trans-estinien · 9 months
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iridescentdove · 1 year
of seeing so many Yandere! BSD x Reader, and it’s always the character or everyone being Yandere for Reader, I have to request a Platonic! BSD x Yandere! Teen! Reader, in which Reader is in any organization of your choice, and since Reader is underage, they see said organization as their family, precious people that they hold dear to their hearts, and don’t wish for any of them to die or leave and abandon them. This triggers their Yandere instincts, and ultimately they kill anybody who’s hurt their darlings in any way or attempts to "steal" their attention or worse, guide them away from Reader.
platonic!bsd x yandere!teen!reader
A/N: It's nice to go a bit gruesome sometimes lol- anyways, so I just decided to choose the PM for this.
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Let's just say you were similar to Dazai in a way. As a homeless young child, you had no home or family and friends to even call your own.
And to say the least? It was a little lonely.
This was something rather different, as you grew up to have an understanding that the world is never fair. Even before being taken into the Port Mafia by MORI, you were already much of an unhinged criminal yourself.
In a way, it was bad due to how young you were, but given this was a wretched world on it's own – many things can happen.
You killed, you stole, you did many things. At some point you probably rivaled Dazai's crime list because yours looked like an entire fucking receipt.
And that is what lesd you to the mafia.
MORI had found you, and went 'fuck it', deciding to just grab you and take you back with him to the base.
Well at first – you got a bit defensive, not knowing his real intention and thinking of fighting back yourself. But it was when he gave you new clothes, gave you food, and actually took responsibility of you was when you realized.
This man was just ... taking care of you.
And for the first time? You were really excited. It didn't take very long for you to grow accustomed to the Port Mafia.
Sure they made you do dangerous and gruesome missions, but you were used to it honestly. So it didn't matter that much. You met new faces and grew very attached to them, the dreaded loneliness that creeped into your heart grew into–
Yes, that's right. You found no other reason to dislike them at all, and they treated you like no one else ever did.
Like family.
CHUUYA was rather nice to you, despite his aggression and the rough edges he seems to pull off. Since you're underage, he drinks grape juice with you. Lmao ye, we love that shit. You liked being around him, defending him against accusations and giving him a shoulder to lean on.
He was like a brother to you. You adored most things about the fancy hat man. Scratch that, everything about him.
He releases one of those rare genuine smiles – mostly only to you, and he just thought you were the sweetest.
Oh, how wrong he was.
It was only one simple conversation. CHUUYA was talking to another mafia members in the lower ranks, discussing about the topic for the next PM meeting at hand.
Of course at first glance, they didn't look close at all. Just a normal chat between acquaintances. But did it make you mad?
Obviouely it did.
The very next day, the orange haired-man was looking for the same said man he spoke with the day before. Yet he was rather confused to see he wasn't around.
What the hell? Well that was weird, he could have sworn that he asked to meet them in this same spot right now.
Well, guess he wouldn't be meeting with them after all. In the distance, you were smiling – hiding that dead, cold expression on your face as you wiped the blood off the saw, a few splashee of blood and guts on the weapon.
But of course, you wouldn't let him know anything~ ♡
And simply, KOUYOU made it much easier. She was like a sweet, elder sister that spoiled you and taught you everything that you needed to know.
You simply loved her, and loved the times when you'd just hang around each other and dress one another up in various clothes. Be it trendy outfits or putting makeup on one another.
She took care of you as she should, and she grew very attached as well. KOUYOU was rather protective and sweet.
So when you saw her spoiling another girl in the picture, you were fucking livid.
How dare she pay more attention to another kid than you?
She was treating KYOUKA in private as if she was more important than you ever were. And it began to hardem your heart once more, growing angry at your elder sis paying more attention to some useless assassin.
You were way better than her, stronger even.
So imagine how relieved and prideful you felt when that girl had left the mafia to be with the detective agency instead. She wasn't even loyal! She doesn't deserve to be in the PM!
It left KOUYOU feeling agitated and sad, so you did what a younger sibling would do. You were the one comforting her, even manipulating her with your sweet words. You lured her in and had her give you more attention than before.
Just like how you wanted it to be.
AKUTAGAWA was honestly a tough nut to crack. You can easily tell he doesn't care about you at all. Well, he'd acknowledge your abilities a little but that's all you're getting.
But that won't stop you from killing those who tried to get even the slightest close to him.
After all, family members must stay with one another forever.
You didn't really mind much about that blonde girl who admires him and follows him around. It's not like she can take him away, he doesn't give a damn about her.
Plus, his sister was very nice! She gave you the love you needed, and she actually cared. Even though her brother was pretty cold, you'd think she also was – but in reality, GIN is a sweet, somewhat shy girl who gave you gifts and attention.
No matter which mafia member it was – wheneve ryou were with them, you were so sweet and caring, such an adorable teen who looks out for all of them and their wellbeing.
Yet behind closed doors, while they weren't looking, you glared daggers at other kids or people they payed attention to, your greedy self wanting all of it to yourself.
It wasn't fair.
It wasn't!
You never held back. You spilled their guts out, you ripped out those fools' hearts – crushing it under your foot, knowing you deserved the love more than their ignorants asses ever did.
And most of all? No one noticed a thing. MORI had continued to send you out mission after mission. He didn't notice the desperate pleads of those immature adults, the heartbreaking cries of those innocent children.
If it was for family, you'd do anything.
After doing all that – you give them a sickly sweet smile, as you pull them to hang out and play with you, no questions asked.
They never noticed.
And quite clear, you were a sadistic young teen. After being so pissed seeing those people getting close to them, it's like a breath of fresh air when you hear the bloodcurdling screams coming from their mouths.
TACHIHARA wasn't that observant, but he could tell that there was something not right about you at all. Yet, he himself was not free from the depths of your pure, honest love. He'll find himself spoiling you, loving you – like you're his very own sister.
He was going to fall into the trap whenever he likes it or not, because you love them way too much.
If someone else tries to destroy that happiness,
They'll just have to dissapear like the rest.
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prettybrownelf · 2 years
I need Eddie Munson x male reader who Acts lile Wednesday Addams!! Pleaseeeee
a/n- I hope you enjoy!
The Cold Goth And The Eccentric MetalHead
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Pairings- Eddie Munson x Male Reader
Summary- Eddie finally gets a date with the goth he's been obsessed with
Word Count- 926
Content Warnings- None, Slight Fluff
To say Eddie was excited was an understatement.
He had been working up the nerve to ask you out for weeks, and he honestly didn't expect you to say yes. Of course, you didn't exactly seem excited about it, you just gave him a stone-faced ‘ok’, but that doesn't matter now. He finally gets to go out on a date with the boy he couldn't stop thinking about.
Robin said it probably wasn't a good idea, that you would probably break his heart in some way, but Eddie didn't care. He understood why everyone else would think that about you, but he saw something different. You weren't just a cold-hearted goth to him, there's more to you, and Eddie wants to see it.
Eddie's legs refuse to stay still as he paces in front of the carnival. ‘Did he stand me up? Did he just say yes to get me to go away?’ Eddie's thoughts are stopped by the familiar monotone voice he loved so much. “Munson?” His eyes shoot to you immediately, scanning over your black and white clothes. You stood with perfect posture, hands held firmly behind your back. Eddie a soft smile crawls over Eddie's face as he messes with the chain at his side. “Hey! You look great.” You seem weirded out by his compliment but nod anyway. “Likewise.” Eddie moves to the side and bows jokingly. “This way my good sir.” You say nothing as you make your way past him, Eddie standing beside you as you both make your way into the carnival.
Bright lights and colors surround the two of you as Eddie stops at one of the games. He picks up one of the fake guns as the woman behind the counter takes a ticket from him. Sweat builds on his hands as he tries to keep his concentration straight. ‘Don't embarrass yourself. Don't embarrass yourself.’ But ultimately, he does.
Eddie groans as he puts the gun back, looking at his score of three. The woman shrugs and wishes him luck next time. He rubs the back of his neck sheepishly as he turns back to you. “Sorry, I was trying to win you that big back bear up there.” You're silent as you hand the woman one of your tickets, picking up the fake gun. The wooden panels move back and forth as Eddie watches in awe. Your face is straight as normal as you effortlessly hit every single panel. The woman behind the table seems taken aback as she asks which prize you'd like. You wordlessly point up to the large black bear. Eddie stands like an idiot as you look up at him, holding the bear in your arms. “Let's go.”
Eddie follows quickly behind you as you make your way further into the carnival. “Holy shit dude, how’d you do that?” “I loved hunting with my father when I was younger, it was a great bonding experience.” Eddie nods. “I used to hunt with my uncle, mostly deer though. What did you guys hunt?” You look up at him, face never changing. “Anything that wouldn't run fast enough.” Eddie nods slowly as you look away from him. Eddie was getting nervous. You didn't seem to be enjoying your time, no matter how many jokes he cracked you didn't even give a hint of a smile. Eddie walks with you to the entrance as the night comes to an end.
Suddenly, a small booth catches Eddie's eye. “Stay here for a minute.” He says as he runs off before he can hear your response. The old man behind the counter looks up at him and smiles. “Hey, could I get that scorpion necklace?” He nods as Eddie ruffles through his pockets for money. The second the chain is in his hand Eddie runs back to you, quickly thanking the man.
Normally Eddie would try to be more put together, but his mouth is moving before his mind can tell him to stop. “Listen, I know this really isn't your scene, and I'm sorry if this was just a huge bore for you.” Eddie pulls out the small necklace, a small scorpion contained in gelatin in a small jar.
For the first time all night, Eddie sees a spark of something in your eyes. “So I got you this, I thought it was kinda your style.” You wordlessly turn around for him to put it on you. Eddie prays you don't notice how he clearly enjoyed touching your skin as you turn back to him, holding the small jar in your fingers.
Eddie's face lights up as a small smile crawls to your face. “This is magnificent.” But the smile is gone just as quickly as it came as you look up at him. “I will cherish it till my dying breath.” Eddie smiles as he walks you to the front of the carnival. Before he's able to say his goodbyes, you turn away from him. “I really enjoyed our time together tonight Munson, I would like it if we could do this again.” Eddie can feel the blush on his face as you turn back to him, refusing to meet his eyes. “Yeah! Yeah, we can absolutely do this again.” You seem conflicted as you take a small step toward him, Eddie moves closer, feeling his face getting redder. You quickly kiss him on the lips as you immediately begin walking away, leaving Eddie in shock. “I'll see you later Munson!”
Eddie smiles to himself as he watches you go. “Yeah, I'll see you later.”
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heavyhitterheaux · 11 months
The Marriage Pact Part 5 Preview
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"Come on Y/N,  you had to have seen this coming from a mile away."
"How could I have seen this coming?" You asked Urban while you sat across from him on the balcony. You know he had to have been looking for you by now, but your phone still hadn't gone off with so much as a text message or a call. It was almost as if he didn't even care and that bothered you to no end.
"You know he’s a whore and it's always been like that, you turned a blind eye before but now that you're on the receiving end, everything isn't always what it seems huh? As much as he brushes it off, he is still insecure and embraces any type of attention that women give him even though by now he should only want that attention from you." Urban told you and you couldn’t help but for your eyes to water.
This was the last thing that you wanted to hear right now.
"You thought that he would change for you? I mean that's fair seeing as how much he loves and cares about you, but is that enough to make him do it? I mean you said yes to marrying him so you are just as responsible for this as he is. He's my best friend too, but he has shown you time and time again the traits of someone who doesn't actually want to be tied down or married." Urban quietly confessed as he took a swig of his Modelo. 
"Then why in the world would he ask me to marry him in the first place? That's a serious commitment."
"Because he knows that you're the only one that is going to put up with his shit, no matter what he does and no matter how much it might affect you as horrible as that sounds. He knows that you're always going to be there. Just because his ass turned thirty doesn't mean that the maturity aspect is there. Y/N, I am in no way, shape, or form trying to hurt your feelings, like I said in the beginning, the last thing I want to see is both of you heartbroken but especially you. You don't deserve this."
"I just don't know what to do anymore. It's a continuous cycle. He does something that I don't like, I get pissed off, he apologizes, and does something else and the cycle continues. But this one takes the cake. How could he side with her when I have been there for him through everything? I have never steered him wrong and I have always had his best interest." At that point, Urban had handed you one of your favorite wine coolers knowing that this was going to be a long night.
"You know what you need to do. Put yourself first and I guarantee that will be the wake up call he needs to get his shit together."
"Does he even want to marry me anymore? That's the ultimate question."
"Now the only person that can answer that is him, but from the outside looking in…. Would you want to be married to someone who disrespected you like that yesterday?"
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creepy-feathers · 3 months
Hii, can you do A—Y for Jeff if you’re still doing the tickle alphabet?
A: Aftercare | What is their aftercare like after a heavy round of tickling?
Honestly, this entirely depends on his relationship with the 'lee in general. People who he's really close to, like Liu, really only get laughed at before he takes his exit. If he's romantically interested in you, he'll be a bit gentler, like rub your back or something until you catch your breath. He won't tickle anyone he doesn't care about to some extent, so blatant cruelty after the fact won't happen.
B: Bondage | How do they react to bondage, do they enjoy it and if yes, what is their favorite pose?
Do not try to tie this man up or you will get stabbed. Seriously. He has bad PTSD from being restrained, so he will immediately go into his fight or flight response no matter who's doing it.
C: Chase | What are their chances in a chase, both as a lee and ler?
He's pretty athletic, so he has a good chance of winning either way. If he's the one doing the chasing, he'll probably give up after a few minutes of no success and think up a more effective strategy; if he's the one being chased, he'll likely turn the tables because he hates feeling like prey.
D: Death Spot | What is their most ticklish spot?
His whole torso, really—but specifically his ribs. Attacking them will make him cackle like a hyena on drugs.
E: Expression | How do they express their wish to tickle/be tickled?
He doesn't like to admit he enjoys being tickled, and oftentimes he won't even know he's in a 'lee mood until someone gets him, which doesn't happen often. Liu can read him like a book though, so when Jeff starts showing uncharacteristic affection or becomes twice as annoying as he usually is, he knows what to do.
On the flip side, Jeff is a 'ler at heart, and the few people he calls his friends get bullied pretty regularly, if only in small intervals or in passing. Jeff disguises it as him being mean, but secretly he likes just having that sort of physical closeness with people.
F: Fight | What is their behavior in a tickle fight like?
Go big or go home. You are not winning a fight against this guy. He'll pull out all his favorite tactics and have you writhing in no time. If, by chance, you can get the upper hand a couple times, it won't last for long, cause he'll reciprocate with twice the energy and come out the ultimate champion.
G: Gentle | How do they react to gentle tickles?
He's a naturally rough guy, so he doesn't really do 'gentle'. His body doesn't, either; you want a reaction out of him, you have to put effort into it, because feather-like touches won't usually affect him. The most it'll elicit is a tiny huff and a flinch.
H: Habits | As a lee/ler or both, do they have specific habits when it comes to tickling?
He grew up with the perfect practice dummy: Liu, so he absolutely knows how to scope out all your worst spots and take advantage of them. Even though he despises being held down, he will 100% sit on his 'lee and make sure they can't move an inch. He's very strong, so they won't easily be able to escape.
I: Interrogation | How well would they handle a tickle interrogation?
Lots of cursing, lots of squirming, lots of threats. Still, he wouldn't give in quickly. And when he inevitably got loose, he would come after the perpetrator with a vengeance.
J: Joy | Their absolute favorite thing about tickling?
It makes him feel like a kid again. He didn't have a great childhood by any means, but there were always days when Liu would tickle him to lift his spirits, or he would tackle Liu when he was feeling playful, or one of them would initiate a fight. Those memories reside in his mind fondly.
K: Killer Move | As a ler, do they have special skills to use against their lees and drive them crazy with?
He does this scribble thing with his nails that makes his 'lee lose their shit. That and he'll pinpoint their worst area and focus entirely on that until the person is wheezing.
L: Laughter | What does their laughter sound like when they are tickled?
He has kind of a raspy voice, so his laughter is no different. He'll snort a lot, and if you can locate the correct spot and use the right method, you'll have him giving full-blown belly laughs, and it's so joyful to hear someone as guarded as Jeff let himself go to such a large degree.
M: Mornings | Their tickle behavior during mornings?
He will actually break your hand if you attempt to tickle him early in the day. The only thing keeping him sane right now is an energy drink, don't you dare mess with him. He's a grumpy boy.
N: Nights | Their tickle behavior during nights? 
It depends on how well his day went. If he's in a decent mood, he might be willing to participate in such an activity. If he's super tired or just really cranky, don't test him, because he could either unleash his wrath on you or snap your neck.
O: Online | Text messaging and social media, do they have some kind of online tickly behavior to tease their lee or ler with?
No. All interactions like this are done in person with him. It would feel weird to do it another way.
P: Partner In Crime | If they were to go after a lee and accept the aid of a tickle partner, who do they prefer to join hands with and why?
This is very dependent on the 'lee and who's around to witness the attack. Would he ever plan an ambush with someone? No. Would he let someone spontaneously jump in to double the intensity of the 'lee's experience? Maybe. He'd be more willing to accept some people than others. Jonathan? No, never. Kagekao? He doesn't necessarily like him, but he knows he lives for chaos, so it's possible.
Q: Question | Their response to the question ‘are you ticklish’?
Narrowed eyes, a defensive scoff. "Of course not. What are you, stupid?"
R: Role | Lee or ler, what is generally their main role?
'Ler. He likes being in control.
S: Safeword | If they were to suggest the safeword for a tickle session, which word will it be?
Literally just admit that he's superior and he'll probably let you go. He needs that ego boost.
T: Teasing | Their most favorite methods of teasing their lee/ler?
Playful insulting, crude words that hold no meaning. "Wow, you sound like a dying chimp right now," "Uncontrollable laughter looks pretty pathetic on you," "Are you really crying? What a baby."
U: Unusual | Do they have some unusual tickle spots? Where?
Squeeze his knees and he will go berserk. It's common for his brother to use this to catch him off-guard randomly.
V: Victim | As a ler, who is their favorite lee and what makes this person their ultimate victim?
Liu, mainly because they're so close and he knows exactly how to make him unravel.
W: Word | What is their reaction to the T-word? Can they say it out loud or do they get embarrassed?
He does not have a single problem with it, but he knows Liu does, so he uses that as ammo against him occasionally.
X: X-Over | In a crossover AU, which other fandom character would be a fitting tickle fight opponent for them and why?
Sans. Dude's got supernatural powers and Jeff wouldn't stand a chance. I don't think Sans can even be tickled anyway, since he's a literal skeleton, so Jeff would be trying so hard only to keep losing. Papyrus might be a good fit too.
Y: YOU | Any personal self or reader-insert tickle fantasies / headcanons to share with this character?
In an alternate reality where Jeff and Liu could live normal lives, I can see Liu bringing home a girlfriend and then Jeff proceeds to casually embarrass Liu by wrecking him and encouraging the girlfriend in question to join.
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avelera · 1 year
The Narrative Morality of HBO's "Barry" Series Finale
OK, so post HBO Barry series finale, I'm trying to figure out what I call the "narrative morality" of the story. IE, what morality is rewarded, what gets punished, and whether or not there's a common thread at all, because a story where no consistent morality is rewarded or punished is also a statement.
So let's dive in with a few of my takeaways on what Barry is trying to "say", at least within season 4 and its finale. Cut for spoilers.
Possibility 1: "It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."
This to me is not the most convincing argument, but it is the quickest to articulate. There is no narrative morality. The fact is that Bill Hader is making a statement about the inherent senselessness of life. Fuches didn't deserve to get away. Coiseneau didn't deserve to go to jail for Barry's crimes. People deserved a happy ending who didn't get one, despite doing everything right, and people who deserved to die didn't and indeed, have every indication of going on to live fulfilling lives.
On a wider level, it's an indictment of Hollywood and films (in my opinion) like American Sniper that glorify violence and turn villains into martyrs. By expecting a moral to this Hollywood story, you are played for a fool. It means nothing. It all means nothing. Objectively, many people are dead who didn't deserve it or take any actions to cause it. To seek meaning in the violence is a fool's game.
Possibility 2: "To Thine Own Self Be True"
The only way to gain redemption in "Barry" is to operate with integrity. By coming clean to her son about what she did and who she really is, Sally secures for herself a marginally happy ending as a theater teacher with a son who loves her and the adoration of her students.
By realizing that he has always been, deep down, a heartless piece of shit and a criminal, Fuches self-actualizes, becomes who he has always been deep down, redeems himself by rescuing Barry's son (who he put in danger in the first place) and walks off into the night, presumably satisfied with his choices.
By resolving in his final moments to come clean about Janet's murder, Barry didn't fully secure redemption but he did get all he prayed for: to be seated at the right hand of his father figure in death, to be seen as a hero by his son, and to be lionized after his death.
By failing to admit to himself that he was the cause of Cristobal's death, NoHo failed to achieve redemption. Instead, he receives the fool's gold of dying in his lover's arm, a statue of his lover literally made of fool's gold. He told Sally there was nothing he could do to help her, he failed to take responsibility in that moment, because he did have the power to act with integrity, just like he did in the events leading up to Cristobal's death, and he failed to do so. His reasons were understandable but ultimately, he wore a mask, and those who wear masks are punished by this narrative.
Coiseneau is the fakest of them all. On numerous occasions he's given chances to come clean, to act with integrity, to care about what actually matters in life like Janice and his son. He is over and over again tempted away from acting with integrity by instead pursuing fame and the appearance of success. He is no inherently a bad person, but he is over and over again show to be far too seduced by the temptations of Hollywood fame and his own legend to ever truly break free and act with integrity.
Janice's father also fumbles with integrity at the end, choosing the easy explanation of Coiseneau being his daughter's murderer, rather than pursuing the truth. As a result, his daughter's true murderer is lionized by the media and her lover is wrongfully convicted of her death.
In essence, when people act with falsehood and give in to convenient narratives about themselves, instead of pursuing integrity and truth, regardless of the morality of that inner truth (being a criminal is still Fuches being true to himself) the narrative punishes them. When people are true to themselves and act with integrity, even if its only to admit their own monstrousness, the narrative rewards them.
As a story told by Bill Hader, who is embedded in the shallowness of Hollywood with its shifting alliances, massive egos, frailties and foibles, "Barry" as a story about fake people constantly failing to improve themselves, act with integrity, or even acknowledge who they really are, but choosing to live instead in the fairytale palaces of their false images of themselves, fits thematically with much of what we see on screen. It doesn't preclude other themes and morals, but to me at least, there's a running theme of integrity vs. falsehood in terms of who is rewarded by the narrative and who is punished.
Possibility 3: Every Act of Violence Removes More Of Our Choices
Violence is condemned by the narrative of "Barry" but in a very interesting way. One act of violence never cements a person's unhappy ending, but it removes choices available to them. Each lost life is one more path that has been cut off from the world, and the characters who commit violence, who commit murder, see their own lives and available choices pruned away as well with each murder committed.
The narrative is actually rather optimistic towards Barry when he first signs up for the acting class. There is a sense that this is his highest point, his earnest decision to try to escape the violence. However, his past haunts him. It cuts away options he might have had in his own happiness. When he chooses to return to that world out of self-interest, the narrative once again condemns him. Each murder, each coverup with another murder, spirals. Each death cuts away another path Barry might have taken in his life. He can no longer visit friends without guilt. He can no longer have people in his life, or be an actor the way he wanted to, or enjoy the acclaim he hoped to achieve, or live openly with his family eventually, in a place of his choosing, because of his acts of violence.
Sally commits only one major act of violence, but that too has a sense of placing a ceiling upon all she might have achieved in life. She can no longer act freely without guilt. She can no longer aspire to heights that would draw attention to her that might uncover the murder. She can no longer be all she might have been, because she is responsible for a man's death.
Coiseneau is punished by the narrative for the violence he partakes in. He is punished when he chooses to act with violence and shoot "Barry", who turns out to be his own son. He is punished when he does not act to bring Janice's actual killer to justice. He is punished when he doesn't wait a few more moments for Barry to turn himself in for Janice's murder, instead taking Barry's death into his own hands and damning his own memory as a result. All his choices are taken away by this moment of violence.
Fuches might have finally blossomed into the criminal he has always been, deep down, but his options are still limited. He is a figure of shadows now, incapable of coming out into the light. He can't share Barry's life with him, or be in John's life, or walk openly outside the criminal element. He has found himself in the darkness, but each act of violence has reduced all his other options to nothing, he cannot have anything but the life of a petty criminal.
The organized crime characters all have their choices limited by the violence they've committed, over and over. They don't get out. They suffer brief, brutal lives, often dying as a result of their own machinations. Cristobal tries desperately to go legitimate, but can't escape his past. NoHo wants desperately to live in a world where he can be safe, have Cristobal, be happy, and be fulfilled, but the violence he's partaken in precludes this, it closes so many of these doors to him. With Cristobal's death, he loses even more.
Each act of violence diminishes us. It diminishes the world. It reduces the choices available to us and to the world, because those two are inextricable. Violence is not only never the answer, it steals from the life and options of those who commit it.
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brain-rot-central · 3 months
I just want to say I really loved how you wrote Tav and Astarion. Tav despite in a fragile position she is still determine to do stressful things for the sake of the safety of the people. For Astarion, I really liked that he is very morally conflicted which makes his past journey doesn’t feel wasted. And his obsessiveness is very intense.
Thank you!! Despite her being Durge, I do see Tavaria as being diplomatic. Perhaps she helped organize Ketheric's army during, or gave planning advice to Gortash. Who knows! But I do see her as being able to find common ground in most situations and essentially being the one to "do what's right," even if it's controversial or the more difficult decision. The fact that it's right is what matters.
Astarion, on the other hand...
Now that it's been almost 11 months post release, I have a few bones to pick with Astarion's endings. I will preface this by saying that I respect both endings and love and accept them (long time followers know how I push for tolerance of both and this is a welcome space for all), but I have to be honest.
I don't think the spawn ending would actually happen if you apply real world logic to someone like Astarion. He would pick ascension. I'm like 90% sure he would, especially if the game only spans 2-3 months.
Characters, and people, honestly, have an arc. Very rarely does the "rags to riches" trope ever pan out the way it does for the spawn ending. More often than not, people are down on their luck and often slip down further until they hit nothing.
Astarion ascending is him choosing himself and his fear of his independence being stripped away. When you're in a situation like that, that's all that matters to you. I speak from personal experience -- you literally do not give a shit if the world burns down around you. You may love and care for people, but you matter more.
Your ability to be safe and free from abuse in all forms matters most to you. Your ability to stop yourself from being taken advantage of in all situations matters most to you. Your ability to have control over almost every aspect of your life matters more to you than literally anything else. The alternative to any of that is akin to death itself.
It takes so much time to break out of that mindset. Once the hopelessness of a situation wears off, anger usually sets in. Resentment, spite, unrest -- sometimes at yourself for allowing a situation to go on for as long as you did. You're angry you didn't speak up and chose to let someone control you for so long, because it was the safer solution. You're angry you were forced into surviving a situation.
You feel ashamed of the person you were reduced to. Rather than meet them with kindness and grace, you spit on them, vowing to never allow yourself to sink to that level ever again. You will never let anyone put you there again.
But, that mindset is self-destructive in many ways. It chips into your personal relationships, because you're now fishing for any hint of someone trying to take advantage of you. You become paranoid, unreasonable. Prone to outbursts if things aren't going your way.
Inevitably, everyone leaves. And all you're left with is yourself, and your thoughts. You have no choice but to confront them, and apply logic and reasoning to them.
That's my logic when it comes to the ascension for Astarion. The ascension is his true "dark" arc, where he's fighting to save himself. It's not pretty, it doesn't make sense to everyone, but it works for him.
And Tav is there to help him, because she gets it. She's been through it herself, remembering all she's done and was likely forced to do. She understands how to put words to the raging inferno within him. But she also feels responsible for allowing him to slip down this path. She's a little further along on her own healing journey, and will try helping him anyway she can.
Love is the ultimate form of vulnerability, and they both struggle with expressing that. To love someone is to be vulnerable -- you accept the possibility that this person may rip your heart out and ground it into the pavement. You accept the possibility that this person will leave a permanent imprint on your heart, and hope to whatever higher being there is that it doesn't become a scar. Doesn't become something else you'll have to survive. To love someone is accepting that this person may forever change your life. And that's scary fucking shit.
Sorry for the impromptu character study on your ask, anon. I just really love their dynamic so much lmao
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nik-840 · 2 years
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Lucifer x Gn Reader
Description: The reader is an Angle that used to be Lucifer's lover. However due to God intervening the couple no longer remember each other
Word Count: 2,620
Long ago just before the great war, God created a string of new Angels, just a handful. They were unrelated to God’s other children. They were created by him, yes but they were not children of the Goddes or children at all really. They were meant to be soldiers and soldiers only. But there is always a calm before a storm and in this calm two angels fell in love, the light bringer and his favorite star.
God could see everything or just about everything. He could see how Lucifer’s love for you overshadowed everything else. He saw that this would lead to Lucifer’s ultimate betrayal. If only he could see how his actions played a role in all this.
God decides to kick you out of heaven technically making you the first to fall. Except you didn't go to hell, you fell to earth lost and confused. This is the final straw for Lucifer and the war is waged. Once it's over the memory of Lucifer’s lover is erased from the minds of everyone who knew them. 
When you fell you lost your wings and with them, went your ability to remember not just the days in Eden but also the lifetimes spent walking the Earth alone. You wander for millennials never quite sure what's missing until you find him again in a city called Los Angeles.
The memories don’t come back for either of you when you find him again. But you become close and you just hold on to him. It doesn’t take long for you to realize you are in love with him but he was occupied with Chole. You didn’t want to say that you hated Chole but you strongly disliked her.
It had been a month or so since Lucifer revealed the truth to her. She was a wreck and ran off to Europe. She hadn’t even been back for a week and you had already noticed how it was affecting Lucifer. He was in more distress now than he had been the whole time she was gone. You were already tired of her. Lucifer would never say anything about it; he's too worried about her opinion of him. You on the other hand couldn't give two shits what she thought of you. You had a bone to pick with her so you showed up on her doorstep. 
“What the fuck is your problem?!” She looked completely dismayed.
“Excuse me?”
“You've been treating Lucifer like shit since you got back from your stupid trip.” She stuttered for a while trying to come up with a good reason. “Don't lie Decker you ran off to Europe for space or whatever. But now you're back and you're acting like he's harmed you.” 
“I've been going through a lot this isn't easy for me. Would it make me crazy if I was scared of him? I mean Lucifer, he's dangerous.”
“ Of course, he’s fucking dangerous he's the devil who cares?”
“You're not the only human who's in on the secret Chloe but you are the only one who reacted like this. I've known for way longer than you and I've never been scared and it's not because I'm blind to the fact that he could hurt me or others. I'm not scared because he's never given me a reason to be. I know he won't hurt me because all he's ever done is protect me and you for that matter. He's powerful but I know he would never hurt an innocent person. Being scared of him might not make you crazy but it definitely makes you weak.”
All she does is stare and stutter as tears start to build up in her eyes. 
“Listen you need to get your shit together or break it off. Pretending that you care while you won't let Trixie see Maze and jump when Lucifer touches you is just sick. Make a decision or I’ll make it for you.”
You weren't waiting on a response so you just walked off and got in your car you had nothing else to say to Chole Decker. Plus there was someone who needed your attention back at Lux. When you get there the first person you see is Maze whose apparently been looking for you. 
“Where’ve you been all night your missing the party.”
 “Oh you know just out I had to make a stop off on my way here.”
 “Oh?” She looked mildly interested hoping it was something exciting. 
 “Yeah, nothing interesting I just had to talk to someone. Don't worry about that where’s Lucifer?” 
“He's upstairs sulking that's all he does these days.” She’s annoyed she and lucifer are dealing with Chole’s bullshit very differently, she doesn't understand him. You head upstairs and there he is, sitting at the piano playing some melancholy tune you don't recognize. You pour a drink for the both of you and set his down on the piano. You sit with him listening as the song flows out from the piano. You lean your head on his shoulder when the song ends and slide his drink just a bit closer to him. 
“Drink, Luci?”
 “Thank you.”
“You look a mess.”
“Why thank you Y/N as charming as ever.”
“Seriously though I know things have been rough lately but playing sad piano in the dark and not changing your clothes for days will not help. I'm not saying you have to go party I’m not even saying you have to leave your room. I’m just saying maybe take a shower.” He's about to say something stupid to get you off his back. “Listen if you shower ill do everything else, get you ready for bed, comb your hair, I’ll even pick out your suit for tomorrow, ok just shower you smell.”
He doesn't even say anything, just gets up and heads towards the bedroom slowly stripping. 
In his closet, you go through his wardrobe and pick out a suit for him. But not just any suit, it was your favorite. Something about Lucifer in this was just top-notch. When you're done with that you get everything ready for bed 
You sit at the edge of his bed waiting. You scroll through Twitter, TikTok, and then Tumblr. You were pretty sure he was just standing under the water but that’s ok 
When he comes out he’s wearing just a pair of skin-tight black boxers. He collapses into bed beside you. You move so you’re sitting next to his head and run your fingers through his hair.
“I bet that feels better.”
“Thank you.” He says as he moves his head to rest on your lap. 
“Oh don't get all mushy on me, Luci.”
“No I’m serious, Thank you.” 
“Whatever.” You run your fingers through his hair and scratch his head till he goes to sleep. You usually only slept over at the penthouse when Lucifer thought you weren’t able to get home safely. But you didn’t feel like going home today, not when you had Lucifer on your lap snoring softly plus it was like two in the morning. So you shifted around getting comfortable and Lucifer just followed your body heat while grumbling. 
When you wake up again it’s to a phone call from your best friend and roommate. You immediately realize your mistake. You get out of bed as quickly as possible without waking Lucifer. You answer the phone on the other.
“Before you start I'm sorry I didn't mean to sleep over or to fall asleep without checking in.”
“Mhm hmm, you always say the same thing I figured you were with him so I texted maze and she confirmed. That's not why I called.”
“Oh ok, what's up then?”
“You tell me I thought you said you weren't going to sleep over there anymore because it made you feel like you two were closer than you are.”
“I know what I said It's just he was so sad and I couldn't leave him like that.”
“Don't! I know what you're going to say ‘it's not my job to take care of him, especially not when it comes at the cost of my peace. But I'm not at peace when he's sad, I just want so desperately for him to be happy.” There's a beat of silence as you think. “I could let him go if that's what it took but she treats him like shit. I know I probably just sound like some jealous idiot but he spends so much time worrying about if she'll turn her back on him and he deserves so much more than that.”
“I understand just remember to take care of yourself too. And text me when you're not coming home asshole.” You laugh for a moment thankful for the change in conversation. 
“Again I'm sorry and I will next time I promise. I'll see you later.” You say your goodbyes and hang up.
You take a couple of deep breaths before heading back upstairs to find Lucifer awake in bed.
“Where did you run off to?” He asks just as you step into the bedroom. 
“Just downstairs I had to take a call and I didn't want to wake you.” You sit at the end of the bed. “Anyway, what do you want to do today? We could be responsible adults and do something productive or we could get high out if our minds order food and watch Alice in Wonderland.” You start smirking before you even finish the sentence knowing exactly which option he's going to choose.
After the first blunt, you were starting to feel it and words started falling out of your mouth.
“You know that I care about you right? You, Maze, and Ash are all I have all I've ever had.” You don’t know why you asked him that because you didn't even let him answer you just started the movie you pulled up before. 
You honestly don't remember watching the movie. It felt like you blinked and then the credits were rolling. It didn't matter though you and Lucifer had split two blunts and you felt amazing. At some point, Maze showed up and she and Lucifer continued to smoke long after you had tapped out. The day was blissful for obvious reasons you even remembered to text your roommate before you passed out on the couch. 
You guessed that something changed between Chole and Lucifer because he was back to going on cases with her. You hoped that she finally pulled her head out of her ass but you for some reason doubted that. You had gotten out of work early and just went back to your apartment to hang with your roommate. You guys had started a show together about a week ago and then you both got super busy. You had gotten through a couple of episodes when you got an SOS from Maze. Chole had fucked up big this time though you couldn’t imagine what could possibly be worse than the way she had already been acting. Nothing could have prepared you for what you found out.
He didn't even yell, he just explained what happened while sipping on his drink. You could tell he was a few drinks in and he looked a mess. You could see why though. Chole had been going behind his back working with a priest if you could even call him that. She had intended on banishing Lucifer back to hell. The betrayal was truly unbelievable. You didn’t know you had to comfort what could you say that could ease that kind of pain? You guessed you would just love him through it. Through all of it. 
Eventually, Lucifer gets bored of drinking and just goes to bed you didn’t want to leave so you just go sleep on the couch. The next morning you woke up and made Lucifer breakfast in bed you just wanted to remind him that he was deserving of love. He had barely spoken since he woke but just as he finishes eating he asks you a question. 
“Why did you stay?”
“What do you mean?”
“After you saw my face.”
“I don't know I guess I've spent my whole life alone and empty. When we met I felt that for the first time in my life I wasn't alone. So losing that over you being exactly who you said you were just felt stupid.”
“But what about me makes you feel that way? Why me?”
“I don’t know Luci, does it matter? All I know is that you make me feel warm and safe.”
“I make you feel safe?”
“I mean yeah are you surprised all you've done since we met is take care of me and encourage me to do the same for myself?”
He just stares at you sort of shellshocked which is so confusing to you because what did he think was happening here? Did he genuinely think that this entire time you were scared of him deep down? How could he think that? How could you be scared of this man you loved him with every fiber of your being. The thought brought you so much pain you just pulled him closer from where he was sitting on the bed. He was basically sitting in your lap now and you held him tight to your chest and he curled up to you.
You lean down and kiss the top of his head. You get that feeling that you sometimes get when you are with him. A strange sense of deja vu like you've done this before comforted him, held him close, kissed him. Sometimes you get these flashes almost like memories but they always disappear before you can fully understand what they are. You always just hold Lucifer a little tighter in those moments. 
At some point, Lucifer crawls out of your lap and puts on a random movie for the two of you to watch. Neither of you is really paying attention though. You feel his eyes on you for a while before you say anything. 
“What? Why are you looking at me like that?” He doesn’t say anything, he looks at you and makes eye contact before slowly leaning in. After a moment of thought, you lean in too. The kiss isn’t much just a soft press of lips but the feeling that runs through you forcing a gasp from your lips.
Memories flood into your mind so quickly that you can’t even decipher them. Tears start to flow from your eyes. Lucifer is stunned and confused but then shock falls over his face and calls your name. 
“You… you have wings.” You just stare at him as you try to sort through the memories. It seems that Lucifer’s memory begins to come back as well. 
He reaches out to cup you’re face and runs his thumb over your cheek. His old name falls off your lips “Samael.” The name makes him uncomfortable and he expresses that much to you asking you to just call him Lucifer. You lean in again and kiss his cheek and whisper “Of course, my love.” This immediately brings back the tenderness of the moment. 
The memories of before wrap around you like a warm well-loved blanket. All you want is to be as close to him as possible. All the centuries spent apart so cold and alone you just needed to keep him close. You pull him into another kiss and your wings wrap around him pulling him as close as possible. He chuckled “Missed me did you?” He said it as a joke but you knew he wanted a real answer. 
“Every day Lucifer. Every day even when I couldn’t remember.”
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oh, i do want you to take it to heart.
i want you to take shit seriously, because that’s what it is. we’re talking about the safety of your friends, here. the fact that you’re even saying this is proof that you don’t care about them.
a "mishap?" god, the fact that they can even happen is concerning. that time, it was concussion; next time, it could be broken bones. what if one of them had a bad fall because of you?
what would you tell them, tell their friends, tell their parents if they got seriously injuried because of you?
"oh, i’m so sorry, really, it was just a little mishap! i don’t understand why you’re so angry. it happens! don’t be mad at me, i tried my best!"
fucking seriously.
i don’t care that you weren’t doing it on purpose. what i care about is that it fucking happened - at all.
of course they would be afraid of that, you goddamn idiot! their lives are in your hands when they follow your directives. i would be terrified!
one small mistake and everything can fall apart! do you realize that? you fucking need to. that’s your responsibility. if you give a shit, then you’ll start remembering that.
frankly, i didn’t even know anyone could be this delusional.
it’s almost making me feel bad.
tsukasa’s going to be a world star. everyone is going to look up to him, to admire him, he’s going to be way too busy to give a shit about the loser who almost got him killed. there are going to be so many people surrounding him, people who are much better than you, people he can trust wholeheartedly.
nene? she’s going to be a broadway actress. she won’t even be here anymore. she abandoned you in middle school already, don’t you remember? did she help you when you were getting bullied?
did she even reach out?
no, she didn’t.
she didn’t, because she didn’t give a shit.
she left you once, and she’ll do it again. and no matter how much you plead, no matter how much you beg, she’ll never take you back. why would she? what do you bring her? seriously, think about that and tell me, because i’m curious. i want to see just how self-centered you are.
you’re replaceable, rui. very much so.
oh, but maybe emu will take pity on you.
it would be hard not to. and she’s nice, isn’t she? she’ll force herself to stick to your side even when she doesn’t want to, just because she doesn’t want anyone to suffer.
in the end, she will be the one suffering, instead.
is that what you want for her?
i may have a laugh and such often, but i really do ultimately take my friends' safety really seriously... i- i learnt my lesson from the Halloween show, i swear...!! i, more than anyone else- don't want to repeat that ever again!! because- because then it would seem like i never learnt when i did, i feel remorseful over last time's accident, i wish it never happened- surely... they don't fear me because of that-? don't they know the last thing i ever want is to put them in danger...?? of course they do, they're my friends, they- they know me...!!
Nene- Nene didn't abandon me, say whatever you want about me, but to imply she'd do that- she went to another middle school, for goodness' sake, as if it'd be reasonable to expect her to spend as much time with me when we spent a good portion of our time at opposite ends of the city!!
and- Tsukasa-kun... i do hope he finds that success, why yes, it's what he deserves!! yet- he's not the type to just forget about his old friends...
as for Emu-kun... she's incredibly sweet... we get along so well, we do, i- i can't imagine- Emu-kun doesn't force herself to be around me, does she-? i... always seemed to think we have great fun together, she smiles and laughs and jokes around plenty...
... well, maybe it's not particularly special, that's just how she always is...
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rappaccini · 9 months
the ultimate gwenship tierlist made up of all the people and creatures she has kissed, dated, flirted with or had a hint of vibe with.
(... i'm gonna update this as new additions are introduced)
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in this essay, i will--
NO GOD NO PLEASE NO: the ships that'll wreck her character
miles warren / the jackal (earth-616): the clone-crazy professor who was obsessed with gwen-616, transferred those feelings to gwen-65 and wanted to put her in a barbarian basement. handled right in the mcguire run, since him being evil was the point, as was how gwen being in 616 only leads to her living in gwen-616's shadow (🧂). he's in this tier because even though his execution was excellent, his motives were reprehensible.
peter parker / spider-man (earth-616): the gwiles of 10 years ago. no matter how kind he is, peter will suck her into his orbit, turn her into his sidekick-girlfriend and always treat her like a replacement goldfish for his gwen. and gwen will always be trailing after him, comparing him to her peter. terrible terrible ship that wrecks all their character development.
miles morales / spider-man (earth-1610): the gwen/peter of today, but the one that stands a strong chance of happening thanks to the sv movies. a boy she has no chemistry and nothing in common with, who she's too old for, who'll take away her independence and girlfriendify her because of his sheer popularity. if the best case scenario for them is gwen giving up her personality, loved ones, world, interests, dreams, sexuality, age and purpose to become a spider-wife and mother to kids she would never want to have, then don't fucking do it. terrible terrible ship that drags gwen kicking and screaming back into the closet, and into the male gaze, and makes miles responsible for it.
peter parker / the lizard (earth-65): he had an unreciprocated crush on his best friend, turned to villainy out of insecurity and misogyny, and decided to pull a quiet-kid-takes-a-gun-to-prom to punish her for going with another guy instead of him. the point of his character is that this boy wanted to possess gwen so badly that he decided to eat her and everyone she cares about alive when he couldn't have her. it's that in order for spider-gwen to be her own hero, she had to claw peter and the expectations of a relationship with him off of her and beat them to death first. making them a couple fucks up those themes. the only reason it's top of the list is that if gwen had a crush on/relationship with him and moved on, it still works, because he still wouldn't let her go.
shouldn't happen, fun to shoot the shit about: terrible in canon, fun in fanon.
kosei (earth-616): fun chemistry with gwen but forgettable personality, in this tier and not the one above because he was originally going to be working with jackal to hand gwen to him. could've been neat if they ended up dating and we got a betrayal arc.
benji jones (earth-616): sassy aussie classmate-turned-friend who's secretly a rat monster planning to lure gwen to jackal? dope. they didn't need to also be girlfriends, but hey, it could've been fun.
cindy moon / superior silk (earth-65): i simply think that cindy's hateful obsession over the teenage girl she used as a lab rat and thinks stole her destiny is intriguing and a dash of murderdock-style psychosexual obsession would make it spicier.
jesse drew / agent 77 (earth-65): if jesse weren't a family man i'd kill for him and gwen to team up to take cindy moon out. they'd have a gwen-kaine vibe minus the you're-wearing-the-face-of-my-dead-best-friend baggage. hot! oh well!
sue storm / invisible woman (earth-65): no chemistry here whatsoever but the concept of gwen getting a hot power-hungry female villain to make out with is strong.
matt murdock / kingpin (earth-65): top of the list because it's canon that he's attracted to her and the implications are horrifying and fascinating. gwen should never reciprocate in canon, but MAN his psychosexual love-hate fascination with gwen is a treat. gwendock is what migwen shippers think they're doing.
harmless but pointless: if you do it, it's fine, if you don't we won't miss it
mateo (earth-65): the guy with the cardboard personality gwen went out with in shadow clones. far as i'm concerned, she hit it and quit it. good for her. i hope he never returns.
ami han / white fox (earth 616): well. they had chemistry in that one-off. but we don't really need it. and she's from 616, automatic disqualifier.
betty brant (earth-65): they just do not give me any romantic vibe whatsoever and their friendship is fantastic. we simply don't need it. but if it happened it wouldn't, like, wreck anything. sure. okay. next.
horny disaster. please do it: they'd be a terrible couple, but a hot situationship with interesting story potential.
kitty pryde / shadowcat (earth-65): unstable older girl with rage issues who's homicidally protective of her father figure and constantly being forced into shitty situations by powerful men? would gwen fix her. would kitty make her worse. they have nothing in common except similar trauma which will be bad for them but great for the drama. give us a dash of that ultimate spider-man/kitty pryde romance with a toxic queer twist.
kaine / scarlet spider (earth-616): you can't convince me they didn't fuck in that car during clone conspiracy and decided not to tell peter about it. a secret fling with a gruff moody older man who has the face of the incel best friend you killed in self defense, a chip on his shoulder related to being constantly in the shadow of a 616 character you share a face with and a shitload of baggage with your common nemesis, the jackal? sounds like a mess! good for her!
has potential, needs more data: could either move up or down a tier but we need more material before i can pass judgment OR good! but mid!
anya corazon / arana (earth-616): another obviously-queer-but-the-writers-wont-let-us-say-it dimension-hopping female spider-hero who gwen has good camaraderie with. it could be nothing. it could be fun. let's find out! (but not for good! still on 616!)
glory grant (earth 65): a civilian girlfriend could be an interesting change, and glory's got a personality that can bring gwen back to earth. the best possible resolution of the glory/em jay/gwen love triangle is if they dump em jay for each other. and adaptation-wise, she's maybe the most viable. glory's got dark horse potential.
cindy moon / silk (earth 616): both of them have spider-bride trauma and chemistry with other women. could be interesting to see them explore that together. gwen's relationship with cindy-65 is probably too big an elephant in the room, as is gwen kinda taking cindy's place as The Default Female Spider Hero, but it could be interesting to unpack that. ... but at the end of the day, she's on 616.
felicia hardy / chat noir (earth-65): another vengeful girl who hates murdock, loves music, has belligerent sexual tension with em jay and daddy issues? gwen could fix her or felicia could make her worse, either way sapphic spidercat is long overdue.
johnny storm / human torch (earth-65): sure he commits arson and burned his mom alive but the bitch had it coming and he's clearly not as into the villain thing as sue. gwen's weak to his fire powers and he's pulling away from his evil sister for her. let's give the spider-man/human torch friendship a twist by giving gwen a fire himbo to redeem or have a tumultuous trainwreck romance with.
need to get together, need to break up: their romance does something positive for gwen's character that deserves to be seen but they ultimately shouldn't end up together. let's see them play out the relationship, and give us closure on their tension.
em jay watson / carnage (earth-65): the best friend who was the first to catch on that gwen's a superhero, writes song after song dedicated to her, has chemistry off the charts... we've been waiting for this shit for a decade and we just need to do it already. resolve the sexual tension and let them be together for a while. she's strong enough to protect gwen from gwiles. when the danger's over break them up because at the end of the day, em 1) isn't comfortable with gwen's superhero antics, which she can never give up, 2) has a toxic controlling streak that gwen Does Not Need, 3) is better with glory. 4) is unadaptable.
harry osborn / green goblin (earth-65): they don't have much spice but it's more than made up for by the sweet connection, the angsty history and the fantastic buildup. the friends to almost-couple to enemies to almost-lovers trajectory is insane. there's literally nothing left for them to do but get together. he could be the supportive sidekick boyfriend who follows gwen on her adventures. he's technically the father of her symbiote. he's the troubled rich boy she fixes with her love. but. gwen shouldn't end up with a straight boy. and because he's harry osborn, some external writerly reason will always pull them apart. we just need closure on this couple, either in a one-off issue that lets us see them decide to stay friends, or a longlasting arc that ends in a breakup.
holy grail: too good to be canonized
gwen's symbiote (earth-65): her soulmate if we're honest. this blob of alien spider goop, radioactivity, lizard scales, and gwen and harry's dna saved gwen from her nemesis, found harmony with her and is the source of her power. sure they had some growing pains learning to live together, but they make a great team. earth-617 had it right: happily single gwen living with her symbiote is a great outcome for her.
hobie brown / spider-punk (earth-138): spider-gwen should be able to fall in love with spider-man without it ending in tragedy or her loss of autonomy, and he's the only one it'll work with. and they even have an insane metaconnection where they nearly escape their narratives with each other's help, and the potential has never been fulfilled. out-of-universe, editorial will never break her down to build him up because she's a bigger character than him, and in-universe, it'd be too ooc for him to ever want that. beyond that, they already have great chemistry, they're a wonderful team, they're both counterculture musicians with creative friend groups who they're obviously queer with but editorial won't admit it, he turns into a big soft goofball around her and they have fascinating narrative parallels. he's the one but it'll never be canon.
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candyskiez · 11 months
Feel free to chat about whatever fic you want :)
Reblog this if you want readers to come into your ask box and ask for the “director’s commentary” on a particular story, section of a story, or set of lines. Or, send in a ⭐star⭐ to have the author select a section they’ve been dying to talk about!
oooo okay let's go!!! I'm picking this section of my fic stubborn
"Raine was quiet for a moment, pensive. 
"Alright,  you're guilty. So what are you going to do about it?"
"You treated him badly. You were wrong. So how are you going to make up for it?" 
"It's not that simple, Songbird."
"Let me ask you this: do you care about him?"
"...Yes. Yes I do." He was fond of him, once he actually got to know him. Once he saw what the kid was like, really like, well…how could he not be? He was kind, and earnest, and passionate and a bit of a dork, albeit with a dark sense of humor. He was a good kid, a damn good one in fact. Those sewing lessons were some of the first Non-Eberwolf related good memories he'd made in…decades, really. "But that doesn't change how I treated him."
"You're right. It doesn't. So what do you want to do to fix it?"
Darius wanted to reply with something witty, like he always did. It was how he worked. Uncomfortable situation? Sass your way out of it. Works every time. Except for when he can't think of one. 
"There are plenty of people far more qualified to help him than I am."
"So what are you gonna do when he comes back? Ignore his existence? Do you really think that'd help? How do you think that'll come across?"
"It doesn't matter , Raine. He's dead. There's no point speculating. He's gone." 
"And what if he isn't? What are you going to say to him?"
He goes quiet. Raine sighs.
"Look, I get you're guilty. How you treated Hunter was wrong. But avoiding him isnt going to fix it. All you'll do is hurt him and make him think he did something wrong. You wanna make it up to him? Then apologize. If he doesn't want you in his life? Live with it. If he does? Then do better. And don't do it just for Jasper, or because you promised him. Do it because, at the very least, Hunter deserves an apology.""
a thing that always bugs me about a lot of stories about guilt is that it's often treated like the guilt matters more than the one who's hurts comfort. and also how much apologies are treated less as giving the one who was hurt and yourself closure, and more like "now you have to forgive me." which...isn't good. at all. sometimes, forgiving someone is good for you. other times, it isn't. whether or not reconciliation is the healthiest option solely depends on the one who's hurt comfort. if being around them makes them miserable, they shouldn't be expected to reconcile just because the person who hurt them is so so so so guilty. what I really wanted to focus on in this fic was yeah, darius is guilty. but is he going to be sorry, or is he going to be better. (the answer is the latter, dw he's being Responsible.) I didn't want this fic to feel like "ohhh no Darius made a mistake so it's all about HIM feel bad for HIM." it's about darius getting his shit together. and ultimately darius ignoring hunter or distancing from him on the assumption that he won't want him around would hurt the fuck out of him, because it'll only be perceived as rejection, as him hating him. leaving someone for their own good with no warning? that fucks a person up. bad. and is a fucking awful thing to put someone through. this scene is basically raine just saying it how it is. give hunter the choice. stop running from your guilt by pretending there's no chance he's still alive. admit that you're scared he's hurt, and let him make his own decisions. if he wants to avoid you, leave him alone. if he wants you in his life, do better. it is NOT your choice on if he forgives you. it's his. this is probably incoherent and badly worded but here hold this.
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alexandravakimova · 2 years
For the ask game - 1, 19, 49, 61
I hope that's not too many
Hey, thanks for the ask!
And it's not too many at all, no worries. :)
You didn't specify who for so I'll just do like half and half.
1. What drives them? What is their ultimate goal? - for Torryn Cousland:
Motivation is like the biggest piece of character development you could do so I shall use my less developed boy. At the beginning of the game, he was just kind of naive and wanted glory or honor or whatever he thought was expected of him. He didn't know really how awful war and death was - he'd been raised as the son of a very powerful family in a time of peace, why would he know it beyond what stories and songs said? Howe's betrayal really shook him, I think. He had no desire to join the wardens and honestly, he probably just wanted to tell his brother what happened and then go hide in the wilds or something. When he and Alistair became the last wardens in Ferelden, he did his duty, because he was the only one who could. Doesn't mean he was happy about it. So, for most of the game, it was just sort of "get this done and then you can move on with your life, whatever is left of it." Then, as his relationship with Morrigan developed, he started focusing on something other than just doing what he had to: he wanted to build a future for the two of them. That drive probably only increased when he found out that they were going to have a child. He put himself in a position of power and married the queen, which seemed like an ambitious and selfish move from the outside, but it was actually done because he wanted to secure something for Morrigan and his son, somewhere they could be safe and that gave them both a very comfortable future. So, in the end, I suppose he was motivated by a desire to protect and take care of his newfound family.
19. What sparks genuine, unadulterated rage in them? - For Iarlaith Hawke
Honestly, Hawke is easy to find things that make him happy or that are funny so this one is good for him. I mean, there's people: Meredith, Petrice, and of course mage rights but what probably really actually enrages him is, hm... Honestly, it might just be not treating people as people or that they're worthwhile despite their class/race/sexuality/etc. He's struggled with homophobia from his mother and her traditionalist views his whole life and it's really messed him up. He, his siblings, and his father have never been able to tell her that they have elven blood because of a different part of those traditionalist views. So, seeing someone be treated as "not enough" or "nothing" probably enrages him to no end.
On another side, his relationship with his mom probably also has made him exceptionally irritated about anyone who won't accept the responsibility for their actions and blame it on others (i.e: she didn't have to go run off or get pregnant, even if that part was an accident. It wasn't his fault he was born). But I'm not sure he lets that side come out as much.
Whatever it is, it comes from his shit relationship with his mom, no doubt. :)
49. How often do they cut their hair, if at all? - For Iarlaith Hawke
Enough to take care of it. He doesn't actually cut his hair much; he lets Anders do it. He likes him playing with his hair. I think it keeps getting slightly longer throughout the acts.
After the end of the game, he cuts his hair short so as to not be recognized as easily.
61. Is there an in-game moment of theirs you think about and just laugh? - For Torryn Cousland
This would be very hard to do for Hawke since there are so many moments I find hilarious.
But my warden... Hm. Honestly all of Awakening is just hilarious. He recruits a bunch of criminals and murderers, makes them a found family, then just goes off never to be seen again. And yet I bet they're all insanely loyal to him no matter what. So, yeah, probably just the fact of who he chose to start rebuilding the order in ferelden. I think he and they are the only peopld who actually find that funny, though.
Thanks again for the ask! I think I wrote you a small novel in response. 😁
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noahschnappinfs · 3 months
To the people upset that Noah isn't speaking about the things that are happening to him - this is literally what PR teams are for. It's not because they hate him and aren't handling things well. They aren't keeping him silent. It's because the second you acknowledge something it makes it into an even bigger deal. Especially if you are denying an allegation which always comes across as phony. People make up so much shit about public figures on a regular basis, no one is wasting their time addressing every rumor. It adds fuel to the fire. The only time celebs address drama like that are when there is tons of evidence, it's not going away on it's own, it's hurting their career, and/or it's something illegal/requires an apology or explanation. Nothing that happened to Noah fits this. It's all been dumb rumors that can easily been disproven so it's not on him or his team to fix it. His fans do that part for him. Because if someone unfamiliar with this situation was scrolling through and found all this drama, they would see enough people talking about how it's not true to doubt it. It's possible he will address the harassment at some point, but he doesn't need to. If he does, all he has to do now is talk about how people sent him death threats and made shit up about him relentlessly for months and most people reading that would feel bad for him. He's the victim here and any logical person can see that. Anyone who matters (i.e. people who would hire him) clearly don't care or he'd be in damage control mode and would never be allowed on social media again. Staying quiet when things like this happen is the best thing to do. Always. If someone spreads a rumor about you and says "You hate gay people" with no evidence backing it up. Is your response to be like "OMG NO I DON'T!! I NEVER SAID THAT! I WOULD NEVER SAY THAT! MY BEST FRIENDS ARE GAY!!" It doesn't sound genuine. It seems forced and like it's a lie. So when someone makes something up about a public figure they never address it. There is no reason to. All it does is make people believe the lie more and it makes people search for evidence that it's true, which leads to them digging things up and twisting things around. People who want to believe the worst in him are always going to. It doesn't matter what he does or what he says. The people who aren't irrational haters are at least willing to hear him out and give him a chance to explain if he needs to. But this is not even close to being a situation where he needs to explain himself. This isn't anything. And from a PR standpoint, the past few months have not been a situation that needed to be addressed either. It's why the only thing he did was post a video clarifying what he said, and then took some space from social media since the harassment was relentless. That's all that needed to happen there. The people who went after him were always going to. He didn't actually do anything wrong and they don't want to believe that. I'm thinking that what may happen is that he might be a bit more cautious about his social media again, but ultimately I think the worst of the drama has passed. So I don't think things will change much. He will probably talk about this at some point later - I think maybe when S5 is being promoted - in case dumb shit gets dug up again. But seriously. There is no evidence he said the things he said or did what people are accusing him of, so this isn't something PR teams worry about too much. Their big issues are the people who actually cause problems and there is tons of evidence.
i agree with you.
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down-thedrain · 1 year
for the opinion post ummm let me know your opinion on either six or mark heathcliff ^_^
ohhhhhhg okay . youre taking me out of my comfort zone i never thing about the alternates LMFAOOOOOO. putting this under the cut cuz its long
ig ill start with mark??? first of all nonbinary as hell and anyone who tells you otherwise is lying to you. second xe's a very interesting character to talk about because basically everything i can say about xem spirals into other characters but ill try to keep this focused on xem as much as possible. anyways GOD i miss act 1 when we were constantly learning new information about xyr life and xyr suicide. i honestly really wish the first act had gone even farther with establishing xem because i feel like all we really know about xem is the encounter and xyr paranoia. especially since alex didn't intend to go much farther with xem after the first act it would have been nice to get more detail with xem back then.
i genuinely think mark had so much love to give to so many people but it just got stifled again and again and its extremely heartbreaking . i think mark wanted to be better and make a difference in the world but ultimately was never allowed to. xe was excited to have a baby sister, as evidenced by alt!cesar using her against xem in vol 1 restored. xe was glad to FINALLY leave school (i believe xe was a senior when xe died. which is awful but yk) after giving everything xe had left in xem to just barely pass. xe loves a lot of things about life like the autumn leaves and drumming and . xyr one friend that xe does doesnt even like xem. but its okay xe's sure xe's just misjudging him!!!! (xe's too afraid to confirm or deny this.)
but i think all that love gets stifled by xyr environment. xe's miserable, feeling restrained by the stories xe's had drilled into xyr head from birth; even though xe still believes them, xe's been coming dangerously close to seeing the holes poked into xyr little worldview. xe fights every day to hold onto those little things that make them happy, because some days it feels like thats all xe has. and okay i was memeing earlier when i said people who tell you mark isnt nonbinary are lying but unironically i think mark takes solance in xyr identity because its the one thing no one can take away from xem to matter how hard they try. xe's continuously told that xe has to succeed and be fine for the sake of everyone else around xem and it exhausts xem because xe is traumatized. its so awful and xe's so tired of it all. thank god this this the last year of high school, because maybe now xe can finally hope to be free.
but. yk. thats not really how the story goes. is it.
it is a sin to kill a mockingbird.
UHHHHH SHIT NOW I GOTTA TALK ABOUT SIX NOW OOPS!!!! like i said earlier i dont. think. about the alternates very much. they just arent interesting to me in the same way the human characters are. theyre interesting in their own way of course!! but personally i prefer the more complex and nuanced conflicts present between the human characters.
HOWEVER!!!!! six really stands out from all the other alternate characters because . a. the implication that he ISNT an alternate makes me crazy insane and i really hope that gets elaborated on in vol 5 and b!!!! he's responsible for so much in the plot and a lot of the conflicts that i really love in the human characters. he's responsible for mark's paranoia, adam being. like that. lynn dying which brings thatcher and ruth over to the murray house and resulting in ruths death. SO GODDAMN MUCH. he influences nearly EVERY major aspect of the plot but in a much more direct way than gabriel does, and that makes him much more interesting to me. i really like how so much of it can be traced back to him and he DOES SOMETHING WITH THIS. he comes in to talk to adam and is like hey girl. im gonna drop the most devastating information of your entire life without any kind of warning whatsoever. oh yeah and you also only met me like two days ago in a basement after you lost the only person that ever cared about you. get fucked ! and thats so funny to me . i love him hes a piece of shit
unfortunately like i said i just dont think of him in a blorbo way like i do with the human characters.... (and adam) i just dont think hes all that 3 dimensional. i think the POINT of him is to be creepy and uncomfortable and threatening and making it so that he like. cares. about mark or adam or wtv kinda kills the vibe?? i really like when people do it in aus and such but trying to apply it to canon. cant say im a fan sorry. IT CAN DEFINITELY BE INTERESTING THOUGH just not for a horror series that horror in it. yk what im saying
uhhh idk how to end this post. i could talk about how mark and six relate to each other but im tired LOL i think six should bring mark back wrong that would be fun. bless
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dragondemoness · 2 years
Mondo Owada, Mukuro Ikusaba, and Mikan Tsumiki with an ultimate therapist S/O
Lets be honest, they all need one
Yeah. Honestly, every Danganronpa character needs one
Mondo, Mukuro and Mikan with an Ultimate Therapist Reader
Mondo Owada 
He didn't really care at first
You were just another Ultimate, after all
But being the Ultimate Therapist means having excellent intuition
You could tell that he had a troubled past
You approached him, asking him about his anger
And he, of course, responded with anger
"What the fuck does it matter to you, dumbass?!"
"Hm, I see. This anger comes from a place of pain, doesn't it?"
This struck him silent
And next thing he knew, he was laying down on a couch in your lab, confessing all his pain and sorrows
Something about you just made him feel safe
You comforted him and let him know that his past mistakes don't define him as a person
He fondly smiled at you and thanked you
Then he started blushing madly
"Hey, would you... wanna go on a date sometime?"
You smiled at him
"I'd like that, Mondo."
Mukuro Ikusaba 
She was curious about you from the beginning
She wanted to know if your talent was truly effective
So she watched as you helped your fellow Ultimates, and you seemed to be pretty good at it
And so, she approached you
"So... You're the Ultimate Therapist, correct?"
"That would be me. Anything I can help you with?"
"I just want to... talk to you."
And so, you took a walk together
She asked you questions about your talent
How did you become the Ultimate Therapist? How did you do it so well?
You just shrugged your shoulders
"I started out as just a really good listener, then people started coming to me with their problems. This started evolving, and I found a career for it. As for the second question, I just get to know people. Listen to what they have to say, what caused their problems, and just help them in the best way I can."
Mukuro was in awe
You were a genuinely kind person who wanted to help people
Maybe you can help her too
But first, she wants to get to know you
She doesn't want to spill her secrets to a complete stranger, after all
And further on down the line, she feels more comfortable with you
Comfortable enough to open up
You listen intently, never once turning away your attention
You notice her growing more uncomfortable and more upset as she continues
"Hey, Mukuro, it's okay. You don't have to keep going."
"I-I'm sorry."
"You don't need to apologize. It's a therapist's job to listen, not press for information."
You hold out your hands and she holds them
Then she starts blushing
"U-Um... (Name)... I-I've been... having feelings for you for a while.. A-And... I'm wondering if... You would be interested in... going on a date with me..."
You smile and give her hands a squeeze
"I would love that."
Mikan Tsumiki
You were the one who approached her
You were incredibly concerned about her
She's kind of worried at first
"I-I'm sorry! D-Did I do something to b-bother you? I'm s-sorry! How c-can I repay you?"
See, this is why you're concerned
"Um... Ms. Tsumiki, that's really not necessary. I just want to talk to you."
"M-Ms. Tsumiki...?"
You brought her to her office, and asked her in the most no-pressure way possible
"So, Ms. Tsumiki, I am highly concerned. I've seen how... fragile you can be, and how you let others treat you. You don't have to tell me exactly what caused this behavior, but I at least want you to have a safe space when you need it."
She pauses for a moment, feeling mildly afraid
Then she breathes in and confesses that she had been bullied and abused in the past, which led to her meek personality
She didn't give any details, just gave you a short and simple response
You nodded, and asked if she would like a hug
She kinda malfunctioned for a short moment, but accepted it nonetheless
She actually really liked it
After that, you started to walk with her more, shooting down anyone who gave her shit
And she quickly ended up developing feelings
But one day, she had tripped and fallen into a... compromising position, which caused Hiyoko to be the absolute worst
 You quickly brought her to your office and soothed her
You hadn't seen the full extent of her bullying at school, and you wish it stayed that way
Seeing as there was no point in keeping it from you, she confessed the certain things her past bullies and abusers did
It was nothing short of disgusting
Then she started to freak out
"I-I'm s-so sorry! You m-must think I-I'm a f-freak after s-seeing that!"
"No, Mikan, I could never think that! I love you way too much to ever see you that way!"
Mikan jumped in surprise and pulled away from you to look you in the eyes
You quickly realized what you said and got embarrassed
"I-I am so sorry! I-I didn't mean to say that!"
She took your hands in hers and smiled at you
"I love you too, (Name)."
She snuggled into you once again, and you stayed like that for a while, before going out on a date later
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quindolyn · 4 years
hi can i request the maurauders going to see the reader do a musical like heathers or mean girls and they are just confused and turned on bc they didn't expect it to be this dirty (can lead to smut or not). luv you and hope you are taking care of yourself, if not go get something to eat, drink some water, take a nap, or do somthing you enjoy. or dont not trying to be pushy :)
Creature of the Night || Poly!Marauders
Word Count: 3029 (excluding song lyrics)
A/N: I think I liked how this turned out? I didn’t make it smut but it’s certainly suggestive, I went with Rocky Horror, I know that the musicals mentioned in the request are more modern but I fucking love Rocky Horror and I think it works with the request. When I first read this request I smiled so much because I love live theater, I don’t perform as much as I used to because as I progress with my education I’m focusing more on the stuff I can use to pad my resumes for college and stuff but I still love going to see productions. One of the worst parts of the pandemic for me has been not being able to go see shows, I miss it so much.
Warnings: theatre enthusiast reader, erections, suggestive material, song lyrics, slight teasing, wearing very little clothing in front of an audience, I believe that that is it
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The magic of the stage was second to none. Sure, Hogwarts may have had witches and wizards, subjects like Transfiguration and Defense Against the Dark Arts, and ghosts that spent their time meandering about the halls but there was always a part of you that looked forward to the summer between your years at Hogwarts. Because no matter how magical Hogwarts was, the theater always made you feel completely and utterly alive. 
Every summer since the one after your first year at what all of your muggle friends thought to be a very prestigious boarding school up in Scotland, you’d taken part in your local youth theater’s productions. Your parents both being muggles thought that it would be a great way for you to be able to stay in touch with your muggle origins. 
The first year you’d been far too nervous to actually audition for a role, the very thought causing bile to churn in your stomach and threaten to make you sick all over your kitchen floor when your father first pitched the idea. So instead you’d done costumes and it was the most wonderful experience of your life. 
Who needed drugs when you had live theater? The hustle and bustle behind the scenes was electrifying but after two summers of costuming, of quick changes in the wings, learning how to use the ancient sewing machines they stored in the depths of the storage rooms, and pulling pieces for the actors to try on you decided that you wanted to try something more.
The moment you had stepped onto the stage it was like you’d come to life and you cursed yourself for not taking the risk earlier. You belonged on the stage, with the harsh stage lights on you and pounds of makeup plastered onto your face you could feel the magic thrumming through your veins and it was addicting.
If it was possible, you were even more excited to perform this summer, the previous school year you’d finally gotten together with your long time best friends the Marauders, turning them from friends to your boyfriends.
When your mother had sent word of the production being put on this summer you’d squealed while seated next to James and across from Remus, who had Sirius hanging off of his side. After explaining to them, mostly Sirius and James really, just what live theater was their first reaction was to ask if they could come see you perform.
“I don’t even know if I’m going to be cast,” You had explained gently, not wanting to get their hopes up in case you weren’t cast this year.
“Bull shit of course you’re going to be the cast,” Sirius had contested through a mouthful of jam and toast, waving his hand theatrically through the air, watching him that day was not the first time you’d considered how the way he acted often reminded you of an over enthusiastic theatre major.
Remus, the only one with any knowledge on muggle theatre had snorted, wrapping an arm around Sirius’ waist to pull him closer to his body, “She’s not going to be the cast Pads, she’s going to be casted,” He’d corrected gently, pressing a kiss into his long, dark tresses.
“Whatever,” The smaller boy had grumbled, taking a sip of pumpkin juice.
Which brought you to where you were right now, five minutes to curtain touching up your make up in the mirror of the shared make-up room.
“Hey (L/N),” One of your cast mates called settling into the makeup chair next to you as she plucked a tube of dark red lipstick from the small canary colored makeup bag she had previously abandoned on the counter, “Your boyfriends coming tonight?” She asked, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.
“Yeah, they are,” You responded, applying mascara to your lashes.
“Excited to meet them, that photo you showed us,” She smiled, fanning her face with her hand, “Smoking,” She smiled, making eye contact with you in the mirror.
Rolling your eyes you ignored her comment, “It’s five minutes to curtain, you’re just now doing your make-up?” You chuckled, noticing her black face.
“Oh, shove it,” She laughed as you pushed yourself from your chair, traipsing out of the room, giving her the middle finger on your way out.
“Break a leg!” She called after you as the door latched shut.
You weren’t usually this nervous before a performance but knowing that your three boyfriends were sitting out there somewhere in the audience had you pacing back and forth backstage wondering what they were going to think of the whole production.
“Rocky Horror?” Sirius’ confusion evident in his voice as he plopped down in his seat next to Remus, throwing his arm around the werewolf’s shoulders, drumming his fingers on his clothed shoulder hidden behind his knitted cardigan.
“Yeah,” James collapsed into his chair on the other side of Remus, tucking one leg under his body, “No clue what it’s about but I’m sure our angel will be wonderful. Can you guys see her?” He straightened himself up in his seat, craning his neck in attempts to catch a glimpse of you.
Remus being the only one with any ties to the muggle world knew a bit about the show and had to do his very best to suppress a smirk from overtaking his face as he knew exactly what he and your other two boyfriends were getting themselves into. 
“Just hush up you two, the show’s gonna start any moment,” He scolded, patting his large, scarred hand on James’ thigh, giving it a gentle squeeze.
“Rem,” Sirius whined, puckering his lips and closing his eyes, signaling to his boyfriend that he wanted a kiss.
“My needy baby,” He crooned, leaning in to connect his lips with Sirius’ in a quick liplock before pulling back, allowing Sirius to drop his forehead to smear against his shoulder.
“That’s mean,” Sirius murmured discontentedly.
“Poor baby Pads,” James cooed mockingly.
“Both of you,” Remus hissed as the lights in the theatre dimmed, “The show’s about to start, be good for me and be quiet yeah?”
Their response came in their silence as the crowd started settling down and the music from the orchestra pit began a voice coming from somewhere out of sight as it was played through the speakers,
“Michael Rennie was ill
The day the earth stood still
But he told us where we stand”
Not 20 minutes into the show all three of them were as hard as rocks, James had already made Remus check the playbill for the name of the character you were playing, not being able to remember what you’d told them as all of his concentration was focused on a certain place.
Janet Weiss.
Remus couldn’t remember either, but he was almost certain that’s the name he could make out in the dark theatre, printed next to a picture of your smiling face.
When you’d stripped down to your underwear the boys could barely focus on the plot line of the show, only being able to watch the way your bare skin shone under the harsh light of the spotlights. Watching as sweat glistened on your skin, making you shine as you moved about the stage. 
Enchanted by the melodic cadence of your voice they all felt a certain jealousy burning deep in the pits on their stomachs at the thought that there were dozens of other people packed into that theater, all observing you in your vulnerable state of under dress. Only they got to see you like that.
Sirius missed much of the first act glaring at members of the audience who he deemed as looking at you for too long for his liking, but if you were being honest a 4th year smiling at you in the hallway was sometimes too long for his liking.
It wasn’t like any of them had never seen you naked before, in fact they’d all seen you naked more than their fair share of times but something about you on that stage in a white bra with a matching slip was driving them all crazy.
Especially Remus, whose ultimate weakness was seeing you in anything white which was one of the reasons you’d been so excited to invite them in the first place, knowing that they would be horny messes the entire time.
On stage you did your very best not to look out into the audience looking for them, knowing that you wouldn’t be able to stop a ginormous grin from forming on your face and you couldn’t afford to break character. Not if you wanted the night to go your way.
As the opening notes to “Touch-A, Touch-A, Touch Me”, rose from the orchestra pit you had trouble stopping a small smirk from pulling at your lips as you opened them, inhaling deeply before singing the first words of the song,
“I was feeling done in, couldn't win
I'd only ever kissed before”
Despite yourself you caught a glimpse of long dark hair in the audience, quickly taking a glance at Sirius’ face, eyes glazed over in lust, legs shifting uncomfortably with his mouth hanging wide open. 
Out of the corner of your eye you noticed another raven-haired boy’s mouth dropping as you shrugged off of your robe
“I thought there’s no use getting, into heavy petting
It only leads to trouble and, seat wetting
Now all I want to know, is how to go
I've tasted blood and I want more”
It was impossible to miss the way Remus’ jaw clenched as you laid your palm against Rocky’s chest, he was being played by your good friends who’d been working with the same theatre company as you since forever, he was like a brother to you. But that didn’t mean you couldn’t lay it on extra thick tonight with your boyfriends in the audience.
Tracing a dainty finger down Rocky’s chest you pushed your body against his singing out the next lyrics of the song,
“I've got an itch to scratch, I need assistance”
You turned you and your cast mate so that looking over his shoulder you were able to meet Remus’ eye, sending him a quick wink before focusing back in on Rocky.
“Toucha, toucha, toucha, touch me
I wanna be dirty
Thrill me, chill me, fulfill me
Creature of the night”
Pressing your back up against Rocky’s chest you guided his hands with yours to your breasts, squeezing them as you followed the choreography you knew by heart.
You ripped your slip from your body with the help of Rocky leaving you in only your white bra, matching panties and a pair of small heels as you paraded around stage, belting the suggestive lyrics into the theater.
“Then if anything grows, while you pose
I'll oil you up and rub you down (down, down, down)
And that’s just one small fraction, of the main attraction
You need a friendly hand, oh i need action”
You smirked, thinking about all of the action you’d be on the receiving end of later that night as you sunk to your knees in front of Rocky, your hands grasping his thighs. Deciding to tease them perhaps a little more than necessary as you went through the number, curling your leg around his and pressing your bodies together so that there was no space between your two questionably clothed bodies.
As the number was brought to a close it was impossible for you to ignore the excitement bubbling up inside of you as you continued your way through the show you kept throwing glances at your boyfriends, always finding their eyes already trained on you. More often than not, on some body part other than your face.
If your boyfriends thought that they had a bit of a problem before that song they were in a terrible predicament now.
Remus caught Sirius on multiple occasions trying to move the hand that he was holding to grope at his crotch as he tried to buck up into his boyfriend’s hand. And much to his own dismay, Remus would pull his hand away, thinking it probably wasn’t the best idea to give his boyfriend a hand job in a crowded theater. Knowing that he wouldn’t have to worry about James touching himself because he would never dream of disobeying him, Remus divided his attention between you on the stage and keeping Sirius in check.
Each of the boys were counting down the seconds until the show came to an end and they could get out of there and relieve some of their tension.  As the curtains were pulled closed they all breathed a sigh of relief before they reopened, leaving all three of them bewildered and slightly annoyed, even more so when they noticed everyone around them standing as they applauded the actors.
Remus forced both of them up when you rushed to the front of the stage, curtsying as the crowd went wild, your boyfriends most notably. As you took your bow you blew a kiss to your boyfriends taking note of the uncomfortable way they all stood, trying to adjust their erections to make them less noticeable while simultaneously applauding you.
As you cleared the stage after curtain call you took your time, doddling towards the dressing rooms where you had left the clothes you’d arrived at the theater in along with a special outfit you’d brought for after the show. Usually you were one of the first actors to clear the theater after a show but tonight you took your time. Hanging up your costume with more care than anyone really should treat any garment with and certainly more than what it needed. 
You smirked mischievously as you pulled the you’d brought outfit from your bag and shimmied it up your legs before slipping the delicate straps up your shoulders. You glimpsed yourself in the mirror, the red satin of the dress clinging to your curves in an attractive manner, short enough to display miles of legs and low cut enough to show off a decent amount of cleavage and perhaps a sighting of the matching red bra you were wearing beneath it.
Slinging the back of your black heels over the heel of your feet you snatched your purse from the armchair in your dressing room before striding out to go meet your boyfriends in the lobby, where you’d told them to wait for you.
Their heads all turned as they heard the clacking of your heels against the tile of the floor, “Boys,” You greeted as they unabashedly took in your new appearance.
As he most often was, Remus was the first one to collect himself, “Puppy, you were wonderful,” He praised, walking to meet you as you approached him, leaning down to smear a kiss against your cheek, “You did amazing up there, so proud of you,” He threw his arm around your waist as you walked towards Sirius and James.
“We got something for you,” He explained, his grip on your waist tightening, “Jamie give it to her, yeah?” 
“Oh yeah,” The smaller boy grinned, remembering the bouquet he held cradled in his arms as he handed it over to you, “Here you go angel.”
“Thank you Jamie,” You said as you took it from him, closing your eyes as you buried your nose in the sweet smelling flora. As you opened your eyes you made eye contact with Sirius, who stood across from you, practically drooling as he took in your appearance without any shame, “They smell wonderful.”
“You okay Si?” You asked, looking up through your eyelashes, batting them innocently.
“Like you don’t know exactly what you did up there to us (Y/N/N),” Remus whispered in your ear, pressing his nose into your temple.
“You guys are the ones who wanted to come,” You lilted, rubbing one of the velvety petals between the pads of your thumb and forefinger.
“Could’ve warned us,” James mumbled, his eyes not leaving your thighs as he licked his lips, if it were anyone else you would’ve been uncomfortable but you couldn’t help but feel flattered whenever any of them ogled you. 
“And what’s with the dress Pup?” Sirius nodded his head appreciatively towards your dress, obviously admiring the way it hung on your body.
“What, you don’t like it?” You asked with fake hurt in your voice, knowing that he more than liked it, he fucking loved it. 
“S’not that,” Remus mumbled, nosing at your jugular, “Just that whole show, got us a little bit worked up. We didn’t expect it to be so sexual Puppy,” He nodded towards James and that’s when you noticed the erection he was still sporting. 
“Got us really worked up, can we go home now?” James asked, shifting his weight from one foot to the other, trying to distract himself from his little problem.
“Jamie,” You whined, smiling wickedly, “I wanted to celebrate, I was thinking we could go eat somewhere, I was thinking maybe Thai food?”
You watched as Sirius ground his teeth, conflicted between needing to get home and not wanting to deny you from what you wanted. 
“Having fun teasing us Bunny?” Remus asked you with a sly smirk, knowing exactly what you were doing.
“M’not teasing,” You insisted, turning indignantly to your other boyfriend.
“Sure you aren’t,” He chuckled, “Thai sounds great (Y/N), wanna talk with you about the show,” The idea of teasing Sirius and James even longer was very appealing to Remus and he was ready to make the sacrifice of being teased himself, knowing that he’d be able to get back at you later that night.
“But-” James began.
“You wanna argue with me Jamie?” Remus challenged, raising a singular eyebrow.
“No,” He moped, “Of course not.”
“Good,” Remus said, nodding his head approvingly, “We wouldn’t wanna deny our Princess would we?”
James shook his head, eyes pleading, desperately seeking Remus’ approval.
“Pads?” Remus challenged, turning his attention to the other raven haired man.
“What? Oh um, of course not,” He agreed distractedly, dragging his eyes from your form to meet Remus’, his reluctance evident in his voice.
“Good,” Remus said pointedly, his eyes cold, daring Sirius to question him. When he didn’t the werewolf continued, “Let’s get going then, there’s a nice little restaurant a couple blocks away yeah?”
As you all hummed your consent you made your way to the exit, “Ten galleons if you can make James cum in his pants at dinner,” Remus whispered in your ear quietly enough so that  James and Sirius trailing behind you wouldn’t be able to hear you, you could hear the smirk in his voice as you exited the theatre.
“Deal.” This was going to be fun, you considered that you might have to invite them to come see the show again.
tagging: @randomoutsiders @weasleyposts @kittykylax @amourtentiaa @superbturtlemakerathlete
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