#collective punishment
odinsblog · 2 months
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This is unconscionable. (more)
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agentfascinateur · 9 months
Found in Gaza...
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i-am-aprl · 8 months
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After the ICJs ruling on provisional measures, the headline you would have expected is that western countries ceased funding and arming Israel.
Instead, they are pausing funding for a UN agency for Palestinian refugees, when there are almost 2 million of them in Gaza who are in dire need of humanitarian assistance as acknowledged by the ICJ itself!!!
All because of Israel allegations that 12 out of 13,000 of the agencies employees MAY have been involved in Oct 7th.
Even IF this were true, this amounts to #collectivepunishment of Palestinians in Gaza and failure to abide by state’s obligations to prevent acts of genocide.
Please consider donating directly to unrwa so they can continue their life-saving work. You can find the donation link in their instagram account or webpage.
Please also make your voice heard; demand your government resumes\continues funding unrwa and don’t stop speaking up for Palestine.
In our thousands, in our millions we are all Palestinians!! 🇵🇸❤️🍉
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news4dzhozhar · 8 months
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If Germany were as committed to standing against genocide as they claim, they'd be supporting Palestinians. 90 year old guilt has then enabling the very thing they are supposedly trying to prevent. I guess "never again" was just a slogan. What would their defense case even look like? Just claiming for hours that Israel can do whatever they want because of WWII?
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aidenlydia · 8 months
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Please donate to UNRWA!!
“In the days following the ICJ's decision, the US, Canada, UK, and at least 7 other countries have cut over $662 million in annual funding to UNRWA. The cuts to UNRWA's funding, which constitute the overwhelming majority of its current budget, are an impending catastrophe for more than 6 million Palestinians residing in 60 refugee camps in Occupied Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, and Syria.
UNRWA, or the United Nations Relief and Work Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East, was created in 1949 as a response to the 'Nakba' or catastrophe of 1948, to provide relief and support human development for Palestinian refugees exiled in 1948 and later years, along with their descendants.
The decision to defund UNRWA a day after the ICJ's decision to grant the majority of provisional measures requested by South Africa is not coincidental. Imperialist powers are seeking to offset the international developments around the ICJ ruling, and prevent aid from entering Palestine.”
- Palestinian Youth Movement
Want to do more for Palestine? Here are other resources and funds:
e-sims | pious projects - feminine hygiene kits | palestine children relief fund | world food programme | bds boycott list | insta accounts to follow | other resources
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alwaysbewoke · 6 months
This is what zionists swore up and down MLK would support. My God!
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stephobrien · 7 months
Israeli troops fired on a large crowd of Palestinians racing to pull food off an aid convoy in Gaza City on Thursday, witnesses said. More than 100 people were killed in the chaos, which has since been termed the "flour massacre."
This brutal attack has rightly drawn condemnation from many quarters, including from protestors in Tel Aviv, who held up flour bags with red paint on them in protest against the massacre.
(Edited to remove a couple lines that expressed a conclusion I'd jumped to too hastily, which has since been corrected.)
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biblioflyer · 4 months
Being right doesn’t mean you get to kill everyone else.
I’ve seen some griping that the writers of X-Men ‘97 “did Magneto dirty” by first showing how human / mutant coexistence was a delusion only to have Magnus go full genocidal tyrant. I think this, like the exchange between Rogue and Captain America has nuances that aren’t being appreciated, but I’ll grant the point that the demographic disparity and the destructive capabilities of the setting ensure that it doesn’t take broad support by non-mutants to enact a pogrom. Even before the revelation of Bastion, the idea of an attempt to kill as many mutants in one place as physically possible and ruin the illusion of safety wasn’t that far fetched: with or without the support and sanction of major world governments.
That Magneto would respond to the Genosha massacre with disproportionate force, and let’s call it what it is: killing humanity including quite a lot of mutants, is not the writers turning on Magneto. It’s who Magneto is in the animated series and at the moment in comic lore it’s based on. Who Magneto is is a mutant supremacist. Separation from Sapiens was never just about safety. Magneto wanted to build a parallel culture. Not for the sake of creating a culture and the beauty of creative endeavors but because of mutant chauvinism.
Because the setting is what it is, Charles the assimilationist is doomed. If the rubric for success is mutant safety and equality across the board, then it’s simply unachievable because tiny cabals of madmen can cobble together salvaged alien tech, secrets from the future, and knock off Stark tech to unleash horror that is obscenely difficult to prevent and doesn’t require widespread societal consent.
Charles chooses not to blame the people just trying to live day to day for the actions of hate filled mad scientists and lynchers.
Magneto blames the masses for not recognizing and stopping the threat in their midst, sees their inaction as complicity, and even if they are blameless then they are camouflage within which existential threats to mutants conceal themselves and if Magneto has to burn down the whole village or planet to deny genocidal schemers their cover, that’s what he’ll do. He’ll kill as many non-mutants as it takes to feel safe because he did not value their lives prior to Genosha, did not feel they valued mutant lives, and he has always viewed mutant lives as more valuable. Genosha ratcheted that up to genocidal rage.
Revolutionary, terrorist, oppressed, and oppressor are not static categories. Real life figures and fictional characters can slide between them very easily because monsters can make valid points and victims can do monstrous things. A correct observation about society doesn’t justify the monster’s darkest desires and suffering doesn’t make evil deeds justified.
That’s the point. That’s always been the point of X-Men. It’s not cops and robbers, bigots vs good people, it’s the struggle of everyone not to judge everyone else by the worst thing a member of the other group has ever done. Magneto and Bastion are the faces of giving in to rage and fear. Succumbing to the easy moral certainty of collective punishment and of the rationalizations provided by their respective supremacies. They always were. Even when they were making sense. Especially when they were making sense.
Epilogue: (Tolerance is Extinction pt 3 spoilers)
It’s never too late though to step off the path of the tyrant. Better early but late is better than never.
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intersectionalpraxis · 8 months
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We said it was lies. We said this was strategically done to continue to collectively punish Palestinian people, and instead of investigating properly (which I'm sure the US government wasn't planning to do in the first place), you're trusting the IOF who has been committing war crimes...
This is laughable to me because what credibility? Ya'll exist in echo chambers together. You just 'trust' they're not lying? Do you have any idea what kind of damage this has done irreparably so because mainstream news outlets have taken this and run with it to the point where now people are saying there are terrorists in UNRWA. But as I have said before -even if there were people involved in any attacks, that doesn't give you the right to cut funding to an organization that is helping innocent populations of people from disaster and crisis.
Anytime 'Israeli intelligence' discovers something we know to be wary about it because the zionist entity is filled with genocidal monsters, and now we just have to let this one go? This is beyond injustice.
The IOF has not and will never be credible.
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nanamins-overtime · 11 months
Settlements and annexation are illegal under international and human rights law.
Apartheid is illegal under international and human rights law.
Collective punishment is illegal under international and human rights law.
The use of excessive force is illegal under international and human rights law.
Ethnic cleansing is illegal under international and human rights law.
Genocide is illegal under international and human rights law.
Withholding food, water, electricity and essential medical aid is illegal under international and human rights law.
Palestinans have the right to armed struggle and self-determination. Resistance is not terrorism. Colonisation is.
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odinsblog · 9 months
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The Israeli army is just shooting anyone they think is Palestinian, much the same way that Israel is indiscriminately bombing all of Gaza, including the “safe zones” where they have directed noncombatant civilians to go right before they bomb them anyway. It’s war crimes, plain and simple.
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osculum-frombee · 1 month
I am Riham from Gaza. All my dreams have been shattered now in Gaza. I studied Public Relations and Media and graduated just one day before the war, but now my home, my dreams, and my university have been destroyed.
All my dreams have been crushed 😞 I ask for your support, participation, and donations.
Please share my story and donate after reading it; it’s urgent! 🇵🇸🍉
Please don’t ignore my plea for help. Any donation, even a small one, will make a big difference 🙏🙏
‼️spread the word
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i-am-aprl · 8 months
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UNRWA funding cut is collective punishment for yet another story that keeps on changing.
Here we go, again, the same scenario of changing stories, just to finally find out it another Israeli lie.
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news4dzhozhar · 8 months
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iwriteaboutfeminism · 8 months
I just made a donation to UNRWA, the largest organization providing relief efforts in Gaza. As the Zionist governments of several Western countries, including the United States, have pulled funding and chosen to make themselves complicit in the genocidal action of collective punishment, it's important to show our solidarity with the people of Palestine and give what we can to help fill the funding gap.
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eretzyisrael · 8 months
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