#Wasabi No-Ginger
gelatinous-globster · 5 months
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Wasabi! It was high time Wasabi got his own page. tbh the fact we don't get to see where he lives is a crime, he has so many interesting hobbies and I wanna see his vintage typewriter collection + ironing club awards so bad
@leosabi —thought you'd like
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bunnybeansowo · 1 year
Fred: The best part of an oreo is the black cookie part and not the frosting part
Fred: Deal with it
Wasabi: Darkness without light is an abyss. Light without darkness is blinding
Wasabi: You cannot have a coin with one side.
Hiro: Yo Socrates it's a fucking cookie
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leosabi · 5 months
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i think wasabi posted this
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watermelonsandal · 8 months
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i found these on my pc and now im giving them to you guys
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the-book-ferret · 26 days
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We here at The Book Ferret are always excited to see graphic novel adaptations of our favorite series. As a long-time fan of Tamora Pierce, I jumped on the chance to help show off this eagerly awaited graphic novel adaptation of the iconic fantasy novel First Test reimagines the classic knight's tale, but with a twist. In a world not quite ready for her ambition, a determined girl seeks knighthood and finds herself on a mission to prove it.
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tealconverse · 21 days
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itz-darktrax · 11 months
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"We didn't set out to be superheroes. But sometimes, life doesn't go the way you plan."
Happy 9th Anniversary to Big Hero 6!
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drama-glob · 4 months
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Did anyone else gasp or think "Oh, things are definitely very bad for Globby to refuse a hug from Honey Lemon." O_O ;_; Poor Globby just deals with so much in this episode and definitely needs those hugs. ;_; ;_; ;_; I'm glad Honey Lemon was at least trying to fulfill Felony Carl's request to give Globby a hug for him. <3<3<3
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wasabipicsdaily · 11 months
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Happy 9th anniversary to Big Hero 6!
(Nov. 7th, 2014)
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razbotz · 5 months
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"I have a system. There's a place for everything, everything in its place."
Wasabi No-Ginger - Big Hero 6 (2014)
🪛 - 🪛 - 🪛 | 🪛 - 🪛 - 🪛 | 🪛 - 🪛 - 🪛
(i couldnt have made this without @leosabi's help!! i really tried 2 do wasabi justice here and carefully chose gifs for slow and orderly stuffs, since he has a dislike of speed and love of order :))
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multimonorail · 11 months
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"Guys! Guys! Did you see that? I am a Halloween costume!" -Fred
"We're all Halloween costumes!" -Hiro Hamada
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crackedpumpkin · 1 year
|| 𝟣𝟪 ||
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Pairing: Hiro Hamada x Reader Warnings: Mentions of alcohol. Aged up characters. Notes: Look, I just thought this was cute, okay? Sickeningly sweet, even. Anyway, I'm gonna go watch Youtube now. There's still much more to come for all the characters I write for goddamnit. Hope you enjoy this!
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"𝙸 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚠𝚎 𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝙴𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗."
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Hiro knew that he was deeply, utterly, and irreversibly in love with you when he was 18.
Maybe even before that, if he was being perfectly honest with himself. Why he never made the first move was obvious. Who'd risk their friendship all for what he dubbed as a 'silly crush'? 
No, no, no. He'd rather keep you as a friend. Friends are reliable and safe. Take Gogo and the gang for example. They were there during his darkest times. 
But you. You were different. You never once gave up on him. Like when you barreled up the stairs to his attic room during his grieving period for Tadashi's death, forcing him to drink that disgusting nutritious smoothie you'd made. All because you cared for him. Even back when he entered that portal to save Alistair’s daughter, to when he started his first semester in SFIT. You were there through it all.
Maybe that's when it started.
All he knows though, is that he only came to the realisation that he was madly in love with you during his 18th birthday last week.
"Happy birthday Hiro! Finally the big one-eight, huh?" Hiro chuckles with a wince when Fred all but jumps onto his back with a loud cheer. 
He offers his friend a drink. "Thanks."
"Oh, if Tadashi were here, he'd be so proud of you," Honey Lemon gushes, handing him his gift. He takes it, grateful to see all his friends for the party Cass decided to throw. With it being last minute and all he hadn’t expected most of them to show. Now all that’s left is for the last guest to arrive.
"Thanks Honey Lemon. The rest are upstairs right now." He informs them, knowing full well that Gogo was probably already pouring a glass of beer in the kitchen and chatting with Cass.
"Hey Honey Lemon," He gently grabs the girl's arm, stopping her from following an over-excited Fred. "Have you seen her...?" 
"She just messaged me saying that she's on the way, Hiro." She assures him with an all-knowing smile. He huffs a small sigh of relief, glad that you're still coming even after your small fight with him the day before. 
"You should really just confess to her already."
"There's nothing to confess," He laughs nervously, running a hand through his hair. 
"Could've fooled me." He turns to see Gogo, Wasabi, and Fred standing at the doorway to the stairs that lead up to the living area. Gogo takes another large sip of beer from her cup, her deadpan remark from earlier causing a flood of warmth to reach Hiro's ears.
"I don't know what you're talking about." 
"Dude," Wasabi shakes his head, "You've been in love with her ever since you were like, what, 14? Don't deny it. We all see the way you look at her." 
"I look at her like I look at Fred!" He denies vehemently.
"You look at Fred like he's stupid." Honey Lemon pops a lozenge into her mouth.
"Exactly." Hiro smirks, crossing his arms. A knock on the door makes him turn, his lips curling into a wide smile when he sees you standing outside. 
He opens the door, ready to greet you with a hug when he spots the man next to you. His smile immediately fades, confusion replacing his earlier happiness. You turn and say a quick goodbye to him, waving him off before stepping into the cafe and giving Hiro a quick hug. 
The scent of your shampoo overwhelms his senses, but he’s still oddly guarded against this new guy that was watching the entire exchange happen. He doesn’t know what overcomes him, wrapping his arms around you with some sort of possessive squeeze, eyes narrowing into a subtle glare. The guy who accompanied you studies him with a raised brow, letting out a huff before leaving. 
“Hiro?” He finally releases you from his hold after you tap his arms. 
“Hey,” He greets you simply, letting out a breathy chuckle at the sight of your flushed cheeks from the cold night. Your hands are in his, and he hopes that they get warm so you don’t fall sick. Being physically fit and having a strong immune system are not the same thing, and you’re the embodiment of that.
“Happy birthday,” You remove your hands from his, handing him a small packaged gift. He takes it from you, pressing his lips together to keep himself from smiling wider than he already is. He takes a deep breath to calm himself, distracting himself by snatching the beanie off your head.
You narrow your eyes into a playful glare before sighing. “Thanks, here’s my coat and bag too.” You hand him both items, dumping them in his outstretched arms with a smirk.
He watches you walk off to enthusiastically greet everyone. They all welcome you with big hugs and warm smiles, Gogo offering you a sip of her beer. You decline it politely and she shrugs, downing the rest.
He follows everyone upstairs, heading to his bedroom where he sets down your gift on his table with the rest. He arranges the coat to rest on his chair, placing the bag in the seat before he spots something inside. In your hurry to make it on time, you forgot to zip it up properly before handing it to him. 
He gently pulls the white strip of paper, suppressing a laugh when he realises what it is. A strip of photos that you two had taken in a photobooth together is in his hands. He still remembers that day when you dragged him out of the house to “touch some grass” as you’d so eloquently put it. 
You had dragged him to a mall, where you both watched Frozen 2 together. He had to buy the tickets as usual, but he didn’t really mind if that meant you would enjoy the movie. You bought the snacks, munching away on the popcorn even though it was intended to be shared by the both of you. 
He didn’t really mind that either. 
So when you both exited the cinema to see a photobooth, you gasped excitedly and grabbed his wrist, tugging him along. He groaned when you placed a reindeer headband on his head but didn’t take it off. After all, how could he deny your request when your eyes sparkled, filled to the brim with happiness? You then raved about how cheap it was, only paying a total of 7 bucks for 2 photo strips.
He took one, and so did you.
His is on a corkboard above his desk, a thumbtack pinning it above all the rest of the group photos taken together. There was another photo where the both of you had hot chocolate moustaches during Christmas, caught off guard by the sudden flash from Fred’s camera.
Huh. Maybe he is in love with you after all. 
He puts the strip of photos back in your bag, zipping it up tightly so it wouldn’t fall out before heading back down to the kitchen where he spots you sitting down next to the windowsill. He makes his way over, grabbing two cups. One filled with cola, and one filled with cider.
"So, this is new," Hiro hums, handing you the cup filled with cola. You take it from him gratefully, starting to sip away. “Never saw him around before.”
"Yeah," you laugh, sparing him no detail of how you first got together with Max. He had been your lab partner and over time you just got closer until he asked you out last week. You had hesitantly accepted, unsure why an unknown tugging in your chest makes you feel uncomfortable doing so. But you simply brushed it aside, because why not?
"He seems...nice." 
"He is," You reply lightheartedly, a warm smile on your lips  "How about you though?" you nudge his side with a laugh. "When're you gonna find a girlfriend, huh?" 
He chuckles. "What makes you think I don't have one?" 
"Please," You scoff, eyeing him with a sarcastic look. "You'd be bragging non-stop if you did." 
"Yeah, you're right," He admits. "Here, I'll get you a refill." He swipes the now empty cup from your hand, striding off to the kitchen counter. You watch him leave with a soft smile, leaning on your elbow. He greets Gogo and Honey Lemon with a nudge to their sides, the both of them welcoming him into the conversation. He falls into it so easily, talking gaily with a twinkle in his eyes.
You study the way he bends down to listen, and his messy hair falling into his eyes as he laughs. You forget how quickly he'd grown up. His growth spurt had hit him like a truck, and puberty had just made his voice a little deeper though it still had the same mischievous undertones as he did when he was 14. 
You forgot exactly how grown up he'd become. Have you always seen him as his 14 year old self?
"You could always just confess."
The sudden voice startles you out of your thoughts, letting out a yelp at Fred's appearance. Hiro looks up, his attention drawn to you after hearing your surprised yelp. You shake your head to signal that you're fine, his wide eyes softening in response before he resumes his conversation with Gogo.
"That was ages ago," you hissed in embarrassment, turning to face the window. Fred plops into the seat opposite you with a raised brow. "It's not like I still had that fat crush on him when I was a teenager."
“You’re right,” Fred agrees, taking a nonchalant sip from his cup before continuing. “It’s only gotten worse.”
"It has not," you deny hotly, feeling the flush work its way up your neck and into your cheeks, burning at the insinuation. 
"Mmhm," Fred nods slowly. "Sure it hasn't. Don't think I forgot all about your little rants."
Crap. You wish you could delete the memory of your pining for Hiro from his memory. Sure, it'd been a couple times when Fred had been your listening ear. Or Wasabi. Or Honey Lemon. Or Gogo. 
Everyone knows.
The realisation makes you cringe, sliding deeper into your seat and covering your face with your hands. You desperately wish the ground would just swallow you whole.
"With that reaction, I highly doubt it ever faded," Fred chuckles at the dismayed state you're in. 
"Is something wrong?" You tense at the familiar voice, peeking through your fingers to see the bemused smile on Hiro's lips as he stands between you both with two red plastic cups in his hand. 
"Nope, nothing's wrong amigo. Just a little girl talk," Fred winks, patting your shoulder as he stands up to leave. 
Hiro laughs. "Right." He watches Fred walk away before sitting down opposite you. You sit back up straight, hands away from your face and gripping the cup he hands to you a little too forcefully. Hiro's eyes study you, trying to put together the puzzle pieces. You recognise the look in his eyes - it's similar to when he's trying to find the source of a problem in his invention. 
"I'm not a robot. Or Baymax," You remind, taking a sip of cold cola. The cool beverage trickles down your throat as you swallow, and you press the cup against your cheeks, hoping to cool them down faster.
"That's a very smart observation." 
"Shut up," you retort playfully. 
"So, how long have you guys been together?" Hiro asks, the words foreign on his tongue. He never pictured you with anyone else but him before, and seeing Max was a bit of a shock to his pleasant night. It kinda dimmed it a little too. 
"Not really together," you say, "We’re kinda still in the talking stage. He asked me out to the movies." You don't really know what prompted you to deny your relationship, even though technically you guys aren’t really together yet since it’d only been your second date so far with him before Hiro’s birthday party.
"Oh?" Hiro's interest is piqued. He leans forward. "Which movie?" 
"The Nun," You shudder. 
"Seriously?" Hiro dissolves into laughter, shaking his head and wiping the tears from his eyes at your disgruntled state. "But you hate horror movies!"
"Yeah," you sigh, taking another sip. "But he was really apologetic about it and the tickets were already bought, so..." 
"Right. You went with him so you wouldn't waste the money." Hiro guesses, and he must've hit the nail on the head from the way your lips purse when he's right about something. 
"Aww, it's okay," he coos playfully, reaching over and ruffling your hair with his hand. You swat it away, trying to fix the hair you'd put so much effort into before coming (though you'll never tell him that). "We'll watch Elemental next weekend so you can cry it out. Again." He offers.
"It's not my fault I cry easily at stuff! Besides, Ember's entire journey struck a chord in my heart, okay?" You defend yourself, crossing your arms.
"Sure. If anything, I'd say you're more of a Wade." 
"You mean gentle, kind, and caring? Thanks," You reply swiftly, batting your eyelashes at him with a smirk. "You're kinda a Clod yourself." 
"Says you, at least he has confidence." Hiro argues back. "And Wade's a crybaby."
"He is not," You gasp, laying your hand over your heart in mock offence. "he's just very in touch with his emotions."
Hiro's deadpan stare makes the corners of your mouth twitch, trying to suppress the smile that threatens to take over. Judging from the twinkle in his eye, he's doing the same. 
"Whatever," You scoff, finally allowing the genuine smile to blossom. God, how you’ve missed this stupid boy. 
Hiro watches you with sincere interest, not allowing his gaze to wander away from you even once as a grin plays on his lips. God, how he’s missed this annoying girl. 
"They're sickening." Gogo whispers, 3 cans of beer already emptied around her as she sips on her fourth. "They both need to woman up already."
"Don't worry," Wasabi chuckles, watching you both continue to talk intently with huge smiles on your faces. "I have a feeling that they just need a little more time."
— — — — — 
The cafe bell chimes, signalling yet another customer’s presence.
Hiro slides his phone back into his pocket. Oh well, guess he'd check his assignments later. Upon looking up however, he's grateful that he didn't opt out of helping Cass with the cafe today.
He clears his throat. "What can I get you today?"
"One iced latte please."
"And would you like that with, or without the server? That's me." He adds hurriedly in a whisper. 
"With, you dumbass." You laugh. He's fully enraptured by the sound, eyes watching the amused smile on your lips, and the way your eyes crease when you laugh.
"I'll be right with you then." He sets off to make the latte hurriedly, already planning on using his break time to spend it with you instead. 
"So, how's the boyfriend?" He asks politely, sliding into the seat opposite yours with your drink. Something sharp twists itself deeper into his chest, making him shift uncomfortably. He forces a courteous smile, trying to act as if it doesn’t bother him even now.
"Oh, him?" You muse, fingernail tapping against the plastic cup. "We broke up."
"Oh?" Whatever sharp object that was twisting deep into his heart starts to ease away bit by bit, allowing him to breathe just a little easier. He forces down the pleased smile that almost starts to form from your reply, letting sympathy take its place. "What happened?" 
"I don't know, I just..." You sigh, eyes trained on the droplets of water that had formed due to condensation on the side of the plastic cup.
It's silent for a while. You distract yourself by stirring the drink so that the milk and espresso blend together, forming a light, milky brown in the cup. You take a small sip, trying to ignore the way his all-knowing stare bores holes into your head as if he’s already read your mind. Knowing him though, he probably didn’t. Probably. You can never tell what invention he might be testing on you.
Hiro merely waits patiently, knowing that all you needed was a little time before you'd cave and tell him everything.
"We just weren't that compatible," You admit.
"Really? I would never have guessed from the way he brought you to watch The Nun for your first date," Hiro says sarcastically, wincing when your glare is now directed at
him. "Sorry." He apologises with his hands raised in surrender.
He places them back down, noticing how your lips part as if you're about to say something, but instead hesitate. "What's wrong?" He asks gently.
"He also said...He knew that he isn't my priority. He said that he knows....someone else is." You say slowly, cheeks awash with a burnt pink as it works its way up your neck and into your cheeks and ears. You can't bring yourself to look at him, the words you just admitted out loud already a confession in itself.
Hold on. 
Hold on.
Hiro's mind is reeling at the words you've just uttered. His eyes are focused on your flushed cheeks (it’s not his fault you look so pretty) as his mind is completely blown to tiny, incomprehensible pieces in his head.
"This was a mistake," You mumble, taking the cup and standing up, ready to leave. You're slightly amused at the sounds coming out of Hiro's mouth, but maybe now's not the time. Especially after a (somewhat) fresh breakup. "Thanks for the coffee," You start to make your way to the exit, a hand on the glass door before it's covered by another larger one. 
You turn, your breath hitching when you're met with a rather broad chest covered in a thin red shirt underneath the denim apron Cass always makes all her staff wear. Your eyes slowly trail up his flushed neck to see Hiro staring down at you with wide eyes, stuttered breaths barely leaving his lips.
He didn't know what to say. God, he has no idea what to say. Why is he saying nothing? Stupid, useless brain.
But even though he couldn't form a comprehensive sentence of simple words strung together, even though for once in his life, he knows what he wants, all he knows is that he can't let you leave the cafe. Not now.
His body moves faster than his brain, jolting out of his seat and racing toward you. His hand reaches out, gently covering yours before you can push past the glass door of the cafe. 
"Wait." He can barely comprehend himself speaking, his mind blank once your eyes meet his. His lips part and close, still trying to muster up the courage. To do what, exactly? He doesn't know.
He's an engineer, a programmer, and a superhero. He can do anything! He saved the city of San Fransokyo once or twice already, so why is this so hard?
Why is it so difficult to just ask?
He sees the hope in your eyes diminish, and that's when he knows he's hesitated for too long. You look back down, tucking your hair behind your ear. "I'll see you soon, Hiro." You say quietly, turning back around. 
"This Sunday." The words fall past his lips before he realises what he's saying.
"What?" He's got your attention. It's now or never.
"This Sunday," He repeats, a little more confidently this time. "Elementals. And dinner." 
"...In the cafe?" A slight gleam of amusement is back in your eyes, a small smile playing on your lips.
"No," He shakes his head with a breathy laugh, "Outside. At a restaurant. You and me."
"Like a date?" 
He lifts his head, grinning widely at the genuine smile you finally allow onto your face. 
"Like a date."
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lejindaryikiki · 11 months
Omg, I just watched Once Upon A Studio!
Here are some screenshots which I captured.
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The big hero 6 gang 😃 (baby Hiro is here!)
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Isa, Abuela and Calhoun spotted ❤️
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Miraboo (and Taff)! ♥️🤭
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My two bbys (Lewis and Wilbur) 😍
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Boun, my son 😃
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Dolores (and Jaeger is behind her)
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Felix, my birather 🫡
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Namaari, Camilo, Baymax, Ralph and Vanellope spotted ❤️❤️❤️
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My fav characters (Elsa, Anna, Maui, Moana, Pua, Kristoff) together 😚😚
And at last,
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The grand picture together 😚😚😁
I'm fluffing sobbing 😭😭
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leosabi · 11 days
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Big Hero 6 is coming to Lorcana in November!
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snowball-maltese · 2 months
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Look at all the skrunklies
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naty-cherry-bh6 · 5 months
Big hero 6 keyblade
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For my Sora x Natalia lore, I wanted to introduce Bh6 as keyblade. I've already given some thought to one of his skills.
Honey Lemon: When she spins, she throws her spheres and they will explode creating various spell effects.
Fred: Its ability would be especially for making reactions with ice and pyro.
Wasabi: His weapon would have a function similar to that of his blades, but more powerful.
Hiro: I haven't thought it through yet. Maybe it would have the same function as the San Fransokyo Keyblade.
GoGo: Unfortunately this one I haven't had any ideas, but it would probably have something to do with speed and electro.
Well, that's it. To be honest, I'm embarrassed to tell the lore I have because I don't know how some people would take it. That's why I'm trying to think about whether I should or not....
Well, see you soon. Bye!
(Credits to j.v.draws in instagram.)
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