#Welcome home transcribed
cozmicclown · 8 months
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#2 Poppy & Sally audio tape transcript
Great jumping frogs these goddamn scripts take forever to make. I had this one ready to draw up 6 days ago and I’m only ready to post it now after a mad scramble to fix all my awful awful terrible spelling mistakes and grammar. I’ve still got audio tape #3 written out, howdy & sally, so I’ll be getting that one out sooner than another 6 days I hope. Plain text version under the cut. (I have to write these out too.)
“Pleased as poppy seed punch you asked me to make this cake for you. Really I-heh ah I-, well it's- it's such an honour.”
“Oh ho ho, I'm sure it is, darling. Now, let's get down to brass tacks.”
“Oh, I-, well. I-I don't think I have any of those, I don't like to keep anything too sharp around here, you know.”
SALLY (Clarifies)
“Details. Poppy, dear. Details.”
“Ah! Oh, of course, of course!”
(Small laugh at herself)
“Now- ah-. Now then. Uhhh, what do you think you'll like?”
SALLY (Dramatized surprise)
“Uh- pfff-, what would I like? Poppy, dear, this is going to be on stage. It's hardly a like; it's a need. And it needs to be big! Bold!”
“Ah, bi-big! Heh ye- big, yeah.”
“Uhhh, maybe three tiers, then?”
SALLY (Amused surprise)
“Only three?! Ah heh, oh, dream BIGGER, Poppy!”
POPPY (Reluctantly agrees)
“Uh-. Oh. Uh, um yy- yes. Yes! Suppose it is a big neighborhood. Better to play it safe. Huh heh, heh. Eh- you know, I- I do love to play it safe, dear.”
“Ah, ah! But not too safe, after all, this needs to be a showstopper. It needs to have beauty, pizazz. Gasp! Danger!”
POPPY (A little nervous)
“Danger? Oh, heh. Oh, oh my feathers, I don't know how I feel about making a, dangerous cake.”
“Ah! Ah! Tu-tu-tu-tut, my feathered friend. You'll do great, I'm certain of it. There's no one else in the neighborhood I would trust with this. Heh hm, and not just because you're the only one here who can make something that doesn't come out of a gelatine mold.”
(A small hand written note under this part reads “That’s not very nice.”)
POPPY (Pleased and flattered)
“Oh! Hah ha ha, ah heh ho, well. Goodness me, you're going to make me blush.”
SALLY (Says in a coddling manner)
“Ah, awwwwww.”
“So, I take it you have everything you need?”
“Oh. Eh. um. we- well not, quite. What I-, when I asked what you'd like, I thought maybe you would have a f-flavour in mind?”
SALLY (Mental record-scratch)
“A what?”
“Uh- well, a flavour, heh heh heh. You know, ahhh, we could do chocolate or vanilla or sprinkles, buttercream, butter bell, butterscotch.”
“OH. Uh- *light cough and clears throat nervously*. Uh, to be honest with you. I- didn't think that far.”
POPPY (Light surprise)
“You- you didn't - you didn't think about the flavour?”
“Well- well the audience can't taste it from their seats, now can they? Oh, uh-.”
“What do yOu thInk W@|eY%#??”
End Scene.
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isneezelikeamouse · 11 months
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Have any of y’all been able to click this doodle on the news page… I’m trying to click it but it’s not working for me</3
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chaotix · 5 days
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did my best to transcribe these entries from the screenshot of gerald's journal. here's what it roughly says:
"Entry #170
I dechiphered the engravings on an [redacted] I found on a previous dig in the Mystic Ruins Jungle and calculated the location of a fabled floating paradise. I went alone to verify my findings and was rewarded with the spectacle of an angelic island.
The land was vast, lush, and hosted a number of biomes in close proximity to each other. I believe I could see an entire floating city at one point. Most majestic of all was a shrine devoted for what appeared to be a massive [redacted]. Could this be the legendary "[redacted]"?
I dared not approach or overstay my welcome. As much as I wanted to explore every inch of the island, I felt it was a sacred land; just setting foot on it's soil felt taboo. I don't know if any civilization remains — the land is vast and my stay was brief. But the majesty of that emerald and shrine will stay with me for the rest of my life.
Entry #185
I am about to embark on the most ambitious project of my life. The Earth's first orbital space colony will be the ninth wonder of the world! It will be a place of science researching all manner of things to improve our home below. Seeing as it is a vessel meant to preserve life amid the harshness of space, I have christened it the "ARK". It will be a vessel to pass on the value of life and peace for the next generation. ( And while most of the infastructure will be hidden within the base planetoid, I may have gone a little self-indulgent in the designs, ha ha!)
The real concern is the source of the funding. While the United Federation supports us, most of the financing is coming from [redacted]. I have no illusions about what they'll want, but I'm building the ARK to preserve life, not end it. While I have my concerns, I am a genius so I'm sure I'll figure something out when the time comes."
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readychilledwine · 8 months
Dying thinking about rhys literally pining and hardcore simping for reader, literally showering reader in praise, flattery and gifts because he no longer gives a damn about hiding his feelings, almost proposing to reader whenever he can and reader's just. completely clueless about it 💀 and she thinks it's just rhys being friendly. Poor man would be absolutely devastated when he goes one day "[name] i'm in love with you" and she just goes "me too, i love all my friends!"
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Summary - Rhys is ready to lay it all onto the table when he gets home from his time in captivity. He just hopes you're as ready as he is.
Warnings - fighting, drinking, inner circle board game night, implied smut
A/N - Cassian would absolutely dominate Risk. I almost felt guilty using it as my inspiration for the game night piece. This was fun to write. Definitely going to have to do some more in terms of family game night with the Inner Circle and my readers/ocs
Ps - gif is how I imagine Cassian and Azriel.
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He promised himself when he came home from the mountain, he would court you. Truly court you. Gifts, dates, everything. 
The bond had snapped for him a few years before Amarantha took them all hostage, but you had just recently been saved from a temple, and he wanted to give you time to heal before he advanced. 
In the time you two spent together, he discovered you enjoyed similar things. During your time at the temple, you had begun to study the stars, the solar system, theories on the galaxy. He used that to his advantage, claiming he just wanted to meet with someone who shared his passion and hobby. 
You were welcomed into the Inner Circle as his head scholar within a year. There wasn't a single thing in that library you could not transcribe or find, and it proved to be quite helpful for the Shadowsinger and his studies of old court alliances and traditions and for Cassian as he began to study ancient warfare. 
You all sat at your first family dinner in 50 years, enjoying the free flowing wine, the light conversation. You were watching Rhys subtly, and he you. After dessert, he stood, walking over to you and offering you his hand before leaving to his office with you.
"About fucking time," Cassian mumbled under his breath, and the table nodded.
Rhysand sat you down in his office. "I missed you," he said gently. "I missed my time alone with you. Forgive me for pulling you away from our friends."
You shook your head, a smile settling on your face. "There's nothing to forgive. What did you want to talk about?"
It was too soon for him to say what he wanted, too soon to be this forward, so he decided to gently introduce you to his affections. "It doesn't matter what we talk about, y/n. I just want to be around you."
Over the next month, he took his time with you. He showered you with gifts ranging from jewelry to new books on the stars, to clothing. His touches when you two were alone became more intimate and lingering. 
You wrote it off as him introducing himself to touch with someone he trusted again, not believing Rhysand, the most attractive male fae in existence, would ever want you or find you beautiful.
He began dropping all subtleties two months into his new behavior. In front of the Inner Circle, an arm would go behind your shoulders. He'd play with your hair. He'd rest a hand on your knee or lower thigh. 
For tonight's family game night, you were in charge of picking the board game, and Rhys stood behind you as you looked over the countless shelves. "Azriel is off tomorrow," you recounted softly. "Amren is actually interested in playing." He watched your delicate finger move over to more complicated games. "But if I pick something too difficult Mor and Cassian will leave." Rhys admired you in affectionate silence still. "And you and I will bicker no matter what we play because," you turned him, one of the Inner Circles absolute favorite battle mapping and strategy games in hand. You deepened your voice, raising a perfect brow at him. "My name is Rhysand, I am the most intelligent high lord, and I can never be wrong." 
He smirked, almost truly purring like a pleased cat, as he replied. "Well, if you believe so, darling, and I believe so, it must be true." You could help but giggle, holding the game out to him. "We haven't played this in years, y/n." 
They had purchased it to teach you battle planning and rationing, not realizing it would soon become a game that your teams 3 would enjoy so much and become so passionate about that arguments would ensue over who was the most capable. 
You were always teamed with Cassian and Amren. Your two friends took you under their wings, for Cassian quite literally, and would use the game and your turns as education moments. 
"Amren said if I picked well enough, she'd stay and play." You smiled up at him. "Maybe you could switch her and Mor so she isn't dealing with such a handicap?"
Rhys made a face of confusion at you. "You are not a handicap, darling," he tilted your face up to his with two fingers under your chin. "I never want to hear those words fall from your mouth again. Now, to the game room."
The two of you went up the stairs, several bottles of alcohol and the board game in hand, and the room went silence when they saw that familiar painted terrain box. 
Cassian was the first to jump up, immediately clearing more space on the table. "I'm fucking you up this time, Az."
The shadowsinger shook his head, rearranging the chairs and staring his brother down. "Over my dead body, Cassian."
Amren immediately took her spot, one one that'd normally be on your right, and Cassian the one on the left. The two of them patted the chair eagerly staring at you despite knowing they were about to lose. 
Azriel and Rhys were making eye contact. A smile ghosting the face of the shadowsinger. Rhys began slowly, setting the bottles down. "I was thinking we could change the teams a little. Mor with you two, and y/n with Azriel and I."
Cassian covered a laugh with a cough and Amren's face turned into that of a feral cat. Mor also wore a shameless smirk as she took your seat. 
Azriel ushered you to the table, setting you in the middle chair. He was near your ear and said softly. "Just follow our lead, study what we're doing, and remember all the books we read, okay? You will do fine." Rhysand and him sat next to you. 
This was not a fair team. You had expected him to switch Amren and Mor, leaving still fairly even odds, but now Cassian's side was stacked. 
The commander of the Illyrian and Night Court's army who mapped battles out for fun.
An ancient being who studied bloodshed and battles for fun, openly commenting on where armies and nations mess up.
And Mor. Mor who lead battalions as a female. Mor who was Rhysand's last resort.
You bit your lip, immediately feeling insecure. Stop it, Rhysand said gently into your head. We have an advantage here, remember?
You kept a neutral face, feeling something being built into your mind. This is cheating, Azriel's deep voice then said. We should do this to beat Cassian more often. You heard soft flows of whispers in your mind, almost causing you to drop the calm face. You get used to them, the two males said together. They're very, very helpful. Rhysand purred. 
You leaned back taking a deep breath and studying the map of the eastern and western contenants and countries. "Y/n," Cassian said per tradition and rules, "you go first as the most traveled fae." 
Take the western isles, Azriel said. Steal where Cassian trained you to go and throw him off. It is exactly where you should start to win, you just typically make small enough errors we could pull everything apart. You took the legion figures in your hand. "I only know one start for this game, Cass." The general's face fell as you placed your allotted start pieces. 
"You-" His jaw tightened. "I see how this is going to be." 
You heard that whisper as Mor began. Night Court. It was ghostly and snake like, predicting her move exactly. Made mistake. No air legions.
A hand found yours under the table, lacing your fingers into calloused longer ones. "Shall we begin?" 
The game turned into what it traditionally turns into quickly. Azriel and Cassian were stood, noses touching as they talked shit about each other battle planning. 
Your team had managed to take 80% of the board through methods you weren't proud of. Amren and Mor were also quietly arguing, the blonde accusing the ancient being of purposely sabotaging them when it was Mor who made the initial mistake that had handicapped them the rest of the game.
Rhysand's hand had moved from holding yours to your mid thigh, tracing small circles into the skin as you two drank wine and watched the fighting with matching cat like grins. He inclined his head to the balcony and you two stood to walk outside as Cassian threw a last straw insult Azriel's way, resulting in the traditional fist fight that came with this game. 
You and Rhysand leaned against the balcony, looking up at the twinkling stars. He had closed the link the three of you were sharing, allowing you to focus on just him. "I can see why Azriel struggles with headaches now," you confessed. "I can't imagine constantly hearing that input of information."
Rhys nodded. "I block it for him when he sleeps. Unless it's urgent. Then I allow them to communicate." 
"That makes sense." 
Comfortable silence fell between you two. At least silence until Rhys accidentally blurted out the words he'd wanted to for years now. "I love you."
"I love you too, Rhysand." You leaned into his arm and watched as his head fell in defeat. 
"No, y/n Darling. I don't think you understood that."
You blinked at his slightly panicked and desperate face. "Rhys, I love all of you, you're my friends and family."
Rhys shut his eyes, turning you so you two were looking at each other face to face, heart to heart. His two large hands came to your cheeks, cupping yout face as a serious expression fell over his. "Darling, I'm in love with you. I have been for a very very long time." Your mouth parted slightly, breath stilling as you blinked at him. 
It all made sense now. The countless gifts. The "dates". The moments spent completely alone where he'd have his hands on you. 
"Rhysand," you watched him nod, taking your silence as rejection. "No." You pulled him back to you, "I. I love you too." 
His eyes searched your face as he searched your mind. "You thought?" You nodded, not needing him to finish questioning your insecurities. "Oh darling." You felt something pull in your ribcage, eyes growing wide as you stared at him. Tears began to form in both of your eyes as he moved to hold you close again. "I could never and would never do that to you, y/n. I have loved you since the time you helped me adjust my Starmap. Our time apart just helped make it more apparent." 
He crashed his lips on yours in a hard passionate kiss. Snaking his arms around your waist as yours went to his shoulders, pulling him closer.
It was fire.
It was the richest of wines you'd ever had.
The coolest water in the desert.
Kissing Rhysand wasn't just an action. It was an experience. You almost melted into his body, allowing him to hold you as closely as possible. 
You two finally pulled apart, his forehead finding yours instantly as you both smiled and laughed softly. 
"HAND OVER MY FUCKING MONEY AZRIEL!" You both jumped at the loud boom of Cassian's voice.
"It's midnight," a cool reply came. You both moved inside just in time to hear Azriel's explanation. "It's a new month now, Cassian. You said two months. I said three. How about you hand over MY MONEY?"
Rhysand made an appalled face, his jaw dropping. "You two placed a bet on this?"
Amren rolled her eyes as Mor was growling and handing over three jewelry boxes. "We all did. Thank you, girl. It was a pleasure doing business with you. Shadowsinger, we make a wonderful team." 
Azriel sat with his hand out, sipping his whiskey casually as Cassian groaned and counted out pieces of gold. "Yes we do, little fire drake, yes we do."
Rhys rolled his eyes, pulling you by your hand to the stairs. "Goodnight," he called over his shoulder. A chorus of Goodnights came in reply before arguing ensued again. 
Rhysand led you to his room, opening the door and leading inside of the luxurious chamber by the small of your back. He pulled you to his bed, laying you back on it gently as he began to kiss you again. Relax, darling. I only want a few kisses.
It was much, much more than just a few kisses. 
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aphantimes · 5 days
I found this higher resolution screenshot of the journal. I'm not sure what the source of this is but I'm going to assume it's real. It's a bit hard to read so I'll transcribe it here.
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Entry #170
I deciphered the engravings on an [blank] I found on a previous dig in the Mystic Ruins Jungle and calculated the location of a fabled flying paradise. I went alone to verify my findings and was rewarded with the spectacle of an angelic island.
The land was vast, lush, and hosted a number of biomes in close proximity to each other. I believed I could see an entire floating city at one point. Most majestic of all was a shrine devoted to what appeared to be a massive [blank]. Could this be the legendary "[blank]"? I dared not approach or overstay my welcome. As much as I wanted to explore every inch of the island, I felt it was sacred land; just setting foot on its soil felt taboo. I don't know if any civilisation remains- the land is vast and my stay was brief. But the majesty of that emerald and shrine will stay with me for the rest of my life.
Entry #185
I am about to embark on the most ambitious project of my life. The Earth's first orbital space colony will be the ninth wonder of the world! It will be a place of science researching all manner of ways to improve our home below. Seeing as it is a vessel meant to preserve life amid the harshness of space, I have christened it the "ARK". it shall be a vessel to pass on the value of life and peace to the next generation. (And while most of the megastructure will be hidden within the base planetoid, I may have gone a little self-indulgent in the design, ho-ho!)
The only real concern is the source of the funding. While the United Federation supports us, most of the financing is coming from [blank]. I have no illusions about what they'll want, but I'm building the ARK to preserve life, not end it. While I have my concerns, I am a genius. So I'm sure I'll figure something out when the time comes.
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imjustlovinlivin · 8 months
What I found in the Welcome Home Update
Big Stuff:
"Happy Haunting to Boo and Yours!" Storybook Record (Make sure to listen to the audio between 16:56 and 18:51, I will work to transcribe it soon!)
New secret video (found by clicking the bug on the record transcript)
Smaller Stuff:
Main picture on the Welcome Home page has updated to a Halloween theme
Welcome Home Cookbook (But make sure to read the context for it)
Update on the news page
Let me know if you have found anything that I didn't!!
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kerubimcrepin · 3 months
20th Anniversary Map, with commentary by Kerubim Crepin and Joris Jurgen
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The frustrating thing about this map, is that nobody who got it has decided to scan or transcribe it, for documentation's sake. So I had to complete this list of all the commentary using tweets and unboxing videos.
But, at the very least, we now have documentation of what this thing actually says.
Joris and Kerubim's text is colour-coded for your convenience, and this post includes both the French transcription, and English translations.
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La carte du Monde des Douzes. par Joris Jurgen et Papycha
The map of the World of Twelve. by Joris Jurgen and Papycha
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J: Chez Papycha ♡ / Papycha's home ♡
J: Les Araknes, c'est dégueu-monstrueu! / Arachnees are icky-creepy !
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J: Je pari que la tour du Xélor fou est par ici. / I bet the Mad Xelor's tower is here.
K: Perdu, mon Jojo ! / You lost the bet, my Jojo!
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J: de lourds secrets sont enfouis dans ses profondeurs... / dark secrets lay buried deep within this place...
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K: Croyez-le ou non, le Minotoror est terriblement chou... / Believe it or not, but the Minotoror is awfully cute...
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K: Ma meilleure partie de pêche aux koin-koins ! / My best quaquack fishing experience ever!
J: Lorko -> 🚶‍♂️
(personal note: i have no fucking idea what a Lorko is.)
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J: contacter en cas de besoin 👍 / contact him should the need arise 👍
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J: Là où j'ai taqiné la boufballe avec le giga gran Khan Karkass!! / Here I playd boufball with the supa-duper cool Khan Karkass !!
(personal note: This means that Kerubim and Joris started work on this map while still living in Astrub, but kept working even after the movie. Cute.)
(personal note: A French person who helped me decipher this part, said that Joris makes quite a lot of spelling mistakes here. I'm sure there are more that I didn't catch in other parts of the post. He's very wonderful, very cute.)
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J: autochtones sympas. ne pas rester pour le dîner. / nice locals. don't stay for dinner.
K: Bashy, mon pote d'enfance, semait la terreur aux ces flots ! / Bashy, my childhood friend, sowed terror among these waves!
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J: Les cadeau sont mortels! (vraiment!) / The gifts are deadly ! (really !)
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J: Bienvenu chez le Yech'ti! / Welcome to Yech'ti's !
K: Passe-lui le bonjour de ma part ! / Say hello to him for me!
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J: commander de la chichala à zato / order chichala from zato
(Personal note: this suggests Joris might be just as heavy of a drinker as Kerubim. Or at least into very intense drinks, similarly to Keke. He's so real for this.)
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J: éviter le wa... / avoid the wa...
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J: L'île de La Likrone... Par là d'apré la légende. / The Unikron Island... This way, acording to the legend.
K: T'es à l'ouest, mon Jojo ! / It's to the west, my Jojo!
(Personal note: Joris wrote "d'aprés" with a mistake. I'll try to translate his little mistakes, if I notice them, or can come up with a way to do that.)
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K: Le réceptacle des Dofus / The Dofus Receptacle
X Traverser le pont / Cross the bridge X Parler au chaman / Talk to the shaman X Boire un coup / Have a drink
(personal note: this is a reference to the quest "The Dofus Receptacle". The bridge referenced here is the bridge to Pandala.)
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K: Je suis sûr qu'Indie a pris ce bateau ... / I'm sure it's Indie, who's on that boat...
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K: Contre Grozilla, je me suis dépensé sans compter ! / I gave it my all, while fighting Grozilla!
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Dessinée à l'ancre de Kralamour. / Drawn using Kralove eenk.
Propriété de Joris © / Property of Joris ©
Ne pa toucher / Dont touch
(Surtou si vous vous apelé Lilotte) / (Espeshaly if you're name is Lilotte)
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dessertgeek · 7 months
The Mari Lwyd Twitter saga (2020 - part three)
This is part of my efforts to transcribe @seananmcguire's holiday Mari Lwyd Twitter threads. The hashtag for now is #Mari Lwyd Project, the first post is here, the thread's source is here.
(Many thanks to @dor-min on finding and linking this one!)
There are a couple from this year that are short, and even single replies that Seanan likely didn't have time to reply to. So this is their collection! Authors will be linked in their comments as best I can.
CW for food, just in case.
Lorcan Murphy (Twitter): Alas were I only a mutual, Mari Lwyd I'd offer rhymes crucial. We'd barter o'er offering asked unpredictable Afore presenting a demanded varietal victual The dead from the living must bide dividual But this rhyme for the horse is purely volitional.
Seanan: Your rhyming's exquisite, So clean and refined. I'll grant you a visit, To seek cheese with rind, Or cheese that's been softened, Or processed or plain... When Mari Lwyd's summoned, She sings her refrain.
Cheese or beer! Cheese or beer! I know that you have it here!
Lorcan: Alas all my beer has been spilt in a pan And as unlikely it seems, my cheese melted and ran My flour and yeast in the oven to bake So I'm terrible short of scran you can take Bide if you can, I'll no make it a habit and I'll offer a pretzel and Welsh-German rabbit
Cassandra Khaw (Carrd / Twitter): A single wedge of manchego I do possess, Not a wedge nor a morsel more than that, If I was someone who had cheese in excess, I'd offer them to you, and have all your desires.
But lo, you bony equine, Such is all I can give: This lonely cheese of mine, I offer in tithe.
Seanan: To give when there's plenty Is glorious kind: But it's kinder by far When you've little but rind.
I am grateful to you, On this shortest of days, For your holiday spirit And generous ways.
The singles!
(I'm posting peoples' handles as I see them, will do my best here. If someone rhymed or made poetry and I couldn't find a 'do not repost' on their profile, I included it.)
John & Bucky: I’m just here to watch A skeletal horse seeking Cheese and wine through rhyme
Stephanie Annand: Alas! For the lack! Of cheese in my home; Will you accept yogurt As onward you roam?
Eleri: I have some ok parm, and a generic swiss A really good chevre would not go amiss This stupid pandemic has cut into my cheese-buying I'm afraid sharing these cheeses, the dead horse would send me flying.
Paige Wolf: Cheese and spiced wine You’ll definitely find; In my kitchen, I’ll fill up your cup!
Come in please, my friend! Time we will spend, In drinking and singing, Bottoms up!
warcabbit: Wassail, wassail? I give you mulled ale and a nice nutty cheese to boot.
It is the season Be kind without reason And generous with gifts and loot.
Stephanie Caitlyn: I do not have cheese, I only have curry, For when I did leave, It was in quite a hurry.
Into the headlights I peer like a deer, But with you I gladly will share my paneer.
Starry_Marie: I know there are many With rhymes that are better But one thing I do have - A large chunk of cheddar
@Chimaera.bsky.social: Oh Mare, at thy feet I lay Some Caveman Blue and olives today. Cambezola roasted with garlic cloves, Squeezed upon fine grilled bread loaves. A bit of Brie to melt your heart, A nutty Parm to fuel your start, Melted Gruyère to dip things in, & Queso fresco (you're looking thin)
Cake and Arsenic: Oh mari lywd, please don't feel down, With your big boney head, in your white cotton shroud, For you'll find that my larder is stocked full of cheese, And you're welcome to come and eat all that you please.
JLH: (not a mutual, but it seems fun and kinda inspired me) Dread equine I hear your call! And in my larder is a prize, A piece of asiago for your skeletal maw Please accept my gift and silence your cries.
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morallyinept · 6 months
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A full transcribe of AGENT WHISKEY'S dialogue/lines from the film KINGSMAN: THE GOLDEN CIRCLE.
Includes full dialogue, and dialogue from any deleted/additional scenes available.
I've created this as a point of reference when writing for Pedro's characters, and I hope you find it useful. Even if you just want to read the dialogue. 🖤
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☝🏻Dialogue has been fully transcribed by myself using reference to original scripts (if available), audio subtitles and using my own two ears. Therefore, mistakes can be made, however I have tried to be as fully accurate as I can. If you spot an obvious mistake, please kindly let me know. Where audio is not clear, I have marked with *inaudible* Scenes are separated for ease of reference.
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Kid, looks like we’re hookin’ up with a chick at a rock concert. My favourite kind of mission.
I’m sending my jet to pick you up. 
Well, that's the easy part, kid. Take a look in the glove box. 
Goes on your finger. The surveillance tracker is in the tip. Apply light pressure for three seconds to release it. 
I say we both make an approach. Whoever gets on best goes for it. 
The hand is not a mucus membrane, Eggsy. Neither is the back. They teach you anything at Kingsman? 
Our trackers are designed to enter in through the bloodstream, they circulate harmlessly providing full audio and GPS.
No, Eggsy, it ain’t.
Alright I’ll take first crack, watch and learn, buddy.  
Miss, I beg your pardon. I don’t wanna pester you, but I just have to know. What time are you playing? 
Oh damn it, now I feel like a fool. I just assumed a woman with your… charisma, well, she just had to be somebody. 
No, it’s okay. I know you didn’t mean to make me feel like a dumbass, so I’ll let you make it up to me by letting me buy you a drink. 
What are we doin’?
Tinder, what? 
Be good, be cool. 
Now, is that any way to welcome a visitor from out of town, Moonshine? 
Well, pick him up.
Now, that is not what I call a Kentucky welcome. 
Manners. Maketh. Man. Let me translate that for ya. 
Hoo. I feel like a tornado in a trailer park. 
You can’t make this personal, sir. 
Poppy’s stock piles really could be anywhere. 
You two need to fix this code name thing. And with all due respect, sir. I don’t think Galahad Senior is ready to return to work. 
It’s a lasso. 
Yes, sir. 
Hold up, we need ya down here, Galahad. Secure the control room. 
I’ll cover. 
Galahad we’re coming! All clear at the bottom? Galahad, come in! 
Let me have a look? 
Get down! 
Fuck you! I just saved your life! 
Alright. They're going for cover and reloadin’. I’ll fix their wagons. Cover me, boys! 
Thank fuckin’ Christ I didn’t need any back up! 
I’m out of ammo. Troop carrier coming in. What d’ya got? 
What is this? Looks like you packed for a fuckin’ slumber party, not a mission. 
Hey! Butterfly guy! It don’t look like Ginger fixed you right. 
I said I’m empty. Gimme yours! 
Hello gorgeous! I’m Jack, what’s your name? How would you like to ride home on a real cowboy? I got a six pack of cold ones on ice and my roomie's out all night, so you can scream my name as loud as you need to, sugar! 
Who’s this pretty lady? 
Ginger. Goddamn Butterfly guy shot me in the fuckin’ head! 
Well I’m guessin’ you didn’t fix him right! Where the hell is he? 
Eggsy’s gonna need back up. 
Get the Silver Pony on the runway and ready to take off! 
So. Don’t move, kid. You try anything funny and I turn this thing electric. 
Now, give up your guns, fellas. Slide ‘em over. 
Nope. My brain’s all good, kid. And you know what? I reckon the same is true for your friend Harry over here. Real fine instincts, I’ll give him that. But you stay still or I’ll dice him up so small you can take him home in a bucket and still have room for what's left of your buddy Merlin. 
That ashole? Hahaha. Hell no. It’s a matter of personal principle, agent. No more drug users and the Statesman share price rockets.  
Do you wanna know who was innocent? My highschool sweetheart. Love of my life. Pregnant with my little boy. He’d be about your age now. If his momma hadn’t got caught in the crossfire when two meth head freaks decided to rob a fuckin’ convinience store. A world without those people in it? Sure smells like peace to me. 
You break the law. You pay the price. Good riddance. To all of them. 
That’s why I gotta destroy that case. Now slide it over, Agent Galahad. 
Thank you. 
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kaemakiweekarchive · 1 year
kaemaki week 2023 from july 8th through 14th (NOT CLICKBAIT)
slides into home base. three months to the date you know what that means
HELLO DANGANRONPA COMMUNITY! kaemaki week will once again be running in 2023! as always, the event will be running from july 8th through july 14th here on tumblr :)
here is our lovely graphic by @nebulaleaf​​ with the prompts transcribed below!
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day one/july 8: fire / scorn / soothe day two/july 9: flowers / welcome / sunburn day three/july 10: opening up / laughter / romance day four/july 11: ribbon / nail polish / pinky promise  day five/july 12: martyr / mastermind / impulsive day six/july 13: love at first sight / slowburn / wingman day seven/july 14: reincarnation / happy ending / free space
i’ll be placing rules and guidelines under the cut, but as always, please tag all entries with [ # kaemaki week 2023 ] and make sure to @ MENTION THIS BLOG so that i can reblog your entries. if time passes and i still haven’t reblogged your work, feel free to shoot me a message or ask either via this blog or my main, @toxicpineapple​​ :) 
happy kaemaki! looking forward to seeing you guys again in july :3
1. nsfw content will be prohibited for this week. i am not comfortable with you using my prompts to create nsfw so you can do that on your own time. please do not post entries to your nsfw blog, however if you have only one blog where you host nsfw and sfw content you are allowed to post there.
2. problematic content (incest, abuse, loli, etc) will be prohibited!!
3. respect all other entries.
4. plagiarism is 1000% completely against the rules. if you’re creating an edit, that’s totally fine, but please credit any art you use in your work, and do NOT use the art of an artist who prohibits the use of their work in edits. additionally please do not use an artist’s work without explicit permission. please respect the wishes of all artists as you wouldn’t like your own work to be used for things that you don’t want. :)
5. late entries will be accepted indefinitely.
6. polyamorous/open relationships (maki and kaede in relationships with other people as well as each other) will be accepted!!! as much as the kaemaki relationship is the focus of this week, you can go ahead and highlight their other partner(s) as much as you would like!
6.5. please refrain from producing friend content of kaede and maki for this week; the focus is on their romantic relationship. however depictions of them in a qpr will totally be accepted.
7. aus and crossovers will be accepted!
8. you don’t have to use every single prompt, or both prompts, or even either prompt? lol i mean the prompts sure are here for a reason, but if you wanna put out kaemaki content during that week and then tag me, i’ll totally reblog it!!!
9. i will be accepting all manner of trans headcanons, however i will not be boosting cis genderbend content of these two, as a heads up.
10. have fun!!! enjoy yourself!!! don’t take it too serious!! we’re all here to have a good time :D
thank you for your time, and once again i look forward to seeing all works come july! <3
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complexparadox1 · 1 year
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Being Shuji Hanma's little sister comes with its benefits~ Fem Y/n x Kazutora smut enjoy mentions of smoking weed present.
Y/N knew that her brother was a criminal, that the things he did were…less than savory. But Shuji was her big brother regardless of that fact. He loved her, took care of her, brought home money obtained from sources she didn't question to help her pay the rent. So she didn't bat an eye when he'd started bringing by one of his friends.
Despite the fact that his sandy eyed stares made her uncomfortable, he seemed genuinely nice. He was always friendly but for some reason Kazutora Hanemiya just unnerved her.
He and Shuji would come through the door, knuckles bloodied and bruised and she'd offer them dinner. The two men would accept graciously, washing their hands of blood before they all sat down to eat together. They never talked about what they'd done, Y/N would never ask. This was just how it was.
Sometimes she'd patch up their injuries, telling them to be less careless. That she didn't know what she'd do if one of them didn't come home, even Kazutora who would watch her closely as she patched up his hands. She'd grown used to his presence, the prickle at the back of her neck that told her he was watching her every move. He'd basically moved in at this point. Shuji said he didn't have a family of his own, so even on days where he wasn't around Kazutora became a constant presence in the two bedroom apartment. The woman did her best to make him feel welcomed in their little home.
Unlike Shuji, Kazutora was moderately helpful with chores, he did his dishes, if there was a basket of laundry she'd neglected he'd run it through the wash. Shuji would tease him for it ceaselessly of course, but Kazutora would merely brush it off. He didn't mind helping, especially when Y/N helped them so much. The way his eyes settled on her after he said that sent a small shiver up her spine that she did her best to hide.
Today was yet another day Shuji had gone off on some business, not telling either of them when he would return. Y/N sat on her laptop in her room, transcribing the medical documents she'd been sent. As she had been since she'd woken up. A knock startled her a bit and she wrapped the blanket around her a bit tighter, being in merely a bra and some short shorts. "Come in." She said not looking up from her screen, Kazutora opened the door and stepped in her room. Quiet for a moment. "You eaten yet today?" He inquired and she was quick to hold up the wrapper of a granola bar she'd ferreted in her purse and heard him make a noise of disapproval. "That's not a meal. Take a break, I made breakfast." There wasn't room to argue with his tone of voice. There never was. So with a small sigh she'd saved the file and clicked her laptop closed. He was still standing there watching her, his lack of a shirt caused her heart to stutter a bit but she ignored it. Afterall it was nothing she hadn't seen before. She hesitated but stood up and left the blanket on her chair. She didn't like being essentially half naked in front of him but to his credit he said nothing. Merely turned on his heel and walked out of her room. She threw on a shirt and was quick to follow him to the kitchen.
He'd made omelettes and bacon, her stomach immediately growled at the sight and she heard him chuckle. "Here, coffee." He handed her a cup and she quietly thanked him as she took a sip. She wondered idly how closely he must've had to watch her in order to know how she liked her coffee. Even Shuji didn't know that, though he'd never been one for small details. They ate in relative quiet aside from her praising him for his good cooking and he absolutely beamed at that. "Certainly not as good as yours is but I did my best." He replied breezily and took a bite of his own food, they were quick to lapse back into silence as they finished the meal.
Once she'd cleared her plate she was quick to move to do the dishes in the sink. Kazutora came to stand beside her, drying them and putting them away. "You know black looks good on you." He commented and Y/N had a moment of pause. Her shirt was a light blue…her bra was black though. "Oh, thank you. I appreciate that." She let it slide by, he didn't mean any harm by it. It was just a compliment after all.
The two worked in tandem and once they were done he offered her a joint, pulling it from his pocket. Y/N had a hefty debate, did she smoke? She basically had all her work done and it wasn't like she had to do it now. "Yeah sure, wanna smoke in my room? Kinda cold out here." Normally she wouldn't have offered to bring him in her room but the living room and kitchen always got a bit chilly in the winter. Kazutora was quick to nod and he made himself comfortable in her bed while she sat in the corner against the wall, trying to keep a bit of distance between the two. They passed the joint between the two of them. "Ya know sometimes I feel like you don't care for me very much. Almost kinda jumpy, like a frightened cat." The words were spoken suddenly and she blinked in a bit of surprise at the statement. But was quick to refute it. "No, I care for you Kazutora. You're far more helpful than my big brother, I appreciate having you here." It was true she did like having him here, he merely set her a bit on edge was all. I mean how could he not? Especially with the predatory gaze he leveled at her. If she was a jumpy cat he was certainly a tiger much like the tattoo emblazoned on his neck. He sat up a bit and raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Then why are you as far from me as possible?" He made a good point, she'd practically tucked herself into the corner in order to get space from him. It took her stoned brain a moment to come up with a response, his gaze never faltered for a moment. "I just wanted to give you plenty of room, that's all." He grabbed her ankle and tugged on it a bit. His hands were warm, slightly rough. "I don't mind having you close, actually prefer it." He said and again the tone he used said there was no choice so she scooted a bit closer.
He grabbed her waist and pulled her across the bed next to him. "Easier to pass the joint this way too." He excused the action and she nodded, although she knew it was a weak reasoning her bed wasn't a vast expanse to reach across. She made herself a bit more comfortable next to him allowing herself to slide down and rest her head on the pillows. He grinned a bit at that as he took another hit. Once again passing off the joint to her. She puffed on it lightly and handed it back. "Ever shotgunned before?" He asked and she tilted her head at him and nodded. "I mean yeah when I drink I do sometimes." He laughed a bit at that, as if she'd said something foolish. She felt her face warm a bit at that. "No with smoking I mean." Taking another puff and she shook her head, she opened her mouth to reply but before she even spoke his mouth was on hers, blowing the smoke from his hit into her mouth. She was stunned when he pulled back and she blew out the cloud of smoke, he handed the joint to her. "Think it helps you get more stoned, basically sharing hits. Now you try." She nodded quietly, feeling like her heart may very well explode as she took her hit and very carefully moved her mouth over his and blew the smoke into his mouth. She let out a small noise of surprise when he nipped her bottom lip slightly before she retracted and handed him back the joint. "Cute~" he said with a grin that made her face warm in embarrassment once again.
Suddenly she wasn't sure she'd made the right choice in smoking with him. This time when he blew the smoke into her mouth he kissed her his tongue quick to find her own, a hand moving the the nape of her neck to hold her in place against his lips. It was softer than she would have expected from him, passionate and needing. She didn't think much when she kissed him back, tongue moving languidly against his own. He gave a light tug to her hair and she whimpered, feeling his lips grin against her own. "You know you're absolutely adorable." He teased lightly and she realized that without her noticing he'd ended up on top of her. One of his knees pressed between her legs. A soft noise escaping her throat when he gently ground it against her clothed cunt. "Kazutora-" cut off by his mouth once again on hers, one of his hands worked its way steadily across her body. Slipping under her shirt and quickly beneath her bra to tease at her nipple she mewled at the contact against her will and he pulled back from her mouth again. "What do you think? Gonna let me play with you a little, pretty girl?" He asked and in spite of the absolute chaos going on in her stoned little brain as she tried to process how the hell they'd gotten here she nodded. The smile he gave her was absolutely feral as he forced her to sit up and tugged off her shirt and bra. When he had her laid back down his mouth was on one of her tender buds and she whined as he sucked at it gently. His other hand tweaked and pinched at the other nipple while his knee was still pressed firmly between her legs. She couldn't help but to grind herself against it, the teasing was quickly making her desperate and wet. He pulled back from his suckling and fixed her with a half lidded gaze. "Needy girl huh? Been awhile since someone touched you?" He asked and she nodded, the last boyfriend she'd had was almost two years ago. Shuji had sent him running when he'd shown up to the apartment needing a place to stay. There had been no one since. "Aww lemme take care of you then, promise I'll be nice~" the look in his eyes promised her the world and threatened to burn it down all at the same time. She hardly noticed it through her stoned and lustful haze. "Please." Was all she managed to whine out before he was moving from between her legs tugging at her shorts. "Take all this off." He instructed and she did as she was told, slipping them down her thighs. He was quick to stand and removed his sweatpants, his cock already hard, the tip dripping a bit of precum. It was at least 8 inches of she'd had to hazard a guess, thick enough she knew she'd certainly feel a stretch from it and she could feel a coil of anticipation in her stomach. He laid back down on the bed. "Get on top of me." He grabbed her hips to guide her movements and she felt her heart thump a bit harder when he brought her legs to rest over his shoulders. Feeling his warm breath across her folds. "A-ha pretty girl has a pretty little pussy too and it's already all wet for me too huh?" She felt a finger slide teasingly through her folds and she whimpered at the action, pussy clenching around nothing and she felt him breathe a laugh. "You gonna suck my cock while I eat you out?" He asked, though she knew it was him telling her what she was going to do. It wasn't a question. "Mhm." She replied and she was quick to take the tip of his cock into her mouth, her arms laying across his thighs to hold herself aloft.
The minute he pulled her hips down to his face and his tongue licked a stripe across her cunt she was done for. Whining against him as he began licking and suckling at her. Tongue darting skillfully into her warm wet hole. She pressed her mouth down on him, taking him as deep into her throat as she could and sucking him off as if her life depended on it. When he thrusted his hips up she gagged but didn't stop. He groaned at the sensation of her gagging on his cock and was quick to repeat the motion, fucking himself into her throat. This stifled her moans rather effectively and they vibrated against his shaft. To his credit his mouth remained busily at work on her cunt, his fingers moving to tease her clit as his tongue swirled inside of her. As if he were trying to devour her from the pussy up. He'd pull back occasionally to praise her. "Good girl, suck cock like it's your job huh? Fuck knew you'd be good, so perfect." He groaned and she could tell by the stuttering of his hips he was getting close to that edge as he tried to drive her over her own. She came first, her gummy walls doing their best to seize up around his tongue. The whines and cries she let out had him slamming as deep as he could into her and pouring his cum down her throat giving her no choice but to swallow every drop. She came off of his cock with a light pop and the transition to her back laying flat on the bed was sudden. He was between her legs in an instant, his mouth back to dominating hers, her bittersweet essence on his tongue. She felt him run his tip through her folds and across her drooling entrance and she moaned softly into his mouth. He pulled back slightly and looked down at her with lust hazed eyes. "You want this princess? I wanna hear you beg for it." He demanded and she was quick to comply, her cunt ached and was desperate to be filled. "Tora please I want you to fuck me, need you so bad." She whined and she saw a little grin spark across his face. In the same instant he pushed the tip inside and took no time at all to bottom her out. Her hands flew to his shoulders as she cried out in ecstasy as he began slamming into her with reckless strokes.
She was surprised by how vocal he was, breathless moans and growls emanated from him easily. "Ha-ah T-Tora s'so good." She stuttered out as he hit a particularly tender spot and didn't stop striking it with precise thrusts. "Fuck yes, pussy s'perfect f'my cock. Gonna be all mine right? C'mon tell me this is my cute little pussy. Want'cha all to myself." His words were punctuated by his tip kissing her cervix which had her seeing stars. Blissed out moans slipping out past trembling lips. "S'all yours Tora, want you, just want you!" She cried out and he moved to place a bite into her neck, groaning when she constricted around him and she let out a small cry at the action. Her reward for compliance was his fingers slipping to her clit and rubbing in quick tight circles. The action sent her hurtling over her edge, crying out his name like a desperate and fervent prayer to some higher power. He rode her through her orgasm and was quick to bust inside of her shuddering walls. Filling her with thick ropes of cum and her walls rang him dry of all he had to give. Even once he'd finished he didn't pull out instead pressing himself deep and placing kisses, bites, and hickies all over her neck and throat. Occasionally letting out a groan when she'd tighten up around him again. "Such a good girl for me. Bet Shuji doesn't know how much of a cute little slut his baby sister is huh?" He asked and she was quick to shake her head. Kazutora chuckled at that. "Good, you're all mine. Look so innocent but fuck like a whore. Knew you'd be fun." He complimented her softly as he took her chin between his fingers and kissed her again, this time it was a bit slower. He savored the way her lips moved against his, the taste of her. She found she actually rather enjoyed the concept of belonging to him.
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cozmicclown · 9 months
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This is a fan-made transcript of the first Welcome Home secret bug audio clips. I took great care to ensure the dialogue is as ACCURATE as humanly possible. That being said, any visuals or actions taken by the characters are generated through my own creative presumptions. I already have #2 and #3 written out, so I’ll be posting more of these. These are a fun exercise to practice script writing. Plain text version of the transcription is below. Enjoy!
POPPY (Mutters to herself in concentration)
Oh, stitch. Dropped a stitch again...
Delivery here! I've got a deliver here for one Ms. Partridge...
Courtesy of Howdy's dependable, door to door to door delivery service!
POPPY (Light surprise)
Oh! Oh my feathers, Howdy! You frightened me.
Terribly sorry ma'am. 'Suppose I shoulda knocked?
Oh, no, no, that would have frightened me too.
(Nervous laughter before excited OH!)
Oh! Is that my order of yarn? Thank you.
It sure is Poppy. Hot off the shelves, just the way ya like'em.
(Notices all the yarn laid about inside)
Boy, looks like you already gotta hoard that'd make a dragon jealous.
Whatcha need even more yarn for? Not that I'll turn down a sale, heh heh.
POPPY (light stuttering)
Oh, I'm just working on some scarves and sweaters and such. I want everyone in the ne- neighbourhood to have something warm to wear in-when, you know, winter comes along. Feels like these changing seasons keep sneaking up on me, heh.
Hah, I hear that, not enough daylight ta get everything done. Course, it helps ta have an extra pair of hands!
'Seems like you know that already, though. I can see you've recruited an extra pair of your own today.
POPPY (Referring to the yarn pile)
Oh, heh heh, yes. Thank you again for your help dear. And thank goodness for it, I was worried I was going to get all tangled up with all these colours of yarn.
HOWDY (In serious agreement with POPPYs joke)
Hmmm, I can see why, it's a real risk.
It- it is?
Well, sure. But lucky for you, I think I might have something ta help.
HOWDY (Continues over a few more squawks)
N- no, no, nothing to fear here. What you're looking at is a bon-a-feeday yarn spinner. Perfect for keeping all your extra neatly spooled up.
Safe. Effective. And...No pesky batteries or electricity to fret over.
POPPY (voice shaking)
Well, oh, well, that-t does sound helpful, doesn't it?
Sure does! Here, heh heh, tell ya what, today only, as an extra special deal for an extra special customer, you can give'er a whirl, no strings attached. Well, no strings but yarn that is. Hah ha!
HOWDY (Talking over POPPY)
Well, I've already overstayed my welcome. Got a whole shipment back at the shop I've gotta sign for.
Oh, t-t ah- heh eh heh. Ehhhh, buuu-... oohh but - *exhales*, *inhales*, welllll, alright then. Oh.
I'll check in on you and your new wonder device next time I bring you an order Poppy. ‘Til then.
Oh, I don't know how to work these things but- well he was so insistent it'd be helpful, do you think you can help me figure this thing out WallE€*YY??
End Scene
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theneighborhoodwatch · 3 months
this may be a coinicdence, but just in case it isn't- i noticed the welcome home theme song leitmotif has nine notes in it! nine neighbors, nine notes!
i transcribed it below!
melody: C D E E D C F E C
harmony: E F G G F E A G E
posting this for anybody looking to use some Fun Leitmotifs in fanwork :] (i was gonna say you could probably ping dave petillo if you wanted to really verify this since he's cited as the theme song's composer on the credits page, but he doesn't seem to be super active on social media? good for him tbh.)
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911 Spoilers Season 3: You’ve been warned. 😅
Episode 1
I took these notes back in the middle of January and forgot how much more detailed these notes were compared to Season 2. The first episode of this season was 5 1/2 pages long in my journal alone. There was an obvious attempt at making the notes more cohesive and legible but that quickly went down the drain. I'll show you the first page of course. Kindly ignore any obvious spelling and grammar issues you may see. The notes will still be transcribed below.
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I also think I took so many notes because I knew what was coming in the first three episodes. I think I'm going to make this post about Episode 1 a stand alone post and post Episode 2 and 3 together because It'll definitely be too long of a post with all three together.
Episode 1: Kids Today
1.) Highspeed Chase
The 118 minus Buck are preparing to stop the car. Eddie is Sitting across from Hen and Chim alone.
Eddie grabs the axe and is working with Bobby to get the kid out of the car.
Eddie is the one to figure at why the car would not brake. He hands the father a "souvenir".
Eddie is lowkey snarky and sassy in the most adorable way possible.
2.) Buck is in a burning building trying to save an unconscious woman, but in reality was actually completing a firefighter test and saving a mannquin.
Preformed so well that he established a new record.
The instructor states " Most guys take the Stairs" in reference to Buck jumping thru a vent in the floor (More evidence of Buck's Suicidal tendencies)
Welcomed back as a Firefighter.
3.) Surprise Party at Athena and Bobby's Place
Eddie walking around with a tray preparing the party.
Buck and Maddie walking in with Athena. Buck being surprised by everyone. (Genuinely unsure if he was actually surprised or because the reaction was too grand. I like to think he was expecting the surprise.)
Eddie having one one of the more grand surprise screams and big hand gestures in the group.
Chimney looking over at Eddie and then Buck while yelling surprise (This took a lot of pausing and rewinding to catch this very subtle moment).
Buck and Eddie hug. A nice big hug. Eddie holding Buck's waist. (We all know this infamous hug) Everyone just watching them hug for a moment.
Buck and Eddie talking outside when Christopher walks towards Buck. Buck crouches down to Chris' level, while Eddie watches. Chris hands Buck a hand drawn card that states he's an awesome firefighter.
Montage of Buck thanking guests and cake
Buck talking to Hen and Karen about their fertility treatment. Karen correcting Buck about calling the sperm donor a baby daddy. (Only pointing this out because of the cursed story line we get in season 6. My least favorite storyline for Buck, but I'll talk about that when I share my notes for season 6.)
Buck watching Maddie and Chimney be all lovey dovey and jokingly suggesting marriage.
Bobby approaching Buck about officially being back when he begins to rub his chest and thank Bobby for being there. (Really establishing a father son moment).
Buck starting to aggressively cough and the cough becoming more and more violent. The camera cutting to Eddie, where he instantly disengages from his conversation and has a worried look. Everyone around becomes worried. Buck coughs up blood and collapses.
3.) Buck is in the hospital diagnosed with blood clots. He reveals that he ignored signs of discomfort because he pulled a muscle while training. He doesn't think it is a big deal, while Maddie is pissed.
"You could have died!" "But I didn't"
Buck not remembering what happened when he passed out.
Buck overly concerned about the mess he made at Athena's (We learn this from a text sent to Bobby)
Bobby becomes hyper aware and concerned over Buck pushing himself too hard.
4.) Nursing Home
Eddie crossed arms and silently judging the man with a rash.
Eddie is gesturing to Chim to look at the man's junk. He's so casually funny it is all in his mannerisms.
The way the editors stitched up this scene is so funny. One second Eddie is stern with his arms crossed silently judging, goes to being visibly shocked, back to stern, than utterly disgusted, and back to stern.
Eddie educates everyone about the increase risk of STI's in the elderly while guiding patient into the hall with Chimney. Still has judgy eyes.
Eddie being amused in the background by all possible people affected by the STI.
I use to volunteer at a nursing home when I was in highschool and old people are freaks. Met a man with two girlfriends at the facility. He was definitely bragging when telling me the story about how more relaxed old people get with sexual health. I am now realizing that this was a weird story and I'm obviously over sharing.
5.) Buck calling Bobby letting him know he's being discharged by the hospital.
Buck wanting to go back to work right away. Bobby telling him that he can't go back to work yet. He's no longer clear to return.
Buck becoming more and more upset with the conversation and voicing that his identity is being a firefighter and basically admitting that he believes his life is worthless if he's not a firefighter.
Bobby talking to the entire 118 about how upset Buck is. There is a mix of Buck needs more time to process and he needs to process faster cause he is stuck.
Eddie shares how his father would tell him to brush it off and move forward even when the situation was difficult.
Hen points out that Buck's life is the firehouse.
Bobby states " Buck has us, even though he might not believe that right now." while staring at Eddie, Eddie stares back.
6.) Missing Mother Rescue- Eddie discussing the woman who obviously stole a baby and harmed the mother is pretty catty in tone.
7.) Eddie forcibly wakes up Buck and gets him out of bed.
"Your life is not over because your not a firefighter."
Christopher is waiting down stairs in the living room for Buck. Complete surprise to Buck, he's slightly taken off guard by him being there. Eddie walking over to Chris with a slight grin. He knows he was trying to be slick.
"He's hanging out with his Buck today!"
As Eddie leaves, Buck is upset, but seemly appreciates and knows the stunt Eddie just pulled. Not entirely upset because he does enjoy spending time with Chris.
I love this scene so much! First it implies that Eddies has a key to Bucks apartment. Eddie knew that Buck wouldn't refuse to hangout with Christopher. Chris and Buck seemly having their own individual relationship.
Buck takes Chris to the pier. We get a montage of them having fun on rides, eating cotton candy, photos, carnival games.
Buck truly enjoying himself with Chris, but gets FOMO when he sees an emergency at the pier and firefighters are responding.
Chris looking out to the ocean while Buck tightly grips the back of Chris' shirt.
Having a deep conversation about finding a careers he enjoys when he grows up and that he truly enjoys it. Christopher understanding that this conversation is directed toward him but not about him. He reassures Buck by stating, " You're going to be alright kid."
Everyone watches the ocean practically vanish and form in to a huge wave.
Fear/Panic on Buck's Face.
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thistaleisabloodyone · 2 months
I just got into Exile tribe as a whole. I love it here, btw lol. But I have a question: What do you mean by "the musha shugyo did cause a collective mental breakdown"
I noticed The Rampage debuted but then was put on a hiatus. Is that the main reason? Or was a reason given?
Hello! Welcome, glad you're here and enjoying it 😊
Due their intensive training, the musha shugyo, before the final line up was decided, they all thought members would be cut. It wasn't clear how large the intended lineup was and how many candidates would be kept.
The vocalists especially thought only two would be in the final line up, because Exile Tribe had never had more than two vocalists to a group before - Exile, Exile the Second, JSB3 and GENE were the only other groups at the time and they were all the twin vocal set up. [random aside - While Exile flirts with being a three/four vocal group occasionally, that's a very recent development.]
So the members were living together in the dorms and competing with each other (so they believed) for a final spot in the line up. Considering they were teenagers, for the most part, at the time, that's a lot of stress for a bunch of kids to be under.
Likiya was 23. Zin turned 20 not long before the intensive training started. And those are the oldest two! There were four birthdays during the musha shugyo - Makoto turned 16, Riku turned 20, Rui turned 19, and Ryu turned 16. Takahide and Takuma did not turn 16 until after the line up was finalized. They were both 15 the whole time
Because they were under so much stress, in such a "You're living with and fighting with these boys for your future" way, as essentially teenagers, they - didn't know if they wanted to continue being in the Rampage even after the lineup was finalized. That was part of the hiatus, from finalized lineup to debut, was they sent everyone back home, the members picked up jobs at EXPG schools and other places, and had to decide if they wanted to keep going, if they wanted to stay the Rampage. All three vocalists apparently told their parents they wanted to quit.
Thankfully, they decided to stick together, but that - wasn't a guarantee, as far as I can tell.
Since Riku is my boy, I've spent a lot of time poking around and he brings up being thankful that he didn't quit in a few places, and I found a voice clip that was subtitled in Japanese, which I transcribed and threw into a machine translator:
Q: Was there ever a time when you thought Riku-san wasn't cut out to be a vocalist? Riku: Of course I did. There were times when I thought it would be better if I quit, and there are many times when I think, "RAMPAGE doesn't need me,'' or "The other fifteen members can do it without me.'' But I can't lie about my feelings like, ``I love music, I love singing.'' I just love RAMPAGE.
I am wondering if that intensely stressful time is why it feels like they spent so much of their early career stressing that they're sixteen. The Rampage is 16, you can't take away one and still have the Rampage. Now I feel there's less of an emphasis on being 16 and they seem to be branching out individually more.
But, yeah. They had a group mental breakdown because they thought they were competing with each other for space in the final group.
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sharpened-kris · 11 months
I tried to transcribe the journal entry on the staff-only page and I think I got most of it. I’m not sure if this is actually relevant though.
 My name doesn't matter. I am here to catalogue something. I'm not sure [...]. But it must be, I'm holding all the evidence in my hands. Pictures. Characters. Text I can barely read. It's called "Welcome Home" and it looks like it might've been a children's book? Like I said I can't tell. 
It was sopping wet when I found it. When I had reached into one of the brightly colored paintings my hand was already covered in some gross [...] material. It feels like [...] are already covered in some kind of grime. I'm going to [...] I have and do a little more digging. 
There's only one name I can make out [...] Wally. Probably important but [...] I’ll keep looking. 
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