#Watcher Mia
gncbozo · 18 hours
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goryhorroor · 1 year
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if the oscars had a horror genre: best actresses
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Had an amazing time at ghost files live tonight!! Met some amazing people and the boys (and Lizzie) were fantastic!! There was no animosity which was great and y’all,,,,, are in for such a treat with the new season,,, the short clip we saw was fucking insane!!!!
Also!! They did live Too Many Spirits and everyone started to chant Chug at Ryan (he failed pretty quickly lmaooo) it was so chaotic. Lots of yelling and cheering for Greggs!
I think to sum it all up in what Shane said which is: ‘the only time we’ve had an audience as loud and ballsy as this one was in Florida’
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rebouks · 8 months
Ok so, random question time cos, for some reason, this is what I woke up thinking about today…
If Somnium was being made into a movie, who would you cast to play Oscar, Courtney, and Wyatt?
(Bonus for Matilda, Ivan, Bruno.. or anyone else)
OOOOOOOoooOOOh.. okok i only did a main handful cos i found this rlly hard 😅 and let's remember that these definitely aren't face and/or body claims, i'm mostly just going off vibes u kno..
Oscar: Kristofer Hivju - super hard tryna find a redheaded actor that fit Oscar's vibes lmaoo.. almost tempted by Rupert Grint but he's got too much of a baby face 😂 i think maybe this'd fit older Oscar better u kno?
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Courtney: Carey Mulligan - pretty sweet looking but always seems to be making it on her own vibes too ig? idk.. another one i found rlly impossible lol
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Ivan: Jake Gyllenhaal - i reckon he could simultaneously pull off the puppy dog vibes and slightly nutty vibes when he loses his temper LOL
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Bruno: Joel Kinnaman - he's got that quiet brooding thing going on and he's pretty physically imposing too 🤤
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Tilda: Eva Green - no idea who she is, we're going off looks alone here for once 😂 pretty sure @akitasimblr once said she looked like her too
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Wyatt: Joaquin Phoenix - c'mon he plays some great slightly/extremely psychotic characters, right?
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Brynn: Mia Goth - looks cute & unassuming enough, actually a lil bit potty lmao
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nevertoomanyfiles · 9 months
Happy GF Tour 2 Part 2 to All Who Celebrate
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A musical extravaganza through Drowseytown! It will be oh so wonderful to see you again, Bill! Yes Bill, I’m talking to you. Don’t bother showing this to Ted. No one else will able to see it. But I can see you, Bill. I’ve been watching you, with Nine-Hundred and Ninety Nine Eyes. One short, thanks to your little twist(?). It’s time I get you back, Bill. What’s the old expression? “An eye for an eye” Hahahahahahahahahaha!
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iknowiknowiknowtheend · 2 months
I have no idea what’s going on with all the permit stuff the second I saw the office I was reminded of the dmv and was like nope this will awaken the great rage in me so I’ve kind of only been watching etho.
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matrivers · 11 months
✧ Blog Intro ✧
Hi i’m Mat (she/they), I post things about fandoms (Osemanverse (Solitaire>>>), Riordanverse (the world’s biggest Bianca Di Angelo fan), Watcher Entertainment, Jet Lag The Game (New Zealand Board Game is my fav season so far), Taylor Swift, Maisie Peters, and Theater) and sometimes i have original thoughts under #mat rambles. Follow my side blog @matrivers-quote-book
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animebw · 2 years
Short Reflection: Summer 2022 Anime
Is it just me, or does summer tend to be the worst season for anime? Ever since I’ve started watching seasonally, summer has consistently been the weakest season every year, with the most high-profile disappointments and the least genuine successes. And that felt especially true this year, with show after how either failing to rise to its full potential or just never showing any potential in the first place. This has been a barren three months, and even after deciding to drop all the shows I really wasn’t feeling, I was left with far more bad than good. If not for a couple spectacular late-minute arrivals, I’d be confident calling this the worst ever season of anime in the modern era. It may well still be that! Either way, fall’s already looking exponentially better, so let’s give this cursed season the post-mortem it deserves and take a look at what gems are worth salvaging. I’ve already given my thoughts on the miserable second season of Devil is a Part-Timer (3/10), the ambitious but amateurish RWBY spinoff Ice Queendom (5/10), and the problematic delight that was Call of the Night (7.5/10). As for everything else... read on.
Shine Post: Unfinished/10
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So, I guess the folks at Cygames finally dispense with all the stupid, ill-fitting gimmicks and just make a straightforward idol anime, huh? Forget the unholy amalgamation of horse-racing pop stars that was Uma Musume, Shine Post is pure idol through and through, a story about a bunch of ordinary high school girls chasing their dreams and make the world hear their songs. On the one hand, I appreciate them for finally cutting out the middleman; watching Uma Musume break its own back to shoe-horn all those competing genres into the same space was painful, so deciding to just focus on the idol stuff that was always Cygames’ clearest inspiration was a sound decision. Unfortunately, once you strip away all that genre-blending weirdness that made Uma Musume so compelling in spite of itself, all you’re left with is, well, a basic-ass idol show with no real selling points beyond some admittedly stellar character animation and a unique-but-poorly-utilized gimmick of the manager being able to magically tell when someone’s lying. And then you’re forced to contend with the fact that Cygames writing is pretty uniformly terrible, overwrought melodrama (the second season of Uma Musume nonwithstanding), and all their female characters speak in the most ear-grating attempts at forced, quirky cuteness imaginable, and then you start hyperfocusing on the weirdly sexualized character designs with perfectly see-through t-shirts and prominent thigh gaps and... yeah, suffice to say, my interest in this one is pretty much dead. The last three episodes had to be delayed thanks to an untimely Covid outbreak at the studio, so we’ll see if the finale somehow manages to turn this thing around. But I’m not holding my breath.
Yurei Deco: 2.5/10
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Is there such a thing as Oscar-bait anime? I don’t know, but if there is, it probably looks an awful lot like Yurei Deco. It’s an anime original by the critically beloved studio Science Saru! It’s got a unique art style and a eclectic musical score! It’s telling a topical, relevant story about the modern-day surveillance state and how our lives are run by algorithms! It’s a very loose adaptation of a piece of classic Western literature filtered through insane anime goggles (Huckleberry Finn, in this case). It’s a show that practically screams its desire to be taken seriously, to have thinkpieces written about how Deep and Meaningful it is. But all that surface-level posturing can’t hide the fact that this is one of the stupidest goddamn anime I’ve watched all year. The story is limp and fails to connect, the animation isn’t appreciably better than other more generic but better produced shows, the literary references don’t amount to anything and honestly kind of make things worse with their incongruity, and whatever message it was trying to convey ends up so mangled by the end that it feels like you’re being made fun of for even trying to care in the first place. Bad anime are a dime a dozen, but few things are as aggravating to sit through as a bad anime that’s convinced of its own brilliance despite having all the intelligence of a lobotomized monkey.
Shine on! Bakamatsu Bad Boys: 3/10
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The easiest way to describe Bakamatsu Bad Boys would be “Akudama Drive in the Sengoku era of Japan.” The premise is similar, at least; seven colorful and color-coded criminals are brought together by an outside force to help change the world that forced them into criminality in the first place. Sadly, the second easiest way to describe Bakamatsu Bad Boys would be “Akudama Drive but infinitely worse.” There’s some good chemistry among the cast, but they’re almost always split off into designated pairs and never allowed to shine as a group dynamic. Plus the animation is weaker, the themes are sloppier, the character arcs are so much more pedestrian, and there’s a real lack of spark to the whole affair. This is a story about criminals taking over the wreckage of the Shinsengumi to help rebuild it into a better force for good, but very little of the juicy potential in that concept makes it on screen beyond some decent moralizing against outright torture. But what really kills this thing is the only female character being subjected to the absolute worst kind of predatory “romance” and gender essentialism. That’s where this show crosses the line from inoffensively boring to outright disgusting.
A Couple of Cuckoos (2nd Half): 3.5/10
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Is it just a rule that all harem anime must be cursed to go completely to shit by the end? I remember actually liking A Couple of Cuckoos back when it started out, but by the second half rolled around, it was just completely out of gas. Whatever story it had to begin with round to a halt and stayed there for twelve episodes of mind-numbing, meaningless faffing about, occasionally threatening to sputter back to life before promptly fizzling out all over again, finally belching up one last fart cloud of a non-ending before going completely silent. And I might not even be that upset about it; plenty of great anime have been forged off the backs of watching fun characters just hang out forever, and if there’s one thing I can say in Cuckoos’ favor, it does have some very entertaining character banter. But when you keep threatening to actually do something interesting? With cliffhanger after cliffhanger that are resolved near instantly and accomplish nothing except tricking you into thinking that finally, something, anything is about to happen? That, folks, is where my patience officially runs out. This show is a waste of my time, your time, and the time of every artist who worked on it. Skip it.
Phantom of the Idol: 6/10
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Some things don’t need a deep reason for why you like them. Sometimes, just being a good time is good enough. And this heartfelt screwball comedy about a lazy, cynical male idol teaming up with the ghost of a former idol sensation to help advance his career without putting in the work himself is fun aplenty. Sure, it’s no Ya Boi Kongming, and the lackluster CG during the actual idol performances isn’t gonna blow anyone away. But it’s got good jokes, lovably eccentric characters, a sharp sense of comedic timing, and just enough sincerity to balance out the high-tempo wackiness. This is popcorn entertainment at its most easily digestible; it won’t blow you away, but it’s a good time guaranteed if you’re just looking for something to kick back and enjoy without thinking about it too much.
Shadows House Season 2: 6/10
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Shadows House was one of last years’ most pleasant surprises, a slow-burn gothic shonen mystery that slipped neatly into the Promised Neverland-shaped hole left by that show’s misbegotten second season. Few anime settings in recent years have been as memorable as the titular house, and the first season left me eager to see Kate and Emilico continue their slowly blossoming revolution. Unfortunately, while season 2 keeps the twists coming hot and heavy with even more fascinating revelations about the systems governing this nightmare mansion, the narrative machinery feels on much less solid footing this time around. Answers come from awkward places and drawn-out exposition dumps, some reveals feel shortchanged, and there’s a frustrating sense that too many of these answers are coming not from the characters putting the pieces together of their own accord, but the narrative just dropping the answers in their laps. If Cloverworks decides to come back for a third season, I hope they’re able to tighten up the story’s structure and make its progression feel more natural. Because there are some damn exciting developments brought about by this season’s end, and I’d hate to see their potential squandered with writing that doesn’t earn their fallout.
Drifting Home: 7/10
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Well, this was a pleasant surprise! Studio Colorido has been making this exact kind of whimsical-yet-poignant kids’ adventure flick forever, but this is the first one I’d call an unqualified success (at least from what I’ve seen; I hear Penguin Highway is supposedly pretty great). A bunch of kids break in to explore the worn-out, set-for-demolition apartment building one of them used to live, only for that building to somehow become stranded out at sea with no clear way home. What follows is a far more thematically complex odyssey than one might expect from this movie’s lighthearted exterior. Drifting Home is a story about, well, drifting away from home, about the pain of leaving a home behind and the fear of never being able to replace the sense of love and security that home gave you. But it’s also about those abandoned homes themselves and the emotions tangled up within them, how they reflect the lives lived within them and carry those memories even after they’re left behind. It’s a shockingly heady film, and even at two hours it feels like it could’ve used a little more time just to give it all space to breathe. But it mostly all comes together thanks to the gorgeous animation (seriously, Colorido is really starting to give Ghibli a run for its hyper-romaticized naturalism money), creative high concepts, and instantly lovable cast of child protagonists. Check it out if you’ve got a couple hours to kill; this is one adventure you won’t regret getting swept up in.
The Girl from the Other Side: 7/10
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I remember a couple years back when Studio Wit put out a ten-minute short based on this bewitching fantasy manga. Even in such a bite-sized format, it was one of the most evocative pieces of animation I’d ever seen, and I knew I would never know peace until it got a full-length treatment. Well, that day has come at last, and surprising nobody, this movie adaptation of The Girl from the Other Side is absolutely mesmerizing. In a dreary fantasy world beset by curse and corruption, a lost human girl finds solace in the company of a cursed being still trying to hold onto his humanity. The exact details of the world and its greater context are left deliberately hazy; if you’re looking for meticulous fantasy worldbuilding, this isn’t the place to turn. What you get instead, though, is a gorgeous fantasia that makes you feel like you’re wandering the very woods where all those Grimm’s fairy tales took place in. The thick, ink-textured textured animation is like nothing I’ve ever seen before, equal parts terrifyingly supernatural, serenely archaic, and achingly human. And while the story may be as perfectly predictable as any other “jaded old dude takes care of a precocious little girl” plot, the vibes are so immaculate that it doesn’t really matter. If you’ve got an hour to kill, then you absolutely owe it to yourself to give this movie a watch. It’s a dream- or a nightmare- you won’t want to wake up from anytime soon.
Ao Ashi (2nd Half): 7.5/10
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I said in my quick thoughts on Ao Ashi’s first half that this show is exactly what I needed to fill the Haikyuu-shaped hole in my heart. While that remains true, the second half has revealed one significant caveat: Ao Ashi has significantly weaker antagonists than Haikyuu. The strength of Haikyuu’s cast was that every player felt like the protagonist of their own story, with understandable goals and dreams, so you couldn’t help but root for them even when they went up against Karasuno. Ao Ashi’s antagonists are aiming for that same kind of energy, but they’re much more one-note and cartoonishly mean. I’m sorry, I can’t take this Akatsu guy seriously as a bully when by all rights he should’ve been kicked off the team for his shitty behavior by now. It’s far from enough to kill the show, thankfully, and the arrival of a shockingly great romantic subplot is more than enough to keep Ao Ashi as one of this year’s biggest delights. And now that the end of Haikyuu’s anime has been announced, I hope Production IG sticks with this one for the long haul as well. With a little stronger production, this could easily become the next sports anime juggernaut.
Made in Abyss Season 2: 8.5/10
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You know, it’s funny. I spend most of the first half of Made in Abyss’ second season complaining about how it wasn’t as good as the rest of the series. The Golden City is visually boring and we spend way too much time in it! It’s overly reliant on shock value for the sake of shock value that doesn’t add anything to the overall message! The animation is so much more limited and reliant on ugly CGI (gee I wonder if making this in between seasons of a certain garbage isekai adaptation took a toll on the production)! But then the turning point hit halfway through the season, and it was like nothing had changed at all. The back half of Golden City of the Scorching Sun is as heartbreaking, horrifying, and unspeakably beautiful as Made in Abyss has ever been, finally tying the sixth layer’s meandering threads together into a single awe-inspiring tapestry of loss, vengeance, and what it means to find value in a world that doesn’t offer it easily. By the time it was all over, I barely remembered the awkward, subpar footing it had all started on. Made in Abyss is not an easy show to process, and it’s probably only going to get more and more difficult to stomach as we plunge into the Abyss’ deepest recesses. But while season 2 may be the weakest outing overall, it’s yet further proof why this twisted nightmare of a journey is one of the greatest fantasy anime of all time.
Lycoris Recoil: 8.5/10
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You know what I love? When an anime comes out of nowhere and absolutely takes the world by storm. Lycoris Recoil wasn’t really on my radar before the season started, and what few trailers I watched didn’t do much to sell me on its weird mishmash of cute girls doing hardcore assassin work. Well, just slap a big fat egg on my face, because this bonkers original project is one of the most exciting things you or I or anyone else is likely to watch all year. Yes, it’s a little iffy that our protagonists are essentially government-sanctioned child sleeper agents tasked with keeping the peace by murdering anyone who even threatens to disturb it. And while the show does its best to wring some interesting thematic ideas from that concept- authoritarian security vs anarchic freedom, the ethics of killing for government- it’s far from a perfect treatise on the subject. You know what it does do perfectly, though? Basically everything else. Top-tier action, inspired direction and cinematography, consistently spectacular animation for fight scenes and comedy bits alike, a roller-coaster plot that perfectly balances hilarious slice-of-life shenanigans with the intensity of shootouts and car chases, actual canon gay representation (though not in the way you might expect), and two of the most pitch-perfect protagonists to ever share a screen. Seriously, Chisato and Takina own my entire soul and I apologize for nothing. Lycoris Recoil may not be a philosophical masterpiece, but it’s popcorn entertainment at its absolute finest, and I cannot recommend it highly enough.
Cyberpunk Edgerunners: 9/10
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Sound the alarm, folks: Trigger’s back on track to save anime again! I knew Cyberpunk Edgerunners was gonna be a great time from the moment its first trailer dropped: marrying Hiroyuki Imaishi’s iconic directing style with the neon-soaked atmosphere of the cyberpunk genre was a match so perfect you gotta wonder how we’re only just now getting around to it. What I didn’t expect, though, was just how goddamn great the story ended up being. Imaishi’s always relied on the back of his high-octane visual style, and the thematic ideas that style alone conveys, to cover for the actual writing being kind of a hot mess. But Edgerunners gives him a genuinely great script to work with for the first time, and the results are magical. This tale of an impoverished teenager lashing out against the hypercapitalist system he lives under and finding companionship among fellow societal rejects may not break much new ground for the cyberpunk genre, but it delivers the single most exhilarating, heartbreaking, and breathtaking version of that story I’ve ever seen. And Imaishi’s style doesn’t just make that story pop, it infuses even the most played-out plot points with astonishing new life. This may well be his best work as a director, and I do not say that lightly. Cyberpunk Edgerunners is easily Netflix’s best anime since Devilman Crybaby, and I consider it a must-watch for anyone who can handle the intensity of its bloody action. Never before has something so perfectly embodied its genre while simultaneously feeling like nothing else that genre has ever produced.
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fllourishandblotts · 2 years
Ok where are the watcher gifsets
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Happy Birthday Mia Farrow!
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crowleyhasfeels · 2 years
Spoiler Alert. Seriously. Ryan Murphy. Seriously. I mean I get that the real story was never solved but way to leave me flipping hanging. Outside of that, highly recommend The Watcher. AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING SUPPORTING CAST. Jennifer Coolidge nailed it like always and Margo Martindale is a freaking gem. 8/10. (Would have been a 10 but left me hanging.) So? Spoiler alert? Oh, I put that at the top right? Okay. It's there now.
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ilmondodishioren · 2 years
The Watcher (serie TV)
The Watcher (serie TV)
Buongiorno e buon lunedì a tutti!Sabato, al ritorno dal lavoro ero troppo stanca per stare al pc a lavorare al romanzo e ho letteralmente oziato a letto davanti alla televisione e la mia attenzione è stata subito attratta dal trailer di The Watcher dove si vedeva Bobby Cannavale, attore che sto imparando ad apprezzare attraverso varie sue interpretazioni. La cosa davvero buffa del mio rapporto…
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Hey! I just saw the apology video and I think it was actually really good; short, to the point while also being aptly apologetic. They didn’t just say ‘we’re sorry you guys don’t agree with us’ but actually recognised and responded to the direct concerns and criticisms the fans have had. It took fucking balls for them to do that!
I’m pleased with their decision going forward and will be happy to support them monetarily when I’m able to!
Would love to hear other people’s thoughts on this!
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floorman3 · 2 years
The Watcher (Series) Review
Ryan Murphy is a producer of everything from the American Crime Story The People vs OJ Simpson to the many seasons of American Horror Story. Even though he has produced true stories and some comedies he mainly focuses on horror-related or thriller series and films. Most of his stuff has been on FX but of late he has branched out to Netflix with Ratched, Dahmer-Monster: The Jeffery Dahmer Story,…
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sydneysageivashkov · 2 years
love the novice dynamic and the mia and sonya dynamic. can't wait for them to break my heart
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