immaculatasknight · 2 months
Irrational fanaticism
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loneranger0369 · 1 year
The last one is the best...
One of these Videos is long. You have been informed.
This is Mosab Hassan Yousef, Son of a Hamas Leader, speaking Facts about Islam and about Muhammad.
Due to his Contributions (and more) in saving many innocent Lives from the Activities of Islamic Terrorists, he is called The Green Prince.
I hope this collection of Videos helps the people realize the Truth about Islam and about the Warmongering, oppressive, woman-hating Muhammad.
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We had more peace deals under Trump than any modern President.
That speaks much more to me than Washington warmonger promises
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lejacquelope · 3 months
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Poster on r/NotHowGirlsWork wrecks feminist who say women leaders are less capable of warmongering.
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onenakedfarmer · 4 months
BÉLA TARR From a letter hung in front of the Hungarian Parliament
We have brought the planet to the brink of catastrophe with our greediness and our unlimited ignorance. With the horrible wars we waged with the goal of robbing the people there. Now we are confronted with the victims of our acts. We must ask the question: who are we, and what morality do we represent when we build a fence to keep out these people?
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hellyeahheroes · 6 months
Abby Martin & Immortal Technique: Civil War by Empire Files
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humane-surekha · 11 months
Give it to Putin and Zelensky
If you won two free plane tickets, where would you go? I will give the free tickets to Putin and Zelensky and ensure no one else is on the plane. The Air tower control will be manned by Biden , Xi Jinping and Kim Jong Un. The plane will take off from ( where else ) amchi Mumbai and the fuel in the fuel tank will be empty in an hour once the plane is in the skies . End the war and end the misery…
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willjones7087 · 11 months
"All the war-propaganda, all the screaming and lies and hatred, comes invariably from people who are not fighting." - George Orwell
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I think the unwillingness and aversion of leftists to (even illegally/without giving $ to the franchise) consume problematic media is problematic on its own because, in my personal humble opinion… you have to learn how to analyze and fully comprehend WHY a piece of media is problematic!!
You have to be able to logically consume a piece of media and/or propaganda, understand the difference between the two, understand why it’s harmful, and be able to watch it critically without becoming indoctrinated by it, without compromising your values, and while still being motivated by a goal of Understanding.
I need y’all to remember the reading comprehension exercises that they had us do in school, where they gave us a story to read and we had to give a summary, explain the overarching themes as well as the undertones and suggestive meaning and subtext and context, and then ASK QUESTIONS after!! And not only about the story but also the author !! Because media reflects the person/s producing the media!! Learning about the life and beliefs of the author allows you to understand their work in a deeper, clearer way! Even if and especially if they’re an asshole!!
When you consume problematic media- WHEN not if, this is inevitable given the exploitative nature of the entertainment industry- try asking yourself some questions and really think about and sit with the answers.
What stereotypes does this media perpetuate, and against what group/s? What are the historical roots of these stereotypes? What are the effects, consequences, and impact of promoting these stereotypes for the respective group/s?
Are there clearly defined power dynamics/structures within the narrative? Is there a clear aggressor and victim? How are these dynamics treated by the narrative- is it just background noise or does it serve as a plot device? Is oppression used for character development- & are its effects on the character/s fully explored? Or is it only expressed shallowly/from a surface level, in order to further the story? Why or why not? Do these dynamics reflect or resemble any power dynamics that exist in real life? If so, which ones and why? How do the characters respond/react to these dynamics? Do these reactions evoke empathy from the audience or alienate them?
Does this media have a diverse cast/crew? Why or why not? Who makes these decisions, and who benefits from them?
What are the audiences responses to this media? Is it polarizing for different groups? Why or why not? When having these interactions, who is safe, and who is at risk? Who benefits, and who is harmed?
Have I, subconsciously or unconsciously, internalized or integrated any of these harmful tropes? Have I, intentionally or unintentionally, projected them onto others? How can I reconcile? How can I offer myself & others an opposing narrative to challenge the harm that has happened?
like… never consuming problematic media does not make u immune to propaganda!! It just leaves you unprepared for not only recognizing it but also being able to internally, mentally criticize it. Media literacy is a SKILL that actually requires that you develop your critical thinking with PRACTICE and EXPERIENCE.
When you consume problematic media-WHEN not if, this is inevitable given the exploitative nature of the entertainment industry(in case u didn’t hear me the first time)— you Will Be faced with uncomfortable questions and maybe some emotions that are difficult to deal with But That Means You’re Exactly Where You’re Supposed To Be. Those uncomfortable questions are the ones you need to be asking !!! Those difficult emotions are the ones that need to be addressed and unpacked !!! You have to be able to look at something ugly and Not Flinch !!!
If you need to take time and pause the movie to reflect, silently or outloud, do that. If you learn better taking notes or with voice recording, that’s cool. If you learn better by having dialog with another person, find someone willing. If you feel overwhelmed and need to take a break, all fine. But keep going back and learning and questioning more. Don’t give up.
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immaculatasknight · 8 months
Think critically?
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loneranger0369 · 1 year
People are believing the Lies fed by Russia.
Some people are making Posts and spreading Russian Propaganda, that Putin is saving Children from Ukraine. When in Reality, Russia is forcefully deporting Children from Ukraine to Russia and other Countries controlled by Russia, to russify them.
Delusional people are spreading delusioning Propaganda and confusing more people.
THIS is how the Russian Propaganda works.
Then they say "educate yourself" , "think for yourself" , "do your research" and more. But, what they mean is "Only I know the truth" , "Don't go to other Sources" , "Every other Source is controlled and bought by the richest people already" and more....
Russia is a horrible Country. USSR was oppressive and inhuman. Those were few among the many Reasons for its Downfall. Now, Putin wants to create another USSR. And wants no more Countries to join NATO. He feels (I think), that it is a Breach of Understanding by the US, when US wants to take Ukraine into the NATO Group.
Seriously... USA is the reason of most Calamities on this Planet. The Government of USA does things. Civilians of USA remain silent and let everything happen. Soldiers of USA perform Atrocities themselves, when they are "serving" their Country. I don't understand how destroying Countries is the same as 'Serving your Country'....
Maybe that is what America stands for... Destroying other Countries.
Process : Find Country with Resources > Make Deals > War on Country if Deal is rejected > Make drugs in that Country while waging wars and import those Drugs back to home > destroy that Country.
Now... Ukraine is in rubble....
Just die America.
Civilians of America also need to pay for not fighting back against these continuous Wars... Is USA not a Democracy? The President of USA is not a King. Right?
I wish USA and Russia lied side by side on the Global Map. Then they could just kill each other and solve these Issues once and for all. Since a long time, Europe has been continuously suffering due to the "Cold War" between these two Nations controlled by Cavemen...
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Somehow the establishment dinosaurs have convinced everyone that warmongering is cool, but it never is.
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aiartbysurya · 1 year
British Imperialism
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British Imperialism.#imperialism #britishimperialism #britain #british #warmongering #warmongers#midjourney #midjourneyart
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nando161mando · 19 days
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The warmongering US
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thisisabernieblog · 2 years
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