#Wallander Fanfic
muddyorbsblr · 7 months
reckless girl pt1
See my full list of works here!
Part of the 500 Follower Celebration Requested by: @holdmytesseract
Summary: When you didn't show up for your date with Magnus, the last place he thought he'd find you was inside the Ystad police station…in a holding cell
Pairing: Magnus Martinsson x Reader
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: talks of injuries; cliffhanger at the end
Things to be aware of: established relationship
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"Why so glum, Martinsson? Not enough sleep?" Kurt clapped a hand on the curly blond haired detective's soldier, jerking him out of his worry spiral. "Girl trouble?"
Magnus lifted his chin from his joint fists, unable to iron out the furrow between his eyebrows. "Something like that…Y/N, my girlfriend. We were supposed to meet after my shift last night and she never showed. Hasn't called or texted either."
"Maybe she ghosted you, lad," Svedberg jested from his desk. "Had enough of the barflies clinging about you, did 'erself a favor."
"No," he said with conviction. "She wouldn't do that, that's not her." You'd been dating for long enough that he knew you wouldn't just disappear from his life with no contact like that. There was something else going on, there had to be. Another reason why you weren't at the restaurant last night. Another reason you weren't picking up your phone.
"Maybe try her again," Kurt offered. "If you still have nothing, you can always find a reason to patrol around her area and pay your girl a visit."
"Really? You won't be cross if I did?"
"For anyone else I'd suspend them on the spot if they attended to matters of the heart while on duty but I'd rather have the brightest bulb in the station actually functioning in the station, rather than have his mind wandering off to where his lady could be." He gave the younger detective a tight smile, knowing full well that had he been in Martinsson's spot, he'd be doing the same thing. "Try her again."
This time your phone rang twice before someone answered. "This is the Ystad holding area, and the owner of this mobile has been detained until--"
"Officer Jansen?"
"Detective Martinsson? Why are you calling--"
"Where's Y/N? This is her phone I've been trying to reach her since last night and--"
"Well last night a Ms Y/L/N was brought here for holding and we confiscated this phone off her person. Drunk and disorderly behavior," Jansen offered.
Just then another voice, your voice, spoke through the line. "Hey, the other guy was drunk and disorderly, it's not my fault the wanker couldn't fight!"
Magnus took a deep breath, a mix of both frustration and relief. Mostly the latter knowing now where you were exactly and that he would most likely see you in the next few minutes. "Jansen, I don't know what she did but I can guarantee you she probably had a good reason for it. Could you maybe…I dunno, let her off with a warning? I'll talk to her, make sure this doesn't happen again."
There was a deep sigh from the other end of the line before the officer spoke again. "Fine. She doesn't have a record, and the other guy seems to be too embarrassed to press charges seeing as he got his arse beat by a woman, so her name stays clean. But if this happens again--"
"It won't," he answered, a little less conviction in his tone. "Could you please send her here, though? I've been on edge since last night."
"Say no more, I'll have her there with an escort in a few minutes."
It didn't take long until another officer from the holding area stepped into the detectives area, and Magnus finally laid his eyes on you. And he saw red.
The second the officer uncuffed you, he was rushing over, placing his hands on your shoulders trying to assess the damage done. Your neck was red and purple, the skin of your knuckles split and bloodied, cuts and scrapes all over your face. There even seemed to still be specks of dirt in some of the wounds.
"Hello, sweetie," you spoke after a few moments of him taking stock of the injuries you sustained, wincing when you tried to give him a smile and it opened the wound on your lip that had only healed a fraction of the way the night before. "Sorry I couldn't make it to the restaurant--"
"Never mind that, darling," he waved off your apology, taking your hands in his and pressing his lips to the backs of your fingers, being careful not to touch any injured portion of your skin. "All I care about right now is that you're safe." He jerked his head over to his desk. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up. And then you can tell me what happened. Starting with who dared lay a hand and bloody up my precious angel's face like this."
"My sister Stella's in town and we went out straight after my shift to grab some drinks--Ach." You flinched at the stinging of the alcohol-soaked cotton round that he pressed to the cut on your cheek.
"I'm sorry, sweetheart," he sighed, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead, ignoring the teasing remarks from the other detectives on the floor as he tended to your wounds. "But we have to get these cleaned out so they don't get infected. We've already lost so much time since these just stayed as they were the entire time you were in that holding cell."
"I know I know," you mumbled, squeezing your eyes shut when he resumed disinfecting the cuts. "It's not my first fight, you know. Still stings like a right bitch every bloody time, though."
He finished dressing the wounds on your face before moving to your cut and bruised knuckles. "Did no one even come to check on you before they booked you last night?" he grumbled, seeing the caked blood and dirt around these wounds as well.
"No. Everyone's attention was mostly on the other guy, making sure he got to the hospital safe and all that."
"Ah, so you're the mystery assailant," Kurt spoke up, walking up to Magnus' desk. "I just got off the phone with the hospital about some professional pick-up artist, whatever the shite that is, and how he refuses to press charges because if anyone knew what happened to him it'll ruin his image." He stuck out a hand toward you. "Kurt Wallander, I'm Magnus' supervising officer."
You gave him a little wave in response. "Not exactly how I pictured meeting Magnus' workmates, but I'll take it. Hi. Y/N Y/L/N, pleased to make your acquaintance. I'd shake your hand but--"
"I'll be quite cross with you if you split open your wounds over pleasantries, sweetheart," the blond detective butted in. He turned to his supervisor. "Hang on the case you were called to this morning? The assault victim? That was--"
"Hold on…if the wanker didn't press charges, does the word 'assailant' still apply to me?"
"Yes," both men said at once.
"But I'm willing to consider this a case deservedly closed since firstly, the pervert wanker chose not to press charges. And second, he's had it coming for a long while. Man's got an entire binder of reports for sleazeball behavior, but we just don't have the laws here yet to book someone for unjust vexation," Kurt told you both before addressing you directly. "Just don't make a habit out of getting detained or else I won't be able to do anything about the station giving your boyfriend grief over dating a 'bad girl'." He put the last bit in air quotes, jerking his head over at the desks of the jeering detectives on the other side of the floor.
"I'll do what I can," you shot back, scrunching your nose in place of a smile. "But in my defense, he was getting handsy with my sister and she's a little too peaceful and zen that the woman wouldn't hurt a fly, I had to."
"Careful, darling. Wallander here has a soft spot for the hero types, he might just issue you a gun," Magnus joked, finishing up on your knuckles and pressing a soft kiss to the bandages.
"Considering that the man you put in the hospital is just one in a large group of men doing much of the same?" the senior detective shot back. "I might just, might even give Linda one just to err on the side of caution and all that." He took a finger at you. "You be careful out there. Willing to bet my badge you ticked off a good few unstable men with egos bigger than their brain power. Some of them might be capable of a bit more than a few cuts and scrapes. And might be on the hunt for who put one of their own in casts and stitches."
"I'll keep safe. Thank you, Detective Wallander." You stood up and gave an awkward wave, making a motion to start walking out of the station. "I should get going. Wouldn't want to take up more of Magnus' time while he's at work."
That got the blond detective shooting out of his seat. "I'll see you out, then." He led you out the station, hand securely at your waist as he made sure you could walk properly. "Go straight home, tell your sister you're safe and you're not going to jail. And then tomorrow, how about we meet for breakfast after you've had some rest?"
"Yes, Sir," you answered playfully before throwing your arms around his neck and pulling him in for a hug. "Thank you, Mags," you whispered in his ear before kissing his cheek. "I love you."
His heart caught in his throat at your words. You'd never said it first before. "I love you, too, little spitfire." He tucked his fingers under your chin, pressing a tender kiss to your lips before letting you go. "I'll see you in the morning."
Only when morning came, he sat at the restaurant near the station all alone, letting a whole hour pass before concluding that you weren't coming once again. Going off of what had transpired the day before, he showed up at the Ystad police station's holding area a good hour ahead of his shift, ready to try his luck at talking your way out of whatever situation you'd gotten yourself into.
"Morning, Martinsson," Jansen greeted him once the officer caught sight of the blond curls descending the stairs. "What brings you here so early--"
"Is Y/N here? Again?"
The officer began typing away at the system, giving commentary along the way. "She's a bit of a baddie, isn't she? Getting booked there twice in just as many days--Huh…" Jansen tilted his head in confusion at the information on the screen. "I don't see anything from last night's records. Maybe check the holding cells just in case? Sorry, Martinsson."
Magnus let out a sharp exhale, the frustration radiating off him in waves. "No worries. Thanks, Jansen." He set off toward the three holding cells they had in the station, only one of them being occupied by a drunk driver that was booked last night and was awaiting for his wife to bail him out. The other two were empty and clean as a whistle, no sign of anyone having even been there in the last 24 hours.
He picked up his phone and tapped on your name, his heart thundering in his ears as he waited for you to answer. "Please tell me you just slept in, sweetheart," he mumbled, his body already shaking with every second his call went unanswered.
But then the line got picked up, and his heart lodged itself in his throat.
"Hello?" The voice of a woman. But not yours.
"Who is this?" he nearly barked at the stranger's voice. "Where's Y/N?"
"I'm Stella, her sister, hold on who the hell are you?"
"Magnus, her boyfriend. Where's your sister? Why do you have her phone?" His tone became more impatient.
"She was supposed to meet me last night for dinner. Told me she needed to get some rest after what happened the other day that got her arrested," your sister explained, the answer making the detective even more panicked. "She never showed, figured she slept too long and I'd pick her up for some breakfast, but--" Her breath hitched on the other line, a jagged exhale coming through from her end as she composed herself. "She's not here. And the place is a mess. Hang on--If you're the boyfriend, you're the detective, right?"
"Y-Yes, yes I am." He could barely manage the words; he felt so hollow inside, dreading what words he would hear next.
"I'd like to report a crime, then," Stella spoke, her voice wavering as she tried to put up a brave front. "My sister's missing, there's blood on the floor. Someone's hurt my sister."
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A/N: Eeeeeee I'm so excited to give this one to y'all! It's been a while since I started on another request and when I tell you that the words just started flying when I got into the vibe that this story was gonna give. I know I know…there's a cliffhanger…but there will be a part 2 in a few days and we're gonna see just what happened after YN left the station…
everything taglist: @simplyholl @loopsisloops @imalovernotahater @coldnique @loz-3 @huntress-artemiss @salempoe @vickie5446 @athalialaufeyson @lokiprompts @kats72 @kikster606 @asgards-princess-of-mischief @lokixryss @thomase1 @mischief2sarawr @peaches1958 @lovingchoices14 @lunarnights95 @goblingirlsarah @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @creationsbyme @maple-seed @mjsthrillernp @ladyofthestayingpower @mygfloki @sititran @glitterylokislut @ozymdias @fictive-sl0th  @lokidbadguy @mochie85 @silverfire475 @joyful-enchantress @elizabethmidnight2017 @holdmytesseract @smolvenger @gigglingtiggerv2 @lokidokieokie @lunarnights95 @superficialdomina @anukulee @kmc1989 @november-rayne @goddessofwonderland @buttercupcookies-blog
Magnus taglist: @vbecker10
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holdmytesseract · 5 months
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Request from @anukulee to @holdmytesseract
Title: Getting Her Out Of My Head
Plot: Magnus can’t stand her, she reminds him too much of what he has seen at work, time after time. As he watches his work tear people apart. Yet still she fights him even when he knows far better. Despite this he finds himself more and more drawn to her, and what happened when he may finally have to put his big boy pants on.
Magnus age range; 30 - 42 (at most)
Reader age range; 25 (fresh out of the academy), - 29 (oldest)
POV: Magnus
Concepts: Enemies to lovers, male falls hard, male pov, grumpy x sharp tongue sunshine, and angst with happy ending.
The Quarrel of Lovers Is The Renewel of Love
Magnus Martinsson x fem!Reader
Summary: You are Magnus Martinsson's reckless protégée; acting headless and not listening to a word he says - what gets you in a dangerous situation in the end... And the policeman to confess his feelings...
Warnings: Magnus PoV?, police things, mentions of guns, knives and drugs, fluff, angst, dangerous situation, mutual pining? age gap
Word Count: 2,7k
a/n: I'm so sorry this took me so long, friend! I changed the title - what I hope is okay! Also, I really hope that you like what my brain came up with! :)
Hiddles Tags: @lady-rose-moon @muddyorbsblr @smolvenger @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @jennyggggrrr @stupidthoughtsinwriting @asgards-princess-of-mischief @vanilla-daydreaming @loz-3 @fictive-sl0th @lovingchoices14 @lokidbadguy @icytrickster17 @lulubelle814 @mandywholock1980 @november-rayne @chantsdemarins @simping-for-marvel @lou12346789 @lokiforever @multifandom-worlds @hisredheadedgoddess28 @vbecker10 @jaidenhawke @km-ffluv @crimson25 @cakesandtom @buttercupcookies-blog @salvinaa @javagirl328 @dustychinchilla74 @frzntrx @coldnique @eleniblue @huntedmusicgardenn
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"Hey, Martinsson!" One of the other detectives inside the big office at the police station in Ystad called out to the curly haired man, who was currently standing in front of the printer; trying to get the stubborn device to work again.
He lifted his gaze at the call of his name; eyes searching the room for the source of the voice. It was Clas Anderson - one of the rare colleagues Magnus didn't get along with. He was just way too arrogant and smart-aleck for his liking. The blond haired man took a deep breath and called out: "What is it, Clas?" His colleague responded with a spiteful smirk. "When do you finally learn to get your chaotic apprentice under control, huh?" Magnus rolled his eyes with a big sigh, "What did she do this time?" and abandoned the printer, in order to walk over to his colleague.
"Acting headless - as always. Even on observation. I won't take her with me again." Clas stepped closer, almost in a threatening way. "Y/L/N is your responsibility. Talk sense into her, damnit." Anderson pressed his pointer finger into the hard muscle of Magnus' chest. "Or I'm paying the executive floor a visit and tell them you're not fitting this role." The detective sighed. "I know that. I'm already doing everything I can, but she just won't listen. She's stubborn." "I don't care, Martinsson. That's your problem. Fucking fix it." With a snarl and a last threatening look, Clas brushed past Magnus.
It's been already almost six months since Y/N Y/L/N had joined the team in Ystad - but it passed for Magnus with almost no progression. He was chosen to be the young, aspiring detective's mentor. He had the duty to teach her; show her how a police officer should work. Take her under his wing. It sounded great in the beginning. Magnus' chest filled with pride, knowing that he was trusted with such a task. Over the years, he had definitely become one of the most important officers for the team. He got older; more mature - and it showed. Magnus knew exactly what he was doing. Kurt had taught him well.
But the excitement about this new chapter in his work life subsided soon... As soon as he met the quirky, young and talkative woman he should guide through her first years as a police officer - just like Kurt had guided him. Well, sometimes more, sometimes less, but that wasn't the point. From the first meeting between him and Y/N, he immediately felt that this wasn't going to work. Their perspectives were just too different. Y/N was reckless, stubborn and acted often headless. She didn't follow his instructions, which often put her in danger. Luckily no real danger, but it was enough to infuriate the curly haired man.
He did his best to not let her get under his skin, but Magnus couldn't help himself. At the end of the day, she was his 'apprentice' and 'responsibility'. It annoyed him to the core. She annoyed him to the core and yet he wasn't able to just turn his back on her. He couldn't. He didn't want to - and every night, he asked himself why. It could be so easy for him. One word was enough.
Magnus shook his head; ripping himself out of his deep thoughts. He ran a hand through his meanwhile dark blond mane. His curls had become visibly darker with the years.
He had grown. Not just mentally.
"Let's get this over with..." He sighed and made his way out of the room and down the hall to his office. Yes, he had a very own office by now. Walking through the glass door, he already saw her seated there; innocently playing with the slighty too long sleeves of your light blue blouse. Magnus swallowed. He didn't actually really want to do this, but he had to.
Rather loudly, he closed the door behind himself; causing her to jump slightly. "Y/L/N..." The detective addressed her sternly with her surname. "What happened during observation with Anderson?" His deep blue eyes settled on her smaller frame; watching her scrunch her nose and shrugging her shoulders. "I just did what I thought was right." Y/N answered nonchalantly. Magnus frowned; not quite believing her. "Clas said you acted headless. Again." The woman with the Y/H/C scoffed. "I didn't act headless! I just wanted to interfere, before-" The older detective gritted his teeth; tired of her constant excuses and her not owning up to her obvious mistakes.
Clas may be an arsehole - but he was an experienced detective and certainly not stupid.
Magnus had a long thread of patience, but it came how it had to come someday... He lost it. "You know what, Y/L/N? I don't want to hear it! Don't waste your breath! This is going to lead nowhere - like all our serious conversations do! It's pointless, until you finally stop being so utterly stubborn and headless and listen to me - or other experienced detectives!" Y/N stood up from her chair and crossed her arms over her chest. "I'm not a newbie anymore, Magnus! I know what I'm doing!" Magnus shook his head. "No, you don't! You don't have the experience! I never said that you're a newbie! Sure, you know your job, but sometimes you just should listen to me! It'll get you in serious trouble sometime! I can assure you that!"
The woman groaned in frustration and rounded the desk; stepped closer to her mentor. So close, that she was almost chest to chest with him. "I don't think I'm the problem. You are. You didn't like me from the first day. Don't pretend it isn't true! You just don't trust in my skills enough is all!"
The curly haired man felt the blood boil within his veins. Why was she so annoying and unreasonable? "No, that is not true! I just don't want you getting yourself hurt or even killed! We're not dealing with kid stuff like neighbour fights or drunkards behind a steering wheel, no..." He sighed; pinching the bridge of his nose. "Y/N, we are dealing with the heavy stuff. Raids, drug businesses and murder! I've seen what this job can do to people! I know what can happen, so please... Please let me talk some sense into you right now!" His apprentice stepped even closer. So close, that he could feel her warm breath on his face. "I know what we are doing, Magnus. I'm neither stupid, nor blind. Learn to trust me more. Have some confidence in me and stop treating me like I'm made of glass."
She held his hard gaze for a few seconds, then walked past him; "My shift it over. I'll see you tomorrow." and left him behind in his office.
Magnus wanted to scream and throw something against the wall. Why does she had to make things so difficult? It could be so easy! After taking a few deep breaths, he sat down at his desk; closing his eyes for a short moment. "This woman is going to break my nerves..." The curly haired man muttered to himself; opening a file he had to work on.
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Only a mere week later happened exactly that what Magnus always tried to prevent from happen. Y/N's recklessness got her into a dangerous situation...
The pair was on observation duty today; for a case involving a drug business. Their suspect was a young man; living in the poorer district of Ystad. Together, Magnus and Y/N walked to the detectives car. "Remember, Y/N... We are just on observation, okay?" She opened the passenger door; giving him a smile. "Sure, Mags! I got it. Loosen up a little." Eyeing her for another moment, he sat inside the car; slamming the door shut.
The older police officer drove them to their destination - a very old, bedraggled building at the edge of the town. It has been reported that this was a 'famous' drug business destination, so... And besides was their suspect spotted here before. Magnus parked the car a bit offsides; not to attract any attention. And with that, the observation started. It took a long few hours until something was happening in front of the building... A car stopped right in front of it. Somebody was getting out of the vehicle.
The curly haired man grabbed his binocular. "It's him. It's Bergman." The young police officer reached for her binoculars as well. "Looks like he's waiting for someone." Magnus agreed. "Yes..."
"Let's get closer."
The curly haired man shook his head. "No, Y/N. We are just observing, remember?" "Yes, but-" "No buts. We are staying in this car." The young woman inhaled deeply. "Yes, boss."
"Stop calling me that." "Why?" "Because I don't like it and you know it." She giggled. "Alright... Boss."
Magnus rolled his eyes; feeling his nerves stressed out again. "Y/N, I swear, if you don't-" "Oh my gosh, this is a drug deal! We are witnessing one of Bergman's drug deals!" She suddenly interrupted her mentor; gazing through the binoculars again, "Look!" and reached over to slap the elder man's shoulder. Martinsson did what Y/N asked him to do and watched the scenes unfold through his binoculars.
He swallowed. "It seems like it, yes." "We have to intervene, Magnus! We have to do something!" For the nth time, the curly haired detective shook his head. "No, we won't," he hissed. "If we do that now, just intervene and something gets wrong, we- Y/N, stop!"
He shouldn't have averted his eyes from his protégée. A mistake with consequences.
The last thing he saw of her, was how she stormed out of the car; weapon drawn. "Damnit!" Magnus cursed; slamming his hands down on the steering wheel, before running them through his thick curls. Quickly reaching for the binoculars again, he watched her every step; his fingers curling tightly around it.
Don't act with precipitation, don't act with precipitation, Magnus repeated the words like a prayer inside his head. Keep a cool head.
He watched how Y/N sneaked up towards the building and the two men; clearly with the intention to corner them - and that's what the young police officer did, but without success.
One of the two men (not the main suspect) broke out in panic and fled. Magnus swallowed; still watching. She went to approach Bergman; wanted to arrest him, but it didn't go how she planned this. Exactly that happened, what Magnus always had been afraid of... Y/N's headlessness got her into a dangerous, life threatening situation...
Everything happened so fast. One moment she was about to put handcuffs around Bergman's wrists and the next she found herself in the clutches of another man - probably their suspect's friend or henchman, with her gun on the ground and a knife pressed snugly against her neck. That was the moment Magnus lost it. He had to intervene. He needed to save this reckless woman and protect her. At all costs. He knew that he should call for backup and get this done the right and proper way, but he couldn't. Seeing Y/N with a knife pressed against her neck, caused the attentive policeman to lose it.
Magnus' heart dropped into his gut. It made him act headless, too.
He stormed out of the car; slamming the door shut behind himself. As fast as possible, he sneaked his way over. Magnus' heart was thumping against his ribcage; adrenaline, fear and nervosity flooded his system. Gritting his teeth and taking a few deep breaths, he left his hideout - gun drawn and loaded. "Ystad polisen! Släpp kniven!" The man's eyes who held Y/N widened, while Bergman wanted to reach for his own weapon. Something Magnus halted. "Tänk inte ens tanken! Händerna bakom huvudet, nu!" Then he turned to face the other young man. "Och du ska släppa kniven och låta henne gå!"
The man with black hair scoffed. "Varför ska vi låta henne gå?" The curly haired detective gritted his teeth. He saw only two ways out of this... Actually one. Shooting them was definitely not an option.
He looked over at Y/N. He saw how the young woman trembled in the bulkier man's arms; trying to hold back the tears.
Magnus swallowed hard. "Låt henne gå så låter jag dig gå." As a sign that he really meant it, the detective engaged the safety of his gun and threw it away, before he lifted his hand in surrender. Y/N's eyes widened at the foolish behaviour of Magnus. She had never seen him acting like this before.
"Låt henne nu gå."
The two men looked at each other and nodded. The black haired one threw Y/N aside and both started to run; quickly vanishing out of their sight.
Magnus didn't hesitate; was quick to rush immediately at Y/N's side. "Are you alright?" He asked; concerned eyes scanning her body as he crouched down beside her; wrapping his arms around her body. The young police officer nodded; still a bit trembling. Magnus didn't hesitate; lifted her up and carried her back towards the car, bridal style.
After sitting her in the passenger seat and getting a blanket from the trunk to wrap around her; he started the engine and pulled the car back on the road.
No one said a single word on the entire ride. Magnus was still trying to process what happened and Y/N was still way too shocked and shaken. Instead of driving back to the police station, took Magnus Y/N to his home, where he guided her up the stairs and sat her gently down on the sofa; blanket still wrapped around her. Minutes later, she had a steaming cup of tea in her hands.
"Thank you," the young woman mumbled quietly. "Of course," Magnus reassured her and sat down beside her. "Do you feel better?" She nodded; taking a small sip from the tea. Once more they sat in silence, until Y/N finally had the bravery to ask the question which was ghosting through her head already the whole car ride. "Why did you do that?"
The curly haired man's eyes snapped up to meet Y/N's. He swallowed hard; nervously rubbing his palms together.
"Because I had to."
She shook her head. "No... You didn't. You were acting headless. Something you never did before..."
He wanted to scream. Again. The realisation which had dawned on him after he went to save her was like a punch into the guts. Deep down he knew it, but nevertheless didn't see it coming.
"Well... Perhaps this is just what people do when they're in love."
"W-What?" Y/N blinked; visibly didn't see that coming. "I-In love? A-Are you trying to say that-"
"I've fallen in love with you, yes."
"I-I don't know what to say, I..." Magnus gave her a gentle smile, despite that he felt like dying inside. "You don't have to say anything, Y/N." He knew that his feelings weren't reciprocated. Why should they? What would Y/N want with a man who was almost ten years older than her? "You wanted an honest explanation. I gave you one and that was it. This is an issue I have to deal with, not y-" The detective got interrupted and literally overwhelmed that her lips were suddenly on his; massaging them gently and encouraging him to kiss back.
It felt surreal. Like a dream - but he couldn't help himself but to give in and melt into the kiss.
"So... Does that mean my feelings are reciprocated?" He panted against her lips; smiling. Y/N scoffed playfully. "Didn't I make that very clear?" Magnus shook his head. "No, no, I think you need to give me a few more evidences." She smirked.
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Släpp kniven! - Drop the knife!
Tänk inte ens tanken! Händerna bakom huvudet, nu! - Don't even think about it! Hands behind your head, now!
Och du ska släppa kniven och låta henne gå! - And you are going to drop that knife and let her go!
Varför ska vi låta henne gå? - Why should we let her go, huh?
Låt henne gå så låter jag dig gå. - Let her go and I'll let you go.
Låt henne nu gå. - Now let her go.
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Last Updated: 2024-03-08
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Disclaimer: I am not the author of these stories, just sharing my favourite Magnus Martinsson stories. Find the authors' links below. If you want your work removed, message me privately.
Legend: 〔E〕 ⇢ Erotic/Steamy | 〔F〕 ⇢ Fluff | 〔A〕 ⇢ Angst/Hurt 〔M〕 ⇢ Minor Angst/Hurt | 〔C〕 ⇢ Comfort | ♥︎ ⇢ Established Relationship | 𑁍 ⇢ Pregnancy/Children | 🚫 ⇢ Content Warning
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✑ After Hours by glxssylaufey • 18+ • 〔E᜶F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "After a long day at the office, you and your boyfriend Magnus return home. Not wanting to interrupt your relaxation, Magnus helps himself to relieve the stresses of the day."
✑ Bunnies in the Rain│Prt. II by villainousshakespeare • 18+ • 〔F〕 •
Summary: When your car breaks down on the drive back from a court appearance in another jurisdiction, you and Magnus […]
✑ Confessions of a Drunk Detective by winterfrostlovetriangle • 〔F〕 •
Summary: A few hours after responding to a drunken disturbance, Magnus shows up at your flat, absolutely smashed and causing a disturbance of his own.
✑ Evidence by yespolkadotkitty • 18+ • 〔E᜶F〕 •
Summary: Things get heated in the evidence room of Ystad police station.
✑ Knight with Curls and Blue Eyes by holdmytesseract • 〔F〕 •
Summary: "Magnus has a crush on you—a barista. When the coffee shop you are working in gets robbed, the curly haired policeman is more than eager to save and protect you..."
✑ Maintain Our Cover by muddyorbsblr • 18+ • 〔E〕 •
Summary: "To catch a suspected serial killer, you and Magnus go undercover in the sex club the suspect frequents to choose his victims. You knew you'd have to partake in the activities [in order to maintain your cover]. [However,] you didn't expect that he'd want you to partake in them with him."
✑ Reckless Girl│Prt. II by muddyorbsblr • 〔F᜶M〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "When you didn't show up for your date with Magnus, the last place he thought he'd find you was inside the Ystad police station…in a holding cell."
✑ Should We Tell Them? by muddyorbsblr • 18+ • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "You've been engaging in a secret relationship with your coworker Magnus for the last few months. The same day that he started hinting at perhaps letting the team know, anonymous gifts and notes begin to appear at your desk."
✑ Stuck on You by just-the-hiddles • 〔F〕 •
Summary: "[Kurt volunteers you and Magnus] to demonstrate a new type of handcuffs. When the locking mechanism malfunctions, the two of you are forced to share a bed for the night until a replacement key is shipped."
✑ Trapped by just-the-hiddles • 18+ • 〔E᜶F〕 •
Summary: "You [had] a huge crush on Magnus since starting at the station. [However,] he is oblivious to all your attempts at flirting. [What happens when] the two of you are stuck staking at a warehouse [hoping to apprehend] some traffickers, [but] Instead, you get stuck in a room with no hope of escape."  
✑ What Could Go Wrong? by just-the-hiddles • 18+ • 〔F᜶M〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "The unit audit is killing Magnus. He isn't sleeping, ... causing him to fall asleep at work and forget things, like his date with you. [Moreover,] his attempts to make amends [Keep ending] in disaster."
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✑ A Hidden God by just-the-hiddles • 18+ • 〔E᜶F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ A Spark by ladyfluff • 〔F〕 •
✑ Adrenaline by holdmytesseract • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Can't Get Rid of Me that Easy by ladyfluff • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You by the--blackdahlia • 〔F〕 •
✑ Daddy's Home by ladyfluff • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
✑ Do It for Her by the--blackdahlia • 〔F᜶M〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
✑ Drinks on Me by jewels2876 • 〔F〕 •
✑ Finish What You Started by yespolkadotkitty • 18+ • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Girl Next Door, the by just-the-hiddles • 〔E᜶F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Just Grab My A** by just-the-hiddles • 16+ • 〔E᜶F〕 •
✑ Life Saver by holdmytesseract • 〔F᜶C〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Memories by holdmytesseract • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
✑ Sick Day by ladyfluff • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
✑ Silver Lining by the--blackdahlia • 〔F〕 •
✑ Sleep on It by the--blackdahlia • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Use Your Words by just-the-hiddles • 18+ • 〔E〕 • ♥︎ •
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✑ Dating Magnus would include… by thepilotanon • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
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See Also: Navigation || Magnus Martinsson Master Index
Authors: @glxssylaufey || @holdmytesseract || @jewels2876 || @just-the-hiddles || @ladyfluff || @muddyorbsblr || @the--blackdahlia || @thepilotanon || @villainousshakespeare || @winterfrostlovetriangle || @yespolkadotkitty ||
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liminalpebble · 10 months
An imagine to distract you while you're travel-stranded:
Imagine Magnus & Reader are away on an undercover mission and he finds a lil vibe in her suitcase 👀
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Hi, my dear @muddyorbs!
And thank you for this prompt. It definitely kept my mind active during travel stranding and beyond. I kind of had it in my head that our OFC would be a bit of a Lisbeth Salander type and they would be at each other's throats until...well...you know. Hope you enjoy!
Magnus Martinsson fanfic, Magnus Martinsson x OFC, smut!, one shot, enemies to lovers (well...fuckers?), hostile but very consensual fucking, Minors DNI
Word count: about 3000 (sorry...bit of a honker. Worth it. I promise).
Mara rolled her black-lined eyes when the call from Wallander came in. “Mara, are you still freelancing? We really need a tech wizard on this one.”
“Cute euphemism, Kurt...points for flattery. You need a hacker who will do the dirty work so your little lapdog techie can keep his hands clean while micromanaging me.”
Wallander sighed, and quipped sarcastically, “Why, yes, Mara, I'm doing very well, thanks. How are you today? Still your charming self, I see. By the way, you're on speaker. ” He looked across the conference table to where Martinsson (said lapdog techie) was glaring at his superior for putting him in this situation yet again.
Mara's eyes scanned around her tiny apartment full of computer equipment and old band tee shirts piled in an ever-increasing mound of black cotton. In her own mind, she'd named it Mount Doom. “Oh you know, Kurt, living that rich girl high life,” she replied in a prickly tone, toking on the remains of a joint from the night before. “And whose fault is it that I'm on speaker, hm? Really. You should know better by now.” She blew smoke out in a resigned exhale, “Alright Wallander, tell that minion of yours I'm in. I'm sure he'll be delighted.”
Kurt raised his voice. “His name is Magnus, or Detective Martinsson and I'd appreciate it if you stop calling him 'lapdog' or 'minion' especially to his face as you seem rather fond of doing...”
“Alright Kurt, see you tomorrow,” she said interrupting his lecture to end the conversation.
“Charming,” Magnus groaned.
“The same room?” Mara said, with an air of annoyance, hauling her bags up the hill to the rundown Motorlodge.
Martinsson sighed and said with an edge of frustration, “Yes Mara, the same room. We can't work together from different rooms.”
“Don't talk to me like I'm an idiot, minion! I know that, but I thought that at least when we're taking shifts we'd have our own space to rest. It could be days! It would have been nice if the police department had sprung at least for adjoining rooms. I'd even tolerate sharing a bathroom with you if...”
Magnus stopped in his tracks, putting a hand up so she nearly stumbled directly into him. “Can you please, please not do this? I'm just here to do my job, just like you are. Can we try not to be at each other's throats?” As he said it she couldn't help looking at his throat, that pretty pale neck and sharp jawline she'd love to suck on and bite and make him moan while...
“Mara!” he barked, snapping her out of her lurid daydream.
“Okay...fucking hell. Okay,” she said, shouldering past him to enter the little 70's time capsule of a room. He fortified himself with a deep breath, stepping into her wake.
“Well,” she said, between sips from the paper cup, “At least the Bates Motel has a pretty decent coffee machine.”
They both laughed and smiled to each other, faces bathed in the blue glow of computer screens; a rare truce. They had set up efficiently, both very good at their jobs and surprisingly good at working together despite the personality clashes.
“See what?” Mara asked, sitting forward to scan the screen.
Magnus put a finger on her chin to turn her face towards him instead. “See how nice it can be when we actually just have a pleasant cup of coffee together and work?”, he elaborated. It was adorable, she had to admit...those big innocent blue eyes and golden curls making him look like a particularly naïve, hopeful and, possibly stupid, angel. But from his work and credentials, she knew he was far from idiotic; just sweet, gullible, optimistic. And as he was staring at her with that sweet dumb incredibly handsome face, it just made her inexplicably angry, like his kindness was some kind of trick.
She shrugged, and took a sip to avoid looking at him, then stated, “Their hard drives will take hours to clone. It's a waiting game for now.” She yawned and cracked her knuckles, stretching up from the uncomfortable chair to flop onto the tacky paisley comforter. A sliver of orange glow from the setting sun slid between the heavy curtains, illuminating her body, and Magnus couldn't help but notice that like that, in this wash of golden hour light, she really was very pretty. Yet, for some inexplicable reason Mara seemed almost determined not to be, with her prickly personality and tent-like clothes hiding her rather nice curves. What a shame he thought.
Magnus took the opportunity to move too, rising to his feet and stretching his long arms over his head. Mara peeked at him with one surreptitiously open eye to drink in the sharp dips and muscle of his lower belly and hips as his shirt raised, ever so slightly, to show skin. Why does he have to have the body of a fucking Greek god? Jesus Christ. Eyes wondering south, hoping to catch a glimpse of the rather generous outline in his pants, she saw where his service revolver was strapped to him in a shocking interruption of black metal and leather. It didn't suit such a soft, posh, pretty boy to be toting around a gun like some cowboy. Having come from a wealthy suburb, Martinsson could never understand the grip of fear firearms held on poor neighborhoods like hers. She didn't like guns, and she didn't like the criminals or the cops who didn't seem to mind using them liberally in her childhood neighborhood while everyone else was caught in the crossfire.
“Do you have to wear that thing?” Mara asked, gesturing to the holster. “It's only me. I'm like a foot shorter than you and you could probably kill me with your bare hands if you wanted. Are there bullets in it now?”
Magnus turned to her, eyes soft and considerate. “Well, yes. It's part of the job. We have to wear them at all times on the clock and they have to be loaded. And it's not you I'm afraid of, Mara,” he said, sitting beside her on the bed, looking at his hands. “It's you I need to be ready to protect if things go south.”
Mara turned to perch on her elbow and look up at him, genuinely swooning for a second before she recovered hastily, coating it with sarcasm. “Awww...my hero. This is why they call you The Prince Charming of Ystad? And I know damn well you're afraid of me.”
“Not afraid...annoyed. Are you allergic to having a single genuine moment of humanity between us? What have I ever done to you?” he huffed sounding wounded, and standing up again to pace.
She groaned, standing up to face him, admitting to herself that she had been especially hard on him, and she couldn't even be entirely sure why (or at least, she wouldn't admit why, not even to herself). “Look, Magnus, I'm sorry, really.”
“Really?” he said cautiously, distrustful and surprised.
“Yeah..yeah, really. I've been such a bitch to you.”
As Magnus spotted the unprecedented chink in her armor, it set off the explosion of a tirade. It finally released itself from his mouth after brewing for months and he was powerless to stop it. “Listen. I don't know why you're like this, Mara, really I don't. I haven't done a bloody thing to deserve this, neither has Kurt.”
Mara felt a little fizzle of fear at the mounting growl in his voice, and she felt a little ashamed, but also aroused. It was deeply confusing.
“I wasn't socialized enough as a puppy. Why the fuck do you think, pretty boy? You're cops. I don't like cops. I don't like what you stand for...your mindless conformity...”
Magnus' voice rose, “Did it occur to you that some of them, Kurt and I for example, chose this life to protect people? Because we care about people, even people like you who hate us. And I'm not saying you don't have a good reason to hate the police, but you don't have to hate us. We're on your bloody side. And...and you think you're so clever and rebellious with your bitch act and your black hair dye....and and...your edgy jewelry,” he continued, reaching down to her open bag where there was an unusual silver necklace, with a heavy bullet for a pendant. He lifted it saying, “Oh so you don't like guns and bullets, but you'll wear them to look oh so cool and fashionable? What a fucking hypocrite...”
Mara was thunderstruck (and frankly excited) by his anger but the end of his little speech made her want to laugh hysterically. He had no idea that what he was holding was a state-of-the-art vibrator, beautifully designed to multitask as a piece of jewelry styled after an actual bullet. She thwarted her chuckle to say simply, “Please put that back. It was expensive.”
Magnus blinked in confusion, as if slapped by her unexpected response. As he moved to put it back, one of his long fingers fumbled around it, accidentally pressing a hidden button. As he dropped it back on top of her bag of toiletries, it began to buzz. The detective narrowed his eyes, mouth agape as the gears turned in his lovely head. “Is...is your necklace...vibrating. Holy shit...is that a...”. His broad Cheshire cat smile unfurled across his face, as he began to chuckled in long breathy laughs.
Now it was her turn to be angry...not to mention mortified. She darted her hand out to switch it off, crossed her arms, and stormed to the other side of the room. “Oh this is rich,” he purred out in his deep delicious voice. “Why did you bring that? And when on earth did you expect to have the time and privacy to use it?”
She yelled, “That's none of your business! And I thought we'd have separate rooms.”
He moved closer, now standing directly in front of her. She felt that looking into his bright eyes might sear her like a laser, so she settled for looking forward at his chest. Then his long soft fingers, tucked themselves under her chin, raising her eyes to his, as he asked in a deep intimidating voice, “Mara, why did you really bring that with you?”
Fuck. She could see why he was so good at interrogations. This is the kind of man it was no use lying to. She sputtered, “Be...because I know it might be a few days and...”
“And?” he prompted, taking a step closer.
She fumbled nervously, “And...and...because I knew I'd be trapped with you strutting around with your perfect fucking body and your pretty fucking face and your sweet fucking disposition, and I'd have to take care of myself if I wanted to think straight...okay?”
His smile dropped even as the heat of excitement coursed through his body. Magnus could see she was flustered, defenses down, nearly to the point of tears. Finally it occurred to him; so this is why she was so mean, so prickly and defensive towards him... because she liked him so much. She was harboring a hopeless school girl crush and assumed all of his kindness towards her...his goodness...was some kind of joke to mock her. She ignored the reality that he paid attention to her because he liked her too. She excited and intrigued him, but that all turned to bitter frustration that she would never let him near her. He just kept encountering all that barbed wire around her and finally quit trying to breach it...until now.
“Mara,” he said her name reverently like a prayer, in a low gentle whisper, full of empathy and kindness. He moved his hand from where it still was propped under her chin, to cradle her face. Neither of them could say who moved first as they crashed together, but before they knew it they were latched onto each other's hot mouths, kissing, licking, biting, barely able to breathe and neither of them minded.
He moved to her neck, sucking it hungrily then growled into her ear, “You think that little gadget could hold a fucking candle to me?”. She moaned in response, sliding her shaking fingers to begin unbuttoning his shirt while he worked at his pants and his holster. He was peeled out in moments, looking absolutely mouthwatering in nothing but his underwear. Mara tore her shirt and bra off over her head, then pressed the swell of her breasts against his firm torso, while her lips rejoined his. Her leg swung around his waist as she licked up his throat, bit his earlobe playfully and said, “Pull my hair. Call me a bitch again...”
He was panting as he said, “I...didn't call you a bitch...I said it was a 'bitch act'...”.
She gathered his curls between her fingers and tugged while she bit at his lovely throat, drawing a nearly-pornographic moan from the young cop. “I said, call me a bitch, you pedant.”
It was adorable, how he struggled to get the word out. He was the type of well-bred man who had trouble calling a woman anything other than “Miss”, which made it even hotter when his eyes darkened and his mouth twisted as he growled out, “You delicious bitch” and wrapped his big hand around her ponytail, yanking sharply. She was grinding against he thick erection, teasing him, desperate for him, until he stopped her with a bruising grip on her hips and met her eyes. “You called me a lapdog, huh? Well, there's only one lap I'm interested in being in,” he said in a velvety purr as he tugged her pants and panties off of her, pushing her onto the bed completely naked, as he snaked between her legs, biting and sucking ravenously at the soft flesh of her inner thighs, breath ghosting against her soaked pussy. She wove her fingers into his hair with surprising gentleness as she sighed and writhed while he kissed his way up.
When he licked the first firm line up her slit she arched her back and gasped out, “Holy fuck,” while he chuckled against her skin and she could feel his smile.
“Mmmm...you're even more delicious than I imagined,” he confessed, and the idea of him jacking off, thinking about this only aroused her more.
He began to suck delicately on her clit and swirl his tongue, bringing her close to the brink in mere moments. She lifted his head gently and said, “Wait...wait.”
His big, bright eyes met hers, solicitous and concerned as he panted out, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah...yeah amazing,” she said, smiling, “I just want to come on your cock. I want to feel you inside.”
“Shut up and fuck me you cocky little shit,” she barked out playfully, making them both smile. “Prove to me that that little trinket will never satisfy me again, detective.”
“Oh darling...” he purred as he crawled farther up the bed to kiss her, sharing her own taste with her. He stood up for a moment to slide his boxers off, revealing his cock (which was just as gorgeous as the rest of him), stroking it lightly in one big hand.
“Jesus Christ,” she gasped when she saw it, big and flushed with a tantalizing drip of precum. She crawled over to him and taking it into her mouth hastily, dying to savor it. He groaned in ecstatic surprise at the feeling of her hot mouth around him, her clever tongue caressing the hard length. He combed his hand through her hair, chuckling softly, teasing, “eager, are we darling?”
He pinned her on her back, caging her between his strong arms, “Cocky, yes....little...well, my dear, I think we both know that's just a bit inaccurate.” His tone changed as he settled between her legs, and his hand stroked her cheek gently. He asked, “You're okay? This is okay?”
“Yes...please...just go in slowly?”
He nodded.
Magnus eased in gently, as they both gasped at the decadent feeling of his cock inside her slick, warm walls, adjusting to each other. “Mmmm. God...yes,” she purred, stroking his sharp cheekbone with her soft little hand. Meeting his eyes she said, “Magnus?”
“Yes, darling?”
“Now, please, fuck me like a whore.”
It rough and relentless as Magnus drove into her again and again while her legs clamped tight around him, calves bouncing on the muscular curve of his ass as he moved. The wave of both of their orgasms crashed quickly and simultaneously as they rode it out, making a mess of the old duvet, and collapsing naked against each other, spent and smiling. Mara massaged Mangus' head as he rested it against her breasts. He trailed little pecks along the soft skin, sighing contentedly. She peeked over his lovely golden fleece to see where the blue-glowing monitors were still reporting their downloads in progress with lots of time to go. Idly she said, “Looks like this is going to take longer than we thought.”
“Oh no, whatever shall we do in the meantime,” Magnus chimed in from where he had begun lapping his tongue over her tits, as they both laughed in an all encompassing high of relief.
@muddyorbs @goblingirlsarah @peaches1958 @icytrickster17 @gigglingtiggerv2 @mjsthrillernp @annoyingsweetsstranger @acidcasualties @loz-3 @jennyggggrrr @alexakeyloveloki @marcotheflychair @glitchquake @sailorholly @sunflowerdaydreamer @ladyofthestayingpower @smolvenger @sarahscribbles @peachyjinx @joyful-enchantress @peacefulpianist @sweetsigyn @thedistractedagglomeration @thenerdyoldersister @eleniblue @loki-cees-all
(my apologies if I'm tagging those who don't want to be.)
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Murder In Red
Chapter 5
Summary: Last chapter, Maeve's flat was in ruin and she was nowhere to be found. In this chapter, we finally meet the murderer, and the reasons for why are starting to unravel.
Warnings: Brief mentions of abuse and death (it is a murder mystery) and suicidal ideation.
Characters: Magnus Martinsson, Maeve (OC)
Chap 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
*guards (gardai) - Irish term for police - Eoin is Gaelic for Owen*
(gif not mine)
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Magnus’s phone rings just as he hops out of his car. “Martinsson…I’m just about to -”
Kurt cuts the young man off, “Get back to the station quickly, Magnus, we’ve got another missing girl.”
Maeve groaned as she came to, her head spinning as she slowly opened her eyes. Her vision was blurry and her head and neck hurt. The young detective surveyed her surroundings, her heart sinking when she realized she was tied to a chair in some dank, dirty cellar with only one bare bulb hanging from the ceiling. A set of wooden stairs was off to her right, just a few feet ahead. Her eyes sweep over the rest of the room, looking for anything that might be an escape. She could only see a window in the far corner, though it was too high to climb up to. Maeve sighed heavily, muttering under her breath.
“You’re an eejit, Maeve. An eejit…should have realized sooner.”
A rattling sound catches her attention. “Connor, is that you? If you try and scare me, I swear I’ll -”
“C-connor?” comes a timid voice. “Who’s Connor? My boyfriend's name is Eoin...well, he's not my boyfriend anymore.”
Maeve could hear the all too familiar lilt in the woman’s voice, her heart rising in her chest right before it plummeted into her stomach. “Another one? Fuck…erm, hello? I’m Maeve. What’s your name?"
From a few feet away, a mane of red hair pops out from an alcove under the stairs. Maeve could see that the young girl’s hands were tied to one of the pillars and that her face was streaked with dirt and tears - clearly, she had been there a while. 
“I-I’m Esmi. Do you know what’s going on?” her voice was trembling. “Eoin and I were so happy together and then he started yelling at me for every little thing. After one particular argument, he slapped me across the face…and the next thing I remember I was tied up down here. I don’t know how long I’ve been here. When the lights went on, I thought I was saved. But,” she hissed,” it was only him bringing some company for me. Who are ya anyway?”
“Er, I…I’m part of the Guards in Ystad…”
The other young woman snorted. “Oh yeah, and I’m the bloody president of Ireland. At least the Gardai back home know not to get caught by homicidal eejits! Now I will never see my home or family again.”
A loud, creaking sound broke through the conversation, followed by a succession of more squeaking floorboards. Maeve swore under her breath when she saw a pair of black boots descending, knowing that their owner would soon be appearing.
“No, my darling, Esmi, you will not be leaving anytime soon. I am afraid that you were simply a means to an end and you will still have to die, however, not as dramatically as I had planned.” Connor smirks at Maeve. “It will be your death, my love. That will be dramatic. 
“I’m the one you wanted, Connor, can’t you let her go? This charade is over and it’s just between you and me. Leave her out of it. Please!”
The man laughed bitterly. “Ah, I do like hearing you beg, M. Just like old times… And I see you haven’t lost that bleeding heart I loved so much.” he looks between the two women thoughtfully. “Hm, maybe I will let her go free so that she can tell how you and I died together. Almost like Romeo and Juliet. It is quite romantic, don’t you think?”
Maeve gave him a look of disgust. “I am NOT going to die and certainly not next to your psycho arse! I was right to dump you when I did. You were controlling throughout our entire relationship and when I finally got up the courage to go to the academy, I knew it was the right thing for the both of us. I wasn’t going to be your puppet anymore and it scared you. You hit me, I remember that… I moved on but it seems you couldn’t. It’s a shame.
“How dare you!” Connor growled and rushed over to her. His face was inches from hers, screwed into a sneer, and put something cold and sharp to Maeve’s neck. “You broke my heart! I had to get even with you and it looks like I will. You will get what you deserve and I will be right next to you, watching the life drain from your face. Don’t worry though, I will join you soon enough in the afterlife.”
Esmerelda watched this whole thing in shocked silence, her heart thudding. At some point during their exchange, she wondered if Eoin, or Connor, was distracted enough that she could escape. This wasn’t her problem, it was a stupid “lovers' spat” that she had been unfairly dragged into it and all she wanted to do was leave. She pulls tentatively on her restraints at first, looking over at the other two to see if she’d been heard, then pulls harder but they won’t budge. Connor’s laugh startles the girl.
“Eheh, nice try, love. But you won’t be going anywhere,” he smirks, “at least not until you see our dear Maeve exit stage left. I want you to be there to witness the death scene and the mourning of a grief-stricken lover.” He tilts his head to the side. “Do you hear that, ladies? I do believe that’s the sound of an anonymous tip ringing through to the police station…if you’ll excuse me.” His laughter echoes ominously off the walls as he retreats back up the stairs, locking the door behind him with a clink.
Thanks always to my beta reader @lotus-eyedindiangoddess 😘
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aceofwhump · 2 years
help ;-; i'm reeeally craving a specific trope but i dunno how to look for it... do you have any recs? it's like "hiding an injury" except the whumpee isn't hiding whatever is wrong (injury, sickness, breakdown, etc) on purpose, everyone is just too busy/out of it to notice and/or the whumpee is too out of it/too weak to get anyone's attention until they collapse/someone notices/caretaker asks how whumpee is and no one knows/etc. i was hoping for fanfic but if any media has that trope, that's cool too :]
Mmmm yes that is a good trope. Let me see what I've got for you. I'm still working on categorizing my fics by tropes so it's a bit hard for me to remember if anything I've read (and I've read a lot) has this in it but I do have a couple of show recs for you:
The Umbrella Academy. First of all that's like all of Klaus' storylines. No one notices when he's kidnapped and tortured. No one notices when he disappears into the Vietnam war. And then in 1x07, Five (who is played by a minor by the way if that bothers you at all) is injured and keeps it hidden/ignores it because he's busy until he collapses.
The Umbrella Academy. First of all that's like all of Klaus' storylines. No one notices when he's kidnapped and tortured. No one notices when he disappears into the Vietnam war. And then in 1x07, Five (who is played by a minor by the way if that bothers you at all) is injured and keeps it hidden/ignores it because he's busy until he collapses.
As for fanfics, here are few that I can remember. You know that moment when someone asks you what your favorite movie or book is and suddenly you can't remember any movie or book title? That's what happened to me with this ask. I know I've read a ton of this trope but for the life of me i can't remember any of them. So here's what I've found:
Tony Stark:
Press Conference
Concern or Criticism
Death’s Games
Klaus Hargreeves
Not Alone (this one is my own fic)
Danny Williams
It only hurts when i breathe
Fix You
Looking Forward To It
Lesson Learned
Malcolm Bright
How quiet a blade can be
Kurt Wallander
prompt: secret
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just-the-hiddles · 4 years
12 Days Of Hiddlesmas | Day 1 | Magnus Martinsson | All I Want For Christmas Is You
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A/N:   Twelve Days of Hiddlesmas is here!  Twelve stories, twelve characters.  Let’s dive in.  
Pairing: Magnus Martinsson x Female Reader
Summary: Magnus has been working overtime to pay for your Christmas present.  
Warnings:  car accident, cursing
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Magnus woke to his text message alert on his phone beeping. He didn’t remember falling asleep on the couch last night, wearing his work clothes from the night before. Magnus took every extra shift he could at the station to earn some overtime pay to buy your Christmas present. A beautiful necklace that caught your eye in the display at one of the stores Magnus never dared to shop at for fear of breaking something.
He fumbled to grab his phone to see who would be texting him. His face softened into a smile at the sight of your picture of his screen.
Hey babe, I know you have been busy working. Are we still on for dinner tonight to exchange gifts? I leave for my parents’ in the morning and I want to see you before I go. I miss you, babe. Love you.
He unlocked his screen to type back a quick message to you before showering.
I miss you too, darling. Of course we are still on for dinner. Dominick’s at 7. I can’t wait to see you. Love you more.
He sent the message and dragged himself to the bathroom for a quick shower to be followed by a cup of coffee before he was due back to the station for his regular shift. His eyelids drooped the entire drive and Magnus switched the radio to EDM to keep himself awake.
The entire shift dragged. Magnus swore the clock moved backwards at some point. The only thing keeping him upright was copious amounts of the thick office coffee. And a healthy dose of sugar. The words on his computer screen blurred in his vision.
“I’m just going to put my head down for a minute…” He muttered to himself before his head slammed down next to the keyboard and his eyes fluttered shut.
“Magnus!” Britt-Ann’s hands slammed against his desk. He bolted upright, arms flailing. He slipped off his chair, his legs flying akimbo until he steadied himself against the edge of the desk.
“Britt-Ann!” Magnus blinked several times, adjusting to the light of the office. He ran his hand through his blond curls. “What can I—”
“You were snoring. And your shift was over thirty minutes ago.” She smiled at him. “Go home and sleep. You have been burning the candle at both ends. You kiss that lovely girlfriend of yours.”
“6:45. Why?”
“Shit!” He hissed. Magnus pulled on his coat, throwing his scarf around his neck and pushing his hat onto the top of his head. “I have to go! Merry Christmas!”
Magnus was fifteen minutes late. You paced outside, your feet growing colder by the moment. A buzz went off in your coat pocket, it was Magnus.
“Where are you?” you snapped back.
“Ma’am. This is the hospital. There was a car accident.”
Your knees buckled, and you leaned against the side of the building. “Is… he… Magnus…” you sobbed into the phone, tears freezing against your cheeks.
“He’s fine. Some scraps and bruises, maybe a cracked rib. But he can’t drive. You need to come and pick him up.”
“I’ll be there right away.” You already took off towards your car, not caring about the ice of the sidewalk.
They let you back to where they were dressing Magnus’s wounds. There was a deep laceration on his forehead. He told you later it was where his head hit the steering wheel. Magnus’s blond curls marred with a slash of red in them. You sobbed as you hugged him.
“I’m fine, darling. The car is in worse shape than me.”
“What happened?”
“I was so tired and I was running late for dinner. I didn’t pay attention when I pulled out and a truck sideswiped me.”
You cried into his shoulder. “I could have lost you, Magnus. Why were you so tired? Why aren’t you sleeping?”
Magnus fidgeted in your embrace. “I was working. To earn some extra money.” He shifted away, sniffling. “For your present.”
You pulled back and screwed your face up in confusion, brows furrowed. “My present?”
“That necklace you admired in the shop. I meant to purchase it on my way to dinner tonight. But I fell asleep at my desk.” His cheeks turned a bright shade of red, matching his ruined curls.
You took his face into your hands with great care. “Honey, all I want for Christmas is you. In one piece.” You kissed him sweet, he winced as you kissed his split lip. “You are more important than any piece of jewelry or material object.”
Magnus wrapped his arms around your waist, ignoring the pain in his ribs. “You are more important too. I love you so much.” He returned the kiss.
“Now let’s go home and get you to bed. I am canceling my travel plans.” Magnus opened his mouth to protest. You cut him off as he stood up from the hospital gurney. “You wrecked your car. You’re not sleeping and you might have a concussion. Not to mention, I know there is no food in your apartment. You are staying with me. No discussion. My parents will understand.”
Magnus sagged against your side, kissing your temple. “I love you so much. Merry Christmas, darling.”
“Merry Christmas, Magnus. I love you too.” You kissed his cheek as the two of you made your way to your car.
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Forensics to Romantics (Magnus Martinsson x Reader)
Chapter Five: Sealing Looks
Part 5/?
Words: 868
(Y/N's POV)
It had been about a month since Magnus and I became partners and things had been going pretty smoothly. Although, he did keep asking me the same question again and again, but I would always just dismiss it. This time, he wasn't giving up.
"Just tell me," He pleaded as we sat at a small table eating launch in one of the break rooms. "When we were at the crime scene when I first started working here, one of the CSI team members gave you some sort of letter. I thought it was the search warrant, but when we got to her house Lance gave it to you. Whatever you were given before didn't have anything to do with that murder did it? Come on Y/N, just tell me, it's been eating me for weeks."
"Fine," I said setting my drink down on the table and looking him in the eyes. To say that I wasn't impressed with Magnus noticing the exchange would have been a lie, but I would never tell him that. Magnus seemed surprised that I was going to actually answer his question after weeks of him asking. "I will tell you, Martinsson, only because if I hear you ask me one more time, I will probably do something that would most likely get me fired, but you can't tell anyone else. Got it?"
Magnus nodded and I could see the excitement of finally knowing what was in the letter.
"It was another attempt to have me work with him," I began to say with an annoyed tone in my voice. "Even though I have told Mycroft time and time again I wasn't interested in his "little undercover mission" he is still trying to get me to accept."
"Wait," Magnus began after the look of shock left his face.
"You are telling me, Mycroft Holmes, like Mycroft runs the British Government Holmes wants you for a mission, and you said no?"
"Yes," I said taking a drink from my cup. "That's exactly what I'm telling you. I don't want to be another one of his go-to fallback operatives when he needs to do something to look good for the rest of his Embassy friends, not after the last time."
I didn't mean to say that last part out loud, but I was distracted by my thoughts and it just slipped. I could see the gears turning in Magnus' head after I had finished, he was smart enough to know there was something bigger going on and he knew better than to push it right now.
"I see," Magnus said and looked away, his blonde curls falling slightly over his blue eyes. "Well, just getting asked work for Mycroft must mean you are good."
"Like you didn't already think I was good," I said in a joking tone, a small smile now on my lips. "Your jaw basically hit the ground when we met at that crime scene."
"What can I say?" He flashed me a smile. "You were amazing back there. I've never seen anyone do what you did."
"Oh, shut it Martinsson," I said cleaning up my spot at the table and rolling my eyes at him. "We have a job to get back to."We both cleaned up and went back to where the decks are, and I could see Janna and Jake talking to each other."Hey, Magnus," Jenna said when she saw us walk in. "Hey Y/N."
"Hello," I said with a nod and sat down at my desk. "Any developments on the jewel thief case you two have been working on?"
"No," Jake said in an annoyed tone. "Two weeks and still nothing."
"It's true," Jenna looked over at him and then back at me. "We had a few leads, but they all came up empty."
"You know," Magnus began to say, joining the conversation. "Y/N and I aren't on a case, we could give you a hand if you would like."
Jake scoffed and looked back down at his computer screen, and obviously didn't like the thought of working with Magnus and I any more than he had to.
"That would be great," Jenna said either not noticing or not caring about Jake's annoyance. "It would be helpful to have a fresh set of eyes."
I saw the look and Jake's face and knew he had some things he wanted to say to us, most likely cured, but he kept them to himself.
As the four of us worked together, I could feel eyes on me. I looked up and saw Magnus staring at me, but once I saw him, he quickly looked back down at his work.
What was that about?
Through the course of the day, I caught Magnus looking at me seven times, but didn't bring it up to him.
When the day came to an end, we were a bit closer to solving the case, much to Jake’s dismay. We all said our goodbyes and went home. The whole ride back, I couldn’t stop thinking about Magnus, and how he kept stealing glacises at me all day.
I walked into my house and locked the door behind me, and make my way to the shower, thinking maybe that would clear my head.
A shower and a good night’s sleep, that would surely get the handsome detective out of my head.
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muddyorbsblr · 7 months
reckless girl pt2
See my full list of works here!
Part of the 500 Follower Celebration Requested by: @holdmytesseract
Summary: Magnus, along with the rest of the station, launches into an all-hands investigation to find you, desperately hoping that he's not too late
Pairing: Magnus Martinsson x Reader
Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: mentions of blood; sad bb Magnus hours; kidnapping; restrains (not the fun kind); non-consensual touching (not our bb Magnus he would never); more physical injuries; gun mentions and use; mention of painkillers (morphine) [let me know if I missed anything!]
Things to be aware of: established relationship
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There were only ever a handful of times in Magnus' career so far where he felt he couldn't stomach a crime scene. Those few occasions involving the most gruesome of acts that a human being could have ever been subjected to.
However, despite how comparatively routine the scene looked when he arrived at your apartment, he found himself clutching his stomach, feet unable to move, upon laying eyes at the blood on the floor. Your furniture was all askew, signs of a struggle littered all over the now crime scene.
It was all he could do not to burst into tears when officers were placing crime scene tape over your front door.
Kurt clapped a hand down on his shoulder, trying to steady him. "Magnus, you sure you don't want to sit this one out? You're in no shape to work this case, this is your--"
"I have to find her, Kurt," he cut the senior detective off, doing his best to steel himself. "I have to know she's alright. Make sure she's safe again. She--" He choked on his own words, the lump in his throat making it near impossible to speak. "She's my whole world, I need her back."
Wallander sighed, knowing too well the feeling of helplessness that your boyfriend felt in every bone in his body at the moment. That he couldn't just do nothing and wait on a bunch of people that didn't care for you the way that he did to find you. "Very well, then. But you're not stepping foot in that scene. For your own sanity."
"Understood." He didn't want to be inside your apartment in the state it was in, either. That place was more a home to him than his own place; it felt so wrong having to process it like it was just another day at work. "I'll question her sister, see what she knows."
"The man that Y/N put in the hospital. The pick-up artist. Start there. If we know more about the people in the group he's in, it might give us a lead to where she coulda been taken."
Magnus blinked back his tears and made his way to your sister Stella, her eyes wide as saucers with worry and shock as she saw the detective. "I was really hoping we'd be meeting under happier circumstances. My sister speaks quite highly of you, I've never seen her so in love."
"We're going to find her," he said, trying to reassure himself as much as her. "What can you tell me about the man she fought two nights ago?"
She scrunched her face in an eerily similar way that you did whenever you were confused or trying to recall something. "Really not much to say about him, just a regular looking fella, but one of the guys he was with…he kept on talking about his father having connections and how he's gonna 'avenge his mate for what Y/N did to him'."
"Can you describe this friend of his?"
"I'll do you one better." She tapped away at her phone before handing it over to him, showing him a photo. "This is him. Marcus Ferguson. Menace to society touting around Daddy's money and power."
Magnus' blood ran cold. They'd been after Ferguson for the better part of a year, a prime suspect in the kidnapping and trafficking of women and girls from as young as 13. The heart-wrenching part was that they could never get their hands on the smoking gun that would put him away for good, and the victims that they'd managed to rescue were too afraid of retaliation from him and his family that they'd never bring themselves to testify.
And now he had you.
The details that Stella gave him led him to the restaurant you two were at the evening before last, and the owner more than happily volunteered the security footage from the time you two were in there and Ferguson's friend got into the altercation with you. He watched with a mix of fury and pride seeing how you held your own and ultimately brought the sleazy excuse for a human being down on the ground coughing and bleeding, curled into a ball.
Then Ferguson hung around close enough to the patrol car as you were getting arrested that he got your full name, and then he made a call, saying something to his friend before he was brought to the hospital to be treated. The words he mouthed on screen had the detective's pulse thundering in his ears, panic flooding his system.
"I'll have her by tomorrow night. She'll pay for what she did to you."
He was restless as he showed the station the footage from the restaurant, Kurt giving him the floor to address his fellow detectives and officers. "This is enough cause to believe that Y/N Y/L/N is in grave danger. We know what Ferguson is capable of. We know the damage he deals to his victims, and that's only the ones that we've found. It is imperative that we find her as soon as possible. Alive." His voice broke at the last word, the possibility of finding you anything other than that crushing him into pieces.
"Alright everyone, put all your cases on hold, this takes top priority," Wallander addressed the station. "I want eyes on Marcus Ferguson, someone find him and bring him in for questioning. We also know that his father Jeffrey owns over a dozen warehouses all throughout Ystad, more than enough for his so-called philanthropic efforts. Someone look into them, starting with the ones near the coast. Call them up, and tell me which ones don't answer the call. Get an officer to pay those warehouses a visit. Find Miss Y/L/N. Bring her back here alive. You have your orders."
It didn't take long before a more junior detective spoke up. "I have something. One of the warehouses didn't pick up the phone, and their registration documents show that they should be active and have a receptionist during office hours. And it's a five minute drive from there to Sandskog."
That was enough to get Magnus out of his seat and gearing up. He double checked to see that the magazine of his pistol was fully loaded.
"I'm coming to get you, sweetheart. Hold on for me," he whispered, hoping more than anything that when he wouldn't be bringing you out of the warehouse in a gurney and not a body bag.
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The last thing you remembered was reaching to pick up a knife from your kitchen counter, hearing the distinct sound of another person breathing, along with another heartbeat, from within your apartment. You lived alone, and Stella was still at her hotel when you got off the phone with her just a few minutes ago. Right as you stepped into your apartment.
Then a rag went over your mouth, and a smell akin to ultra-concentrated alcohol flooded your nose. And everything went black.
When you opened your eyes again, the first thing you noticed was that you couldn't move. Your hands were bound behind your back with something twining and abrasive. Rope. You weren't gagged or blindfolded. Your legs were immobile as well, each ankle roped to a chair leg. "What the--"
"Oh goody you're awake," a male voice filled the vast space you were held in. It looked like a warehouse, fairly maintained but empty. The faint sound of waves outside told you that wherever you were, there was a beach nearby. "You're a strong one, aren't ya, little bitch? First you put one of my best mates out of commission for who the fuck knows how long, and then you put one helluva shiner on me."
Your kidnapper approached you and grabbed the bottom of your face, nails digging into your cheeks deep enough you could feel the skin breaking. It also gave you a good enough view of who had taken you hostage.
"You're Ferguson's boy, the brat," you spat at him. "Never had to work a day in his life. Spends his time being a nuisance to womankind."
"I prefer the term gift, poppet." Your stomach lurched at the name. "You're lucky that pretty lil face o' yers is enough to make me consider delaying killing you. Craig went for the wrong 'un--"
"Craig, huh?" you cut him off. "So that's the name of the wanker with the weak ass swing. Tell me, Little Ferguson, do you surround yourself with weak little boys to make yourself seem stronger? Make you seem more like a man?"
That seemed to have struck a nerve. Typical. "I'll show you a man, you little cocktease," he snarled at you, panic flooding your system when you felt his hand on your inner thigh, thick and inelegant fingers creeping higher. "Maybe I'll ruin you before killin' you…"
You squirmed in your seat, trying to throw him off as best you could, your efforts falling short from the rope binding you to the chair. He only snickered in response, his hand traveling up higher which made you throw your head back and butt him on the face as hard as you could.
He stumbled back and landed on his bum with a faint smack, groaning as he held his nose. A fleeting relief washed over you knowing at least you got him to stop from touching you.
That relief, however, was short lived, the entitled bratty excuse for a man stomping over to a golf bag by the exit and picking up a golf club, a heavy one from how he groaned and whined as he tried to lift it above his head, like he was practicing. "You fucking bitch, I just had that fixed!" he bawled, now stomping over to you.
"Please, from where I'm sitting it's an improvement," you sneered. "Gives you some much needed character."
He pointed his club at you. "You're on borrowed time."
"Well hey, do me a favor and run the timer down already because if I have to spend one more agonizing second lookin' at your ugly mug--Agh!"
Your words finally sent his fragile ego off the edge, swinging the golf club back to strike you across your forehead and making everything go black.
The last thing you remembered was the sound of the heavy door to the warehouse being slid open. A commotion.
And then a voice. Probably the most angelic voice you'd ever hear in your life.
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When Magnus and the rest of his team arrived outside the warehouse, Kurt had to physically hold the younger detective back from storming into the place without cause.
"She's in there, Kurt!" he shouted, his desperation ramping up with each passing second.
"And if you barge in there with your badge and your gun without any probable cause the next time she'll see you will be on the other side of a glass divider during visiting hours," Wallander tried to reason with him. "We don't have Jeffrey Ferguson's permission to search the area, we need a reason before we can--"
The loud smack of metal against something followed by a woman's howl of pain sounded out from the warehouse, launching Magnus into action once more. "There's my reason."
When they threw the door open he could feel his heart drop to the ground at sight before him. You on the ground, a new massive gash on your forehead with a bump the size of a golf ball on the same spot. Marcus Ferguson with golf club in his hand, raised above his head ready to strike again. Before he could lay another hand on you, Magnus raised his weapon and shot three times, the booming sound from his gun almost felt loud enough to shake the empty warehouse.
He didn't bother watching Ferguson go down to the ground, rushing over to you instead to work on freeing you from your restraints, his stomach lurching at the sight of the rope digging in and reddening your skin. "Sweetheart," he choked, taking out a pocket knife and cutting through the thick ropes.
"Mags…?" you mumbled as he cut you out of your restraints, trying to be as gentle as he could manage with you as he eased the rope away from your skin.
"I'm here, sweetheart, it's okay. You're safe now." You instantly relaxed into his hold when he cradled you against his him, refusing to let you go until the paramedics got to you and loaded you onto the gurney. "I've got you."
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You struggled to open your eyes when you felt yourself being laid down on a rather thin cushion, the sound of squeaking wheels and words that echoed your own arrest the other day filling your ears. You were wheeled into an ambulance, and you sighed in relief when your blurry vision caught sight of a head of blond curls.
"Mags," you breathed out, fingers twitching toward him. "Sorry I didn't show--" you said through slurred speech before he took your hand in both of his, pressing a kiss to your fingers.
"Shh don't you worry about that even for a second, darling," he spoke into your skin. "All I care about is that you're alive." You felt your skin get wet with hot tears as he kept kissing your hand. "I nearly lost you today."
"Still here," you mumbled, doing your best to squeeze back at his massive hand. "Not getting rid of me that easy, Martinsson."
Before you slipped back into unconsciousness, you heard him tell you, "I never want to be rid of you, my precious reckless girl. I love you so much."
The next time you opened your eyes, there was as rhythmic beeping coming from your side, your wounds had been cleaned, and Magnus was by your side. Hand wrapped around yours, slouched over on an uncomfortable chair, with his cheek resting on the mattress.
You tried to reach over, and run your hands through his curls to gently rouse him awake, but your other arm had a rather thick line in it administering what you could only guess was a pretty effective painkiller considering you weren't feeling the effects of the younger Ferguson's blows that much. You opted instead to squeeze his hand, your boyfriend letting out a tiny groan before looking up, his ocean blue eyes meeting yours and his free hand reaching up to stroke your hair.
"I'm going to need you to promise me something, sweetheart," he mumbled, trying to give you a reassuring smile despite the puffiness in his eyes.
"I'll promise you just about anything as long as you don't let them take away the painkillers."
"Promise me you'll try not to get into any fights until you have a license to carry a gun. I don't think danger will ever stop finding you, but at least I can make sure you're better equipped -- legally equipped -- to handle the next fucker that tries to harm you." He leaned over and looked at your face carefully before pressing the lightest kiss to a part of your face that wasn't cut or bruised. "Promise me, Y/N."
"I promise, Mags," you mumbled, your speech quite slurred. "What happened to Ferguson?"
"Intensive care," he answered, his jaw clenching before releasing his next sentiment. "Wish I'd gone for the head."
"No you don't," you shot back. "Too much paperwork."
He let out a hoarse laugh, his voice scratchy with the telltale sign of yelling and sobbing. "I'll make sure he spends the rest of his life behind bars for what he did to you."
"Hmph…self-proclaimed pretty boy like him surrounded by lonely men who haven't known the touch of a lover," you thought out loud, letting out a mirthless laugh before you echoed your assailant's words to you at the warehouse. "Maybe they'll ruin him before they kill him."
"Careful there," a voice spoke from the door way. Kurt. "Sounds like something he and his troop of deviants would say."
"Something he did say," you confirmed, wincing at the memory. "Right before he reached for the club."
"I'll kill him," Magnus seethed, his fury radiating off of him. "Kurt, please tell me we finally have enough to nail him. And his pathetic posse."
"We might," the older detective nodded. "But we need someone willing to testify against him--"
"I will," you volunteered, not taking another second to mull it over. "I'll testify. From how he talked I'm sure there'll be more just waiting to come outta the wood works. If what I have to say can give them the strength to want to speak up, perhaps we'll have the upper hand. No matter how much he tries to get out with Daddy's money."
Wallander gave you a singular nod. "You're a brave one, Y/N Y/L/N. Got the blood of a fighter, you do." He pointed a finger at Magnus. "You got yourself one of the good ones. Don't screw it up."
"Wouldn't dream of it," he answered back, thumb stroking gently across the back of your hand. "It better not come as a surprise to you that I'll want to take some time off. See to Y/N's recovery and all."
"I'd have twisted your arm myself if you didn't." He left the room, giving the nurse a curt nod as they passed each other.
"The doctor should be by in a little bit to check on you, Mrs. Martinsson," she informed you, giving you a warm smile.
Before you could protest from the name she'd called you, Magnus spoke up with a simple sentiment. "Thank you, Nurse." When she walked away, he looked at you with a sheepish expression in his eyes. "I might have fibbed a tiny bit so they'd let me stay in the room with you."
Your thoughts began to swirl more as the lightheadedness you felt from the painkillers mixed with how your heart swelled at his confession. "My gorgeous angel-faced golden retriever baby," you mumbled, making him give you a much wider smile. "Never took you for such a bad boy," you teased him. "What a pair we make…" You adjusted yourself in your bed, shuffling as far off to the side without disturbing the line in your arm and motioning your head to the empty space.
"What're you…?"
"Hop up, Mags," you tried to order him with a sleepy chuckle. "That's no way to sleep, and also I want my husband to hold me."
He climbed on to the bed, holding you gently as he pressed a soft kiss to your forehead. "Sleep, sweet reckless girl," he whispered, finally feeling like he could breathe easier now that he had you safe in his arms.
"Y/N Martinsson," you mumbled with a yawn, snuggling against his chest, so sleepy you didn't hear how his heart began to sprint in his chest. "I quite like the sound of that."
Magnus found it near impossible to breathe, his mind immediately bombarded with a vision of you in a myriad  of white dresses, walking down the aisle to him. Exchanging vows. Becoming his wife. "Careful, sweetheart. Any more talk like that and I'll go to the jeweler's the second you're discharged." He struggled to keep his tone light, doing his best not to wake you up.
"Hmph, don't," you grumbled. "Too expensive."
"What?" he breathed out, in complete disbelief at what he was hearing. "You would marry--No. Not right now. We'll talk about this when they take you off the morphine, darling."
"No need," you murmured as you snuggled closer to him. "I'd marry you tomorrow with a ring pop and a jukebox at the hospital chapel, Magnus Martinsson."
Your breathing evened out after that, leaving your boyfriend to process what you'd said all alone. He looked at your sleeping face, shakily pressing another kiss to the top of your head. "When you've fully recovered from this nightmare that monster subjected you to today, I'll make it real," he whispered into your hair, hoping that you'd hear him through your sleep. "I quite like the sound of Y/N Martinsson, too."
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A/N: *insert fanfare sound effect here* That's another request done! And these two blorbos are safe and sound in their little bubble where no one's gonna fuck with them anymore 🥹💖 Now on to the next and lemme just tell y'all now…it's angsty and it's 3 parts and we're headed back to our stabby mischievous babey 👀
But before we get there…I might have something for y'all in the next few days involving Centrum Ad Hiddles…
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In the words of Scooby Doo…ruh roh…😳👀
everything taglist: @simplyholl @loopsisloops @imalovernotahater @coldnique @loz-3 @huntress-artemiss @salempoe @vickie5446 @athalialaufeyson @lokiprompts @kats72 @kikster606 @asgards-princess-of-mischief @lokixryss @thomase1 @mischief2sarawr @peaches1958 @lovingchoices14 @lunarnights95 @goblingirlsarah @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @creationsbyme @maple-seed @mjsthrillernp @ladyofthestayingpower @mygfloki @sititran @glitterylokislut @ozymdias @fictive-sl0th  @lokidbadguy @mochie85 @silverfire475 @joyful-enchantress @elizabethmidnight2017 @holdmytesseract @smolvenger @gigglingtiggerv2 @lokidokieokie @lunarnights95 @superficialdomina @anukulee @kmc1989 @november-rayne @goddessofwonderland @buttercupcookies-blog
Magnus taglist: @vbecker10
111 notes · View notes
holdmytesseract · 9 months
Hello bestie I am back with another request 👀🎉
Magnus crushing on a barista and a robber coming into the coffee shop and him coming to her rescue 🥹👀
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Knight With Curls and Blue Eyes
Magnus Martinsson x fem!Reader
Summary: Magnus has a crush on you - a barista. When the coffee shop you are working in gets robbed, the curly haired policeman is more than eager to save and protect you...
Warnings: police things, guns, bit of violence, blood? robbery of a coffee shop, fluuuuff!
Word Count: 3,1k
a/n: Since I'm going to go on holidays on Tuesday and therefore won't be as active for a few days, I thought I'm giving y'all a bit of Magnus to read. 😊
That oneshot was SO much fun to write! 🥰 Magnus, our sweet little meow meow. 🥹 Hope y'all like it - especially you, bestie @muddyorbsblr ! I think you are probably in need of a bit Magnus fluff at the moment. 😉🥺
Also, please go easy on me, guys. I haven't written for Magnus that much yet. I hope it's good, though. 🥺
Tagging: @muddyorbsblr @lulubelle814 @km-ffluv @loz-3 @vbecker10 @jennyggggrrr @chantsdemarins @multifandom-worlds @fictive-sl0th @lovingchoices14 @simping-for-marvel @stupidthoughtsinwriting @vanilla-daydreaming @lou12346789 @lady-rose-moon @evelyn-kingsley @smolvenger @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @wolfsmom1 @lokidbadguy @icytrickster17 @mandywholock1980 @november-rayne @lokiforever @hisredheadedgoddess28 @mischief-dream @jaidenhawke @crimson25 @cakesandtom @buttercupcookies-blog @salvinaa @javagirl328
°☆• Masterlist •☆°
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"Do you really think this is the best strategy?" Magnus asked his colleague, as he looked through the binocular; gaze undoubtedly directed out of the car window and focused on the small seaside cottage. His question stayed unanswered, causing him to frown and peel his eyes away from the object in his hands. "Kurt?"
Looking over at the driver seat of the detective's black Volvo, Magnus noticed that said detective had fallen asleep. Unable to suppress a small laugh, "Kurt. Hey, Kurt." the young policeman gently hit the older man's arm, causing him to literally wake with a start. Alarmed, Kurt looked around; anticipating the worst. "What is it?! Did you see something?!" The man with the curly haired mane on his head chuckled. "No, it's nothing. You fell asleep. I just thought I should wake you up." Kurt groaned; running a hand over his face. "Dear god, Martinsson..." Magnus rubbed his neck; "Sorry." smiling uptight. "But hey, I told you to get more sleep!" "I'm trying! It's just not that easy..."
A strange atmosphere spread throughout the car after the experienced man's words. Magnus knew what Kurt was talking about. The last years hadn't been easy and not always kind to him. It also caused silence to fall over them; both policemen just staring out of the windows and observing their main suspects cottage - until Magnus decided to 'break the ice' again.
"You up for some coffee? I feel like we could both use one, eh?" Kurt's gaze fell on the younger man again; a small smile tugging at his lips. He nodded; starting the engine of the car. "This is the first reasonable thing you're saying today, Magnus," Kurt remarked; teasing his colleague. Magnus just shook his head with a smile.
No ten minutes later, Kurt pulled up the car bedside the cosy, little coffee shop, which wasn't far from Ystad's småbåtshamn - and the police station. It was the go-to coffee shop for the policemen and women. Nobody knew why, it just became some kind of tradition. A habit.
The detective stopped the car and turned off the engine, before he nodded at his colleague. "You know how I drink my coffee." Magnus blinked; pointing at himself. "You want me to get the coffee?" "You suggested it. Besides, I'm the driver." A groan left the curly haired man's lips. "But I'm always doing the coffee run..." Not without reason, Kurt stated in his head. Instead of saying what was on his mind, though, he just shrugged his shoulders; trying desperately to hide a smile. "Well, I guess you're the chosen one."
"Fine," Magnus grumbled underneath his breath and unbuckled his seat belt, before he got out of the car and crossed the road to enter the coffee shop.
Kurt, who stayed seated in the car, had a victorious smile displayed on his face. He knew exactly what he had done. After all, it was no secret throughout the - meanwhile whole police station, that the young policeman had a massive crush on the cute and extraordinarily kind barista, who worked in that very coffee shop. Magnus was very bad at hiding it. Let's put it that way. Everybody noticed, but Magnus didn't notice that they had noticed. He may have been aware of the crush he had, but that his colleagues always send him on the coffee run because of that hadn't occurred in his mind yet.
Feeling his hands already getting sweaty - like every time when he looked through the big window pane and saw her standing behind the counter, he wiped his palms off on the dark blue fabric of his jeans. Tucking his white shirt properly back inside his jeans after and giving himself a short once-over, Magnus stepped through the glass door. The little bell above the door announced his presence. Usually, the so popular coffee shop was very crowded; filled to the brim with people, but not in that very moment. Well, it was late in the morning and the most Swedes were at work. He stepped closer; watched with a soft smile how you handed a steaming mug on a tray to an elderly woman.
"Varsågod, fru Olsson." The woman smiled; taking the small tray with a slightly shaking hand. "Tack så mycket, min kära." You smiled brightly. "Ni är hjärtligt välkomna. Njut av ditt te." The woman stepped away then, passing by the young policeman. "God morgon," Magnus greeted the woman; tipping his head with a smile. He may be of a younger generation, but he still had manners. The woman looked at him with a smile, "God morgon, unge man." and passed him by to sit onto one of the comfortable benches. The man watched her for a moment, before he turned his attention towards the counter. Towards you.
You already greeted him with that sweet smile; causing the curly haired policeman's knees to go weak. You recognised him of course by now. He was a regular customer. "Oh god morgon, herr polisman," you said in a cheerful, happy voice. You never failed to make Magnus smile. Always a ray of sunshine. It made his heart skip a beat. "What can I get you today? The usual, or something different?"
Magnus just stared into your breathtakingly beautiful face for a moment; noticing how your Y/E/C eyes sparkled with joy as you spoke. Your hair was bound together as always. You wore your black apron as always, but you didn't wear a white blouse underneath today - like he noticed. Your blouse was a soft, light blue. Oh fuck, he thought; catching himself staring. I'm in so deep.
"H-Hey, um, god morgon, I..." He stammered; losing his composure for a moment. "No. Not the usual today, I'm afraid." Magnus quickly tried to turn the corner; giving you a dazzling smile. "I'm on patrol with my colleague, so... It's just the two of us." "Ahh, I see," she said; wiping her hands off on the apron. "Well, your wish is my command." The policeman couldn't help but smile again. "One black coffee please and-" "One coffee with cream and two sugars, right?" You chimed in; interrupting him and already went to work. Magnus just blinked at you. She remembers how I like my coffee... She remembers!
You saw his distraught face; immediately thinking that you did something wrong. Clearly it was disrespectful to interrupt the sweet and kind policeman with the untamed, blonde-brown curls. "I shouldn't have interrupted you. I'm so sorry, I-" "No!" Magnus jumped in on an instant. "No... It's alright. I'm just stunned that you remember." He admitted with a soft chuckle; cheeks turning red. Your body relaxed again. "Well, I always remember, Mr. Martinsson. You come here very often, you know." That was true. "Well, yeah, I... My colleagues always condemn me to do the coffee run..." You giggled - it was like music in Magnus's ears; "I noticed." and placed two cups of coffee on the counter in front of him. "One black coffee and one coffee with cream and two sugars to go." He smiled, paid and took the cups in his big, veiny hands. "Thank you." You mirrored his smile. "You're welcome. Enjoy the coffee and have a great day." "Thanks. You too." With his eyes still lingering on you, Magnus turned to leave and almost ran against the door, because he couldn't tear his gaze apart from you. He noticed it in the last second, though, before it was too late. You hadn't seen any of it, because you were already busy with the next customer's order. Cursing under his breath, he made his way out of the coffee shop and back to the car.
After handing Kurt his cup of black coffee through the opened window, he rounded the car and got in the vehicle. "What took you so long?" Magnus shrugged; taking a sip. "Had to wait."
Kurt answered nothing; started the engine instead and drove off - smirking. Something that slipped Magnus notice. Unbeknownst to him, Kurt had witnessed everything...
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"No, I think we can't exclude Svensson," Kurt stated; looking at his team. They were all seated in the small conference room. It was late in the evening. Everybody sat on a chair around the big, quadratic table; except for Magnus. He was leaning against a desk; arms crossed.
"But he has a watertight alibi, Kurt," countered Ann-Britt - another detective. "Yes, but his motives are clear and I don't trust this. I'm going to-" The loud ringing of a telephone cut suddenly through the air; interrupting the older man. "Magnus, telephone," Kurt said; looking at his younger colleague and sending him - like so often, to pick up the call. With a sigh and internally rolling his eyes; the curly haired man made his way to the desk on which the ringing telephone was located, while the others kept on discussing.
"Ystad Police, Magnus Martinsson."
"H-Hello? I-I need h-help."
Magnus's face fell; facial expressions derailing. He knew that voice. He'd recognise it everywhere. It was hushed and quiet, but it was undoubtedly yours. It sent a jolt through his heart.
"Okay, stay calm. Tell me what happened." The young man tried to stay calm as well - which wasn't exactly easy, given the fact that his crush was on the phone - and obviously in danger.
"I-I closed the s-shop a-and went to... to the backroom to do a f-few things, b-but-" Your voice became silent.
Unbeknownst to Magnus, you sat huddled in the little broom closet inside the coffee shop; shaking like a leaf in the wind - and now holding your breath, since you heard steps. And they got closer.
"Y/N?!" The worried policeman's voice brought you back. "S-Someone's here. I-I can't t-talk."
Magnus thought so. He had quickly connected the dots and was already grabbing his jacket. "Okay, Y/N, listen to me... Try to stay calm. We're on the way." "O-Okay," he heard your quiet, but ragged and shaky voice through the phone; causing his heart to clench.
The young policeman quickly hung up, slipped in his jacket and ran back towards the conference room; interrupting his colleagues. "We have to go! There's a robbery going on!" Not hesitating for another minute, Magnus checked on his gun and grabbed the car keys. He was already marching off to the door, when Kurt came running after him. "Magnus! Magnus wait!" The curly haired man stopped in his tracks; turning to face the older man. "Where? Where is a robbery going on and what is even happening here?" "The coffee shop."
Kurt's eyes widened.
"The coffee shop?" "Yes. Y/N was on the phone. She needs help. I have to go." With that sentence, Magnus's already obvious crush became even more obvious. Now Kurt knew for sure - and before he could answer something, his colleague had already walked off again. Kurt cursed underneath his breath and followed him again. "Damn it, Martinsson!" He yelled after him; catching just so up to Magnus. "Have you forgotten everything you learned?! You can't act so headless now, only to play the knight in shining armour!" The experience policeman placed a hand on his younger colleague's shoulder; holding him back once again.
"If we are really dealing with a robbery here, we have to act careful. Not headless. I know you want to save her - and we will, but we do it right. Okay?" Magnus's breathing was quick and unsteady; adrenaline flooding his veins, but he nodded. "Okay."
So, they did.
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About ten minutes later, Magnus, Kurt and quite a few other policemen were ready to storm the coffee shop. Now dressed in a bulletproof vest and gun in hands, the curly haired man stood pressed against the wall beside the backdoor of the shop. His heart was beating fast; as if it had to win a marathon.
Not that he didn't do all this before, but... This was different.
Exchanging a nod with Nils - his colleague, they quietly entered the shop through the backdoor. Taking step after step; Magnus's breathing quickened. It was quiet. Too quiet.
Lurking around the corner, inside the only room down that little hallway, Magnus saw a man. Dressed in all black. A mask over his head. He was rummaging through a little box with one hand. The other was outstretched; holding a gun and- The young man's eyes widened. It was pointed towards you. You sat on a chair; hands nestled in your lap. Your bottom lip wobbled dangerously. You were visibly afraid and tried hard to make not a single sound or god forbid, cry.
"Damnit," Magnus whispered quietly under his breath. He wanted to storm that room right then and there, but he knew better. He knew he should do as he was 'taught'. So, he kept looking out for any signal Kurt - who was entering the shop from the other side, could be giving him. And when he saw it, everything happened so fast...
Gun ready to shoot, the policeman stormed the room; followed by his colleagues. "Polisen!" Magnus shouted; pointing his gun at the man - who was visibly shocked and surprised that he was caught. "Släpp vapnet!"
The robber froze for a moment, but then the realisation kicked in - and he loaded his gun; pointing it straight to your head. "Försvinn, annars skjuter jag henne!" Yelled the man back; stepping dangerously closer to you. Magnus clenched his jaw; hearing you wince and watching how the first tears escaped the corners of your eyes. He was losing his patience.
"Jag sa släpp vapnet," he snarled. The robber didn't move a muscle - and Magnus lost it; too afraid that something might happen to the woman he harboured feeling for since such a long time. Everybody seemed to hold their breaths. You, Kurt, the other policemen - except Magnus. He was high on adrenaline. High on emotion. Nobody had seen the young man act like that before. Not even Kurt. So they were all stunned.
"Nu!" Magnus shouted - in vain. He saw the man's finger twitch against the trigger - but Magnus was faster and shot the man in his left leg, before he could shoot you. Crying out in pain, the criminal sunk to the floor.
While Kurt and two other men dragged the wincing man off the floor and walked him off, the curly haired man literally threw his weapon away and stumbled towards your side; checking in on you immediately. "Y/N! Y/N, are you alright?!" You were still shaking and crying; the shock was profound. The policeman squatted down in front of you; worried blue eyes looking into your Y/E/C. "Hey..." He spoke softly. You began to nod slowly. "Y-Yeah, I think so. I-I'm just-" "Shocked. I know." Magnus finished your sentence. His oceanic blues calmed you down; functioned like an endless pool of calmness in which you could drown in.
"Do you want me to get an ambulance, to check on you? Or should I call somebody?" You shook your head. "I... I could go to my p-parents." Magnus nodded; thinking that it was a good idea. You shouldn't be alone tonight. Of course, he'd gladly volunteer to stay with you and look after you, but... No, no. That would most likely be crossing the line. "I-I don't want t-to be alone tonight." You whispered; wiping a stray tear away. "Yes, you shouldn't... I can give you a lift home?" Glassy, red eyes were meeting his once more. Ugh, how he'd love to hug you right now. "Y-You would do that?" Cuddle up in bed with you, pull you against his chest and tell you that everything is going to be alright, because he's here to protect you. He'd always be. "Sure." Magnus gentlemanly helped you stand up and escorted you towards the door. "Kurt, I-" The older man was standing beside his car; typing away on his phone. When he heard his colleague calling out his name and saw what was going on, he nodded, "Of course, Martinsson." and interrupted him with a smile. Magnus knew that look on Kurt's face and had a hard time to stop himself from blushing.
He opened the passenger door of his police car for you to sit inside, before he rounded the vehicle to join you and driving you home - or well... To your parent's home.
Arrived there, he parked the car and killed the engine. "There we are." The light was still on inside the little, cosy looking Swedish house.
"Thank you," your soft voice was urging to his ears once more and when he turned his head to look at you, he saw nothing but pure thankfulness and relief in your face. "For driving me home a-and especially for saving me. You are definitely my knight in shining armour now, herr polisman." During the car ride, you had visibly calmed down. Sure, you were still troubled after what had just happened, but it was better now; being in the safety of the sweet and kind policeman.
Magnus had again a hard time to not blush. This time because of your words. "Magnus. My name is Magnus." Magnus... You couldn't help but smile a little. Handsome name for a handsome man.
Magnus, telling you his name reminded you of something... "How... How did you know my name?" The curly haired man chuckled softly beside you; hands fumbling nervously in his lap. "Well... I, I heard your name being called the first time when I walked into the coffee shop and I, um, I couldn't forget it - you since then..." This time, he couldn't stop his cheeks from turning pink.
Your eyes widened. "Oh, really?" Magnus nodded; awkwardly. "Uh.Huh." And you? You just smiled; tucking a loose strand behind your ear. "Well, Magnus..." The way you rolled his name off your tongue send a shiver down his spine. It sounded so right. "We should go, eat something together sometime." His heartbeat immediately sped up when he heard that. "Is... Is that... Are you asking me out for a date?" Your smile widened. "Perhaps..."
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småbåtshamn – marina
Varsågod, fru Olsson. – There you go, Mrs. Olsson.
Tack så mycket, min kära. – Thank you very much, my dear.
Ni är hjärtligt välkomna. Njut av ditt te. – You are most welcome. Enjoy your tea.
God morgon (unge man). – Good morning (young man).
herr polisman – officer
polisen – police
(Jag sa) släpp vapnet – (I said) drop that gun!
Försvinn, annars skjuter jag henne! – Piss off, or I'm going to shoot her!
Nu! – Now!
117 notes · View notes
Last Updated: 2023-12-12
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Disclaimer: I am not the author of these stories, just sharing my favourite Magnus Martinsson stories. Find the authors' links below. If you want your work removed, message me privately.
Legend: 〔E〕 ⇢ Erotic/Steamy | 〔F〕 ⇢ Fluff | 〔A〕 ⇢ Angst/Hurt 〔M〕 ⇢ Minor Angst/Hurt | 〔C〕 ⇢ Comfort | ♥︎ ⇢ Established Relationship | 𑁍 ⇢ Pregnancy/Children | 🚫 ⇢ Content Warning
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❆ Mistletoe│Prt. II by just-the-hiddles • 〔E᜶F᜶M〕 •
Summary: "Magnus opened his big mouth to his family and gotten himself into a spot of trouble this holiday season. He told them he has a girlfriend coming home for Christmas but he is currently unattached. He turns to you for help, the new transfer to Ystad station, and you just happen to have no plans. Unbeknownst to Magnus, you are harboring a secret crush for him. Can you keep your feelings in check or will you crack?"
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❆ All I Want for Christmas by just-the-hiddles • 〔C〕 • ♥︎ •
❆ First Christmas by ladyfluff • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
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See Also: Navigation || Magnus Martinsson Master Index
Authors: @just-the-hiddles || @ladyfluff ||
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liminalpebble · 1 year
Liminalpebble’s Masterlist Library
Sex and Death (Masterlist)
A Wallander fanfic (Magnus Martinsson x Original Female Character)
Synopsis: Detective Magnus Martinsson and Noura Harik (a forensic linguist) are racing to find an enigmatic serial killer before he sets his sights on one of their own, but when Harik reaches a breaking point with the temperamental Inspector Wallander, everything changes.  
A/N: Magnus Martinsson x OFC, slow burn to smut, murder and violence (from the killer, not our protagonists), Minors DNI
Violet (Masterlist)
 Will Ransome (The Essex Serpent) x Original Female Character  
Summary: The solitary Reverend Ransome leaves the empty nest of his home in Essex, beginning his life as a professor in London. His expectation of a contemplative religious life as a pious widower is complicated by an odd and alluring foreign student, Violetta Vespero. How can the conflicted vicar keep his gaze and worship skyward with such delicious temptations before him on Earth?
CW: Sacrilege all over the place, slow Burn to smut, angst, multi-parter, probably pretty historically inaccurate. Minors DNI
The Refugee (Masterlist)
AU Loki x Original Female Character (COMPLETE)
Summary: In a timeline where Loki, the prodigal prince of Asgard, struck out to establish his vast and powerful Laufeyson Empire, he stumbles upon Lenora, a refugee scarred by his bloodshed. One of the few surviving Morhari, she is captured and forced to use her considerable intelligence in service to the fearful warlord who destroyed her nation and her life. Will the peasant turned captive asset find her way to freedom and her own power, and will the cruel and scheming god of mischief discover that he can be more than a villain?
CW: Non/dubious consent. slow burn to eventual smut. violence and torture. Loki is very unambiguously bad, morally complex but bad, and does bad things.18+ readers only.  
Eddie's Education (Masterlist)
Eddie Munson (Stranger Things) x Original Female Character
Summary: 15 years after the events in the upside-down and Eddie's unlikely survival, he's still left with scars and an uneventful life working at his uncle's garage and as a part-time bartender. Although he planned to get out of Hawkins like a bat out of hell, he's still there and feeling stuck. At Uncle Wayne's suggestion, Eddie goes to night school to finally get his GED. Little does Eddie know that his life is about to get a lot more interesting when he meets his tutor, Leia, and realizes staying in Hawkins might not be so bad after all.
A/N: Eddie Munson x OFC, slow burn to eventual smut, multi-parter. Cannon divergent. morbid subjects discussed. Eddie's a sweetheart, Eddie Lives! Minors DNI
Stray (A Lokitty Tale)
A/N: Hi all. This began as a prompt suggestion by @mischief2sarawr and has since grown three heads and answers to no one. It's now a multipart, very fluffy, story about Lokitty. I have no idea where I'm going with this except definitely to the comfort district of fluff town...maybe driving through a little traffic jam of angst on the way there.
Synopsis: It's 1971 and you're a single shop girl living in the tumultuous, often damp, city of Seattle, feeling lost and alone. Meanwhile, Loki (under the guise of D.B. Cooper) is on the run from Thor the moment he jumped out of that plane. After crash landing in a dumpster and disguising himself as a stray cat to lay low, he becomes your beloved feline room mate and an unusual friendship begins to grow.
Between the Lines (An AU Loki Story)
Summary: The exchange of concubines amongst the noble houses of Asgard is nothing new to the royal family, however, it is to Asgard's solitary younger prince. Since Loki had always openly declared the tradition barbaric and loathsome, he shocks the court to its core when he changes his mind.
The trickster had yet another surprise in store when he selected you, a librarian from a noble house to occupy his bed.
You're stunned, intimidated, even afraid, of the sly second prince, but you know as well as anyone that to deny a royal decree is to court death.
And so you go, only to find that this mysterious man is not at all what you expected.
Pairing: Femme reader x Loki Pre-Thor 1 AU
CW: Allusions to sexual slavery dubcon/noncon within the society. Power imbalance. Eventual smut with questionable consent. Minors DNI.
AN: This will be a multi-parter but not a particularly long one, so if I leave you hanging between chapters, I promise it won't be particularly long before it all comes together.
One Shots, Requests, and Drabbles (coming soon)
Love Letters From... (coming soon)
Memes What I Made (coming soon)
And finally, a special appearance of SAS mascot Mew Mew the Mango. 💚
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glxssylaufey · 3 years
after hours [magnus martinsson]
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.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜
summary: magnus martinsson x fem!reader ; after a long day at the office, you and your boyfriend magnus return home. not wanting to interrupt your relaxation, magnus helps himself to relieve the stresses of the day.
warnings: smut (18+), minors DNI, sub!magnus, dom!reader, masturbating, humiliation, oral sex, praise kink, mistress kink, mentions of spanking, exhaustion
a/u: my apologies, this one is a tad short. i wanted to keep it sweet and simple :) also this is not proofread, so this probably sucks, but still, i hope you enjoy!
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜
By the time Magnus had walked into your shared bedroom, the clock read 1:17 a.m. Once the curly haired boy stepped into the threshold, the sudden hitch in his throat permitted him from taking another step further.
In front of him was a sight to behold, one that caused his jeans to become tighter and tighter by the second. You laid peacefully on the bed in only a provocative nightgown, sleeping on your tummy with on leg bent upwards. Your position allowed Magnus the perfect view of your bare and glistening pussy, causing his breath to heave and his heart to race. Unable to take his eyes off your ravishing form, he allowed his hand to slowly snake down to palm his growing bulge.
He wanted nothing more than to climb between your legs and swipe his hot tongue against your slickness, waking you from your slumber with pleasure. Though, Magnus didn’t wish to wake you. He understood the hard work you’ve been putting in with Kurt for the past week and knew you needed the rest. But Magnus also knew he needed release and soon. He quietly slipped out of the bedroom and hastily shuffled into the bathroom. Magnus pressed his back flush against the door while he let out a sigh, his head falling back against the door. He’d have to be quiet in order not to wake you. Walking over to the mirror, he watched himself as he removed his clothes from his slender body. After peeling his shirt off, he admired the delicious sight in the mirror. His chest was littered with hickeys and marks all specially made by you. Magnus let out a shaky sigh as he ran his fingers over the red marks, remembering his previous night of fun with you.
“Magnus, do you know why you’re being punished?”
“Fuck!” Magnus cursed under his breath, the vivid images replaying beautifully in his mind.
“Y-yes, mistress.”
“And why is that?”
Magnus closed his eyes shut to reimagine everything vividly. Your voice. Your form. Your touch. His hands fell down to his front and he began to undo his belt to remove his trousers.
“Because, I was a bad boy.”
A soft moan escaped from Magnus’s lips when he remembered all the blissfully harsh spanks he received that night. He remembered the deep redness on his bottom and how difficult you made it for him to sit properly at work.
“Be specific, please.”
“I-I teased you.”
“And why were you teasing me, bunny?”
Magnus’s pants pooled at his ankles, leaving him in only his boxers. His painful erection strained against the fabric, making the curly haired boy groan in both pain and pleasure. Magnus hooked his fingers in the hem of his boxers before tugging them downwards along with his pants. His hard cock sprung free, pleading for his attention…
“I wanted attention.”
“And is that how good boys ask for attention?”
“No, mis-”
“Mistress!” Magnus moaned softly as he wrapped his hand around his twitching length, his swollen tip leaking with precum. He paid close attention to his volume, making sure not to make any noise to wake you. Magnus normally isn’t one for masturbation or taking his pleasure for himself. Though after seeing you exhausted after a long day at the police station, he knew you needed the rest. But of course, you were still the one swimming in his mind.
“No, mistress.”
“That’s better. Would you like your reward, baby?”
“Yes, please.”
Oh, his reward. Magnus’s cock grew harder just at the thought. His hand pumped faster, his blonde curls dropping against the wall as he gently tosses his head back in ecstasy. Sliding his back down the wall, he sits on the bathroom tile for better leverage. Soft whimpers escape his lips with the taste of your name on his tongue.
“Oh, mistress…” he whines, working his member faster.
“Oh, Magnus! Your tongue feels so good against my hot cunt, doesn’t it?”
“Mm, yes!”
“Yes!” Magnus moans, much louder this time.
“That’s it, baby. Make me cum!”
Magnus’s eyes shot open at the sound of your tired voice, scrambling to pull his pants up. You stood in the doorframe of the bathroom wearing one of his oversized shirts.
“Y/N! What are you doing up?” he asked, completely flustered. The poor boy’s face went completely red with embarrassment.
“I heard you calling for me.” you said simply, gesturing towards your lover. “You were calling for me… weren’t you?”
Your sudden questioning confused Magnus, not exactly sure of what you were getting at. His baby blue eyes zipped all around the room, glancing at everything but you.
“Magnus. I asked you a question.” you said in a sterner voice, stepping closer towards him. “Were you calling for me?”
“Yes?” he said in an unsure tone.
You walked closer to him, causing his breath to hitch. Were you disappointed in him? Disgusted? All the possibilities made his head spin. Once you halted right in front of him, you bent down slightly to bring your finger under his chin and lift his head to bring his gaze to yours.
“Yes, what?”
“Yes, mistress.” he replied, his hardness still throbbing beneath his trousers.
“Good boy.” you praise, running your fingers through his golden curls. Magnus hums at the way your fingers massage his scalp, adoring the way you knew all his sweet spots. “Now tell me what you were doing in here. All alone?” you whispered, never breaking the eye contact.
Magnus grew impossibly redder, completely embarrassed at your question. It seems you were also an expert at finding all the ways to rile him up as well.
“I-I…” he stammered at first, mumbling his words.
“Speak up, sweetheart.” you ordered gently.
Magnus cleared his throat and took another deep breath before speaking again with confidence.
“I was touching myself.” he spat quickly, utterly embarrassment. “I’m sorry, mistress.” You softly rub your fingers against his cheeks to soothe him.
“There’s nothing to apologize for, my sweet boy.” you hushed before pressing a chaste kiss on his forehead.
As you continued raking your fingers through his unruly hair, you slowly brought your lips to his ear. Your hot breath against his skin made him shiver and whimper silently.
“Do you need my help, bunny?” you whispered flirtatiously, snaking your hand downward towards his erection. Magnus let out a shaky breath, his eyes fluttering shut.
“Y-yes please, mistress.” he spoke desperately, moving his hands from his bulge to allow you access.
“Tell me what you need.” you whispered, tracing your fingers over the print of his throbbing cock. Magnus let’s out a soft gasp, trying not to buck his hips into your gentle touches.
“Your touch, mistress, please. I want you to touch me.” he spoke with puppy eyes.
You smirked, continuing to stroke him through his poorly fastened trousers. This caused a wet spot of precum to seep through his trousers, earning a chuckle from you.
“Oh, my poor boy. Already so sensitive and I haven’t even taken your cock out yet.” you cooed, causing Magnus’s breath to labor.
“I’m sorry, mistress. I-I just want you.” he sighed. His throbbing member was growing painful.
Magnus moves boldly, moving his hands to undo his pants yet again. You quickly halt him, removing his hands to undo the button yourself.
“You’ve been working so hard, Magnus. Let your mistress take care of you tonight.” you said freeing his impossibly hard cock. You stroked him slowly, causing his head to fall back with a gasp of pleasure.
“Thank you, mistress!” Magnus choked a sob.
“What do you want, Magnus? How should I reward my good boy?” you teased, rubbing in a bead of precum across his swollen tip.
“M-may I possibly…” Magnus pauses, too embarrassed to ask any further. Though you knew he knew better than to not use his words. You give his shaft a light warning squeeze, making his hips buck.
“Your mouth!” he confessed. “I want you to use your mouth, mistress. Please?” You smirk at his desperateness, lowering yourself down to his needy dick.
“Such a good boy.” you praised. “You may cum whenever you want.”
“Thank yo-” Magnus was quickly cut off by a loud moan when you took his shaft deep into your mouth, letting the fine hairs at the base of his cock tickle your nose slightly.
You raised yourself off his dick to wrap your lips around the tip, swirling your tongue skillfully. Magnus watches you with loving eyes, admiring the sight of your hot mouth on his cock. Listening to your lover’s sweet whimpers and moans, you continue bobbing your head up and down. You moan around his dick, sending pleasing vibrations through his entire body.
“Your mouth feels incredible.” he groans. “May I touch you?” Despite your dominate attitude, you still blush at the way Magnus’s asks permission.
“Of course, darling.” you say before licking a stripe along a vein on his shaft. Magnus brings his hand to rest on the top of your head, rubbing loving circles into your scalp.
“Thank you, mistress.” he sighs, screwing his eyes shut. He lets his fingers to glide through your silky hair, smiling slightly at the feeling.
As you continued to work your mouth, you allowed Magnus to give your hair light tugs whenever you gave his thick cock a particularly hard suck. You feel his dick begin to twitch in your mouth, signaling he was close to release.
“Mistress! I’m close!” he warned, bucking into your mouth. You push his hips down with your hands, quickening your pace. Magnus grabs a fist full of your hair to push you down onto his dick slightly.
With one last cry, Magnus shoots thick ropes of cum down your throat and onto your wet tongue. You bob your head on his cock one last time to allow him to ride out his blissful orgasm. Swallowing his sticky seed, you tuck away his softened member before zipping his trousers back up. Magnus pants above you, his eyes still closed in pure ecstasy. After buckling his pants back up, you move to sit on his lap, nestling your head into the nape of his neck.
“Better?” you ask sweetly. Magnus hums before turning his head to press a kiss on the top of your head.
“Very.” he chuckles. “Thank you, Y/N.”
“Anything for my good boy.”
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fadingfics · 4 years
TH HBC Kinktober 18
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October 18th - Phone Sex/Sexting - Magnus
MagnusMartinsson/Reader. He’s home alone and bored.
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This is your fault.
The text read. It wouldn’t have meant much if it wasn’t for the picture. A dick pic. His dick, to be more specific. You’d recognize it anywhere. You felt your cheeks warm up and you gulped hard.
- You asshole, I’m in a meeting!!! - Was your reply.
And I miss you.
- It’s your day off, not mine.
Magnus sent yet another pic, this time he was fisting his cock. Its head was bright red with a tiny pearl of precum on the tip.
You hid the phone under the table while your co-workers looked expectantly at you. You cleared your throat and carried on talking where your partner left off. You had put the phone on silent mode for the meeting, but it still vibrated against your thigh. You ignored it for several minutes, until the meeting was wrapping up.
You should have stayed here with me. Fake sick or something. I’m having to take care of things by myself.
Another picture of his cock almost at full hardness covered the screen.
Okay, ignore me. I’ll be over here thinking of all the things I’d like to do to you.
A picture of his tongue stuck in between two of his fingers accompanied the text. It sent a shiver down your spine and a wave of heat pooled in your groin. You put the phone back on your thigh and waited for the meeting to be over. At last, everyone was dismissed and you all but ran to the bathroom.
You opened the chat to see a short video of Magnus stroking his cock slowly, his low moans could be heard in the background.
- You are in so much trouble.
Am I going to be punished? 😏😉
You pressed your lips, and thighs, together.
- Wanna know what I’m going to do when I get home?
- I’m gonna wrap my lips around that tip and suck until your eyes are able to see the inside of your skull.
You locked yourself in a stall and dropped your underwear, sending him a pic of your wet pussy, one of your fingers on your clit.
- Then I’m gonna sit this pussy on your face and use those ridiculous curls on your head to steer you as you eat it. And you better eat it good, cause otherwise your cock ain’t getting anywhere near it.
You waited for a moment. Magnus had read the text, but he wasn’t typing and hadn’t replied yet. Biting back a snicker, you typed again.
- Now stop touching yourself. If you come before I do, we’re not having sex in a week.
Silence. You stared at your phone for a whole minute before you saw Magnus was typing.
That is not nice.
You sent him a selfie, licking your slick off your fingers and winking at the screen.
- Who ever said I was nice?
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just-the-hiddles · 4 years
What Could Go Wrong? | Magnus Martinsson x Female Reader
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A/N: Just a fun little story.  Another one of those putting a character into a situation where everything does wrong.  And poor Magnus seems like he would get into trouble.
Pairing:  Magnus Martinsson x Female Reader
Summary:  The unit audit is killing Magnus.  He isn’t sleeping, which is causing him to fall asleep at work and forget things, like his date with you.  His attempts to make amends end in disaster.
Warnings:  Smut (vaginal sex, oral sex (female receiving), orgasm delay), cursing, fire, allergies
The Whole Enchilada:  @winterisakiller​ @nonsensicalobsessions​ @yespolkadotkitty​ @hopelessromanticspoonie​ @pinkzz123​ @jessiejunebug​ @cherrygeek86​​ @littleredstarfish​ @rjohnson1280​ @the-minus-four​ @wiczer​ @lotus-eyedindiangoddess​ @catsladen​ @coppercorn-and-cauldron​ @gerli49​ @lovesmesomehiddles​ @devilbat​ @he-is-chaotic-she-is-psychotic​ @tinchentitri​ @theheartofpenelope​ @noplacelikehome77​ @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore​ @snoopy3000​ @voila-tout​ @wolfsmom1​ @queenoftheunderdark​ @xxloki81xx​ @thewaithfuckingannoyme​ @kcd15​ @amirra88​ @malkaviangirl​ @evanlys19​ @thejemersoninferno​ @sadwaywardkid​ @is-it-madness​ @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog​ @peterman-spideyparker​ @caffiend-queen​ @sleepylunarwolf​ @anagrom​ @bradfordbantams​ @ms-cellanies​ @what-just-happened-bro​ @stubby-toe-589331​ @alexakeyloveloki​ @loki-smut-library​ @imnotrevealingmyname​ @trippedmetaldetector​ @tea4sykes​ @noambition-blog @sherala007​ @vodka-and-some-sass​ @cursethedarkness​ @jewels2876​ @fixatedfandomhunter​ @myraiswack​ @lokikenway97​ @groovylokifanficpersona​ @ciaodarknessmyheart​ @bitchcraft-at-its-finest @hanyasnape​ @lokislastlove​ @stuckysdaughter​ @theunwantedomega​ @dryyoursaltyoceantears​ @petitefirecracker10​ @thummbelina​ @andreasworlsboring101​ @krazycags01​ @howaboutash @thehumanistsdiary​ @daddylouislittle​ @flakyfreak​ @sigyn-nightshade​ @green-valkyrie​ @usedtobegoodfriend96​ @salempoe​ @traumschiffe​ @letsdisneythings​ @arch-venus25​ @thefuckthesaurus​ @karushinekomiya​ @black-ninja-blade​ @worshipping-skarsgard​ @songbirdonamission​ @freakishlyadorable​ @xxxeatyourh3artoutxxx​ @rorybutnotgilmore​ @give-him-a-banana​  @idontevenknowwbro​ @nikkalia​ @lokilvrr​ @slutforhiddlebum​ @make-it-rien​ @nildespirandum​ @kimanne723​ @build-a-bucky​ @ladyacrasia​ @dangertoozmanykids101​ @mandywholock1980​ @vengrl @delightfulheartdream​ @creator-appreciator​ @loki-yoursaviourishere​ @liz-rdwitch​  @luke-windsors-diary​ @pandaxnienke​ @mariekoukie6661​ @7soulstars​ @kiliskywalker666​ @rebbie444​ @thefallenbibliophilequote​ @hufflautia​ @jaysayey​ @what-a-flammable-heart​ @imherefortomhiddleston​ @6heaven6horror6  @megand2017​
“Magnus!” Kurt yelled, pounding his fist on the desk next to Magnus’s head.
Magnus snapped upright, blond curls bouncing. His eyes wide in panic.
“What? Huh?! What?” Magnus’s head darted around the room. Kurt struggled to hold his laughter in.
“Magnus.” He shook his shoulder. “You fell asleep at your desk again. Are you not sleeping?”
Magnus chuckled and raked his hand over his curls. Not that you could tell, as the unruly curls fell haphazardly. “Something like that. This unit audit is killing me.”
Kurt sat on the edge of the desk and crossed his arms. “You have nothing to fear, Magnus. You keep meticulous records.” Kurt raised his voice. “Unlike some of you!”
There was a bustle around the station as Kurt’s voice echoed off the walls.
“Thanks, Kurt.” Magnus smiled and glanced at his watch. “Is that the time?!”
Kurt glanced at his own watch. “Um… yeah.”
Magnus shot up to his feet and grabbed his jacket off the back of his chair. “I’ve got to go! I’m late.”
Kurt shuffled backwards. “What... you got a hot date?” He smiled at Magnus, who shot him a withering glare. “Seriously?!?”
“I would stay and chat…”
“Go!” Kurt shooed him away.
Magnus raced through the door, tugging on his jacket.
You paced in front of the restaurant and checked your phone. Nothing from Magnus.
“I can’t believe I’m being stood up.” you murmured, shoving your phone into your pocket. “Again!”
After waiting almost twenty minutes, you turned to leave.
“Wait!” Magnus called out, running down the street. “I’m here!”
You spun around to glare at Magnus. “What the hell happened? I’ve been waiting twenty minutes, Magnus!” You stomped your foot.
Magnus panted, bending at the waist to catch his breath. “It’s a long story.” His blond curls fall into his face. Beads of sweat popped out across her brow from his run.
“Well, you’ll have plenty of time to explain over dinner.” You tugged him towards the door.
You noticed Magnus’s eyes growing heavy when you ordered drinks. Magnus also ordered a coffee. Magnus’s head bobbed while he attempted to read the menu. The restaurant was warm and the lighting low. His eyes fluttered closed for a moment.
“MAGNUS!” You screeched as his menu tipped into the candle on the table and lit on fire.
“AH!” Magnus woke and threw the menu down, stamping out the flame.
He gazed up to find you staring at him, arms crossed. Magnus couldn’t tell if you were pissed or scared or some mixture of both. You stood and Magnus stumbled to his feet.
“Where are you going?” His brow furrowed.
“Home, Magnus.” You tugged on your coat. “Which is where you should go too.”
He blocked your path with his body. “Please stay. It’s work. But I can get some coffee. I’ll… I’ll…”
Your shoulders slumped, and you chuckled at him, looking all flustered. You grabbed his shoulders and shook him.
“Magnus! I’m not mad. Your job is important, I get it. Right now you need to sleep more than you need to be on a date with me.” You pushed past him.
“Wait!” Magnus called out and rushed after you.
“Call me!” You spun on your heel and smiled before disappearing from view.
Two days later, someone knocked on your door. You frowned as you made your way over. You weren’t expecting anyone.
“Magnus?” you questioned, opening the front door, spying those golden curls.
He turned around, holding a gigantic bouquet. “You said call.” His smile reached from ear to ear. “I’ve slept for 13 hours each day. And I drank coffee about two hours ago. So…”
“Would you like to come in?” You opened the door wide with a cheeky grin and Magnus stepped inside, handing you the flowers.
“Are those lilies?” you asked, eyes widening, smile dropping from your face.
“Yeah, why?” Magnus frowned.
“I’m allergic.” Your eyes watered and you sneezed. Once and then twice.
Magnus panicked and grabbed the bouquet and tossed it into the garbage. You stopped sneezing but your eyes continued to water.
“Magnus, you need to go.” You pushed him out the door. “Come back tomorrow. I need to…” You sneezed one last time. “Just go. I’ll call you.”
Before Magnus could apologize, the door slammed in his face. You went to the bathroom to grab the allergy medicine and took the garbage outside.
“Hey Kurt,” Magnus questioned the next day at work.
“Magnus?” Kurt furrowed his brow at him. “Something I can help you with?”
“Ever had a string of just the worst luck ever?” Magnus’s fingers traced the pattern of faux wood on his desk. “I mean terrible luck like you are cursed?”
“Is everything all right, Magnus?” Kurt leaned against the desk. “I mean personally.”
Magnus sighed. “It seems every time I meet up with my girlfriend disaster strikes. First, I lit a menu on fire.”
“You LIT a menu on fire? How on earth—”
“I fell asleep because of the audit. And then next time I brought her flowers.”
“That’s sweet—”
“—she was allergic to them.” Magnus hung his head.
Kurt stifled a laugh. Magnus’s hands curled into fists. “It’s not funny, Kurt!”
“It is, Magnus. It is hilarious.” Magnus’s glare turned murderous. Kurt doubled over in laughter in response.
Magnus threw his hands up. “I’m cursed, Kurt, and you’re laughing.”
“You’re not cursed. But I think you are trying too hard. It is slow around here. Take the rest of the day off and surprise her.”
“You mean it?” His face lighting up. Today was your day off. He was already fumbling with his jacket.
“Go! And skip the flowers this time.” Kurt shooed him away.
Magnus bounded out the door before the phone could ring and force him to stay behind.
You jumped when someone pounded on your door.
“Who is it?” you called out.
“What are you—” Magnus cut you off with a searing kiss, shutting the door with his foot.
“I took the rest of the day off. I’ve missed you.” He muttered against you. His hands raked down your sides, settling on your hips, teasing the hem of your shirt.
“I’ve missed you too.” Your arms wrapped around his neck.
Magnus kissed you again. He walked you towards the couch but miscalculated and ran right into your coffee table, sending him to the ground with a loud thud.
“Magnus?” Your shoulders shook as you suppressed laughter. “You hit my coffee table.”
“I’m aware.” He commented to the floor, refusing to lift his head.
“Are you all right? Anything hurt?”
“Only my pride.”
You leaned down and extended a hand. “Well, fortunately that is fairly sturdy.” Magnus took your hand and righted himself.
“Do you think this relationship is cursed?” Magnus asked, flopping onto the sofa.
You sat down next to him, rubbing his thigh. “No. I think we have had some bad luck. But the relationship is not cursed.”
“How can you be sure?”
“I can’t. But I will look past you trying to kill me with fire and flowers if you will look past my attempted murder by furniture.”
Magnus turned and gazed at you. His face curled into a smile. “I imagine I can overlook it this time. But remember, I am an officer of the law. I’m supposed to report any crimes.” He leaned towards you, wiggling his eyebrows.
“Do you accept bribes?” you teased, undoing the buttons of his shirt.
Magnus lunged for you and pressed you against the sofa. He made quick work of your shirt, flinging it across the room. He kissed you again with hunger. You finished up his buttons and pushed his shirt off his shoulders. Magnus’s muscles twitched under your touch as your hands traveled down to undo his pants, pushing them as far as you could reach.
“Magnus….” you hissed as you bucked against him. “… Please.”
He moved down your body, kissing and sucking along the way. His fingers slipping into the waistband of your pants, tugging them down along with your underwear.
“Patience.” He moaned, licking along your folds. “You taste delicious.”
You grabbed his golden curls and tugged him towards your core “YES!”
Magnus continued to lick and suck against you, his lips and tongue bringing you closer to release. As you came close, Magnus pulled away, and you whimpered.
His lips glistened with your arousal. Magnus shimmied his trousers and underwear down, his cock popping free, erect and dripping. Magnus pushed open your legs with his hips. The tip of his cock teasing you. You wiggled under his weight.
“Please…” you begged, you bucked against him.
“I love you when you beg.” Magnus smirked, and he pushed into you.
You gasped at the fullness. Magnus kissed your neck in that spot that made you moan, leaving a dark mark as he thrusted into you. Magnus panted and snapped against you. You moaned and groaned, hooking your legs around him, pulling him deep into you.
“I’m close.”
Magnus grunted, pressing into you and you came with a scream and he soon followed. He collapsed on top of you in a sweat.
“Still think we are cursed?” you asked, rubbing his back.
Magnus peppered your skin with kisses. “No. But we should do that at least one more time. Just to be sure.”
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Answer the Phone | Magnus Martinsson x Reader
Pairing: Magnus Martinsson x Reader
Summary:   You help Magnus blow off a little steam.
Warnings: smut, oral sex (m)  
Magnus hated working the late shift at the station. He missed the hustle and bustle of the day shift, with everyone working. At night, only a skeleton crew remained unless there was a big case.
“Hey Magnus.” You dropped a stack of paperwork on his desk. His brows furrowed. “You looked stressed.”
He shrugged his shoulders. “You know the job.” His breath hitched as you rubbed his shoulders.
“You need to learn how to relax, Magnus.” You pressed your boobs against his back. “Would you like me to help you relax?” you purred into his ear. His cock jumped.
“Um… yeah… sure.. My neck and shoulders are a little…” He stuttered.
You twisted his chair to settle under his desk. His eyes widened and he ran his hands through his mop of golden curls. “What are you—”
“I was thinking of something else.” You tugged his pants down just enough to free his cock, pre-cum dripping from the tip. “And so are you.”
Magnus blushed. “But here in the office… Someone might see… or hear!”
“Well then you better be quiet.” You ran the tip of your tongue along him, tasting him.
Magnus suppressed a groan. “Be quick about it.”
You just winked as you took him into your mouth.
Magnus pressed his palms flat against his desk as he focused on not groaning out loud. His eyes closed as you suck on him, bringing him closer to release.
His eyes snapped to his phone. It rang again. You popped him out of your mouth.
“Answer the phone. I dare you.” you smirked.
Magnus picked up the receiver. “Ystad Police.”
You hummed against him as you could hear the strain in his voice. As added torture, you rang your fingernail along his balls. Magnus lurched forward in his chair.
“NO!” he yelped into the phone before regaining his composure. “No that would be the fire department.” You took him completely into your mouth and Magnus came as you fondled his balls while sucking.
“YES!” he moaned breathlessly to the poor person on the phone. “You’re welcome. Goodbye.”
You wiped your mouth and crawled out from his desk.
“Dirty pool.” Magnus growled.
You straightened yourself up. “I never said I would play fair. But if you would like a little payback, I will be in the locker room.” You winked while you walked out of sight.
Magnus tucked himself back into his pants glancing around to see if anyone noticed and made his way into the locker room.
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