#Well apparently an empire wants my girl dead
gentrychild · 8 months
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Someone wants my girl dead. :(
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feysandfeels · 6 months
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Right fam, time for some dragon riding (non sexual… from what I have been able to gather)
Ngl, but reading (listening) the "a dragon without its rider is a tragedy, a rider without its dragon is dead" after seeing so many tiktoks about it and them being all epic, has me giddy, has me excited. Here we go.
So far we have a cunty yet caring elder sister, a dead dad, a rude as fuck mum, a dead brother (who apparently was beloved above all) and a girl severely lacking in calcium.
"you won't get any special treatment just for being my daughter" my sister in christ, what special treatment? so far you have been nothing like an ass.
I cannot judge Violet for wanting to take her books with her....but babygirl from what I have seen you truly have no strength.. so like..sugar.. either develop some muscle or like let it go.
What's so wrong about being a scribe? like what do you all have against academia?
Okay no wait... what are they prepping her for? What the fuck is this subscription day? isn't it like just first day of uni?? Is she fighting? is it a race? to like the first dragon they can find? the first tunnel of their respective career?
aaaaaaaand here comes the childhood friend with soft brown eyes that laughs with his whole body.
Seems like extremely poor parenting to send your extremly untrained daughter into such a challenge... like she has to climb some rocks... and like run a lot, there's going to be wind. Like no. And for what? for the glory of your name? SHE CAN'T EVEN LIFT HER OWN BOOKS!
Gotta love a "This isn't America's TOP BEST FRIEND" moment.
I'm sorry but how is conscribing (?) all children from the traitors to the best school in the kingdom/republic/empire/country and give them a solid ass chance of becoming riders, and therefore climb to the top of the social and military pyramid a fitting punishment? They should have ended their respective bloodlines. You rebel you and your entire bloodline die.
Colombian brain translating Xaden to Xavier.
I should have asked... can dragons talk in this world?
What is the parapit?? Is that how it is written?
Mira (?) is a badass. Queen behaviour.
Mira being like "don't die Violet, I'd hate to be an only child." And having seen her mother? Honestly same. Like no. Hard Pass.
Wait is the blonde guy she is befriending the one with the scar from the betrayal?? Dylan? yes? no?
Oh and they get to marry after graduating. Why do I feel I am walking straight into another early 20s marriage.
Most riders are legacies... good to see nepotism is alive and well. Neporiders.
Oh so Xaden has tattoos from his wrist up to his jaw.. okay, okay.
My girl really went "He is #SoTall and #HandsomeAsHell"
I don't get what this challenge is about and apparently Dylan is not making it, he liked slipped or smth and is like hanging...
yeah no he fell to his death. RIP Dylan.
My girl is like screaming history facts to distract herself while she [insert the challenge.... I think it's walking a very slippery bridge]
Okay so Jack is an asshole... it's giving Cato.
Kinda want to bet that he will try to eventually fight Violet and Xaden will defend her.
Got confirmation, it is in fact a bridge.
Rihannon made it. Which is a personal win because she seems sweet.
Oh my god Jack focus on your own thing, you are being and asshole, no one cares. Fuck off, fall to your death, shut up. Like why are you so pressed about this random ass calcium lacking girl. GET A JOB. STAY AWAY FROM HER.
Not her reciting the codex lol it is giving Elizabeth Swann citing The Pirate Code to Captain Barbossa. Babygirl, bless you, but he clearly does not give a fuck.
Violet truly made that crossing out of delulu energy and history facts and honestly? respect.
Wait, hold the fuck on... this audiobook is 21h long? what on god's green earth is going to happen in this book? oh my god this thread is going to be huge. Apologies to all.
omg Jack why are you still talking? either shut up or jump infront of a dragon and die. LIKE WHY ARE YOU SO OBSESSED WITH HER? He is giving blonde guy energy (but not the one you gave Dylan. RIP Dylan. You will never be forgotten)
aaaaaahhh there we go Jack threatened her and when he makes the move to kill her Xaden will be like "the fuck bro" and kill him instead.
Here comes the childhood best friend. I feel he is hot. Dane? Dane Atos?? Kinda hot of him. Wait he is Squad Leader? that's hot.
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eriexplosion · 8 months
The fact that Crosshair's wrist is apparently even remotely near a small girls wrist size is hilarious to me. Eat more you skinny creature your limbs are only slightly bigger than a child's. He does say it's not an exact fit but. Close enough to work.
Wrecker doing Gonky lifts in the background is wholesome.
"The Jedi who are all dead?" is still the most 0-100 response, good job on your immediate escalation Tech. He's correct but damn.
Anyway in case it wasn't clear I am extremely Pro-Cid. I love her even though she has committed crimes and betrayals. She looked really sad while doing it you see.
Tech's COMPLETE distaste for this place is hilarious. MAYBE he was ARRESTED for VIOLATING COUNTLESS HEALTH CODE REGULATIONS. It doesn't look that bad but he is Offended.
Love Omega just instantly tuning into the fact that Cid is engaged in the ancient art of 'straight up lying' while in the background everyone else discusses what their next move is if this isn't Cid's place like they didn't just walk under a big glowing sign that says "Cid's"
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God bless them all
Deadly looking Crossbow: Exists
Omega: This is? for me to touch?
Nice foreshadowing to her actually getting a hold of a bow though.
I just love Cid's office full of concerning objects like said Crossbow, a mounted clone trooper helmet, and what looks distressingly like a wookiee pelt on the back of the chair. If Cid can do one thing it's design an office.
Echo is so deeply horrified by the concept of becoming a mercenary. They really were setting up the split early, it was obvious from the start that Echo wasn't going to run with this forever. It goes against everything they ARE.
Wrecker and Omega when Cid calls her the brains of the operation LOL. I love them.
Cid I love u but don't be mean to Wrecker in particular he's an angel and we're glad he's here.
The 'what's a slave trader' conversation is minorly annoying still because 'people can be sold' Omega let me tell you a story about THE ENTIRE BASIS OF THE KAMINOAN ECONOMY. Through Echo's whole explanation I'm sitting here going YOU. THAT IS YOU. YOU ARE THE PROPERTY THAT WAS BOUGHT AND SOLD AND NO ONE IS MENTIONING IT. There are points where it feels like they're just straight up not allowed to imply that while the Empire was WORSE for clones, the Republic was also very bad.
Another great moment though that shows how much Echo already doesn't fit this is when Tech helpfully fills in AS WELL AS EARN A DECENT AMOUNT OF CREDITS ONCE THE JOB IS COMPLETE and Echo sounds so damn downtrodden saying 'yeah, that too' they want to be doing good things for the sake of it not worrying about if it's going to get them paid. Tech meanwhile seems more like. You do a good thing (rescue a child) AND you get a good thing in return (the ability to eat regularly) what's there to be upset about?
Old Ord Mantell is goregoussssss
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Hunter like 'I'm going to do a good job of parenting and make Omega stay with the ship' and then NOTHING HAPPENS AS PLANNED.
Truly insane that Echo was assigned to be the eyes in the sky, Echo you have one arm go climb that building right now, do it. I know they're used to having Crosshair to do this but surely secondary duty should fall on ANYONE BUT THE ONE WHO DOESN'T HAVE TWO HANDS.
Echo should by all accounts be severely injured from that fall, almost like people in Star Wars don't take fall damage.
Yes I'm going to be thinking about Tech through every one of these so SUE ME. IF THEY DIDN'T WANT ME THINKING ABOUT IT THEY SHOULD STOP SHOWING ME HIM FALLING.
Anyway after the fiasco in Cut & Run and this it is clear that losing Crosshair dramatically decreased the batch's fighting ability, almost like the family needs to be complete to truly thrive.
"I have my BEST PEOPLE (some guys and a child I met five minutes ago) ON IT"
Every food in TBB is simply some form of cylinder.
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Something so sweetly domestic about Omega and Gonky on the ship she's just chilling with the family doggo who is actually a half charged brick of a droid.
Also to be fair to Omega. This time she TRIED to just stay on the ship like she was told.
I love when my faves are endangered so the entire batch being captured by slave traders is like catnip to me. Would watch a whole arc about this, I want them constantly getting hurt to protect each other please. My favorite narrative.
Once again Tech is the one to spot Omega clearly he should have been sent up the tower to be the eye in the sky.
Hunter trying to convince her NOT TO COME RESCUE THEM by insistingly shaking his head. You should already know that won't do ANYTHING Hunter.
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This guys design and menacing demeanor go so hard for NO reason he's in it for like two and a half minutes tops.
Also regarding this scene, Echo going with 'the Republic outlawed slavery' is some real 'what do you mean you're being murdered that's illegal they can't do that' energy.
Leading Omega along where she needs to go via loud boasting is a great idea though.
"If you do not comply, the person next to you will pay the price" is a TERRIFYING LINE and it is happening ENTIRELY offscreen and I only know he says it because of the subtitles. More peril please.
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Still one of the more attractive things Hunter's ever done and I wish we could see his face for it, you know the stare is INTENSE.
Love Wrecker's tiny thumbs up
The moment of sending Muchi off is cute, GREAT HOW NOTHING BAD HAPPENS TO MUCHI R I G H T
The last bit with Cid <3 my girl I just love a crime grandma okay, I love her. She had no reason to make life that difficult for them she just did it Because. Something is wrong with her <3
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Highlighted Posts - Serious Topics
Link for the fandom topics post.
For the sake of convenience, I've decided to make two massive posts concentrating all of my most important posts on various topics. These are my most popular posts, my favorite posts (i.e. not necessarily popular but they should be! Just kidding. Or not...) and my best comments on other people's posts that are valuable enough to be mentioned here (in my opinion obviously...).
The posts are separated into subjects, and each has a comment in brackets denoting what type of post it is: an analysis relating to real world issues, meta for fandom stuff, and jokes when it's, well, jokes, plus occasional ones that are self explanatory. Both subjects and Types might overlap. It seems like there might be a limit to the number of links per post, so I've divided them into two groups - serious topics posts and fandom posts.
Beside these posts, I have many others I made or commented on that were just not important enough to include here, as well as literally thousands of amazing and fascinating posts I've rebloged from others, but mentioning them all here is of course impossible. It should also be mentioned that often specific reblogs might have valuable notes on them on chains of reblogs, so keep that in mind.
Jewish Things:
Mourning October 7th (analysis).
Part 1: You fuckers say: “go back to where you came from”. The fuckers in those places say: “they’re not from here, don’t send them here”. Jews: =/ (analysis/joke).
Part 2: Denying the connection of Jews to the Land of Israel, but not letting us live anywhere else. It’s almost like… you don’t actually want us to live. Anywhere. At all. [AKA: the history of antisemitism on the left] (analysis).
Part 3: It's okay, the others hate us too [AKA: antisemitism on the right] (analysis).
Stop pandering to Western Leftists. They want us dead (analysis).
Western leftists might want me dead, but I don't want them dead. I'm angry but I'm not a fucking monster, you know (analysis).
My Roman Empire (the Roman Empire) (joke).
Blaming the Roman Empire, subversion and responsibility (analysis).
History and the Weaponization of Trauma in post-colonial narratives (analysis).
From sea to shiny sea, Abya Yala will be free (joke????/analysis).
Part 1: Israel is not a colonizer state, comparison to Liberia and the origin of the word “Palestina” (analysis).
Part 2: Jews and Palestinians are both indigenous to the southern Levant, and they're both fucking assholes (analysis).
Part 3: A day will come when we can recognizes that we’re all Arabs, but it is not this day. Also – the ridicules obsession with the foundation of Israel being in ’48 and the fact that new nations and cultures are always being created, even in recent history (yes, the Palestinians are one of those) (analysis).
Israel. Is. Not. A. Fucking. Colonizer. State. Guess who is though??!?!?!?! (joke/analysis).
The trauma of Oct. 7th and the fact that I no longer trust any of you fuckers (analysis).
Existing as a Jew on this platform is fucking hell (analysis).
Archaeological terminology and academia’s allergy to “Israel” (analysis).
No, Jesus wasn’t a Palestinian. Just say you hate Jews for fuck’s sake! (analysis).
אבל ��ה אם ישו כן היה חי היום...? (בדיחה)
Israel didn't exist in Biblical times??? Are you on fucking crack?! (analysis).
Ahhh, yes. Palestine. The historic home of every nation in the world (except Jews). Sure. Also, apparently they're appropriating the fucking Natufians now. (analysis).
Jews aren’t white 1 (analysis).
Jews aren’t white 2 (analysis).
Jewish IS an ethnicity, for fucking fuck fuck fucker's sake (analysis).
Antisemitism and Hollywood (The Nanny, The Golden Girls, Seinfeld and Friends) (Analysis).
Jewish people's physical appearance and antisemitism (analysis).
אנחנו חייבים לדבר על חוסר היעילות של הפגנות (ניתוח).
History and Social Issues:
King Menashe of Judea is awesome actually (analysis).
Native American cities and ethnocentrism (analysis).
Ancient Egyptians were (not) black (analysis).
The erasure of Hatshepsut isn’t what you think (analysis).
No, Hatshepsut didn’t wear a fake beard (analysis).
No, the Santorini volcano did not cause the Egyptian plagues (cause there were no plagues!) (analysis).
Elizabeth II, Rameses II and longevity of reign (joke).
The reality of the field of archaeology is a little more nuanced than calling them “grave robbers” (analysis).
No, Europe isn’t keeping historical artifacts “safe” in museums from the barbarians who can’t take care of them (analysis).
The danger of the “erasing queerness from history” tumblr narrative (analysis / didn’t contribute to this one, but it's important for other purposes and for easy access).
The danger of the “erasing queerness from history” tumblr narrative continues, Egyptian tombs electric boogaloo (analysis).
Cultural appropriation is rarely what you think it is (analysis).
You’re calling it “cultural appropriation”, but you’re just advocating for segregation (analysis).
Bend it like Beckham and the internet’s inability to understand the complexity of history and ethnicity (analysis).
Western Leftists be like: “well maybe you should have been born in a more MORAL country, like mine =)” (analysis).
The problem with “educate yourself” mentality (analysis).
Influencers and “educate yourself” bullshit (analysis).
Shutting up about social issues you know nothing about is an option, you should try it (analysis).
Real people aren’t representation (analysis).
Not everyone knows their sexual/gender identity, and that’s just as important to represent in media (analysis).
The concept of consent and haunted houses (analysis/joke).
If your multi-dating, talk to your fucking partners (analysis).
Covid and being on the same boat (joke/analysis).
A Covid joke because I’m hilarious and underappreciated (joke).
Professionals criticizing their profession's image in cinema (joke).
The trolley Problem is not about fault! (joke/analysis).
Police and “bad apples” (joke/analysis).
No, you don’t have a right over other people’s labor and creations (analysis).
Dupes are fucking evil and so are you (joke/analysis).
Stop insulting YA books (analysis).
Social media cyclical criticism of authors (joke/analysis).
Special editions are for fighting Amazon actually (analysis/joke).
Stop saying "Amazon is losing money on Kindle books". You're playing into their hands (analysis).
Bezos, the man who has everything except a heart (joke).
There’s nothing wrong with nepotism, you guys just don’t understand how professions work (analysis).
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weirdestbooks · 1 month
The North and The South (Wattpad | Ao3)
Bonus Scene from Secrecy and Deception. All dialogue in this chapter is in Korean unless it is in Italics, then it is Russian or English, depending on context. Requested by Violetsaredancing
August 15, 1948
Koreans (formerly known as the Koreans of the Empire of Japan) had always hoped her time would be limited. If she died, it would hopefully mean the creation of a new Korean state and the end of Japan’s cruel rule over her people. Ever since the end of that war, that dream could be a reality.
Well, for the most part.
The one big thing that prevented her true dream from becoming a reality was the division of her people’s land between America and the USSR, both of which had been taking drastically different routes for her people’s government and future.
A route that was most likely to lead to her people's division.
Koreans understood that it was no longer a matter of if but a matter of when.
And that when seemed to be today.
Koreans' most apparent clue was when she shrunk. She also felt that side of her people vanish as her thoughts and opinions became more uniform, but she had shrunk, as part of her land was taken to form a new country. From her estimates, Koreans had shrunk about five inches.
The southern part of the peninsula was where the new Korea would be; Koreans knew that, as she had been in Seoul the past few days, the land here was no longer hers. A new country had appeared there, most likely replacing her son, United States Army Military Government in Korea. 
Was this new country the son of that government, or was it instead the child of America?
Even though she had asked that question, Koreans already knew the answer, the familiar tugging that signaled that she had a child. If this new Korea were her grandson, she would not feel that. This was her child, one that she most likely had with America. (Koreans would not think about the possibility that this was a child she had with her son. The world was cruel, but it wasn’t that cruel).
Koreans followed the tugging until she saw the familiar face of America down the street, a smaller figure in front of him. One of his states was also one of the ones with antlers. Koreans could not tell the figure's age from where she was, and America’s height was not helping.
“America!” Koreans called, walking over. America spotted her and smiled, waving a hand.
“Hello Koreans. I assume you’re here for the same reasons Idaho and I are?” America asked as the state, Idaho, waved shyly at her.
“Hello, Koreans,” Idaho said. America leaned down beside her.
“If you want to say it in Korean, it is ‘hello Koreans.’” America said.
“Hello, Koreans,” Idaho said. Koreans smiled slightly at Idaho’s attempt at greeting her in her language and decided to return the favor.
“Hello Idaho, it’s nice to meet you,” Koreans said before turning to the girl’s father, “Now, I would like to meet my child, not yours.”
“Well, South Korea is mine as well. Both our peoples played a role.” America said. 
“And now my people are divided between you and Soviet,” Koreans said.
“He’s not my colony. He’s his own republic.” America insisted. Koreans scoffed.
“And you won't have any influence on his decisions at all.” America was silent before he jerked his head to the building behind him.
“South’s in there with his people.” America said, “Come on, Idaho, let’s let Koreans speak with her child.”
America and his daughter walked away, and Koreans watched them go before going inside. She saw her child, a boy with a youthful face and the world's weight on his shoulders.
“Hello, son,” Koreans said, unsure how to address him. Her son and his people stared at her as a hopeful gleam appeared in her child’s eyes. 
Her son looked back at his people as if asking for permission. Upon the nod of one of the men at the table, her son ran forward, slamming into her as he pulled her into a hug.
“I thought you were already dead, Mom.” Her son whispered. Koreans shook her head.
“Not yet. I will not pass until Soviet decides what to do with his half of the land.” Koreans said. Her son pulled away, looking at her with wise eyes that betrayed his nature as a country and the position he would now hold in society. 
“Mom, we both know that he will make another Korea.” South Korea said. Koreans sigh deeply, a deep sorrow in her soul. 
“I know. And I will most likely pass upon their birth and not be able to meet them.” Koreans said, her mind drifting to everything that could go wrong. She was aware of Soviet and America’s growing rivalry and knew they would also influence their children to adopt it.
Koreans knew her death would be used as a tool in that.
“Son, make sure your northern half does not think I loved them any less because I died and never got to meet them. Make sure they know they are still loved and still a worthy successor to my land.” Koreans said, a hand on her child’s cheek. 
South Korea put his hand on top of hers and held it tight.
“I will.”
September 9, 1948
After 38 years, Koreans of the Empire of Japan was dead. She had now been replaced by her children, America’s bastard child, the Southern Korea, and the child of Soviet, the Northern Korea.
Ultimately, one of them would have to assume their mother’s legacy and become the entire peninsula. Soviet hoped and would ensure that it would be his child. 
North Korea would be the successor of the Korean Peninsula and the kingdom that preceded the Japanese colony.
“My son, I hope you understand that your counterpart to the south may threaten your existence,” Soviet said. The young boy, barely a few hours old.
“I know.” He said, “He’s met Mom, and I haven’t.”
“That’s not what I mean. This isn’t a monarchy. Meeting one’s parents doesn’t qualify them to govern a nation. That’s an outdated notion from the days of tsars.” Soviet explained, feeling annoyed at that long seated notion in countryhuman society. “I mean that eventually only one of you will be allowed to be the personification of Korea. This division can only last for so long.”
“One of us will die.” North Korea said, voice sounding tired. Good. That meant he understood the way the world works. 
“Don’t let it be you. I will do my best to ensure your survival, but you must also do your part.” I instructed. North Korea straightened.
“Understood. I will, Father. I will not let myself be killed.” He said. 
“I know you won’t. You are my son, after all.” Soviet said, before turning to leave. He had things to take care of back in Europe, and trusted his new child to take care of himself for now.
Soviet knew that he would eventually have to come to his child’s aid, whether to save him from America or correct misbehavior, he didn’t know.
But very few of his children and wards could be trusted alone.
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nientedenada · 2 years
Who wanted the Draconis family dead? J'accuse . . .
Originally posted on r/teslore, reposted here on Halloween as an appropriate tale of murder and ghosts.
In Oblivion, the quest Next of Kin has you kill of all the members of the Draconis family: an aged mother and four adult children. You don’t get an answer who asked for the hit in the first place. Sensible answers discussed in the past include a relative who is eliminating other heirs, or someone with a hatred for the entire family.
But let me share my crazy theory of how Perennia Draconis, loving matriarch of her family, arranged for her own death and her childrens’ at the hands of the Dark Brotherhood. It got less crazy the more I looked at it, and I’m now it’s my personal Truth of the matter.
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A lot of people remember Perennia as a nice old lady who wanted to send her children gifts, and unfortunately mistook the Dark Brotherhood assassin as the gift-buying and courier service. But if you pay attention to what she’s saying, she isn’t nice. At all. She’s a nasty old piece of work whose children have gone low or non-contact with her. She has outright awful things to say about three of her four children, and her compliments of the fourth may also be passive-agressive condemnation.
She gives the player a list of where to look for each kid, butchering their characters in the process.
Matthias – Imperial City - Talos Plaza District, Imperial City (he has a home there): Matthias always was a rough and tumble lad. The last I’d heard, he’d fallen in with some pretty tough characters there in the Imperial City. I’d feel so much better if I knew he was well protected, so I’d like for you to find him a nice cuirass. Nothing too light – iron or steel should be fine. And, if possible, I’d like it engraved with “To my Dear Matty, I’ll always be here to protect you, love Mum.”
First kid, gone no contact with her: “the last I’d heard”. After he dies, his tombstone, btw, says
Here lies Matthias Draconis. His mother always told him he’d end up dead if he didn’t clean up his life…“
Sibylla – Muck Valley Cavern. Yes, my daughter lives in a cave, and no, I’m not very happy about it. Sibby has always loved animals (almost as much as Andy loves beer) and a couple of years ago she apparently thought it a good idea to abandon the Empire and live as a savage with the rest of the animals. In that time, I’m afraid Sibby has kind of… cracked. She’s basically as wild as the beasts she lives with. What can I do? I’m Sibby’s mother and I’ll always love her. She obviously doesn’t want or need anything from civilized society, so what I’d like you to do is find a tanner and secure the largest fur blankets you can possibly find. The last time I saw Sibby she was nearly naked, and I can’t imagine there’s much in that cave to keep her warm. When you do bring them to Muck Valley Cavern, be careful! The wild animals are bad enough, but Sibby herself will probably attack anyone on sight.
Again, has ran away from mom, not in contact.
Caelia – Castle Leyawiin (you’ll find her in the barracks): My beautiful Cae! My dearest daughter broke so many hearts when she was younger. But now that she’s an officer in the Imperial Legion I’m afraid she’s let herself go a bit. Not gotten fat! By Mephala, not that! But she’s settled into a more… practical kind of look. Even a bit boyish, I guess you could say. So what I’d like you to do is get my Cae as much pretty "girl” stuff as you can. Flowers, perfume, Nord chocolate, that sort of thing.
This one is absolutely venomous. It’s the most personally nasty of the lot, and the gift suggested isn’t even useful to Caelia, unlike the other gifts on the list ostensibly are.
Caelia says she defied her mother’s plans for her
I came to Leyawiin after a tour in the Legions. Poor Mother. She hoped I’d choose the chapel or civil service, or perhaps even marry well.“
and Caelia says
My mother? Oh, do you know her? She’s such a sweet woman. I’ve been a terrible daughter I’m afraid. I simply must visit more often! Anyway, I have duties to tend to. If you see my mother, tell her I’ll visit soon! I promise!”
“I simply must visit more often”, doesn’t, moved all the way to Leyawiin after retiring from the Legion, I really doubt Caelia wanted to see her mom that much. She’s keeping her mom at a civil distance, even if she keeps up contact.
Andreas – The Drunken Dragon Inn (he owns the place and lives there as well): Andy has been brewing his own beer and spirits since he was six years old. The opening of that inn was the happiest day of his life. I’d like for you to get him some new tavern glasses. I’m sure there are craftsmen in the Imperial City who could make a fancy set from frosted ebony or Altmeri crystal.
This is the only description of a child that seems kind of positive, but I don’t think the bit about brewing his own beer and spirits since he was six is really meant to be.
Perennia complains about living alone when you first disturb her and here’s her dialogue about the list.
My children? Whatever for? Oh! Oh, dear, excuse an old woman’s stupidity! You’re here to pick up my gift list! Using your gift service was the smartest thing I’ve ever done. My children are spread across Cyrodiil, and it’s so hard to shop for them all! So, here’s the list of all my precious little ones, though I dare say they’re not so little anymore! Ha ha ha ha ha! They grow up so fast, I swear! You’ll notice that the list gives each child’s location and some suggestions for gifts. Oh, and here’s the gold I’m supposed to give you. Now please go. Those children are so dear to me, and I’d really like you to get them something special. Thanks again!“
To me, it begins to look like she is paying the Dark Brotherhood fee here and giving the targets of each child. I see her as a hateful old woman who’d lost control over her children, and asserted final control with this murder-suicide.
Now she does come back as a ghost if you activate her tombstone and she attacks you, which shook me when I discovered that. Maybe she was meant to be an innocent lady who is avenging her slaughtered family. But, on reflection, the sort of person who’d undertake family annihilation via Dark Brotherhood would attack you as a ghost too. You were a tool she used, in this scenario, and now don’t have any use to her if you come bothering her grave. So I stand firm in my belief that Perennia is an evil, evil woman who took out her family when they wouldn’t obey her.
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The Fight isn't over yet - part 1
Pairing: Rex x F!OC
Words: 2,1k
Warning: None for this chapter
Summary: Rex is sent on a mission, where he meets an unexpected someone from his past.
A/N: So this story has been on my WIP list for a while... I am kind of excited for it, so let's see how it goes ;) I don't know how long it will be, but this is defo a multi-chapter story.
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Rex didn’t like places like that. Dark, unknown, dangerous. One of his hands was resting on his DC-17 hand blaster ready as always. He was focused on any weird noises, movements from that dark forest ahead of him and whatever the hell this place would bring at him. When Organa told him he has a mission for him, he wouldn’t expect to be in a place like this. On a planet so secluded that even he didn’t know about it before. There was no one leaving here. Except some monsters forgotten even by the Maker himself. But apparently Rebel’s informant lived here and had some interesting things to talk about. Things that couldn't be transferred through the holo-call. And so Organa sent Rex, the most trusty of the soldiers, to retrieve the message and help in whatever this forsaken informant needed him to do. He didn’t like it, but hell, he didn’t like most of the missions Anakin took, but he did them anyway. 
It still felt weird to act on its own. It wasn’t that long ago when Order 66 happened. Ahsoka left not that later on, mentioning something about finding her way back. He didn’t ask, knowing that it wasn’t his place to. Not like she wouldn’t have told him. They were friends, but he just didn’t want to force her into relying on something she just wasn’t comfortable with.
And so they parted ways. She went somewhere…and Rex was picked up by Organa to work with him on saving those that still believed in the Republic. And save his brothers from under the influence of the Empire. The Captain was thankful to the senator for what he did, knowing well how dangerous it was for him and his family. Especially, after he just adopted a little girl. And yet, Organa was a shadow that the Republic needed. Someone powerful enough to help them, but not power hungry to get in the way of their success. 
“You are distracted, Captain”, he froze in place hearing a mechanical voice behind him and a knife pointed straight at his neck. That one place that was not protected by his armor. He cursed under the nose. He didn’t know how the figure was able to surprise him like that. He didn’t hear anything, no movements, no actions, no breathing. It was like whoever it was, was a well-trained agent. “Don’t stop now, let’s keep on moving.” And so he kept on walking with a knife still pointed at him. He tried to turn just a bit to look at his attacker, but it was stopped before any real action would happen. The figure was no one to trick or play around with. 
“Who are you?” He asked, after a while, when they kept on moving. They turned enough times to make Rex lose any signs of direction. It was definitely the stranger’s goal. No to mention that he really did not like the fact that whoever it was, they knew who he was. He made sure to be dead to the Empire, which was very convincing in the work he did now. “Just so you know, killing me will not be as easy as sneaking up on me.” He raised his brow and the figures deep, mechanical chuckles. The Trooper was sure that the stranger was using some kind of voice modifier. 
“Not too far now, Captain. I promise you, my plans for you are much worse than that.” Despite the words the figure spoke were dangerous, Rex did not feel at risk. It was something about the way they spoke that put him almost at peace. It was absurd, he knew, but the irrational part of him felt… comforted. 
They stopped at once in the middle of nowhere and before he was able to ask yet another question, the figure clicked something on their arm and the ground just opened. A base. An underground base of some sort. If they themselves weren’t weird enough, this definitely was. If no one was living on that forsaken Planet, then why a base like that. “Cool, right?” He raised his brow at the figure and sighed, not answering at all. The stranger pushed him forward slightly and the moment they entered, the ground closed itself and he was met with a long corridor of…. Nothingness. The stranger clicked something on the code system and there was light. 
“I hate that damn cloak, not to mention that stupid modifier!” It was the second time this weird someone made Rex freeze in place today. This time, however, because Rex knew that voice. Why did he know that voice? Not feeling the blade of the knife on his neck anymore, he turned around, stuck with a face he was sure not to see ever again in his life. 
Almost 4 years before: 
“I’ve never met a princess”, Fives smirked at his twin, making Rex roll his eyes. He knew that tone already. And this was what he was afraid of, when he decided to take his two new troopers for that mission. Fives and Echo were incredibly talented soldiers, and as much as Rex did not have to worry about the latter one, the first one on the other hand was a handful. 
“Senator Amidala was a Queen”, Kix pinpointed making Anakin smirk at his soldiers. He never expected that he would ever be sent to a mission like that. But considering he just got his new Padawan, maybe something like that would be good for her. A small mission with just a couple of soldiers along. 
“Yeah, but I met her when she was a Senator, doesn’t count.” Fives muttered and Ashoke snickered at the boys, looking at his Master. She was surprised Skywalker was accepting this kind of mission. It seemed so out of place for the 501st. But she did remember Master Windu’s words how the mission was “as important as any other on the battlefield”. 
“Fives”, Rex started, turning towards the soldier. “Do me a favor and do not speak when not asked to, understood?” 
“Yes Sir!” he muttered, trying to ignore the snickers from his brothers, elbowing Echo who was the closest to him. 
“It is a different mission than what we are used to, but Yith may become a strong ally to the Republic and we need to make sure that they will join us.” Anakin muttered, stopping in front of the castle, hearing Ashoka’s  whistle under her breath. Yes Yith despite being a small planet, their king was a smart ruler that used what was the best in the Planet and made it an important player in any economical and political aspects. Yes, Yith was important for both the Republic and Separatists. 
“You must be the Jedi Master that the King expects!” He looked at a soldier in a gray, light armor, with a blaster and some kind of blaster on his side. He looked young, but who was he to judge someone by their age? Ahsoka was still a kid and yet she was a force to be reckoned with. 
“Yes. I’m Jedi General Anakin Skywalker. This is my Padawan Ashoka Tano, and my soldiers from the 501st with my right hand Captain Rex.” The soldier looked around and smiled softly at all of them and nodded. 
“Thank you for not bringing too many of your people, Master Jedi.” He countered, asking them to follow him. “Yith is a small planet that doesn’t want to get too much negative attention.” Skywalker nodded, knowing that the planet didn't really have a huge army on its own. Their King was far from being a pacifist, but he did want to rule differently to his father and grandfather who believed that the army is the most important thing. “The King and the Princess are already waiting for you.” He showed the throne room and opened the door. The room was big, but as big as he expected from the size of the whole castle. It was also decorated specifically in any way. But there were two thrones in the end of the room. The bigger one where a middle-aged man was sitting and another one with a Princess. 
Rex glared at Fives, after hearing him whistle. But if he was being honest, he couldn’t blame him. The rumors that the Princess is a beauty were true. Her long auburn hair was tight into a plait that flew down her shoulders. She wore a dress that automatically screamed Princess. She wore some make-up but not enough to hide her natural beauty. Before he could, however, stare any longer, his eyes caught the figure behind the Princess. A hooded someone, with a bow on their back and the same kind of spear, the soldier that greeted them had. They just stood there, not even looking up when they walked in. He frowned but didn’t say anything else. 
They all bowed, kneeling in front of the King, who stared at the group. Anakin once again introduced them all and Rex felt someone’s eyes on him, but he couldn’t decipher who’s eyes they were. He looked to their brothers and relaxed a bit, seeing them stiff as well. Apparently it wasn’t just him being paranoid. 
“Please stand up, my friends!” The King said, smiling at them all. “You have my thanks for coming all this way to our small Planet”. Rex read that the ruler was loved by almost everyone, except his own brother who was doing all he could to take over the throne, which was also why they were here. “Master Jedi, you probably know why I called in here?” 
“You need help with your brother”, Anakin answered, smirking slightly at the brushing Princess, who couldn’t help but look at Fives, who not caring about anything was just staring right back at her. “We will do what we can, but I need to ask one thing, Your Majesty.” 
“Why didn’t I ask the Separatists first?” The Jedi nodded. “I do not go along with their ideologies. I am not saying that I agree with everything the Republic does, but if I have to support a side, I am definitely by your side.” Hearing this made everyone relax a bit. “And just so you know. We would gladly support you, even if you decide not to help us.” 
“We would be honored to help with whatever there is for us!” Ashoka interjected, ignoring the glare from her Master. 
“Oh, your Padawan, does speak her mind, doesn’t she?” The KIng chuckled, looking softly at the girl. “Then she would find a common ground with my daughter, then.” Anakin’s eyes landed on the Princess, and he could not imagine that timid girl speaking her mind. He noticed a small smile sent to FIves and he stopped himself from rolling his eyes. 
“Yes, just like my Padawan” Anakin started, underlining Ashoka’s rank, “was nice enough to mention, we would be honored to help with whatever you have us to do.” The King smiled and he looked at the four soldiers behind the Jedi. Rex realized that despite the warm and welcoming nature, there was something about the King that brought respect. His eyes shined with knowledge and natural intelligence. And something else that Rex later on realized was fear for his own daughter. 
“I think we can trust them, my sweet girl. Don’t you think so?” They all frowned when he spoke to the figure standing behind the Princess, who stopped smiling at Fives and her stern face of a monarch was back. Rex’ eyes widened, when the figure took their hood off and they were met by a beautiful, red headed, young woman. Her hair in a high ponytail, a mask covering half of her face. She took it off and they were met with the real beauty of Yith. The real Princess of the Planet. “Apologies, Master Skywalker, Padawan Tano, dear soldiers of 501st. But to ensure the safety of my only daughter, I hope you understand why that was necessary.” They all were still looking at the girl, who now changed place with the girl, who they presumed to be the Princess. She put her bow and spear away and sat next to her father, smiling welcomingly to the group. “Please meet, Nia Ganila, the Princess of Yith.” 
The Presence: 
“It’s good to see you, Captain!” the girl, no, not anymore a girl. A young woman smiled at him. Her long, red hair falling from her hooded clock onto her shoulder, her cat-like green eyes staring at him. 
“You’re alive!” Was all Rex was able to say. 
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countlessrealities · 3 months
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@damnedrainbows - from HERE
He hadn’t visited Brimstone Park in quite some time, but Niffty had been begging to go to her favorite ice cream parlour, and so the radio demon found himself dragged to the little striped canopy shop, and his jitterbug was getting more apple slime ball flavored melted cream on her apron than in her mouth.
It was his eager, ice cream sticky ladybug that had found herself at the picture box’s feet at first, blinking up at him. “Whoa, it’s Vox! I haven’t seen you in a lot of years.” Not since he and Al had their brutal falling out. “…You look half dead.”
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Figuratively speaking anyway. Alastor had stiffened rigid at the realization, ears bending back with the turmoil of feelings he always felt rise when he saw his former friend. A turmoil of feelings he tried to convince himself was nothing but hatred. It never really worked.
He was content to grab the girl by her bandana and make his way back to the hotel, but he really got a good look at him. The girl was right. Well, he couldn’t very well leave him there could he? No, too much mocking to get in.
“Well well, someone’s wires on the fritz, hm Sparky? Did we come down with a computer virus?”
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Saying that Vox was having a shitty day would have been the understatement of the decade, at least. Hell was supposed to deliver an eternity of pain and misery for all sinners, but he had been handling it pretty well, all considered. He had built a reputation, an empire, power, more money than he could ever use. He liked his life, most days. Sure, it wasn't all a bad of roses, not with all the fires he had to put out and with all the work he had, but it was good.
Until it wasn't and spat him out after having chewed him to the point that he was left feeling like he had been run over by the heaviest truck over twenty times.
Was he being a little too dramatic? Maybe, but that was an accurate description of his current state, so fucking sue him.
Besides, the moment Niffty walked up to him and he realised whose big eyes was staring up at him, he felt like he had earned every right to be dramatic. He had left the V Tower to have some peace and quiet, away from Valentino's constant moaning and Velvette's too sharp jabs, but of course he had run into the last person he wanted to see. Alastor.
Fuck my life.
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"We're all dead, in case you forgot," he grumbled at the maid, glaring at her as an excuse not to look up at her companion. "And yeah, no shit. And honestly? If the only reason why you came to talk to me after that long is to tell me that I look like crap? Fuck you."
Maybe that would be the end of it. She would laugh at him and trot away, and Alastor would follow. He would seeth for a few minutes, pretending that the burden in his stomach he always felt whenever he and his former friend crossed paths wasn't making him even sicker than he already was, and then he would go back to his pity party.
That would have been the best case scenario, the one he was hoping for. But apparently the universe wasn't done fucking with him for the day and, for some incomprehensible reason, the Radio Demon decided to stay and mock him.
Fury burnt hot inside Vox's chest, hiding much more vulnerable emotion, and for a moment he forgot his extremely poor physical state and had the terrible idea of jumping on his feet.
"Aren't you hilarious? You don't even know what that means, you outdated back of rusty c-...!"
His angry rant was abruptly cut off as the world all around him started to spin rapidly. A series of warning messages flashed over his screen, too quick to be put into focus, and the Overlord collapsed back on the bench, barely managing to grab the edge of the seatback to steady himself.
Oh fuck, he was so going to throw up if the ground hadn't stopped shaking.
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Chapter Eighteen: Mother
(cw: suicide mention)
Day 7, continued
     Abaster motions ahead of us.  “We must cross through the forest.  Do not worry, your father is nowhere to be found in this wilderness.”
     That’s good to know, because this place is the closest I’ve seen to a haunted forest thus far in this adventure.  I can barely see through the thick stands of trees that now confront me, a startlingly different landscape from the ruins and the blood river we just left.  I’ve felt safer in battles with the New Empire than I feel right now … and that’s saying something since I’ve crossed through so much of Hell already.
     My hand is on the Sword.  It hasn’t left the hilt since before we mounted Nessus.  Abaster notices my apprehension and approaches me.  “Are you all right, Alanna?”
     I nod.  “I will be.  Once we’re out of here, I’ll feel better.”
     Abaster sighs deeply.  “I’m not sure if you will, my girl.”
     Then I hear the screams.  Clearly not human screams, though, and they circle over our heads.  I look up and see what appear to be massive birds, like vultures, circling overhead.
     The heads look wrong, though …
     “What is this place?”  My free hand is now clutching one of the remaining two bottles of holy water.
     “This is the middle ring of Circle 7, a place where those who committed violence against themselves are sentenced to.”
     Violence against themselves?  I take a closer look at one of the trees, as we pass by it.  It’s gnarled and twisted, but in the crook of two branches I can see a face, deformed and embedded within the tree’s bark.
     “These are souls, aren’t they?”
     Almost in answer to my question, one of the birds swoops down and rips a chunk off of one of the trees.  A different kind of scream emerges, more human and agony than demonic.  The bird settles on the ground and gnaws insistently at the lump of tree it has ripped off.  When we approach closer, it becomes apparent that this is no bird … certainly it has a bird’s body, but the head is that of a decrepit old woman.  It’s a harpy.
     I look up at the others circling.  Eight pairs of old woman eyes glare down at me.  They swoop toward me, threateningly.  I cover my head and duck, anticipating an attack.
     One of them speaks, in an old-crone croak that’s barely audible over the ambient screams of Hell.  “Don’t be silly, girl.  We’re not interested in you.”
     I look up.  One of the harpies is standing right in front of me, her wrinkly face curled up in what passes for a smile, but looks more like a sneer.  I clear my throat.  “Why not?”
     “Too alive.  Why would we want to eat one of the living, when the dead are so much more plentiful … and to tell the truth, they taste much better, too!”  The harpy cackles, and I’m struck by how similar her laugh is to the stereotypical “wicked witch” I always think of around Halloween.
     Well, this harpy’s friendly enough.  “My guide mentioned this place is for those who committed violence against themselves.  What does he mean by this?”
     The harpy cocks her head sideways.  “What do you think it sounds like, girl?  Suicide, of course.”  She motions with one of her wings.  “Every soul you see here had life on Earth and chose to end it themselves, rather than face the troubles and dangers of life.  They squandered the greatest gift anyone is ever given, and as their punishment they remain motionless while we visit destruction upon them, much as they did to themselves in life.”
     I look over to the tree that had a chunk taken out of it, and notice that the spot missing bark appears to have flesh filling the hole … raw, bleeding flesh.  Almost like the person was within the tree …
     “You look very familiar to me, girl …” The harpy is stroking her chin with one of her wings thoughtfully.  “You sure you haven’t been here before?”
     I nod.  “I’m very sure.  You wouldn’t know me.”
     Another harpy yells over toward us.  “How’d she get out of her tree?”
     The harpy closes to us turns to her friend.  “I know, right?  It’s weird.  She looks just like her!”
     My spine chills.  Who do I remind these monsters of?  “Tell me what you mean!”
     Abaster takes my arm gently.  “Maybe we should move on …”
     The harpy near us cackles again.  “Come on, dead soul, let the girl see it.  Follow me.”  She flaps her wings and flies low down the path we were walking on.  I work my arm out of Abaster’s grip and run to keep pace.  After what feels like miles, the bird-woman finally alights and lands in front of a particularly gnarled tree.
     I look up at the same crook where on the other trees a human face was visible, and my heart jumps into my throat.
     It’s Mom.
     My breathing starts coming fast.  Am I too late?  Is Mom already dead?  I think I start whimpering, because the harpy taps me on the leg with her wing.  “What’s wrong, girlie?”
     I bite my fingertips.  “This is my mother … why are you showing me this?!”  Tears are starting to fall down my cheeks again.  “She can’t be dead!”
     Sadness and anger consumes me.  I’m irrational.  I draw the Sword and take a wild swing at the tree. 
“Damn it, NO!”
     The harpy looks up at me with a confused expression.  “Who ever said she was dead, chickie?  I just said you looked like this tree, that’s all.”
     I’m very confused.  I look up at the tree, at the point where the Sword made contact.  A long slash from what would be Mom’s shoulder to just below her right breast has been cleaved in the bark, but there’s nothing underneath it.
     An empty tree?
     I sheathe the Sword, trying to return to my rational senses.  “Why is this tree even here, if there’s no soul in it?  Why was Ariel Sharpe headed for Hell?”
     The harpy smirks, just as Abaster finally catches up to us.  “Little girl, are you that naïve?  This is a place for suicides.”
     “I can confirm that,” Abaster adds, huffing and out of breath.  “Your mother had one suicide attempt that I knew of, in her college days.  It’s possible that this tree appeared after that first attempt.”
     I look back up at the damaged, empty tree.  Mom’s face, clear as it can be, embedded in the bark … it’s twisted into a tormented expression.  The harpy, on the other hand, is far more interested in the Sword.
     “What’s this?  A Guardsman, here?”  Her eyes suddenly turn murderous.  “You denied us this soul!  Not only once, you denied us three times the soul of Ariel Vibria!”
     I flap my wings as I jump backward from the lunge the harpy takes toward me.  I don’t want to fight her … she’s doing her job, after all, but I also don’t want to be killed before finding Dad.  I draw the Sword again.
   “What business do you have attacking a Guardsman, harpy?  Stand down!” 
The Sword remains at en garde, but I keep backing off.
     “The Guardsman prevented us from having this soul … denied us the sweetest soul meat we ever wished for!”  The harpy lunges again.  “Thrice she tried to take her life, and thrice a Guardsman came to her to turn her back from Hell’s gates!  Thrice she was told to remain, to await love that would save a life!”
     My heart drops.  I’m going to have to fight this beast.  I swing the Sword toward her, only to have her duck away from the stroke. 
“Her love did save a life, saved many lives!  She saved the world!”
     The harpy roars.  “She brought a Guardsman back from the dead!  She denied Lord Abaddon his victory!  The Guardsman is an abomination!”  She lunges her head forward again.  I swing the Sword at just the right time, catching her neck with the blade and cleanly lopping off the creature’s head.
     I turn and sheathe the Sword in one smooth motion as the harpy’s body dissolves into dust.  Her head continues to screech as it lands in the dust.  “Die, Guardsman!  Your victory is short lived!”  A croak later, the head dissolves into dust like the body did.
     I’m panting harder than I ever have in my life.  I almost feel like I can’t catch my breath.  Abaster is right next to me, supporting me under one arm.  “Are you all right?”
     I nod.  “What she said … is that … is it true?”
     Abaster’s face darkens.  “I only know of one time.  She may have tried two others, I’m not sure.  I saw her after the first one … we prayed together and I helped her overcome her desperation.”
     I look up at the guide, with what I’m sure are eyes filled with tears.  “Is this … is what I’m doing … all going to be a waste?  Will I save Mom?”
     Abaster lowers his eyes.  “Alanna, please, don’t ask this …”
     I growl at the man.  “I need to know, Abaster!  Dante claimed souls here could see the future.  Am I going to save Mom or not?”  My hands clutch the lapels of what’s left of his coat.  “Answer me!”
     Abaster sighs then looks straight in my eyes.  “It’s difficult to say, Alanna.  When I see the future, I see death, destruction … I don’t see victory, but I don’t see defeat either … just human life lost and sadness.  I can’t see your mother or your father … or even you.”
     This can’t be true.  I have to save her.  I’m going to save her.  I’m going to save them both …
     The pressure is getting to me.  It’s all I can do to crumble into a ball and weep.
     I was right.  This is too much to ask of me.
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phoenixyfriend · 4 years
Time Travel ft. Leia and Vader
(Helped by @atagotiak)
I was reading a bunch of different time travel fics, and my brain slotted in that one "Vader hands over the Empire to Leia and is now her most devoted sycophant" dynamic and mixed it with the "Luke and Vader time-travel and Vader does the right thing but only because it would make Luke sad if he didn't."
I landed on "Leia time travels to prequels era, but her least favorite family member has also traveled with her, though it takes him a few months to find her because he has less resources without the entire Imperial Navy, but he's still a scary Sith in all black with a breathing mask and intimidating cape."
"Tiny angry lady who wants to force democracy and her giant Sith father whom she hates but has resigned herself to pointing at threats like a tank who inexplicably loves her" is a delightful dynamic.
The first few months included a lot of concern about "why do you know so much about Sith if you're not trained or looking to be one" and then Vader shows up and calls her 'daughter' and she insults him and it's like "Oh. That explains it."
Council Member: We have a Sith in the Temple. Vader: Former Sith. Leia: Listen. He is your best chance against Sidious. Also, do you want Dooku dead? Vader can make him dead. Council Member: Your father i-- Leia, scrunching up her face: Don't call him that.
Like Leia is deep in conversation when the Temple starts panicking because Vader just. Showed up? He snuck in, somehow? So Palpatine wouldn't catch him on video entering through the front door? And people try to keep her away from the trouble, because there's an entire array of Jedi Masters to deal with this Surprise Sith, except she can sense exactly which Sith it is and once she shouts "oh you have got to be kidding me!" she just starts running and, well, it's Leia. Nobody can stop her.
(Leia does have less combat training, at least less force-assisted combat training, than the Jedi. But then the Jedi don’t want to hurt here here. She's not fighting her way down, either, she's just running really fast and all the best fighters already left. They had a head start. So Leia's mostly running past random padawans and the like.)
She shoves her way to the front of the group of Masters who. Well, they're certainly ready to attack. But Vader is just standing there. Doing nothing. Still intimidating as fuck but he's not doing anything.
And then Leia bursts onto the scene like "You motherfucker."
She hits her head on a clipboard and whines because UGH he's a walking WMD and they could REALLY use him against Palpatine but also. She hates him so much.
She tries to hand him off to the Jedi council but he insists that he will only take orders from Leia herself.
Jedi: Wait, what. Leia, completely ignoring them: Did you follow me here? Vader, through the mechanical wheezing: I have no loyalty to my master and no empire to serve. You are all that I have left. Leia: Me? Me? I'm all that you have left? You committed a genocide that killed all the family I had except for the twin brother you later mutilated! Jedi: Wait what Vader, going to one knee: I pledge my loyalty and blade to you and only you, daughter. Leia, ready to explode: I. I just. Jedi, some of whom really want to say things but are slowly realizing that they just accidentally acquired a Sith Lord by proxy: What. Leia: I hate you so much but I can't even get rid of you, you're too useful. Vader: I live to serve. Leia: Yeah. Got that. Fuck. Someone get him a full medical rundown, I don't know the last time that mess of a life support system was updated. Jedi, agitated again: WHAT Leia: Listen, I don't like him, but I'm not stupid enough to throw away the second most dangerous person in the universe when I can point him at the most dangerous person in the universe. Especially not if he's going to listen to me. Jedi: But... he's a Sith. Leia: Please trust me when I say this: you might be able to take him down eventually, but he will take dozens of you down with him, and right now he's... honestly, I'm pretty sure he's more depressed than malicious. Jedi: You hate him. I can feel it. Leia: Yes, but I can be professional about it. Vader: They have not yet d-- Leia: Nope! No talking! Not until I've had a chance to process this mess!
There is a whole lot of Leia snapping at Vader to stop it whenever he starts giving off vibes like he wants to take the most violent shortcut possible.
She is not the gentle hand that Luke would be.
Leia isn't a Jedi or working for them but she's wormed her way into being an ally. They don't 100% trust her, especially not with Vader just showing up and declaring her family but like
How do you say no to a WMD walking into your house and saying "I will fight the monster you cower from at night."
There's a lot of Leia snapping off an admonishment that sounds just a little too odd and then when questioned she just says "He knows what he did."
tbh I'm not sure how long it takes for them to tell anyone that Anakin is Vader. They might hold it off in hopes that Anakin can just retire to be Mr. Amidala after the war is over.
Well, Leia hopes. Vader just lets Leia make that call and then glowers at his younger self every time they're in the same room.
I do feel like Leia tells Obi-Wan the truth first
Imagine. Imagine a Vader who’s past still isn’t known. But has gotten somewhat comfortable around the Jedi (not really but the bar for what counts and comfortable for him is low). And Obi-Wan habitually banters with darksiders, right? If Vader’s guard is down for a moment and he, without thinking, references an inside joke...
Might be the most fun in terms of ways to tell Obi-Wan "We're time travelers and Vader is what happens if you let Palpatine drive Anakin off the edge"
If Vader has decided to pledge himself to her orders after destroying her planet, then fine. She can work with that. She's not going to be happy about it, but she can make it work.
The Jedi Temple hates having Vader anywhere nearby but he is actually very good at hiding himself from people, including Palpatine And for all that Leia seems perpetually irritated with her apparent bodyguard, he does seem to listen to her.
Jedi council: We still haven't figured out how to handle Dooku Leia: Do you know his location? Jedi council: Yes. Leia: [sigh] Leia: Vader, deal with it. Alive if possible.
(Leia does need to clarify an acceptable level of violence against the people protecting Dooku.) (She needs to clarify... many things.)
Leia always says "Vader" and one time a poor fool just asks why she doesn't call him dad and she snarls out "He is not the man that raised me, and I am glad for it."
Someone less foolish later prods more compassionately and she lets them know she was adopted and didn't properly meet Vader except in passing until she was nineteen.
"And then he tortured you." "And then he tortured me, yes." "Damn." "Didn't even find out we were related until a few years later when he chopped my brother's arm off." "You... wow." "I know."
At least one exchange that is L: You mean when you tortured me? A: He did what. V: I was not aware of our relation at that time. L: Not the point! I am fully aware of your interrogation methods and I refuse to let you be the one to acquire the evidence for-- A: Wait no go back he tortured you? L: Move on, please, we already have. A: That means I'm... oh Force, I'm going to torture my own daughter what in the actual fu-- L: We're moving on.
(“I end up torturing my own daughter” If Leia’s feeling especially spiteful I can see her saying “you mutilate your own son too”)
Concept: Leia is very free with traumatizing details of her past re:Vader and Anakin thinks that it sucks but doesn’t think much of it bc Sith. And then some time later he finds out...
(I love characters who use the traumatizing details of their past to shut down conversations.)
It's such a wonderfully horrifying concept for him to try to awkwardly comfort this girl he kind of knows because having a Sith for a dad sounds like it would suck and Leia seems nice, even if she's kind of weird and uncomfortable around Anakin, but he saw her flinch around a few other tall people wearing black robes the way she stiffens around Vader so maybe it's just that!
It is not.
Vader does get a significant amount of medical treatment. Including a bunch of "holy shit, that's a lot of drugs" and similar. There is so much lightning damage.
hnnng I'm just really in love with the image of Tiny Tiny Leia sitting behind a desk for some fancy negotiation, the picture of professionalism, while Vader just stands behind her shoulder, looming, glaring expressionless death at whoever came to speak with his baby girl.
Not that he would call her that, because she'd just hate him more and he's really not sure how to fix that problem, other than doing whatever she asks with no complaints and hoping she appreciates it.
Vader: [looks at children wandering by, has complicated emotions] Leia, tired of his shit: What now? Vader: I killed them, once. Leia, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath: And you're not going to do that again. No killing children. Vader: I know that. Leia: Great. I am... regretting asking. I am so very much regretting asking.
I do really like the idea of someone asking Leia once if she wants Jedi training and she says, no, actually, she's fully aware of the fact that she's angry little ball of hate sometimes, especially towards her bio father, and she'd like to refrain from putting herself in a position where she knows enough about the Force to Fall. She wouldn't Fall. But it does make people shut up.
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mandoalorian · 3 years
Honeymoon [Din Djarin x F!Reader] - **SMUT**
Summary: You’ve been saving your credits for months in order to treat your husband to the surprise honeymoon you both deserve. He’s a little on edge though, despite the luscious, tropical environment he’s surrounded by. So, as his wife, you do everything in your means to get him to relax.
Warnings: unprotected p in v, riding, cockwarming, orgasm denial, cunningless, cum eating, spanking, anal fingering, breeding kink, slight sub!Din if you squint. 18+ only.
Word count: 2600+
Reblogs appreciated. 💙
Beyond The Sea Masterlist
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Marrying Din Djarin was the best decision of your life. 
Standing dead centre in the middle of your hotel suite, your husband had never looked so out of place. The yon orange sunlight seeped through the crack in the voile curtains, and a warm, summer breeze waved gently through your hair. You could tell, even through his beskar Mandalorian helmet, that your husband was completely stricken by the beauty of the great outdoors. Your view from outside the hotel suite was a novelty, for sure. The beach’s water circled around the hotel and pooled outside into a tranquil, turquoise coloured ocean. A distance from your window, but not too far, was a growing jungle of vines and trees, habited by various reptilian animals that were distinct to the planet of Scarif. You couldn’t wait to meet them all.
You’d saved up credits, and it had taken almost a year, but finally— finally, you could afford this. A sanctuary. A small vacation. Something you could call your honeymoon. It was long overdue.
Din had warned you when you married him that a honeymoon wasn’t on the cards. It just wasn’t plausible. He was a bounty hunter and he worked every damn day, risking his life just so he could bring back enough credits to put food on the table for you and Grogu. A holiday of any sorts was out of the question.
But you’d been saving up in secret, and if he’d ever found out about your planned endeavour — well, he’d never approve. Good job he’d managed to keep out of your way when you bought the tickets for the five star hotel suite. What proved to be even more of a challenge, was persuading Din to take you to the remote and tropical island planet of Scarif. 
You left the kid with Peli Motto on Tatooine, much to Din’s disdain. You’d spoken to Greef and broken a deal with him in secret; that the guild master was not allowed to provide Din with any bounties prior to the week you were due to go away. Everything rolled out perfectly, just as planned.
For the first time in a long time, your clan of three was living a stress free life, void of any anxieties related to Din and his profession. You loved him with your mind, body and soul, and accepted him for who he was. But part of you, a small part of your heart, hoped that one day, maybe he’d give up bounty hunting for good. He was getting older now. You’d occasionally pick out the greying hairs in his stubble, and the crinkles in the corners of his starry brown eyes were becoming increasingly more prominent. There was a beautiful galaxy out there, and he’d only seen the bad parts. The parts that were rampant with crime and death. You hoped that this honeymoon trip to Scarif would show him the true beauty of the world -- and everything he was missing out on.
He couldn’t bounty hunt forever. One of these days, he was going to have to settle down.
“I can’t believe you did this,” Din announced, picking up some complimentary hotel chocolates that had been left on his pillow. He pulled off his mustard coloured gloves and began to fiddle with the red foil wrapper. “All of this. I can’t believe you did all of this without me knowing.”
“I was afraid you’d be mad at me.” you mumbled, subconsciously rocking backwards and forwards on your heels. Din couldn’t even begin to imagine how much this trip had cost you, and to be honest, he wasn’t sure if he wanted to know the exact figure. 
“I am mad at you.” He retorted, but you could sense the air of amusement in his voice. Din Djarin was an esteemed bounty hunter, the best in the Guild. He prided himself in being the best too. He was always one step ahead of everyone, always knowing what was about to come before others even knew themselves. Apparently though, his skill was lost on you. Part of him though, was proud. A pretty big part of him, to be exact.
He was chuffed to be able to call you his wife. He didn’t believe the day would ever come. 
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” you pondered out loud, looking around the hotel suite. “Did you see those big colourful birds as we walked in? They were enormous. We should check out the gift shop and buy a disposable camera. I know Grogu would love to see the photos when we get back.”
Din tilted his helmet in acknowledgement of your comment, but opted to stay silent, his eyes fixated on you and only you. Yeah, he was sure Scarif was a beautiful planet (there was no doubt in his mind), but not even all the colourful birds or glistening waters in the whole galaxy could ever compare to the beauty of you. Your eyes snapped back towards Din when he didn’t respond, and you felt your mouth part as a knowing sigh escaped your lips.
“Tell me you don’t…” you closed your eyes, already mentally preparing yourself for his answer. “...Tell me you don’t have hunting mode initiated under that tin can helmet of yours.”
You knew that, under his black tinted visor, he was always in hunting mode. He had to ensure your safety one way or another. When he turned off hunting mode, everything was normal and in colour (despite this one glitch of pixels he had to get fixed). But when he was in hunting mode, his vision was a dull chiaroscuro. 
“We don’t know how safe this planet is,” Din declared, his voice stern as he tried to reason with you. “We just arrived and I’ve never been here before. I haven’t even done a recce.”
You extended your arm and shushed him. “You haven’t been here before because no bounty or crime syndicate ever comes to Scarif. Since the battle between the Rebellion and the Empire, it’s been under full surveillance by the New Republic. There is security on every corner.”
“That doesn’t exactly work well in my favour.” Din muttered, although deep down he knew you were right.
“Do you really think I would’ve taken you somewhere that wasn’t safe for either of us? I’ve been planning this honeymoon for months, Din. Please, trust me.”
It hurt, seeing your husband like this. After bounty hunting his whole life, he was so… on edge. He always struggled to relax. You thought a tropical vacation might’ve just done the trick but maybe he needed more.
“Okay, you’re right. I trust you.” Din sighed in admittance, and you cracked one of your sweetest smiles at his revelation. It was enough to ease Din, even just temporarily.
“It’s too late to do anything now,” you said, biting your lip as you peeked behind the curtains and watched the sunset. “We can just stay in the hotel room and order room service, if you’d like.”
Din nodded, following your direction. He didn’t know the first thing about vacationing. But if one thing intrigued him, it was the luxurious king sized bed that stood before him. It was dressed in ivory satin sheets and silk pillow cases, and it was certainly nothing like the plank of steel you’d both lay on, back in the Crest. No, this was a real bed. You’d caught him staring at it and couldn’t help but smile at the smirk that played on your lips.
“Take off your helmet.” You requested.
“I--,” Din hesitated. “Someone could walk in and see me.”
“The door is locked. We have privacy,” you assured him. Din fumbled around some more. His heart stopped when you planted both your hands on his shoulders and searched for his eyes beneath the visor. “Trust me.” you reminded him with a plea of desperation.
He nodded and slowly began to lift off his helmet. And there, he revealed himself. Your husband. Though you’d seen his face many times now, you’d still always get an out-of-body experience, watching him take it off. Like it was some kind of sin.
“I love you so much,” Din’s unmodulated voice announced, and his brown eyes bored into your beauty. You smiled, feeling a wave of heat wash over your cheeks as you leaned your head into his chest. You slowly began to undress his plates of beskar armour, dropping them to the ground as you discarded them into a pile on the floor. “Such a pretty girl,” he cooed, and you shuddered, feeling his warm breath fan over the shell of your ear. “My pretty girl. All mine.”
“All yours,” you confirmed, dropping the final plate of beskar to the floor. “You need to relax, my love.”
“That word is foreign to me.” Din told you, smoothing out your hair before dropping his large hands down to your hips.
“So let me help you.”
You guided Din over to the bed he’d been eyeing up all night and helped him out of his under clothes, stripping him down to his boxer shorts only. You straddled his hips, pushing him back down amongst the satin sheets and letting your hands wander along his broad, scarred chest. He groaned wantonly. Your tender touch combined with the unfamiliar softness of what lay beneath him was almost enough to make him enter a meltdown. You hummed softly, your voice lulling him in the most comforting manner imaginable. Your fingers dipped further down his body and traced the short tufts of brown hair that poked out the hem of his underwear. Feeling your fingers fiddle with his waistband as he lay on the king sized bed felt ethereal. It was almost too much, he had to stop himself from swatting your hand away. If Din could have it his way, he’d grab you and roll you over, so he was on top -- taking control over you. But you had done this, all of this, to try and help him relax. So, he just lay there and surrendered to you.
The sky was dimming as the minutes passed by. You made a good habit to take your time with him, missing this kind of intimacy. Truthfully, it was hard to ever catch moments like this with Grogu being around. You and Din practically always had to sacrifice loving, passionate sex for quickies in between his bounties; and it wasn’t always easy.
“You-- you look so pretty like this, on top of me.” Your husband gasped out, his already dark eyes growing shades darker with lust.
For a split second, you pulled off him and untied your tunic, letting your simple robe fall to the ground and revealing your almost naked body to him. He was obsessed with you. Absolutely smitten, and it was unlike anything he’d ever been like with anyone ever before. Straddling him once more, you began to grind over his half hard cock, moaning at the friction between his underwear and your lace panties.
You leaned down and pressed your soft lips against his, enveloping him into a sweet kiss. You drop your lips along his gruff jaw and down the column of his neck, making a conscious effort to suck at his sweet spot you’d memorised so well. Reluctantly, you pulled off him and hovered over his lap, signalling with your hands for him to pull down his underwear. He took his hardening cock in his hand and wiped the beads of precum that had developed at his head. Taking the salty seed on his index finger, he brought it up to your mouth and pushed the digit in between your lips. You moaned longingly, relishing in his taste before pulling off him with a pop.
Din pulled off your panties and began to stroke between your folds, groaning when he felt just how slick and ready you were for him. He squeezed your hips and nodded, illustrating that he was ready, and you took a deep breath, anticipating the delicious stretch his cock offered you. You sank down on top of him, your eyes snapping shut as you felt every amazing bump and ridge and vein of his manhood grind along your fluttering walls.
He seated deep inside of you, giving you a few minutes to adjust, and he began to rub tight circles into your clit. He was absolutely mesmerized by you. You chanted his name like it was a prayer, and Din wondered how he ever got so lucky.
Feeling you clench around him and sensing you were about to cum, Din removed his hand from your cunt and gave you a small spanking on the curve of your ass. Your gasp of shock from your orgasm denial turned into a wanton moan as you wiggled further down on him. You giggled, nudging your nose against his as you felt the same finger he’d used earlier on you, make its way to your puckered asshole. Anal was something you’d been working your way up to, but hadn’t tried yet.
“Do you want this?” Din asked, teasing your entrance with the tip of his finger.
“Mhm,” you nodded desperately.
“Are you sure you can take it?” he beckoned, a wicked smirk gracing his soft pink lips.
“Y-yes,” you whispered.
“I can’t hear you,” Din growled, giving you another spank. “Tell me you want it.”
“I want it,” you cried, “P-please Din, fuck, please. I want it.”
“Dirty girl.” He gritted out, slowly pushing his digit inside of you.
Maker, you were full. In every way imaginable, Din was filling you up, stretching you wide, and it felt… amazing. You began to rock your hips over his cock as he lazily thrust his finger inside your asshole, and you felt yourself panting with every little stroke and movement.
“You look so good, like this,” Din gasped. “Won’t last long.”
And, he didn’t. The second he felt you cumming on top of him, your walls gripping his girth tighter than a vice, he came undone. His load was large, as expected, as his seed spurted in ropes inside of you. Din’s hands wrapped around your stomach and he began to rub soothing circles in your tummy. You didn’t lift off him, but instead, relished the feeling of his cock softening inside of you.
“Maybe this time it’ll work,” he grumbled. “And if not, we’ll keep trying. I won’t stop til I’ve put a baby inside of you, cya’re.”
You hummed and stretched out over him, resting your sticky forehead against his. “Good job we have all honeymoon.”
Din chuckled, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear and cupping your cheek with his hand. Well, if you’d accomplished one thing, it was that Din was certainly feeling more relaxed, that’s for sure.
Permanent taglist:  @paintballkid711 @supernaturalgirl @phoenixhalliwell @ah-callie @stardust-galaxies @wickedfrsgrl @goth-topic @nerdypinupcrystal  @kiwi-the-first @pedroepascal @castiel-barnes @honeymandos @rocketqueen  @dybalalover10 @girl-obsessed-with-things @elena-myth @moth-guillotine @pedro-pascal-love @hayley-the-comet @pinkninja200 @maxiarapamaya @autumnleaves1991-blog @artsymaddie @harrys-stan @kennedywxlsh @cripplingmoon @cheekygeek05 @mrschiltoncat @rye-flower @theamuz @persie33 @sleepylunarwolf @martellthemandalor @pedro-pastel @steeevienicks @rrtxcmt @saphic-susperia @ladyjenny19 @readsalot73​ @softmedics
Beyond the Sea taglist (let me know if you wish to be added!): @sugarontherims​
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novamirmirsblog · 3 years
I am not a woman, I'm a God (17+)
If I can't have love I want power pt 2
If I can't have love masterlist
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Word Count: 1640
Genre: dark I guess?
Request: no
Warnings: none? (atm anyways)
A/N: I'm not too happy with this chapter so it's subject to change BUT the next couple chapters should pick things up a little :3 OH and the next chapter might contain smut (Idk yet - I'll try to edit this when I've written the next chapter)
1737 - The middle
The revenge was sweet and drawn out. The redhead and her long-time friend had made sure of that. They let you finish the duke off but not before they had their fun. The two women were gorgeous, both with red hair that would make any woman jealous. The green-eyed woman had hair like a wildfire and the blue-eyed woman had hair the colour of a deep red sunset. Liking women was wrong but you weren’t sure these two counted as women – they certainly weren’t human. Wanda, the one with sunset hair, tortured your husband mentally, angry whisps the same colour as Natasha’s hair crawled in through his ears and buried themselves deep within his brain. While this was happening, Natasha was peeling layer after layer of skin off him with her razor-sharp nails. You weren’t sure if you could even call them nails – not when they looked so much more like claws. While Wanda was exploiting your husband’s deepest darkest fears, Natasha was calmly explaining to you which tools to use where so you could cause the most pain. Apparently pain and torture was an aphrodisiac for them because the two demons decided to show you what you had been missing out on due to your husband’s lack of skill.
That was almost 200 years ago. Wanda and Natasha had given you great gifts, allowing you to have a much longer life, giving you cat-like reflexes and godlike powers. Perhaps your favourite was the enhancements they gave to your voice. People were suddenly compelled to do whatever you suggested they do and the rush it gave you was unexplainable. These gifts were not free however and yet the price was one you willingly paid repeatedly. Especially because it meant spending extra time with your two favourite demons. You were there to cause chaos and have fun which was ironic considering Wanda was a chaos demon and Natasha was a succubus but perhaps that’s why you did what you did. Perhaps it was because you were made by them and therefore must serve them in every way imaginable.
You had watched your siblings grow from afar and made sure every single villager who ever even looked at them wrong suffered. When you were with Wanda and Natasha, it felt as if everything just fit into place. It was strange and you felt as if you shouldn’t miss them – they killed and tortured your husband in front of you, gave you gifts that meant you couldn’t live a normal life and coerced you into sex that you weren’t sure you wanted; yet you still wanted them.
Your story was told countless times and the more times it was told, the deeper the truth was twisted into a legend, a tale mothers told their children to keep them away from the forests late at night. You were turned into a martyr, a victim of the horrible cruelties the evil creatures of the world could bestow onto innocent girls.
You were anything but.
If the storytellers could see you now, they would burn all mentions of your story. You were a problem child, a bad example and you had two of the most powerful demons wrapped around your little finger.
A few years ago, you had mentioned to Natasha and Wanda one evening that you were bored. That’s how you found yourself currently being shot at.
“Natty I’m bored.” You whined, throwing yourself dramatically over the bed. History was going through a dry spell; people weren’t doing anything interesting and there weren’t enough opportunities for you to wreak havoc.
“Natty” Wanda mocked “Our princess is bored.”
“Well, we can’t have that now, can we?” Natasha moved to hover over you, Wanda placed your head in her lap. Natasha’s tail flicked with a cat-like manner before it slithered between your legs.
You grabbed her tail and she let out a moan “Not now Natasha. I’m serious. If I knew living forever was going to be this boring, then I wouldn’t have done it.” That wasn’t quite true, you enjoyed being theirs to use but you were getting restless.
Natasha rolled her eyes, leaning up to kiss Wanda instead. You waited a few moments for the two demons to stop their make-out session, but it didn’t look to be ending any time soon. You rolled out from underneath Natasha and untangled Wanda’s fingers from where she was massaging your scalp.
“Awe come back baby.” Wanda broke the kiss and made grabby arms at you. For a supposed demon, she sure was soft. “I promise we’ll make things more fun.”
Natasha rolled her eyes again “You’ve gone soft Wands.” Although Natasha huffed and puffed about how ‘soft’ Wanda had gotten, she seemed to have a slightly less hardened heart when she looked at you.
You were no longer bored but you were being shot at and while it couldn’t kill you, it sure did sting. Perhaps going after Dick Turpin’s loot was a bad idea but what can you say? You wanted to live a little. All you had wanted was a pretty horse you had seen him steal but nooo – he had to keep them all for himself. You had managed to escape Mr Turpin himself but one of his lackeys just wouldn’t give up. Rather than continuing to run, you decided you may as well get a quick meal.
“Hello darling.” Your voice echoed from all around, you watched as the man trying to kill you frantically whipped his head around.
“Who are you? Come out now!”
You let out a low, predatory chuckle.
“I’m the poor little martyr in all your stories.”
“No. You can’t be- that’s impossible! You should be dead!” You watched as the man continued to spin around and around in circles, watching him trip before revealing yourself.
“I am ancient. I have seen empires rise and fall. I have seen kings and queens and holy men enter the world and I have seen them leave; and yet I am nowhere near as old or as powerful as the women who made me the person I am today. While I watched preestablished civilisations crumble, they were reminiscing the time they created them, all while burning them to the ground. Some call me the end but they are mistaken. They are the end. I am your warning. I am the only kindness they will show you. Trivial things such as death do not concern me.” As you finished your speech, Natasha and Wanda’s comforting aura surrounded you, the dark mist embracing you before forming the two women.
“Couldn’t let you have all the fun now could we dove?” Natasha’s voice rumbled out against your neck, biting it lightly.
“You have to share.” Wanda cooed, lifting your chin up to face her as she captured your lips with hers.
The idiot who you were about to kill and feed on decided now was a good time to make their escape. Luckily, Wanda had other plans as her red magic bought the squirming meal back to you.
“Go away. I want to eat. It’s been so long.” You pouted, making your way back to your meal. It was a little annoying that to continue living in your young body that you had to drain the soul from another person, but it was worth it.
“But if we leave then who’s going to do all the heavy lifting?”
“And who will dig the hole in your garden?”
“Or put the body in the hole?”
“Okay! I get it. Fine. But just hush, okay? I like to eat in peace.” You grabbed the man and kissed him hard, feeling his soul merge with yours before it was consumed by the darkness.
“I don’t know why you always have to kiss them to feed” Natasha bit out, moving away from you with Wanda, voicing her unhappiness at you kissing someone else when only she should be kissing you- her and maybe Wanda.
“Well, it wasn’t me who made her feed that way.” Wanda whispered back
“Are you suggesting this is my fault?” Natasha’s voice got low and dangerous, and you felt the forest drop about 10 degrees.
“Well that’s how you feed isn’t it?” Wanda’s eyes glowed and a wind picked up.
You pulled away from your meal, the faint glow of his soul swirling around your mouth and eyes. “Want to share?” The forest rose back to its original temperature and climate as Natasha kissed you, absorbing small remnants of the soul. Wanda wrapped one arm around your waist while the other snaked up to your neck, her teeth lightly biting and sucking along your shoulders.
“I think you forget dove” Natasha broke the kiss to growl at you
“We’re in charge here. If we wanted to share, then we would share.” Wanda finished off for her.
It dawned on you that perhaps this was about more than just the meal. They were jealous.
“Are you two jealous?” You laughed, not at the situation but at their reactions. Wanda bit you harder and Natasha just glared at you.
“Of course not. Why would we be jealous of some silly insignificant dum-”
“Baby…” You reached up and placed one hand lightly on Wanda’s horn and the other on Natasha’s cheek, effectively stopping Natasha’s rant about how unjealous they are. Wanda moved from where she was standing behind you to stand next to Natasha. “You both know that if I could live off Demon energy then I would, but I can’t.”
Natasha and Wanda shared a look, having a silent conversation in the space of seconds before turning their attention back to you. “That’s not necessarily true love.” Wanda said.
“It will be painful but…well demons aren’t born. They’re made.” Natasha explained.
“And if you wanted to…”
You didn’t even hesitate before giving your answer. “Yes.”
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another-cancer · 3 years
Day 9, July 15th Pixie
“Pixie is it? That’s what the media has been calling you,” he said in his twisted voice.
She growled, “One person is allowed to call me that and you sure as hell ain’t him.”
Look I am back! Hopefully with semi-regular updates as I try to finish this.
She had been having a bad day. An unlucky one above anything else. Marinette still carried luck from her days as Ladybug. But luck runs out. Especially when the old Ladybug holder had been spending so much time with a current Black Cat holder.
The bad day started with a coffee malfunction, her coffee machine broke. So she went to her favorite cafe. They were closed due to a break in the night before. She ended up giving up on coffee. Instead, she opted to visit work.
While Marinette mainly worked from home, she did officially have an office at Wayne Enterprises where she oversaw the JTodd fashion company, her mini-empire that continued to be commission only after all the years. Named after Jason Todd. MDC had died when Ladybug did when the original Marinette Dupain-Cheng passed. Now, this version of Marinette headed an up-and-coming fashion empire, overseen by WE.
However, while she was making her way to the office building, faith proved to have other plans for her. A kidnapping. By the one and only Joker. Fuck.
“Pixie is it? That’s what the media has been calling you,” he said in his twisted voice.
She growled, “One person is allowed to call me that and you sure as hell ain’t him.”
Her arms were tied back above her head as a bomb sat in the middle of the room equal distance from her and the Joker.
“Well, sweetheart that other person isn’t here are they?”
Knowing the answer she looked around the room, they were alone. Jason was nowhere to be seen. She was alone. She blacked out.
Blink. Blink.
“Looky here, it looks like the doll is finally awake again,” Joker said to an empty room.
She was tired, from just hanging there. She wondered why she wasn’t dead yet. Why was he keeping her alive?
“Oh no you look a bit sleepy again, what a shame,” he said as she drifted back out of consciousness.
Loud. Pain. Needle? Blood. Dark. Quiet. Sleep.
How long had it been?
Fifteen hours. She hadn’t been seen for fifteen hours. She was kidnapped. And he was terrified. Marinette always texted or called, she checked in constantly. At hour three he considered it a fluke, at hour five he questioned Adrien, at hour six he searched Wayne Enterprise, at hour eight he started searching the city.
“You need rest,” B told him.
“No, I need to find her!”
“Jay we are going to find her, I promise, but right now you look like Tim, you’ve been out here too long,” Dick joked.
“How the fuck are you joking at a time like this?”
“I’m just trying to lighten the mood a bit.”
“Fuck that shit, Marinette has been missing for fifteen hours, we don’t know who the fuck has her or where the fuck she is,” Jason was steaming.
Marinette vomited. What the fuck was going on? Cameras. The Joker was no longer with her. It was just the bomb and her. And now a camera, a camera with a blinking light. She was being recorded, probably live-streamed knowing Joker’s flair for the dramatics.
He was going to find her. Barbara could help. She would be okay.
“Jay,” she whispered, staring into the camera, “Jay.”
She repeated it over and over until she couldn’t. She said it until she couldn’t speak.
‘I love you,’ she mouthed.
He would never get it. He wasn’t able to read lips.
“What do you mean you can’t trace it?” Jason demanded to know.
Barbara said, “It’s bouncing off too many towers, I can’t find an exact location.”
“What if they’re moving?” Tim suggested.
“What?” Jason asked, refocusing his attention.
“Look in the video Mari is swinging back and forth, and she threw up, she gets motion sickness. That would explain why the signal is bouncing off a bunch of towers.”
“You’re right, that would explain it, but it would need to be something big. Like a truck. I’ll start looking,” she turned back to the screen.
Tim continued analyzing the video footage looking for clues. Perhaps trying to figure out what Marinette had mouthed. And Jason. Jason felt useless. All he could do was wait for an answer. Wait for a location. Tim had the video muted so Jason didn’t have to listen to her repeating his name. So he didn’t have to listen to her suffer.
Someone had apparently given Bruce the news of a breakthrough. He was back in the cave with Damian and Dick. Jason thought it was stupid that no one was out looking for her. But what did he know? He needed to take a fucking break. Bullshit. Everyone standing in the cave without Marinette felt empty as they filled Bruce in.
“What happens when we find her?” Damian asked.
“We rescue her,” Jason stated as the most obvious thing in the world.
“No Damian has a point, there is a bomb. If we do anything too dramatic it will blow. A truck that size has a large gas tank, that could take out half a city block. We need to lure the truck out of the city somehow,” Dick suggested.
“Do you know how long it has been?” Jason quietly asked.
“What?” Bruce prompted.
Speaking louder he repeated, “Do you know how long it has been?”
Everyone stared blankly.
“Twenty-Three hours. She’s been missing for twenty-three hours. She has been throwing up on live television for the last six hours. I haven’t seen her in over twenty-six hours. We need to rescue her as soon as possible.”
“We understand, but we need to protect the city. We can’t let that truck blow,” Dick reasoned.
“Fuck the city. This is Marinette we’re talking about.”
“Jay, we can’t just-”
“You don’t understand, I- We- She-” Jason couldn’t find the words, “She’s important.”
“We know she’s family.”
“She’s more than that. I need to save her.”
He loved her.
She couldn’t open her eyes. They were too heavy.
Everything hurt.
Where was Jason?
He stopped every truck he came across. But he didn’t need to stop the one in front of him to know.
She was there. He could feel it.
It calmed him, around her aura he was more rational.
An explosion shook the whole city.
Her body was in his arms.
She had no pulse.
Tears welled up in his eyes as he let her go to perform CPR.
As he attempted to bring life back to her he repeated, ‘I love you,’ over and over.
And then a pulse.
She was still alive.
She had a chance.
Red Hood checked Pixie Todd into the hospital ten minutes later.
Jason came rushing into the hospital five minutes later.
“I’m here to see Pixie Todd,” he demanded.
“Mr. Wayne, she is in surgery, when she is out it will be family only until she awakes.”
“We have the same last name.”
“While I won’t question how you know what name she was checked in under, I will say you yourself have confirmed to the media, you aren’t related to the girl. I’m sorry, we understand she is your friend, but you won’t be able to see her until she’s awake.”
“We got married, '' he blurted out, “last year we didn’t want the media to know. I just want to see my wife when she gets out.”
He lied effortlessly.
“Oh, I’m sorry I assumed-”
“It’s okay, I just would like an update on her condition.”
“Of course, I can go get her surgeon.”
“Hey, can you not tell anyone about the marriage?”
“Of course Mr. Wayne.”
She was going to be okay.
Masterlist AO3
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calyssmarviss · 2 years
Spoilers for Obi-Wan Kenobi Part V
So last week i had two people to scream at bit now I’m back to shouting at the internet instead.
I’ve seen, uh, not exactly spoilers but hints and inside jokes because i went on tumblr a bunch of times today forgetting it was Wednesday and i have high hopes for this one
Oh yeah Obi-Wan and Leia were both pretty badass in the last one, trench-coat incident notwithstanding
Karen Miller was on that balcony in spirit
See, Vader’s blowing hard just thinking about it
Mhm I’ve fought GoH battles on that bridge
Vader: onto more important matters: where’s my boyfriend
Ew. Grand Inquisitor, really?
Field trip to Jabiim let’s go
Why didn’t they drop her to Alderaan before. I could probably answer that but i would need to go to my maps and, oh, fuck it
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Yeah so it would have not taken much more time to drop Leia first but idk maybe it would be harder to travel through the Core worlds with the increased imperial presence… like, checkpoints on the lanes and pitstop planets
How long can they travel without stopping anyway?
Vader staring into hyperspace is… something. Idk what but it gives me feelings okay.
I’m just like him when i go to new planets in Borderlands 3 i stand i front of the ship and wait for the reveal.
Why is it all so dark on Jabiim i can’t see shit
That second hand lightsaber stand
“It’s not her, it’s Vader.”
Why are they like this. I mean. He’s not wrong but still.
“He’ll attack next. He hasn’t the patience for a siege.”
why is this so funny to me
“How do you know?”
*flashback to Wild Space*
Oh it’s a little bit weird to see them both with blue lightsabers and i watched some Clone Wars a few days ago.
Man that haircut. I know people who must have wept with joy from seeing the return of Wolfman Kenobi.
That back to back.
“Mercy doesn’t defeat an enemy, master.”
Oh Hayden, I’ve missed you so
“Which is why you’re gonna lose.”
I feel like I’ve written a scene just like this.
God we’re only eight minutes in.
I paused on a really pretty shot of the destroyer right in front of Jabiim i wish i could take a screenshot so bad rn
I’m such a fucking nerd i see a pretty planet and a couple fighters and i want to cry
Ooh, this feels very Last Jedi suddenly. Without the salt and the foxes.
Why? Are they blowing up the door when they apparently can lock down the place? How could they lock it down? What the fuck are they doing.
“I’m going to need a ladder.”
Oh right, it’s Lola. Already forgot.
Yeah so they couldn’t ask Lola to keep the front door open?
Why is it so dark?
Bail mail!
“We’re in trouble.”
No shit. What were we even doing checking our emails and spilling our backstory when the Empire is right at the front door
Here comes the Negotiator!
“Lord Vader will have you at any cost.”
“You mean Anakin.”
that’s beautiful payback for episode 2
“I was too weak.”
“They were the only family I knew. And he slaughtered them.”
“You’re not helping him are you? You’re hunting him.”
“Let me help you.”
“Why would i trust you.”
“Because we want the same thing.”
“Do you, Obi-Wan? Do you really want Anakin dead?”
Girl heard the stories you know. Two halves of a same warrior and all that. Damn, maybe she even spotted the Open Circle insignia on one of the thousands warships you put it on. Who knows.
“Where were you? When he was killing my friends?”
NOT WITH HIM AND THAT'S WHY WE HAVE THIS PROBLEM. He went to Utapau and took Anakin’s single braincell with him.
Hey no not the mute droid
I swear those two motherfuckers have been having a… Force bond discussion of a sort since Obi-Wan has been aware of Anakin being alive.
“Tell her to stand down. Kenobi is already ours.”
What was i saying?!
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“There’s no way out, Master.”
Yeah this is not a memory i think. That’s mental battle.
Oh no his face when he says
“Admit you are beaten.”
That’s unfair man.
Who wrote this show? I have no idea. Anyway.
Here i paused to full on cry for two minutes and then realized why the girl were talking about praise kink regarding this episode
Also this show is making me feel strangely validated about past writing choices
“It’s over. I’m going back.”
“Vader wants me.”
Joby and Andrew we need to talk.
Obi-Wan said there were other ways to fight than lightsabers and m’y thoughts immediately turned dirty until i remembered the state of Anakin right now
Man i hope those Force ghosts are having the best time
“You’re not bringing him to me. I’m bringing him to you.”
Well fuck for a second there i misheard i thought he was bringing her to him like hi babe here’s the traitor in your inquisition but no what he’s actually doing is breaking my heart again
“We could end this together.”
Ben you’re tearing this family apart
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“Because all he’ll see is me.”
We get it okay. He’s obsessed with you.
Think none of the stormtroopers hear that little convo?
And… they just bring him back inside?
“There. Your weapon’s gone. It’s over.”
Hayden has such a pretty smile.
“Your need for victory, Anakin it blinds you.”
So much could have been avoided if he’d just told him he was a good boy.
“Where is he.”
He asked once more, with feeling.
Leia baby, they need you to haul ass. Not me though. Take as much time as you want. This is fun.
Leia vs Lola
From spy to lamp torch
Why weren’t those people already on the ship
That’s SO sexy 🤩
I found my next desktop picture Vader’s back on main stage
I’m so disappointed this was so hot listen i don’t give a fuck about those innocent people Anakin deserved to win this one for sheer badassness
He didn’t even get to see him :(
So what they’re saying is that he’s still a Padawan lol give him some pearls to clip to his helmet
Hahaha Reva what did you think would happen.
Well i guess he did give her to him in the end
Hahahahaha he’s playing with her
He doesn’t even have his lightsaber out
🎶 This is the Vader Show 🎶
And it’s beautiful
Bye Reva
“Did you really believe i did not see it, youngling?”
Hey, the Rebels fans were right about that guy! He’s not dead!
“Our hyperdive is down. And they’re behind us.”
So what say you, General Kenobi?
What is that?
Oh it’s his comm
Back to Tatooine we go!
“I’m sure it’s nothing.”
You look like you’re gaving more than a bad feeling about this.
Hey Luke.
I / II / III
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yourmidnightlover · 4 years
niagara falls
TW: past thoughts of suicide, drinking, car accident (not involving reader), pining (lmk if i missed anything plz)
Summary - spencer explodes on reader after coming to a realization, and reader decides to take a much needed vacation - away from him.
WC - 5,305
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"i don't understand why you're like this!" spencer shouted as he slung his satchel off his shoulder and onto the couch. "why do you even care?!"
"why do i care?!" you scoffed. "you seriously aren't asking me that, spencer," you rolled your eyes in disbelief. "because i care about you. that's why i care. i'm so sorry my caring about you is an inconvenience," you sarcastically apologized, throwing your hands up in frustration as he sat down on the couch with his head laying in his hands.
"you're just so overbearing sometimes, y/n. i can't handle it right now!" he yelled, finally pulling his head up to meet your gaze only to find your eyes welling up with tears. "are you seriously crying right now?" he chuckled as he rolled his eyes once again.
"spencer please... just tell me why you're so upset right now. i want to help you," you pleaded, trying to calm yourself down as you sat on his couch beside him, placing a hand gently on his knee.
"well maybe i don't want your help! i never asked you to help me!" he slung your hand off his knee as he rose to his feet once again.
"why won't you let me help you? i'm your friend, spence. i want to help you... please," you admitted as a year slipped down your cheek.
"i don't want your help! i don't want you here! i don't want to be near you! i wish you died when the unsub took you. i should've let him just finish the fucking job!" he yelled, running a hand through his hair as he turned away from you. "i mean it seemed like you wanted to die anyways because of your carelessness. your stupidity! so why don't you do just that?" he walked into his kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water.
you stayed silent, unaware of what to do with what he just admitted. your best friend just said he wished you had died. he wished you had been killed.
you didn't know what to do, but you knew you didn't want to stay with him for one more second. you were done trying to help him through whatever was going on.
so you got up and left. you walked out of his door and slowly made your way to the car, still trying to process what just happened.
spencer looked up when he heard his door softly shut. he grabbed his water and walked into the living room, only to find you not there anymore.
then he finally processed what he had said, himself. he said he wished you had died. he told you he wanted you dead.
he went to his room, not bothering with anything else at that point, and laid down on his bed. spencer felt guilty about what he had said, but he was sure you wouldn't want to see him.
but you would've done anything to see him. you waited inside your car, outside of his building for nearly half an hour just hoping he'd come down.
you wanted him to apologize, or to say he didn't mean it, anything that would suggest he didn't mean what he had said.
but he didn't come down.
you even saw as his lights turned off in his apartment, signaling his sleep, before you decided to drive off.
which leads to you now.
you were at a bar after calling penelope and emily, jj wasn't able to make it because of will and the kids. you were still in your work clothes, but managed to clean up the makeup that had began to streak down your face.
when the two girls got there, you had already been through a couple drinks within the past twenty minutes waiting for them, in spite of your knowledge of you being a lightweight.
"y/n!" you heard penelope greet you accompanied by the tell tale sound of her heels clicking against the floor. "my pumpkin pie what happened?!" she said as she approached you, gently placing a hand on your shoulder as she took a seat beside you.
"are you alright, y/n?" emily asked as she approached the chair on the opposite side of you.
"i'm... yup," you giggled as you turned to face emily. "is that unsub still in custody? maybe he still wants to have his go with me," you asked before busting out in laughter.
"what? y/n why...?" emily questioned, looking past you and making eye contact with penelope, silently asking if she understood what you meant. "why would you say that?" she asked softly, taking her coat off in preparation for the rest of the night.
"welllll, pretty lady, apparently spencer should've just let him finish the job when he took me," you giggled, leaning in closer to emily. "at this point i think spencer might want to finish the job himself!" you whisper shouted, penelope still able to hear your comment as you busted out in laughter once again.
"what'd boy wonder say?" penelope asked, scooting her chair closer to yours and emily's in hopes of hearing you better.
"he said 'i wish you died when the unsub took you. i should've let him finish the fucking job!'" you said with a smile on your face, the giggles still popping out of your mouth every so often.
penny and emily shared a knowing look as they glanced at each other. emily raised her eyebrows in suspicion as penelope rubbed her lips together with furrowed brows.
"i think you guys forget," you hiccuped, "i'm a profiler, silly gooses. i knoowww that look you guys are giving each other," you slammed your hands down on the table. "he meant what he said. he wants me dead," you frowned, the giggling finally ceasing as you took in the harshness of the situation. "maybe i should be, you guys."
"no! no, no, no," penny insisted, placing a hand on your shoulder to turn you towards her. she took note of the tears in your eyes once again. "he doesn't want you dead, y/n. he lost it when he found out the unsub took you."
"garcia's right. he could barely think straight for longer than 15 seconds when you disappeared," emily confirmed. "he cares about you, don't forget that."
"you should've seen him tonight, em," you turned to face emily, taking another sip of your drink before penny took it from you despite your protests. "he told me he didn't want to be near me and that he didn't want my help," you sniffled, wiping the tears from your eyes before they fell. "i just wanted him to be okay..."
"i know you did sweetie," penny consoled as she rubbed a hand on your back.
you leaned forward and rested your head on emily's shoulder as she wrapped her arms around you. penny continued to rub your back as sobs racked through your body. eventually, your sobs slowed and you were able to sit back up and wipe your tears.
he knew about your struggle with depression in the past. he knew that there was a point in your life when you didn't even want your life. he had to know the weight of his words as he said them.
and that hurt worse than the fact that he said them.
the fact that he knew how much they'd hurt you.
"i think i just need a break from him for a while," you sniffled as you used a napkin to wipe your tear stained cheeks.
you and spencer had spent practically every free night you had together. whether you went to his place or him yours, you spent whatever free time you had together.
you would watch those foreign films together, where he would whisper the translations in your ear. he would try to teach you to be better at chess. you would attempt to teach him to be a better cook. each of you loved spending time together.
so spencer saying that to you, knowing your backstory and your history, hurt more than you'd care to admit.
"are you sure?" emily asked concerned.
"he meant it, em. it was like he hated me. i don't... i don't want to see him again. at least not for a while," you frowned at the admission, picking at your nails in your lap.
"maybe that's for the best. a little break?" penelope agreed. "you still have a lot of vacation time, y'know," she suggested, nudging your shoulder slightly.
"yea. i think i might take a vacation for a month or two. visit my family, see some sights," you shrugged.
you and spencer had been looking through catalogues together at different sights you'd like to see together. those were the only places you'd thought about seeing, so you'd probably just visit them alone, try to make your own memories without him tainting them.
"that sounds fun, y/n. it's a good idea," she gently scratched your back.
"just uhm... don't tell spencer, please," you asked as you placed a twenty on the counter of the bar.
"whatever you want, sugar," penelope agreed, helping you stand to your feet. "we carpooled here, so i'll just drive you home, okay?" penelope suggested as you nodded in agreement.
"you can stay the night. you don't need to be out this late, pen," you practically demanded.
"yes ma'am," penny laughed at your care for others, even when you felt horrible.
you've always been the person that's there for everyone, even spencer.
when they each went through their own trouble or needed help you were there for them.
especially spencer.
and now after you had your own traumatic experience where you thought you would die yourself, spencer wasn't there for you. instead, he added to the hurt and pain.
penelope drove you home, you fell asleep on the way. she slept in your guest bedroom and helped you when you had to throw up in the middle of the night.
you had never been more grateful to not have worn the next day. you called hotch to let him know of your plans of vacation for a couple months, which he allowed.
he thought it was an excellent decision for you to take a vacation. you'd always worked hard on everything you did. paperwork or a case, you did your best. so he knew this break would really help you to relax.
so, you planned everything out. you got a plane ticket to see your family, and you would drive everywhere from there on out with a rental car.
you would see the statue of liberty, the empire state building, acadia national park, walters art gallery, the national aquarium, and so many other places you and spencer had looked through together.
part of you felt guilty for doing this without him, but you figured since he wanted you dead he could just go see the places by himself. he'd probably enjoy them even more without you, anyway.
you had decided to turn your phone off, not wanting to be bothered by the nuisance of social media, but you left your work phone on in case of an emergency. you had gotten a video camera in hopes of recording your journey.
you sent postcards at every location you went to. you even sent them pictures of you and your family together, smiles in every single one of them.
your mom and step dad were overjoyed to see you. they could tell there was something that pushed you for this vacation other than just needing a break from work, but they didn't push since they were just excited to see you.
you videoed them upon your arrival, them hugging you tightly and your dogs jumping on you.
the sights were absolutely stunning. you couldn't believe how amazing the views were. they were more incredible than you could imagine.
part of you couldn't stop thinking about spencer and how much you missed him. you had wanted to see these places together, but you figured he never wanted to see you again.
so at each spot, you made a separate video dedicated to spencer. you told him how part of you wished he was there to tell you his facts he had about the places. you told him how you wished he actually wanted to be there with you, but understood that he needed his own space.
as happy as you seemed in those pictures and at those sights, when you got back to your hotels you would break down.
you didn't understand how spencer could be so cruel to you after you trying to be the best friend you could be.
now you had one more week of vacation and you only had one more sight to see, the one you were the most excited about.
the day spencer blew up on you, he couldn't get over how rude his words had been. he decided to leave you be the next few days, letting you both cool off from the blowup that had ensued.
the day he had gone back to work, he got you your favorite muffin, coffee, and flowers. he placed them on your desk waited for you to walk through the doors so he could beg for your forgiveness.
but you didn't show up.
he went into hotch's office in hopes of finding answers, only to be told that you had requested time off.
he was riddled with guilt from the new information. you had practically fled because of his words.
he didn't talk to anyone the rest of the day. he just finished his paperwork quickly and went home.
when he saw the postcards you had sent emily, jj, derek, penelope, rossi, and hotch, he felt part of his heart break.
all of the places you went were the places he wanted to take you.
he wanted to tell you the fun facts about those places that he researched just to see your smile. he wanted to hold your hand as you looked out on new york as you stood in the empire state building. he wanted those experiences with you.
and there you were experiencing them without him. enjoying them like you had never discussed them with him yourself.
and you never even sent him a postcard.
during all of this, spencer had received the cold shoulder from practically everyone. they had stopped asking him out after cases, and didn't talk to him unless it had to do with the cases they were on.
"morgan! can you at least tell me why everyone's treating me like this?" spencer begged him to reveal the truth for what felt like the millionth time.
"reid. you're telling me you seriously don't know why everyone's mad at you?" he scoffed. "you're a profiler. figure it out," he demanded as he turned to walk back to his desk, unaware that the shaggy haired man had followed him.
"i've tried. please, just tell me," he asked, his eyes welling with tears.
"because of what you told her, reid," morgan sighed, finally looking at the man standing beside him. "you told her you wanted her dead. we all know her past struggles, and you still told her you wished she was dead. that was so beyond low, reid," morgan informed the man.
spencer stood there, taking in the information.
he didn't realize that nobody knew why he had said that. nobody knew why he pushed you away.
"sh-she really believes that?" spencer asked, watching morgan nod. "i don't want her dead. i need her. i've always needed her. i'll always need her," he shook his head in frustration, running his hand through his hair. "i-i said that because i realized how much i needed her. i realized how much i love her and it terrified me. i was just scared of those feelings, morgan. sh-she can't go. i can't lose her, derek," spencer cried, tears streaming down his face as he admitted his feelings for the first time out loud.
"well you sure have a funny way of showing it, reid," morgan rolled his eyes before sighing in compliance. "if you really love her, show her that. she's traveling alone right now, thinking you hate her and thinking that you don't want her in the world right now," morgan shook his head as he stood up to hand some files in to hotch.
"i know. b-but what should i do?" the boy genius wondered.
"go to her, dumbass. let her know how you feel and how much of a dumbass you are," morgan said as he walked off to hand his files in.
spencer ran to penelope's lair in hopes to track where you were.
"garcia!" spencer said upon entrance.
"reid. what do you want?" she asked in a monotoned voice.
"garcia, please just listen to me. you have to hear my side of the story, please," he begged. she turned around in her chair to face spencer, raising her eyebrows to entice him to finish the story. "i love her," he ripped the band-aid off. "i'm in love with her, and i only realized it when i thought i might lose her forever. and that feeling... it-it terrified me. so, i pushed her away. i couldn't... i couldn't go on knowing that she didn't feel the same, so i ruined our friendship."
"spencer..." penelope sighed, bringing her hand up to her forehead in an attempt to not explode on the man in front of her. "she was absolutely devastated. she went to the bar that night and... she drank. you know that she never drinks, spencer. not since her dad was in that car accident. she was distraught because you knew her past. you knew and you still yelled that at her..." penelope looked at the tears in his eyes, realizing how much he truly felt for you. "but i guess i can help you. although i promised her i wouldn't tell you anything!" she chastised. spencer ran over and hugged her tightly.
"oh thank you so much, garcia! thank you!!" he exclaimed excitedly. "i'm gonna go tell hotch i need a week off to visit her!" he said before running out of garcia's office.
penelope had gotten the information he needed from tracking your work phone, and gave it to him. spencer was approved to leave abruptly by hotch, him being understanding of the direct of the situation.
truth be told, hotch had a suspicion reid was the reason you left. he had noticed the tension between the two of you after they got you back from the unsub, and just came to a conclusion after you asked for time off.
so of course he let spencer have time off. he hoped he would try to fix things between the two of you. hotch was a bit worried you might leave the into if things weren't resolved, so whatever would keep you with them would work.
spencer figured you'd choose to go to the place you were most excited about last. you always wanted that kind of flare, the buildup to the most beautiful sight you'd see. when penelope told him where you were after tracking your phone, he wasn't surprised in the slightest.
he ordered the first ticket to upstate new york, and reserved a room at the hotel he found you had been staying at after garcia tracked your credit card purchases.
"morgan, i just finished packing," spencer said while on the phone with his friend, putting his suitcase into the back of a cab so he could get to the airport.
"good. don't forget to have flare, reid. women love that stuff," morgan chuckled.
"not y/n, morgan. she wouldn't want that attention," spencer practically scoffed at him while shutting the trunk, now stepping into the back of the cab.
"right, right. my bad," he raised his hands in defense in spite of spencer not being able to see him.
"aright, i've got to go now," spencer announced.
"let me know how it goes, alright?" morgan requested, still feeling a little eager at the entire situation going down.
"of course," spencer accepted. "bye."
spencer sighed as he gave the cab driver the address of the airport. he wasn't sure about him confessing his feelings for you, but that's the only way to show you how sorry he was, and how he didn't mean a word he had said to you.
he hated the past three weeks without you. without your gentle touch, melodious laughter piercing his ears at one of his crummy jokes. without the sight of your beautiful smile, or the way your voice sounded while mindlessly singing as you attempted to teach him how to cook.
he found himself watching videos he had of you and him together, scrolling through your pictures.
some were silly, goofy pictures you had taken of the two of you. some of the pictures were of you and him in formal wear at rossi's, him looking at you in your dress like you're the most beautiful thing he's ever seen... mostly because you are. some are of you asleep on his couch cuddled into his chest and gripping onto him in the midst of your dream, your smile signified that it was a good dream, at that.
he didn't know when he fell in love. all he knew was that he had fallen. hard. he didn't even care enough to figure out when the exact moment was, and he might as well have not tried.
he fell in love with you over time.
because over time you would reveal a little bit more of yourself to him that he found himself admiring. at first it was the way you secretly had a crush on james t. kirk. then it was that you snort when you truly laugh... something you were insecure about but he found even more adorable.
then it was about your dad.
it was about the car accident that ensued after a drunk driver slammed into him.
then he understood why you were so protective over the team when they went out together. you never drank, and always drove the girls and morgan home when they drank too much. you took the responsibility because you couldn't stand the thought of losing them like you had your own father years ago.
his death is what made you question everything, including your own existence. you didn't understand why he was gone, and left you behind.
on the anniversary of his death, you and spencer had gone to his grave to mourn him. he held you while you cried, and helped you eat the picnic you had brought with you.
so no, there wasn't a specific moment where he could pinpoint where he fell in love with you. this was merely because there's so much love he has for you that he's pretty sure he'll never stop falling in love.
once the plane landed in new york, he took a cab to the hotel you were both staying at and got everything ready. he remembered everything you were doing that day, and decided to surprise you at the one place he knew you were going to love the most.
niagara falls.
he got dressed in jeans and a white button up shirt. he put a brown sweater vest overtop the button up, and wore his black converse and satchel.
he had stopped by to get your favorite flowers. he got a mixture because he knows how you hate only being able to have one favorite - marigolds, daisies, asters, lilies, white tulips, and lilacs. you love the mixture of the colors together.
he planned to stop by your room and give you the flowers, begging for your forgiveness and admit his undying love for you. no problem.
then the time came.
his palms were sweaty, he could practically tell his voice would crack upon his admission to you. worst case scenario, you say you hate his guts and never want to see him, transfer out of the team, and he never sees you again. that's something he can't let happen.
best case scenario, you return his feelings and let him see this one last place with you as a truce. he gets to tell you the facts he learned just for this experience, and you live happily ever after.
he really hopes it's best case scenario.
meanwhile, you were looking through your suitcase. you had realized the last sweater you brought with you was spencer's, you just didn't realize it upon packing. you felt the tears pricking the corner of your eyes, threatening to spill over.
you could throw the sweater away, and just wear one of your other shirts. or you could bask in his scent one last time before christening your life from him.
that decision had to wait, because there was a knock on your door.
you threw a robe over your shirtless body, and ran to open the door. your face fell upon seeing who was there. you were confused, shocked that you saw the man you thought hated your guts at your door, with flowers nonetheless.
"s-spencer?" you questioned, squinting your eyes as if he was someone else.
"h-hi, y/n," spencer swallowed. your eyes widened upon this revelation before you scoffed and swiftly slammed the door shut.
you ran to get the sweater on and over your head, but spencer had thought you were shutting him out. he thought you were turning him away before he even had a chance to express his feelings.
"please let me explain, y/n!" he exclaimed, banging on the door before you swiftly opened it again.
"yeesh, smartypants," you joked as you used to, a small smile playing on your lips. "i was just putting a shirt on," you said before moving out of the doorway, signaling him to come inside.
"i uhm... i got these for you," he handed you the flowers after you shut the door behind you.
"thank you," you pulled your lips into a tight lipped smile before sighing. "why are you here?" you bit your bottom lip softly, trying to refrain yourself from crying just at the sight of seeing him.
you sat down on the edge of the bed, patting beside you for him to sit down. you began twiddling your fingers in your lap, avoiding his gaze.
"i'm about to say something, and then i'll explain something," he said slowly, forgetting every single word he had practiced before coming into your room, seeing your face in person, viewing your smile, noticing you still wearing his sweater... giving him a glimmer of hope. "when you got caught by the unsub... i broke. i broke like i never have before, and i didn't know why," he sighed. "until i did," he reached his hand over to grab yours gently. "i'm in love with you."
your face shot up, finally looking him in the eyes, confusion displayed in yours.
"i've been falling in love with you for... who know how long. all i know is that i thought i had lost you, and crumpled without you. i can't do anything without you. i can't live without you. i need you," he said, tears filling his on eyes as you placed a hand on top of his.
"so w-why'd you tell me that..." you trailed off, your eyes gazing downward in fear.
"because," he used his free hand to grasp your chin softly, pulling it up to meet his eyes, "i was terrified," he moved his hand to cup your cheek. "i was scared about our friendship being ruined because i loved you, and because i was scared i pushed you away. i know that's no excuse, and nothing can excuse what i said to you. ever. but i'll spend every second of my life trying to make it up to you. please... just say you'll let me make it up to you," tears were now streaming steadily down his face.
"spencer," you took you hands out of his, leaving his hand on your knee, and wiped his face with both of them.
you leaned in slowly, looking him in the eyes to see if he understood what you were about to do. he met you somewhere in the middle, connecting your lips together in a frenzy of sentiment, longing, and passion. it was build up of every emotion the two of you have been harboring for as long as either of you could remember.
his hand on your face remained there, pulling you into him a little more. his other went slightly higher on your knee, now meeting your thigh and giving it a gentle squeeze as your hands moved to the back of his neck.
when you opened your mouth for his tongue to enter, it met yours tentatively, slowly exploring every crevice, you doing the same. neither of you fought for dominance, allowing there to be certain kind of harmony to the moment the both of you have been dreaming of for so long.
you slowly pulled back, being sure to look in his eyes to see nothing but admiration and endearment in them.
"i love you too, spencer," you grinned softly. "but that doesn't mean i can just forget what you said..." you said before he wrapped you in his arms.
"i absolutely understand, of course," he sniffled. his hands were wrapped around your waist, pulling your body impossibly closer to his. "don't leave, please," he begged as you embraced him by his neck, pulling his face down into the crevice in your neck.
"never again," you complied, feeling his smile against the skin on your neck, a slight chuckle leaving your lips at the sentiment. your hands found their way to his hair, running them though the locks gently. "wait!" you said as you jolted off of the bed to stand up. "how did you know where i was?"
"well..." spencer stood up and made his way back to you. "garcia helped a bit, and i realized that out of all of the places we talked about visiting, you haven't been to your favorite one yet. and because you're you, you saved the best for last," he finished as he wrapped his arms around your waist to pull you closer to him.
"penelope!!" you huffed, your arms locking behind his neck. "i swore her to secrecy an you broke her!" you exclaimed. "oh well, she lasted longer than i expected," you shrugged before leaning in to give spencer another kiss.
"yea, i had to confess my love for you to her first so she'd tell me," he whispered before leaning in with you slowly, you pulling back a bit at what he revealed.
"how many people know?" you questioned, playing with the hair on his neck and brows furrowed.
"well derek knows, garcia knows, i'm pretty sure hotch has a suspicion, so at this point most likely everyone on the team," he bent down to begin kissing your neck, sending shivers down your spine.
"oh?" you asked as he mumbled a 'mmhmm' against your skin.
you're breathing slowed down as he began to suck on the soft spot on your neck, a warm feeling rushing straight to your core  you tugged gently on his curls, a soft moan leaving the both of your lips.
"spencer..." you quietly called. "i have to be there in two and a half hours," you trailed off, your hand now running through the top of his hair, all the way down, feeling the softness of his locks between your fingers.
end of part 1 ;)
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sendme-2hell · 4 years
Rating the Books I read after Gideon the Ninth (in order) by how well they made me forget my Gideon the Ninth angst
I starred the ones that I actually recommend if you want something similar to gtn.
I was bored so I made this. Mostly just so I can look back at this and laugh at myself in a few months and remember what I’ve read. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -
**Harrow the Ninth -Tamsyn Muir 
Summary: A depressed girl has to navigate murder attempts by both the mom and the dad of her dead ex-girlfriend who she can’t remember. She tries to make soup and writes fanfic to cope. 
How well it helped me forget: -100/10 but also 10/10 
Rating explanation: This one gets a 10/10 because it did make me feel better about a *particular* GTN plotpoint which I was very angsty about, but tragically it did make me more feral. After reading it I reread both books so I don’t think it helped me forget my angst. 
Similar themes to GTN: all of it, plus more memes 
I Want to Be Where The Normal People Are - Rachel Bloom 
Summary: Rachel Bloom who wrote the world’s most relatable song: “You Stupid Bitch,” and starred/created in Crazy Ex Girlfriend, writes about having anxiety, feeling like she’s not normal, and Harry Potter fanfic.
How well it helped me forget: 8/10
Rating explanation: For a few minutes I actually did forget about my griddlehark angst while I learned more about Bloom’s life and laughed at the painful relatability of it all. 
Similar themes to TLT: ummm depression, feeling very out of place, memes
Fingersmith - Sarah Waters
Summary: The book The Handmaiden was based on. A girl is sent to become a Lady’s handmaiden to con her out of some money. She falls in love. Many plot twists. 
How well it helped me forget: 5/10
Rating explanation: I was sadly still thinking about TLT the whole time I read this. I liked it but I actually like the Handmaiden better because the women spend more time together. Like in this book, I wish that Harrow and Gideon could spend more time together. 
Similar themes: wlw enemies to lovers, at some point you realize the main character’s love interest understands what’s going on way more than the main character
Kindred - Octavia Butler 
Summary: Very dark book about slave narratives. I cannot make a joke here, but this book is excellent. 
How well it helped me forget: 10/10 
Rating explanation: Again, I can’t make a joke. But Octavia Butler is amazing. 
Ash - Malinda Lo 
Summary: A wlw retelling of Cinderella with fairies and an emphasis on stories 
How well it helped me forget:7/10
Rating explanation: This was really quick and fun and I definitely was rooting for the lesbians. Also it was nice it had a happy ending! If you liked Crier’s War (which I did), this was clearly an influence for Nina Varela. 
Similar themes: wlw, the magic one + the fighting one dynamic
Station Eleven - Emily St. John Mandel
Summary: A deadly pandemic wipes out so many people that the world spins into chaos and no one can figure out how to use electricity apparently? But the book is really about fame and wanting to be remembered. Go figure.
How well it helped me forget: -10/10 
Rating explanation: Ok that’s not fair. It helped me forget about Gideon and Harrow but it did NOT help me forget about Corona. It was technically good and a lot of people I respect love it, but either because I was still thinking about TLT or because it was about a pandemic, I couldn’t really enjoy it. 
Similar themes: post-apocalyptic 
Red, White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston 
Summary: The Prince of England and The son of the president of the US are enemies. They are definitely enemies.
How well it helped me forget: 6/10
Rating explanation: This was such a fun read that it almost distracted me! Tragically I was in such TLT headspace that I kept pausing to read fanfics where Gideon and Harrow switch eyes. 
Similar themes: Enemies to lovers, queer
Troubling Love - Elena Ferrante 
Summary: In true Elena Ferrante fashion, an event spurs an Italian woman to do a lot of internal processing and have some flashbacks. 
How well it helped me forget: 7/10
Rating explanation: This book was a bit disturbing so it distracted me in that way. Plus I love Elena Ferrante’s writing so much that it felt like coming home to an old friend. Unfortunately for me, this is Elena Ferrante’s least queer book. I know because I have now read them all. Her most queer book, The Lying Life of Adults, would have distracted me better. Also just using this space to tell anyone who’s still reading this (probably no one) to go read My Brilliant Friend (and the corresponding Neopolitan Novels). They are not similar to TLT except they are vaguely queer and about competitive friendships where the girls are obsessed with each other in maybe an unhealthy way. Ok so a bit similar. Genuinely my favorite books ever. 
Similar themes: mommy issues, daddy issues, childhood trauma
On This Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous -Ocean Vuong
Summary: A Vietnamese immigrant reflects on his mother, grandmother, and his own life experience in the US. It is poetic and beautiful and will make you cry. 
How well it helped me forget: 10/10
Rating explanation: This book is beautiful. It really changes how you think about the US. Plus really interesting stuff about the western way of telling stories. Cannot recommend it enough, though very little to do with TLT. 
Similar themes: queer, stuff about language, childhood trauma, you will cry
**The Priory of the Orange Tree - Samantha Shannon 
Summary: OK sorry none of those were good suggestions for what to read after GTN. THIS is what you should read after GTN. It is an incredibly slow burn wlw enemies to lovers. There are dragons, there is magic, there are very cool female characters who I am in love with. This is like Game of Thrones but if it was good, queer, and only one 800 page book. 
How well it helped me forget: 10/10
Rating explanation: Enemies to lovers!!!! What more do I have to say? Also very cool world-building, interesting religious themes. 
Similar themes: wlw enemies to lovers, religious themes, magic, very old wizard milfs, also mlm
*The Traitor Baru Cormorant 
Summary: Baru is a very smart girl in a colonized island. She decides she will play the game of the colonizers, rise up in their society, and destroy them from within. How is that going, Baru? 
How well it helped me forget: 100/10
Rating explanation: This DID make me forget TLT. The only book to truly make me. It made me forget so badly that I wanted my Griddlehark angst BACK. GIVE ME IT BACK I don’t wanna feel sad about Baru anymore. I cannot recommend it more, it is so good, but it did make me ugly cry. It also made me majorly depressed about colonization and the state of the world. 
Similar themes: wlw enemies to lovers, ending will make you cry
*The Monster Baru Cormorant - Seth Dickinson 
Summary: Baru is depressed, has brain damage, throws up a lot, is sad about (redacted), does some things without remembering them because there’s something going on in her brain. Sound familiar? It’s kinda like Harrow the Ninth but more depressing. Oh also a lot of new characters are introduced, old characters come back, a lot of setup for the next book. Euler’s identity shows up out of nowhere?! 
How well it helped me forget: 10/10
Rating explanation: Again, it made me forget but only because I was so engrossed in this story. Also kinda depressed. This book is kinda depressing. But Baru is very fun to be around, and there are some other great characters. Marry me, Yawa. 
Similar themes: again, this is just harrow the ninth on steroids, I am in love with every single woman in this series
*The Tyrant Baru Cormorant - Seth Dickinson 
Summary: Baru makes a new bestie, reunites with an old bestie, and discovers a dead bestie in her brain!
How well it helped me forget: 1000/10
Rating explanation: I loved this book. There were a few scenes I reread >four times. This book makes the other books in the series worth it. 
Similar themes: please see my venn diagram comparing tlt, baru, and A memory called empire for more information
*The Ninth House - Leigh Bardugo 
Summary: A girl has seen ghosts her whole life and because of that, gets accepted at Yale even though she didn’t finish high school. Yale is like a hotspot for ghosts I guess. It’s dark academia, the girl has a secret, the narrator is pretty funny.
How well it helped me forget: 6/10
Rating explanation: I was trying to get distracted from TLT (and Baru at this point), but it’s hard to forget about Harrow and Gideon in a book called The Ninth House (hello?). It was enjoyable and there was some good humor. I’m curious about the next book in the series when it comes out. It is not wlw unless you squint (which I do). 
Similar themes: debatably wlw body posession, nine houses, the ninth one being important, nerd boy who reminds me of pal, woman is revealed to be MUCH older than I originally thought, soul eating, revenants, tombs, necromancy, character named Mercy
The Bone Season - Samantha Shannon 
Summary: It’s the future and London is a hotspot for clairvoyants. Paige is a woman who has a special gift and can jump into people’s bodies and possess them briefly (among other things, this is a terrible explanation). Because of this, she is sent to a secret part of the city where clairvoyants are trained to be monster fighters (but also like, kept there in captivity against their will). Unlike every other book on this list I honestly wouldn’t recommend. I know there are other books in the series. If you’ve read on and it gets better let me know. (I know no one has gotten this far reading this but still)
How well it helped me forget: 4/10
Rating explanation: This one was disappointing because I loved Priory of the Orange Tree so much. This book did not distract me from my griddlehark or barhu feels. There’s also a character named Warden so I thought about SexPal a lot. 
Similar themes: enemies to lovers, ghosts, possession, queer but only background characters 
****The Unspoken Name - A.K. Larkwood 
Summary: A girl is in an isolated cult that wants her to die as a sacrifice (sound familiar?). A definitely not evil wizard helps her escape. She meets a cute necromancer who’s also kinda from a cult. She goes on some gay adventures, gets the help of a morally grey older necromancer (who I’m in love with), and fights with her frenemy. 
How well it helped me forget: 10/10
Rating explanation: This is the most similar to TLT on this list. Gideon and Csorwe would be friends. Seriously I recommend this! And the second book comes out soon! And it’s not sad like TLT or Baru! 
Similar themes: sword lesbian + necromancer dynamic, wlw enemies to lovers, cults, tombs, necromancy, character named “the sleeper”, also mlm
The Invisible Life of Addie Larue - V. E. Schwab 
Summary: Adeline Larue made a deal with a demon in 1714 France, because she wanted to see the world and stuff. It backfires of course. She is immortal but no one remembers her. This causes all sorts of problems and makes her very angsty. The narrative flashes between her going through the years, and her falling in love with the only person who will remember her. 
How well it helped me forget: 2/10
Rating explanation: I know people loved this book but I did not. I liked the last 50 pages, I’ll give it that. I wish it was more queer (it was a little queer). 
Similar themes: as I said, a little wlw, immortality, demons, I guess falling in love with someone and them not remembering you now that I think about it 
Sula - Toni Morrison 
Summary: A story about two black women in the 1920’s-1960’s in an Ohio town. It is really great and interesting. It is a book about complicated female friendships (among so many other things that better writers not writing a list no one will read about their TLT feels have outlined) which I love. I was told I should read this after the Neapolitan Novels by Elena Ferrante and it did not disappoint. Same vibes. 
How well it helped me forget: 10/10
Rating explanation: This was just a great book. Has really nothing to do with TLT
Similar themes: debatably queer 
*Murderbot Diaries: All Systems Red, Artificial Condition, Rogue Protocol, Exit Strategy, Network Effect,  - Martha Wells
Summary: Muderbot is an artificial construct who just wants to be left alone to watch tv, damnit! It doesn’t want to interact with humans, and it definitely does not want to talk about feelings. Too bad some humans want to become friends with it.
How well it helped me forget: 10/10
Rating explanation: These books were so good. They did help me forget! The books are really about having anxiety, making friends, and letting yourself have feelings. Also they are SO FUNNY. Highly recommend. In the way that I love Gideon’s POV, I love Murderbot’s POV
Similar themes: funny narrator, queer characters, space, people who don’t want to deal with their feelings being forced to deal with their feelings
*A Memory Called Empire - Arkady Martine 
Summary: Mahit is sent a dangerous, evil empire to be an ambassador. Lots of beautiful writing about colonialism, assimilation, language, and culture.There is gay angst and funny characters. I am once again in love with a morally grey older woman character. 
How well it helped me forget: 10/10
Rating explanation: Yes this book is great and did distract me from gtn (mostly. I did end up reading a great fanfic about wake, g1deon, and pyrrah in the middle but otherwise...). It is part of my holy trilogy of wlw books (this, baru, tlt) that I just read recently. The next book comes out on March 2nd so it will be a good distraction from waiting for Alecto. Like Baru, it made me feel like shit about colonialism but unlike the other two books in my trilogy (redacted but if you’ve read those books you know) didn’t happen. It had a not too sad ending. 
Similar themes: see my venn diagram, but seriously what is going on with brain surgery in these books...
*The Luminous Dead - Cailtin Starling 9/10
Summary: A woman needs money and to get the money she goes on a risky cave dive. It turns out the only contact she has with the rest of the world is a woman who’s kinda a dick. It’s 400 pages of creepy cave diving and these two women talking to each other. It’s creepy and uncomfortable and I loved it. I did spend the whole book thinking it would be such a good story podcast.
How well it helped me forget: 10/10
Rating explanation: It did make me forget about tlt! There are some kinda boring parts but it pays off. The relationship between the two main characters is very interesting (though a bit fucked up). 
Similar themes: wlw enemies to lovers, traumatised characters, shitty moms
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