#We do love to cut loose and stop holding back in these parts
erisenyo · 1 year
I'm living for the surge of jetko, it's delightful how you write both of them ^-^
for a prompt, maybe "please, put it DOWN"
or "let’s not go back. not ever." for Jetko (if you haven't gotten tired of these knuckleheads lol)
For this prompt game! (And also this one!)
(Can be read along with this and this and this and this and this)
Agni’s flaming balls, if Jet fucking sucks his teeth one more fucking time Zuko is going to fucking—
Nothing. Zuko is going to nothing, he tells himself, cutting off that thought and shoving it away and trying to replace it with the calming, soothing breath cycles Uncle always pressed on him as he jerks his focus back to the assembled governors and viceroys and Councilmen around him.
“Lady Tang,” Zuko says, paging through his notes and trying to force the grit of frustration out of his voice, “I really do think we should consider—”
“What we should consider is the way we’ve distributed water rights off the Earth Kingdom’s coast,” she cuts in, flapping a hand at him as she sips her tea, and Zuko sucks in another slow, calming breath and tries not to feel the way Jet’s eyebrow ticks up, amused.
“We should consider a more traditional governance structure,” Councilman Vukuq agrees like he always fucking does and there’s no way the two of them aren’t— “It’s ridiculous, really, how the current divisions are assessed.”
The gentle breeze to the ostrich horse may be a gale to the flutter bee, Zuko remind himself as Jet’s other eyebrow tick up, as Zuko yanks his inner fire back down so hard it stings because it was like trying to scoop fire into a ladle to get what divisions they have now. “Councilman, we all agreed just a year ago—”
“Yes, well, things change,” Vukuq says, flicking his eyes over Zuko. “Isn’t that what you’re always saying, Fire Lord?” he adds, snide, and Zuko’s skin feels tight from that look, from the way Jet props his elbow on the table and his head on his fist and smirks.
“As you should all be able to see in the report my scribes put together,” Zuko grits out, finally finding the report in question amongst his notes and pretending he doesn’t see the way Jet’s eyes go overwide and overly rapt, a mockery of awed attention that scalds after spending the past week thinking he was seeing flashes of the real thing. “The population shifts along the coast—”
“Reports, reports, always with the reports,” Lord Geheng rolls his eyes and the fact that Zuko is fucking wishing Kuei were here right now with all his cheerful, agreeable fumbling– “Sometimes a man just has to think with his gut,” Geheng continues, giving Zuko a haughty, pitying kind of look. “You’ll learn,” he adds, lips curled into something probably supposed to come across as kind, fatherly, and Zuko grips onto the edge of the table and shoves his flame down and tries not to light it on fire.
“Thank you for your advice, Lord Geheng,” Zuko forces out, somehow harder than usual to do with Jet sitting there, watching, just smirking wider when Zuko’s gaze flicks over to him against his better judgment and mouthing ‘you’ll learn’ like it’s a joke, like it doesn’t matter, like he’s shoving his finger into a bruise and leaning into it and fuck, Zuko knows he shouldn’t have brought Jet into this, should never have even asked. He was almost more surprised to hear the words come out of his mouth than he was by Jet’s slow blink and drawling acceptance and now somehow they’re both here, when usually its only Zuko, everyone staring at Jet’s hodgepodge of clothes and the livid hickey still high on Jet’s neck and giving Zuko looks like he’s Viceroy Hoang again bringing his latest—his—like Zuko’s a fucking child, like—
Zuko takes a deep, calming breath as he drags his attention back to the conversation in front of him, trying to exhale the frustrated knot in his chest, straightening, trying to put on his most poised, polite expression. “Be that as it may,” he cuts back in, silently congratulation himself for how smooth the words come out, how reasonable and even and ignoring the way Jet straightens and mouths be that as it—fucking imitating him, fucking— “Given the population dispersion in the late years of the war and after—”
“Sure you want to go there?” Vukuq says under his breath and also not under his breath at all, everyone pretending not to hear. Except for Jet, who actually lets out a low, “Ooh, ouch,” at full volume and Agni, they’ve already been at it for fucking hours and Zuko just wants to fucking—
Just wants to take a deep breath, and calm himself, and shove down the roiling tangle in his chest, and remind himself something about ostrich hoses and flutter bees, and that a vessel already full of anger cannot have any room for peace, and—
Jet is watching him. Smirking, leaned forward against the table and clinking his fancy little teaspoon obnoxiously against the sides of his fragile little teacup and making a—making a fucking visible jerk off gesture at him.
“Irrespective of the reasons,” Zuko hears himself saying, aiming a kick at Jet’s ankles and barely restraining the urge to hurl his own teaspoon at Jet’s head when Jet easily evades it, just smirking wider, “Population movement did happen. And traditional governance approaches do not make sense given the increased demands of—”
“Interior trade routes can account for that,” Lady Tang says, dismissive, and Jet snorts out loud like Zuko wants to.
“It’s fish,” Zuko says, incredulous, fraying. “You’re talking about caravanning fish across the desert.”  
“I’ve heard its pretty warm there,” Jet says in a thick north coastal drawl, grinning sharp and wide when the assembles lords and ladies twitch at the sound, chewing on a—on a stalk of wheatgrass that he must have pulled out of his fucking sleeve or something, like he has a whole fucking stash up there, except he doesn’t, Zuko’s tried to find it while stripping him down, though how else he keeps—
“Yes, well,” Vukuq says, expression edged with something Zuko at his most charitable can only call distaste, “Smarter men than you are working on it, dear.”
“Oh, gosh,” Jet says, voicw going breathy, sitting up all wide-eyed and attentive and polite as Zuko’s swallows hard, fire gulping in his chest as his breath control breaks. “That’s so good to hear, there’s no better time than now,” Jet says earnestly and so clearly mockingly and Zuko feels the thin remnants of the leash around his temper turn to ash.
“Now that that’s settled,” Lady Tang is saying, the picture of genteel amusement, “Let us go back to the discussion of tax rates on our merchant class, which truly are far too—”
“No, how about let’s not go back, not ever,” Zuko hears himself saying overloud, nearly shouting, frustrated anger suddenly boiling up out of his gut, “While I’m sure you’d love to renegotiate your own tax rates, I think we’re all sick of you wasting all our fucking time with your blatant profiteering," Zuko snaps, ignoring the gasps around the room, the shocked outrage on everyone’s faces—except for Jet's, who’s air of feigned indifference has dropped for the first time all day to give way to a delighted kind of eagerness.
“Now see here,” Geheng straightens, bushy eyebrows drawn in disapproving, “There is no need for such unseemly displays, young man, this is—”
“Fire Lord,” Zuko corrects, smoke on the back of his tongue and Geheng jerks back, shocked, “And I think there’s plenty of need after this travesty of a negation,” Zuko says, smelling smoke too, which probably means he’s damaging the table but he doesn’t particularly care to check right now with his fire stretching and spilling out inside him and Jet looking at him, rapt.
“Fire Lord,” Vukuq says, chiding, stern, “Just because the negotiations have not personally favored your views—”
“Are you sure you want go there?” Zuko rounds on him, spiting the words, “You?”
“Are you implying—”
“I’m not implying anything,” Zuko snarls over top of him and Agni, it feels good to not have to modulate his tone, to check his volume, to carefully watch of every lilt and bit of emphasis, Jet leaning forward, eager, and that feels good, “I’m saying I don’t know why we even fucking pretend at it anymore, when you’re so blatantly in each other’s pockets.”
Vukuq is choking, sputtering, furious. “I should have known someone of your—”
“What, someone of my what, Vukuq?” Zuko challenges, exhilaration thrilling in his chest at the edge of threat in his voice, at the way Vukuq’s mouth works, silent, soundless in the face of it. “And Lady Tang I can see you picking up that seal,” Zuko says, snapping his attention to her and feeling wild with his hours of frustrated anger, his months of stifled indignation, with the way Jet is grinning approving and sharp.
“Lord Zuko,” she says, huffy, drawing herself up and Zuko feels a seething kind of satisfaction at that Lord, more than she’s ever given him, “I don’t know how things are done in the Fire Nation, but around here—”
“They’re done a fuck of a lot better than this,” Zuko says, incredulous, incredulous that they think something as small as words, as chiding, as shame can rein him back where they want him and if it’s worked before— “And we’re a fucking mess,” he adds, laughing, Jet cackling along with him, the sound like sparks in his veins, “The bar is not high. And yet somehow, you continually manage to faceplant over it.”
Vukuq pulls himself up, scrapes his eyes over Jet and then Zuko, snide and ugly. “It’s just like the Fire Nation to attempt to trample all over—”
“I will remind you, Councilman, that Fire Nation reparations still require the Fire Lord’s approval,” Zuko spits, the words coming easy and right when he doesn’t make himself think over them, “And I am the Fire Lord—” It’s almost dizzying, the adrenaline and anger and clear, crystal sense of focus and Jet’s nearly triumphant grin. “— and I will not be approving shit until I hear meaningful concessions. Because I assure you,” he adds, turning to Geheng before the man can say whatever drivel he’s opened his mouth to say, “The reparations are not for you, Geheng. I think we are all very aware of how little you need them after the war.”
Zuko’s breathes hard as the room gapes at him, stunned, uncertain. His breath control is in some wild, seething rhythm and the urge to tug it back under more familiar control trembles through him, just like the instinctive, learned impulse to apologize, to rein himself back and be calm and polite, to offer tea and amends and be reasonable.
But Jet is looking at him eager and impressed and genuine for the first time all day, and Zuko’s fire is blazing and for the first time—or maybe not the first time, not really, though Zuko’s always felt shame for it, for these loses of control that were so improper and ignoble and nothing like the calm consideration and measured words Uncle tried so hard to impress onto him—Zuko’s thrumming anger feels like an ally rather than an enemy.
“So, Fire Lord,” Jet says into the stunned silence, drawl thick and syrupy, all faux, smirking sweetness, the curl of his lips undeniably feral as he taps his teaspoon against his lips, drawing nervous looks, “Do you have a list of concessions you’re seeking?”
“Yeah,” Zuko says, feeling his grins sharp and feral in answer as he takes in the room, feeling bright and invigorated and exhilarated by the sudden clear certainty that he’s going to fucking get this one, “Yeah, I do, actually. If you'll look at the report that was sent to you..."
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absfawn · 9 months
ㅤ ㅤ— 🎀 apparently i can’t get enough of meanish lawyer!abby ㅤ  ㅤ  ㅤ  ㅤ  ㅤ  ㅤ  ㅤ  ㅤ  ㅤhighly inspired by this post.
mean lawyer!abby who refuses to touch you or do anything that you pleaded for her to do simply because you’re acting out and being a brat while she’s trying to finish up some stuff for a case she was currently working on. Instead, she just sits there, looking at you unamused as you prance around your shared apartment in nothing but the thinnest pair of panties that you own— could find, and one of her white button-ups. huffing and sighing every time you walk back into the living room.
“babe, i love you, so much, but can you please stop huffing, i’m trying to work” abby muttered. eyebrows pinched together, and her glasses slid down the bridge of her nose. “just 10 more minutes, is all i ask for”
“you said 10 more minutes, 15 minutes ago” you grumbled under your breath. practically throwing your body onto the couch and kicking your feet up on the coffee table. “i can wait another 10 minutes i’m sure” you scoffed. picking at your nails with a shrug.
you were too busy staring off at the black screen of the TV to notice the way her jaw clenched and uncleaned. the way her eyebrow rose at your remark, and the way she shook her head at yout attitude. “i told you—” 
“and i told you i would wait” you couldn’t help but cut her off with a scoff that had her holding her breath. “simple”
“and i wasn’t done talking” 
you gulped down the bratty remarks that clawed at your throat and threatened to spill at the sound of her voice and when the sound of the floorboard creaking beneath her foot rang through your ears and it was then that you finally noticed she was standing on the opposite side of the coffee table, staring at you with a hard glare. a few of her buttons undone, loose strands of hair flying in different directions, and those cute glasses of hers no longer on her face. she looked annoyed but so tired at the same time the longer she watched you. “abby—” you whispered, sinking your teeth into your lower lip.
“i do not want to hear another word coming out that mouth, do you understand?” she growled lowly. blue eyes piercing through yours as her chest rises up and down with each breath she takes.  “i have a little work to finish, so give me 10 minutes, and then i am all yours—”
you just had to run your mouth again. cutting her off with a sigh. “but you promised we would watch this new show—”
abby had somehow maneuvered herself from the other side of the table until she stood right in front of you. shivers ran down your spine when she crouched in front of you slowly, her pants creasing as she moved, and your eyes gazed upwards so damn slow until they met hers. still looking at you angrily. “try that again” she was still able to stay calm. “c’mon, you want to be a brat, so use your fuckin’ words” she scoffed, jaw clenching.
“i’m sorry—”
shaking her head slowly, like she couldn’t believe you dared to apologize now when you knew you were in trouble for your attitude problem. your eyes widening quickly while your lips part once she curls her finger around your chin, pulling your face closer to hers hard enough to have you gasping. “yeah baby? now you wanna be sorry?” she questioned. nodding her head with a click of her tongue.  “i don’t think you are, you just love to run that fuckin’ mouth of yours whenever you can, huh?”
looking up at her with wide eyes, she has the audacity to chuckle when she spots the tears welling up. “you cryin’ baby?” she mumbled. squeezing your cheeks together with one hand while the other wipes the one that threatens to fall. “what happened to my good girl, hm?” 
“just wanted to spend time with you” you mumbled truthfully. your thighs clench together tightly when her grip on your jaw tightens. the feeling has you holding back a whine when she just hums, nodding like she was listening but was more focused on the way a tear droplet falls down your cheek. “i am sorry”
abby leans her face closer to yours. so close that her breath is clashing with yours and she can see your pupils are so dilated because of her actions and the way she was touching you. chuckling softly, she tilts your head back, rising to her normal height, and the sight has you finally whining quietly in your spot. “keep up this attitude and we’ll see where it gets you” she mumbled. squishing your cheeks together a final time before licking her lips. “because as much as you love it, i would hate to bend you over my knee and make sure you can’t sit down for a week because you keep being a fuckin’ brat” she grinned wickedly.
safe to say, you waited the whole 10 extra minutes.
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daycourtofficial · 11 months
Love Potion No. 9
Summary: Azriel returns from a mission and can’t seem to keep his hands off of you.
Author’s note: happy halloween! I thought a fun love potion theme would be so cute and fun!
(Part 2)
Can you come into Azriel’s room?
Rhysand’s request permeates your thoughts. You rise from your spot on the couch, placing a marker in the book you’re halfway through. You pad down the hallway, passing Mor, who gives you a soft smile.
You reach Azriel’s door, knocking softly before letting yourself in. You walk over to Azriel, who’s sitting on his bed with Cassian and Rhys standing facing him.
Rhys made these visits mandatory after Azriel went on three back to back missions and no one realized he hadn’t slept for 6 days until he winnowed in the dining room instead of his room, crashing on the table. Since that happened, Rhys has been making you, their healer, check on everyone post mission.
“Hi Az,” you say, stepping up to him.
“Sweetheart! Hi!” He says, putting his arms around you, enveloping you immediately.
You give Cassian a confused look. The two of you were exceptionally flirty and spent all of your time together, but Azriel was only this touchy when on the rare occasion he allowed himself to get drunk. He especially was never this touchy in front of his brothers.
You wrap your arms around him as he tucks his head into the crook of your shoulder. “Can I check you out, look you over?”
“Baby, you can do much more than that.”
Your cheeks heat immediately, but you don’t address it. You assess him for injuries, which you found none. As you’re assessing, he keeps his hands in a loose circle around your waist, trying to touch as much of you as he can while you’re working.
“Okay, Azriel, I didn’t find any injuries, are you in any pain?”
“I was, actually, in a lot of pain earlier.”
You stop, holding hand as you ask, “what happened?”
He looks down at his feet, thinking about whatever had caused his pain, as he says, “we were apart for several days.”
You roll your eyes, unsure of what has brought this on from him.
“Can you follow my fingers with your eyes?”
You hold up your pointer finger from each hand, holding them in front of his face, as you begin moving your left hand in the left direction. He does as you ask, following your hand, but as you start moving your fingers, you feel his hands slither down to cup your ass.
You hear Cassian try not to laugh.
“Did you ingest anything that you didn’t pack while you were gone?”
He sighs dreamily, “the only thing I want to put my mouth on is you.”
Your jaw drops, but Azriel doesn’t notice. He just starts playing with the ends of your hair, muttering about pretty your hair is when it’s loose.
“Did you have any problems winnowing?” You ask, trying desperately to keep this professional and to get through this check up. You half forgot that Cassian and Rhys are still here, if it weren’t for the occasional giggles from them.
“Nope,” he says, popping the ‘p’. He rests his hands on your waist, not looking away from your face. “Just thought of home, and you showed up. I don’t think that’s a coincidence.” He states, winking very over dramatically at you.
You see his canteen, and ask, “may I?”
“Everything I have is yours, sweets.”
Cassian’s snort escapes without his permission.
You grab his canteen of water, screwing off the cap and sniffing it.
“Can I see you two out in the hallway?” At the mention of leaving him, Azriel pouts, his hands tightening around your waist. He starts to speak, but you cut him off, “I promise I’ll be right back.”
That response somewhat appeases him, and after Azriel untangles himself from you, not without a ton of huffs from him, the three of you step out into the hallway. You extend Azriel’s canteen with the lid screwed off out to them. “Smell this, what do you smell?”
Cassian takes a whiff, as does Rhysand.
“It smells like the air in the clouds, like,” Rhys takes another sniff, “like the soap Feyre loves. And clean sheets.”
Cassian smells it, “it smells like strawberries and sex.”
You chuckle before starting, “this is a love potion. Someone has drugged our shadowsinger.”
“But he was fine until he saw you - wouldn’t a love potion make him fall in love with who he saw first?” Cassian gasps, “I saw him first! It should be me,” almost offended Azriel wasn’t hanging off of him like he was you.
You laugh, “no, Cass. Love potions can have a certain person in mind, but you have to be an incredibly talented potionmaster to brew such a concoction.” You blush a little before continuing, “most love potions can only exacerbate feelings that are already there. Hence why I had you two smell it - it smells differently to you two. If it was brewed for a certain person, it would smell like them.”
Rhys looks at you, a mischievous grin showing on his lips, “you didn’t tell us what you smell.”
Your blush deepened even further, “it smells like books,” you sigh, looking at your feet, “and like Azriel’s cologne, which is why I couldn’t smell it on him and asked you two to smell it.”
Cassian wolf whistles and you hit his arm, “shut up.”
“Should we be worried? How long will the potion last?” Rhys asks, changing the topic for a moment.
“They usually only last for 12 hours. Supposedly it is all encompassing. I’ve never seen anyone take it before, so I’m not sure what to expect.”
The two brothers look at each other and grin. “Oh no, poor Az. Being looked after by our beautiful healer for twelve uninterrupted hours. However will he cope?” Rhys’s signature smirk stretching his face.
“Rhysand, if you’re insinuating I’d ever take advantage of a patient under the influence of a love potion, you’d be gravely mistaken.”
“Well, I didn’t see you exactly prying his hands off your ass, now did I?”
Cassian mutters under his breath, “I’m sure Azriel can find it in his heart to forgive you if you took advantage.”
You roll your eyes so hard you’re concerned they might actually get stuck. The two bats turn to leave, deciding they’ve teased you enough for now. Cassian turns around, making kissing noises at you as they disappear down the hall.
When Rhys and Cass are out of earshot, Cassian tells his high lord, “you owe me 50 gold marks.”
Rhys scoffs, “you owe me 100 gold marks for the love potion.”
Cassian rolls his eyes, “call it even?”
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st7rnioioss · 7 months
౨ৎ⋆ ˚。⋆ sub!matt headcanons
matt sturniolo x reader
warnings: nsfw content (most of it), smut!! (?)
a/n: LOVE THIS REQUEST THANKS🤞 pls spam my inbox i need to be forced into work BYE. also, i’ll get to work on used to be my girl part 2, i swear
this is based off this request!
- First, I KNOW THIS MAN WHIMPERS🗣️ HEAVY on this i don’t care.
- Matt would definitely spit out a bunch of random words in the quietest, whiniest, high-pitched tone. Just babbling, not being able to make the words sound right.
- It would start out as simple as cuddling, and when you got a little too touchy with him, he would shut his eyes tightly together, begging you to touch him.
- I know this man is a sucker for neck kisses (GOIDBYE IM GIGGLIMG) Like, as soon as you find the certain soft spot on his neck, he is not seen quiet‼️ Whimpering, moaning, squirming beneath you, panting breathlessly, clammy/sweaty palms gripping the back of your neck to hold you closer - he does not want you to stop.
- If you’re on top of him (pooooossibly riding him) he’d look up through his messy hair with his droopy eyes. As I said, he’s squeezing his eyes together, his brows frowning. Maybe even take his bottom lip between his teeth (he so would).
- If you’re in public and start flirting with him, he’d immediately try to shut it down (but he secretly likes it)
“What- No. Stop, we can’t do it here- What are you- We’re in public!” He whispered, protesting but still following along like a lost puppy.
“Oh come on, don’t be a wussy. Nobody’s gonna notice,” You smiled, pushing the door open to the restrooms.
And you ended up fucking in the library bathroom
- Sub!Matt would 100% always get horny around you, no matter the occasion. Before any sort of event, he’d be dragged into a bathroom, bedroom, backseat of a car, for a quickie.
- Imagine Matt with glasses (spelling bee spelling bee spelling bee spelling bee) who’d always fumble nervously with his glasses, because you make him nervous over the simplest stuff. A simple touch or kiss does it for him (the one above this one).
- If he ever got a bit too loud when you’re having sex, imagine grabbing his face and whispering something along ‘does it really feel that good? hm?’ and just earn a whimper in response.
- Giving him head would send him over the edge IMMEDIATELY. Bucking his hips, mumbling a whole load of ‘sorry, sorry, sorry’, but cutting himself off with high-pitched whimpers and moans, just to buck his hips up again.
A fistful of your hair in his hands that he swore to himself he’d keep tight, but immediately looses his grasp on you because he just can’t contain himself. Also - he could never receive head standing, he gotta sit or else his knees will fail him.
- Matt would grip. Sitting in his gamer chair while receiving head? He’s gripping the armrests. Leaning against the headboard as you ride him? He’s gripping the headboard behind him. Laying flat on his back as you’re on top of him? He’s gripping your hips and waist (not as tightly, he can’t stand the thought of hurting you).
- HES VERBALLL🗣️ of course some of it turns to mumbling, but when he’s LOUD and VERBAL?
‘oh my fu- god- j-just like that’
‘please- it feels so good- you feel so good’
‘i’m so so close, keep- keep going, please’ as he throws his head back and closes his eyes.
a/n: i could keep going (THATS WHAT SHE SAID LMAO)
taglist: @chrissgirlsstuff @leah-loves-lilies @toriinie @cupidzsq @lacysturniolo @iluvmattyb @ratatioulle @emma4eva @riasturns @sstvrnioloo @sweetbabydoe @elliewrites1 @its-jennarose let me know if you'd like to be added!
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sanjisboyfie · 10 months
suguru's cherished mornings
-> geto suguru x male reader -> really short sorry idk i just had to publically show how much i love him.
-> still jjk universe but the one where this babe doesnt become anakin skywalker and defect away from everyone <3333 because i like to imagine this alternate universe a LOT
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his black hair sprawled over the sheets, unfortunately getting painfully pulled by you when you're still sleeping. he winces as he feels it being pressuredly pushed down onto the mattress, giving a slight tug to his sensitive scalp and affectively waking him up.
he doesn't have the heart to even be remotely annoyed or angry with you. not when you look so peaceful sleeping. not when you're so effortlessly handsome it feels almost like his heart physically stops beating at your effortless charm.
he is just that in love with you.
the way you could make doing nothing but sleeping look like art was something special only to his eye, because he was the only one that had his eye on you. or, at least, that's what he tells himself to sleep better at night (he would very much rather not think about the probably high number of individuals that also find you attractive, it'll just put him in a sour mood).
he won't wake you up. instead, he props his head up onto his palm and continues gazing at you lovingly. sure, it can be a little bit creepy, but...okay, it is just creepy, but he just loves you so much. he might pick up the book that's resting on his bedside. he'll sit against the headboard as he reads, smiling softly when you so naturally shift your body to now be hugging his legs and resting on his lap.
one hand will hold the book up for him to read whilst the other traces mindless shapes on your back.
suguru loves touching you, whether it be in the smallest grazes of his fingers or those more heated moments, he loves, loves, loves touching you. it makes him happy - genuinly.
it's his own way of grounding himself, reminding himself that you're really there with him, next to him.
his large hands will run up and down your back until you eventually wake up. the book he's reading returns back to the bedside and he immediately focuses all of his attention on you.
"g'mornin', baby," he'll gently say, shuffling to hold you in his arms and kiss the top of your head, "did you sleep well?"
a tired hum is all he gets in response, but you can still feel him smiling against your skin. you return the question, your voice gravely as you speak.
then he's pressing his face into the crevice between your neck and shoulder, humming in delight as he gets to really take you in, through all of his senses.
he has you in his arms, obviously he can see you, and the last is that he is drowning in your natural scent.
he's obsessed, at this point.
"slept perfectly, as always," when i'm beside you - that's the last part of the sentence that suguru doesn't voice, for some reason.
his arms tighten around your waist. and now you're the one carding your fingers through his hair, to sooth him and relax that tight grip on your body. he doesn't know it, but it's practically suffocating.
gently, as you predicted, his hold does loosen up and allows you to sit in his lap now without him cutting off your circulation.
"should we stay in for a little while longer, babe? are you still tired?" he asks you, but doesn't get a response. all he feels is your body comfortiably slotting in with his and the arms you had around his neck loosely falling into your lap.
"silly boy," he chuckles, finding your habits endearing and amusing. you woke up, just to get comfortable in his lap and then fall back asleep. "i love you,"
there's a low hum that comes from your chest and he takes that answer with glee. he knows you would have said it back if you had the energy or that keen awareness.
when the two of you finally do have the energy to get out of bed, the morning finally starts in the bathroom. you're brushing your teeth standing next to each other, suguru sometimes childishly making funny faces at you in the mirror.
you almost choked on the toothpaste in your mouth when he fulls a particularly funny face. some other mornings you're sitting on the bathroom counter with suguru comfortably standing in between your open legs. his one hand will rest on one side of your lap with the other moving the toothbrush in his mouth. that hand near your lap will sometimes go underneath your shirt and start playing with the flesh of your hips.
it sometimes earns him a warning look, which he rolls his eyes at, but eventually does pull away to please you. the other times, though, when you let his fingers dance on your skin - those times he loves.
sometime in your morning routine, one of you will get a phone call from someone in jujutsu society to call you for a mission. usually, it's you since you're not a special grade like suguru. that means you're more high in demand for lesser grade curses.
he doesn't like that, though, so he often tags along with you wherever you have to go. doesn't like being away from you for too long. it makes him angsty. makes him worried.
he wants to be there for you if anything happens. or else he wouldn't be able to live peacefully.
but on the rare mornings, you don't get beckoned for work, the two of you are lounging in your small living room. two steaming cups of coffee are on the table as suguru watches the television with you scrolling on your phone.
your legs will most likely be thrown over his lap, a subtle way of letting him touch you. his hands will always find the skin of your ankle and calf to caress, going up and down your leg as if he was trying to lull you to sleep again.
he may or may not actually be trying to do that too, he wants you to stay here with him and only him for a while longer. and when you're sleeping, you're doing just that. it's his own little secret, though, as he'd never confess these underhanded methods he uses to monopolize your time and attention.
and its usually at times like that: the light pouring in through the opened window, the cups of steaming coffee in front of you two, that skin to skin contact, when suguru feels the most thankful for having you.
you make the mundane mornings something worth living through. he doesn't have to struggle and find reason to get out of bed, not when he has you there to hold his hand through the motions of it. you make his life exciting and he loves you dearly for all that you unknowingly do for him.
"hm, love you, [name]," he'll say out of nowhere.
it makes your head lift up from the couch cushion and away from your phone screen. he catches your e/c eyes with his own, smiling softly at your adorable face.
"love you too, suguru, always," you easily respond, sitting up to kiss his cheek and leaving a lingering scent of coffee on his skin.
but he doesn't wipe it away, he never would.
you collpase back onto the couch cushion into your comfortable position and suguru can't help but note how homey you look.
he loves when he gets to spend his mornings with you because those are the best parts of his day.
the mundane turned special in its own way, all thanks to you and the love he has for you in his heart.
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hopepetal · 8 months
Read on AO3
Reblogs do more than likes!
They had been running for some time now, chasing after Gem and Scott ever since proclaiming themselves allies. Chasing, without end, prey that was an expert at evading. It was frustrating, and not to mention exhausting.
Pearl took a moment to gasp for air, her footsteps stumbling to a halt. It took Scar a moment to notice, but when he did he stopped as well, turning to look back at her. “You good, Pearl?” he asked, tilting his head slightly in question. 
“Yeah,” she got out, “doin’ lovely, mate. Don’t worry about me, just need a second.” She bent over, resting her hands on her knees as she gasped. Her lungs and legs burned from the strain, and despite his calm demeanor she knew Scar was feeling the same.
It took Pearl a moment to realize that her hair was cascading down around her, falling into her face despite the fact that she had tied her hair back earlier. With a groan, she realized her ponytail had come loose, the ribbon she had used still tangled in her hair. “Hold on,” she got out, straightening back up, “I have to tie my hair back up. Can’t be fighting with my hair down.”
“Wait!” Scar set down his shield and bow before stepping forward. “I have a better idea.” Before Pearl could protest, he gently took the tangled ribbon from her hair. 
Pearl frowned. “What are you planning, Scar?”
“Sit down, Pearl.” Scar lowered himself to the ground and sat with his legs folded beneath him. “I’ll braid your hair.”
Pearl raised an eyebrow, laughing. She still clutched her bow in her hand, looking around nervously– they were almost a full death game in, and she still was on edge. As if she was planning on winning. “You know we don’t have that kind of time, Scar. Gem and Scott are still out there, and who knows what they’re planning?”
Scar shook his head, patting the ground in front of him. “Sit down. We need this rest, you know. Can’t fight too well if we’re exhausted.”
Pearl sighed, reluctantly setting down her bow as she sat. She kept her shield in her hand, laying it across her lap and fidgeting with the handle. “Alright.” She felt Scar pull her hair back, gently beginning to comb his fingers through her tangled locks. “Y’know, the final fight would go a lot easier if you killed me.”
Scar shook his head, still continuing to carefully brush through Pearl’s hair. “You know why I won’t do that, Pearl. I don’t like all those ‘heroic sacrifices’.”
Pearl laughed, continuing to fidget with her shield. Something about her laughter sounded a little bitter, nostalgic for something that had never happened. “Yeah, I can’t imagine why.”
Scar began dividing her hair up into sections, humming softly as he began to braid. “You have nice hair,” he commented, “very shiny. And soft.”
“You think so?” Pearl asked, free hand drifting up to play with one of her free locks. “Honestly, it just gets in the way during these games. I’m thinking of cutting it.”
Scar gasped, though the smile remained on his face. “Oh, I can only imagine… this game hasn’t even given us hairbrushes, the nerve!” After a moment of silence, he continued. “If you cut your hair, I won’t have any to braid, you know. How’s a man supposed to keep his hands busy like that?”
Pearl laughed, finally seeming to relax slightly as she set her shield to the side. “Grow out your own hair, you goof.” There was a sadness in her voice that Scar couldn’t physically understand– he’d never had long hair, so why did she sound like she was grieving something that never happened? And something so small at that.
For Pearl, the reason why was simple. How could she not grieve the parts of her friends that they’d forgotten they’d ever had? A smile that was missing its mischievousness, a laugh that was missing its depth. A look that had no recognition, no shared secrets. Memories like missing puzzle pieces, lost somewhere unknown. That was what she saw every time blood stained the ground, every time family was pitted against one another like soldiers at war.  
Scar continued to braid Pearl’s hair, humming a cheery tune that Pearl knew he couldn’t recall learning. Deft hands paused, lightly holding the strands of hair, before Scar pulled away to grab something. Pearl heard him pick up his sword then hesitate, considering something. 
“Aren’t you afraid of me stabbing you in the back?” he asked, to which Pearl laughed. “What? It’s a serious question!”
Pearl turned slightly to look at Scar, giving him a smile. “If you were going to stab me, Scar, it would’ve been when I asked you to. Besides,” she added, turning back around, “even if you did stab me now, I wouldn’t be upset. You’d get ten extra hearts.”
“Eh,” Scar dismissed, far too nonchalant for a discussion of death, “I don’t need ten extra hearts.”
Pearl raised an eyebrow, though she knew he wouldn’t be able to see that. “You might not think the same when we’re fighting against Gem and Scott, mate.”
Scar cut something with his sword before setting it back to the side, his hands taking Pearl’s hair in them again. “That’s a problem for future Scar. Present Scar doesn’t kill his only friend in the entire server.”
Pearl felt a pang of guilt shoot through her. She knew that feeling well– loneliness, grief. Loneliness was an old friend that had once been her only companion. She recognized that in Scar, in his voice and his eyes. She had seen it once before, in the second game. Not that he would remember it.
He might, soon. The voice that whispered to her was none other than her own, her deepest thoughts given words. He could win this. He could become like us. 
I wouldn’t wish that on anyone, she shot back, unknowingly tensing up. It was a little silly, getting into an argument with herself, but Pearl had always been a rather silly person. Unconventional, even. At one point, she’d been called insane. Perhaps it was fitting.
And yet you want him to win. The voice made a good point– she made a good point. If she didn’t want Scar to win, she could easily just kill him now. She should kill him now if she so desperately wanted to spare him the fate of the victors. He’d put up a fight, and he was good with a sword. Pearl knew that much, knew that there would be a moment of surprise before his eyes narrowed and heart hardened and the battle began. She also knew that he wouldn’t win against her on the chance she did try her hardest, that she fought with all her might.
Scar knew this too, and perhaps that was why he teamed up with her in the first place. Maybe he had found kinship in their shared loneliness. Maybe he’d wanted protection. Maybe he needed a friend. It was unlikely, but maybe he’d felt drawn to her by a bond he couldn’t quite understand, one made by witnessing the violent and sudden end of a server he couldn’t remember. There were a thousand possible reasons as to why he’d chosen her, and perhaps she’d truly never left the tower after all, because the fact he had chosen her at all still slightly baffled her. 
Well. No matter. He chose her, and in the end they’d all die anyway. 
“You have gentle hands,” she commented. “Joel tried braiding my hair before. Nearly tugged my whole head off my neck, that man. It’s a wonder Lizzie’s put up with him this long.” No matter what memories they lost, it always seemed like Joel and Lizzie’s marriage remained an unchangeable fact. Maybe it had something to do with “‘til Death do us part’”, though Pearl wasn’t really sure. 
Maybe she’d try marrying someone when they got back to Hermitcraft, just to see if it carried over to the next death game. And wasn’t that a strange thought, the next death game? There would be another, Pearl knew, if Grian had anything to say about it. He was a little strange like that, but she’d come to expect those kinds of things from her brother. 
“Why thank you!” Scar was beaming, she could tell by his voice. “This just comes so naturally to me. Maybe I should’ve been a hairdresser instead of a trader.” 
Pearl laughed, remembering the intricate braids Scar would put his hair in during Last Life and their home server, Hermitcraft. Although he couldn’t remember them, he remembered how to do them. That was a small relief, at the very least. It was nice to know that her friends kept some parts of themselves, instead of being the blank slates she had originally thought when she first regained her memories. 
“Maybe,” she responded, starting to pick at the grass in front of her, plucking a small flower from the ground. “I’d go to you all the time if you were my hairdresser.” Her voice took on a teasing lilt as she continued. “Just as long as you promise not to do anything too crazy with my hair, alright?”
Scar giggled, his laughter another part of himself that he had kept even after the loss of his memories. “I can’t promise anything, sunflower! Who knows what might happen if you stop paying attention? I might turn you blonde if you aren’t careful.”
Pearl snorted, twirling a strand of grass around her finger idly. “And where do you suppose you’ll get the dye for that, mate? Or the means to make my hair lighter so it’s easier to dye? We’re not exactly exploding with resources here.”
“Hmm, true…” Scar hummed thoughtfully. “We’ve found ourselves in a bit of a pickle, Pearl!”
Pearl shook her head, rolling her eyes. “No, Scar, we aren’t. I didn’t want to go blonde in the first place, so there’s no need to get the materials we’d need for it. Just keep braiding my hair, you goof!”
“Aww, alright!” Scar laughed softly as he went back to braiding Pearl’s hair. “Almost done.” His voice took on an uncharacteristically serious tone. “How are you feeling? Injuries, exhaustion? General… mental state?” He gave a small chuckle on the last one. “I mean, other than the obvious. This game has been… a trip.”
Pearl groaned, stretching out her arms in front of her. “Tell me about it. I lost all of my Mounders.” Her shoulders slumped. “I really wanted them to win, Scar. I really did.”
“I know,” Scar murmured, “and I’m sorry you didn’t get to see that through. You did your best, Pearl.” He paused. “And what about you? I would’ve thought that after all your allies… got out… that you would want to take up the sword and win for them. But you haven’t really… been doing that. You even offered to let me kill you.”
Pearl held back a shudder, wanting to wrap her arms around herself to fight off the sudden cold that had settled over her. “I don’t want to win,” she mumbled, “Even if I did, I don’t think they’d be too happy if I tried.”
Scar made a confused noise. “What was that? I couldn’t quite catch it.”
Pearl shook her head. “Nothing. Don’t worry about it.” She took a breath. “I just don’t want to win. Don’t see the point in all this, really. Never have. What’s a victory when everyone else around you is dead?”
Scar hummed thoughtfully, thinking about it. “I suppose you’re right. But in the end, isn’t it better for it to be them than me?”
Pearl chuckled sadly. “Not when you have to live with the consequences.”
Scar paused for a moment, as if struck by a sudden revelation. “...I think I understand. Thanks for, uh, answering my questions.” He continued braiding for another moment. “Alright, I think we’re all done!”
Pearl stood with Scar, reaching back to gently touch her braid. There was a shallow pool of water nearby, and she walked over to check her reflection. “Really, Scar?” Woven into her braid was a sunflower, which must’ve been what Scar cut with his sword earlier. 
Scar laughed, joining her by the water. “Doesn’t it look pretty? I thought it was fitting. And!” he continued, over Pearl’s soft laughter, “it adds some brightness to the whole ensemble!” He gestured at Pearl’s outfit, the same she had worn in her past games.
Maybe she would change up her red look next game. If there was a next game. “It does, it does,” she agreed, stifling her laughter. “Thank you, Scar. I look very pretty now, and my hair is out of the way.”
Scar looked over at her, eyes wide. “You mean you won’t cut it? You promise?”
Pearl smiled, reaching out and putting a hand on Scar’s shoulder. “I promise I won’t cut my hair, Scar. Not after you put so much effort into braiding it. I wouldn’t do that to ya, mate. That’s just cruel.” 
Scar grinned. “I knew I could trust you!” With that, he turned away from the water and walked back to where he had left his sword and shield. 
Pearl spent another moment there, gazing out at the water. Did he really mean that? Did Scar truly trust her? If so, had it just been this small moment that made him let down his guard? No, surely not. Scar was intelligent and cunning, and rarely did he let his walls down for anyone. Something must’ve happened for him to feel this way towards her. Something she had done, or said, maybe.
And that was just if he was being truthful with his words– she knew Scar wasn’t one to ignore the benefits of weaving lies and charm into his speech. He was a masterful manipulator, she knew many underestimated him for the cheery, unassuming front he put up. But that was just another reason as to why he was dangerous.
“Pearl?” Scar’s voice snapped her out of her thoughts, and she looked back at her ally. “You comin’?”
“Yeah.” Pearl jogged over, feeling much more energized than before. Picking up her bow and her shield, she did one last check to make sure everything she had was in order. Once she was certain, she turned to Scar with a smile. “Lets win this one, Scar.”
Scar grinned in return, red eyes shining. “Why, I think that’s a wonderful idea!” 
Lightning struck the ground as Gem took Scott’s sacrifice, and once again Pearl stopped Scar. “My offer still stands, you know. Kill me and take the hearts, you’ll stand a better chance against Gem if you do.”
Scar pretended to think about it. “I think I’ll stand a better chance against Gem if I have you on my team. So, no thank you! But thanks for the offer. Come on, we can’t let Gem get away!” 
The chase continued, feeling much more light-hearted than the ones at the end of Double Life had been. To be fair, she had gone a little insane in the last few days, but still. Maybe it was Scar’s jovial attitude about killing. Maybe it was the fact that she still had an ally this late into the game. Maybe it was something Pearl would never be able to put her finger on, no matter how hard she tried to think of a reason.
The two inevitably caught up with Gem, who had grown exhausted from the chase. Despite being enemies now, Pearl still felt guilty as she raised her sword to attack, Gem’s wide eyes and shouts of an unfair fight making her hesitate and pull back. It was two against one after all, and Pearl had no intentions of winning. Ganging up on Gem like that felt wrong, but maybe that was just her old bond to the other holding her back. Scar had no such qualms, swooping in when she pulled back to quickly cut Gem down. 
Pearl could hardly believe it had happened until lightning struck the ground, and silence rang between the two as Scar stood over Gem’s body. They’d discovered that bodies remained after the last death when Jimmy had died, but it was still a little disturbing to just see Gem laying there. Like she was asleep. 
It didn’t feel right. 
Pearl had to bite back a snort. Four death games in, and she was still disturbed by the sight of dead bodies. Honestly, it was a little pathetic. She’d killed, and been killed, and yet… somehow, it never got any easier. Somehow, it just got harder. The blood staining her hands had become so much that it was hard to hold onto her weapon, and her scars ached whenever she killed. 
Pearl brushed her braid back over her shoulder and lowered her bow, offering Scar a weak smile. “You did it, Scar. Good job.”
Scar laughed softly, not turning around to face her just yet. “It’s just us two left, then. The last ones alive.” “Mhm. What’s your plan now, Scar?” Pearl kept her voice casual, trying to hide the trembling in her hands. How are you going to do it?
How are you going to kill me?
Scar answered her question by turning and raising his bow. Pearl hardly had any time to blink before he shot her, the force of the arrow sending her stumbling back with a shout. Instinct took over then, and she ran as Scar continued to shoot at her. All thoughts of sacrifice fled her mind as she dodged the flying arrows that missed her just barely, reminding her just how good of a shot Scar was. 
“Going for it immediately, huh?” she shouted back as she ran, pulling her sword. Not that she intended to use it, not to kill. But she would put up a fight. If Scar wouldn’t let her sacrifice herself for him, then she would do the next best thing. She would fight him, and he would earn his victory. Not like the hollow sacrifice Scott made for her, where victory was force-fed to Pearl by his hands. No, she wouldn’t do that to Scar. She respected him too much to throw the fight. 
That didn’t mean she would try to win, not in the slightest. But she would do her best to not make it easy for him. His victory would be painful no matter what she did, but at the very least she could make sure it wasn’t a hollow one.
The next arrow hit her as she ran through the field of sunflowers they had been sitting in just earlier, when Scar had offered to braid her hair. It felt like a lifetime ago as she crashed into the ground, yelping in pain as she tried to scramble back up. “Really, Scar?” She couldn’t help but laugh as she ran, the pain shocking as adrenaline flowed through her veins. 
“This game!” Scar called, continuing the chase as he spoke. “There were more of them, weren’t there? And you won.”
Pearl stumbled, surprise catching her off guard mid-stride. She cursed and turned back, swinging her sword down and catching Scar in the side. He stumbled back, granting her more time to flee– but not enough. As she ran, Scar drew back the bowstring, aiming carefully. A running target was harder to hit, but Pearl was moving in a relatively straight path. All he had to do was aim a little ahead, steady, then release. 
It was over the moment the arrow flew, striking Pearl in the chest and pushing her over the edge of a cliff, sending her plummeting into the caves below. Lightning struck, and then all was silent. 
Scar stood, clutching his bow in a white-knuckle grip. “Pearl?” He took a step forward. The wind blew around him, rustling through his hair and shawl. Sunflowers bowed against the breeze, gesturing in the direction where she’d fallen. “Pearl?! Pearl, sunflower, where are you?” 
The breeze led him a few steps further in a stumbling haze, until he stood at the edge of the caves that he’d sent his friend? Enemy? falling into. He didn’t know what he expected– maybe to see Pearl gazing back up at him, a smile on her face and weapon drawn, hurt but alive– but as he looked down into the caves, he found only the body of his first and final ally.
A presence danced around him, heavier than the wind but acting just like it. She’s dead, Scar. You won. Five words whispered in his ear, as thin as the passing breeze. Five words that would’ve meant the world to Scar, once upon a time. Five words that now meant nothing to him as he gazed down at the body of his only friend.
Crouching, Scar swung his legs over the edge of the cave, slowly and carefully lowering himself down. He had to find footholds so that he wouldn’t fall and possibly lose his life as well– the fight with Pearl had left him with fewer hearts than he would’ve liked. “Hold on, Pearl,” he mumbled as he made his way down to where Pearl lay. “I’m coming to get you, I’m… I’m coming, don’t worry, I’ll be right there.”
He dropped the last few feet, wincing as pain shot up his legs and sapped at his strength. Luckily, the drop wasn’t far enough to cause any actual injury, but it was closer than he would’ve liked. He stumbled to catch himself, pulling himself to a halt in front of Pearl’s body. 
It was hard to look at her like this. Pearl was someone who was so full of life, always. She was strong and fierce, fighting for what she wanted every day, every moment. She never gave up, not once in all the time that Scar knew her. It hadn’t been long, and it was hard to really get to know someone during a death game like this, but Scar had always been pretty good at reading people. 
He knelt by Pearl’s body, brushing her hair out of her face and gently closing her eyes. He didn’t delude himself with pretending she was asleep– what was the point of avoiding death now, when he had caused so much of it? His hands were stained red with blood that he would never be able to wash off. 
Scar lingered a moment longer before shrugging off his shawl and gently wrapping it around Pearl. He was careful with her body, handling her as gently as he could as he settled her back against the stone. There wasn’t as much blood as Scar thought there should’ve been, but he wiped the blood that was there off Pearl’s face as best he could. 
Then, his hands went to the braid. It had held up well, keeping the sunflower he had woven in secured in her hair. He hesitated for a moment before untying the ribbon that held it in place and beginning to undo the braid. 
He began to hum while he worked. Slowly, reverently. A song that came from a place he couldn’t quite remember, a home he once thought he’d never forget. In another world, he would know he was humming the last rites for a loved one, to send them off into the stars. In this world, all he knew of it was the deep, longing ache in his chest and the tears that it caused to spring to his eyes.
Carefully, Scar took the sunflower from Pearl’s hair, placing it down in his lap. He gently combed his fingers through her hair one last time, before tucking it into the shawl. Picking the sunflower back up, he leaned forward and gently kissed her on the forehead. “Good night, sweet sunflower. And goodbye.”
He stood and once more began humming softly, climbing out of the ravine with the sunflower still in his hand. Scar took extra care to not crush the delicate flower as he pulled himself up onto solid ground. The sun was just beginning to set as he made his way toward the Secret Keeper, the intimidating statue that reigned over the entire server. The towering tyrant seemed to gaze down at Scar with eyes he knew he couldn’t see, taunting him with a victory that tasted at best bittersweet. 
It grew dark as Scar approached the buttons, but he held tight to the reminder of the sun’s light in his hand. It gave him the strength to push forward even as his legs threatened to give out from under him. He could not hide the trembling, however, that came from the rush of adrenaline and fear. 
He raised his eyes to meet the invisible ones looking down on him, a challenge held in his gaze, “You wanted me to be the villain?!” he called out, the weight of being watched settling on his shoulders. “Fine! Here I am!” He reached out and pressed the button to succeed. 
Welcome home.
And Scar… remembered. What sounded like thousands of voices overlapping filled his mind, causing him to stumble back with a yelp. He dropped the sunflower, clutching at his head as he was forced to his knees in front of the Secret Keeper.
Sacrifices offered and refused. Atonement rejected, forgiveness given. Arms outstretched, to offer a helping hand. Tears falling into blood-stained water as the two left locked eyes. “For all you have done to keep me alive this long, you may slay me and take the enchanter.”
Bloodied sand, prickling cactus spines, heat waves and cool nights. Two impossible friends, against the world. Traitorous actions, painful fists, a killing blow. “Scar, whatever happens, I think we can count this as a double victory.” 
A loneliness that echoed in the silence around him, howling as the wind at night. Bonds broken off entirely, leaving him with only the stars for company. “Everything that happened last season is null and void. Doesn’t count, okay?”
A bitterness that came from once tasting too much sweetness, like slightly burnt cookies. A loneliness that ached worse than when he had been truly alone, for this ache was born of lies and deceit. “I made them, they’re for your secret soulmate.” 
A moment of joy, in the midst. A time of family, friendship, and security. Before the secrets, before the lies and the pain, before the fire and the red wars. “We’re the cockers!” 
Allies for the first time in what felt like forever. People who truly had his back, no matter what. A place where he could let his guard down and smile, laugh, and live. If only for a moment, he knew what it was like to be loved. He was protected, and he was protective. “You don't go against the family.”
You are seated in a field, surrounded by grass blades, ebbing and flowing through the gusts of your imagination. Each of those blades represent a past life. Memories. Desires. Dreams. And past loves… By plucking one you shall reveal–
“Home,” Scar gasped out, eyes snapping open. “I need to go home.”
You are home.
The presence became louder, more unbearable. Each voice clamored for attention, every new memory begging to be heard. The weight of the universe pushed him into the ground, making him gasp for air in a strained panic. 
It was too much. All the memories, all the emotions– it was too much. Scar yelled in pain as it just grew louder and louder, the pressure growing as the weight pushing him down increased. Just like a volcano, it felt as though he was going to erupt at any minute.
And then a cold wind brushed up against Scar’s skin, weaving and dancing around him. “Enough.” 
The voices instantly quieted, the pressure vanishing as Scar collapsed to the ground gasping for air. He tried blinking away the tears and black spots that cluttered his vision, making it difficult to see properly. 
What he could see, though, took his breath away.
Pearl stood in front of him as a shimmering silver spirit, facing the Secret Keeper with her wings flared out to their full span. She glowed as if she were made from moonlight and stardust, and Scar couldn’t help but stare at her in awe. 
“He belongs with us. You will leave him alone.” Her voice was thin and brittle– as if it might snap were someone able to reach out and grab it. There was an echo to it as well, ringing in Scar’s mind as she spoke.
The feeling of being watched vanished completely, and Pearl turned back to Scar. She smiled a silvery smile, and held out her hand to him. “C’mon, mate. Let's go home.”
Scar took her hand, gasping at the sudden coldness that flooded his body– Death. He stood up, trying not to look down at his body that lay where he had fallen just moments earlier. As he stepped forward to join his friend, he couldn’t help but glance back and notice the sunflower lying beside his body, just inches away from his open hand. Nothing he could do about it now. 
Scar turned back to face Pearl, noticing the three other spirits that had gathered. He remembered them all now. The winners of the previous games. His allies, his enemies, his friends. His eyes caught Grian’s, and he couldn’t help but smile. 
“Well hello there,” he greeted his old ally with a grin, letting go of Pearl’s hand to bow dramatically. “Guess we finally cashed in on that double victory, huh?”
Grian laughed, rolling his eyes. His expression warmed as he took a step forward, reaching out to take Scar’s hand in his. “Little late, but I’ll accept it. How are you, Scar?”
“Well, he’s very dead, so I can’t imagine he’s doing great,” Scott interjected, ignoring the glare the two avians gave him. “What? I’m not wrong.” 
Scar shook his head. “That you are! I’m actually doing much better now that I remember everyone’s going to come back. Makes me feel a lot less guilty about killing all those people!” 
Pearl sighed, though she couldn’t hide the smile on her face. “Y’know, I felt the same way after I won Double Life. And now the games are so much easier for me! It’s nice to get all the murderous urges out now that I know everyone’s going to be fine eventually.”
“This is why everyone calls you two insane,” Martyn muttered, crossing his arms. “Now can we go back home now? I don’t like hanging out in these servers longer than I have to.”
Grian let go of Scar’s hand to pull up some sort of screen, typing commands into it. “Sure, just give me one second.” He continued typing on the screen, swiping through various options and closing others. “Good game, by the way,” he added, without looking up, “I don’t think anyone expected you to win.”
Scar gave a half shrug. “To be honest, G, I didn’t either! Totally thought Gem was going to get this one.”
Grian nodded. “But that’s just how these games go, mhm? Expect the unexpected. Pearl’s win should’ve taught us that much.” He spent another moment typing before closing the screen. “…Alright, we should be heading back to our respective servers soon enough.” He reached out to take Scar’s hand again, taking Pearl’s hand in his other. 
“Can’t believe we almost have all of the Boatem crew here,” Scar blurted out, “do you think Impulse will join us next time?”
Pearl laughed. “I hope so! I don’t think Mumbo will be winning any time soon, though. So we might just have to settle for four out of five.”
Scar nodded sagely. “You speak very wise words, Pearl. I fear Mumbo may be too… how do people say it? I fear he may be too much of a wet cat.”
Martyn groaned. “Oh, don’t remind me.”
Laughter rose from the group as the code began its work, and they all began to fade away. Grian held tightly to Scar and Pearl’s hands, locking eyes with the both of them. “I’ll see you both soon, okay?”
Pearl giggled, squeezing Grian’s hand in return. “See you soon, Griba!”
“Goodbye!” Scar called to Martyn and Scott, their responding farewells faint as the server faded away around him. 
And then there was darkness. 
And then Scar woke up.
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lavenderstobins · 1 year
robin and nancy have a short-lived fling before they go off to college. the thing is— it’s too fresh for both of them. robin wakes up screaming for steve and triggers nancy’s own panic. nancy can’t bear to lose someone else she loves so has moments of turning cold. they leave for college, and gradually they lose contact.
nancy goes to boston, to emerson, follows her dreams of journalism. she goes alone. she tries to lose herself in college parties, and it doesn’t work at first, but it gets easier and easier with time. she finds herself feeling happy again for the first time in years. she feels safe. 
robin goes to california, to stanford. steve moves with her, and eddie with him, so the three of them get an apartment together. despite robin juggling a double-major and a part time job, she can finally breathe again. 
a couple of years later, long since they’ve both graduated, robin and nancy bump into each other again. they’ve changed a lot: nancy’s hair is short, cut to her chin, no longer permed, and she has several tattoos on her arms. robin’s hair is longer, tied up in a loose bun, and she’s more tanned than nancy remembers. nancy isn’t a journalist, to robin’s surprise. no, nancy found her joy in creative writing instead, at mike’s recommendation. she’s working on a young adult series about a group of teenager— part time mystery solvers, part time monster hunters.
“like scooby doo,” robin jokes, and nancy hides a smile. 
“like us,” she says, and then pauses. “are we— were we mystery inc?” 
“oh, you were absolutely velma,” robin says. “if velma had guns, anyway.” 
“velma should’ve been given a gun,” nancy agrees, and this time she grins.
nancy finds out that robin’s an english teacher, now. she still lives with steve and eddie, although they have a house together now, no longer a small apartment. they have a cat, and a garden, and they’re all happy there. happier than they ever thought they could be.
it’s been years since they left hawkins, since they stopped talking, but they fall easily back into conversation. like they never left. they exchange numbers and promise to keep in touch. this time, they stick to it. this time, they fall for each other, slowly but surely. they’re not the traumatised teenagers they used to be. they’ve lived, and they’ve grown, and they’ve found themselves. 
nancy wheeler kisses robin buckley for the first time in years in the rain, outside her own apartment, when they’re both soaked to the bone and shivering. then she kisses her again in her hallway, and again on the stairs, and again in her bedroom. she remembers the parts she’s missed, and learns the parts that are new. they do this again, and again, and again. 
when robin wakes up screaming, nancy holds her, murmuring soft assurances. when nancy freezes up, robin takes her hand and squeezes it, grounding her. 
for a second time, nancy wheeler and robin buckley fall in love. 
this time, it works out for them.
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jeonjcngkook · 1 year
incandescent | jjk
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pairing: jungkook x female reader
genre(s)&au(s): fluff, established relationship
rating: pg
wc: 1.3k
warnings: theyre so in love with each other🤭! koos singing voice lulls us all 🤲🏻 makin’ out, playing with koos pretty hair bcs its exactly what he deserves !!!
summary: you and your boyfriend spend a comfortable romantic night in together.
note: unedited. repost bcs the last one stopped showing in tags 🙃.
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Is there anything more beautiful than the sound of your boyfriend's voice?
The deep tenors and sweet cadences lull you into a state of calm as you stretch yourself out on the couch below, listening to Jungkook reach the notes in a perfect sequence to the song he is currently singing on his karaoke machine.
Friday nights are typically spent with each other as you participate in different activities. Your relationship's own version of a ‘date night’, you could say. However, this time it had been agreed between you both that staying in and enjoying each other's company in the cosiness of the home you built together was exactly what was needed.
Earlier, Jungkook prepared dinner for you both — a spread on the table of both your favourite foods and glasses of alcohol to wash it down with. Every detail had been carefully thought of, all the way down to the scented candles, that he personally chose to match the fragrances of the food.
Now, with full tummies and even fuller hearts, you both lie within the blanket of reds, blues and greens from the stars of his favourite LED light system and a spread of mandarin & grapefruit scented candles decorating the living room.
You could listen to Jungkook’s voice all day and never be tired of it. The calming effect he has on you with his words alone is something you have always admired. It doesn’t take much for a yawn to slip through his lips, catching the attention from yourself as he continues to sing through the verse of the next song. You watch as he attempts to stifle it underneath his breath, pulling the thin knitted throw up to his face to conceal the motion.
A sweet smirk is on your lips as he continues his lacklustre attempt at concealing his tiredness. Tears cling to his lower lash line from the yawn, head falling to the side and landing on your shoulder.
“You should get some sleep,” you’re quick to say as you feel him wriggle further into your warmth, his hand finding your spare hand that isn’t holding your phone and intertwining his fingers with your own.
“I’m fine staying here with you, baby,” he mumbles back in retaliation, cutting himself off mid-song to rebuttal back, voice half asleep and rubbing at his eyes like that will do the job of removing the sleep out of it. “I like laying here with you.”
You huff a little at his words. He is too darn cute for his own good and it makes your body warm knowing that he is licking being with you over much needed rest.
“But we could lie together in bed, snuggle up nice and cosy, and then in the morning come back here and cuddle all day into the night. Doesn’t that sound like the perfect way to begin our weekend?” You reason with him.
Jungkook’s lips part open for a moment as if he had the words to argue back with but is quick to shut them and opts for putting his microphone down on the coffee table instead. He finds the remote control for the TV and lowers the volume to something less deafening and one a little more relaxing as the lofi sounds act as a background ambiance.
He turns towards you and you watch as the flickers of the candles scattered around the room flicker and dance against his skin; bathing him in an ethereal glow — just like how an angel should look. The bright vibrant amber candlelight beautifully illuminates the melanin of his skin, extenuating his tanned skin stunningly.
It doesn’t help that his shirt is loose and baggy on his upper body, sleeves cuffed half way on his upper arm showing off his pretty tattoos of striking colours and bold black lines, only for the muscle under his skin to thicken as he brings his hand up to his hair. You watch intently as both hands comb through the long curly tresses from forehead to crown; again and again and it only magnifies just how pretty your boyfriend is.
The tip of his tongue presses against his inner cheek, his cheek protruding from the outside…an action he usually does when he is deep in thought. With the way the light hits his soft skin, it perfectly shows off how sharp his jawline is and how his gentle pink lips rest in a natural pout, leaving them looking plump, pink and irresistibly kissable.
“‘m not tired,” he argues, a grin on his face as he lies himself down next to you on the L shape of the couch, pulling back the thin blanket that has been resting on the headrest of the sofa and engulfs you inside the fabric before laying his head into your lap and effectively trapping you against the back of the leather and his body. Another yawn takes over his body as you feel him stiffen as he rides it out.
You lift your hand up to his face and let your fingers play delicately with the strands of his hair, twisting it around your finger and curling it around his ear away from his face.
Jungkook’s eyes flutter closed as you continue playing with his hair, adding to his tiredness and lulling him into a state of slumber. The atmosphere is exactly what Jungkook had promised earlier…cosy.
Jungkook’s eyes slipped shut, just long enough for you to see before he is prying them back open again with as much willpower as he can possibly muster. With the feeling of your fingers gently twisting and pulling at his hair, he has no argument against his exhaustion as it finally reaches him.
You reach the tight curls at the base of his neck, fingers playing with the curls as you make sure to let your nails scratch lightly at the base of his scalp, knowing that Jungkook has no bone in his body to make this stop, enjoying your touches so much.
You have him exactly where you want him.
Jungkook’s eyes are glazed over with sleep and yet all the same still looks dreamy — the browns are rich and deep, flakes of amber dotted within his irises. Love songs are written about eyes like his. It wasn’t hard to peer into them and to see your own smile reflecting back when he looks at you.
He runs his thumb over your lower lip, parting them just slightly before he leans down, pillowy lips connecting to yours in a soft kiss.
The feeling is so fulfilling that it is enough to make your eyelids flutter shut and your heart racing in your chest with blissful warmth as he presses his mouth deeper into yours. Even in a state of sleep, the kiss is still filled with emotion — passionate and sensual.
Jungkook moans as his mouth continues to work over yours, his teeth catching your lower lip and biting down with little pressure and letting it snap back before chasing your mouth for a second kiss.
Your hands run through his hair,nails grazing his scalp enticingly, eliciting another moan from deep within his chest. The way you kiss him has him seeing stars; dazed and lost in the touch of your lips. You caress his face with delicate touches, tongues flicking across his mouth and the way you counter back by nibbling in his own bottom lip before breaking the kiss.
Endearingly, you both press your foreheads together and close your eyes with a smile on both your lips.
Jungkook’s hand finds home on his hip before slipping underneath the cotton material of your t-shirt and resting his hands there. His thumb runs tracks over your skin in back and forth strokes as you bask in the calming, soothing sensation.
You feel his foot nudge open your legs as he tangles his limbs with yours and pulls you impossibly closer to you, your own leg now resting on top of his lip as you lock each other within the other's arms.
The feeling of Jungkook’s breath against your skin causes goosebumps to travel over your body, the warmth now turning into a small bonfire as love for the sleepy man in your arms ignites and burns bright.
It isn’t long before his breathing becomes drawn out and even, loud snores whistling through his nose and his thumb slows its movements as he eventually falls asleep in your arms.
“So much for not being sleepy,” you mock him as if he could hear, when deep down you wish that he had taken off into a dreamy slumber.
With gentle ease, you press the palm of your hand against his full cheek and brush your thumb over his cheeks the same way he did with your hip moments ago. You press your head against his forehead and land a tiny, light, airy kiss on his pouty lips.
You close your own eyes, listening to the flickering sounds of the small candles around the living room as well as concentrating on the rhythm of Jungkook’s breathing, hoping to ease yourself into your own slumber.
What felt like a moment later, Jungkook tightens his hold on you, whispering a small ‘i love you’, before sleep eventually blankets over you.
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tojisun · 1 year
i adore you
jake sully x fem na’vi reader
!! smut - minors dni; daddy kink (central plot point); breeding kink; size kink; hinted age gap; possessive jake; dumbification but only if you squint
: jake’s the one with daddy kink in this teehee (happy father’s day king); an indulgent fic mostly tbh - it’s the daddy issues, i swear; jake’s older than reader but his attitude is kinda leaning more to how he is in a1 than in atwow; hope you guys would love it <33; title is from salvatore - lana // 2.8k words
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you hold back from sighing again, curbing your rising annoyance as you try to be patient, waiting for jake to just tell you what’s bothering him. he’s been lost in his thoughts for a long time now, his fingers pausing from fixing the harness of his ikran, the new leather that you pieced up for him lay untouched on his lap. you almost hiss at him, wanting to know what you can do to help but how could you offer him any support if he’s being tight-lipped?
you return to stitching up your tewng, your ears pressed on your hair as a sign of your agitation, as you cover the tears with the other parts of the same cut of leather that jake would eventually incorporate into his saddle. you can faintly hear your tail thrashing behind you, no doubt announcing your ire, but jake is still so distracted by whatever is coiling in his mind and he does not seem to notice your tense silence.
you are reaching the last of your knot, your tongue ready to hiss a question to him, when jake completely drops his saddle and turns his big body to face you.
“sweetheart?” he starts, sounding so unsure with his small voice. your tail stops flicking, the irritation instantly being replaced by worry at seeing jake’s eyes furrowed with so much nervousness.
mirroring him, you let go of your tewng to face him. seeing your empty hands, jake doesn’t waste any time to pick you up from where you sat to drop you on his lap. he holds onto your waist, his palm warm on your sides and his thumb ghosting patterns on the edges of your belly. you giggle at the touch, breaking the tension, and you feel jake’s shoulders relax now that you are in his arms.
he has always been so tactile, so clingy with his affection. at first you thought it was because of his fear of being stranded in an alien world, but after many nights spent with his bigger body curled around your back, you learned that it is just the way he is.
it is unfathomable: the toruk makto being so clingy, unable to sleep unless you are in his embrace with your head pillowed by his arms. who would’ve known that the mighty warrior could be so adorable?
“ma’jake?” you ask when he remains quiet. “is there something wrong?”
he shakes his head, smiling at you softly. “nothing is, baby.”
he licks his lips, tilting his head to the side like he is mulling over what to say next. you remain quiet as you loosely loop your arms around his shoulders, waiting, watching, knowing that when jake is like this he wouldn’t hide pretend that nothing is plaguing his mind.
“i was jus’ wonderin’ about somethin’.” his voice is gruff and low, almost like a breath to be shared in the small space between you two. “it’s been- i’ve always wanted- but it’s embarassin’ and-”
you cut him off by cupping his cheeks, urging him to look at your eyes again. “ma’jake, you have nothing to be shy about with me.”
you watch the way his eyes dilate, the ambers almost disappearing into thin rings, at every word that falls off your lips. before you could even marvel at the change, you feel the way he nods, the movement soft and fluid, and your lips tug up in a smile. jake smiles back at you before he pitches forward and plants a fleeting kiss on your lips.
“when we mate, there’s something i want you to call me by,” he murmurs onto your lips when he pulled back just far enough to break the kiss, while keeping the grazing touches between your bodies.
“what’s it?” you ask just as breathily, feeling the change of mood as jake’s hands begin to slide down from your waist to find purchase on the swell of your hips.
“well, i’d love it if you call me ‘daddy’, baby girl,” jake replies, his voice tilting into a half-suppressed groan at the middle of his sentence, sending goosebumps to rise across the expanse of your dewy skin.
you gasp, rearing your head back to look at jake’s eyes. his forehead is creased again in worry, his lips pinched, but then you see his eyes. jake has always been so expressive with his eyes, always so honest with whatever he feels. and as you gaze into them, you see the way his suppressed desire is coiled around his worry. because while he is worried that you would reject his plea, you can see that something about being called daddy scratches the primal itch in him.
“ma’sempu?” you ask, hesitant, wondering if that is what he meant.
jake’s jaw falls, his cheeks burning bright. “oh god no! well, i guess yeah? but no, sweetheart, not that.”
choked laughter causes his shoulders to shake and you pout, not really following what is going on anymore. jake sees your pout and coos, one of his hands leaving your hip to pinch your cheeks.
“the term is from earth. only a sky people thing, i’m sure – well, i’m really not too interested in finding out if there is daddy kink amongst the na’vi.”
your nose scrunches at hearing another unusual word, but you do not ask him what it means, choosing to remain quiet so jake can keep talking.
“‘daddy’ does not always refer to your birth father. it sometimes refers to a man who’s older than you, but not really? either way, it’s meant to be an acknowledgement of their capabilities as a protector and a provider.” he rolls his shoulders, then, “a good lover.”
you blink at him, your cheeks tingling, wondering if he even knew what he’s saying. what he’s presenting.
“sweetheart?” jake calls, his fingers tapping your sides, feeling anxious when you continued to remain silent, keeping your thoughts to yourself.
“oh, ma’jake,” you finally whisper, your eyes trailing across his face, memorizing every mark on his face, cataloguing every freckle, every line.
you thank eywa for truly blessing you with toruk makto – the protector. the provider. your good lover.
you smile to yourself, quiet giggles creeping from your throat as you snuggle up to him. you hear him hum as his arms wrap around you, feeling him rest his chin on top of your head.
you sigh at his touch, purring at the warmth surrounding you, and knowing that you can no longer prolong your silence, you whisper, with reverence tinging your voice, “you are my daddy.”
jake stiffens from underneath you, his back tensing at your tantalizing whisper. you peek over his shoulder upon hearing a muted thumping, and warmth explodes in your chest when you see his tail happily swaying behind him.
“i am?” he croaks, his voice wavering with the intensity of his emotions.
you click your tongue gently, embarrassment and pride battling together within you.
he pulls back to gaze at your eyes. “baby, i am?” jake repeats.
you roll your eyes at him, thumping your fist on his chest softly. “yes, ma’jake. you are.”
you barely finished uttering your reply when jake swoops in and kisses you deeply, his head angled to the side to perfectly slot his lips against yours. you hum into the kiss, your chest fluttering as jake’s hands trail across the expanse of your back, his fingers warm in their kneading. you shiver at the intensity of his kisses, of his embrace.
you stifle a choked moan on the back of your palms, losing your vision for a quick moment, when you finally feel jake’s tswin connecting with yours.
“fuck!” you hear jake curse on top of you, his hands falling on either side of your face to steady himself when the rush of your pleasure tangles with his.
you peel your eyes open, wanting to see jake, and your heart stutters when his eyes are already on you.
“daddy,” you whisper readily, the name falling from your lips naturally.
jake shivers, his heavy cock pulsing from where it’s been rubbing along your belly, the head of it weeping, smearing his seed across a small expanse of your skin.
“yawne,” jake replies, his face contorted as pleasure raises along the tsaheylu between you two once again. “baby, y’r so beautiful. so precious.”
you whimper when he finally pulls himself up to kneel between your legs. “no!” you cry, not wanting to miss the connection, but jake just shushes you, moving slowly as to reassure you that he isn’t leaving. that he’s got something more for you.
and he’s right. you watch as one of his hands wrap around his cock, his thumb rubbing along his leaking slit, and your skin tingles when he hisses in pleasure. you watch the way he loses himself in his touch, his hands moving along his length to scratch the itch.
“no!” you whine again, slapping at his clenched fist. jake blinks his eyes open and turns to you, a croon already vibrating from the base of his throat.
“sorry yawne,” he murmurs as he bends down and runs his lips along your neck, his nose tickling your heightened glands. “daddy’s gon’ fuck you now, okay?”
you nod, quiet in your anticipation even when your body is trembling hard, your wet core pulsing with need.
jake guides the head of his cock to your cunt, rubbing it along your folds. you keen, your toes curling as muted pleasure explodes in the pit of your stomach – it is both so good, yet never truly enough.
“daddy, please!” you whimper, unable to keep up with his continuous teasing.
“where do you want daddy’s cock, baby girl?” jake murmurs, his na’vi dissipating as he slips into english again.
you want to sob at how unfair he’s being, using your weakness for his demon language to play with you like this. your ears flatten on your head, a hiss building at the base of your throat, but it vanished when jake’s cock dips further into your folds, teasing your opening.
“c’mon, kid, it’s not a hard question,” jake continues, his eyes locked onto your face, watching the way your eyes dilate in frustration and in desire.
you gasp when jake pulls his cock away from your weeping cunt to tap the head of it directly onto your nub. a frustrated cry is ripped out of you when jake does it again, and you want to punch your mate for his playful cruelty.
“in me, daddy!” you finally managed to utter, taking your eyes away from his heavy cock to meet his gaze, begging him to stop with the teasing and to claim you already.
jake proudly smiles at you, showing off his fangs to the point that his eyes crinkle. “good girl,” he murmurs then he is pushing his cock in.
“ma’jake!” you squeal, your back arching off the mat at the explosion of pleasure that came with being filled up.
you didn’t realize that you were scratching his back, your blunt nails making welts along his skin, until jake’s murmurs from somewhere above you broke through the overwhelming pleasure: “easy, baby. watch y’r nails.”
you stare up at him dumbly, not understanding anything past the pleasure, your dazed eyes rolling back into your skull as jake keeps pounding into you.
you hear jake laughing and you weakly punch at his shoulder, your lips parting for a grumbled complaint, when jake’s thumb finds your tiny nub and rubs it gently, purposefully.
“daddy, too mu-!” your voice breaks for a drawled moan when jake rubs at your nub again, matching the pace of his thumb with his hips, the dual pleasure leaving you breathless.
your cunt squeezes his cock, trying to draw him even deeper in you, hoping he would keep you stuffed and full and swollen with his seed. in your heightened ecstasy, you forgot that you’ve made tsaheylu with jake; that jake can feel your desire.
“oh?” jake asks as he stops moving, leaving his cock throbbing inside your walls. “is that what you’d want, baby? to be bred by me?”
you gasp, the frustration of having been edged bleeding out at being caught. you look at him, shy all of a sudden, but jake is smiling, looking at you so sweetly. so eagerly.
“is that what you want, sweetheart?” he asks again, his voice rough and deep, rumbling in a way that shows that he is still holding back. he lifts one of his hands from your hip to press down on your belly, careful but also insistent. “want to feel me here?”
you are aching with so much desire but the reminder of how big jake truly is, how far into you he could really reach, has you panting, your cunt clenching at his cock again. it makes jake chuckle, his laugh coming out as wheezing, as his eyes furrow to savour the feeling of your plush walls warming him.
“fuck, baby, you do, don’t you?” he sounds in awe, like he couldn’t believe just how much you want him.
“i do, ma’jake,” you hum, tracing your fingers along his arm, his wrist, before placing your smaller hand on top of his from where it still rests on your belly. “wanna feel you here.”
“shit,” is all he says before he is taking your hand away from your stomach to tangle his fingers with yours and pinning them beside your head.
then, he is pulling out, the slide of it gentle, and just when you thought that he’d tease you again, jake slams his cock back in you. fast, hard, deep.
you scream, your eyes going blind for a moment at the sudden engulfing pleasure racing along your nerves.
jake is going fast, no more teasing words or drawn out foreplay, as he descends into his primal instincts, evoked by the need to pleasure his mate. to fill you up just like you wished.
good mate, you think, too bleary to voice out your praises for your beloved. daddy, my good lover.
jake chokes, his hips stuttering a little bit, and you feel his emotions through the tsaheylu: desire, need, ecstasy. but also: love, love, love.
“yawne,” he murmurs, his voice a wreck. “i love you, baby.”
you sob, nodding at him, your toes curling when you feel your pleasure building. rising.
“i love you, daddy!” you reply, writhing when jake hits so deep in you again.
stuttered ah-ah-ahs leave your lips constantly, not knowing what else to say. what else to feel.
jake is everywhere: his scent is in your head, his bigger body folding over you, his warmth surrounding you whole. his cock is heavy and thick and long inside you, stretching your walls to reach your sensitive parts like he is claiming you all over again.
“daddy, ‘m close!” you whimper as you grip his hand.
“yeah, baby, me too,” jake whispers, draping his body over you to rest his forehead on yours. “cum with me, okay, baby girl?”
you nod, hitched whines not letting up enough for you to string words to respond to him. you feel jake smile, his lips so close to yours, and you tip your head up to graze a kiss over them. he groans as he sinks into a deeper kiss, his teeth quickly nipping your bottom lip when you gasped at another deep thrust.
he lets go of your hand to rub your nub again, coaxing your orgasm to tip over. you squeal, your back arching off the mat, going dizzy as the pleasure heightens, overwhelming your every sense until you are reduced to being putty in jake’s hold.
“ma’jake, ‘m cumming! ‘m cummi-!” you scream, your cunt clamping down on jake’s cock, your whole body trembling at the intensity of your orgasm.
“yawne!” you hear jake growl, his head burrowing on the juncture of your neck, before he is burying himself all the way in you.
you hiccup, hissing at the warm gush of your mate’s seed, feeling delirious at the feeling of being stuffed; he is filling you up, going through with his promise.
jake kisses your neck, pressing incomprehensible murmurs to your skin, and his chest vibrates with every deep breath. you embrace him, your shorter arms resting on his sweaty back, as you feel yourself sinking into exhaustion. the thrum of pleasure and satiation chases the ache of your sore muscles, and you giggle softly when jake’s kisses turn into teasing nips, his fangs tickling your sensitive skin.
“my perfect girl,” jake mutters almost to himself, pride vibrant in his tone. “mine.”
“yours,” you echo, huffing when jake nips you again.
“s’right, baby. all mine.”
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hydrangeyes · 11 months
Muzan likes to be punished
So if you don't know, Yes this already existed, my old account was deleted (accident but I can tell I won't be getting it back), and am reposting my old x male reader works!
I don't know if I saved all of them but here is one that was saved to my AO3 account.
Edit: So shuffling through my docs It's been brought to my attention that wattpad (who I use as backup) Cut a lot of my fics in half??? anyway I'll be trying to fix that also
Muzan x Seme Male reader 🍋🍋
OH! and I'm gonna stop using y/n, change it to N/n instead!
warning: light fluff, smut: bondage, bratish Muzan, light degradation, anal fingering, begging, edging, hinted overstimulation
Not edited! We die here lol
Height: 5'0
Gender: Male
Hair color: long soft lavender
eye color: dark brown
"N/n release me now," Muzan demands blankly.
Looking up from the book you were reading you hum. besides, you were Muzan, stripped and bound. His hands behind his back and legs bent and ties together as well, spread for any who come into your room to see. Yourself loosely wearing a soft blue kimono.
"Now why would I do that?" You chuckle, placing the book down and turning fully you watch as he tenses up. Raising a hand you trace a finger from the tip of his twitching cock to the base. "You're clearly enjoying yourself."
Muzan jerks his hips up at the touch, that and the biting of his lips the only reaction he would give you. For now, that is.
Humming a soft tune you trail those fingers further down to his twitching pink hole. "It hasn't even been a full 10 minutes and you're already like this? I don't remember saying you can enjoy your punishment," you growl the last part swiftly landing a smack on his hole.
Unable to help it Muzan let out a breathy moan, legs spreading a bit more. But his expression doesn't change.
"You never said I couldn't either. Hurry up you're boring me now." Muzan commands again. Raising an eyebrow you smile softly, grabbing the oil next to him coating his fingers.
"Such a brat."
Without warning, you push in two of your fingers. Curling them a bit before taking them out, listening as finally, Muzan lets out a needy moan face going slack. You pump your fingers into him watching as he slowly starts to lose his cool.
"Making demands after coming to my home a complete mess." your tone becomes darker. Fingers pressing deeper until they hit a bump. Muzan gasps and trembles, his cock leaking precum under him.
"I should leave you just like this." You let out a sadistic purr slowly taking your fingers out.
"N-no! please N/n, I'm s-sorry! Please forg-give me!" Muzan quickly blurts out earnestly, and you hum feeling his hole squeeze down tightly around your fingers. Tilting you're head watching you thrust your knuckles deep back in.
You pretended to be bored as you thrust your fingers in and out, curling and spreading them watching Muzan begin to fall apart. Biting his lips, drooling, and eyes rolled back. You pour a little more oil on your fingers and his hole, shifting as your own erection twitched from under your kimono.
"N-N/n please! Ngh- So close! Wanna ah- cum on your cock!"
Pulling out your fingers you ignore his disappointed whine, Laying him full onto his back and taking in the image he presented. Practically tied up in a mating press position.
Not able to hold it any longer. You fully strip from your kimono, cooing as Muzan eyes you greedily letting out your favorite noises. Cock in hand you bite your lip as you gave it a few pumps, pouring a bit of the oil on it. You both loved the sloppy slick feel.
" Mmh~ I can't wait Sir, I've been empty all day!" Muzan pleads to you staring as the tip of your cock teases his twitching hole.
"Heh look at you, still making demands." You smirk and snap your hips forward, watching your cock sink into his tight hole roughly.
Jerking his head back and letting out a silent scream, tongue out. Muzan clenches around you as you continue thrusting into him without pause. Not able to hold back groans yourself you lean down to press in deeper.
"N-N/n! aahhHhnn! yessss~" He slurs and moans, trembling as he desperately breaks his wrist restraints and grips your back. You moan feeling his claws drag down your back, the pain adding to the pleasure fueling your hunger.
"S-so big!! ngh- your cock is perfect!!" he slurs out the praise trying his best to buck up into each harsh thrust.
"My pretty little brat. Taking my ugh! cock so well." You purr kissing his jaw panting. "This is all you're good for really." You growl the sound of your hips slapping against his filling the air. "To take my cock and be bred like a good little whore!"
Muzan moans in response, tightening around you as he pants, cheeks flushed red. The feeling of you pounding his tight ass hole driving him mad, unable to think of anything else. "Yes! Y-yes! breed me, please N/n- sir!"
Eyes hooded, you watch as he tenses eyes rolling back, cumming untouch.
Licking your lips, you kiss his forehead not slowing down as he hiccups and begs you to cum. Pulling back to watch your cock pound into his flushed and precum-covered hole, you groan thrusting as deep as you can go and cumming.
A little dazed you hum happily rocking your hips before pulling out. watching your cum spurt out after you.
"Untie me please," Muzan mumbles which you immediately. He mews as he shifts to sit on your lap and wrap his arms around you're shouldering clinging. "Too much?" You ask nuzzling his neck, hands gently massaging his thighs where the ropes left an imprint. "Mm no, it was perfect. Thank you"
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duuhrayliegh · 10 months
AAAAAHHHH I DO TOO dw love bartender!bucky won’t stop obsessing over peanut. he keeps planting different thoughts and ideas in my head like he’s in inception or some shit. HOWEVER because you asked so ENTHUSIASTICALLY i’m going to give everyone a little sneaky sneak:
if you haven't read consequences yet, check it out here before reading the preview of part two!!!
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“Sorry, Buck. I just—“ you trail off, not entirely sure how to handle yourself.
“Don’t worry about it, Peanut Butter.” You laugh softly at the lengthier version of your nickname while he continues talking. “Look, how about we meet somewhere so we can talk?”
“Aren’t you working tonight though? I can just come to the bar.”
No matter how appealing Bucky’s offer is, you don’t want him to risk his livelihood for you. You aren’t worth that, not really.
“Not anymore, Pea. You’re more important to me. The guys here can handle the bar while I leave to take care of my Ps and Qs.”
You giggle again, unsure of where he comes up with these iterations.
“There she is.”
The words are murmured low, as if he was just speaking to himself. As if it’s a remark not meant for public consumption, just for his adoration.
“There’s a little hole in the wall on 115th and North. It’s called Winnie’s. Meet me there and you can talk for however long they’re serving coffee.”
"Don't diners always serve coffee?"
"They sure do. And Winnie's is a 24-hour diner. Which means," There's a loud shuffle on his end of the phone and then his voice cuts through. "you can talk to me for as long as you want, Peanut."
"Thank you, Bucky." You aren't as loud as you meant to be, but you know he hears you when he hums before you end the call.
His feet rest on the ground beside the bike, holding it upright while it rumbles idly. Bucky leans back into you, his hands moving from the handlebars to your thighs. He traces the skin that's exposed by the rips of your jeans. The loose material allows just enough space for his fingers to burrow beneath and trace meaningless patterns into your skin.
Butterflies make themselves known in the pit of your stomach, along with another slightly less prominent heat building at his touch on your skin.
"We're almost there, Peanut Brittle." Bucky's voice is melodic through the microphone. You could fall asleep listening to him read a phone book.
The bike thunders to life again as Bucky releases the clutch. More buildings fade as he continues to steer the two of you down the less traveled streets.
"Where are you taking me?"
"Somewhere fun!"
He laughs at your little groan. Surprises aren't necessarily your favorite thing, but if it's Bucky, maybe it'll be tolerable.
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luimagines · 10 months
Yeeeesss!!!!! I can't wait!! (I've been wanting to write this since I started this blog XD)
Part one will have Time, Twilight and Warrior.
Content under the cut!
It was a quiet acknowledgement.
It was unintentional to boot. You weren't looking for anything with anyone. It was just... a bunch of little things that caught your attention.
When he'd ruffle Wind's and Twilight's hair for fun- how concentrated he'd get in the middle of battle- when he'd help braid Wild's hair to calm him down after a bad night. The quiet way he'd support Warrior from the side. Not to mention just how he leads the group causes you admire him in many ways.
And for a time that was all it was. Admiration. Nothing more, nothing less.
Then you got hurt one day. Your palm was bleeding. Nothing deadly or worrisome but it was your dominant hand. The bandages, swelling and bleeding made it difficult to do much of anything. Not to mention that you kept picking at said bandages, making them fall loose.
Time noticed and puled you aside, rewrapping your hand with grim look on his face. This felt worse, somehow. Like you've disappointed him. He looks pissed, even though he's yet to say a single thing to you.
"I'm sorry." You blurt, hoping that it'll ease whatever tension is on his face.
It doesn't work. If anything he looks angrier. "It's not your fault... I just wish I would have gotten to you sooner. this could have been avoided."
Hold up-
Your heart starts beating faster and your face warms. "Im-impossible, Time. You were so far away."
"Mmm." Time grunts, tightening the bandages once more. "Do me a favor, yeah? Get better. Stop picking at it."
He flicks your forehead playfully, smiling at last. The look... takes your breath away. It's far from perfect. But it's soft and genuine and... you've never seen him look at anyone else like that. You swallow the spit in your mouth, hoping that you're not blushing any more than you already are. "...ok..."
"Good." Time sighs and kisses your forehead. "I worry enough about you as it is."
Did your heart just stop? Hello? Anyone home?
"Thank you." You say and smile back, trying to outwardly keep calm. But on the inside you feel like screaming. Is that good or bad? You don't know yet.
Time smiles again and put his hand on your shoulder. He puts the back of his hand to your cheek and winks. "Always."
You stay there stunned and bite your lip. "...cool..."
He snorts and walks away. "Come on. Or they'll leave us behind."
"Right. I lo-" You panic. What were you about to say? Would you have meant it? I love you? Seriously? Just like that? When did this happen?
Time doesn't seem to notice and keeps walking.
Meanwhile your world just turned on its side. Then again- you've known for a while now, haven't you? It just now where it's grown too obvious to ignore anymore.
You take a deep breath and follow the man back to the group.
Maybe you'll tell him. But another day.
Twilight was annoying. You hate to say it. But you would really like to get a grip when it came to him.
It was just some.... stupid puppy crush. There was nothing to it. It was nothing serious- but my god, did it get in the way of literally everything else.
He could say something nice or he would try and be helpful and you would be stuttering and fumbling over yourself. It was stupid. Dumb. Idiotic. You wanted to scream.
At best, you could try to avoid him, but he was so gentle. So sweet. You couldn't even be mad.
You sighed and shook your head, hitting your cheeks a few times to try and get a grip.
"You ok, Darlin'?" Twilight comes up from behind you.
You jump and whip your head around to look at him. You feel like you've been caught doing something suspicious- yet all you were doing was standing there hitting your face. "...Um... Ye-yeah. I'm fine. I'm cool! Don't worry about it."
Twilight raises an eyebrow. "Sure. And you were hitting yourself because...?"
"...I'm tired." You lie. "I feel like I'm about to fall asleep any second now."
Twilight frowns and stands a little straighter. "Everythin' alright? Had a bad night or somethin'?"
You cough and nod. "Yeah, something like that. I haven't been able to sleep well lately. I don't know why."
Yes you do. But it's fine. Totally fine.
Twilight puts the back of his hand to your forehead before either of you realize it. His fingers tips move down over your cheeks and behind your jaw. He frowns and leans in. Your breath stills completely, you think your heart stopped beating.
"Are you feeling alright?" He whispers. "I hope you're not getting sick."
You shake your head, gently taking his hand and moving it away from your face. Your attention instantly goes to the way his hand feels in your. Which is totally normal, right? "I don't think so... It just my brain not shutting up these days. I'll be ok."
Twilight leans back and you feel like you can breathe again. "Are you sure? I can help out if you need a break."
You snort. "Yeah? How?"
"I can carry you for a little bit. It's not like it costs anything."
You flush and shake your head, already feeling annoyed with yourself for not holding it together again. Naturally, you want to blame him. "No, really. I'm ok. Come on. We're being left behind."
Twilight nods and moves to walk to the group, still not looking satisfied with your answers. But then Warrior calls him over for something and with one last look to you, he leaves you behind.
It's the perfect excuse to finally break down and scream quietly. You're worse off than you thought. And he's still so sweet. And you can still feel his hand in yours and against your face and the way he looked at you and-
You whine in the back of your throat. "I think I love him."
There was something about him that you couldn't look away from. You couldn't say for certain what it was but you liked it.
You like him, to put it simply. He was charming, funny, confident- he didn't hesitate to act and he was always there to put a smile on someone's face regardless if it was at his expense or not.
Speaking of, he kept to your side as it was pouring cats and dogs, sacrificing his scarf to hold it over your heads. You helped him as it got heavier and heavier, huddling closer to his side as it dipped and drooped.
You sigh and looked at him. "How're you holding up?"
"I might have to drop this thing, sorry." He admits quietly. And he's right. You can already see how tired his arms are getting and the scarf is soaked through already, it's not like it helping keeping either of you dry anymore.
Then again, that doesn't answer your question.
You sigh and shake your head, dropping the scarf already. The rain instantly soaks into your hair and shirt, making everything seem twice as heavy. "Do you think we'll reach the others anytime soon? Wild and Time are still behind us, right?"
Warrior sighs also dropping the scarf. Water drips down his face in an instant. "I'm no longer sure. It's too dark to make out anything directly in front of us. If anything, we might be better just sticking to one spot and waiting either for the others to catch up to us or for the storm to stop."
You hum and think about it for a moment. "Do you think there's any cave nearby to take shelter in? I know there's no lightning but I don't feel conformable taking shelter under a tree, just in case."
Warrior looks around, wiping his face free of as much water as he can. He takes your hand and point. "There's that."
It's not much, a large rock jutting out of the ground with only enough space for you both to sit under it. But it'll have to do. You nod and together you both run to the little respite in the storm.
Warrior instantly does his best to clear the area of smaller rocks and twigs for you both to sit comfortable. your heart squeezes a little at the act. He sits down, pressing his back against the rock and pulls you into his side, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. "I wish I do more..."
"This is good enough." You feel yourself growing shy at the close contact. He's never done this before... or has he? It seems so natural to him that he didn't seem to think twice- it's only now that you're noticing it.
You look down for a moment and tuck yourself closer. Warrior takes off his scarf and sets it aside. He takes off his armor and outer most layers. He's warm, you realize and his tunic is still dry. He gestures for you to do the same. Granted, you don't wear as many layers as he does, but by shedding the first one, you instantly feel better and warmer as he pulls you in closer again.
Only his form is more obvious to you this time around- and yours to him. Warrior doesn't seem bothered by it.
You however can feel yourself blushing. This seems awfully familiar to you. Have you dreamed about it before? Your heart is pounding, but it feels good. You feel happy just at the thought of this.
Hold on.... Why?
....Uh-oh.. are you crushing?
"Feel better?" Warrior whispers next to your ear and you look up at him. You bite your lip and nod, unable to hold the look for long. Warrior chuckles under his breath and rubs your shoulder comfortingly. "Good."
Oh, that laugh is going to haunt you now. You liked him. But now it's complicated.
part 2
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kitybur · 2 months
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐲 𝐦𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 | 𝐛𝐢𝐠𝐭 2
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⌦ in which fans make another compilation of tanner and you moments from the group.
[ ONE , TWO ]
— warnings: swearing, gn!reader, fluff, inappropriate joking
| I neeeeed a part 2 of worthy moments 😭 |
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once again, the time has come where more videos have been uploaded with the internets favourite youtube couple. and you know what that means? more compilations of them together with even more worthy moments.
the first video had blew up, making the publisher wanting to make more content about the pair. and boy did they get their fun when “the group” had uploaded several new videos on their website. so now we buckle up, and get ready to watch the second best video of cuteness.
bigt and y/n being the it couple, part two; a continuation.
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the group had gone to japan for a trip and we’re currently walking through the entrance of japans nintendo world. yumi and nick were talking to the camera about a water ride when the footage zooms in on tanner excitedly talking about something behind the boys. he was moving his hands and walking sideways all the keep his eyes on y/n, who was watching him with a big smile and nodding their head to his words.
the video cuts to the group walking together when larry asks nick to buy him bowser. “wait, i want bowser too” tanner says.
“if you’re bowser can i be your peach?” y/n grins. tanner looks at them confused. “that way you can keep me all to yourself!” they say with a teasing tone. larry laughs, having being beside them, and tanner slides an arm over their shoulders.
“i already have you all to myself.” he flaunts proudly.
the group had split off into two groups, but thankfully tanner and y/n were still together. their group had bought turkey legs to eat as a starter meal to fill their empty stomachs. the camera panned to show tanner holding the leg to y/n’s mouth, to which they took a simple bite out of the side. chewing, they took the leg from tanner and did the same. holding their hand under the leg incase any dropped from tanner’s large bite, he thanked them with a simple kiss to the hand.
“the waterfall is so pretty” y/n said to the camera as the group stopped to eat. “i would love to live here and experience more that japan has to offer. it is so beautiful.” they ranted as they were filmed. without notice, tanner had came in and wrapped his arms around their shoulders from behind, pressing their back into him. he brought his turkey leg back up to their mouth, which they accepted with a smile and pat on the forearm.
“eat up, pretty thing. cant have you fainting on us, can we?”
“the only reason i’d be fainting is from your love overload, silly.”
“omg, they have a peach hat!” y/n said excitedly, having remembered the conversation from earlier. although tanner ended up getting a luigi hat to match with nick, y/n was thrilled to get a hat of their own.
“how do i look?” they asked the guys as they put the hat on. the guys all nodded their head and told them it was definitely their hat.
“here baby, i’ll but it for you.” tanner suggested quietly but loud enough for the camera to pick up. he took the hat without hesitation and brought it to the cash. y/n smiled with red cheeks as tanner brought the hat back and placed it gently upon their head. tucking away any loose hairs and snugging it on the best he could, he backed away. “man this is cute!” he happily pulled out his phone and took a photo.
(he ended up posting it on twitter captioned; cant wait to take princess peach home with me)
“today we’re playing hide and seek and a 5 million dollar mansion. nick is the seeker, we’re all hiding, we have 30 seconds, we gotta go now!”
y/n had agreed to be in the groups hide and seek video and fans couldn’t be more happier with it. the video was just starting, and members were already running away as nick started counting. from y/n’s camera, it is seen that tanner grabs their hand and brings them along with him, wanting to stay together.
as they run inside, tanner leads them upstairs. “it’s me and you baby!” opening a door leading to almost nothing. y/n’s laugh can be heard as they usher him up the stairs to find a new hiding spot.
in the process, tanner, larry and y/n ended up together and had sat down on the fancy couch to turn on bluey. sadly, the trio couldn’t watch as there was no disney plus account. y/n laid back, gathering all their stamina for the next few hours. tanner’s go pro suddenly has turned black, and from y/n’s perspective, you can see tanner laying down on y/n’s chest already played out.
“tanner, i love you, but I just heard somebody and we gotta go” they say, patting his head as he groans.
“don’t be scared baby, I’ll protect you!”
the pair were running down the stairs, hoping not to get caught before tanner had rounded a corner and ran straight into nick. tanner’s recation was quicker than his feet, letting himself scream before getting tagged and yelling, “y/n, run! save yourself!”
y/n didn’t need to hear it twice before running off, not before shouting “I’ll avenge you, sugar! i’ll be back for you!” they could hear tanner screaming in defeat has he walked to the couches to be met with the rest of the out players.
y/n ran upstairs the the blue room and wiped their hand on their sweaty forehead. they set the camera down, panting as they took off tanner’s sweater. “fuck chat, tanner’s out.” they heaved. “I don’t even know where the guns are, i want my man back i miss him.” they pouted.
(how dare softwilly split the pair up, outrages!)
it wasn’t more than minutes later when grunk and a nerf gun, ready to get nick frozen and y/n had a tennis ball. they ran the opposite way of the two, and quickly ran the ball to the couches. “guys! i’ve got a ball!”
“that’s my baby!” tanner yelled standing up and picking y/n up by the waist. he spun them around once before setting them down on the floor. “way to go, hot shot!” they high-fived. as y/n was running away once again, tanner landed a small smack on their ass as a congratulations. from the room, y/n can hear yumi yelling.
“oh gross, get a room!”
“gladly” y/n winks to the camera.
y/n’s time running had stopped when she noticed nick going after grunk. they made a decision and ran next to nick, getting themselves out for grunk.
“you just got yourself out!” nick shouted, confused. y/n laughed, along with grunk who thanked them and ran. nick looked back and forth between to two before running up the stairs. “i’ll be back for an explanation, y/n!”
y/n took a deep breath and looked at their camera, “anything for grunk” before walking slowly to the couches. there, they saw tanner sitting down on a single chair and out of no where, plopped on his lap.
tanner grunted, “you out?” to where y/n nodded. tanner couldnt even be upset as he got to have his partner back. he gave them a squeeze and a kiss on the cheek, quietly whispering how good they did. it was safe to say the couple was ready for a long nap after filming.
when the next round started, tanner was talking to the camera about their new skill. the pair had taken off their shoes to appear more quieter to the seeker. y/n high fives him for his smart idea.
they had ran upstairs into a bathroom, where a tennis ball was sitting in the sink. “oh tanner, look” y/n whisper shouted, pointing at the ball. “you take it, sugar”
tanner gratefully took the ball and thanked y/n. “i want you to be our reason we win, we’re gonna find you all the tennis balls we can!” y/n says happily, pointing their camera at tanner. he was over the moon with their response, and for his, he leaned in for a passionate, small kiss.
from there, the cameras cut to the pair making silly faces in the bathroom mirror, which were taken as photos and posted on instagram.
although they didn’t win, and both got out, y/n had an amazing time with their friends and tanner. as they filmed the outtro, y/n handed tanner a bottle of water. he guzzled it down and tiredly leaned his head on y/n’s. they wrapped an arm around his hips, keeping him up and they all said goodbye.
the main video ends with self promotion, concluding the second part to worthy moments. fans never thanked the publisher enough over the second video, loving every crumbs they get of the couple.
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a/n: guys, im so so sorry this took so long to come out. i have been having many of doctor appointments and exams for my health and just overall been enjoying my summer. im hoping to get back into the writing era soon and publishing some requests i currently have.
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lunajay33 · 7 months
New World🍂Part.9
Summary: You grew up in a crappy town with one friend who kept you going, everything started to fall into place, that’s until the world ended and the dead ruled the world, now you and your best friend Daryl Dixon had to stay alive but will you finally confess?
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We’ve been at the prison now for a week, a lot of things have changed, prisoners were found but with that we found a lot of food in the prison kitchen, Hershel got bit and lost his lower leg, but thankfully Hershel was getting better, only two prisoners were left and things were seeming to finally settle
Plus I was doing a lot better with the food supply I wasn’t as ghostly looking and I was able to help out cleaning up the outside court yard just to make the place feel a bit more comfortable
I walked outside seeing Rick and Daryl talking by the truck, I wasn’t able to see him when I woke up because he was always up early to work with Rick
“Hi my love” I said laying my hand on him shoulder as he turned to greet me, he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into his side kissing the top of my head
“What’re ya doin up so early?”
“I was cold without you” I said nuzzling closer into him loving his warmth
This made Rick laugh totally forgettting he was there making me blush
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The day went in as usual, cleaning up, securing the place, I heard the door open and saw Hershel hobbling out with the help of Carl, Lori and Beth
“Hey Hershel look at you go!” I said as Maggie, Tdog and Carol jogged up just as excited
“WALKERS!” Carl yelled as he noticed a group of walkers behind us
All hell broke loose after that, Lori, Carl, Maggie and I ran off securing ourselves inside, but when we went to go to the beds there were more walkers we managed to find a secure place in the boiler room trying to hid from the walkers that were still roaming the halls
“Carl are you okay?” I asked checking him over he looked shaken
“I’m….im okay” he said as he hugged me, he was still young and he barely ever got comfort so I let him hug me he was the sweetest boy he didn’t deserve to live in a world like this
We went down the stairs were Lori was with Maggie and she looked panicked that’s when she started screaming
“The baby is coming” she said as she held onto the chains hanging from the wall, Carl held onto me tighter hiding his face in my side so I rubbed his back as Lori continued to scream trying to push
“Lori stop somethings wrong” Maggie said as he hand was covered in blood
Lori layed down as we all followed her Carl at one side as I was at the other
“Maggie you gotta cut me open”
“No I can’t”
“You have to save my baby….please” but Maggie still refused
“I’ll do it, I’ll save em” I said squeezing Maggie’s hand as we traded places
“See my scar that’s what I got from my previous c-section” I tried to calm my breathing realizing what I was about to do, how this would change the three of us
Carl handed me his knife as Lori said her last words to him, we were all crying now my heart was heavy and I felt sick
“Okay……I’m ready” Lori sucked in a breath before I steadied my hands as best as I could before I sliced into her, her scream so painful that will forever me seared into my mind
She passed out and I was trying to be quick as I saw the babies feet and dropped my knife to the ground as I gently pulled the baby out, she wasn’t moving
“What do I do?” I asked Maggie nervous
“Turn her over, pat her back and feet” there was blood everywhere but I had to focus, I repeatedly hit her back but not too hard to hurt her and finally she started crying, relief washing over me
Carl passed me him jacket so I could cover her holding her against my chest
“We need to go” Maggie said standing up
“We can’t leave her to turn” Carl said as tears were falling down his face
Using a free hand I lead Carl to the closed door we came in from so Maggie could put Lori out of her misery I refused to let Carl do that
I held his one ear against my stomach and covered his other with my hand, Maggie’s gun went off and she came up with a pale face, Carl clung to me as we left to find the others, the little baby warm against my chest, the scream still playing in my head, the blood drying to my hands and chest, I needed Daryl
We came out the courtyard seeing all the walkers were dead and the remaining members of the group were there, when Maggie saw Glen she ran to him crying, Rick was in shock
“Where…..where is she?” He asked looking at me and Carl with red eyes
“I’m sorry Rick” I said as my lips trembled
Rick dropped to the ground crying, I couldn’t imagine the grief he must be feeling but now this baby and Carl didn’t have a mother and their father wasn’t mentally well enough to take care of them……but I will, I’ll try my best for them
I felt a hand cup my cheeks, looking up seeing Daryl with sad eyes
“Oh sunshine” he pulled me into a hug Carl between us as he still hadn’t let me go
I kneeled down after Daryl pulled away, showing Carl his baby sister properly
“She’s beautiful isn’t she? As cute as a button” I said looking up at Carl seeing his tears were stopping as he gazed upon her
I heard Daryl saying he was gonna go with Maggie to find this baby girl some food but before he left he kissed my cheek whispering words of love and they were off on his bike
Carl sat down next to me as he leaned his head against my arm as we both look at this ray of sunshine, a miracle in such a dark world
“What are you thinking of naming her sweetie?” I asked as Carl booped her nose
“I don’t know yet”
“That’s alright there’s plenty of time”
Beth came over with a soft rag and water so we could clean her off and dress her I fresh baby clothes we found on the road
“Thank you y/n, for all this” Carl said I could hear the sadness in his voice
“Of course I’ll do anything for you both…..always”
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Daryl got back later with Maggie as she made the formula, he kneeled infront of me brushing his thumb over the baby’s cheek
“She’s beautiful” he said smiling up at me
He took her and fed her the bottle swaying her side to side admiring her, he had the look of care that he only ever gave me it was the most cutest thing I’ve ever seen, this makes me wanna have a baby with Daryl even more I just know he’d be an amazing father
“She’s a lil asskicker” he said making everyone chuckle, Rick was no where to be seen so I decided to take care of her for the night, Daryl and I were sat on our make shift bed with me back against his chest with lil asskicker curled against my chest babbling little cries
“I want one” I said feeling Daryl’s heart beat faster against my back
“We can’t”
“I know” I said sadly feeling a heavy weight on my heart, knowing what we could have had if walkers never existed
“I would tho ya know, if things were different I’d have a family with ya” I laid my head against his chest nuzzling closer to his neck loving his smell
“I love you D”
“I love ya too”
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I was sat in little book corner ledge up against my front window watching as the trees leaves swayed in the wind, hearing the little birds chirp and that wonderful feeling of the lowering sun warming my skin as the sky turned shades of orange and purple
After a long day of working with students and cooking Daryl’s favorite meal I was waiting to hear the comforting rumble of his bike and she him jog up my sidewalk to the front door and if right on time there he was, covered in black grease stains but still as handsome as ever
He walked in dropping his work bag and coming over scooping me up and spinning me around making me giggle, I felt so much love in my heart, so absolutely lucky to have found him, he trailed kisses up and down my neck then all over my face
“How was work D?” I asked leading him to the bathroom to clean him up
“Eh, worked on some bikes, nothin excitin” he said as he leaned against the sink as I ran a cool wet cloth over his dirty skin u til he was good enough for dinner
I threw the cloth into the laundry basket and wrapped my arms back around his shoulders
“I missed you so much” I said leaning up to kiss him gently feeling his scruff against my face
“Missed ya too, ‘specially when I know I got a woman like ya at home in my shirt with yer little pink panties” he said squeezing my hips
“Oh stop dinner first, plus Juniper is in the next room sleeping” I said laughing as he fake disappointed sigh
I got Juniper out of her crib as she was already up clinging to the railing bouncing probably having heard her fathers voice, we walked back out to the kitchen sitting at the little table as we started dishing up the food, I could tell he was starving when he chowed down, I feed Juni some mashed up vegetables as she giggled being just like Daryl loving food
After dinner we cleaned up and sat in the little living room on the floor playing with Juni, Daryl tickled her feet making her scream in joy as she tried to climb all over him
“I love this, I love you, Juniper, our life’s together, this little old house, I love everything you’ve given me D”
“You know it’s not real though” he said looking at me with the saddest eyes
“What? What do you mean?” Everything started to get blurry
“We never got to have this life, it was cut short before we even got the chance sunshine, I’m sorry” his voice was like bricks on my heart as his voice started to sound farther away and I could barely see either Daryl or Juniper
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I shot up immediately from sleep, sweat covering my body as I tried to catch my breath, remembering I still had the baby in my arms as she squirmed from my sudden movement
“Hey ya okay?” I heard Daryl ask from behind me rubbing my back as I was still between his legs
I shock my head remembering the dream, what I could have had, a beautiful little girl with dark hair and light blue eyes like Daryl, beautiful house and to not be scared every waking moment and hungry
The tears came fast and I couldn’t calm myself whimpering loudly feeling the extreme pressure from the day and the dream
“What is it sunshine” he asked holding me back to his chest
“It was a nightmare, just an awful nightmare”
My soul felt hollow, my heart crushed, my hopes dead in the dirt, I wanted so much in life atleast I still had Daryl the only light I had left
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Guys I put my soul into this chapter please like or repost!!:)
@deansapplepie @ghostboneswrites2 @writer-ann-artist @i-wear-wet-socks313 @thebadbatch2022
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cookie-crumblr · 5 months
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thinking about how Enix, Lucy and Issac would be the first three of my OC’s to cut our legs off if we disobeyed them or tried to run away an i MMMMMMMMMM
CW: GN! Reader, no body descriptions for reader, dismemberment of reader, reader referred to as they/them, murder, drugging, vomit(non descriptive dw), spoilers for lucky, permanent body mutilation, non con, p in whatever hole you have, somno(in Enix’s part), reader has hair in lucy’s part mentioned (not described) Not proof read!
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When you first awoke in shackles, you couldn’t imagine staying! this guy that you had once thought was just a shy nerd, turning out to be a psychopath to this extent!? You can’t!
You think of a plan to escape as soon as you can.
He let you loose after a while. you promised you’d be good, schmoozed up to him too, pretending nothing had changed. And he believed you.
You ran the first chance you got. A neighbor saw you running in your underwear and hurried you inside. You asked to call the police, she rushed to find her phone.
But too soon after, Enix busts through her front door.
He has a pair of hedge trimmers in his hand… You tried to run but you were frozen solid watching him beat the old woman to death with them. You tried to tear yourself away from the gorey scene unfolding, you tried to run, but he caught you.
“Butterflyyyy~ Looks like Ill have to rip off your wings after all…” He holds you tightly in his grasp, his tall body fully encasing you. “I really didn’t want to”
He injects you with something as he’s holding you, and you feel your body grow suddenly so heavy and your vision fades.
Now he’s looking over your precious, sleeping form, you are even easier to watch and protect! and he can’t help but love how dependent you’ll be on him from now on.
His dick throbs.
You’re so perfect, even just sleeping under anesthesia. He lifts your stumps and gently feels his work… He shouldn’t. He stops himself. Not yet anyway, he wouldn’t want to injure you while you’re in a serious recovery phase.
But soon, he’ll definitely put you back under to fully enjoy what he’s done.
Upon waking you feel terrified… Something is so very wrong! you can’t move your legs! You shoot up into a sitting position, and see the reason…
You vomit over the edge of the bed.
Your legs are gone.
(He definitely mounts them on the wall in the bedroom with a little plaque and everything like they’re one of his prized specimens)
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You’ve disobeyed her too many times recently, you’ve ran and hid yourself inside the forbidden red doored room.
You didn’t anticipate how obsessed with you she turned out to be.
The room is completely filled in every corner with something that has to do with you. Pictures and posters of you cover the walls, they look professionally taken. The shelves are filled with photo albums, journals detailing your days and old documents. Some have your thrown out med bottles, vials of what you can only assume is cum in some and blood in the others…. You shiver. You don’t want to keep looking, but it’s all around you.
There’s what looks like some kind of Alter at the front and center of the room.
You find it hard to breathe in here…
You think you might get sick if you stay too long.
There are two windows that don’t have screens on either side of the alter. You dash to one of them and try it, luckily, it slides right open.
“Where are they!?” She screeches. You hear her heels clicking against the wood down the hall. “Find them.”
You escape down a trellis covered in blue morning glories, and run into the gardens.
All too soon you’re being tackled to the grass, as one of Lucy’s guards finds you.
Lucy walks out next, taking her time to get to you, building up even more of your tremendous anxiety. Your heart is thumping in your throat, you can see each beat pulsing in your vision. You’ve never seen her so mad!
The guard holds you down obediently.
She’s got an axe.
“You don’t need both of your legs, right Y/N?” She stands over you.
“Hold them still.” She says to the guard.
She brings down the axe onto your thigh, a harsh, heavy pain bursts through you and you scream out. Your bone definitely snapped but she wasn’t strong enough to take off your leg in one clean hit….
She brings it down a second time, missing the same spot and just causing you more blinding pain, you scream until you’re coughing and almost vomiting.
“LUCY!!! STOP!!!!” You beg and plead but she looks wildly ecstatic as she brutally mutilates your body.
Again the axe comes down finally separating your leg from your body. the pain is immense and your blood soaks the garden bed. You’re so dizzy and you feel sick, you’re writhing and sobbing just glad the worst is over.
“Call the doctor. And a taxidermist.” She licks your blood off of the axe before she throws it and picks up her dress instead, and steps over you. Her body falls over yours, cradling your face in her arms as she now sits on your midsection. You’re fading in and out of consciousness and weakly try to do anything, but the pain is overwhelming.
“Aw… You’re so cute Y/N, I can’t stay mad at you~!” She pets you and wipes some sweat slicked hair off of your forehead.
Her soft lips come down to yours, you barely register the sensation. As you’re fading you feel her rocking her hips on you.
(She def keeps them in her worship room)
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“This is necessary, Y/N!”
“NO ISSAC PLEASE!!!!!” You threaten to rip your vocal cords with how loud you’re screaming!
He brings the hacksaw to your thigh, right under your cheek. You feel the rough metal touch you and flail wildly.
You’re on your stomach so you thankfully don’t have to watch…
“PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!” You repeat over and over, snot and tears staining your face.
“I hate to do this to you i swear! But you’ve made me! we told you not to run!!”
“We already gave you that chance.” He states coldly.
The metal touches your flesh once more, but this time he slides it across with pressure enough to cut right down to your bone. You feel the vibrations against the solid part of your body and shiver. The pain is intense and you don’t recognize the voice coming out of you anymore.
You writhe and curl into yourself against the concrete while he pushes the saw back over you, and then again.
The pain doesn’t stop when he stops cutting.
It’s the most intense thing you’ve ever felt.
You’re biting your lip and groaning and wailing when he puts it in you.
“What!!” You cant wrap your head around what’s happening! He’s entering you, while your bleeding out from your thigh!
He spreads your legs wider, you hear him sloshing around in the puddle of your blood.
He fully shoves himself inside you without regard, he can’t help himself every time that you’re completely at his mercy.
You’re all out of wailing at this point, you’re throat is too dry and torn. Your vision is filling with black spots and you feel terrified. All you feel is the throbbing numbness of where your leg used to be, and his huge dick slowly stroking your insides.
You feel the familiar sweat inducing sensation of a saw blade against your other thigh now, You can’t even scream anymore or beg him to stop, you just feel your skin start to be torn open all over again and pass out.
He cums inside you and it spills out around his length mixing into your blood puddle.
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Sorry for the slight delay, but here is chapter six. I had to cut it short bc i'm currently babysitting but i wanted to get it to you guys. but dont worry, next chapter will have all the parts that i didnt get to finish in this one plus.....it will be Heejeong's turn ;)
Warnings: Smut....this entire chapter is just pretty much....pure smut. it goes back and forth between consensual and non-con....and it's pretty descriptive. breeding kink, HS being dominant, relentless, and yeah....unprotected sex.....umm...i think thats it. aside the fact that its intercourse between step siblings.
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“H-Heeseung! Ah!”
Restrained by the grasping hold Heeseung held onto, your wrists suffered the sharpened sensation of his fingers and palms pinning them against the wall. 
You had tried your best to struggle free, even getting as far as detaching yourself from him for a brief moment before he extended his reach and caught you once more. 
“Noooooo…..come here baby….you feel so soft….touching you like this is all that’s been on my mind…”
“Stop….Heeseung stop….this…this is wrong…we can’t!”
“Oh yes we can….watch me.”
Now here you were, backed up against the wall, and the width of his enlarged frame trapping you in.
Your own step-brother…..
"Upon meeting the notorious Blackbeard, his face sly with a deceiving look…
His eyes grasped on to the maiden like a fisherman’s hook.
Yet all is said and done, the man has tricked mother, father, son, and friends.
His secret will be known, a closet that reveals his darkest trends…."
Sitting you on the edge of the thin console table, his chest pushes you back, causing your shoulder blades to meet with the cool wall.
The way he propped you on the table gave him the upperhand to focus more in melting into your body as he only needed to minimally support both your weight, which allowed him to focus on getting you to surrender... 
His tux became loose as his jacket slid off his shoulders, the buttons on his collard shirt came undone, and his bow tie unraveling; his hands loop under your thighs, making you further lean back against the surface of the wall, with only the table bearing the density of your weight.
Standing and leaned forward into you, he positions himself in between your legs, loving the fact that he had you falling apart for him. 
You turned your face away, as much as you felt shameful, knowing this whole ordeal was wrong….it felt so right….it felt so good. Yet you couldn't find yourself brave enough to face him straight on; he was, after all, your stepbrother.
Sucking on your neck, the squeezing sound of his lips suckling onto your skin was his only response, up until he pulls away, releasing the suction of his mouth that latched on to your soft neck. 
“Yeah baby…..” gasping a deep groan against your ear, you felt his hand reach down, snaking itself into the opening of his trousers and feeding his length out. It was long, thick, and stiff…..it was exactly what you wanted at this moment since he had you emotionally and physically dislocated. 
He didn’t immediately penetrate you, in fact, he took great pleasure in toying with you first, his own manner of performing four play. 
With his tip, he drifts it along the lining of your slit and probed your opening, all the while he slowly…..sloooooooowly licked your neck from the base to the edge of your jawline. 
“Ugh! Please!!”
“Yeah….just like that baby…..get wet for me.” 
Noticing the heat and moisture rising in between your legs, he harshly taps his lengthy cock against your clit, slapping it repeatedly and enhancing the sensitivity of each tap. 
How could he do this to you? Going against your wishes to cause a stir of raging, euphoric turmoil to take place in your gut, only to tease you…
“Please…” you whimpered. You nearly were begging at this point as your words ended in broken gasps while you softly sobbed. It was so painful. 
The tingling numbness was too much, your hips were gyrating fiercely as your thighs shook with an uncontrollable urge to wrap around his waist. Your clit and opening was pulsating, you found yourself wanting it to be filled and stuffed with every inch of him. At this point, you needed it. 
Hyperventilating, your chest rises in an up and down motion as you tried to steady your breathing, yet it was nearly impossible. The numbness in the depths of your core became stronger, you could feel the heated moisture of your body’s lubricant oozing out as you clenched your opening, trying to prevent it all from gushing out. 
Grabbing onto your arms, he pins them to your side as he slightly lifts, and adjusts your position to where your rear practically hung off the edge of the table. The back of your head and your shoulder blades remain plastered on the wall, sliding downwards as you felt him pulling you to the edge, right up against his groin. 
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With your legs held taut, he centers himself to your opening, poking you with his tip as he scoffs out a sly smirk while bearing teeth.
"A little sensitive, are we?” Biting down on his bottom lip, he admits a dark chuckle while he feels you slightly jump from the shocking sensation of his probing offense.
"Pl-please....." you whined out. Initially, you may have had wanted him to stop, yet now, all you yearned for was him to be inside you.
"Come here baby......" his hands loop around your thigh in an overhead position, pulling you towards him, causing you to further slide down as your rear hangs over the edge of the table completely, your hair decorating the wall as the strands lay sporadically against it.
Propping yourself, you rest against your palms as you flatten them on the surface of the table, forcing the weight of your body to remain on stilted foundation, shifting your weight back and forth between each hand.
His thumb rubs your clit in small, circular motions as he commits tiny hip thrusts, teasing your entry with his tip as it remains in contact, yet is refrained from fully entering.
"Please....what are you doing?......." you begged as you felt your head move upwards in a small, slightly pouncing manner upon feeling him pressing against you, only to be pulled back and snapping back against the center of your slit once more.
"Shhhh.....its okay baby relax......relaaaaaaaaax......relax for big brother Heeseung." he whispers, all the while he rests his forehead against yours as he focuses his sight down on to your exposed breasts, and your clit, which he continued to rub with the padding of his thumb.
Succumbing to the edge of his teasing notion, you felt your entire body shake with a vibration that was so intense, it was unlike anything you've ever experienced. Your breathing became uncontrolled, and the moment it hitched, thats when you felt the ooze of the sweet, warm, and gushing liquid exiting from your cavity, leaking in between the folds and meeting with his skin. Feeling it drip out with his tip, he releases a prolonged sigh upon sensing the warmth of the moisture that was releasing out, kissing his tip as he rubs it up and down in between your swollen lips.
"Uuuuuh huuuuh.....you ready for me?"
"You sure?"
"Yes...." you pleaded. Your voice releases an airy crack as you found yourself sobbing yet again from the amount of relentless pressure, numbness, and the unbearable tingle that punched your gut as each second went by. You needed to be filled, you needed him.
"Uuuuugh....please.......please....do....do something....do everything.....i just....."
"Just what?" he demanded as he continued to rub your clit, all the while staring down with an aloof expression. The tone of his voice grew stern. Whispering with a firm and solid tone, he repeats once more. "Just what?...."
"I just......ugh......I need you....." you bit down on your tongue as you finally admitted defeat. You couldn't help it, it was all his fault for bringing you at the stage you were now in, although you sensed that he looked at it from a different perspective.
He blamed you. He felt it was your fault, for merely existing....for breathing....for being yourself.....for being so beautiful and always speaking in that seducing voice that was so feminine in nature. The way he saw it, everything was your fault and he loved it. You sensed it...you knew it deep down, now that it became obvious that he was yearning for you the entire time since meeting you.
"Awww....you need me baby? Hmm?"
"Say it again, then."
"I....I need you...."
"Yeeeeeeeeaaah.....you do." he whispers into your ear, before he places a soft kiss right on your cheek, keeping his lips in place as he rubbed his thumb in soft, circular motions against your lower back. It was so tender and romantic, it nearly caught you off guard.....until you felt the stretch of his entry.
Jolting violently, you nearly jumped off the table had it not been his firm hold in keeping you steady. With one hand looping around your lower back, and the other plastered on your inner thigh, pushing it aside, forcing you to remain fully exposed and vulnerable, his stiff muscle needed no guidance as he begins to shove himself in.
"Ugh! Ah! H-Heeseung..." you began whimpering out, continuously jolting upwards, trying to evade his entry as the feeling of being opened felt more painful than pleasurable.
Naturally, since it had been quite a while since you last had intercourse, spending all your time in college focusing on your studies, merely using a simple vibrator to get by on your urges and needs, the last time you recalled having sex was well before you started attending your university, and was graduating high school.
Yet the feeling of being breached, from when you dated someone from a different school, or even back when you had your first, well before your senior year, when you had a steady boyfriend who shared the same class, the feeling felt nothing as it had right now, with Heeseung.
The way he was built, he was more bold, hard, and strong. Everything about him was ten times more intense than the average man, which would explain why you were feeling the immense sting. What propelled you to fear more, was the fact that he hadn't even fit himself in yet, not even the tip.
"It hurts! It hurts! Please! Please stop....." You winced your eyes shut and gasped out in deep breaths, feeling your breasts rise from the inhales and pressing up against his hard chest plate.
Again, you shifted your hips upwards and away, trying to avoid him entering, yet his hold on you kept you still, and you were in no position to remove any one of your hands from the table that supported your weight, unless you had planned on falling back completely.
Slowly, you felt the skin around your cavity conforming to the bulging tip as he slowly pressed in further, finally feeding the bulbous top of his shaft in, inch by inch. If the pain was so bad with just the very tip of his cock partially entered, how was it going to feel once he starts to slide the rest of his length in?
You couldn't bear the thought, taking the risk, you quickly shifted one of your palms and pressed it against his abdominal muscles, right on his pelvis, with your palm flat against him. Pushing, you gained just a slight bit of distance as you pushed yourself back, not at all having any effect to the stallion before you. Still, it didn't matter whose body needed to move, so long as you could create a gap between you two, which you did...just a few inches, until he tugged you by the grasp he had around your lower back, harshly pinning your thigh down even more as he digs his fingers into your supple skin.
"No......." you whispered desperately as he slowly continues to fit himself inside, which was hard as he found the friction to be the result of your preserved nature in abstaining from casual and constant sex.
"You were a good girl throughout college, weren't you?" He scoffs as he inhales deeply upon savoring the feeling of your warm skin, slowly surrounding his. "I"m gonna fuck you up so good." He smirks out.
Slowly.....painfully.....little by little, he continues to feed himself in, the very tip already opening you as he starts to enter.
"Stop! Please stop! Too much! It's too much!" you cry out, your palm pressing him again, yet it was no use.
Ignoring your pleas and constant whimpering, he merely relays a calm expression under half heavy lids, watching as his muscle continues to go inside you.
"I know....it wont hurt for long, I promise....just be a good girl and take it all in, I promise I'll make the pain go away. I'll make you feel really good...like a fucking queen.....and i'm going to love doing it." He gently tones out, leaning in and placing a kiss on your forehead. The moment he did so, while he bends inward, you felt a sudden sliding of his shaft expediting its entry as his body caves into you, causing you to push against him once more, only to find that it did nothing to aid you. Instead, it fueled him with an instinctive nature of dominance and aggressiveness, you saw it by the way. he bit down on his lip and smirk out a deep chuckle. If you hadn't known any better, the man looked animalistic, and you were the prey of the raging beast.
"Almost there.....fuck baby.....you feel soooooooo good......been wanting....to feel you......wanting to make you feel good......fucking love you." He stutters out, locking your lips with his own in the process.
"No! Stop! Please take it out!" you gasped out as he kept his tongue inside your mouth.
He continues to slide in, while he massages his tongue over and under yours, stroking and complimenting your canines.
Finally, the moment you felt the base of his groin making contact with your pelvis, you gasped in relief. He was finally all in, which you had wanted, up until you felt the pain. Now that he was nestled inside you, he allowed you to regain your breathing and even guided you into taking deep breaths.
"Breathe baby.....mmm...breathe....yeah....good girl. Breathe for me."
Forming a small circle with his lips, he looked as if he was going to whistle, instead, he merely blows on your forehead, a method to faintly cool you as you took in your breaths. You weren't sweating, not yet, nor were you feeling hot, but the second you felt his breath blowing against your skin, you felt a sense of relaxation coming back to you.
The lustful numbing and tingling was calming, like a raging storm calmed by the tranquility of the sunlight, the pulsating punches were toned down as he bellowed out and remained burrowed inside your soft muscles.
"Deep breaths baby." he issued, and immediately, he begins to move in and out.
Gasping and slamming both hands on his biceps, you relied on his strength and his broad frame as you held on for dear life. Since he was already inside, remaining on the stilt platform of your hands and trying to create distance was pointless, he was so close....and was going to remain close. Yet the stinging pain remained, and you were desperate in trying to appeal to him yet again....
"STOP...stop.....stop....pl-please...oh my God.....stop...." you breathed out each word in an airy gasp as you squeezed the material of his tux, digging your fingers into his arms.
"Shhh, breathe baby." was all he murmured as he continued to move, thrusting in and out at a moderate pace. His speed was neither fast nor slow, just deep and thick.
Tilting your head back, he watches as your throat shifts up and down as your body receives his penetrating act. Up and down...up....and down.....
"Theeeeere you go.......just like that......breathe baby.....breathe." he guides in a whisper, reaching up and cradling a gentle grasp on the side of your neck, his thumb stroking in an up and down motion on the center of your throat. "Just like that......fuck....breathe for me baby girl."
Just then, he starts picking up the pace. "Yeah, breathe....uh huh...just like that....fuck....fuck you're so damn pretty."
“P-please…..n-not so hard……I-I feel like I’m breaking….”
“Come on baby, keep fucking it.” 
Increasing speed, your body was now bouncing ferociously up and down, growing weak as the base of his groin muscles slam into you. The sting transitions into a burning sensation from being slightly torn open, yet the tingling and numbing sensation turned into something that was so very pleasant......so much in fact, that you began to release prolonged moans of erotic nature.
"Oh fuck....good girl......keep going, i fucking love the way you sound and look right now."
"Yeah....good girl. Fuck it...my good girl."
The sound of his skin kissing yours as he slaps his pelvis against you, thrusting his muscle in and out, twitching and flicking it up each time he rails deep within you. Shifting your weight up and down at his mercy, your body goes completely weak and limp from his insatiable hunger for lust.
"Uh...fuck baby.....you want more? Hmm?....Come here....Ill give you more..."
Shifting his hands to meeting and wrapping around the narrow part of your waist, beneath the slinky material of your dress, which had been rolled and coiled around your waistline, leaving your top and bottom half to be fully nude and exposed, he feeds his hands under the fabric. Feeling his rough hands pinch a grip on your sides, you felt him pulling and tugging you, lifting your entire weight up and down as he bounced you on his length at merciless speed.
Your feet dangle off in mid air as your legs remained spread wide open, with his frame centered in between, your rear still hangs off the edge of the table, yet your body sustains and remains upright thanks to his support as you latched your grip on to his arm, and wrapped your other arm around his neck.
"Oh my God....no!.....ugh!"
"Yes baby."
Going back and forth had created a sense of immense sexual tension between you both. Each time he responded, he went faster, deeper, and harder, and before you knew, it, you found yourself gushing out and splattering as he rammed himself inside you.
At this point, the burning and stinging had fully disappeared. All you could feel, was the punching pikes of pleasure that was hitting you inside and out, all from his unyielding performance and stamina. Hitting the right spot each and every single time, you moaned out his name, craving for more.
"Talk to me baby....."
"Mmm...mmmmm...oh God....more! Please.....please....do..do more....."
"Yeah?" Leaning in once again, he places a delicate and passionate kiss on your lips, inserting his tongue and dragging the tip of it across the roof of your mouth. Clicking it back in, you felt the snap of his oral muscle as he flicks it inside, becoming addicted to the harsh 'click' sound that came with it.
Melting into him, you were fused with his body. Even so, at the moment, when you leaned a bit back to your original position, placing both palms flat on the surface to support your weight, it didn't matter that you were no longer wrapping your arms around his neck. The moment you were on the stilt position that founded your upper weight, it gave him leverage to not only go faster and harder, but to make you bounce relentlessly as you felt him pounding against your pelvic and rear muscles.
Now, you were squelching as the sound of moisture and skin rubbing, molding, and unifying was filling the room. Your moans became more drawn out and louder, while your hair flew all around as you felt yourself being levitated by his grasp. Everything felt amazing, it didn't matter that you were being fucked relentlessly....by your own step brother.
Tilting your head back, you pushed your hip up against him, lifting it slightly, allowing him to fuck you deeper.
"Awww fuck baby....you're going to make me cum."
Stuffed, thrusted, and bouncing on his thick muscle, you nearly screamed out as you felt the peak of that tingling sensation, building up and was near a point of massive explosion as the tip of his dick repeatedly taps against the soft spot, deep inside your stomach.
"Ugh!....mm!....Ugh!....Heeseung fuck me....please Heeseung fuck me...oh my God please....." you whimpered out, the pleasure was so great, the tears that streamed down your face was not of pain this time around, but from the intensity of his euphoric deliverance to your throbbing cunt.
Leaning in for the final time, he wraps his arms around you, lifting and settling your entire frame on the hilt of his lower abdomen, forcing your legs to wrap themselves and rest against the hilt of his hip. With added depth, the motions of your body bouncing up and down became much more steep as you felt his hand grab on to one of your rear cheeks. Squeezing it within his grasp, while using it as a leverage point to add momentum, he lifts and pushes it downward in sync with each thrust, adding a heightened boost in fucking his throbbing cock inside you.
"Fuck! I'm gonna cum..." he spurts out against your neck.
With your arms wrapped around his neck once more, you lean your head back and allow him to breathe, gasp, and scoff out pleasurable groans against your throat.
"Ugh! Please....ugh please....." you begged, coming close to climax.
"I know baby...I know.......we'll do it together.....fuck baby.....we'll cum....together..." He groans out, mouth parted open as he latches it on your skin, gasping out.
"Ugh! Heeseung!"
"Fuck, beautiful!"
The moment you gushed out, with the hot liquid seeping and coating his length, all from his vigor, Heeseung bursts out, and explodes inside as he releases.
Coating your walls and staining that soft spot that his raging tip was just beating on, his essence fills you to the brim. Despite already stopping at a clinic to pick up birth control pills upon settling things with Kurt, and dating again, you enjoyed the rush of Heeseung's ejaculation filling you, allowing the natural process of breeding to take place, even if you were taking preventative measures against getting pregnant. The delightful thought of his semen swimming inside, traveling deep inside your body and rushing into fertilize you was something that aid you to reach climax at such a profound state. You loved every single second of it.
Jutting his length deeper as it remained fully inside, Heeseung's face remains burrowed against our breast, suckling on your nipple as he thrusts a few more times, ensuring that he emptied himself entirely inside your body.
Once satisfied, he reaches down and holds himself at the base with two fingers, slowly pulling out. Each time you had felt as if he was close to fully exiting, you were reminded just how lengthy he was as he would continue to slowly slide, causing you to feel the rippling lining of the veins that decorated his cock.
"Mmm....Heeseung..." you whimpered out with furrowed brows of slight pain. The sensation of being stretched out and torn open was coming back now that you had rode out the high of your orgasm.
Listening onto the suckling sound of his mouth while it remains latched on to your areola like an infant child, he twirls his tongue around and flickers it against the tip of your nipple, distracting your mind away from the pain.
Finally, his lengthy muscle was all the way out, the bulging tip engorged and pulsating as it made it's exit, seeping out and leaving a trailed line of his children to decorate your walls and your clit.
Holding on to you, he embraces on your frame tightly and sits you back down on the console table, leaning you back while he adorns you with a series of kisses, starting with your breasts, then moving his way up to your collar bones, neck, throat, jawline, and then your lips.
Moaning deeply into your mouth, he strokes your neck again, ending the session with passionate and heated....love......
Love.....it wasn't lust....it wasn't just strictly desire....it was.....love.
The way he held, the way he moved, the way he would stroke your skin and lick it with his tongue. The way his eyes looked at you through a heavy gaze, with half shut lids and parted lips, gasping in shock each time he noted how your hair framed your face, your skin glistened against the dim light, or how your puckered, cherry stained lips would shine and look delectable for him to suck on.
It was undeniable, this man....your stepbrother.....was in love with you. It wasn't just his mannerisms or the way he looked at you either....
"I love you.....you're mine....you're all mine.....nothing is going to take you away from me.......I'm keeping you.....forever.....y/n."
He was right....he was keeping you forever. But it wasn't just him....soon, you'd find out that another pair of hands, eyes, and lips were going to take its turn....feasting on you as Heeseung had just done.....
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