#Weasley Is Our King
simsim54 · 4 months
Ron, to Harry : No more doing stupid shit separately. From now on, we fuck up everything together. Hermione in the background: Oh, Fuck No!
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friendofweasleys · 6 months
It baffles me that many people Hate Ron. Idk where you guys are coming from? I don’t see this much hate to a character who willingly sacrifices himself for his friends be made a bad guy in any other books (franchise, movies, etc.) And people love the bully, the weak willed, coward ferret. And in the stories they make, they turn Draco into a rich Ron.
Is this hate coming because the guy is poor? Because he got the girl? Idk. Please enlighten me. Why people want the person who wished a character death be with him. While every sacrifice Ron has made has been criticised. I saw a post where it said Ron impersued Hermione… what kind of stupid nonsense is that? And that Weasley’s wanted harry because of his fame and money. I’ve read HP, I’ve never seen them asking Harry for money in any way, what are y’all reading?
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myloveharry · 4 months
Dating Ron Weasley Headcanons
If it wasn't clear, he loves food and doesn't share, but you're an exception.
Ron loves to sleep, especially if it's on your shoulder, on your lap, or in your arms.
He loves to cuddle, and you stay wrapped in each other's arms till late morning, loving each other's presence.
You're the only one he loves more than food.
He's talkative, and doesn't like it when you go quiet for too long. He thinks that you're upset, and tries his best to cheer you up.
Ron is fiercely protective of you, if anyone ever tries to hurt you or harm you, he along with his friends and the Weasley twins will march on them.
He's also very possessive. Ron's the kind of person who gets jealous easily, but he's also easy enough to calm down once reassured.
Ron will never let you feel bad about yourself. If you ever feel insecure or underconfident, he'll be there to shower you with praise and show you how beautiful and amazing you are.
He's quite laidback and not opinioniated. You're the one who makes most decisions in your relationship.
But Ron has strong family values, and will always try to help you in whatever you do. He doesn't believe in things like 'that's a woman's job' or 'that's a man's job', he's quite openminded.
Ron feels bad because he can't spoil you like you deserve to be since he's not very wealthy, but you don't find any problems with it. You love him for him and nothing else.
At Hogwarts, you're always helping him in school, and seeing your efforts and dedication for him, he's begun to study harder.
He's proud of you, and he's proud that he has you. He loves to show you off, and though you don't want unnecessary attention, a part of you is giddy at that fact.
Ron is nervous when he plays Quidditch, but when you're in the stands, cheering for him, it boosts his confidence. And you have to admit, him in his Quidditch robes is a tad good sight.
Once Molly came to know about you, you started receiving a Weasley jumper at Christmas too, and once, the design on it was of you and Ron engraved in a heart.
Ron is not very rich, but he tries his best to get you the best present he can on Christmas and your birthday. You've no problem with that, since his efforts matter more to you than money ever could.
Ron doesn't like loud noises and parties, and his ideal evening would be spent in the common room with you and his close friends.
Ron is not vocal with his feelings, he doesn't talk a lot about how he feels about you but he does mutter the words 'i love you' to you before you to go to bed.
He learnt how to give you a massage, and whenever you're stressed or frustrated, he'll always be there to calm you down and take care of you.
Ron may not say it, but he loves you. Beyond words. You love him too. He's not perfect, but he's as good as they get, and you're grateful and happy that you have him and wouldn't trade him for anyone else.
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ronweasleys-world · 6 months
Can someone tell Ron Weasley that he is loved.
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Pairings: Fred Weasley x Fem!reader Summary: you go to the Joke shop and take a look around, not realising one of the owners watching you the whole time Warnings: none?
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the shop was filled with kids and their parents, looking at everything that piled the shelves, kids wanting to buy everything and the parents shaking their heads at them. you managed to squeeze through and get some room to breath
they'd only been open for a week and it was this packed, it was an understatement to call this shop a hit.
the fluorescent colours were blinding you as you turned to see a boy, his face turning green with his mum by his side.
you looked around, smiling at every item you see. not knowing you were being watched from the second story of the shop.
you always knew the twins were gonna open a joke shop, but now that you're in it, reality hit you, they had really made their dreams come true. and they were successful.
you were friends of theirs, sort of- you weren't in their group but you three definitely talked quite a bit. if there was a project for potions- they would ask for your help and if you were paired up in transfiguration they would do their part.
you made your way over to the area that was glowing with pink and saw a large stand in the shape of flowers, glowing pink and creating little heart bubbles, it made you smile.
you picked up one of the bottles and read the label. you shook your head with a slight laugh as you read love potion in a pretty font.
"I'll give you a discount for that if you want" you heard his voice from behind you
you turned to see Fred with a smile on his face
"but, then again, it would be a useless purchase" he smirked at you, stepping closer, looking down at you
"how come? do they not work?" you asked curiously
"oh they work perfectly, but you're not gonna need it" he shook his head ammused
"and why is that?" you questioned, tilting your head
truth be told, you always had feelings for the boy, he ticked all your boxes. funny, loyal, tall, confident, passionate and witty.
but he was just so popular and almost every girl you know was swoon over him
"why try to use something when it's already worked without it?" he chuckled.
Fred would be an idiot to deny his feelings for you. he never would've told you this in Hogwarts, he never would've been this straight forward with you about this before, because even THE popular Fred Weasley was self-conscious sometimes.
he sometimes just looked at you and felt as though he wasn't enough, that he couldn't give you what you deserved
but now he was a successful business man, making big bucks. when he saw you enter the shop 10 minutes ago, he knew what he had to do, he knew he could give you anything your heart desired, if you'll have him
"how so? last time i checked I've had no guy chase after me" you laughed, putting the bottle down beside you on the flower stand.
you raised your eyebrows at him, waiting for his response
"who knows, maybe he hasn't been around you for a while, maybe he was waiting for you to come to him" he shrugged confidently.
you knew what he meant, he never failed to make flirtatious comments, so you brushed it off, even though the butterflies made their way to your stomach.
"and who might this young man be? I should probably go find him, I wouldn't want to keep him waiting" you smiled coyly
"I can't remember his name, but I can describe him for you, maybe tell you were he is" he smirked, leaning down
"do tell" you leaned in too, eager to continue and get to the point
"well I heard he has red hair, he's pretty tall too, I heard he's 6'3. he's pretty handsome too, I think you'll like him, he comes from a pretty big family, and I'm pretty sure I see him in the shop everyday" he informed you cheekily
"wow, I never knew George felt that way about me, I should probably go find him" you snickered, looking at his annoyed face. you were only teasing.
"George? that doesn't seem to ring a bell, I'm pretty sure his name started with an F" he rubbed his chin, looking deep in fake thought
"wow" you gasped "you're not implying what I think you are, are you Fred?" you gasp in faux shock
"Fred! that's his name, he sounds dreamy, doesn't he?" he clicked his fingers
"you should see him in person" you chuckled, his smirk dropped and instead, a small smile made it's way onto his lips
"maybe you should go and ask him out, I heard his favourite place is the three broomsticks" he replied joyfully
you hummed, thinking for a second "nah, I'll let him ask me since he's so in love with me"
"I don't know, he might be nervous" he tilted his head
"then you should go tell him he has nothing to be nervous about" you leaned in and whispered to him, as if it was a secret. he smiled and looked at the ground, his tongue running along his upper teeth, tapping the wood of the floor with his boot
"will do" he answered, a sweet grin on his face
"you stay right here, I think I just saw him" he pat your shoulder, stepping away from you before coming back a few seconds later
"hello there" he said happily
"hello Fred, fancy seeing you here!" you beamed
"I know, I thought I'd pop in and see how successful the shop is" he looked around, motioning to all the chaos, making you shake your head in amusement
"it's incredible isn't it? I must say I'm very proud of the two" your comment made him blush slightly, and you could tell it caught him a bit off guard
"so, I don't know if you know this but some handsome young bloke came up to me just then and said you would go on a date with me" he responded
"only if you asked" you blinked
"well then, how would you like to go the three broomsticks with me this weekend, Saturday maybe?" he asked you
"your favourite right?" you raised your eyebrows
he gasped "how'd you know?" he placed a hand over his heart
"lucky guess" you giggled
"so what do you say? will you go out on a date with me? a successful businessman, who is -said to be- very attractive" he question sheepishly
"Saturday?" you asked "I don't know I might be busy-"
"-Sunday?" he cut you off
"I was kidding, Saturday sounds perfect" you grinned up at him
"great, perfect. Meet me here at 11- in the morning, or night, is night better?" he rambled quietly
"11 at night? bit late don't you think?" you questioned
"right yeah, morning is more reasonable" he nodded
"well th-" he started but got cut off by George
"-Fred, I need help!"
Fred looked back at his twin and back at you, sparing a kiss to your cheek
"see you then, Love" he winked before rushing to George
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basiatlu · 11 months
Day 24: Feast
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“D’aawwww! Just leave him - ickle Ronnie-kins looks like a niffler in Gringotts, he does.”
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I was scrolling in tiktok through ron and harry hashtag bc I've missed them and I'm just so mad. I saw people in the comments saying that they don't like ron because he is selfish and doesn't care about Harry's trauma or he is always jealous of Harry and I'm like wtf. Like Ron is so sweet and he cares so much about Harry. He didn't want him to live in that horrible house so he always invited him to his house and never took no as an answer. He even flew a car to get him out of there. He hasn't ever been jealous of him, not for money and not for fame. In gof he was mad at Harry because he thought he didn't trust him enough to tell him he put his name in the goblet and he was sad he did it without him. In ofp he defends Harry and he tries to distract him from the gossip about him. He didn't even know that harry was in love with Ginny but still when they kissed he wasn't mad at Harry. He was shocked and ofc he didn't like seeing them snogging but he smiled when Harry and Ginny kissed for the first time even though his worst fear was to be second to his siblings. Harry was his friend. He was the first person to notice him and value him for who he is and not for who his brothers are. He could have been mad at Harry but he wasn't. He was glad that they were happy together so he ignored his insecurities. That is the exact opposite of being selfish. Besides he never left Harry's side. He always helped him and even when everybody hated him he still supported him.
Ron was the best friend Harry could have picked and I hate people that say otherwise
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honey-dandelion · 1 year
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Errmm… a thing I did from Twitter 💌🫶… this is my vision of Ron Weasley teehee 🤭
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ree-dee-art · 1 year
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I'm only halfway through the tutorial and now I have to get back to work, but here's a wild Ron Weasley from Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions to feast your eyes upon.
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cuffmeinblack · 1 year
I have played Hogwarts Legacy at least 3 times now and I have to say... I wish I understood the appeal to Garreth. Why are people so obsessed with him?? 😂 I totally get Sebastian and Ominis... but Garreth hardly has any action in the game at all.
The wonderful world of fanfiction.
I have a character profile for my version of Garreth. I've taken the crumbs they gave us and made a cake and it is delicious.
Like his fuckin' face. Gorgeous.
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Also his voice does things to me.
Dumped my random notes for him under the read more.
Education, skills
Highly skilled in Potions
Highly skilled in Herbology (assumed)
Preference for practical magic e.g. Transfiguration, Charms, DADA
Can also assume that whilst Garreth is a talented wizard, he often lets his education fall by the wayside in favour of his passion for brewing experimental potions and beverages.
Entrepreneur/business owner - potions/magical drinks
Potioneer - experimental potions
Scope for him to have a career related to healing or ministry work (likely he wouldn’t find this interesting).
Garreth would prefer to be able to carry on his experimentation in whatever capacity.
Whilst he is interested in magical drinks during school, this could develop into something more serious as he grows older. Much like F&G start to use their skills in aiding the war e.g. protective clothing, peruvian darkness powder, Garreth could turn his potions expertise to more 'worthwhile' problems.
Personality traits
Since he knew about the One-eyed-witch passage to Honeydukes we can assume he is inquisitive and possibly a bit of a troublemaker.
Entrepreneurial, creative, passionate
He enjoys experimenting with brewing potions and drinks, often using his family and younger students to test out his concoctions on.
Playful, confident, outgoing
We see this side of him during his time at Hogwarts. Upon meeting Gryffindor MC he is friendly and forthcoming.
Comes from a large family, assumed Weasley-family trait.
Brave, courageous
Gryffindor traits (assumed)
Chivalrous, honourable
Gryffindor traits (assumed)
Particularly with his partner, he is kind and attentive.
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simsim54 · 4 months
McGonagall: okay get into pairs McGonagall looking at Ron and Harry: SOMEONE OTHER THAN YOUR FRIEND Harry to Ron: do boyfriends count? Ron to Harry: do soulmates count? Ron: MY LOVE Harry: MY SWEETHEART McGonagall: *sighs*
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friendofweasleys · 6 months
Have you noticed the difference between Dramione and Romione Fanfics?
In Dramione fics, it’s mostly based on Ron bashing, his death, blood supremacy, rape, and non-consent.
While Romione fics are mostly based on Heart warming fics, angst is there is some of them, smut is sure there, and the relationship they have between each other is shown and their kids.
This is why I hate Dramione, it is always based on negative things. Always rape or non-consent or adultry or bashing. Smh, I worry about the authors mental health.
Peace out.
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yupthisisshe · 4 months
Dating or being good friends with Ron headcanon: Sometimes Ron chews rather loudly
You’re staring at Ron with the intent of catching his attention.
“What?” he asks, mouth stuffed, his words muffled by the food in his mouth.
“I think could hear you chewing from the astronomy tower if I tried,” you respond with an open smile and a jokingly raised eyebrow.
“Oh,” he says before swallowing his food. “Sorry.” His voice was finally fully coherent without the food in his mouth.
“S’alright. I do it too. I’ve got no room to talk, honestly,” you jest.
Ron smiles. Both at your antics and at this example of how you don’t mind his ‘annoying’ tendencies. Everyone else wants him to be perfect or at least be better, but you don’t. You just want him to be Ron. He appreciates that in you. It makes him feel valued in a world where he often feels overlooked and inadequate. Between Harry and his siblings, it’s hard to find someone who appreciates him. He’s glad to have found that in you.
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ronweasleys-world · 6 months
Ron has a fat arse, canon.
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dracolilhoe · 5 months
Gryffindor's Heartbeat (Ron Weasley x Y/n)
Ron Weasley x fem!reader
Main Masterlist here -> DracoLilHoe
Harry Potter Fandom Masterlist here -> HP Masterlist
Warnings - Female reader, use of Y/n
Summary: Ron has to work up the courage to act on the feelings he has for Y/n. The question is will he do it or chicken out?
If you find mistakes please tell me! I'm not a perfect writer so please just let me know. Happy reading! :)
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The Gryffindor common room buzzes with activity as students bustle about, their laughter mingling with the crackling of the fireplace and the occasional quill scratching against parchment. Ron Weasley sat amidst the chaos, his attention drifting from his Transfiguration textbook to the lively conversations happening around him. It was just another typical evening at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, or so he thought.
Across the room, you were seated with a group of your friends, your laughter ringing out like a melody in the crowded space. Ron couldn't help but steal glances in your direction, a faint blush coloring his cheeks whenever your eyes met. He's known you since their first year, sharing classes, Quidditch matches, and late-night conversations in the common room. But lately, things have been different.
Fred and George, Ron's mischievous older brothers, had been teasing him mercilessly about his growing fondness for you. At first, Ron dismissed their remarks, chalking it up to their typical sibling banter. But as days turned into weeks, he couldn't ignore the truth staring him in the face.
Watching you laugh with her friends, Ron couldn't shake the fluttering sensation in his stomach or the warmth that spread through his chest whenever you smiled. It was as if he were seeing you for the first time, noticing the way your eyes sparkled with mischief and the way your laughter lit up the room.
Lost in his thoughts, Ron barely noticed when Hermione, nudged him in the ribs. "Earth to Ron," she said, her voice laced with annoyance. "You've been staring at Y/n for the past five minutes." Ron's cheeks flush crimson as he tears his gaze away from you, turning to face Hermione with a sheepish grin. "Sorry, got lost in thought," he mumbled, hoping to deflect her attention elsewhere.
Harry snickers at his best friend, "Lost in thought is one way to put it.". With a knowing smile, he leans closer, his voice dropping to a whisper. "You know, Ron, if you keep staring like that, Y/n might start to think you fancy her."
Ron's heart skipped a beat at Harry's words, his mind racing with a million thoughts and uncertainties. Did he fancy Y/n? Could it be possible that his feelings for her had evolved beyond friendship?
As the weight of Harry's words settled over him, Ron couldn't help but steal another glance in your direction, his heart pounding in his chest. "I'm going to the library," Hermione says picking up her books and quickly walking away. 
Harry gives Hemione a sympathetic look as he turns to Ron. "Do you have a date for the yule ball?" He shakes his head as he shifts his gaze back to Y/n. "Do you think I should ask her?" "Do you want to go with her?" "Yes! I mean- uh- yes..." "The go ask her!" "But what if she already has a date?" Harry rolls his eyes. "Well, you don't know until you ask her." "I'll ask her tomorrow." "Ron the ball is in a week you don't have much time. Go ask her now!"
Ron shakes his head as he shrinks back in his seat. "No. Too many people." Harry sighs grabbing Ron by his shirt and pushing him out of his seat. "Go ask her!" Ron's face turns beat red as he lets out a shaky breath and makes his way toward you. 
"Hey, Y/n..." "Hmm? Oh, hey, Ron! What's up?" "I was just wondering if you had a date to the Yule Ball yet?" A smile appears on my face. "No why?" His face turns crimson as he shifts to his feet. "Just wondering if you wanted to go with me." "Yeah! I'd love to!" He sighs in relief. "Great! Well, I'll see you later then." He says walking back towards Harry. 
"Was it really that hard, Ron?" Harry asks a smug smirk on his face. "Yes,"
Ron says As he slumps into the chair next to Harry. "Never been so bloody terrified in my life!" 
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