yupthisisshe · 1 month
For What It’s He’s Worth - Neville x gn! Reader
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A/n: warning - negative self-talk (Neville talks badly about himself but reader quickly tells him how wrong he is); gender neutral reader; reader and Neville are not dating but reader is in love with Neville (they are def mutually pining in my head but reader doesn't officially know that in this piece and its not really hinted at on Neville's part); this is mostly just one poignant moment between the two and practically no other plot; its angsty fluff (I think?)
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“But maybe that’s all I’m good for. Forgetting and being forgotten.” Neville says with such acceptance that your heart cracks in two because you can tell he has considered this too many times.
“No!” You exclaim, nearing a shout.
“[Y/n]…” he says quietly. Unsure where you are going with this, but understanding how heartfelt this moment is.
“I won't let you talk about yourself like that! I won't!” he was the melancholy one, but you were the one nearing tears.
“But it's true,” he says with the saddest smile you’ve ever seen. The tears became harder to hold back just looking at him. How can he believe this?!
“It’s not! You're not forgettable! Neville, you are so unforgettable that from the moment I saw you I've never been able to forget you! Not even for a moment!“ you couldn't tell if you were being hysterical but you didn't care. He needed to know, to truly understand that he was not forgettable. He was so much more than he gave himself credit for. You didn't care if you had to scream it from the astronomy tower or coddle him nightly while whispering it into his ear like it was the only words you knew besides “I love you.” Three words which you weren't sure you had the courage to say just yet, but you could tell him this: he. Was. Unforgettable. And nothing less.
“[Y/n]…” was all he could say. He didn’t know what to think. No one had ever said anything to him to indicate that he was anything but forgettable. Not everyone made him feel that he was, but no one had ever told him he was, in fact, unforgettable. He couldn’t believe it. Was he truly memorable after all?
Both of you stood there, unspeaking. Tears began to seep from your eyes. You couldn’t hold them back anymore. Neville still didn’t know what to think of himself, but he did know that he had to show you how much he appreciated your words and how much he appreciated you. He knew what it felt like to feel and be ignored and unheard. He never wanted you to feel that way. He rushed to embrace you and you returned the motion. The two of you remained that way for a while, not saying anything, but feeling it all.
From that night forward, whenever Neville felt forgettable, he remembered that moment with you, as well as all the other moments he has spent with you. He remembered you and the bond he shared with you and he knew: He was worth more than he gave himself credit for. He was not forgettable. Even if he didn’t feel it, in your eyes, he was indescribably amazing and utterly unforgettable. And as time went on, he not only knew this, but began to believe it, and to live and breathe with it as the truth. Because it was, and he could feel that now.
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yupthisisshe · 1 month
Affections Revealed and Answered - Mattheo Riddle x gn! Reader
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A/N: reader could be of any house; language warning (Mattheo says the f-word once); they are making out (that’s most of the plot but I swear it's supposed to be kinda cute); no nudity or sex; very close friends to lovers; the kind of Mattheo that’s nice to his friends and people he cares about but absolutely will get into fights if he thinks the other person deserves it; also I wrote and edited this in once sitting - so yay me! <3
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You were sat in Mattheo’s lap, straddling him as you both sat on the couch in your common room. If it were anyone else, they would get weird looks or teasing comments, but people knew better than to disrespect Mattheo, and even more so they knew better than to disrespect you lest Mattheo find out. This intimate position wasn’t unusual for the two of you. I mean, what else were friends for if not comfort? But you wanted more this time. You nuzzled your head into the crook of his shoulder and neck, as per usual, but instead of just laying there innocently like you normally would, you began to kiss at it.
“[Y/n]…” Mattheo questioned, not completely sure of what was happening at the moment, but sure of where it would be going if you continued. You could tell his tone was supposed to come out with a bit of a warning undertone, but all that really came out were questions unasked, but soon to be answered.
“Do you want this?” you asked.
“Fuck yes,” he replied, and you sensed longing in his tone that suggested he’s wanted this more than you know for longer than you know. Rather than go back to his neck, you went straight to his face. You grabbed his face and your lips smashed together. Soon, you were licking at his bottom lip, asking for entrance into the caverns of his mouth, and he couldn’t have been happier to oblige. He opened his mouth and your velvety tongues danced in a composition of longing and affection. Matthew gripped you gently but strongly, one hand against the back of your head and the other arm circling your waist. Your hands had both moved to the back of his head, trying to pull him impossibly close. The light moans and groans you both let out were enough to tell you that maybe you were close enough, but your hearts and bodies couldn't help but want more. You ended up pushing him to lie down across the couch in the process of your affections. You laid across him as he refused to let go. You kissed for minutes, disconnecting for breaths and reconnecting like you couldn't bear to be apart once you caught your breath. After so long, you stopped to speak what felt like the most important sentence in your life.
“I love you, Mattheo.”
He smiled and you both let out a light, breathy giggle.
“I love you too, [Y/n].” He had the softest smile on his face, like it was proof of his words.
You smiled lovingly and proceeded to rest your head on his shoulder. Perfectly positioned for you to apply kisses to his jawline or chin, and for him to apply kisses to your forehead, or nose if he tilted your chin up a bit. He held you in his arms, one arm holding you securely, and the other rubbing you softly and lovingly. You lay there together, comfortable in your new relationship, and already knowing somehow that you would love each other for life.
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yupthisisshe · 2 months
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Thank you to everyone who got me to 250 likes!
I never thought my writing would get so popular so quickly and I’m so happy that it can make other people as happy as it makes me! Thank y’all so much!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖
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yupthisisshe · 2 months
Neville headcanon/drabble - Emoticons and love hearts:
✿ He uses emoticons (70% of his personality is “:)” and well as 70% of his texts because he uses that one nearly every time he texts you) more than emojis, and when he does use emojis, the ones he uses most are ❤️ and 😮
✿ He also definitely signs his name in letters to you with a smiley and/or heart
✿ He doesn’t like just saying ok so he will say “Ok, love ❤️” or “Okay, love <3” and it gets you every time (pls I can’t he’s so sweet)
✿ Sometimes (especially when he first got a phone to communicate with you better) he just sends “:)” and nothing else
✿ You think it’s the cutest thing (it is)
✿ <3
✿ In conclusion, Neville Longbottom has my heart for life and he is the sweetest boy EVER.
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yupthisisshe · 3 months
Neville x gn! reader drabble 1 <3<3
A/N: you two are so in love I'm crying; could also be best friends; but y'all still love each other whether its romantically or platonically; super sweet reader; clumsy reader (only mentioned, not shown); also this is completely self-indulgent; enjoy! <3
You enjoyed helping people. A lot of the time it requires very little effort. Just simple reminders or lending people things. Or offering a quick tip if you thought they may be able to use it. But sometimes people didn’t enjoy your help. They thought you were looking down on them or overstepping and they would get annoyed because they didn't need your help. Neville though, never thought that. In fact, he greatly appreciated your help. He loved how kind, caring, and thoughtful you were. You always helped him and you never got mad or annoyed when he needed even more help than you already offered him. Others called him pathetic, but you didn't. You just helped him and smiled. That smile. It was sure to do him in one day. But he couldn’t get over it. He loved it. He always wanted to do whatever he could to bring it out. So he helped you too, where he could. Sometimes he did less help than he did mess things up a bit, but you never got mad. You might get a bit frustrated here and there, but usually just when you were exhausted, and it was mostly at the fact of having to do something over again. But amazingly enough, he always thought, your frustrations were hardly ever directed at him, they were just directed at the situation. You always appreciated that he tried to help, even if he didn’t do a good job. And he never messed up things that were too important nor did anything that was unfixable. Honestly, a lot of the time you found his mistakes humorous or entertaining. He was so clumsy, and so were you, so you found it comforting and chucklesome all the same. But not chucklesome the way others do, where they think he is inadequate or pathetic, but in a friendly sense. You and Neville were always friendly with each other. If you had issues or grievances with each other you would simply talk them out. You two understood, appreciated, respected, and cared for each other more than anyone else in the world ever had. You would trust and value each other forever, no matter what happened.
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yupthisisshe · 4 months
Dating or being good friends with Ron headcanon: Sometimes Ron chews rather loudly
You’re staring at Ron with the intent of catching his attention.
“What?” he asks, mouth stuffed, his words muffled by the food in his mouth.
“I think could hear you chewing from the astronomy tower if I tried,” you respond with an open smile and a jokingly raised eyebrow.
“Oh,” he says before swallowing his food. “Sorry.” His voice was finally fully coherent without the food in his mouth.
“S’alright. I do it too. I’ve got no room to talk, honestly,” you jest.
Ron smiles. Both at your antics and at this example of how you don’t mind his ‘annoying’ tendencies. Everyone else wants him to be perfect or at least be better, but you don’t. You just want him to be Ron. He appreciates that in you. It makes him feel valued in a world where he often feels overlooked and inadequate. Between Harry and his siblings, it’s hard to find someone who appreciates him. He’s glad to have found that in you.
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yupthisisshe · 4 months
James Potter x Reader: Your Own Little Corner of the World
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Warnings: none explicitly but small spaces are implied (“reader” likes them though); “not canon James” but be fr there is no canon for Marauders; we do whatever the bloody hell we want with them :D
A/N: fluffffffff aaaaaa; I swear fluff and sarcasm flow out of my veins and into every story I write
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You have a bed that lays about a foot -give or take- off the ground. Not quite lofted, but enough that you can crawl underneath and lay there without being squished. Sometimes you like to go under there and just lay there, usually in silence, sometimes you would read or draw or write. It was like a little hideaway spot from the rest of the world. You felt enclosed, but not trapped. It felt safe. Sometimes you even fell asleep there, which to your significant other, made no sense. Speaking of your significant other and your safe space, it was them who found you in that spot when you had dozed off from the rest of the world.
“Love? Lovey are you in here?”
You roused from your sleep, still a bit dazed.
“James?” You began to say something else but were interrupted by your own voice. “Ow!”
“Darlin’?” James began, searching and confusion juxtaposed in his voice. He knelt onto to the ground to look under the bed where he found you. “What are you doing under your bed?”
“Forming a bump on my head, apparently.” You say regretfully, having hit your head when you woke up. You had tried to sit up in search of James, forgetting -in your dozy state- that you were under the bed still.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah,” you smile lopsidedly. “Besides, I’ve had worse.” The two of you share a smile and James sighs out a laugh. He crawls under the bed to join you and lays beside you. When his face gets close enough to yours, he cups your cheek and kisses you softly.
“You do know that typically people sleep ON the bed right? Like, on top of it?” He questions jokingly.
“Well I’m not typical,” you reply in a non-serious voice. “And besides, I don’t always like to be on top,” you smirk.
“Oh, I know,” James smirks back, smutty acknowledgement of your lewd insinuation trickling through his tone. He giggles, making you giggle as well, and he presses a kiss to your cheek.
“Sometimes I just lay under here. To decompress or relax, and kind of just hide away from it all. It’s nice in a way. Like my own little corner of the world,” you tell James in response to his previous inquiry. He smiles at you and asks softly,
“Can I stay?”
“Yeah,” you smile, “yeah you can stay. I think I’d like that.”
He pulls you close to his chest and holds you, adding a feeling of warmth to your little corner of the world.
“Don’t worry darlin’, I’ll always ask before entering. We all need our own private little corner of the world sometimes. And I’m glad you’re willing to let me join yours sometimes.”
“I love you, Jamie,” you say into his chest, and he can tell you really mean it.
“And I love you sweetheart.” He presses a kiss to your forehead, and the two of you relax in your loving silence. You and your boyfriend, in your own little corner of the world.
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yupthisisshe · 4 months
Writing fanfiction in AP Lit just hits different
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yupthisisshe · 4 months
Dating Fred Headcanon:
Dating Fred includes him randomly taking things that he knows you use often enough to need but not often enough to notice when exactly it went missing. So very often you will spend 10-15 minutes looking for something before realizing that Fred probably took it and is waiting for you to notice. Sometimes he takes things and uses them when you’re around to see if you’ll notice. Sometimes you will and you cross your arms and look at him trying to feign annoyance. Other times it only dawns on you when you are looking for something and then suddenly you recall your boyfriend dramatically using something -likely the thing you are currently looking for, or maybe even another item that you have yet to notice as missing- in the background while you were working on something. He must’ve been bored and trying to get your attention, the adorable git.
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yupthisisshe · 5 months
Your voice is my favorite sound -- Neville Longbottom x gn! Reader
Summary: Nevile begins rambling about plants and Neville apologizes for talking too much. Reader assures him that they do not mind at all.
A/N: Reader and Neville may or may not be dating. It’s up to you <3
Happy reading! :)
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Neville had been rambling on about plants for the last 6 minutes. You didn’t mind. You liked plants as well, and you loved learning more from Neville. You also loved it when he felt confident and comfortable enough to talk as much as he was right now.
“ohandmynewfavoriteplantisohmymerlinitssooooooocoolandithealsanditsfriendlyand [oh and my new favorite is oh my Merlin it's soooooooo cool and it heals and it's friendly and]- oh my Merlin I’m so sorry I’m talking so much. I’ll stop now.” Neville says abruptly, cutting himself off.
“What? Why?!” you questioned.
“Well- because- I-… am I not talking too much? I mean most people tend to get annoyed and tell me to shut up and-”
“Then those people won’t get to hear all the lovely and helpful things you have to say,” you responded with a smile, indicating that you weren’t annoyed in the slightest and that you wanted to hear more.
“Oh… um… thank you. For saying that.”
“Well, I meant it. I love listening to you. I could listen to you talk all day, although I don't know if I could go all day without accidentally interrupting when I get excited,” you chuckled. “But honestly, I love it when you talk, and I love talking to you. And you're super helpful. I've learned a lot from you and the information you share is extremely useful.” Neville grinned widely but sheepishly all the same. After a pause, he spoke again.
“So then, would you… like for me to continue?” he asked nervously.
“Of course!” you replied positively.
“Really?” Neville asked. His surprise that you wanted to hear him talk broke your heart a little bit. Even though the two of you had been close for a while now, he still wasn’t always sure of himself, even about simple things. You knew you had to say something to reassure him and demonstrate just how much you truly did love to hear him talk.
“Neville,” you began. Neville looked way more nervous than he should’ve. You gave him a smile to ease his worries as you continued. “Do you know what my favorite sound is?”
He pauses, taken aback by the seemingly sudden question, but not necessarily thrown off by the randomness in of itself. You can be pretty random at times, but he doesn’t mind. He thinks for a moment, then responds,
“Um, n-no. I don’t,” he responds, awaiting a revelation that he will surely take note of later, so as to not forget.
“Your voice.” You smile, and Neville looks like he could burst with joy and like he can’t believe his ears. It seems he really can’t believe his ears because he asks for clarification.
“M-my voice?” he asks tentatively.
“Yes.” you smile sweetly, and Neville swears he looking at the kindest person he’s ever met and ever will meet, “your voice.” He smiles even wider than before, and you swear his brightness puts the sun to shame. He continues to tell you more about plants and you continue to listen faithfully, adding in a few questions and thoughts of your own along the way. Neville’s jubilance doesn’t fade one bit for the rest of the day, and you could swear he must’ve worn his smile to sleep because he was still grinning a bit when you saw him the next morning.
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