dontcryminecraft · 1 year
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castorrr · 2 years
YCGMA moodboard 🎧
an album is so fucking beautiful yet so sad and full of feeling, and i can’t find the words to describe how much i love it
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jubilee line- wilbur soot
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casawio · 10 months
SORRY IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!
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faebriel · 4 months
we need to give niki a gatling gun
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skylolacreativespace · 6 months
Also did you know wilbur soot is real? I got these pictures of him, was very surprised when i found out he is a real music man and not AI generated. /J
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Whoaaa! Me didntie know dat! 🫨😱 THE Wilbur Soot is reals?! Musicie man 100% he makie those soundsies?!/j
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WOOHOOO LETS FUCKING GOOOOOO WILBURRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
And uh could you write a little blurb or headcanon or whatever about Veronica Sawyer (Heathers)? She's my favorite musical character ever! AND CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thank you so much!! you’re so sweet :D
i hope you enjoy this, and have a wonderful day!!
you smiled as you walked over to your girlfriend, veronica. “holy shit. i can’t believe you actually did it.”
a small laugh fell from your lips, earning you a glare from veronica. despite how giddy you seemed over the whole thing, she didn’t quite share the feeling.
“are you actually happy about this? we just killed someone! i just- i just killed my best friend,” she said, collapsing onto the plush red chair in front of heather’s vanity.
you smiled even wider, “and your worst enemy.”
veronica waved dismissively. “same difference. what the hell are we gonna do?! i- i can’t go to prison! i just got into stanford!”
you walked over to her and placed your hands on her shoulders, sliding them down so you were hugging her from behind. even though she was still very much upset with you, you could feel her slightly relax into your embrace.
“everything will be fine, my love. i’ll take care of things. don’t you worry your pretty little head about this, alright?”
you pressed a soft kiss to her cheek. sighing, veronica reached up to place her hands over yours.
“you’re talking like you’ve done this before,” she said, gently squeezing your hands.
“are you sure you wanna know?” you replied, smile never leaving your face.
when veronica didn’t respond, you walked around the chair to face her and pulled her up to her feet.
“go home, darling. i’ll clean up your little mess.”
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tmmyrp · 11 months
Happy birthday Tommy. Good luck preparing for your little duel -@songbird-sunrise
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ma-39 · 4 months
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If you wear cowboy clothes…
Does that make you ranch dressing?
Anyway, yee-haw
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yee-haw indeed
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noxiatoxia · 29 days
💌 from both Holly and Wilbur smile and grin
Okay firstly HOLLY ... tackles you to the floor and breaks my arm. you are my bestie. 5 fucking ever. no matter what happens or where life goes i know i'll always have you. even if we dont talk nearly as much as we did half a decade ago, youre always my first thought when i think of someone i'd call a true friend, or when i need advice/help/insight from someone i trust. you are basically family to me and i think you're also one of the funniest people i know and you have a lot of wisdom. youre blunt and honest and i need dat in my life...u are just so much fun to talk to. i love listening to you rant your opinions on topics bc youre very passionate and insightful (and funny). no matter what happens now or ever you will always be the person i know changed my life the most and for the best
wilbur ... WILBURRRRR *goes super saiyan *my anime tee rips *sobs well anyways wilbur. we do not talk as much, which is a SHAME because you are such a sweet and silly person. beyond the fact you seem to always know just what to say, you are a very funny person. i think you come up with very absurd jokes and i enjoy your silly and sometimes naughty humor. you are AMAZING at baking... your pastries are so simple but simplicity always tastes the best... the day you watched me play through Cinderella: Magical Dreams for the GBA was the day we bounded for life like two men in the yakuza. I'd love to talk tech and poetry with you sometime cuz im into those too...meow meow meow
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diamondsnowflakes · 10 months
Little Raccoon Boy
Tommy stared at his older brother, trying to come to terms with the fact that this man wanted him, Tommy, to replicate some social media fanart and that he was related to him.
Wilbur, meanwhile, was looking at him with wide eyes, his mouth pushed into one of his long, closed-mouth smiles like he was posing for a sofa picture with a stranger, begging with his eyes to be let go. The longer Tommy stared at him, the wider Wilbur's eyes got.
Read on AO3
"Tommmmmy! Tommy!"
Wilbur's voice bounced off the kitchen walls, causing Tommy's ears to prick up. He chirped as he lifted his head from where he'd been curled up, sequestered under the kitchen table.
"Tommy, come here, please!"
Tommy heaved a sigh and dug himself out of his sort-of-illegal den of pillows and blankets. As he shifted, he sighed again and cracked his joints one by one. With each crack, he wondered if he could make 'no waking Tommy up from a nap' a new rule, like his oldest brother, Techno, has.
With one last crack of his back, Tommy strode towards the kitchen door and into the hall.
Wilbur's voice drifted out of the living room. "Tommmmmmmmy!"
"What, Wilbur?" Tommy stomped across and shoved the door open, letting it bounce against the doorstop.
Wilbur was slumped on the sofa, feet propped on one arm while his midback was held up by the other. His gaze was fixed on his phone, tilted away from the door so all Tommy could see was the rim around the phone and the glow cast on Wilbur's face and the gills visible on his neck.
"Wilburrrrr, what did you bloody well want?"
Wilbur jolted, then shook his head and blinked a couple of times. It was like watching a hypnotised man released from a trance. Tommy scuffed his foot against the carpet, giving Wilbur time to turn to Tommy, clicking his phone screen off.
"Oh, Tommy!"
Tommy blinked and shifted on his feet. "Yeah, hi."
"Hi, um..." Wilbur trailed off as his gaze drifted into the far corner.
Tommy raised an eyebrow and twisted his lips around, wiggling his fingers. He fixed his eyes on a glass of water next to Wilbur that looked fit for the taking; looking through it, the water was warping the bookshelves beyond, taking the carpet with it when Tommy stood on his tiptoes.
Tommy's attention shot back to Wilbur, who'd moved into sitting up as he was trying to remember what he'd called Tommy for.
"Can you shift for a bit?"
"What?" Tommy's brain muted itself.
Wilbur twisted his finger together like he did when using hand cream. "Can you do me the biggest favour and shift into a raccoon for a bit?"
Tommy gritted his teeth as he shook his head around. He felt himself puffing out his chest and widening his shoulders as his heart amped up. "Wilbur, what the fuck? Why? I wouldn't ask you to turn into a fish or whatever, or to use your magic voice or whatever the fuck you call it--"
"--Siren song."
"Whatever!" Tommy scrunched his hands together, tiny claws starting to dig into his palms. "Why the fuck do you want me to shift for you?"
Wilbur had the decency to look sheepish, wringing his hands together and drawing his shoulders in as he tried to explain. "Well, I was scrolling on Twitter--"
Tommy growled. "--A shit pastime."
"Shut up and let me speak. I was scrolling on Twitter when I found this fanart, and it was of a guy with a little raccoon in his arms," Wilbur's voice began to pitch up, throwing his hands everywhere as he tried to justify the sheer degradation he was trying to rope Tommy into. "It was just so cute I wanted to try replicating it. So yeah."
Tommy stared at his older brother, trying to come to terms with the fact that this man wanted him, Tommy, to replicate some social media fanart and that he was related to him.
Wilbur, meanwhile, was looking at him with wide eyes, his mouth pushed into one of his long, closed-mouth smiles like he was posing for a sofa picture with a stranger, begging with his eyes to be let go. The longer Tommy stared at him, the wider Wilbur's eyes got.
Until Tommy sighed, dropping his shoulders. "Fine."
Wilbur's face broke into a grin as he jumped to his feet. "Yes!" He dragged Tommy into a hug. "Thank you, Tommy."
Tommy wriggled in his brother's arms for a second, then relaxed into them. "Alright, whatever. Although--" He pushed himself away from Wilbur. "—if we're gonna do this, I want that glass of water in return." Tommy pointed to the water on the side table.
Wilbur froze. His grin didn't quite falter, but his eyebrows scrunched together. "Tommy, I need that so my gills don't dry out."
"Wilbur, I need it. The water does the weird magnifying glass thing, and I want to move it about without having to be changing levels all the time."
Wilbur shook his head, his shoulders shaking in a way that made Tommy shake with them. "Okay, whatever, child, I can get myself another glass of water.--"
"I need that one too." Tommy fought to keep his mouth straight, pursing his lips.
Wilbur closed his eyes again. If Tommy hazarded a guess, he'd say Wilbur was doing that count-to-five thing he did when Tommy was 'being ridiculous'.
Then Wilbur's nostrils flared and he opened his eyes. "I'm not giving you all the water in the house."
Tommy pushed himself to lean back against Wilbur's arms. "Why not?"
"Because I'd like to have a drink. I have gills, Tommy. I'd rather they didn't dry out."
Tommy widened his eyes in the best approximation of puppy eyes, sticking his lip out slightly. "You wouldn't die for your little brother?"
Wilbur deadpanned. "No." And let Tommy go.
Tommy yelped as he fell backwards, landing on his back with a soft thump. His tailbone flared, and he arched upwards, clutching it.
"OOOOWWWWW!" Tommy's eyes squeezed shut. "What the fuck, Wilbur!"
Somewhere to his right, he heard Wilbur's snickering.
Tommy rolled over onto his hands and knees and opened his eyes. He then scuttled around to look at Wilbur.
He was leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed, watching Tommy as he crawled around. "Are you okay?"
Tommy narrowed his eyes but pushed himself back onto his feet, rubbing his lower back. "I'm okay, I think. It'll just give me a big, black fucking bruise. Thanks a fucking lot."
Tommy wasn't lying. The flare in his tailbone had faded into a dull ache that Tommy was sure would bruise, but he didn't have his tail out at that moment, so it wasn't a problem.
"Okay, good. I'm not sorry for dropping you, though, you deserved it," Wilbur chirped as he left the room, calling back, "Wanna go do that photo?"
Tommy grumbled but followed, muttering, "Still can't believe you pulled me out of my den for this."
"What was that?" Wilbur shouted back from the hallway
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the-last-genderbender · 7 months
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faerygardens · 1 year
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dreamingofthedteam · 10 months
ok i needed to make a post about this so here we go:
bro the dsmp is so cool wtf im enjoying it so so much the characters these guys are playing are fucking amazing why did no one tell me before i would have binged all of this when i didnt have fucking exams but now i can only go 1 episode a time
i just saw the dawn of independence for lmanburg episode and it was so freaking cool man wtf tommy is just so entertaining to watch and listen to and the way dream played the timing of it was so clever. and omg wilburrrrr that man is a fucking godsend i swear. and the speeches he makes are just top tier wow. i love how george showed up for one (1) stream and he probs wont show up too much after this (ive seen the memes) but lets see. and tubbo my sweet child grinding mc and making all those potions amd then getting killed repeatedly by 4 different enemies and the potions got burned too :(
next up is the actual war episode i cant wait to watch itttt
also did i mention that blueberry tv is so cool and i love them sm they are literally out here saving lives and the editing is just too good wowww
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i-am-beckyu · 1 year
Every day I wake up and think 'oh I stole wilbur
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ctntduoarchive · 1 year
hey cee. love the new url -> became distressed when searching your name and couldnt find you
IM SORY WILBURRRRR i wanted to swap it up a bit and wanted to celebrate quackity's new smp </3 never meant to hurt you like that......
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