maannedc · 1 year
10.14.23 | Starting Over....Again.
This is not a success story. Long read.
This is me at my coffee shop. This was taken months ago, we just moved here to more spacious location. Creation and planning started when I was in college (I'm 39 now, so yeah it's been years of creating and planning) Back story of my creating and planning was when our class had an event, it was our project for Operations Management subject and one of our speakers was Chit Juan (Owner of Figaro). She shared her story then a light bulb in me lit. Months after, I was already gaining more knowledge and experience in coffee and café management when I became a barista in 2007.
In 2021, Pour Over Café was born. From 1, we became 3 partners then we became 2. The Pour Over name was thought about by my business partner while researching online. Since I was the barista between the two of us, I taught her, one temporary barista and one permanent barista.
I was living my dream. Coffee shop owner, back to the barista life. I was working and living my why and that is coaching new and aspiring baristas, helping future coffee shop owners start theirs, helping and advocating for coffee farmers while learning more about the industry. I was living it.
But of course, in a coffee shop business or in any business, nothing comes easy. It was a constant work up, constant marketing, constant R&D, disagreements that led to toxicity and the realization that I lost my own voice, where to get the payment for expenses, sales quota was not being met daily except when we had events, etc. There were a lot. You'd want to give up. I wanted to. But I held on for my baby, the coffee shop I thought of, created and prayed for when I was 20 years old.
Until I couldn't take it anymore. My mental health and my finances were already suffering. So I told my partner that I'm leaving. I took her by surprise but she already had a hunch. We could've worked it out though, but to be honest, even if we try to work it out, we were not anymore aligned. My Why wasn't aligned with hers. So I left the partnership, I technically still have ownership but she's the only one managing and running the business now.
It was painful to leave but I had to. If I want to have my very own coffee shop and my very own coffee brand (which I am working on again), focus on my other money-generating skills...if I want my peace...I had to leave while holding on to my why.
It's okay to let go of one thing you worked so hard for. Something better is coming for you. It's okay to start over.
This is not a success story but I hope I was able to reach out to tell you that in order to succeed in life, you have to start over and it's okay. Because maybe this time, your dream coffee shop (or whatever business idea you're working on) is finally coming to fruition.
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mermonday · 2 years
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i took photos of morning and evening skies over the last four months. (the view from my apartment is facing east thats why i get to see this everyday)
its my proof of life. these photos reminds me that life comes with ups and downs; high and lows, turns and rounds.
like sun and moon taking over mornings and night respectfully waiting for their turn.
if youre lucky, its also very mysterious and surprising
it is wonderful and fascinating.
my life has been like this. my mornings have been empty; my nights were once quiet, lonely and sad
ever hoping and waiting for something uncertain
until one day, one thing became certain
the sun will rise, after a tragic night, the moon will show its journey to survive midnight cries, the dawn will be my rest and the sun will shine again showing light of hope.
this is certain.
I prayed incessantly. then over a hundred days after, i met him.
from a far, thousands of miles away he flew all the way to see me.
and it was the most beautiful encounter i ever had in my life
it wasn't about meeting him once, but it was about meeting him every day since.
he is for me, made for me
my Gods promise is made of stars.
i am the moon shining with him. we both belong to the sky and i am truly, madly and deeply in love with him.
i waited for my turn and i hope this is it.
ill be meeting him again soon
my beloved
my love
my man
my soulmate
my hope
and like i said, life is mysterious, fascinating and a lot more.
my God fulfilled His promise and He always will.
these photos are my reminder that He is watching me and showing me that every day you can always begin again.
hope again
and love again.
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poetyca · 4 months
Attese - Waiting
🌸Attese🌸Stagioni di attese sul filo sottile dell’amore mentre si accendonosperanze sempre nuove22.09.2023 Poetyca 🌸🌿🌸#Poetycamente🌸WaitingSeasons of waitingon the thin thread of lovewhile they light upever new hopes22.09.2023 Poetyca
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nescavaneck · 10 months
Romans 5:3-5 ❤️ We can we rejoice... even if we have problems and trails or if we are in a waiting season ❤️#trust #rejoice #waitingseason #Jesuslovesus #stronger #faith #endurance #d_nesca ❤️
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voyageof1997 · 4 years
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One day, I found the relevance of the time to draft a reasonably sounding answer to a question often asked to me and to other single women in their 20′s. If like me, maybe you have been caught up with what seemed like a frivolous question, which you never really got to answer in a wholesome manner because of lack of proper chance.  So you settle to a ridiculous reply just to end the conversation because you know in your mind that you would rather not attempt wasting an energy to wrap an answer only to end up sounding absurd and incongruous to what you really meant to say. Then afterwards, you regret your silly answer and start ruminating on what you could have answered to the question “Bakit wala ka pang Boyfriend?” (”Why are not you in a relationship now?”)
A question which at some point may have pressured you and made you think like there is something wrong with being single. Well, let me drop here some of my “whys” which I also like to share to the single and waiting ladies out there.
The first why is that I am still waiting for the man that will measure up to the standards. This may sound a bit ambitious, but for me, its imperatively appropriate. I am not sorry, and I remain unapologetic to set those standards because I think in the long term. If that boyfriend will be the man that I will marry one day and will be with me for the rest of my life; therefore, I should not settle for less. Because the choices I make now will surely define what my future will be like as a wife, a mom, or as a career woman. I know that I can trust God with the waiting because God defined my very value and worth, and I am assured that God’s intentions are to give me what’s something of great reward. The reward is the man who both fears, obeys, and loves God with all his heart. The man who searched God’s will to find me. The man who waited and unceasingly prayed for me and our future. The man who also set a standard in choosing me. The man is the answered prayer. The man is the promise of God.
Second why is that God is still molding me to be the woman that I am made to be. The woman soon to be ready to handle such commitment. Many women romanticize relationships to be all kiligs and saya. Belonging in the NBSB (No Boyfriend Since Birth) club, I have heard that being in a relationship is way more complicated than it seems.  Doesn’t it scare you to have someone to share your time, attention, and energy when most of time, you don’t seem to have enough time for yourself or for others important to you because you juggle with the many roles that you play as a individual, daughter, sibling, friend, student, career woman, etc. So if you really think about your season of being single and waiting, as lame and boring then think again. Single and waiting ladies out there, embrace that season which actually spares you of possible heartaches, distractions, wasted time, and wasted money while you get the freedom to enjoy more of yourself, to know about your passion or interests as you dedicate yourself to your craft, to find where you are truly happy, to keep dreaming of your ambition, and to be a great contribution to whatever cause you intent to do. And most especially, to learn to be in contentment as a strong confident independent woman (for now) who makes wise decisions, not insecure of societal pressure or judgement, anchors her security to the one who holds her future, and enjoys the most of the season till it last.
And if you ever feel like doubting your waiting or if you ever feel like worrying if you will ever going to find or marry a man someday? Remember that if you desired to be married and to raise a family in the future, believe that it shall be granted for you. Believe that that desire existed because it has a purpose to fulfill. In the first place, isn't God who gave you that desire for marriage, and isn’t also his role to grant them at his right time?
And there it goes, the plan of just drafting some points turned into a brief share of my personal thoughts which I hope encouraged you.
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written-by-m · 2 years
Worth the Wait
Last August 5, I saw this post on Facebook wherein you will choose a color in the picture and when you clicked it there is a message for you.
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I choose the color blue, and this is the message that is written there; “The job that you’ve been hoping and praying for is going to be yours soon. Don’t give up hope. You’re on the right track”. By that time, I really have no idea which company will contact me first because I applied for more than 3 companies.
But, later that day, I received this emails.
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One of the companies that I applied for sent me two emails. Both Initial and Final Interview on Monday, August 8. I literally stopped moving that time and just looked and reread the emails again just to make sure I am read it correctly. 
Fast forward on Monday, that interview when smoothly and I had high hopes that I will get the job. But still it depends on them after their deliberation and assessments. 
And now, this day. August 15, 1 week has passed since my interviews. I received another email from the HR department. 
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I finally got the job and I just need to wait for the Job Offer!!!!! I literally cannot believed it. After almost 2 years of looking for jobs and rejections, I finally got a job!!! I will surely treat this job as a gem because I have done a lot just to have this job. I will treasure this and do my very best! 
Truly, do not give up! If you are currently experiencing some hardships right now, some problems, you can take a rest and stop for the meantime for you to breath but do not give up! Do not quit! 
When it is really your time, HE will really give it to you in unexpected ways. 
And in the end, when you finally got what you wanted and when God finally gave it you, it really feels great, because you didn’t give up. You trusted Him until the very end. 
That 2 years of job hunting and rejections for didn’t let me down, didn’t let me stop to keep looking for a possible company, I have learned a lot of lessons and I have learned to be more patient in life. That you cannot get the things that you want in an instant. You need to wait for the right time.
2 years of waiting? I don’t care, because it is totally worth the wait. 
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No turning pages
Everywhere means nowhere.  How do you know when its time to let go. It’s not the time that moves so fast. It is us that wanted to be done and move. Anywhere but not on the same place. That was everyone's goal. I am still on the same chapter of the book that I have been reading for a year and it’s ok. It is still waiting season, patience gets stronger.
Plants often moves can never grow strong. 
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sunnyspiritph · 4 years
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It’s worth it!
#sunnyspiritph #selflove #selfcare #selfimprovement #personalgrowth #waitingseason #yourwaitingseasonisworthit #worthit #yourwaitingseason #yourwaitingseasonisagift #dontrush #bepatient
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teawithtangerine · 7 years
Tell me who's the one.
There may be many choices of whom to love as a lifetime partner. But among those choices, choose who treats you dearly. The one who asks for your hand first from God, then from your parents. The one who earnestly prays for you. The one who shows he is interested in you and in your out-of-this-world or petty stories. The one who brings out your hilarious laugh. The one who pays attention to your needs as a woman. The one who cares about your day. The one who boldly tells you his intentions and feelings towards you. The one who's not rushing to have you because he looks forward to spending lifetime with you. The one who cares to know who your friends are and the ones closest to your heart. The one who listens to your mind and supports your dreams (and fantasies at times). The one who respects you, your decisions, and your space. Most especially, the man whom you can submit to and see the rest of your life with.
There can be any guy, but you need the man.
You only need one - the one whom God chose for you. . .
Waiting for you to choose him, too.
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im-set-apart · 7 years
Just as you cannot understand the path of the wind or the mystery of a tiny baby growing in its mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the activity of God, who does all things.
Ecclesiastes 11 v 5, NLT
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maannedc · 1 year
9.18.23 | Coffee School
Back to school! But this time, it's enhancing my knowledge of what I already gained years ago.
You don't stop with what you already know. You don't stop with reading articles or consulting Youtube videos. You go to the classroom, seek a mentor, you learn and you trust the process.
Now if you're like me...If this is your STARTING OVER, then it is.
No matter how long it will take you again to build another, trust the process. No matter how heavy it was for you to leave what you created, it is already ingrained in you and to those who witnessed it. Just trust the process and you'll have it back.
And the Lord always, always has your back.
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mermonday · 2 years
i’m still learning this process.. again
looking back as to how it all happened, i could say, its okay to get lost in love.
i think we all know thats how it is.
we get overwhelmed, feel happy, we feel the extremes
we feel alive, we look up to something everyday
we anticipate the next move
we crave for the unexpected
its okay (i say to myself)
somewhere along the process of falling in love is getting lost.
although... when we do, and one decided to part ways (decided he doesn't want you anymore)
where do the one who’s left, go?
who do i run to?
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itsallabigmess · 4 years
The One Where There is No More Waiting
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Seasonal Stories: Winter Requested by @mark-tuan-and-jinyoung-lover​ Choi Yougjae X Female Reader 697 words.
A/N: I’m back to the fluff with hint of angst vibes (and one of my favorite AUs).
“Can you stop shaking? It’s starting to affect me.”
How could you? You’ve been overthinking this date – meeting? – since he made you agree with it. Just before Christmas, of all days. As if you were not anxious enough to go through all the inquiries your parents throw your way every chance they get. ‘Have you found your soulmate already? Are you even trying?’
Well, no, you were not trying. In fact, you had given up on the idea. Sort of. You just figured, there are over 7 billion people in the world, how are you supposed to find your one soulmate?
Lucky for you, he found you. Online. How you were not sure. Apparently, he could feel everything you were feeling. After you started talking, he would constantly call you or text you, asking if you had taken a pill for your migraine, what was making you so frustrated. Why are you so scared to meet him.
That was an easy answer, even though you never told him. It terrified you being this close, this open to someone. With someone.
It took you months for you to say yes to meeting him. You wanted to get to know him before actually facing him. Youngjae. Your soulmate. Not that it made you any more confident.
“Stop biting your lips, you are gonna make us both bleed,” he spoke over the phone, voice sounding more soothing than you expected. You could hear other voices muffled in the background. Even if the “I can feel everything you feel” worked only one way around, you knew he was close.
“How are you gonna find me, anyway?” you ask, covering one year so you could hear him better. “There are so many people here.”
“I just will,” he says. When you don’t answer, Youngjae sighs. “Wait for me by the skating rink.”
“How come you are not even a little bit nervous?”
“I am. You just can’t feel it.”
“Yeah, that’s not fair at all. I need a word with whoever set those rules,” you rolled your eyes. Just a few more steps and you leaned against the bar that separated the skating ring from the people walking around the park. You wondered how anyone could stand in such thin blades while you were having trouble standing still.
“Believe me, you get it pretty easy,” Youngjae speaks calmly. “It’s good when you are having a nice day, even though it pisses me off that I can’t see you smile. But on the bad days, not being able to hug you, to wipe away your tears, to do anything I can to make you feel better…” he becomes silent for a second and, for a moment, the image of Youngjae nervously running a hand through his hair cross your mind. “Not being with you is hell for me.”
Guilt takes over you instantly. You never even considered the consequences of your connection. Youngjae told you that he started to be on the receiving end of your feelings for almost a year before finally finding you on social medial. A knot form on your through, and you find the urge to cry.
“It won’t be like that anymore.”
Over your shoulder, you see him, less than an arm away. You lower your phone slowly, looking to your feet before pressing your eyes close together for a couple of heartbeats. When you finally turn to him, you are greeted with a warm, wide smile. God, you could live for that smile.
Youngjae steps forward, a hand cupping your face. He wipes away a tear you have not noticed falling, then his thumb glide once over your lips. You notice a red line over his one. The mark of your teeth over his lower lip. When you open your mouth to speak, he kisses you lonely, breaking loose every knot and nervousness you had inside of you.
He rests his forehead over yours, and even with eyes closed you two feel each other’s smiles. “Hi,” he breathes, arms closing around your waist.
Your arms go around his neck, no recollection of why you were so scared of this in the first place. “Nice to meet you.”
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stjamesbc · 5 years
So Proud Of The SJBC Family & Friends For an Amazing Prayer Breakfast! S/O to my Brother @ewh_ministries for Blessing Us #WaitingSeason #ThankYouLord https://www.instagram.com/p/B6JKhJIgkhm/?igshid=sqp8075286v6
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written-by-m · 2 years
Waiting Season
I have been in a waiting season of my life for almost 2 years. I already feel so impatient, that is why I keep on looking for jobs, but then I think it’s really not yet my time. 
Recently, I applied for a job as Marketing officer in one of the hospitals in my area, I have 2 years experience as a Marketing Officer and it is also from a Medical field, so I think that this job posting is really for me. 
But it turns out that, the HR officer ridiculed me, because I applied as Marketing officer to their company, she even said that my experiences are not valid as a Marketing officer because it is lacking so much. She said that I only have the traditional and less basic knowledge about the job. Which hurts my pride so much. 
I feel so ashamed to be honest, I am applying for a job with the same position as my previous one because I wanted to grow more in the field. Instead of focusing on things that I can do, she only focus on the things that I cannot do- which is kind of unfair. I know that my experiences is not enough, instead of putting me down why don’t you just give me a chance? I am very open to explore more and grow more. 
But then, I realized that maybe it’s not really for me. That if ever she hired me, I need to deal with them everyday, they will ridicule me everyday. 
Maybe the right job for me is still there in the corner but I just need to wait for it for me to be able to see it clearly. 
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Today I’ve been a little restless, I mean that feeling where you can’t explain anything that you feel. Maybe because of the sky being gray the whole day, or this room that contains all of the stuffs I need to get me through the day but still feel as empty. I woke feeling sick but my temperature says I am normal. Then I feel the need to write just about anything that comes out of this brain that hasn't been performing well for a little while. Yeah, looks like all through out the day I will feel as shit as yesterday. But I am still looking forward for tomorrow.
The sky still gives us light 
No matter how gray it gets.
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