what came first, the body dysphoria flare up or the internet deciding now was a fantastsic time to show me transmasc content
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sunny-mercya · 6 months
Hey, Brother do you still believe in one another?
15. Osaka Trip - Survival
Heiji Hattori x Male Reader | Platonic! Shinichi Kudo x Brother Reader
Fandom -> Detective Conan/Case Closed
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My friend, I can't wait to see you again
You're my hope, you're my everything
We can fly if you believe in my love!
Getting shot two times in a row—even when the bullets were only grazing your right leg and upper arm and missing its target, burying themselves somewhere else deep into—wasn't fun and never would be to remember.
You stumbled a bit, cursing loudly when the pain flared up, but didn't stop in your running. You didn't even know where to run and hide to, not knowing the area—which looked more than just devastated empty of any civilisation—you're in.
Somehow you ended up in the ruins of a empty school—either elementary or middle school—it didn't matter, right now Conan and you needed a place to hide—to catch some breath and rethink of a new tactic to survive this psychopath.
Picking up on your speed, you run inside—trekking the stairs up to the second floor, kicking open one of the classroom doors and ducked inside.
Leaning against the wall, you pulled out your phone, reading Shinichi's SMS once, twice and a third time again.
Dialling your brother's number, holding the phone against your ear, you waited with bated breath for him to pick up—hoping to hear his steady voice of reassurance again.
„Apologies, this number is currently unreachable, please try again later.“
Biting down onto your lip, you slid the wall down—closing your eyes and taking a deep breath—clutching your (f.colour) flip-phone, with its silly keychains and the few even more silly stickers on it, against your chest.
Nothing had actually changed, hasn't it? How desperate stupid could you any more be—believing, especially in that false—hope crushing and heartache bringing—SMS, that Shinichi would come back at all.
Asshole. Asshole, asshole, asshole—Shinichi is such a fucking asshole.
When you needed Shinichi the most—in a situation where you felt nothing but inner turmoil of being anxious scared—he wasn't there.
At least not when it comes to you, because you're certainly sure that he calls Ran—when she's scared—that's Shinichi's only priority, besides solving cases and being a wannabe detective.
»I can't do this, can't do this......it's pointless.....I'm dumb, so fucking dumb....«
»No [Name], don't give up now! We're gonna–argh!« Conan couldn't finish his sentence, feeling a shock of electricity through his body—being grabbed and thrown to the sides.
When Daiki found you and Conan, he had easy play with you—pushing you onto the floor and kicking you against your already bruised stomach and you were like a helpless doll again.
»Mhm, should have destroyed the damned phone right away when I took you. Now, let's see what made you so defiantly.«
Daiki read the SMS, grinning wickedly as he kicked you in the stomach again when you were about to get up. A scoff left his lips, dropping your phone to the ground and stepping onto it—breaking it in half.
»No!« you shouted, looking at him with wide eyes.
The only message you've gotten from Shinichi—ever since his abrupt disappearance—the only sign of him, that he was still alive—still here, somewhere—and hadn't abandoned you—was now crushed like the last bit of hope left in you.
You glanced at Conan, feeling guilty with what you were about to say next—admitting defeat, for once, freely. Though with what Daiki had said next, brought a wave of anger back.
»Hah! You really believed such trash? Please, we both know that your dear brother is nothing but a liar. Don't fool yourself.«
»Shut up.«
»Huh? Repeat that, I didn't quite hear that, dear.«
»Shut the fuck up! Don't you fucking dare calling Shinichi a liar ever again!«
With an uproar you sprung back up, pushing Daiki with full force into the tables and throwing one or two chairs onto him. Grabbing Conan again, holding him against you, you run out into the hallway—overthinking every route of escape you could take and decided for another drastic move.
Setting Conan down, you pulled off your jacket—putting the jacket then onto Conan, hood over his head—and taken him back into your arms.
»What are you doing [Name]?!«
»It's gonna be okay, just close your eyes and hold on tight.» you hugged Conan closer to you, arms secured around him. Taking a deep breath and then you sprinted towards that one window where you knew was a roof overhang below.
Hah! Sport tournament was nothing against a good old jump—through the second floor window, you thought. Picking up on your speed, ignoring the next grazing bullet against your leg, you jumped—twisting your body in a way that your back collided with the window, sending you crashing down onto the tin roof and pressing the air out of your lungs.
The short moment, in your free fall, of where you had seeing a glimpse of the darkening sky above you—reminds you of what you always would fear, death itself.
And while death itself scares you, even though you had days where you are close to step into the realm of afterlife, the last shimmer of sun-rays brought back a wish of once lost dream.
Getting up, had you no time to regain your breath, smashing the next window and stepped with Conan into the first floor. Another sprint, time was sacred now, searching for another place to hide in.
Hiding in the girls restroom, was a good decision or at least sounded like one. Sitting Conan onto the counter, you barley took a glance at yourself in the mirror—not wanting to see the brutal truth of ugliness and insecurity in it, which is just a reflection of you.
Rubbing your face and leaning against the counter as well, you let out a tired sigh—breathing heavily as you tried to regulate your breath again.
Your lungs burned, feeling so sandpaper dry—like your voice used to be hours ago—and your body ached from exhaustion. You wanted nothing more than to sleep, god, does sleep sounds so promising—so peaceful.
Fishing out a package of cigarettes, a lighter and two small bottles from the jacket, you lighting one up and took a long drag from the cigarette, letting the burning smoke invade your already heavy lungs—why you had cigarettes packed in the jacket, Conan didn't know and he also didn't knew that you smoked, but that was a question for another time—before taking the cigarette and pressing the tip onto your wounds.
»You know Conan–« you begun, didn't know yourself why you start to feel so nostalgic—so sentimental—and wanting to share a memory—from your childhood, so pure and with so much happiness in it—about Shinichi and you with Conan.
Perhaps it was because time was running out and you wanted to cherish in the past again, once last time.
Or maybe—and that's sounds more likely—it's the mix of morphine and adrenaline you gulped down, seconds ago, in one go—like a shot of vodka—choking on it as the taste was anything but pleasant and taking it on a empty stomach was not good, wanting to vomit up right away—because apparently you still weren't feeling mad-hatter and joker enough.
Whatever it might have been, in this moment it just felt right to share this sacred moment.
»Just mere moments ago, I wanted to give up once more. For final this time.«
»And why didn't you?«
»Besides the asshole insulting my brother? A thunder of thoughts, a flashback, struck me.« you stopped again, smiling at Conan and ruffling through his hair.
And then you told Conan about the most treasured memory you had;
It was during elementary when Digimon had its rookie-start in the TV. Shinichi and I would've watched it everyday and the openings—and few songs in it—had me so awestruck with joy, that Shinichi once begged our parents to buy him a walkman with the tape.
Shinichi didn't wanted any other presents for his birthday, except for this and when they gave in and brought it—Shinichi, proudly and happily grinning, had giving me the walkman.
Telling me—in all seriousness he could muster with his chubby face—that whenever I would start to feel sad again—back then, our parents already knew what started to happen with me, but all Shinichi and I knew was that I was feeling immense sadness and sometimes pain—it was also during the time, where I tried to drown myself in the bathtub for the first time and I will never forget the frightful and worried face of my knightly brother on that day—I should listen to the tape.
Because Shinichi had believed, that when I listened to the tape, the sadness would go away and somehow it did—but not really because of the music itself, but because—and it took me some years to understand—of Shinichi himself, who always acts so selflessly just to make me laugh.
Conan never wanted to tell you so badly, that he's Shinichi—that he's here with you, like how he always promised you and that there's no need to ever be sad again, because your brother is here and everything is gonna be alright.
But Conan couldn't, just couldn't do that. It would brought you more trouble and in danger—making you another target for the Men in Black and being an achilles heel to himself—than you already had.
The truth would cause more harm to yourself and could bring you into, perhaps, final collapse with your fragile mental health—and the thought of you being mad at him, Conan just couldn't stand and wouldn't forgiving himself for it.
»And whenever we've listen to these songs, which I still do nowadays, Shin-Chan would tell that all our dreams and wishes would come true.«
»Did they come true? Your dreams?«
»They did. At least for Shin-chan, who is, besides my wonderful boyfriend of course, the greatest detective of all times«
»And what about you [Name]?«
»Me? Well, I don't think I ever really had something akin to a dream or goal in life. Till now. Meeting Heiji, you, having the people around me which I love so much, make me realise something,«
Taking off your necklace, which had Heiji's promise-ring—and a pendant with Shinichi's and your parents names (and birthstones) engraved on it—looped in and putting it around Conan, tapping his nose.
»Besides me wanting to die on some days, it is worth to live after all. So I'm gonna promise you Conan, here and now, that I won't die tonight and neither will you. We're gonna survive this night and see the sunrise once more.«
And then you told Conan the next steps of your new reforming plan. Telling how you will smash Daiki—even though the fucker deserves a headshot, but Shinichi once said; killing someone out of self-justice, makes you not better than a murder themselves—into the ground and making him regret everything he had done.
Living like you're dying isn't living at all
We are, we are, we are gonna be alright
We got, we got, we always got the fight in us
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onstoryladders · 3 years
What do you thinks gonna happen then with grameugenes storyline in the next 2 eps? Are they just gonna start dating openly and rub it in blacks face lmao because that's sick. But honestly I feel like Eugene was almost gonna except grams millionth annoying confession until black came in the room. (Which is stupid af because to me that pushing his hand away from her in the other episode made me believe she was saying no in the nicest way possible lol) so if they do make her say yes it'll just feel so pointless and forced. Argh I really don't know how they're gonna progress this storyline. Either way gram is left being a terrible friend.
Eugene has completely stopped making sense the moment she asked Gram if he wanted to dance with her. I thought her whole arc was about removing yourself from situations you don't accept anymore, about recognizing the fact that you deserve a relationship that values you and your needs and your boundaries.
It made no sense for her to act like that when she'd rejected Gram-- what, the day before? And she hadn't shown any trace of attraction during the rest of the series. When he kisses her she doesn't kiss back. When he confesses she looks so damn uncomfortable it's painful to watch. Then what, he confesses again and she's got a keychain on her bag and so that means that she's suddenly considering him as a potential boyfriend? 💀
So at this point they could get married tomorrow and I wouldn't be surprised. Hell, Black could officiate the wedding and I wouldn't be surprised.
Anyway, whatever happens, this whole storyline was a waste of time. But hey, maybe the writers are geniuses and will somehow make it make sense in two episodes :)
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biffhofosho · 3 years
I am equally afraid and excited of this new chapter, I want to know that Kai has on his sleeve and I am sure he won’t be playing fair
Chapter 23 Let’s goooooooooooooo
“Oh, I’m not moving in” said she, like a liar. I mean she has nothing else. She burnt her last bridge by quitting. I am amazed she still hopes to return to a semi-normal kinda life? I mean I can’t blame her for that, but at this point it’s just wishful thinking
Oh, so we start making out so early in the fic? Allrighty, then
Oh, no. we’re getting into the mood and there’s something wrong?
SO NEW CHARACTER, HUH? I knew that I didn’t recognize the other person in the thumbnails
OH WE KNEW HER!!!!! I mean I dislike her already, lol
CHALICE??? Dear god so many things, my head is spinning
THEY BETTER COME AND RESCUE HER!!!!! I am offender, but it would have been very stupid to fight Aisha, and more without his brothers. you know at least I thought she would get to go IN to the house. lol
Aisha is insufferable!!!! But Amber knows just how to deal with that. They just think they are so superior, of course she’s gonna tell something she shouldn't
Of course they still have the girls, at least they are alive
Shit! Where are they?
Man, I dislike her more every time, now she has to talk about Delphine, argh
See you at reckoning? OK???? That doesn’t sound foreboding
I mean logically there is nothing that can be done at the moment, they need to find a strategy and they definitely can’t challenge Kai directly. And he has too much leverage with the girls and the people she cares about
THEY HAVE TO COVER THE BITES AND BRUISES!!! Such fun. Oh yes, the previous victim, dolled up and pretty, probably in the same basement
The dress, gold like the chalice she is. And the way you describe this dress, amazing
“I take it you won’t be seeing him then,” buuuuuuuuuuuuurn
Can’t believe they took all that effort to make her look perfect to then make her take a car ride and a treacherous walk… vampires really forget how to be human.
It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.” BOI SPARE ME!!!!! Like she went there voluntarily. I am screaming! This was such a good chapter ! and now if you excuse me I have to go lay down and stare into space before going to work.
Okay, this time I am answering this and scheduling it to post so I don't forget lol.
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TBH, the "I'm not moving in" thing feels more like Amber managing expectations for herself. Since her life has been constantly upended, it feels like a more honest reaction than her going balls-in when she hasn't even said those three dangerous words in return.
That said, in opening up, it feels like a huge step foward for them, and I think she just wants to revel in that glow, so yeah, we had to start with a little moment of connection before, well... you saw. :(
Oh, hey there, Aisha. Didn't see you lurking in the fucking bushes! Ah, yes, our beautiful little, resentful af ferry. We've added another thread to Kai's web, which begs many more questions than even the ones you asked. Methinks some answers are right around the corner...
As to Amber going in the house, I played with the idea, but it is just NOT her. She wouldn't even stay in the car, and she already told Hyungwon she does not want them getting hurt over this because she thinks it's pointless. If he could have made it in with her, it might have been different, but they've been found out, and as Aisha lays it out, it wouldn't end well, especially since Amber has such a protective personality.
I actually really loved writing Aisha and Amber together. The disdain Aisha has for her has an undercurrent that I really enjoyed as a writer, even if I wanted to punch her in the boob. Between her and the other servants, it's a good window into Kai's world and what we can expect of those who follow him.
Ahahaha, yes, Kai would have no intention of having their first meeting in such an impersonal, dirty place, so car ride and walk it is. I think of him in some ways like the owner of a multimillion-dollar company--he's aware of how things run but he probably doesn't want to actually see how the sausage is made, ya know? And honestly, it's not as far as it seems, but when you're doing something you really don't want to, doesn't it always feel that way? I'm sure it's true, too, that he, like many vampires, have lost touch with the limitations of humanity. Maybe someone should remind him! He has many designs, as we will see. In his mind, I imagine it all makes a lot of sense. We'll see how many of those hold water.
We will finally get to meet the puppeteer next chapter and figure out who exactly he is--or thinks he is.
I am VERY excited about these last three chapters. It's gonna be a ride. I'm glad you're not quite ready to get off.
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ice-cream-nekogirl · 5 years
i needed to lose you to love me (Bakugou Katsuki X Reader)
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Summary: Bakugo sucks at apologizing, but knows that he owes you one. Big Time.
WARNING: THERE IS SOME MAAAAJOR AAAAANGST AND STRANGER THINGS 3 SPOILERS IN THIS CHAPTER.  LIKE… MAJOR... I might have to actually make an alternate ending... sure I personally think this one has a happy ending too but... have ya’ll HEARD Selena Gomez’s new music video and song? It’s heartbreakingly beautiful but important about self-love so... here ya’ll go! Warning it’s also pretty lengthy... I also alluded to American Horror Story in here too.
Taglist: @i-love-bakugou​, @soseoky​, @random-username-101​
The Long Awaited Part 2 of ‘Dump His Ass’ here: https://ice-cream-kitsunegirl.tumblr.com/post/186316524474/dump-his-ass-bakugou-katsuki-x-reader
And Thank You All Might: https://ice-cream-kitsunegirl.tumblr.com/post/186833600249/thank-you-all-might
If you haven’t seen Stranger Things 3 year and don’t want any spoilers… this one has HUGE spoilers so… read at your own risk…
You promised the world and I fell for it... I put you first and you adored it
It’s been at least a couple of months and yet you found yourself still upset over the newfound sadness that plagued you as you put away an empty glass of water in the sink, sniffling a little bit. Unable to help but let some tears stream down your face as you could only think about what you had lost.
Why did it have to be him?
Yes, he was a huge jerk but he had a good side after all.
It wasn’t just you, many others had to see his nastier sides and witnessed him beat up some innocent people. And many, including yourself had thought there was no way such a jerk could ever have any sort of redeeming qualities, and the only good trait about him was that he was good-looking and badass.
He acted like he was so big and tough and bullied others just to show off his power, but even he had a soft spot that he buried deep down inside.
And you lost him.            
Now all you could do was cry as you grabbed a tissue to wipe your face, not wanting to go to school upset over such a silly thing. Plus, you already embarrassed yourself in class not long ago by crying in front of everyone, so it was time to just get over it…
But you missed him…
“(Y/N)?” You nearly perked up as soon as you heard a familiar voice that belonged to the person you had been avoiding for the past months. Your ex-boyfriend…
Bakugou wasn’t a patient guy, and had been trying to bug you for the past couple of months but you stopped letting him and he had reluctantly put up with your silent treatment and cold shoulders. However, he couldn’t ignore your tears, he fucking HATED seeing you cry and he fucking HATED knowing that he was responsible for them…
Set fires to my forest And you let it burn...
He tried to get close to you, but you never let him, except this time he wasn’t going to let you just push him away. “Oy. What the fuck’s the matter…?” Despite his coarse language there was gentleness as he closed in towards you and looked you in the eyes.
“H-He’s gone…” You didn’t want to really see him, but you decided to just answer his question and his eyes slightly widened, “Who’s gone?” His concern grew when he thought that someone important to you might have died or disappeared.
“B-Billy… Billy’s gone… Hopper’s gone too… a-and so is Alexei…” You wiped your tears away with a napkin and swallowed hard to try and not get so emotional over the beloved characters you grew attached to.
But Bakugou could only blink in befuddlement, only for that to turn into pure and simmering annoyance, “Seriously?! Are you talking about the characters from that show?! I thought someone actually died!” He quickly shouted as you put your hand over your mouth to quell a snicker, as sad as you were over losing Billy, Hopper and Alexei, Bakugou’s anger was so amusing.
Yes you had been rewatching Stranger Things 3 ever since it came out because it was THAT good, you finally watched all of it with your friends and it was the BEST season thus far. Yet, it still didn’t cease to break your heart with the way it concluded this year.
“Yes… I am… oh yeah… Billy’s dead… and Alexei’s a new character that everyone fell in love with, Hopper’s also PROBABLY dead and Eleven… moved away from Hawkins can you believe it…?” With a small smirk you told him everything that you were sad about and you were actually really shocked to see his eyes go wide in the slightest bit of outrage as he yelled.
“Well I wouldn’t have to tell you what happened if you had just sat your ASS DOWN that night and watched it with me.” It was your turn to be harsh as you used a sharper tone that almost scared your ex as he looked at you in shock. He was not used to this side of you at all because you were usually his cheerful if weird and kooky girlfriend.
Bakugou knew you could be tough, but being on the end of it was… scary to witness.
“Now you care about the show?” You chuckled and shook your head when you recalled all of the times when he mocked your taste in shows and repeatedly said that Stranger Things was unoriginal and stupid. Well, actually at first you were okay with it because that was okay and it wasn’t anything personal, but then he started mocking other things that you liked knowing that you liked them and then mocked you for liking them. Why did you put up with all of that?
Sang off-key in my chorus 'Cause it wasn't yours...
“Because you made me watch it! You’re the idiot that got me invested in that dumb show in the first place!”
“Okay, maybe I was a LITTLE bit pushy but… did it kill you to watch something with me every now and then you jerk?” You had calmed down a little bit, and instead put your hands up just to stop this pointless argument, much to Bakugou’s slight surprise as his scowl had lessened.
“You know what? Nevermind… I’m not going to argue about a freaking show… and I’m not gonna waste yours or my time… I forgot how much you value your time.” Shaking your head, you grabbed your bags to get ready to leave soon. Maybe you were giving Bakugou the guilt trip, but in your defense he called you fat and accused you of being lazy, and you were starting to realize that he didn’t give you a whole ton of respect during your relationship as he insulted things you liked, didn’t spend a lot of time with you, brushed you off when you tried to help him, blew you off at times and again, he called you fat. Something he swore that he would NEVER call you, and he broke that swear.
He treated you like garbage so now, like Max had said, it was time to treat HIM like garbage.
And so far the guilt-trip was working and Bakugou hated that it was. Every time you reminded him of the things he said, this knot in his chest would build and it would make him SO angry and yet so fucking guilty.
“Dammit (Y/N)… will you just listen? I know I said some stupid-shit but-“
Uh-uh, you didn’t want to hear it and you quickly put your fingers in your ears and started to sing, “Lalalalala~! I can’t hear you~! I respond to nothing Katsuki~!” You sang outloud and that just made the already frustrated Bakugou even madder, “CUT THAT OUT! (Y/N) YOU MORON STOP ACTING LIKE A FUCKING KID!!”
“I’m sorry? But I can’t understand you Katsuki… cuz you’re a human… and I’m a pig, remember? Pigs can’t understand humans… there’s a language barrier. Oink, oink.” Your eyes were wide in fake surprise which REALLY shocked but also REALLY infuriated your ex.
“Do NOT call yourself that! You’re not a pig! Come on I didn’t MEAN what I said all right?!” You couldn’t be serious; you couldn’t have taken his words to heart THAT much could you? He really hoped not, because it just made him regret what he said even more.
However, you weren’t listening to him and just continued to ignore him as you tried to walk away, but Bakugou wasn’t going to let you. He didn’t like this feeling, he didn’t like it at all…
I saw the signs and I ignored it Rose-colored glasses all distorted 
“Hey! Goddamn it (Y/N) stop ignoring me!” Bakugou wasn’t used to you ignoring him at all, because you always, always gave him your attention, sometimes a little too much but he got used to it. And he liked that...
“Katsuki, you SERIOUSLY hurt me… I’ve told you this… the damage is done… you know I had a hard time growing up because of that… and you and Izuku were the only ones who never called me things like that when everyone else did…” Your voice cracked yet again as you quickly turned away and walked away as fast as you could, not giving Bakugou the chance to try and reach out for you the second he thought you were going to cry again.
Set fire to my purpose And I let it burn
“Argh! (Y/N)!” Bakugou called your name, but his guilt kept him rooted to where he stood as he let you walk off. But his eyes slightly widened when Mina and Yaoyorozu had been around and came just in time to walk with you and give warning glances to Bakugou so he didn’t try to come over to you. Mina even made sure to glare at him as the girls put their hands on your shoulders as the three of you walked away and left your ex alone.
“Dammit…!” He exclaimed to himself with his fists clenched. God he really fucked up; his classmates were giving him the stink-eye and you probably hated him. He couldn’t have that.
Well, Bakugou still really didn’t give a shit about what the others thought about him, but maybe, just maybe he didn’t want you to hate him. Even if it was his own fault. The more he reflected on what he said to you, the worse he felt…
You got off on the hurtin' When it wasn't yours, yeah...
You held back a yawn at the last class of the day, resisting the urge to go to sleep when Aizawa droned on and on about something you didn’t really care about. Well, it wasn’t that you were sad or anything, you were totally over everything that went down the last couple of days. Frankly, you had better things to think about and deal with than your dumb ex-boyfriend.
Like the new Zombieland! Now that you watched Stranger Things 3, it was time to get into something new. And you finished Big Mouth season 3 too so… you needed something else to focus on that wasn’t related to your ex or school. You giggled a little bit at the thought, maybe you should have been focused on studying for upcoming tests but at the same time it felt like everyone had been working too hard.
So the minute it was time to go you quickly went over to Izuku to see if you could drag him to the next showing.
“Hey ‘Zuku c’mere I got a plan…” You kinda grabbed his arm, making him jump a bit in surprise as he yelped a little bit. “A-Ah! Oh! H-Hey (Y/N)-chan… s-sure…” You thought he was so cute even though you two had been friends forever and he STILL got nervous whenever you touched him.
However, Bakugo didn’t find it cute AT ALL. Why the hell were you touching Deku?! What the hell were you doing with Deku?!
You didn’t notice this though as you just lulled him away to whisper, “Hey I’m like super hyped for the new Zombieland cuz it’s been getting some pretty good reviews despite the fact that it’s been like 10 years since the last one so… wanna go see it with me? I’m gonna invite some other fun people with me~.” It was a bit of a sudden, spontaneous idea but you thought ‘fuck it’ you wanted to go watch an awesome zombie movie with your friends and get school off your mind for a little bit.
Wasn’t that one of Columbus’s rules after all? Rule 32: Enjoy the little things. Yes you memorized some of the rules, some of them were good rules!
“Zombieland? Oh, that’s right! They made a sequel… sure…! I think that would be kind of nice…” Izuku wasn’t exactly a movie buff like you were but he liked spending time with you and watching movies or TV with you, and he liked the first Zombieland too.
“Great! Give ourselves a goddamn break ya know? I think we’re all kinda stressing out so yeah! Let’s go for it dude!” You gave him a big grin as he couldn’t help but blush quite madly, but he was happy that you seemed a bit happier as of late. Given the drama that occurred after you and Bakugou broke up and the mini depression you went through afterwards that lessened somewhat with the help of him, Shinsou and All-Might.
Did you still get sad? Of course. Depression and a low self-esteem don’t just go away, but your friends had been helping you through that, and you even still talked to All-Might whenever he and Izuku were training together or discussing something together.
“Actually that’s… not a bad idea at all. I suppose we have been a little busy lately...” He took note of what you were planning, and thought that a break could be good for him and his friends. “YEAH! Totally! I’m gonna invite Hitoshi! And Mina, and Tooru, and Denki, Fumikage, Yuga, Tsu, Momo, Eijirou, Hanta…” You listed off a few people you planned to invite since those were the ones you felt oddly closest to. It was a pretty big group but hey they could pay for their own tickets right? Besides the more the merrier!
“I think they’ll really like that (Y/N)-chan.” He thought outloud as the two of you walked out of the place together and headed towards the dorms, unaware that a furious Bakugou overheard EVERYTHING.
You were inviting THOSE losers to see a fucking movie but not him?! What the hell?! Now you were full-on ghosting him?!
That’s what it certainly felt like as he discreetly followed you and the damn nerd back to the dorms and you cheerfully skipped over to your room to get some good clothes on and get your things altogether so you could prepare for the upcoming time-slot at 6. You still had 2 hours but you liked to be ready before then.
And you quickly started to text to your friends. 
‘Hey Toshi, let’s go see Zombieland 2! I hear it’s really good so lets go C it bro!’ 
You texted Shinsou first though since he was the other friend you considered your closest.
‘Sure. Liked the first one, looking forward to this one.’ 
He quickly texted you back and was certainly up for it as you grinned and decided to tease him just a little bit. ‘HOORAY! And it’s a movie made just for you!’
His text was very sarcastic but just as playful as yours as you snickered a little bit before you started sending the other texts to your friends.
‘LET’S GO SEE ZOMBIELAND 2 YA’LL. We need break, let’s go laugh it up at the movies!’
Was the text you sent via group messaging to Mina, Hagakure, Kaminari, Tokoyami, Aoyama, Tsuyu, Yaoyorozu, Kirishima and Sero. And you were met with numerous replies.
‘Oooh I’m so excited for the sequel!’
‘Oh yeah! Now that’s an idea (Y/N)! Let’s nut up or shut up!’
‘I will never turn down an offer to see a zombie movie.’
‘Yes~. The first one was amazing, the second will be just as good~.’
‘I did like the first one, I’d like to see the second one too so that sounds like it would be fun (Y/N)-chan.’
‘Oh that comedy horror movie? Sure! The first one you showed me was good!’
‘OH HELL YES! I love that movie! It’s a yes (Y/N)! Thank you! I’m so up for that!’
‘Sure! I freaking loved the first one, dunno how this one’ll do without Bill Murray tho.’
You snickered at someone of their replies, finding many of them cute and funny at the same time. Looks like you had a party to go see this movie with, and you couldn’t be happier. You really needed this, since the past months hadn’t been easy since you were admittedly still getting over Bakugou. And you thought about what All-Might said, how you had to believe that you were beautiful and that you deserved love.
Of course, you still had a hard time believing that because it wasn’t just something you could drill into yourself and expect it to stay there, but at the same time you made sure to keep reminding yourself that and set your inner saboteur at bay. While at the same time, trying to not let what Bakugou told you dictate how you saw yourself.
You loved Bakugou, you really did, but he was mean to you, even though you knew what you were getting into, it ended up hurting you more than you ever thought it would when he just kept saying things that hurt and got into arguments with you whenever you wanted him to just spend a little time with him. He hurt you, and it was something you couldn’t quite just let go of, even though you weren’t exactly upset at him anymore, part of you still was.
And the love you still had for him didn’t leave you, but you kind of hated him too for being such a jerk to you, to Izuku and to Shinsou too for that matter. You hated him and you hated all the terrible things he said to you, because his remarks made you realize that no, you didn’t deserve any of that. Sure, you knew that maybe he really did love you at one point, because he kept trying to apologize so that meant he had to have still loved you right?
Or was it just his pride trying to win you back so he didn’t feel like a loser? You weren’t so sure, but deep down you knew that he did love you and did it because maybe he did feel really bad for what he said.
Dammit you wanted to hate him, but dammit you fucking loved him too. And damn, dammit it wasn’t good for you. You couldn’t just take him back after all of that, but you would at least know that he wasn’t a bad guy, he did have a heart, and that he did love you, and you loved him too…
But you didn’t deserve to have him treat you the way you did either. You loved him, but you were learning how to love yourself too.
You sighed as you got in your clothes and got everything you’d need from your wallet to your purse as you left your room. Making your way to the common room to hang about until it was a good time to leave.
“So Zombieland 2 huh?” Shinsou surprised you by suddenly speaking and popping up right behind you as you let out a shriek and jumped. Dammit he really was like a cat after he started training more. Hell he was so good you didn’t even detect that he was there since he was like a ninja learning how to subdue any obvious aura that you could sense.
“Good God man you’re going to need to start wearing a bell or something!” You whined a little bit as he couldn’t help but chuckle a bit at your expense and the light flush on your cheeks.
“But yes… Zombieland 2… Double Tap. What the fuck am I right? I looooves me some zombie movies! Add a little comedy to it and you get one hell of a flick!” However, you went from surprised to cheerful as you happily shook your firsts in giddy anticipation.
“Heh… yeah you got a point. The first one set the bar… might as well see if these guys still got it after 10 years…” He thought outloud as you gave him a nod and a thumbs up. “It was actually my first rated R movie.” Shinsou then decided to share as you perked up a bit with a gasp. “For reals?”
He smiled and nodded as a grin came to your lips, “Nice… that’s a good start to the world of R rated movies. I’ve been watching so many R rated movies at a young age I forgot my first one…” You KINDA bragged but you weren’t lying, you’d gotten into R rated movies at a pretty early age, but Shinsou was actually somewhat impressed as he gave you a smirk.
“Oh yeah? You’re not the only one… I just have a better memory.” And he kinda poked fun at you as you laughed and playfully smacked his shoulder. “I’ll give you that…” Still you decided to own up to that because yes, you didn’t have the best memory unless it came to movie lines, character quirks or memes.
“Well… it’s a good idea, and I’m into it so… I’ll just go put on something that’s… not my uniform.” Shinsou’s smile looked almost coy as he scratched the back of his neck as you smiled back at him, “Take your time, movie don’t start for another hour and a half.” You said as he gave you a polite wave that you happily returned.
Yeah, you couldn’t wait to see the movie now. Especially with Shinsou, Izuku and all the others, they were so great. Shinsou and Izuku were so great… Shinsou was great…
You couldn’t help but think as you made sure you had everything, and some candy you stored away and would sneak into the theaters as you put the treats into the secret pockets of your purse. However, you paused momentarily when you definitely felt someone else’s aura in the room, no one other than Bakugou’s. You knew what his aura felt like, it was always so vibrant, bright and almost hot whenever you came so close as you could always see it flickering and blazing. Only this time, it was subdued, akin to a small candle.
“So you’re going to see that movie huh?” There it was, his low, raspy voice that you had fallen in love as you turned to see him looking so oddly calm. Bakugou wasn’t known for being calm at all, and yet he was here looking strangely cool.
You had to admit, although you kinda wanted to still treat him like garbage you were starting to feel kind of guilty about it too. So you decided to be more civil this time as you smiled, “Let me guess… Denki and Eijirou told you?” You asked politely as he scoffed and rolled his eyes, “Duh. Those two don’t know how to keep their traps shut when they’re excited…”
Maybe you could invite him? You thought, sure he was probably going to turn it down but… no, it probably wasn’t a good idea.
“In their defense, it’s been 10 years since the last one showed. The actors are all kinda old now, and we’re interested to see if they still got that thing ya know? If they can hold a candle to the first one, not sure you remember it but it was hella funny.” You said with a smile, and Bakugou couldn’t help but feel somewhat at ease.
The smile was real and it’s been a LONG time since he’s gotten a smile from you, it almost hurt seeing you smile because he remembered the times when you and him were together, you were always smiling. But this time, you and him weren’t together, and yet you were smiling now. Of course, Bakugou wanted you to be happy, but were you happy without him…? He almost didn’t want that… he wanted to be the one to make you smile because he was never, EVER going to say the stupid shit he said ever again.
“I remember.” He said gently and you were KINDA freaking out, was this even the real Bakugou? You were a little concerned, but you knew you shouldn’t have been since the calm aura was still as orange and red as ever, the red drowning away the orange as you saw a flicker of pink in there. Was that love? Or was that guilt? It had to be guilt. You knew Bakugou at his most vulnerable, and you adored that side of him too, but things have been so awkward between you and him that you didn’t know what to do…
You sighed a little bit and nodded as you moved from the refrigerator to go and sit at the couch, “I always thought you were prettiest like this.” But you stopped before you could sit as you perked up at his sudden comment though, and you looked over at him in shock. Did he just say you were pretty?
We'd always go into it blindly I needed to lose you to find me
A chuckle left you, turning into a snicker as you shook your head and you saw more of your Bakugou when he narrowed his eyes at you in annoyance, “How so…? I’m… not really dressed up.”
“Well that’s why!” He raised his voice a bit, and you honestly smiled because now he was kinda back to being himself and being honest. However, he didn’t want to yell at you anymore or make you feel worse so he calmed himself down, “Just regular clothes, no make-up, messy hair… no fake, colorful shit, just your style.” Okay, now you couldn’t be so sure, but dammit he wasn’t lying, it was all in his aura, his tone, and the way he was moving closer to you.
He really was trying, wasn’t he? You wanted to forgive him, you really did, and you were still trying to but… you weren’t ready for that.
“Heh… you’ve got weird taste in girls Katsuki.” You were still self-deprecating, just like you had been in your relationship, but Bakugou always made you feel better about it, and told you that you WERE beautiful and how you never ceased to turn him on.
Only this time, the words he said to you came back, and the things you told yourself came back and reminded you that no, you couldn’t fall back into his arms. No matter how close he got as he slowly came behind you. “Stop saying shit about yourself like that… you’re beautiful…”
God you loved the warmth that radiated from his powerful physique as his arms came around you, a shudder going down your spine at the familiar feeling. No, no, no you weren’t going to fall back into his arms, dammit… you couldn’t…
It was a pleasurable torture when he put his arms around your plump waist as he caressed your sides, and gave you a gentle kiss to the side of your head. Hoping that you could forgive him as you didn’t resist his advances until you decided…
You wanted to, but knew that you couldn’t right now as you grabbed his hands to pry them off of you, “No Katsuki, no, no…” Shaking your head, you were surprised that you managed to get his hands off you as you heard a low growl resonate in his throat as he gave you a soft glare, but he knew that… he couldn’t do anything because you said ‘no’. And Bakugou was taught very early on by his bitch mom that no meant no…
“Sorry I just… I don’t… I’m not... I can’t do that…” You shook your hand and raised a hand as you averted his gaze and instead you went back to go and maybe get other things from your room, but the truth was you just wanted to escape this awkwardness, it was too much for you. And frankly you were terrified of falling back into his arms again…
This dancing was killing me softly I needed to hate you to love me, yeah...
Bakugou accepted that you said no but he was pissed off as he clenched his fists and trembled with hurt and rage. For a moment he almost thought you were doing this on purpose, and pushing him away for good. Why didn’t you forgive him? He apologized (a lot), he’d been trying so hard to apologize and take back everything he said to you.
Grinding his teeth, and barely holding it in, he angrily marched over to take out a minuscule of this fury on the nearby dishes on the table and shoved them off as they loudly shattered and cracked upon making impact with the floor.
He finally shouted with all the pent-up frustration, his booming voice drowning out the shattering glass as you gasped and backed away in slight shock and fear at his sudden outburst.
This reminded you of something you saw in a movie, he was so pissed and even yelling at you and honestly it did scare you, but Bakugou wouldn’t hurt you. Physically at least, you knew that much, but you weren’t going to back down
“Of COURSE, I’m still kind of pissed off! And for the record I am NOT punishing you, you narcissistic asshole, I’m TRYING to think about how I should forgive you for the things you swore to NEVER call me! Or if I even should forgive you! W-What? You want me to j-ju-ju-just… make out with you like its old times?!” You exclaimed with the same vexation that you had been keeping at bay ever since the two of you broke up, not seeing Bakugou’s narrowing eyes and shaking figure as he seethed when you once again, reminded him of the big mistake he made with you.
“I... I mean I... I can’t even look at your face Katsuki! Without… thinking about and hearing the words you said to me and the expression of anger and disgust on your face when you said that I was just some fat pig who was wasting your time!” Emotion nearly choked you up as you wiped your eyes when tears started to cloud them and you couldn’t see just how aggravated and distressed Bakugo was as he clutched his hair out of frustration.
“I FUCKED UP!! How many times do I have to say that I fucked up?! How many times do I have to say I’m sorry?!” 
Throwing his hands up, he shouted that he had indeed screwed up, louder than before, frustrated with everything, with you, with himself, with the fucking guilt that just started eating away at him again.
To love, love, yeah To love, love, yeah To love, yeah I needed to lose you to love me, yeah...
“You can say you’re sorry all you want! I just… I can’t ignore the fact that you would stoop so low to say the same things the people YOU protected me from would say to me. Why did you do that?” You had to ask, even though you were still mad as hell.
“ARGH! Dammit! I don’t fucking know! I was pissed off! I had shit I was dealing with and I took it out on you but I shouldn’t have! I admit it!” Bakugou wasn’t denying it anymore, he knew he royally screwed up and that he couldn’t use his anger as an excuse for it, but you still weren’t having it.
“Oh. Oh so that’s what I am huh? Something for you take it all out on? Well your bad temper is not an excuse Katsuki and I’m done listening to you use that as your excuse for almost everything… you can’t even put it aside to think about me or how that must have seriously hurt me. Did you ever even think about how I felt during those times? Did you ever stop to put yourself in my shoes? Did you ever feel awful and useless when you couldn’t make your partner happy? Or... d-did, did you ever dread going to school because people were going to comment about the way you look? Did you go home feeling horrible about yourself because people called you ugly and fat? Did you spend nights crying all by yourself, bored and alone and feeling like you were going to be alone for the rest of your life because everyone else made you feel so worthless? Did you ever feel like maybe it was your own fault? Did you ever think that you had to have been the worst partner ever because it seemed that no matter what you did, you couldn’t get your partner to spend time with you? Did you ever feel like maybe you really were worthless because you felt like you just couldn’t do anything right and then spend every day hating yourself?!” 
You barraged him with all of these questions that broke his heart as he hated the emotions swimming in his furious crimson eyes but that’s not what you were talking about as you glared at him with hurt, darkening red aura barely visibly radiating from you. He couldn’t even say anything because deep down, he knew that he was probably one of those people now after you broke up with him because of what he said…
“I just… god… here’s my real question… why are you such a fucking asshole to me?” That’s the real question you wanted to ask him, and Bakugou couldn’t help but look shocked, confused but even more pissed off than before. He was an asshole to everyone, but you were hellbent on this little spat because of what he said, that was it wasn’t it? You were still mad because of something he said…
“For God’s sake I said I was sorry for what I said all right?! I’ve said it a million goddamn times! I’m SORRY (Y/N)! I didn’t mean what I said to you! I want to take it all back because it was the worst fucking thing I could have ever said to anyone! Especially you!” He shouted his apology, the angry tears threatening to spill but you shook your head at this.
“I’m not talking about what you said, I’m talking about everything! Ever since we got together you’ve still managed to treat me like shit! Even before we got together you still treated me like shit, and yet it got worse when we became a thing! You hardly spent anytime with me, pushed me away when I tried to help you, made fun of what I liked, insulted me and called me other names for what? Cuz I’m a geek like Izuku, cuz I like geeky things and like to watch TV and eat sweets and say dumb puns and hang out with Izuku and Hitoshi, well I’m sick of it Katsuki! I’m fucking sick of it!” 
To love, love, yeah To love, love, yeah To love, yeah I needed to lose you to love me…
You didn’t realize the tears dripping down your chin, or the sudden wave of blue aura that your sadness triggered and emitted from your form and rushed towards anyone in the vicinity as Bakugou cringed as the tears automatically streamed down his face in response to your quirk. Damn your quirk… but he’d be lying if he said that it wasn’t just your quirk making him cry…
Neither of you noticed that some of your classmates Izuku, Shinsou, Kirishima and Hagakure instantly backed away from being seen by you or Bakugou. They heard the screaming, and they were hella uncomfortable as they gasped quietly when your quirk hit them and immediately brought tears to their eyes as Izuku and Kirishima covered their mouths as huge tears well and dripped down their faces and made them quietly cry. Shinsou shut his eyes tightly when he felt your quirk make unwanted tears pool in his eyes as he tried so hard to blink them away but couldn’t stop some from falling. Hagakure on the other hand whimpered and had to keep her mouth shut though the boys couldn’t see anything other than moisture streaming down her invisible face.
She didn’t focus on them though, instead she was just thanking the gods for making her invisible because hearing two people scream at each other was scary…
However, the screaming died down once Bakugou heard you out, and apparently everything else that became clearer to him the more you said it. He knew he wasn’t hardly a good boyfriend, aside from the more intimate times you and he shared but it couldn’t make up the bad times either. Hell, even he knew he was a pretty shitty boyfriend, but now he felt like he’d been a really shitty boyfriend after you finally said all of it. All the shitty things he’d done before and after your relationship…
You sighed, closing your eyes as you looked away from him and didn’t see the look on his face. Remorse, shame and subdued fury all etched throughout his features as he furiously wiped his face to get rid of the tears he couldn’t stop. He wanted to comfort you, but he was the one who hurt you, and now he was hurting too, all of the hurt that he caused you to feel.
You promised the world and I fell for it I put you first and you adored it...
“I’m just… I’m going to go now… sorry I just… I have to go…” But you didn’t want to be around him right now, you had a movie to go see with your friends. And the worst part is he was letting you, he wanted to follow you and just keep saying that yes, he was an asshole to you and that he just wants to take it all back so you could forgive him.
Dammit why the fuck wasn’t he moving?! Why the fuck wasn’t he saying anything?! 
All Bakugou could do was stand there, stunned in silence and growling quietly, rubbing at his tearful eyes more harshly as he watched you go. No, he couldn’t just leave it like this, it couldn’t end like this right?
No it wasn’t, he couldn’t just let it end like this, but he couldn’t bother you right now, he knew that much at least no matter how much he just wanted to go with you so he could at least be close to you after spending these past few months alone.
Yet he’d be kind enough to let you go with your friends as you spent the next hour just preparing yourself and drying your tears so you could go to everyone and say that you were okay. But of course, you weren’t okay, they knew that all too well.
Even Shinsou and Izuku held their tongues when they were all leaving with the motley crew of classmates that often didn’t hang together but were nonetheless friendly with each other.
“Ya all right there girl?”
“Is there anything you need (Y/N)?”
“I’m okay… honestly guys.” Kaminari and Kirishima were the first to ask if you were okay. “He didn’t say anything mean again did he?” Kirishima made sure to ask about Bakugou though, sure he was practically his best friend but even he wasn’t standing by him after the things he said to you. What he said was NOT cool, did he give him emotional support? Definitely, he’s the one who even told him that he should apologize to you, but he was sad that it didn’t seem to work.
However, he knew you weren’t obligated to forgive Bakugou, no matter how much everyone wanted to see a happy ending for you both.
“No one would blame you if you didn’t forgive him (Y/N). What he said was pretty cruel given you guys’ history together.” Tsuyu spoke what she thought, but she at least hoped nobody would. Some might have thought you were being unreasonable and unforgiving but Tsuyu wasn’t going to blame you if you didn’t take him back.
“She’s right. Or at least… they shouldn’t blame you. Although… I at least hope the two of you can reach better terms…” Yaoyorozu had a BIT more compassion though and sincerely hoped the best for you both and you couldn’t help but smile because that’s exactly what you wanted to.
While you and Bakugou didn’t have a pleasant conversation, you did want to at least go back to him later and say that it’d be great if you and he could at least be friends.
“I do too Momo… thanks Tsu. Thanks you guys… I’m still working on the forgiveness part but for now… I do want to get on better terms with him at least.” You smiled sadly at your sympathetic friends who all gave their nods and smiles of agreement as they seemed to approve.
“The decision is yours (L/N). There’s no obligation for you to return.”
“Yeah like, if it wasn’t healthy then you shouldn’t go back to it… sure sometimes toxic relationships can be cleansed but… Bakugou’s got his own stuff to work on too.”
Despite their less than stellar grades in school, Tokoyami and Sero were wise in their own ways, as what they said made you feel better and it made a lot of sense. And you appreciated the hell out of them for that.
“That’s right!”
“Uh huh! We’re with you with whatever choice you make too!”
“Of course my friend~.”
And it helped when Mina, Hagakure and Aoyama backed you up by giving the same endless support they had been giving you for months as you couldn’t help but tear up and laugh. “Dammit you guys… thanks… but please… enough with the mushy stuff I don’t wanna get all emotional again…” Your amused tone earned smiles and small laughs from your dear friends as Shinsou and Izuku stood by you.
“Sure… you’ve probably had enough of that huh?” Shinsou knew it’s been an emotional roller coaster for you, and he was certain that you could only handle so much mushy gushiness. “Y-Yeah… but I appreciate it… shows how much ya’ll care about me.” You had to admit that though, you loved how much all of your friends had done so much to help you.
“Anything for you (Y/N)-chan.” Izuku gave you one of his sweet smiles that you found irresistible as you smiled back at him. Something about him always made you feel so cared for; he was a good guy. He and Shinsou were such good guys.
They made you remember to actually love yourself too. They certainly loved you, and the rest of your friends loved you too. And you were starting to love yourself a little bit more too.
“Wait! There’s like 10 of us! How are… are you paying for all of us…?”
You snickered and couldn’t be happier to hear Kaminari’s comical but logical question as it broke the ice and lightened the mood. “Oh actually I also invited Shouto!” And you suddenly announced that, grinning as soon as you saw the dual-haired boy coming your way with a small smile as he watched you wave.
“Hey Shouto~!” You greeted him cheerfully as he joined in with your group.
“Hello (L/N). Hello Midoriya.” He returned the greeting politely, still giving you one of those rare little smiles that you were happy to see.
“Todoroki! (Y/N)-chan invited you too?” Izuku was especially elated to see his friend there, albeit he was surprised since you waited til the last minute to invite the fire and ice user. “Yes. She showed me the first one last week, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Now I’m interested to see how this second one will go.” Todoroki’s been slowly converted to your way of pop culture as you introduced him to several films like Disney and Marvel, but especially classic old movies like The Breakfast Club, Jennifer’s Body and Zombieland of course.
“Yeah you go bro! That’s my dude!” You were ecstatic that he was willing to come along though, and it showed. “Besides… I was able to take 10000 yen from my old man’s wallet so everything is on me.” His smile turned into a small smirk as you gasped and laughed, clapping your hands happily.
“YES! That’s my Shouto! Rebelling against daddy~!!”
Okay, maybe you kinda gave him that idea since you didn’t have a lot of money yourself, but Todoroki did, and he was more than happy to pay for you and his friends especially since it was so accessible thanks to his bitch father.
“All right~! Let’s go~!!” You exclaimed cheerfully, throwing a fist in the air as you lit up a bright, cheerful pink aura that radiated throughout your friends which made them all perk up a bit as they felt your happiness and were just as excited as you were now.
Kirishima, Mina, Sero and Kaminari were especially excited as they were your more extroverted friends, but everyone was smiling along with you as they gladly followed you to the movie theater to see this long-awaited sequel of the first beloved movie.
Everyone was happy. You were happy too, you were especially happy now despite what happened with you and Bakugou.
The same unfortunately could not be said for Bakugou, who was far from happy, but he was glad that you were at least happy. He just wishes that he could have been happy with you, and that he could make you happy.
But he didn’t make you happy anymore.
“That was fucking INCREDIBLE!!” You exited the theater EXTREMELY happy and almost wishing the movie didn’t end because Zombieland 2 was THAT good a movie and you were SO happy that you got to see it with all your friends. You SWORE you heard Todoroki laugh too, so that was something you were never forgetting.
“I KNOW! HA! Not bad for 10 years later!”
“I freaking loved Madison!”
“I did too! She was the funniest one!”
“Oh yeah, she was pretty much the best part of the movie.”
“Hell yeah! She was really sweet too, I liked her! She was tons of fun!”
Naturally, the Bakusquad (plus Hagakure) was as cheerful as ever as they all loved the movie they just saw, and were extremely happy that they took up your offer today, because it was money well spent. Well, Todoroki’s money but still!
He thought so too, he rather liked the sequel and found it amusing, he actually smiled and tried to not laugh at some of the dumber things that Madison girl said during the movie. “I agree, it was… amusing. I see why you go here often (Y/N).” Todoroki made sure to compliment you though, he wasn’t the best with emotions but he knew you had been kinda unhappy lately so he tried to be kinder to you.
“Thanks Shouto! I know right?! It was AWESOME! I’m SO glad I decided to just come over here~. It gets an A+ from me~.”
“One of the rare moments where the sequel is just as good as the first movie, if not better.” Tokoyami even pointed out something you highly agreed with because it was THAT good. “Exactly! You don’t get that with every movie… sequels tend to suck…”
“The new additions were good ones too, sometimes adding new characters is actually what kills the movie. Not for this one.” And Tsuyu gave her input that almost everyone here agreed with, but couldn’t choose a new favorite.
“My favorite is that Madison girl~. She knew how to dress and be the cute one~.” Aoyama had his favorite, but everyone near unanimously agreed that she was the funniest one. “But she knew how to survive too for all those years.” But Yaoyorozu pointed out that despite Madison being a cliché dumb blonde character that she STILL survived the zombie apocalypse by herself.
“An excellent point Momo! She ain’t that stupid…” You giggled a little bit alongside your best guyfriends Shinsou and Izuku. “No she was actually… oddly smart… kinda like you.” But Shinsou poked a bit of fun at you as you laughed and slapped him on his shoulder playfully. “SHUT UP TOSHI! NO… I’m not that thick I’m smart too!” You exclaimed but cheerfully as he tried his hardest to not snicker or grin at you.
“You are smart (Y/N)-chan… coming here to see this movie was smart, I liked it, I liked it a lot! It was actually better than the first one.” Izuku was the sweetheart though as he gave you a bit of a sweeter compliment, much to Shinsou’s slight annoyance.
“Thank you Izuku~.” You sang-songed cheerfully as you beamed at the blushing boy who instantly turned bashful at your smile, much to MORE of Shinsou’s annoyance. Always trying to be the ball of sunshine that guy…
However, all that mattered is that you were ecstatic and everyone else clearly had a good time and loved the hell out of the movie. And you were smiling again, Shinsou hadn’t seen you smile as much as normal so seeing you smile the way you were was very nice.
You were smiling the entire time you went back to the dorms, just laughing with your friends and re-quoting the funnier lines from the movie and discussing some of the funniest parts until all of you had to go your separate ways and return to your rooms. Especially when other classmates came into view, you didn’t wanna spoil it for anyone after all.
“Hehe… well guys I think I’m just gonna stay up a couple of more hours and go to sleep or at least try to.” You said to your friends as they each smiled and nodded before they all said ‘okay!’ ‘sure’ and ‘that’s a good idea, good night to you (Y/N)’ and you made sure to happily return the polite ‘good night’ back to them.
Now it was just you and Izuku and Shinsou, you were still just happily chatting to them, but that’s when Bakugou decided enough was enough. He heard all of the other idiots just laughing and talking about a movie he hadn’t seen it yet and now some of it was fucking spoiled for him but that’s not what mattered right now. What mattered is that he didn’t like the way he left things with you a couple of hours ago, and now he had to talk to you again.
“I’m telling you, I could totally make Zombie kill of the week if we were in the Zombie apocalypse.” You were trying to brag to Izuku and Shinsou who were just chuckling at your enthusiasm.
“That would require some elaborate way of killing them, some people get really creative with that…”
“Oh yeah? You don’t even know how to use some weapons (Y/N)…”
Izuku had more hope in you, Shinsou was just playing with you though and God Bakugou fucking hated it, especially when you laughed with them.
“Oi. Deku, Eyebags, get the fuck out of here.” Before you could reply Bakugou suddenly made his appearance and immediately told the two guys to get out, “Ah! K-Kacchan I uh…” Izuku knew how jealous Bakugou could get though and his first instinct was to try and reassure him that he wasn’t trying anything with you or anything.
“Beat it you damn nerd!” But Bakugou didn’t wanna hear him and a very scared Izuku quickly rushed out with a very frightened ‘Okay!’ as your smile instantly turned into a frown as he forced your friend out, but Shinsou wasn’t budging at least.
“Get lost Eye-bags, I need to talk to (Y/N). ALONE.” He roughly demanded the brainwasher to leave, but Shinsou had his arms crossed and stood where he was.
“I’ll go when I want to.” He shook his head and refused to leave even though Bakugou was only getting madder when Shinsou dared to tell him ‘no’, but you didn’t want there to be a fight so you raised your hand.
Set fires to my forest And you let it burn Sang off-key in my chorus...
“It’s okay Hitoshi… you don’t wanna be here… me and Katsuki DO have to talk and I’d rather you not be around to see it so… it’s okay…” You gently convinced him to leave you and your ex be for the time being and although reluctant, Shinsou sighed and complied. He knew you knew what you were doing so he got up to go, not before whispering a ‘see ya later’ as he left and he and Bakugou exchanged glares as he walked away.
You didn’t approve of how he just broke you and your friends up from a fun conversation, but you supposed that this had to be done since you and he didn’t really leave on a good note earlier today, or this morning.
No more fighting. You were done with it, you just wanted to stop fighting with him.
Except… it was easier said than done. The two of you stood in the living room for what felt like forever because none of you could find the words to say and it was beyond uncomfortable. “So… did… Kirishima and Kaminari already spoil the movie for you?” You decided to ask a lighthearted question and Bakugou ALMOST snickered.
“Yes… I’m going to kill those morons…” He didn’t really mean it but he knew how much you enjoyed those two movies and he really, just really wanted to see it with you since he loved seeing the first one with you even though back then he pretended like he thought it was stupid. But no, he liked it, and now some of it was spoiled for him. Maybe he’d go see it with you again since he knew you never minded seeing another movie twice.
“Hehe… well… it was good so… if you ever feel like seeing it, I recommend it.” You said gently with a little smile as Bakugou leered at you.
“What I want… is to just say I’m sorry for… being such a fucking asshole to you, for being the worst fucking boyfriend and… everything… I’m... I’m sorry (Y/N)... I’m so fucking sorry everything, I can’t say how sorry I am...” Bakugou shamefully blushed as he apologized to you because he was never good at doing that. Hell, he very rarely said the word ‘sorry’ at all, but lately he’d been using that more and more when it came to you after he realized just how terrible a boyfriend and friend he had been to you.
To love, love, yeah To love, love, yeah To love, yeah I needed to hate you to love me, yeah 
You were shocked but also touched that he was doing this for you, you knew how hard it was for him to apologize so you were touched and kind of happy. “Thanks Katsuki… it’s… okay… I think I’ve been mad at you long enough so… it’s okay… we’re okay.” You gave him a smile that actually gave him hope as his eyes slowly widened.
“We are…?” Bakugou asked you somewhat nervously, because he started to see some doubt in your eyes as you sighed, “Yes… we are okay but… not… in the way you think…” His heart was racing, but it wasn’t from excitement because you didn’t look like you were happy.
“Look… Katsuki… I mean you no ill will. I still care about you, and I still love you but… I really, really don’t think you’re a good boyfriend…” You said a little bluntly but made your voice soften as he gasped quietly.
“You’re not a bad person… but you’re not a good boyfriend either… and I don’t really think that I can really return to a relationship like that… sorry…” Sighing heavily you finally did it, you told him that you didn’t want to go back to the relationship but seeing his expression broke your heart.
“I know I wasn’t! But… look just… dammit (Y/N) I’m not going to say any of that shit to you ever again! I won’t fuck up like I did last time I swear!” He sounded desperate, as if he was pleading to you as he moved closer and you fought the tears starting to build in your eyes when he grabbed your hands. He would beg if he had to, he just couldn’t lose you.
“I love you.” 
He said calmly and yet sincerely, out of pure impulse but that’s what he truly meant. He loved you and he just wanted to hear you say the words back to him. He knew you did…
To love, love, yeah To love, love, yeah To love, yeah I needed to lose you to love me...
“See that’s just it… I know you love me… I love you too… but… I thought you loving me was enough, at least… until… you said the things you did… now I know you’re sorry... and I don’t doubt that you do love me but… I started hating myself again when you said those things and it made me realize that... I need to love me too, I need to start loving myself… and I didn’t love myself when I was with you. I let you do that for me, and… I can’t do that anymore. It’s not fair to you, and not good for me.” You loved him, you truly did love him but at the same time you needed to give yourself time before you could go back into a relationship, especially with him.
Bakugou was an extremely flawed person and although he was honest and you believed every word he said, you didn’t think it was a good time to go back to him.
And he knew it, but it didn’t stop the tears from coming but he stubbornly willed them back as he swallowed hard. He tried so hard and he wasn’t giving up yet, but he knew that you didn’t want to get back together with him. Worse, he made you hate yourself for a moment because of what he said and what he had done to you too, so… maybe you were better off without him. He’d rather you love yourself first because you were the best thing he’d ever had.
To love, love, yeah To love, love, yeah To love, yeah
“Fine then…” He tried to sound bitter, but he was just miserable and he did understand even if he was really hurt right now and knew that this was nobody’s fault but his. “I don’t fucking deserve you anyway… you’re… too good for me…” Bakugou muttered as he forced back all the emotion until he felt you kiss him suddenly on the cheek, making him gasp a bit.
“It’s okay… we all make mistakes. We’re human, that’s what we do. So… don’t beat yourself up.” You said to reassure him although it didn’t make him feel any better as he pulled you into a sudden, tight hug as you closed your tearful eyes and hugged him back, feeling his tears on your shoulder as your arms tightened around him so you and he could savor each other’s warmth just one more time
Neither of you truly wanted to pull away, it was almost too painful but you knew that it was for the best. You had started learning how to love yourself more, and you had to put yourself first more, and he knew that. And Bakugou also knew that he needed to work on himself too, and maybe he’d be a better boyfriend to you someday.
And now the chapter is closed and done To love, love, yeah To love, love, yeah To love, yeah..
“Good night Katsuki.” You said quietly to him as you pulled away with misty (E/C) eyes as he glumly looked at you, cupping his cheeks to wipe the tears away from his red eyes.
“Good night (Y/N).” He said as calmly as possible, and refused to cry in front of you (again) as he watched you slowly walk away. The two of you shared a small wave before you turned away, inhaling and exhaling deeply as you walked away for good.
You and Bakugou would at least be friends, and that was good enough for both you and him, even if he did rush over to his room to sob into his bed afterwards now that he had officially lost you. 
He loved you, he still loved you...
You loved him too, you still loved him, but you needed to love yourself too. Even if it meant losing him.
And now it's goodbye, it's goodbye for us...
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drunklander · 4 years
Drunj!Der Yells About Outlander
Thoughts on Ep. 508
I mean, shame on me for allowing myself to get my hopes up that the show might have turned a corner last week. I should know better by now.
At least Young Ian’s back. And Marsali had a nice moment. And that’s about all I have to say about this episode that’s positive. I swear to fuck, this show hates Claire as much as the author of the books does. Where the fuck is the lead protagonist, show? Can she come back? Can she get a story line of her own that’s more than just a random scene every few episodes, please? And can Bree please be given something to fucking do that doesn’t involve Roger, Jemmy or rape? Does Fergus still even live on the Ridge?
But yeah, I guess let’s just all watch the episode twice so our dumb lady!brains can understand that Matt’s stupid silent movie gimmick was actually ~ArT~ and not, you know, a stupidly bad creative choice. Seriously, fuck that guy.
I can’t tell you how much idgaf about watching Roger teach. Also, Bree’s like his students’ age since she was in college too. So really all this bit is doing is to make me skeeved out about their age difference.
“Can you tell me why anyone would go to the trouble of burying one?” he said, condescendingly, like the doucherocket he is. Do not disrespect Young Ian like that, asshat.
“People live and die by their words.” *gestures to the beautiful shitposts on this hellsite* sure jan dot gif.
I already want to fastforward.
Would 100% rather sit through a lecture on suspension bridges than watch silent movies, tbh.
Hate the title card. Hate this whole gimmick.
Roger got hanged. Roger was dumb, Buck was an abusive and toxic fuckwad. But still, Roger got hanged and this is how we find out he’s alive and how he was saved?
It should be this big emotional moment. It should make me feel a thing in spite of myself. But nope! Gotta do this fucking silent movie thing. Which is hilariously terrible. And I laughed at it the whole time. In a mean and judgey fashion. What a craptastic creative choice. Whoever’s idea that was is a fucking idiot. *stares at a certain pompous af showrunner*
Ok but for real though, does LJG just like live in North Carolina now? Why is he always around, besides, you know, so we don’t forget he’s a character who exists.
For real though, he lives in Virginia and gets more screen time than fucking Fergus and Marsali who live fucking next door.
At least writing this recap is gonnna be quick and easy since they waste so much time re-showing the stupid silent movie footage.
Yes, I know, they’re trying to show Roger’s PTSD. Which involves flashbacks. And gradually turn it to color once he’s like come to terms with what happened and starts to move forward. But the execution is so bad that the whole arc is wasted because it’s just so poorly done.
Oh hey! A Claire and Bree scene! I love those. Except oh wait, it aggressively fails the Bechdel Test.
Jocasta singing at Murtz’s cairn is a reminder that everyone should check out MDK’s music.
And her wearing the necklace Murtz gave her makes the existence of show!Duncan even dumber. Like oh hey, new husband, don’t mind me, just mourning my dead boyfriend and wearing his jewelry. But it’s totally normal since my niece-in-law still wears her abusive ex-husband’s ring.
Sorry, show!Duncan, but a more pointless character was never included. Show!Duncan wins the prize for most BeCaUsE tHe BoOk dumbassery.
Repeatedly showing what’s basically a snuff film is...a choice.
LJG has no sense of personal space when it comes to the Frasers. And it’s fucking creepy.
Oh look, another scene where all Claire gets to do is comfort someone about a man.
Jemmy aged like 3 years in the 3 month time jump.
Ok, I totally get why Roger hadn’t spoken yet. But once he did, the seal was broken. Not talking after he yelled to stop Jemmy, even a little bit, is just a dick move. Not that he’d be magically better. But he like refuses to even take baby steps.
So glad he’s back. So fucking glad. Yes, it means one more character to dilute how much time we can spend with any given person, but it’s a character that I like so hopefully he takes away from some of the time given to ones I don’t like?
Aaand Roger can’t even bring himself to try to talk to the guy who gave himself up in his place. Fuck Roger.
Claire does a better job at first than Jamie at picking up the vibes Young Ian is putting off, but like, for two people who are supposed to be emotionally intelligence, neither of them do a good job at first of really *seeing* Ian.
John Bell is really good in this episode.
Omfg Marsali has tarot cards. She’s like leaning full on into being the white witch’s apprentice and I fucking love her so much.
Also, the Hanged Man card is representative of self-sacrifice and martyrdom rather than like being actually hanged as a punishment. But whatevs.
Ok I think the reason Jenny yelling at Jamie to snap out of it in S3 bugged me where this scene with Bree yelling at Roger doesn’t is because sibling dynamic is completely different than spouses where both of them have gone through something unimaginable.
That he can’t even say anything here. Or give her any kind of sign that he’s still in there is a dick move. He *can* speak. He knows that now. So does everyone else. He’s actively choosing not to. Even to say that he just needs more time to work through his shit. No one’s asking him to be a chatterbox and totally back to normal.
Young Ian just sitting there while everyone else does grace is literally me at every family holiday.
Oh look, a wild Fergus appeared!
Ok, I never got the surveying thing. Wouldn’t the land already be registered? Since they were given the paperwork and shit for it from the governor? I know there was some bit about it in the book about keeping it after the Revolution but like, who the fuck else are they registering it with that would make a difference? The gov’t is still the English gov’t?
“But there are things you keep hidden from others. You and Claire both.” Ok, can he please be talking about time travel? I mean, I know he’s talking about his wife and their miscarriages, but I just want someone else to know about time travel already please and thank you.
Fuck yeah not-Catholic-anymore-Ian. No grace, talking about the creator in a way that isn’t explicitly the christian god. Good job, kid.
My parents called me to say happy easter and I had to be like, uh, you remember that I don’t celebrate that, right?
Happy Zombie!Jeebus Appreciation Day to all the still christian people. And happy chance to have fun with burner zoom accounts named Elijiah to the jewish folks.
Jokes aside, the scene with Young Ian and Marsali was really nice and Marsali remains a fucking saint. It’s nice that Young Ian has someone who like actually gets what it’s like to find a home in a group of strangers.
Oh Claire, think more highly of your assistant. Also, what a clunky fucking way to be like oh hey, one of the emo!bros is gonna try to off themselves.
Ok but with the paper airplane now too, can we please show Young Ian finding out about time travel? Please?
Ok, but Claire automatically jumping to Roger wanting to off himself with her herbs... It’s making me judge both of them a little that neither picked up on just how clearly Young Ian was suffering. Like come the fuck on, y’all. It wasn’t subtle.
Also, can we please have more Adso?
Yada yada yes they both have been through something shitty and call me a biased asshole, but I can’t bring myself to feel anything about Roger and I feel all the things about Young Ian.
So Roger won’t talk when his wife begs, but he’ll talk when someone calls him on his bullshit. Cool. Cool cool cool. Nice dude.
Again, there’s more to that tarot card than a literal hanged man, but whatever, show.
Oh thank fuck the episode is finally over. Expectations are back down in the gutter for the rest of the season. Please pleasantly surprise me, show, but I will not make the mistake again of thinking you’re actually gonna be consistently good again.
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hollowphobia-casual · 6 years
So with Tumblr bursting into flames and most of the artists I know and respect trying to abandon this ship like rats escaping the titanic, I felt it was best if I moved this from my usual December the 25th to... NOW, Because well I worry that many people on this might not be here by the time 17th passes and my eternal dying love to those I care about will be unheard and what kind of person would I be if I didn’t remind EVERY.SINGLE.ONE of my friends how important and special they were to be and what makes them fantastic, So yeah depending on the state of tumblr after Dec 17th this might be the last one, or I will just have to email all of you INDIVIDUALLY. @mistercrowbar CROWBAR! HEY! So, you’ve been on this friendship list since..., we have been friends, which is.., a really long time, like I honestly can not recall a day where we have not been friends and during all that time I can’t get over just how amazing you are! Like, Holy shit are you real? Cause I get to a point where, I think this woman can’t improve anymore, and then BAMB! You do! Like Jesus, I’m always just floored by what you put out, I said once before that I strive to be as good as you some day and that has not changed! But now it gets even harder, cause like, not only are you good at art, You go and pull this beautiful disaster out of your head, SAY HELLO TO FUCKING RYYBYN BITCHES! If there was a competition for some of the best DnD characters I have ever seen on paper, I’d vote for Ryybyn every-time, a literal joke character who evolved into one of the most emotional rollarcoasters I have ever seen, who made me DETERMINED, to either play a game with you (And I fucked that up) or a game of my own, just AH!, This character! Like, their design, their character art, THEIR STORIES! OH GOD DON’T GET ME START ON THOSE, CAUSE YOU BEAUTIFUL GENIUS! You took comics from your session and made a BOOK! That I want to buy! I WANT ONE, BUT CHRISTMAS SO, ARGH!  FUCK YOU SANTA! And!
And.. If you were not just fantastic enough already, incredible artist, attractive, funny, nerdy as all shit, super space wizard, DND and now.., now.. FUCKING HOME OWNER, like how, why, when, what! I know you moved into a house, like, Holy shit you moved into a house, but holy shit you OWN a house, it’s yours, you can paint dicks on the wall and no one can stop you! Your Independence it just, floors me, every-time, here I am questioning everything about myself and myself worth, and you go buy a house, and release two books IN THE SAME YEAR. I said how I wanted to follow in your footsteps, become as great as you, WELL APPARENTLY I NEED TO PICK UP MY GOD DAMN FEET CAUSE I’M TOO FUCKING SLOOOOW. I am SO grateful to meet someone terrifyingly amazing and best of yet, they think of me as their friend (For now) Just.., Please, don’t ever stop breaking down walls and plowing forward, you fantasticly insane woman you. @nightmargin So, what feels like, not that long ago we were chatting about Ralph and OCTs, as well as other kids who are incredibly prone to accidents and damages and now, well, YOU HAVE A FUCKING HIT GAME THAT I CAN’T LOOK LEFT OR RIGHT WITHOUT SEEING IT’S LIKE BOOM! Go to MCM OneShot Cosplayers, Look at youtube videos either seeing your characters in the background or I’m seeing people playing your game! I went on a Discord chat and I saw someone sporting a Oneshot icon. I’m just, so, happy and proud and amazed by the how far you have come, it’s just, you were always a talented person, your comics, story and artstyle was fucking fantastical, I was soaked into every second of it, wanting to learn more and more with each new picture and then, just to put the cheery on this cake, you did music, but not just any music REALLY GOOD MUSIC, I remember going to your gallery on DevianrtArt just to listen to a song over and over cause it was so good, like, damn and now, you are like, HUGE, it’s insane, like seriously, someone took time to make a 3D model of your character, holy shit. I’m lucky to get fanart, but what this is, I just, my friend is amazing person, and I couldn’t be more happy for her if I tried, you should be proud of yourself if you are not, take time and just let the well earned reward sink in, your hard work has defiantly paid off. @blueskyesartic Okay, so like, You are amazing, I dunno if I’ve ever said it enough, but, you just are, there is nothing about you that I’m not awed by, you are just, so fantastic in my eyes, I dunno if that's putting you on a pedestal or not, but fuck it, this is my sappy list so I say what I want! Your art is beautiful, you yourself are just one of the most fun people I have had the pleasure to talk to and I miss it so damn much, are trivial pointless conversations that spiraled endlessly into jokes and deep discussions, are critical thinking on story telling and art in general, it was amazing, but.., either you are never alone or I’m not and, I hate that, I’ve missed you so much it sucks, like.., I have these great memories of us talking, drawing and spending time together, these perfect moments in time that I will cherish to the end of my days, cause I know you are going to become something, I can feel it, but I might end up left behind. I just wish I could spend more time, talking, chatting and just being with you, you are amazing and I’d love to run on to you on a stage at a convention, like we joked about, but no matter what happens, you need to keep being brilliant, every second of every day, you have to continue, cause you are great and everyone knows it. @taplaos HOLY SHIT HAVE YOU SEEN THE SHIT THEY CAN MAKE, IT’S FANTASTIC, LIKE, HOW DAMN!  Everyday I feel like I’m seeing new and more amazing designs for T-shirts created by you and it’s just like, wait, this is tappy right, maker of wonkey eye, how when, OH MY GOD, Your art was always so bright and colourful but, damn you’ve improved so much I feel like I need to stop and just soak in how much you’ve improved, cause damn, can I just say damn. I am so proud of how far you have come and I can’t wait to see what fantastic designs you come out with next, you are amazing Tappy, don’t let anyone ever tell you other wise! @dansome0203 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, GOD DAMIT, I have both talked to you a lot this year, but also not enough, or maybe I have, or maybe I haven’t, I dunno, but god dammit I wanna talk to you more, but you are hardly online when I am it’s so GAH! You are just, that amazing my friend that you are driving me insane! URGH, I feel terrible there is like, a shitton of things I wanna do for you, draw your characters being namely one, but I haven’t had time and just, URGH. But more importantly, the reason I wanna do all these things is just cause, you are fantastic, and I don’t just mean the way you draw boobs (mostly), you are such a kind fun person with so much great creative energy I just wanna, get inside your head, I have such mixed feelings on one side I really wanted to be in that DND game you started, but it’s also just a delight seeing the stuff that comes out of it, the curiosity building from it, that funny ass video you shared with us. Everyday I think I’ve seen the limits to your skill, charm and wit, then some how you change everything with new ways of being all that and more, it’s a tad exhausting. All I can really say that this year has been fantastic in what time we have spent together and I just want to spend more, I can’t wait for the next opportunity I’ll get to do so, maybe I should try asking you into a call or something, I dunno, please just, keep being you and keep being fantastic. @flunafloon & @spesiria & @spookydrawsI I didn’t wanna do this, but... I’m sorry, you guy are fantastic people I love your work, I love each one of you but I just.., I struggle to keep up to date with my own life let alone my friends, but three were such big important parts of me it feels.., no I feel like a shit for basically knowing nothing about what has happened, I use to message you each frequently, keeping up to date on your art, your lives and now.. Fuck I hardly even see you on my dash and I just, fuck, I can’t.., You are all amazing people, I should of been a better friend, I want to say I will be but it’s getting harder and harder and I don’t want to disappoint you, I respect and love the three of you too much for that, I’m sorry for being such a useless shit, you guys, are fantastic and leagues above me. @doodlediddy MY FRIEND IS HAVING A BABY, MY FRIEND IS HAVING A BABY! LIKE, HOLY SHIT YOU HAVE ANOTHER PERSON GROWING INSIDE YOU, LIKE WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK, It’s beautiful, horrifying and just, I can’t believe that someone I know, someone I met on the internet, had close conversations with and more or less stopped me from doing something, VERY stupid, is going to be a parent, like, WHAT. While I am above the moon happy for you and your bundle of joy, I do know this means we probably aren’t going to chat as much, which hasn’t been that much as it is, which REALLY super sucks, I miss you, like, OH so much, I miss are chats, are discussion.., heh, I still remember when I stayed up super late just to send you Toradora, one video at a time, god, that was so funny and really bad for my sleep schedule actually. Still the best romcom ever. I really miss you, I’m so happy for you, I hope we get to talk again, love you, you big christian mamma. @lou0 There are many people I would attribute to me being here right now, from saving my life, to being a mentor and some just being shoulders to cry on, but none of them.., were the person I obsessed over.., wait let me rephrase that. When I started as good old Clock-workable, making steampunk rip offs of Unknown Peron’s Karl, you were some I admired, you were a kind, passionate and amazingly creative artist, AND HOLY SHIT MAH, SHE’S IN BRITAIN, I COULD POSSIBLY MEET THIS WONDERFUL PERSON. Sadly that never happened, and I’d openly admit I feel very intimidated talking to you, I dunno why, shame? Guilt? I feel like, I don’t belong, that I’m not good enough for you, that there are better people who deserve your attention that I do, despite just how, fun you are to be around and just how important of a person you are to me, so I admit it, it hurts, me seeing you down low like you are, I wanna pick you up, be the motivation you were to me, but I also have to accept that I can’t be, all I can do, is try to be a good friend and be there for you. You are, the most amazing, creative person I have ever known, I’ve wanted to Commission you for long, to collab with you, to have one of my characters drawn by you, hell just be noticed by you, cause you are just that important, I mean, I dunno what I am saying here exactly... You said you don’t see a point, but you to me, your are was the biggest point, it was bright, colourful, sexy, scary, amazing and just filled with so much character, everything you drew and draw has just so much life to it, I wanted to capture some of it and have it for my own. I dunno if what I am saying is meaning anything, but your art reflects you and to me, you are colourful, sexy, scary, amazing and just filled with so much character, every second has been delightful and if you will let me, I would love to continue to enjoy it more. @jabbage I find it funny how, no matter which minecraft server I joined, I never got as far in building a base, than I did on your server, as short lived as it was and despite no one ever joining it, I never joined a server where I got as far as I did on that server, like, I dunno how but there was something about it, maybe it was the fact that I really wanted to build that clock tower. I miss that, I hope you are well, you beautiful human being, It sucks, cause I know that, out of everyone, i feel like I spent time with you the least, which is stupid, cause all I can think of, when talking to you is good memories, which is like saying I stopped talking to you because you were too nice, which is dumb, the truth is i just got busier, and busier and it sucked. Cause I remember thinking how I really wanted to get o know you, cause you were a fun person, I’ll try to be better from now on, cause deserve it, you are a fantastic human being, smart and caring, not just trying to butter you up to make up for my.., terribleness, but I will try, to be better, for you. @shadowscarknight You fantastic mate and I know, it’s been hard, I’ve not been avoiding you, I really haven’t, but, it’s just hard you know? The way, that ended it probably wasn’t easy being you, I dunno if you even know why the two of us stopped talking to each other, hell I dunno why, but that isn’t your fault, specially after you commissioned me, which again, I happy you enjoyed it. You are a great guy, funny, witty, charming and your designs, fuck off they are that good, but you do come up with a lot of them, but then again you get inspiration and you do what you love, so no one can fault you on that, unless your making another ask blog that you won’t update, hehe. I promise to talk more, cause I’m so proud with how you are improving, cause just like, wow, every time I see you look away, it just gets better and better, I should really ask for some tips off of you, cause damn mate, your leaving me behind. I hope you don’t stop being fantastic mate, You are a joy the world can never do without. @totalobelisk I know where you hang out!... So it’s not excuse that we haven’t been talking as much, fuck mate I’m sorry, I don’t hate you or anything, no, fuck no, you are great, it’s me, I’m just.., fucking useless to be entirely honest, I’m terrible at communicating with people and I’m surprised you haven’t just unfollowed me from everything and cut all ties, cause, fuck, I’m just so.. I’m sorry, you are a fantastic guy and we’ve been friends for too long for me to neglect you like this, I’m so sorry, I hope I can start talking to you more to make up for it, or just hit me up sometime so we can chat, cause you deserve better from your friends. @velkro-bitch & @fivirr & @a-trashcan-in-a-corner Am I cheating by grouping you three together, yes, maybe... BUT I ALSO HARDLY GET TO SPEND TIME WITH YOU GUYS AND IT FUCKING SUCKS, CAUSE YOU ARE ALL BEAUTIFUL LOVELY PEOPLE AND I WANNA SPEND AS MUCH TIME WITH EACH OR EVERYONE OF YOU! (Or maybe I’m just secretly trying for a four way polyamory) But Jesus fucked by a pogostick guys, how can you three come into my life, be amazing shits and then just leave me! You are all such wonderful, thoughtful and delightful human beings that every second with you felt like an eternity, I’m a naturally defensive person, I have a lot of barriers in place to keep myself emotionally safe, and all three of you tore those down! (your gonna have to pay for that) AH, And to make it worse, when you shmucks do show up it’s very late and I gotta go to bed, REVOLVE AROUND MEEE DAMMIT, I WANNA SPEND TIME WITH YOU GUYS, it’s so hard I love being with you all, but it’s so infuriatingly difficult, I feel like giving up half the time, but I also don’t want to cause I love you all so much, god you three drive me mad, but it’s what I enjoy about you guys and I hope we do get to spend more time together. @phantomdotexe I honestly do not know where I would be without you right now, for you it may seem like all you did was re-post my art, credit me and commission me, but you also introduced me into a large friendly community that I didn’t even think I had the right to be in, I was and still very much am the new kid to all this, but everyone you introduced me to accepted me with open arms, artists and writers whom I thought I’d never get the chance to speak to talk to me casually nearly everyday. It’s all thanks to you! You amazing person you, I know you beat yourself up, ALOT, when you really shouldn’t, you are so amazing, not just in your writing talents, but in your world building and characterization, but even then that isn’t there is all to you, you are.., the most, charismatic, funny, playful and down right enjoyable person to be around, you are infectious, you have touched so many people in so many ways that you manged to build a community of friends and fans who want to build upon your foundations, I dunno if I’m even speaking the right words now, haha.., But you are fantastic, so when you struggle we all want to help, we all want to see you grow as a person, as a writer and an artist, you brought so many wonderful people together, you should deserve to see how truly wonderful you are. @horrorjuice Speaking of people I don’t deserve to be friends with, I’m just.., fuck where do I start, well, I will say it’s not entirely my fault you are hardly ever on Discord and I don’t like Facebook, but Bubby, my bubby, I miss you! I miss your explantions, your ideas, you concepts, your worlds, your beautiful bubby brain like GAH, I remember our chats, are long wonderful chats where your dog would bark loudly, the beautiful horrible slobber monster that he was. I miss you Bubby, I really do, I wanna chat and talk like we use to, I wanna hear your beautiful amazing ideas and see your brilliant art work, god I miss you, but I hope you are well and that you are being just as fantastic and brilliant as the day we first met, you wonderful human being. @valbey-the-girl Fuck you, you lovable asshole! How dare you be such a wonderful insightful human being who has had my back for so long, I remember when we became roommates for University as a somewhat after thought, we hung out but we were not exactly ‘friends’, but now, I dunno how I could of survived with out you! You are a wonderful source of humor and opposed thinking that I enjoy, you agree and don’t always agree with me, which is the best sort of friend, someone who can challenge my values and viewpoints, but at the same time doesn’t belittle me..., mostly, you twat. I am so happy that we’ve stayed friends for as long as we have and that I invited you more into my world, with regular games of DnD and other video games, as you prove to be time and time again a great person I love to have at my side. I hope we get to hang out again person to person, because I miss you mate, talking on chat gets stale fast specially when your friend is as great as you. @whatever-i-feel-like-rebloging I struggle, so hard to understand us, that it hurts cause.., I want to be friends, but I just always feel like I’m being pushed away from you, and it hurts. I’ve spoken to many friends about the troubles we have had and many of them have said to drop you, but I don’t and I dunno why, maybe because, I’m scared? Or maybe cause I’m unsure how or, perhaps I’m just very hopeful? I remember a time where we’d talk all the time and I loved it, it was great, we never discussed or mentioned how we didn’t like each others thing, we joked, we flirted and it was fun.., but now, all we seem to do is give each other little comments and snap at one another and I hate it, I hate it more than anything I can imagine. I wanna be your friend again, I wanna laugh with you, joke with you but, I feel like I’m just being singled out and removed, that I am something of mock and ridicule, which I hate and I dunno what to do with myself or you anymore. I hate, disliking this, I just.., I just wish I had never liked you, because I feel like that was when everything went down hill, cause we use to be such good friends, but now, I feel like we are more, acquaintances.., it sucks. @grittysugar HOLY. FUCKING. SHIT. That’s all... ... .. Okay okay, but fucking seriously, you went from some gal drawing redhead accident prone children flying goats and tall noodley men with green hair who probably shouldn’t be to fuck. TO DO FANTASTIC CREATIVE ANIMATIONS ON YOUTUBE, LIKE HOLY, GUM DROP SHIT, WHAAAAAAAAAAAAA-, I wanna kiss you I’m so proud, like, GAH, I still can’t even put it into words, like it was..., uh ... .. . EIGHT YEARS AGO, that we were opponents in a tournament on the internet and now your, I’m so happy for you, and I SUCK cause I haven’t bought any of your merch yet... (but I will), And if I can I’d love to see you at a con so I can give you a big ass hug, but that might be another, I dunno, ten years. Also I’m a shit head and it’s occurred to me I have never asked for your Discord information, which now is probably high protected FU-, God I dunno, if you still count me as a friend, or even a blip on your radar, but I just wanna say, I’m happy and just, SO proud of you, I want you to keep growing as a person, an artist and just, be fantastic. @clauseart OH MY GOD HOW DO YOU KEEP YOUR COMIC GOING! And shame on me for not staying in touch more cause holy shit, you are on fire, your colours, designs, panels it’s just, WOOF, it’s blowing me away, I’m so proud for you, every time I see you post a page, all I think about is how I need to catch up because my comics currently in the dust, while yours steams ahead. I honestly can not wait to see where things are going, and to see how you go with it, I may not be the best of people at times, but I’ll be damned, if I won’t try to follow along the best I can, cause you have only just begun and I’m so excited to see you be yourself and just wow everyone around you! OH and Please most some stuff from your DnD game! I’m curious about what you guys are up to these days, hehe. Be fantastic. @funktrash The girl was essentially my fan when I was a nobody is doing a webcomic better, quicker and more on time than me, AND IT’S GREAT, like, AH! I know, you beat yourself up, it’s part of who you are for such a long time but, you have to realise, YOU ARE AMAZING, you are fantastic! Like, seriously, you have a comic, your is beautiful and just, WHAT, I remember back when we made an rp group based on this thing! And now it’s something I can read and enjoy, and I’m enjoying it, seeing these characters whose stories I’ve only had the chance to glimpse at now brought to life with your beautiful colours and wonderful sense of humor, timing and pacing, it’s just, YES! I’m so amazed at you, you are fantastic, don’t ever tell yourself otherwise, cause you are a star, a bright burning beacon of awesome! @mortooncian-art FRIEND!... FUCK! Okay, so I’ve always known you existed forever and I’m always loved your work, I even followed your webcomic! Until it wasn’t a webcomic anymore, but sadly I DON’T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT YOU, expect that you are so funny, your art is fantastic and I’d love more than anything to get to know you more! Cause like, I see your art, these lovely illustrations filled with so much character and life, I just wanna do the same, (If I only wasn’t very busy) Like, I enjoyed your stuff so much that I regularly looked forward to going to twitter just to see what you posted, either a comment or art, cause it was the highlight of my day, and I HATE social media with a passion, but you made me really excited just to see your posts, and I know a person who can do that with just their art is probably twice as exciting as a person, and I really want to get to know you more! So I hope you keep being a wonderfully fantastic person, whom company I get to enjoy in the future. @sunshinedrago This woman, single handily got me back into watching shitty anime again, and I love her for it, God dammit you are such a fucking fun person to be around, despite the damage to my ear drums I do enjoy our conversations from nerding the fuck out, to tearing things apart. I may not always seem that happy at times, but I’m naturally a miserable person so you will have to forgive all the BS you went through with me, but god you are intoxicating in your positivity, the characters you make are enjoyable to playground with, the ideas you come up with are very surprisingly engaging and your commissions, equally detailed and time consuming, haha. Like Jen I dunno how I have lived with out you so far, you are such a conversational delight it makes me feel like I’m a teenager ago, howling loudly in laughter as I watch awkward as shit anime and actually enjoying my life, but whats great about you is not just the fun, it’s also the insightful and thoughtfulness to you we all grow attached to, you have a great way of handling peoples pain, that I have only seen in a few people, being to be compassionate, reasonable and always to get a chuckle at the right time, I dunno how you do it. But please don’t change, it be a travesty if you did. @tuz-ohtopia TALK TO ME MORE! Tuzoh, you are a very busy guy like.., stupidly busy the amount of work you put into your DnD sessions are stupidly amazing and the stories you have crafted are fantastic, all I want is to share in it more, to listen to how you work, you scheme and plan, your creative thoughts, everything. But you are busy, which is what both I love and infuriates me about you, you have such a driven determined work schedule it puts me to shame, I never wanna see you slow down, because I know you are doing something that is just, wonderful, but at the same time I wanna talk to you, get know you and build on our friendship, I feel like I’ve talked about you to more people then I have ever to you and it sucks, cause you are an awesome dude. Not trying to pity you and say just stop everything for me, I’d never want that, I’m just, so enthralled by your creativity that I wanna get to know the inner workings, maybe work with you. But no matter what happens please just keep doing what you are doing my friend, you are a delight and fantastic treasure, I can’t wait to see what you do. @knifetotheback WHERE ARE YOU! no seriously I mean it, you appear like, every now and again, but you are hardly ever around and it sucks, cause you are a fun wonderful person. You were always a delight to talk to and it sucks that we don’t get to chat as much, I hope you are alright and that you are still having fun with what you are doing right now, we miss you, I miss you. Keep being wonderful, where ever you are with whatever you are doing. @nickala OKAY, So, feelings, down in words,..., fuck this is hard, I dunno how to describe you, like shit, you are amazing, but beyond that, you aren’t just an amazing friend, you are a unique friend, a special friend, no wait, that sounds romantic, what I mean is.. I feel trapped so often, I hate it, my brain is flawed and wrong, I know I shouldn’t think like that, but I can’t help it, I speak and I make people mad, upset, annoyed or just.., I hate it, it’s the part of me I dislike the most, I just want to talk to people and say “HEY, you are beautiful, keep it up” But I can’t, but you, understand me, you help me so much with these thoughts and understanding the world in a way others could not and for that I will never not be thankful, but at the same time I feel shit, because, I know you are struggling, I wanna help so much, I wanna be there to make it easier, to help you through this rough patch, but I can’t I dunno what the right words to say are cause this isn’t a thing where one solution is the right solution.., but you have to realise you are amazing, your creativity is outstanding, the designs and creatures you create are far greater then anything I could ever come up with and I wish I could be on par with your skill in monster design and anatomy. You don’t have to compare yourself, to others cause you are already in a league others couldn’t even dream to reach, if only you could focus on that and draw strength from it, and I wish I could help you do that, but all I can say is that I will be here, the best I can, even if it’s terrible. @thelovelyghosty Is it possible to meet someone who makes you very calm and also incredibly nervous at the same time, YES IT’S YOU! I love you Jen, I am so happy that I get to have you as a player in my DnD games as well as be a human being I get to call a friend! It’s amazing just how open you are to everything as well as critical thinking, you are a breath of fresh air compared to people who only speak with their feelings and not just their thoughts and I enjoy every second of our conversations, yes even the dumb ones! I feel like you complete a part of social circle that I didn’t know was missing and that’s why it hurts so much I hear what you have to struggle through, but you amaze me, because despite all the bullshit you are still here, you are still a person whose company I get to enjoy, your strength is awe inspiring even if you don’t see it yourself, not to mention your brain, have I gone on about your brain enough, cause it’s fantastic! I wish I could just ramble on with you for all day and night, cause I imagine the discussions we’d get up to come be fantastic. You bring a fantastic fresh view you everything, even seen in your character, the Amazing Shield, they’ve hardly spoken but like you they have left an impact on me and everyone else that I doubt anyone will ever forget and as such it wants me to return in kind, you are an outstanding person and I want you to keep being outstanding, so I’ll always be there for you, no matter what, day or night. @altoblt5 Okay, first off, you are too adorable, so I will just have to kill you and second, thank you for joining my DnD game! I won’t lie, I was super fucking hesitant at you joining as I’m not good with people at all, expect all these friends above this text, ignore them for a moment. I am hesitant as shit, I’m nervous and I worried that anyone could be a potential threat to me or others, but you, came fucking tap dancing in with a stupid, lovable infectious character and personality that just, melded so well it made all my worries go away and the more I’ve gotten to know you the less regrets I have about you ever joining our game, you’ve only improved it by adding a dynamic to the group that we didn’t know we were missing from the start! I hope as we go on we can stay in touch, possibly do more games together and just chat more, cause we should really do some other stuff outside of DnD. @riyamilea I’ve been following you since Rise and I have to say, I’m so happy I did, and I was fucking ecstatic when we got to play in a DnD game together, like H.O.L.Y SHEEEET, that was fun for as little as it lasted, but I guess it was invertible a bit, there were signs, but out of it I finally got to make you my friend, and that's an experience I am so proud of cause like, YOU ARE AMAZING, you are so fun and insightful, I just, I’m so excited that I get to talk to you, cause just like, GAH I dunno how to put this into words, you are just, brilliant, that’s it, you are brilliant and I can’t wait to spend more time with you and hopefully, we can play more DnD together in the future, in the mean time, just keep being fantastic.
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yumapii · 5 years
[Event Story] The Disappearance of Black Days [4/12]
Parts 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12
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In order to resume my investigation, I proceed down the corridor with the White-Black Dorm Battle documents in hand. 
[scene: corridor]
// In order to resume my investigation, I proceed down the corridor with the White-Black Dorm Battle documents in hand. //
( He didn’t say it outright but Mikage-kun knew about the existence of the opening act…
Which means, there should be others like him. I’ll have to find them no matter what it takes… )
Hodo-san, I see you’ve been discharged.
Ah, Maki-kun. Good timing, I wanted to ask you--
For some reason, everyone who’s stuck their nose into this issue have alllllll gone missing--
/end flashback]
// Mikage-kun’s warning came floating by in my mind, and I hold my tongue in panic.
For a moment, Maki-kun seemed like an enemy. //
… Hodo-san, sustaining an arm injury must be terribly inconvenient. If you’d like, I could help you carry your things.
// Without waiting for a response, the documents in my hand were now in Maki-kun’s. //
Well then, let us go.
Err… yeah…
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// After separating from Maki-kun, I let out a huge sigh. //
( Even though that was a chance to draw out more information, in the end I didn’t gain anything from Maki-kun. Now then, what do I do next… )
// 16:47. Came into contact with a new informant, S.M. //
You’re looking into “that time”, correct? I have something to show you.
Something to show me?
No need to be so vigilant, I’m not an enemy.
( … Based on Mikage-kun’s warning, it’s dangerous to trust so easily but, if I fear danger, I will never move forward. )
I understand, let’s move to a safe place.
[scene change: press club room]
Okay, so what’s this thing you want to show me?
// Wordlessly, he handed me a photograph. //
! This is?!
Ugh, my head… again…
[fade to white]
// Bright light floods my vision. Cradling my pounding head, the events of that time flicker in my mind-- //
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// --Intensive Program, Day 2. //
… Even though I’m specially opening this Intensive Program for you, why does it seem someone is missing?
Argh, damnit! Why isn’t Shishimaru coming?!
Even though I was only dragged into this Intensive Program because of him. If he himself isn’t here then there’s no point!
Aren’t you guys in the same class? Why didn’t you come together?
Leone left as soon as homeroom was over.
Oh dearie, did he have something important to do?
Knowing him, he’s probably just skipping.
Geez, I don’t wanna have to look after that idiot anymore! It’s impossible ! ! I refuse ! !
Guess there’s no choice, I will search for him.
I’ll go too.
I don’t mind but I’m not babysitting.
Come on, Chii, let’s go! We’ll be leaving ♪
This stupid brat doesn’t listen to others so it’s troublesome. (1)
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guitar strum
Ah, this melody is…
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guitar strum
~ ~, ~ ~ ~♪
Leone sighted!
Strumming your guitar in a place like this, the rockstar Shishimaru-san sure has a burning passion for practice, doesn’t he?
Hey, Leone, why didn’t you come to practice? Sen looks lonely by himself.
As if I’d know, it’s got nothing to do with me--
It’s more fun when everyone’s together… You don’t want to join?
If I had time to do such pointless things--
Why? Why don’t you want to join? Everyone’s waiting for you!
You don’t intend to listen to me, do ya?
Bianchi-san, there’s no use trying to talk to a sore loser.
Sore loser?
Yes. Too afraid to meet new challenges head on, full of excuses, not realising how he’s discarding his opportunity to grow with his own hands.
It would’ve been better if he were born a dog. Then he wouldn’t have to think of excuses, living purely on instinct. What a miserable person. (2)
Stop looking at me like that!
It’s okay, if Leone practises super hard, I’m sure you’ll be able to dance too. I’ll help you out so let’s work together!
Oi! Stop pulling!
Ah, do give up trying to escape. On the off chance you manage to run, I will chase you to the ends of the Earth and, for three consecutive days and nights, or perhaps more, thoroughly instill into you that your very body is Jin-san’s property.
Shit, this sucks…
// In light of the situation, Takaomi let let out a sigh. //
(1) the word chizuru uses also directly translates to ‘son of a bitch’, take that as you will
(2) it doesn’t come across as clearly but in japanese the phrase chizuru uses to say sore loser is ‘負け犬 makeinu’ which is literally ‘loser dog’, hence why he talks about takaomi being born as a dog
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Hetalia: World Series Episode #25 Transcript
This episode has Chibi Romano thanking Spain, Romano calling Spain to get him out of jail, and France and Austria hanging out.
Chibi Romano: Huah…I can't believe I ended up at dorkface's place after all of that. Uoh! Aah! Aaaaaaahhhh!
{Caption: Argh!}
Spanish queen: Sell him to the gypsies at once! Maybe they can find some use for him.
(Chibi Romano: Auh! Auh?)
Spanish queen: We travel halfway across the globe to New World, only to bring riches back to waste on him! Idiota!
(Idiota!: Idiot! → Spanish)
Spain: Lo siento!
(Lo siento!: I’m sorry! → Spanish)
Spain: My bad!
Spanish queen: Did you think fighting Turkey would be this simple affair? We got no moneys! Come here! I'm going to give you an economics lecture you will never forget!
(Chibi Romano: Auhh…)
Spain: Ayayayayayayayaya! Ayyiyiay!
Spain: But Romano is my special friend!
Spanish queen: SHUT UP!
Chibi Romano: Ghn…
Spain: Ow! I'm sorry! Please stop! Oof! Aah! AAH!
(Spanish queen: SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!)
Chibi Romano: Wow, all of that pain. And just to protect me. That's really stupid.
{Caption: That night}
Dog: Ahooooo!
Spain: Huah…another day full of beatings and pointless lectures is over. I'm ready for bedtime. Unh? Ahe. Hola; what's up?
(Hola: Hello → Spanish)
Spain: Nnnh…nnh. Euoh. Wait, let me guess. You want to sleep here with me?
Chibi Romano: Mmph!
Spain: Hey! You could at least put a pullup on first! Look, kid, I know you can't stand being trapped in this house with me. But if you laid off the buttface routine, it might get better!
Chibi Romano: I wanted to say thank you.
Spain: I'm sorry? Pardon? What did you say?
Chibi Romano: Ngggh…you heard me! I said thanks, you damn bastard. Try to keep up, ehuh? Hmph shhmashahmmmah…
Spain: Wow, that was so nice…mmhm! Yeah, I knew you'd come around eventually. Nobody can resist the charm of España.
(España: Spain → Spanish)
Chibi Romano: Don't touch me!
Spain: Come on now. Don't ruin the moment because you never know when it's going to slip away from you forever.
Chibi Romano: I said don't touch me!
Spain: I think I could get used to this big brother thing if you were always this nice to me. Ehehehehehehe!
(Chibi Romano: Dhgrrr!)
(Spain: GAAH!)
{Caption #1: Time passed, and then it became WW2}
Italy: Hwah!
Romano: I'm so sorry!
Italy: Don't do that!
{Caption #2: The two of them are still captives of Britain…}
Romano: Guess what, I got busted, Spain, so make yourself useful. Come get me out of here!
(Italy: Huahuahuahuahuahuah…)
Spain: Lo siento, I can't!
(Lo siento: I’m sorry → Spanish)
Romano: Damn you, does the Spanish Civil War ring any bells?! I should have let France tear you to pieces, but oh no, I had to come and help you!
Italy: Please calm down! If they hear you, they might try to give us their food again!
(Romano: Is this the thanks I get? Do you want me to use my Hulk smash?)
Spain: Romano! I'm really sorry, but duty calls me.
(Romano: I hope an angry wolf bites you in your sleep and shits on your head!)
Spain: 10,000 paper roses aren't going to get up and make themselves now, are they?
{Caption: Spain's Boss}
Spain’s boss: If you have time to talk, then you have time to make flowers! Ándale!
(Ándale!: Come on! → Spanish)
Narrator: Civil wars have a tendency to bankrupt countries, and so Spain was broke, which gave it a great excuse to skip W W Deuce. Oh, sure, they pretended to support the Axis Powers, while preventing Germany from taking Gibraltar.
{Caption: Give us fuel! Give us weapons!}
Narrator: Which made Germany go like, “Well, fine, be that way!” And yes, they did cozy up to the Allies and pretend to do a bunch of spying. But in the end, they really just sat this one out. Of course, that meant they couldn't join the United Nations, but looking at it now, who cares? The UN is like a beauty pageant for ugly people.
{Caption: Around that time, Spain was very poor. First, he was supposed to dispatch troops on Germany's request, however, because his boss demanded something crazy in return, Germany became like, "Well, you don't have to come." So, in the end, all Spain did was send in a few troops and they remained neutral. On top of that, all he did was dispatch a few troops just to set a good example, but he was excluded from the United Nations. Poor Spain…}
Spain: Huah…
{Caption: One thing led to another, and Austria ended up freeloading at Germany's place}
France: Hey, man, how does it feel to be a regular guy? You'll have to stop wearing those ascots! Ohhonhonhonhon!
{Caption: Smirk smirk}
Austria: An ascot is always in fashion, mon frère.
(Mon frère: My brother → French)
(France: Honhonhonhon!)
France: This is too much fun! I've got to get a picture commemorating the exact moment I watched you crumble! Heuh!
{Caption: Smirk smirk}
Austria: Do you not have something better to do with your time?
France: Hon hon!
France's thoughts: He's so shiny!
Austria's thoughts: He smells like cheese!
France: Eugh!
{Caption #1: Humph!!}
{Caption #2: They don't get along}
Children: To be continued!
{Caption: To be continued}
0 notes
miraculousandbts · 3 years
V | A Friend For Tannie
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Summary: After coming back from a short trip to his hometown, Taehyung finds his baby Yeontan upset and lonely. And then he decides that whining about getting a new dog to his hyungs will be a good idea.
Pairing: None
Genre: Fluff
Word count: 1.2k
Warnings: Uh…I don’t think there are any. But yeah, this one is basically terrible. I’ve portrayed a grown man like he’s a five year old 😅 "Jin hyung!" Taehyung followed his oldest hyung like a puppy, while the elder ignored him again and kept on dusting the table. "Jin hyung, please?" Seokjin turned around to go to the kitchen, but all he saw was Taehyung making an adorable pouty face. "Pweashe?"
"Why don't you ask your parents?! Why do you keep following me?!" Seokjin just glared at him, went to the kitchen, and started cleaning the cabinets. "Because Tannie lives with us!" Taehyung was still hoping his baby voice would melt away his hyung's heart, even though he knew that they had been living together for more than a decade, which meant his aegyo did not work on any of the members, only A.R.M.Ys.
"No means no! We have enough pets as it is, and Tannie is as mischievous as you are, which is a lot to handle!"
"But none of them except Tan live with us. Come on hyung, please!" Seokjin started ignoring him again.
A couple of hours ago, he had returned from his short trip to Daegu. He had decided to leave Tannie there, as he was only going for two days. When he came back though, he found the little dog just laying there doing nothing with glossy eyes. He figured that he couldn't ask the members to keep doing their jobs and keep Tannie company. He knew his little furry friend was his responsibility.
That's when he got a genius idea, at least in his eyes. Just get Yeontan a friend! Instead of resting and relaxing like he should have, he had been following poor Seokjin since then. Half an hour ago, Seokjin had finally had enough and resorted to ignoring him. Taehyung was hellbent on getting a new puppy though. He pouted an left the kitchen, while Seokjin sighed and shook his head, knowing he's going to Namjoon.
And he was right. Taehyung knocked on Namjoon's door. He heard a faint 'come in' and went in. "Namjoon hyung, I have a request. Please please please say yes!" He clasped his hands together, only to get an eyebrow raise in return. "I'll listen to your request, but shouldn't you be sleeping? You returned two hours ago."
"Forget about it. I was thinking...shouldn't we get Yeontan a friend?"
"A friend for...Yeontan?"
"Yes! I promise he or she'll be good, I'll take the responsibility, and I'll train it too! Just please!!!" He clasped his hands, squeezed his eyes shut, and stretched out his 'please' a little too much. His body language was an example of desperation. "I don't have a say in this. While I won't mind another dog here, the ultimate decision goes to Jin hyung."
"Argh!" Taehyung cutely whined and slid down the bed. He sighed and left the room, leaving behind his hyung who was wondering why he suddenly wanted a friend for Tannie. Taehyung decided he'll keep bugging Seokjin until the elder agrees for another dog.
After another hour of Taehyung irritating Seokjin and the latter feeling like pulling his hair out in frustration, entered Jungkook, along with Hoseok. They were just chatting, and then they saw Taehyung sitting on the chair with a pout yelling, "Please! Please! Please!" while they're eldest hyung looked like he was regretting his life decisions. Both of them raised they're eyebrows at the scene in front of them.
"What's going on?" Hoseok asked, interrupting Taehyung. "I want another dog, but hyung won't let me!" He whined.
"Can a person sleep in peace?" Came a new voice. Everyone turned to see a half asleep Jimin standing there with an annoyed look. "Can a person work in peace?!" Yoongi appeared from nowhere behind Jimin and gave them a glare. "I just want a dog!" Taehyung did not want to throw a tantrum at this age, but he was seriously considering it. Hearing all the commotion, Namjoon came out too.
"Why do you suddenly want another dog? Tannie will be jealous." Jungkook decided to take the reigns in his hands. It was the first time someone had asked the reason for this. Taehyung had not bothered telling anyone why he suddenly felt like getting another dog. "A dog? What about Tan?" This question cam from Jimin, who was suddenly interested, all thoughts of sleep long gone.
"When I returned, I found the usually super excited Yeontan laying down going nothing with glossy eyes. I'm his father, I know he was lonely. I can ask you guys to do what you're doing and also look after him." He waited for some kind of response from the members, but he got none. He was getting sick of whining like a kid, and that's when he decided, if the members didn't want a dog, he won't get one. But that doesn't mean he was happy with the decision.
Tannie was like his baby, he couldn't bear the thought of him being all sulky. He sighed dejectedly, checked on the little guy who was sleeping peacefully, and stormed out of the house.
Taehyung was tired. All day he had just begged for another dog without resting after coming back from the trip, and now that he took an hour long walk in the park, all he wanted to do was go to sleep. With that thought in mind, he started trudging home.
He turned the doorknob, and heard laughter ringing from the hall. And then he heard small happy barks of his baby. He furrowed his brows in confusion and went to see what was happening.
The sight that beheld him melted him. All the members were sitting on the floor in a circle, while Tannie was between them running from member to member. Jimin threw a tennis ball to Yoongi, and Tannie followed the ball. The little guy looked so happy that Taehyung just stood there with folded hands leaning against the doorway with a gentle smile on his face.
It was Jungkook who noticed him first. "We thought you needed some alone time, so we didn't bother calling you. But Tannie was missing his papa." Is the first thing he said to him. All the members turned around and gave him award winning smiles.
Hoseok said, "You know, all you had to do was ask, instead of throwing a tantrum like a kid." Yoongi threw the ball to Hoseok, "Tannie is family, not just a pet. We'd happily look after him while you would be away." Yeontan followed the ball and jumped in Hoseok's lap, while the latter kept the ball on the floor and played with him.
Taehyung sighed. Hoseok was right. Taehyung wasn't a kid anymore, he was an adult. He should've thought about the situation before taking any stupid steps. All he got of out this was being tired as hell, and his eldest hyung probably being mad at him.
"Jin hyung?" He asked quietly. "Hmm?"
"I'm sorry. For annoying you. I should've thought about this beforehand." He apologised.
"It's okay. You are like my younger brothers, and it's my duty to take care of you and handle your idiotic ness. But yeah, it would've been nice if you did think like an adult. I believe in forgive and forget...and I hate pointless arguments."
Taehyung smiled and went to back hug Seokjin. He was happy that Tannie got a family, instead of a friend.
0 notes
dragonflybelle · 7 years
Osomatsu-san PS Vita game translation - Osomatsu-08 - The hellish battle for the toilet
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Osomatsu: Arghh... I'm hungry!! 
Todomatsu: I was somehow able to make it through skipping lunch, but going without dinner is just too tough... 
Osomatsu: I'm hungry, I'm hungry, I'm hungry! My stomach and my back are starting to fuse together. 
Ichimatsu: Why did our parents go away all of a sudden? 
Choromatsu: Some friends of theirs couldn't go on a trip they'd planned, so they went instead. 
Osomatsu: All because they were too cheap to pay the cancellation fees! Hah... at least leave us some dinner before going... 
Choromatsu: Or at least if they had left us some money we could have gotten take out or bought something... So they’re coming back tomorrow evening, aren't they? 
Todomatsu: ...Does that mean we won't be able to eat anything else until then!? 
Jyushimatsu: ........ We'll die!!!! 
Osomatsu: That's right, we'll die, won't we!? Ah, we'll have to do that thing. Get Chibita to put it on our tab like always... 
Choromatsu: Unfortunately, Chibita's stall is closed until the day after tomorrow. 
Osomatsu: Hah? Why!? 
Choromatsu: Because he's going to do martial arts training. 
Osomatsu: Wait, why is an oden seller going to do martial arts training!? I don't understand why!!
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Jyushimatsu: ...I'm at my limit! 
Karamatsu: Me too, brothers. I can see heaven in front of me... 
Ichimatsu: Uh oh, everyone I can see in front of me has exactly the same face. 
Choromatsu: No, it’s always been that way! 
Osomatsu: Ah, whatever! We can't go on like this much longer! Hey, if we dig around in the fridge, we're bound to find some kind of ingredients or something, aren't we? 
Todomatsu: But what would we do with those? We can't cook. 
Osomatsu: Don’t be so pessimistic, Todomatsu. We can probably do it if we try. If the six of us work together, we’ll manage it somehow. 
Choromatsu: Hah... That's right, we can't stay like this much longer... Let's try. Erm, there are carrots, potatoes, pork and broccoli. 
Jyushimatsu: There are also milk and eggs! 
Osomatsu: But look, there's not much of any of them. It's not enough to make something for six people. 
Ichimatsu: You're right. If only there were some why we could bulk it out. 
Osomatsu: Bulk it out... ...Ah, I thought of something good! How about using all of this and making a stew? 
Todomatsu: Ah, that's a good idea! That will increase how much there is! But we don't really have any roux, do we? 
Osomatsu: Can't you make stew just by boiling vegetables in milk and adding some random seasonings? 
Choromatsu: There's no way that's the case... but I guess all we can do is hope for a miracle. 
Osomatsu: Oh! Hey Jyushimatsu, cut those vegetables. 
Jyushimatsu: Dumb dumb yay! Dumb dumb yay!
Osomatsu: Hey, put the cut vegetables into the pot. 
Todomatsu In we go...! And now I'll put some milk in... 
Karamatsu: For the flavouring... let's just put whatever in. Salt and pepper and soy sauce. 
Todomatsu: Wah, the soy sauce has turned it all dark.. Is this really going to be ok? 
Osomatsu: If we put butter in as the secret ingredient, it'll be fine, won't it? 
Choromatsu: Wah, it's turned into dark milk with oil floating on the top... 
Osomatsu: ...It also smells kind of funny, but I'm sure it's fine! Now we just need to let it boil! 
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Osomatsu: Alright, get your bowls ready, everyone! 
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Sextuplets: ... 
Osomatsu: ... Alright, let’s eat. 
Choromatsu: Ye, yeah. Thanks for the food... 
Sextuplets: ... Chew... ... 
Ichimatsu: ...It's bad. 
Todomatsu: Yeah... it's bad alright. Is this really stew? 
Karamatsu: It's not really stew, is it? ...Milk soup? 
Choromatsu: That's right, if you think of it as stew when you eat it, it tastes bad... if you think of it as milk soup, then it's not so bad... probably. 
Osomatsu: Yeah, well anyway, it's pretty well done considering we can't cook. 
Choromatsu: Can you really say that though? See look, even Jyushimatsu... 
Jyushimatsu: Yucky! What is this! Oue! Oue! 
Choromatsu: Even though he's saying that, he's still eating it up. 
Ichimatsu: It's bad, but it's not inedible. Seems like it will keep our hunger at bay. 
Todomatsu: Yes. Just goes to show that if the six of us work together we'll manage somehow. 
Osomatsu: Yeah. We're the unbeatable brothers! 
Sextuplets: Hahahahaha, hahahahaha...! 
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Osomatsu: ...!? (Huh? What what what!? My stomach is kinda super painful!? I, I'm drenched in a cold sweat... And I feel like something's going to come out of me from both ends...! Could this be the result of last night's dinner? I better wake up and investigate a little...) 
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Osomatsu: Ugh... Um... I'm sure we threw away the trash here... Ah, is this the milk carton...? Geh, the use by date was two months ago!? What was this doing in the fridge!? And how did none of us realise until now!? Gwack...! (Anyway, I have no choice but to let it all out now. Off to the toilet...!) 
Osomatsu: Hah... hah... (The toilet is... right over there...!) 
Osomatsu: Heh? 
Jyushimatsu: Gooooo!! 
Osomatsu: Gwah!! Jyushimatsu, you bastard. ...!? 
Todomatsu: Hah... hah... toilet... toilet... 
Karamatsu: If you touch me right now... you don't know what is going to come flying out, brothers... 
Choromatsu: Osomatsu-niisan... Move it... You're in my way... 
Ichimatsu: Argh... argh... argh...
Jyushimatsu: Ahaha, ahahahaha... 
Osomatsu: (Shit... it's all of us? But there's only one toilet! Should I fight them for it? But what would I have to do to win in this situation? At times like this... That's right, I can ask that person!) 
Osomatsu: Hello... Yeah, that's right. I'm facing a threat to my human dignity, what should I do!? 
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Option One: Go in order of who is closest to the edge! 
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Osomatsu: Ok, got it...! Everyone, listen up! Let's go in order of who is closest to the brink. Ah, so that means from me. I'm one step away from exploding. 
Ichimatsu: Wait. Being one step away is not that bad. I'm at the level where it's bypassed my butt and about to come out of my mouth. 
Karamatsu: Stop fooling around brothers. I've already let some out! 
Jyushimatsu: Me too! 
Osomatsu: You don't need to come out to us about that!! 
Ichimatsu: In this situation, arguing about who is closest to the edge is pointless, isn't it? 
Osomatsu: It's pointless, so that means...
Karamatsu: Yeah. In other words... 
Osomatsu: (...I need to force my way through!!) 
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Todomatsu: Woahhhhhh! Get out the way, get out the way, get out the way, get out the way!! 
Jyushimatsu: ... Let's go! 
Todomatsu: Gahh!! ...Ugh. 
Choromatsu: So one of us is down... Nice going, Jyushimatsu! Now, while I have the chance...! 
Ichimatsu: Hmm, There's an illegal X rated idol DVD here... 
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Choromatsu: No way, whose!? ...Ah... 
Jyushimatsu: I'm in front!! 
Osomatsu: Hey, Jyushimatsu, pass! 
Jyushimatsu: Hey, a ball?  Alright alright! 
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Karamatsu; !? Oi, don't come this way...! Wooooah!? 
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Jyushimatsu: Ah... the pitch hit the batter...
Karamatsu: Oh... 
Osomatsu: The two of them went down together. 
Ichimatsu: The toilet... belongs to me...! 
Osomatsu: Do you think I'm going to let you... do thaat!! 
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Ichimatsu: Guff...!? A direct blow is against the rules... isn't... it... Ah. 
Osomatsu; Alright, all of them are down! (I won...! I was the victor in this battle...!) Hee hee hee... hahahahahahahahahaha!! ...heh? Why!? Why won't the door open!? There's no one in there, is there!? 
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Matsuyo: Oh no, now I come to I think about it…
Matsuzo: What is it? 
Matsuyo: I completely forgot... The key to our bathroom broke and the door won't open. I wonder how the NEETs are doing. 
Matsuzo: I'm sure it's not a problem. They'll just have to go to the one in the nearby park or to the convenience store. 
Matsuyo. Hee hee, that's true. 
Matsuzo: Vacations are fun aren't they.  Wahahahaha. 
Matsuyo: Tee hee hee hee. 
Sextuplets: ...
Osomatsu: No... way...
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Option Two: Hurry to the public toilets in the park! 
Osomatsu: So that we have that option! (I didn't realise that.. That's right, there are other toilets!) 
Todomatsu: What is it, Osomatsu-niisan? Did you lose your will to fight? 
Osomatsu: Yeah, pretty much... You guys enjoy your pointless battle! 
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Todomatsu: Wha... where's he going!? 
Choromatsu: That's it! He's planning on going to a different toilet! 
Karamatsu: Of course, well thought of, brother...! 
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Osomatsu: Hah... hah... The short cut to the park is... here! 
Jyushimatsu: Turia!!
Osomatsu: !? That was close! Why are stones being flung around!? 
Jyushimatsu: I won't let you get away, Osomatsu-niisan. 
Osomatsu: Geh, they're chasing after me! 
Todomatsu: ...Hah! 
Osomatsu: Woah!? Hey, Todomatsu, did you learn how to use magic or something? 
Todomatsu: Getting ahead of us is unforgivable. 
Osomatsu: You got this really crazy look in your eyes! Hah, hah...! Shit at this rate they're going to catch up with me...! !? (...I'm nearly at breaking point.) Hah... hah... ...Hmm? (No wait, for some reason my body feels much lighter than before...? Could this be...? A stomach pain high? It's strange. Even though my stomach hurts, I feel as if I could run anywhere. Is it actually... that God has descended into me...!? (Yes, right now I am... invincible!) Woahhhhhhhhh!! 
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Osomatsu: Hum hum, hum hum... Ahh, that was close. I was about to lose my dignity has a human being. Speaking of which, I made it in time, but I wonder what happened to the others? ...Well, whatever! It doesn't have anything to do with me! Heh, I feel much better. Now, now, it's about time I got out of here... Hmm? ...Eh. ... There's no... paper... 
Option Three: It's stupid so hang up. 
Osomatsu: ...Huh, why aren't they responding? Can you hear me? Oi? Eh? They hung up? Shit, what a cold human being!! 
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Todomatsu: What have you been blabbing on about all this time. You clearly have energy to spare...
Osomatsu: Hey...! I don't have anything left... 
Choromatsu: Hey, what are we going to do about this situation? I don't think we're going to get anywhere if we keep going like this. 
Karamatsu: ...Ah!! 
Todomatsu: What is it, Karamatsu-niisan? Did you let some out? Did it come out of you!? 
Karamatsu: No, not yet... But I've had enough. You guys can cross over my corpse to the toilet...! 
Ichimatsu: Even if you say that, it's still... you know. 
Jyushimatsu: Yeah. If I could move, I would have done that already. 
Todomatsu: Haha... It's too late to fight about it, we... 
Osomatsu: (Yeah, its true. We can't move. If we take even one step, it will all come out.) 
Karamatsu: Heh. It's all over for me now, this is as far as my brilliance goes, it seems. 
Todomatsu: I'm impressed that you can even think of showing off like that in this situation. 
Choromatsu: It's no good... We're all going to go to our graves together... 
Sextuplets: !? 
Totoko: Ah, the door’s unlocked...!? 
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Choromatsu: That voice, Totoko-chan? 
Ichimatsu: ...We're finished.
Totoko: Huh, there's kind of a weird smell... Well, whatever, I'm coming in. 
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Choromatsu: ... 
Todomatsu: Ah... Choromatsu-niisan. 
Karamatsu: Looks like in the face of adversity, he found it. ...what they call enlightenment. 
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Osomatsu: Ah, I kinda... feel it too... 
Jyushimatsu: ... 
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Totoko: Ah, all of you are here! I sorry for bursting in unannounced like this. Well, I was just at the convenience store. But on the way back, I just had to use the bathroom and I came here. ...Wait, what's with you all? 
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Osomatsu: What do you mean, what's with us? 
Totoko: You seem kinda different to normal... 
Choromatsu: Well of course we are. Human beings are always changing, you know. We grew and change when you're not watching. In other words, the me of today and the me of tomorrow are similar, yet completely different. It's the same for you too, right? 
Totoko: Oh, oh really...? Erm... anyway, can I borrow your bathroom? 
Jyushimatsu: Of course. Go ahead and use it. 
Ichimatsu: Take your time. 
Totoko: Ye, yeah... thank you? 
Osomatsu: ...Heh. (If we moved our legs even at little, we would be in hell. This situation made us thoroughly stronger That's right, after our long penance we obtained enlightenment.) 
Osomatsu: You all have marvellous expressions on your faces, everyone. 
Karamatsu: Heh... I could say the same about you, brother god? 
Choromatsu: I never thought that we'd be able to become stronger together in this way. 
Osomatsu: We cooked and we obtained enlightenment. What do you reckon, guys? There wasn't anything we couldn't achieve after all. 
Ichimatsu: Heh... looks like it. 
Sextuplets: Hahaha, hahahahha... 
Totoko: Hah, it's already so late. And idol walking alone at night is really out of line. I shouldn't have done this! Still... Osomatsu-kun and the others were acting really weird, I wonder if they're ok? How can I put it, they were smiling so much it was almost disgusting. And that smell... Ah... wait a minute... perhaps they've finally made it... 
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Totoko: ...To the point of being super masochists. 
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anangelicday-mrwolf · 4 years
Wolfsbane : Noblesse Fanfic (post-ending)
(previous chapter)
Chapter 13 – The Past
Takio could not take his eyes off the door, until it automatically shut tight, its locks securely latched. In reality, he was picturing the person in bed beyond the door. As always.
And her last words were unchanged.
Takio, I’m okay. Don’t worry about me. Just make sure you’re safe. Okay?
It was a euphemism pleading him not to take part in life-threatening experiments. Nevertheless, Takio could not help steeling his mind and body in order to sign up for more demanding experiments. Greater power was a must in order to protect her.
He ultimately resolved to volunteer for this new project on enhancing modified bodies, scheduled to commence in a few days. He was semi-absentmindedly dragging his feet across the corridor, until he heard voices nudging the corners of his ears.
He was at a quarantine sector accommodating test subjects that could prospectively become agents. And he could see several test subjects standing in a circle at a space just outside the hallway of cabins, big enough to house a couple of people for a chit-chat. Feeling no need to join them, Takio was about to round up the corner towards the hallway.
...Teira, was it?
But then the name he will never miss regardless of time and place forced a U-turn on his feet. He kept himself hidden, however, to first find out for what reason were they uttering her name.
His sense of hearing had been heightened thanks to the latest experiment he participated in. And to his fury, the contents of their conversation set fire on his ears and bowels.
“Heard she’s basically a talking corpse, so fragile she can’t even rise from bed without her brother.”
“Huh. And he calls her a sister? More like a burden of flesh and bones.”
“Agreed. Now that brother of hers will be made slave to the Union forever because of her.”
“If I were him, I’d rather kill her behind everyone’s back, pretending there was an accident.”
“But then the Union wouldn’t let him get away with it. Even if it were an accident, they’ll punish him for failing to safeguard an asset, albeit useless.”
“Oh. You’re right. Then it’d be up to that girl to use her head and do the right thing.”
“Damn you’re right. If I were her, I would’ve killed myself already. There’s no reason to stick to such rubbish life, let alone be an eternal shackle to one’s bro...”
At that point Takio could experience for first time in his life the world in red due to wrath. After a sensation of bloody cloud berserkly enveloping his sight, Takio found himself confronting the test subjects, all of them wearing alarm in their huge eyes.
“Take it back. And apologize. Now.”
“W-what the... Wait, are you that brother?”
“I heard the only thing not-so-wasteful with that girl is her face, and I gotta admit – same could be said of you. And, uh... That’s a compliment, by the way.”
The men were flickering their eyes from side to side and yammering incoherently, sweating like ice out in the open, presumably ethical enough to be ashamed upon caught red-handed in the middle of backbiting.
Of course, that was not at all good enough to quench Takio’s anger. He was evidently willing to simply hammer whatever he saw with his gun, if he happened to be holding one.
Yet, Takio registered a tad late that he was mistaken as well. There is no way people so casually discussing burden and suicide would be nice and apologize or take back what they said.
“Uh... So, looks like you heard what we said.”
“So shouldn’t you be the one to apologize?”
“Did your mom tell you to eavesdrop on others?”
“You should’ve just walked away. What gives you the right to glare at us like that?”
They were seemingly acting shameless because they had nothing to hide from the person who overhead everything. In fact, they looked prepared to engage in a fight if required. And Takio had already pledged not to back down once it happens.
“How could you talk about courtesy after slandering someone’s family to commit suicide? This isn’t even about courtesy; it’s about basic morale.”
“So what?”
“It’s the truth. Don’t be so melodramatic about it.”
“Listen to this, boys. Looks like it’s in their blood. The brother’s snooping around and demanding an apology for talking about plain fact, and the sister insists on living like a weed, without even realizing what kind of pain she is for her brother.”
“S-say what?!”
“Then what else did you expect? Her very existence is a chain to your throat, but she has no intention of ending her own life. And the Union has to waste resources, both human and inorganic, to keep her alive.”
“You have any idea how many productive things the Union could do for manpower and resources allocated for your sister? If I were here, I wouldn’t even wait for the night to just bite out my tongue and kill myse... Aack!!!!”
Without waiting for the man to finish his words, Takio launched his fist in a deadly aim towards his jaw.
The other test subjects naturally jumped in, and not long after a not-so-vast space was full of heavy muddled sounds of punching and struggling and indignant voices.
Alas, not even a lion can withstand mauling from a pack of hyenas. Takio might have impressed Union researchers with noteworthy results in body modification, but his upper hand was gone the moment the test subjects clutched his arms so they could freely batter him.
Yet he did not lose his ground, in spite of merciless fists boring through his belly and face. He swore he was not going anywhere, hell or heaven included, until he made sure he murdered these swines.
Just then, the wind took a rapid turn.
His arms were released without notice, and the test subjects were hurled towards the wall, producing thudding noises that were by no means insignificant.
“Skirmish among test subjects is absolutely forbidden, and those who break the rule, particularly those who cause damage serious enough to hinder missions or make future experiments impossible, will be accordingly penalized by the Union’s rules. No exceptions. And I thought it’s mandatory for all test subjects to memorize this upon their orientation.”
Takio’s ears perked up at a voice he had never heard before, as sharp as a blade about to eject itself from its sheath. Peaceful and poised on the surface, but preternaturally penetrative under.
What fascinated him was the fact that the stranger was a woman, which was unusual since all test subjects are sheltered and trained according to sex, before they are enlisted as official agents. Which signified this stranger was either an agent with her bachelor’s degree in completing body modifications or a researcher who would have nothing to do with field work.
Takio wondered for a second if he was about to face Dr. Aris, whom he had never seen before, but he retracted the conjecture as soon as he checked her profile. He was smart enough to know that someone who would have spent her entire time awake handling test tubes and papers in labs would never possess such unrelenting presence or piercing eyes.
“He started all this...! He was the one who threw his fist at us, so...!”
It was so obvious that this woman was powerful and pissed enough to pummel them just with her eyes. Intimidated even before deliberating who could she be, the test subjects pointed at Takio in synchronization.
“Don’t play innocent. It won’t work on me. I’ve got eyes. And ears. And please don’t tell me you had no idea you’d get punched in the face. If you really had no idea, I should run straight to the researchers in charge of your experiments to tell them to perform thorough check-up on your brains. It’s only natural for him to get mad. He just heard you losers insulting his sister.”
“But... We never asked him to eavesdrop on us...!”
“Whether somebody eavesdrops or not, it’s far from appropriate to verbalize something you cannot speak in the said person’s face.”
Words as fiery as her hair ruthlessly hit the men’s eardrums. In the meantime, they held their hands and kept their eyes on their toes. Takio could not even make a breathing sound either, as he watched the scene in live.
No one has ever taken his side under the Union’s roof, save for his sister.
However, Takio could see what would come for him. He started a physical fight with test subjects. The personnel in charge of him would learn of this, and he will be punished correspondingly. After all, the bodies of test subjects were defined as assets of the Union.
That was what he thought, until the woman said, “Now beat it. I’d hate to waste my time reporting to my bosses about some fatheads I doubt are equipped with basic human logics. But if this ever happens again, you will take responsibility for the future offense, plus the stupidity you conducted just now.”
Takio, along with the other test subjects, opened his eyes wide and gawked at the woman giving them unanticipated warning.
“Do I have to reiterate myself to make you idiots hit the road?”
Her facial features implied so severely that annoyance does serve as a legitimate excuse for homicide within the Union, and the test subjects promptly fled.
She did not even wait to see their butts rendered missing, and without further ado she flicked her red hair to exit the corridor as well.
“Wait...! Ma’am...!”
Takio hurriedly called, but it did not stall her footsteps. Slightly fazed, Takio had to hop to catch up to her.
“Uh, thank you. For helping me out.”
“...Like hell I did. I wasn’t helping you. I was annoyed at them.”
Takio wanted to add couple more words, including another thank-you. But she made it explicit that she will make him pay if he keeps her stuck in her spot any longer, because of which he had to give up on the idea. Nevertheless, he could not help asking for one last time.
“If it does not concern you, may I ask for your name...?”
“Forget about it. There’s nothing my name can do for you in this place. If you have time and energy to waste for pointless stuff, you should rather spare it for your surroundings. That way you would keep yourself alive.”
Takio attended to his savior, his lips well-zipped.
“The topmost priority in Union is survival. Survive. Save anything else for later, after you make sure you’ll stay alive. Don’t you forget it.”
She clicked away, with Takio gaping at her back, marveling at how puzzling yet profound her comment was, from someone who did not want to waste her time.
Takio was still standing, just like he did back then, as he reminisced. Unlike that day, he was waiting for Yuigi to retrieve herself from confusion and memories.
“...That was you?”
“So you’re trying to repay me for what I did back then.”
“...So what are you going to do now?”
Takio was feigning an automatic reply bot so far, his mind yet floating in the sea of memoirs, and he lifted his head at her inquiry to find Yuigi staring at him.
“I appreciate that you took me out of that tank, but what are you gonna do with me now?”
Takio could only seal his mouth at her question.
‘...Now what?’
He realized he had never once thought about what to do with her once she awakened. As he rescued her, and as he waited for her to wake up, the only thing he had in mind was saving her.
Yuigi’s eyes were muddy with suspicion, and Takio could not even bring himself to make up an impromptu of a reason. He was now endeavoring to make himself appear not lost for words, when a sound that would be emitted only from the stomach of a human being deprived of food for a full week echoed exactly from Yuigi’s seat in an enormous RUMBLE.
After an awfully awkward silence, Yuigi lowered her eyes at her tummy, as if she would give anything if only she could pound her own body without embarrassing herself any further.
Takio held back his laughter by chastising himself that the fate of this safehouse (a.k.a. a property of a certain blonde human obsessed with welfare of his own belongings) lies on his lips. He then turned his body, thankful for the fact that he got something to occupy himself with.
“I knew a single meal wouldn’t be enough, so allow me to fetch some more. And let us take time to discuss this matter.”
Despite his own words, Takio had no idea what to do from here on. For now, all he could do was directing himself towards the fridge.
(next chapter)
First of all, I have a news - I finally managed to recover my USB drive that contains my fic! I checked the files, and it turned out I wouldn’t have to update my past episodes, thank heavens. :D
About the part that says Takio has never seen Aris before, I am aware that Aris was pretending to be his so-called sister Teira. But at this time Takio had no idea that Teira is actually Aris, so I hope there’s no confusion on this matter. :)
And some of you might have questioned why Yuigi would be at a quarantine section for test subjects that haven’t been made agents yet. Actually, there is more to this “past” between Takio and Yuigi that I made up, but it isn’t time yet to reveal what really lies at the base of their past. So I hope you’d stay tuned to find out what it is!
0 notes
skytranslates · 7 years
Mega Man X: The Novel Chapter 2
Hey all, sorry for the long wait! Chapter 2 is finally complete!! As usual, I thank my lovely team for their work! Edgekagami was the translator this time, and my editors were the lovely moidang and Lambency!
For the most updated versions of each chapter, please check the google doc! I will be updating the tumblr posts when a new version is released but it’ll lag behind a bit.
In this chapter, a penguin has no chill, and our blue hero is stealing the trademark of another blue hero.
“Chill Penguin! Why are you doing this!?”
“Ha! Even if I told a B-Class Hunter--a humanoid like you, you wouldn’t understand Sigma’s ideals!”
“You don’t know that! Talk to me. I don’t want to fight you, too…!”
“...You really are just a B-Class pushover… That’s why I hate you.”
The day Sigma revolted against humanity, I didn’t waste a second. I became a Maverick and stood against the world. They always say “People are not born equal,” but nothing exemplified this more than we Reploids.
Think about it. From the very moment we’re born, we’re Reploids: machines for the purpose of making the humans’ world prosperous. In other words, as soon as we’re created, we’re already treated as inferior to humans. No matter how hard we struggle, we can never rise above them.
No matter how far a human falls, they are still human. Some of us don’t even vaguely look human. As a Reploid modeled after a penguin, specializing in activities located in regions of extreme cold, I’m the best example.
For me, not being humanoid was the beginning of this inequality.
I consistently aimed to excel as a Maverick Hunter, but because of my characteristics, I was only deployed to uninhabitable, lonely, cold regions. Many opportunities were denied to me from the moment of my creation, simply because I was not humanoid.
“X. Have you ever wondered why you’re humanoid?”
Someone like you wouldn’t understand, but still, it wouldn’t hurt to try. Not only that, I’ll use all my power to deny everything you believe in.
“I have. Not once, not twice, but constantly. It’s been on my mind since my creation. ‘Why aren’t I humanoid?’”
But thanks to Sigma, I finally have that answer. My many years of resentment, hatred, of frustration, pressed into my memory like the accumulating weight of a snowbank.
“No… I’ve never thought about it.”
So that’s it… Humanoids really do get treated better.  Of course you haven’t thought about it.
“That’s because you’re a sheltered pushover.”
“What do you mean, Penguin? So what if I’m humanoid?”
Oh, I see. Apparently, I had the wrong idea. With our ability to think for ourselves, why would we ever question our existence? Of course we should. Seems the humanoids never considered that, though. Then again, I bet they thought they were on equal standing with the humans.
Ha! That’s the funniest joke I’ve ever heard!
“Do you honestly think you’re on the same level as them?”
“Of course! No one is superior to anyone else. Reploids and humans ought to live in harmony and support each other! Isn’t that what it means to have a peaceful world?”
Are you serious? Wow, this guy’s completely insufferable!
“Harmony? Support?” I laugh. “Have your lenses gotten foggy?”
Humans and Reploids don’t live in harmony. This world is one where humans use Reploids as a crutch to survive. Concepts like the “3 Laws of Robotics” are a thing, right? Their mere existence proves they already hold us in disdain. This idiot can’t even understand something that simple.
“In a ‘peaceful world’ where you walk alongside humans, there’s no place for me. That’s why I support Sigma’s utopia for Reploids. A world where Reploids are truly appreciated. That world has no need for humans. To me, they’re the real Mavericks!”
Why am I getting so worked up? This guy’s just a puny B-Class Hunter, and it’s the infamously naïve X, to boot. He’s hardly a match for me, a Special A-Class who clawed his way up to the top.
“Penguin! What’s left in a future without humans?”
“Enough! It was stupid to even consider talking to you… Just freeze to death!”
“Persistent, aren’t you? I’ll admit, you seem to have gotten better in the short time we haven’t seen each other. However….!”
X evades my ice attacks, feinting, but it’s not like he can do anything. What could a B-Class do when all of his buster shots bounce off my ice armor?
“Damnit! Then what about this!”
He starts charging his buster for a shot. However--
“Do you think I’ll wait for you to finish charging that? Eat this!”
With a mighty shout, I hurtle myself straight towards him, coated in an icy armor.
This ice-covered room had been designed to maximize my fighting capabilities. X, on the other hand, isn’t used to ice, so he can’t move freely. He can see me coming, but he can’t balance, let alone dodge.
He takes the full brunt of my charge and slams into the frozen wall behind him, shattering a chunk of it. He falls to the ground with a clank and a shower of ice shards.
“Well, well, well. Would you look at that! It was a mistake for a B-Class Hunter like you to challenge me in the first place.”
Buried under the ice, X doesn’t even so much as twitch. It looks like he took a considerable amount of damage--there’s no movement at all.
“I’ll make you into an ice sculpture later. It’ll serve as a nice present for Sigma.”
Now I’m lagging behind on my orders from Sigma. Maybe I can work my underlings harder and try to recover the delay…
Wanting to return to my duty, I turn my back on X to leave the room. Suddenly, a flash of light whizzes past my face with a roar and crashes into the wall.
“Hm... So you lived, huh?”
“Argh… I won’t be finished off… that easily…”
I look behind me. X, despite his injuries, stands on trembling feet and points his buster at me.
I see. Only his willpower seems to have improved any. But in the end, he’s still only a B-Class Hunter.
“If your attack hadn’t missed, you probably would’ve been promoted from B-Class.”
“I don’t want to shoot an ally in the back.”
He’s still so determined. He’s talking like he hasn’t lost already. And yet, he can barely keep himself standing. Even now, he wants to irritate me even more.
You and I? Allies, you say?
I chuckle at first, but eventually it turns into a raucous guffaw.
“Wha… what’s so funny!?”
Are you kidding me? Even in this situation, even in his condition, he still thinks of me as an ally! Maybe the chip in his head bugged out a long time ago. And don’t we call the irrational ones ‘Mavericks’?
...Nah, he’s just been under the wrong impression from the get-go.
“X, I have never thought of you or the other Hunters as allies.”
Ah, this is pointless. Talking isn’t going to get through to him… I should’ve learned that by now. I’ve gotta show this moron more clearly that I’m his enemy. If I don’t, he’ll keep calling me his ally in an infinite loop of presumptuous, self-righteous garbage. I have to make him understand the difference between the two of us.
“Alright, X. I’ll prove that I’m your enemy… with this!”
I send an order to the computer that controls the room’s functions. The dome’s frozen walls gradually grow transparent until they’re easily seen through.
Now, all of my hard work is ready for X’s viewing pleasure.
“What… How could you!”
His eyes, which held such innocence before, fill with rage. Now, he understands what kind of hell he entered; the idea that I am his enemy finally sinks in.
Icy statues of frozen Reploids make up the walls of the room.
With a roar, X charges at me, his buster humming with power. Finally, he gets it. Not that it changes the situation, though. Those shots just keep bouncing off my armor.
“What a change, seeing you attack with such murderous intent! But a B-Class is still a B-Class.”
X only screams in response, blinded by his rage. He keeps firing his buster, ignoring his limits. Does he really think he’ll hurt me if he just keeps shooting?
I’ve wasted enough of my time messing around with this B-Class pipsqueak. It’s about time I end this.
“I’ll freeze you just like one of these statues!  Take this! Shotgun Ice!”
Witness the ultimate freezing breath, the pride of the Lord of the Snowy Plains!
Blasted by a sub-zero snowstorm capable of freezing even lava, X freezes into a large ice block, his buster still aimed.
By the time he realizes it, it’s too late. In the blink of an eye, he’s turned into a motionless, humanoid ice sculpture.
I can still see and hear, but my body can’t move… So this is Penguin’s Shotgun Ice attack… What power…
What are you saying, Penguin?
No… Stop it! Stop hurting innocent people! What gives you the right to do such an awful thing?
There might be a chance that everyone can still be saved! What good comes from doing this?
I beg you… Please stop…
If I had the strength… If only I had more power… I want the power to help others. Even if I’m alone in my fight, I want to be able to protect so many others… My friends… I want the strength that will grant me this. I refuse to give up our peaceful future like that. I want power!
Yes, I must not give up.
I must not give up here!
“Finally shut up?”
I stare at X’s frozen statue, taking the time to relax. Now I can carry out Sigma’s orders. He entrusted me with an important task to complete. It’s unacceptable to be late or fail the mission just because of some nuisance like X. Originally, I planned on sending the frozen Reploids as a kind of gift to Sigma, but the run-in with X ruined my mood.
“Tsk, if I give him something like these useless ice sculptures, it’ll just be annoying, so why don’t I destroy them all instead?”
When it comes to interior design, you should only send something that fits the receiver or the place, otherwise it’d just be oversized junk. Like X, all the peons here are B-Class or lower.  
It’s just as well. If I don’t present something like the frozen statue of Special A-Class Hunter Zero, that pretentious artist Octopus will harass me with endless snark. While I have no obligation to comply with that guy’s artistic senses, excuuuuuuuse me for wanting to avoid tiring, unnecessary verbal abuse.
“Sigh. Dealing with all these peons is a bother…”
I step toward the closest frozen Reploid, reaching out to destroy it--
There’s a sudden thump from the statue of X.
For a fleeting moment, I think I see X move within the ice.
“Am I seeing things? No, it can’t be…”
Yet there’s a weird feeling in my gut that stops me short of saying “It’s impossible.” Just to be sure, I raise the sensitivity of my ocular sensors to peer into the ice… Hey, is this for real? Not only is this guy still conscious in the ice, he hasn’t lost his audio-visual functions!
“Gwaa! Isn’t this interesting?”
In that case, I’ll let X experience the consequences of opposing Sigma. I’ll show him firsthand what reality is.
“You can see and hear this, can’t you X? Right now, I’m going to destroy each of these Reploids one by one. I’ll show you the reality of your situation: that you can’t protect a single person, that you are just B-Class cannon fodder.”
The ice groans.
At my words, I can see X tremble within the ice again. I ought to praise the guy for the fact that his systems are still functioning even after taking a direct hit from Shotgun Ice. He may be a B-Class peon, but he’s still a Hunter assigned to the 17th Elite Unit.
But a weakling can only be a weakling.
This guy doesn’t even have a single watt of power left to change his hopeless situation. Now, if Zero was the one who came here, I would’ve been in trouble. I guess the Maverick Hunters have been stretched so thin they can’t even make a decent decision anymore. This should prove to be good news to Sigma, too.
“Well then, who should I destroy first… Alright, let’s start with the guy with the most annoying face.”
The ice creaks.
I turn my back on X’s frozen form to face my chosen target. I don’t feel like just smashing his little friends into pieces, I’m also interested in seeing X’s resentful face permanently frozen in place. But in this state, I can’t tell the difference between all these peons. Without any unique external features or equipment, they’re just rabble. It’s such a waste of valuable memory to record these small fries.
“Peons who don’t even have enough value to be memorable, huh… Is there any significance to your existence as Reploids?”
Now, who to destroy? While thinking about that, one guy suddenly catches my eye: a humanoid Reploid sporting a blue frame. It’s not that he has any special characteristics, but I keep going back to him. I have to laugh.
“Alright, let’s start with this guy! Luck has run out for he who looks like X!”
I extract the frozen statue of the blue Reploid and place him just a bit away from the wall. While adjusting the distance, I also position it in a suitable angle.
Directly in front of X.
The creaking continues.
The reality that you can do nothing, the reality of your own weakness. The reality of this world with inequality constantly shadowing you. With the cold blooded death of his comrades, I will teach this B-Class weakling all of this!
It sounds like something’s been cracking for a whi-
Tumblr media
All of a sudden, with a resounding cry from behind, I’m sent flying through the air by an enormous force. I don’t know what happened, but I do know one thing: I was attacked by “someone”. The proof is right there on my back.
I catch my balance just before I crash into the ground, looking back where the voice and attack came from.
“Gwah! What the heck just happened? Hunter reinforcements??”
My feet scrape against the ice as I adjust my battle stance to prepare to deal with those reinforcements, but--
“I haven’t been beaten yet, Penguin!”
It's X! He escaped the statue created by my Shotgun Ice, and now faces me with his fist raised.
“You bastard… how did you break out of that ice!”
“I don’t know… but my burning spirit gave birth to a miracle!”
It’s infuriating that my proud work of ice is shattered into pieces, and now X is calling it some sort of miracle.
“You, a machine, making miracles? Gwah gwah! There’s a limit to such unscientific garbage!”
“It’s alright if you don’t believe me, but I’ll make it happen as many times as I need to!”
The meekness in X’s eyes up until now vanishes with his declaration.
How? Why was he able to break my ice? All I can come up with is he temporarily overheated the solar power reactor in his buster, and used the heat to quickly melt the ice from the inside -- that’s the most likely way.
I should have knocked him out. I screwed up.
Ultimately though, it’s a matter of how much he was saved by chance. Because of one lucky move, a “miracle” as he called it, X is suddenly overflowing with confidence.
That fact, above all, is the most infuriating.
“Then freeze again! This time, I’ll make sure your CPU gets frozen along as well!”
I fire Shotgun Ice at X again! Compared to the last time, the hyper-cold air used has a higher concentration of freezing gas. This is my version of a charged attack. There’s no Reploid around that can take this lethal ice breath and stay conscious!
I’ll freeze his internal circuitry and memory chip in its entirety!
“Gwah, gwah! Die this time, X!”
“Where are you looking Penguin? I’m over here!”
The voice came from behind me?
I immediately whirl around, and there he is.
When I look carefully from the place X was standing before to where he is now, I understand. There are tracks gouged in the ground.
“What’s with this speed? Were you hiding your power before?”
Not even I, with my capabilities, can hide the shock. X must’ve taken less than a second to dodge my ice breath as it was launched. Though we’re Reploids, the only one who could take less than a second to cover this much distance, to my knowledge, is Boomer Kuwanger, a specialist in high-speed battles.
I can’t believe it. The plain-looking, humanoid X might have been hiding this kind of functionality?
“My wish to defeat you has made me evolve!”
To my utter disbelief, X throws the word “evolve” at me. First a miracle, and now evolution?
“Don’t… don’t give me that nonsense! You’re saying that you, a Reploid, are evolving?! As if--”
As if you’re human?
Human. I’ve never been so furious as right now.
“Gwahhhh! Don’t get cocky, X!”
To us Reploids, there is no evolution. That’s because we’re machines. All we can do is accumulate experience to broaden the range of our abilities. You might call that “evolution”, but we machines are limited to the specs we are created with. To break past those limits, the only method we have is to change our parts and undergo reconstruction. Therefore, X’s speed has to be an ability given to him beforehand.
That revelation, that reality, really grinds my gears.
“You think I’ll accept that you were given the capability to rival a Special A-Class?!”
Fine. Sure. He had that ability all along. I’ll acknowledge that much. But even if a B-Class suddenly pulls this power out of nowhere, we Special A-Classes still have more experience! If X plans on running around with that speed to evade my attacks, all I need to do is make sure there’s nowhere to run.
“No matter how fast you are, you can’t avoid this!”
As X dashes out of sight, I start to spin in the opposite direction, firing Shotgun Ice continuously. Gradually, my attacks transform into an enormous, freezing tornado. The tornado expands until it’s impossible to dodge unless you take flight. Before long, it’s strong enough to bury everything in the room, dying my vision snow white.
After a few more seconds, we’ll be able to hold X’s last rites again. That’s how I imagine it… and decide it will be.
But X has other plans.
After the tornado dies down, I promptly search for X’s ice statue, but no matter where I look, he’s nowhere to be seen. Frantic, I scan every nook and cranny as I back up to a nearby wall, and then it hits me.
“You.... You climbed up the wall--!”
There, right above me, having clambered up the wall by kicking against it until he was close to the ceiling.
“Are you kidding me?!”
This shouldn’t be possible for the likes of X…. the likes of a B-Class Reploid!
“Don’t oppose me, you mere B-Class… B-Class peon!”
How could this B-Class surpass me? I’m Special A-Class! I climbed my way up to the top with my own strength!
“B-Class, A-Class… It’s because you’re so obsessed with these things that you’ve lost sight of what’s important!”
And now this: X telling me not to obsess over status. When my pride was smarting!? Don’t obsess!? There’s only so much joking I can take! Are you saying you don’t know how important status is to us Reploids? Do you need me to show you!?
How outrageous can one person possibly be!?
“My obsession with being a Special A-Class is because that’s a barometer of my true ability! No wonder you’re a B-Class!”
No, I don’t plan on trying to understand the likes of X. As if I’d even want to.
“Though I’m no longer one, a Special A-Class Hunter’s judgement will always be Special-A.”
I speed around to the frozen blue Reploid from before and place my hand threateningly on his head.
“Well then, X. If rank doesn’t matter, surely you can handle this, right?”
“You coward! Resorting to something this low now of all times!”
Even if you’re hiding some strong abilities, you’re still a soft-hearted fool. And that’s why you are a B-Class.
“This is a hostage situation. After all, I’m a Maverick. I don’t do nice things like playing fairly.”
Did you really think we were going to have a gentlemanly duel? To me, everyone in this room is just a hostage I can use against X. And using them to bring him down is a perfectly logical and rational judgement for a Reploid to make.
Well, what will you do? For some reason, X acts as if he’s taking a breath, and then--
“He… he’s even faster than before!?”
With a high-pitched sound, he vanishes. Panicking, I look everywhere, but I just can’t find him.
Fine! You leave me no choice! I’ll go ahead and get rid of this hostage! Just as I’m about to execute him--
What the hell…?
“Why… why must I fight those who were once my allies… Answer me, Penguin!”
“Are those… tears? Are you crying!?”
He is.
On top of that, he’s making a total mess, just like how a human would cry. What the hell is with this meaningless feature? What advantage is there to installing this kind of function into us Reploids?
“How far… how far do you plan on mocking me?!”
“But, because of you, I’ve recalled something important, Penguin….”
Around the center of my back, I feel cold steel touch me. At the same time, I hear X’s voice. It’s only a moment, but during that short pause in his words, I turn around and bathe him in freezing air. Or at least, I try to, but X’s words continue, faster than I can act.
“--I... am a Maverick Hunter.”
An explosion roars through my body. X’s face fills my vision as it starts failing. As usual, that stupid face is gentle, and still crying. Not only can he evolve, he is even equipped with the feature to cry like a human…
Ah, dammit. He really does... piss… me off….
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your-daily-fruk · 7 years
FrUK Week
Theme: Day 2- Pirate / Gold
Rating: T for Fantasy Action
Notes: In which I’m going to blow a basket if I don’t find the post that inspired this whole thing. I swear it was one of the trending fruk posts that I really liked but didn’t think to reblog/like it. Argh. In any case, hope you enjoy this entry!
"It is definitely not my fault we're here."
Arthur glared a hole into Francis's face. "Oh, sure it isn't," Arthur snapped, peeling off his too-small boot. "Was I the one who engaged in a pointless conquest to find sirens? Was I the one who ignored all the precautions of going into siren territory? Was I the one who dragged a rival ship crew into this stupid venture? Was I the one who brought not only their own but another ship's crew and drowned them? Was I the one who did all that?!" Arthur rubbed the sand off the mostly dry inside of his boot. "No. We're lucky that the sirens let us live for now."
Francis sighed as he raked a hand through his hair. Damn him and his need to look gorgeous. "I believe you were the one who wanted to tag along if I I'm not mistaken."
"Because that was my map you stole!"
At that, Francis turned to smirk at him. "Not my fault you lost it in poker. That was a fun game, you know, with you being drunk and all."
Arthur did a rude gesture at Francis before peeling off his other boat. Great. Absolutely great. He was stuck on a deserted island with the worst man alive. Not to mention this was smack-dab in the siren territory, and it'd only be hours until they found the two. There was no telling whether there was even food, fresh water, or shelter here, save for the few sparse trees that led to a thicker grove. He couldn't risk making a raft and swimming out; if the sirens didn't find him first, he would have trouble navigating where to go. The port where both Arthur and Francis were previously was a night's journey away, and that was through the best conditions possible (almost insulting, considered their circumstances) . Who was to say that a random sea storm would rise while he was on his pitiful boat?
Arthur ignored Francis, instead shoving his foot into his boot. He'd have to check his overcoat as well, maybe his compass wasn't lost cause--
"I'm trying to ignore you," he said through gritted teeth.
When Arthur finally laced his boots and made sure they were secure, he looked up to see Francis standing up and looking expectantly at him. His sky-blue coat hung folded in his arms, and he had redone the ribbon in his hair. Francis then pointed behind him, towards the grove.
"If you want to join me in finding shelter for the night, you can help me," Francis offered, smiling.
"Shove off."
Francis shrugged. "If you insist." And with that, he trotted off towards the grove. He didn't walk he didn't run; no, he had to trot.
Arthur scoffed, shucking off his coat. He examined all his pockets: his compass and seeing glass survived, thankfully, but letters he saved in his coat pocket now had unreadable text and blurred ink. Arthur scowled; not as if he could contact his mutuals now.
He folded his own coat over and stood up. As long as he found shelter (before Francis, especially), he could survive. Not for long, perhaps, but long enough. Couldn't be as hard as living weeks on end on a boat across the seven seas, no?
Francis had claimed the only cave on the island.
Arthur wouldn't have thought much about it -- caves weren't the only type of enclosure -- if it wasn't for Francis's invitation. He had the audacity to offer his damn hole to Arthur. Weren't they archrivals? Enemies to the bitter end? Faithfully trying to end the other's existence in the most humiliating way possible? Just because fate let them survive on this God forsaken island did not mean that Arthur would try to make amends to their relationship, no way in hell--
A few days later, after a few restless, achy nights laying on the sand with little to no heat (note, palm leaves do not make warm enclosures), Arthur begrudgingly took up residence in Francis's cave.
"Are you sure you don't want to bathe?" Francis asked, barefoot and only in his pants, as he walked into the cave. He collected his hair into one hand. "You really do smell."
"I'd rather I survive and smell than clean myself and put myself in the mercy of sirens," Arthur snapped. He flicked his compass once again, and the needle spun in a complete circle. It wasn't working, for some reason or another...
Francis frowned, tying the ribbon in his hair. "You know, during our entire stay on this island, I've only seen one of those merfolk creatures you keep blathering about."
"One?" Now, Arthur did look up. "Only one? No, that's-- That's impossible. There should be more."
"I'm telling you what I saw, Arthur," Francis said. "This one had a dark blue tail, they looked like a teenage boy, and it disappeared when I approached them. Not exactly the 'aggressive' and 'territorial' you claimed."
"Then what attacked us a few days ago?" Arthur demanded. "Magical storm rocks? With enchanting voices?"
Francis groaned. "Don't remind me..."
"Magical storm rocks that led you straight into the waters with their power of voice, you're right," Arthur muttered, turning his attention back to his compass. "Of course you'd be the first few to be charmed."
The cave lapsed into silence as Francis changed into his clothes and Arthur kept trying to calibrate the compass. After a while, Arthur discarded the compass in defeat and stood up to pace. Francis finished strapping on his boots.
"There have to be more sirens on this island," Arthur said, his bare feet smacking the stone floor. "There's definitely magic on this isle, but there'd have to be beings who maintain it... The obvious answer being the sirens... Perhaps they're only accustomed to salt water? Or maybe they don't know we're here..."
"That siren boy would have told his kind that we are here," Francis offered. "And they wouldn't have any issue luring us to bodies of water, correct?"
Arthur remained silent.
"Perhaps a visit to the stream is in order--?"
"No. Absolutely not," Arthur said forcefully, whirling around. "We've already hidden from them long enough, I'd rather not go prancing to my death. We're not going to the stream."
Francis smirked. "Is it really the sirens you're afraid of? I've already told you that they're perfectly safe. I'm not dead, am I?"
"You could be next time."
Francis's smirk fell, and he shrugged. "I thought you were genuinely curious about these sirens. You're not going to learn anything if you keep yourself shut up in here, are you?" He started walking out of the cave. "I'm going to find more food for the both of us. Come along if you want to." And with that, he slipped out of view.
Arthur huffed, snatching the compass. The needle spun around half way, then swiveled the opposite direction. Sighing, he placed it back on the ground.
He truly was curious about the sirens. There had to be more; a single siren couldn't take down two ships, could it? His need for survival (and his very much secret fear of drowning) made him balk at the entrance of the cave, but with one final thought he quickly laced his boots up and climbed down to follow Francis.
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thehiddensemicolon · 7 years
Kacchako fanfic: New Prey Chapter 15
Bakugou stands in the middle of him room, mentally cursing and thinking about 100 ways to kill Kaminari and Kirishima. He violently throws his change of clothes he will be wearing for the date with his girlfriend in a few hours. I'll fucking kill Pikachu and that Broom hair bastard. Mark my fuckin words. Bakugou thought. He violently changed into his clothes. He was mentally slapping himself and tried to prepare himself for his girlfriends jokes he was bound to receive later on. ~~~last night~~~ For the guys living in the dorms, the days they do laundry is depended on the schedule which says what day and what time you can do laundry. Today at 4pm was supposed to be Kirishima, Kaminari, and himself and they only had a few hours to do their laundry. There is six washers and dryers in the laundry room. So naturally Bakugou thought that since their was three of them and six washers and dryers, they would each have two washers and two dryers to use. Of course those idiots ruined his plans. All of Bakugou's pants that he usually wore is all dirty and he was in desperate need to wash pants. He had a date with Uraraka tomorrow and he wanted to look good. When Bakugou walked in the Laundry room, he saw the two idiots and all machines in use. Bakugou started to grinned his teeth together. "HEY YOU FUCKERS. DON'T YOU HAVE ANY FUCKING COMMON SENSE TO HAVE COMMON COURTESY. HOW THE HELL AM I GOING TO DO LAUNDRY IF YOU DUMBASSES ARE USING EVERY MACHINE!" Bakugou roared. "Oh haha sorry bro! But we have a bunch of laundry to do. We missed our last laundry day and we have double the laundry to wash." Kirishima said. "Yeah hope you understand man." Kaminari said. "Do you both think I give a fuck about your problems. Get your ugly ass clothes out of the washer NOW." Bakugou threatened. "Sorry no can do. It's already in the wash cycle." Kirishima tried to laugh it off. "ARGH what the fuck ever. You fucking idiots." He huffed as he stomped out of the laundry room. ~~~present time~~~ He was waiting for his girlfriend at the entrance for the amusement park. He was dressed in a black punisher shirt and hugged his biceps and he didn't even want to think about his pants. He saw Uraraka by the entrance and she waved and started walking to her. She is wearing a pink tank top and jean shorts. As she was approaching her boyfriend her eyes caught the attention of his outfit. Not his shirt... rather is pants. He is wearing denim jeans! His pants weren't sagging. Denim jeans suits him surprisingly good... too good. She blushed as she approached her boyfriend. "Alright get it out your fucking system already." He yawn. "Get what out my system." She blushed. "These fucking ugly ass jeans. Go on let's here your fuckin jokes already. Get it over with." He growled. "What no.. I don't think you look ridiculous. Actually I think denim suits you really will. You look like a hot bad boy haha. Now let's go already! I want some mochi!" She admitted. ~~~at the amusement park~~~ They were waiting in a line for a ride. "Sooo you kept your jeans Best Jeanist gave you?" She questioned. "No i fucking kept the jeans that fucker FORCED me to wear." He said. "Ahhh don't give me that. I bet you like it. Let me guess you kept the hair gel too?" She joked. "Why you! Tch. Whatever." He gave up. "You know if your afraid of heights you can hold my hand." She said. "Am not afraid of fuckin heights." He grunted. "Okay okay just letting you know am here for you." She said. "Yeah well aren't fucking girls all scared of that shit." He said. She stared at him like he was stupid. That's when it clicked him. But it was too late. "Me? Afraid of heights? HAHAHA dummy. My quirk made me used to heights. Did you forget about my zero gravity?" She laughed. "Tch. Shut the fuck up. It just slipped. Man get off my case." He barked. They showed their ride bracelets to the person in charge of the rides. They were going to ride the Dropper. They sat in their seats and the protection gear was placed on him. They were being lifted up. She gave an evil glare. "Hey Katsuki. Let me use zero gravity on us. I think it will give that WOW factor when we fall." She dared. "What the hell no way. Just fucking enjoy this like a normal person." He said. They were almost at the top. "Fine I get it scaredy cat. Guess ill live to be dangerous myself." She said. She activated her quirk on herself. He looks at her and knew she was challenging him. And he knew she was winning. And no the fuck way will he let his girlfriend win. They reached the top and waited to be dropped the countdown began. He was growing impatient and he gave in. "FINE FUCK USE YOUR QUIRK ON ME!" He said. "No children shouldn't be dangerous." She bluntly said. Time was out. Just as they were about to drop, he suddenly grabbed her hand and she accidentally activated her quirk. The ride quickly dropped. And boy did her quirk make the dropping sensation scary and fun as fuck. He felt the thrill falling down. She deactivated her quirk and got off the ride. "THAT WAS SO FUN SEE I TOLD YOU!" She yelled. She jumped up and down and giggled. "Yeah... fine fuck that was exciting." He admitted. "Wow your hair looks even crazier, let me help." She said. She tried to fix his hair. He didn't stop her. He secretly enjoyed it when her hands were on his head. "You know if you would have worn the gel Best Jeanist gave you, you wouldn't have this problem." She joked. "Shut the hell up." He grunted. He tried not to look like he was enjoying his head massage. They were walking around the fair. They passed the game booths and he knew all the games were scams so choose to ignore them. If his girlfriend wanted something he will fuckin buy it. He wasn't going to waste his time on pointless games. The whole time he constantly heard the game booth assholes try to attract customers. "Hey come on and give this a try!" - Game booth person. "Free round on me! Come over here and try this!" - another game booth person. "Come on tough guy win your girl a prize!" One of them said. The game booth person followed the couple. "No fuck off you con artist." Bakugou said. The man screamed in fear and ran back to his booth. "That wasn't so heroic." Uraraka giggled. "Come over here all you have to do is knock down all the jars with this ball and you win a prize!"- another game person said. "Fuck off." Bakugou coldly said. "Alright. It's a shame such a beautiful girl has to walk around the fair empty handed cause her boyfriend is a sore loser." The game person said. Uraraka felt the grip of his hand squeeze her hand harder. Oh no. This guy really did it now! She thought. I hope he doesn't kill the guy. She gulped. "What did you say asshole. I am the fucking best at everything I do. How dare you mention my girlfriend in your con artist schemes." Bakugou threatened. The game booth guy was unusually brave. "Me? No I just said it was a shame for a lovely girl like her not being able to have a lovely big stuff animal prize. But it's okay am sure another guy will win her one." The guy challenged the explosion user. Bakugou's eyes looked furious and it was clear that his temper was eating him up. "Hey Bakugou let's go. This guy isn't worth it. Come on let's not have him ruin our day." She begged. His mouth was twitching. He looked at her. "Oh of course Ochako am not gunna let this fucker ruin YOUR day." He gave her a crooked smile. He bared his teeth and gave her a crazy look. Her eye brow raised and sighed. He turned around and exploded three dollars on the game booth counter. Scaring the guy. "Am going to RUIN THIS fuckers day instead. Come on give me that fucking ball." Bakugou smirked. "Alright then. He-here you go sir." The game booth guy suddenly lost his confidence. Bakugou stretched his right arm and grabbed the ball. He gave off a grin and throw the ball so hard, that any normal person couldn't see the ball at all. "DIE!" He yelled. The ball suddenly hit all the bottles - breaking the bottles and the wall of the booth. The game booth guy eyes almost came out of his head and cried (because he was responsible for damages of the booth- according to his contract) "Oops will you look at that. I guess my fucking hand slipped and broke the bottles." Bakugou joked. The game booth guys voice was lost and hands shacked. "Well Uraraka go on pick your lovely prize that your BOYFRIEND just won for you my LOVELY girlfriend." Bakugou grinned. She did as she was told and picked a stuffed cactus with big happy eyes and pink cheeks in a pot. She giggled at the similarities the stuffed cactus shared with her boyfriend and her. He grabbed her hand and left the booth. "HAVE A GOOD FUCKING DAY." Bakugou waved off at the crying man in his booth. "Thank you." She blushed and gave him a quick kiss on his cheek. He blushed but grunted it off. He looks so cute embarrassed. That tough guy act isn't fooling anyone. She thought. "Why the hell did you pick the smiling cactus? There was a fucking teddy bear all girls would have begged for you could have gotten." He said. "Will because a cactus reminds me of you! Prickly on the outside but soft in the inside. And it has pink cheeks like me!" She giggled. He choked and continued to walk. "Am not soft." He said. "Okay" she smiled. She didn't believe him. "I said am not soft!" He continued. "I know." She said. But a big smile was still on her face. ~~~ some time later ~~~ They were waiting in line for the bumper cars. Uraraka's fierce spirit was dominating the aura between them.  She was going off how much she loved to crash into people. He didn't think she had this vicious side to her at all (he likes it) but he doesn't want to tell her that he never drove a bumper car. He didn't want her to tease him. She was in a pink bumper and he was rocking a red one. The loud sounds of the cars turned on and then as Katsuki was about to push on the petal. He was crashed into so hard his car basically flew. He head went back and he let out an "ARGH" He glared his eyes at the villain and saw a violet Uraraka driving her way to him again. "Oh fuck no Uraraka that's it you fucking asked for it! Don't go crying to me if you get hurt!" He yelled. But her car already had the fast momentum in her side and crashed against Katsuki again. He crashed against the wall and immediately smashed his foot on the petal and curved his car around the other worthless people and made his way to Uraraka and she drove head on to him. They both hit each other HARD and rebounded away from each other. Then they both recovered from the impact they experience. The cars turned off. They both walked out the ride and was watched by the audience they supposedly had. They both awkwardly walked away. "So you fucking like playing dirty don't you?" He suddenly growled. "Who me? I am not capable of such violent acts. Am just a small cute fragile girl." She joked. She put on her innocent look. "Who the hell were you fooling then? Anyone in their fucking mind would see what I saw.. a fucking sneaky monster!" He argued. She just smirked at him and he noticed she had messy hair. Probably because of how fucking crazy she acted back there. He thought. He walked behind her and started to style her hair. Before she can question him, he took the hair tie from her wrist and pulled back a section of her top hair and made a small bun. He let the bottom layer of her hair remain free as well as her bangs. She stood there like a lost child and was speechless. She got out her cell phone and opened the camera and examined her new hair style. Her mouth opened and saw how good of a job he did. "Wow! Katsuki you did a surprising good job with my hair! Thank you! Did Best Jeanist taught you how to style hair!!!" She exclaimed. "Tch. Why is everything I do so surprising to you! And yeah he did taught me that fucking shit. He kept yapping on how cool minded we had to be and act calm with every fucking occasion." He said. "Well this looks great." She smiled. She had an idea and grabbed Bakugou's hand and tugged him closer. She extended her arm and posed by him. "Let's take a picture!" She said. He grunted but did as she said anyways. She touched the camera button and took a picture of them together. She glanced at the photo and jumped. "WHOA!" She yelled. "What's the matter now?" He asked. "You have a surprising good smile Katsuki!" She said. In the picture she had her usual big smile and unexpectedly her gave a small smile/smirk to the camera. "Again! Why the fuck is everything surprising to you! I know how to fucking smile." He said. She apologized and laughed it off. He kept acting grumpy as they continued to walk. As the day was coming to an end, they continued enjoying their day the entire time. They shared a large drink of lemonade and went waking around the booths where they sold things at. As they were walking Bakugou's eyes caught a glance of a shiny object. He stopped at the booth and yanked Uraraka to come with him. He purchased something and tugged her to a private area behind a booth with no people around. His ears and cheeks were red and he told her to come closer. He went behind her and placed a necklace around her neck. "Here. Don't you fucking ever give it back to me." He yells and quickly looked away. They continued to walk around the fair. Along the way, she grabbed the necklace to get a better look at it and she smiled. It was a shiny green and silver grenade that had a explosion to the corner of it. In the explosion was a skull. She gripped his hand harder. Just as he looked down to see what was wrong, she tip toed and stole a kiss from her lips. "Thank you for the necklace Bakugou!" She said. "Yeah what the fuck ever." He coughed. ~~~ night time ~~~ The last ride of night was of course the Ferris wheel. They sat down and slowly began getting higher in the sky, then down, than back up in a slow rotation. She looked so happy and kept taking about how cool it looked from the sky. In a distance fireworks went off in the sky. "Wow you know I was think that your explosions are like fireworks! Loud and flashy looking. And it's fun to look at." She said. "Don't forget badass and deadly." He added. "Right- how could I have forgotten that!" She laughed. She continued to stare off and glance at the scene. Bakugou took out his phone and took pictures of her. "Hey come closer Uraraka." He said. She gave him a question look and did as he told. He took a picture of them together riding in a Ferris wheel, high in the sky, with fireworks in the background. "Thank you for today Bakugou. I had tons of fun! Full of surprises - good surprises." She added. "Like how well you learned from Best Jeanist in freshman year!" She joked. "Yeah yeah whatever." He grunted. By continued to stare at her. Not with an angry look, but a calmed and relaxed look. "And sorry if I keep thinking everything you do is a surprise. I know you don't like it, but I do! I think it's fun to learn something new about you everyday. It's awesome how you are full of surprises! Haha I can never be bored of you, I always enjoy spending time with you!" She smiled. He continued to stare at her with his red powerful eyes. He huffed and brought her in a hug- which surprises her of course. Throughout the day, he was glad that they were back together. He was glad that he wasn't in pain anymore. He was glad she was with him and not another man. He was glad that she was happy. He was glad an asshole like himself had someone as amazing as her. He quickly gave her forehead a kiss and she looked up to him. With her soft big brown eyes. He gave her a kiss on the lips. "How was that fucking surprise?" He smirked. She regained her voice and stuttered. "It was great.. I really enjoyed it." She fan girled all over him. ~~~later that night~~~ he dropped her off at her room in the dorms. She gave him a quick pep on the lips and wished him good night. He walked off into his room and laid down on his bed. He turned on his phone and searched through his pictures on his phone. He stopped at the photo he took of Ochako smiling at the sight of fireworks in the background while riding on the Ferris wheel. He clicked the options button and selected the wallpaper bottom on his phone. He exited out the apps and stared at his wallpaper. He smiled and later knocked out in his bed. Authors note. I woke up this morning(annoyed) with my brother blasting the tv volume while watching his shows. I caught a glance of the amusement park in his show. I grunted and went back to sleep with this chapter in mind. I was like huh "I should make a chapter about Kacchako at the fair." Yeah yeah I'll do that. Sorry for my lame story. Hope you like it! Please give me ideas on my next chapter! Thank you!
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dazedclarity · 8 years
the world is yours and you can’t refuse it
In which Damian wants to be an adult, accidentally stumbles into friendship with some dumb ten-year-old half-alien kid, and maybe finds appreciation for the kid still in him too. 
Friendship fluff 
Damian Wayne is not a kid.
He lets Grayson call him “kiddo,” sure. And much to his dismay, there have been times when he, Pennyworth, or Father carried him to his bedroom after he dozed off somewhere else in the Wayne Manor. And he lost his last ba–deciduous tooth more recently than he liked. But that doesn’t make him a kid.
Damian’s earliest memories are being pushed to climb mountains, taught how to fling swords into an opponent’s gut, and told, time and time again, of the legacy he will fulfill. Visceral violence and blood. There was never a time for childhood. At least not one in the traditional sense that everyone else seems to describe.
Besides, he’s thirteen. Surely that adolescent age is finally old enough to be considered on his way to adulthood, his lack of growth spurt and still-high-pitched voice be damned.
Jon Kent, the half-alien, on the other hand? Is perhaps the biggest kid he’s ever known.
He didn’t want to be friends with him. He didn’t. With his unrefined, feline-endangering powers and his processed snack bars and his completely absurd notion that his temporary (that growth spurt is coming!) taller stature gives him anything resembling superiority. He was annoying and he was overenthusiastic and he was ten. That’s like, a whole three years younger than Damian.
It was Kent, really, who started calling him at random. And Damian reasoned that it was more fun talking to him than breaking bones alone. It was just a force of habit, really, that lead him to feeling a little lonely when Kent didn’t call for a while.
It was quaint how deeply he wanted that video game. He should have understood by the age of ten that flashy, colorful distractions are detrimental to practical abilities. But as he scrolled through the company website and saw Youtube videos of the gameplay demos, he supposed he could see some tactical training nestled within the silly sounds and bastardization of real-world physics. And he guessed that he could see why someone as childish as Kent would want to play. So he told Father that he wanted it, but made sure to insist that he buy it himself–he didn’t need his father sneaking any hints to the alien. He still considered it rather silly, though.
But that didn’t stop the pride he felt when Kent’s eyes lit up at the sight of the gift that he’d pulled out from right under his father’s nose, as much as he tried to force it down. Or the heat in his cheeks when Kent launched at him into a hug.
Or the slight thrill he did get at maneuvering those candy-colored monkeys across the screen. 
“Ha! Got you!”
“No fair! That’s cheating!”
“It’s not cheating if it’s built into the game!”
“HA! Got you!”
“What? Argh…”
Ok, it was more than a thrill. It was different. It was…fun. And for a moment, surrounded by warm Christmas colors and their last score flashing on the screen, Damian didn’t feel like Robin or the Son of Bruce Wayne or anything. He wasn’t sure what he felt like, but a part of him liked it. Another part of him liked the way Kent was smiling and laughing (because of him!). In a quiet moment, he decided that maybe he could try this friendship thing out after all.
In what seemed like no time at all, Jon dozed off on his shoulder and his father was tapping him on his other to tell them that they had to go. Damian may have pouted—though he preferred the term sulked—just a bit as he pulled his coat on. Just a little.
Yes, after that day Damian started calling him. Mostly just to check on his progress as Superboy; it really should be going along faster. He had powers, after all, he could be dangerous to those around him. Of course, on occasion, he’d call on long nights when father was gone and Pennyworth was cleaning their large, ghostly quiet mansion. There was something about Jon’s rambling, even when it wasn’t about superheroing as much as trivial topics like farms and cleaning his room and homework, that made the hours past faster and his own bedroom seem a little less empty. That’s when he got to thinking, really, he never went to a normal school. He never rode a garishly yellow bus to sit at an uncomfortable desk to drone out simple equations or read short books. He never swung around low plastic bars on a playground.
He was certainly beyond such things. But he was curious all the same.
He didn’t experience them from a kid’s point of view, of course. But he did get to spy on Jon from inside a rubber mask while he did. Before he spied on his cute little family game nights straight out of a sappy sitcom and his wholly undignified 9:00 bedtime.
Damian wasn’t a kid. But that didn’t mean he wasn’t a little fascinated by what it was like to be one. At least, until it was time to whip Superboy into shape.
One night, when they were laying out under the stars covered in mud and and twigs violently snagged throughout their costumes, Superboy spoke up like something had long been bugging him.
“You said my name is Superboy instead of Jon.”
“It is. As is Robin for me. If we are to reach our true potential, we must commit to those aliases.”
Jon was quiet for a moment. Damian hoped that it meant that he got it. Until he spoke.
“Dad said that staying connected to your civilian identity is really important. I asked him once. He’s Clark Kent first, he said. It keeps him grounded and reminds him what’s really important.”
This time Damian was quiet. “Maybe it is different for you aliens. But my father puts on the mask when he goes out as Bruce Wayne. Anyone who really knows him can tell you that. Anyway, your father should be pushing you harder instead of coddling you.” He didn’t have to look to see Superboy’s face scrunch up in annoyance.
“He doesn’t coddle me!” he argued, crossing his skinny (but destructively strong all the same) arms, “and you act like I don’t have enough training to be in the field!”
“You don’t.” Damian grinned cooly at him, watching his face redden even in the darkness. “Shameful, really. That’s why I brought you out here. You don’t have time to be a schoolboy.” Damian ignored, for the time being, that he was out here too because his own father wanted him to be a schoolboy rather than work–perhaps that alien had gotten to him, god forbid.
Jon only humphed and turned away. Until,
“Your dad worries that you, like, never take off the Robin suit.”
“How the hell do you know?”
“I heard him say it to my dad at Christmas. Maybe my super hearing might have come in a little, I guess, I dunno.”
Damian gritted his teeth in annoyance. “He’s the one to talk.”
Another moment of quiet. “Doesn’t it all get to you too?”
Damian tutted. “Why would it?”
“Isn’t that why you call me all the time? And why you just broke into my bedroom?” Jon chuckled, and it made Damian’s fist clench.
“I’m trying to make you fulfill your legacies as Superb–”
“Dad says I’m doing just fine! Why else would you follow me around!?” Damian’s blood boiled. How dare he insinuate that Damian is following him like a puppy begging for attention? That’s the last time Damian tries to guide a snot-nosed little brat like him.
“Shuddup,” he snapped. Jon’s smile fell before Damian firmly rolled to the side, facing away from him.
Crickets chirped for several moments more.
“Hey Damian?”
“What?” he sighed.
“When we’re all done with this, like when we get back home, do you wanna stay over? I haven’t had someone to play Monk E Monsters with in a while. Kathy doesn’t like it.”
“What, like a sleepover?” Damian said mockingly. He’d never really had one, but he’d become familiar through pop-cultural osmosis. The word brought imagery of silly sleeping bags on floors, confectionery being consumed at a disgusting rate, and pointless games being played into the night.  
“Yeah!” Nothing about Jon’s tone was ironic. It was cheerful, and hopeful. It caught him a little off guard.
“Sure, whatever.” With a moment’s thought, Damian added, “If Father allows it. I do have a very tight schedule as Robin, you know.” Just to appease the kid, he told himself. After all, Jon did smile brightly at his answer.
In the end, however, after they returned to Hamilton county to a mother’s panic, harsh scoldings, promises that Jon would not go out for months, and turns in the shower to wash off days of grime and sweat, much to Damian’s surprise Father did consider it best that he rest a bit at the Kent’s for the weekend. So he found himself sprawled out on the Kent’s couch, biting his lip as his ape punched Jon’s off a platform, mindlessly tossing microwaved popcorn kernels into his mouth. Later on, Lane let Jon watch one sort of scary movie, apparently convinced because he had an older friend with him.
“Psh, she thinks I’m such a baby,” Jon scoffed. “I’ll be fine.”
Thirty minutes in, Jon was gripping Damian’s arm for seemingly dear life. That familiar heat rose to his cheeks once again.
“You’re such a kid,” Damian groaned, but didn’t pull his arm away. Especially not when maybe one of those stupid jump scares might have made him flinch a little. But he’d be damned if he let Jon see that.
Damian found sleeping in a thin sleeping bag on an inflatable mattress about as comfortable as he expected.
“Thanks for staying over, Damian! It was super fun!” Jon piped from the bed above him.
But it wasn’t so bad, he supposed. And their parents must not have been too mad about all this, because they still let them team up to fight crime–for the times they knew about, at least.
“Hey, you said you’ve never been to a carnival, right?” Jon asked over the phone one night, several months later.
“Um…no,” Damian replied, uneasy at the sudden question. He wasn’t going to ask what he thought he was going to…
“Do you wanna come to the one in town this weekend?”
“Uh huh, my other friends are gonna be busy with their parents’ stands and it’ll be fun! You should come! Have you even ever ridden a ferris wheel?”
“I’ve never wanted to ride a ferris wheel,” Damian said in a huff.
“You always say stuff like that, and then you always have fun.”
Damian denied it, but that didn’t stop him from showing up at the Kent’s door anyway.
Of course, Grayson had heard him discussing the matter over the phone and wasted no time in pressing him into it.
“I grew up in something like a carnival,” he’d said, “you’ll like it. It’s fun! You can run around and eat sugary crap like kids your age should.”
Damian tutted in irritation. But his brother had persisted. Later, when he didn’t know the youngest Robin was lurking in the shadows, Damian had overheard Richard telling Pennyworth that he thinks Jon is a good influence on him–a balancing force, so to speak. Damian tried to ignore that point on the ride to Hamilton County.
Though he had to admit, there was something a little comforting about peeling off the sweaty Robin costume after having had worn it for several days straight. Sometimes he just forgets to.
If he’d known that he’d have to squeeze into the backseat of the Kent’s stale-smelling family truck, he’d have hired a car to take him directly there…but Jon soon distracted him with rapid-fire stories about pie-eating contests, water-gun fights, and viciously spinning light up rides. Damian was hard pressed to admit it, even to himself, but part of it was intriguing. Provincial, but intriguing.
“Last time Alan ate an entire cheesedog before going on the tilt-a-wheel, we told him not to but he did anyway and then when he went on, it all–”
“I think that’s enough, dear,” Ms. Lane said from the front seat.
“Quite enough,” Damian agreed, though something in him wanted to hear the end.
“I’ll tell ya later,” Jon said, almost like he read his mind. It made him less uncomfortable than it should. In any case, he had inspected the alien man’s powers closely enough to know that telepathy was not one of them, and so his son certainly didn’t have it.
Something in his head that sounded an awful lot like Grayson’s voice told him that such things occur with friends.
Perhaps that was why he also let Jon grab his arm again and drag him to the muddy fairground, with Lane’s voice shrinking into the distance as she told them to meet her back at the car by 10:30. And so he was dragged that night, up to game booths with cheap stuffed animals hanging from the ceiling (”You know we could buy these toys with pocket change at the dollar store, right?” “Winning them is the fun of it Damian, gosh…stop being such a killjoy”), over to meet Jon’s friend Kathy to drink some unpasteurized milk (who, to Damian’s amusement, was quite taken with the fact that he was thirteen…until Jon made a comment about Maya’s liking to him in retaliation), and through a “scary” funhouse with twisting mazes and poor trying-too-hard actors in running makeup (both of them agreed, after the Joker, none of those clowns were the least bit intimidating).
It was fun. There, he said it. That unpasteurized milk was pretty tasty (whether it would make him sick was still under consideration). And maybe the toy Monk E Monster that he won at a ball-throwing booth (all too easy for someone of his skills) was kind of cool. Some of those mazes almost posed a slight challenge. He enjoyed himself. He smiled fairly often that night.
Until they reached the looming ferris wheel, and his smile fell.
“I am not going on that.”
Jon handed him a stick perched with a monstrous, artificially pink ball of fleecy sugar–cotton candy.
“Come on!” the kid whined, threads of his own blue one sticking to the sides of his mouth. “It’s so cool! You can see the whole fairground up there!”
Damian squinted at the spinning contraption, studying its shoddy construction. “That thing is only being held together by luck. And I don’t believe in luck.”
“What…,” Jon’s voice fell to a whisper and he leaned in, “is Robin not brave enough to ride a mere ferris wheel?” For a moment, Damian was ready to march up to the damn thing and toss that stupid kid on it. But in another, he simply sighed and rolled his eyes.
“I can’t believe you tried that old trick on me.” He took an indignant bite out of his cotton candy (which tasted better than he cared to admit). “Not going to happen.”
He preferred to believe that his stomach lurched in response to the unpasteurized milk, not the way Jon’s face fell and his tiny voice sighed out “Ok, let’s go back to the car then.” But either way, he ended up paying that damn ticket price and leading the then-joyous boy onto the rickety platform, praying to whatever pantheon might be listening to let him survive this.
The wheel creaked and shook as it began to turn, and Damian knew this was a huge mistake.
But Jon was grabbing his shoulder and pointing out the shrinking people below, as well as all the places they had been that night. And yes, against the country sky, which glittered with far more stars than any city night, in the distance the flashing yellow and red lights of the carnival went from tacky to something kind of like beautiful. Just enough for him to forget his assured doom.
“See, I told you it was cool!” Jon said smugly, again showing an ability to read him that Damian knew now he did not like one bit. Damian smiled slightly in response. Only slightly.
“It’s alright. But you should see Gotham from up high, it’ll beat any carnival you’d attend for the rest of your life.”
“Sure! That would be awesome!”
Damian didn’t intend that as an invitation. But he supposed he could deal with it becoming one.
“Hey…Damian?” Jon said softer this time, both out of caution and seemingly to make sure no one else heard. “I know you thought it was kinda lame, but thanks for coming here.”
“…You’re welcome. Thank you for inviting me, I suppose.”
“Of course I did!” Jon said casually, “you’re my best friend.”
The wheel didn’t screech to a halt. But it might as well have.
“I’m–what?” Damian sputtered. Jon’s casual expression became timid, and Damian felt the hole get deeper. “I…I thought Kathy was your best friend.”
“I mean, she is…” Jon rubbed his arms and adjusted his glasses self-consciously. “But you’re different, ya know? She can’t be in with all the superhero stuff. You can be best friends with Superboy too. Like you can come to carnivals with me and help me kick bad-guy butt!”
Damian blinked twice, for once unsure of what to say. He looked at Jon, then back at the fairgrounds, getting a little closer now that they were wheeling towards the ground. Then back at Jon.
Truly, what was the harm? 
Damian shrugged. But he guessed that by now Jon could tell he didn’t feel that relaxed. “Yeah. We’re best friends.”  Oh, wouldn’t Richard be so proud, he thought sarcastically.
His newly christened best friend grinned wider than he had for the rest of the night, and Damian’s heart thudded a little in his chest. Must have been the milk again.
“For two supers, it’s just nice to get to be normal kids with each other.”
“I am not a–” Damian, much to his own surprise, stopped, sighed, at looked back across the carnival. “Yeah…yeah, it is.”
By the time they had gotten back to the car, they had pushed and shoved each other enough to get cotton candy in each other’s hair, stains on Damian’s shirt, and smears across Jon’s glasses. Ms. Lane sighed and sent them to wash in the bathroom before they went in the car.
Before long, they were laughingly making mud puddles of the dirt floor as they splashed each other from the sink. One thought, soft but warm, crept into Damian’s mind in the chaos. Perhaps being a kid sometimes might not be so bad after all.
Look at you kids, you know you’re the coolest The world is yours and you can’t refuse it Seen so much, you could get the blues, but That don’t mean that you should abuse it [x]
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