#What are the spiritual benefits of the Psalms?
jesuslivesinyou · 6 months
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Psalm 10: God’s Response to the Wicked Now. Psalm 10 begins on a rather negative note, “Why, O Lord, do you stand far off? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble?” This may seem negative, but it is also a very human reaction. At times, when we face trials and crisis, the Lord does seen to be far off and impersonal. This is especially true when we have to deal with those that reject the Lord. Verses 2 through 11 vividly describe a person who has no thought of the Lord, or his responsibilities to God. “His ways are always prosperous; he is haughty and your laws are far from him; he sneers at all his enemies. He says to himself, ‘Nothing will shake me I’ll always be happy and never have trouble.’ He says to himself, ‘God has forgotten; he covers his face and never sees.’” How many of us know people that reflect that attitude in their lives? When we look at unbelief and the evil actions that come from it, we may wonder why God allows this to happen. Why does He seem to stand off and watch?
Psalm 10: God’s Response to the Wicked Now
Today, it seems like the forces arrayed against the Lord’s people – the Church – are growing stronger. The doomsday prophets see the church in retreat. People challenge the fact that God is involved in the world of man today. “Look at the evil that exists. Look at how unfair things seem to be. Look at the people that seem to be doing just fine that never once thought about God or Jesus Christ.” These statements may be correct. There is a great deal of evil in the world. In fact, considering the nature of the world, it would be surprising if it was otherwise. However, the apparent strength of the opposition to Christ has nothing to do with the reality of God and His authority. What is David’s response to such thoughts? Verse 16 states, “The Lord is King for ever and ever….” Appearances are deceiving. Regardless how the world sees the present order, the Lord is King forever and ever. Simply because people may ignore that truth does not make it less real and true.
Psalm 10: God’s Response to the Wicked Now
One of the reasons why the Lord seems to stand back is His desire that all come to Him, and the Lord will give each person as many chances as possible to accept the offer of salvation. Peter wrote, “But do not forget this one thing, dear friends. With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” God is love, and He does love all people. That is why the offer of salvation is open to all. When we think that God does not seem to care, it may be that he is giving a person another chance to repent. As for us, we know that the Lord is King, and we know that we have an inheritance of eternal life. What can happen to us in this world that will change that? Can it be taken away or destroyed? No. There is nothing in this world that can affect our relationship with the Lord except ourselves. We can reject the offer that has been made; but other than that, our treasure is secure. Yes, as we have to face the day to day problems of life, we may echo the thoughts of David – “Why, O Lord, do you stand far off?” But as we consider the entire picture, we know better.
Psalm 10: God’s Response to the Wicked Now
God doesn’t stand far off. He is right here with us. Yes, we will have to face problems and trials. Yes, we will see injustice and tragedy in the world. God never promised to place us in a vacuum. But as we place our lives in the hands of our Lord, He will strengthen us and guide us to a more Christ-like life. The first verse of Psalm 10 began very negatively, but the last is a message of hope. “You hear, O Lord, the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them, and you listen to their cry, defending the fatherless and the oppressed, in order that man, who is of the earth, may terrify no more.” A final thought concerns verse 6 again. The wicked say, “Nothing will shake me; I’ll always be happy and never have trouble.” We know better. Such people are fooling themselves. Sooner or later, the sharp bite of despair will be felt. The words said with such arrogance in verse 6 are the words of youth and health. Everything in this life will surely pass away. Only the Lord stands forever. Only those that are joined to Him in Jesus Christ can say, “I will never be shaken!” That is a blessing that we need to remember.
Psalm 10: God’s Response to the Wicked Now
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orthodoxadventure · 7 months
Do you ever fear gods not real? Its my biggest fear in life. Do you have any prayers for a deeper faith?
Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.” Immediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears, “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!” - Mark 9:23-24
Doubt does not in itself signify lack of faith. It may mean the opposite – that our faith is alive and growing. For faith implies not complacency but taking risks, not shutting ourselves off from the unknown but advancing boldly to meet it. -- Kallistos Ware, The Orthodox Way
Because faith is not logical certainty but a personal relationship, and because this personal relationship is as yet very incomplete in each of us and needs continually to develop further, it is by no means impossible for faith to coexist with doubt. The two are not mutually exclusive. Perhaps there are some who by God’s grace retain throughout their life the faith of a little child, enabling them to accept without question all that they have been taught. For most of those living in the West today, however, such an attitude is simply not possible. We have to make our own the cry, ‘Lord, I believe: help my unbelief’ (Mark 9:24). For very many of us this will remain our constant prayer right up to the very gates of death. – Kallistos Ware, The Orthodox Way
Certainly, I have (and do) struggle with the faith. But we must understand faith is not just a state of being, but an action. When we have struggles with our faith, there can be a tendency to let our faith life falter: perhaps we stop attending Church, perhaps we begin neglecting our prayers or our reading of Scripture. When really, what we need to be doing during those periods, is revitalising those aspects and clinging onto them. And in the act of doing so, we can find ourselves also uniting our state of being with faith.
The very act of asking for prayers to strengthen or deepen your faith, is an act of faith itself. Although it might not feel like that. The act of wanting to believe in God, is very much an act of believing in God. I would very much recommend speaking to your Priest, and speaking about some of your struggles with the faith. Perhaps its dryness in prayer, perhaps its not feeling the benefit of attending Church. Often, our doubt comes from particular aspects of the faith that we aren't feeling a positive outcome from. When our prayer life feels very dry (for example), and though we are just repeating or saying words to no benefit, then we can attribute this to the distancing of God or that God perhaps isn't real. But in reality, we just aren't seeing the visible fruits of prayer in a way that we would like. Your perseverance with prayer, is in a lot of ways, of great benefit to you. I know you asked for prayers, but I would also recommend the book 'Beginning to Pray' by Anthony Bloom. It often talks about feeling distant from God and so on, and perhaps it can be of some benefit to you. Speak also, of your struggles with believing in God to God. Talk to Him. You don't need to hide anything from Him. It's perfectly okay to admit you are struggling to Him.
As for prayers, I would recommend the 'Lord I believe, help my unbelief'. Pray it often, especially at the start of any spiritual task like other prayers, attending Church, or reading Scripture. The Creed also would be a good prayer to incorporate into your daily prayer life if it's not a part of it already.
Something I would also recommend is the praying of the Psalms. Both because the Psalms are of immense strength and comfort to us, but it will also tie in with the encouragement and perseverance of reading Scripture.
If you don't have a prayer rule already, then I would recommend adopting the prayer rule of Saint Seraphim of Sarov:
“Let any Christian, upon arising from sleep stand before the holy icons, and read the Lord’s Prayer “Our Father” thrice, in honor of the Most-holy Trinity, then the hymn to the Theotokos “O Theotokos and Virgin, rejoice…” three times as well, and finally, the Symbol of Our Faith once. Having completed this rule, let each one attend to the tasks to which he was appointed or to which he is called.
“Going to bed, let any Christian again read the above-mentioned morning rule. Thereafter, let him go to sleep, having protected himself with the sign of the Cross.” Fr. Seraphim said “Keeping this rule, it is possible, to reach Christian perfection, for the three prayers indicated are the foundation of Christianity. The first, as the payer given [to us] by Christ Himself, is the model for all prayers. The second was brought from Heaven by the Archangel to greet the Virgin Mary, the Mother of Our Lord. The Symbol [of our faith] contains in brief all of the salvific dogmas of the Christian Faith.” [source, along with each of the prayers]
Hopefully some of this will be of some benefit to you. May God bless, strength, and comfort you!
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chipinsolace · 30 days
“Then God said to him: “Because you have asked this thing, and have not asked long life for yourself, nor have asked riches for yourself, nor have asked the life of your enemies, but have asked for yourself understanding to discern justice, behold, I have done according to your words; see, I have given you a wise and understanding heart, so that there has not been anyone like you before you, nor shall any like you arise after you. And I have also given you what you have not asked: both riches and honor, so that there shall not be anyone like you among the kings all your days.”
‭‭I Kings‬ ‭3‬:‭11‬-‭13‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
Prayer is one of the most important and fundamental parts of our journey, our walk with Jesus Christ. It’s how we talk to Him, it’s how we communicate with Hi just as we would with any other relationship, and because prayer is such a sacred tool, we have to look to the Bible for examples on how it’s done. The Bible gives us many strong examples on this, but my personal favorite and the one that really inspired me was 1 Kings 3:11-13.
In this text, The LORD appears to King Solomon in a dream, and he tells him to ask for whatever he wants. Solomon, knowing he’s about to take on the big role of a king, decides to ask for something much more important than earthly desires; he asks for wisdom and discernment.
God is pleased by this, and tells him that because he’s so selfless, and devoted his asking for a way to benefit others and not himself, not only did God give him that discernment, but He also gives him riches and wealth.
Why does this matter? Throughout the Bible, we see a common theme of how important it is to prioritize God, in Matthew 6:3, Jesus says “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” It’s our fallen human nature to want to put ourselves beyond all things, but we simply can’t! Think about times in the past when you were going through situations and decided to take on everything yourself. Didn’t it turn out horribly? I’m sure you can recall that you were left burnt out, stressed, and confused. We can’t do it all on ourselves, and God asks us very kindly to rely on Him. (Psalms 118:8) He says also that when we ask, we shall receive. (Matthew 7:7-11) And what a joy that’s been to me! God has helped me from my smallest issues like little cuts on my body when I didn’t have a bandaid, to fighting mental illness and abuse. When we pray through all our issues, let’s humble ourselves before Him and acknowledge the truth; We can’t do this on our own. Just like Solomon, if we humble ourselves in front of God, we will be exalted. (Matthew 23:12)
Heavenly Father God, thank you for inclining your ear into my prayer today, thank you for putting me on this Earth to enjoy your creation and your marvelous self. I praise you for the ways you’ve helped me before, corrected me through things, and brought me out of spiritual winters.
Today I pray to ask you to give me a wise heart, a heart that seeks and prioritizes your kingdom first. Lord, I acknowledge that I cannot face my trials alone, that I cannot put my trust in myself. You are my helper through it all, and I ask that you keep helping me.
Do not let me fall astray into the ways of the world, but let me seek your calling for me, and let me have discernment to know what is good and what is not.
In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
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theprayerfulword · 3 months
June 21
Psalm 93:4 Mightier than the thunder of the great waters, mightier than the breakers of the sea — the Lord on high is mighty.
Hebrews 12:9 We have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it. How much more should we submit to the Father of spirits and live!
Psalm 103:2 Bless the Lord, O my soul, and do not forget all His benefits.
1 John 5:14-15 This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. 15 And if we know that He hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of Him.
Hebrews 4:16 Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.
Ephesians 3:20-21 Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, 21 to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.
May you seek the Giver of life, that you may live. 2 Kings 1
May you humbly approach God in reverence and fear, realizing your personal inadequacies and fully aware that you represent no authority or power that can stand in the presence of the Creator of the universe, acknowledging His majesty in praise and worship before making your requests known. 2 Kings 1
May you follow the path of righteousness as the Spirit leads, never stopping when tired or turning back when struggling, but remaining focused amidst the distractions, knowing that you will receive the promise of God if you endure to the end. 2 Kings 2
May you bring the presence of God into every situation you are in, seeking His face and speaking His praise, changing the atmosphere as the light and the fragrance of God is imparted to those around you through the power of the Spirit and the love of the Son, sweetening bitterness in relationships and make barren hearts productive. 2 Kings 2
May you teach the young by example to respect all and honor those who are occupied with showing compassion to those God loves, so that the ones who will listen may preserve their lives. 2 Kings 2
My child, know that My abundance is available for the asking, My wisdom is provided freely when requested, My gifts are given without repentance, and My strength is within reach of all. My disciples preached salvation through My name first to the Jews at Jerusalem, the chosen, the ones who bore My name, before ever going to the Gentiles. Many Jews received Me in faith and rejoiced, but those who rejected Me were often the ones whose earthly needs were so well-supplied through entrenched tradition that they could not see the spiritual needs they shared in common with all people. I was then received gladly by the Gentiles who knew they were in bondage and rejoiced to see My light in their darkness. Even so today, My hard worker, you find many who are called by My name rejoicing to find that a deeper walk with Me is available, but so many who profit from the form and tradition that has been established around My truth refuse to see their own need, not realizing they are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind, and naked in their spiritual walk. Those appointed to salvation have often been mistreated and rejected by the world system, pushed to the fringes, hungering and seeking for more than they could find in tradition. Do not be blinded by your natural sight, My dear one, but learn to see as I see, understand with My understanding, and recognize the seeker for My truth within the battered frame before you. Learn to trust My Spirit when you hear the whisper and feel the nudge to speak to someone who has followed a different path than you and bears the marks of their journey. They have stepped through doors you have eschewed, and can reach others who will not listen to you. Do not call common or reject as impure those who are heeding My call and seeking My path. I have accepted them, and who can gainsay My choice?
May your words be sweet and your heart toward God, so that when God moves in a new way, you will not be found resisting the Lord or following the flesh. Acts 13
May you try the spirits in any dissension, not looking to the personalities, but seeking the purposes of God, to know the way you should follow. Acts 13
May you be filled with the strength of His joy and the power of the Spirit when following Christ in the discipline He leads you through. Acts 13
May you speak boldly in favor of the Lord when you minister in the face of opposition, for He will confirm the message He gives you with signs and wonders, polarizing the people who hear. Acts 14
May the Lord search you and know you, from your sitting down to your rising up, when you are traveling and when you are at home, perceiving your thoughts from afar, and understanding all your ways intimately, knowing your intentions completely before you say a word or take an action, for you are the apple of His eye, and He desires to be known by you even as He knows you. Psalm 139
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hiswordsarekisses · 1 year
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“When we look at the life of Job, we see that every time Satan lifts his hand against God, it has to go through God.
God determines, the extent and duration of Job’s struggle. God is watching over him at each stage. Most importantly, when it appears God’s hand has left him, God’s spirit is still connecting to him and revealing great truths about God resulting in those beautiful gems that flows out of Job's mouth during his darkest days.
The Psalmist assures us “The eyes of the LORD are on the righteous, and his ears are attentive to their cry; Psalm 34:15.
This, by far, is the jackpot. The King of Kings and Lord of Lords is very attentive to the righteous. He knows what is going on, why it is going on, and how it is shaping His people to have a strategic advantage in the great battle against Satan—the battle for souls.
In this battle God ensures that the souls of the righteous are on the winning side, always. That no matter how battered they are in mind and body, their soul is moving on from strength to strength. Just as we are often preoccupied on the material benefits, God is preoccupied with our souls. Just as we pray fervently for physical healing and well-being of loved ones, God is fervently seeking the spiritual healing of our soul. He is carving out the best environment to nourish and strengthen our precious souls.
As Job himself has stated “There is a mine for silver and a place where gold is refined.” Job 28:1
When other blessings need to take a hit in order to further the soul well-being, God allows it to happen. Whether we like to admit it or not, material blessings often do need to take a huge hit for the benefit of the soul. It is in those times that we need to simply trust, just as Job did.
Therefore let those who suffer according to God’s will entrust their souls to a faithful Creator while doing good. 1 Peter 4:19
When we trust, we put on our soul vision. While we may desire that we get relief of our earthly sorrows, we believe that God is healing and strengthening our most precious possession, our souls.”
~ Bella Pellai
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walkswithmyfather · 2 years
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“I will bless the LORD at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth.” —Psalm 34:1 (NASB)
“What Does Psalm 34:1 Mean? By Knowing-Jesus.com:
“Verse Thoughts: We have been saved by grace through faith, not of works. Our salvation is a free gift of God to all who believe. We have been declared righteous by the Lord and showered with every spiritual blessing, simply because we have trusted in the shed blood of Christ for the remission of sins and life everlasting.
Is it any wonder that David was so willing to cry out with his whole heart, "I will bless the Lord at ALL times. His praise shall be continually on my lips." When we praise our Heavenly Father and glorify His holy name, the focus of our attention is removed from our own, limited life and petty predicaments. It gives balance to all we say and do.
God Himself knows the immense benefits that we enjoy when we turn our eyes away from ourselves onto the Lord Jesus and look full into His wonderful face - which is why Paul reminds us in first Thessalonians to, "rejoice evermore, pray without ceasing, and in everything to give thanks to the Lord, for this is God's will for us."
When we turn the attention of our inner heart onto Christ, the Author and Finisher of our faith, the Sustainer of our life, and our Blessed Hope, circumstances of life and matters of living fall into their correct perspective. When the inner focus of our heart, soul, and mind is on the Lord Jesus, there is no room for a self-centred attitude of mind, or the petty preening of our own individual wants.
The Lord is worthy of our ongoing worship and devoted praise. He deserves our grateful thanksgiving and whole-hearted trust in every area of our life. And when He is the centre of our lives, we look to HIM and HIS power and abilities rather than our own inabilities... as we know that His grace is sufficient and His strength is made perfect in our dependent reliance upon HIM.
If it is our desire to bless the Lord at all times and under all circumstances, our heart needs to be right before the Lord. We need to be men and women after God's own heart - saying and doing only those things that honour His name, for He alone is worthy. And the more we spend time in His presence, in prayer, praise, and the study of His Word, the greater we will discover the benefits of blessing the Lord at all times and continually praising His holy name.
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Knowing that we have been saved by grace through faith in Christ, let us bless the Lord at all times. "O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together. I sought the Lord, and He answered me, and delivered me from all my fears...O taste and see that the Lord is good. How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him! O fear the Lord, you saints of God for to those who fear Him there is no want."
My Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Word and the truths it contains. I pray that like David, I would bless You at all times and in all circumstances. I pray that I may develop an attitude of grateful thanks and worshipful praise in every area of my life - no matter how mundane the task may be. I pray that in all things and at all times I would seek to glorify You. In Jesus' name, AMEN.”
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freebiblestudies · 8 months
Line Upon Line Lesson 027: Blessing and Deceit
Genesis 27:41 - So Esau hated Jacob because of the blessing with which his father blessed him, and Esau said in his heart, “The days of mourning for my father are at hand; then I will kill my brother Jacob.”
Why was Esau so intent on obtaining Isaac’s blessing?  Why did his mother Rebekah encourage him to obtain it using deceitful means?  What was so significant about this blessing that Esau was seeking to kill Jacob for stealing from him?
Let’s read together Genesis 25:24-28.
Isaac and Rebekah had fraternal twins - Esau and Jacob.  Isaac favored Esau and Rebekah favored Jacob as the two grew up.  Isaac and Rebekah should have loved their children equally.  Their favoritism played a role into the eventual strife between Esau and Jacob.
Let’s read together Genesis 17:18-21; Genesis 21:8-14; Numbers 3:12-13; and Deuteronomy 21:15-17.
God established a divine birthright after making a covenant with Abraham.  Isaac was designated the son of promise, even though Ishmael was technically Abraham’s firstborn son.
The firstborn son was given a double portion of his father’s inheritance.  The firstborn also was given the responsibility of the priesthood for the family.
Let’s read together Genesis 25:23, 29-34; Genesis 26:34-35; Galatians 5:16-21; and Hebrews 12:15-17.
If the birthright was so important, why did Esau sell it to Jacob for a pot of stew?  Esau lived for the here and now.  It seems he would rather gratify his flesh immediately then dwell upon spiritual things.  
Esau would not die if he skipped a meal.  Yet he saw his birthright as less valuable than a bowl of stew.
Esau’s lack of spirituality is further evident when you examine who he chose to marry.  Esau married two Hittite women, causing grief to his parents. 
Why did Jacob take advantage of Esau in this situation?  Rebekah remembered the prophecy God gave her before her children were born.  She was intent on making sure Jacob obtained that birthright by any means necessary.  She must have influenced Jacob to desire Esau’s birthright.
Let’s read together Obadiah 1:10-11 and 1 John 3:15.
Esau was only interested in the temporal benefits of Isaac’s blessing.  This is why he wanted to kill his brother.  The priesthood had no value for him.
Let read together Psalm 27:14; Psalm 37:34; and Isaiah 41:30.
Jacob’s deceitful actions had consequences.  He had to run away from home to flee his brother’s wrath.  Little did he know, Jacob would never see his mother again.  Jacob should have waited on God instead of taking matters into his own hands.
May we learn from the mistakes of Esau and Jacob.
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childofchrist1983 · 1 year
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God be merciful unto us, and bless us; and cause his face to shine upon us; Selah. That thy way may be known upon earth, thy saving health among all nations. Let the people praise thee, O God; let all the people praise thee. O let the nations be glad and sing for joy: for thou shalt judge the people righteously, and govern the nations upon earth. Selah. - Psalm 67:1-4 KJV
Sunday - The perfect day to give thanks and praise to God for all the blessings He has given us. This psalm calls out to us to raise our voices in praise to God and to share our joy with others. As Christians and spiritually reborn Christians, we have been gifted with eternal salvation through the grace of God. We can live our lives knowing that Jesus Christ has conquered sin and death. We have assurance that we can be forgiven for all the times we have sinned. We know that God is just and judges us by our faithfulness to Him. We can rejoice in the knowledge of God and trust that He will always be there for us and waiting for us to return to Him whenever we have walked away.
Take a little time today to think about all the blessings you have been given by God: A loving family, good friends, good health, a roof over your head, fresh food and water on the table and just the breath of life and another day in general. As I praise God and thank Him for His goodness to me before I go to sleep tonight, I invite you to do the same with your list. Praise Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for all that He has done for us and for all of His children. May we always try to appreciate the blessings He has given us and to use the gifts we have been given by Him to serve Him and be a benefit to others.
Let us seek Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ today and everyday with all our heart and being, looking for His love, light and will for our lives with each step we take. Let us seek to please Him with our thoughts, words, and deeds and seek to advance His Kingdom of Heaven and His glory with our lives. Let us seek Him from a pure and humble heart, and when we so seek, we believe Him and His promise that we will find. May He help us all to be more sensitive to the teaching ministry of His Holy Word and Spirit, relying on Him and allowing Him to speak to us and guide us every step of our Christian journey.
God gave us the Holy Bible - His living and Holy Word - to let us know of Him and His abiding love and care as well as guide and prepare us for all our lives. May He help us encourage one another as we continue our walk with Him and our duty to Him daily. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for being present for all our new beginnings and all our lives. May He redirect any anxiety we feel as He provides countless opportunities for growth and change. May we humble ourselves before God always, asking Him to forgive our sins and make our hearts and lives anew through His Holy Word and Spirit. May He help us make Him and His Holy Word top priority, so we can grow spiritually and grow in our relationship with Him as we apply it to our daily lives. Thank God that we can focus on Him and everything about Him, for that is what keeps us sane and at peace. May our words and actions always be a reflection of Him and His Holy Word and Spirit and will.
Everyday, we must remember to thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for the grace that He poured out for us on the cross at Calvary. He has freed us from the burdens of sin and guilt. May He help us to always walk in His grace and Holy Spirit, not by our own measure. May He give us the humble humility to know that our freedom and eternal salvation is found only in Him, so that His grace may sustain us, and we may never lose sight of His love and light and mercy. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for calling us to Him and to serve Him. May He equip us to do all that He has called us to do so that as He works through us, He may use us to produce fruit, to reach others, and to encourage all brothers and sisters in Christ. May He work all of these things in us and through us for His Kingdom and His glory. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for all His creation, for His miraculous ways and for everything He does and has done for us! Keep the faith and keep moving forward in your walk with Jesus! He loves us and He knows what is best for us. Seek, follow and trust in Him - Always!
Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for His Holy Word and for sending His Holy Spirit so that we might have His grace, not only to awaken us and transform our hearts in our spiritual rebirth and guarantee our eternity with Him, but to also call upon Him whenever we are in need. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for all the reminders of His love and mercy and faithfulness within His Holy Word. He is bigger than any challenge or circumstance in our lives. Knowing this within our minds and our hearts, nothing can deter our faith in Him and His Truth. May we all accept Him and His eternal gift of salvation and ask that He would transform our hearts and lives according to His will and ways. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for His Holy Spirit who saves, seals and leads us. May we always thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for His almighty power and saving grace. For He is our strength, and He alone is able to save us, forgive our sins and gift us eternal salvation and entry into His Kingdom of Heaven.
May we make sure that we give our hearts and lives to God and take time to seek and praise Him and share His Truth with the world daily. May the LORD our God and Father in Heaven help us to stay diligent and obedient and help us to guard our hearts in Him and His Holy Word daily. May He help us to remain faithful and full of excitement to do our duty to Him and for His glorious return and our reunion in Heaven as well as all that awaits us there. May we never forget to thank the LORD our God and our Creator and Father in Heaven for all this and everything He does and has done for us! May we never forget who He is, nor forget who we are in Christ and that God is always with us! What a mighty God we serve! What a Savior this is! What a wonderful LORD, God, Savior and King we have in Jesus Christ! What a loving Father we have found in Almighty God! What a wonderful God we serve! His will be done!
Thanks and glory be to God! Blessed be the name of the LORD! Hallelujah and Amen!
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bonbonbunny · 2 years
Ooh, just finished reading A Psalm for the Wild-Built, the first of two books in the Monk & Robot series.  I first posted about being excited to read it in this post, where I summarized my understanding of the story based on the blurb.
But, it's a very short book, and I kept waiting for the part where the monk and the robot go and do the thing the blurb described (traveling together, learning what kinds of things humans still need help with in a utopian world where all of their needs are already met).  But I guess those are the events of the second book? 😅  Because the ENTIRE first book just introduces the monk, then the monk & robot meet one another, and then the robot helps the monk get over their personal hang-ups.
And honestly, the robot is the more monk-like character between the two of them.  It is always the robot that points out the Meaning or the Lesson of their conversation, while the monk is a little bewildered by the fact that they never thought of that before. 😆  But I guess that's true in many cases in real life, where you can ponder over something forever and then someone from the outside points out something obvious and you're just like “oh.” 😆😆 It definitely happens.
I would highly recommend this book to anyone with a growing interest in solarpunk or utopian sci fi.  It is a very gentle, cozy read, with many beautiful descriptions of nature and a peaceful, balanced way of life for all of society.  The crux of the story and its spiritual insights are basically like, Buddhism 101.  If you're already familiar with even the tiniest sliver of the concept of mindfulness (the concept of simply being where you are and who you are and what you are, accepting what is in the present moment and not needing anything beyond that), then you'll be wondering how in the world it takes A MONK 150 pages to realize what's taught on like, page 2 of any mindfulness/Buddhism/meditation guide. 😅😆
I mean, it's a good lesson!  MOST people would benefit from learning it.  I don't mean to make light of it.  But I did raise my eyebrows a bit when the protagonist says that they'd ask their congregation and their family and their community these questions about purpose, meaning, etc. and apparently NO ONE suggested, “you are already inherently wonderful just as you are,” like a normal spiritual leader of this type of denomination would.  So if that's a message you'd like to read about (or have never learned elsewhere), then A Psalm for the Wild-Built is the book for you! 🤗
Now to hold out for the second book~
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cherished-life · 1 year
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READ: Psalm 119:33-40 (KJV)
When all man desires from God is a spiritual uplift that would make him abandon worldly pursuits and seek His kingdom and righteousness, he begins to attract the riches of Christ. This is the state in which the writer of our text found himself.
Inspired by this gracious teaching, the psalmist backs away from the world and, line by line, in his prayer, only asks our heavenly Father, “Teach me, O LORD, the way of thy statutes; and I shall keep it unto the end. Give me understanding, and I shall keep thy law; yea, I shall observe it with my whole heart”. There is no quest for the carnal as he is cognisant of the supremacy of the spiritual in the affairs of humanity.
Our prayers reflect where we stand in the kingdom of God. If we storm His throne with pleas for only butter and bread, and ironically with scant interest in necessary food for our souls, we are not passing the right signals as believers. If we pray back-to-sender supplications asking God to kill our so-called enemies, we are not being faithful followers of Christ. Our communion with God in prayer reveals the state of our spirit, whether it is quickened or one that is slumbering and insensitive to the spiritual.
Among a race in West Africa, there is a proverb which describes God as the King with the limitless capacity to listen to a cacophony of petitions from all over the universe all at once. That cannot be disputed but this caveat must be added: He also has the monumental ability to sift what reaches His realm. He only grants answers to pleas in accordance with His will and for our spiritual growth and eternal benefit.
Our prayers reflect our perception of and commitment to God's kingdom.
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The Anger Of God
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In Psalm 2, the Psalmist said the nations were angry. And their anger was directed straight toward God. According to the rest of the verse, it was a waste of their time. Why are the nations so angry? Why do they waste their time with futile plans?  Psalm 2:1 Those living during the days of the Old Covenant usually knew where they stood with God. Israel especially knew because they were God’s chosen people. Many nations feared the God of Israel because of how He delivered the Israelites out of bondage from Egypt. In fact, many of those ungodly nations no longer exist today. If we were under the Old Covenant today, how would the United States fare? Its forefathers founded this country as one nation under God. But today it not only serves many gods but is self-serving as well. We have become a nation that in God’s eyes is spiritually lukewarm like the church in Laodicea. But since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth! Revelation 3:16 The writer of Psalm 2 gave a word of encouragement to the nations. He then followed it up with a warning. Now then, you kings, act wisely! Be warned, you rulers of the earth! Psalm 2:10
Benefits of the New Covenant
Of course, the benefits of living under the New Covenant far outweigh the old one. In the Old Covenant, Israel was the only nation that had any fellowship with God. In the new one, everyone has access to get into heaven. Jesus made this possible when He died on the cross. Why? Because He fulfilled the Old Testament law. Thus God opened the way for all to accept what Jesus accomplished when He conquered sin and death. When we accept Christ, the Bible tells us that by grace we are saved. Therefore because of the patience of God, He has laid aside His anger until the very end. Instead of punishment, God has made a way for us to grow closer to Him. Because of God’s grace and mercy He also sent us His Spirit. The Holy Spirit comforts and helps us by His power and guidance.
Grace and Mercy from God instead of His Anger
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Grace and mercy are wonderful attributes that God has offered to the world in these last days. Sadly it can also be the downfall for many people. There are those today living lives of sin and immorality without suffering any consequences. They believe since God doesn’t stop them, then He accepts their lifestyle. Let me assure you that God's wrath is still active as it was in the Old Testament. Only for us while living on this earth, God focuses more on His grace than on His anger. In eternity, however, the grace and mercy of God, and even His anger are put aside. He’ll replace them with His justice. Those who thought their sinful lives were acceptable to God and those who rejected Jesus, must look out. They will experience the wrath of God forever. The same warning the Psalmist gave to the rulers of the nations also applies to everyone else as well. Serve the Lord with reverent fear, and rejoice with trembling. Psalm 2:11
The Remedy for Sin
God won’t tolerate sin and will not allow it to pass through the pearly gates of heaven. The psalmist revealed that the only remedy for sin came from God Himself. Submit to God’s royal son, or he will become angry, and you will be destroyed in the midst of all your activities— for his anger flares up in an instant. Psalm 2:12 If you want to move past the anger of God then submit to God’s royal son, Jesus. When you submit to God’s royal son then you and God will experience joy.   But what joy for all who take refuge in him! Psalm 2:12 Lord, thank you for your grace and mercy, help us to effectively share your goodness with others. We know your anger God is real and your justice is eternal. Check out this related post on the anger of God called Are You One Who Has Aroused God’s Anger Lately? Read the full article
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Who Has Known or Understood the Mind of the Lord?
6 Yet when we are among the full-grown (spiritually mature Christians who are ripe in understanding), we do impart a [higher] wisdom (the knowledge of the divine plan previously hidden); but it is indeed not a wisdom of this present age or of this world nor of the leaders and rulers of this age, who are being brought to nothing and are doomed to pass away.
7 But rather what we are setting forth is a wisdom of God once hidden [from the human understanding] and now revealed to us by God—[that wisdom] which God devised and decreed before the ages for our glorification [to lift us into the glory of His presence].
8 None of the rulers of this age or world perceived and recognized and understood this, for if they had, they would never have crucified the Lord of glory.
9 But, on the contrary, as the Scripture says, What eye has not seen and ear has not heard and has not entered into the heart of man, [all that] God has prepared (made and keeps ready) for those who love Him [who hold Him in affectionate reverence, promptly obeying Him and gratefully recognizing the benefits He has bestowed].
10 Yet to us God has unveiled and revealed them by and through His Spirit, for the [Holy] Spirit searches diligently, exploring and examining everything, even sounding the profound and bottomless things of God [the divine counsels and things hidden and beyond man’s scrutiny].
11 For what person perceives (knows and understands) what passes through a man’s thoughts except the man’s own spirit within him? Just so no one discerns (comes to know and comprehend) the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.
12 Now we have not received the spirit [that belongs to] the world, but the [Holy] Spirit Who is from God, [given to us] that we might realize and comprehend and appreciate the gifts [of divine favor and blessing so freely and lavishly] bestowed on us by God.
13 And we are setting these truths forth in words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the [Holy] Spirit, combining and interpreting spiritual truths with spiritual language [to those who possess the Holy Spirit].
14 But the natural, nonspiritual man does not accept or welcome or admit into his heart the gifts and teachings and revelations of the Spirit of God, for they are folly (meaningless nonsense) to him; and he is incapable of knowing them [of progressively recognizing, understanding, and becoming better acquainted with them] because they are spiritually discerned and estimated and appreciated.
15 But the spiritual man tries all things [he examines, investigates, inquires into, questions, and discerns all things], yet is himself to be put on trial and judged by no one [he can read the meaning of everything, but no one can properly discern or appraise or get an insight into him].
16 For who has known or understood the mind (the counsels and purposes) of the Lord so as to guide and instruct Him and give Him knowledge? But we have the mind of Christ (the Messiah) and do hold the thoughts (feelings and purposes) of His heart. — 1 Corinthians 2:6-16 | Amplified Bible Classic Edition (AMPC) Amplified Bible, Classic Edition Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation. Cross References: Job 15:8; Psalm 24:7; Psalm 146:4; Proverbs 20:27; Proverbs 28:5; Isaiah 64:4; Isaiah 65:17; Matthew 11:25; Matthew 13:11; Matthew 13:22; John 14:17; John 15:15; Acts 7:2; Romans 8:15; Romans 8:29-30; Romans 11:25; Romans 11:34; 1 Corinthians 1:17-18; 1 Corinthians 1:27; 1 Corinthians 2:1; 1 Corinthians 3:1; 1 John 2:20
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orthodoxadventure · 5 months
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5th Sunday of Great Lent: St Mary of Egypt
Commemorated on April 21
In you, O Mother, was preserved with exactness what was according to the image; for you took up the Cross and followed Christ. By so doing, you taught us to disregard the flesh, for it passes away; but to care for the soul, since it is immortal. Therefore, O Venerable Mary, your spirit rejoices with the Angels.
Saint Zosimas (April 4) was a monk at a certain Palestinian monastery on the outskirts of Caesarea. Having dwelt at the monastery since his childhood, he lived there in asceticism until he reached the age of fifty-three. Then he was disturbed by the thought that he had attained perfection, and needed no one to instruct him. “Is there a monk anywhere who can show me some form of asceticism that I have not attained? Is there anyone who has surpassed me in spiritual sobriety and deeds?”
Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared to him and said, “Zosimas, you have struggled valiantly, as far as this is in the power of man. However, there is no one who is righteous (Rom 3:10). So that you may know how many other ways lead to salvation, leave your native land, like Abraham from the house of his father (Gen 12:1), and go to the monastery by the Jordan.”
Abba Zosimas immediately left the monastery, and following the angel, he went to the Jordan monastery and settled in it.
Here he met Elders who were adept in contemplation, and also in their struggles. Never did anyone utter an idle word. Instead, they sang constantly, and prayed all night long. Abba Zosimas began to imitate the spiritual activity of the holy monks.
Thus much time passed, and the holy Forty Day Fast approached. There was a certain custom at the monastery, which was why God had led Saint Zosimas there. On the First Sunday of Great Lent the igumen served the Divine Liturgy, everyone received the All-Pure Body and Blood of Christ. Afterwards, they went to the trapeza for a small repast, and then assembled once more in church.
The monks prayed and made prostrations, asking forgiveness one of another. Then they made a prostration before the igumen and asked his blessing for the struggle that lay before them. During the Psalm “The Lord is my Light and my Savior, whom shall I fear? The Lord is defender of my life, of whom shall I be afraid?” (Ps 26/27:1), they opened the monastery gate and went off into the wilderness.
Each took with him as much food as he needed, and went into the desert. When their food ran out, they ate roots and desert plants. The monks crossed the Jordan and scattered in various directions, so that no one might see how another fasted or how they spent their time.
The monks returned to the monastery on Palm Sunday, each having his own conscience as a witness of his ascetic struggles. It was a rule of the monastery that no one asked how anyone else had toiled in the desert.
Abba Zosimas, according to the custom of the monastery, went deep into the desert hoping to find someone living there who could benefit him.
He walked into the wilderness for twenty days and then, when he sang the Psalms of the Sixth Hour and made the usual prayers. Suddenly, to the right of the hill where he stood, he saw a human form. He was afraid, thinking that it might be a demonic apparition. Then he guarded himself with the Sign of the Cross, which removed his fear. He turned to the right and saw a form walking southward. The body was black from the blazing sunlight, and the faded short hair was white like a sheep’s fleece. Abba Zosimas rejoiced, since he had not seen any living thing for many days.
The desert-dweller saw Zosimas approaching, and attempted to flee from him. Abba Zosimas, forgetting his age and fatigue, quickened his pace. When he was close enough to be heard, he called out, “Why do you flee from me, a sinful old man? Wait for me, for the love of God.”
The stranger said to him, “Forgive me, Abba Zosimas, but I cannot turn and show my face to you. I am a woman, and as you see, I am naked. If you would grant the request of a sinful woman, throw me your cloak so I might cover my body, and then I can ask for your blessing.”
Then Abba Zosimas was terrified, realizing that she could not have called him by name unless she possessed spiritual insight.
Covered by the cloak, the ascetic turned to Zosimas: “Why do you want to speak with me, a sinful woman? What did you wish to learn from me, you who have not shrunk from such great labors?”
Abba Zosimas fell to the ground and asked for her blessing. She also bowed down before him, and for a long time they remained on the ground each asking the other to bless. Finally, the woman ascetic said: “Abba Zosimas, you must bless and pray, since you are honored with the grace of the priesthood. For many years you have stood before the holy altar, offering the Holy Gifts to the Lord.”
These words frightened Saint Zosimas even more. With tears he said to her, “O Mother! It is clear that you live with God and are dead to this world. You have called me by name and recognized me as a priest, though you have never seen me before. The grace granted you is apparent, therefore bless me, for the Lord’s sake.”
Yielding finally to his entreaties, she said, “Blessed is God, Who cares for the salvation of men.” Abba Zosimas replied, “Amen.” Then they rose to their feet. The woman ascetic again said to the Elder, “Why have you come, Father, to me who am a sinner, bereft of every virtue? Apparently, the grace of the Holy Spirit has brought you to do me a service. But tell me first, Abba, how do the Christians live, how is the Church guided?”
Abba Zosimas answered her, “By your holy prayers God has granted the Church and us all a lasting peace. But fulfill my unworthy request, Mother, and pray for the whole world and for me a sinner, that my wanderings in the desert may not be useless.”
The holy ascetic replied, “You, Abba Zosimas, as a priest, ought to pray for me and for all, for you are called to do this. However, since we must be obedient, I will do as you ask.
The saint turned toward the East, and raising her eyes to heaven and stretching out her hands, she began to pray in a whisper. She prayed so softly that Abba Zosimas could not hear her words. After a long time, the Elder looked up and saw her standing in the air more than a foot above the ground. Seeing this, Zosimas threw himself down on the ground, weeping and repeating, “Lord, have mercy!”
Then he was tempted by a thought. He wondered if she might not be a spirit, and if her prayer could be insincere. At that moment she turned around, lifted him from the ground and said, “Why do your thoughts confuse you, Abba Zosimas? I am not an apparition. I am a sinful and unworthy woman, though I am guarded by holy Baptism.”
Then she made the Sign of the Cross and said, “May God protect us from the Evil One and his schemes, for fierce is his struggle against us.” Seeing and hearing this, the Elder fell at her feet with tears saying, “I beseech you by Christ our God, do not conceal from me who you are and how you came into this desert. Tell me everything, so that the wondrous works of God may be revealed.”
She replied, “It distresses me, Father, to speak to you about my shameless life. When you hear my story, you might flee from me, as if from a poisonous snake. But I shall tell you everything, Father, concealing nothing. However, I exhort you, cease not to pray for me a sinner, that I may find mercy on the Day of Judgment.
“I was born in Egypt and when I was twelve years old, I left my parents and went to Alexandria. There I lost my chastity and gave myself to unrestrained and insatiable sensuality. For more than seventeen years I lived like that and I did it all for free. Do not think that I refused the money because I was rich. I lived in poverty and worked at spinning flax. To me, life consisted in the satisfaction of my fleshly lust.
“One summer I saw a crowd of people from Libya and Egypt heading toward the sea. They were on their way to Jerusalem for the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. I also wanted to sail with them. Since I had no food or money, I offered my body in payment for my passage. And so I embarked on the ship.
“Now, Father, believe me, I am very amazed, that the sea tolerated my wantonness and fornication, that the earth did not open up its mouth and take me down alive into hell, because I had ensnared so many souls. I think that God was seeking my repentance. He did not desire the death of a sinner, but awaited my conversion.
“So I arrived in Jerusalem and spent all the days before the Feast living the same sort of life, and maybe even worse.
“When the holy Feast of the Exaltation of the Venerable Cross of the Lord arrived, I went about as before, looking for young men. At daybreak I saw that everyone was heading to the church, so I went along with the rest. When the hour of the Holy Elevation drew nigh, I was trying to enter into the church with all the people. With great effort I came almost to the doors, and attempted to squeeze inside. Although I stepped up to the threshold, it was as though some force held me back, preventing me from entering. I was brushed aside by the crowd, and found myself standing alone on the porch. I thought that perhaps this happened because of my womanly weakness. I worked my way into the crowd, and again I attempted to elbow people aside. However hard I tried, I could not enter. Just as my feet touched the church threshold, I was stopped. Others entered the church without difficulty, while I alone was not allowed in. This happened three or four times. Finally my strength was exhausted. I went off and stood in a corner of the church portico.
“Then I realized that it was my sins that prevented me from seeing the Life-Creating Wood. The grace of the Lord then touched my heart. I wept and lamented, and I began to beat my breast. Sighing from the depths of my heart, I saw above me an icon of the Most Holy Theotokos. Turning to Her, I prayed: “O Lady Virgin, who gave birth in the flesh to God the Word! I know that I am unworthy to look upon your icon. I rightly inspire hatred and disgust before your purity, but I know also that God became Man in order to call sinners to repentance. Help me, O All-Pure One. Let me enter the church. Allow me to behold the Wood upon which the Lord was crucified in the flesh, shedding His Blood for the redemption of sinners, and also for me. Be my witness before Your Son that I will never defile my body again with the impurity of fornication. As soon as I have seen the Cross of your Son, I will renounce the world, and go wherever you lead me.”
“After I had spoken, I felt confidence in the compassion of the Mother of God, and left the spot where I had been praying. I joined those entering the church, and no one pushed me back or prevented me from entering. I went on in fear and trembling, and entered the holy place.
“Thus I also saw the Mysteries of God, and how God accepts the penitant. I fell to the holy ground and kissed it. Then I hastened again to stand before the icon of the Mother of God, where I had given my vow. Bending my knees before the Virgin Theotokos, I prayed:
“‘O Lady, you have not rejected my prayer as unworthy. Glory be to God, Who accepts the repentance of sinners. It is time for me to fulfill my vow, which you witnessed. Therefore, O Lady, guide me on the path of repentance.’”
“Then I heard a voice from on high: ‘If you cross the Jordan, you will find glorious rest.’
“I immediately believed that this voice was meant for me, and I cried out to the Mother of God: ‘O Lady, do not forsake me!’
“Then I left the church portico and started on my journey. A certain man gave me three coins as I was leaving the church. With them I bought three loaves of bread, and asked the bread merchant the way to the Jordan.
“It was nine o’clock when I saw the Cross. At sunset I reached the church of Saint John the Baptist on the banks of the Jordan. After praying in the church, I went down to the Jordan and washed my face and hands in its water. Then in this same temple of Saint John the Forerunner I received the Life-Creating Mysteries of Christ. Then I ate half of one of my loaves of bread, drank water from the holy Jordan, and slept there that night on the ground. In the morning I found a small boat and crossed the river to the opposite shore. Again I prayed that the Mother of God would lead me where She wished. Then I found myself in this desert.”
Abba Zosimas asked her, “How many years have passed since you began to live in the desert?”
“‘I think,” she replied, “it is forty-seven years since I came from the Holy City.”
Abba Zosimas again asked, “What food do you find here, Mother?”
And she said, “I had with me two and a half loaves of bread when I crossed the Jordan. Soon they dried out and hardened Eating a little at a time, I finished them after a few years.”
Again Abba Zosimas asked, “Is it possible you have survived for so many years without sickness, and without suffering in any way from such a complete change?”
“Believe me, Abba Zosimas,” the woman said, “I spent seventeen years in this wilderness (after she had spent seventeen years in immorality), fighting wild beasts: mad desires and passions. When I began to eat bread, I thought of the meat and fish which I had in abundance in Egypt. I also missed the wine that I loved so much when I was in the world, while here I did not even have water. I suffered from thirst and hunger. I also had a mad desire for lewd songs. I seemed to hear them, disturbing my heart and my hearing. Weeping and striking myself on the breast, I remembered the vow I had made. At last I beheld a radiant Light shining on me from everywhere. After a violent tempest, a lasting calm ensued.
“Abba, how shall I tell you of the thoughts that urged me on to fornication? A fire seemed to burn within me, awakening in me the desire for embraces. Then I would throw myself to the ground and water it with my tears. I seemed to see the Most Holy Virgin before me, and She seemed to threaten me for not keeping my vow. I lay face downward day and night upon the ground, and would not get up until that blessed Light encircled me, dispelling the evil thoughts that troubled me.
“Thus I lived in this wilderness for the first seventeen years. Darkness after darkness, misery after misery stood about me, a sinner. But from that time until now the Mother of God helps me in everything.”
Abba Zosimas again inquired, “How is it that you require neither food, nor clothing?”
She answered, “After finishing my bread, I lived on herbs and the things one finds in the desert. The clothes I had when I crossed over the Jordan became torn and fell apart. I suffered both from the summer heat, when the blazing heat fell upon me, and from the winter cold, when I shivered from the frost. Many times I fell down upon the earth, as though dead. I struggled with various afflictions and temptations. But from that time until the present day, the power of God has guarded my sinful soul and humble body. I was fed and clothed by the all-powerful word of God, since man does not live by bread alone, but by every word proceeding from the mouth of God (Dt 8:3, Mt.4:4, Luke 4:4), and those who have put off the old man (Col 3:9) have no refuge, hiding themselves in the clefts of the rocks (Job 24:8, Heb 11:38). When I remember from what evil and from what sins the Lord delivered me, I have imperishible food for salvation.”
When Abba Zosimas heard that the holy ascetic quoted the Holy Scripture from memory, from the Books of Moses and Job and from the Psalms of David, he then asked the woman, “Mother, have you read the Psalms and other books?”
She smiled at hearing this question, and answered, “Believe me, I have seen no human face but yours from the time that I crossed over the Jordan. I never learned from books. I have never heard anyone read or sing from them. Perhaps the Word of God, which is alive and acting, teaches man knowledge by itself (Col 3:16, 1 Thess 2:13). This is the end of my story. As I asked when I began, I beg you for the sake of the Incarnate Word of God, holy Abba, pray for me, a sinner.
“Furthermore, I beg you, for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, tell no one what you have heard from me, until God takes me from this earth. Next year, during Great Lent, do not cross the Jordan, as is the custom of your monastery.”
Again Abba Zosimas was amazed, that the practice of his monastery was known to the holy woman ascetic, although he had not said anything to her about this.
“Remain at the monastery,” the woman continued. “Even if you try to leave the monastery, you will not be able to do so. On Great and Holy Thursday, the day of the Lord’s Last Supper, place the Life-Creating Body and Blood of Christ our God in a holy vessel, and bring it to me. Await me on this side of the Jordan, at the edge of the desert, so that I may receive the Holy Mysteries. And say to Abba John, the igumen of your community, ‘Look to yourself and your brothers’ (1 Tim 4:16), for there is much that needs correction. Do not say this to him now, but when the Lord shall indicate.”
Asking for his prayers, the woman turned and vanished into the depths of the desert.
For a whole year Elder Zosimas remained silent, not daring to reveal to anyone what he had seen, and he prayed that the Lord would grant him to see the holy ascetic once more.
When the first week of Great Lent came again, Saint Zosimas was obliged to remain at the monastery because of sickness. Then he remembered the woman’s prophetic words that he would not be able to leave the monastery. After several days went by, Saint Zosimas was healed of his infirmity, but he remained at the monastery until Holy Week.
On Holy Thursday, Abba Zosimas did what he had been ordered to do. He placed some of the Body and Blood of Christ into a chalice, and some food in a small basket. Then he left the monastery and went to the Jordan and waited for the ascetic. The saint seemed tardy, and Abba Zosimas prayed that God would permit him to see the holy woman.
Finally, he saw her standing on the far side of the river. Rejoicing, Saint Zosimas got up and glorified God. Then he wondered how she could cross the Jordan without a boat. She made the Sign of the Cross over the water, then she walked on the water and crossed the Jordan. Abba Zosimas saw her in the moonlight, walking toward him. When the Elder wanted to make prostration before her, she forbade him, crying out, “What are you doing, Abba? You are a priest and you carry the Holy Mysteries of God.”
Reaching the shore, she said to Abba Zosimas, “Bless me, Father.” He answered her with trembling, astonished at what he had seen. “Truly God did not lie when he promised that those who purify themselves will be like Him. Glory to You, O Christ our God, for showing me through your holy servant, how far I am from perfection.”
The woman asked him to recite both the Creed and the “Our Father.” When the prayers were finished, she partook of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. Then she raised her hands to the heavens and said, “Lord, now let Your servant depart in peace, for my eyes have seen Your salvation.”
The saint turned to the Elder and said, “Please, Abba, fulfill another request. Go now to your monastery, and in a year’s time come to the place where we first time spoke.”
He said, “If only it were possible for me to follow you and always see your holy face!”
She replied, “For the Lord’s sake, pray for me and remember my wrechedness.”
Again she made the Sign of the Cross over the Jordan, and walked over the water as before, and disappeared into the desert. Zosimas returned to the monastery with joy and terror, reproaching himself because he had not asked the saint’s name. He hoped to do so the following year.
A year passed, and Abba Zosimas went into the desert. He reached the place where he first saw the holy woman ascetic. She lay dead, with arms folded on her bosom, and her face was turned to the east. Abba Zosimas washed her feet with his tears and kissed them, not daring to touch anything else. For a long while he wept over her and sang the customary Psalms, and said the funeral prayers. He began to wonder whether the saint would want him to bury her or not. Hardly had he thought this, when he saw something written on the ground near her head: “Abba Zosimas, bury on this spot the body of humble Mary. Return to dust what is dust. Pray to the Lord for me. I reposed on the first day of April, on the very night of the saving Passion of Christ, after partaking of the Mystical Supper.”
Reading this note, Abba Zosimas was glad to learn her name. He then realized that Saint Mary, after receiving the Holy Mysteries from his hand, was transported instantaneously to the place where she died, though it had taken him twenty days to travel that distance.
Glorifying God, Abba Zosimas said to himself, “It is time to do what she asks. But how can I dig a grave, with nothing in my hands?” Then he saw a small piece of wood left by some traveler. He picked it up and began to dig. The ground was hard and dry, and he could not dig it. Looking up, Abba Zosimas saw an enormous lion standing by the saint’s body and licking her feet. Fear gripped the Elder, but he guarded himself with the Sign of the Cross, believing that he would remain unharmed through the prayers of the holy woman ascetic. Then the lion came close to the Elder, showing its friendliness with every movement. Abba Zosimas commanded the lion to dig the grave, in order to bury Saint Mary’s body. At his words, the lion dug a hole deep enough to bury the body. Then each went his own way. The lion went into the desert, and Abba Zosimas returned to the monastery, blessing and praising Christ our God.
Arriving at the monastery, Abba Zosimas related to the monks and the igumen, what he had seen and heard from Saint Mary. All were astonished, hearing about the miracles of God. They always remembered Saint Mary with faith and love on the day of her repose.
Abba John, the igumen of the monastery, heeded the words of Saint Mary, and with the help of God corrected the things that were wrong at the monastery. Abba Zosimas lived a God-pleasing life at the monastery, reaching nearly a hundred years of age. There he finished his temporal life, and passed into life eternal.
The monks passed on the life of Saint Mary of Egypt by word of mouth without writing it down.
“I however,” says Saint Sophronius of Jerusalem (March 11), “wrote down the Life of Saint Mary of Egypt as I heard it from the holy Fathers. I have recorded everything, putting the truth above all else.”
“May God, Who works great miracles and bestows gifts on all who turn to Him in faith, reward those who hear or read this account, and those who copy it. May he grant them a blessed portion together with Saint Mary of Egypt and with all the saints who have pleased God by their pious thoughts and works. Let us give glory to God, the Eternal King, that we may find mercy on the Day of Judgment through our Lord Jesus Christ, to Whom is due all glory, honor, majesty and worship together with the Unoriginate Father, and the Most Holy and Life-Creating Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.”
[Text from OCA]
Having been a sinful woman, you became a Bride of Christ through repentance. Having attained the angelic life, you defeated demons by the weapon of the Cross; therefore, O most glorious Mary you are a Bride of the Kingdom.
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jdgo51 · 19 days
Perseverance in Prayer
"To find God’s peace and joy, determine to trust Him—no matter how He answers your requests."
August 21, 2024
Romans 12:10-13
"Are you satisfied with your prayer life? Yesterday, we began looking at obstacles to vibrant communication with the Lord. Today, let’s explore one more hindrance: impatience.
Most of us have at some point brought fervent supplication to Jesus but did not see the desired results. We must remember that God isn’t at our beck and call like some cosmic bellhop. But it’s encouraging to realize that if we could see the big picture as He can, we’d gladly wait for His way and timing.
The truth is, we benefit by not receiving all that we request. To understand this concept is a sign of spiritual maturity. When we are thoroughly satisfied with the Lord’s presence (Psalm 16:11), our relationship with Him will flourish, even when we don’t get everything we ask for. When that’s the case, we grasp what prayer is—not a long list of wants but regular communication in a relationship.
Barriers can develop if we persistently cry out to God and nothing changes. But by continuing to pray, we’ll sense God’s presence and will find peace, joy, and awesome glimpses of His glory. This will be completely satisfying, even if He never gives exactly what was requested."
Bible in One Year
Jeremiah 41-45
Intouch Ministries-2024
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theprayerfulword · 1 month
August 14
Psalm 139:7 The psalmist wrote, “Where can I go from Your spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence?”
Galatians 5:25 If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit.
Romans 4:21 And being fully persuaded that, what He had promised, He was able also to perform.
Isaiah 26:3 You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.
2 Samuel 22:31 As for God, His way is perfect; the word of the Lord is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him.
Psalm 31:19 Oh, how great is Your goodness, which You have laid up for those who fear You, which You have prepared for those who trust in You in the presence of the sons of men!
May you not grieve or weep when you hear the Word of the Lord and understand the meaning of it, but let the joy of the Lord be your strength. Nehemiah 8
May the Lord find your heart faithful to Him Who keeps His promises to you because He is righteous. Nehemiah 9
May you know that all who sow spiritual seed have a right to receive a material harvest, for if even the ox who treads the grain is not to be muzzled, how much more the servant of God should have the hope of receiving liberally from all who hear and benefit from their ministry? 1 Corinthians 9
Be glad in Me, My child, and rejoice in My work today. Acknowledge Me in all your ways, My love, and let My Word be in your mouth, and My praise upon your lips, wherever you go. What greater testimony can you carry with you to others than that of a present and visible joyous hope in Me, for which you can give an account at any time when someone I bring to you questions you on it? Do you recall when I comforted you in your sorrow and affliction, bearing the weight and lightening the load, speaking words of love and encouragement to your heart? Walk in that joy, My loving one, remaining ready and willing to share the reality of it with one who needs to hear what I can bring to their life, sharing My truth in gentleness and respect. Do you remember how you have been reconciled in your relationships, first with the Father above, through My love and sacrifice and then, as you walked with Me, with one after another of the people from your past? Exult in the knowledge that you have been given right-standing with God above, the faithful Judge, and rejoice in His acceptance of you in Me, for you no longer walk in the fear of retribution and punishment, and are free of the burden of guilt. Your face will be radiant and your step will be light as you dwell on this fact; others, still bound, will notice, and some will ask. Do not be reticent, My filled one, but let My love overflow and spill out, in meekness and tenderness. Rejoice in Me, My special one, as I enwrap you in the garments of salvation that I have prepared for you. Do not be bashful, My darling, but boast in what I have done for you, and proclaim My love with trust in your heart and a song in your mouth. There is no witness more effective than this.
May you put your hope in the Lord even as His unfailing love rests upon you. Psalm 33
May you wait in hope for the Lord, Who is your help and your shield, for you trust in His holy name as your heart rejoices in Him. Psalm 33
May you fear the Lord and hope in His unfailing love, for the eyes of the Lord are on you to deliver you from death and keep you alive in famine. Psalm 33
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dfroza · 24 days
A link to my personal reading of the Scriptures
for the 29th of August 2024 with a paired chapter from each Testament (the First & the New Covenant) of the Bible
[The Letter of 2nd John, Chapter 1 • The Book of Deuteronomy, Chapter 27]
along with Today’s reading from the ancient books of Proverbs and Psalms with Proverbs 29 and Psalm 29 coinciding with the day of the month, accompanied by Psalm 71 for the 71st day of Astronomical Summer, and Psalm 92 for day 242 of the year (with the consummate book of 150 Psalms in its 2nd revolution this year)
A post by John Parsons:
"Think of yourself as dead. You have lived your life. Now take what’s left and live it properly." - Marcus Aurelius (see Col. 3:2-3).
We are instructed to look for small miracles, everyday "signs and wonders..." In the Torah we read: “And you shall bless the LORD your God for the good land he has given you.” (Deut. 8:10), which the sages say implies that whenever we derive benefit or enjoyment from something we are to bless (i.e., thank) God for his goodness. Indeed, Jewish tradition says that if one eats or drinks without saying a blessing, it is as if he has stolen from God. From the verse, “What does the LORD ask of you...” (Deut. 10:12), the sages infer that a person should say at least 100 blessings a day, since the word מה, “what,” alludes to the word מאה, a “hundred.” The Hebrew term for gratitude is hakarat tovah (הַכָּרַת טוֹבָה), a phrase that means "recognizing the good." The heart looks through the eye, and therefore how we see is ultimately a spiritual decision: "If your eye is "single" (i.e., ἁπλοῦς, sincere, focused)," Yeshua said, "your whole body will be filled with light" (Matt. 6:22). When we see rightly, we are awakened to God's Presence in the little things of life, those small miracles and glories that constantly surround us. The good eye of faith sees hundreds of reasons to bless God for the precious gift of life (1 Cor. 10:31). Open your eyes... The LORD is "enthroned among the blessings of His people" (Psalm 22:3).
Addictions, cravings, lusts, etc., arise from a refusal to be satisfied, by hungering for more than the blessing of the present moment. "My people have committed two evils: they have forsaken me, the fountain of living waters, and hewed out cisterns for themselves, broken cisterns that can hold no water" (Jer. 2:13). The living waters are present for us, but we will only find them if we open our hearts to the wonder of God in this moment. We can "break the spell" of continual dissatisfaction, of the power of greed, ambition, and so on, when we discover that our constant hunger is really a cry for God and His blessing. This is the blessed “hunger and thirst” given by the Spirit (Matt. 5:6). Our sense of inner emptiness is an invitation to come to the waters and drink life. So come to God's table and ask the Lord Yeshua to give you the water that will satisfy your heart's true thirst for life...
It is written: “Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him! Oh, fear the LORD, you his saints, for those who fear him have no lack” (Psalm 34:8-9). We can only “taste and see” when we are earnest however, when we seek God with passion... When you pray, lift up your heart and soul to God, asking for the miracle to surrender to Him in the truth. Where it says, "with all your heart" (בְּכָל־לְבָבְךָ), present before him all your passion and desires; your hopes and your needs, your fears and your anger; and where it says, "with all your soul" (וּבְכָל־נַפְשְׁךָ), offer before him your very soul, as if to be sacrificed in his service; and where it says, "with all your muchness" (וּבְכָל־מְאדֶךָ) offer to him all your strength, all your means, and all your dreams. Ask to be filled with the Ruach HaKodesh to be enabled to apprehend the glory of God in the face of the Messiah (בִּפְנֵי הַמָּשִׁיחַ), through whom we are being transformed for the glory of God.
[ Hebrew for Christians ]
Psalm 34:8 reading:
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