#Washbasin Style
bdkohlercampaign · 2 years
Choose the Perfect Wash Basin for an Enriching Bathroom Experience— KOHLER
Choose Quality Wash Basin Price in Bangladesh Manufacturers, Suppliers, Exporters at Kohler. We provides designer bathroom wash basin in Bangladesh. Discover the wide selection, from classic to designer washbasin in different sizes, colors, and applications.
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Another antique washbasin finds a natural setting in a Seattle powder room. It has seen generations of service to women who used it for rinsing their hair. Harmoniously blending the art of different cultures, Paula Devon Raso has added a print that belonged to her grandmother, a Chinese jar and a small doll in the gosho-ningyo tradition.
At Home with Japanese Design, 1990
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intothewordless · 1 year
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Powder Room Bathroom Philadelphia An illustration of a country-style bathroom room with blue walls, a vessel sink, raised-panel cabinets, and medium-tone wood cabinets
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wheels-of-despair · 5 months
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Live A Little | A Worth It AU | Ralph Penbury x You | Masterlist
In This Edition: You arrive on the Titanic and make some new friends! Words: 2.3k
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You did a lot of living over the next few months.
You and your aunt had become inseparable. You visited landmarks and museums, shopped in the best shops and slept on the most comfortable mattresses, ate the most scrumptious food and drank life-altering wine. You told her things you'd never told anyone.
Most ladies had to travel with maids in tow, for assisting with womanly things like corsets and hair styling, but you and your aunt made do with just the two of you. You wished on more than one occasion that she'd been your mother. But if she had been, this trip might not have happened. And it truly was the adventure of a lifetime that she'd promised you.
However, you were on the final leg of it. You were homeward bound, and would soon have to face the reality of your mother and the fiancé you'd practically begged to allow you to go on this trip.
But not for another week.
You had one more week to figure out your entire life… or set it aside and allow yourself to enjoy the largest and most luxurious ocean liner to ever set sail: The RMS Titanic.
You and Aunt Molly ended a wonderful stay in Paris by boarding a train bound for Cherbourg. You stared out the window and silently watched France pass you by while pondering your future. Would you ever make it back here again?
When you arrived at the harbor, you boarded a small vessel that would ferry you to the massive ship you had yet to set eyes on - for she had encountered a delay of some sort and was late to arrive - and waited on it for nearly an hour before the ship finally came into view.
You could hardly believe your eyes. How could something so massive stay afloat? It seemed to defy the laws of physics. And unsinkable? Perhaps the laws of God, too. The thought was intimidating, but the excitement of the other passengers waiting to board her was infectious. This was going to be amazing. An experience you'd remember for a lifetime. You couldn't wait to see what she looked like inside.
Until you arrived at the narrow gangway that led from your tiny toy-sized boat to an open door in the biggest hunk of iron that had ever managed to float.
"Just don't look down, miss," a smiling member of the crew had told you as he reached out to help you step onto the plank. Just like the pirate stories, you thought to yourself. You gulped and bravely walked forward through your panic, trying to ignore the choppy sea in the harbor below.
You made it across, as did Aunt Molly, and a steward escorted you to your cabin. The room was much smaller than the hotels you'd been staying in, but it was cute and the beds were comfortable. There were two beds, a sofa, a writing desk, and a washbasin. The ladies' lavatory was just down the hall. What more could a girl want?
After all of today's traveling, you had half a mind to just fall into your brand new bed and sleep 'til morning, but your aunt wouldn't hear of it. "You can sleep when you get home!" she'd argued, shoving you in the direction of the lavatory to freshen up.
Titanic's arrival in Cherbourg had been behind schedule, so you didn't have time to change for dinner. You'd been wearing coats when you arrived, and hadn't seen anyone on this ship before, so you didn't think anyone would know the difference. Not changing before dinner felt almost scandalous, like keeping a secret or getting away with something wicked.
You'd made it to the dining saloon just in time. You and your aunt were seated at a table with a few other people you'd never met. Molly was quite the conversationalist, so you let her steer it while you focused on the food. Each course was better than the last, and by the time dessert was served, you were grateful to your aunt for thwarting your attempt to crawl into bed and sleep the evening away.
You surveyed the room after the plates had disappeared from the table and found that the men were retreating to the smoking room, and a flock of young ladies were exiting through the main door.
"Why don't you go join the other young folks?" your aunt asked, as if she could read your mind. "You've been keeping an old lady company for ages, you ought to spend some time with people your own age."
"Actually, I thought I might just go--" She cut you off with a look, knowing you were going to try and weasel out of social interaction.
"My niece went to meet some of the other young ladies in the lounge on A-Deck," a woman in a green dress at the next table supplied helpfully. "I'm sure they'd love to have you!"
Molly stared you down.
"Thank you, that sounds lovely." You forced a smile and stood, discarding your napkin and discreetly inspecting your dress for crumbs. You exited the dining saloon and started your ascent up the grand staircase. Slowly. You wanted to soak in all the exquisite details. Not because you'd rather go to bed than talk to people.
As you neared your destination, a young woman in a slinky dress and a lot of jewelry chatting on the stairs in front of you laughed loudly and turned… but her long dress caught beneath her heel, and she slipped. She shrieked and flailed wildly, and you instinctively reached out to catch her.
Mercifully, when she fell backward into you, your backside collided with the banister and stabilized you, rather than sending you both tumbling down the stairs. You helped her stand again, then glanced down the stairs with a breath of relief. It was a long way down.
"Are you alright?" you asked.
"I told that damned seamstress that the hem was too long!" she complained in a posh British accent, angrily jerking her dress up past her ankles. The friend she'd been talking to reached out to straighten her necklace. When the girl finally looked down at you from the step above, she asked, "Who are you? Why haven't I seen you before?"
You introduced yourself and explained that you'd just gotten on at Cherbourg.
"Are you looking for a bit of romance on your trip?" the girl winked.
"No," you smiled.
"Oh?" she pouted. "Why not?"
"I'm engaged," you admitted, a bit reluctantly.
The two women looked you up and down, making you feel like you were back in school and had offended the popular girls somehow.
"Come to the lounge with us," the flaily one said, turning without waiting for an acceptance. You hesitated, but followed the pair. That's where you were going anyway, after all. As you entered the lounge, you realized that they hadn't told you their names.
The girls led you to a circle of other young ladies, all stunningly beautiful and looking as though they'd stepped out of the pages of a fashion magazine. They'd lugged - or had stewards lug - a ring of chairs around a tiny table.
"Darlings! I've just a had a near-death experience! Meet my savior!"
Your flaily friend introduced you and dramatically dropped into a chair. Her friend took a seat too, and patted the seat next to her. You joined the circle, albeit cautiously. This could never happen at home.
You weren't the richest, or the prettiest, or the funniest. Once upon a time, you'd had opinions, and questions, and thoughts of your own… things that a girl of your age was not supposed to have. After years of being silenced, ignored, and excluded, you'd finally just stopped trying. But perhaps it might be fun to try and blend in for a while? It's not like you'd ever see these girls again after the ship docked.
You sat there and observed as the girls talked amongst themselves. They all seemed quite intent on watching the women filing into the room. Some of them stopped at the door and spoke to a girl in a purple dress who looked to be signing them up for something in her notebook. After a while, she came to your circle.
"Alright, Victoria, we're all sorted," she said conspirationally to the flaily one. You made a mental note of her name. The girls started scanning the room, and not knowing what else to do, you copied them.
"What are we sorted for?" you whispered to the girl next to you, when you couldn't stand the suspense anymore.
"See the boy in that god-awful gold jacket?" You quickly locate him, sipping something bubbly at a table on the other side of the room. His leg jiggled on the floor, and he dribbled a little of his drink down his chin and tried to quickly wipe it away. "That's Victoria's brother, Ralph. He's been irritating her since they left for Southhampton, and she's had enough. So she's made a game out of keeping him busy."
"What kind of game?" you ask quietly.
"A fun one, for us!" Victoria grins from a few chairs away. You hadn't realized she'd been listening. "We've signed on a herd of slags, and if they can't keep him busy, I may have to throw him overboard!"
The girls around you laugh, and you smile awkwardly. Had she not been trying to recruit you to the herd of slags just a few minutes ago? After you'd saved her from falling down the stairs?
Music begins to play in the lounge, and the occupants of several distant tables rise at once. You jerk your head in their direction in surprise, and watch the girls descend on the boy in the gold jacket. He goes red, but seems to enjoy the attention. A man, being asked to dance by a flock of first-class women? He must be in Heaven.
"Alright, that should keep him - and them - occupied for the rest of the night. Alright, place your bets!"
The girl with the notebook turns to a fresh page, readies her pen, and looks up expectantly. The circle starts speaking all at once:
"Blue dress and dumpy bum!"
"Mole Girl!"
"The one in her grandmother's clothes!"
"Frizzy hair and big nose!"
"The one who looks… she's not actually pregnant, is she?"
"No, I don't think so."
"Her, then."
"The one wearing the curtains from her stateroom!"
"Even Ralph would say no to a ginger, wouldn't he?"
All the girls snicker, and you feel like you've missed something.
"Alright, who's your pick?" the girl with the notebook asks, pen poised.
"It's alright," you smile, trying to wave her off.
"You have to pick someone!" Victoria insists.
"What are we betting on?"
"The last girl to dance with Ralph has to go down below and kiss someone from steerage," Victoria says, like you've been part of this group for more than a few minutes. "If you pick the loser, you get to pick a peasant for her to snog tomorrow!" Laughter erupts from the table, and although part of you feels like you've made a huge mistake… you scan the contenders and utter, "pink frilly dress."
Your racehorse is recorded, and Victoria snaps her fingers to get the attention of a steward. "Drinks!" she demands.
This isn't generally the kind of thing you enjoy, but this whole trip has been about experiencing new things. Why shouldn't you finally connect with people your own age? This is what they do for fun. This is how normal young people spend time; drinking and laughing and dancing the night away. (The constant flow of flavored liqueurs helps considerably.)
Still, something didn't feel quite right. But you pushed the feelings aside and listened to stories about humiliating mothers and annoying brothers and the best places to shop for lingerie. When the conversation became dull, you found your eyes wandering. There were so many details in this room to take in. So many fascinating people sharing this amazing journey across the Atlantic with you.
Victoria's brother had a new partner for every dance. The girls playing the game surrounded him after each song ended, hoping to be next, and he appeared to be having the time of his life. He laughed and smiled and treated each girl as if she were the only one in the room. You almost envied them.
Georgina - the girl with the notebook - had matched the bets with the names of the girls participating, and was checking them off as they danced with him. The last girl from the list to dance with Ralph was a blonde girl with a codename of Curtains, on account of the strange pattern on her dress. Georgina announced the loser as she circled the name, and the table erupted into laughter once more. She'd been Jane's pick, who was delighted.
The poor boy, who had had been dancing nonstop for hours, finally got to take a breather when Curtains returned to her table. He guzzled a drink and sat alone at a table looking exhausted. It's not easy being rich and desirable, you suppose.
By the time he'd caught his breath, it was nearly eleven o'clock, and the lounge was closing for the night. You said goodnight to your new friends, found your way back to your room - miraculously, without having to ask a steward for directions - and smiled as you went inside your cabin and began preparing for bed.
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patibato · 2 months
[Bitter Sweet Sixteen] 002-A17 - Alien Egg
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Ushio: …
The washbasin isn't dried after use, and of course, the mirror's covered in water.
The towels are wet, and the paper I brought for my own use is empty.
And best of all, they're playing appropriately loud music for a quiet night…
…Hahaha, hahahahaha…!
(This is why I don't want to live together with humans!)
*door opens*
Ushio: You lot- -!?
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Akuta: Ah, whoopsie.
Ushio: What… is this…?
Akuta: Cola!
Nanaki: Aaah, it got all over your face. That's what happens when you come in without notice. Poor thing.
Muneuji: Are there towels? Kinugawa, please check to see if the floor's dirty.
Kiroku: …
Nanaki: We were having an "Adult-Free American-Style Party". Didn't invite you cuz we figure you hate lively stuff.
Ushio: … …
Akuta: YEAH~! I always give a warm welcome~! The carbonation'll reduce the wrinkles on your brow~♪
Ushio: …Why are you sucking the can from the side.
Akuta: This is "shotgunning". Saw it in a movie. You make a hole in the cola's guts, put your mouth there, and drink it di-rect-ly!
Makes you look like a super refi~ned adult. Popular with the ladies too!
Ushio: …
Nanaki: Ahahaha, you really are stupid. So soothing.
Ushio: It's not.
Muneuji: I see, so that's how all adults consume canned beer. I learned something new.
Ushio: …Is your helmet fully waterproof?
Muneuji: Yes. It's very pleasant, being guarded from the spray.
Akuta: Gimme another!
Nanaki: Aaalright, what song do we put on next. DJ's gotta be good at picking something to liven things up
Ushio: You guys can go to hell.
Akuta: Huh!? Of course we can! Falling, falling~!
Nanaki: Fine by me. When that happens, you'll be going there with us.
Ushio: …
Kiroku: …Ku… …
…Kurama… you might… know this, but-
Right now, the adults are… at a gathering… with some of the locals-
Ushio: -Buddharupa…
Kiroku: …!
Ushio: Idiotake doesn't listen, and it's annoying how Panda just has to get the last word in, so I'm gonna talk to you.
Kiroku: … …
Ushio: Why is it that you aren't stopping them?
Aren't things in a terrible state all over? Are you calm, even seeing such a disastrous scene?
Kiroku: Disastrous… scene?
Ushio: Selfishly using other people's paper, leaving clothes lying around after getting changed. Making my face all wet and sticky with cola. Saying things are noisy is an understatement, aren't they causing a disturbance?
What are you doing, hiding in a safety zone without stopping them? It's obvious the adults will be angry when they return, isn't it?
Kiroku: … Uh… ah…
Ushio: Hey, why? I'm absolutely not letting you get away until I get an answer.
Kiroku: … Ah… um…
Egg: …!
Kiroku: Ah.
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Ushio: … …
Muneuji: Oh. It's the egg.
Akuta: It's clinging to Ushio's face…!
Kiroku: …The, egg…
Ushio: Hh…
Kiroku: …Has, sprouted… legs…
Kiroku: Kurama… you're kind of… r-reacting like a little girl…
Ushio: I can't see anything! Oi, Buddharupa! You're there aren't you! Huwwy and, and, get, get it, get it aaawff!
Kiroku: …Don't, move…
Egg: …
Ushio: …What the hell…
Kiroku: The egg has… legs…
Ushio: I can SEE that! That's so disgusting! Something like that, on my face…!
I'm going to wash my face. With a scourer.
Kiroku: -…But it's… so cute…
Ushio: Is something wrong with your aesthetic sense.
Kiroku: ……
Akuta: Yeah, I also got mega scared when I saw it earlier! It's all squiggly! So cool!
Nanaki: …I don't think it's alive, but I wonder if it has a purpose.
Kiroku: …I don't know… but, it's… cute…
Muneuji: I'm proud to be able to witness the miracles of space.
Ushio: You guys, what are you talking about this so casually for!? That's not normal!
This is ridiculous! Ridiculous, ridiculous, ridiculous! Saying it upfront, I'm changing my mind!
No way we can keep this! We've gotta throw it in the sea! It's my turn next, so I'm telling you now I'll definitely throw it away!
Nanaki: Yes, we're on the same page.
Ushio: First time I'll agree with you. Alright, the people who want to throw it away are me, Panda, and Kinugawa, so that's three. Majority rules means-
Kiroku: …!!
Ushio: …What is it.
Kiroku: I won't hand it over…
Ushio: Huh!?
Kiroku: I absolutely… won't hand it, to anyone… won't let you… be cruel to it.
Akuta: Ah, you comin' over to our side? Then we're the majority once again~! I'm not throwing it away!
Muneuji: Not throwing it away.
Kiroku: … Not…
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Nanaki: shit.
Ushio: …
Right. That's fine. Give it here.
Kiroku: I won't, let you… throw…
Ushio: You're too suspicious. I won't. It's just my turn now.
Or do you think I'm a guy who's so bad at reading the room that I'd try overturning a majority decision?
Kiroku: …
Ushio: (I mean, obviously I'll throw it away. Aaah, but I don't want to touch it directly… I'll put it in a bug cage or something later…)
-Later, then. You guys make sure to clean up properly.
Akuta: 'Kaaay, good niiight. Nanaki, put a new song on! Something with oomph~!
Ushio: …
*door closes*
*Akuta and Nanaki laughing*
Muneuji: ……
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News Reporter: "Moving on to our next report."
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News Reporter: "Early this morning, a fire broke out at a coastal park in a metropolitan area. A cleanup robot's entire body was…"
Ushio: ……
News Reporter: "The incident saw no casualties."
Ushio: ……
Momiji: (Ushio's watching the news like it's the end of the world… I wonder if he's alright.)
Ushio: …
Momiji: (No response. …Seems he doesn't want to talk.)
*door opens*
Muneuji: I have returned.
Momiji: Ah, welcome back. Thanks for going in my place!
Muneuji: No need to thank me.
In regards to Kinugawa, who is working hard by himself in the atelier, I would be happy if I was of even a bit of help.
Momiji: Kiroku-kun… how was he?
Muneuji: He's holed himself up in there, immersed in his creation like a man possessed, but-
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*knock knock*
Muneuji: Kinugawa.
Kiroku: …
Muneuji: Pardon me for entering while you're concentrating. I come with provisions from Chief.
It's a large size bento centered around deep-fried food. An irresistible course for any growing Japanese boy.
Kiroku: …It's big… and… tawny… Thanks…
Muneuji: I'll leave it here. Well then.
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Muneuji: Though there didn't seem to be any signs of it just yet, I'm sure he'll wolf it down sooner or later once he gets hungry.
And - I feel his countenance has changed somewhat. Any indication of his melancholic worrying has disappeared, or rather-
It was like an evil spirit had been purged from him.
Momiji: I see. That's great! Good job… ah.
Is that a souvenir? Did you get that for your family?
Muneuji: Yes. I took a quick look at a souvenir shop on my way back, and as there were many good-looking items, I got this for my younger sister.
Momiji: (So you really love your little sister, Muneuji-kun.)
Alright then, could I get your report on how everyone's getting on?
Muneuji: Understood. To start, as I'm sure you are aware, Nanamegi has begun composing his own music as he found simply operating it to be boring - he's full of motivation, and doing well.
Isotake has been vigorously shooting various scenes in Shodoshima, and is enthusiastic about editing them to match shots from the festival.
Momiji: Everything's progressing soundly, then!
(It's Day Five of the study tour, too… the festival's the day after tomorrow.)
(My only concern is…)
Ushio: …
Momiji: (This kid, who's lying down in front of the TV… I guess.)
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blueiscoool · 11 months
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1,400-Year-Old Treasure Stash Found Under Playground in China
Underneath the playground of a school in China, archaeologists uncovered ruins of a 1,400-year-old settlement that included dozens of storage pits and thousands of artifacts.
Archaeologists excavated the playground of an elementary school in the eastern coastal city of Ningbo ahead of planned construction, the Institute of Archaeology at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences said in an Oct. 10 news release.
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The excavations uncovered 65 pits, eight wells and several other structures all over 1,400 years old, the release said. Archaeologists identified the ruins as part of a settlement.
In one storage pit, archaeologists found 796 copper coins in tied-up stacks. A photo shows the stash of muddy coins with square holes in the center. In one of the wells, they unearthed 1,682 more coins.
Based on the number of coins and their style of burial, archaeologists concluded the treasures were buried as an emergency measure by residents who feared a disaster was coming, the release said. The age and location of the coins match — and might be linked to — a period of rebellion and famine in the sixth century A.D.
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Archaeologists also found preserved plants in one of the pits. The plant remains included bamboo, gourds, peach pits and a large number of acorns. A photo shows what remains of these nuts.
The other pits and wells contained pottery fragments, tiles, altars, washbasins and other artifacts, archaeologists said. Two lamps, part of a bronze chandelier, were also uncovered, a photo shows.
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The artifacts mainly date from the Han dynasty, a period from 206 B.C. to 220 A.D., and the Six Dynasties, a period from 220 A.D. to 589 A.D, according to the release and Encyclopedia Britannica.
Ningbo is in Zhejiang province and about 135 miles south of Shanghai.
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Victory Through God
For the music director; according to the shushan-eduth style; a prayer of David written to instruct others. It was written when he fought against Aram Naharaim and Aram-Zobah. That was when Joab turned back and struck down 12,000 Edomites in the Valley of Salt.
1 O God, you have rejected us. You suddenly turned on us in your anger. Please restore us!
2 You made the earth quake; you split it open. Repair its breaches, for it is ready to fall.
3 You have made your people experience hard times; you have made us drink intoxicating wine.
4 You have given your loyal followers a rallying flag, so that they might seek safety from the bow. (Selah)
5 Deliver by your power and answer me, so that the ones you love may be safe.
6 God has spoken in his sanctuary: “I will triumph! I will parcel out Shechem; the Valley of Succoth I will measure off.
7 Gilead belongs to me, as does Manasseh! Ephraim is my helmet, Judah my royal scepter.
8 Moab is my washbasin. I will make Edom serve me. I will shout in triumph over Philistia.”
9 Who will lead me into the fortified city? Who will bring me to Edom?
10 Have you not rejected us, O God? O God, you do not go into battle with our armies.
11 Give us help against the enemy, for any help men might offer is futile.
12 By God’s power we will conquer; he will trample down our enemies. — Psalm 60 | New English Translation (NET Bible) NET Bible® copyright ©1996-2017 by Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C. All rights reserved. Cross References: Genesis 12:6; Genesis 33:17-18; Genesis 49:10; Numbers 24:18; Numbers 34:19; Deuteronomy 33:12; Joshua 7:12; 2 Samuel 5:20; 2 Samuel 8:1,2 and 3; 2 Samuel 8:14; 2 Chronicles 7:14; Job 21:20; Psalm 17:7; Psalm 18:7; Psalm 20:5; Psalm 33:16; Psalm 44:5; Psalm 44:9; Psalm 66:12; Psalm 108:10; Psalm 146:3; Isaiah 5:26
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ladyhoneydee · 11 months
30 Day Song(fic) Challenge: Day 5
Today's Song(fic) Challenge prompt was "A song by the first artist you ever loved", and so I have a confession: for the first six years of my life, I was a massive Parrothead. That's right! My first beloved artist was none other than Jimmy Buffet. I had such a dream of going up on stage at a concert during the song "Brown Eyed Girl" (as I was, importantly, a girl with brown eyes. However, for today's song, I went for a spin on "Coconut Telegraph", a classic about a very gossipy town, featuring our favorite Hateno!
I Swear, It's Just Between Me and You
Game: Post-Breath of the Wild
Pairing: Zelink
Word Count: 1435
Keywords: NPC POV of relationship, except it's the whole town, hehe
Their first mistake was to be new in town, and therefore very intriguing to the locals, who always loved a mystery. Their second was to tromp right past Seldon on horseback—sharing a saddle, did you see?!—with faces plied with exhaustion—just why were they exhausted, hm?! Their third was to cozy up in their little love nest for weeks—has anyone even seen the blonde girl leave the house once?—building up the anticipation to staggering heights. And their final mistake was for their love story to be so interesting.
Read the fic on Ao3, or under the cut!
“Did you hear?”
“Did you hear?”
“I heard that—”
Word spreads fast in Hateno, for a village where a third of the residents are under ten or over eighty (or both, but they try to ignore that weird Sheikah scientist up on the hill when they can), and another third are in the fields all day. After festivals, rumors ripple up and down the hills of the town, passed from mouth to eager ear. Every villager knows of a newcomer within a day, no matter how transient their stay may be. And nothing stays secret for long. 
Still, that couple tucked next to Firly Pond make it almost too easy. 
Their first mistake was to be new in town, and therefore very intriguing to the locals, who always loved a mystery. Their second was to tromp right past Seldon on horseback—sharing a saddle, did you see?!—with faces plied with exhaustion—just why were they exhausted, hm?! Their third was to cozy up in their little love nest for weeks—has anyone even seen the blonde girl leave the house once?—building up the anticipation to staggering heights. And their final mistake was for their love story to be so interesting.
“Did you see that?” hissed Amira to Nikki from across the washbasin, eyes wide.
“Walking arm-in-arm like some antiquated knight and lady! It’s just the main street of town. What do they think they’re playing at, all fancy?”
Nikki gleefully shared the news over dinner, and Nebb had some compelling details to share. “That’s the swordsman who showed me all the weapons! Maybe he really is a knight!”
Nikki had been quick to tell her son that the Hyrulean military had died with its royal line a century ago, but that didn’t stop the rumor of the knight spreading like wildfire through the village kids and home to their parents.
Weeks passed with little change, and the gossip threads stretched thin. The Knight would escort the Lady to the general store, and they’d buy goat butter and fabric by the yard, and return to their home after a circuit around town. 
“I think she’s making her own wardrobe,” Amira said one evening, prodding Pruce in the side to get his attention. “I work with clothing all day, you know—those cuts and styles of fabric are for everyday essentials. I wonder why she needs replacements for everything?”
“Why are we discussing this in bed?” groaned Pruce. 
“I heard that her entire town was burning down, and he rode in on a white stallion and saved her! Her leg was trapped under a beam and she couldn’t get free, but he saved her!” Azu crowed to the gaggle of surrounding kids. “That’s why she has no clothes, you know.”
“She has no clothes?” gasped Narah. “How terrible!”
“I heard from Narah that she walks around town…naked?” 
Uma gave Prima a dubious look. “Your inn is in the middle of town. Have you ever seen her walking around town naked?”
“Well…no. No, I haven’t.”
“Shouldn’t believe the first thing you hear from a little anklebiter!”
And yet, the next morning, a pair of nearly-new chemises were waiting on the Lady’s front porch for her, just in case. 
A few weeks later, the town was humming again, because the Lady was out and about.
Nebb would tell anyone who would listen how pretty she was in her green dress, how well it brought out her eyes. Tamana wanted to braid her lovely blonde hair back in intricate patterns suited to her station. Sayge placed a very pointed notice on the bulletin board with an offer for new residents to come ‘round to the dye shop for one free garment.
“She’s a little odd, I think,” Senna said surreptitiously. Thadd, one eye out for suspicious activity, leaned in closer to hear. “I saw her playing in the mud like a child, fitting together guardian parts! And then she ran all the way up the hill to the lab! She’s not very ladylike, I’d say.” She perked up. “Although if she gets mud in her dress, she might want to come dye it!”
The Knight got his fair share of talk, too. Koyin and Ivee privately agreed that if he wasn’t obviously meant for the Lady, they would both be interested in his sturdy frame and strong-and-silent personality, but as it was, they supported her wholeheartedly. Manny, recognizing the Knight from his failed attempt to woo Prima, attempted to spread rumors about him—“He eats rocks! I think he only bathes in the pond outside his house!”—although these crashed and burned just as badly as his romantic overtures.
The day that the Knight and Princess took their turn around town holding hands…now that one fed the gossip mill for weeks. Especially when, two sightings later, they were back to linked arms.
“Oh, I hope that everything is alright for them! The Knight’s eyes look so pained when he looks at her, all that longing…and the way she looks at him when she thinks no one can see! They must be in love, don’t you think?” 
Rhodes patted Ralera’s hand. “We’ll just have to believe they can find the same happiness we did.”
They did end up holding hands again, if you were curious. But shh! That’s a secret!
And then…there came the day of the spring festival.
The Knight and the Lady had lived in the house next to Firly Pond for two seasons now, and the townspeople had grown used to the Lady’s antics—and the Knight’s, as well, which had been unexpected, to say the least; no one had actually believed Manny when he’d said the boy ate rocks. What they hadn’t seen before was the young couple dancing or drinking.
“I know we call her the Lady, but it really seemed like she was doing some sort of court dance at first! Dear thing, I’m glad she lightened up after a few reels.” Clavia tutted her tongue concernedly.
“Did you see the way they packed away those wildberry spritzers? Their faces were as red as the juice by the end!”
“That might’ve been blushing, though. Did you see how they were looking at each other? How closely they were dancing by the end? Save room for Hylia, I say!”
“The way he dipped her, I swear, I would’ve just fallen over on the spot.”
“That’s because you’re just clumsy, Sophie. How about the way she spun him out and led him from behind, though? I would’ve swooned.” 
It was agreed that they were, perhaps, a very dangerous couple. Truly, it was for the best that they were falling in love with each other, and no one else. 
The summer was long and sultry. The fields sizzled with humid warmth from the ocean, and the townsfolk lazed about in the heat, stories flowing off the tongue with even greater ease than usual. The Lady and the Knight hadn’t been that interesting lately, but it was the principle of the thing that counted. Depending on who you asked, you might hear of a betting pool slowly building, about when the couple might approach Reede for a marriage license. The mayor—“Killjoy!”—was very zipped-lipped about the whole thing, much to the bettors’ disapproval.
Of course, it was on the most normal of dog days that the biggest bombflower of them all ignited.
“Teebo, Teebo! I saw the Knight and the Lady kissing!”
“Karin said they were walking down the path towards the beach, and just stopped right there! She had him pinned against the tree by the end of it, and they were both smiling like fools when they finished!”
It was the hottest topic of the summer. That one kiss kept the town buzzing for weeks, until…they started doing it everywhere. All the time. The center of town. On horseback, heading west. Frolicking on the beach. Walking up to the tech lab on the hill. In front of the goddess statue. It just wasn’t quite as interesting to share if everyone had the chance to see it for themselves.
If you were to look very closely at the faces of the Knight and the Lady after a kiss shared in the middle of town—which, of course you wouldn’t, because that would be rude, you have to give them privacy and only stare a little bit—you might see a subtle flavor of amusement, buried beneath the desire. Some theorizing might net you the thought that maybe, just maybe, the jam they’d planted in the cogs of the rumor mill might be intentional. Some sweet, silly revenge, perhaps, from an adoring, fun-loving couple, on a town that never quite stops talking.
Of course, you didn’t hear that from me!
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loveloki555 · 10 months
Boudoir design for Lady Sigyn
A boudoir is a woman's private sitting room or salon in a furnished residence, usually between the dining room and the bedroom, but can also refer to a woman's private bedroom.
A cognate of the English "bower", historically, the boudoir formed part of the private suite of rooms of a "lady" or upper-class woman, for bathing and dressing, adjacent to her bedchamber, being the female equivalent of the male cabinet. In later periods, the boudoir was used as a private drawing room, and was used for other activities, such as embroidery or spending time with one's romantic partner.
Since Loki has just become the God of Stories and, as a result, the Emperor of the Multiverse… he can create his own castle for himself and his new wife.
I will be happy to present the boudoir design for Lady Sigyn. For Lady Sigyn, we will consider the boudoir as places for her own use like bedroom, living room, bathroom, dressing room...
While I think Loki's citadel would have been quite dark in color, I think part of it would have had a completely different aesthetic for his wife's use.
So let's go for our tour.
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First - enterning to her part of citadel.
Beautiful bright colors, stained glass windows with effect of illusions, nice couches for those waiting, and a golden elevator.
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After going up the golden elevator, we have a beautiful living room for guests. Modern, cozy style in a winter tone. Sigyn loves winter as she was born during this time of year. Comfortable sofas to welcome guests, a table on which to place treats and drinks. Windows have a wonderful part of illusion, clean air and winter landscapes. The living room also serves as a dining room. You can eat all your meals there. Lady Sigyn can eat alone or with her husband.
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Next we go to Lady Sigyn's private library. Like her husband, she loves reading. But on the way, we have place of meditation. Greenhouse with stained glass and exotic plants. A nice place to reflect among nature.
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From the greenhouse we are now at the library. A beautiful library with a warm fireplace and pink flowers.
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While places like the living room, greenhouse and library can still be considered somewhat accessible to guests… now we go to the private rooms. Now we go to bedroom.
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Lady Sigyn has a beautiful place with a rain illusion window where she can lie comfortably and watch movies like The Lion King or listening of music.
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Another part of the bedroom contains illusions in window about the effect of the city and its lights. Lady Sigyn has a comfortable bed, sofas and beautiful lamps.
Next to the bedroom there are three rooms - two-piece bathroom, two-piece dressing room and private swimming pool - Lady Sigyn loves swimming.
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The bathroom consists of two rooms - one with a bathtub and the other with only a washbasin. The place with the sink is used for quickly and daily hygiene. The place with a bathtub is for morning and evening baths.
Next we go to the dressing room consists of two rooms - a part for make-up and hairstyles and a part where dresses and outfits are stored.
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Lady Sigyn loves swimming, so she loves to have own swimming pool. The swimming pool is located in a beautiful, sunny room with white walls among green plants. An additional place is a spacious terrace and a scarf swing.
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Thank you for the tour of Lady Sigyn's boudoir. I hope that tour was nice for you.
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anachrosims · 2 years
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Hello! I bring you a functional, Regency-era bedroom in the Palladian Georgian style. Comes with functioning bed, washbasin, vanity, chamber pot, and bathtub. Perfect room for a country manor or even for a palace.
Download at the Gallery under ID anachrosims or--
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yoobuyin · 3 months
Building Your Dream Bathroom: Introducing Yoobuy - Your One-Stop Shop for Premium Bathroom Fittings and More
In the fast-paced digital age, convenience and quality are paramount in every aspect of our lives, including home improvement. Yoobuy, a leading online platform specializing in bathroom fittings, accessories, washbasins, plumbing materials, and hardware fittings, emerges as a beacon of reliability and excellence in the realm of building materials. With the tagline "Building Materials at your fingertips," Yoobuy promises not just products, but a seamless experience tailored to meet your bathroom renovation needs.
Yoobuy: Redefining Bathroom Solutions
Yoobuy stands out amidst a crowded marketplace by offering an extensive range of products designed to enhance both the functionality and aesthetics of your bathroom. Whether you're a homeowner embarking on a renovation project or a contractor sourcing materials for multiple builds, Yoobuy caters to all with its diverse inventory.
Product Categories Offered by Yoobuy:
Bathroom Fittings: From faucets to showerheads, Yoobuy ensures every detail contributes to the overall elegance and efficiency of your bathroom.
Bathroom Accessories: Small details matter, and Yoobuy excels in providing a wide array of accessories that combine style and functionality.
Washbasins: A focal point in any bathroom, Yoobuy offers washbasins that range from sleek modern designs to timeless classics, ensuring there's something to suit every taste.
Plumbing Materials: Essential for any construction or renovation project, Yoobuy provides high-quality plumbing materials that meet industry standards.
Hardware Fittings: From door handles to hinges, Yoobuy's selection of hardware fittings adds the finishing touches to your bathroom space.
The Yoobuy Experience
At Yoobuy, customer satisfaction is paramount. The company's commitment to quality is reflected not only in the products it offers but also in the seamless shopping experience it provides. Here are some key features that make Yoobuy the preferred choice for discerning customers:
Wide Range of Brands: Yoobuy collaborates with renowned brands such as 3M, ABi, AGARSON, AGL Bathware, Alixir, ALKO-PLUS, Amar, Anchor, Apex, APLApollo, Aquant, Arcon Bathware, Asian Paints, Astro, Axwell, Bell, Dr. Fixit, ESSESS, Europa, Euroqo, Fable, Fixup, Glocera, Roca, Silken, Green Bathware, Plumber Bathware, and many more. This ensures customers have access to products that meet the highest standards of quality and reliability.
Easy Navigation: Yoobuy's website is designed with the user in mind. Intuitive navigation and categorization make it effortless to browse through the extensive product offerings and find exactly what you need.
Secure Transactions: Yoobuy prioritizes the security of its customers' transactions. With secure payment gateways and stringent data protection measures, customers can shop with confidence.
Prompt Delivery: Timely delivery is crucial when it comes to home improvement projects. Yoobuy partners with reliable logistics providers to ensure that products reach customers promptly and in pristine condition.
Customer Support: Should you have any questions or require assistance, Yoobuy's dedicated customer support team is just a call or click away. Friendly and knowledgeable representatives are ready to help you every step of the way.
Why Choose Yoobuy?
Choosing Yoobuy for your bathroom renovation or construction needs offers several distinct advantages:
Quality Assurance: Every product available on Yoobuy's platform undergoes rigorous quality checks to ensure durability and performance.
Competitive Pricing: Yoobuy offers competitive pricing without compromising on quality, making it a cost-effective choice for both individual customers and businesses.
Comprehensive Selection: Whether you're aiming for a modern minimalist look or a luxurious spa-inspired ambiance, Yoobuy's extensive range of products caters to diverse aesthetic preferences.
Reliability and Trust: With a growing list of satisfied customers and partnerships with reputable brands, Yoobuy has earned a reputation for reliability and trustworthiness in the market.
Connect with Yoobuy
Stay updated with the latest trends, promotions, and tips for your bathroom projects by connecting with Yoobuy on social media:
Follow Yoobuy's social media channels to join a community of like-minded individuals passionate about creating beautiful and functional bathroom spaces.
Conclusion: Elevate Your Bathroom with Yoobuy
In conclusion, Yoobuy emerges as more than just an online platform for purchasing bathroom fittings and materials it embodies a commitment to quality, convenience, and customer satisfaction. Whether you're renovating your own bathroom or managing a construction project, Yoobuy provides the tools and expertise to help you achieve your vision. With a vast array of products, renowned brands, and a seamless shopping experience, Yoobuy is poised to be your trusted partner in building the bathroom of your dreams. Experience the difference with Yoobuy today and see why they are a leader in the industry.
Transform your bathroom into a sanctuary of comfort and style with Yoobuy, where building materials are truly at your fingertips.
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melisusthewee · 11 months
WIP Wednesday (on a Thursday!)
Look, I just got back from holiday I have no concept of time and space anymore. Plus @greypetrel tagged me so hold on to your butts!
I've been out of town on vacation for the past week and while I brought with me things to do, I didn't write a single damn thing or draw even the smallest doodles of pictures. And you know what? It was good for me! I was "no thoughts head empty" for the first three days and it was very relaxing and very re-invigorating. The first time I thought to maybe crack open a fic or drawing was on the flight home (thank you, WestJet, for having an absolutely shitty app for your "complimentary in flight entertainment"). And boy, did I write! I went back to a fic I had started about a year ago that I got sidetracked from and it felt good to go back to it and make some progress and be happy with the results.
So here is finally some more Grand Tourney Incident fic to share with you! Fun Fact for friends I have only met recently: Horatio Morris was invented for this fic despite the fact that I then wrote a prequel fleshing him out more before I ever finished this one. Funny how that happens.
For context: A young Quinn Trevelyan delivers a freshly painted shield to his older brother ahead of the afternoon's joust. Quinn plans on entering the Grand Tourney himself, forever freeing himself from having to squire for his brother - provided, of course, that Ser Emile Trevelyan doesn't catch wind and do something to stop him.
He found Emile inside his tent, half-dressed only from the waist down in his arming trousers and polished obsidian greaves.  He had leaned a piece of cut glass against what looked like several of Octavian's accounting books, and set up a washbasin where he was currently focused on trimming his beard. Emile Trevelyan was not unhandsome and he and Quinn both cut very similar profiles.  They had inherited the same nose from their father though Emile had more of their mother's coloring - bright red hair and steel-grey eyes.  Emile's hair had much more of a curl to it too and between his mop of hair and the beard he always kept carefully shaped and cut in the style typical of Ostwick men he would have been a popular knight among tourney fans even if he hadn't been good at what he did.  Unfortunately, however, Emile happened to also be exceptionally talented on a horse and had several tourney wins under his belt.  Even the years when he didn't place first, he still consistently finished in the upper part of the lists and was constantly favored to win among the betting pools.  He'd made himself a celebrity among the Free Marches and the only reason it hadn't gone to his head was because he'd always had an insufferably inflated ego for as long as Quinn could remember. Emile gave Quinn only the barest of glances at first as he entered the tent until he saw the painted shield tucked under his arm.  He set down his razor and snapped his fingers at Quinn - just as he did with all the servants - and told him he wasn't about to go stashing away a shield that didn't meet his approval. Quinn huffed and rolled his eyes, but held up the shield for presentation anyway. Emile got to his feet and walked over, snatching the wooden shield out of Quinn's hands.  He turned it over carefully, narrowing his eyes at Quinn when he couldn't find any overt or obvious fault with the painting.  "You had that boyfriend of yours do this." Quinn crossed his arms defiantly.  "It's done and it looks like a horse." Emile frowned, but he put the shield aside with the rest of his armour anyway.  "Some of these lines are crooked.  But I'll let it go only because Otto has been looking for you." "Did he say what for?" asked Quinn. "No, and I didn't care to ask," said Emile curtly, returning back to his washbasin and razor. Quinn frowned, watching Emile carefully.  It seemed odd for his brother to simply dismiss him like that, but Octavian wasn't just their older brother this time.  He was acting head of the family until they returned to Ostwick which meant even Emile had to watch his tongue and follow along.  Quinn couldn't imagine what Octavian would want with him - everything Quinn knew about the business of horsebreeding and the Trevelyan stock was knowledge Octavian had tenfold.  But then maybe his brother didn't actually want anything from him.  Maybe this was his way of making sure Quinn was free for this afternoon's archery and his way of letting him know that the papers from their father had been delivered. The frown changed into a smile and Quinn hurriedly left Emile and his tent before his brother could notice and question why he was suddenly wearing a haughty-looking grin.
Tagging with no pressure: @theluckywizard @ndostairlyrium @idolsgf @cleverblackcat @nirikeehan @rosella-writes @unnecessaryligatures @ronqueesha @oxygenforthewicked @dreadfutures and... you! Right there! Yes, you!
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clivemwilliams · 5 months
Tobago 2024
Friday 26th April
Last day at the lodge and no bird tours to occupy us so we decided to do our own thing and took ourselves off on a small trek in the surrounding forest and surprisingly it transpires you don’t really need a guide at all as we found plenty of wildlife to keep us amused for a few hours (well a few birds and butterflies anyway)!
Judith insists that I report how grateful I am to her for, once again, coming to the rescue when I discovered that our washbasin had no plug. Judith’s emergency travel plug was just the job and I acknowledge her formidable planning and list-making skills.
After lunch we made the short transfer to Castara, our home for the next 7 nights. We were picked up by a lovely taxi driver who had brought her neighbour along for the ride and somehow turned what should have been a 15 minute journey into a very slow crawl.
However, that was secondary to the major news story in the Caribbean – British man attacked by a shark off Tobago beach !! There has never been a shark attack here before so it’s the main talking point wherever you go. Several beaches have been closed while the authorities seek to ‘neutralise the shark’ – I think we all know what that means ! Fortunately our beach has remained open although I’ll definitely be taking extra precautions when we get down to the beach tomorrow – needless to say Judith features prominently in my plans!
We are staying in a self catering apartment with great views over the bay. Judith has somehow managed to lock our valuables in the safe and is now unable to open it ! She wasn’t too impressed with my idea of starting at ‘000’ and going through every possible combination !
Not long after our arrival a preacher turns up on the beach with a massive loud speaker system playing pretty good gospel music followed by peaching of the gospel, Caribbean style. Similar to a Salvation Army open air meeting!
Nice meal tonight overlooking the bay – unfortunately same old Judith problem – lots of fish and the possible alternative lamb dish was a curry and Judith doesn’t like curry. However, they did have meatballs as a starter so all was not lost.
Early start tomorrow as we’re off on a rainforest tour.
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aoazany · 11 months
#6 Crafting Authentic Persona Poems: The Art of Research and Voice
Persona poems are a fascinating form of poetry that allows writers to step into the shoes of another person or character and speak from their perspective. Whether you're trying to embody a historical figure, a fictional character, or even a marginalized individual, writing a persona poem can be a rewarding and enlightening experience. However, to create a truly authentic persona poem, thorough research is essential. In this blog post, we'll explore the art of crafting persona poems, the importance of research, and provide an example to illustrate the process.
The Essence of Persona Poetry
A persona poem, also known as a dramatic monologue, is a type of poem in which the speaker assumes a character, adopting their voice, emotions, and perspective. It's a literary form that allows writers to explore the depths of empathy and delve into the experiences of others. Whether you're expressing the thoughts of a historical figure like Anne Boleyn or a contemporary figure like a refugee, persona poetry is a powerful way to inhabit another person's world.
The Importance of Research
Creating an authentic persona poem hinges on thorough research. To accurately portray your chosen character, you need to understand their life, experiences, motivations, and emotions. Here are some steps to help guide your research:
1. Learn About the Character
Start by gathering information about the character you want to portray. If it's a historical figure, read biographies, journals, letters, and any other primary sources available. For fictional characters, explore the source material and any relevant background information.
2. Understand the Historical Context
To convey a genuine sense of time and place, you must understand the historical context in which your character lived. What were the social norms, political climate, and cultural influences of that era?
3. Dive into Emotions and Psychology
Put yourself in your character's shoes and consider their emotions, desires, fears, and motivations. Try to empathize with their experiences to create a more authentic voice.
4. Find the Character's Unique Voice
Each character has a distinct voice and style of speaking. Pay attention to their tone, vocabulary, and any idiosyncrasies that make their voice unique.
5. Authenticity over Stereotypes
Avoid falling into the trap of perpetuating stereotypes. Your goal is to represent your character's authentic perspective, not to rely on clichés or caricatures.
An Example of an Authentic Persona Poem
To illustrate the process of crafting a persona poem, let's consider an example:
Title: "Mary's Hands"
I stand before the washbasin, trembling hands submerged, Fingers pruned from ceaseless toil, cracked like parched earth. These hands, once tender, now bear the weight of ages, Etched with stories of children birthed and bread kneaded.
In the pre-dawn chill, I kneel upon the kitchen floor, Embracing the callouses etched by life's relentless chore. A mother's love, a wife's devotion, eternally ingrained, In these hands, love's silent grace is softly contained.
The subject of this persona poem is a 19th-century woman, Mary, who lived a life of hardship. The poem captures her inner thoughts and experiences, drawing from research on the struggles faced by women of that era. The language, tone, and emotions reflect the character's authentic voice, making it a powerful and empathetic piece of persona poetry.
In conclusion, writing a persona poem is a rich and empathetic artistic endeavor. By conducting thorough research and immersing yourself in your character's world, you can create authentic and evocative poetry that speaks to the human experience. Persona poems provide a unique opportunity to amplify voices and stories that may have otherwise been lost to time or forgotten. So, embrace the challenge, do your research, and let your creative empathy flow in your next persona poem.
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wispstalk · 2 years
Do you think it’s true that Nords don’t bathe as much as others in Tamriel? How do you think the different peoples wash up when traveling without much water?
ahahaaaa anon you have unlocked a secret interest of mine. i love antiquated hygiene practices.
public saunas have gotta be a popular thing in Skyrim, or a visit to the hot springs, followed by a cold plunge afterward. That would be like, when you want to be super clean. for daily maintenance I'd think people would give themselves birdbaths at a washbasin -- filling a tub would be a huge hassle even if you have magical means of heating the water. aaand there's a way to clean the hair without using soap, by rubbing the oils from your scalp, preening your hair with your fingers, then using a boar bristle brush or wooden/bone comb (for the curly-haired folks) to style the hair and absorb the excess oils. i actually do this and funnily enough it's way more high-maintenance than a shampoo routine. my hair looks great, though.
so maybe the misconception that Nords have lax hygiene comes from visitors to Skyrim wondering where the hell the tubs are. Imperials and Argonians would be used to communal baths. Redguards from the desert regions and Vvardenfell Dunmer might "bathe" with oil: applying it to the skin and then using a scraping tool to squeegee it off and remove dirt and sweat and dead skin.
i think a lot of travelers would just accept being gross. they'll take a dunk if they come by a body of water or catch a bath at the next inn. speaking from a thru-hiking experience, it doesn't take long to just stop caring if you're stanky. but, it's not uncommon to carry a small bottle of perfume oil (woodsy scents are popular, for the antimicrobial effects of many evergreen oils), or an exfoliating cloth woven of tough fibers that can be wetted with just a touch of water to scrub off some of the grime.
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essco-bathware · 2 years
How To Renovate Your Bathroom with Modern Sanitaryware Products?
How beautiful is your bath space? How well-articulated does your bath space look? Do you ever feel your bathrooms are in no-match with your home's symmetry?
If so, there are plenty of reasons to bring your bath space up-to-date with the latest designs and technology to make it more modernized.
Sneak-peak on this quick guide for renovating your modern bathroom space with modern sanitaryware products:
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Style of Commode Seat
Indeed, an essential aspect of any bathroom. From one-piece and two-piece western or english toilet seats to intrinsic wall-hung English toilets, there are n-number of options available in the market, each with its unique advantages.
For instance: 
One-piece toilet seats are the right fit for those who prioritize hygiene. Their unique build-up helps keep the space speck-free.
Most preferred for high-end durability, flexibility, and effortless compatibility with compact bath space.
Two-piece toilet seats are indeed age-old English bathroom seating that unanimously separates the bowl and the tank of the matter for seamless flexibility and compatibility. 
Most preferred for budget-friendly fixation, high-end flexibility, and seamless compatibility for varied age groups, i.e., young as well for adults
Wall-mounted commodes are attached to the wall and have disposal pathways surfaced through the wall. The water outlet and flushing device are concealed within the wall to impart a feeling of spaciousness. 
Most preferred for high-end compatibility and to give an alluring outlook to the space.
Style of Washbasins
Your bathroom decor needs to be completed with the right washbasin fit. Washbasins are highly popular for their functional benefits, but beyond it, they are expected to enhance the beauty of the space they fit in. 
A few of the best types of washbasin designs for bathrooms are:
Table Top Basin: For adding a more modernized outlook to the space
Countertop basins: For peculiar hygiene
Under mounted basins: For keeping the space clean and canny.
And wall-mounted basins: For adding vintage outlook to the space.
When renovating one's bath space, one must ensure that everything fits nicely in symmetry, i.e., meets functional benefits and mitigates the modern needs of the time. Although many brands are available in the market, Essco by Jaquar is the best sanitaryware brand in india as they provide reliable, durable, and affordable products at a cost-efficient range.
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