. "I haven't had enough fighting yet!" Kaido yelled.
I'm gonna skip kaido past cause I really fucking hate him so much.
"You'll be betrayed because you two are so weak. I'll form the strongest group in the world and turn this boring world into a world of violence. I'm the strongest!" Kaido yelled.
"The way you unified those samurai with the help of your crew was impressive. You're a star of hope that the cowards of the land of wano seized upon! They entrusted their future to you, but what's your goal? Straw Hat!" Said kaido
You and luffy try to push back kaido. "You two did great." Says kaido, then he blasted a fire ball at you two. Luffy is getting burned, and so are you!
"Well done fighting to this point! But..."
Luffy screamed in pain, and you screamed too (like mothra sound). "You can't change the world!" Kaido yelled, "luffy!" You scream.
Luffy smiles, "Of course, We're gonna win!" He yelled, making his hand bigger, and you making yourself much bigger! Onigashima began falling apart, "AAAAAHHHH!!" You and luffy scream.
"I don't know where they got it from," Kaido thought, and he remembered something.
'But Yamato mentioned joyboy and lunala name.' Said kaido.
'Oden wanted to open the borders to welcome lunala and joyboy... if he is the same guy you're waiting for, King, then I know exactly who joyboy, lunala is.' He said, King was surprised.
Luffy punch kaido really hard, that he almost so close to hit him. "Go luffy! (Y/N)!" Momonosake scream, "get the hell out of wano!" You yelled.
The onigashima is falling on the bottom. "Do not lose heart, Momonosake! They will win! Luffy (Y/N) will win! They will... surely defeat kaido! I can do it!" Said Momonosake. "That's the spirit! You'll save the people of the land of wano! Create them, Momonosake-kun!" Yamato yelled.
Momonosake tried to make the flame clouds, and he finally made it! "Come out, Flame Clouds! Heed my call!" Said Momonosake.
Then, a hole of full of water burst out inside the onigashima, Momonosake was surprised. "Hurry up! Onigashima's gonna fall at any minute! Please, luffy (Y/N)... finish this battle as soon as possible!" Said yamato.
"Don't give up! Fight until the very last minute!" Hyogoro yelled, "No, on in this world... can beat me!" Kaido yelled.
"What's this noise?" Kid asks, then a big rumble causing everybody to shake and almost losing their balance. "What is it this time?!" Nami ask.
"This doesn't look good!" Said Chooper, "Robin-san..." said brook, Robin is in the water not moving. Brook swims toward, "Don't give up, everyone! I'll make it reach you!" Said raizo.
"Bring the fire under control!" Jinbe yelled. Everyone is sucked into the water, and the fire is put out. "Save everyone!" Jinbe, raizo yell. And a huge wave burst out. Everyone was surprised and shocked, Law was surprised, too.
Nami, tama, and Chopper were scared, "Water," they scream. "Everyone's raining down!" Said tama, then Nami saw something, "look! Is that...".
"We'll make it back alive!" Usopp yelled. "-Usopp?! Kin'emon! Okiku-chan!" They yelled. The water wave towards Nami, tama, and Chopper, and they're pretty scared. "No!" They yelled.
More water came and made it to a flood. "I'm sorry, zoro... hey, don't get washed away, guys!" Said Franky. "Where did the water come from?!" Said sanji, the water started to push sanji away.
"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" He screams, "sanji-san!" Osama screams, "Osama-chan!".
The onigashima began to flood, "What is happening on onigashima?!" Momonosake question. Then the onigashima started to titled, "the Flame Clouds are disappearing! Too late! Onigashima's gonna fall!" Yamato scream.
You and luffy try your best, but you're too tired, but you can't give up now! "Momonosake-kun! We gotta stop onigashima! You wanna save the Flower Capital, right?!" Yamato question.
"I will stop it! I will not allow people to suffer anymore! Come out, Flame Clouds!" Momonosake scream, he use all his strength to make the flame clouds. A huge line of flame clouds hoops.
Yamato was amazed, "That's amazing! That's great, Momonosake-kun! Stop onigashima!" Yamato yelled, "Got it! Count on me!" He yelled. Momonosake grab the flames clouds hoops.
And Momonosake Flys toward to onigashima, "go!" Yamato scream. Momonosake warp around the onigashima and pulled as best he can.
"Violence will dominate the world! You two are gonna fall victim to it!" Said kaido, "shut up!" Luffy yelled. Then luffy punch kaido cheeks, and you use all your strength to push kaido back, too.
And a bright light show inside the onigashima. Kid and Law saw the bright light of kaido, "Straw Hat! Shape girl! If you lose, you'll pay for it!" Kid yelled. "Go, Straw Hat-ya! (Y/N)-ya!" Said Law.
"The strong will live, and the weak will die! I'm gonna bury you along with your friends! And your girlfriend will be my pet!" Kaido yells, those words made you and luffy pissed. "Shut up! You're not taking (Y/N) away from me!" Luffy yelled.
"Starting with the land of wano, I'll take over the world! What kind of world can you create?! Straw Hat!" Kaido yelled, luffy scream, Flys back.
"Luffy!" You yelled, then kaido hand grabs your body, and you scream in pain. "(Scream like mothra) Aaaaaaaaaaaa!!!" You scream, luffy watches kaido grabs you and started screaming. "(Y/N)!" Luffy screamed, "Do you see this! Straw Hat! This is what happens when you can't protect someone who you care about!" Kaido yelled.
Then, a huge bright light shoots out, and everyone watches the light. And tama, remember something.
'Tama! Don't set the bar too low! I'll make it your everyday life!' Said luffy, tama was amazed his words.
'By the time we leave this country, we'll make it a place where you can eat as much as you want! And I'll teach you how to dance!" You said.
"Big sis! Big bro!" Said tama, luffy Hand, became larger, kaido was shocked, "let (Y/N) go!" Luffy commend. You try to get free from kaido Hand, and you have an idea. You transform your human self.
And free from kaido hand. Kaido tried to grab you, but he was too distracted from luffy large fist. "Luffy!" You cried, luffy see you free. "(Y/N)!" He yelled.
And you transform to legendary form. This is your form:
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Luffy loves it so much, like he wants to hold you, but he can't. "Now! Menacing Moonraze Maelstrom!" You yelled, and six laser been shoots out in different eagle and started to hit kaido.
Now, kaido thinks he's about to lose.
"We want..."
"(Y/N)! Luffy!" Momonosake yelled, "Charge!" Kin'emon yelled, all the samurai held their sword up and screamed for victory.
"...to create..."
Kaido fire form is starting to disappear, turning him back to his blue dragon form.
"... to create the world..."
Then, kaido fire form blown away.
"...where our friends can eat..."
"As much as they want!" You both scream. And use all your power to defeat kaido, you laser, hits kaido body every each. Luffy fist hit kaido face.
Kaido was wide eye to see your ture powers, remembering his past and remembering oden face screaming his name.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!" You both stared screaming so hard, and kaido fell back, getting knocked out, falling down to the sky.
You and luffy sigh, catching your's breath, luffy smiles. You saw a bunch of sky boats with letters saying to defeat kaido, then luffy laughs.
'I know exactly who joyboy and lunala are.'
'Who is it?'
'The ones who will defeat me!'
'Then I don't think they'll appear.'
Momonosake falls down, stressed out, and finally placed onigashima safely. And luffy began falling down, you transform back your human self.
And flys down to reach luffy, you grab him. Luffy body transforms back his original self, yamato runs towards you both. You landed carefully, placing luffy in your arms, and you kissed his lips.
You saw Yamato. "(Y/N)?!" She asks, you nodded your head, "Yep that's me, but you have to quiet, luffy is sleeping," you said. "So it's really you, in the bats form," said yamato.
And you felt something, you turnaround to see luffy holding you, warping around you. You smile and you transform back your original self.
"I think he doesn't want to let go," you said, laughing. "Well done, Momonosake." You said, "Yamato...".
Yamato, look at you. "Can you hold me pls, I going to take a nap..." You said about to close your eyes. "Don't die! (Y/N)!" Yamato screamed, shaking your body.
"I'm not gonna die! I just said I'm going to take a nap!" You yelled, "and while you hold me, I'll hold luffy cause he starts getting worried about me." You said. "Luffy really in love you." Said yamato, smiling, you smile back.
You pat luffy head.
I'M DONE!!!!
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sepublic · 6 months
Back from Godzilla x Kong! Gotta say, I love how you have this dynamic of... Mothra is Lawful Good, Kong is Neutral Good, and Godzilla is Chaotic Good. Because sure, Godzilla is officially the arbiter of nature's balance, he's the one keeping things in check; But boy does he not care about what he needs to do to get it done. I like how the Monsterverse has made Godzilla into quite the anti-hero as well; It's a nice mix of both heroic and villainous depictions. He has no real love for humanity, even if he begrudgingly acknowledges its right and need to exist.
If Godzilla needs to get from Point A to B, it doesn't really matter to him too much if there's a fully-populated city he needs to stomp through, especially if he's on short time (Conversely, Mothra and Kong seem much more sensitive to that sort of thing, Mothra especially). It really does make Godzilla feel like a wild card that humanity just has to accept and deal with, and coexists with uneasily; You know, in theory, he has your back. But you're still rightfully terrified of Godzilla, and hell so are other titans. He's the scariest kaiju on the block for a reason, and I love how he's still a mean city-destroying menace while technically being a 'good' guy. Portraying Goji from Kong's perspective, where he's often an antagonist, was a good way to maintain that terror that was alleviated with King of the Monsters' depiction.
Also, I can't help but imagine how relieving it was for Jia to find more Iwi! Trapper makes a good point about how she ends up having a lot of weight on her shoulders with saving the world, but you know what? She ends up having so much other weight taken off knowing there are other Iwi alive and thriving. For years, Jia must've been saddled with the burden of keeping her entire culture alive, finding a way to somehow preserve it and keep it going; But now she can relax, she knows it'll live on with or without her, and that makes Jia's decision to stay with Andrews all the more natural because she's free from obligation.
You know, seeing Monarch successfully augment Kong with cybernetics... I'd love to see the Monsterverse tackle Gigan soon, because with how technology has become so much more advanced since the first film in 2014, it feels plausible that some would see the success of Kong with the gauntlet and think; Hey, let's bring back that project full-force! Maybe they find Gigan, originally flesh and blood, deeply injured and torn apart after fighting Godzilla. Initially he's on life-support with artificial organs, but at some point investors decide, let's just reprogram him into a cybernetic attack dog to defend humanity with!
Alas, Gigan breaks free of his programming; And he ends up going on a killing spree. Because while other antagonists like Ghidorah or Skar King are ambitious warlords, Gigan is a pettier sadist, a bully who likes to hurt and torture. He kills for sport, and that's literally all he's going to do once he gets his upgrades, doing it all for no other reason than fun.
Of course, another part of me would really like to see Gigan still associated with aliens, too; Monsterverse has clearly become modern Showa, we've basically got magic now! And I like that, the weirder and more fantastical, the better. There's an underground civilization that uses ancient technology bordering on magic, the Iwi of the Hollow Earth are like the Monsterverse's Seatopians. So it seems a natural evolution to introduce a more one-to-one counterpart to Seatopia in another film, another group of Hollow Earth humans who want to destroy those on the surface, and worship Megalon's power to tunnel through the earth itself. And if you have Megalon, you should have Gigan, and if you have Gigan, you may as well throw in aliens, not just in the sense that they're from space like Ghidorah, but I mean like. Actual UFOs and the like.
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watchmorecinema · 1 year
I love it when a movie is goofy as hell and just revels in it. I recently saw Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster and that is one such movie. All the monsters are goofy enough since they're just guys in cheap rubber suits and puppets where the wires holding them up are extremely visible, but the rest of the movie is like that! A princess in full Shakespearean getup jumps out of a plane because an alien told her to. Two tiny fairies have a tv show where kids can meet Mothra. There's this one scene where a lockpicker is exaggeratedly wiggling his fingers because he's so excited to commit crimes. The monsters don't show up for the first 45 minutes of the movie and it honestly isn't a drag because the human parts are just so batshit.
This is what every Transformers movie should have been.
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gozzer · 1 month
Okay, hear me out on this. Selkie! Valentino AU
His wings are his coat, obviously, and they can be removed like a selkie's coat.
Now, instead of turning into a seal, Val's still a moth demon. His wings just hold his power as an overlord instead
He can turn into a giant moth - like Mothra or something - when he has his coat but he very, very, rarely does so. It's too revealing of what type of demon he really is.
And, yeah, people seek out 'selkies' for their power. To steal their coats and take the power they have for themselves.
Val has never once told another demon about being a selkie.
Even in Hell, they're rare to come across.
The circumstances for how a selkie comes into existence when a soul dies isn't public knowledge. And Lucifer & Lilith refuse to share it for the safety of the selkies in question.
Now, the first person Val ever tells about being a selkie is Vox.
It's very personal and the biggest show of trust he could do for someone. Because he does trust Vox to not stab him in the back.
A lot of the time Val wouldn't use his wings. They're pretty but they mean too much.
Damaging his coat not only physically hurts him, it diminishes the power he's gained. The more damage done, the weaker Val is. It's why he tends to avoid conflict as best he can unless he knows he can win.
Without his coat, Val is completely powerless. No overlord magic or special abilities like his smoke and venom. He's only about as strong as a normal sinner; maybe less.
When he's out in public, he never wears his wings like the coat. They are always tucked in behind him to protect them.
Obviously Vox knows all of this and he does what he can to help keep Val's coat safe.
Until, maybe, something happens and Vox hides Val's coat. To keep him safe? Keep him locked away? Make him reliant on Vox for protection?
Either way, Val is stuck with Vox until the TV decides to let him go or that he determines Val to be safe enough to earn his coat back.
Or Velvette comes along and finds the wings hidden where she shouldn't be snooping.
Maybe she talks to Val, brings the wings to him. Or maybe she talks to Vox and sides with him on the situation. Keeping Val trapped with them while using his power.
Someone could come along to set him free or Val decides for himself to stay exactly where he is with the other two Vees.
No matter what, he still doesn't have his wings and at most his image and reputation is being used by someone else to keep his porn empire running.
Angel, perhaps? Or Travis?
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bakushinverse · 10 months
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シン• ゴジラ | ベルサーク Shin Godzilla “Berserk” (Shinryu) [Return of A God Incarnate]
“You idiot! The Mech you built is no longer Kiryu! Don't you see?! Shin Gojira's flesh has taken it over completely! It's now a vessel for Shin Gojira’s soul to leave whatever hell that black hole dragged it into and return!”
After birthing Biollante through mitosis and sending her through to attack Earth, Shin SpaceGodzilla’s body was completely drained of energy almost to the point of death. Its mind however, continued to work sending thousands of Krystalaks to open a portal to the Monarch base in Antarctica where the Mechagodzilla Kiryu had been overtaken by ShinGoji’s flesh, grown from broken dorsal plates installed inside it. It lay in its broken body until the portal was opened and Shin Gojira promptly forced its soul inside the prepared Mecha by having a Krystalak rip the gold crown from his head and place it in Kiryu's chest.
Awakening Kiryu, it promptly ran rampant and unleashed it's rage upon the humans present before flying North towards Australia. It was however shot down by an atomic blast from a creature which it seemed to recognise as its own kind but also not.
Yoroi Godzilla confronted Shin and Shin was surprised to find that the creatures own atomic blasts and venom could stop it's regenerative properties and halt adaptations. Furious, Shin Gojira overpowered the Armoured Godzilla, carving and blasting armour plates from it before ripping it's neck open to stop it from using its atomic breath. 
On the verge of winning it moved to finish the armoured Godzilla however was stopped as Mothra, Anguirus, Rodan and Jet Jaguar arrived to save Godzilla. A brutal fight ensued as Shin Gojira's new metal skeleton made it extremely durable and the Krystalaks serving as distractions. Although outnumbered by Godzilla's allies and the humans Jet Jaguar, Shin Gojira proved a ruthless opponent; Breaking Anguirus's jaw, severing Rodan's wing and incapacitating Jet Jaguar by ripping off both arms and crushing the left leg. 
All seemed lost until Rodan gave his soul to merge with Godzilla's, allowing the Armoured King to match Shin's atomic ray with the even deadlier Red Spiral Ray. Sensing Shin’s reactor like core stored in his chest, Godzilla proceeded to attack and rip open a wound in the abominations chest and overload his atomic heart by blasting the Spiral ray into it sending the creature into a meltdown. 
Shin screamed in pain as his body began to burn, flesh burning and metal melting into molten slag, Mothra encasing the fallout with her powerful shields, protecting a vast majority of South Eastern Australia from becoming a radioactive wasteland. The fallout however was absorbed by the Armoured King who used it to regenerate even tougher armour. 
There was nothing left of Shin Gojira left apart from a huge golden lump of crystal that had once been his crown in his SpaceGodzilla form. Mothra presented to crown to Serizawa after the battle. The crown was subsequently frozen in a slab of concrete and hidden in a deoxygenated vault of Monarch with all the remains of Shin Gojira left. Anguirus, Mothra and Godzilla proceeded to hunt down all and any of Shin Gojira's minions that survived.
During the events of Shin Gojira's return, Serizawa received a message from his old deceased mentor, Goro Maki: “I apologise for such travesties old friend. But what is done is done. I only hope that Earth's protectors can stop me now.”
Height: 100m
Shin Gojira but now with actual arms, made of metal.
Commands an immense army of Krystalaks and Gojians
Can Mind Control and manipulate suggestive beings or people with low intelligence.
Kiryu serves as Shin Gojira's new skeleton
Fierce intelligence 
Due to Kiryu's technology, he can actually commune with humans through technology, although when he does it's extremely nonsensical as most of his communication is untranslatable.
Can fly with the Mecha’s enhancements
Extreme Heat and Cold resistance
Can generate short lived miniature black holes
Increased Durability and strength
Left Arm can turn into a drill
Lost most of his SpaceGodzilla adaptations except for telepathy 
Venom sack in tail for Spurs very similar to Yoroi Godzilla’s.
Separate pieces of flesh can infect and kill other organic life almost like a virus.
After the death of Biollante, Shin Gojira’s personality became more erratic, unstable and violent, rather than acting passively as it had before.  
Spared Ishiro Serizawa's life even though he could have easily crushed him even after Serizawa had blasted his original body back into a black hole.
Although Shin Gojira’s armies are immense, Shin lacks any kind of strategy, his only form of attacking is to overwhelm an opponent with numbers or power.
Shin’s Berserk form lacks the ability to adapt and his regeneration is slower hence Shin is more likely to be reckless and impulsive in order to prevent fatal attacks to this form.
Shin Gojira protects the golden crown from his SpaceGodzilla form as it is where his actual brain is stored and is incredibly vulnerable. When Jet actually managed to grab it and try to wrench it from his chest, Shin became enraged and set upon the robot, ripping his arms and leg off in a maddened state. It was this episode of rage that allowed Yoroi and Rodan to figure out how to defeat Shin.
After examining Shin Gojira’s Golden crown, Serizawa began having visions of Goro Maki and even ‘communicating’ with his dead Sensei. It was these instances that lead Ishiro Serizawa to believe that Maki and Shin Gojira had somehow fused with one another, leading to Shin Gojira’s sudden accelerated evolution in 2016. 
Shin Godzilla’s remains where buried deep in the Monarch Base in Central Australia, his Crown and Kiryu’s metal frame sealed in over 200,000 tonnes of concrete, The bunker kept below freezing and the Australian Desert making sure that any escape attempts would cause Shin to overheat and struggle to adapt.
Shin Gojira’s braindead body continues to mutate in the dimension in which he was trapped for several months. Unlucky Shin Gojiran’s and Krystalaks are reduced to biomass to add to it’s growing mutating form.
A Kosei Godzilla’s flying form is picked up and seen briefly from the International Space Station along with a large bird like figure with “Scythes for hands.”
ShinMonsterVerse Series
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hrodvitnon · 6 months
Xenilla Arc HCs...
…or ideas- however you wanna slice it. 
I think the absolute essence of this arc hinges ride or die on the answer to the question “Does it end with Ozymandias dying?”. A lot of people seem partial to the answer being yes- I will straight up admit my biases here and say I disagree- but the answer can go either way.
If the answer is yes then I think the arc should theme around Godzilla coming to terms with the fact that his brother is gone and not coming back, and that he needs to stop comparing himself against Ozzy and be king in his own way. It would center very heavily on examining older characters like Tiamat, Mothra, Shimo, and Dagon and how they all have to move on and forward. A pretty bleak story with a sad ending. I admit there’s probably more ways to do this version of the story that I’d be down to hear if anyone wants to share.
If the answer is no then the arc should be about Godzilla and crew turning a blind eye to the insurmountable odds that stand between them and freeing Ozzy- a story seriously fraught with hardship, suffering, and anguish with a dim light at the end of the tunnel. The reason I prefer this route is I actually think it’s more true to Abraxas as a story as that’s how the original story played out. This would be very similar- except it’s Godzilla’s story instead of Vivienne’s. And the unadulterated cruelty and torment wouldn’t be focused on just her. Everyone who follows Godzilla down this path goes through some shit to get to the end. The rest of this post is written with this route in mind, but like mentioned earlier I’m open to hearing about a version of this story where Ozzy doesn’t walk away- I just struggle to find a good way to write that myself. 
However- one thing I don’t think should happen is a bait and switch. Genuinely I fail to see a satisfying end to this story if Ozzy’s baited to be able to survive but then doesn’t. Yes it would be angsty. Yes Goji would cry a lot. But I feel like you’d need to either write that extremely well or risk a very unsatisfying end. I just kinda fail to see a world where that can be pulled off with finesse. Again- fully ready to admit I’m biased here- would always be willing to hear others out on this, but idk man. 
Anyways- the additional excuse of a very weepy happy ending gives you ample breathing room to write the most horribly fucked shit imaginable. A concept I’m sure you’re familiar with. Xenilla would want to play with his food before he consigns him to infection. He knows the effect he has on Godzilla and he intends to relish every moment of it. Physical, mental, you fucking name it; he wants Godzilla to go through hell in his final days before he mercifully delivers him to Gigan’s Proliferation Chambers to be infected. A large part of this torment would be what he does to those closest to him. 
Big turning point in the arc; could happen about halfway through when the G-Team thinks they have a solid grasp on how to deal with Xenilla. The man himself shows up, wrecks Goji’s shit in front of everyone (maybe even drops him from the atmosphere like that one ask), and then kidnaps some of his closest companions to be taken to Gigan’s fleet. This could literally be anyone- but my idea is for it to be Abraxas, Mothra, and Rodan (could also throw in Leo or Ladon for some real cursed shit). They get taken right in front of Godzilla. Cue a rehash of Viv’s mental mindbreak when San got swallowed except with the King believing he’s just lost his wife and two best friends. 
While onboard the ship, couple of things happen. Everyone besides Abraxas goes through some kind of horrific experience and is additionally incapacitated by the Indoctrination radio waves permeating the ship. Abraxas is spared via San being granted immunity when Ghidorah used to live onboard, and she ends up being the key to getting everyone off alive. This is also partially an excuse to give her a fight with Gigan as a moment for her to fix one of Ghidorah’s most depraved acts (a very hard and very bloody fight, might I add). 
There ends up being serious consequences for this abduction. For one- everyone that does get taken ends up partially Indoctrinated. They can pretty easily shake off the worst effects as Abraxas would get them onto an escape craft within a day or two- but it’ll definitely leave mental scars. In addition, I think Rodan should end up partially infected. I think between Mothra and him, Xenilla would choose him to be infested because it would fuck Godzilla up more to see someone as carefree and quippy as Rodan utterly broken the parasite like he was- also because Mothra may have some unforeseen resistance to it being born of the Planet. This starts a subplot where Rodan is slowly getting more infected day by day and the return party needs to rush to find a way to cure him before losing him for good (this could also be how they find the cure they use on Ozzy later, more on that later). Very angsty all around- Rodan freaking out each time the cordies try to get control of him, everyone else worrying themselves into an early grave over him, etc. 
Subplot #2: Monarch believes the key to stopping Xenilla is somewhere in the Hollow Earth. So- they send a group of Kaiju down there to look for an answer; in my head the group consists of Kong, Dagon, Barb, and Battra. They end up being right and find an Iwi forge/refinery where the Gojiran/Zohar weaponry was forged. Through a task requiring human/Titan cooperation, they create an Ultra-Radiated weapon that they think can neutralize the parasite (again, more on this later). Thinking it could either be a knife or a spear. 
Whilst all this is happening, the few remaining Titans topside scramble in preparation as the world prepares for what could be a full-scale alien invasion. At this point- only like Goji, Tiamat, and Shimo would be left. They could all be having individual flashbacks to their most treasured moments with Ozzy whilst maybe even fighting off some advance enemies (Megaguirus or MOGUERA, anyone?). 
The final conflict would start with a 1 on 1 confrontation between Shimo and Xenilla. Reason being that she needs to buy time for the cure to be finalized and for Kong’s group to return. This could also be her first truly challenging fight in millennia and we could actually see her pushed to her limits. 
The actual fight begins when Godzilla rolls up all roars and challenges to Xenilla. He roars back- prepared to finally win this 1 on 1 and drag Goji back in a horrifically mauled state to be stuffed full of fungus- only for Godzilla to immediately halt his charge and shout ‘NOW, FATHER!’. Xenilla barely has time to turn around before he’s blasted point blank by a sub-atomic Oxygen Destroyer- only after the bombardment does the full Titan Vanguard roll up. Establishes that this fight is not for glory, to establish dominance, or to enforce Godzilla’s sovereignty. Godzilla is going to win and does not care how dirty he has to fight to do so. 
Dagon is armed with Oxygen Destroyers, Kong’s got his new weapon, Godzilla’s all powered up, and Abraxas has a new little secret weapon up their sleeve I’ll touch on in a bit. Even so- Shimo’s already been worn down and doesn’t have a lot less in the tank. Her efforts mainly go into protecting the group’s first major plan: Barb. A lot of people seem to forget that her EMP blasts disable Titan powers- taking away Xenilla’s shields and devastating Coronal Rays. This works until it inevitably doesn’t, and the group goes through plan after plan similar in tactfulness to this until Kong or Mothra or someone gets a clean impalement with the new Zohar weapon. 
Should probably explain my idea of curing the parasite now. The key to curing the infection in my eyes is two-fold and relies on two things: Neutralizing the fungus and destroying it. You can’t do one without the other. To start with it’s destruction- I think the only really viable option is literally to burn it off the bone and cells it grows on. If you’ve ever heard of Radiosurgery, it’s a form of cancer treatment that utilizes extremely precise beams of gamma radiation to literally burn away cancer cells. Obviously this is very risky to preform as screwing it up could cause irreversible damage to bone or critical tissue- if this was a normal patient. Ozymandias is Gojiran- so radiation wouldn’t have any adverse effects on him specifically, but the parasite? It would probably take a lot- a very heavy dosage and very concentrated- but Ozzy’s body would be able to endure while the fungus would not. But the infection is tricky, cunning, it would start to defend itself in some way or even try to take Ozzy with it should it be threatened like this. This is where we find the need to neutralize it- and the one who may be able to do that is Abraxas. We know that Ghidorah communicated between the heads via psionics, and we’ve seen further communication from Ichi and Ni to Vivienne and San. Vivienne and San could talk back but they could never actually initiate conversation (or maybe they could? I actually kinda can’t remember rn). Another thing- despite being shielded from Indoctrination’s worst effects- they could still hear that goddamn infernal buzzing on the ship. In fact- they heard it so well they could commit it to memory… so much that they could think about it, ponder it, learn how it works…
I’ve read asks on here that mention 'Shaking off Reaper Indoctrination’, and that’s always felt a little weird to me- because that really isn’t something you just 'shake off’- it’s very clear in ME that the damage is permanent and not something very salvageable. However- what if the 'cure’ for Indoctrination is actually just another form of Indoctrination that undoes the programming on a psychic level. An Anti-Indoctrination method created by Abraxas after scrutinizing the actual frequencies of Indoctrination to see how it works. I think this would be a fantastic way to progress Abraxas’s character past where they were left at the end of Abraxas- going from one of Ghidorah’s most tortured victims, to the one who broke free of his control and defeated him, and now acts as an Anti-Ghidorah undoing all of his past sins. First defeating Gigan and then turning Indoctrination against them. So this becomes how Rodan, Mothra, and Ozzy are saved from being Indoctrinated- and also how Abraxas becomes possibly the most dangerous Titan on Earth- now knowing the secrets of Indoctrination and able to leverage that against their enemies. I’ve got a lot more thoughts on this I’ll cover in a separate ask just because this post is getting long. 
So the actual method of curing Ozzy is essentially to reverse-indoctrinate the parasite into going dormant whilst Ozzy gets pumped with Zohar to kill off the infection- but where, I hear you ask, could we get a constant stream of Zohar and enough of it to eventually burn every bit of the fungus away? If you answered Bahamut’s Proliferation (name I gave to Tiamat’s Liar; open to additional name suggestions). It’s constantly charging from the incoming Coronal Rays and through some Monarch tech, it can be repurposed as a Cordyceps curing facility for both Rodan and Ozzy. However- the curing process would not be short- the place would’ve just been drained by Godzilla a few years ago and the stream of Solar Energy wouldn’t exactly be fast. It could take weeks or even months for the fungus to be completely gone- and Ozzy would be in a coma the entire time.
As mentioned earlier- ending’s a fucking tear-fest all around. Despite all the hardship, Goji and his subjects pulled through another impossible situation. Just like Abraxas being freed from Ghidorah- Ozzy is freed from Xenilla. 
As always- really interested to what other have to say in regards to this; also expect that followup ask with how Abraxas’s Anti-Indoctrination would work.
Now that it’s explained, I feel more open to the idea of Ozzy living after a lot of pain and suffering on everyone; it feels like Gigan (and the narrative) expects our heroes to fail in saving him from a life of horrors in spite of all their efforts, and yet Abraxas is like “You know what? Fuck you. Un-funguses your lizard.” (Abraxas can indeed initiate “psychic conversations” with Ghidorah; they’ve definitely done it one or two times in Chapter 18, I remember that.)
I do wonder how well crafting weapons made from the Zohar will work; the AbraxasVerse Timeline posits the idea that the Zohar may be the planet’s core and that Ghidorah consuming it would basically destroy Earth from the inside-out, and we know Battra is going to HATE that. On the other hand, @zerm2v0hg also presented an idea that maybe the Scarred Apes under Skar King’s rule might have refined elements of Zohar for their own fucked-up purposes, and that Synthetic Zohar can be produced without potential planet-cracking ramifications... although the synthetic alternative may have ramifications of their own, who knows...
On the one hand it makes sense that the Fleet would have an enormous Fuck-Off HUEG LIKE XBOX ship dedicated for Gigan, but on the other I’m not so keen on the idea of Ghidorah having previously lived there because it clashes with a lore-dump I’d made about the Fleet; namely that Ghidorah is the source of no insignificant amount of generational trauma and its actions are antithetical to the Fleet’s belief about Experience being the key to a life well lived (one must experience as many things as possible both good and bad), because Ghidorah will kill anything and everything it can, meaning no survivors to tell of the Experience.
It’s been a while since I’ve really spitballed what exactly the relationship between AbraxasVerse Gigan and Ghidorah would be like, but I definitely recall they fought each other. A lot. They had a rivalry but unlike with Godzilla it was this weird interplay of violence and sadomasochistic... mutual appreciation? Like, Gigan comes to believe that Ghidorah completes him in the sense that he’s constantly improving his technique and cybernetics and weaponry after every fight; and Ghidorah appreciates Gigan because they LOVE a good fight and Gigan always provides a good scrap. The Fleet however is scared shitless of Ghidorah due of the whole galactic genocidal road trip schtick, and because it’s come damn close to actually killing Gigan, their living god, at times. 
Ghidorah also hates Little Ones, like the members of the Fleet, with the fury of a thousand suns. They don’t even have to look remotely like the Makers, they just bring up those terrible memories just by doing their own thing without realizing it. So Ghidorah having roomed with Gigan on his own personal ship seems a bit odd with that in mind.
“Welcome to my humble abode, Ghidorah! I’d like you to room with me while we travel the stars on a glorious crusade to spread the Word of Flesh and Metal.”
“Ahh, that’s what I thought you’d say, you crazy fucking noodle! Can’t let you do that to my babies, they’re mine!”
(I know it’s not the intent and I’m sorry, but Titan-sized escape shuttles also make me giggle due to the mental image of the Earthborn Titans trying to figure out how anything works. “Hey, Rodan? I think we should start the engines. Like, right now.” “I CAN’T FIGURE OUT HOW TO GET THIS THING WORKING!” “NIGHT VISION ENGAGED.”)
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ghidorahsrealm · 1 year
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So... hasn’t taken me a while, before I wanted to redesign Daevas. I thought she looked rather bland and not much like the hybrid of a Queen and Devil, so instead of two heads, I’ll be giving her five total and revamping her head design so that she has two sets of split jaws on each head (which is going to be an absolute pain to draw each head).
Additionally, I’m going to give them the cobra hoods I gave to my new Ghidorah design, plus give them a sort of hierarchy of horns - the two outer most heads will have smaller, more ‘stump’ like horns, and progressing to the middle head is where they are the biggest and sharpest. 
As for their limbs, I decided to revamp the inner chest limbs so that they’re bigger and more so used for stabilizing Dae, as she has a lot of front weight going on. Might make them bigger so that they’re like the outer set of limbs for better support. Her wings are being changed too to be more ragged - it bothered the hell out of me how I made the wings too streamlined, as I want to lean more heavily towards Ghidorah’s heritage than Mothra’s with this daughter. That’s pretty much it for Dae, as for the moth next to her, that’s actually a new character I’m slowly working on.
Titanus Askifro is the son of Mothra and Battra.
Askifro, I imagine, has a very posh way of speaking, almost like a Victorian style. He doesn’t enjoy short-conversations, so he’s typically advise to have something you can talk extensively about, preferably something he also enjoys - which, admittedly, isn’t a lot. He has a relatively stable relationship with both Mothra and Battra, but tends to prefer his father rather than mother. 
he’s actually the older half-brother to Dae, as Mothra first landed with Battra before reaching out to Nii (there’s a whole poly relationship going on that I’ll maybe explain later). Dae never got to meet her older half-sibling, but honestly? Askifro and Dae would surprisingly get along - she understands and respects Aski’s knowledge of things, and is actually a little upset at not meeting him sooner. Something about his presence soothes her immensely, and she feels genuinely safe around him. 
Aski doesn’t mind having Dae around, but finds it daunting to be the older sibling. He doesn’t have any trauma really, so it’s hard for him to exactly feel that connection with his younger sister - very much a advice rather than comfort guy too, but tbh his advice is just “kill your enemies and wear their skeletons as trophies” which Dae just responds with “please no”
very knowledgeable on kaiju biology, and is a pristine collector of their bodies if a kaiju is too pass. very careful, very precise. if its a fresh death, he’d likely eat the corpse then drag the remains elsewhere, or if it’s just the bones or a rotting corpse, he’d clean the flesh off of the bones and carve whatever he wants out of them
fucking hates Goji tbh, but keeps it veeeeeeeeeery close to himself. he’s not a big confronter, preferring to keep all of his secrets and opinions to himself rather than tell anyone, including his parents. WHICH REMINDS ME, SHIN AND ASKI
god, he didn’t expect her to be so blunt and outright rude towards him. he didn’t really find her intimidating though, just... kinda annoying. the most he’d do is just bap her on the head (Dae doesn’t do anything about it bc shes admittedly a little spooked of Aski despite the fucking power and height difference) and try to teach her proper manners, which Shin doesn’t actually need, she’s just being a dick
she does warm up to him after a while though, and so Aski watches over his little siblings with a lot of care, actually. HOWEVER, he definitely doesn’t want to get involved in Dae’s rivalry with Apoc. that’s a disaster in itself and while yes he cares for Dae, it’s her fight, he literally has no connection to them so he doesn’t care, plus he can probably get bodied if he got caught in the crossfire 
random thought time, after getting to know each other, Shin grows comfortable enough to gossip to Aski about stuff with the other kaiju, and he listens, hiding the smile as he hears all the tales. OH and if they were in their human form, they’d definitely braid each other’s hair and go out to get their nails done, Aski doesn’t give a fuck 
one last thing, with Aski and Dae, they have a something similar to what Goji and Mothra had - Aski sacrificing himself to give Dae power, then Dae goes absolutely ham. that is all
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konggodzuko · 10 months
Look, it may be the fact that I had just watched possibly the best Godzilla movie of all time (Godzilla Minus One) and have been watching possibly the best installment of the Monsterverse (Monarch: Legacy of Monsters) but when the Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire trailer dropped I felt...
Deeply unexcited. Apprehensive, even.
There's some weird shit going on with Egypt as we see a portal near the Great Pyramids and then some sort of weird Egyptian chamber w/ more pyramids and I really hope we don't find out some weird ancient-aliens BS went on with Egypt.
I honestly, truly think that the new Godzilla design is terrible. His proportions seem wacky & top heavy, the shape of the spines isn't doing it for me, and the pink is obnoxious. Yeah yeah, MireGoji had some purple on her spines, but it wasn't NEON PINK. Plus all the glowing stuff is way too much. His design was PERFECT in KOTM/GvK (well, nearly perfect, his head could've been a touch bigger) so I don't know why they would change him so much.
IDK, something about the trailer made me just think this is going to be stupid. Not in a fun way, but in an obnoxious, over-the-top Bay Transformers movie kinda way. Godzilla doing an extended, arms-pumping sprint next to Kong who has a robot arm made me feel annoyed rather than hyped.
It's just... up until GvK, the Monsterverse has largely played its concept seriously. Hell, Monarch is a VERY serious show, even with it's well-done humor. But GvK was like "wuh-oh, let's get WACKY!" and writing just flew out the window and it was ONLY an excuse for monster fights, and this looks to be even more of that. The director's even said they have several minute long sequences of JUST monster stuff and that sounds EXHAUSTING.
It's also not helpful that I've seen so, so many people who're excited for this movie acting like anyone who expresses the mildest dislike of this movie "hates fun" or "doesn't understand Godzilla" or whatever.
Look, I hope the movie's good. I hope I walk into that theater and end up loving it, but man, I just don't have high hopes. I thought GvK was a franchise lowpoint for the Monsterverse and the fact that they've doubled down on it does not fill me with hope.
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loco-warehouse · 4 months
Britney Mutation Notes!!
Okay, so I've been playing with this idea more and I think I'm like 25% there.
Originally I wanted it to be more of a Season 4, three episode arc, but with more studying over the story arc, it's currently a mid to late Season 3 focused development.
While it's mainly 95% fun of what Britney's mutation form would be like, its also 5% development for her character and her parents, Angela and Baxter.
First off, her mutation-- temporarily renamed to "Mothra" thanks to Mikey, is basically Britney turning into a silk moth. Specifically, a hyalophora cecropida! I think the most hardest decision with Britney mutating into a moth, is that I had to make her non-cognitive. She's truly animalistic, and other than a thrown bow hanging onto her head, she's mainly unrecognizable to most folks.
As to how she got the moth DNA, though most possible detail to change, the main idea I had is her school had a field trip where they visited a biology museum, and they were allowed to pin certain insects to exhibit and experience the process. Thus, Britney getting Moth DNA on her.
The first episode I do have the main idea now; It starts off with Britney, still in school clothes and her backpack, helping the Hamato Turtles, along with April and Casey, to beat up TC, Xever, and Chris (and another oc lowkey COUGH it's Alec @dongpound .) Shredder enters the picture to flip the winning card for them and finally takes notice of WHO Britney is, by one of her loose pieces of homework with her Full Name written on it, along with a torn piece of fabric from her shirt.
It mainly dissolves into two things.
For Britney's end, she's able to gain a closer and empathetic sense to April when she comes forward about her torn shirt. April agrees on taking her to the mall, and its a fun montage of each of them going through a selection of terrible outfits before finding the right one.
The night ends with them at a gas station corner, slurping down Icee's and feasting on cheap nachos and hot dogs. The two get to talking, mainly with how they understand how it feels to be the "odd one out" with mutant ninjas, even if April does have some Kraang connection/powers. It devolves into a conversation where they both mention how small their friend groups have gotten. April used to have a normal relationship with her father and classmates-- hell, one of them was even a crush (COUGH ALLIE COUGH @ dongpound) and Irma being her best friend, nothing was ever the same. Britney shares a same experience. Britney was one of the more popular kids, having friends left and right, before she had to deal with a missing/possibly dead father and distance mother. With grieving and taking care of herself, she became an odd classmate that most ppl weren't a fan of anymore. It's a good, relatable moment for them, noting that they're both truly trying their best.
Anyways enough time with Britney, its Angela/Baxter angst time
Shredder now knows that Britney is related to the both of them, and even takes that information as betrayal towards the Foot Clan. He calls Baxter and Angela forth, explaining how he knows what they're hiding and wants them to relocate their child if they want them to have any chance of survival from Shredder.
Now, we're in a mini ride for how the two now feel about their relationship. Immediately, both Angela and Baxter knew where she needs to be sent to...Angela's parents farm. They both know it would take a lot to convince Britney to make this easy for them, but aren't excited for their temporary partnership.
Baxter is still continuously dishonest, while Angela sees the two of them as "dead."
Both sides are chasing after a much needed item (idk what that is yet)
And it leads the Hamato crew and the Stockman crew meeting each other by accident Thus mutagen somehow befalling Britney. It's a painful mutation to watch, but it is brutal and filled with a child begging for help.
Baxter and Angela were able to save their daughter by taking her out the picture. Now, they watch her tortured form fly around and hit glass walls and barely hanging onto hope that she'll ever gain some sense of normalcy.
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uncle-mojave · 7 months
I really love Godzilla 2014.
The latter movies just do too much and get too odd. Where's my Mothra after movie 2 you fucks? Although Mecha Godzilla was pretty cool.
But in the 2014 one you have a lot of the action broken up or off camera until the final battle. It really shows how destructive sonething like Godzilla is just by swimming onto shore in Hawaii. The Mutos are really good designs and the sounds for them are amazingly haunting and good. Plus San Francisco gets destroyed.
All in all it's the best American made Godzilla movie and its great.
That bridge scene where its all in darkness or the HALO jump scene are just cool as hell.
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