#Cliff Fixit
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Doom Patrol: Weigth of the worlds #5
Young Animals
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drizzledrawings · 4 months
My dream fixit rdr fic would be Hosea taking Arthur to live with Bessie and then they come across John later on and they all live happily ever after and also isaac and Eliza never die and yeah there can be conflict but as long as there’s lots of comfort and a happy ending oh and Dutch falls off a cliff maybe
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wangxianficrecs · 1 year
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Follower Recs
This story is great. Has a complete sequel too! Really interesting premise. Basically wwx survives the fall at nightless city but has amnesia, occasional seizures, and extensive burns that resulted in reconstructive surgery that made him mostly unrecognizable. Jiang cheng finds him 3 yrs later and brings him home. Jc pov, interesting how he parses out his feelings and pieces together clues about events he'd been ignorant of.
The Porcelain Lotus of Yungmeng
by The Feels Whale (miscellea)
G, 9k, wangxian, jc & wwx
Summary: Jiang Cheng was getting better at controlling his outbursts. He didn’t often bother, but he wanted a good deal on the saffron silk so he bit back the first furious bellow that threatened to escape him. “He’s dead," he bit out. “At the siege at Nightless City.” He didn’t clarify which siege as old man Guo seemed to be one of the ten or so remaining people in the world who didn’t know Wei Wuxian had been the Yiling Patriarch. He expected condolences and to be honest it would be nice, just once, if someone’s response to that revelation was something other than ‘well, good.’ Jiang Cheng’s anger at Wei Wuxian burned hot and cold. Most of the time he wanted to stab him properly. Other times the thing he couldn’t forgive was Wei Wuxian tearing free of Lan Wangji’s grip. Old man Guo just blinked in confusion. “Is he?” He scratched the back of his neck. “I must have been mistaken. Well that explains it, I suppose. I’d wondered why he didn’t recognize me.” Or: that one where Wei Wuxian doesn't die at the Siege of Nightless City and Jiang Cheng finds him first.
It was provided as a answer on wangxianficfinder, but I wanted to give it its own rec here! Interesting premise I haven't seen before/take on popular fannon (that wwx's soul had been shattered). In this fic the summoning binds wwx's soul to his body, but it did not heal it, which causes complications. a delirious wwx seeking his brother. Jiang bro fixit with wwx jl nephew bonding
crushed ceramic
by doyeorem (pomellogranate)
T, 10k, jc & wwx & jl
Summary: Wei Wuxian falls several feet from a cliff, and then startles awake in the center of a bloody array with a heaving gasp. He’s supine on the dusty floor, limbs askew, his hair in such a state not even a rat would make a home in it. Four scars line his arm, and his entire body is screaming with pain. It’s like he’s been dropped into the Burial Mounds again, but instead of mindless corpses trying to tear him apart with their teeth, or colder than ice resentment burning through his meridians, it’s his soul turning on him. He gasps again, and screams for his brother. _ Wei Wuxian is resurrected, but the state of his soul is precarious. Jiang Cheng and Jin Ling seek to rectify this, but it will require some precautionary measures.
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for these hard-working authors if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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sonicasura · 4 months
In the Corazon in TFP AU, what if Leo from the Tonta tribe made an apperance? Ether in the Prime timeline or during the RID2015 timeline.
The bots are used to small organics like humans, but dwarves who are as big as a scraplet? Not to meantion what their reaction be to Leo's Stitch-Stitch powers.
*How are you so tiny meme intensifies*
Leo would show up in one of the kids' backpacks no matter the timeline. Dwarves tend to steal stuff from others and a child's bag is guaranteed to have food. Or Raf/Russel pull him out during his attempt to steal take their sandwich. It's the funniest way for both teams to encounter Leo in my opinion.
Corazón had to mention Law for the RiD15 scenario as the Tonta would've run away and the Team Bee get extra scared in accidentally squashing amidst a search. Ratchet/Arcee/Sideswipe are the skeptical ones when they were told that dwarves tend to be much stronger than a normal human. Leo was happy to prove it by picking up Corazón and then drag Bumblebee via small rope stitch using his Stitch Stitch Fruit.
He's definitely a huge help when it comes to repairs. Leo can stitch up missing plating or separated limbs together so Ratchet/Fixit have an easier time welding them in place. Although the former might ask the dwarf to tie Optimus to the medical slab as the Autobot leader tends to avoid check ups.
Leo tends to join in on battles too. He has stitched a Decepticons for Team Bee to intercept as no one expects a fighter his size. With Team Prime, Megatron got stitched to a cliff wall since a Cybertronian Relic ended up being found in the Shadowzone amidst a Shadow fight.
A small yet very powerful ally although someone has to improve his deception spotting skills.
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msfbgraves · 2 years
I ship Cherik. Me, and nearly all the X-Men fandom. It's the fandom flagship, and all possible iterations of the pairing may have seen the light of day by now.
We all ship it, while acknowledging that in canon, Erik has often been very willing to actively hurt or endanger Charles, even before the 'beach divorce', and after, too. (I'm referring to the method Erik uses to kill Shaw, knowing full well that Charles is part of that. Him dropping a stadium on Charles, him using Charles as a vehicle to kill all humans). And Charles can be a right bastard, too.
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So fluffy!
But we deal with it: fixit AUs, tooth rotting fluff, blood curling angst. Nobody is posting DNI's for shipping Cherik even though their love can be anything but wholesome. We still don't go around calling 'abuse apologist' for writing a coffeeshop AU.
I also ship Silverusso, among a great many other Cobra Kai ships. This is a ship that, I'll grant, didn't start of from an honest place, and both are very willing to hurt the other. There's an age gap between the two, but even though some ship it between a 17 or 18 year old teenager (the timeline is incredibly vague and contradictory about that) and a man in his mid-thirties, presumably, it is also completely possible to ship it between a man in his fifties and one in his very late sixties or early seventies.
Because at some point, the attraction between the two was clearly mutual.
Yes, the canon attraction between them is subtextual, just as the majority of Cherik, but in the same "This subtext is rapidly becoming text" way, or the same way Johnlock never kissed in canon. (It was 2011, deal with it.)
And the fandom has the same range from tooth rotting fluff to blood curling angst.
Except this time, the larger fandom will block you for shipping it on sight.
"This is not a safe space for you!" non-shippers exclaim. "Don't you dare tag the gifs with the ship!"
I thought that was because love is only allowed to exist when it's happy, but then, Cherik isn't, or Hannigram. Is it because of the age gap? But why does that matter between two middle aged men? Is it because of violence in their past? But then why is Lawrusso a perfectly acceptable ship in that fandom? Johnny Lawrence harrassed Daniel LaRusso, pushed him off a cliff, nearly killed him in a mugging. But that's OK as long as they're both teenagers? Or is a power differential OK if it is a group of highly trained, rich, martial artist teenagers against one untrained poor teenager, but not if one of them was an adult at one point and the other wasn't (again, this is highly debatable)?
I mean the actors have absolutely no problem playing a dark sexual tension between the two, then or now. Neither did the Cherik actors. The writers have demonstrably no problem writing lines like: "I like this attitude on you", "It was easy to disrupt your marriage. You let me walk right in", or have a younger Daniel gushing about Silver. And the actors have great respect for each other.
But the non-shippers in this fandom keep making seperate call out posts on their blogs. Not content with saying it's their notp, but forbidding others to even interact with their posts (not comment, interact at all).
It can't be the violence in their past or present (for god's sake, it's cobra kai! How often have Johnny and Daniel fought?) It's not that dark ships are generally unacceptable on Tumblr. It must be that at one point, Daniel was a teenager and Silver was not.
But then, so is Gradence, and that fandom has never compelled me to post my fics on anon, or forbade me to read gifs as dark shippy.
Other fandoms seem to understand that you can be fascinated by love that isn't healthy, and you can go as dark or as feather light in fandom as you please.
Just learn what a NOTP is, CK stans. You're being very weird.
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chaosjedimasterk · 1 year
Get Up.
Honestly I had to do this just bare with me here. I needed this little fixit? I guess
Spoilers below the cut for the last two episodes of the bad batch season 2 finale
Tbh I’m probably not tagging this right? Let me know if I did it wrong - I’m literally so green when it comes to fanfic
CW: angst? Mentions of blood, broken bones, cannon typical violence
Pairing: Jedi reader/ Tech - in my head Jedi is fem presenting but I try to use pretty gender neutral language to the best of my abilities.
Tech knew what he was doing when he shot his hold on the rail. His brothers needed to get to safety. Omega needed to get to safety. He could not and would not be the barrier to that. He had calculated the probabilities and the likelihood he could make it into the car was slim. So he let go. As he tumbled he knew he was making the right choice. That still didn’t stop him from looking for something, any kind of hold he could get with his grapple to soften the fall.
Waiting. That’s all you were doing was waiting. You didn’t know why really. You had helped Saw’s group bypass the sensors by knocking out the security. You had to develop new skills since using the force could get you killed…or worse these days. While you waited for Saw’s team to return to the cliffs you felt it. You didn’t know what it was. But it reminded you of old times. When you connected with the force more often. But it felt like an under water current pulling you. It wasn’t hard so you tried to ignore it. You needed to be here when the team got back.
And then it felt like you were being ripped from where you sat. And you could have sworn you heard a voice tell you to get up. “Master?” You whispered frightened to even acknowledge the feeling aloud with a word. And almost with a unseen shove you made your way to your small ship and began to fly north. Unsure of what you were looking for but knowing the force would guide you to what it wanted .
Tech had barely managed to grapple a tall pine before he tumbled to the ground. Trying to slow his fall by reaching for branches on his way down. One branch his his previously injured leg too hard and he felt it snap again. As he landed on the forest floor he seethed in pain. Taking deep breaths to try to calm his nervous system he began trying to make sense of his surroundings. He couldn’t be far from the rail lines which meant troopers would come looking for him and soon. He took a deep breath to balance himself and tried to stand but the pain was too great. He bit the inside of his cheek to keep from yelling out and giving away his position. He would have to try to move soon or he surely would perish if not from the empire first but then the elements of this planet.
You landed your ship in the last spot you could find toward where the force was pushing you. With a deep breath you grabbed your lightsabers from their hiding place in the vent system and tucked them into your tunic. Just in case you thought. Quietly you slipped through the forest, reaching out into the force looking for just what was calling you. You walked for maybe a mile until you saw him.
Though you had been through the horrors of war this man was in rough shape. Clearly from the 60 yards away you could see that both of his legs were broken possibly an arm as well. He looked as though he wore old clone armor? He couldn’t be with the empire there was too much color. Gingerly you took a step toward him and stepped on a stick and it cracked. Though he was injured his head whipped toward you and likely with his better arm pointed a blaster in your direction.
Your heart ached as you moved closer his emotions washed over you as though you dove head first into a raging river. “I’m not here to hurt you” you said as gently as you could you tried to reach out with the force to calm his emotions but thought better of it. Keep it hidden for as long as you can, the inner voice whispered.
SNAP. Tech whipped his head around only to find himself staring through his cracked lenses the figure of a woman? He wasn’t sure one full lense was gone. He held his blaster as steady as he could but he could feel his strength failing him.
“I’m not here to hurt you” the voice said delicately. It was soft in a way that a warm blanket was on a cold night. He was getting very tired..he shook his head trying to stave away the effects of shock.
“Wh-who are you?” He managed through gritted teeth.
“That’s not important right now” she stated as she closed the distance between them.
“I would think it is” he winced as she pressed her hands against his leg “as I need to determine what level of threat you are”. He finished her palms still pressed against his leg. Her eyes were closed but she still looked very focused. She inhaled through her nose and let out a long breath through her lips that resulted in a low whistle
“You know jumping from the rails is not an advised activity unless you have proper equipment” she jested trying to bring some levity to the situation. Tech just breathed a huff through his nose.
“No I would suppose it wouldn’t be” he muttered trying to keep his eyes open
“Hey stay with me… uh..what is your name?” You said as you rummaged through your pack
“Tech” he said quietly
“Okay tech well, I’m about to apply 3 bacta shots. This is all I have and it won’t fix the problem but you might be able to at least move a little okay ?”
“Doubtful my left leg is entirely broken and bacta will not repair that in such a short time”
You huffed. You couldn’t take the time to heal him. Not now, he had to get back to your ship so you could properly do this. “Okay well where would the shots help you most?” You asked
“One in my right leg, right arm and left shoulder you may still need to carry me a bit but I could at least shoot if need be.” He stated matter of factly a little more alert at being asked questions. You followed his instructions and just as you were about to inject the last shot you felt that same ripple in the force. But this time it almost yelled Run!
“We need to go” you hissed reaching for your sabers in your tunic.
“Stop right there !” A new voice boomed through a modulator. Your back stiffened and you gripped your sabers tightly. “You are traitors to the empire and will be brought in for questioning” the voice continued “any resistance and you will be shot and killed” you looked at tech and gingerly placed a finger on your lips signaling to him to be quiet. “Come on now we don’t have all day” the storm trooper barked
You waited - the force was telling you to wait. So you did. Then you felt it, a younger recruit , likely trigger happy began to pull the trigger on his blaster. You whipped around igniting your saber to block the bolt and deflect it back at him. Then all troopers began to fire “Don’t let the Jedi get away!” The leader exclaimed you continued to deflect their blasts finally after the two other troopers flanking the lead trooper had been eliminated uou only had the leader left.
“Quite a small squad they sent, clearly they didn’t think you would be capable” you taunted as you cut into the trooper. With the initial squad eliminated you figured more would be on their way. You turned to tech who looked like he was really fighting for his life trying to stay awake. “Tech” you said firmly and gripping his shoulder “I need you to get up. We need to move. Now!” You put as much urgency as you possibly could in your voice
“My brothers- ” he started
“We don’t have time!” You heard an explosion in the distance. He was taking too long to get up so you had no choice but to carry him. As delicately as you could you placed your arms around his midsection and tossed him to your shoulders so that his middle was by the back your head and his head was to your left so you could grab hold of his better arm and leg. He was bigger than you but you used the force to steady you as you made your way through the trees as quickly as you could.
You began to hear shouting and ships in the distance and you began to book it the remainder of the distance. No longer worried about deepening his injuries. You made it to your ship and set him in the co pilot chair and strapped him in.
“My brothers. Omega” he choked out as you began to take off
You looked at him and with every bit of sincerity “you can’t help them if you’re dead Tech. We will find them.”
Reaching the atmosphere you began to calculate the jump to hyperspace. The man beside you quietly touching his face. You noticed he was missing the goggles you had initially seen him wearing. Likely they fell off in the race to return to your ship.
“We will find your brothers, you will get them back” and your ship lurched into the white and blue of hyperspace.
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secret-engima · 2 years
I have been trying. For a while now. To talk myself into fixiting Jiraiya’s death in Calling for Rain. Mostly because I know that he’s *somehow* a fan favorite for a not small part of the fandom, and also because I came into this anime from the fanfics, and a lot of those fanfics had- fairly lovable versions of Jiraiya in them. I WANTED to like Jiraiya when I started watching the show, I honestly did.
But in OG Naruto he left a massive sour taste in my mouth with the child neglect, lying, voyeurism, stealing money from a child, YEETING CHILD OFF A CLIFF-.
So I thought: Okay. Maybe he’s like Itachi and started out terrible, but Kishi retconned him into something more likeable in Shippuden.
But NO.
He is still just as pervy, inconsiderate, loud, and FRANKLY MENTALLY DISTURBING as he was in Naruto if not more. His flashbacks almost made me like him, and then IMMEDIATELY AFTER that we see him choosing a prostitute solely because her *name* and *physical appearance* are similar to Tsunade, who has told him her whole life that she isn’t interested in him which is just- I’M NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO THINKS THAT’S CREEPY IN THE IMPLICATIONS RIGHT? HIM CHOOSING A LADY FOR THOSE REASONS?
And then he goes and captures the prostitute’s ninja husband to interrogate him for information and like-
If you know what I’m talking about YOU KNOW WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT and if you don’t you have my envy but also I am summarizing so hard and making it sound not as bad as it *is*. Or at least how angry it made me feel.
That and there are at least three times in his death eps where I saw valid ideas for him to safely escape Pain and go back to Konoha with the information he had LIKE THE INTELLIGENT SPYMASTER SAGE WE’RE SUPPOSED TO THINK HE IS. But no.
He dies because- idk. Ego. Remorse. Some unholy mix of the two.
And I just do not like him enough to want to fixit it. So sorry CfR Jiraiya but I’m just gonna- *kicks off the ledge*. Bye.
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themculibrary · 1 year
Vormir Masterlist
A less than quiet night on Vormir (ao3) - Webtrinsic M, 2k
Summary: Strange manages to locate the soul stones whereabouts, meaning Peter, Tony, and Strange must take the donut ship to Vormir where a sacrifice must be made.
A Long, Long Time (ao3) - TheEyeOfRa G, 3k
Summary: Having returned all the other Infinity Stones to their rightful places, Steve Rogers has one stone left: the Soul Stone. On Vormir, he takes this chance to pay his last respects to a fallen comrade, only to reunite with an old enemy…
Falling (ao3) - AMidnightDreary loki/tony T, 1k
Summary: Tony and Loki on Vormir.
falling. (ao3) - letthesongtakeflight G, 459
Summary: Natasha is falling down a cliff on Vormir. Good thing she’s no stranger to falling.
As she falls, she remembers.
finally (ao3) - buries bucky/natasha M, 116
Summary: James goes back for Natasha.
Find a Life (ao3) - shaneequa peggy/steve G, 1k
Summary: Steve returns the soul stone in Vormir, and nobody read the fine print. (a FixIt! With Natasha coming back from Vormir).
Fitzsimmons Vormir AU (ao3) - mirrorballwritings leo/jemma G, 704
Summary: Fitz and Simmons find themselves on vormir, with the fate of half the universe lingering in their hands.
Hearts We Leave Behind - Vormir Alternate Ending (ao3) - elysianrogue (l_ecrivain) G, 1k
Summary: Clint, his son Cooper and Natasha make their way to Vormir to retrieve the soul stone only to learn one of them must sacrifice themself to save the world.
It's Okay (ao3) - ReconditeAgony T, 1k
Summary: They have stuck together as best friends for years but now, one of them has to make the sacrifice to achieve the ultimate goal. Even despite the solemn matter, they know it'll be okay in the end.
Lay Me Down On A Bed Of Roses (ao3) - The_Mishamigo N/R, 1k
Summary: Peter survives the snap, but can he survive Vormir? And what does that mean for the final battle?
missed me, agent romanoff? (ao3) - nctaliaromanova natasha/tony G, 759
Summary: “What did you do?” Natasha shook her head in feigned disappointment, albeit in relief. “Nothing less than you did.” He replied, giving a sad smile.
My Soul (To Be A Part Of Me) (ao3) - WeAlwaysShare T, 1k
Summary: AU In which Peter survives the snap and he winds up with Tony in Vormir.
Natasha Survives Vormir (ao3) - East_Of_Akkala T, 2k
Summary: Natasha brings news home to the Bartons after the Time Heist. A snapshot of a universe that could have been.
The Last Soul on Vormir (ao3) - DocWordsmith G, 5k
Summary: Vormir: A remote barren planet at the very center of celestial existence within the Universe. And not one other soul to be found. It's almost enough to make Nebula return to the jet and abandon her foolhardy idea. Almost. A one-shot, in which Nebula travels to Vormir, talks to Red Skull, and is faced with an important decision.
Vormir has a Life-Saving Return Policy (ao3) - MalevolentLighthouse G, 100
Summary: Steve returns the soul stone to Vormir.
Vormir: Reimagined (ao3) - fracturedroses T, 1k
Summary: In which Steve and Natasha are the pair sent to Vormir.
we held heaven in our hands for days (ao3) - buries steve/natasha T, 1k
Summary: When Steve returns the Soul Stone to Vormir, Vormir decides to give him someone in return.
What if Peter and Tony Went to Vormir? (ao3) - SpiderFan T, 1k
Summary: In this Marvel Universe, Peter Parker survives the snap and helps the Avengers retrieve the Infinity Stones from other times. Peter accompanies Tony Stark to Vormir and they battle over who will jump.
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syncogon · 2 months
(yb time travel fixit: a pitch for a story i will never be able to write)
“With that, the Seventh Room has fully assembled.” 
The voice that spoke was one he hadn’t heard in years. Yuan Zhongxin blinked startled eyes as he took in the scene before him: warm sunlight filtering in through the windows to land upon polished wood, gently contrasting the soft whites of the room’s curtains; the backs of his friends arranged loosely before him, clothed in their pale blue school robes once more; in front of him, Headmaster Lu, sitting at the instructor’s desk. 
“I didn’t expect the afterlife to look like the Secret Pavilion, of all things,” Yuan Zhongxin commented lightly. He hadn’t appreciated those days at the time, but he could only admit now how precious that time had been. Memories of home, of carefree idyll, to warm them during that final, bitter winter in Western Xia. 
Headmaster Lu simply arched an eyebrow, regarding him. “I assure you, the Secret Pavilion belongs to the earth, and remains tightly intertwined with the affairs of men. Now, regarding your first mission…” 
The headmaster continued smoothly with his speech, leaving hardly any room for Yuan Zhongxin to interrupt again, but Yuan Zhongxin found his words had, for once, dried up. His eyes fell upon Wang Kuan, whose eyes were fixed forward, whose arms—both of them—were clasped behind his straight back. Xue Ying seemed as stoic as usual, but then there was Wei-Yanei uncharacteristically fawning over Xiao-Jing, with the younger girl shying awkwardly away. And when Zhao Jian spared him a glance… it was raw, genuine contempt in her eyes. 
It was impossible. Yuan Zhongxin blinked several times in rapid succession, his breathing suddenly shallow. It was impossible, but here he was. 
Yuan Zhongxin’s final memory was of the six of them, surrounded by sheer snowy cliffs and scores of armored Xia; Mozang Epang faced them with a pitying smile. You are the only ones left who know the truth; you understand, of course.
Yuan Zhongxin had met that ending with his head held high. After all, they’d entered Western Xia knowing full well the risk. Whether life or death, the Seventh Room remained together. 
Except, it appeared, for him. 
For a moment he allowed himself to mourn. 
But Yuan Zhongxin had not survived for so long by grieving the unfulfilled. What he had lost was unthinkable, but what he now stood to gain was unfathomable. 
If he accepted this as the truth, that he had returned to the start of it all, with all his memories intact, then this was his chance to do it better. The wound of his fallen friends stung fresh, but other faces, too, flashed across his mind’s eye, all those he’d failed, if only he’d been quicker, more clever, more knowledgeable—Tian Hu, Yun Ni, Xiao-Hua, Liu Sheng, Chen Gong, on and on and—
He could save his brother. 
He could avenge his brother. 
It was a fatal wound, but not exactly quick, and not exactly painless. It was as close as Yuan Zhongxin could manage to the very wound dealt to Yuan Boqi. 
The prison camp was exactly as it was in his memories. Just as before, it was child’s play to break into the weapons room, except this time, he pocketed one additional blade for himself. 
Now Yuan Zhongxin had time. Bloody knife in hand, he crossed into the dying man’s field of view, and knelt down beside him. 
Ding Er’s eyes flickered with a mixture of recognition and confusion. This time, Yuan Zhongxin had not even waited to earn his ire before acting. “My father finally grew impatient…?” Ding Er guessed, voice faint, laced with self-mockery. 
Yuan Zhongxin knew nothing of his life, nor did he particularly care to know. He told him simply, “You killed my brother.”
The corner of Ding Er’s mouth twitched. “I’ve… killed many brothers.” 
“You’ll remember mine.” And when Yuan Zhongxin spoke the name, Ding Er, he… laughed. Even choked with blood, the sound was unmistakable. His eyes, tired and resigned, slid off Yuan Zhongxin’s face, into an unknowable distance.
“I couldn’t save either of us, then…”
Staring down at the unmoving body, Yuan Zhongxin wasn’t quite sure what emotion he was feeling. It was the first time he’d ever killed like this. He thought of how fragile the body had felt, far easier to overpower than he would have expected of a military general.
But, ever practical, he told himself that his first concern was to get away from here. Even in a secluded corner like this, it wouldn’t be long before the body was found. 
Yuan Zhongxin made to rise. But then, he suddenly found himself pitching forward, into darkness. 
“With that, the Seventh Room has fully assembled.” 
Yuan Zhongxin blinked open startled eyes, and then cursed. 
Of course. When had his missions ever been so simple?
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dccomicsnews · 4 years
Review: Doom Patrol: Weight of the Worlds #6
Review: Doom Patrol: Weight of the Worlds #6 [Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]
  Writers: Gerard Way & Jeremy Lambert
Art: Omar Francia
Colors: Omar Francia
Letters: Simon Bowland
  Reviewed by: Matthew B. Lloyd
Robotman, now know as Cliff Fixit throughout the universe, is still on his mission of helping other, thus improving himself.  In Dannyland the rest of the Doom…
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adokle · 2 years
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A Brave New Frontier? by JoeAdok
Not sure who this lady is, what business she has at Spagonia U, or what information she's got up on that board, but she certainly has the attention of (most) everyone in the room. --- Just some thing with that char, Miss Ranger or whatever, that surfaced recently.
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Doomsday Clock #9
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void-tiger · 4 years
Qui-Gon LIVES! AU/Fixit:
Obi-Wan saves his master with force-healing by accidentally tapping into the dark side of the Force. Obi-Wan never falls. But he is horrified and having an identity crisis once he realizes what he’s done, and nearly leaves the Order over it.
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theblackestofsuns · 5 years
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“Cliff Fixit!”
Doom Patrol: Weight of the Worlds #4 (December 2019)
Gerard Way, Jeremy Lambert, Nick Pitarra and Tamra Bonvillain
Young Animal / DC Comics
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sanjuno · 2 years
I'm just going through your master list and rereading your versed and for Wills of Fire and Conquest, I think you're missing parts of them. If you ever talked about how Kakashi and Obito got the ASL group and how they even got to OP, it's not there.
Uh, dunno if I ever did post about it, actually… hm.
Well, to answer, I have a series of crossovers which all stem from the basic premise that the Shinigami has booted the Akatsuki out of Naruto-verse for being naughty hooligans. Kakashi ends up being their long suffering parol officer, except he’s usually too retired to care about doing anything more complicated than distracting Obito via romantic subplots.
Wills of Fire and Conquest is one of these “karma reinforces community service via world saving crossover fixits” ideas.
Kakashi reincarnated as “Portgas D Crow”, who is Portgas D Rouge’s younger brother. Kakashi ends up going to Dawn with baby Ace, and the usual “ninja need Clans to maintain a healthy mental balance” headcanon kicks in, so Kakashi adopts the ASL. Having the Rokudaime Hokage as their primary parental figure means the ASL don’t get separated during the Grey Terminal Fire events, and so Ace’s backstory is significantly less sad.
Shenanigans happen, and Kakashi founds a new Uzushio somewhere on the Red Line. Ace wants to be the next Uzukage. Luffy still wants to be Pirate King. Sabo wants to destroy the established world order via anarchy, the right to self governance, and arson.
As you can probably guess, Sabo is Obito’s favourite stepchild.
Obito and the rest of the Akatsuki gremlin hoard are currently being pirates. Then Obito overhears rumours regarding Kakashi, Revolutionary Dragon, and someone being left penniless and pregnant. Obito proceeds to rock up to Baltigo to scream at Dragon for being a home wrecker.
ASL get raised by S-ranked ninja from the word go and develop very odd worldviews in the process.
One Piece canon goes flying off the rails, rolls over a cliff, and explodes spectacularly.
And that’s a basic summary of Wills of Fire and Conquest.
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greenteaandtattoos · 2 years
Maybe it’s just because I’ve been through more fanspaces, but the whole “Fix-it/Rewrite” drama just sounds like making a mountain out of a molehill.
People have been rewriting things they didn’t like probably since… Sherlock fell off that cliff. Remember Season 8 of GoT? I’m certain people were flooding AO3 and other fanspaces with their own rewrites of the season, all with notes consisting of “There, I fixed it for you guys. ~❤️~” Remember the Supernatural Destiel Fiasco 2 years ago? Endgame spawned plenty of fixit fanfics with how dissatisfied people were with it. Hell, Star Wars fans routinely rewrite aspects of the prequels/sequels to appeal to their own standards. Nobody ever told these people, “Hey, calling your fanfics ‘fixits’ or ‘rewrites’ is really mean.” At least, anyone who did was most certainly laughed out of the room. RWBY is, to my knowledge, the only community I’ve seen get uppity about something as inane as the term to a fanfiction subgenre.
Until we learn something like, the people running Fixing RWBY are sending money to human trafficking organizations, reworking aspects of a plot that isn’t satisfying to people is ultimately harmless and easily ignorable. Demanding people call them ‘AUs’ doesn’t change that. Sure, you can make fun of that fanfic, but complaining about a dissatisfying cartoon show is a lot less pathetic compared to complaining about fanfiction.
Then again, maybe it’s because I’m used to this sort of thing. I hang out on comicbook discussions where it’s considered weird if there isn’t at least three authors you’d gladly mail a pipebomb.
I just think it's rude when people decide their fanfiction is better the original material, that they're better writers than the actual creators of the show, and that they're on equal grounds when fanfiction writers have infinitely more advantages and fewer limits than the show writers do.
I hate when people do it out of spite, to shit on the show and the people who work on it. I find it extremely disrespectful, rude, and arrogant beyond belief.
I hate the elitist attitude that goes into rewrites and using them to bash on the show and writers.
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