#Westgate fanfic
westgateoh · 9 months
Whumptober Day Two: Delirium
“Not Mori’s Kid” Oda & Dazai
When Dazai slips into the Bar Lupin and stumbles on the nonexistent fold in the carpet, Oda reaches out to steady him and frowns. “You’re sick,” he states.
Dazai shrugs in that infuriating sixteen-year-old way and says, “So?” His normally pale cheeks are flushed and there’s a sheen of sweat on his forehead.
Oda pulls him over to a table instead of at their usual place at the bar and says, “Sit. Please.” Dazai folds into the chair and flops his head down on the table with a ‘thunk’ and closes his eyes. He lets out a shuddering breath.
“Ango, does he have an assignment tomorrow?”
“He always has an assignment.”
“What else would I do,” Dazai mumbles from the table.
Oda feels his forehead and frowns. “Ango, get in touch with Mori and tell him to find someone else.”
Dazai sits up at that and glares at Ango. “Don’t you fucking dare.”
Ango glances at Oda apologetically. “I wouldn’t.”
“Dammit, Ango. He’s just a kid.”
“He’s Mori’s kid, and I’m not messing with Mori,” Ango replies, taking a sip of his whisky.
“’m not Mori’s kid,” Dazai says as he lays his head back down.
Oda crosses his arms. “Fine. Come sleep at my place, though, and then you can go do your dumb assignment from there. No drinking tonight.”
Dazai doesn’t answer, which is answer enough. Oda pulls him to his feet, waves goodbye to Ango, and practically hauls him back to his apartment above the ramen shop. He shushes the little ones and pours Dazai into his own bed after forcing acetaminophen into his hand with a frown.
The next morning, Dazai is gone when Oda wakes, and Oda spends the day worrying.
He waits impatiently at the bar for a while after his own work, but Dazai doesn’t show. He tries a couple other places and then gives up. He doesn’t know where Dazai stays most nights.
When he makes it back to his place, there’s a figure slumped over a table in the ramen shop. He hurries in, and the owner grumbles, “Kid’s looking for you. I think he’s sick, so get him outta here, will you?”
Oda nods and pulls Dazai to his feet. He sways and doesn’t even say hello to Oda. He’s pale, and his eyes have exhaustion bruising around them, and he barely opens them when Oda pulls him upstairs. This time he pulls Dazai’s coat off, and carefully undoes his vest and button-down shirt so that they’re open and the bandages the boy insists on each day are the only thing visible. He lays him on his back on Oda’s bed, and Dazai doesn’t move. His breath his shallow and the fever he had yesterday has increased a worrying amount.
“’m not sick,” Dazai whispers, his eyes still half open. “I can do the work.”
Oda’s heart breaks a little. This boy is so young and so old at the same time. “Shhh. You’re done with work for today,” he says as he brushes damp hair off of Dazai’s forehead.
“Can’t stop, can’t stop. You know that,” Dazai declares, his voice a little stronger this time. “You gave me a place here. Work’s important.” He thrashes a little, clearly trying to sit up.
Oda presses him back down to the bed. “Stop. Stay here. The work is done.” He wants to give Dazai a place. He wants him to get to be a teenager, not a mafia leader. Mori’s evil way of recruiting children sends a shiver down Oda’s spine again at the thought. He goes to the kitchen and pulls some ice into a towel and goes back to the bed to press some ice against Dazai’s throat. “We’ll get you cooled down, then you can sleep, kid,” he says.
Dazai swallows thickly against the ice and shivers. His eyes open a bit more. “Oda?” he asks. “Where’s Mori-san?”
“Not here. You’re safe here.”
“Not safe with Mori,” Dazai says, closing his eyes again. “No one is.” He pauses, and then his eyes fly open, and he grabs Oda’s wrist. “You’re not safe. Take me back to him.”
“Shhh. Dazai, quiet. You need to rest. I’m safe with everyone. No one can best me. You know that. You’re safe here. Rest,” he urges. He runs the ice across Dazai’s forehead and clammy skin, and over his palms and other bare skin he can get to. He presses his phone to his ear and dials a number he rarely uses and waits. When the secretary picks up, he says, “Tell Mori that Dazai is ill. He’ll be unavailable for a couple of days.”
“No one is unavailable to Mori-san,” the secretary states.
“Dazai is. And if he wants to take it up with me, he can send someone to deal with me and we’ll see how far he gets.”
There is silence, and then, “Two days. No more.”
Oda ignores them and hangs up.
Dazai is still shuddering from fever, but Oda manages to get him to drink some tea and keep it down. He finally settles into a restless sleep. The younger kids hover in the doorway asking if they can help, and Oda smiles and says, “Maybe when he feels a bit better you can read to him,” and they scramble off to go pick out some books. Oda sits next to Dazai and runs his hand through his hair and brushes a thumb over the bandages on his wrist. Oda will allow Dazai his suicide talk most days, knowing it’s mostly an act and mostly a way to wish for control, but today he hates looking at the bandages. No one should see self-harm as the only way to control their life, and Dazai is so sharp and has so much potential that Oda dreams of the day he can make enough money to escape to the seaside with all the kids he loves, including Dazai, so all of them can find their potential away from violence and hatred.
Right now, though, he’ll keep Dazai safe from Mori, and he’ll correct Ango the next time they hang out. Dazai is not Mori’s kid. He’s Oda’s, and that means that Oda will protect him however he can, even if that means ice and soup and blankets and books read in small voices to remind Dazai of safety and a hint of family.
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cosmicmagicgirl · 1 year
Chapter 2
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲:  Suffering, regret, shame: the negative feelings of humans become curses that plague our daily lives. Satoru Gojo, the powerful jujutsu sorcerer destabilized the scales of power, but nature always finds a way for there to be balance. This is a wild game of survival. Satoru sees that look in her eyes as if she knows his secrets and lies, and he knows there is nowhere to run from all this damage.
𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀: Fluff and Angst, Drama & Romance, Witch Curses, Jujutsu Kaisen Manga Spoilers, Pre-Shibuya Incident Arc (Jujutsu Kaisen), Blood and Violence, Crime Scenes, Investigations, Paranormal Investigators, Strong Female Characters, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Underage, NSFW.
𝑰𝒎𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒕: This fanfic is already available on AO3 if you are interested in reading more chapters while I don’t post them here.
Remember that I created an exclusive playlist for this fanfic and I’m always updating it as I write the chapters. Go there to listen on Spotify.
Enjoy the reading!
The Powerful One
𝐇𝐢𝐠𝐡 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐭, 𝐂𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐲.
— Yes, Hitori — she huffed once again impatiently. — I can identify a jujutsu sorcerer when I see one and he was no ordinary one. I'm pretty sure who he is... — She stopped for a moment as she drank the rest of her coffee. — If I'm right, you shouldn't come to Canterbury.
Hitori grunted on the other side of the phone.
— I know you hate being alone. I don't like it either — she took a deep breath. — But as long as I don't know what he's doing here, I can't take the risk of him seeing you. — I'll be fine, believe me. Please don't be so stubborn and stay at the hotel.
She hung up the phone.
"Great, because I didn't have enough problems to deal with already" — she thought.
She put her hand in her coat pocket and held up the flask to make sure it was still there.
𝐍𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐲, 𝐂𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐲.
𝐀 𝐟𝐞𝐰 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐠𝐨.
— So? — Harrison lit a cigarette. — Is that one of the damn things?
Luce showed him the small flask.
— Probably — she sat down on the bench in front of the building. — Sorry, but you'll have to make up a whole story now.
The inspector puffed the smoke and then exhaled it.
— I'm relieved that we don't have a homicidal maniac loose around here cutting people apart... — he bent over and sat down next to her. — But this supernatural stuff is sucks.
Luce let out a muffled laugh and agreed.
— Everything about it is really sucks. — she looked up at the sky. — Those other two cases might be connected to this one too.
— Holy shit... — He scratched his temple. — What answer will I give to the families?
— Sorry, I have nothing this time... — Luce closed her eyes trying to think of something. — I wanted to at least close this case for the families.
The inspector glared at her.
— You can't find a less painful way — He paused for a moment. — The cases have not been reported on major channels, so no one should revisit the subject. At least not yet.
— The families want justice as well as a reason. The grieving will hurt forever, I just hope that sometimes I can give them some relief, even if only momentarily.
Another wave of smoke has been released.
— Find out who or what did this and continue doing your work — He put his hand on the young woman's shoulder. — It's a burden, I know. But this kind of business sometimes makes us lose our empathy and sensitivity. Don't lose that, miss.
Luce smiled.
— I know. I won't lose it. — she looked at him. — And you should quit smoking, it will kill you.
Harrison let out a loud laugh.
— At my age, miss... Anything can kill me.
𝐇𝐢𝐠𝐡 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐭, 𝐂𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐲.
She lost all sense of time sitting on the lawn of Westgate Gardens, checking photos and waiting for Harrison's call about the results of the victims' exams. The girl who had been found in a putrefying state was missing part of her spine, so she definitely had not died the same way as the early morning victim.
The fact that a jujutsu sorcerer had appeared in town didn't help either, they definitely wouldn't be sloppy if they wanted to kill someone. Luce didn't trust them, if it were a comparison, she would trust a curse more than a sorcerer.
She had her reasons and they were not a few.
She decided to go for a walk in the High Street, maybe she would meet the sorcerer again.
It had been a few hours since Luce had entered Canterbury Cathedral and she felt that he was following her. She sat down on one of the chairs and waited until the man with the dark glasses sat down next to her.
And so he did.
— Beautiful, don't you think? The Gothic style — she said as she admired the stained glass windows. — Canterbury Cathedral was founded in five hundred and ninety-seven, can you believe it? But it was completely rebuilt in one thousand seventy-seven.
— I've never had much time to visit historical places. — he answered. — But you are right. It is beautiful.
— In one thousand one hundred and seventy Archbishop Thomas Becket was murdered by the knights of King Henry the Second — she said. — This ended up making the cathedral a place of pilgrimage because of Becket's shrine. But after the English reformation King Henry the Eighth ordered the shrine to be destroyed.
— This one I know, the guy from the Church of England — he smiled. — The divorce man.
Luce was silent.
— Good thing the famous Satoru Gojo is not just a pretty face - she said. — You were following me, why?
A smile formed on Satoru's face.
— So, do you think I have a pretty face? — he leaned back slouched in his chair.
— Why are you here? — Luce finally stared at him.
— I'm hearing about the history of the Cathedral — he said with a wry smile. — You're a great guide. And very beautiful.
She kept waiting for an answer. Her expression was as serious as ever and she was trying to remain as calm as possible.
— All right... — he sighed. — But I should at least know your name, you know mine.
— You already know my name — she narrowed her eyes at him. — In the cafeteria.
He laughed.
— Yes, I know — he adjusted his glasses. — But I wanted to hear it from you. — Her expression remained unchanged. — Here —he held out his hand to her. — Satoru Gojo, pleasure.
Luce arched her eyebrows and stared at his hand.
— Come, be polite. We are in the house of the Lord — he pointed to the ambo in front of them and laughed.
She sighed wearily and squeezed his hand.
— Luce Amaryllis...
— That's a lovely name. It suits you.
Her cheeks flushed slightly.
— I'm looking for a cursed object — he said. — Did you see something?
At least he didn't seem to be after her — she thought. And she had nowhere else to run, if she had to face him, so be it.
— I don't know — she reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out the bottle. — But I found this today.
Satoru looked at the flask and saw the object emitting cursed energy.
— Where did you find this? — he asked.
— It was inside the stomach of a young girl — she explained. — At least what was left of it. The police found the body this morning in one of the canals of the Stour River.
Satoru frowned.
— It doesn't seem to be a cursed object to me... — he seemed to be studying the situation. — You are not a sorceress... No, are you? Should I be suspicious?
Luce gave a cynical laugh.
— I should suspect you — she said seriously. — And you're right, I'm not part of that nasty bastards
Satoru looked surprised and let out an outrageous laugh.
The people in the cathedral looked at him in annoyance.
— You're really interesting — he crossed his arms. — Do you hate us?
— I have my reasons — she answered.
— I don't disagree with you — he became serious for a moment. — Those old people are really nasty bastards.
Luce sighed.
— Well, usually when one of you shows up I leave — she thought for a moment. — But I know you won't leave me alone, so let's get this over with.
Satoru smiled and watched her get up.
— Come on, I have things to show you — she picked up her bag and headed for the exit. — And I'm out of time.
Satoru followed her but not before laughing mischievously.
— What kind of things will you show me? — he put his hands in his pockets. — I deserve at least one date first. I'm a romantic man you know.
She paused for a moment, anger overflowing from her eyes.
— Are you always like this? — she asked.
Satoru gave her an innocent look.
— I'm afraid so. — he shook his shoulders. — It's a charming thing.
— It's pure hateful — she said drily, and continued walking.
She didn't notice, but he was smiling.
𝕋𝕠𝕜𝕪𝕠 𝕄𝕖𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕡𝕠𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕒𝕟 𝕂𝕠𝕜𝕦𝕤𝕒𝕚 𝕊𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕠𝕝
Suzume Miyamoto was fifteen years old and a first year high school student in Kokusai. She had a relatively normal life, and I say relatively because she had the ability to see curses. However, she was very good at hiding this fact ever since she began to see them.
Her father was always traveling for work, so she was raised by different people, but as soon as she turned fifteen she started living alone. Her mother had died as soon as she was born, and this made her father focus much more on work, and she couldn't even blame him. She knew he would do anything for her and worked mainly to provide them with a comfortable life. They got along well, not close of course, but whenever he returned to Japan they spent most of their time together.
Suzume was an exceptional student. She got good grades, was responsible and very applied. She participated every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon in the kyudo club, the art of japanese archery. And today was one of those days.
Class was over and she was more than looking forward to her training.
Until everything turned out to be wrong.
She felt an overpowering sensation hit the dojo, giving her goose bumps, and before she could say anything to her classmates — the explosion happened.
A creature full of eyes and immensely large emerged before her. Its feet seemed to have been driven into the ground and Suzume could not move, her classmates screamed desperately for help and some tried to run for the exit. The girl watched as the creature rolled its eyes in the direction of the two boys who were running to the back closet and before she could think of anything — she ran straight into the creature.
— Suzume! — one of the girls yelled after her.
— Go get help! Hurry! — she yelled back. — I'll buy some time.
The girl then ran through the exit - screaming for help.
"Buy some time? What the hell was she thinking, she could get killed." A voice echoed in her mind.
She didn't know why she was doing this, but she couldn't stop her legs. And as if she didn't fear death, she picked up one of the chairs and slammed it into the creature's back. Angered, the curse roared and ran towards the creature so fast that Suzume could barely think before the thing hit her and threw her over the side of the dojô.
Suzume felt as if her head was going to explode and her whole body numb. She was able to open her eyes and see that the two boys had succeeded in hiding in the closet in time, but unfortunately the other two girls were in the corner of the dojô cowering and the curse was running right at them.
Suzume Miyamoto needed to do something and quickly.
𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞.
— It is a grade 2 curse. We moved everyone out with the excuse that the school was leaking gas — explained Ijichi. — But unfortunately there were students inside the dojo in the back lot. An approximate six students.
Nanami Kento sighed tiredly.
— Okay. I'm coming in. — He fixed his glasses and tie.
As he approached the place he could feel the cursed energy. He saw a student running towards him.
— Please... — she spoke breathlessly. — Help me.
— Everything is going to be alright. You need to leave now... — he explained calmly.
The girl agreed, but before she could leave she pulled him by the sleeve of his suit.
— My friends are there," there were tears in her eyes. — Suzume is fighting that thing alone.
He frowned.
Then he ran into the dojô.
𝕋𝕠𝕜𝕪𝕠 𝕄𝕖𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕡𝕠𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕒𝕟 𝕂𝕠𝕜𝕦𝕤𝕒𝕚 𝕊𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕠𝕝
She saw one of her fallen arrows beside her and a flash crossed her mind — giving her the only possible idea at that moment. She spotted one of the long bows in the rubble a few feet from where she stood and in an act of desperation she ran as fast as she could and grabbed the weapon.
Suzume clung to the desperation that the creature had reached the two girls and without hesitation she lined up the single arrow on the bow, lengthened the string and determined her target. As soon as she released the string and the arrow flew like a bolt of lightning, a purple lightning flashed around the arrow and as the creature grabbed one of the girls the arrow hit one of her eyes.
The girl fell with a thud to the ground.
Now the purple light was consuming the entire curse and she roared with rage.
Nanami Kento had entered the dojo just as the arrow had been shot. And he was stunned when he saw the girl using cursed energy and even more surprised when in fact the curse had been exorcised.
Suzume was astonished — the creature was gone.
Everyone from inside the dojô had now run outside, leaving only her in the middle of the room and the man.
Nanami walked over to the arrow that had been used and when he touched it he felt an electric shock run through his fingers.
"An innate technique?" — He thought.
— How long have you been able to do that? — he asked her.
Suzume was brought out of her state of shock by the voice of the man in front of her.
— Huh? - she was confused.
— You exorcised the curse — he explained. — Is this the first time?
— Curse? Is that what they call it?
Nanami sighed wearily. He would have a lot to explain.
𝕋𝕖𝕞𝕡𝕝𝕠 ℝ𝕦𝕣𝕚𝕜𝕠𝕛𝕚 𝕕𝕖 𝕐𝕒𝕞𝕒𝕘𝕦𝕔𝕙𝕚, 𝕁𝕒𝕡𝕒𝕠.
Reiko Ohara, fifteen years old and heiress to the Ohara clan. A family somewhat removed from the larger sorcerers families. The Ohara preserved their Buddhist spiritual doctrine and did not like to participate in the conflicts of the jujutsu world, but inevitably sometimes they had to get involved - even if they had so little influence.
— Do I really have to go? - Reiko lamented. — Can't I go only next year?
Hana Ohara, her mother smiled.
— I'm sorry dear, but it's already done. — she tucked a strand of her daughter's hair behind her ear. — We can no longer remain indifferent.
Reiko agreed sadly.
— I know. But to think that I'll be away from you... — she said in a tearful voice. — What if I'm no good for that kind of thing?
Hana held her daughter's hands and looked into her eyes.
— You are more than capable, dear," her voice was sweet and gentle. — Your father would be proud. You've been working hard on your training and I know you'll be more than fine. — She caressed his daughter's cheeks as he wiped away her tears.
— I'm going to miss our little walks here at the temple. — said the girl.
— I will too. But I will visit you as often as possible, okay?
Reiko smiled.
— That's fine...
𝐇𝐢𝐠𝐡 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐭, 𝐂𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐲.
𝐕𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐲 𝐂𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
Violet was looking curiously at the two customers sitting at the table near the window as she tried to prepare their orders. It was a funny thing, was she watching that kind of romance at first sight? The customer from earlier today seemed quite interested about Miss Luce when he saw her come into the coffee shop this afternoon, and now they seemed to be having a date.
The blonde let out a short excited laugh thinking it was adorable.
But the truth was that Luce would rather be sifting through crime scenes and dead bodies than sitting at the table with a jujutsu sorcerer, and especially when that sorcerer was the famous Satoru Gojo.
Luce might be completely nonchalant and would constantly stray from any path where there was a sorcerer, however, she never stopped informing herself about them. Curse users used to talk a lot and information was something she always presided over. It is impossible that once involved in this parallel world where one can see and use cursed energy, you have not heard about the all powerful Satoru Gojo, the man with the six eyes. A sorcerer so powerful that he unsettled the scales of power in the jujutsu world.
In addition to having been given such powers, it seemed that the universe loved him and blessed him with unusual beauty. Obviously even in this broken and dirty jujutsu world people were talking about his appearance and how the Gojo clan had received the greatest gift from heaven. The perfect child — responsible for all the curse users hiding and the absurd growth of curses.
Luce realized on her short walk down the High Street to the Valley Coffee House that even the most ordinary human could be charmed by the appearance of the man next to her. She had experienced a similar situation with Vesper, but it was a natural beauty... There was absolutely nothing natural about Satoru Gojo. She didn't need to use her skills to know that he was on another level, however, something about this particular figure made her disturbed.
She had never really believed in this; from her own experience, she knew that everything could come to an end. However, was this man in front of her really an all powerful being? She could feel the density of his presence and the weight his aura carried, but it made something inside her turn around — wanting to prove that this man could also fall.
Satoru on the other hand, kept wondering how in his entire existence as a sorcerer, he hadn't heard about her. How had something like this been hidden all this time? He was curious, but most of all dazzled for the first time in a long time. Was there really someone of his level?
Ever since he had a simple dazzle with his six eyes on the woman in front of him, he hadn't stopped thinking about it. Was she the threat that intelligence had detected, but they didn't know what it was exactly? It would make sense. But no, Satoru had a very good sense of judgment about people and that woman definitely didn't seem to be the threat of the moment. However, she could really be a threat if she wanted to be.
He put his hand on hir chin and stared at her taking the laptop out of her purse.
— Just ask — she said, breaking the silence — or stop looking at me like that.
He smiled.
— Why do you think I wanna ask you something?
— Because I'm not stupid —she opened the computer screen. — And you're restless.
— I'm restless? - he asked curiously.
She typed something on the keyboards and answered.
— You talk too shamelessly — she began. — You haven't stopped with the stupid jokes along the way and now you're annoyingly quiet while you wrinkle your forehead at me — she explained. — You want to ask something and you are thinking about what you want to ask. Otherwise you wouldn't have followed me as soon as I left the cafeteria earlier.
At no point did she look in his direction.
Satoru Gojo smiled broadly this time.
— You are really good," he clapped his hands together. —But I didn't follow you when you left the café.
She looked into his eyes, and saw her reflection in the dark lenses of his glasses.
— You're right, you didn't follow me — she crossed her hands. — You tracked me. It's certainly different.
He widened his eyes.
— How's that?
— I went to Westgate Garden and you took your time getting out of here. You didn't see which way I went. But coincidentally you waited for me near the Cathedral because you knew exactly where I was going to pass, that side of the Cathedral is not known by tourists. — She explained calmly as if it was obvious.
— Who said I didn't know it? — he had an amused smile on his lips. — And how did you know it took me so long to get out of here?
— The answer is simple, because you ordered a frappé coffee and a berliner ballen. — she flashed a winning smile that could go unnoticed, but obviously would not go unnoticed by Satoru Gojo.
— What? — he hadn't understood, but he was excited.
— You asked for the same thing I did, but you didn't make the request while I was still here. So you did it when I left and Violet can be fast, but not too fast. This suggests that you didn't know half of the candy and didn't want to waste time choosing, because you needed to find me. So you know almost nothing here. Much less shortcuts.
Satoru was impressed.
— How do you know this?
— Because I love berliner ballen and frappé — she answered. — And together they make a very unique scent. I smelled it as soon as you sat down next to me in the Cathedral. And well, the fact that you had, even subtly, berliner ballen cream on the corner of your lip also helped.
Satoru brought his fingers to the corner of his mouth and wiped.
— You let me walk around with that on my face? And you didn't even warn me?
She shrugged.
— You're mean," and let out a laugh.
Just then Violet approached the table with the orders.
— Here it is," she put the drinks on the table — English tea for the young lady and a hazelnut milkshake for you — she smiled. — If you need anything else, please call me.
— Thank you, Violet — Luce replied with a smile on her face.
Satoru nodded slightly in thanks.
— Let me show you the victims," Luce said as she turned the laptop so that the man could see. — The first was Joyce Miller, a twenty year-old girl who disappeared a few days ago. — On the computer screen you could see the unfortunate corpse of a dark-haired girl. — Her mother contacted me, but unfortunately I can't always attend to everyone so I left the police on their own. But I felt that there was something strange in the story, so I wanted to be informed if they found anything...
— And they did," she took another sip of her milkshake. — Her dead body, though.
Luce agreed.
— Joyce's mother reported that she had been acting strange the days before she disappeared. I asked if she might have met someone, since in many cases it could always be a new flirt. A guy she met and in the end, well... It could be nothing more than a murderer. — Luce took a sip of her tea and continued. — But as in most cases, she didn't know.
Satoru listened attentively.
— Her body was found yesterday, it is estimated that she died around ten thirty at night. She was found in an alley in London, exactly as in the photo — She zoomed into the image on the screen. — And as you can see, there is not a single trace of cursed energy.
—- Then why are we looking at a poor girl's dead body?
Luce sighed.
— Because of this... — she indicated a specific spot on the image. — See? Her hand was ripped off.
Satoru moved closer to the screen and frowned.
— Yes, I see..., but what about it?
— If you be patient, I'll get to it. - She informed. — Now, the second victim. Emilia Clark, twenty-five years old, dead three days ago, but her body was found yesterday afternoon by her mother — She clicked one of the keypad buttons and the image changed. — That was her condition.
— This looks closer to the work of a curse," Satoru said. — Shredded bodies are usually quite common. That's in the best case scenarios.
Luce again agreed.
— It turns out that she wasn't exactly shredded and there is no trace of cursed energy — her voice came out in a more serious tone. — Despite the advanced stage of decomposition, if we zoom in — she zoomed in on the image. — You can see the cuts. And once again notice — she moved the mouse arrow to the victim's back. — She is missing a part of her spine.
Satoru looked thoughtful.
— If you compare the two victims — she put the images next to each other. — Can you identify the similarity?
— I really don't like to think too much. — went back to drinking his milkshake.
— You don't take anything seriously, do you? — she said impatiently. — I knew it.
She was about to get up.
— Oi! - Satoru grabbed her hand before she could close the laptop. — I'm just kidding, dear. It's just that analyzing corpses isn't really what I do. Please, continue.
She calmed down.
— Okay - still with a suspicious look on her face. — The similarities are the cuts, they are the same. That is, the same tool; an axe.
— It was a human, so... — Satoru put one of his fingers over his chin.
— And all this brings us to the third victim - she picked up a small flask and put it on the table. — I have no pictures, but the death was not the same. She simply burst from the inside out and there was this inside her stomach.
— How does this last one connect to the others?
— Because when I analyzed the body, I smelled hydrogen peroxide, sodium tetraborate and formaldehyde — She saw Satoru's confused look and tried to explain. — Sodium tetraborate is borax... and formaldehyde you may know as formalin.
— All right, but I still don't understand... — crossed his arms. — What's the point?
— Have you ever heard of maceration? — The man denied it with his head. — It is nothing more than a technique for the physical, chemical or biological cleaning of bones. — He clarified. — What does this have to do with the case? Well, it is the fact that these three products I listed can be used to preserve bones. And as you can see the hand and the backbone of two victims were removed. Which leads us to conclude that whoever killed the two, was also responsible for the death of the third. — Luce explained every line of her thoughts, while Satoru listened attentively. — But why would he kill the third one differently? He made her swallow something, otherwise I wouldn't have found this — she pointed to the flask. — However, whoever did this also took what he gave the girl away. That's where you come in.
— A cursed object...— Satoru smiled.
Luce nodded in agreement.
— Wow, you're really good at this — he complimented. — How do you do that?
— Thank you, Luce. But that's not important right now... — she was silent for a moment. — When did you get here?
— Today, actually. I left Tokyo yesterday, but the flight is quite long, which sucks to be honest. Why?
— Yes, but what time?
Satoru smiled again.
— If I didn't know better I would think you were suspecting me.
— And I am suspecting you. You sorcerers don't make many distinctions when you want to kill someone — her voice lowered a tone, and a shadow of spite flashed across her eyes. — So tell me, what time did you arrive?
— I arrived here in Canterbury at eleven o'clock, I was supposed to arrive at ten, but I got the train an hour late — she laughed. — I arrived in London at eight o'clock in the morning, if that's what you want to know. Do I need to show you my ticket?
— No —she reclined in her seat. — I know you didn't do it. I just don't trust you.
— Ouch! — he simulated pain. —That hurt...
— To be honest, I think whoever did this must have left town by now, especially with you here... Then your trip must have been a waste of time — she informed him. — Your object must be somewhere else.
Satoru was silent for a few seconds.
— And how could I not suspect you? — he asked.
Luce narrowed her eyes and her heart leapt.
— Don't get me wrong, dear, I don't think you could have killed anyone. But you're hiding something from me. — he leaned across the table and came close to her face. — And I'm going to find out what it is. You know, I'm pretty good at this too. — an ironic smile opened his lips. — So, are you going to tell me what it is? Or are you going to play hard?
He adjusted his glasses and continued to stare at the woman.
Luce tried to put his million thoughts in order, what exactly did he suspect? She knew he probably saw everything about her with those damn six eyes, was it about that? Or about Hitori? Could he have known about that? He didn't seem to be lying about the time he arrived, he couldn't have even crossed paths with Hitori. So it could only be about her?
— What do you want to know, Gojo? — he asked.
He smiled.
And before he could ask, her cell phone rang.
— Just a moment —she answered. — Yes, I can talk. I'm fine, inspector. Sure, no problem, I'll meet you there. See you later — and then she hung up.
— Appointment? — Satoru arched his eyebrow.
— Yes, the victim's tests came out. I just want to confirm my theory. — began to pack his things. — See you later, Gojo.
— Wait a minute! We're not done, we still have to solve this... — raised his hands.— And other things, like our conversation.
— I don't have time for that. I already gave you the information I had, do your super sorcerer thing or whatever you usually do. — She picked up her purse and put it on her shoulder.
— I can do a lot of super things if that's what you want to know. — a wily smile formed. — But since we haven't worked anything out yet, I need to keep in touch with you, don't you think? - he held the phone out to her. — Give me your number and we'll meet again.
Luce rolled her eyes.
— If that's what it takes to leave me alone. — she picked up the cell phone and typed. — There you go.
— See you again tomorrow, sweetheart — he took the phone from her hands.
— Okay, whatever you say — she turned the tables and left.
Satoru Gojo was more curious than ever. Of course, it was a rather unusual case given the variations. If was a curse user and it was in the city, he would be able to find it. However, for now he wanted to know more about Luce Amaryllis, if that was really her name.
𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐲𝐨 𝐌𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐓𝐞𝐜𝐡𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐞.
— Dead? — shouted the boy. — What do you mean dead?
— I'm sorry, Haru — wailed Utahime. — When I found you...
Haru Tokugawa was seventeen years old and a second-year student in Kyoto. He was a descendant of the Tokugawa clan, none remaining except for the boy who had been raised by his maternal grandmother. He and his team had been given a simple mission, but in the end it all turned out to be chaos. The curse was much more powerful than they had expected, and there was one of Sukuna's fingers involved.
He couldn't remember much since he had tried to use his technique to buy time and save his friends. One instant he smelled blood, and the next he woke up in the college infirmary. Not much time had passed since he woke up and the news Iori Utahime was giving him.
— I'm sorry, Haru — Iori repeated. — That cursed object wasn't supposed to be there. It was unexpected. Nobody knew that Sukuna's finger was there.
Haru could hardly breathe. It was too much to take in at that moment.
— You need to rest now — said the supervisor. — Let me know if you need anything, okay?
Haru didn't answer.
— Listen — she touched the boy's shoulder. — It wasn't your fault, all right? There was nothing you could do against a special level curse.
And so she left the infirmary.
𝐂𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐲, 𝐄𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝.
It had been two days since Luce had met with Satoru Gojo and she couldn't have been more worried. The person responsible for the crimes had left the city, perhaps the country and she didn't have a single clue as to who it might have been.
Since she had given her number to the sorcerer, she had not expected that he would send so many messages informing her about his day in town. Satoru wanted to have lunch with her the day before, but Luce made up an excuse to get away from any conversation with the man. She knew she couldn't run from it for that long, but maybe, just maybe, she hoped that he would just get tired of it and go back to Japan.
However, deep down she knew that wouldn't happen. Not if it was up to him anyway. Satoru had informed her that he had looked for the person responsible, but he had certainly run away. And she didn't even have to ask how he could be so sure, because she knew it had to involve the famous six eyes.
She tried to keep in touch with Hitori, but he refused to answer her calls. Which made her even more worried.
𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐠𝐨.
She had already lost all sense of time, all that was left was a few scratches and the smell of blood that refused to leave her nose. Most likely from the dried blood that marked her small hands and face. The eyes, red and sparkling like lava from a volcano, no longer glowed, all there was an immense abyss of an agonizing emptiness. There was nothing left for that child but the confusion of probably never understanding what had happened. What could she do?
She held on to the only thing she could feel at the moment — the large hands that were holding her and guiding her through the dark forest.
She lifted her head a little and looked at the young boy's face, which remained unchanged in a hard serious expression. His eyes focused on the path ahead as he held the girl's small hands firmly.
After walking for what seemed like hours, they finally reached a clearing. The young boy released her hand and left her standing in the middle of the open space.
He left for a few minutes and came back with a handful of wood in his arms, stirred his hands for some sign, and flames appeared burning the wood in front of him.
The girl sat down beside him and watched the flames.
They remained silent for long minutes until the boy spoke.
— My name is Hitori — his voice sounded deep. — I am the curse you created, your brother made a pact with me. I will train you so that one day you will face me and one of us will die.
She nodded.
— Is Vesper there? — she asked, her voice almost inaudible.
— Yes, but he can't talk to you. I own this body now.
And again, silence.
𝐂𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐲, 𝐄𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝.
She was now lying on her hotel bed, trying to calm her mind when her cell phone vibrated.
Satoru Gojo sent a message:
S: Hey, are we having lunch today? pls :((
L: No, I'm busy.
S: That's a lie, if you don't leave I'll come to your Hotel :))
L: You're already here, aren't you?
S: ;)
Luce let out a sigh and got out of bed. She tidied her long red hair and grabbed her purse.
As she left the hotel lobby, she spotted the tall, white-haired man in his blue dress shirt and light pants. Yes, handsome as ever, she thought.
Satoru turned toward the woman and waved with a smile.
— Even more beautiful than last time —he said. — You couldn't hide from me forever, you know.
"I wish I could..." — she thought.
— You couldn't leave me alone, could you? — she sighed in defeat.
He smiled.
— You know I couldn't, dear. — he moved closer to her face. — You and I still have a lot to talk about.
They walked for a few minutes to the entrance of the park, there was a large arch with the words Greyfriars Gardens written on it.
— Weren't we going to have lunch? — Luce asked.
— I'd like to talk first — Satoru smiled. —The open air sounds better, don't you think?
Luce looked at him out of the corner of her eye.
— Okay, whatever you say — she answered.
They sat down on the benches under one of the large trees, and Satoru began to ramble on about the landscape.
— Just ask what you want, Gojo. Spare us the time... — she said impatiently.
Satoru gave a slight smile, and adjusted his glasses.
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westgateoh · 4 months
After Shibuya, Nanami faces a hard road of recovery, and even with the sunshine of Itadori to help him through, there's a Gojo-shaped hole in his world. Nanami thinks that finding Gojo is all he needs, but discovers that he had what he needs all along in everyone else, but Gojo is what he wants. A story where everyone lives and Nanami gets what he needs and what he wants.
Comments and sharing greatly appreciated!
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westgateoh · 3 months
Thus begins a slow-burn fix-it where Nanami and Gojo pick up the pieces from their losses in a way that finds family, peace, and love along a winding road.
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westgateoh · 1 year
Added a couple of chapters to my crossover between “House in the Cerulean Sea” and “Under the Whispering Door.” Wallace and Mei have to convince Linus to leave the beach, and Arthur has to attend his husband’s funeral without burning himself to the ground.
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westgateoh · 8 months
Every year on this date Nanami does something stupid. Gojo figures there’s got to be a better way to handle this anniversary than almost dying.
For Whumptober Day 7, Pinned Down
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westgateoh · 1 year
A Mob Psycho short. Alternating POV.
Sometimes, his emotions still get the better of him. Five years After Everything, and the rage, the fear, even the love still occasionally crests over him like the unexpected swell of the ocean, knocking him off his feet for a moment and making his heart unsteady. Those are the days he changes course, takes a different train, goes back down the familiar noisy streets his feet rarely traverse anymore, and he finds the doorway. He remembers being a small boy, staring into the stairwell with the rickety sign drooping over it. He stands there now, taller, a new sign more secure overhead, and he allows himself a small smile as he takes the stairs two at a time, something his little legs could never do before.
Sometimes the office, the place Reigen made his second home a decade ago, feels unfamiliar, like it’s missing something, but Reigen knows it’s not missing something, it’s missing someone. On days like this he types a new advertisement, fixes himself a cup of hot tea, waters his plants, wanders the office, letting his fingers brush over bookshelves and windowpanes. He’s wistful. He strains to hear feet on the stairs, wishes for the tentative squeak of the office door being pushed open not by an angry client but by a small boy looking for reassurances he’s decided only Reigen can give him. The boy is a man now and doesn’t need reassurances anymore, doesn’t even have time to come around, really, and usually it’s okay. Reigen knows that he has friends and college stuff and doesn’t really need this tired, old place.
Shigeo pushes his way through the office door with a stronger ‘hello’ than he ever mumbled as a hesitant child and lets the door close behind him. When it latches with a click, it’s like something is unlocked in his chest, like he can breathe again. The plants in the windowsill are a vibrant green in the sunlight, even though the windows need washing, and their bright leaves catch rays of sun and making shadows on the nearby cluttered desk where Reigen is sitting, staring up at him a little slack jawed before a grin breaks across his face, like the sun has shifted from the plants to him. He stands up.
Shigeo is there, standing in front of his desk with a sheepish smile – has he gotten taller still since Reigen saw him just two months ago? He’s got his backpack slung over his shoulder and his hands shoved in his jeans pockets like he’s forcing them to stay there. That won’t do.
Reigen crosses the room in two steps and wraps Shigeo in a bear hug and pulls him close, cupping the back of his head like he never knew he could do back when Shigeo was ten and afraid of everything. Reigen knows that’s changed – he can take a little pride in knowing that he helped that change – and holds him close now. His smile fills his voice as he lets Shigeo go and leans back to get a better look at him. “How are you? It’s been a while.” It has, but now it’s as if the room is warm and full again, as if the sun were a little brighter.
Shigeo swallows and lets his body settle back into this space, back into the grip and presence of his friend, his mentor, his second father, and the waves in his body finally settle, spreading out across the warmth of this familiar place, and he nods, smiling. “I’m better now, Reigen.”
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westgateoh · 9 months
WHUMPTOBER 2023 day 1 - “the room won’t stop spinning”
When the small child scrambled out of the pile of debris teetering on the edge of the riverbank, Atsushi grabbed their arm as gently as he could before they disappeared into the nearby alley. They were covered in dirt and had a scrape on their cheek, but they were clearly trying to get away and fear was written across their face in their wide eyes and quick breaths.
“Wait!” Atsushi said. “There was a man with you. Where is he?”
The child turned slowly and pointed to the rubble. “He tackled me. It was hard to get out with him laying on top of me.”
Atsushi swallowed and let go of the child’s arm. He turned back to the pile and let his arms grow into the tiger-limbs that could be so useful and he began to pull pieces of rooftop and ceiling tiles that had been thrown toward the river when Chuuya’s gravity took down the building.
“Kunikida!” he called. There was no answer. The air was chilled, and night was falling, but Atsushi ignored it and kept digging. Finally, there in the rubble, was the red tie Kunikida always wore. It was still around his neck, and Atsushi carefully pulled the rest of the rubble away just as Dazai came barreling around the nearest corner with a shout.
“Kunikida!” he called and slid to a stop next to Atsushi.
“He’s here,” Atsushi said breathlessly, and pulled the piece of a ceiling tile away that revealed Kunikida’s pale face. His glasses were cracked and hanging loosely off his face, his eyes were clenched shut, and blood drizzled down his forehead into the thin slope of his nose.
“Shit,” Dazai muttered. He put his hand against Kunikida’s face in a gentle gesture that Atsushi watched with a wonder because he’d never seen Dazai touch anyone before. “Kuni. Hey.”
Kunikida’s eyes opened slowly, and his Adam’s apple bobbed. “Hey,” he finally said in gravelly whisper. He looked around and shut his eyes again. “Why’s the riverfront spinning?” he said.
Atsushi and Dazai shared a glance. Dazai spoke to Atsushi. “Can you get the rest of this garbage off of him?”
Atsushi nodded and shifted so he could pull the rest of the debris off of Kunikida, who was clearly working very hard not to throw up.
“The kid?” Kunikida whispered.
Dazai looked to Atsushi for an answer, too.
“They’re all right. Took off down the alley after complaining about how hard it was to crawl out from under you.”
“Ah, yes, because Kunikida has the body of a wrestler after all,” Dazai said with a roll of his eyes.
“When you’re small, everyone seems big,” Kunikida said, matter-of-fact, and he tried to pull himself up out of the pile. Predictably, he stumbled, but Atsushi caught him and steadied him as Dazai moved close.
“You okay?” Dazai asked.
“Bruised, but nothing seems broken,” Kunikida answered. He closed his eyes again. “Nothing will stay still, though. I feel like I’m on a boat.”
“Concussion. Let’s get you back to the office. Let Yosano check you over,” Dazai said.
Kunikida groaned. “Let’s just go home,” he whined, leaning against Dazai. Atsushi kept his hand on Kunikida’s back, just in case. He’d never heard Kunikida whine before, either.
Dazai shook his head. “Nope. Just because you saved a kid, you don’t get to act like one. Yosano first.”
“The kid’s okay?” Kunikida asked again.
Dazai nodded and said, “Yeah. Kid’s fine” as they guided him back to the office and Yosano.
Kunikida was fine, too, but Atsushi wondered about the things he didn’t know about him as he watched Dazai be careful with him and assure him two more times that the kid was okay before Yosano looked him over and sent him home to rest. Also, Dazai took him home. Atsushi wondered about that, too, but that was a question for another day.
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westgateoh · 1 year
I finished a thing. The thing didn’t go where I wanted it to go, but I’m not sad. It went where it needed to go right now. One day I’ll write the thing I thought I was going to write.
Anyway. Standard Westgate hurt/comfort with a little bit of revelation.
Nanami has loved before, but the cost/benefit ratio wasn’t worth it. He won’t make that mistake again. Unless maybe he will. Unless maybe it is worth it. Gojo messes up most analysis, after all.
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westgateoh · 1 year
New show I love and must write sick!fic for it!
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westgateoh · 3 months
Nanami is stuck. Gojo is pulling him along, but for what, really? (Two months and four months since it happened.)
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westgateoh · 10 months
One-shot hurt/comfort (mostly comfort, really).
Nanami insists on working alone so that none of the kids have to, but it gets him beat up pretty good as a result. Gojou worries. Megumi makes tea. Nanami finally feels cared for.
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westgateoh · 1 year
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Westgate walks in Scotland (and drives, which was insanely stressful but worth it).
Now, back to real life, and hopefully back to writing some fanfic again….
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westgateoh · 2 years
It’s twenty years after the events of “House in the Cerulean Sea,” and Lucy has a problem, Sal has an announcement, and Linus and Arthur help everyone the same way they always have: together. Also there’s a family scavenger hunt and party at Zoe’s place. Some things change, and some things stay the same.
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westgateoh · 2 years
Writing is hard, and I don’t know when I’ll ever post anything again, but I did like this line from a Bungou Stray Dogs WIP of mine:
Dazai laughed. He took a sip of his coffee and shook his head. “It’s odd to think of you with a family. I figured you sprang into existence wearing that suit in the planner aisle of an office supply store.”
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westgateoh · 3 years
“Drowning” (He’s Drowning) a whumptober Bungou Stray Dogs entry...
It is a well-known fact at the Armed Detective Agency that Kunikida works late into the night. Computers get shut off, coats get shrugged on, ‘goodnights’ get called out to the room, until the last call goes only to Kunikida, and he just waves a half wave as the door shuts. The office is quiet after everyone leaves, so Kunikida puts on a soft jazz channel and continues whatever report, investigation, or presentation he’s preparing. Sometimes he double-checks Atsushi’s reports, or Kenji’s, as their age shows in their writing sometimes. Sometimes he pulls up the financial reports that don’t get spoken of often, and triple checks that the Agency will have what they need for the next month. Sometimes he stops for a small meal downstairs and sometimes he doesn’t.
There are nights when he works until it’s too far past his body’s endurance, and he just shuffles over to the couch near the door and closes his eyes for a few hours before getting up, washing his face, and working some more, until Naomi or Kirako come in around eight. They assume he’s gone home and come back and give him a friendly hello before starting their own work.
He often does go home. He goes straight home, makes a cup of tea, takes a shower, and goes to sleep. He eats a healthy breakfast and comes back.
He’s fine. What else would he do with himself? No one notices. It’s fine.
He works. He solves cases. He watches a child get blown up in a tunnel at the urging of a madman. He works some more.
Dazai, who has matured, gotten stronger, started to notice a world around him that is not just guns and violence that reminds him to live, starts to notice this about Kunikida. Dazai, who has begun to think of the people at the ADA as his friends, who has started to think about Oda without shutting down entirely, who thinks perhaps Oda would be pleased with him now, notices.
Kunikida works all the time. He takes Dazai’s ribbing, works patiently with Atsushi and Kyoka and Kenji as they grow and learn, and he never stops working. Dazai followed Kunikida home one night and watched as the light in his apartment went on for exactly fifteen minutes, and then darkened. He watched Kunikida emerge from the building two hours before the ADA office actually opened the next morning and go to work.
That night, after everyone else left the office, Dazai leaned his hip on the corner of Kunikida’s desk, reached over, and gently pulled the pen from Kunikida’s hand. “It’s six o’clock. Come get some dinner with me, Kunikida.”
“I have work to do.”
“I insist.”
Kunikida blinked up at him, swallowed and turned his head to inspect the empty office. “I have to work,” he said, like there was no other answer in the universe, like the currents had carried him here and there was no way out of the sea.
“You have to eat. You have to rest. You have to come with me and buy me dinner,” Dazai said with a grin.
They went to dinner. As they finished their meal and Kunikida slid his cash onto the table, he took a deep, shaky breath and held Dazai’s gaze. His green eyes were wet and shining. “Thank you,” he whispered to Dazai, and they both stood to leave. “I hadn’t noticed how late I was working.”
Dazai nodded and said quietly, “Sometimes you don’t feel the drowning. I should know.” He paused and motioned to the door. “Come on. I’ll walk you home.”
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