amelia00000 · 4 months
Armed Suspects Get Caught By The Police!
The scenarios in which armed suspects are caught by the police are fraught with danger and uncertainty. Law enforcement officers, armed with training, intelligence, and a commitment to justice, navigate these. Read More...
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newsbites · 11 months
News from Newfoundland and Labrador, 4 July.
A canine partner was used to track down a suspect after an incident in the east end of St John's.
2. John Byrne and Crystal Chislett have been charged in Harbour Grace with producing guns and weapons using a 3D printer. The police seized long guns, handguns, some of which were made with a 3D printer, ammunition, and a security uniform complete with body armor
3. Three people were displaced after their home flooded in Sally's Cove due to a partially blocked culvert. The Red Cross has arranged emergency lodging, meals, and transportation for the affected individuals
4. Federal grocery rebate payments will be hitting bank accounts tomorrow.
5. Pierre Poilievre is visiting Newfoundland and Labrador and discussing the burden of green taxes, which a conservative government would nix, he says.
6. Oil contaminants have been found in wild eggs in Labrador's north coast, leading to warnings and guidelines on consumption to minimize health risks.
The contamination is believed to be linked to a diesel spill in 2020, raising concerns about the long-term impact on traditional Inuit diets and livelihoods.
There is a need for increased communication, research, and mitigation efforts to address the contamination source and protect the food chain in northern communities.
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probably-unreliable · 2 years
I wonder if Harmonious Reunion Style would be better as 歡合神通 or 喜聚指 👉
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dserwer1 · 4 months
Stevenson's army, January 19
There’s other news, but I want to draw your attention to an excellent piece in NYT on what Congress knew about the Manhattan Project to build atomic weapons. It’s detailed, accurate, and includes links to several important documents. Sadly, I don’t see it anywhere on the NYT website, but I knew it existed because I saw it in the printed paper. Reporter Catie Edmondson shows that at least 7…
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xxk3vonicaxx · 4 months
My L8 Lee-Enfield bolt-action sniper rifle would like to disagree with that guy's bow.
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Mr. Khatchadourian knows a lot about gunss, buut doesn't collect themm. Meanwhile Mr. Odum also knows a lot about gunss, and collects them in his closett X"DD
They know their stuffs about weaponss, soo, they'd know that one's something old and forgotten in their timee
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goremet-chef · 9 months
i might start a new monster hunter save?? like. IDK IM STUCK cuz on one hand i love my character and my cat and i ITS OVER 400 HOURS IVE PUT INTO THEM but i also think making a new chracter with the remaining player slot we have would be fun and i get to redo all the assigned quests but. id also need to make all my ARMOR AGAIN AND WEAPONSS.. IDK ill think about it 😔😔 could be fun i know a lot of other MH players like to reset their progrss and just. play it thru again lol
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fangirlinglikeabus · 5 months
'I am to sshare my throne with this Jessuss Chrisst?' Xznaal bellowed. 'I will accept no joint ssovereignty. Bring thiss Chrisst here. I challenge him to a duel, with weaponss of hiss choossing.'
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pcrplevenom · 6 months
🎄 - you know who all sent this 👀👀👀 theres SEVERAL of them and two of them may or may not be in a death match (🐝 and 🐉)
For every 🎄 (or "X-MAS TREE") I get in my inbox, my muse will tell you one thing they want the most for Christmas.
"Anything to hang my weaponss up securely in my room and hidden compartmentss to be prepared in case of unprovoked attackss. Though, another idea would be having a girlss night! Bee can hosst a party in the gluttony ring!"
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open-minded-skeptic · 3 years
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melbemol-art · 6 years
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Pandora’s box
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historicalfirearms · 7 years
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XM174 Grenade Launcher
In the early 1960s American advisers in Vietnam requested an automatic grenade launcher which could act as a force multiplier. The US Army responded in September 1963, by calling on private industry to submit designs for a low velocity 40mm automatic grenade launcher. The new launcher had to weight below 12lbs and feed from a belt. Four competing companies submitted designs with the entry from the Aerojet Ordnance Manufacturing Company tentatively selected in February 1964.  
Throughout 1965 Aerojet worked up their design and with feedback from the Army altered it to fire from a closed rather than open bolt and a sem-automatic fire capability. The weapon was initially designed to fire from a tripod but the Ordnance Corps also requested a design with a buttstock which could fire from a bipod. The weapons sights were taken from the shoulder-fired, single shot M79. It appears that the general shape of the XM174′s receiver and pistol grip were styled after the M1919 medium machine gun, possibly for the sake of user familiarity. 
Designated the ‘Launcher Grenade 40MM Low Velocity Automatic, XM174′, Aerojet continued development throughout 1966 with the assistance and oversight of Springfield Armory and Rock Island Arsenal. It was initially envisaged that the new grenade launcher would be vehicle and tripod mounted but weighing under 12lbs, less than half the M60 light machine gun, the Army quickly saw hip-fire potential in the XM174.
Despite being lighter than an M60, the XM174 proved to be less ergonomic and more difficult to carry in the field. Aerojet developed a 12-round drum to carry the weapon’s belt to ease carrying and loading on the move. When field tested in Vietnam the drum magazine was found to be fragile and suffered a high attrition rate. Units from all three services tested the XM174 in Vietnam. Including Air Force base security units, the 1st Battalion, 27th Infantry Division and the USMC. In the photograph above we can see Major Joseph Flynn, 26th Marine Regiment, explaining the specific features of the XM174 to a group of generals in October 1969.  
While the XM174 suffered teething problems in the field including issues with the drum system, poor ergonomics and complaints about its effective range. In the meantime Naval Ordnance Station Louisville had developed the Mk19 in 1968. The Mk19 was quickly adopted for vehicle and tripod mounted use by the Marine Corps and Army and the Ordnance Corps abandoned the XM174, some continued to be used in Vietnam into the early 1970s. Troops at squad level continued to use the M79, XM148 and the M203.  
Images: 1 2 3
XM174, Springfield Armory Collection, (source)
XM174, War Is Boring, J.Trevithick, (source)
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Personally, I think after all the fiascos that happened on their watch, the GIW got demoted to support and investigation roles only. As in, the government cut their funding and took away all their fun toys because the White House has never seen so many lawsuits from one town before.
Danny usually rubs it in their faces because they aren't allowed to have ecto weaponss anymore.
(I never liked the GIW, which I guess was kinda the point)
Oh yeah definitely. I have.... a lot of headcanons surrounding this in my vaguely-rewrite.
The GIW are supposed to be government agents researching the Supernatural. But from a.... very hands-off way. Observe. Protect citizens if necessary, but stay back.
Some of them are a little too amoral for their own good.
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starlypenguins · 3 years
utensils -Beams food weaponss -DT
Well no considering this is a car
Also that reminds me, I haven’t eaten anything today
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asko5-7 · 4 years
What was the trust test?
He can not have.. glasSs or any.. weaponSs! He iSs alSsso.. sSmart! He could have hurt himsSelf! But he.. he did not! He iSs a good child.
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opedguy · 2 years
Biden’s Disinformation Campaign Backfires
LOS ANGELES (OnlineColumnist.com), Feb. 14, 2022.--Hinting that Moscow sees value in more talks with the U.S. on Ukraine, 72-year-old Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov suggested that the two superpowers keep talking, intrigued about the prospects of more limitations on missile defense.  President Joe Biden, 79, has completely misunderstood 69-year-old Russian President Vladimir Putin’s intent in massing over 100,000 troops inside Russian near the Ukrainian border.  Biden and his national security team, including 59-year-old Secretary of State Antony Blinken and 45-year-old National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, insisted for the past month that a Russia invasion of Ukraine was “imminent.”  Biden hoped that a concerted disinformation and propaganda campaign would turn the world against the Russian Federation.  Biden’s scheme backfired with China backing Putin’s right of forcing security concessions from the U.S.
     So the Biden administration’s colossal bluff, threatening Moscow with crippling sanctions has failed, giving Putin the upper hand.  White House strategists thought by overplaying the Russian invasion myth, it would make it look like threats of crippling sanctions would stop Putin from invading.  U.S. officials and the press accused the Kremlin of information warfare when, in fact, they were the ones bluffing Putin into making concessions.  Putin never intended to invade Ukraine, only get the U.S. and NATO attention that it was not OK to let Ukraine to join the trans-Atlantic alliance.  By massing troops on the Ukrainian border, Putin put his foot down, telling the U.S. and NATO to stop supplying Ukraine with lethal weaponss.  Putin concluded that the Ukrainian leadership manipulate the U.S. and NATO into fighting its battle to retake the Crimean Peninsula it lost March 1, 2014
     Ukraine’s 43-year-old President Volodymr Zelensky won’t admit that if he didn’t initiate a CIA-backed coup Feb. 22, 2014 while Putin was hosting the Sochi Winter Olympics, Ukraine would still possess Crimea.  But once the U.S. and NATO meddled into Ukraine’s sovereignty, backing a pro-Western government, they started the eight-year-old crisis that’s hit a fever’s pitch.  But let there be no mistake, Biden and his national security team tried-and-failed with their information warfare campaign. Putin never intended to invade Ukraine.  He wants the U.S. and NATO to stop supplying Ukraine lethal arms with which to eventually attack Russian fortifications in Crimea to reclaim the lost territory.  Putin needs the Sevastopol naval base for Russian national security, something that could be easily solve.  Zelensky could sit down with Putin and find an acceptable solution.     Pentagon spokesman John Kirby continues applying Biden’s information warfare strategy, saying Putin “continues to add forces along that border with Ukraine and in Belarus, even just over the course of this weekend, he well north of 100,000.”  Kirby’s statements divert attention away from White House propaganda, singling out Putin as the real enemy.  Pentagon officials know that Putin will not invade Ukraine and the whole standoff is about Biden and NATO arming Ukraine to the teeth for the purpose of retaking Crimea from Russia.  Otherwise dower Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov struck a rare optimistic tone as a Kremlin press conference with Putin.  “I would suggest continuing,” Lavrov said with Putin at his side.  “Fine,” said Putin, proving, that the foolish Americans and Europeans hves no clue about Moscow’s real motives, pretending it was about a Ukaine invasion.
    Calling American and European fears of an invasion “hysteria,” the Western Alliance either misread Putin’s motives entirely or have been engaged in a deliberate, calculated and methodical disinformation and propaganda campaign.  Spreading lies about a Russian invasion caused panic in Washington, Brussels and certainly Kiev.  Now that no invasion happened, Biden can claim his deterrent strategy with the Kremlin worked.  But did it really?  Putin now gets all or most of the concessions on security he asked for yet was ignored by the Washington and Brussels.  German Chancellor Olaf Scholz welcomed the “offers of dialogue,” largely because Biden tried to use the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline as a bargaining chip with Putin.  Scholz isn’t ready to chuck the $12 billion Nord Stream 2 Pipeline designed to ferry natural gas from Russia to Germany for the foreseeable future.
     Biden’s false prophecy about an “imminent” Russian invasion was designed to sow panicn the West, hoping to create a strong Western front to confront Putin.  But with all of Biden’s forecasts falling flat, Brussels can no longer trust U.S. intel, having bad track record for accuracy.  All of Biden’s and his national security team’s threats of a Russian invasion turn out to be a disinformation strategy designed intimidate Putin into backing down about his requests for security concerns.  Recent statements from Putin and Lavrov indicate that Moscow is finally getting, though under the table, the concessions it needs to move forward.  Biden was bluffing from the outset about his plans to hit Russia with crippling new sanctions. Whether admitted to or not by the White House, Russia was not going to invade Ukraine, proving Biden’s propaganda campaign backfired.
 About the Author
John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of OnlineColumnist.com and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.
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christinamac1 · 3 years
Reaffirm commitment to ban nuclear tests, UN chief says in message for International Day, 
Nuclear weaponss test crater Kazakhstan Reaffirm commitment to ban nuclear tests, UN chief says in message for International Day,  UN News 29 Aug 21  Countries which have not yet ratified the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) are urged by UN Secretary-General António Guterres to do so without delay.The UN chief made the appeal in his message for the International Day Against Nuclear…
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