#Wete and Company
dorothywete7 · 1 year
Dorothy Wete
Website: https://weteandcompany.net/dorothy-wete/
Address: 14003 Barkham Court, Laurel, Maryland, 20707
Wete and Company, Inc is an IT consultant firm specializing in IT security. Dorothy Wete and Company focuses on strategy, organization, business processes and technology providing efficient results. Wete and Company provides the experience of a large firm with the structure and focus of a small firm catering to the client’s needs. Wete and Company strives for improving the effectiveness and efficiency of IT, while minimizing costs to businesses.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/wete-&-company
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dorothywete · 2 years
Address: 14003 Barkham Court, Laurel, Maryland, 20707
Wete and Company, Inc is an IT consultant firm specializing in IT security. Dorothy Wete and Company focuses on strategy, organization, business processes and technology providing efficient results. Wete and Company provides the experience of a large firm with the structure and focus of a small firm catering to the client’s needs. Wete and Company strives for improving the effectiveness and efficiency of IT, while minimizing costs to businesses.
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dorothywete93 · 2 years
Dorothy Wete
Website: https://seaislenews.com/wete-company-discuss-trends-digital-transformation/
Address: 14003 Barkham Court, Laurel, Maryland, 20707
Wete and Company, Inc is an IT consultant firm specializing in IT security. Dorothy Wete and Company focuses on strategy, organization, business processes and technology providing efficient results. Wete and Company provides the experience of a large firm with the structure and focus of a small firm catering to the client’s needs. Wete and Company strives for improving the effectiveness and efficiency of IT, while minimizing costs to businesses.
Dorothy Wete, Wete and Company # IT Security Services
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/wete-&-company
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dancex2revolution · 2 years
I have responded to brutal honesty with kindness.
But I do not forget the brutality.
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mikanlardyclinic · 8 months
Okumura foods disposal unit...
Those words resonated in the back of the empress's mind.. They needed something to dispose of the extra stock.. And the empress offered herself.. Why..? Because what was disposed off was way too much.. It was too expensive for her company and it would put a dent on the budget..
Month 2
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"y..you c..can d..do it.. Haru.. J..just.. 4 more bags.. Hbngh.. W..why couldn't they send me a salad.."
2 months had passed she only ate big bang burger breakfast lunch dinner.. Her snacks it was all her extra stock.. She needed to continue it was all gonna go to waste otherwise... The foods made her stomach growl.. And groan from sickness.. She was tired but she shoved it in her maw.. Chomping and moaning..... She wanted to puke...
Month 8..
Mementos.. She needed a workout mementos was perfect but.. She kept shoving those meals down her mouth even there.. She couldn't stop.. She could let it build up... But all this movement... It messed her stomach..
Frrrpfflbltt frrt.. Brrraaaaap!!
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"I..im s..sorry.. Munch. Gulp! Everyone.. Ahh.. I..i haven't been of much sniff.. U..use.."
The empress's eyes wete filled with tears as she shobed another greasy burger into her mouth.. Most girls were keeping their distance not because they. Weren't worried about haru but because of the lack of space and her awful stench everyone minus makoto keeping the empress bag near her..blushing..
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"it's okay haru we understand.. We can help you deal with your.. Predicament later.. But you won't be able to join us for mementos.. Y..you're not doing much.. Okay?"
The council president watched her fluffy friend shoved the burger harder down her throat.. It hurt her to say that and it hurt haru to hear it she needed to lose weight.. Thankfully makoto seemed eager to help..
Year 1...
The help the other thieves gave her wasn't enough... She just kept growing and growing chugging and chugging... A slave to her own company a trash disposal.. But she had someone atleast..
Beeeeeeeep.... Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeep............. Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeep
"m..mahku-chan.. Ulp ulp ulp ulp Wheeeezee!!.. Chan't. Gulp gulp gulp B..breashe..help..p..pleashe.."
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The okumura blob kept chugging her used fryer oil, puke and lard on her cheeks her pink panties covered in her waste and buried in her asscheeks machines surrounding her to keep her stable and an oxygen tank and its valve being spun by a plump pale hand covered in grime and oil..
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"ahh.. Ahh.. S..sorry haru.. F..forgot about it.. Scarf chomp gulp!
"thaaaanksh.... Wheeeze maahkoo.. - chaaan.."
Makoto nijima trying to lower the burden of her friend tried to help her eat.. Only ending up as an obese pug herself.. She hadn't eaten fast food in forever.. And now she ate it non stop... Slowly ballooning up like the empress drinking lard.. Wearing Sweat stained clothes.. That were starting to rip.. Her chest hurt...her gut hurt she wanted to puke.. But she needed to help haru with her burden.. They would, both lose the weight... That's for sure.. They had to.. Right?..
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These will be muse variants if you want an in denial makoto or a blobby haru they are available for asks right now!~
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vvitchering · 3 months
Don't know if you know but thought I'd share just in case. When my private university was offering faux interviews they always emphasized 2 things.
How you present yourself for first impressions (do you shake everyone's hands or just the main one offered? Are you speaking too fast because of nerves causing stumbling? Are you a massive fidgeter who would benefit from having the taking a drink excuse or by holding an item like a notebook? Are you note taking if you think they would like that?)
The other thing was how you need to interview them back with questions. I go for 2 to 3 questions based on the job requirements/description and stuff stated in the interview. I'm at a job that I love after going for the base level and rising in positions. It shows you're listening and invested in the job.
My boss said I was the strongest interviewer when we were on the topic of a position I was going into that still had to go through a posting and interviewing stage although they wete 100% putting me in the position.
Good luck and sending good vibes!
These are all super good suggestions and tips! I’ve been working in finance for a while and have been through several interviews for various positions (some that I’ve taken, some I’ve turned down) but this will be the largest leap I’ve taken yet should this one go well. I’m trying to polish my questions up and refine them a little more than I usually do to really show I’m interested. I have a couple professional anecdotes queued up that’ll work for several common interview questions and I’m definitely going to keep an eye on how fast I talk (I do tend to speed up when I’m nervous).
I think a lot of my nerves are coming from how large of a jump this would be from where I am now to where this would put me in terms of importance in the company. This position usually hires from an upper management candidate pool but I was invited to apply anyway, I hope that’s a good sign!
Thank you for the advice and the good vibes 💜
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nevermindtheweights · 9 months
Season's Thinkings
Colorado sighed.
Not from sadness or any sense of overwhelming strain of a burden, physical or mental. She just felt off. Very off. She recognised this as an odd feeling for her, especially given the holiday season was in full swing. Even now as she was cut chicken breast into sizable chunks for the curry the mess hall was to serve later, the Christmas music playing faintly over the clatter of the other working shipgirl chefs to ensure the offerings of the lunch would be enough, she felt something was missing. Not company for she didn't feel alone in the kitchen of which she had many mentees. Twas not loneliness that made her feel this way, least not of friendship or equals. Frankly speak, she was certain she hadn't felt this comfortable somewhere since her dancing days. There was a comforting bliss in the peace of a well trusted and well worked team.
Thinking on it more as the blade glided through the meat, pudgy hand squeezing the handle, she lacked a sort of pep, she'd hazard to call it. A motivating energy that tended to embody her during the season. Unlike some she could mention alongside a few teasing nicknames, she rather liked the season. Christmas was a period where she intended felt instilled with greater love for her fellows. To be like Santa was her driving force, to do good and inspire good will amongst those she met. Good food, good company and merry tunes to aroused the heart.
Pondering on it more as she cut again, feeling her arm quiver from the motion. Her mind shifted to her size, considering how fat she was. Her perspective always shifted on it, admittedly. Some days craving vastly more heft and others finding peace in what she was now. A butterball at her 770lbs and short height, she was still caught off guard by it at times. Her gut pressed against the worktop reminded her of that. Her thick arms and large chest reminding her of limited vision and range. Every wobbly motion reminded her of the fat shipgirl she was.
It wasn't that which bothered her. She knew her choices and lifestyle led to this. That was fine. Between working in the kitchens, training shopgirls and the odd secretary duties, her work life was fine. Little stress bothered her there.
So it must be personal then. A hum escaped her, a pensive look on her chunky face. She slid the meat into a bowl and waddled over to the sink to wash her hands. Watching the water wash over her pale hands, she thought of Nozomi. She had not seen her in sometime though franky speaking that was common. She missed her company and touch, that was true. Yet such longing was commonplace between busy days and the vanish antics of the woman. Her love for her remained strong and fond so she doubted that was which made her feel so... so...
Drying her hands with a towel, she thought of others. Friends and the like. All wete fine or doing well in terns of relations. Good terms with Akigumo, friendly with Michishio, content with Nagato, well with the various shipgirl whom she has trained to cook.... What was she missing then? What was behind this odd feeling then? Raling her thoughts, she waddled back to her work area. Her mind thinking. Was she just aimless perhaps? Whole work and social matures appeased her well enough, she did lack something at the moment. That desire within her to feed one on one. A passing thought, admittedky but one that sat right on her mind. She lacked forefillment in one aspect of what she indentified as, a feeder.
So maybe, this holiday season, to find thst joy once more, she needed to feed so.eone one on one again as she once used too... Yes... That made sense.
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weteandcompany3 · 2 years
Wete and Company
Website: https://ocnjdaily.com/wete-company-discusses-top-5-cio-challenges-2022/ Address: 14003 Barkham Court, Laurel, Maryland, 20707 Wete and Company, Inc is an IT consultant firm specializing in IT security. Dorothy Wete and Company focuses on strategy, organization, business processes and technology providing efficient results. Wete and Company provides the experience of a large firm with the structure and focus of a small firm catering to the client’s needs. Wete and Company strives for improving the effectiveness and efficiency of IT, while minimizing costs to businesses. LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/wete-&-company
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skippyv20 · 3 years
You should watch the Prime Video series "Flack". So many truth bombs being dropped. I was on the fence about the legitimacy of it until they mentioned Taylor Swift being a beard. Then I knew they wete releasing truths under guise of a "tv show". Also shows just how the PR companies work.
Thank you...I will check it out...❤️❤️❤️❤️
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welldonebeca · 6 years
Cause life just couldn't get any better,
The energy company cut our lights. Cause... Uh... Obvious reasons I'm a bit embarrassed to talk about.
I hate, hate, being that person, but... If you guys could help, my Ko-fi is linked on my description. I'm thinking about starting a pantreon to help up with stuff.
I live with my parents and my two dogs, and we've been struggling with money for a long time. I thought we wete getting back on the right tracks but apparently not. I personally need to pay for school, the dogs expenses (food, vaccines, and occasional toys cause, come on) and want to get a driver's licence or start its process this year. I'm also in 4 different meds to keep up with my bipolar disorder (divalproex sodium 250mg at morning and 500mg at night, quetiapine at night and another substance to help with anxiety), and also therapy. Yes. That all costs a lot.
So... Yeah. That's it. I'm trying my best and if anyone wants to help I'd be happy.
If anyone wants to comission something, or need any translation involving English and Portuguese, you can also reach out to me.
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weteandcom01 · 2 years
Wete and Company
Website: https://ocnjdaily.com/wete-company-discusses-top-5-cio-challenges-2022/
Address: 14003 Barkham Court, Laurel, Maryland, 20707
Wete and Company, Inc is an IT consultant firm specializing in IT security. Dorothy Wete and Company focuses on strategy, organization, business processes and technology providing efficient results. Wete and Company provides the experience of a large firm with the structure and focus of a small firm catering to the client’s needs. Wete and Company strives for improving the effectiveness and efficiency of IT, while minimizing costs to businesses.
IT Security Services #Wete and Company
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/wete-&-company
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lmalfoy · 7 years
Lucius was spensing most of his time alone, despite staying in the Lestrange household. Most of the time he holed up in the guest room, wanting to give the couple alone time together, as it seemed necessary. But only the company of his infant daughter was starting to bore him. He missed the banter and adult conversation that took place with his family, and ultimately, he just wanted to get fucked up without having to look after a baby for once. Narcissa had not returned, not that he had expected her too, and Lucius found himself hesitant in asking Bella to start on the task. That was, until a sleepless night where a crying baby kept him awake for hours, and he knew he couldn't take it alone much longer. Lucius tossed the comforter dramatically off of himself and emerged from the bed. It was the middle of the night and Cordelia had been wailing for at least 4 hours. Lucius grabbed a robe to cover his naked body and escaped the room, shutting the door quietly as if it would help. He walked down the hall to the Lestrange bedroom and without knocking, pried it open to peek. 'Where could they be?' He thought, then shaking his head at the empty space. He thought for a moment before chuckling to himself. This was Bella and Rodolphus after all. Of course they wete still awake. He sighed, tying his robe tighter and making his way downstairs in hopes of finding familiar company.
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ojiilemon · 7 years
wow its been a while since my depression has forced me into bed to mope and cry. Most of it is loneliess. Its hard to come back after a really great relationship that faded. Now I dont have that support. And im also struggling to recover the massive emotional and social blow that was me calling out and naming my abuser publicly anf refusing to stay silent. I also got rid of so many friends who no longer served me and wete detrimental and negative. But its left me so isolated. I wish i could be okay with friends being mutuals with someone who really fucked me up but staying neutral in a situation of domestic abuse is shitty, inexcusable and cowardly. It means your social status matters more to you than my friendship and its shitty to know that so many people decide to take that route. Ive always been a loner and i understand that because I wont put up with what a lot of people in society will, (gossip, two faved bs, the race to be popular and well liked) im going to end up being very lonely. Its exhausting to want to make genuine connections and have to deal with shitty people just to have some company. And i know im chosing this isolation. I just wish I could find more people near me who are on my wavelength. But it’s really been an impossible search. I wish I could handle the bullshit my generation is. But emotionally I get connected too fast and its too much. I dont want to play this stupid game anymore. I just want to be free or at least find a companion who understands on the level i need Doesn't help that i cant drown all this out with sweetd and sugar and carbs. I didnt realize how much my mental health relied on sugar. When you eat your feelings. Yikes
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jamiekturner · 6 years
Stencil font examples that you can download
Using templates, stencil artwork creates some amazing design outlines. The technique is very popular among designers but also applied by militaries and governments for clear and quick labeling. You will also find it in commercial and industrial settings, as well as street art.
As for typography, there are numerous stencil letter font examples you can use for your creative projects. To help you decide which one you should use, we gathered and listed some cool stencils used by popular calligraphers and artists. Note that there are also completely free stencil fonts which despite not having a price tag, come with great looks and proven quality.
What stencil fonts should you be looking at? These tools are very diverse, depending on whether you create thin and compressed letters, or bold block lines. There will also be stencil typefaces that correspond to every design concept, design, or platform.
If you can’t find a free stencil font you like, you can always purchase one. We recommend this to designers looking to come up with something unique, or those who’re not experienced enough to create their own stencil font.
There are several reasons to opt for a pre-made stencil font:
It costs more to create your own. Pre-made font sets will require both less time and less money than your efforts to create such. This is why you shouldn’t disregard them, as many premium ones are also to be found on discount or even for free.
They help you create beautiful designs – The market is full of fancy stencil fonts, so there is little chance you won’t come across one that meets your concept and your needs. In fact, the vast offer of beautiful fonts can inspire you on how to improve your project.
There are multiple versions of each font – Instead of single stencil fonts, you will be offered packages with several versions of each, sometimes even up to ten different pieces you can mix and match. This gives you plenty of space to play with your designs until you find the ideal combination, even if creating something in multiple languages. In fact, you can do all of this rearranging and shuffling by purchasing a single font pack.
You can use them as many times as you want – Once you pay for a pre-made stencil font, you can reuse it for all projects you want. Yet, read the license carefully in order to avoid legal troubles.
Your designs will be more modern – The people behind pre-made stencil fonts are just as creative and artisan-minded as you are, and therefore produce functional and appealing fonts. This eliminates all chance that your work won’t be as unique as you want it to be.
Here are the most popular stencil letters fonts you should consider:
VAL Stencil
VAL Stencil is a bold and impactful font produced by Fontfabric, and you can download it for free. The fun and inspirational type has even 215 characters, and looks great on logos, posters, packages, and many other designs.
Toy Soldiers
This is a leading military stencil font and designer Billy Argel’s masterpiece. Argel has presented us many cool type designs, all of which are free for personal use. What you will like about Toy Soldiers is that it consists of uppercase letters only, and therefore makes any design more serious and official.
AG Stencil
The company Somewhere Else and its director Yong are the creators of AG Stencil, an original and free fancy stencil font that is suitable for personal and commercial use.
Unconform Round
Unconform Round is the perfect tool to replicate plastic, old-school stencil letters. You will receive a package of uppercase letters and numbers, and be able to create all sorts of retro designs.
Capture it
This single-weight font is also free, but those who want can donate some money to support the author’s future creations. The name behind it is Koczman Balint (officially employed at Magique Fonts), and the set features letters, symbols, and special characters.
Stela UT
Stela UT is not really a stencil form, but rather a layered, ready-to-use font inspired by one. It was produced by Spain’s best known design studio Wete, and offered in several different editorial versions to meet everybody’s needs.
Here’s another playful and stylish stencil typeface. Playtime is available in even 5 different styles, namely rounded, regular, bold, rounded bold, and cut-out. You can tie all of these styles together seamlessly, and even come up with some original symbols and figures. What is even better, John Skelton offers this stencil font for free!
Kaine belongs to the slab-serif typeface family, but it is slightly bolder than what you’d expect. It was inspired by 1960’s western spaghetti posters, and therefore based on Letrasets and Western Extra Bolds. Nevertheless, you will find a number of style variations and additional letters that make it unique for modern print, motion, web, and apparel design. Overall, there are 250 characters including manual kerning and a Euro sign.
Ray Larabie did an amazing work creating this bold Typodermic font. As he claims, Gunplay was inspired by the poster for the movie ‘The Getaways’ (1972), and that’s exactly what makes it a hard-nosed and bold stencil font.
Imagex Fonts’ DOCK 51 us free for personal use, and comes with a compact set of numbers, uppercase letters, and special symbols. The agency has developed over 200 stencil font designs, so you will definitely find something that matches your project.
Stencilla is developed and offered by Otto Maurer, a popular typeface designer. We recommend it because of its compactness, and the fact that it is free for both personal and commercial use. The same as DOCK 51, it packs uppercase letters, numbers, and special characters.
Boston Traffic
Boston Traffic is a free stencil font offered by designer Vic Fieger. If you visit Fieger’s website, you will find an archive of over 60 free and beautiful stencil fonts (Dafont), all of which are free for personal and commercial use.
Due Date
Dieter Steffman followed the example of colleague Fieger, and created an even richer online font library. 120 of his works are offered for free on Font Space, while his newest works are available on his website. Due Date, in particular, was created in 2003, and certainly counts as one of his best creations ever.
Manuel Lage had the idea of creating a cool stencil font, and he succeeded at it! Despite of having developed only 15 typeface kit, Lage has incredible 1.7 million downloads at this point, and is appreciated for offering his works for free.
Top Secret
If into military stencil fonts, give Top Secret a look. As the name indicated, this official and well-rounded design is to be used on important documentations and official correspondence. The name behind it is Koczman Balint, Magique Fonts’ best known name.
Urban Sketch
Inspired by Gunplay’s success, Nils von Blanc created an even better urban sketch font, and offered it for free. It wasn’t released that long ago, but has over 900,000 downloads as we speak. Note, however, that this font is only free for personal use.
Mickey Rossi invested plenty of time creating this stylish font. Cargo Crate is free to use, and you can download it on Urban Fonts.
Stardos Stencil
Stardos Stencil counts as a classic stencil typeface, meaning that it offers upper and lowercase letters, 0-9 numbers, and common special characters. The creator Vernon Adams of New Typography offers it for free to all users.
Popcorn is a fun, cinema-inspired font designed by Billy Argel. It came as a huge surprise to the designers’ community to have this font generously offered for free especially considering the full-use license (with cool sketch versions) which the author is ready to provide. =
Octin Stencil
Octin Stencil can be best described as a versatile font – the tough headliner of Typodermic Fonts is offered in even six different weights – regular, light, semi-bold, bold, heavy, and black; as well-as suitable for many different themes such as sports, school, military, and more. It comes without charges, but keep in mind that the author would appreciate donations.
Frankfurt’s typesetting and advertising star Manfred Klein created LeArchitect, a product of his decade-long experience in attracting audience’s attention. The attractive army-style font can be downloaded for free.
Fine Stencil
As you can already guess, Fine Stencil is thin and very elegant, member of VNBC’s 24-designs family that can brag with over 500,000 downloads. Interestingly enough, this font is perfectly simple – numbers, uppercase letters, and a single special character. It is also a free stencil font.
San Francisco designer Jeff Canham has always been into traditional signs and bold typefaces, and Kaiser is the best proof for that. The great-looking uppercase + special characters font is offered for free.
Meteora Font Family
Those among you looking for contemporary and cool stencil fonts shouldn’t miss the works of designer Carlos Fabian Guerrero. His compact stencil fonts work the best for posters, magazine covers, and all type of advertising projects.
Roves Family
Roves Family targets exactly creative and artisan designers! You get to work with even 10 different versions, all enriched with beautiful typography and a noticeable vintage feel. The classics, such as Sans, bold, or regular are also included.
Remember the Lofttype font? Designer Greb Gurainyk created a grunge version of it, where letters are slightly slanted for a more relaxed feel. It will look amazing on your logo, personal blog, or greeting cards.
Terra Stamp is one of the best stencil fonts ever, exactly because of its geometric shapes, hand-stamped texture, and unique stencil technique. It never fails to capture attention, and is therefore present in many extraordinary designs. You can choose between its simple and regular version and the detailed texture one.
Vtg Stencil US No.51
If you haven’t heard of the Vtg stencil font family, this is the right moment to explore it! All stencil plates were inspired by 1950-1960s US Army posters, and they work perfectly on packaging designs.
Hogwild is easy to recognize for its bold and striking design, and will definitely capture attention. Its best application is on warning logos and signs.
The lines of Georgina are elegant, clean, and simple, which makes it perfect for any design projects. Note, however, that it comes with a retro vibe.
Gora Stencil
Gora Stencil owes its popularity to the multilingual use, and the number of unique features you can’t find in other sets. It will look great on labels, logos, headlines, etc.
Cera Stencil Basic Black
This version of Gora Stencil is recognizable for simple lines and geometry, which lets the user come up with many interesting designs. We’d recommend it foremost for magazine covers and headlines.
Hasting packs a sea-vibe, as it is hand-drawn and offers much more than simply regular symbols! It belongs to the Sans Serif font’s family.
Lexico Stencil Family
Lexico is charming and trendy, and you won’t find anything alike it on the stencil font market. The pre-sent font is very versatile, and you can use it for any project you want.
It is not difficult to guess what Sergeant is all about – the James Lafuente’s masterpiece is classic and military-inspired, and matches just find personalized branding projects.
Blacktroops Stencil
Blacktroops will offer you everything you need – compact kit of uppercase latters, numbers, special characters, and punctuation marks. Consider it for headlines, logos, warning signs, or packaging designs
Secca Stencil
Secca Stencil is the king of editorial designs – a relaxed, traditional font that looks solid and attractive.
Acherus Militant
If you’re a fan of Acherus Grotesque, you will definitely like this understated and sleek stencil version of it. There are no limits to as where you can use this font – it fits every project concept!
Not that many stencil fonts deserve the attribute ‘epic’, but Raleigh certainly does! The font is not only modern, but also futuristic, and corresponds to design projects involving large titles and smaller subtexts.
Old Glory Typeface
Old Glory’s dignified appearance was inspired by classic stencil fonts, and we can easily spot that by its scripts and black letters. The pack comes with web-fonts you can easily include in any web-related project.
Maritime Champion Stencil
The Very Cool Studio’s best work Maritime is simply charming, and it suits all water-related projects. You will often find it on headlines, logos, and other branding materials.
Surplus Pro
Here’s another military-inspired and very traditional stencil font. The font is available in a Regular and Rough version.
Mind the Gap
This hand-created, cut-letter stencil font and its industrial vibe should be your top choice for branding and packaging designs.
Ending thoughts on using a stencil font
There are many amazing stencil fonts that can help you outline your new designs. The best part of it – they’re free and easy to download!
If you enjoyed reading this article about the stencil font, you should read these as well:
Google font pairings: Font combinations that look good
117 Free Christmas fonts to use for holiday projects
Kinetic Typography: Best 47 Videos
Best free fonts for logos: 72 modern and creative logo fonts
Retro Fonts: 90 Free Vintage Fonts To Download
Best Thin Fonts: Free Light Fonts To Download
The Best Free Smoke Font examples for Creative Designs
The post Stencil font examples that you can download appeared first on Design your way.
from Web Development & Designing https://www.designyourway.net/blog/typography/stencil-font/
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asimpleworm · 6 years
I got a new phone!!! I was really anxious about having to talk to my data company about how things wete fucking up and how i was being charged money i didnt owe. Buf instead i left with a new phone, no money owed, and i didnt have to pay nearly as much as i was expecting too today, im so happy~~~~~
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