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five-rivers · 1 year
On Obsession and Free Will 4
The fourth chapter of this fic! Written for Ectoberhaunt 2023 Day 12: Obsession.
Warning for loss of agency.
Danny woke with a slow, syrupy kind of comfort.  He felt nicely weighted down.  He blinked his eyes open.  That would probably be because of the thick blanket draped over him.
“Clockwork?” he called.  
“I am here.  Stay where you are.”
“Mhm,” said Danny.  Not a difficult instruction to follow.  It draped over him in much the same way as the blanked.  
Clockwork loomed into his field of view, red eyes bright in the shadow of his hood.  “How do you feel?”
“Heavy,” said Danny.  “Tired.  My right shoulder feels kind of bruised, and so do my ribs.  I think I still have a bunch of scratches from Dan.  I feel… Good?  Happy?  Comfortable?”  He blinked a little at how thorough he’d been.  But why wouldn’t he be thorough when Clockwork asked him a question?
“Good,” said Clockwork.  
A sense of pleasure suffused Danny.  Clockwork said he did good!  Or that his current state was good.  Danny wasn’t sure.  
“You took care of me,” said Danny.  It made his thoughts feel bubbly with happiness.
“I did.  You sound surprised.”
“I was worried you wouldn’t,” confessed Danny.  “After you had what you wanted.”
“I see,” said Clockwork.  “Tell me, can you think of any circumstances where you would not obey me?”
Danny’s eyes fell halfway closed.  He could feel the walls of the box Clockwork had made of his Obsession.  They were firm, the joints and corners rounded.  He could push against them and feel them push back, an even pressure on his mental body.  He was not locked in so much as welded in, every escape closed, the box unopenable without the kind of force that would break the contents.  
He wondered if, as he grew more used to them, the walls would recede from his awareness.  
“If I didn’t understand what you wanted,” said Danny.  “Or if I couldn’t do it.  Or if you told me not to beforehand.”
“What if you interpreted my orders as being given under duress?”
“Like, someone was forcing you?”  Danny frowned.  “Can someone force you?”
“Perhaps,” said Clockwork.  “For the sake of this question and your answer, assume that it is so.”
“Well,” said Danny, feeling like he was trying to follow a line of thought made of razor wire, “I guess… if you were being forced, it wasn’t something you wanted to say?  So, I… I’d base what I was doing on what you’ve told me before and the surrounding context.”  The box felt very small right now, but he was still inside it.  The walls pulsed comfortably around his swollen thoughts.  
Clockwork smiled faintly and patted Danny on the head.  “Excellent,” he said.  “Please get up and follow me.”
Danny wriggled out of his blanket and stood, unsteady, taking in the room for the first time.  It was a bedroom.  Nothing fancy, but obviously arranged for the maximum physical comfort of its inhabitant, for all that the walls were made of interlocking metal gears behind glass etched with patterns that put Danny in mind of antique clocks.  Everything was draped in dark, silver-flecked fabric, or piled with cushions.  There were bedside tables, and a desk in one corner, but they were oddly rounded, made of clockwork metal and wood, but covered in a thick layer of rounded glass.  The light in the room was diffuse, and seemed to emanate from somewhere near the ceiling, but Danny couldn’t find the source.  
Overall, it put him oddly in mind of the mental image of the box around him, his thoughts, and his actions.
“Is this your bedroom?” asked Danny.  
“No,” said Clockwork.  “It is yours.  Do you like it?”
“Yes,” said Danny.  “It seems comfortable.”
“Good.  You will be spending time here, in the future.”  Clockwork turned away, to a wall, and drew back a dark curtain to reveal the outline of a door.  There was no handle that Danny could see, but the gears in the wall rotated, moving a bar and a counterweight, and the door swung open on its own.  
Outside, the hall - if he could call it that - was similar, but the walls weren’t covered with glass.  There was only a little of the stonework Danny usually associated with Long Now, and he got the distinct impression that this was the lair itself revealing some truth about itself to him.  
They came to a wider space, where at least the floor was covered by another, continuous material.  The room was filled with cabinets, shelves, and long tables.  Worktables, Danny thought, seeing the tools and small objects that rested on them.  The workspace was, overall, much neater than his parents’ lab, back home.  
"We are going to run through some exercises to help you settle, before you return to Amity Park."
Danny nodded, grateful that he would be allowed to return.  Although he had tried not to dwell on it too much, he'd been aware that was a distinct possibility. 
On the other hand…  "What do you mean, 'settle?'" he asked as he followed Clockwork to one of the benches, where a clock case and inner workings had been neatly laid out.
“You have just gone through a major change,” said Clockwork.  “It will take some time before you become used to it.”
“It’s good, though,” said Danny.  “I like it.  I wanted it.”
“Even so,” said Clockwork.  “Do you not feel weaker, less steady than you usually are?”
“I…”  Danny hesitated, thinking.  “Yes.”
Clockwork nodded slowly.  “That is only to be expected.  Even good changes can cause stress and strain.  You must be settled, before any other alterations can be made.  Sit.”
Danny took the indicated seat, across the table from Clockwork.  “You’re going to alter me more?” asked Danny, intrigued by the possibility of being shaped into something even more helpful.  
“Perhaps,” said Clockwork.  
Danny pouted slightly at the nonanswer, but he knew that Clockwork must have his reasons.  Not telling him must have benefits.  
“These exercises will help you become more used to your new configuration, more confident in it.  Now.”  Clockwork folded his hands on the table.  “You are going to help me build this clock.”
Danny’s core thrummed to attention.  “How?” he asked.  
“You will pay close attention to me, my instructions, and the materials you are working with, and nothing else.”
The rest of the world went fuzzy.  “Yes,” he said, and even his own voice felt distant.  
“Excellent.  We will begin with the casing…”
Clockwork let him take the finished clock back to his room at the end of the exercise.
For the next exercise, Clockwork set Danny to work on a small, but somewhat overgrown and neglected, bonsai tree.  This time, however, he did not give Danny explicit instructions on its care, but told him to find the information in the library, gently prompting him to look at more than one source before deciding what to do with the tree.  
Danny had never found books so interesting before.  He’d had no idea that making Clockwork part of his Obsession like this would have such wide-reaching effects.  
It took a while for Danny to get all the information he needed, but he did, and he trimmed the bonsai down to size, watered it, fertilized it, and bent the branches into a more aesthetically pleasing shape.  
Like the clock, the bonsai tree made its way to his room.  
For the third exercise, Clockwork presented him with a blank book and told him to record a detailed history of his life, up until that moment.  
Danny had hesitated, then.  “There’s a lot I don’t remember,” he admitted, even as the need from his Obsession seemed to crawl into his brain to unearth memories he hadn’t known he had.  
“Yes,” said Clockwork, his tone prompting.  
“Will you…  Will you help me?  With the things I don’t remember, I mean.”
“Yes,” said Clockwork.  “I will show you how to operate one of the simpler time screens, but you must never use it without my permission.”
Danny nodded, enthusiastically.  He liked these exercises.  He was learning so much.  
Unlike his other two products, the book was whisked away as soon as he’d finished it, disappearing into the folds of Clockwork’s robes.  Clockwork then presented him with a tiny vial, no larger than the smallest bone in Danny’s smallest finger.  
“What is it?” asked Danny, tilting the vial to the side.  The contents looked like water, but there was something about it Danny couldn’t quite put his finger on.  
“Waters of the Lethe,” said Clockwork.  “Diluted.”
“Am I supposed to drink it?” Danny asked, staring up at Clockwork.  The vision of Clockwork as a giant flitted across his memory again.  
“People are not supposed to know their whole history.  This will only abstract your memory of what you learned here, from the time screens, not your entire memory.”
“I would drink it even if it did,” said Danny.  
“I know,” said Clockwork, “but for now, you need only drink this.”
Danny put the vial to his lips without hesitation, and swallowed the water inside.  He blinked once, twice, slightly disoriented.  “What next?” he asked.  
“Next,” said Clockwork, thoughtfully, “I believe you can go home.”
Danny returned to Amity Park as if he had never left, as if nothing significant had changed in himself.  He went to school, he fought ghosts, he talked to his friends, he played games, he helped people.  Always, he helped.  
And he visited Clockwork.  
Clockwork almost always had something for him to do, whether that was a big thing, like saving a city from destruction, a small thing, like moving a branch, a mundane thing, like studying, or a confusing thing, like being sent to a Renaissance-era party after gorging himself on strawberries with no other instructions.  And, the rare few times Clockwork didn’t have anything for Danny to do, he still treated Danny with gentle care.  
Like now.  Now, Clockwork carefully measured Danny's body, the width of his chest, the length of his limbs, the depth of his breath, the speed of his heart, the color of his blood.  Danny followed his instructions to move and breathe, to stay still, to cough and bleed. 
Clockwork patted him on the head, and Danny leaned into the touch until it turned into something more like a stroke, Clockwork’s hand tracing down to cup his cheek and the underside of his jaw.
“Do not grow,” he said, almost absently.  “Do not age.”
Danny still wasn’t used to the way his body itself would respond to Clockwork’s instructions.  How a few words from him could unlock abilities he would never be able to activate on his own.  A shiver swept over him as his very cells seemed to set themselves in place.  It felt good, of course, but it was also…
“That is still a little intense for you,” said Clockwork.  
Danny made a small, soft noise of agreement.  Despite himself, he was half dozing, leaning heavily on Clockwork’s hand.  Today had been very long, and he was so comfortable here, where the limits and guidance of his 
“I think a more thorough assessment of your physical state is in order,” said Clockwork.  
Danny hummed, questioningly.
“We are going to visit your friends in the Far Frozen.”
The yetis looked at Clockwork with suspicion, but did not stop him.  
“Hi, Frostbite!” said Danny, cheerfully, throwing himself at Frostbite.  Frostbite returned the hug, albeit far more gingerly than usual.  
“Hello, great one,” said Frostbite.  “Timekeeper.”
Clockwork inclined his head minutely.  
“I didn’t know you knew each other,” said Danny, watching the exchange with wide eyes.
“I have brought Daniel for a full physical,” said Clockwork.  
“We have a custom of seeing patients alone.”
"I am aware.  Daniel."
“Answer any question Chief Frostbite has.”
“Truthfully,” Clockwork added.  
Clockwork nodded. “I expect a full medical report.”
“If he wants us to give you one, it will be done,” said Frostbite.  
“I do!” said Danny.  Clockwork smiled faintly, and Danny’s core itself seemed to hum in pleasure.  He’d done the right thing.  
“Very well, great one,” said Frostbite.  He picked Danny up and carried him to the medical caves, where he started running through a standard checkup, asking Danny how he was eating, how he was sleeping, the last fight he’d been in.    
But Danny had a question of his own.
“You look upset,” said Danny.  “Why are you upset?”
Frostbite sighed.  “Great one…  Are you aware that you have been enthralled?”
Danny kicked his feet.  The examination table was sized more for yetis than for human-sized things like Danny, and he felt significantly childlike, sitting on it.  “Um, he didn’t use that word, but Clockwork pretty much explained what was happening to me while it was happening.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, he said he was,” Danny searched for the right word, “shaping me so that I saw doing what he wanted as the same as my Obsession.”  He tilted his head to one side.  “Is that wrong?”
“No, it seems that he did tell you what he was doing.”  Frostbite sighed.  
“But you think it’s bad that he did it in the first place,” surmised Danny.  “That he… enthralled me?  Even though I wanted it?”
“It is complicated.”  Frostbite made a chair out of ice, and sat so his eyes were level with Danny’s.  “Thralls do not typically see anything wrong with their status.  Many ghosts do not.  Many consider it a positive, or at least a neutral thing.  And I am happy, great one, that you have found a way to follow your Obsession that brings you joy and satisfaction.  But it is also true that thralls are mistreated, or outright sacrificed, frequently.”
“But for their Obsession.  Which is something they’d do anyway.  Clockwork isn’t like that, anyway.”
Frostbite sighed heavily.  “Not always for their Obsession.  The point is,” he continued, before Danny could again protest that Clockwork wasn’t like that, “thralls end in tragedy and suffering, more often than not.”
Danny tilted his head.  “What do you mean?”
“Any position where one person has power over another is open to abuse, and the greater the degree of power, the greater the potential for abuse.  We ghosts may be… constrained, somewhat, by what we are.  By our Obsessions, I should say.  But we are still people.  People who can make both good and bad choices.”
“Okay,” said Danny.  That wasn’t really what it had sounded like when he’d asked Clockwork about free will, but maybe this was just another perspective.  It wasn’t like Frostbite was stupid.  “Okay, but Clockwork really isn't like that.  He’s taking good care of me.  And our Obsessions are pretty similar, so I don’t think I’m just going to be sacrificed or whatever.  I get why you’re upset,” he added, quickly.  “I do!  I’d be pretty upset if I thought one of my friends was tricked like that and was getting dragged around for stuff that wasn’t even their Obsession. But it isn’t like that.  He even came here to make sure I was okay, didn’t he?”
“He did,” said Frostbite.  He still didn’t sound happy.  “For a full medical report.  Do you know if he plans to alter you?”
“He’s mentioned it,” said Danny with a shrug.  The idea of being further modified was thrilling.  
Frostbite nodded.  “Regardless, I will list the common side effects of thralldom.  Let me know if you are experiencing any of these.”
“There are side effects?” asked Danny.  “Wait, no, that’s stupid.  Of course there are.  I passed out when it all, um…”  He touched the tips of his fingers together.  “Clicked.”
“I see,” said Frostbite.  “Was this prompted by Clockwork in any way?”
“He told me to sleep,” said Danny.  “But I was definitely passing out anyway.  I’ve got a lot of experience with that.”
Frostbite made a hmm deep in his throat and made a note on a pad of paper.  Danny leaned forward, gazing at him in interest.  He found himself wanting to cuddle in Frostbite’s fur… Not something he normally did.  Even if Frostbite was very soft and fluffy.  
“One of the typical side effects is more animal behavior or features.”
“Oh,” said Danny, a thought crossing his mind, “are the vulture ghosts Vlad’s thralls?”
“I am unsure,” said Frostbite.  “I am unfamiliar with the ghosts you are referencing.”
“It’s not important,” said Danny, shaking his head.  “It’s just, I’ve always wondered why they do stuff for him, since he doesn’t seem to pay them, like he does with Skulker.”
“Have you experienced anything like that personally?” prompted Frostbite, gently.  
“I don’t think so,” said Danny.  
“Lack of interest in other methods of fulfilling your Obsession?”
“Nope,” said Danny.  “I’m still doing all my hero stuff.”
“Abnormal emotional states?”
“I’ve been really happy, lately, I guess,” said Danny.  “But not really, other than that.”
“Anxiety over the location of your thrall-holder?”
“Mm,” said Danny, thinking.  “Not really?  Maybe a little bit.  Clockwork isn’t really… someone who can be put in physical danger?”
“I see," said Frostbite.
“Difficulty understanding the world around you?”
“No,” said Danny.  “Not more than usual.”
“Core pain?”
“At the beginning, but not right now.  Clockwork did exercises with me, to help me settle.”
“Alright,” said Frostbite.  “It’s time for the more traditional scans and measurements.  Are you ready?”
“Yes,” said Danny.
Danny bounced over to Clockwork’s side, sucking on a lollipop Frostbite had given him.  A still unhappy-looking Frostbite handed Clockwork a thick packet of paper, which Clockwork vanished into thin air.  
“I’m ready to go when you are,” said Danny.  
Clockwork nodded, eyes drifting slowly to each of the frowning yetis staring at him.  
“I am aware that you are researching a way to break thralls,” said Clockwork.  
“It doesn’t work, does it?” asked Danny, thoroughly spooked by the idea.  
“No.  Not currently, no.  It isn’t something you need to worry about,” said Clockwork.  It wasn’t really a command or an instruction, so Danny decided not to think about it too much.  He had plenty of other things to think about, after all.  
"Are you going to try to stop us?" asked Frostbite.  
"No," said Clockwork.  "Your research is, actually, part of the reason I brought Daniel here today."
Frostbite’s eyes flicked between Clockwork and Danny.  
“I’m afraid I do not understand,” he said, finally.  
“And that is acceptable.  Come along, Daniel.”  He began to fly away, and Danny hurried to keep pace with him.
"Are you going to have me do that, if they figure it out?" asked Danny, worried again, despite himself.
"There are scenarios in which it may become useful.  I prefer to keep my options open, in these cases."
“But…  You’ll only have me do it if it’s more helpful?”
“Of course,” said Clockwork, ruffling Danny’s hair casually.  “I wouldn’t even consider it, otherwise.”
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wiltking · 1 year
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i've spent the past few weeks putting together a rainbow of playlists with songs that are chromatically, thematically, lyrically, and sonically attuned. intended (and curated) for chronological listening but you can jump around if you want. did my best to stick to less know artists (with only a few exceptions) so hopefully you'll hear something new and interesting in each playlist. you can listen to every color individually or all together. without further ado here is PRISM;
SEX 💗 - the cold bones of your smile burn my flesh, splitting me down to the meat. see how i glitter? see how the angels sing with your hand in the organ of my chest?
LIFE ❤️‍ - i fear not the scars that will blanket the skin where barbs once rooted. i'll pluck them out one by one, spit them out like abscessed teeth and give my blood a home along the pillow of a softer tongue.
HEALING 🧡 - underneath the scouring sun i burn that which no longer serves me, evisceral effigies left out to dry, scattering paper ashes to the earth. snakeskin shed, all is embers to the tides of time.
SUNLIGHT 💛 - bathe in honeysuckle light. shatter and reform with sun seared welding, diamond bonded. and rest this new body awhile.
NATURE 💚 - veins as wires in a carbon carapace, i glow in the night; poison green, treefrog warning. am i not what you expected? or will you bruise your knees wanting for the sting of my touch?
MAGIC 💙 - the shadow of your frame is safe place to lie, where the grass grows velvet blue and free, where the sharp blades kiss their soft flanks to my razor edged scales.
SERENITY 💙 - i love you alive and i love you dead. i love your softness, your cold metal caverns. i love your meat, your sharp jasmine oil scent. i love you as machine. i love you as human. i love you with all i am.
SPIRIT 💜 - the void is long and all consuming, engorged with pinprick stars and mystery. there's a galaxy in your heart waiting to expand. it's been pressing on your ribs all your life. isn’t it time to let it breath?
PRISM 🌈 - all the light refracted in the backs of your eyes caught in the palm of my hand, reverent wine, ritual heart, rainbow communion. (all playlists | 80 songs | 5 hours)
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cleverclovers · 4 months
My older brother only ever used a straight razor to shave, because it got the cleanest shave with the least complications, and brothers in the Jehovah's Witnesses were, at the time, required to be clean shaven.
When he started having his mental health crisis, he stopped shaving, to prevent himself from making what he believed was a selfish decision. It led to him being ostracized at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses, because the dress code is strict, and mental health isn't considered an excuse.
He took his life in October after more than three years of struggling with his mental health, with not just 'no support' from his religion, but active condemnation. He left behind a wife, two sons, a mother, a sister, three brothers, and a cousin. His birthday was December 15th, he would have been 44.
On that day the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses announced a dress code change. Beards were now allowed. To show it, a member of the Governing Body announced it, personally, on video, to be shown on the weekly broadcast. They said "there is no scriptural evidence that supports the previous ban on beards". The ban was made to set Witnesses apart from the "world", in a time where facial hair was becoming so popular it was the norm
This was not a change made from compassion, rather, a change made arbitrarily, because the elders were tired of shaving, I'm sure. I doubt the GB even knows who my brother was, or how many Kingdom Halls he helped build, that he installed the HVAC systems, and helped with welding and wiring. I have doubt they'd even care. Announcing it on his birthday was a coincidence, plain and simple. There is still no support available for Witnesses struggling with their mental health, or any other life struggle they may be facing. That doesn't stop the people in my family who are still among the witnesses seeing this as compassion for my brother. I can't convince them otherwise.
This dress code change was reiterated at the yearly Kingdom Hall convention this past weekend.
The Jehovah's Witnesses are a cult, not a religion. They have no compassion for their members, and allow the mistreatment of those suffering mental health issues, including children. Avoid them at all costs, and if you have family among them and you're trying to get them to see reason? Good luck to you.
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blue-village · 10 months
Fawaz Qafisha cracked his front door open a few inches, stuck his head through the gap and squinted against the sun. The street outside was almost completely dead, save for an Israeli soldier who was sitting on a garden chair placed opposite Qafisha's house, facing the front door.
Qafisha, who was born and raised in Hebron, in the occupied West Bank, is a resident of H2, a dense and heavily fortified district that is home to 39,000 Palestinians and roughly 900 Israeli settlers considered some of the most extreme in the occupied territory. The Palestinians and Israelis of H2 are separated in some places here by just a few feet, and surrounded by cameras, cages, checkpoints, concrete blast walls and rolls of razor wire.
Qafisha's house sat just off Shuhada Street, once one of the busiest Palestinian market streets in Hebron. In 1994, a massacre of 29 Muslims by a Jewish extremist nearby led to riots, which in turn prompted a crackdown by the Israeli army. The army closed Palestinian businesses and later welded the front doors of the Palestinian residents shut. Since then, the Palestinians of the area around Shuhada Street have lived through shifting restrictions on where they can go, when, and how. Flare-ups in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict have often led to some form of lockdown, but several residents told the BBC that this was the harshest they had ever experienced.
H2 began life in 1997 when Hebron was divided into two sectors, under an agreement between the Palestine Liberation Organisation and Israel. H1, populated entirely by Palestinians and controlled by the Palestinian Authority, accounts for roughly 80% of the city. H2, which accounts for just 20% of the city, is populated almost entirely by Palestinians but controlled by the Israeli military. Within H2, the area around Shuhada Street and the Ibrahimi Mosque is the most fortified by checkpoints and guard posts. It has seen decades of tension, violence, and terror attacks from both sides.
The lockdown in H2 was a "blatant example of how Israel is implementing collective punishment in the West Bank", said Dror Sadot, a spokeswoman for the Israeli human rights organisation B'Tselem. "The Palestinians in Hebron are paying a price for something they didn't do," she said. "People cannot go to work, children cannot go to school, they are having trouble getting water and food. It is collective punishment, and it is illegal under international law."
Among the Israeli settlers living in H2, in the hardline Kiryat Arba settlement, is Israel's far-right national security minister, Itamar Ben Gvir. On Thursday, Ben Gvir, who has personally overseen the distribution of thousands of new rifles to West Bank settlers since October 7th, said that Israel should take the same approach to the occupied territory that it was taking in Gaza, where more than 11,000 Palestinians have now been killed. "Containment will blow up in our faces," Ben Gvir said, of the West Bank. "Just like it did in Gaza." According to the Palestinian Health Ministry, more than 200 Palestinians have been killed in the West Bank since 7 October, by settlers or in clashes with the military.
Since 7 October, Areej had been coming up here to the roof with her video camera to gather footage of the soldiers and send it to B'Tselem, the human rights organisation. In return, the Israeli military arrived at her house last Saturday and forced their way in, she said. "They broke my press card and warned me not to take any more video or post anything on social media." They also forbade her to go up onto her roof, she said, or look out of her windows on Fridays or Saturdays, when the Israeli settlers use her road to walk from the settlement to the Jewish holy site near Shuhada Street.
The IDF told the BBC that it was aware of the incident Areej described and was following up with the specific soldiers involved to examine what happened. "We are taking this incident very seriously," a spokesperson said. To Areej, it did not feel particularly out of the ordinary. "Any time something happens they put more restrictions on us," she said. "The goal is to divide us, to split the area into small pieces and to pressure us to leave." She was standing up against the railing around the roof of her home, looking out over H2. "I call this area the fortress of steadfastness," she said. She opened her video camera and pointed it in the direction of the Israeli guard post down the road.
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pennamesmith · 2 years
Entrapta talked to herself a lot. It helped her think. She also liked to walk and talk, without paying much attention to where her feet took her. Which is how it happened that while she was tramping through the uncharted Beast Island jungle her lively conversation with nobody was interrupted by a massive metallic mantis that she could have sworn came out of absolutely nowhere.
“Subject B86 — which I have nicknamed ‘Mantisaur’ — has resisted all attempts at communication!” Entrapta shrieked while dodging swipes from its razor-sharp claws. “Evasion has also proven ineffective! Extreme maintenance may be required!”
She ducked to avoid a lateral slice that grazed her hair and then sprang up with her ponytails to land on the creature’s back. She rode and wrangled it, hanging on with every limb for dear life. When it swung one leg towards her she grabbed and wrestled with the claw, before plunging the sharpened knife through its neck. Mantisaur gurgled like a dying engine and fell forward into the dirt. Its head rolled away from the crumpled carcass, the neon light in its eyes dimming into darkness.
Entrapta breathed heavily. She realized how tightly she was still gripping the mechanical insect’s body and slowly stood up to take a shaking few steps. Oil leaked onto the ground like blood. She paused when her foot struck the sparking head and turned to look. She considered the frightening face from more than one angle.
Its visage was beaked and armored, only a little bigger than a human head. Two bulbous, glassy eyes protruded from the front. A crack ran through one of the lenses, but otherwise it remained in remarkable condition. Ponderously, her muddied hair curled up to reach for her improvised tools. She needed a new welding mask.
Waste not, want not.
Entrapta’s nimble fingers danced on numbers, coaxing secrets out of ancient underground computers. The deeper she went into the island the more she found. In one day she learned as much as she had in her entire career researching First Ones tech. She saw the lines and wires that ran through Etheria, connecting it all. She came to understand what the old invaders had planned for this world.
The titanic machine had been eating the planet’s children and stealing thunder from its magical heart for millennia. Entrapta felt her heavy torso heave and hurl at the thought of what a weapon like that could do. Her eyes welled with tears. So much data, destroyed in an instant. It was too much to comprehend. She felt numb.
“Fascinating,” she said.
Despite the horror, curiosity continued to draw her in. It was as if her mind was drifting away from her body. She lost herself in information.
There was nothing else she needed.
Panicked feet flickered like fire over the tangled ground. Even in this toxic place there were still living animals, and the savage danger only made their hearts and legs pound faster.
A predator with dozens of purple tendrils pursued them. It had almost grasped the weakest and slowest of the herd when the whole wild hunt crashed through the trees into a clearing and landed on top of a burning campfire.
The animals scattered. Entrapta fell back and scrambled away from the flames, her boots smoking. Startled and wide-eyed, a short, bearded man in ragged clothes stared at her from across the clearing. A smoky spire rose between them.
The man screamed first. “Get back, creature!” he yelped, brandishing a staff that crackled with magical energy.
“Wait!” Entrapta tried to say, but she was drowned out by the blast of an aggressive enchantment.
“Don’t come near me!” the man bellowed. “You’re just one of the island’s tricks! Get back!”
Entrapta didn’t try to stay and argue. She turned and retreated into the depths of the island, loping on long legs of hair. After a few minutes of running she paused, panting, at the edge of a stagnant pond.
Looking into the reflective water, Entrapta suddenly realized why the stranger had reacted so fearfully. Staring back at her was a many-limbed monster with an insectoid face, covered in grime and filth. She barked out a haggard laugh.
“Beast Island log, day, um.” Entrapta said aloud when she had caught her breath. “It appears I’m not the only person here! Unfortunately, it would also seem that I have neglected my personal appearance to the point where other humans perceive me as a hideous monster. Perhaps I could, um.”
She trailed off. Her mind felt foggy and it was suddenly hard to see. The planet will burn if you don’t warn someone, a somber thought said. And why should I care if it does? growled another.
She tried to press through. “Perhaps it would be better if I…”
If you what? her thoughts snapped. Made yourself more palatable? Ignored their ignorance? Suffered patiently? Like you did with the princesses?
Like you did with Hordak?
That was it. She balled her hands into fists and yelled as loud as she could in rage and frustration.
“Shut up! Shut up! Shut the fuck up!”
It was hard to breathe. Everything seemed so far away. Entrapta shut her eyes and screamed until she couldn’t hear herself think anymore.
She didn’t want to hear it.
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cheunggsteel · 25 days
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CheungG Steel Group LLC is a leading manufacturer and supplier of fence systems and steel in China.
The CheungG Steel Group is one of the original supplier of fence and steel to the China construction industry. CG Steel its origins to 1997 with the formation of the wire mesh factory. We are the preferred supplier to the China Building and Highway sector and we’ve been doing so for more than 20 years. With the business abroad continuing to expand, and in order to meet customer demand. CheungG Steel Group, which operates export business, started operation from Year 2023.
With a strong legacy in product & service Innovation, CheungG continues to partner with our customers to identify cost and time efficiencies on their next job. Our expert team and comprehensive range ensure no matter what the project needs are, big or small, we’ll be there to provide the right support as a “one-stop” customized  purchasing.
Proudly Chinese since 1997, all CheungG Steel products remain 100% CN made with international quality assurance and compliance with CN standards. We believe that the reliability of trusted partnerships reinforce the foundations of every successful project.
CheungG – CN’s integrated fence systems and steel manufacturing and distribution business, providing solutions for commercial and residential construction, large scale and nation-building infrastructure, our primary producers and rural sectors.
Dear Sir/Madam,
We hope to build a long term business relationship with you, Kindly Email or WhatsApp us if you are interested in below mention Items. Email: [email protected], WhatsApp:+8618003388789.
Anti climb fence, clear view fence, australia temporary fencing, canada temporary fencing, cattlepanels, roll top fence, chain link fence, american chain link temporary fencing, crowd control barrier, 454 656 868 double wire mesh panels, flat top metal fence, spear top metal fence, 3d welded wire mesh panels, palisade fence, field fence, razor barbed wire, barbed wire, expanded metal mesh, gabions mesh, reinforcing mesh, Rare metals mesh, plastic rebar chair for mesh, steel grating, highway noise barrier wall, pounched metal plate, stainless steel rope netting and many more.
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sureshblogs · 6 months
Reinforcing Boundaries: Karimulla Group's Trailblazing Fencing Solutions in Tirupati
In the ever-evolving landscape of fencing solutions, Tirupati stands witness to a transformative force, embodied by the Karimulla Group. Specializing in PVC coated chain link fencing in Tirupati, chain link mesh wire, Tata chain link mesh, concertina fencing wire, razor wire, electric fencing, and weld mesh, Karimulla Group has become synonymous with innovation, quality, and reliability in Tirupati's fencing industry.
PVC coated chain link fencing has emerged as a preferred choice for its durability and versatility. Karimulla Group, as one of the leading manufacturers and distributors in Tirupati, has perfected the art of crafting PVC coated chain link fences that withstand the test of time, offering unparalleled security and aesthetics to residential, commercial, and industrial spaces alike.
The significance of chain link mesh wire cannot be overstated in modern fencing solutions. Karimulla Group's commitment to excellence is evident in their meticulously manufactured chain link mesh wire, catering to the diverse needs of customers across Tirupati. Whether it's for perimeter security or partitioning, their chain link mesh wire stands as a testament to quality craftsmanship.
Tata chain link mesh holds a special place in Karimulla Group's repertoire, reflecting their dedication to partnering with renowned brands to deliver superior products. As authorized distributors of Tata chain link mesh wire in Tirupati, Karimulla Group ensures that customers receive nothing but the best, backed by the assurance of Tata's legacy and reliability.
In addition to traditional fencing solutions, Karimulla Group pioneers modern security measures such as concertina fencing wire, razor wire, and electric fencing. These cutting-edge solutions redefine perimeter security, offering enhanced protection against intrusions and trespassing.
Karimulla Group's extensive network of dealers and suppliers in Tirupati ensures seamless accessibility to their wide range of fencing products. From consultation to installation, their dealers provide comprehensive support, ensuring customer satisfaction at every step of the way.
Moreover, Karimulla Group's competitive pricing strategy makes quality fencing solutions accessible to all segments of society. With transparent pricing on fencing wire, barbed wire, chain link fencing, and power fencing, they strive to make safety and security affordable for everyone in Tirupati.
In conclusion, Karimulla Group's unwavering commitment to innovation, quality, and customer satisfaction has reshaped the fencing industry in Tirupati. As they continue to set new benchmarks in fencing solutions, their legacy as pioneers of security infrastructure remains unchallenged, ensuring a safer and more secure tomorrow for Tirupati and beyond.
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almiqahardware · 6 months
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In Saudi Arabia, various types of wire mesh fencing are used for different purposes, including security, agriculture, construction, and perimeter delineation. Some common types of wire mesh fencing used in Saudi Arabia include:
Chain Link Fencing: Chain link fencing is one of the most widely used types of wire mesh fencing globally. It consists of interlocking wire mesh formed in a diamond pattern. Chain link fencing is often used for perimeter security, residential fencing, commercial properties, sports facilities, and industrial sites.
Welded Wire Mesh Fencing: Welded wire mesh fencing is made by welding individual wires together to form a grid pattern. It is known for its strength, durability, and versatility. Welded wire mesh fencing is commonly used for various applications, including security fencing, animal enclosures, agricultural fencing, and construction sites.
Barbed Wire Fencing: Barbed wire fencing consists of twisted strands of wire with barbs spaced at intervals. It is primarily used for security purposes to deter intruders and trespassers. Barbed wire fencing is often installed on top of walls, fences, or along the perimeter of properties.
Razor Wire Fencing: Razor wire fencing, also known as razor barbed wire, features sharp barbs or blades intertwined along the wire strands. It is highly effective for security applications and is used to create high-security barriers around military installations, prisons, and sensitive facilities.
Expanded Metal Fencing: Expanded metal fencing is made by cutting and stretching a sheet of metal to create a pattern of diamond-shaped openings. It offers excellent visibility and airflow while providing security and containment. Expanded metal fencing is commonly used for perimeter security, road barriers, and industrial enclosures.
Palisade Fencing: Palisade fencing consists of vertical steel or aluminum pales mounted on horizontal rails. It offers a high level of security and deterrence against intruders due to its intimidating appearance and difficulty to climb. Palisade fencing is often used for industrial facilities, government buildings, and high-security installations.
Al Miqat Shade Netting, as a specialized supplier of shade nets in the UAE, may not directly provide wire mesh fencing products. However, they might have connections or partnerships with suppliers or manufacturers who offer wire mesh fencing solutions suitable for various applications, including those in Saudi Arabia. It’s essential to inquire with them or seek recommendations for reputable suppliers of wire mesh fencing in Saudi Arabia to meet specific project requirements.
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the-smallest-star · 8 months
Hands Clem a metal baseball bat that has saw blades and razor wire welded to it.
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"Least I can pick from two now."
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mintfencingsydney · 9 months
Secure Your Property With Best Fencing Options
Secure Your Property With Best Fencing Options 
Your business is secured when it is protected from undesired outsiders and enemies. An option like mint fencing can be opted to serve the purpose. This is a popular choice that adds to your property's aesthetic appeal.
Security fencing is one of the most essential criteria for securing a business or household property. Installation of security fencing provides safety to employees, assets or families. 
Why Is Security Fencing So Important?
Security fencing is vital because it provides a physical barrier that helps deter intruders, protects property and valuables, and enhances safety and security. Here are some of the main reasons why security fencing is essential:
Security fencing acts as a visual deterrent to potential intruders. These solutions make it less likely that they will attempt to enter a property.
Security fencing provides a physical barrier that makes it challenging for intruders to gain access into your property. Thus it protects against theft, vandalism, and other crimes.
Security fencing can create a safe and secure environment for people, especially in areas with potential hazards, such as construction sites or industrial facilities.
Security fencing can also provide privacy and confidentiality for businesses, government agencies, or individuals who require it.
Some common types of security fencing:
Chain link fencing
Welded wire mesh fencing
Barbed wire fencing
Electric fencing
Razor wire fencing
Security grill fencing
Palisade fencing
Perimeter fencing
It's essential to choose the right type of security fencing based on a property's specific needs and requirements, considering factors such as the level of security required, the environment, and aesthetic considerations.
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Find a Trusted Wire Mesh Manufacturer for the Benefit of Your Business Growth
For the majority of us, conducting business internationally is unthinkable. However, some people will always start making purchases from Plaster Mesh manufacturers since they wish to have a chance to become wealthy. There you will also find high-quality Welded Razor Wire, and other materials.
Phone No. +86-15131872040
Address: Industrial Park, Anping, Hebei, China 053600
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amybei · 1 year
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Razor wire also called concertina razor wire, as an upgraded security products of traditional barbed wire, has enhanced level of security and safety. It can be used individually along the wall or the top of the buildings to form a certain obstacles against intruders. It is also popularly used along the top of the metal fences offering strengthened barriers with sharp blades and barbs.
Razor wire is made by hot-dipped galvanized blade or stainless steel blade, high tensile strength core wire( steel wire with 1200mpa tensile strength or stainless steel wire).
Razor wire is supplied in the forms of coil wire, straight line razor ribbons, concertina and welded flat razor wire mesh sheet. The blade profile for razor wire varies in a different sizes and styles.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
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This is the size car and this is the car it's a Chevy Monza the bolt is too small this is for the Corvette stingray kit and they made these for about 20 years then I'm starting in 2004. And it's this model on this size they make this exact name car or model and stressed out the base engine at about 120 horsepower and the standard motor was about $135 horsepower it was kind of zippy it wasn't real fast we have a kit and we're building it now and we have a partner and we're going to build them and other people are building these Corvettes now in ours are a little different than the vet but it's very similar it's not like kids of old where they were completely different and they were called the Corvette no it looks like a Corvette the brand new one and it looks a lot like it we made some things a little smaller like the openings inside and it looks much cooler we did not put going doors and we decided against that but it does have nice doors little longer and almost seamless and the rear looks really cool it's awesome and it looks better than the one in our son saw you although it was pretty cool. Now we will include in the kit:
+the full body in other words the cab and seats headliner floor carpet and Matt console and center console controls in the middle and control panel dashboard all of the covers and so forth on the doors and it's all finished on the inside completely with all the knobs and everything included and a stereo we're not going to keep the old one now you can sell it and it is a nice stereo and speakers included all pre-wired and the body kit and all you do is hook them up all of the wiring and all the other mechanicals are pretty done in the kit and you'll see how it works it's not that complicated everything is ready for hook up on the body you hook it up to the chassis and you follow the instructions we're going to be assembling some of these kids on to the new chassis for sale to boost sales of the kid and sell them at a used car dealership but one that is certified.
+full exhaust system and all the way to the engine including the gaskets that go to the engine and instructions on proper removal so you don't damage the metal and so it's smooth and clean you don't scrape it with a razor or sandpaper or anything like that if you do it ruins it and you'll have blow by all the way out to the tailpipe it does have a really cool tailpipe that's integral and it's already welded up and you just connect them all together with quick connections and it comes with liquid metal and that holds for many many years about 20 years minimum
-suspension tires and rims we decide to do that because they look silly if you don't there's a specific tire and specific rim and suspension needs to be adjusted to accommodate for it and it's too weak in some areas to hold the tire on at speed
-locking mechanisms and that's for your tires and for the steering wheel and for the car itself and their high tech and low tech it's not automatic locks but it is something that you will recognize as a decent lock and for the trunk too it's super car quality including removal steering wheel as an upgrade if you'd like
-it's actually Corvette interior aftermarket parts some are OEM but we're going to run out of them pretty quick but they all look exactly like the Corvette which is funny because we're making a Corvette stingray the interior looks like the Corvette stingray but it's a little bit upgraded to look more modern and more like a supercar than a Corvette
-actual smoked windows all three of the front cannot be except for the top band and it is all high performance class and rated as a nine the hall is made out of fiberglass reinforced fibers and carbon reinforced with stainless steel particles and they're filaments it's very sturdy very strong and it does have an enclosure and a cage that you have to assemble it's all bolt up and it's very simple and use loctite on everything and it is liquid metal it fuses to the screws so you have to do it quick
-a title registration and Dot papers are all included for this particular vehicle based on the vehicle that you ordered it for is up to you to provide a VIN for the original vehicle to them and it's called the combined Vin and you put the kit number then and you put the vehicle number in and don't lose it it's on your dashboard or on the paperwork and put it on to the new title and you go down and you register your vehicle and they stamp your title and you hold on to the title and the copy it and don't forget to bring your valid license
+we include all of the items door knobs window cranks on stereo knobs and stereo and stereo speakers all the wiring is in already all the gauges and the tachometer the speedometer all of them are in the dash and the dashboard comes in one piece the steering wheel and the controls for the gears and everything are all included the pedals and everything are new and the connections are all new all the way to the engine because it's a pain in the ass to use theirs everything is practically new and even the engine parts are included to accommodate the new Hall of the air intake system is completely pulled off and replaced and it's a Corvette typed filter that you buy for Corvette and it fits in it and it fits to your particular engine and you give us the model number there are several other things included
+safety package seat belts airbags as per law and there's a couple extra ones because it's a high performance vehicle did not required but we do include them it's also impact resistant glass and panels and there's a roll cage and an enclosure and it's rated about c which is a racing cage there are options you can get for more safety equipment and it is intense what you can do and it's intense what you can do because you can order a motor too and it can go extremely fast
-with the base motor at 120 horsepower with our Corvette Hull and interior and suspension and tires and rims and kit complete with exhaust and more the car would then go about 300 mph if you have the $135 horsepower it goes about 450 mph and this is a Corvette the new Corvette the way it is top of the line with the speed kit goes 285 mph this is a very fast car most of your higher-ups cars go about 400 miles per hour it's a very hot looking car and it's beautiful and it is our son's design and daughter and he he did most of it and she had some input and he liked it and so he put it in there and we help them get it going as you know these kids are going to go on sale tomorrow so everybody get ready if you're going to prison or in a mission or going down to fight the clones please feel free to order a kit and have your nephew assemble one for you and buy one for him so you can live and live for something afterwards and you can be nice to each other later
And our son says the last two lines then I say good luck with it and it's a nice vehicle and it's fun
Thor Freya
Be nice later that's terrific have the nephew assemble it that's better we're going to go ahead and do that and I'm going to look for it
Olympus we will post it and it will be available for people and it will start spreading like hotcakes and we're going to go to car shows because you have to advertise somewhere and his son and daughter-in-law I will do it while it's her son and daughter in law too and plenty of them all over the place it's going to be hot it's nice
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0602huan · 1 year
Razor Wire Safety Measures: Keeping Your Property and People Safe
Key points for installing razor wire:
Determine the installation location: When choosing to install the razor wire, you should carefully evaluate the safety needs of the target area and determine the appropriate installation location and scope.
Sturdy Mounting: The razor barbed wire must be securely mounted to ensure its stability and durability. Welding, fixing clamps or bolts can be used as installation means, but must comply with the relevant safety standards and regulations.
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In modern warfare, military barriers can provide significant protection and are often used for perimeter fortification. There are 12 standard sizes of military barriers, each suitable for different environments and scenarios. military barriers are made with high-quality low carbon steel wire, welded and galvanized for rust prevention, and combined with high-strength geotextile fabric. If you want to learn more about military barriers, feel free to contact me.
The Role Of Military Barriers In Modern Warfare. - JOESCO Military Barrier System, Military Defense Barrier, Barbed Wire, And Razor Barbed Wire.
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