#Weigth of the worlds
thebuhonerodazorrow · 2 years
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Doom Patrol: Weigth of the worlds #5
Young Animals
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xtrablak674 · 2 years
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Not Much to Say Tonight
I have been in Harlem for two days in a row first with the Amazon Prime show Harlem then with Starz Run the World. I have decide for the shortest month for the celebration of Black excellence that I watch all Black shows for the rest of the month. I am also on the last day of my strict diet as I try to navigate this maintenance of my body weight. It makes no sense to have clothes currently being made that I won't be able to fit. Just about ready to go to bed after listening to this Mariah album.
The only thing I have to say is I am wearing one of the suits from the first set of Born to Tailor suits, and as I said I add my only personal flair to my fashion style. Sneakers by Cole Haan, necklace by artist Alicia Piller, glasses by Warby Parker. Sadly the orange beaded bracelet made by a local Miami artisan and those sneaker have gone to a better place. #NightNight
[Photo by Leah Hamilton]
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anpansidequest · 2 months
not shuting up about a very specific anpanman song
everyone as of the posting of this is stil asleep
oh you're awake? great!
so a few days back i foud the great 2 hour long anpanman songs playlist on spotyfy and it rocks!
it has many of my favorite song and others that i never though i would see there/never heard before
i got to finaly hear omusubiman's theme and honestly new fav
BUT along the way i also found a new fav!
its caled kaiketsu anpanman (the great anpanman) and it was conposed by taku izumi and sang by none other than the BONNY JACKS! (they did the sining vocals in kindly lion and little jumbo) therefore is the most takashi yanase song ever
also the lyrics hit just as hard if not even harder than the anpanman march
check it out
my japanese is stil very rough and a translator can only help me so much but from what i seen THE LYRICS OF THIS SONG GO HARD
the frist part altrough good does not hit that hard but the second and third parts (wich are sorta sang in anpanman's perspective) are kind of gut wreckers
here's a rough translation of them as it folows:
"what in this world is happines?
for what do we live?
with my anko filed head i do not know
but i just cant stand hunger
being tasty is my sole purpose for living
freshly baked and warm
deilicous anpanman
stranger, why do you cry?
is your heart starving?
wipe your overflowing tears
when my life comes to an end
a diferent life awaits to be lived
freshly baked and warm
deilicous anpanman"
also the bonny jacks's vocals just carry so much weigth! idk where this song was featured (and if it was featured anywhere in the anime) wich is a shame bc this song goes so hard! perfect for a climatic battle!
also it kinda feels like this came for an alternative dimension where dreaming (the duo that sings most anpanman songs including the opening) never existed and they caled the good'ol reliable bonny jacks to do the job, or one where the anpanman anime came out in the late 70s or something
anyways that's all i have to say!
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finedinereception · 7 months
do you ever deal with the weigth of your ocs worlds as its expands faster than you can write due to diferent conditions
oh lord yes😭💀i have a full original universe with so many fucking characters wiht full backstories and politics and im just. somebody please throw me a life preserver im fucking drowning.
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just-another-dani · 4 months
I feel so bad just because i'm a loser that can't afford other people irl having "MY DISORDER" like wtf is my problem, i've met the most perfect girl in the world, I swear to god that She's the best friend for me but I just can't stop being an asshole with her just because she have a similar disorder (she's mia, i'm Ana) and when she start to lose more weigth than me I just feel like making her eat till she can't anymore.... Idk i'm just a creep
Me he sentido tan de la mierda últimamente, gente acabo de hacer a la mejor amiga de todo este mundo pero el problema es que ella también tiene el mismo desorden que yo (ella es mía y yo soy ana) y a veces he notado cuando pierde peso más rápido que yo y pues no sé, me siento como un imbécil porque he llegado a pensar en darle de comer en exceso solo para que engorde más y pueda ser en alguna forma "mejor" que ella. Que mal amigo que soy dios mío
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tooxmanyxships · 4 months
i'd looove a dando piece with the prompts 'why should i have hope when everything around me is falling apart?' and 'I can't stand seeing you like this. Let me be here for you'.
You got it! Yeah, it's the painful verse again with Lando/oc, Lando/Daniel endgame
It was easier said then done; breaking free of something you've been so used to for years.
Lando honestly wasn't sure he could do it.
He knew he had a great support system.
He had Jon. His family. His friends. Daniel.
His mind always seperated Daniel from the word friends, because maybe his mind had made up for itself that the Aussie man was a bit more than that.
What exactly he was then, Lando couldn't name it.
He was something. Something important.
But no matter how much support and love the Brit received, in the end this was his battle.
Nobody could fight this for him.
Even though he knew letting go of this toxic person was for the best, it was still all he'd known for years.
He didn't know how to be without that anymore.
No one could understand that the best thing he ever did in his life also felt like kind of the worst.
No one tried hard enough to understand.
Except for.... -yeah, you got it- .... Except for Daniel.
Daniel who listened to him rant about everything. How hard it was for him to let go. Daniel never waved him off. Never made him feel like his feelings were irrelevant.
So,it was expected that when Lando felt like the earth shifted beneath his feet and he was gonna buckle under the pressure, he texted Daniel.
Daniel dropped everything when he read the words 'I can't do this' on his screen and raced towards Lando's appartment.
He gave Lando space. Let him word vomit everything he felt. Didn't interrupt him even for a second.
But when he ended with a defeated, "why should I have hope when everything around me is falling apart?'"
(Because everyone always told him things would get better, but how could that be possible?)
That's when Daniel stepped closer.
"Because your world is going to change, Lando. I know that scares you, but wait until you see that new world. You'll find out for yourself how much better it will be. How a weigth will fall from your shoulders." Another step closer. "You don't want to give up before you see that world, do you?"
A sob escaping trembling lips. A frantic shake of a curly haired head. A whimper.
"Lando...." Hands reaching out, but not touching. Always mindful. "I can't stand seeing you like this. Let me be here for you."
That's when the younger man breaks. Almost dropping to the floor if it wasn't for the muscled arms catching him.
They never let him fall.
"It's okay. You'll be okay." Swallowing down his own tears. "Maybe not immediately. But definitely. And I'll be there with you. Every step of the way."
And for one single moment, Lando lets himself belief he can do this.
That everything will be okay in the end.
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Character Profile: Tyrus
"Sometimes absolut loyalty demands acts that would appear like Treason."
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Tyrus is the current Grandmaster of the Empires Sangius Order, a Organisation that had been training and to a degree controlling its mages for the better part of 200 years.
With this he is holding one of the three key psoitions in the empires government, respectivly being that of the Emperor himself, the Highgenerals Post and the Grandmaster of Mages.
Unlike many of his precursors, Tyrus isnt simply a power player but genuinly trying to stir both the Order and the Realm as a whole to a better path, having also struck up quite the close friendship instead of just vassallage with the current Emperor Konstantin.
Despite this, navigating the politics of the Order requires a certain amount of cold bloodedness and subterfuge and as such Tyrus is no stranger to working behind his lords back or taking desperate and somewhat decietfull measures to achive his goals.
He migth be a good man at the core but one cursed with the knowledge that some things cant even be know by the Emperor and are better dealt with by the Order exclusivly and this has become a increasing burden on his mind, often feeling like he has to carry the entire world on his back and unable to share any of the weigth even with his fellow mages.
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farmergadda · 2 years
I’ve had this idea at the back of my head for a few months now, so i’m gonna type it out and see if maybe that either clears the brain pipes for something else or manages to actually motivate me to do something about it.
It’s no secret to anyone following me that I adore minecraft; and to people who’ve spoken to me irl about game design and GM advice, the works of  Double Proficiency and  Trove of Lore are a familiar touchstone. I just really like the idea of Biome based world design, and tools that allow GMs to properly make players feel as though they’ve traveling through varied and alive locations.
I’ve previously attempted to code a Perchance generator to spawn a landmass with weigthed biome distribution and cheatsheets for the kind of flora and fauna that would be there, but that tool was 1. ridiculously time consuming to code and 2. only useful to me or someone else who’s researched vanilla and modded minecraft to the point they have mental images of every object listed in the generator. So crazy people.
This line of thinking actually got me to an idea. What if instead of trying to program in every potential object and mob you could encounter in a biome into a digital resource, I instead made double page guides to those biomes in the form of a scrapbook? The visual representations of the stuff I’d want to include could be printed out, pasted in with some notes, and each individual biome would have it’s own dedicated two page spread. Let the digital tool figure out where the biomes are hex-wise, but keep the visual references and encounter tables as their own, physical product? 
Scrapbooking as a TTRPG skill is something I think could be expanded upon in the larger community imho. Bullet Journals are already fairly popular in the dnd space.
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painterofhorizons · 2 years
Was at a bookstore today and saw a probably otherwise great book for kids that was titled with "boys club" and "for boys" so I start complaining to my companion about how the unnecessarily gendered title already ruins the otherwise maybe great book to me (I was looking at it for my niece and nephew) and an employer hears me complaining and comes over to ask what's wrong and I tell him what bothers me and how of course that's no issue of the bookstore but of the company making the book but how it's just not necessary to gender this book when you can simply make it an "adventure for kids" book instead of an "adventure for boys" book. And I really appreciate that the employer took time to discuss the matter with us but goodness it is so frustrating.
So I get the whole capitalist "gender marketing sells better" argument and if he had simply let it there I could have probably let it there too. Like I don't like it but I understand that the small store needs to make profit to survive. And the (bullshit) topic of (bullshit) gender marketing is a whole different one and doesn't even need to be addressed here rn.
He even suggested that I as a customer should write that to the company making the book and tell them and how that has more weigth than when the bookstores complain. So that part was even helpful.
But then as the discussion went on he completely started to argue from a biological perspective. That the matter that boys prefer cars as toys and specific activities and girls prefer dolls and other activities was first and foremost a matter of genes.
I wanted to drop to the floor and start to throw a tantrum.
While I am aware of the studies that show that genetic stuff (sorry for not having the correct terms at hand rn, tired non native English speaker at my end) has SOME influence (or can have) on preferences, the much bigger and more definitive part is goddamn socialization and culture and adults. Like, it has REASONS why boys go to this book in the store and girls go to others, and it. Is. Not. Genes. It is not biology. It is not "that's how boys are, I can tell because I see them buy this book and ignore that other book all day long" yes dear sir but have you ever wondered WHY boys go to this book instead of that one. Have you ever wondered about what and whom imprints on children. Have you ever wondered about-
I kept asking him about it and argue with socialization and he kept repeating "no but I know because I see children I read as boys come in and take this book and not that one every day and it's all genes" and aaaaaaaaaaaaaah-
Oh dear cheesecake I aged within those xx minutes of conversation. And really, I appreciate that he took time to have it, but for everything good in this world people like him are not part of the change this world (and the kids!) need to see.
It's not genes that make children prefer this or that book. It's marketing. It's society. It's parents and other folks living with the kids making some activities more attractive to them than others for reasons that are archaic.
I really want to cry.
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thebittercorvus · 2 years
it was three in the morning when the realization that i really left hit me, alongside a wave of nausea and a headache that was forming in the deepest corner of my damaged brain.
to be completely fair, i've never been made for long distance trips. or short distance trips. or any trip at all because i've always hated leaving the confort and safety of the broom closet that i oftentimes found myself calling bedroom, even though it was more closely related to a cave or a glorified storage room with a bed crammed inside.
but, as i looked through the window and into the endless void of the night, and wondered why is that driving through a rural area always left me with such an unsettling feeling of being followed to the ends of the world, burdened with the knowledge that i packed everything i owned inside a school's backpack and yet everything i ever cared about was left behind alongside a decade of work stored inside a box, inside another box, and hidden away from my mother's treacherous hands and unprivy eyes that would undoubtely search through my most private thoughts under the guise of being worried, as mothers do, but was actually looking for yet another excuse to martyrize herself and in turn mortify me even further. mother, i would wish to say only to end up saying it to myself, if all of your problems can only be solved by blaming others, then i'm afraid none of them will ever get a solution you'll be happy about. somehow i've been to blame for everything and nothing at the same time ever since i was born, both dearly beloved and deeply detested but perhaps that's just something you gotta learn to live with when you're the eldest kid and also a woman.
i left everything behind and yet it felt as if i was carrying too much.
where i was going didn't matter as much as the fact as i was finally leaving, an idea as terrifying as the fact that what i carried with me was nothing more than three days worth of clean clothes, twenty bucks on cash and absolutely no phone, so that if i died no-one would be able to locate me- not that somebody would notice for at least a month really. and of course the fact that my past weigthed more than all the belongings i carried with me combined and those i had to bring, unlike all of the things i actually cared about, my own heart included which i ripped out of my chest and exchanged for a single chance, and that i left inside a box, inside another box, hidden under a stash of poetry books i've read a thousand of times trying to find exactly how my words should look like and barely protected with a prayer to the god of the unheard that, for all was unholy in my life, my family wouldn't decide to go through everything i left behind.
the driver would leave me in the border. from then on, we would be on our own.
it was more conforting knowing that we were on our own for sure, than thinking we could rely on something or someone just to realize it really didn't got our backs, unless it was to stab us of course. for that, we would eventually have a coyote, whom i would have to trust with my life for the entire course of the six hours i spent hidden inside the ruins of a shit smelling bathroom just outside of the military station right at the borders more than what i've trusted my father with a bottle of rum in his hands my entire twenty years of life.
i wonder if alcoholism and narcissism are as hereditary as depression and heart related diseases. i wonder if i can also hide those in a box, stored inside another box, and pray so that no-one will look inside.
i didnt see the light until i got to the other side, though there were plenty of sunrises. each day i wondered how the future would look like and if i would be able to eventually stop carrying my past. the light at the end of the tunnel could be freedom. could be another train coming at you. both ways are the end of a journey.
eventually i arrived to a place that was strange and hostile and made my skin dry out. they also blamed us for everything and nothing for reasons as creative as the place i was born and how it only gave birth to thieves, crooks and man stealing whores. it was better than waking up to the sound of a fight exploding right besides my glorified storage room, but it made me realize i loved greenery of my mountains, my mercury contaminated river and the unpolluted skies of my city that was really just a sligthly-bigger-than-average town a whole lot more than i loved myself.
one day i might be able to trade all of the time i've spent slaving myself away for the comfort and safety that can be found in her arms, and maybe on that day i'll finally find out if it's true that home is where the heart is.
—the fate of the moon; [?] thebittercorvus
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thebuhonerodazorrow · 2 years
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Doom Patrol: Weigth of the worlds #6
Justin Digital
Young Animals
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Kanchipuram Light Weigth Zari Work Border Silk Sarees - AISHWARYA
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aspiequeensblog · 3 months
A hug from the darkness
People say they are scared of the dark, I was once too. The feeling of not seeing rigth the memories from fairytails, its all there but as you grow older you find the darkness or the nigth one migth say. Not so scary anymore, but we are still weary of it never knowing whats really in it. When I was a teen i was in a dark place, didnt help that the world was too brigth either.. but one nigth i found myself in totalt darkness, I wasent scared i chould feel it brushing against me feeling like silk barly weigthing anything. As I was laying there listening to a silent world, no cars, no people outside only me and the darkness. It felt safe, like nothing chould hurt me, it was hopeful to think like that. It was a thougth that felt like the ligth in the tunnel. It was like it came to me to say its allrigth and to give me that soft dark hug. Now a days i rarly see it, but when winter comes i can feel it giving me that same embrasse from so long ago.
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richardsphere · 6 months
Leverage Redemption Log: The Great Train Job
*rhytmic chanting* Train Heist, Train Heist, Train Heist! --- Two Men (wether partners in business or life) talk about their rough times right now. They'll get through it. Angry mob with baseballs (yeah, this is definitly a Homophobia thing.)
Man, i know the name is meant to evoke that "old west movie with a trainheist" idea but did they really need to twirl that stache? --- half of their crops lost to a blight. Now hatecrimes. Hatecrime, and poison. Add in the name: Its a land thing, the railway company is trying to steal their land. --- Parker is taking the victims to the Ritz, "bet you its cobalt poisoning" Elliots shock that the new the deskjockey-lawyer can identify the poison.
Redemption list. (Yacht debacle) Prop reuse, Whitcomb is holding that generator-thingy from the in the OG series where they almost made a guy jump off a roof because they full-on inceptioned him. Thought I wouldnt notice, but I did. Parker isnt even here to see the briefing but she senses from across town that there is a rare, limited-edition novelty safe and instantly parachutes across town.
Im sorry Sophie, why are we giving this guy benefit of the doubt? --- Parker robs an old lady for a ticket. (which is a problem cause we already had tickets)
For some reason our heroes are afraid of bachelorette parties. --- Guys guilty (why did we bother with the giving LegallyNotElon the benefit of the doubt thing again?) Harry is creeping Elliot out. (Are you a serial killer? You legally have to tell me if you are)
In the Secretary of States defense, most US Secretaries ought to be at the Hague.
Oh no, Breanna is atracted to Yoo. (and just to hammer down this is a musk thing, "in a world of Edisons, she's a Tesla"). Oh, Hitlers Home away from Home...
Well this episode is definitly gonna be an awkward watch (I do not like cringe comedy)
--- Back with Harry the Prepper. Its time for some protected suits. (its battery prototypes) ---
On the train she flirts with the Nazi. Eye-scanner. No parker, the schematics arent inside the safe because they dont exist. The safe probably contains his 1th edition signed copy of Mein Kampf. (im only partially joking there)
Yeah this guy knows nothing, "Watt Kilogram" is not a unit produced by a battery. (he could be thinking of Kilowatt, as in a thousand Watt. Or Watt per Kilogram which is power/weigth ratio in mechanics but he's stitching buzzwords together badly). That thing puts the "Prop" in "proprietary". Its a scam to convince the investors to give him money for a product he doesnt have yet.
Put the world back in order... Parker is IN. --- We're back at the farm, and with 2 episodes to go (one of which named for Harry) its time to emphasize how far he's come.
Parker is angry the vault is empty (cause he's a brainless dimwit.)
The team has caught up to the blatantly obvious. "well arent you glad i brought a plastic tarp and ducttape" can you stop the Serialkiller Shit?
Time for Breanna to do a Sophie...
Phase 2 is a go. --- Are the mounties gonna be a problem? Cause it seems to me that this is another "Parker just takes the roof" situation.
And Sophie finally figured out where the Stanley Cup went. Turns out, they have juristiction (note; Its weird for Breanna to be the one saying this, this feels like a Harry line), also where did Breanna's Date go?
Breanna does not like being in the room full of literal Nazi's. --- Harry is riding away with the evidence while Elliot prepares for some White-Supremacist Punching, time for elliot to dine at the all-you-can-beat buffet.
Racist Mjolnir (lets be clear, with the amount of white supremacists that identify with vikings... thats just regular Mjolnir)
How did you get this? "word salad".
And the Nazi has entered his room. --- Harry, we all want to hit nazi's with a car sometime but for gods sake dont do it with a car that has pedestrian detection.
Harry does not hanle adrenaline well.
Oh just one Wired-article is all it takes for Karl to get his fascist-ass spartan-kicked off the train.
Pennies, Mounties arrest Musk Dinner at the farm
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werspinna · 1 year
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Skills & Abilities that do not find much importance in Theards:
Medicus, Herbal Healer, Surgeon, Midwife- Wolf had studied for  years under Asada and had eventually done the Medicus work on her own because Asadas condition had worsened and she nolonger had enough control of her body due to the damage on her nervse the leprosy had caused. Wolf specifically is educated to be a Medicus and has the proper knowledge of anatomy and medical tools to work as a Medicus. Setting and splinting bones, sewing arterys shut, treatening sicknesses and diseases, soothing pains and aches with different tools, sewing cuts without leaving scars, helping in childbirth... She picked up on modern medicine very fast as soon as she was into contact with the spider Society. Just because Wolf does not know that certaine Molds kill specifically bacteria to which she has not the tools to even see, does not mean that she does not know that rotting rosepetals in water,crushing them and turning them into pills help against bacterial infections of the throat (because the mold on the roses kills the bacteria) or that cooking birch bark and using the stock to drench bandages in to sooth the pain of a injury or let a patient drink it to fight migraine,was the methode from which nowdays Ibuprofen was developted from (because the enzyme the birch puts out in its bark to ward of insects is painsoothing in the right dosis and is, as said, the original component of ibu).
Pickpocketing, Lockpicking, atheltically climbing buildings and roofs- Felina was | is the Black Cat of Wolfs Universe and Wolf is her very attentively learning daughter. Under Felina she had learned any kind of trickery and pickpocketing trick. That Wolf so easily turned to thievery and evetually robbery to get her hands on food for her friends and herself when she came into lifethreatening danger during the Childrens Crusade was eventually thanked to Felinas teaching. And this saved her life. Wolfs happy, enthusiastic personality is eventually also a front she had been teached to put up so she would be able to distract people / analyse them, so she could empty their wallets or cause her opponent to underestimate her.
Sewing, knitting, weaving, spinning, embroidery- As everyone of her time,Wolfs skills are set on making sure she would be able to not only survive on her own but be able to produce the needed things for her daily life on her own. Including making her own clothes and the theards and coloured theards for that clothes. At any moment She has a straightspindle with some wool in her beltbag for when she is bored, even when she is in her Werspinna costume. She uses it with when she is eating, when she is sitting around, when she is listening to someone, when she is talking to friends, or when she is just sitting outside, waiting for someone or something. Wolfs favorite pasttime is standing by the convents weigthed-loom and weaving since its soothing for her. If one is a close friend of her, one might get gifted a Paludamentum weaved and embroidered by her. Or knitted socks, if she yet does not know the person long enough that she wants to spend a month standing before the loom for them. Wolf also made her weddingdress / her dress for formal occaisons herself. However, considering that Wolf is living in Pisa and her enviorment is more influenced by the islamic world, she spends most of the evenings on the spinning wheel than on the loom and she is not above acknowledging the horrible pun of her beeing Werspinna sitting on the spinningwheel or using a hand-spindle whenever she is bored.
Hunting, Outdoor survival- Wolf is indeed a Waidmanns daughter so she spend the first 14 years of her life tagging along with her father in his work. Not only is Wolf able to build a bow and arrows on her own (with flintstone arrowhead for that matter, shes not a smith), but she is very good at using a longbow and the crossbow, be it when running, standing, or from the back of a galloping horse. In the same manner Wolf is able to read tracks be they from animals or human, move soundless through enviorments, seek out where healingherbs are growing by analysing the soil, and is in general very fit when it comes to outdoor-survival. Wolfs love for dogs was caused by the same reason because she loved spending time with her fathers hunting-dogs. The only time now that those skills are useful is when Wolf is send out by her Mother Superior to hunt a deer or shoot down birds for the convents kitchen for when the sick people seeking out the convent need something more in their meals than vegetables. Obviously Wolf is poaching in those moments, but she had not yet been caught. 
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the-cadent-roses · 1 year
Goodbye World
March 7th 2023 (56)
._+ Mis-eye-ventures Day CCXXV +_.
High Hi-(GYM)-ks 百二十一日
Short-Story-Showcase (SSS-2):
Too green to be called “the-city”, but grey enough to have a city zip-code, it was often named “Lover´s Peak”, a worthy title for a wedding location. And although our story will end here, we´ll have to deotur for a while.
The soon-to-be-wed Jessica, asked her best friend Mary to get some help with her not so sturdy hairdo, which looked much more akin to a depressed lasgna, than a sturdy headpieace… They rushed in her minivan to a bordering Wal-Mart, the lot seemed rather vacant for a mid-vacation weekend. They got what they needed, blessed thy self-service, when all of the registries were devoided of fellas. Once they reached the van, they finally noticed, why was everything so silent… A 10-foot tall abomination, a cryptid of criptic identities… A man-bat, a gargoyle, a were-wolf, maybe all three, and just perhaps, all three. They had to make a choice, they looked at each other and knew, they were close enough to reach wedding-grounds, but they would need to get rid of the beast mid way up the peak, or else it will reign havok all about. They accelerated violently, calling the beast attention immediatly, they ran past the payed entrance (who was gonna enforce the payment now?), it took flight screeching earily. Whie Jessica drove, Mary went to the spacious set of backseats to try and gather the necessary tools. Wedding-bound, they had not only picked her aids, but also a brand-new long-knife, a propane-tank and some fireworks. Where was the goddamn maskin tape? Aha, next to the Frito Lays! The cryptically-creepy-cryptid flew down, taking advantage of a wide-enough opening among the roadside trees. The minivan took ill to its weigth, almost getting off-road, sparks coming out of the back-end. Thye had to act quickly, the beast had already pierced through the sunroof. Mary grab the knife and tried to get rid of its fingers, but its claws prooved harder than the fearless knife. She grabbed the fire works and sticked them to its paws, took advantage of his head stuck and chained the propane-tank to its neck, used her trusty pocket-lighter for the fireworks, they have about 15 seconds, she got enough strenght in one hand to pierce its left eye with the knife, making it jerk back with a ton of force, janking itself out of the car in the process, demolishing the roof and twisting one of the tires in its way out. Jessica step on the gas pedal way past its labeled limits, the foul beast tried its sharp claws on the chain, but found the propane-tank, and the tank the fireworks. They barely scaped the firey-endeavour. As they reached the wedding, Jessica got backstage, the earring and some shiny details were awaiting her, the big entrance was due. It was a tender wedding, monsters and all, a nice, close, family affair. Mary met with her girlfriend Rose after the ceremony, approaching the recreational side of the wedding grounds, got nachoes, chicken fingers and a bag-ful of chips to shred it on the Pump-It dance-machine.
P.S. This is a dream, originally dreamt by Beautiful-Faerie-Hearth, cryptids and dance machines, an action-packed wedding… What else can you ask for?
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