#Wahoo Roam
kilometermacher · 2 years
A Hobby muass a Gööd kostn...
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iced-souls · 2 years
I finito’d the other weenie thing while I was free in the school—
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An cause they’re blurry the doggo’ s:
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If you couldn’t guess the costumes they be:
Chris = a dragon
Mg = sticky face (aka tape around her face so she can smash her head in the candy bowls and pick up more candy lol—)
Papyrus = The one and only Bootyyyshaker9000
Mosiac = inflatable dinosaur costume that is too small—
John = gandolf the grey
Beanstock = the spirit that wanders your streets
Toby = Cthulhu
Sausage = an angel
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dimensionsvelo · 2 years
Wahoo Elemnt Roam Dual Band, toujours plus précis
Wahoo Elemnt Roam Dual Band, toujours plus précis
La nouvelle version du Wahoo Elemnt Roam adopte un GPS Dual Band et comporte d’autres innovations intéressantes. Un produit encore plus précis et pratique ! Le nouveau Wahoo Elemnt Roam est à la pointe de la technologie. Il dispose d’un GPS Bi bande qui permet d’améliorer la précision de la localisation en zone “couverte” (forêt, falaise, batiments). La mémoire est portée à 32 Go, l’écran a un…
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Pairing: Izzy Hands x gn!reader
Synopsis: With the storm well under way, Izzy resigns himself to a tumultuous night of self-loathing. Little does he know that something- or someone- will interrupt his not-so-peaceful evening...
A/N: Ooooooooh, boy! Hello, all! Did you miss me? This chapter. Wahoo! This chapter took a hot minute to write. Fun fact, it has the largest word count to date within this series. Isn't that crazy? Anyhoo, enjoy and I'll see you in chapter 4!
Content Warning: Angst, ANGST, aaaaaaaaangst! Self-deprecating feelings and blood. This series is 18+, so minors dni. Go away (politely).
His world was violently swaying or more precisely, the Revenge was being pushed this way and that by the violent waves of the expected storm. But the weather beyond the porthole did not concern the silver-haired pirate. He had lived his life on the seven seas long enough to know when he was in a life or death situation and what lay beyond the glass, was not even worth his concern.
No, no, the only tempest that plagued the great Israel Hands, was the tempest that brewed within his mind. His earlier interaction with you played on repeat, tormenting and mocking him for how incredibly unforgiving he had acted towards you. The only crime you had commited had been caring about his wellbeing and being the bastard he was, Izzy had reacted poorly. Surely making you regret even acknowledging his feelings or perhaps ever acknowledging him. The words, 'I'm sorry' would definitely not suffice in repairing the damage between you he had caused.
In some ways, he wished that Edward had underestimated the severity of the storm. If the Revenge sunk, the First Mate would never have to face the consequences of his actions come daybreak.
A sudden loud clattering sound, followed by a string of muffled curses peeked the pirate's attention. At such an hour, he had assumed everyone, bar those on watch- had retired for the night, planning to try and sleep through the worst of the sea's displeasure. So, who the fuck exactly was roaming the halls?
On unsteady feet- well, foot- it took a major effort on Izzy's part, to make it to the door in one piece. Every extreme rocking of the cabin threatened to trip him up and the last thing he needed was to inelegantly become acquainted with the floor.
Upon opening the door, the sight before his every eyes was one that he did not wholly unwelcome but met with a certain degree of reluctance. He could never be disappointed to see you splendid self. However, after his antics in the morning, Izzy did wish he was not the one to discover your angered self.
Noticing something moge in your periphery, you quickly turned to face whoever had stumbled across your moment of distress but when you took in the unusually dishevelled and sleep deprived appeance of your First Mate, you could not resist the annoyance that bubbled up within your chest. "Oh, good. It's you."
Yeah, he deserved that kind of reaction and more, Izzy mused. "Nice to see you too, (y/n)." but then, as was custom with him, th silver-haired pirate frowned, confused as to why you were not tucked up in bed. "What the fuck are you doing still up? I thought you were playing roomies with your friends?"
"I was but then everyone got seasick." your grumbled, wishing your crewmates possessed a stronger constitution. The smell of vomit was sure to haunt you throughout the entirety of the night.
"Define 'everyone'."
"Be easier to list who isn't throwing up." the fallen cup rolled and tapped against your foot, as the ship violently rocked once more, reminding you of the unattended spillage. "Fuck, there's tea everywhere."
"Careful, you'll slip." Izzy was quick to hold out a stabilising arm for you to hold onto, as you ducked to retrieve the cup. Despite your earlier annoyance, you were grateful for his presence beside you. Taking a hold of the offered arm, you managed to grab the cup before it rolled further away, though there was not much you could do about the tea.
During the day, it was not often that you strayed into this area of the Revenge. Your dyties generally lay within the confines of the storage hold, kitchen or rec room, should you wander away from the deck. If younwere not sharing a cabin with your friends, nor were you attending to one of your crew mates, that could only have meant... "The rec room is in the opposite direction. Who needs tea in this part of the ship?"
It was wishful thinking on his part, to assume that you had been bringing him tea as a sort of olive branch, after his earlier outburst. Perhaps you had known how horrible he was at making amends unprompted and were taking matters into your own hands. Izzy's misplaced hopes were dashed with your response. "The Captain."
The First Mate should have known better than to be an optimist. Had life not already proven to him time and time again that this was no fairytale, that he did not get a happy ending? Upon hearing that the tea was intended for one of the ship's commander, he could not resist a sneer. "Oh, of course Stede fucking Bonnet can't keep his stomach contents down when there's a storm, that fuc-"
"The tea was for Ed." you interrupted with ease, effectively cutting Izzy's rant short. You were in no mood to listen to his tirade about The Gentleman Pirate.
You could have laughed at Izzy's horrified expression. Stede Bonnet was many things but a terrible leader? You could never share the same sentiment as the First Mate. You liked the co-captain a lot and to see Izzy failing to believe that it was his captain, that had forced you out of bed in the middle of a storm, well, you were going to have to ask Lucius to recapture the moment with charcoal and paper. "What? Edward..."
"Yeah, your beloved Blackbeard is currently vomiting his guts up." you scoffed in a similar Izzy fashion. "I'm supposed to be delivering ginger tea to anyone who's even looking remotely green, while Roach tries to not set the kitchen on fire." as if on cue, you entire world kiltered to the right, slamming you body first into the silver-haired pirate."Fuck!" you cursed loudly.
Thankfully, Izzy was not quite as uncoordinated as you. Years of life at sea had improved his balance greatly. "You're okay. You're alright." he reassured you, as he held onto you tightly, making sure to keep you upright. "I've got you. Just...hold onto me." he did not know whether to thank or curse the God's. Obviously, you were in great distress. However, he could not deny that he was thankful for the excuse to hold you close. Hell, his pining was downright pitiful. Never had he been so grateful for just the opportunity to hold someone. If you could have read his mind, no doubt you would have pushed him away in an instant. Probably called him a fee choice phrases too, as you struck his face with you palm. Now there was a mental image...
Izzy's arms were wrapped around you. Izzy's arms were wrapped around you! Thank the heavens above! You could not help but lean into his hold. If only it were under different conditions, the snide voice in your head reminded you with a cruel laugh. Still, you had to enjoy the rare moments of closeness you both shared. They were so far and few inbetween. Call you pathetic, call you deranged- no, seriously, that was what the First Mate would call you if he knew just how in love you were with him.
Another tilt of the ship sent you both tumbling into the opposite wall. This time, Izzy had you caged between his arms, carefully not to accidentally crush you with his form. In the low light, it was impossible to see the mutual blushes that burned scarlet on your faces. "How the hell am I supposed to move around the ship when it feels like we're about to capsize at any moment?" you fretted, knowing that you Captain was waiting for his tea.
"We're not gonna capsize."
"Tell that to Poseiden when he drowns us."
With an uncharacteristic laugh, Izzy was quick to settle your racing mind. "We're not going to-"
He never had a chance to finish his sentence. A crash of thunder and a particularly vicious wave, had you both on the floor in an instant. The little light that allowed you to see went out in a second, plunging the hallway into complete darkness. In the confusion of the moment, Izzy lost his grip on you.
Which way was up and which way down? He panicked, fumbling around for your form. "(Y/N)? (Y/N)!" he called out to you, listening intently for any sort of a reply over the weathering cacophony.
"Iz?" where was he? you questioned, desperate to be reunited with the First Hand. You could feel a wall behind your back, so at least you were still in the hallway and had not tumbled too far. "Iz, where are you?" you gave an involuntary jolt when you felt a hand grasp onto your shoulder. "Izzy?!"
"It's me, sorry." he apologised, as a wave of relief snuffed out his main concern. He had found you. "Anything broken?" he could feel you trembling against his hand. No doubt if the lights were working, you would look equally as terrified. His heart squeezed at the mere mental image.
"Don't think so." you were running on pure adrenaline, any aches or pains would not fully present themselves until you were out of harms way.
This was ridiculous. You were going to get injured- gravely wounded- if you were forced to continue with your task and Izzy could not stand by and let that happen. You were more important to him than most on that damn ship. No, all the seven seas. "Abandon your post, crewmate and get in the fucking cabin. Right now. Edward is just going to have to fetch his own fucking tea!" Izzy commanded, keeping you cradled against his chest, as he helped you both to stand.
"I heard that!" the echoed voice of the once feared Blackbeard reverberated above the booming thunder.
While the voice sent a shiver of worry through you, there was only one- well, two men- who did not flinch in the presence of the myth, the legend. Luckily, you were clinging to one of those very men. "Good, you selfish bastard!" Izzy called back without hesitation, before he called out once more into the obsidian black, "Roach!"
"Yeah?" the voice of the cook replied, unsure who was summoning him. "God?"
"Fucking give it up man and get back to your bunk. That's an order! Everyone else, stay where you are! Understood?"
He did wait to hear any of the replies, there was only one person on his mind now, you. "Come on, I've had enough of this."
When Izzy had previously fantasised about taking the journey from the hallway to his bed with you in tiw, it had usually been under very, very different circumstances. For starters, you were wearing too many clothes. "Have a seat." he offered before something caught his eye. Before you could question his sudden look of concern, the First Mate was already gripping your chin and tilting your face towards his.  "Shit." he gasped, eyes roaming over your face.
Your cheeks warmed under his gaze, as you did everything in your power to not let your eyelids flutter shut. It felt as if every fibre was screaming, kiss me kiss me kiss me.  "W-What?"
"You're bleeding." he stated as a matter of fact, dropping his hand.
Well, that proverbial cold shower of a revelation was enough to cease your desirous thoughts and refocus your mind. "What, I am? Where?"
"Your lip." the First Mate admitted with a strained voice, the thought of kissing you running rampant through his mind. Why did you have to cut your lip of all things, as if you had chosen that area specifically just to torture him.
Your hand instantly rose to feel for the wound. "Oh." despite it's minimal size, your fingers drew away bloodied, as you felt a spike in pain. "Ouch!"
By pirating standards, your cut was nothing more than a scratch and yet, seeing you bleeding rattled Izzy's internal calm more than he was willing to admit. Life at sea was a dangerous one. Whether it was the elements, the blade of another's sword or even the lack of oranges- death was always nipping at your heels. The reality of your fragility was just too much for him to process at that time, Izzy needed to focus and at least prevent the cut from becoming infected. "I haven't got a med kit in here." he murmured, looking around his sparsely furnished room. It had become common place to have Roach patch up all and every injury that, Izzy had become lax with his own medical supplies. He had used the last lot of bandages to tend to his leg.
"It's fine, I'm sure it'll stop bleeding in a moment."
Thinking quickly on his foot, Izzy reached over for leather waistcoat, which he had hung up earlier on a nearby chair, before he had called it a night. Reaching inside on of the pockets, he produced a rectangular piece of brilliant white cloth. "Here, use this. It'll have to do for now."
You tried not to think about how your fingers brushed together, as you took the material from him. If only you had known that Izzy's mind was working double time, focusing on the same preoccupation. Unfolding the square, you noticed something unusual sown into one of the corners. "This is a monogrammed handkerchief." you chuckled.
His cheeks warmed to the sound. He was really in for it now, Izzy thought glumly, as he prepared himself for the onslaught of mocking that would ensue from you and undoubtedly, the crew when you eventually told them. If you told them. Had you ever divulged one of his secrets? Izzy could not recall a time you had indeed betrayed his trust. Perhaps he was overthinking things? "Congratulations, you have functioning eyes." he grumbled.
"Since when does the great Israel Hands own lacey doilies with his name on them?" your tone was interwoven with that familiar playfulness. Devoid of all and any malice. Just a sign that, for the time being, you were going to tease the ever-loving life out of the First Mate.
"Oh, fuck off. I was a gift from that twat we have to call a co-captain." it a moment of boldness, hecdared to gently nudge your side with his elbow. Not enough to jostle your too much, as you regarded the dove white fabric.
It was the finest handkerchief you had ever laid eyes upon. The thin accent of lace around the perimeter edge, screamed of intricate artistry. The fabric alone must have been worth a fair bit. Woukd probably buy a pint or five at Spanish Jackie's tavern. You were surprised that he had kept the pretty item, instead of trading it for an item he would actually prefer.
"You sure you want me to get my blood all over it?"
"I'd rather you just stop yapping and start trying to lessen the amount of blood on your face." there was no anger to be found in Izzy' words. He just wanted to see the wound temporarily treated. Thankfully, you complied with his request and soundlessly applied the handkerchief to your lip, wincing at it made contact with the inflamed area. Out of sight, out of mind, Izzy could relax somewhat and not have his gaze permanently fixated to your lips and his mind constantly begging the question, what would they feel like against his?
The quiet that ensued was comfortable, not awkward. Much like the many times you had spent the night shift together, simply stood side by side on the bow, playing witness to the inky midnight blue wonder, that was the sea and the sky. "Thanks, by the way. Not just for the handkerchief but for letting me stay in here." you eventually murmured, not wanting to disturb the quiet of the night.
"Well, it's better you're here." and he meant that wholeheartedly. Things were always better when you were around, but true to his nature, Izzy quickly added, "Can't have you knocking yourself out or some shit. I'll need every competent pirate on deck first thing in the morning. Someone's gotta make sure this boat stays afloat."
"Right, yeah. Of course." did he dare delude himself into thinking he heard a slight inflection of disappointment in your tone? After another pause, you pulled the handkerchief away to examine the amount of blood. Hell, even injured, you looked exquisite. "Do you think it'll scar?"
"No, I think your pretty little face will be just fine." he responded without thought.
As soon as that familiar grin lit up your face, Izzy knew he was in trouble. Why had he used that word to describe you. Colleagues did not call each other pretty. Well, Stede fucking Bonnet's crew did but they were hardly atypical pirates. And you knew Izzy better than most, maybe even better than Ed, you woukd know immediately it was not just a turn of a phrase. You woukd see through any facade he put up to downplay the situation. You would know his little secret and surely be disgusted by him. "You think I'm pretty?"
"I..." his cheeks and neck burned a furious beetroot red. Not like this, he cursed his careless tongue for it's betrayal. Please don't let them find out like this.  "I, um..."
Little did the First Mate know that his fumbling response put a kibosh on any hope you had that the silver-haired pirate shared any of your feelings. It had been a fool's dream to believe that the great Israel Hands could ever fall for a mediocre sailor as yourself but still, you had put your faith in a hurtful delusion and you only had yourself to blame for the pain you now felt. 
Immediately, Izzy noticed your face drop in disappointment. His stomach twisted and knotted itself with anxiety, as he misconstrued your crestfallen expression to be the result of embarrassment at his accidental admission of admiration of your beauty. "It's fine, Izzy. I was just teasing you. You don't actually need to answer me." you mumbled, half-heartedly trying to reassure the man that you were not dispirited by his lack of interest in you.
"No, I-" he needed to explain himself, needed to make amends but why, oh why, would his brain not engage with his mouth. He was Israel Hands, damn it! Not some bumbling fool, like that moronic so called co-captain and yet, that imbecile had managed to secure himself a somewhat steady- if not, whim-prone- relationship. Why was it so difficult for Izzy to be as equally successful in matters of the heart?!
As the seconds slipped by, he was losing you further and further into your spiral of self-doubt. "It's late. If you've got any spare bedding, I'm happy to take the floor." you conceeded, wanting the night to be over and done with now. The fortuitous opportunity to spend the night in Izzy's cabin had become your very own cursed suit. You should have just told him to 'piss off' and spent the night failing to deliver tea to your fellow crewmates but nooooooo, fate had decided that that was too kind at situation for you. Instead, you had had to play witness to revelation of Izzy's disinterest in you and now, all you wanted to do was pretend to sleep until the storm had passed and then, you would flee to a new ship and change your identity at the earliest opportunity.
"You can have the bed." he offered, knowing it was only fair to offer you tge one comfortable place to sleep, after he had made you feel so uncomfortable, that you were dismissing him completely and wanting to hurry to sleep, so you could leave immediately once the storm had settled.
"No, this is your room, that wouldn't be fair."
It was late and in all honesty, Izzy too just wanted this ordeal to meet it's end. There was only so much discouragement one man could feel before he decided enough was enough. "Just take the bed, (y/n)." he sighed wearily, hoping you would not argue further.
Oh, how wrong he was. "But your leg-"
Just as you had only hours before, you made a comment about his wellbeing and without control over his response, he was quick to snap, "-I'm still capable of lying down on the fucking floor with one leg." Izzy sneered, sick to the back teeth of people assuming that because he was one leg down, that he was now incapable of living the arduous life of a pirate. That his disability had made him soft now.
But you just had about enough of his tumultuous temper. "I know that, Izzy! Fuck, you make me feel like I can't ever say the right thing to you." you spat right back at him, arms folded crossed over your chest as you hugged yourself. You used the gesture as a a form of protection from whatever vile response he would say in rebuke to your confession. "I just don't want you to be uncomfortable., that's all. I know your leg still hurts sometimes." the final part of your defense was mumbled, as you will to fight died on arrival.
You were tired. Not just physically but mentally too. He exhausted you  to no end. All you wished was to one day have a civilised conversation with this man, without fear that he would suddenly snarl at you in anger at the drop of a dime.
Despite your preparation of the onslaught of curses and vulgar language you had come to expect from talking back at the fearsome pirate, all you were met with was contemplative silence, as Izzy mulled over your words.
He had always known his short fuse would push you away one day. In fact, he was certain of it. If he were a better men, he would risk his entire savings on those odds. He would be a winning man while losing you forever. "Do you mean that?"
Hearing you admit your frustrations, made the silver-haired pirate's heart sink into the pit of his stomach. Looking at you now, as you refused to return his gaze, made Izzy wish he could get on his knees before you and beg for forgiveness. "About me making you feel like you never say the right thing?"
"Well, yeah." you shrugged. Stede always preached that honesty was the best policy and as much as Izzy might have wanted to run thr man through with his blade, you had to admit, the co-captain made some good points. "I feel like I'm always walking on eggshells around you. One minute we'll be having a normal enough conversation and then the next, you're telling me to 'fuck off'. And I get that's just how you are and that's fine, I guess but it makes me really anxious. Like I'm just waiting to say something that'll accidentally make you angry."
You thought back to your time on deck that morning. How a perfectly fine conversation had ended with you humiliated and fighting back tears, as you had finished the dregs of your one hot tea. Knowing the crew had played witness to your talking down, had planted the seed  of an unshakeable sense of shame within your very core. You had felt Lucius's eyes boring a hole into the back of your skull, as you had fled the scene. You thanked your fair weather stars that something had compelled him not to follow you. The last thing you had needed was pity. "You know what, this was a mistake. I'm sorry, forget I said anything. I'm gonna go."
You had planned in that moment to make a quick exit. Well, as quick as the violent swaying of the ship would permit you. As you stood on unsteady legs to leave, you felt something catch your wrist and prevent you from fleeing into the night.
Izzy's grip was not tight enough to hurt you. As a matter of fact, in all your time in knowing him, the word gentle was not a word you would have ever associated with the First Mate. Yet, the hand that encircled your arm was not only warm to the touch but could even be considered as tender in it's gesture. "Sit down." he softly commanded.
You hated how the tonal change made you feel weak at the knee. For goodness sake, the man did not even think you pretty! You should most definitely have not been feeling flushed at him calmly ordering you around. "I'd rather not." you said, voice strained, as you prayed he would not notice how fucking whipped you were for him.
"Just...sit down, (y/n)." he implored, regarding you with an expression that crumbled your resolve to runaway. So, instead, you sank back onto the bed, trying not to get distracted by the feeling of his hand still touching your flushed skin. The sensation threatened to send a shiver down your spine. This, this was what the man was capable of doing to you. If only he knew the power he had over you. You were melting with only a gentle hold.
He should have let go. Izzy was fully aware he was pushing his luck. Letting his fingers linger around your wrist, even though you were no longer a flight risk but he could not help himself. He was not an indulgent man. In reality, he was deprived, hollowed out and starving for all and any scraps of closeness that came his way. So, he held on...just for a moment longer. Relishing in the feeling of having you beneath his fingertips. In another life, he may have even been permitted to hold your hand. What a privilege it would be, to lace your fingers with his. Oh, how he yearned for such a simple touch. "I know that I'm a fucking nightmare to be around-"
And right on cue, you jumped to your defense. "-I didn't mean it like that!"
"Will you just shut the fuck up for a moment?" he started, quickly stopping himself once more. Was that type of talk not the exact reason he was trying to make amends? With a weary sigh, Izzy wiped a hand over his face, finally freeing your wrist. Much to your mutual disappointment. "Please?" he all but begged, causing your heart to skip a beat. "I never meant to make you feel that way. Out of all the morons on this ship, you...well, you actually make my life a little less shit. I can't promise I'll totally change but," this was a completely new side to the pirate you had hoped but could not ever confirm actually existed. "I'll try to make it feel less like eggshells around here." "That good enough for now?
After years of fighting tooth and nail for survival on ship after ship, any shred of vulnerability had been locked away, out harms away. With a heart turned to stone, harmful habits had been acquired and for a long time, that had been fine. Acceptable, even. Then Stede fucking Bonnet with his 'talk it through as a crew' had come along and turned Izzy's life of piracy upside down. Threats, fights and all sorts of vulgarity were no longer the standard upon the vessel and truth be told, Izzy was struggling with the adjustment. He knew he needed to change for the better but he had never had to motivation to do so. Not until you.
Then the silver-haired pirate waited with bated breath for your reply. Half-expecting, half-wanting you to completely reject his offer. It would be easier for him to remain set in his ways, to not put in the work. Your refusal would only fuel his terrible mood. It would be easier for Izzy to accept your hatred, than your kindness. Such tenderness woukd only ever leave him question, why?  A wretched dog as he deserved only to be put down, not cared for by someone so conscientious and hard-working as yourself. You were the best of all of them.
So, when your tearful, "Thank you", left your lips, Izzy knew he was a goner. From the moment on, he would put in the work and strive to be worthy of your friendship. He had a long, arduous road ahead of him.
Maybe he could wait to start his self-improvement in the morning, he thought, as a yawn threatened yo spill from his lips. "That being said," he added, noting the way your glassy expression hardened, as you looked at him warily. "You're still taking the bed." he smirked, as unsurity morphed into incredulousness in an instant.
"Izzy!" your yell of exasperation only made his smile widen.
"That's an order, (y/n)."
Gently shoving his arm, you pouted. Glad the tense moment between you had passed. "You're not sleeping on the floor, you twat!"
Rolling his eyes but daring to lean into your side playfully, he scoffed.  "Oh yeah and what's your bright idea then, that we both share the bed or something?!"
A/N: Guess what happens in the next chapter...
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hottpinkpenguin · 1 month
Hi! I was wondering if you'd be willing to do a gender neutral reader x Zipco one shot. Maybe something like them both being sweet on each other but both thinking the other isn't interested. Ending with a first kiss or more or whatever you feel! Thanks for considering!!
A/n: this got steamier than I thought it would when I started. What can I say, I love a broody biker man <3 Thanks for the request anon!!
Long Time Coming - Zipco X GN!Reader
WC: 2142 Warnings: mention of past domestic violence relationship; alcohol use; steam
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**K i know this gif isn't from the movie but i could literally not find any on tumblr so dont hate me
You leaned back in your chair in the bar, taking in the motley crew of bikers that had become something like a family over the last few months. Johnny was standing over by the pool tables, one arm slung over Benny’s shoulder to keep himself upright, the other clutching the neck of a beer bottle and conducting a very off-tune rendition of Elvis’ All Shook Up, vocals provided by the very drunk duo of Wahoo and Corky. Kathy had kicked off her heels and was doing a rather uncoordinated jumble of the monster mash, trying to adjust to the sloppy cadence of the drunk chorus that kept falling behind the beat of the jukebox. Your cousin Cal was laughing so hard at the antics he almost had tears in his eyes. Cockroach was off in a corner whispering something naughty in his wife’s ear, judging by her giggle and the bright pink flush on her cheeks, as he played with the ends of her hair. Funny Sonny was smoking a joint near the front door at a table with a fast-asleep Fat Jack across from him. Every few minutes, Funny Sonny would try to flick a pretzel crumb into Fat Jack’s open mouth between his snores. Most of the crumbs fell short of their target, dotting Jack’s beard and his chest.
And then there was Zipco, seated solemnly at the bar studying the bottom of the whiskey and coke in his hand as if he were reading tea leaves. He was the one somber face in the tavern, and judging by the furrow in his brows his emotions were churning like a storm. You chewed on the inside of your lip as you watched him from across the smoky bar, wondering what it was - or who - that was causing him such grief. Of all the bikers, you knew him the least and thought about him the most. 
Zipco shifted on the barstool, and you could see the muscles in his back tense and move against the black of his t-shirt. Enjoying your unobstructed vantage point from the relative anonymity of the dimly lit bar, you greedily drank in the sight of his side profile, his face partially obscured by his perpetually mussed hair and shaggy beard. He lifted his glass to his mouth and took a sip, his forearm and bicep flexing appealingly as he did so. The sight made you feel thirsty suddenly as your mind fed you imaginings of his thick arms wrapped around your waist, his big hands spread open and roaming across your skin. You wondered how he’d taste - probably like whiskey and cigarettes, you thought, with a small squirm - and how that scruffy beard would feel against your lips.
“Jesus Christ, y/n, take a picture, it’ll last longer.” Cal slid into the chair next to you, jarring you out of the daydream that had your toes curling in their shoes. Embarrassed, you ducked your eyes and scolded your cousin.
“Shut the fuck up, Cal.”
“I’m tired of watchin’ you makin’ eyes at each other,” he continued, ignoring your protestations with a confident swig of his beer.
“‘Ey, Zip! Get over here!”
“Christ on a fuckin’ cracker, Cal, what the hell are you doin’?” You jabbed your elbow as hard as you could muster at his ribs. He dodged, protecting his beer with one hand and batting away your arm with the other. Zipco turned on his stool, one eyebrow raised in annoyance or curiosity, you couldn’t tell. 
“The fuck you want?” he shouted at Cal. His eyes landed on you momentarily, and your heart pirouetted in your chest. Your imagination picked up right where it’d left off, feeding you intrusive pictures of Zipco’s body hovering over yours, the heat from his skin warm against you as his lips devoured your moans.
“Come over ‘ere! You and y/n are both drinkin’ alone, nothin’ sadder than a solo drunk.” You felt yourself dissolve into embarrassment at Cal’s words. Panic set in as you saw Zipco actually stand up from his stool and begin making his way across the bar towards you. What the fuck were you going to say? 
“Cal, I’ll fuckin’ kill you,” you growled murderously, which only made Cal’s smug smirk widen. 
“You’re welcome,” he replied smartly as he stood up from the chair and offered it to Zipco, who settled with an unintelligible grunt. As Cal left, snaking through the crowd towards the pool tables, he looked back at you and winked. 
“Your cousin’s a shithead,” Zipco commented gruffly, his bluntness shocking a laugh out of you. “Sorry, I know he’s kin to you. But he’s a shit.” 
You smiled, feeling a millimeter more comfortable now that Zipco had broken the ice.
“No argument here,” you agreed with a queasy, nervous-sounding laugh. 
“How’d you end up in Chicago, anyway?” Zip asked stiffly. He was searching for something to say, just like you. It was a safe question, and it should have had an easy answer. But you found yourself chewing on the inside of your cheek, wondering just how much of your backstory you should tell him. Should you tell him the truth - that you wound up here after Cal found you half beaten to death by your boyfriend - or just offer something vague and mysterious, like ‘oh, I blew in on the wind’? You felt very self conscious as the silence between you stretched longer and longer.  
“Long story,” you finally managed glumly, dark memories pressing in on the edges of your mind. Zipco was visibly fidgeting next to you, acutely aware that he’d inadvertently stepped on a sensitive subject. When he finally spoke, his voice was laced with embarrassment and pain. 
“Didn’t mean to pry. Cal never said much ‘bout how you ended up here. And I’m… curious.” Something about the way he muttered the last word plucked a string in you. You fought to suppress a small smile at the confession that Zipco was curious about you.
“My ex was a piece of shit,” you offered quietly. “When I ran out of escape plans, I called Cal. He brought me here.” There was a lot more to say about that long story, but you let those sparse details suffice. Zipco looked at you, bashfulness replaced by something hotter and more dangerous.
“He give you this scar?” Electricity leapt through your veins when Zipco’s fingertips connected with the jagged line of scarred skin that snaked down your forearm - courtesy of a broken bottle in your ex’s hand. You jumped reflexively at the contact. The scar wasn’t sensitive anymore, but you were surprised that anyone had noticed. You took great care to cover it most of the time, eager to avoid prying questions. Somehow though, the question in Zipco’s voice felt inviting. There was a protective streak stitched in between his words that beckoned you closer. Mouth gone dry, you nodded wide-eyed at him. 
“I didn’t think anyone had noticed…” 
His eyes captured yours, the anger bubbling in his gaze softening at the sight of you drinking him in. An unexpected intimacy tangled together in the space between you, tightening like the laces on a corset. Your head was spinning, heart pounding, palms sweating slightly. Your lungs seemed to forget how to breathe, spasming futilely in your chest. Unable to bear it anymore, simultaneously you both dropped your eyes to the table. 
Feeling warm and overwhelmed, you took a healthy swig from your beer, followed by another, hoping for a dose of liquid courage. So far, all the booze had done was whet your appetite for other vices. You swallowed thickly as you snuck a glance in Zipco’s direction. He looked deliciously casual in his jeans, riding boots and black t-shirt, the signature leather jacket long discarded in the hot, summertime air of the smoky bar. Suddenly, an idea struck you.
“It’s a little hot in here, don’t you think?” 
He nodded. “Always is. No fuckin’ ventilation in this shithole.”
“I’m gonna get some air,” you said, letting your words hang in the space between you two like an offering. You wondered if he heard the invitation. It took a moment, but when you saw comprehension dawn on his face, the sparkle in his eyes and the quick smirk told you everything you needed to know about his eagerness.
“I could use a fresh cigarette myself.” You rose first, Zipco trailing you like a shadow. You wondered if anyone noticed, but you couldn’t bring yourself to focus on anything but the prickling awareness of Zipco close behind you, so close you swore you could feel the tease of his breath on your neck. 
When you stepped outside, the quiet of the dark, sleeping street and the cool of the air was welcome. Your body turned without needing input from your brain towards a particularly shadowy alleyway next to Junker’s. You could hear Zicpo’s heavy steps close behind you. 
The quiet of the August night helped you think more clearly, ratcheting up both your commitment to the moment and your nervousness. You reached a wall, turning to face Zipco. The streetlight glinting in his gaze looked like starlight. He was close enough for you to smell the mint of his aftershave and the grassy, woodsmoke tang of whiskey on his breath. Your heart surged up into your throat at his closeness.
“I’ll take a cigarette, too, if you’re having one.” Your voice was a half-note higher pitched than usual, fluttering at the edges. 
He smiled gently, moving a half-step closer to you.
“Now that I’m out here, I’m not sure I need a smoke after all,” he murmured. His eyes flicked back and forth between yours, the questions hanging in the air beginning to vanish one by one as your body language answered each one. You felt your back come into contact with the bricks of the wall behind you just as his lips found yours. The feel of his mouth against yours unleashed the restraint you’d been fighting to maintain. You kissed him back with a needy pressure that you could tell surprised him by the small gasp he let out. He barely let a moment pass before he was matching you, a strong hand coming to cradle the back of your neck. His skin was calloused and warm, just like you’d imagined. You felt your bones melt as you relaxed into his embrace, letting his arms and the wall behind you hold you upright.
The kiss morphed from needy to excited to probing, each of you happily responding to the other as you found your rhythm. Zipco was utterly silent against you. The almost ferocious focus with which he moved and held you was intoxicating, and pretty soon you were gasping and sighing and moaning enough for the both of you. Your hands had found their way up into his hair, raking across his scalp and trailing down the side of his neck, dancing underneath the collar of his t-shirt. He shuddered slightly against you, his lips curling into a smile against yours. Hot summer night and barely-private alleyway be damned, you were too far gone to care as your fingers began sliding downwards, looking for the hem of his shirt.
The front door of the bar opened, letting the sound inside pour out into the street. You broke away from each other’s lips as Cal stumbled out with a bleary-eyed Fat Jack and Johnny close behind. Zipco rolled his eyes, bracing for what he knew was about to come as he placed a hand on the wall next to your temple, granting you a measure of privacy and obscuring your face from the bar-goers.
“‘Ey, you two, tonsil-lickin’ session is over! Pack it up and get a room!” You barely stifled a giggle at Cal’s quip, leaning your head against Zipco’s arm and smiling up at him. His face was flushed as he matched your relieved smile. 
“Been wantin’ to do that for a long time,” he admitted with a devilish smirk. 
“Rude to keep me waitin’ then,” you shot back. He ducked down, catching your lips again, this time softer and more tender. 
“Seriously, guys, get outta here. As annoyin’ as it was to watch you two pine after each other for weeks, somehow this is worse.” 
Cal was so close he was practically making it a threesome. Despite the self-congratulatory grin he wore, the note of sincerity in his voice kept you from hitting him. You and Zip broke into matching laughs at Cal’s invitation, and before you knew it, you were settling in on the back of Zipco’s bike, its engine purring underneath you and your cheek pressed against the leather of his jacket. You smiled at Cal, knowing you’d never hear the end of it, as he winked at you before Zipco drove off into the night.
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m4sk-mtf · 2 months
intro post i gues
hey. im mask. theres a few other mes roaming around but im different because im a girl. wahoo
so uhhhhh. she/her pronouns, i like video games, goth shit, and am. neutral to happy people. the blue motherfucker changed that for me i guess (still dont like you bobble i know youre looking at my blog)
be respectful but other than that go ham
/rp off
hello im the person manning the blog, @theaviskullguy !!! just some quick boundaries/expectations for myself lol. also, the icon is from the wonderful @lunartearrose with their permission, it's just a screenshot from their transfem mask headcanon comic.
-this is my first time doing an rp blog. at least a serious one. be patient with me goddamnit
-nothing sexual. that's obvious. you can flirt with mask but she may or may not reject you. depends on who you are. basically shipping questions are okay just dont be disappointed when i dont ship your otp with her
-this is more of an rp blog in the sense of "transfem mask makes a tumblr blog" so i dont have to Worry about extending the vowels cause i Personally find that annoying both to read and to write!
-i reserve the right to delete asks and dont owe you answers about it. smile. :3
-this is more of a psa but my A key is working weirdly so expect weird typos. maybe. that might happen
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dappledpaintbrush · 7 months
Good day, I hope that you are well;
Do you ever happen to ponder what the writers' room must have been like for Super Paper Mario? "Yeah, you know our main Wahoo go-lucky happy Mario protagonist? Yeah, well, let's make a game where he isn't relevant at all, make it touch relatively dark themes and we make my intricate and deep teenage Original Characters the real main characters with an extremely intricate plot that you wouldn't expect any game of the brand we are known for to have"
The game is so...Jarringly out of place, it's...Fascinating-
Nintendo has a few of these very large art books (Eg. Zelda and Mario Odyssey) where they go over all of the development work, conceptual stages, writer material in excruciating detail- It would be amazing if there were one of those for this particular game-
It's a shame that there isn't a lot of beta material released for this title other than some early Nastasia sprites, early animations (eg. The Dimentio Walking one and the Super Dimentio unused mouth animations) and Flip Folk character designs (And of course the early cat build) I can imagine a lot of work was put into the game's writing- I find the geometric designs to be extremely fascinating for multiple reasons too, symbolically and visually, but that's a discussion for another day. Are there other beta materials I seem to be missing?
My apologies for the long "ask"
Have a nice day.
Hello!! I hope all is well too :]
Oh my god I think about this SO MUCH. Like. One, how did they come to the conclusion this story is what they’re gonna go with, and two, how did it get approved? I’ve heard SPM be described as a “bad fanfiction,” and honestly, take “bad” out and I agree. This game strays so drastically from the norm that it does feel like a fanfiction (in the best way possible). I wonder how much DIDN’T get approved that is now lost to time.
I’ve been on many hunts for any beta content, but all I can find that is reliable is stuff from The Cutting Room Floor. It honestly upsets me. I feel like this game deserves an art book regardless of whether or not I personally wanted one. The design of SPM is incredibly creative and one of the first of its kind. The character and level designs themselves (because they really are unique), the constant references to technology in an era where it was becoming increasingly more apart of every day life, and the thought process behind implementing 3D into a 2D space are all things I want to know the details behind SO badly. Of course art is important in every video game, but in the Paper Mario series, the game almost revolves entirely around the art and design choices, and SPM is no exception. I would also go even more crazy for a book or even any information at all about the writing process, but I’m not sure how much of that has survived. I wouldn’t be surprised if most of it has to come from the writers’ own recollections. Hell, who even knows if any concept art is around anymore either, unless they kept it in a filing cabinet somewhere (or, if it’s all digital, they actually kept up with the files).
The cat build is very interesting to me because we have NO idea what it was for. Was it for another game? If so, what is it doing in SPM’s files? Is it for SPM? The “3D world builds” that were also found imply SPM was originally not going to be a side scroller and instead, you’d be able to roam around like you do in any other Paper Mario game. Unless those world builds were for the cats only- which again, were they for SPM or something else?? WHAT WERE THEY DOING THERE?? EXPLODES!!!!! AND YES!!! THE SYMBOLISM FOR THE GEOMETRIC SHAPE DESIGNS IVE HEARD ABOUT THAT SOMEWHERE. GOD ITS SO GOOD . CHEWS ON MY ARMS.
And to answer your question, there’s definitely more beta material out there, but none come to mind at this moment :O
And don’t apologize!! I love longer asks! I enjoy discussing this game with people a LOT
Have a good day to you to!! :D
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blazehedgehog · 1 year
Do you think Tears of the Kingdom is an expansion pack of BOTW?
Yes, but not in a negative way.
There was a trend Nintendo had during the Wii U era -- with Mario Kart 8, Hyrule Warriors, etc. They'd do DLC for those games that went above and beyond what anyone expected.
The original Mario Kart 8 DLC (what we now know as Mario Kart 8 DX) nearly doubled the size of that game for like $12. And though I've never sank my teeth in to Hyrule Warriors, a friend often tells me that when that game added new Adventure Mode maps (or whatever they were), it was basically adding multiple hundreds of hours of content.
That's sort of what Tears of the Kingdom feels like. Nintendo had a chance to stop and say "Well, what else can we do here?" And while that lead to things like The Master Trials and the Champions DLC for Breath of the Wild (I never played either), it feels like they just kept going and that's how we ended up with Tears of the Kingdom.
It honestly feels a lot like Super Mario Galaxy 2, to me. It's a thought won't leave me. I feel like a lot of people probably know this, but if you weren't aware, Galaxy 2 originally started out as DLC for the original game. And it just sort of grew, and grew, and grew until it was big enough to fill up a whole entire second game. Since the Wii wasn't really built to handle DLC of that size, and since they had so much content, they just broke it off and sold it on a disc.
There's even evidence buried inside of Galaxy 2. If you have the right tools you can see that the internal disc header for the game identifies it by the name of "Super Mario Galaxy MORE".
I can absolutely imagine that as they were brainstorming Breath of the Wild DLC ideas, somebody suggested adding new areas to the map and it just spiraled out from there.
It also carries that feeling insofar as, like... Super Mario Galaxy 1 has a vibe. Under the normal "Wahoo Mario" feel, it's kind of cold and kind of lonely. It's got that whole sad story with Rosalina's origin buried inside of it, and so on. It conjures different emotions than most Mario games.
Super Mario Galaxy 2 throws all that out the window. It's a much brighter, more energetic game overall, like most Mario games are. That somber, contemplative edge around Galaxy 1 is gone now. Even when it's going for something slower, and more gentle, it's more playful and mysterious. I mean, just compare the File Select themes from Galaxy 1 and Galaxy 2.
This is the way I feel about Tears of the Kingdom. Breath of the Wild, at least as far as it felt to me, was a very heavy game. It opened basically telling you that you had failed to save Hyrule and a lot of the game was about picking up the pieces and trying again. Scars of the lost battle were everywhere, people lived in fear, it was bad.
Tears of the Kingdom is much more hopeful. It's been eight years and Princess Zelda is spearheading a whole restoration effort to reclaim and rebuild Hyrule. Even if there are much scarier monsters roaming around now (and in much greater numbers), that feeling of sadness and oppression is gone. This is a Hyrule on the upswing, and they aren't going to let anything slow that momentum. It's brighter, more lively, more playful. Just like Galaxy 2 was to Galaxy 1.
So yeah, I do kind of feel like Tears of the Kingdom is an expansion for Breath if the Wild, but when it comes to how Nintendo defines an expansion pack, it's still basically its own whole entirely new game with a completely different feel.
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cringefailfagcat · 1 year
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finally appeared naturally on my dash
yippee!!!! wahoo tumblr finally letting catboys roam freely again
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urbancycling-it · 2 years
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jefferymaples · 4 months
Exploring the Depths: A Guide to Inshore, Near Shore, and Offshore Fishing in Murrells Inlet, Myrtle Beach
The coastal waters of Murrells Inlet, nestled within the picturesque Myrtle Beach, offer an angler's paradise with a variety of fishing experiences catering to all skill levels. Whether you're casting lines for a relaxing day on the water or seeking an adrenaline rush from battling big game fish, Murrells Inlet has it all. From the tranquil inshore waters to the adventurous offshore depths, let's delve into the unique world of inshore, near shore, and offshore fishing in this vibrant South Carolina destination.
Inshore Fishing: Exploring the Estuaries
Inshore fishing in Murrells Inlet is a delightful experience, perfect for both novice anglers and seasoned fishermen. This type of fishing typically takes place in the shallow waters close to the shoreline, where the estuaries, marshes, and creeks create a thriving ecosystem for a variety of fish species.
One of the main attractions of inshore fishing here is the chance to target prized species such as redfish, speckled trout, flounder, and black drum. These fish thrive in the sheltered waters, providing anglers with plenty of opportunities to hook into some impressive catches.
Guided inshore fishing charters are readily available in Murrells Inlet, with knowledgeable captains who know the ins and outs of the local waters. These captains can take you to the best spots, share valuable tips and techniques, and ensure you have a memorable and successful fishing trip.
Near Shore Fishing: Bridging the Gap
For those looking for a bit more adventure without venturing too far from the coast, near shore fishing is the perfect compromise. Near shore fishing takes place just beyond the inshore waters, typically within a few miles of the coastline, where the ocean floor drops off gradually.
Near shore fishing in Murrells Inlet offers a diverse range of species to target, including king mackerel, Spanish mackerel, cobia, and various species of sharks. Anglers can enjoy the thrill of reeling in these hard-fighting fish while still being within sight of land, which adds to the excitement of the experience.
Many local fishing charters offer near shore trips tailored to the preferences and skill levels of their guests. Whether you prefer trolling along the coast or bottom fishing over reefs and wrecks, there's something for everyone in these near shore waters.
Offshore Fishing: Chasing Big Game
For the ultimate fishing adventure, offshore fishing in Murrells Inlet provides access to the deep blue waters of the Atlantic Ocean, where big game species roam. Offshore trips typically involve traveling several miles offshore, where the ocean floor drops significantly, offering opportunities to target pelagic species.
Offshore fishing enthusiasts in Murrells Inlet can expect to encounter a variety of prized game fish, including mahi-mahi, tuna, wahoo, sailfish, and marlin. These species are known for their powerful runs and acrobatic displays, providing anglers with exhilarating battles that test their skills and endurance.
Charter boats equipped with state-of-the-art fishing gear and technology are available for offshore excursions, ensuring that anglers have everything they need for a successful day on the water. Experienced captains and crews guide guests to the most productive fishing grounds, maximizing their chances of landing trophy-sized fish.
Conservation and Sustainability
While enjoying the bounty of Murrells Inlet's waters, it's important for anglers to practice responsible fishing techniques and support conservation efforts to ensure the health and sustainability of the marine ecosystem. This includes following catch limits and regulations, practicing catch and release when appropriate, and minimizing impact on sensitive habitats.
Additionally, participating in programs that promote habitat restoration and marine conservation can help preserve the natural beauty of Murrells Inlet for future generations of anglers to enjoy.
Whether you're seeking the tranquility of inshore fishing, the excitement of near shore adventures, or the thrill of offshore big game fishing, Murrells Inlet offers a wealth of opportunities for anglers of all preferences and skill levels. With its diverse range of fish species, experienced guides, and stunning coastal scenery, Murrells Inlet is truly a paradise for fishing enthusiasts. So, pack your tackle box, book a charter, and get ready for an unforgettable fishing experience on the shores of Myrtle Beach.
Murrells Inlet Fishing Charters- Reel Salty Fishing Charters is a premier fishing guide service located to explore Myrtle Beach/Murrells Inlet South Carolina. We offer trips ranging from inshore creeks to deep sea 40 miles. Book your private fishing adventure on the stunning waters of the Myrtle Beach. We always catch a good time. Fun guaranteed!
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ramtracking · 6 months
Major update for Wahoo computers sees GoPro, lights, and music control added [ GoPro ]
Major update for Wahoo computers sees GoPro, lights, and music control added [Highlights] Today, Wahoo has announced that users of its latest generation of Elemnt Bolt and Elemnt Roam bike computers will be able to control ANT+… Wahoo Adds GoPro control, Music and audio control, Smart Light Control, and more in their latest update for Elemnt bike computers. Wahoo has announced three new…
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tour-de-kimamani · 1 year
【レビュー】Wahoo ELEMENT ROAM V2 GPSサイクルコンピューター
こんにちは。ノブです。 WahooさんからELEMENT ROAM V2をご提供いただきましたので、今回はサイクルコンピューターのレビュー記事です。 ロングライド志向のサイクリスト目線で、普段使っているGarmin Edge 1030との違いについてまとめていきたいと思います。 Wahoo ELEMENT ROAM V2 リンク スペック パーツ番号: WFCC6 寸法: 3.56″ x 2.34″ x 0.8” (9.05cm x 5.95cm x 2.05cm) 表示サイズ:2.7″ (6.9cm) 画面解像度:240×400 重量: 93.6g 電池:USB rechargeable via USB-C 電池寿命:17時間 防水性:IPX7(水深1.5mまで防水) 人工衛星対応:GPS, GLONASS, BEIDOU, Galileo, QZSS,…
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sports-insider · 2 years
Wahoo Elemnt Roam 2 Fahrradcomputer im Test. Wie gut ist das neue Modell?
Wahoo Elemnt Roam 2 Fahrradcomputer im Test. Wie gut ist das neue Modell?
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rjhamster · 2 years
Trek Bicycle Corporation
ALWAYS FREE to ship to your shop View online New training essentials? Wahoo! Wahoo Fitness smart trainers, GPS bike computers, pedals, and indoor training accessories are available online and in‑store NOW! SHOP ALL WAHOO PRODUCTS SHOP ALL GEAR & ACCESSORIES Navigation wherever you ROAM The Wahoo ELEMNT ROAM is an easy‑to‑use GPS bike computer that’s loaded with tons of navigation and…
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rennesel-de · 2 years
Neue Beitrag auf Instagram
Ein neuer Beitrag wurde veröffentlicht auf https://rennesel.de/neue-beitrag-auf-instagram-13/
Neue Beitrag auf Instagram
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Letzten Samstag war ich zusammen mit @paulcyclinghh auf dem Weg zu einer Ausfahrt und Jahresabschluss der BSV Challenge. Mit der Gruppe eine Deichrunde gedreht und dann wieder zurück zum Office des BSV. Dort stand schon der Kaffee heiß und der Kuchen bereit. Und zum Abschluss gab es dann noch ein paar Goodies für alle Teilnehmer* der #BSVSommerserie und obendrauf auch noch etwas zu gewinnen; 2 Wahoo Roam.Und was soll ich sagen, einen davon habe ich gewonnen. Ich habe da vor Ort auch noch gar nicht so ganz verstanden, erst auf dem Rückweg, als da die ganze Zeit so ein Karton mir in den Rücken gedrückt hat. Es scheint wohl also irgendwie ein Wink zu sein, dass ich endlich mal einen Radcomputer nutze, statt meiner IPhone/Quadlock Lösung (mit der ich seit über 5 Jahren äußerst zufrieden bin!). 🧐Zugleich hat dann Paul ein Auge auf das gute neue Stück geworfen, ob ich nicht Lust hätte mit ihm zu tauschen, gegen den Wahoo Roam, den er gerade erst bekommen hatte. Und wie man so ist als Papa, sagt man dann auch mal ja. Aber vielleicht ist das größere Display für mich ja gar nicht so schlecht ? 🤗Ich freunde mich dann nun mal mit dieser neuen Raketentechnik eines Radcomputers an. Der erste Versuch war eine Katastrophe – der zweite Tage war ganz ok. Die Daten sind natürlich deutlich genauer, werden auch via ANT statt BT übertragen. Jaaaa, ist ja schon ganz nett Wenn ich nun noch meine Musik auf dem Handy damit steuern könnte… *featurerequest*In jedem Fall bin ich jedenfalls mega happy über den Gewinn und möchte mich dafür insbesondere bei @bsvhamburg.radsport / @bsvhamburg.verband @specialized_hh @basis_und_woge und alle ich nicht auf dem Schirm habe, dafür bedanken ! 🏻🏻🏻Und nicht nur wegen dem Gewinn, Paul und ich sind natürlich auch wieder bei der #bsvsommerserie in 2023 wieder am Start !#UnitedDistanceRiders #renneselde #radfahren #Hamburg #fahrrad #radsport #rennrad #strava #athletesunfiltered #freunde #fahrradtour #stpauli #mdrza #stevens #cycling #elbe #sport #bicycle #cyclist #hh #alster #eisrunde #NotToProToSayHello #NTPTW #throwback
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