system-architect · 1 year
i understand stuff like 3d model and performance and design constraints but can you imagine how sheerly baller this game would look if everything looked like the carlyn lim concept art for it
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those are, in order: forged, the exalted, branded, and mordremoth
btw-- for those unaware, carlyn lim's concept art has had EXTENSIVE influence on the game's aesthetic. there's numerous artists that work together to create the final designs of course, but lim solidified or came up with the initial concepts for a lot of things that end up being some of the best looking things ingame. for example, lim is responsible for a lot of the art direction of the pof mounts, forged, branded, mordrem, they did a lot of concepts for vinetooth faolain (which i suggest looking up because they're so much cooler than what we got), the pof version of joko and his awakened including the initial concept for awakened abominations, balthazar's wartank, the exalted, and then a NUMBER of armor sets including the carapace armor, ceremonial plated outfit, the warbeast armor, the crystal savant outfit, and the sunspear/spearmarshal armor. they also elaborated on some of matthew barret's building concepts for gw1's utopia, which anet then seemingly had carlyn lim elaborate upon for gw2 to create the aesthetic the asura have now!
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they seem to have not done any concepts for gw2 since 2019 (at least none that aren't under heavy NDA right now maybe). i really hope anet considers hiring them again for future projects because wow
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quizmasterfred · 8 months
13 in 'The God Complex'
I saw a Reddit post a while ago asking 'what episode would you like to see a different Doctor tackle', and now it's been ages but i had some thoughts, and can't stop thinking about it, and just desperately need to write them down somewhere so here if you're seeing this: sorry, you've got to deal with my ramblings now.
This could replace ‘Legend of the Sea Devils’ wholesale. It was most people's least favourite centenary special, so hopefully we’re not losing much. OR, if you want to wrangle 4 specials in that year, it comes between ‘Eve of the Daleks’ and LotSD, which I’ll elaborate on later.
13 genuinely intends to follow through with “that moment on the beach where you tell me everything”, directly says as much at the end of EotD. Instead of fobbing it off with “whatever happened to the lost treasure of the Flor de la Mar”, they ARE going to San Munrohvar, which Yaz is ecstatic about.
In the OG God Complex (quick reminder: 11/Amy/Rory originally), it’s Amy’s faith in the Doctor which brings them there, and it’s the same now. Except it’s not just the generic faith of a particularly attached companion, it’s the exact specific moment of Yaz knowing she’s about to get that conversation.
Her faith is both restored, and about to be rewarded. After years of asking, and wondering, and being fobbed off, finally the Doctor is opening up. And right after Yaz’s coming out to Dan? Wow - what if!
They aren’t there because Yaz “has faith in the Doctor”, they’re there now because in the exact moment the TARDIS launched, that faith was higher and more intense that it has ever been.
Common complaint is that Dan’s a bit of a blank slate – Diane, Liverpool, nice bloke. Fun moments, but not enough time to really develop as a character. I’m not going to make a spectacular reveal here and give him an amazing arc, but at the very least we have a chance to make that blank-slatedness really work. He takes on Rory’s role in the story:
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13’s Room:
We never see 11’s room, only hear the TARDIS’ cloister bell as he looks in. The implication, of course, is that he’s afraid of dying – permanently. Trenzalore, no more regenerations. Very nice and subtle for 11’s arc/personality – the old man disguising himself as a 20-something.
13 has a very different problem: she’s the Timeless Child, she’s been alive for potentially a billion years before her memories begin, and she’s still regenerating. 11 is afraid of regenerations running out; 13 is afraid they’ll never run out.
It’s harder to convey my idea here with just a noise, not showing the inside of the room itself, so I will describe what I imagine the room to look like, but if there’s a way to do this without showing the viewer, that’d obviously be great.
Her room is a field of graves: “Susan Foreman”, “Sarah-Jane Smith”, “Alastair Lethbridge-Stewart”, “Donna Noble”, “Amy + Rory Williams” (an exact copy of the grave from ‘The Angels take Manhattan’), “Clara Oswald”, River('s Screwdriver/Neural Relay sitting on a Library server?), “Bill Potts”, “Yasmin Khan”, even one written in Gallifreyan (could be inferred to be the Master, but not directly stated). Only a brief look, but enough for someone to pause it and read a bunch of companions’ names.
Many are faded, symbolising a fear that one day she’ll be so old with so many lost loved ones, there simply won’t be room for all of them, and she’ll starting to forget their names and faces. Thousands more we can’t read, the people she’s yet to meet across all her future lives, and they will age and die all the same. In the centre, she’s still there. Alive, young, never dying. Maybe it’s not even Jodie standing there – maybe it’s Ncuti Gatwa, or some completely other actor: ‘generic future self’.
This is the moment of tragedy for her. After her own chat with Dan, the fireworks, seeing Sarah + Nick happy, she had decided to give it a try with Yaz. But seeing this room is what changes that. This is the moment she says to herself:
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In OG, this happens immediately after 11 effectively invites Rita to join the crew, but maybe we can swap these around. So 13 sees this, completely psyches herself out of pursuing a relationship with Yaz, knows in her heart that her biggest fear is losing more and more and more people, but seeing Rita being a little bit brilliant again makes 13 invite her along anyway. She can’t help it – a clever little human working their way in, no matter what. Bittersweet.
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Speaking of:
Another young Muslim woman who’s a little bit brilliant and a little bit too brave? In all of time and space, it’s a bit weird for a bottle episode to have someone who, on the face of it, is basically a carbon copy of our main companion, right? We’ll see.
13 gets along with Rita just as 11 did. Maybe Dan is the butt of the ‘with regret, you’re fired’ joke. Maybe in a moment alone, Dan can crack a line to Rita that ‘she’s got a thing for clever Muslim gals’. But of course, most importantly, Rita and Yaz have a bit of bonding over their shared faith. Rita mentions ‘Jahannam’ in the OG, and we can use that to get some insight to Yaz’s faith. We know she’s practicing-enough to visit a Mosque (mentioned in Rosa), but really we get very little exploration of what Islam truly means to her throughout Chibnall’s run. Give Yaz something personal that isn’t tied to the Doctor, y’know.
Then, the phone call when Rita is about to die. Like 11, 13 tries to talk her into coming back: maybe she can save her, she really wants to save her. She can’t convince Rita, but Yaz takes the phone off of her. Two young women of the same religion have a heart-to-heart about faith and rapture and Jahannam. They both start off thinking Yaz was brought here for the same reason Rita was (and the viewer does too) – stealing their religion from them.
BUT, Rita gradually realises that isn’t true for Yaz. She realises that Yaz’s faith in the Doctor is stronger: “if you come back, the Doctor can save [you/us]”. That brief, shining moment of beauty that Yaz felt when the Doctor confirmed she would follow through on ‘tell[ing] you everything’ was so powerful, it eclipsed her religious faith. Not forever, she hasn’t become an atheist, but the novelty, the cocktail of love, and rewarded patience, and anticipation, and trust – for a tiny moment, it out-shone her other faith, and that’s why the TARDIS was pulled in by the eponymous God Complex.
Maybe Rita says it explicitly, or maybe she doesn’t. Either way, Yaz also realises what Rita has seen, but the Doctor isn’t privy to Rita’s side of the conversation (because… phone). They hang up, turn off the cameras, and Rita dies. If Yaz hadn’t let the Doctor take over her life and heart, could she have saved Rita? Did someone die because she failed as a Muslim? (Obviously the answer is no – that’s not how faith/religion works, and Rita was dead anyway because that is how the minotaur works, but the point is Yaz has a total crisis here)
As with the OG, the very next scene is the Doctor’s ‘I figured it out’ moment.
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Yaz is hit with a whole fresh wave of guilt. The whole reason they’re here, the thing that killed Rita – and the Doctor agrees with that assessment (the Doctor couldn’t hear Rita, so this obviously isn’t actually the Doctor saying ‘you’re right, you got her killed’ – the Doctor would never think or say something like that – but that’s what it feels like to Yaz).
Yaz’s Room:
Now this is what’s really beautiful about the change from 11 to 13. Amy and Yaz’s rooms are the same thing. Amy’s is a little girl waiting by a window for her Raggedy Man to come back; abandoned. Yaz’s is a young woman in a basic white TARDIS console room, surrounded by sticky notes and sheets of paper, after hundreds of failed attempts to make it fly, waiting for the Doctor to come back from Gallifrey; abandoned.
[Quick side-note: the moment between Amy and Gibbis where she says ‘I thought that room was for me’ about the Weeping Angels still works for Yaz. In her only meeting with the Angels, what was the result? They took the Doctor away from her for 3 years]
11’s speech to Amy, tearing down the image of him in her head – saving her life by pretending he can’t – absolutely stunning. But 13 has even more to work with here: Amy/Rory, Clara (died because she became too much like the Doctor – hello Yaz), River. The added tragedy of breaking not just a friend, but someone who is actively in love with her and who she shares those feelings for, and the only way to save Yaz’s life is to shatter those feelings.
AND: Bill. "Remember that man who tried to kill you, Graham, and Ryan in a plane crash the instant he met you? The man who tried to kill us all on Gallifrey, and is ultimately the reason I left you, vanishing for 10 months? The man you’re most afraid of, of every villain we’ve met together? I TRIED TO HELP HIM. I put his redemption above Bill and Nardole’s safety because ‘[he’s] the only one person that I’ve ever met who’s even remotely like me’ (direct quote, btw(!) – ‘World Enough and Time’), and it got her mercilessly killed and converted. That’s the sort of person I am, and now I’m about to get you killed too."
Falling Action:
Because Yaz is a little bit brilliant, and coming into her own as “becoming like the Doctor”, like Clara did, she later works out that the speech in her room was ‘the plan all along^TM’ to get rid of the minotaur, and starts to patch herself up by telling herself that the Doctor didn’t really mean not to trust her. So Yaz presses, once again, asking for the Doctor to tell her something about herself.
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The Doctor, of course, actually was being genuine, because her own room – the field of graves – scared her that much. 11 rebuffs Amy’s question, continuing with his exposition about the prison. 13 does the same to Yaz. The episode started with Yaz being elated that the Doctor would finally open up, and ends with 13 reverting back to closed-off, and refusing to answer a personal question. Because 13 saw what was in her room, and decided, against everything they both wanted 45 minutes ago, that she can’t fix herself.  So back in the box it goes.
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From 11’s perspective, this could be perceived as bittersweet. He’s still afraid of death, but at least there’s someone here and now commiserating with him. Maybe it would be a gift, and maybe he can accept it in time, and go to Trenzalore in peace. But for 13, it’s just bitter. 'Yes, it would be a gift – if only I could ever have it. But at least I can grant it to you.'
We can either do the beach scene now, ‘can’t fix myself’…
(and then in my ideal world, alter Power of the Doctor to give us a slightly happier end / opening up / explaining 13's hotel room / Thasmin kiss, because god knows us gays need someone to throw us a bone – but that’s not important right now, not relevant to 13!GodComplex)
Or this is where the Doctor goes ‘let’s fuck about looking for the Flor de la Mar’, cue LotSD. Again we see the contrast between her genuine intent to be honest with Yaz 45 minutes ago vs fobbing it off now. Yaz’s heart is broken for real, just after she managed to convince herself that the Doctor’s speech in the hotel room was all a trick.
I can't stop thinking about it, because Doctor Who has consumed my every waking moment for the last 2 months...
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natbarzal · 3 years
Mathew Barzal - Always and forever
hi guys! first of all, sorry for not posting an imagine for so long, I literally had no ideas😅
this is one of my longer pieces and I think it's quite good, so I hope you'll like it!
warnings: unplanned pregnancy
word count: 1.8k
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he's so gorgeous wtf
anyway, enjoy! and please don't hesitate to give me some feedback! 💙
Y/n's pov:
"Baby?" I asked Mat and looked at him as we were having a breakfast in our kitchen together.
"Yeah?" Mat responded, not looking up from his phone that he was probably scrolling through Instagram on at the moment. I hesitated for a minute, looking back down at the half eaten meal on my plate before speaking up again.
"What do you, clearly hypothetically, think about the idea of.. having kids?" I asked as I started picking at my food, my heart beating hard in my chest. When I got no answer from Mat, I looked up at him to find him looking at me with raised eyebrows.
"What?" I questioned. He cleared his throat and scratched the back of his neck, looking down at the table then back into my eyes as he started to speak.
"Well um.. I mean, kids are great and everything, and I would love to have children of my own at some point in the future for sure, but I think we're still a bit young for that, you know? I mean, you just turned 23 and I'm turning 24 next month." he said and took a sip of his coffee.
"Yeah.. yeah sure, you're right. We've got plenty of time." I said with a nervous laugh, hoping he wouldn't suspect anything.
"Why were you asking anyway?" he asked as he turned his attention back to his phone.
"As I said, just hypothetically." I said, forcing a little smile. He hummed before locking his phone and standing up from the table, taking his plate to the sink and finishing his coffee.
"Well I gotta go now, see you after the practice?" he asked as he came closer to me to peck my lips.
"I love you." he said, winking at me and giving me a cheeky smile as he walked backwards out of the kitchen.
"I love you too."
After Mat left, I sat at the table by myself for another 15 minutes, thinking about what I was going to do.
'At some point in the future'
Little did he know the point would come in less than eight months.
"So, have you told Mat yet?" Lauren, Jordan's wife, asked me excitedly while we were standing outside of the locker room after a game, waiting for our men to come out. I didn't say anything and just looked at her, the guilty look in my eyes giving the answer away.
"Y/n! Why haven't you told him yet? It'll start showing soon you know." she scolded me slightly and I looked down at my shoes, picking nervously at my nails.
"I know. It's just.. I'm scared." I admitted quietly as I picked my head up to look at her again.
"Why? You know Mat would never leave you or anything. He's so head over heels for you!" she tried to reason but I shook my head, feeling my eyes get a little watery. Hormones.
"How can you be so sure? I actually asked him what he thought about having kids and he said he doesn't want them yet! That we're too young and.. I'm just scared." I whispered the last part as I looked at her. Her eyes softened a little at my explanation and she brought me into a hug.
"You know why I'm so sure he wouldn't leave you?" she asked and rubbed my back a little in an attempt to calm me down a little.
"Because if he did, I would end him." she explained and I giggled. Feeling a little better, I was about to pull away from the hug when I suddenly heard a cheery voice that I quickly recognized saying "Group hug!" and I felt one strong arm wrap around me, the other being wrapped around Lauren.
"You really need to find yourself a girl, Beau." I laughed and we stayed in the hug for a bit before we all pulled away, seeing that Mat and Jordan have already come out of the locker room as well. Anthony placed his hand over his heart in fake hurt and I laughed once more, punching his shoulder in a joking manner before I felt two strong arms wrap themselves around my waist. I turned around to face Mat and wrapped my arms around his neck.
"Hey babe." I said, giving him what I intended to be a sweet short kiss, but apparently he had different plans. Taking one hand from my waist, he placed it on the back of my head and kept me from pulling away, deepening the kiss. I pulled away after a few moments in need of air and Mathew whined at the loss of contact.
"What was that for?" I asked him as I blushed, trying to catch my breath.
"I missed you." he responded simply and leaned back in, kissing my nose.
"You literally saw me just a few hours ago you dork." I told him as I played with the hair on the back of his neck, looking into his gorgeous hazel eyes.
"I know, but I miss you every single minute I spend without you." he said, looking at me with, soft eyes. I felt myself blush some more, still not taking my eyes off my man.
"Wow, you flatter me Mathew Barzal."
"I try." Mat winked at me. We looked for each other for a minute before we heard someone clearing their throat, snapping us both back into reality.
"Alright, alright you lovebirds, enough with the PDA. You're so cute it makes me sick." Tito said as he made a disgusted face.
"Oh shut up Beau, you're just jealous." Mat said as we both pulled away from each other and intertwined our fingers together, laughing together with our friends as we all slowly started to make our way out of the arena.
"Go ahead honey, I'd like to talk to Y/n here for a quick minute." Lauren said, kissing her husband and letting go off his arm that she was previously holding onto.
"Is everything okay?" he asked, looking at his wife.
"Yeah, don't worry. Just some girl stuff." she told him. He nodded and looked at Mat who looked at me with concern in his eyes.
"Go babe. I'll catch up in 5." I assured Mat, giving him a quick peck on his lips and he nodded, turning around and walking over to where our cars were parked with Tito and Jordan. I took a breath and turned to look at Lauren.
"You're going to tell him tonight, right?" she asked, looking right at me. I stayed quiet for a moment before answering.
"Yeah.. probably." I said as I have her a tight lipped smile. She smiled back at me sympathetically.
"Alright, although I'm 99,9% sure everything is going to go just fine, just in case doesn't, you can always come to mine and Jordan's place, okay?" she offered.
"Thank you." I nodded and gave her an appreciative smile.
"Good luck." she said with a smile and gave me a quick hug. I mumbled a faint 'thanks' and we pulled away. After that we caught up with our men, saying our goodbyes as we all went to our respective cars.
"What was that about?" Mat asked me as we got into our car.
"Nothing. Don't worry." I said, but he just looked at me in a way that told me he definitely didn't believe me.
"Babe I know you better than I know myself. Just tell me." he looked at me with gentle eyes and reached for my hand, lacing our fingers together.
"We'll talk once we get home, yeah?" I offered. He looked at me for a moment with concern still visible on features and then he nodded, bringing my hand up to his lips and kissing my knuckles before starting the car.
The whole car ride home was silent except for the faint sound of music playing. I was looking our of the window the entire time, trying to think of a way to tell Mat what I had to, Mathew giving me concerned glances here and there through the ride.
"Alright, we're talking." Mat said immediately after he closed the door of our apartment behind himself, only stopping to drop his hockey bag and take off his shoes before he took my hand and dragged me over to the couch in our living room. He sat down on it and looked up at me expectantly. I sighed, running my hand through my hair before sitting down beside him, looking nervously at my hands in my lap.
"Promise you won't get mad?" I asked quietly, picking at my nails. Mat placed one of his hands under my chin, gently picking up my head, making me look at him.
"I promise. Please tell me Y/n, you're starting to worry me." he encouraged me, his voice laced with concern.
"I'm pregnant." I quietly blurted out, feeling tears starting to slowly appear in my eyes. Mat didn't say anything for a moment as he just looked at me, processing what I had just told him, his hand dropping from my chin.
"You're.. we're.. okay, well this is unexpected." he said, finally looking away from me and letting out a long sigh as he rubbed his face with his hand.
"I'm so sorry Mat I- I didn't mean for this to happen and I-" I started rambling as the tears slowly started to escape my eyes, but I was quickly cut off by Mathew.
"Whoa, slow down there, what are you apologising for?" he asked, wiping my tears off with his thumbs and looking at me with soft eyes.
"You're not mad?" I asked in a quiet voice.
"Why would I be mad?"
"Because.. because you said the other day that you think we're still too young to have a baby and all so I just figured-" I was cut off once again, but this time by a soft kiss being placed on my lips. After we pulled away, Mat leaned his forehead on mine.
"Babe.. I'm not mad, okay? This is great, and although we weren't exactly planning it, I already know that you will be the best mom ever to our little one, and I promise I'll try to be the best dad I can possibly be. It's fine babe, it's all good. We're in this together." Mat said in a hushed voice, placing soft kisses all over my face in order to calm me down.
"I love you so much Mat." I told him, getting lost in his beautiful eyes.
"I love you so much more. And I'll always be here for you and our little one, please remember that." he promised, brushing some of my hair out of my face.
"Forever and always?"
"Forever and always."
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oh-ranpo · 4 years
‘tis the season.
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pairing: reggie x reader
an: so, I had the idea for this, and while it isn’t very long, I hope you guys like it! I’m just going to tag @n0wornever and @mamakitty187 since they responded to my post about it encouraging it to happen, so here it is! I hope you enjoy!
word count: 1.9k+
If you took one look around the city of Los Angeles, you would have no idea that it was nearing Christmas time. Sure, the city had their decorations up, but when you looked to the people, there was not an ounce of festive spirit to be found. You had no idea why everyone else was so hesitant to start spreading Christmas cheer, but you had been looking forward to celebrating practically since Halloween was over. You had refrained and made yourself wait until the first day of December to break out your favorite Christmas sweater, though it had taken everything in you to stay so patient. You thought that maybe other people might be feeling the spirit now that it was officially December, however, the second you stepped onto the bus that first morning to head to the mall, you realized that you had severely overestimated just how much everyone else loved the December holiday.
A few people gave you strange looks as you walked up the steps in your bright green holiday sweater, the front of which was covered in colorful tinsel and fake ornaments. It was your favorite sweater that you owned, and you had been quite proud of it when you put it on that morning. Now, you weren’t so sure that it had been the right choice. Everyone else was dressed in their nice winter coats and muted colors, and here you were, sticking out like a sore thumb on a public bus where people would be able to judge you for the next thirty minutes of your ride.
You kept your head down as you moved down the aisle towards the back where you had seen an empty seat, but just as you passed the second to last row, you heard a voice that was unmistakably directed at you.
“Hey, I like your sweater!”
You were surprised to hear the compliment from anyone on this particular bus, but when you looked up to find the owner of the voice, you immediately realized why it shouldn’t have been a surprise at all. The boy that had just spoken to you was smiling brightly, and it only took a second for you to see that he was also wearing a rather festive looking outfit himself. Only, his sweater was red and green striped with a reindeer on the front of it. When he moved, you could hear the faint jingling from the small bells that decorated the cartoon deer’s antlers, and an involuntary smile immediately spread across your lips.
“Thanks. I really like yours too,” you replied, gesturing slightly at his chest. The boy’s eyes fell down to look at his sweater, even though he was well aware of what he was wearing, and then he lifted his head again to give you another bright smile.
“Thanks! Did you… did you want to sit?” It was a rather forward question you thought, but there was an empty seat right next to him, and you figured if you were going to make it through this bus ride without too much more embarrassment, you might as well sit with someone who clearly had a mind that worked like yours. So, you nodded, and slid into the seat next to the boy just as he lifted his hand up for you to shake. “I’m Reggie, by the way.”
You looked at his hand for a moment before happily accepting it and giving him your name as well. You felt yourself relax as you settled in next to him, and even though you had felt like everyone was staring at you before, when you took another quick glance around the bus, you were relieved to see that no one was looking in your direction at all. Maybe you had been overreacting just a bit.
“So, where are you heading too?” Reggie asked, as he attempted to keep the conversation going. You felt bad for being so quiet, and when you looked back over at him, you smiled again.
“To the mall. I was trying to get some of my Christmas shopping done early. You know, to beat the really bad crowds.” Reggie’s face lit up as his body turned towards you even more.
“That’s what I’m doing too! Well, to get some things for my friends, anyways. We’re doing our gift exchange a little early, so I want to make sure that I can get them something good.”
The excitement on Reggie’s face was one that directly mirrored yours, and you felt lucky that you had stumbled upon someone with the same enthusiasm for Christmas that you did. In fact, you spent the rest of the bus ride talking about your Christmas plans, and while Reggie constantly brought up his friends, you couldn’t help but notice that he didn’t mention much about his family. You knew better than to press, as he was still a stranger, but you became more and more intrigued as the conversation went on.
You were disappointed when you reached your stop, but when you went to stand up and Reggie did too, you looked at him curiously, and another bright smile formed on his lips.
“Is this your stop too?” you asked, even though you probably should have figured it was. He had said that he was going to the mall, and this was the closest one on your route. It didn’t really make sense for him to stay on to head to one farther away, especially since he had been on the bus longer than you had.
“Yep! It looks like we aren’t getting rid of each other quite yet,” he replied happily, and you felt a stirring in your chest as you stepped into the aisle and made your way towards the front of the bus. You didn’t look to see if people were staring as you walked because now, you weren’t quite as self-conscious about it. With Reggie right behind you, you barely noticed anyone else.
“So, these friends of yours,” you started, as the two of you walked across the parking lot of the mall side by side. “What kinds of things are they into?” You were hoping that his previous comment meant that you weren’t going to be parting just yet, as you had become quite fascinated by the Christmas sweater boy.
“Well, we’re in a band and I know Luke is always in need of journals to write songs in, so I thought I would get him one of those. Alex and Bobby are a little bit harder, but I’m sure I’ll find something. I’ll know it when I see it.”
The fact that he was in a band was something that Reggie hadn’t mentioned yet, and it was something that peaked your interest even more. You loved going to local shows and small venues to see bands perform.
“You’re in a band? Really?” you asked excitedly, and once again, Reggie’s face lit up at the question. You could tell immediately that it was a subject he loved to talk about.
“Yeah! We’re called Sunset Curve. Tell your friends.” He added the last part with a quick finger-guns motion and you couldn’t help but laugh. His band wasn’t one that you could recall seeing, but either way, you loved his enthusiasm, and you were sure that was something that translated into his music.
You talked about the band and his music while you walked around various stores, and you learned that he played bass and while his band wasn’t well known yet, they had several gigs lined up in the near future.
“You should come to one,” he added as color filled his cheeks. You had just stepped out of one of the record stores located near the food court when he said it, and your steps hesitated a bit as you felt the familiar tug in your chest that you had experienced earlier when getting off the bus. You slowly looked up at him, and his eyes fixed on you, his cheeks a light pink at his rather forward suggestion. Not that it was the first one he had proposed that day.
“I’d love to,” you grinned, and relief flooded his features as you then started walking once again.
You had to admit, you liked spending time with Reggie. You had only met him a couple of hours before, but the fact that you got along so well made it seem longer. From an outsider looking in, you might not have guessed that you had just met on a bus on the way to the mall, and instead, you might have looked more like longtime friends doing their holiday shopping together.
“Thank you again, by the way,” you spoke about an hour later as you sat across from each other at a table in the food court. You had both already finished your shopping, so now you were recharging with some greasy mall food. Reggie tilted his head slightly in confusion at your words, encouraging you to explain yourself. “For saying something to me on the bus. Today has been a lot of fun, and I’m glad that I’m not the only one that seems to enjoy Christmas around here.”
Reggie’s expression softened as he smiled.
“Of course! I mean, I always have to appreciate a good sweater. Especially when the person wearing it is so…” His voice trailed off, and his eyes fell away from you as his face went red once more. Your heart jumped in your chest at his words, even though you weren’t sure how he was intending on ending that sentence.
“So… what?” you pressed. “So lost? So embarrassed? So-“
His word caught you off guard, and you were sure that you looked incredibly silly as your mouth fell open slightly. It wasn’t really what you had been expecting, but a warmth spread through you when his eyes hesitantly lifted to meet yours. You didn’t know how to respond, and in the silence, it seemed that Reggie had taken your lack of response negatively.
“I’m sorry. I probably shouldn’t have said that. I just…when I first saw you, I thought ‘wow’, and I wanted to say something sooner, but I didn’t want to come off creepy. But, it seems like I did that anyways, and I am so, so, so, sorry-”
“Reggie,” you cut in, breaking up his panicked rambling. His mouth immediately clamped shut at the sound of your voice, and his wide eyes locked with yours as he waited for you to continue. “I don’t think it’s creepy at all. I think it’s sweet, actually. I just… as you can imagine, I don’t have a lot of strangers randomly compliment me.”
“I actually can’t imagine that,” Reggie piped in quickly, causing another flutter in your chest. “And I’m not really a stranger anymore either, if you think about it.” He was right, and you couldn’t deny it. You had spent most of the day together at this point, and you had shared quite a bit of your lives with one another, so ‘stranger’ didn’t really fit the description anymore.
You were sure that you looked like quite the pair, sitting together in your bright Christmas attire, chatting over overpriced pizza and smiling like fools. However, even though you had started the day caring what people were thinking about you, when you were in the presence of the boy sitting across from you, you found that it didn’t matter anymore. Reggie was special, and it took you no time at all to realize it. You were especially grateful for ugly Christmas sweaters that day.
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j-eatsvegan · 3 years
I also gave up added sugar for 6 weeks! It’s funny because I also just wanted to try it and see what would happen haha. Unfortunately my body really didn’t like it for some reason and I went back to my normal diet. What happened when you did it? Would you mind sharing?
Oh wow snap!
Yeah I kept seeing these challenges on YouTube and I'd just learnt about T Colin Campbells research so thought I'd give it a go myself. I also get low blood sugar quite a lot so wanted to see if cutting out sugar would make it better or worse. I had only intended to go for 30 days but carried on a bit longer.
So I cut out any added sugar, sweeteners, syrups, additives like dextrose and fructose along with high sugar fruits like mango and banana.
Firstly, I thought I was eating quite a low sugar diet to begin with but apparently not. I couldn't believe just how much of what I ate included these items or how much I really relied on them. It was hard to keep remembering to check ingredients on packets and it meant that I couldn't keep eating convenience or ready made foods because shock- they all have sugar. I spent a lot more time on my diet from reading ingredients, planning my meals, preparing and cooking whole foods and finding alternatives to what I wanted to eat but I don't necessarily think that's a bad thing. It's good to be aware of what you're eating and make an effort to eat better.
The first week, especially the first few days were f*cking hard. I was very emotional and grumpy and damn I just wanted to eat my normal food! I had to keep watching YouTube videos and reading other people's accounts of the same thing to keep on going and I definitely would have given up if I wasn't so stubborn and strict with myself. Making it to a week was a big hurdle and it definitely got easier as time went on (hence I kept going even longer). I also got quicker at thinking of what to eat and cooking and just knowing what foods were okay. I ate lots of berries in the evening to replace my treats and a lot more fresh food. I think I was averaging 11 or 12 portions of fruit and veg a day! It didn't really make a difference for my blood sugar or energy but I think that was my fault for not eating enough earlier on in the day. As whole foods are lower in calories you definitely need to eat more volume. I also tried to make sure each meal and snack had at least two food groups in for peak nutrition and satiety.
So by the end of it I think I'd lost maybe 8lbs and I was a lot less bloated. It was most noticeable on my waist and stomach area. I could think a lot more clearly and I was proud of my achievement. I had enjoyed creating new meals and trying new foods and my knowledge of food and cooking and nutrients was got so much better. Although I did this experiment a year? Or two? Ago, I've kept a lot of habits and knowledge on diet to this day. Quitting sugar definitely resets your taste buds too as fruit got sweeter and sweeter and that donut I posted right at the end of this experiment? So sickly sweet but absolutely delicious.
The not so good things were I did get a bit obsessive and weird about food, having food rules that I didn't before that had nothing to do with the sugar thing. I think reading ingredients didn't help either and even after I stopped this experiment I continued checking a bit. When I got to 30, days I think fear and feeling like I was doing something wrong by breaking it and eating sugar contributed to carrying on longer. Again, I didn't really notice a difference in getting "hangry" either.
Since doing this, I went back to having jo restrictions on sugar but I am definitely more conscious of how much I eat and think before I have something. Still, I do have my evening treat because life is about balance in moderation. You need food good for your body and your soul. I still eat a higher amount of fruit and veg portions and am passionate about whole foods and fueling yourself well. I have a much greater understanding on what it good for me and what will make my body and mind feel good.
It was so stressful and each day was a struggle. I would lie in bed at night feeling relieved like "yes I got through another day". Because it was so hard to quit sugar, I think that showed that it was needed in a way. It was good to educate myself and the feeling of achievement was so good even if no one else cared about it half as much as I did. Note to self, most other people really have no interest in what you eat! Would I do this again? Yes perhaps, if I felt like my diet was getting more processed and I was automatically reaching for sugary, prepackaged things. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for easy cooking and quick meals, I just try to balance it out with lots of whole foods too now.
Sorry this was quite a ramble, I'd love to hear your experience too!
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jobrookekarev · 4 years
He's Wrapped Around Her Finger
Chapter: 1/1
Words: 3500
Summary: While Jo’s sleeping Alex gets to know his newborn daughter and settles into the role of Dad.
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy.
Relationship: Alex Karev/Jo Wilson.
Characters: Alex Karev, Jo Wilson Karev, Helena Karev, and Meredith Grey.
Rating: General Audiences.
Additional Tags: Babies, Baby Care, Fluff, It’s so fluffy I'm going to die, Alex being a Dad, Alex and Jo being smitten with their daughter, Blood Mentioned.
Read at AO3
Read at FFN
AN: 3 fanfics in a week who is she! Also I had to Google what color the indicator line on diapers were because I remembered it was yellow at the start, but I didn't remember what color it would turn when it was wet so that how long it’s been since I changed a diaper.
“Helena Meredith Karev born on November 26th at 5:36 am at 21 inches long and weighing at 8 lb 15 oz., just 1 oz short of 9 lb,” Alex announced as he spoke to Meredith on the phone.
“1 oz. short of 9 lb wow,” Meredith said in astonishment. “How's Jo recovering?”
“She's doing good. She and the baby are asleep right now.”
Alex looks over at the bassinet that was parked next to Jo's bed. Jo slept on her side with one hand in the bassinet on their daughter's chest. Jo’s abandonment issues had come up earlier and Alex noticed she was having a hard time letting Helena out of her sight. Her hand on Helena's chest in the bassinet was how Jo maintained contact with her daughter while getting some much needed rest.
“Good, now promise me you'll never tell Jo that her daughter almost weighed 9 lb. at birth,” Meredith insisted with a little laugh.
“What? Why not?” Alex said confused as he looked over the little note card posted on  Helena's bassinet that listed her weight and other details. “Jo knows how much she weighs.”
“Yeah, Jo knows Helena weighs 8 lb. and 15 oz., but when you say she almost weighs 9 lb it isn’t the same thing. Thinking of your baby as 8 lb vs 9 lb is different. No woman likes to be remembered how big their baby was and how hard it was to push them out unless you want Helena to be an only child.”
“Okay, I promise to say she weighs 8 lb. and 14oz. whenever Jo asks,” Alex said rolling his eyes at Meredith as he watched Jo shift in her sleep so her legs were more apart.
Watching Jo be in excruciating amounts of pain as she labored was hard for him, but he pushed it aside to be there to support his wife. Jo’s pain was to the point of which she was completely out of it, just going through the motions as she pushed their daughter into the world. Alex had watched quite a few women give birth, but it was different because it was Jo. He loved her and he hated seeing her in pain knowing that he had partially caused it. 
When they had discussed having kids, Alex knew it would include a painful labor and that it would be hard on Jo and her body. Despite her training as an OB and numerous birth classes they had gone to, Jo didn't realize she was in labor until she was in active labor and they had to rush to the hospital. Alex knew that because of this experience Jo may not want to get pregnant again. If that was her decision, he would abide by it. Alex was happy because he was so absolutely content with the little girl in front of him. 
“Congratulations, Alex,” Meredith said, breaking him out of his thoughts.
“You said that already,” Alex said although he didn't mind hearing it again.
“Yeah well, I'm going to say it again. Have you texted Cristina yet?”
“No, not yet and we haven't talked to too many people, apart from the video call earlier, I’ve just talked to you and my mom. It's hard to find the time. I just keep staring at her, and thank you Meredith for everything.”
“You mean for waking you up so you didn't miss your wife's labor, you're welcome.”
“Yeah that especially,” Alex said as he couldn't help but chuckle as he remembered the chaotic events of that morning. “I'll talk to you later, bye”
Alex put away his phone and settled into the uncomfortable chair next to Jo’s bed. He thought that they'd make these chairs more comfortable considering that most second parents and family members usually ended up spending the night there, but apparently not. He would have to check the budget and see if they could upgrade the chairs. Despite how he was no longer the chief of surgery, Alex learned a lot, and he still occasionally found himself reverting to taking care of the business side of the hospital. Alex shuffled around trying to get comfortable but clearly, he was not sleeping in this chair that afternoon.
Alex watched over his girl. He smiled at the thought, his girls, he had a daughter. He had a child of his own and oh how he was in love with her. Helena squealed in the bassinet throwing her arms around and Alex was up in an instant. Her tiny face squished even further as she let out a single cry. Jo stirred next to her and he felt like he was in the middle of a complicated surgery. 
Alex was quick to slip his hand under Helena as he took Jo's hand and put it next to her. He was cautious so as not to wake his sleeping wife and let her get the rest she deserved while also soothing their newborn. As soon as he put down Jo's hand and moved to cradle Helena, he stopped for a moment. Jo sighed but didn't move or wake up and he looked down at Helena who cried out again. Helena spread out her arms and continued to fuss. After a certain number of years, soothing babies became instinctual and Alex started to sway and shush. 
“Shh, Shh, it's okay, Daddy's got you.” Alex smiled down at her as she stopped fussing and opened her eyes to look up at him.
Helena studied him for a moment, staring into his soul in the way only a baby could before she decided this wasn't what she wanted, and cried out again in that little uh fussy cry. 
“Okay, okay,” Alex said, he looked back to the chair before he sat down and laid Helena on his knees. He undid the blanket intending to redo it into a proper swaddle. “Oh, I see what it is.” 
Alex saw the full diaper and the blue line that indicated she had her first wet diaper. He was weirdly proud about it especially as it meant that her kidneys were functioning well and she was hydrated. “Okay, give me a second.”
Alex cradled her close to his chest as he got up and walked over to the drawers where they kept wipes and diapers. He got the supplies and went over to the changing table in the bathroom. He propped the door open in case Jo woke up as he didn't want her to panic when they were gone and got the changing table open.
“You know, I promised your mom I’d do all of these diaper changes since she carried you for nine months, basically built you from scratch, and just now endured quite a few hours of labor with you. She wanted an epidural you know, but she didn’t realize she was in labor. You gotta remind me to tease her about that later, but not until after her stitches heal, and you were eager to get here too huh?” Alex said to Helena as she continued to fuss a little bit more as he quickly changed her and got her settled in a fresh diaper. 
Alex staring down at her as he pulled down the onesie Jo had put on her. He knew Jo like the ‘little turkey’ onesie, but it had buttons and buttons were always a struggle, even for a seasoned Ped’s doctor like he was. Alex resisted the urge to grab the other baby gown or even the one with the zippers as he finally did the last button. 
“There we go, are we happy now?” Alex asked, Helena looked around and was content and wiggled around. He wrapped her up into a proper swaddle before he picked her up again, but she looked up at him and then cried out again, still not happy. “I know, I am not-mom right now aren't I.”
Alex quietly talked to her as he settled her in his arms and walked back into the room. He sat down in the recliner and started to rock back and forth. “I'm not-Mom. I'm not what you want, I know, we don't know each other yet, although you might recognize my voice. I've read you lots of stories while you were still in your mommy's belly. I even did a little bit of singing too, but don't tell anyone around here that.” 
Alex settled into the movement of the chair as he looked down at Helena. She had stopped fussing and stared up at him again, seeming to take him in as she listened to his voice and he took that as a cue to continue. 
“I guess now would be the proper time for an introduction. I'm your dad, most people call me Alex or Dr. Karev around here at the hospital. Your mom calls me Alex too, but she drags it out a little in a way that's pretty adorable. Your Aunt Cristina is going to call me Evil Spawn and your Auntie Mare might do it too. You've met her already, although you probably didn't notice. She was on the video called when you were born, but I remember how you and your mom only had eyes for each other. Your mom and I, we don't have a big bio family, but we do have lots of friends and they're our family. They all love you so much already, especially your cousin Ellis.”
Alex rambled off to her as Helena just watched him, and he took in his daughter. He never really saw familiar features in newborns. They always just looked similar, like babies and not much else. The features really didn’t come in until they were a little older and then you could say they look like one parent or the other. Yet, as Alex looked down at Helena he saw his chin and his crooked lips in the way that she frowned as she cried. She looked like Jo too, she had Jo’s cute little cheeks and her eyes. Although she looked like an even mix of them now, he could tell that she was going to be a little tiny Jo running around their house. They joked about how they'd never be able to say no to their kid, and Alex knew that with just one look from Helena and he would melt like snow in the sun. His daughter would always be the bright spot in his day.
Helena's eyes started to droop, but she would occasionally blink them open. As if she was fighting sleep as much as Jo did. “You are already so much like your mother. She does that same thing too, you know. When we watch movies on the couch with Reese's, you haven't met him yet and he just knows you as the thing that keeps him from sitting on Mommy's lap. It might be a while before you two become friends, but you’ll like him too.” 
Alex rocked her as she fell asleep in his arms and it made him feel some weird sense of accomplishment because his kid fell asleep in his arms. He knew from experience that getting a baby back to sleep was no easy feat. He continued to hold her, not ready to put her back down again. He wasn't sure if he'd ever be ready to put her down and he knew why Jo was hesitant to do so as well. He just sat there and rocked his daughter and held her and patted her back. 
“Anyway, Saturday nights are movie nights and your Mommy always curls up in my lap and puts her head on my chest. She always says she'll stay up and watch the whole movie,” Alex said as he leaned closer to whisper to Helena. “But she never does.”
“That's not true,” Jo whispered and Alex looked up to see her smile from where she was curled up in bed. 
She must have been watching them for a little while and he smiled back at her. A sense of relief filled his mind as she had woken up without panicking for the first time and he tried to remain calm as he smiled back at her.
“It is true, you always fall asleep just, like clockwork before the end credits.”
“I didn't fall asleep when we watched that one really bad horror movie.” 
“Yeah because it scared the crap out of you. I had to turn it off because you started crying.” 
“No, we had to turn it off because Reeses wouldn't stop barking at it.”
“Okay Princess,” Alex said, smiling as she raised her eyebrows at him and he chuckled as he got up and walked over to sit on her bed. The second he sat down Jo reached out, and he thought she was going to take Helena, but instead, she smacked the side of his arm. “Hey, I've got precious cargo here.”
“She’s fine and you can't use our daughter as a shield to protect you against my wrath,” Jo teased with a smirk of her own. She carefully sat up and Alex's smile faded as she grimaced when she moved. 
“Is your ice pack still cold? Do you want me to get you a new one or something?”
“No, I think I bled through the pad again.” 
Jo pulled back the blankets and he was relieved to see that there were no bloodstains on the sheets. Jo carefully got up out of bed and Alex put Helena down in the bassinet. 
“No, just hold her, I’ll be fine,” Jo said, waving him off. 
“Jo, let me take care of you,” Alex insisted as he watched Helena for a second to see if she’d fuss before he went over to help his wife. 
Alex put his arm around her and grabbed the IV pole as they took small and wide steps over to the bathroom. Jo let go of his waist as she stepped into the bathroom and grabbed the peri bottle and her other supplies. Alex got out a new ice pad and activated it, shaking it up before he felt it cool in his hand. He handed it to her before she waved him off again. 
“Just let me help you, Jo. I know it hurts you to whip and…”
“Alex,” Jo said, slightly annoyed as she cut him off. “You can change our daughter's diapers, not mine. I got this.”
“Are you sure, because honestly, I don't mind,” Alex argued, he wasn't sure how much she would let him take care of her, but he wanted to do this for her. If she let them. 
“Alex, today multiple people, several of whom are my coworkers, have seen me naked on a bed pushing out a baby. I need a moment of privacy,” Jo said, holding her hand out to block him from coming close.
Alex nodded and took a step back. He made a big thing about covering his eyes and turned around to go back out into the room, bumping into the doorway as Jo laughed behind him. He smiled as it didn't hurt that much and hearing her laugh after her tears earlier felt good. Alex rubbed his forehead as he went back into the room and picked up Helena again, knowing Jo would want to hold her the second she was back in bed. 
Alex looked down at her and smiled, completely smitten. From the moment Jo told him she was pregnant, he was over the moon. He had seen how parents had fallen in love with their child and he felt that love the moment Jo was pregnant. The moment Carina had placed their daughter on Jo’s chest. It was like his heart burst with love and happiness. It was so overwhelming and utterly consuming. He loved his daughter more than he could describe. 
He had taken care of babies his entire life. His mom had started to slip just after Amber turned one so the majority of her care fell to him. He practically raised Amber and Aaron until they were all put in foster care. After Amber got sick and had to go to the hospital and the state finally stepped in. After that, he took care of his mom throughout high school and college up until the day he got the job and flew out to the then Seattle Grace Hospital. Even then he sent money and hired someone to check on her. When it came to his career, he wanted to go into plastics, but somehow he ended up in Peds and he was good there. 
He took care of thousands of babies over the years and in caring for them he loved them. Alex watched their parents love them more than anything in the world, and he got a bit of that love when it came to Meredith’s kids. They were his nieces and nephew and he loved them like they were his own because they were family, but he still didn't experience the kind of love a parent had for their child, until the moment his child was there. It was all he could think about. She was all-consuming in a way that he could just stare at her for hours.
It wasn't until he really succeeded at being a Peds doctor that he knew he could be a dad. Even though it still terrified him. Every injured kid that walked through the door he could see being his kid. He went home to Jo and put his hands on her belly and he worried. Alex worried about all the possible complications, diseases, and injuries that their kids could get. Even now staring down at her, he knew she was perfect. Her APGAR score was a 10, she had good reflexes, and she was eating and wetting her diapers, and she was perfect, but he still worried. He was so lost in thought that he even noticed Jo had come up behind him until she pressed up against him and they stared down at their daughter. 
“She's perfect, Alex,” Jo whispered to him, kissing his cheek. She had always been able to since his worries.
“Yeah, she is,” Alex said as he put his arm around her as they both stared at Helena completely in awe of their daughter.
Jo moved to get back in bed and Alex helped her up, despite how she protested. After she was settled, Alex placed Helena in her arms before Jo could even ask.
“Thank you,” Jo whispered, cradling her close. 
They both continued to stare down at her and Alex sat back down in the chair and scooted closer to their bedside. Helena’s little eyes fluttered open, but she didn't cry as she stared up at Jo who smiled down at her. Completely smitten as well. 
“Yeah, that’s Mommy isn’t it,” Alex said reaching out and putting his hand on Jo’s knee. Jo didn't even glance up at him, she just smiled down at Helena. 
In the past nine months, he had watched Jo go through so many emotions, as he watched her become a mother. Everything she did was to care for their daughter. He knew that Jo was terrified about becoming a mom when they first started talking about kids years ago. She knew the heartache of a bad childhood because she lived it. She was terrified of her genes and she wanted a career first so he waited patiently for her to be ready. 
Watching her with their daughter in just the past few hours Alex thought she was the best mom in the world, although he might be a little biased. Jo was so good with her, the second Helena fussed or cried, Jo would pick her up. She was so attentive to their daughter and so loving, Alex couldn't help but just watch them together. 
“Daddy is staring at us,” Jo giggled as she looked up and caught him.
 Alex smiled completely unashamed. “What can I say, I'm awestruck by the two beautiful girls in front of me, my girls.”
“Your girls,” Jo smiled before she realized something and giggled. “Alex Karev has a daughter.”
“Oh God,” Alex said, putting a hand over his face as he realized the karmic payback that was coming to him. 
“With your luck, she’ll probably be crazy for whatever gender she ends up liking,” Jo laughed putting her hand on his arm as the color drained from his face.
“No, no, she is a baby. We're not talking about this,” Alex said, shaking his head.
“She's not going to be a baby forever,” Jo said as she tilted her head and smiled at him, clearly enjoying torturing him.
“No, but she is a baby right now, a newborn and she's going to stay that way,” Alex said looking down at Helena and rubbing her little cheek.
Jo giggled again as she leaned forward and reached her hand out to wrap around his neck and pull in for a kiss. Alex let himself linger on Jo's lips as she smiled against his lips. Helena squealed and they parted with a laugh as they looked down at their daughter who stared up at Jo. Jo traced her finger down Helena’s cheek as she rocked her and Alex smiled at his girls. Yeah, this was perfect.
AN: On a scale of 1 to 10 how much did this turn you into a pile of mush?
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mysticteabag · 3 years
More on my thoughts of the dangerous gift:
So I have a lot more to say.
Some of it personal urika moments and others are my thoughts the opinions I've seen around.
I've seen a lot of people hating on it but it's actually pretty good. I have things I hate that I'll get too in a sec but I want to dedicate a paragraph to pay it on the back real quick.
So this book was ambitious, the entire plot was an ocean away, so I feel it's very clever what they did to handle it. It also has compelling new characters, new views on the concept of animus magic, and a cool look into ice wong culture (am I the only one who thought the ice wing village names were cool as frick-pun not intended) overall, decent book. Not groundbreaking but a necessary point in the books.
Now im going to talk about the things I dislike so buckle up cause it's a bumpy ride.
I've mentioned they made good compelling new character, which is great because they ruined the ones they had. The queens are underwhelming and useless (what have you become, glory), the human squad is painful, wren being the main offender and the jade winglet has clear favoritism from the author. Like I got that qiblis clever, but why does he say literally everything? Is he narrating for our sake? Why is winter a ditzy idiot. I love him when he's a soft nerd but he was still a huge cold grump when we last saw him, why leave his therapy off screen?
They did winter no justice. I love him to death but tui clearly didn't like him as much as the others. All he did outside of the group was save his brother and figure out his fellow icewings are dicks. That's cool but it's not super important. Not to mention he was shoved to the background. Moon and qibli are mentioned everywhere and while I like the characters it's weird for the book to practically shout how cool they are and fawn all over them every other page. Not to mention they had huge roles in the dark stalker arc. All I want is more winter plot time.
I've mentioned this in my previous post but winter was literally perfect for the human crew. It perfectly fits his character! He's the scavenger obsessed need who thinks they're intelligent, he's literally built for this plot.
Not only does he know more about the dragon language and culture, but he can actually fight. The human crew is all weakish kids and a pacifist flameless dragon. They could use a heavy hitter. It also makes more sense for him to teach them more dragon language. They sort of waived the fact that sky was probably a newborn and shouldn't have even known basic language (think of bumblebees diction) bit it's a real stretch for him to know things like daffodil and stuff like that. It's more reasonable for wren to mix dragon and human speech like they said they did, and have her barely comprehensible to other dragons, before having winter teach her. It makes more sense.(Also imagine winter dropping culture facts like "you know they queen holds power right, why are you making a big deal about dragon kings")
Seeing his captive human was daffodil I had to get up and walk around a bit, getting excited that they would form a wren and sky dynamic. She's like a human qibli, he's a bit similar to a dragon violet, can't you see them annoying the shit out of each other? She could be like "take that wren you're not the only one with a dragon" and it would have been amazing the banter would be top notch!
Not only would it give winter much needed screentime bit it feels like he was made for this plotline, I have so many headcanons already I think in crazy! If he doesn't join the human. Squad I will cry. He is PERFECT.
The scavenger interaction hurt me it was so painful and wasteful of Winters character, and wren made it worse. Some people think she's a Mary sue, but I found her entertaining, and figured her amazing language skilled necessary to the plot. In the screen in tdg I hated her. She came off as over righteous. Going on a speech about how winter was such a bad guy for keeping daffodil as a pet (what that doesn't fit with his character and also invalidates everything he's done for scavengers to be treated as intelligent wtf) and it felt like tui telling us how cool she is. I miss dragon slayer wren, Not her obnoxious body double. The scene should be cut and hinted at (where did winter and his scavenger go? Why are the scavengers acting strange?) And kept in dragonslayer, it would have been less busy and handled mich better (death to weird bashful winter)
"what do we do with that 3 pages of extra space, now that we cut the horrible scavenger scene?"I hear you cry? No fear,my dedicated reader (how have you gotten this far I know I ramble too much) well dedicate it to cultural collision obviously! I was so excited to see all the dragons freaking out over each other (Clearsight dragons? Animus magic?? Other culture weirdness???COLOR CHANGING SCALES????) But they had one "wow first new dragon" line and now everyone's cool. I was so excited once I found out different perspectives would be shown, I could see them freak out first hand! I was so excited for them to see glory! She's an abnormally young queen, she rules two tribes, she's a goddamn badass, and she has cool scales? Nope not even mentioned. It would have been amazing, I was re-reading all the scenes with tsunami and turtle in poison jungle because I was so excited for the drama of the cultures meeting :(.
Tldr: this is a good book but where it fails it really fails. Winter needs more screentime. Cultures meeting is cool, yeah.
Thanks for reading, if you made it to the end, I know I have a ramble problem 😅
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ladypaulsvn · 4 years
Mine, Yours, Ours
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Billie x Reader x Cordelia
Word Count: 1,529
Part 1 / ?
Prompt: On one side you have Cordelia, your supreme that continues sending mixed signals about her affections for you, on the other side you have Billie, the famous medium you just met that seems awfully interested in keeping you company.
Summary: After Cordelia pushes you away yet again, you head downtown for tea where you meet Billie Dean Howard. You end up getting her number, and have a late night chat after a rough encounter with Cordelia when you get home late.
a/n: i got this prompt from someone here on tumblr. i’m gonna try & find it so i can give proper credit!
it’s from: @lourdsbitch i hope you don’t mind 😅 i really like your interpretation of the prompt and was hella inspired by it.
read their story here:
also, this is my first proper story i’m posting here so i apologize if it’s a bit rough! i’m still learning how this whole formatting thing works
You frowned as you exited Cordelia's office. She had yet again shooed you away. For anyone else, this would be expected, she was the supreme after all, and no matter how kind she was, she had her bad days. But she was your girlfriend for god's sake! She used to never treat you this way. Why was she acting like this? She had been blowing you off and acting cold for weeks now. Only responding in harsh tones and quick snaps. You began to wonder what you did wrong.
As you slowly descended the stairs, you decided you needed to cheer yourself up. You didn't need Cordelia. You sprinted back up the stairs and into your room, grabbing your purse, keys, phone, and wallet before sprinting back down and out of the academy to your car.
As you start the engine you pause and go to text Cordelia that you would be going out and would be back later, but stop yourself. She didn't seem to care what you were doing anyway, she was obviously too busy for you. Why should you let her know where you're going when you knew she wouldn’t even respond with anything besides a dry "K". So you pull out of the driveway, and head to your favorite coffee shop, where you ironically always order tea.
The bell rings above the door as you enter the shop, your favorite barista waving you over with a smile. It was a small shop, no more than 5 people were ever there at one time, so there was no line to wait in. "Y/N! Nice to see you again. Haven’t seen you in awhile and thought maybe we'd lost our favorite customer." the barista dramatically frowned and you laughed softly "No worries, just been busy. The usual please?" you hand him your card "Of course, 5 minutes top," you smile as he hands you back your card and you twirl around to go to your usual table that sat right by the window.
As you reach your table you stop dead in your tracks. There in your seat sat Billie Dean Howard, the famous medium. You had no idea she was even in New Orleans! "A little star-struck there sweetheart?" Her honey coated voice rang in your ears, pulling you from your trance. "I- uh, my tab- I usually sit here, I just, wow you're amazing." You ramble as she chuckles at your awkwardness and gestures you to sit. "My apologies for stealing your spot, I see you're a favorite around here, huh?" You expect her to get up and leave but she stays as you clumsily take a seat in front of her.
"I um, you can say that, yeah" You say, not wanting to sound conceited. "Your Chai tea," the barista sets your steaming tea down in front of you, "She is most definitely a favorite in these parts," he winks at Billie and walks away, leaving your cheeks tinted a bright shade of pink. "You're certainly modest," she takes a sip of her drink.
"You have fine taste." she says pointing to your tea and then to her own. "Personally I enjoy a little bit of whipped cream on my Chai." she winks at you and your cheeks burn even brighter. You clear your throat, speechless, not knowing what to say.
"Cat got your tongue?" she smirks, "Call me when you find it." she hands you a slip of paper as she gets up, giving your hand a soft squeeze. You hear the bells chime above the door as she leaves and you gawk at the paper in front of you.
She had written her phone number down, and gave it to you. You had Billie Dean Howard's number. You couldn't stop yourself from squealing as you entered the digits into your phone and saved her as a contact, planning to call her later that night.
When you got back to the academy, it was a bit late. You had stayed out the entire day, day dreaming about Billie and going round to different shops. You even spent a few hours at the library. You had actually forgotten about Cordelia momentarily. It was dark out now, so you quietly opened the front door, shutting it as softly as you could behind you.
When you entered, you immediately noticed a chair sat next to the door with a sleeping Cordelia curled inside. You cursed under your breath before tip toeing to the stair case, freezing when you heard "Y/N." in a cold yet sleepy voice behind you.
You turned around slowly and faced Cordelia, who did not look happy. "Do you have any idea what time it is? What the hell were you thinking y/n? I didn't get a single text from you about your whereabouts!" oh yeah, she definitely was not happy. You scoffed, "I didn't get a single text from you either Cordelia. I'm fine, you shouldn't have waited up for me. I'm an adult and can do as I please." you had guts, and the time, tonight. You had been frustrated with Cordelia for weeks now and you were tired of mindlessly obeying.
She looked at you with wide eyes, not expecting the outburst or venomous tone of your voice. She was standing at this point, a good distance away from you. You could practically see the wheels turning in her head. "Get up the stairs and to your room immediately, we will discuss this tomorrow." She ran a hand through her hair in frustration. "I was going there anyway." You spat and stomped up the stairs, making sure to slam your door as hard as you could.
You secretly hoped that Cordelia would come knocking on your door, begging you to unlock it and let her inside, but you knew that wasn't going to happen. You changed into your pajamas and crawled into your bed, remembering that you were going to call Billie tonight. You looked at the time, 9:47 pm. Was it too late to call now? You chewed on your bottom lip as you pulled up her contact, opting to send a quick message first.
y/n: hi Billie! it's y/n, i was wondering if i could give you a call tonight?
You hesitated, but hit send. You stared at the screen, hoping Billie would instantly reply, but she was a busy woman. She had her own tv show for christ's sake, how could you be so selfish to expect her to drop everyth-
Your phone was ringing.
Your eyes went wide at the screen as you realized that it was indeed Billie calling you. You immediately pressed accept and pressed the phone up to your ear. "Found your tongue?" her voice was pure music to your ears. You giggled softly, "Yeah, I did. It was amazing meeting you today." You were glad she wasn't standing right in front of you, your cheeks were flushed a bright pink, yet again. "I would say the same to you, sweetheart." She was effortlessly charming and every time that nickname slipped through her lips, your heart fluttered a bit too much and your stomach filled with butterflies.
"I didn't expect you to reply, nor call me. Especially so quickly because I know you're a busy woman and I respect that. I meant to call earlier but I got busy and when I got home something hap- I just, am so happy to hear your voice." You wanted to smack yourself in the head, until your heard Billie's wonderful velvety laugh on the other side of the phone.
"You like my voice hm?" She teased. "Why wouldn't I call you back? You're a beautiful young woman whom I intend to keep calling." You chokes at her words. Did she really just call you beautiful? "I- thank you but you're far more beautiful." The words slipped out before you could stop them and she gasped. "Now that is a lie y/n." her voice was dark and lovely. "I never want to hear another self deprecating sentence come out of that pretty little mouth again." You were silent. God she really knew what you were missing, huh? Someone to show their interest. Why couldn't your girlfriend do the same?
"Yes ma'am." You were raised in the south, Louisiana of all places, so it wasn't strange to you to refer to people in that manner. "Am I really getting that old?" She chuckled and you stammered "Oh, no! No I just i'm from the south, obviously, Louisiana, and I was just raised to speak that wa-" Billie cut you off.
"I was joking, honey. I appreciate the respect." you sighed in relief. "How about you tell me about the rest of your day I missed out on, hm?" You were shocked, did she really want to know the mundane details of your life? She couldn't possibly. "Really?" It came out as a squeak. "Of course, really. Tell me all about it sweetheart." You smiled brightly as you began to tell Billie about the rest of your day, conveniently leaving out the part where you got yelled at by Cordelia.
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rhydium · 4 years
Info dumbo about the StarFinite story?
aright u asked for it anon GET READY [cracks knuckles] this is gonna be long so obligatory cut in 3, 2........
so the uh, the au! the story!! w/e yall wanna call it! full disclaimer, i only began working on this whole thing a while ago, but it's totally taken over my fukn brain. like, we're talking big hyperfixation hrs. am i cringe for being this invested in my own content? yes? cool i do not Care >:3€
i should also throw it out there real quick that i am kin w/ infinite, n this is actually one of my two canons (both of which are my own aus lmfao wow). i didn't go into it expecting it to be but sfsfsgdfs here we are ig!! for that reason it's got extra importance to me n this definitely contributes to the euphoria i get from it!! it's a lil odd writing ur own canon,,? but i kinda just go w/ the flow!
the au n, the story that i will start Eventually, revolves around infinite n starline (obvi) n it's honestly just ... the tl;dr is big healing momence n, what's this? uh oh sisters !!! they are falling in love 😳😳😳
uhhhh so infinite is an android, made by eggman. that's like, the most notable canon divergence here! super important context to have. i've got a whole big theory on the possibility of sega originally intending infinite to be an artificial being (which i explored in the works for my Other canon too), stemming from not only the scene in forces wherein infinite comments on sonic's "data", but a line of dialogue from tails in one of the last stages of the game where he Literally Says "so this is where eggman built infinite". that ... i mean. that contrasts w/ episode shadow pretty hard don't it?? would explain why that dlc was so rushed, n the comic too. ANYWAY adsfsfs um that's a seperate ramblepost. yeah!!!
they are also agender n use they/them (primarily) as well as he/him!! so i'll be refering to them w/ those pronouns!
after the war, infinite is taken in by the resistance n, instead of being dismantled, they're basically given a chance to rehabilitate themselves. it's agreed that they won't be reprogrammed, as despite the potential risks, it feels wrong to do so; like a violation of their free will, individuality n thinking. if infinite is to be a good person, it's not gonna be bc other ppl recreated their entire personality, it's gonna be bc it's what they themselves truly want. robot ethics idk man!! u can't tell me that sonic n co wouldn't offer this to infinite if they offered it to metal in IDW,,,, i am Standing By This!!!
it's, yknow, a bit rocky, at first. infinite has to really fight the urge to return to eggman (something they already tried once, before the resistance found them; they were cast out). it's a struggle against what they were built to do, against giving into unhealthy familiarity over facing a, while healthier, unfamiliarity. new faces, a new life, turning their back on their mission n creator, it's like, a lot.
they work for/with the sonic crew, rebuilding the world they tore down as deemed fitting justice, being closely monitored for a bit as a natural precaution. as it becomes apparent infinite truly no longer has any ambition to harm others (they don't have much ambition for anything, really), they're then granted more freedom, n start taking on more important missions!! it at least gives them something to do, keeps them occupied. they have issues with dissociation, unreality, whether they're truly a real person bc, well, android. feeling purposeless, n a lack of worth, especially. a need to prove themselves. heavy stuff. i'll kinda go into that a bit more in a sec. their work grounds them, if only temporarily.
n soooooo... IDW comic stuff happens. metal virus time. starline gets kicked out of the empire.
now, as the comics are ongoing, n as this is already an au, there's gonna be divergence, n i must admit i haven't planned out all that yet. there's a lot i have to consider!! infinite being w the resistance/restoration is a big game changer ... tho i Do believe that they were absent, likely on a far out mission during most of the chaos. eggman doesn't know abt them, nor does starline or anyone else other than the sonic crew; n some civilians that recognise them.
i'm not 100% sure of Exactly when it happens, but i think it's just after bad guys, that infinite is sent to locate n bring in starline. it doesn't prove too difficult. there's a whole, starline realising "oh fuck it's you???", some bickering n, the two don't hit it off right away. they're both kinda like. not mentally stable ddgddgdds,,,
so uh. starline ends up essentially going thru the same sorta shit as infinite. careful watch, rebuilding, all that jazz, making sure he can be trusted. he's like... very very lost, quite like infinite is. the world has kinda calmed down, in the meanwhile.
it's at this point i'm gonna go ahead n drop a bit of a ramble i subjected my friends to a while ago, to articulate the way i see the two, n their dynamic together!! i was considering making this it's own post a while ago!
analysing their characters a bit... let's look at starline. Like. so we have this, in bad guys, which SENT ME tbfh;
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i feel like it's the moment that triggers starline onto the path he is rn canonically,,, he's clearly like. rly mad n bitter. the core of this?? he wants his work n his efforts to be acknowledged.
he's big angry. still kind of in denial at this stage. he has himself obsessed w/ the idea of making eggman see him as Worthy, that if he just tries hard enough, that'll happen. he's dependent on eggman's validation, n i mean, it's no surprise; he's followed him a Long Time by the sounds of it.
then in the recent issue, hold the fuck up, bc we got, This;
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god. my god it's all comin together now homies. this???? this right here??? it is the CLASSIC "i have to do this to prove i'm strong n powerful n smart n worthy n should be respected please Give Me Acknowledgement" ..... n who else is Like That? can u see where im going w/ this?
i think most ppl are aware of infinite's character being extremely indicative of self worth/esteem issues n the need to prove themself, right?? the extreme adversity, repulsion, perhaps even fear toward the idea of being weak. the compulsion to prove otherwise, to show their strength, to become powerful, to conquer to make a point. their theme exudes this same energy as their behaviour in-game; an aggressive attitude, trying to assert themself, while if u rly listen...? the lyrics are actually really sad in places. it reeks of cover up, although composition wise, a v interesting thing to note is a lot of the more telling lyrics are prominent while some of the affirming ones are in the background. indicative of a desire to have their true feelings be heard but caught in a vicious loop?
okay okay that's yet Another different analysis. AHEM.
not to get deep on main (oh who the hell am i kidding that's the point of this entire thing) but i think starline has issues w/ his worth in a similar way to infinite. they both seem to have this need to Prove something, whether it's to others or themselves, n get caught in a toxic spiral of doing worse n worse things for Some kind of validation or acknowledgement. they'll go to really big lengths chasing that, n both of them ultimately sought validation in the wrong place n wrong way.
this is a big part of my starfinite dynamic,, n so, what happens, as they get closer n open up??? we have them BOTH realising together that they don't have to do fuck all to prove anything to anyone. they don't need to do all this to show they're strong n smart n worth something, not to anyone else OR themselves. they're enough as they are. they bond over that shared feeling that they have to do xyz, to prove themselves, n that desire to just finally be acknowledged n appreciated n help each other thru it. to help each other understand that other ppls approval, or lack thereof, doesn't define them, their strength, intelligence, and worthiness.
i feel like they have an interesting parallel between them in like... the above could be taken as a general analysis, but to go more in depth on this au specifically?? ...
starline followed eggman for presumably a long time n it no doubt left him feeling a heavy and deep regret for all that time wasted n spent on an unhealthy path. infinite kinda teaches him that what matters is what he's doing Now n also reminds him that if none of it happened, starline wouldn't have learnt a lot of the serious skills he has. n while starline still feels bad, he also realises himself that, he likely never would have crossed infinite's path if none of it happened. for that reason, he wouldn't take it back.
infinite has only been recently made, on the other hand. they haven't really existed long, yet, but so far their experiences haven't been very positive n it can be .... discouraging. starline sorta, shows infinite their limited experiences w/ the world are a very tiny fraction of what's out there, n things can absolutely change, yes, including for the better; that's the essence of life, a neverending, constant flow of change.
it's a big tale of moving on n letting go, honestly; made easier as they're doing it together. n as they heal n grow, well... these bitches gay. sfshshdgds like, ig that's putting it p bluntly but!! they start to trust each other, understand each other more. as they get to truly know who the other is, they both start developing The Feelings. they're both pretty oblivious n the reveal is totally unknown so far!! yeah, i know, bummer. i suck. boo. adafsfsds however i can say there will be lots of content in the making!! if that soothes the soul! i've got of ideas i hope to bring to life.
ofc there's still a lot of more specific things i haven't covered here so! if y'all want more juice hmu w/ more focused questions but !! this is the overview n i hope it was a decent read now that gave some uhhh! Cool Insight! yea!!! ✌
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Swipe Right
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Rating: G Pairing: David (Camp Camp)/Reader Word Count: 1482 Read it on AO3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/11524689
You were three and a half hours into your drive to get Max when you started to question why you had agreed to do this. There was about an hour left, you were driving into the middle of nowhere, and the signal was so bad that you couldn’t stream music while you drove. Great, just fucking great. You glanced at the gas meter and noticed that you were running low already, it seemed like the universe was truly just intending to give you a hard time today. Whatever.
You pulled off at the next exit and rolled up into the gas station, cutting the engine and hopping out, snagging your phone and wallet as you went. Miraculously there was signal here so as you filled up the tank you opened Tinder. Tinder was mostly a joke to you, you occasionally had a short conversation with people but most guys just wanted… well they weren’t ever your type. You didn’t think there would anyone in the area, but a new face popped up in your feed. David, a super red head with shockingly green eyes and a brilliant smile. You couldn’t help but smile back down at him, scrolling through his posted pictures. He seemed to be an outdoors man, lot of pictures of him hiking and generally enjoying nature. Surprisingly pale for someone who spent that much time outside, but you definitely didn’t mind. Figuring you’d never run into him seeing as it was so out of the way of where you normally where you swiped right, maybe he’d be fun to talk to.
A few minutes later “It’s a Match!” popped up on your screen and you found yourself smiling again. The click of your tank being full pulled you from your thoughts and you decided to shoot him a message, just a quick hey before you got back on the road. You took a minute to go inside and grab a red bull and crafted a perfect pick up line to start the chat and it popped into your mind right as you were paying.
“Hey David, do you have a bandaid? I scraped my knee falling for you.” You sent, laughing to yourself as you climbed back into your car. The response was faster than you thought it was going to be, only 20 minutes into the rest of the ride.
“I always have bandaids, a true outdoors lover is always prepared! But are you certified in CPR? You’re taking my breath away.” David had sent back and you found yourself cackling over his equally as cheesy response. He was going to be a fun one for sure, you were glad that you had swiped right on this one. Seeing as you were driving you decided to wait on a response and just tried to think of a way to one up his jokey line. Thankfully focusing on that seemed to make time pass faster, so as you rolled up to Camp Campbell, or at least what you thought was Camp Campbell since the sign only has Camp Camp left on it, you grabbed your phone for one last response before you picked up your little brother.
“Wait a second… red hair, super hot, make me want s’more… are you a campfire?” You hit send and grabbed your bag. You had gotten there a little earlier than the technical pick up time, and there was a bit of a walk up into the camp from the parking area so you decided to walk up and see if you could walk around the camp a little bit. It wasn’t the first time you’d been the Camp Campbell, though the last time was when you were much much younger. You walked under the old sign and into the camp entrance. It didn’t look like really anything had changed since you had been there as a kid. As you walked into the center of the camp you heard some doors open and Max came running out from the Mess Hall.
“Y/N, thank god you need to get me the hell out of here I am so fucking sick of this shit.” He panted, footsteps following loudly behind him from the hall.
“Max, get back here! We aren’t done with final reflections!” A friendly but desperate voice called after him and also burst from the hall doors, followed by a pack of campers. Your eyes widened and you tried to hide your laugh behind your hand. Standing right there, yelling at your brother, in full camp garb with his red hair and sparkling green eyes was David. The same David you’d just been mercilessly flirting with just minutes prior. His reaction appeared to be the same, and that pale skin flushed the same color as his hair. Max was looking between the two of you, squinting in confusion.
“The fuck, do you two know each other or something? This is weird.” He said, and only when David broke eye contact with you did you look down at your brother.
“I guess you could say that we know each other, yeah. More acquaintances right now.” You explained smoothly, eyes trailing back over to David who was nervously shifting from foot to foot. He was clearly uncomfortable, and it made your smile fall. “You should go back in and do final reflections or whatever, I’ll just be hanging out here.” You said, pushing Max back in the direction of the Mess Hall. He groaned loudly, trudging back towards the rest of the campers and right up to a skinny curly haired kid and a girl with teal hair. You were glad to see he was at least making friends here, even it is appeared to be begrudgingly. The other camp leader shepherded them into the Hall, giving David a knowing look before shutting him out just as he was about to follow. Slowly he turned around to face you, and you just waved him over. He took a deep breath and walked over, looking rather sheepish.
“Uh, hi Y/N.” He said quietly, digging a toe of his shoe into the ground.
“Hey, you don’t have to act like this is some big scandal. We barely sent each other three messages, if this is too weird for you or something we don’t have to keep talking. I had… well I had no idea you were my bro’s camp counselor.” You said, not sure if it would be too much to reach out to try and reassure him. “And hey if it’s any consolation you’ll never have to see me again since if Max has any say in it he will try not to come back here.” David immediately frowned at that statement and shook his head.
“No, it’s not that I just. You’re really pretty. Like, wow. That moment you look at the view after a hike kind of wow. Take your breath away moment for sure. It’s crazy because you’re even prettier than in your pictures.” He paused, licking his lower lip and taking a chance to look up and make eye contact. “I figured you’d like… joke matched with me or something which is why I didn’t take it overly seriously and now that you’re here I just feel like a moron. You’re really funny and your line caught me off guard in the best way and it just seemed like a too good to be true kind of moment, y’know?” He rambled and you felt your cheeks heat up. That was the most genuine compliment you’d ever received, maybe it was because it seemed liked David might not be able to do anything that wasn’t genuine. You could feel lots of young eyes staring at the two of you from the mess hall window. His face immediately went lobster red again as you fished a pen from your pocket and grabbed his hand.
“Here’s my number. Text me, call me, what the fuck ever you’re the most comfortable with. Don’t know where you live when you aren’t at this camp, but let’s get coffee or go on a hike or something. Your choice. Just let me know when.” You said while scribbling out your number on his hand. “I better hear from you soon, you’re the hottest thing since sunburns.” You left it at that, his face splitting into a grin as a bunch of parents and guardians started walking under the sign and into the camp. All the campers filed back out, this time with bags in tow, and you motioned for Max to follow you out. Your phone vibrated in your bag as you climbed into the car again and you pulled it out to see the trail location and a date sitting in your messages. He hadn’t even sent his name, but he didn’t need to, and you were smiling pretty much the entire drive back, much to Max’s chagrin.  
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trade-baby-blues · 7 years
Pairing: Jim x Reader 
Word Count: 2643
Warnings: Some swearing, fluff
A/N: Wow I definitely didn’t intend for it to be that long. Also, one day I’m gonna get everything together and start making headers for these posts, but that day is not today. Today I’m going to sleep because I’m currently dying from cramps. Hope you guys enjoy, though! Also, there’s a pic of the bike I mention at the bottom of the fic if any of you are curious. 
You knocked frantically on Jim’s door. Bones was gonna kill you. A few seconds passed without answer and you pressed your ear to the door, listening for movement. Hearing nothing, you pounded on the door again.
“Jesus Jim answer the goddamn door,” you called.
If Jim could've yanked open the automatic door, you're sure he would've. He was scowling deeply, hair sticking up in all directions - the first time you’d seen it anything less than perfect. His shirtless torso was still perfect, though, and those gray sweats hanging dangerously low on his hips were downright tantalizing.
“What is it, Lieutenant? Did you forget we’re on shore leave?”
You swallowed, closing your eyes and forcing yourself to stop thinking about what you’d like to do to those beautiful muscles. “No, I didn't forget we’re on shore leave,” you said, pushing past Jim into his room, “but you seem to have forgotten what day it is.”
“Yes, Y/N, please come in.” Jim shut the door behind him, taking a moment to admire your ass as you bent down to pick a shirt off the floor. “What day is it exactly?”
You rolled your eyes and threw the shirt in his direction before heading to the coffee maker to brew both of you a cup. “It’s Jo’s birthday. We promised Bones we’d be there and we’re already running late. You know Bones’ll kill us if we leave him alone with all those kids.”
When Jim didn't answer, you peered at him curiously, only to find him sprawled over the counter snoring gently. “Jim,” you huffed, “I’m serious!” Jim only groaned in response.
You sighed and turned back to the coffee, grabbing the cup and walking over to set it in front of Jim. You crossed your arms and leaned over the counter, resting your head so it it was level with Jim’s.
You blew gently on his face. “Jim,” you hummed, blowing again. “Jimmy, it's time to get up.”
When you blew on his face again he groaned and pushed your face away. “Don't wanna go.”
“Infant,” you grumbled. With a sigh, you sat up in your chair and changed tactics, turning on the charm instead. You reached across the counter and ran a hand through Jim’s hair, trying to smooth it out. “It’s a shame you don't wanna get up, Jimmy, because Joanna’s not the only one I’ve got a present for today. But if you don't want it…” You let your hand fall to the counter as your voice trailed off. Jim peeked out from his arms and you winked at him.
“Do I at least get a hint,” he asked.
“Let’s just say you’ll enjoy the ride,” you said with a smirk. “Now put on your shirt and some different pants.”
“What's wrong with my pants?”
You shrugged. “Can't guarantee I won't try to pull them off later. Wouldn't want to scar the children.” Jim choked on his coffee as you walked towards the door, sparing him one last wink before heading outside.
You stood with your eyes closed, face turned up to the Sun as you waited for Jim. As much as you loved the Enterprise, there was nothing like having the ground under your feet and wind in your hair.
Jim’s breath caught when he saw you. He’d seen a lot of beautiful things in his time as Captain, but nothing could compare to the smile on your face while the Sun heated up your cheeks. He could hardly hold it against you for waking him up this early.
“Am I interrupting something,” he said.
You opened your eyes, taking a moment to admire the leather jacket and perfect hair. “Stupid perfect hair,” you thought to yourself. “Stupid perfect hair because he’s your captain and this can't happen.”
You ignored his question, reaching behind you to grab one of two helmets resting on the bike behind you. You held it out to him, beaming.
“No way,” Jim said, smile growing, “Shit, Y/N, this bike’s yours?”
“Rental,” you shrugged, “701 Supermoto. A classic, if you ask me.”
Jim ran his hands over the seat and up the handlebars, groaning softly. You tried not to imagine his hands doing the same to you, but God those noises were downright sinful.
“All right, all right,” you said, grabbing the other helmet, “Sorry to break up your little love fest but we do have a party to get to so hop on. You're driving.”
Jim just laughed, pulling you into a tight one-armed hug before putting his helmet on and throwing a leg over the bike. You hopped on behind him, wrapping your arms around his waist, definitely not thinking about how you could feel his abs through his thin t-shirt.
“Hope you're comfortable back there, babe,” Jim said. You could hear the smirk on his face. “Bastard,” you thought.
The ride breezed by and you and Jim were at the park sooner than you wanted. It felt colder as you unwound your arms from Jim, missing the heat of him. The thought left your mind when you heard Bones’ voice from behind you.
“Where the hell have you two been?” You turned to see him stomping up to you. You had to bite your cheek to keep from laughing at the bows stuck at odd angles in his hair. There was a smear of glitter across his cheek.
“Looks like you’ve been holding them off pretty well,” Jim said with a smirk. Bones shot him a glare.
“Sorry, Bones,” you said, skipping up to give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek, “Someone didn't want to get out of bed” you said, with a pointed look back at Jim.
“So that's how it is,” Jim laughed, “You're just gonna throw me under the bus?”
A shrill voice cut you off before you could reply. “Auntie Y/N! Uncle Jim!”
You hardly saw the little ball of curls before she jumped into your arms. “Jo-bear!” She giggled at the nickname as you swung her around, blowing a raspberry against her neck.
“No, no, stop it Y/N! Uncle Jim save me.” Joanna giggled as you blew another raspberry, this time against her cheek, before Jim pulled her from your arms and threw her over his shoulder. Joanna shrieked again as Jim pretended to drop her. She punched him in the arm. “You're supposed to be saving me!”
Jim laughed, “You’re right. I’m sorry princess. How about an escort back to your banquet?” Jim hoisted Jo onto his shoulders and made his way to the table. You watched him walk away, Joanna rambling on, and couldn’t help but think that Jim would make such a great father.
“You know, lovestruck’s a good look for you,” Bones smirked.
You glared at him. “Well pink glitter isn't a good look for you,” you teased, pulling a bow from his hair and clipping it in your own. Bones pushed you playfully as the two of you made your way over to the picnic table.
You plopped down across from Hikaru and Ben, “How’d you guys get roped into this?”
“We wanted to come,” Ben said, “Thought it would be good for Joanna and Demora to be friends.”
“Mm, of course. Why are you really here,” you said, looking at Hikaru.
He shrugged, “McCoy promised to watch Demora for a few days so Ben and I could have some time alone.”
“Oh Sulu, turning on the romance.” You wiggled your eyebrows at him suggestively and he kicked you under the table.
“Speaking of romance,” Hikaru said, changing the subject, “how are things going with the Captain?” He nodded his head in Jim’s direction and you couldn't help the smile that spread across your face when you saw him running around with Joanna and her friends.
“She really does have it bad,” Ben said.
“Pfft, I don't know what you're talking about.”
“Horseshit,” Bones said, dropping down beside you.
“Okay so maybe I have the hots for the Captain, but who cares? He's the captain, and I’m just an engineer. It's against the rules.” Hikaru and Bones both snorted.
“Because if there's one thing Jim cares about it's the rules,” Bones said.
“Shouldn't you be on grill duty,” you mumbled. Bones cursed under his breath before jumping back up to check on the burgers. Your scowl deepened as you looked at Hikaru. “Don't start again.”
He put his hands up in defense. “I didn't say anything.” You propped your elbows on the tables and groaned into your hands. Ben was right. You did have it bad.
You didn't have long to wallow before Joanna came bounding up to the table again. “Auntie Y/N! Auntie Y/N! Will you braid my hair?”
“‘Course, pumpkin. Hop on up. You swung a leg over the bench to straddle it, so Joanna could sit in front of you.
“You took Daddy’s bow,” she said as she clambered onto the bench and put her back to you.
You ran your fingers through her hair a few times before starting to braid it. “Yeah, I did but to be fair pink isn't his color. It makes that vein in his neck look even more purple.”
“I heard that,” Bones snapped, making Joanna giggle.
The kids came sprinting back to the table when Bones said burgers were served. Jo made quick work of hers, eager to get to the cake and presents portion of the party but, just as Jo was about to dig in, Jim’s comm went off.
He looked at the number and grimaced. “Sorry, sorry. Won't be two seconds.” You shot him a worried glance as he stood from the table but he just smiled and shook his head, trying to tell you not to worry.
Jo pouted, looking forward to opening presents but not wanting to do it without Jim. You tried to keep her preoccupied by asking her about school, but she wouldn't have it.
“Auntie Y/N, will you make Uncle Jim come back so I can open presents?” She looked at you with the same puppy dog eyes as her father and you sighed.
“Of course, sweetheart.” You kissed her on the top of her head and she went back to drawing in the icing of her cake. It gave you a wicked idea.
You grabbed the slice of cake Bones cut for Jim and walked over to him. He was pacing slightly, eyebrows furrowed but the call ended before you could hear anything. Jim dropped his arms his sides, eyes closed, trying to force himself to relax.
“That bad, huh,” you said softly.
He opened those beautiful baby blues and looked at you. The corners of his mouth twitched up in a half-smile. “They want us to cut off shore leave early. A research vessel got stuck in a nearby system and they need us to go out and get it.” Jim sighed, “I promised everyone a full two weeks this time.”
“Hey,” you said, putting a hand on his arm, “we can worry about that later. Right now we’re at Jo’s party, okay? I brought cake.” You held the plate out to him.
“God, you're perfect,” Jim said, reaching for it. You quickly snatched it back and smashed the cake against his face before bolting back to the table, laughter trailing behind you. The entire table of kids erupted into giggles.
Jim stood frozen a moment, hand still outstretched for the cake. Did that really just happen? He dragged a hand down his face, trying to get as much icing off as he could, before popping a finger into his mouth. It was some damn good cake.
You thought your heart was gonna stop watching Jim suck on his fingers like that. It definitely stopped when he caught you staring from the table and winked at you. He sauntered back up as if there wasn't icing all over his face and God what you wouldn't give to be the one to lick it all off.
“Earth to Y/N,” Hikaru said. “In case you didn't notice, he’s headed this way. You might wanna try evasive maneuvers.”
“What,” you said, not able to tear your eyes from Jim. How was his hair still so damn perfect?
Jim stopped in front of you, still grinning like a kid. “You dropped something,” he said before lunging forward and catching your face with his hands, smearing cake and icing across your face.
You squealed as you tried to push him off, but he grabbed another slice of cake from the table and pressed it onto the top of your head.
You grabbed as much of the cake as you could scoop out of your hair and flung it at Jim, hitting him right in the chest, but Jo was ready, handing him a brand new slice of cake, laughing almost as much as the two of you. You looked at her and gasped at the betrayal before bolting away from the table.
Jim caught up with you easily, grabbing your hand and yanking you to a halt. He swung the slice around as you struggled against him, hitting you dead in the chest.
“Jim,” you whined as the icing dripped down into your bra, “Let me go. It feels so gross.” Jim just pulled you closer to him, trapping you in a hug and smearing icing across the front of both of your shirts. “Jiiiim,” you whined again, trying to push him off.”
“You're cute when you’re whiny, you know that,” Jim laughed, pulling back far enough that you could see all of his icing-covered face.
You reached up and dragged your finger through the icing. “I’m cute all the time,” you said, putting your finger in your mouth. You groaned at the taste.
Jim’s grip on your waist tightened and you looked up at him. His eyes were locked on your mouth. You pulled your finger out slowly, letting pop before licking your lips. Jim’s eyes darted back to yours as he leaned a little closer. “You are cute all the time,” he whispered, pressing your hips together. “Makes it real hard to do my job, you know.”
You grinned, sliding an arm around Jim’s neck and rubbing frosting in his hair. “Somehow I think that's not the only thing I make hard.”
Whatever witty response Jim had got lost in the kiss as you pressed your lips against his. He tasted like peppermint and cake and you could feel every ounce of heat coming off of him. He wrapped his arms tighter around you, brushing his tongue against your lips, but you pulled away. You kissed the corner of his mouth and  licked a stripe up his cheek, settling your lips against his ear. “I think maybe we outta go home and get cleaned up, Captain.”
Jim shuddered against you, fingertips gripping hard enough to bruise against your hips. A wolf-whistle behind you drew your attention and you saw Hikaru standing at the table clapping. Bones, on the other hand, was stalking toward you looking less than pleased.
You pushed gently on Jim’s shoulder, turning him around to face Bones and then ducking behind him.
“Are you two out of your corn-fed minds? You're supposed to be the adults here.”
Jim’s smile didn't break. He shrugged and rubbed a hand on the back of his neck. “Sorry, Bones, I guess we just got a little carried away.”
“A little carried away. Do you know how long my ma spent baking this cake? And then you just go and throw it all over the damn park! You're acting like-” Bones froze as you chucked a glob of cake straight into his face. You and Jim were laughing so hard you could barely run as Jim pulled you behind him. Oh, Bones was definitely going to kill you.
tags!: @thevalesofanduin @imamotherfuckingstar-lord @outside-the-government @martinawalker
As always, lmk if you want to be tagged or if you want to only be tagged in Jim or Bones fics! Hope you enjoyed reading it!! :) 
Here’s the bike I mentioned: 
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It’s more of a sports bike I think, but I was reading reviews of motorcycles and the guy said that this bike made him feel 12 again and I feel like Jim would jump at that kind of chance. 
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I found this Specs/Romeo fic from about a year ago and I don’t think I ever posted it since I can’t find it anywhere online? So here it is!
“Has anyone seen Romeo?”
It was a question that Specs found himself asking frequently; Romeo had a habit of wandering off. And drunk Romeo was even more difficult to keep an eye on. Race had somehow acquired a bottle of something harsh and acrid tasting (no one wanted to ask where from) and Romeo had drunk a lot. Now he was missing and Specs was trying very hard to pretend he wasn’t panicking.
“Have you tried the roof?” Mush asked. It was invariably Jack’s place, but he never seemed to mind if it got used by any of the boy’s who needed time and fresh air to clear their head.
Specs answered by heading for the fire escape, taking the stairs two at a time until he reached the small rooftop of the lodging house. A rooftop that was, unfortunately, Romeo-free. Specs sighed, readjusting his glasses as if that would suddenly make Romeo visible. He shouldn’t be worrying this much. No one else was. Romeo was more than capable of looking after himself. Specs knew all that, but he couldn’t help the panic that ached in his chest. He ran his hands along the wall enclosing the roof and dipped his head to take some deep breaths and try to calm down. Romeo was fine, of course he was. What was the worst that could have happened to him?
A small curled up figure in the alley below caught Specs’ eye and it took him less time to start and run back towards the fire escape than it did for Jack to bolt from Snyder. He recognised that cap.
Specs raced down the steps, the sound of echoing metal vibrations pounding in his ears with each kick of his boots. There was a sense of relief as his feet hit solid ground; he was almost there. Following the walls of the building, he skirted round the lodging house until he collapsed to his knees in front of a terrifyingly still Romeo.
“Romeo, hey, y’alright?” Specs reached down and tugged the cap off Romeo’s head so he could see his face.
“Specs?” Romeo’s voice sounded blurred and hazy but just hearing him speak calmed Specs’ mind enough to take in the sickly pale and faintly green hue of his friend’s face.
“Yeah, I’m here. You look like hell.” Specs gently rested a hand on Romeo’s forehead. He wasn’t running a fever, which was something.
“Drunk too much. Feelin’ sick. Tummy ‘urts.” Romeo clutched his stomach and curled in on himself even further. Specs fondly pushed Romeo’s hair off of his forehead. He seemed so small and vulnerable, innocently complaining about stomach pains the way a child would to their mother.
“Wait here, yeah? I’ll be back in a minute.” As Specs got up to leave he felt Romeo’s hand catch at his sleeve.
“Promise ya’ll be back?” Romeo murmured.
“I promise.” Specs gently untangled his friend’s fingers from his shirt and headed for the kitchens of the lodging house. Romeo was clearly more than a little drunk, and worse for wear because of it. He didn’t want to leave him alone for too long, hurrying back with a mug of water. He let himself relax a little when he found Romeo exactly where he had left him. The younger boy raised his head and smiled bleakly at his friend.
“Ya came back,” he mumbled.
“Course I did.” Specs pushed his glasses back up the bridge of his nose and sat himself down beside his friend, helping Romeo slowly sit up and lean back against the wall.
“Right, drink this.” Specs handed Romeo the mug. ‘Ya’ll have one lousy headache in the mornin’ but there ain’t nothin’ I can do about that. And ya stomach should be okay. Just don’t drink nothin’ Race gives you no more.”
Romeo managed a small giggle into his drink and Specs wanted to slap himself for finding that cute. Romeo was his friend. Not to mention he was also drunk and feeling ill. Now was not the time.
“Specs? Ya wanna know somethin’?” Romeo asked, yawning.
“Sure.” Specs was pretty sure whatever Romeo had to say was going to be muddled and confused; sleepy and drunk was not a combination that led to comprehensive, linear thought, but he was happy to hear him ramble for a little while.
Romeo stared into the mug as he began to speak. Even intoxicated, he knew what he was saying was taboo and uncouth.
“I really wanna kiss you right now. Well, not just now. A lot of the time. And I know it ain’t right because I’m a boy so I ain’t meant ta kiss other boys but it ain’t up ta me, I don’t think. I don’t wanna want ta kiss you, you’re me friend ‘nd all. But now I really really wanna kiss ya more than before but I think if I do it now I might forget tomorrow ‘nd that definitely ain’t what I want. So I ain’t gonna, but I wanted ya ta know.” He ended sadly, frowning and determined not to meet Specs’ eye. He didn’t want to see the reject he was certain he’d find there.
Specs was speechless and his cheeks had blushed scarlet. This was new. This was definitely new. Not Specs lost for words and blushing, that happened more than he cared to admit, but Romeo wanting to kiss him? Wow. He let his imagination run for a moment. Soft lips on his, his hands tangled in unkempt hair and Romeo’s hands at his waist, trailing down over his hips… Yeah, that was something he could get on board with. Maybe drunk Romeo wasn’t too bad if he was going to keep having ideas like that.
“Have I scared ya? Are ya gonna leave now?” Romeo looked crestfallen and Specs wanted more than anything to kiss the sad pout from his lips. But Romeo had said didn’t want to forget their first kiss and Specs was going to respect that.
“Nah, ya ain’t scared me away. I’m glad ya said it. ‘Ows about I remind ya of it once your headache’s gone tomorrow?” Specs asked, fully intending to patch together enough courage to see if sober Romeo felt the same way as his drunk counterpart. Surely whatever Race had given him wasn’t enough to turn him queer if he didn’t already feel that way.
“To tease me ‘bout it?” Hearing the miserable undertone to Romeo’s voice felt like needles stabbing into Specs’ heart.
“No. I ain’t gonna tease ya. I wanna kiss ya, if ya’ll let me,” Specs said, sounding far more confident than he actually was.
Romeo gently dropped his head to Specs’ shoulder and shifted closer to him.
“I think I’ll like that.” He puffed out a contented sign and weakly nuzzled his nose against Specs’ neck. Specs was too stunned to respond. He just listened to Romeo’s breathing slowly evening out as the younger boy drifted off to sleep.
After waiting until Romeo was sleeping deep enough that he could be moved without being roused, Specs picked up Romeo’s cap and gently tucked it down over the sleeping boy’s ears before carefully lifting him into his arms. Romeo was fifteen, a year younger than Specs, but light enough to comfortably carry up several flights of stairs to the bunk room. The consistent puff of Romeo’s breath against his neck and the sleepily entangled fingers in the front of his shirt made Specs want to never put him down. He nudged the door of the room open with his hip and trekked over to Romeo’s bunk.
“Is he okay?!” Jack sat up with a start, ready to jump out of his bunk and run over.
“He’s fine, just sleepin’,” Specs whispered, unwilling to wake neither the room full of sleeping newsies nor the snuffling bundle in his arms. “But he’s a little sick on account of whatever Race gave him, and he’ll have one hell of a headache tomorrow.” He forlornly laid Romeo down on his bed.
“Race gave him alcohol?” Jack shot a glare a sharp as daggers at Racetrack’s bunk across the room. “Race I know ya ain’t sleepin’ and I ain’t impressed. No alcohol to anyone under sixteen. That’s the rule for a reason.”
Specs had to stifle a laugh. Romeo hated that rule with a burning passion, and would have fervently told Jack so had the younger newsy not been sleeping. Race ‘slept’ on, holding his breath and hoping Jack would have forgotten about the incident by the morning. Angry, protective big brother Jack was no one’s favourite Jack if you were on the receiving end.
“You okay with gettin’ him to bed?” Jack turned back to Specs, who had sat himself at the edge of Romeo’s bunk.
“Yeah I’m good.”
Specs quickly unlaced Romeo’s boots, easing them off his feet and carefully setting them side by side at the end of the bed. He took the cap off a cloud of dark hair and gently coaxed the sleeping boy to sit up so he could guide Romeo’s arms out of his waistcoat. After a second’s deliberation Specs left Romeo in his shirt and trousers, tucking a blanket over him. A quick glace around the room told him no one was watching, so Specs stole the opportunity to press a fleeting kiss to Romeo’s forehead, smiling at how innocent and calm the usual ball of energy looked in his sleep. He rested a hand gently on Romeo’s cheek, loving that he turned his face closer into his palm even in his sleep, before heading over to his own bunk.
Specs kicked off his shoes and undressed down to his underwear before climbing into bed, all the while trying to calm his mind. Did this all really happen? Romeo wanted to kiss him? It didn’t make sense and Specs’ common sense was screaming that this was all a dream. His heart, on the other hand, was full to burst and singing happily. Specs allowed himself to grin idiotically into his pillow to get it out of his system before shaking his head to banish everything from his mind until morning, taking his off glasses and hooking them over the wooded board beside his head before closing his eyes. This felt normal. This was routine. Before long he’d fallen asleep, desperately trying not to dream of Romeo. It didn’t work.
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