#WS meaning
artsyunderstudy · 6 months
Bonus points for reblogging this with an extensive breakdown of who you chose and why.
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beeguillotine · 9 months
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Happy Wandersongiversary!!! 5 Years of Wandersong!!!!
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old wounds
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sadlynotthevoid · 8 months
Fairy Tail x LCF crossover AU where Gildarts and Jour are cousins.
This is, of course, in an AU where both worlds are one and the same. Earth Land is the name of their world and Fiore and the other kingdoms/places are located in a southeast part of the Eastern continent that limits with a commonly known dangerous part of the ocean. So, people don't usually go there unless they're already in the Eastern continent— or they live there and, therefore, are just used to it.
Then, maybe, when Gildarts was young he and his family went on a trip to the Eastern continent but he somehow got lost and ended up in Fiore. And when he finally found his way back to his parents, they were already gone (I mean dead, they are dead. No, they didn't abandoned him). So he decided to go back to Fiore to that nice guild he stayed in before.
Many years later, one Cale Henituse (the original one, of course), appears at the guild's doors asking the girl working in the bar for "a redhead man around his forties, probably tall. I think his childhood nickname was Gil".
The loud "wait! Are you Gildarts' illegitimate child?" exclamation that Natsu let out shocked everyone so much that the ongoing fight on the background stopped dead. Elfman fell face to the ground. Levi almost ripped off her book. Gray almost tripped into Erza's cake. And Cana—
Cana choked with her beer. Does she have a sibling?
After a short explanation that let even more questions than before, she learned that no, she doesn't have a sibling (not as far as she knows, at least). She does, however, have a cousin and a lunatic running wearing her second uncle's body (wtf??? That's creepy).
Hearing the newbie's story (yes, he was one of them now. No, she did not ask), Mira called the Master, who called Gildarts, who told them that he would be there in a week.
Meanwhile, why don't they start with his tutoring? After all, they can't have a member that can't use magic, can they?
This is before TBOAH timeline goes south, btw. And it won't. Cale has an army of crazy, loud, bamf magicians by his side.
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alexalexinii · 5 months
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Six Sentence Sunday
Thank you to @nausikaaa, @artsyunderstudy, @ic3-que3n, @nightimedreamersworld and @shrekgogurt for tagging me in previous weeks!!
Even, if I'm not too active (I'm taking a bit of a break to work on commissions and personal projects). I assure you I look at everyone's progress and it looks stunning so far!
As I am getting more and more consistent with writing It's All Greek to Me, there will be more updates on it with these posts!
Though I am not the best writer, this has been a fun little project to work on. Exercising my creative muscles in a way I haven't done in a very long time aha.
Have six of the many sentences from it:
Simon POV They have moved on from their warm-ups like thirty minutes ago and are now playing a practice game. Baz is positioned right wing this time around, even though he’s primarily a striker and even a midfielder at times. He does well in that position because of course he does. It’s a position that could benefit from those long-ass, fit legs of his. Wing is a position that requires a lot of running up and down the field and here he is not even breaking a sweat. Wanker.
Tags and Hellos below the cut!
@artsyunderstudy @cutestkilla @letraspal @shrekgogurt @ebbpettier @rimeswithpurple @hushed-chorus @that-disabled-princess @palimpsessed @imagineacoolusername @fatalfangirl @ileadacharmedlife @valeffelees @raenestee @orange-peony @facewithoutheart @aristocratic-otter @confused-bi-queer @nightimedreamersworld @iamamythologicalcreature @leithillustration @katatsumuli @youarenevertooold @theimpossibledemon @scribble-tier @best--dress @bookish-bogwitch
If you dont want to be tagged please let me know :)
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musette22 · 1 year
Not me already imagining a Ghosted Stucky AU with former Winter Soldier Bucky now doing government contract work, falling for modern!Steve who never grew out of his asthma and whose stubborn ass isn't just going to give up on the most incredible guy he's ever met just because people say he's been ghosted (he knows better)
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shackleton2 · 10 months
I'm working on this fic where I'm trying to write an emotionally dark take on post-Winter-Soldier recovery, where Steve & Co capture Soldier-Bucky right after the events of Insight, when he's still almost entirely in the grips of Hydra's programming.
I loved this Sebastian Stan quote someone shared on here: “That’s why he doesn’t kill him. That’s why he saves him. That end scene to me was always like: ‘I don’t know what this is, I just know I’m supposed to do this right now. Whatever this is, I’m supposed to protect this for some reason.” I love the heartbreaking urge to protect Steve being impossible to erase or repress despite everything, but what stands out for me is also that this confirms what his expression and act of walking away seem to say on the riverbank: he has no idea what the hell is going on. His brain didn't go "OMG STEVE" and switch him back over to Bucky Barnes in that incredible final moment on the helicarrier—the wall of programming just got its first tiny crack.
It drives me crazy that the Soldier walks away after saving Steve—he wants to know why he saved him, how he knows him, obviously, but he walks away from the simplest way to find those answers-STAY WITH STEVE, drink hot chocolate under blankets with steve!! It also drives my fangirl heart crazy what a stubborn resilient competent independent SOB post-WS Bucky is. He doesn’t trust anyone and he doesn’t want anyone to own him ever again.
He’s got conflicting lines of thought that lead to the same conclusion: He’s programmed to kill Steve, those are his final standing orders, and obeying orders is all he knows. If he wants to keep Steve safe on some level, he knows that won’t be with him, because of those orders, because Hydra owns him. On the other hand, if he’s realized that Hydra is his enemy, he also knows that SHIELD is Hydra, and Cap is affiliated with SHIELD, and thus can’t be trusted to keep Hydra away from him. And/or he disobeyed orders and abandoned his mission, and he doesn’t know why, but he does know the consequences for doing that, and thus has a lot of resentment for the guy that made him do so.
To be clear, I love the Bucky Barnes character and I think any narrative that casts him as a reformed villain who needs to make up for his past actions is bullshit. He is a victim, not only of what was done to him, but also what he was forced with zero agency to do. Having said that, I’m also totally riveted by the Winter Soldier as a bad guy, a threat, a killer. In the MCU movies he goes off after the Insight debacle and somehow deprograms himself all alone, and the next time we see him in Civil War he’s got his sense of himself as Bucky pretty much back—he’s in control of his actions, he knows his and Steve’s history, and he doesn’t want to hurt people. I’m stuck on what else the story could have been instead of the hand-wave transition from brainwashed murderer to Steve Rogers’ loyal friend. The only traumatic encounters with the Soldier Steve experiences are those in the movie where he’s actively trying to kill him, which that’s definitely bad enough for poor Steve—but what about traumatic emotional encounters? What about Steve Rogers trying to talk and reach his friend, but the person he’s talking to is the Soldier immediately post-Insight, still mentally in Hydra’s possession much more than his own?
Anyway one day this little scene came to me and I'm building this WIP, including these notes, around it. Successfully? Who knows, not me.
He regarded Steve through the glass with a hint of curiosity. His voice was soft and quiet. “Why do you come?”
Steve leaned forward and tried to meet those icy eyes. He couldn’t help it. “You’re my friend. You might not remember me, but I will always be your friend.”
The Soldier tilted his head, still questioning. “That’s why you come here?” Every day, Steve thought he heard unspoken; he wasn’t sure whether Bucky registered his presence at all some days, but maybe every instance was recorded in his mind. Maybe not. What happened to a supersoldier brain when it incurred severe sustained deliberate damage was a riddle they were just beginning to examine.
Steve was determined to be steadfast, but there was little he could do to calm the intensity of what he felt. He wanted Bucky to ask these things, because he wanted him to know these things, and he would tell him again and again forever in the hope he would one day believe him and then remember himself.
“I’m here because I want to know how you’re doing. I want you to know I’m here. I’ll come every day unless you tell me honestly you don’t want me to.”
Still the cocked head, the mystified expression. “You come because…he was your friend.”
He leaned in an inch more and found his forehead touching the glass. “You’re my friend. You are Bucky Barnes. You were born in 1917 and we grew up together. You are a good man. What happened to you…was wrong, and I will do everything I can to make it better, for the rest of my life. That’s a promise.”
The cocked head straightened and it looked like some kind of comprehension dawned. He was looking at Steve in a way he couldn’t remember Bucky ever looking before, and after wondering for a few moments Steve realized it was pity on his face.
“You think he’s here.” The look of pity intensified. “You think you...can talk. To him.”
Steve swallowed. “I…I know he is. I don’t know how to convince you it’s true, but I swear it. We played together as kids and then we grew up and lived together and then the war came and we fought together. And now we’re here. I know you don’t remember, Bucky, but there’s no way I’m giving up on you, even if you never do. I know you. I’ve known you as long as I can remember.”
On the other side of the glass Bucky’s expression had settled into the blank resignation the Soldier often wore. He licked his lips, an oddly human gesture that hurt Steve’s heart, and then said, with what might have been an attempt at gentleness, “Your friend. Is gone.”
Steve took a moment, felt his forehead press a little harder on the glass. “If he’s gone, who am I talking to?”
“What,” the Soldier corrected, and then answered, “Hydra.”
He was going to need a lot of punching bags later. “Emotions don’t help,” Natasha had told him, brisk and flint-hard the way she was when she was being kind. “Men think they understand this, but they don’t. Understand it.”
Steve was beginning to understand. He didn’t howl or pound on the glass or leave to find a fight. Instead he swallowed again and asked with a calm that shocked him, “So you…believe in Hydra? In what they do?”
“The Soldier is the fist of Hydra. Weapons don’t believe. They do not need to. The Winter Soldier. Is. Hydra.”
That was the most the Soldier had spoken in one go.
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if they or a star-touch elf like them aren’t in next season stars i don’t want it
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quidam-sirenae · 1 month
I personally always imagine Francis with the upper class New England accent, like the one where you grew up in a specific neighborhood and now sound almost British. Two of my friends speak that way and I think Francis does too
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obessivedork · 2 months
My Sole meeting Danse and his crew is so funny because it can't happen in game but CANNONICALLY they competently snipe the feral gouls, making Danse think he is dealing with a professional wasteland-hardened tough cookie. But oh-hoh! 'Tis a bait and switch, this doe-eyed (almost Vault fresh) lamb stumbles into the compound with a heavy anxiety shake, asks if the ferals will get back up or if they're contagious, realizes Danse and his crew are military (of sorts) and is IMMEDIATELY suspicious enough to bug out, gets snuck up on by a stray feral while they're backing out of the compound, and FAINTS as soon as they realize one of "those zombies" got so close to them.
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nerdyqueerr · 1 month
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Fit to get misgendered at work in
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artsyunderstudy · 2 years
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“Is this what people do?”
Any Way the Wind Blows - Chapter 62
I do fully intend to color this, but I am so happy with how the lines came out and coloring this beast might well take me another couple of weeks.  So please enjoy this as it is now.  I’ve wanted to illustrate this scene for ages, but I knew it would be a lift and I was a bit daunted by the task.  I really wanted to give it the attention it deserves.  I have never in my life been so affected by a love scene.  The tenderness, the communication, the naked want.  It just gets me every time.  I really hope I’ve done it justice.
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arcadewonder · 1 year
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summer break was a success other than layla almost dying. also introducing their new neighbor who works as a yoga instructor.
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sadlynotthevoid · 5 months
I was feeling like a bit of slightly-angsty isolation this thursday, so...
AU where, instead of a double transmigration happening, RokSoo transmigrated to ogCale's body, but ogCale was put into a newly made double of his body and confined into a dimension pocket.
And just, no one knows about it and he can't get out until certain conditions are reached. For example: that someone finally gets rid of WS.
Luckily for him, RokSoo and company are rather fast to kill the white star. It only took them two years, way better than in his previous timeline.
Although, those are still two years in which og!Cale, the 40-year-old war soldier turned an 18-year-old time-traveler, had to spend trapped in that place. Completely alone except for the occasional god checking on him, and a few animals a god had the kindness to let for him. (It was Loki, but no one is going to call him out).
Og!Cale is a person who loves easily and deeply but, contrary to his true nature, someone who lived through decades without deep boundaries to gave him feedback. Whether it was during the war that took everyone he knew from him, or before that, with the family he choose to stay at distance and love them from the side-lines. He lived so long without feeling genuine care, making any emotional bond that isn't one-sided, that he's hungry for them.
Being in the past, where everyone he loves hadn't died yet, where they will live, and being so close— just a dimensional door away, really— but not being able to see them, hear them, nor even talk to them... It hurts.
He's happy and so, so glad. They're alive. They can laugh and eat and breath again— and, someday, he will see them again. Even if they don't know how to act with him and is uncomfortable. Even if, most probably, they don't know he's not there and don't miss him, he will see them again.
So, yeah, he's fine with this situation. He accepted this.
That doesn't mean that the waiting doesn't suck. He, a freedom loving person, trapped in the godly version of a safehouse. Most of the days it's only he, his thoughts and the ridiculous massive library Athena managed to fit in here. And his friends, the animals, of course.
Inside of that lonely place, of course, Cale gets attached to the animals that are by his side everyday. He was already an animal lover, to begin with. The little guys who just go through their lives being absolutely adorable and are more loyal than most people around... How can he not love them?
Besides, Athanasia, the griffin, gives the best cuddles he has ever had.
He gets used, eventually. It's not like he never had lived in a big house where the only beings around wouldn't speak more than three words to him. (Well, at least the animals try to talk with him. He just needed to learn what they mean.)
And Cale can do whatever he wants here. If he wants to play the violin or paint, do acrobatics or keep his training, he can just do it. There's no need to hide. No need to restrain himself.
There's no one here to get sad at her memories. No one to spread rumors about 'skills' or 'talents'. No one to turn his interests into weapons against his own family by comparing Bassen to him.
Eventually, it feels like a different kind of freedom here.
—And then he gets out.
#so he has to stay there until the things with ws finish#he's so bored and trying not to have bad thoughts#so he keeps himself bussy with anything he can think of#the library? he read it thrice already#he plays with every single of the animals there#he teaches the parrot to sing and give sassy remarks#he plays catch the ball with the griffin#and fake fights with the fenrir#he also talks with them all the time as if he could understand them and the gods don't know if he's joking or not#except loki. he knows the truth#he tried every single hobby that he could think of at least once#kept some of them but he's never doing pottery ever again#too much mud under his fingers. his brain and og!cale himself didn't like it#krs!cale is gonna be jealous that someone else got the chance to live his slacker life#while he was running around dealing with terrorists#but og!cale had had enough isolation for a life time (hah)#the god of death is going to be in some deep shit once they find out#og!cale probably would try to explain that#no. it was not kidnapping. i accepted this#“i mean. being trapped in a dimensional pocket where you can lose track of the time easily is not that fun#but it wasn't that bad either. I had animals with me"#and accidentally make it worst#though they get distracted when og!cale presents his pets to the children and mary#og!cale henituse#og cale#og cale henituse#og!cale#athanasia the griffin#she's baby and could kill a man with a single paw#but she most likely won't
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Lamb the vampire king is a short king send tweet
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ebonytails · 6 months
hey gys ds any1 wnt 2 try idntfyng 2-3 jellyfsh basd on my descrptions
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