#What are the two main types of Psalms?
jesuslivesinyou · 6 months
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Psalm 10: God’s Response to the Wicked Now. Psalm 10 begins on a rather negative note, “Why, O Lord, do you stand far off? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble?” This may seem negative, but it is also a very human reaction. At times, when we face trials and crisis, the Lord does seen to be far off and impersonal. This is especially true when we have to deal with those that reject the Lord. Verses 2 through 11 vividly describe a person who has no thought of the Lord, or his responsibilities to God. “His ways are always prosperous; he is haughty and your laws are far from him; he sneers at all his enemies. He says to himself, ‘Nothing will shake me I’ll always be happy and never have trouble.’ He says to himself, ‘God has forgotten; he covers his face and never sees.’” How many of us know people that reflect that attitude in their lives? When we look at unbelief and the evil actions that come from it, we may wonder why God allows this to happen. Why does He seem to stand off and watch?
Psalm 10: God’s Response to the Wicked Now
Today, it seems like the forces arrayed against the Lord’s people – the Church – are growing stronger. The doomsday prophets see the church in retreat. People challenge the fact that God is involved in the world of man today. “Look at the evil that exists. Look at how unfair things seem to be. Look at the people that seem to be doing just fine that never once thought about God or Jesus Christ.” These statements may be correct. There is a great deal of evil in the world. In fact, considering the nature of the world, it would be surprising if it was otherwise. However, the apparent strength of the opposition to Christ has nothing to do with the reality of God and His authority. What is David’s response to such thoughts? Verse 16 states, “The Lord is King for ever and ever….” Appearances are deceiving. Regardless how the world sees the present order, the Lord is King forever and ever. Simply because people may ignore that truth does not make it less real and true.
Psalm 10: God’s Response to the Wicked Now
One of the reasons why the Lord seems to stand back is His desire that all come to Him, and the Lord will give each person as many chances as possible to accept the offer of salvation. Peter wrote, “But do not forget this one thing, dear friends. With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” God is love, and He does love all people. That is why the offer of salvation is open to all. When we think that God does not seem to care, it may be that he is giving a person another chance to repent. As for us, we know that the Lord is King, and we know that we have an inheritance of eternal life. What can happen to us in this world that will change that? Can it be taken away or destroyed? No. There is nothing in this world that can affect our relationship with the Lord except ourselves. We can reject the offer that has been made; but other than that, our treasure is secure. Yes, as we have to face the day to day problems of life, we may echo the thoughts of David – “Why, O Lord, do you stand far off?” But as we consider the entire picture, we know better.
Psalm 10: God’s Response to the Wicked Now
God doesn’t stand far off. He is right here with us. Yes, we will have to face problems and trials. Yes, we will see injustice and tragedy in the world. God never promised to place us in a vacuum. But as we place our lives in the hands of our Lord, He will strengthen us and guide us to a more Christ-like life. The first verse of Psalm 10 began very negatively, but the last is a message of hope. “You hear, O Lord, the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them, and you listen to their cry, defending the fatherless and the oppressed, in order that man, who is of the earth, may terrify no more.” A final thought concerns verse 6 again. The wicked say, “Nothing will shake me; I’ll always be happy and never have trouble.” We know better. Such people are fooling themselves. Sooner or later, the sharp bite of despair will be felt. The words said with such arrogance in verse 6 are the words of youth and health. Everything in this life will surely pass away. Only the Lord stands forever. Only those that are joined to Him in Jesus Christ can say, “I will never be shaken!” That is a blessing that we need to remember.
Psalm 10: God’s Response to the Wicked Now
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heavenlymorals · 3 months
Biblical References in Both RDR games.
I love biblical references so much. When it comes to literature, it's probably my favorite type of symbolism. Like I genuinely get so happy when I connect things to the Bible which is what I'm going to do right now 😊😊 I also like the way that religion is incorporated into RDR as a whole, including the main characters' reaction to it.
So yup, here are just a few references or connections that I was able to make in no particular order.
Also, some of these are complete reaches and I'm aware of that, but fuck it, it's my blog and I do what I want 💪🏼
- The character and tragedy of Issac. In the Bible, Issac is the child of Abraham who is asked to be sacrificed by God by his father as a test of faith. God eventually intervenes to save Issac because he only wanted to test Abraham's faith. Dutch is shown as a God-like figure to the gang, as their devotion is to him. Arthur, indirectly, sacrifices Issac by not being there and by following what Dutch wanted. Arthur, Issac, and Dutch are parallels to Abraham, Issac, and God.
- Leviticus is the book that comes after the book of Exodus. After the gang's escape or exodus from Blackwater after the Blackwater massacre, they are met by Leviticus Cornwall, who becomes the next obstacle for the gang. After the gang's exodus, they get in trouble with Leviticus.
- The image of the deer and a mountain. Psalm 18:32-34 in the Bible says, "It is God who arms me with strength, and makes my way blameless? He makes my feet like deers' feet, and sets me upon my high places." In Arthur's condemnation of Dutch, Micah, and their evil, he becomes steady in his identity and beliefs, like a deer's feet on a mountain, which is where he dies in the end. W symbolism.
- The mission "Sodom? Back to Gomorrah." In the Bible, Sodom and Gomorrah were two cities that were so morally depraved and evil that God decided to destroy the both of them, saying that if there was even one good person in those cities, he'd spare them, but there weren't. In those missions, you also do two evil acts, going from one and then BACK to the other. You rob the bank and then go BACK to collect the debt from Edith Downes. So you finish one evil deed and to straight to the next. This can also show how morally bankrupt Arthur's apathy made him at this point in the game.
- Micah's guns say "Vengeance is hereby mine." This could be a reference to Roman's 12:19 "vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord." Micah's violent nature makes him take his anger out on the world.
- "Your father is seduced by him with the forked tongue. It's no use hoping." The blind prophet to Arthur. Pretty straight forward symbolism, it's a nod to the snake that seduced Eve, just like how Micah manipulates Dutch.
- Dutch walking away from Arthur when he dies and though he realizes his wrong doing and feels shame, his pride forbids him from apologizing or saying he was wrong. This can be a parallel to how Adam and Eve run away from God when they feel shame over believing in the snake, but their pride won't allow them to apologize to God, hence damning them like how Micah damned Dutch.
- There were twelve ACTIVE gang members before the Blackwater massacre. When I mean active, I mean gang members who are canonically consistent (so not uncle, Swanson, Strauss, or the girls) on going on jobs for the gang. Micah, Bill, Javier, John, Hosea, Arthur, Charles, Sean, Lenny, Josiah, Mac and Davey Callender. Christ had 12 disciples and Dutch is portrayed as a savior to the gang, or a Christ like figure. And would you look at that, there is a traitor in both groups of twelve (Micah and Judas).
- Both John and Arthur's graves have scripture from Jesus's sermon on the mountain (Matthew 5:1-12). John's is blessed are the peacemakers and Arthur's is blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness.
- The go back for the money ending. If you go back for the money and have low honor, you'll see that the camp is engulfed in flames as you try to get the money. The fight with Micah is brutal and you die faced down in the dark. This death is an allegory for going to either hell and purgatory as you choose a final evil act of leaving your brother to possibly die just so you can get money as an act of revenge. If you have high honor, you are still surrounded by flames, but you still have a chance at heaven given that you die facing up seeing the light one final time.
- The help John ending has similar connotations. If you have low honor, you die by gunshot and are shrouded in darkness, which can symbolize the absence of God's light and how Arthur's final act couldn't absolve the lack of guilt he feels for the rest of the actions that he KNOWS are evil (click here for a my interpretation of Arthur's morality). In high honor, though, you get to crawl to the mountain side and see the rising sun, symbolizing heaven, warmth, and a new purity.
- In low honor, the coyote goes down to a dark cave, representing damnation and the rejection of holy light. In high honor, the deer steps into a heavenly field of light. Love that so much to be honest.
- Just the very Catholic vibe of Arthur's redemption. Doing good deeds, feeling guilt, all that.
- John's new life is basically this: "Let him who stole steal no longer, but rather let him labor, working with his hands what is good, that he may have something to give him who has need." -Ephesians 4:28. John gives up his old life to be an honest laborer, a rancher, and a proper man.
- The Strange Man in RDR rides on a donkey, which is pretty interesting because Jesus Christ also made his grand entry on a donkey.
- Just the Strange Man in general to be honest. Some say he's God, others say he's the Devil, and others say he's Cain from the Bible, which is my personal favorite theory but whatever.
- Dutch's horse could be a reference to Revelations 6:8- "And I looked, and behold, a pale horse! And its rider's name was Death, and Hades followed him." Dutch's rash actions caused the death of the gang and RDR's incarnate of Hades or Hell was Micah, following him. Dutch is the only one, canonically, to have a pale horse.
- "Am I prepared for eternal damnation? Am I passed any kind of saving? Or is that just fairy tales?" Arthur in his journal. I love this line so much because of its very agnostic nature whilst still showing the Christian mindset of 1899 America. This line also shows that Arthur is canonically agnostic which is a yippee from me because it's like the only thing me and this man have in common lmao 😭
- "Bad news awaits you, sir. Sadly, sooner than you think. But beyond the news, paradise awaits. Paradise.." Blind Man Cassidy to Arthur. Sorry but I just love that. High honor Arthur lived such an awful life but he still has a chance at paradise and heaven? Love that so much.
- God (pun intended), I love biblical symbolism. Couldn't you tell?
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Hymns of the Orthodox Church
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If you've ever read an Orthodox service, you may have noticed the different types of hymns that are often used. There's antiphons, troparions, kontakions, etc. But what do these all mean?
An antiphon is a collection of Scripture verses (usually from the Psalms) that alternate. You can see these, for example, in the Three Antiphons during Divine Liturgy. They are called Antiphons because traditionally, they are sung by two choirs, with each responding antiphonally (alternating) to the other. Below is an example from the Divine Liturgy:
Antiphon 1. Mode 2.
"Verse 1: O Lord, the light of Your face was stamped upon us.
Through the intercessions of the Theotokos, Savior, save us."
A troparion is a brief hymn expressing the main focus of that day's celebration. These are usually one or multiple stanzas. There are several different types of troparions that you might recognize. These include apolytikions, evlogitarias, and theotokions.
An apolytikion ("dismissal hymn") is a troparion that typically honors a saint, Christ, or the Virgin Mary. It is also usually sung at the end of the Vespers Service. Below is an example of an apolytikion from the Sunday of the Veneration of the Holy Cross:
Apolytikion of the Feast. Mode 1.
"Save, O Lord, Your people and bless Your inheritance, granting victory to the faithful over the enemy, and by Your Cross protecting Your commonwealth."
An evlogetaria is just a troparia that is sung after the reading from the Psalter. The evlogetaria consists of the refrain "Blessed art Thou, O Lord, teach me Thy statues. (Psalm 118:12)" The two forms of the Evlogetaria is the Evlogetaria of the Ressurrection (which is sung at Sunday Matins after the Kathismata) and the Funeral Evlogetaria (which is sung at Matins for the Dead after Psalm 118 and at funerals). Below is an excerpt from the Evlogetaria of the Ressurrection:
Ressurrectional Evlogetaria. Mode pl.1.
"Blessed are You, O Lord, teach me Your statutes.
When the hosts of the Angels saw how You were accounted among the dead, they all marveled. You, O Savior, are the One who destroyed the might of death; and when You arose You raised Adam with yourself and from Hades liberated everyone."
A theotokion is a hymn that refers to or praises the Theotokos and it usually concludes a cycle of stichera or troparia. There are several categories of the Theotokia, including the resurrectional theotokia (which is sung after we sing Glory...), the theotokia dogmatica (sung after Both now...), and dismissal theotokia (sung after the dismissal troparia). Below is an example of a theotokia dogmatica:
Both now. Theotokion.
"O Virgin Theotokos, beseech Your Son, Christ our God, who voluntarily was nailed to the Cross and resurrected from the dead, entreating Him to save our souls."
A kontakion is similar to a troparion, however, it mostly expresses the history of the celebration. It used to be so long (18-24 stanzas) that it would have to be rolled up on a pole. However, only short preliminary stanzas remain today. Below is an example of a kontakion from the Sunday of the Publican and Pharisee:
Mode 3. On this day.
"Sinners, let us fall before* the Lord and Master in prayer,* and as once the Publican* let us present Him our sighing.* He desires that all humanity gain salvation.* And to all who are repentant He grants forgiveness.* He became a man for our sake,* though with the Father without beginning as God."
Following the kontakion is the oikos. This is a stanza that develops the ideas that are in the kontakion and usually conclude with the same words as the kontakion. Below is the oikos that follows the kontakion from above:
"Bretheren, let us all garb ourselves in lowliness, and with laments and sighs strike at our conscience, that at the judgment then, which is in perpetuity, we shall be viewed guiltless, attaining our impunity. For there we have true mitigation; to see it, let us make supplication. For there is pain and sorrow's unseating, gone the deep sighs, there in wondrous Eden, of which Christ was fashioner, He being with the Father without beginning as God."
The Biblical Ode's (also known as odes) are hymns that are taken directly from Scripture. These odes are chanted during the Matins service. There are nine odes, however, today only the Magnificat (Luke 1:46-55) is read. During Great Lent, however, the original Biblical Canticles are read. Below is an excerpt from the Magnificat:
Ode ix. The Magnificat. Mode 3.
Verse: My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior.
"Greater in honor than the Cherubim, and in glory greater beyond compare than the Seraphim; you without corruption gave birth to God the Word, and are truly Theotokos. You do we magnify."
Finally, a prokimenon is a passage of Scripture that introduces the theme of the Epistle reading to follow. It is usually a verse and a refrain that is read and sung before the Epistle reading. Below is an example of a prokimenon from the Sunday of the Veneration of the Cross:
Prokeimenon. Mode pl.2. Psalm 27.
"O Lord, save Your people, and bless Your inheritance."
Verse: To You, O Lord, I cry; O my God, may You not pass over me in silence."
This prokeimenon preludes Hebrews 4:14-16; 5-:1-6, which talks about how Jesus is our high priest in Heaven who sacrificed himself for us.
The Orthodox has several types of hymns within its services. Hopefully this has cleared it up some more for you all! It definitely has for me.
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anniflamma · 8 months
hello. I'm a fan of your david/jonathan. Your david/jonathan is one of my greatest joys these days. When I saw this video, I thought I was going to die because it was so cute. If you see an article about an unknown sudden death, think it's me. And I thought about it a few times, and it seems like the reason the author won't make a sequel is because David's story suddenly turned into a game of thrones after Jonathan died, and the author's beloved David disappeared from there after that. Let's see, making excuses to kill all the men in Saul's royal family except Mephibosheth and his son, separating the princess and her husband, watching Joab kill people because it was profitable, etc. Of course, before that, there were many times when David acted mercilessly, such as eliminating witnesses, but when he started plotting in earnest… wouldn't it be possible to also have a conspiracy theory that David broke Mephibosheth's leg? In the Bible, if we interpret the statement that David had his master's women as meaning that he inherited the prince's women, then the nurse who dropped the child may have received instructions from David. And the reason I did that was because I wanted to save Mephibosheth. So, the novel ended with the death of the two main characters, and since all the main characters died, I don't think there will be a sequel. Well, that was a depressing story. Changing the topic, this video was so cute! Saul must have done great harm to the welfare of the palace staff. Even if they received the same salary, the job satisfaction of palace employees would have been very different when David lived in the palace and when he left. Because it would no longer be fun to eavesdrop outside the door. A job where you can pay money and a job where you get paid are very different. LOL But the best scene was the belt…!
Thank you for liking my take on David/Jonathan! They are kind of a big mix of the different content I have consumed about them. And yeah, I think my favorite shot working on the opera animatic was when David pulled off his belt. We all know what he was about to do! 😏
Yeah, I could also give criticism of The Prince's Psalm that the author's obvious weak point when it comes to writing is how he writes fight scenes and political stuff. There is like only one fight scene, and that is David VS Goliath, and that scene was clunky. The other, what would be considered fight scenes, just fade to black or more like we only see the build-up to it. And when David is in the wilderness is the weaker part of the novel when he is gathering his army and doing political/military warfare. I think Eric Shaw Quinn's strongest traits are the character building and interactions.
Well, David didn't die at the end of the novel. He "died" at the tent when he heard the news of Jonathan's death and only left simply to continue the war. He is not the same person when he sang The Song of Bows even if it has been decades later. And it's pretty much the reason why I would love that the "what if" sequel had someone else as a main character. Like Mephibosheth or Absalom. Because it would introduce us to David as a new character that has changed, and it would make us, the reader, feel a type of longing for him to heal and return to the David we once knew from The Prince's Psalm.
And there are so many different takes you can do with the story of Mephibosheth or Absalom. Especially, there are so many topics you could tackle with Mephibosheth. Like his disability would be a key factor for many issues or themes. David made a rule in his palace that any disabled person would be executed if they entered. So we have Absalom growing up in a palace that was discriminating. And suddenly his own father brings in a disabled young man and says this is his brother, and if anyone hurts him, David will murder everyone. And that pretty much happens in the Bible! Everyone got thrown out of the loop.
It also brings up the question if Mephibosheth really loved David back or was his loyalty only based on him being thankful for David showing him mercy. Does Mephibosheth feel even comfortable that the only reason why he is alive is due to he is Jonathan's son?
I dunno, I love angst. I would eat it whole in one second if I ever got a The Prince's Psalm sequel!
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zarya-zaryanitsa · 1 year
may i ask something (in good faith i swear)
there is quite a community of witches on tumblr. there is also one of pagans. while they overlap, it's two different things. both pagans and witches, as i understand, can make offerings, pronounce spells, is that right?
and another question: are they any like recourses to get into witchcraft? there are different types of it (like wicca or others), there is a ton of various practices, many of them as i understand are personal, but are there some underlying principles that are the same for them all? i guess my main question is where and how to start with all of it because i am confused, i need structure achgssgkds like suppose i, a slav, am interested in witchcraft that existed in my country centuries ago, do i like research the practices that were done and adapt them to my personal vision?
i am sorry it's really messy
Yes, paganism and witchcraft are two different things! Paganism is an umbrella term used to refer to a bunch of different religions such as Slavic paganism or Norse heathenry. These days it’s mostly used to describe european religions and not necessary welcomed by people of other cultures, to give an example, from what I heard practitioners of Shinto oppose being referred to as „pagans”.
Witchcraft is a practice that may or may not be practiced in religious context. It’s a bit like singing - you can sing psalms in church choir or you can do karaoke in a bar with your friends. The former will be a religious activity, the latter will have you singing in secular context. Of course you are not limited to doing solely one or another, as you probably noticed in life people who sing secularly may include some lyrics relating to their religion and it’s symbolism - it doesn’t automatically make the performence of that song a religious ceremony. I hope I didn’t push that metaphor too far.
As you correctly noted yes there are many different magical systems that include many different magical practices. Slavic folk magic will function very differently from Wiccan witchcraft or chaos magic or ceremonial magic rooted in renaissance grimoires. I certainly don’t know all the systems and I’m not one to look for some universal rules that they all may follow - it’s just not something I find particularly useful.
„i, a slav, am interested in witchcraft that existed in my country centuries ago, do i like research the practices that were done and adapt them to my personal vision”
I’m happy to say you pretty much hit the nail on the head with this one! Research magical practices of your region and try to understand according to what principles they functioned. Learn what was the role of various plants and objects used in those practices, what was the role of the words that were spoken, what was the role of specific ritual actions that were taken. Try to gain understanding of the viewpoint behind those practices.
I am also happy to say that I gathered quite a collection of resources (in English) on Slavic magical practices. They are to be found towards the bottom of the resource list and the link to the whole list is always available at the top of my pinned post. If you happen to be Polish like me I have some more recommendation for Polish sources here.
Now keep in mind that Slavic folk magic is pretty tightly connected to Christianity, the dominant religion in the region. I know a lot of people assume it’s choke-full of pagan lore and that Slavic witches are some kind of remnant of pagan culture but that’s not really true - Slavic magic contains many unique cultural elements that most likely have their roots in pre-Christian Slavic beliefs but across the centuries they were adapted to co-exist with Christianity and to be used by Christians. Slavic folk magic is like a song that would not be sung during mass and may even be frowned upon by some priests, but is nonetheless filled with religious references and performed by deeply religious individuals. You may want to remove/replace some Christian elements or you may choose to keep them, even despite not being Christian yourself. I’ll tell you a secret: this February I blessed my throat candle in the name of both Saint Blaise and Veles and it still worked.
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dndfuckhouse · 10 months
Session 56 - Waiting for What's Next
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> 🎵  Cliff Town / Spyro Reignited Trilogy OST
Picking up again in the markets of Bakaldor, the party idle after having picked up various needed supplies. They currently sit parked near an arcane stall and the recently exploded blue room guild building.
While sitting around Keva asks Cimmorro to write her out an alphabet chart to send to Orin via arcane telegram, alongside a wobbly note she pens herself.
"practice with this - keva"
After grabbing a few needed items, they group ponder their next course of action.
Rokka: rokka asks the group "where to next? " Psalm: "If we've done all we need to in the city I suppose we could start making our way to the next destination." Mars: "We're going after the drake right?" He kind of lost the plot w/ this one Han: han nods in agreement with psalm, and says to mars "we are hoping the drake is on the way to coralwash, so keep an eye out…?" Mars: "Should be on the road to Coralwash, so likely we'll run into it…" Psalm: "We'd best prepare… anyone here fought any type of dragon before?" Han: <crickets>
Plum: "nope, never even seen one." Mars: "dont suppose a wyvern sighting counts." Psalm: "Not if you didn't kill it…" Plum: "how big is a wyvern?" Mars: "Pretty big." he thinks of a reasonable comparison. "Bout the size of this caravan." Plum: ☹ Cimmorro: "from the book i got, it seems likely we might run into a cobalt." he passes the dragon book to anyone nearest inside the caravan. "particularly likes to play with traps." Psalm: he will take it from him if no one else does and take a look Han: han pokes him and tells him to read it out loud Psalm: he reads it out loud...
Plum: "play with traps? as in it'll get caught in them?" Cimmorro: "as in, it sets up traps." Plum: ☹ Psalm: "Well this thing sounds awful. I'm going to hope maybe it's a type that sounds less like a pain in the ass to deal with." He starts flipping through the book. Plum: "i'm hoping we don't cross its path at all" Keva: "they mentioned that the attacks are happening only at night, so we'll need to make sure to keep watch." Psalm: "While we're at it we should set up watch shifts. Although we can just randomise each night too. I don't really care. " Han: han mumbles "four shifts of two people… we have enough…zzz" Psalm: "Can be three for one shift since there's 9 of us." Han: she nods sleepily
All loaded up into the caravn the party begin to make their way out of the city proper, Cimmorro sitting at the helm directing the horses with Keva and Vinny sitting beside him. Driving down the main road they cut through the streets heading north. Soon enough they reach a large open gate, swung open to induct passerby's as people come and go into the city. A few roaming mercenary groups sit perched around the exits, as if to entice travelers into purchasing their services. Many seem to consider it, as the tale of the dangerous drake has seemingly spread throughout the area.
Coasting by other travelers, they begin the day's journey heading up to Coralwash, traveling down what's known as the main highway across the coastline, Wetfoot Road. The environment around the road is quite pleasant as it doesn't require them to travel inlands to the less hospitable environ just yet. They find themselves bracketed by the marsh wetlands of the coastline and lusher green scenery the country has to offer, a few scattered farms around as the horses pull their carriage along.
> 🎵 Secret of the Forest / Chrono Trigger OST (Orchestral Remix by Malcolm Robinson )
They keep in mind the quarry they're on the lookout for that's been besieging this very road, it doesn't seem to have put off too many travelers however. They pass a few other caravans trundling down the roadside in opposite directions, the friendlier ones giving them a polite wave as they go.
After a few hours of travel the sun begins to set and the moon starts to show her face as the night creeps forward. Becoming a little more alert, they recall this is the time the drake's typically sighted in the area.
Plum: [enjoying the scenery] Keva: [perception check] LMAO NAT 1 Chip: what a beautiful view of the ocean at sunset Keva: the glare of the sunlight bouncing off the ocean
The party decide to pull over and make camp for the night, heading outside to help set up various items around the place.
Plum: "what's the difference between a dragon and a drake?" Mars: "Drakes are typically smaller." Psalm: "Drakes don't have wings."
Mars glances around the area, deeming the little clearing next to the road they chose as the best spot to stop and make camp for now. Cimmorro and Keva look around for any nearby tracks that could point them to a drake, they don't see anything out of the ordinary peering around the immediate landscape, they've a good view of the road though.
With a snap of her fingers Han casts Wild Cunning to search the area for nearby tracks, small green spirits appear and whisp around her through the air little little night lights. She picks up tracks from small creatures and wild rodents off the road but nothing akin to a drake or dragon jumps out to her. She casts it a second time to seek out good shelter, but similarly to Mars finds their current area in the surrounding wetlands their best bet.
As they prep Mars also sends out Silva to act as a watching sentry in the area for them.
Han: "no drakes tracks in 120 foot vicinity" she announces Plum: "whoa, thanks han" Psalm: "Thanks for the info." Han: "thank these little things" han shakes around a little non corporeal green spirit gathered around her. she frowns a little as they return a second time "there arent any suuuper good places nearby, but around here should be best.." she follows mars, taking the caravan with her Mars: mars goes to help set up camp……. Han: han just…. summons spirits a third time to help mars with camp while she struggles with horses
Mars: "What are these things." :o… seems genuinely intrigued Han: han blinks at mars and then at the spirits "theyre… uh……. i dont know, actually? they just always help me when i making camping? they'll just .. be around…" she shrugs Mars: "Oh uh. Well hi then." He sounds like he's being introduced to an acquaintance. Han: I GUESS THEYRE MY PETS NOW the several that are around han look shocked at being acknowledged and some do a little wordless dance to say hi back to mars ;3
Cimmorro: cimm just helping with the camp stuff and smoking Plum: "what're you smoking?" Cimmorro: in the middle of, idk, probs setting a bedroll or some shit, he regards plum with a curious look before answering. "just tobacco." Plum: "oh." they say, slightly disappointed. then on a sudden whim, they watch to see if the others are a bit out of earshot. "by the way, cimmorro," they begin awkwardly, "sorry for being rude to you earlier. today's been so shitty, i'm not trying to make it any shittier." Cimmorro: he stops what he's doing to listen to them speak, giving them his full attention. there's a moment he takes to consider and exhale smoke through his teeth in a low hiss as if releasing the tension in his body along with it before he responds. "i… wasn't entirely fair either for raising my voice and letting my temper get the best of me. it's just when i see something like that-- then there's finnian doing--" he grumbles something incoherent as he brings a hand to pinch the bridge of his nose at the memory of it. "in any case, i'm sorry too," he says more gently. Plum: "it's fine, i get it." plum makes a face, slightly anxious by cimmorro looking at them. "finn has been kind of a mess recently, anyways. it's weird." they don't mean that in a demeaning way, if anything they're slightly concerned something is up with him. but they're not his caretaker so whatever. "but thank you," they say, then a bit stiffly, "i'm going to go. help han or something. bye." then they walk off quickly. Cimmorro: blinking at the haste that plum is trying to go, he goes, "wait, hold on," and swiftly tries to grab them by the arm. Plum: plum feels cimmorro's hand grab their arm and turn to look at cimm in surprise. "yeah?" they say. Cimmorro: "running off so quickly? have i said something that spooked you?" he lets out a half-hearted laugh, letting them go to grab one of the bag of donuts he got earlier in the day. "here," he says, reaching down to take plum's hand to plant the bag onto their palm. "i got these to share before the, event this morning transpired. you can take one and share with the others," he says decisively, bringing his pipe back into his mouth. Plum: "no, no, not you. i'm just no good at," they stop to think of a word, then wave their hands around nebulously after failing to think of one. "ugh, talking." then they look very focused at the bag and not at anything else, grinning when they peek inside. "whoa, thank you." they don't know what these are, and are not going to say that in front of cimm, but they at least know a pastry when they see it. "i'm going to pick one first while i have the chance," they say, looking for one with a nice shape. when they take one they smile at cimm. "okay, i'm going to go share these now. rokka first." <-escaping Cimmorro: he doesn't do anything to stop plum from scuttling off this time. though he has half the mind to tell them that rokka has had his share until he decides against it. rokka can have TWO donuts if he wants to. so he simply says, "enjoy," smiling back warmly, nothing like his usual humorous and teasing grins, as he makes a hand gesture telling them to go on before he goes back to setting his side of his camp.
As the others continue setting up outside, Finn wakes up and rises from his coffin. He leaves the caravan seeking out Vinny for an important chat.
Finn: as the night rolls around, finn wakes from his slumber. he had expected to rest well when he fell asleep but he wakes feeling ragged and sheds himself of his snufkin attire immediately. he shuffles out of his coffin and comes looking around for vinny, ignoring anyone else he spots. when he eventually finds vinny outside, he grabs him by the shoulder "i need to speak to you. alone." there is a strong sense of urgency in his tone and theres no sign of his usual haughty or condescending attitude Vinny: he seems to be trying to read something in the low light from a lantern off the caravan before you interrupt him. as you grab him by the shoulder he jumps a little, interrupted from his thoughts. Upon realising its you blinks and leans forward, giving finn a once over "oh! gods, are you feeling better? i didnt get a look myself but it sounded bad…" he furrows his brows but cant find anything out of place on you Finn: finn is a little surprised by vinny being so forward and friendly, so caring and almost gets distracted by it but he quickly shakes his head "i- yes- no" he is a bit all over the place, the way people are when they just woke up and immediately have to function "physically, im perfectly fine- listen. you have not yet revoked your friendship with me and you may do so after we speak but right now i need your advice… youre the only one i can ask" he sounds a little desperate, not letting go of vinnys shoulder btw Vinny: he continues staring as if not quite convinced "if you're sure… though i do want to talk to you about that-" though he stops himself before he can continue speaking as if pondering the really strange word choice from finn "im not sure thats how that…. well er, go on" he stands at attention waiting and mentally bracing Finn: he pulls a bit at his shoulder and motions for the bed room "i dont want anyone to overhear…" Vinny: he acquiesces to finn's request and follows after, though he glances around at everyone else setting up camp before they head inside. he thinks a little that hes getting deja vu to himself and gets a little scared. Finn: when they arrive finn sits down on his closed coffin, vinny presumably makes himself comfortable elsewhere. nevertheless finn avoids looking at vinny for a bit "i promise you may inquire to your hearts content about my affliction after this but i" he looks at vinny, somewhat haggard "i had a dream about my uncle and i… you may not know this, i dont know what the others told you about me but my uncle left me with the vengaboys… i didnt understand why until now. he scolded me before we left shorewater for the way i… see everyone" he smiles bitterly "youre the only one in this group who comes close to having semblance of status. youre above them in your circle im sure. while not as prestigious as my position, still you must understand where im coming from. vinny, i implore you tell me!" he puts a hand to his chest but as always these dramatics are genuine and there is still no condescending in his tone "how do you do it? how do you look at them as anything other than ants for you to crush and walk over?" hes pleading, desperate, raw, open "what makes you lower yourself?!"
Celebrity Guest Aki: Finn having a breakdown rn but iccant even take him seriously bc of how stupid the issue is Plum: i would not feel bad for finn Chip: finns dream of vorde
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Han: ;JH32I4QLK;WTEHQOI2;4K3RWE Celebrity Guest Aqua: YOU ARE FCKIGN INSANEEE Psalm: Finn go to therapy
Vinny: vinny ponders once again how hes gotten himself into a conversation like this with finn for the second time today (SECOND TIME). he stares following along at first, he didnt in fact know why they were travelling separately, though as he goes on his face gets stuck in shock again. he still doesnt quite understand this strange fantasy view of vinny finn seems to have, the accord is prestigious but he hardly considers himself anything more than a gopher forced to work for them the rest of his life. at the end of finns little tirade he lifts a hand to his face and rubs his eyes in thought "i… finn i dont even know where to begin with this, honestly" he gives finn a blank stare as he lowers his hand into his lap giving him a still stupefied look "i dont view… anyone as lesser to me, let alone to the….degree of….insects…" Finn: finns shoulders sag at vinnys response, eyes wide… shell shocked himself at the fact that vinny does not view anyone as lesser, never has, cant relate to him. he breathes in deeply out of habit and slowly his clasps his hands "i.. i thought i could get away from my family if i traveled with my uncle. i thought that would make me free. but when i dreamt of him i realized vinny… when he was y-yelling at me again, disappointed more than before even" he starts to shake "i realized that my mind is poisoned by my family! i can never be free!" he starts to hiccup and bury his face in his hands "and i dont know… how to… i dont know how i can… view them as my equals…" he thinks of the way everyone came to his rescue earlier and just sobs openly now, shivering and twitching "even a-after they saved me…" Vinny: seeing him start to cry vinny panics a little, waving his arms out in front of him where hes seated "h-hey, well uh..!" he reaches an arm out to pat finn on the shoulder as he thinks of a few encouraging words to say before realising how stupid they sound because of the inherent silliness of….whatever this complex of finn's is "i-i mean… well" he scratches his head and focuses on the first part "f-family shapes us, for good or for worse but you aren't tied to it for the rest of your life! c-change is a slow process!" he starts tapping his foot as his mind continues to race thinking of things to say "and its a difficult one as well, the fact you're reflecting on it this much is already a…. good step…!" he stares at finn again "and frankly im glad for it, the way this day way going earlier…" he leaves his hand on finn's shoulder to comfort him as he feels a fatigue settle in his mind
Finn: finn takes that as an invitation to lean his head against vinnys shoulder and he sobs a little more "i-ive been… i.." he mumbles incoherent mutterings into his hands and after a little while he starts to calm down more, removing his hands from his face "i dont know if i can change vinny… it took me this long to even realize why im stuck here with you!" (<- he means stuck with the vengaboys) frustration directed at himself manifests and he balls his hands into fists, face scrunching up briefly. he flies over vordes words from their parting conversation, as he has done a million times since waking, and looks at vinny apologetically. he knows he shouldnt elaborate and rant about how much he truly hates each and every one of the vengaboys, save for psalm and maybe plum and rokka. the insect anology had shocked vinny enough. "once again youre kind to me despite my cruelty…" he thinks to apologize but the words feel difficult to speak "im sorry to unload all this on y-you… you barely know me after all" Vinny: he doesn't expect finn to curl into him but brushes it off in his mind as he listens to him go on "fuh….well, thats still progress i-isn't it? i feel like you've had quite a great number of revelations today actually…" he tries to not get lost in the memories of the past 24 hours "also if you're trying i probably wouldn't word it so harshly…there's a… tip for you there. most blue bloods barely even consider their actions finn, so i think you're on a… good enough track right now" he gives finn a strange glance at the last few comments "honestly i feel im acting quite normally… so its a little strange to be complimented for it" he searches around in his pocket for something to hand finn for his tears realising finn still has his kerchief from earlier in the day and laughs a little to himself deadpan "speaking of yourself- i really do need to speak to you about something" Finn: finn just listens and nods along, still sniffling a bit… he does like being described as a blue blood <- useless trivia from me to you, the reader. as he sees vinny searching for something he guesses its probably the handkerchief… vinny the ever kind soul… he fishes it out himself now and holds it up to show to vinny before drying his tears "im afraid ill have to hold onto your handkerchief a little longer if its okay…" he says in a small voice before returning to the subject matter at hand. he looks at vinny with still glassy eyes but nods "i-i did say you could interrogate me for as long as you wish so… speak"
Vinny: he makes a lopsided face at the hankerchief "well you're getting more use out of it than me these days, so thats quite fine by me…" a little thankful they're moving on from the topic he moves his arm off of finns shoulder and gives him a serious glance "its in regards to your condition, i dont know why anyone didnt tell me…!" he shakes his head in disbelief and begins to gesticulate with his hands "w-well, i suppose its a private matter, but ! the entire reason im on this trip is to see if i can provide aid for cimmorro's friend, someone most likely under the effect of a curse or hex. now the way keva described it to me it seem your condition is similar, no? i should have guessed really but other things have been on my mind-" he continues rambling a little about theorum here and there before turning back to face finn "-ah but, thats neither here nor there. m-my point is i could try the same procedure on you? it sounds like a hex, though i cant guarantee any results of course, i dont know if anything i try will work in coralwash, but well, i feel a little silly not at least offering..!" he seems like he could continue rambling on about this for an hour Finn: finn is surprised and tunes out before vinny is halfway through his rambling about hexes. he takes mental note of keva not ratting him out to vinny despite… well… if theres anyone finn would love to kill the most, its keva. without hesitation. hes certain that feeling is mutual. and yet?… something to ponder later, as he now will have to apologize, to his dismay, again - for lying to vinny. he looks around the room a little before he looks at vinny, a little perplex and owlish "theres… no hex. no curse." he looks intently now "you may count yourself among those who have met with a vampire now" finn makes a show off pulling his lip aside to reveal his fang and sensually trails down his face as if to highlight his sickly skin color, he then points to the space they sit upon "this is my coffin, disguised for travel… i wouldve kept it from you and mars if i could have, i wouldve kept it from the vengaboys too… but they had to know… when we were becoming something like friends i had considered telling you vinny but then we- i mean i… had a rapid change of opinion" he looks away ashamed "i doubt you would know how to undo this. better dedicate yourself to helping cimmorro" again he smiles bitterly Vinny: he blanks again, staring at finn as he's stopped from his nonstop rambling. as he reveals the fangs more clearly his jaw drops open a little "i… those are real?" when finn finally finishes explaining his face goes a little red with embarrassment and he looks down at his hands to avoid eye contact "w-well….i mean…! of course you're real i just mean…well…." his shame grows by the second as he considers his miles long explanation he was just giving that's a little pointless now "yes i … don't think anything i have can q-quite effect that…i apologise…" vinny spares a glance at the door and ponders immediately running out so this conversation doesn't have to continue and he embarrass himself any further Finn: finn half expected this outcome so he takes it upon himself to be a reassuring presence for vinny for once, hopefully. as reassuring as sitting next to a fairy tale monster can be. he puts a hand on vinnys shoulder, as if to try and get vinny to look at him "i appreciate that you thought to help me…" finn smiles warmly, eyes still a little red but overall he seems to be recovering well from crying "you keep saying it is normal and common decency, but i believe i told you ive never had many friends so to me it means a lot!" he beams now "i didnt exactly believe in vampires myself before i was turned… and believe me, its been quite a while since i was turned! ive learnt to live with it… i-i have much more pressing issues than my vampirism anyway!" he starts huffing, but his hand stays on vinnys shoulder "l-like my socializing with the vengaboys……" he sounds a bit deflated….rly rly trying to lighten the mood like a manga character
Vinny: he appreciates finn trying to comfort him but hes going to live with this embarassment for the rest of the night he thinks to himself… at the compliment on his person he only grows more embarrassed, reaching his hands to put in his face "augh… i bet ezra would lose his mind laughing if he heard this" he scrunches his eyes shut before opening them and glancing back at finn "w-well.. you're not going to get much socialising done with them in here with me…" hes trying very hard to deflect right now Finn: finn think its so cute how embarrassed vinny is… even if its not for the reason he wants, he can still appreciate the figure hes cutting right now. maybe if he had met vinny sooner than orin….. before he trails off in his mind he thinks to reply "w-well! that brings me to my next point!" he smiles nervously and lets go of vinnys shoulder, instead taking one of the hands that are on his face and he arranges for his and vinnys hand to be in the pinky promise pose "p-promise you wont tell the others about what i told you!… and i promise i wont tell on you.." he pouts and blushes… not that he would ever get the opportunity to tell this to ezra, but he will use whatever he can as leverage Vinny: he glances back in finn's direction trying to rid himself of his embarrassment, glancing down at his pinky "i…sure i can do that…" he reaches out with his own and grabs finn and shakes them up and down in agreement easily enough "n-now you need to go have this conversation with the others…i… just be sure to apologise for the morning and itll be fine…" he feels like hes trying to caution a child for his first day of schooling now Finn: finn is relieved that vinny is as gullible and easily manipulated as he thought and also very happy about having gotten to do the pinky promise with someone!! so exciting! but as vinny chastises him his jaw drops "n-now?! absolutely not! im still in the middle of processing this revelation! ill need time!" finns turn to deflect "wait! i-… i offered you to revoke our friendship and you still can… i lied to you about who i am and ive treated you badly from the moment i first saw you" finn looks down sadboy style "i promise i wont be upset about it. even if we arent to be friends, we can still be amicable to one another…" Vinny: he stares at finn and raises an eyebrow "are you just going to stay in here all night then..? wont it be awkward when people walk in and out…?" he doesnt push any further than that though and shrugs in return, hes thought about this guys social life… a greater deal than he ought to "i don't mind being your friend finn, just…" he tries to think of what he can even say to not have these sorts of things happen to him again "reel back the uh…." he pauses "insults perhaps… were right as rain otherwise…!" he gives him a tired smile to reassure the man with another friendly pat Finn: finn nods to the request of dialing down the insults "m-my uncle told me the same… so… i suppose i will" vinnys pat does cheer him up though and he leans a bit into vinny, bumping shoulders "ill come outside still! i just wont… apologize right now. but even if i dont do that, i have to thank everyone for saving me…..as much as the thought fills me with dread" he freezes and grimaces. but he stands up and offers vinny his hand "im sorry i messed up the first time when you tried really hard to be proper friends with me… i wont waste the second chance!" he smiles again
Vinny: he stands up grabbing finn's hand, appreciating a little how he seems to be actually trying to change "well… i do appreciate that finn" he makes a deadpan face at him not apologising but hes not about to elongate this any further, all in due time he supposes…. he stares at the door as if to say 'after you' Finn: finn pulls vinny up and gives him a brief but strong hug, rejuvinated by their making up. he then shuffles quickly to slide the door open and seems like hes about to run out bu the stops and turns around "a-ah! before i forget…if theres anything you want to know about vampirism, you can come ask me about it….i feel like… ill be able to talk to you about it, probably… anyway! we gotta get going!!" he blushes and rushes out now, clearly embarassed by the offer…….. he goes! zalgo! Vinny: he's surprised by the hug but returns it in full force, mostly to help himself to stop being so shell shocked by this situation. he watches him scuttle off into the night before he heads back out himself, newly relishing the night air. he glances around the setup seeing it mostly complete already and walks over to sit next to cimmorro, when finn's focus is no longer upon him he droops his head with a sigh as if already ready to be done with the day
As they both head again, the others have seemingly settled at various points around the campfire, chowing down on dinner and unwinding a little bit.
Keva: keva's going to start doling out food provisions to people just hanging nearby bc she's hungry probably LOL anyone in a private convo she will just leave stuff out for them to grab Han: han gotta set up a small campfire and make some makeshift chairs out of smth around Psalm: Psalm will just sit and eat I guess, although he does stop to think about how weirdly nostalgic eating by a campfire is. Mars: Mars just thinks its novel eating w/ other people around. Oddly pleasant Cimmorro: cimm is definitely around the campfire but he's kinda spaced a lil farther from the others, man just wants to smoke Plum: plum sits next to rokka and says "here, these are from cimmorro. take one." then they lean in and whisper "do you know what these are?" Rokka: rokka looks at the donuts they offered and smiles, "oh, more treats from cimm! Did he say i can have more!? wowowwow cimmy is so nice" he helps himself to another pastry and speaks with his mouth full "yeph cheyre fonutsh(yes theyre donuts)!" Plum: plum just considers rokka's question. he didn't say rokka couldn't not have two? "yeah he is nice." plum says, licking the sugar from their donut off their fingers. they're about to hand the bag to han (with their other hand)
Seeing them all relatively together, Finn steps up in front of everyone so that he may speak to them all at once.
Finn: seeing as everyones within the radius of the campfire finn strides up to what he believes to be the center, kind of. I MEAN LIKE. HES OUTSIDE THE CIRCLE BUT IN THE MIDDLE. he clears his throat and looks through the rounds "hem hem… vengaboys!" he speaks up loud enough for everyone to hear "today you all came together to help me… despite our… difficult relationship and despite my awful condition at the time, i did sense you all rushing to my aid…. without you i wouldve suffered greatly"… finn bows like in manga suddenly, even though hes very aware none of them might get the gesture "you have my gratitude!!" he almost shouts this "thank you!!!" he squints his eyes shut and grimaces, embarassed to look at everyone……..hoping that he will get a warm reception on this. hes trying ! hes trying! hes bowing like a salaryman. L shaped Chip: finn rn
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> 🎵  Crickets
Psalm: Psalm didn't really do much (was in the caravan) so he just…stares and waits. Vinny: vinny glances upwards and gives him a surprised stare, he did not expect that was going to be result of his words… hes basically apologising anyway actually…? he wonders if he should clap but decides to not embarass himself further for the night Han: han stares at this display mid bite, goes "youre welcome? glad you are feeling better" and keeps eating Plum: plum's face reddens on finn's behalf but they like that he's trying. they cough, and are about to say something, but then recall that finn seems to be upset with them for some reason based on earlier events and waits to see what the others will say instead. Mars: Mars gets the sense the statements wasn't mean for him and just keeps watching. But at least he's not like, half dead he supposes. Rokka: rokka so puzzled by the gesture that he forgot to respond so hes just staring Cimmorro: cimm continues to smoke as he tries to gather his feelings about this. the behavior finnian displayed prior to the flesh burning incident still running in his mind, but a part of him is sincerely relieved he recovered well enough to be this… energetic. he doesn't say anything but if finn gives cimm a glance he will grace him a nod in acknowledgement at the very least. Keva: keva looks up at his call for attention but continues to munch on her food, at least until he bows in thanks. that does make her pause for a moment, and she wonders how much effort it took for him to contort his body into any show of respect. she looks back down at her food at continues to eat without responding further. Finn: finn decides to stand up straight after the long moments of silence and unbearably loud cricket chirping gets to him…. he looks at han, visibly dejected and says in a weak voice "y-yes thank you i do indeed feel better…………"
Psalm: "You're welcome Finn!" Psalm pipes up, "Although I didn't really do anything on account of not being there." Finn: finns eye twitches and he doesnt reply to psalm but he stares at him for a good long moment Psalm: Psalms gonna look back with this energy btw :3 in his mind he's done ntn wrong Plum: plum says, "i didn't do anything either, but i'm glad you're alright. well, you look alright anyways." Han: han's just genuinely happy for him and whatever hes doing rn ☺ Vinny: vinny shoots him a thumbs up Finn: remembering he has things to settle with plum he feels kind of weird now. he doesnt wanna do it in front of the group for sure… although vinny would…………probably approve if he did. instead he just nods at them, still dejected "ive recovered just fine…………………….." Rokka: rokka pipes up after the others bring his attention back to the purpose of that gesture to begin with "oh! yes! i am glad you're okay again finn!" Finn: "thanks……………………….." Plum: "that's good," they say energetically, if a bit casual. "you gonna sit down?" they move to make space. also, "here, han, psalm. cimm brought donuts." Psalm: Psalm resists the urge to ask why Plum is handing them out if Cimm bought them, but takes on anyways, "Thanks Cimmorro, Plum." Han: "oooo, thanks plummy" and louder to account for distance "THANKS CIMM" Vinny: realising only just now that theres sweets around vinny gazes at them longingly until its polite for him to reach for one Plum: moves the bag towards him.. 💀 Vinny: he glances at it then you and smiles as he slowly grabs one…
Finn: "i uh……………" finn honestly just wanted to turn into a bat now and hide in psalms cloak even though that bastard managed to piss him off for the nth time. finn looks at his feet and the ground, wondering if itd be okay to do still. if only plum hadnt invited him to sit. "s….sure……" he grits out and sits down where plum moved to make space. he keeps his eyes planted on the ground and hugs his knees. Plum: "i mean you don't have to," they look at finn incredulously as he stares at the ground. "i was only offering." too bad they can't offer him a donut. they were honestly about to. Finn: finn buries his face in his knees and mumbles "well………….im already here………so…………." his voice fades out towards the end Plum: "oh…sorry……" plum says, not sure what to do so they just go back to eating.
Han: the donut hitting the right spot for han but she perseveres "by the way, anyone have night watch mate preference?" Mars: "I've no qualms on when or who I'm with." He side eyes the donuts a lil. Psalm: "Neither me." Vinny: vinny thinks how he cant say who he'd rather avoid more tearful personal conversations with in the middle of the night "im alright with anybody" he chews into the doughnut Plum: "not really?" Cimmorro: cimms just doing this from wherever he's sitting when u guys call for him
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Finn: finn looks to han briefly and raises his voice to the bare minimum needed for han to be able to hear "i probably dont have to say who i shouldnt be paired with……..im fine with anyone otherwise………i can do every night, even………" hes like the junko danganronpa sprite when she grows mushrooms Han: han hmms "i dont actually, but whatever. it is good that you are nocturnal, so someone is always awake. and with us doing nightwatch, you wont get bored" ^_^ Finn: "itd certainly be convenient if i didnt have to keep watch in the harsh sunlight so if people would be willing to rotate with me every night then……" he trails off, not quite cheered up but also not worse than before Han: han nods "makes sense. i think it would be best if we travel during day, but you can stay low, and have proper rest. no need to stretch you out like taffy."
Rokka: rokka raises his hand "oh, oh! i have this i got some time ago!" he fishes out a small plush doll of a dog and explains what it can do, but he doesn't get what attuning means Vinny: han studies the doll and gawks at rokka "whaaaaat, thats so useful! it might react if we move around too though… good to keep on you!" Rokka: "yeah!! i just got it because its cute though GHAHAAH" he shakes the plush around a little as he laughs a bit before he actually studies the plush, "but i dont know how it really works….maybe i can pick who it shouldnt detect…? magic is hard." he sighs and mumbles the last bit, a little dejected Han: it is cute .. han nods in agreement n understanding "well… i dont know much about magic too, but attuning, it means you have to like.. sit with it… and reeeeally study it.. understand it… feel the magic… something like that" O_o Plum: "i can probably help you," plum says, "do you know what you need to do to attune to it?" Rokka: rokka nods as if he understands what she means while staring intensely at the plush "study….." hearing @Plum offer him some help he perks up and turns to them "YA WOULD? THANKS PLUMMY!" he thinks for a moment, "no :(" Plum: "yeah of course, lemme see it? you just gotta focus on this thing for an hour," plum says to rokka after turning it around in their hand for fun. "probably don't do that when you're on watch." Rokka: he oohs and aahs at the information "i will get to right right away!" [COMMENCE 1HR STARE DOWN @ PLUSH]
Psalm: "Might be faster to just draw straws or something." Mars: "Could also just take shifts for it anyway. We've enough people for it." Psalm: "Alright who wants to go first then." Han: han dibs on first watch Keva: "i can" is all keva says as she's flipping thru the book of textiles that i assume has pictures in it. GIRLS NIGHT Cimmorro: THEYRE SO BACK) Han: GIRLS NIGHT (everyone stares into the firepit)
Psalm: "Alright, Han & Keva first. Anyone up for second?" Mars: "Sure, I'd be alright with it." Cimmorro: psalm sees cimm raise his pipe wordlessly volunteering Vinny: raises his hand for watch after cimmorro Psalm: Psalm salutes him and the other two.
Plum: "oh i'll do watch whenever," plum pipes up at psalm , not really paying attention bc they're looking at the stuffed toy. Psalm: "Does anyone want third since Plum doesn't mind whatever time?" Finn: finn briefly snaps out of his depressed stupor, remembering psalms stupid smiling face when he recalled so happily how he did nothing to help finn and he pipes up "i want to keep watch with you" he stares psalm down intently Psalm: Psalm just blinks back, kind of startled. "…….ok then. So I guess we can take third? Which leaves Plum and Rokka for fourth." Finn: "mhm" finn nods and smiles like this ^__^ Psalm: >concerned
> 🎵 Secret of the Forest / Chrono Trigger OST (Orchestral Remix by Malcolm Robinson )
Cimmorro: while the others decide amongst themselves, he finally addresses vinny beside him quietly enough that only the two of them can hear. "was that your doing?" he casually juts his chin towards finn's direction. "you two seemed to have a nice chat." Vinny: he glances over as hes addressed and as he considers his words his face goes through a journey of exasperated expressions as he whispers back "i…you weren't around for it in the morning but that was…the s-second time today ive had a conversation with him where hes ended up crying and i could… barely understand why" he rubs his face with both hands as he continues "but ah…y-yes i suppose so, im surprised i didn't think he'd be so direct about it… i think its been.. a good thing?" he barely knows how to elaborate on this "he holds me in much too high esteem i have to say…" Cimmorro: cimm's static state breaks at vinny's words and he turns to him in surprise. "crying?" he blinks but laughs softly after he looks ahead again. "didn't think you have a knack for making grown men cry, i have to say. and you just realized that?" @ the esteem part. "he was practically swearing his sword to you at the ship." Vinny: he gestures with his hand as if to ennunciate just how ridiculous the crying thing sounds "yes well, its also something im discovering about myself, be wary you might be next…" he shakes his head at the second comment "i still dont really understand why…! well i do now moreso but… its a silly reason all the same.." he droops a little Cimmorro: cimm snorts mid-drag so smoke replaces what's supposed to be a dabble of laughter instead. "careful. i might think you're flirting." he hums at his next words. "interesting. care to enlighten me?" Vinny: he returns to his familiar routine of ignorning cimmorro's flirting by shaking his head and not looking at him "it mainly has to do with my er… status as a member of the accord… which is hardly a plus in my eyes" Cimmorro: "well… all he knows is you're part of a big shot wizard circle. none of the whole-" he gestures at vinny vaguely with his pipe "-yknow? still, i shouldn't be surprised that's where his priorities are…" he says with disdain before he laughs to himself again. "next thing i'll know is that he'll ask you out for a date instead of the one with me." Vinny: he kind of grumbles a little to himself under his breath something about the accord as he leans backward before turning back to cimmorro with a laugh "should you require aid on that i will boldly sacrifice myself for the cause as ive said before" Cimmorro: "so gallant," he smirks, amused. "but you looked so downtrodden, like a lame horse, after spending a couple of conversations with him already. are you sure you're ready to take up a date?"
Vinny: he tilts his head as if seriously considering the thought "well…l-like i said hes…getting better…?" he glances towards where hes squatted with plum before glancing back at cimmorro "at least i dont think he'll be sobbing in our next conversation… i hope" he blinks suddenly realising something "-and you, ah..!" he sits up properly again raising his voice and waving his hand in front of cimmorro before realising he did, lowering it again quickly "i e-embarrassed myself so badly in there, did everyone besides me know he was a vampire already!?" he says again in a hushed whisper his face getting red again Cimmorro: cimm startles a bit at vinny's sudden outburst. he stares at him blankly for a moment. "embarrassed? what? how?" he raises a brow. "and yes, well, i've already gotten into hot waters with finn before for even joking about his… condition so," he shrugs. "it isn't really my place to share. everyone knows, though mars only figured it out after the incident earlier." Vinny: he scrunches his eyes shut at the mars comment and mumbles "so i was the last one….." he looks away from cimmorro's face "i…before he told me i thought it was a curse or…a hex and offered to try and cure it….." he puts his head in his hands "i went on about the theory of it all…" he is the picture of lament Cimmorro: "i'm surprised it took you this long… after he drank that blood-supple root and he even presented himself as a bat in front of you, twice even. one being in our room." he tilts his head with a smile as he playfully jabs him. for someone who is all about his theories, he sure missed that one by a long shot. it's kind of cute. "don't mope now though! i shall indulge on your attempted diagnosis of him. i might learn a thing or two." Vinny: he speaks with his head still in his heads "i thought he just knew some druidic magic…" he glances up again at cimm with a dejected expression "… i mean i didn't even know if it would work really… b-but it felt rude to not offer or try when thats the whole reason im here…" he scratches his head as he tries to stop being so flustered "and it was just some theory about the binding and the application… it sounded more like a hex when keva described it!" he goes on about this and that trying to feel less silly about it all as the others chat about the dragon Cimmorro: "bah, don't be so embarrassed for a kind act, then! we know finn can be a handful but i'm sure the gesture meant something to him." cimm uses a hand to shake vinny's shoulder as if trying to console him. when vinny starts to babble he actively listens the same way he's always been when he starts rambling about something.
As the two chatter between themselves the rest of the party begin discussing the matter of how theyre going to take on the drake situation once more.
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Psalm: "We should discuss our battle strategy if the drake actually does show up at night I think." Mars: "Well it does depend on how you guys handle yourself in a fight." He's thinking rather seriously Rokka: "ha-hack and slash…?" Han: "put out fire, go sleep, scream everyone awake when it appears, fight it, win, easy" Psalm: "Sure, but we have the horses to consider, and all our stuff, and Cimmorro can't get hurt because if he does we're fucked. Does that sound easy to you…? 😐 " Han: han sighs and mopes a little "no, it doesnt. that is poor joke from me. we dont really have any traps, or materials to build traps. we are in an unfamiliar environment, so it has lots of advantage over us….. frankly, our best bet would be to push horses to their limit and run away, while any of us with range take pot shots, and hope we out run it" Mars: "If we position ourselves…." Though he thinks a little bit more. "I was going to say it would depend on how we position ourselves, but if Cimm is right and its a cobalt dragon, then its more likely it would want us to walk into its traps, rather than attacks us directly." Though now he's thinking of the dragon baiting them…. He'll have to account for that. Han: nods to what mars is saying Keva: keva pipes up from behind her book "i'd guess like we're either more likely to run into it on the move, or we already have" Psalm: "I think it might be best to assume that at any moment we're already caught in a trap then and proceed from there?" then to han "But we need to kill it for the reward right. How long do you think the horses can keep this up if we use ranged attacks alone?" (Genujnely asking) Han: "more or less.. best way to get out of trap is sacrifice something. so, what does it want. fight, or food. go from there" han looks over the horses.. they seem healthy enough… "probably six hours. but i dont know how fast our dragon will be… theyre big fuckers, arent they" Psalm: "I feel like it could go either way, since the book just makes this thing sound kind of like an asshole. And yes I'd assume drakes are large. I don't know if outrunning it will be possible…"
Han: han leans in conspiratorily "are you cobalt dragon? i wont snitch" winks Plum: [laugh] Mars: He was about to rebuke it light heartedly before seriously going; "… Well this would certainly be a ploy of some kind." He says rather gravely. Plum: "what kind of trap would a dragon use…?" imagining a large bear trap Mars: At plum 's question he considers it carefully. "Well… pit falls are rather simple, but effective for anyone unsuspecting. I'm not sure if cobalt dragons can use magic, but if they can I'd imagine they'd be able to fashion something more advanced than that. Plum: "that's what i was thinking," they grimace. "magic traps are the worst. if i was a dragon what would i do…" they mutter. Mars: "With a penchant for cruelty. Or pranks at best." Plum: "great," they say. something about everyone piping up to plan one task makes them smile into the fire. it feels nice despite what the topic was.
As the party chatter, Keva casts an eye over the landscape around them again. She notes its open wetlands with trees dotted around the place, it looks more mountainy further inland in the distance. She glances off into the sky and see nothing but clear stars glittering in the dark, barely a cloud out tonight.
Plum: "we can also try binding it or slowing it down while it's after us" Rokka: "i can cast entangle on it!" Keva: keva cranes her neck for a good look at the land and concludes, "not too many places to hide around here though. maybe we'd get stuck in some mud" she snorts "but there," she points towards the mountains in the distance "plenty of rocks to hide behind or send tumbling" Han: han looks over to where keva points and grimaces harder "agreed." following rokka "i too can aid slowing it, though with its size…… might be losing game" Plum: "well if it really does come after us we're going to have to try," they frown Keva: she squints off towards the mountains, but seeing no signs of any storms or anything like that, she relaxes just a bit, turning her eyes to the stars instead and searches for familiar spring constellations Psalm: Psalm just muses to himself like, "Why must we fight…" Rokka: rokka suddenly remembers what he has to do and just yells out to no one in particular "AH! NOO NOBODY TALK TO ME" and goes back to staring the plush down Plum: "we're probably going to have to watch the mountains, i think keva's right." worriedly they add, "this one can't fly, right..?" Keva: "it might. wasn't anything about it in the book" Plum: "well drakes don't, i was told earlier." they gesture at psalm when he speaks. "we should account for other types of drakes, we're only guessing at what this thing is." Psalm: "Drakes don't fly, no. Unless there's some hitherto unknown magic ability that let's them, they don't have wings."
Remembering her ability to detect portals and types of creatures with primevil awareness, Han casts a spell to detect any portals in the vicinity. She senses nothing for the first cast, she then casts one to detect dragons within a mile of herself, the second pings as positive to her however.
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Han: yall watch as han does a spell, smirks and scoffs, then does another spell and starts sweating bullets with the smirk just plastered on her face Psalm: Psalm just blinks at her like, "Uh, everything alright there…" Finn: finn looks at her like 😐 Han: "erm… well… you see… i have several ways… to feel out… terrain… and creatures… and i did the … one with more wider range… and… the… mm….. how do i say this." Plum: "please just say it" Han: "so………. like….. there are definitely dragon like creatures within one mile of us" Mars: "… Han" Psalm: "Oh for the love of," he just puts his head in his hands. Finn: finn stares at the flame for a good moment before glancing around again "well………. i was looking forward to fighting it but if all else fails we could always consider…….." finn looks like this rn "…….try negotiating with it…… maybe itll find one of us very charming………." Psalm: "Are you volunteering?" Finn: finn raises an eyebrow "funny that you ask, considering how you cannot stop yourself from hovering over me whenever i talk to strangers lately…" he huffs "but yes, i would volunteer, considering im the most gallant and beautiful of our group" he than glares at psalm Psalm: "I'm just concerned for your wellbeing is all (read: our party's reputation with strangers), but considering your powers of persuasion are stronger than mine it'd make sense for you to do it. I guess that can be one idea but we still need a contingency plan…" Mars: Thats about the most sensible thing finn's said thus far so mars can't really dispute it. "If the avenue for negotiation is opened I see no reason not to…." Finn: "then let us make that our back up strategy…or perhaps our main strategy. if we can bait it into negotiating with us we can always launch a surprise attack later" he briefly glances at the guy Mars: well he's given his two cents on finn's segment of the strategic debate and turns back to literally anyone else now. Psalm: Psalm's ignoring being glared at btw bc he doesn't have the energy
Han: "… thats not entirely bad plan… it is more smart than average deer, right? like, humanoid smart? negotiation is not off the table…" Finn: "theyre rather intellgient. capable of speech and all that….." he gestures vaguely with his hand as he talks to han Psalm: "If we don't kill it, we might still get a reward for getting it to stop attacking travellers though." Keva: keva mumbles, "i'd think a deal with something described as 'cunning' and 'cruel' would be a bad one personally but," Han: "they wanted head though, right? so…" looks at all the silver tongued peeps in this group Mars: "A problem dealt with is a job done." Though if it does come down to it…………………………….. Finn: "we just need to get far enough for it to let its guard down around us……we can think of something from there. maybe a poisoning over a dinner date or" he gives the joke a moment to land "my proposed surprise attack" Psalm: Psalm actually snorts at that, "As long as we're not the dinner." Han: han gives him a withering look "why on earth would it agree to dinner date?? if its smart enough it knows its being hunted? it would be embarrasing to get caught like that…" Plum: plum was going to be the one to say something like this before they realised it was a joke. Finn: "well… i did say maybe one of us is charming enough to….." he shakes his head "nevermind" not wanting to explain the caim strategy to han after all Plum: plum was going to say that they didn't realise dragons were that much like people, being cunning and cruel and using traps and all that, but they remember cimmorro is literally part dragon and just listen to the others talk. Cimmorro: "i myself would like the opportunity to know why it's even in this acting out in this region in the first place, if we get the chance to strike a conversation with it. these things don't really show up around here, so i'm curious if something had aggravated it… especially with all that we've heard of monster hunting recently."
Han: "like, the only way that would work, is probably if one of us just gave the others up as sacrifice" Finn: finn thinks for a moment "you could offer me as a sacrifice. my death is the only inconsequential one" he says this flatly Plum: "and have your uncle kill us? no thanks." Psalm: "No." Finn: "ill regenerate of course" he squints at plum and psalm "im not offering to actually give my existence up for this" Plum: "oh, even so i'd rather we not…" Psalm: "Of course not, but how long would regenerating take and would you be able to do it while the rest of us are fighting it off?" Han: han rolls her eyes but then seems to consider this seriously "would that not piss it off more? one disappearing meal…… that could actually be used.." thinker pose trying to weave this into something strategic Finn: "i dont think itd know until later……i uh, havent exactly tried getting devoured by a creature before" he grimaces a bit "ideally you would not fight it after sacrificing me. itll take me around an hour to come back from that" Psalm: "I can't say it's worth the gamble honestly. It'll probably lie about any deal we make anyways. And then we'd be down one fighter." Han: han sort of, stares at the fire pit and then looks very put-off, and she mumbles "actually, ye, agree with rest, i prefer we do not do sacrifice with you, at any cost" Finn: finn rolls his eyes and leans back a bit "fiiiine…" hes a bit annoyed he doesnt get to try this…….itd be so cool if it worked………..hmph Psalm: "We can find a less fucked up situation for you to get eaten later." Finn: finn side eyes him "you almost sound eager" Psalm: "What, to get rid of you? Perish the thought Finn." Finn: "of course" finn drawls "its just so like you to want to try it when your own life isnt at stake is all" Keva: keva's gone back to looking thru textile patterns bc finn has once again made the conversation about him
> 🎵 Imps / Rule of Rose OST
Suddenly as they continue chattering, the party feel a faint rumble beneath the earth, as if a mild earthquake suddenly wracked the area. Alongside it they hear a loud sound in the distance, though they can't quite place what it is initially.
Psalm: "Just feels like it'd be better time for it when-" Han: han smacks a pan over the fire Plum: "no fucking way," plum says, almost exasperated Psalm: "The plan might actually have to be Han's suggestion from earlier," Psalm muses
Mars, seeing through Silva's eyes he notices a dark shape moving in the distance further out down the road north, the same direction Keva pinpoints the sound to have been coming from. He quickly sees it its form dissapear behind a outcropping of tall trees. Keva also notes that the noise sounded to her as if something big were falling over. Han tries to clock the distance from where they are, she guesses close to half a mile away from where they sit.
Mars: "North. Something large far out there. Saw it disappear into the treeline." Psalm: Psalm immediately gets up, "I'll guard the horses." Keva: "honestly, i don't think it's coming this way. it sounded like something fell, probably a tree or something like that" keva says as she stands and squints toward the treeline "we're poabbyl fine here, but further up the road, best watch our heads" Han: han takes her pan off the campfire to see how its faring "agree. i think we lay low here and dont move tonight. keep our watch. moving now will just draw more attention to us." Mars: "…. You're likely right, but its still pretty close," It likely isn't coming over, though just in case… "What's the plan if it does come over? Everything in the wagon and bail?" Han: "i say back to town, yes. strength in number." Psalm: "But we spent so much money.. 😭 " Mars: "Not much in the way of alternative roads for a wagon of this size." On foot would be a much longer journey too Han: "we don't have to enter town. just make sure drake sees us returning. no matter how smart or stupid, i doubt it would follow far into civilization. i do have to say… it is very active at night. not many animals ar active both day and night… meaning if we keep track of it, we could have very big advantage. catching it asleep." Psalm: "So we're going to go back to town and do what? We have to deal with it one way or the other." Finn: "thats the most sensible thing youve said all night" finn sneers Psalm: Psalm just raises his hands and mimes choking Finn in response to this Finn: finn plays along to the mime and acts like he faints but hes smiling while doing it, smirking at psalm after Han: "its not for doing something, its for self defense. if we cant fight it off"
Psalm: "We could wait out the night here then try finding it during the day?" 🤔 Han: han nods "we have general direction" Mars: "A detour back to Bakaldor would take half a day, even if we'd leave at daybreak we'd likely find it in its active hours." Psalm's suggestions sounds risky, if they're planning to stay the night out on the road they should at least be ready to bolt. Mars would at least like to scout the road ahead for any traps on the main road, though he kind of doubts the drake would set up traps there…? He's gonna send silva out for the night to fly closer to the road, see if there's anything obvious that can catch a caravan if they're to bolt down the road Psalm: "Ughh this might sound irresponsible but I'd rather tough it out than backtrack our progress traveling. I suppose as a last resort.." Plum: "i kind of think we're going to have to decide in the moment, really, so we shouldn't write off any plans." Finn: "i agree with both psalm and han… tracking it is a good idea, if we can to some degree. id also rather fight than run but ultimately if we must, we will" he glances around for a bit "kevas assessment also seems reasonable, i think we will be fine"
The party decide to hunker down for the night, keeping a watchful eye to the north for any foul play… What the evening brings is anyones guess for now, they try their best to get a peaceful nights rest.
👨‍👩‍👦‍👦👨‍👨‍👧‍👦 The Party has left Bakaldor !
1st Watch -> Han & Keva 🏹🗡 2nd Watch -> Cimorro, Mars & Vinny 💎🦅⭐ 3rd Watch -> Psalm & Finn 🦇🔮 4th Watch -> Rokka & Plum 🐺🍺
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October 24 , 2023
Listening to Kevin Gates while also reading the Bible as well. Keeping my mind studying as well.
My bible that was Copy right 1977, 1984, 2001 by Thomas Nelson Inc, All rights reserved Printed in Belgium the verse in Psalms says ,
Also was baptized and well that was November 16, 2008 a week before I turned 10 as well. In front of My father Glenn Ray Seymour and , my two little brothers as well as my step mom and as well as my step brother as well. The verse Psalms 10: Oppression of the Poor.
Psalms 10:2
" The wicked in "his" pride doth persecute the poor,. Let them be taken in the devices that they have imagined."
Now reading this the bible states women are to "marry" its hard to marry when women feel a sense of entitlement to credibility and being thief of a man's pride . A man's pride is anything he actually pours his energy and time into as well as mind.
Men will looks at all women the same because we are always counting on a hand on how fast we can mess them over or manipulate them.
The devices they are talking about is the phones and devices and how we use them. I use mine for research, google translation and communication to people that I promised to always be here for no matter how bad things get.
A few people is about to see me as a joke because I don't hold any vengeance from anyone who hurts me or betrays me. I look at myself and having spiritual warfare in my soul because my father's obituary did not have to be exposed, nor did my face-book need to be tapped in my old foster brother from him hacking me back in March of 2015 to April really, actually April 20 of that year in 2015 and that hurts to know because he was tapped into my information and was having access to all my conversations as well. This life is getting scary being able to see it at a distance as well.
Reading this and realizing what dcfs meant by I am blessed. My daughter could be in the same position as I was as well. My spirit in my shell is feeling growth in more ways than one. I am learning the knowledge everyone is wanting and trying to manifest from the Devil, they are trying to learn take over.
That knowledge was not meant to be used for destruction it is meant for knowing the power you hold in yourself as a person as a human being. I will not be looked at like my father as a liar or a addict .
Life is a choice.
I have to much life meaning my spirit.
Women give the names you are called by the first name.
Seeing someone go by a middle name is Red flag, also after learning the truth behind my father's biological father I had already stated my last name needs to be changed to Barker because well truth came out fast and I see why my grand mother wrote that message of her red bible.
She knows how I am with my faith and knows i will do whatever means necessary's to keep my bloodline safe and as well as always reach out to talk to family because as life goes on and people block and do things as if I am here to make anyone feel bad about themselves. Nope sometimes as life goes on its better to let go , write , if there is something you want to keep with you but you don't want to carry it with you in your mind you can actually write it down and keep it , write down your mental rights with a note and keep that information personal close as well.
Family will play like they love you and trade or speak information to others that was it there business to do because now it takes away truth behind what I say or do. My past will not dictate or conflicts my faith as I am typing this. Women are always called crazy no women are tired of our voices being covered, Hint my drawings has the mouth as well muscled as well.
I like the fact that Porn Hub asks for a license or a number to upload things as well. Its amazing because well. I am from Louisiana and well, I am sorry I love music, I speak truth. One main focus I am hunting for and doing is writing or saying lyrics that doesn't look like a gateway to a bad path. The path hand and hand with Allah, God . The Alpha and Omega and understanding even as an artist that has more talents than one, I will never be perfect, right now is not the time to dive into my dream with my music because truth is , being seen as if I am noone. Lies , everyone sees what is going on. Money holds no real value when you learn the place of a women as life goes on. I don't want to be looked up to as I promote self harm, verbal abuse, mental abuse, or physical violence. My body is my body , We are all part of the problem of todays society. Women on twitter one specific is talking about things on twitter well, formerly twitter and is debating and speaking of topics she's trying to speak to women and say to be quiet and submits to every word a man says , But leaving out other factors that she wants our daughters to learn to listen and elt a man take advantage and mentally abuse you, I was once beatened by her father and we made peace and moved on from it, but his family got in the way and as life goes on we are all learning how to ehal because well. Now its feels like whose going through worse and feels like it is Karma as well for speaking up as well. I refuse toever be looked at as if I did wrong in my past when speaking up. I don't trust a person walking because everyone just wants something from you just so that way they can take your photos, data, and stories adn use them for themselves, shit even seeing my mom betray me its okay. I am greatful she is alive but she was my momma and she is protecting someone that did alot of harm to other kids as well and my baby daddy's sister thought I was wrong when I told Him that I wanted to beat my brothers ass for doing something to a kid as well my child said that she was touched by him as well and my mom is acting like she forgot who I was as a person. I know my rights as a mother and as a person I am influencing women to speak up and always keep diaries because even when I was on drugs I am still able to remember everything that has ever happened. Maya Angellou felt that she had to keep mute because she felt as well the same thing , stay quiet becasue she felt her voice played a hand in getting a man killed when facts are that is a false because murder is a choice, all humans feels a evil instinct in us but its about how we chose to pass it down and demonstrate it. I was raped 3 times and State of Louisiana through Celeste White dropped my case becasue she was intimidated by Thomas Vincent to drop the case as well, so I did allow her father to visit with her and see her under the supervision of some family from the Hebert side and May 19, 2023 my daughter came to me saying that she was touched by him as well then I got my mothers dumbass boyfriend saying and trying to message me aying that he is my dad when my father is deceased and what makes it even more sick for me is that well being honest in my life he is part of the problem as well having sex with every one he does air conditioner work as well for my mother. Church is through your way of worship. I just find it funny ebcause I was even wrong back in September 16 , 2014 when I spoke up on cocain as well about the accusations as well.
Makes it amazing for me because I even left 26 Old sandy hook road in July or August of 2017 because my mother brought him back around my daughter after I gave birth to her as wel.
I will always love her father but in truth I do believe her, but also on top of that Chris Cuevas even made a mistake and said " Why didn't you fill out a Police report."
Sir common sense is The courts does not hold anything that a child says at 6 years old accountable to be used, this is facts because on honesty It was as easy as just leave and not speak to any of them again. Do I wish them bad? Never I am staying near my home front because well. Its home.
Tired of the judgement oh wait Thomas Vincent father of three wont name because they are family but he even screamed at me saying infront of 410 edwards street that I deserved to be raped and I am not mad because they rather see me home less and not care. I asked for even a ride from Misty Portier to help me to get to court from Lafayette and she was told me no as well.
Manipulated me threatening me saying I remember you calling the police from 2021 because her father didn't let me talk to her because of his emotions. I am so sorry that I felt played because he said " I will teach her how to please a man."
So Louisiana did fail that. Speaking that as well. My bad.
But in truth I never did anything to harm my child, when you remove a child from a mother's custody we will lose our mind and find hobbies to fill the void, so me leaving a man was wrong ? No matter what we are always serving the devil without knowing it and well I have the right to type as I am losing my mind watching how this crap really goes, I am keeping my silence as I am healing mentally right now so I am greatful because we could all be killed in America like the Genocide that is going on across the borders.
And noone will ever really get promoted or paid correct as honesty goes. So yeah, some artist play behind a screen because even right now I am looked at like an attention seeker , no , I am a woman who has alot in her mind and also alot of pain supressed, but I hold no threats.
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dailyaudiobible · 1 year
10/7/2023 DAB Transcript pt 1
Jeremiah 8:8-9:26, Colossians 3:1-17, Psalm 78:32-55, Proverbs 24:27
Today is the seventh day of October, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I'm Brian and it is great to be here with you today as we round the corner on our first full week of this month of October and we are working our way through the book of Jeremiah in the Old Testament. So, we will pick up where we left off yesterday and continue forward reading from the New International Version this week, Jeremiah chapter 8 verse 8, through 9 verse 26 today.
Okay, so, let's talk about our wardrobe today. So, let's say we have our bedroom closet and it's got our clothes in it and, but we also have some things stored away in the basement, hung up kind of makeshift closet down there of our vintage wear, things we don't want to get rid of. But we don't wear that much, but we don't want to get rid of it. And let's begin to think of this in spiritual terms because that’s something we don't normally think of in terms of our wardrobe. And yet at the same time, the Bible describes a type of spiritual wardrobe. For example, the armor of God, are things that we are to wear spiritually. And so, let's just say like our vintage wear, the things that were holding onto, but we don't really want to throw away. The stuff that's down in the basement. Let’s say we go down there and look at what we have hanging up and we find sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires, greed, idolatry, anger, rage, malice, slander, filthy language from your lips, lying. And we don't wear that stuff all that often, but we keep it around because we could run down and grab the T-shirt of lust and throw it on. Anybody…anybody can do that, but we don't wear that stuff that much. Our main clothes are in our main closet in our bedroom, and in that closet, we have compassion, and kindness, humility, gentleness and patience, forgiveness, love, unity. Although we’re storing these items in two different locations, it would be hard for anybody to kind of come in and look around at those two different closets of clothes and sense that they belong to the same person. And that is kind of Paul's point from what we are reading in the letter to the Colossians today. The clothes that we don’t want to get rid of, that we’re holding onto, that we don't wear all that much, that we keep in the basement, are not actually really our clothes anymore. They’re the wardrobe of a person who has died. But just for the sake of our description today, let's say we’re holding on to those things down in the basement and we got these things that we try to routinely wear in our main wardrobe in our upstairs closet. But on a regular basis, we try to create combinations out of both wardrobes, and then go out into the world and wear those things. Like, can we put on the pants from closet upstairs and everything else from closet downstairs? And because we have something new from closet A, that we’re wearing, that it makes everything else look good. Like can we wear sexual immorality and say gentleness at the same time? Will they complement each other? Can we wear pants of greed and a shirt of compassion? Can we wear anger alongside of patience? Obviously, we aren’t talking about things that won't go together, they will clash with each other. So, we’re blowing this out into a wardrobe metaphor, but we probably see the point. We’re trying to combine things that do not go together, expecting that it will all look fine, when it doesn't all look fine. Paul is telling us that we’ve been given a whole new wardrobe and it's time to get rid of the old clothes, because they don't belong to us anymore. We aren’t who we were.
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writingwithcolor · 4 years
Hi! I’m writing a comic where one main character is Jewish and the other main character (her ex/love interest) isn’t and at a point he’s near-fatally injured and I was wondering how/if she would pray for his recovery? (Also kinda unrelated but I do think it’s important, if a Jewish character is speaking or thinking and they say/think god would it be spelt like “G-d”? Asking because Jewish creators I follow on things like tiktok and youtube spell it like that in the CC of their videos)
Jewish character prays for recovery of another character, and the spelling of God/G-d
The healing prayer is called Misheberach and here is a text:
Mi Shebeirach - Prayer for Healing
You don't need to bleep out the “o” when you write God. We do that (or some of us do, anyway -- I don't bc to me the word 'god' is not the same as The Name but just an English word, but obviously I'm in the minority here) because according to our beliefs if you write the name of God on a piece of paper it sanctifies the paper and that turns into a whole thing bc that means when it's time to dispose of the paper you can't just recycle it you have to give it a proper burial and who wants to deal with that every five seconds, right? So someone thinking that in their heads doesn't do anything to any physical object and also if those aren't your beliefs then you don't need to change the way you write.
Agree with this, also if she usually says the weekday Amidah there is a part where you can insert a prayer for the sick:
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Specified text above reads:
Heal us, HASHEM - Then we will be healed;* save us - then we will be saved, for You are our praise. Bring complete recovery for all our ailments, for You are God, King, the faithful and compassionate Healer. Blessed are you, HASHEM, Who heals the sick of His people Israel.
* At this point one may interject a prayer for one who is ill:
May it be Your will, HASHEM, my God, and the God of my forefathers, that You quickly send a complete recovery from heaven, spiritual healing and physical healing to the patient [Name] son/daughter of [mother’s name] among the other patients of Israel.
The Mi Sheberach is usually a communal prayer, but people have been using it in settings like you are describing for a long time, possibly since its creation.
I have prayed for the recovery of two secular Jewish people in my life. Once I did it without asking, and once having discussed it beforehand. Now, your character's love interest isn't Jewish, so things are a little different, but I can tell you that when I prayed without asking, I felt guilty. As though I had taken the person's agency away when it came to religious decisions. I spoke to the person after (it was my husband, and it was a hospital-room panic move on my part), let him know what I had done, and apologized for not thinking to ask first. It turned out that it was fine with him, but he appreciated me discussing it with him, since he is secular, and it's important not to just decide religious things for people.
When another secular family member became ill, I had the opportunity to ask if he wanted me to say Mi Sheberach for him, and he agreed, so I took that on guilt-free. When dealing with issues of religious consent, and interfaith (or differing observance) relationships, feelings can get complicated. Just something to keep in mind as you write your scene.
-- Dierdra
@terulakimban said: The above are relatively formal options. Other things that are possible: saying or reading tehillim (Psalms) while thinking about the injured (this one is a common custom) and saying his name on Thursday/Friday while separating and burning her challah (or asking someone observant enough to follow both those traditions to do so). Those are more “while he’s in the hospital” type things. If you need a “he is bleeding out in front of her and she is freaking out and defaults to prayer”-type of prayer, another option is a very angry potentially one-sided conversation with G-d, either in her head or out loud.
@captainlordauditor said: I personally will only tell/ask about saying Mi Sheberach for someone if I'm not sure what their Hebrew name is. For nonJews and people I know well I'll just say it. Asking feels like I'm trying to make it about me or perform my religion for their image of me and not for Gd.
@fluencca said: I'd also like to pitch a "tehil" or two... i.e., psalms. lots of people read psalms as a generic "pray for someone sick", while they're in surgery or whateve, rather than read "mi she'berach" over and over again. There are 150 psalms, so it's also a calming act that takes time and serves as a ditraction (they're very poetic, as well, and the right psalm can resonate very meaningfully)
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vladdocs · 3 years
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From the Order of the Dragon to Dracula - Constantin Rezachevici [Professor Constantin Rezachevici is chief researcher at the Nicolae Iorga National Institute of History, a member of the Romanian Academy, and Professor with the Faculty of History at the University of Bucharest. He is author of The History of the Neighbouring Countries and the Romanian People in the Middle Ages (1998).] ___________ The name “Dracula” has witnessed periods of both brilliance and fame. It became famous in the second half of the fifteenth century through the actions of Vlad Tepes (Dracula), ruler of Wallachia (1448, 1456- 1462, 1476).i It has continued to exist, although less known, through his legitimate descendants, the noble family Dracula of Sintesti and of Band, established in Transylvania between the fifteenth and seventeenth centuries. Families that originated from Vlad’s marriage to a close relative of the Hungarian King Matias Corvin in February of 1462 can provide an explanation of the Szekely ancestry wrongly attributed to Vlad Tepes and his literary metamorphosis the vampire Count Dracula. As a result of the novel of Irish writer Bram Stoker, the name “Dracula” has obtained universal fame during the modern epoch. The origin of the name “Dracula” has a very interesting history, very different from what has been commonly believed. For a long time, many theories have existed about its genesis, ranging from the claim by Grigore Nandris that it was the genitive Slavonic form meaning “the son of Dracul” (Vlad Dracul was the ruler of Wallachia from 1437-1442 and 1444-1447) to the false connection with a coincidentally similar Romanian word “dragulea”, meaning the dear one or lover.ii All these theories are connected to the starting point of this name exclusively for Vlad Tepes, until this popular name, meaning “son of Dracul” became confused with the Romanian word “Dracul”, meaning “the devil” (Andreescu 149-50). To clarify matters, Dracula (Draculea) has represented from the beginning a new popular Romanian form (from the name Vlad Dracul) applied to Vlad Dracul’s famous son Vlad Tepes (Andreescu 156, Stoicescu 201), while the nickname given to Vlad by the Turks was “Tepes”, the Romanian word for impaler. Even before Vlad Tepes’ reign in Romania, the boyar Albu had called Vlad Dracul (which was a nickname known outside of Romania), simply Draculea (Andreescu 150-51), the popular exclusively Romanian name. The Venetian messenger Bartholomeo de Jano and his contemporary Greek chroniclers Leonicos Chalkokondyles and Critobul of Imbros have also called him Draculea (Andreescu 154-55). Even Iancu of Hunedora, who executed him, made mention on December 17, 1456, of “infidelem Drakwlam wayvodem” (Documenta 461). In the end, the Turkish chronicler Asakpasazade, referring to the year 1442, calls Vlad Tepes “Dracula” instead of “Draculea” (Cronici 88), while the Serb janissary who wrote from 1496 to 1501, called him “voievodul valah Dracula” (Calatori 125), which in English means the Wallachian prince Dracula. It is clear that Draculea (Dracula) was a popular nickname for Vlad Dracul, meaning a person belonging to the Order of the Dragon. For his son, Vlad Tepes, the name “Dracula” became through affiliation an alternative, not only a nickname, with the side effect of increasing his bad reputation, with its diabolical meaning, even though originally, in his father’s days, “Dracul” did not have a malevolent meaning. Vlad (the father) had obtained the nickname “Dracul” in connection with his receiving the Order of the Dragon from Hungary’s king Sigismund of Luxembourg, at Nürnberg around February 8, 1431. The German name for this order was “Drachenordens,” and in Latin “Societatis draconistarum.” The Order of the Dragon, which some confuse with a decoration, was really an institution, just like the other chivalric orders in medieval times.iii As a model, Sigismund of Luxembourg took
the Order of St. George (Societas militae Sancti Georgii) created by the king of Hungary Carol Robert of Anjou (1308_1342) in 1318. Its statute from 1326 requires the protection of the king from any danger or plot against him; the symbol of the Order of the Dragon was a red cross on a silver field and a black mantle. With the exception of the last object, these are also found in the new order. In a battle with the anarchical Hungarian nobles and in the background of the other battles for the possession of Bosnia, Sigismund of Luxembourg and the queen Barbara Cilli created the Order of the Dragon on December 12, 1408, mainly meant to protect the king and his family, with the help of a big part of the Hungarian nobility, led by the families of Gara and Cilli. The statute of this Order of the Dragon, elaborated by the chancellor of the Hungarian court, Eberhard, bishop of Oradea, maintained only in a copy from 1707 and published in a Hungarian edition in 1841, has remained almost unknown, even to the investigators of this problem. The analysis of this important document shows that the order aimed at defending the cross and at the destruction of its enemies, symbolized by the ancient Dragons (Draconis tortuosi) with the help of St. George. The battle was against the Turkish pagan armies and the husits, who were outside the Orthodox nations who were faithful to the cross and to King Sigismund (Romanians etc). Barons, priests and leaders of the kingdom gathered below the sign of the dragon, submitted to the cross and proclaimed loyalty to King Sigismund and the queen. The members who founded the order were 24 nobles of the kingdom, led by the despot Stefan Lazarevici, the leader of Serbia, among whom were Nicolae of Gara, the Hungarian prince, Stibor of Stibericz, the prince of Transylvania, Pipo of Ozora, the Ban (local ruler) of Severin etc, in general great local noblemen. They were all engaged in serving with loyalty no matter the price, the royal couple, their family and their friends. The symbol of the order was, after the statute of 1408, a circular dragon with its tail coiled up around its neck. On its back, from the base of its neck to its tail, was the red cross of St. George, on the background of a silver field. According to the first Medieval encyclopedist, Isidor of Seville, it was a “serpens,” a dragon that lives on land. As the years went by, the Order of the Dragon expanded, including two classes, a superior one, whose symbol was a dragon being strangled with a cross stretched out on its back, which, especially from the late fifteenth century to the seventeenth century surrounded a family coat-of-arms. Sometimes foreign members were allowed in, but only as allies, who did not have to take the oath of eternal loyalty to King Sigismund of Luxembourg, for example, the king of Poland, Vladislav Jagiello, his former brother-in-law Vitautas (Witold), the great duke of Lithuania, King Henry the fifth of England, the members of the Italian families Carrara, della Scala and leaders of Venezia, Padova and Verona. During the life of King Sigismund, from 1408 to 1437, the Order of the Dragon became the most important noble political association in Hungary, loyal to the king, the main political force in the kingdom, second to the king. Immediately after being established, it served as a model for the setting up in 1409 of the Spanish order of Calatrava. Into this prestigious European chivalic institution, which was symbolized by the dragon, was admitted the aspirant to the Wallachian throne, Vlad (Dracul) in February 1431, in his position of vassal of Sigismund of Luxemburg, according to the statute of the Order. Admission was into the superior
class of the order. The symbol of this class evolved up to 1431 in two phases: the first one, as it has been reminded earlier, was a dragon with a cross drawn on his back, between its wings, from the base of the neck to its tail and lasted from 1408 to 1418; the second one, until the death of Sigismund of Luxembourg, was completed with another cross perpendicular to the coiled up dragon, having on the equal sides of the cross the writing “O quam misericors est Deus” (vertical) and “Justus et paciens” (horizontal). This sign was worn on a sash, like in the portrait of Dichters Oswald von Wallenstein in 1432. The necklace of the order was made of two gold chains joined by the sign, a Hungarian cross with a double bar above the coiled up dragon. But on the seal, another dragon was represented, with a big body, with dented wings, not coiled, only two feet with a free tail, with a very small Greek cross on its chest. Sigismund of Luxembourg himself introduced in 1433 the seal for the Order of the Dragon of this type, one of the last seals he made as a Roman-German emperor. Unfortunately, the symbol that Vlad Dracul had wasn’t kept. But the elements of the symbol of the Order of the Dragon on his royal seal of 1437 clearly show that Vlad Dracul was the possessor of the Order of the Dragon necklace: the Hungarian double cross, instead of the Latin cross; the dragon illustrated on the reverse of the six silver and bronze coins that were beat by Vlad at Sighisoara in Transylvania (or after his occupation of the Wallachian throne) is similar to the dragon in Paolo Uccello’s picture, St. George and the dragon; and the coat-of-arms from the episcopacy built by him at Curtea de Arges. Furthermore, he transformed the dragon from the seal to his personal coat-of-arms, not directly but as an original heraldry composition. This coat-of-arms was carved from stone, and represented the dragon attacking a lion, the headed snake, the dragon, emerging victoriously from this battle, therefore illustrating metaphorically Psalm 90 (“You will step on lions and on vipers and walk over lion cubs and snakes”). This phrase’s purpose was to symbolize the victory of Christianity and that of Vlad Dracul over his enemies. In this case the dragon was a benefic symbol, and the picture of Vlad with his name (Dracul, Draculea-Dracula) had a positive meaning which was only common in Wallachia during his reign. The spreading of the image of the dragon by Vlad Dracul through the large circulation of seal, small coins and heraldic stone carving had a powerful impression on its Romanian subjects. This was increased by the Order of the Dragon necklace, which no other Romanian ruler had worn, and even more so the ceremonial costume of the Order of the Dragon knights - red garments and green mantle. Thus, Vlad Dracul, the father of Vlad Tepes, has forever remained in a bond with both versions of his nickname. This paradox has been interpreted incorrectly. The dragon of the order with the same name was not an evil element during the fifteenth century, but a positive symbol of knighthood. The dragon choking itself with its own tail, which in Occidental St. George heraldry and iconography, from where it originates, represented the defeated Satan, becomes, in the absence of the saint and of the cross, a Christian chivalry order of positive significance. The circular dragon, strangled by its own tail, is represented on the coat-of-arms of many noble families in the Hungarian kingdom who were the descendants of some of the knights who were part of the Order of the Dragon during the reign of Sigismund, until the seventeenth century. This supports the fact that the Order of the Dragon enjoyed great prestige throughout the first half of the fifteenth century. In Transylvania, it also appeared in the coats-of-arms of the families
Bathory, Bocskay, Bethlen, Szathmary, Rakoczi and many others, even though the Order of the Dragon had lost its importance after the death of Sigismund of Luxembourg in 1437 and it practically disappeared with the demise of the members who had been admitted by him. Over five millennia of the dragon’s universal existence, it went through many transformations until the fifteenth century and it was known as a fabulous creature, sometimes with the head of a vulture, other times like the animal represented on the Order of the Dragon, with the body of a snake and the wings of a bat. The European Dragon had a lot of sources: Greek mythology (dracon), Roman_Greek tradition, Celtic mythology, the Bible, the Apocalypse, the lives of saints and Oriental influences. During pre- Christian times, the dragon often had a beneficial meaning (often connected with fecundity) and perpetuated in folklore until the late Middle Ages. However, in literature, culture and clerical Christianity, starting from Bibical text, it takes on a different role, and in the fifth century it becomes a symbol of Satan -- “draco iste significat diabolum” (Le Goff 58). This dragon, identified with Satan, was defeated and was dominated by spiritual forces but was not killed; rather, according to the symbolism of Celtic folklore, at some extent, “they even became allied with it” (Le Goff 45), by numerous saints and bishops of the Occident. In the art of Roman influence, the crutch of the bishop often has a defeated and twisted dragon at its tip. Both St. Michael and St. George, whose cult began to spread from the Bizant during the eighth and throughout the tenth, and respectively eleventh centuries, defeated the dragon physically in a fight. In Occidental heraldry, the physical strength of the dragon was said to have been in his head, but also in its big and strong tail, which in the nineteenth century was considered the illustrative element of the dragon. All this European clerical and folklore heraldry, strengthened in a millenary existence (from the fifth century to the fifteenth century) can be identified in the basic illustration of the Order of the Dragon, the snake-like dragon that is strangling himself with his own tail, which, according to tradition, is twisted three times around the dragon’s neck, signifying that he had been subdued by means of Christian spiritual powers, and the dragon with big paws and wings was the symbol of the one who was defeated by the Saints Michael and George. However, we must also remember the fact that, despite the fact that it had been defeated and subdued, the snake-like dragon and the flying dragon still were evil and the symbols of Satan. In the Romanian space to which Vlad Dracul and his son Vlad Tepes belonged, the dragon, named “balaur”, a thraco_dacian word, or “zmeu”, a slavonic word, had its roots in geto-dacian antiquity, whose military flag was representing a snake with the head of a wolf, included the large category of dragons used as flags, which one finds from the times of the Greeks and Romans until the fifteenth century. This divinity represented on the “geto-dacian” flag, became known in the time of the Roman ruling of Dacia as “draco” (in Romanian “drac” (meaning devil). Along with Christianity, it spread all throughout Europe, and came to symbolize Satan. However in pagan terms, as the Romanian historian Vasile Parvan observed, “out of all the Romance languages, the Romanian language was the only one in which ‘draco’ has the meaning of an evil spirit, demon or devil, whereas in others, the word only has the meaning of snake or dragon” (228-30). In Romanian folklore, even the snake, which in certain conditions, has the ability to turn into a dragon, has a strong malefic meaning. If “Dracul” and “Draculea” have a positive meaning in connection with the Order of the Dragon during Vlad Dracul’s time and later on during
Vlad Tepes’ reign, the same words have an exclusively negative, diabolical meaning, synonymous to the Romanian word “dracul” (the devil), without doubt in connection to the bloody and law_enforcing character of Vlad. In 1459, the aspirant Dan III, accused his rival “Draculea” (Vlad Tepes) of collaborating with the Turks, aided and guided by the devil (Tocilescu 71-2), and in 1460 mentioned “the law-offender and barbaric tyrant, unfaithful and the devil that is Vlad Voievod” (Harmuzeki 53). During Vlad Tepes’ captivity in Hungary (1462-1475), the representative of the pope in Buda, Nicolaede Madrussa, declared that he saw “their tyrant Dracul, a name which they [Romanians] use for the Devil” Papacostea (164). In 1486, the author of the Novel about Dracula voievod, translated in Russian, referred to “Dracula in Romanian, and in our language - devil, that’s how evil he was” (Panaitescu 200, 207). Although Vlad Tepes and his descendants have never used the symbol of the Order of the Dragon, he has inherited the nickname of his father Draculea/Dracula, which has become a family name (outside the country). And his successors in Transylvania, the Dracula (Draculea) family kept this name until the seventeenth century, settling in the sixteenth century among the “secui,” not far from the place where in 1897, Bram Stoker, located the setting of his novel and the Transylvania castle of “Count Dracula.” This way, over a long period of time, from the name of a small pagan deity (Greek, dracos, Latin draco), by means of the name of the Order of the Dragon (in German Drachenordens, Latin Societas draconistarum) to the fifteenth century Romanian nickname of Dracul/Draculea from which the nickname and then the family name, Dracula, comes and was used in 1897 by Bram Stoker, at the suggestion of the Hungarian Jewish orientalist, well known scholar of his time (Florescu & McNally 142-3). If the Order of the Dragon did not exist, with all its symbols and its being awarded to a Romanian Ruler, the name “Dracula” would not be famous today. _____ Works Cited: Andreescu, Stefan. Vlad Tepes (Dracula) intre legenda si adevar istoric. Bucharest, 1976. Calatori straini despre tarile romane. Bucharest, 1970. Cronici turcesti privind tarile romana. Bucharest 1966. Documenta Romaniae Historica. Bucharest, 1977. Florescu, Radu & Raymond McNally. In cautarea lui Dracula. Bucharest, 1992. Harmizachi, Eudoxiu. Documente privitoare la istoria romanilor. Bucharest, 1911. Le Goff, Jacques. “Cultura ecleziastica si sultura folclorica in evul mediu.” Pentru un alt evmediu, II. Bucharest, 1986. Nandris, Grigore. “A Philological Analysis of Dracula and Romanian Place-names and Masculine Personal Names in -a, -ea.” The Slavonic and East European Review. 36 (1959): 370-77. Panaitescu, P P (ed), Cronicile slavo-romane din sec. XV-XVI publicate de Ion Bogdan. Bucharest, 1959. Papacostea, Serban. “Cu privire la geneza si raspandirea povestirilor despre factele lui Vlad Tepes.” Romanoslavica 13 (1966). Parvan, Vasile. “Contributii epigrafice la istoria crestinismului daco-roman.” Studii de istoria culturii antice. Bucharest, 1992. Stoicescu, Nicolae. Vlad Tepes. Bucharest, 1976.
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asleepinawell · 3 years
Book Recs
I was gonna do one of these at the end of the year, but I’ve somehow managed to read 26 books this year already (12 novellas, 14 novels), almost all featuring queer authors and/or characters so this is already a long list.
Note: There’s a few on here I was kind of meh about, but in most of those cases it was a ‘book might be good but it’s not for me so i’ll mention it to put it on people’s radar anyway’ type of thing. Insert the usual necessary tumblr disclaimer about all of this being only my opinion and your opinions are valid too etc etc.
In order of when I read them:
Princess Floralinda and the Forty-Flight Tower by Tamsyn Muir - Fantasy novella from the author of gideon the ninth that’s a twist on the classic princess trapped in a tower waiting for a prince story. Quite fun. (novella)
The Monster of Elendhaven by Jennifer Giesbrecht - Dark fantasy about revenge and magic. m/m couple but like I said it’s pretty dark and twisted all around so definitely not a happy queer romantic story. My opinion was interesting premise that could have been executed better and probably should have been a full novel to embellish on the world building potential. (novella)
A Memory Called Empire & A Desolation Called Peace - Arkady Martine - Probably tied with murderbot as the best things I read this year. Scifi, f/f couple, wonderfully done exploration of what it means to fall in love with a culture that is destroying your own. More of the many queer anti-imperialist books that have come out recently and certainly some of the best. The second one is a direct continuation of the first. (2 novels)
The Tyrant Baru Cormorant - Seth Dickinson - This is the third in the Baru Cormorant series (The Masquerade) and was my favorite so far. The second and third book were originally one book that got split I believe and the second book didn’t stand alone as well (though was still great), but the third book really made up for that. Dark fantasy world starring a queer woc whose country and culture is destroyed by the imperial forces of that world colonizing and assimilating them. She vows revenge and decides to work her way up within her enemy’s ranks to enact it from within and bring an empire to ruins. Really really fascinating study of so many different aspects of our own world and the systems which enable and allow bigotry and how bigoted and violent narratives are used to control minorities. This is definitely a darker series and I was particularly impressed with some of the commentary on the racism prevalent in non-intersectional feminism as depicted through a fantasy world. Can’t wait for the last one to come out! (3 novels, 1 forthcoming)
The Murderbot Diaries - Martha Wells - There’s six of them--5 novella and a novel--and the first is All Systems Red. Told from the point of view of a self-aware droid/android that is rented out by a corporation to provide protection in a dystopian capitalist hellhole future that isn’t that unlike our current capitalist dystopia but is in space. Muderbot hacked the chip that controlled it and instead of going rogue just wants to be left alone to watch its favorite tv shows. Murderbot is painfully relatable and the books are both funny and poignant. Highly recommended. (5 novellas and a novel).
Winter’s Orbit - Everina Maxwell - This was a m/m romance novel with a scifi backdrop of royal intrigue. Generally I’m more into scifi with a queer relationship in the background than vice versa, so it wasn’t my favorite, BUT I think it was still well written and someone looking for more of the romance angle would enjoy it. Has all your favorite romance tropes in it, especially the yearning. (novel)
The Divine Cities - Robert Jackson Bennett - Three book series. I’m very conflicted about this one. Set in a fantasy world where an enslaved nation overthrew the country enslaving them and now rules over them. It’s a story of what happens after the triumphant victory and within that it’s also a murder mystery tied into the dying magic of the conquered nation. It also has a six foot something naked oily viking man fist fight a cthulhu in a frozen river. The second book was by far my favorite, mostly due to the main character being brilliant. My conflict comes from the fact I don’t feel like the story treated its women and queer characters well. Like it had really great characters but it didn’t do great by them overall. That and the third book didn’t live up to the first two. But still definitely worth a read, can’t stress enough how cool some of the world building was. (3 novels)
Into the Drowning Deep - Mira Grant - This might be the only one on here I disliked. It’s got a doomed boat voyage and creepy underwater terror and monsters and a super diverse cast of characters, but I just didn’t enjoy the writing style. While having a diverse cast is great, there were a lot of moments where it felt like characters were pausing to explain things about themselves that felt like a tumblr post rather than a normal conversation you might have while actively being hunted by monsters. I also bounced off all the characters. But a lot of people seem to have liked it so if you’re into horror and want a book with a f/f main couple then maybe you’ll enjoy it. (novel)
Dead Djinn Universe - P. Djèlí Clark - Around the early 1900′s, a man in Egypt discovers a way to access another world and bring Djinn and mysterious clockwork beings called Angels through. As a result, Egypt tells the British to get fucked and Cairo becomes one of the most powerful cities in the world. So Egypt, magic, djinn, a steampunk-ish vibe, oh and the main character is a butch queer woman who enjoys wearing dapper suits and looking fabulous while she investigates supernatural events. Her girlfriend is also mysterious and badass. And she has a cat. There’s three novella (one of which technically might be considered a short story) and then the first novel. You should absolutely read the novellas first (A Dead Djinn in Cairo, The Angel of Khan el-Khalili, The Haunting of Tram Car 015). Super fun and imaginative series. (3 novellas and a novel, more forthcoming)
River of Teeth & Taste of Marrow - Sarah Gailey - From the book description
“In the early 20th Century, the United States government concocted a plan to import hippopotamuses into the marshlands of Louisiana to be bred and slaughtered as an alternative meat source. This is true. Other true things about hippos: they are savage, they are fast, and their jaws can snap a man in two. This was a terrible plan.”
Queer hippo riders!!!! Very much a western but with hippos. Main couple included a non-binary character. Loved the first one. The second one I was more meh about due to one of the characters I was supposed to like having obnoxious man pain that a woman had to take the brunt of the whole time. Also there were less hippos. But queer hippo riders! Definitely read the first one, and they’re both novellas so no reason not to read the second as well. (2 novellas)
A Psalm for the Wild-Built - Becky Chambers - I may be the only person who hasn’t read the long way to a small angry planet at this point, but I did grab her new novella and I loved it. It made me want to go sit out in the woods and feel peaceful. The world it’s set in feels like a peaceful post-apocalypse...or diverted apocalypse maybe. Humans built robots and robots gained sentience, but instead of rebelling they just up and left and went into the wilderness with a promise that the humans wouldn’t follow them.The remaining human society reshaped itself into something new and peaceful. It’s the story of a monk who leaves their habitual monking duties to go be a tea monk and then later wanders into the wilderness and becomes the first human in ages to meet a robot. Very sad there’s no fan art yet. (novella, more forthcoming)
The March North - Graydon Saunders - This was such a weird book that I’m not sure how to explain it. The prose style is hard to get used to and I suspect a lot of people will bounce off it in the first chapter. There’s no third person pronouns used at all and important events get mentioned once in passing and if you blink you’ll miss them. Set on a world where magic is extremely common to the point that rivers sometimes run with blood or fire and the local weeds are something out of a horror movie and most of the world is run by powerful sorcerer dictators, one country banded together (with the help of a few powerful sorcerers who were tired of all the bullshit) to form a free country where powerful sorcerers wouldn’t rule and the small magics of every day folks could be combined to work together. The story revolves around a Captain of the military force on the border who one day has three very powerful sorcerers sent to them by the main government with the hint that just maybe there’s about to be a big invasion (there is) with the implication of take these guys and go deal with this. The world building is extremely complex and very cool...when you can actually understand what the fuck is going on. There is also a murder sheep named Eustace who breathes fire and eats just about everything and is a Very Good Boy and belongs to the most terrifying sorcerer in the world who appears as a little old grandma with knitting. It had one of the most epic badass and wonderfully grotesque battles I’ve ever read. But yeah, it is not what I would call easy reading. Opinions may vary wildly. I did also read the second one (A Succession of Bad Days) in the series which was easier to follow and had a lot more details about the world, but overall I was more meh about it despite some cool aspects. The chapters and chapters of the extreme details of building a house that made up half the novel just weren’t my thing. (novels).
The Space Between Worlds - Micaiah Johnson - In this world parallels universes exist and we’ve discovered how to travel between them, but the catch is you can only go to worlds where the ‘you’ there is already dead. This turns into an uncomfortable look at who would be the people most likely to have died on many worlds and how things like class and race would fit into that and what we would actually use this ability for (if you guessed stealing resources and the stock market you’d be correct). The main character is a queer woc who travels between worlds with the assistance of her handler (another queer woc) who she has the hots for. She accidentally stumbles on a whole lot of mess and conspiracy and gets swept up in that. Really enjoyed it. (novel)
Witchmark - C.L. Polk - Fantasy world reminiscent of Victorian England (I think?) where a young man with magical gifts runs away from his powerful family to avoid being exploited by them. He joins the army and fights in a war and comes home to try and live a quiet life as a doctor, but a murder pulls him into a larger mystery that upturns his life. Also he’s extremely gay and there’s a prevalent m/m romance. This one was a fun-but-not-mind-blowing one for me. (novel, 2 more in the series I haven’t read)
The Priory of the Orange Tree - Samantha Shannon - This was one of those that everyone loved but I couldn’t get into for some reason. I tried twice and only got about halfway through the second time. It’s got dragons and queer ladies and fantasy world and all the things I like, but I wasn’t that invested in the main story (which included the f/f couple) and was more interested in the smaller story about a woman trying to become a dragon rider. There are few things that beat out a lady and her dragon friend story for me and that was the storyline that felt neglected and took a different turn right when we got to the part I’d been waiting for. But, I know a lot of people whose reading opinions I respect who loved it, and if you like epic fantasy with dragons and queens and treachery and pirates and queer characters then I’d say you should definitely give it a try. (novel)
Bonus: I didn’t read these series this year, but if you haven’t read them yet, you should.
Imperial Radch (Ancillary Justice) - Ann Leckie - Spaceship AI stuck in a human body out for revenge for their former captain, but that summary does not come close to doing it justice. Another one examining imperialism and also gender and race.(3 novels)
Kushiel's Legacy Series - Jacqueline Carey - This is two series, six books total, and starts with Kushiel's Dart. Alternate universe Renaissance-y Europe in a fantastical world where sex isn't shameful and sex workers are respected and prized. Lots of political intrigue and mystery. A lot of BDSM and kinky stuff too (the main character is a sexual masochist, oh and also bi!). I first read this series when I was fifteen or sixteen and it definitely made a big impression on me. Same author also wrote the Santa Olivia series which I’d also recommend. (6 novels)
The Locked Tomb (Gideon the Ninth) - Tamsyn Muir - I mean, if you follow me, you know. If you don’t follow me you still probably know. I’d have felt remiss to have left them off though. Lesbian Necormancers in Space. Memes! Skeletons! Biceps! Go read them. (2 novels, 2 forthcoming, 1 short story)
Books On My To Read List:
Fireheart Tiger - Aliette de Bodard
The Order of the Pure Moon Reflected in Water - Zen Cho
Black Sun - Rebecca Roanhorse
This Is How You Lose the TIme War - Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone
Ninefox Gambit - Yoon Ha Lee
Also, if anyone has any recs for scifi/fantasy books starring queer men (not necessarily having to do with a queer relationship) and written by queer men I’d love them. There’s a lot written by women, and some of them are great, but I’d love to read a story about queer men from their own perspective.
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cotccotc · 4 years
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♡ 12:47 pm ; natalis
set in the domus amoris universe !
genre/s: fluff, established relationship/domestic au, hyunjin x gn reader
wc: 1k
warnings: none !
a/n: this is part of @yunhoreos​​ / @jaehy97 ’s blissful birthdays series as well as @districtninewriters’s weekly writers’ room !! :DD i’ve always wanted to write something based on or including poetry i’ve written hehe.. as always, i hope u enjoy it !! happy birthday to my happiness, hwang hyunjin !!!!
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“i, um… i wrote you something,” you say, lifting your head off of hyunjin’s shoulder from your cozy spot on the couch. you’re a bit embarrassed. hyunjin knows of your affinity for poetry. he has a similar knack for drawing, and you often share your creations with each other. however, this is different. with this day being his birthday, you wanted to make him something special. it was difficult to keep it from him, but you’d worked diligently for the past few nights in order to perfect it. you’re honestly much more nervous than you’d anticipated. it’s only hyunjin. you spend every possible waking moment in his company, yet you feel a twinge of worry.
“really?” he asked in return, adjusting his arm which resides around your shoulders, keeping you close to him. his eyes fall upon you with awe. “for me? you didn’t have to-”
“i wanted to,” you interject.
you knew he’d oppose it. if it were up to him, you wouldn’t gift him a thing, let alone write him a poem. nevertheless, his heart skips a small beat, growing fuller by the second. you can see it in the way his lips instinctively curl upward at the ends, uplifting his cheekbones. “one sec.” you swiftly rise to your feet, rushing into the bedroom to retrieve the page onto which you’d transcribed the finalized poem from your bedside drawer. you look it over one last time. at the very least, you hope it makes him smile. 
you return to the living room and hand the page over to hyunjin, yet he refuses it. “read it to me,” he suggests, calmly. a small smile graces his sunlit face. the sun always knows just how to highlight his sculpted features in the midday. you could honestly write a poem on the spot about that alone.
you clear your throat a bit, adjusting the sheet of paper. your hands tremble. you don’t know why you’re this nervous. but you just hope your words can convey how you truly feel. thus, with a breath, you begin.
“you make me think in sonnets and psalms; connected in rhyme like the lines in our palms. the honey-like sweetness that drips from your lips is tender enough to absolve all my qualms. i know that at times you make mountains of moments, that your hands would grow cold without someone to hold them; but despite your afflictions, both new and old, what are my hands if not yours to hold?”
you pause as he stands up, slowly walking around the coffee table and toward you. you briefly glance up from the page to reveal his smiling face as he approaches you. he stands in front of you, eyes drifting down to the page as his hands rest themselves on your waist. he looks so smitten. so pleased. you remain paused for a moment, briefly distracted by the pads of his fingers as they trace your shape. his eyes travel back to yours. you continue.
“what are my lips if not yours to kiss? for what does my heart beat if not for this? the glimmering eyes that gaze toward me now are lovely enough to evoke gleaming bliss. so here’s to more memories, more loving and praise; to sunlight that streams through the blinds while we lay; to all the i-love-yous we’ve still yet to say… i love you, hwang hyunjin. and-”
suddenly, before you’ve the chance to end the poem, his hand raises to cup your cheek and gently pull your face forward. your eyes flutter closed as his lips connect with yours. he places his other hand on your cheek, deepening the kiss as his thumbs softly sweep across your skin. your lips, just as during any of the kisses you’ve previously shared, meld with his. you didn’t lie when you compared the pleasantness of his lips to the mellow sweetness of honey. 
gradually, you break away from him. “you didn’t let me finish the line,” you huff, pretending to frown. but all he can do is smile that grand smile of his. the type of smile that makes the corners of his eyes crinkle; the type that brings out the small dimples above his upper lip; the type that shows off his perfect, pearlescent teeth; the type that, unbeknownst to him, makes your heart beat just a little bit faster. he just can’t help it. 
“i love you, too,” he replies, disregarding your complaint. his voice is as endearing as ever; low-toned, genuine… he means what he says and you can feel it. you smile back at him, prompting him to remove his hands from your face and gently pull your page away, placing it down on the table behind him. you drape your arms over his shoulders as your foreheads come into soft contact. he then pulls you even closer by the waist, hands fitting against your sides like two pieces of one puzzle. because that’s what you are to him. his other half. you didn’t need to write him a poem. he knows it and you know it. in fact, he’ll feel guilty about it for days. sure, it’s his special day and all, but you didn’t need to write him a poem. you wanted to. and for that he’ll be forever grateful. he’ll want to repay you for it in time. little does he know his smile is all the repayment you’ll ever need.
his lips brush against yours; barely there, like the whisper of a summer breeze, dancing across your lips. “happy birthday,” you mutter, pressing your lips against his with a hint more fervor. the last phrase of the poem.
he begins to sway from side to side, guiding your hips to follow his movements. “thank you,” he replies, hushed almost to a whisper. “i loved it. i love you.”
and thus, you stand, shifting to and fro alongside the keeper of your heart; your muse. an imaginary melody plays for only you two, echoing against the walls of your humble home. it’s a familiar song. a comforting one, timed precisely to the shared tempo of your beating hearts. he knows no other way he’d prefer to spend his birthday, nor the rest of his life: slow dancing in the living room, head filled with your lyrical expressions of love, face aglow with pride and ardor... all for you.
if one thing is for certain, you think, i’m yours and you are mine. like sunbeams through the curtain, our love will always shine.
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happy birthday, my dear loverboy. ♡
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tags: @stayndays, @hanniiesuckle17, @leggomylino, @freckledberries, @pixielix, @kisskissbanggang, @mr-jisung-main, @childofthecosmos, @changnuggie, @kpopscape, @skzwriternet, @hyunsins, @sleepylixie, @sunshine-skz, @vera-liscious, @moonlit-lixie​, @thatrandomoneinthecorner, @sunshine-skz, @siedhr​ ( join my tag list !! )
©️ cotccotc 2021 ~ all rights reserved. do not repost my work on tumblr or other platforms.
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10yrsyart · 3 years
Signs of Jesus return
i felt lead recently to compile some of the signs and current events pointing to Jesus’ soon return. i don’t know who this is meant for, but i know it’s for someone. so i hope that whoever reads this finds it helpful and informative 💙 (this is not complete either, as there are too many to list)
The Fig Tree Generation:
Jesus often used a fig tree to describe the country of Israel in His prophecies. “Now learn a lesson from the fig tree. When its branches bud and its leaves begin to sprout, you know that summer is near. In the same way, when you see all these things, you can know His return is near, right at the door. I tell you the truth, this generation will not pass from the scene until all these things take place.” (Matthew 24:32-34)
In Psalm 90, Moses describes a generation being “70-80 years,' and Isaiah 66:7-8 says, “Before the birth pains even begin, Jerusalem gives birth to a son. Who has ever seen anything as strange as this? Who ever heard of such a thing? Has a nation ever been born in a single day? Has a country ever come forth in a mere moment?” This did happen. In 1948, Israel became a nation in a day, after almost 2000 years. Israel needed to be a nation to fulfill its part in the Tribulation, so the countdown couldn't start without them. The imagery of birth pains is used in the Bible to describe the troubles that the world will go through before the Day of the Lord, meaning Israel must become a nation before the Lord's return.
1948+80 year generation= 2028. But since Jesus said “everything” (Rapture and Tribulation) would happen before the fig tree generation passed away (turns 81), we have to take away 7 years from the 2028 final count. That leads us to 2021-May 2022 approximately (right before they turn 74).
The Jewish Temple:
The book of Daniel speaks of the time during the 7 year Tribulation, when the Antichrist will come and take over Israel. “The ruler will make a treaty with the people for a period of one set of seven, but after half this time, he will put an end to the (daily) sacrifices and offerings. And as a climax to all his terrible deeds, he will set up a sacrilegious object that causes desecration, until the fate decreed for this defiler is finally poured out on him.” (Daniel 9:27) “The day is coming when you will see what Daniel the prophet spoke about- the sacrilegious object that causes desecration standing in the Holy Place.” (Matthew 24:15)
The second Jewish Temple was destroyed in 70 A.D., and hasn't been rebuilt since. The Holy Place is a specific spot inside the Temple, and the daily sacrifices and offerings that go along with the Jewish Law are only performed with the Temple in use.
As of 2021, the preparations for the Third Temple are nearly complete. The plans are laid out, the priests have been trained in the rules and rituals, the materials are all gathered. One source even says that theoretically the Temple could be built in a matter of 3-6 months. All they are waiting for is the go ahead. Those of the Jewish faith don't believe that Jesus is their Messiah, and many expect that the building of Third Temple will coincide with their own messiah making his appearance.. It's noteworthy that they're so close to building it after all this time.
The Abraham Accords:
In September 2020 the Abraham Accords were officially signed, setting up a peace deal with multiple Middle Eastern countries, including the United States. Since then other countries have added themselves to the peace treaty. There hasn't been a deal like this in the Middle East in a long time, much less centered around Israel. When the Antichrist comes to power, he strengthens a treaty or proposal of peace that already exists, and so the Abraham Accords have come at a significant time.
“Nation will go to war against nation, and kingdom (ethnicity) against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes, and there will be famines and plagues in many lands, and there will be terrifying things and great miraculous signs from heaven.” (Luke 10-11)
So many of the great wars in history have been within the last hundred years. War is not an uncommon thing for humanity, but the impact is much greater now, as is the frequency of wars on the horizon. Currently, many of the World Powers are already declaring war and/or making preparations. China threatening war against Taiwan and it's allies, Iran desiring to destroy the US and wipe Israel out as a nation, and many more threatened. It's not a question of if but of when.
The frequency of earthquakes has drastically gone up over the last couple years, not only in numbers but also in magnitude power. As I'm writing this (8/22/2021), we've had over twelve 7.0+ earthquakes in the last two weeks. That's not a normal level, not even taking into account all the earthquakes of lower magnitudes. Volcanic activity is rising as well. Many volcanoes that were previously thought to be dormant are awakening, some even erupting. Iceland's volcano Fagradalsfjall was thought to be dormant for 6000 years, until it erupted last March. (“Dutchsinse” on Youtube is a good source for seismic activity.)
Because of the change in weather patterns, with flooding and wildfires and droughts, many of the worlds “bread baskets” (where a large portion of their food is grown) are not producing enough food. A shortage is already coming on America, not to mention all the other nations that are in the midst of one. Greece, Turkey, Australia, Italy, California and Oregon (US) are all burning at record rates. And mass  flooding is impacting just as much area, like Indonesia, China, New York (US), Haiti, Germany, and more.
Plagues/ Diseases:
Everyone is aware of the effect of the C Virus on the world, and now a new variant is appearing. Diseases like Ebola and the Bubonic Plague are re-emerging. Animals are experiencing these effects as well. Massive animal die offs are happening all over the world, from mysterious diseases and unknown causes. Various plagues have swarmed countries, for instance the mass attacks of locusts that have eaten through parts of Africa, and the infestation of billions of mice in Australia.
Signs in the Heavens:
“And I will cause wonders in the heavens and on the earth- blood and fire and columns of smoke. The sun will become dark, and the moon will turn blood red before that great and terrible day of the Lord arrives.” (Joel 2:30-31)  
As I mentioned earlier, volcanoes all over the world are waking up and erupting at an alarming rate. The super volcano centered in Yellowstone Wyoming (US) has been showing worrying signs of stirring as well.
In 2014, two Blood Moons landed on two of God's Feasts, which carry significance. Then in 2015 there was a Solar Eclipse, followed by another two Blood Moons that landed on the same Feasts as the previous year. In 2017, the Great American Solar Eclipse drew a line across the US. In 2020, the “Bethlehem Star” made an appearance as Jupiter and Saturn almost merged in the sky. Though it's not the same cosmic event as the true “Star” that heralded Christ's birth, its rarity and symbolism is important. This August 2021 we just had a rare Blue Moon.
The Revelation 12 Sign:
“Then I witnessed in heaven an event of great significance. I saw a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon beneath her feet, and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant, and she cried out because of her labor pains and the agony of giving birth.” (Revelation 12:1-2)
In September 2017, this sign appeared in the sky for the first time ever. The constellation Virgo represents the woman, and the nine stars of Leo plus 3 wandering stars lined up as her crown. The moon was near her feet in the constellation and the sun was at her shoulder shining on her “clothes.” Then Jupiter entered the middle of the constellation (her stomach) and stayed there for nine months and left. Jupiter is generally considered to represent a ruler, and the child in Revelation is believed to represent the Church (Jesus' Body). The rest of Revelation 12: 3-5 speaks of the child being snatched away from the Dragon (the devil), which represents the Rapture of the Church before the Tribulation. So it's incredibly significant that the first part of this prophecy was fulfilled in the stars. (There's also a type of 4 year grace period before judgment in scripture (Luke 13:6-9), so 2017+ 4 years warning = 2021).
The Vaxx System:
“He required everyone- small and great, rich and poor, free and slave- to be given a mark on the right hand or on the forehead. And no one could buy or sell anything without that mark, which was either the name of the beast or the number representing the name.” (Revelation 13:16-17)
This is not about whether or not to take the vaxx, it's about the mentality around it. The animosity in the world media keeps growing towards those who don't wish to take it. The results don't add up to how single minded they are becoming, and it's easily paving the way for regulations to be carried out by brute force. There are stricter and stricter limitations to those who don't feel safe taking it, like being unable to shop at a grocery story or go to work... In the future, the world won't blink twice about a universal Mark of much greater magnitude and greater consequences. The consequences of refusing won't just mean an inability to buy or sell, but death.  
Alien Disclosure:
As of 2021, the US government has released the information they have on Unidentified Flying Objects, confirming the possibility of aliens. The first main stream event involving the alien conspiracy was the Roswell Incident of 1947, about a year before Israel became a nation. The reason why this is so significant is because 1) the Fig Tree prophecy was about to start when Israel revived, beginning the End Times countdown and 2) 2 Thessalonians 2:11 says the people left after the Rapture will believe a “Great Delusion.” Even a couple years ago, the thought of aliens coming down and taking people away would have been laughed at, but not now. Satan is the Prince of the Air; he uses his demons and spirits to appear as other things, so as to lead people away from the Truth of God. He knew when Israel became a nation the clock was ticking for the need of a believable lie. Now people could easily believe that all the Christians that disappeared were “beamed up” by aliens. (We don't know specifically what the Delusion will be yet, but this is certainly a possibility.)
Dreams and Visions:
“ 'In the Last Days,' God says, 'I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophecy. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams. In those days I will pour out My Spirit even on my servants- men and women alike- and they will prophecy.' “ (Acts 2:17-18)
Around the end of 2019 to the beginning of 2020, End Times dreams skyrocketed. The sheer amount that can be found on Youtube is astounding and it continues to grow. Dreams about the Rapture, dreams from Jesus, dreams about disasters that are coming; people from all over the world are sounding the alarm. And these aren't internet celebrities or self proclaimed prophets; these are every day normal people, some of which weren't even Christian to begin with. The amount of non-Believers that have had Jesus appear to them to save them continues to grow as well.
I personally felt an awakening through the Holy Spirit sometime around early 2020, that Jesus was returning soon. And the more I've studied Bible prophecies and current events I know that it's fast approaching. Although it's important to test the spirits of dreams to see if it's really from God or not, the message of the majority is clear. Time is short.
(This was just a small selection of the MANY signs that God continues to send as warnings. The frequency and intensity is rising like it never has before. A more in depth list can be found, along with Bible references and news sources, at https://www.ithasbeenwritten.com/ )
To You:
For those of you who are un-Believers, I am not writing this to be a fear monger. When evidence and reports come in that there's a bomb in a building, the people inside need to know about it. Even if it ends up being fake, the risk isn't worth it. This isn't just one fanatic Christian with a dream trying to convince everyone the end is near, this is the whole world. No matter what you believe about Bible prophecies, these current events are real things that are happening, and show no signs of slowing down. The good news is that Jesus died to save you from all this. He died to clear our sin debt and give us the hope of Heaven, a place we could never get to on our own. And His signs are saying He's coming soon to rescue everyone who accepted His sacrifice and entered His family.
“If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” (Romans 10:9)
For those Believers that don't think Jesus is returning soon, please pray about it and study His word. He was angry at the Pharisees of the generation of His first coming, because He said, “You know how to interpret the weather signs in the sky, but you don't know the how to interpret the signs of the times!” (Matthew 16:3).
Matthew 24's “no one knows the day/hour” is not saying that we won't know the season in which He will return. If it were, He wouldn't have gone to all the trouble of giving so many signs of the closeness of the event. “So you, too, must keep watch! For you don't know what day your Lord is coming.” (Matthew 24:42) “But you aren't in the dark about these things (signs), dear brothers and sisters, and you won't be surprised when the Day of the Lord comes like a thief.” (1 Thessalonians 5:4) Are you watching? Let's do our best to be a light as much as possible before it's too late.
“So when all these things begin to happen, stand and look up, for your salvation draws near!” (Luke 21:28)
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richincolor · 3 years
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Book Review: A Psalm of Storms & Silence
Title: A Psalm of Storms and Silence
Author: Roseanne A. Brown
Genres:  Fantasy
Pages: 480
Publisher: Balzer + Bray
Review Copy: Purchased
Availability: Available now
Summary: Karina lost everything after a violent coup left her without her kingdom or her throne. Now the most wanted person in Sonande, her only hope of reclaiming what is rightfully hers lies in a divine power hidden in the long-lost city of her ancestors.
Meanwhile, the resurrection of Karina’s sister has spiraled the world into chaos, with disaster after disaster threatening the hard-won peace Malik has found as Farid’s apprentice. When they discover that Karina herself is the key to restoring balance, Malik must use his magic to lure her back to their side. But how do you regain the trust of someone you once tried to kill?
As the fabric holding Sonande together begins to tear, Malik and Karina once again find themselves torn between their duties and their desires. And when the fate of everything hangs on a single, horrifying choice, they each must decide what they value most—a power that could transform the world, or a love that could transform their lives.
Review: I really enjoyed the first novel, A Song of Wraiths & Ruin, so I was excited to see how Roseanne Brown was going to end Karina and Malik’s story. I was rooting for both of them at the end of ASWR, so obviously the cliffhanger got me in knots and I wondered how they could ever get their happy ever after. And even through A Psalm of Storms and Silence I wondered the same. For most of the book Karina and Malik are apart on various journeys - Karina traveling through Sonande and Malik learning how to use his magic from the worst possible teacher. When they broke the barrier that kept Karina’s family in Ziran, their magic ended up becoming linked so the two are able to steal some “moments” together, after they stop fighting of course. They each grow on their own individual journeys which actually helps them grow with each other, so when they are able to finally be in the same space they come together as true equals. 
While I understand that Brown had to separate her two main characters in order for them to grow, I do feel like it slowed the pace of the book for me. I felt like the first third of the book was a bit slow (or this could have been me) as I just couldn’t seem to quite connect to Karina or Malik. I would get into a chapter, feel the flow, and then it would end on a mini-cliffhanger and then switch POV’s. The switch is what would take me out of the story because I wanted to know what happened next with whichever character I was with and I was annoyed that I had to wait. But then Brown does something wonderful which is have Karina and Malik experience similar events, therefore the event is told from two different perspectives. Let me tell you, I loved those parts of the book! After the first event, the book picked up for me and got more intense to the point I couldn’t put it down. 
A lot happens with Karina and Malik throughout the book that challenge both of them not only physically, but mentally and emotionally. Karina’s journey has her take a good look at herself and determine what type of leader she know she can be, and Malik has to learn how to wield his new strength while still staying true to who he is. Both also have to learn to love themselves in the midst of trying to save their country. It’s a tough ask, but Karina and Malik, through their experiences and learning to lean on each other, are able to rise to the occasion. 
Much like Karina and Malik’s romance, A Psalm of Storms and Silence is a slow burn and is well worth the read. 
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anxiety-banana · 3 years
I’m going through my google drive (bc google’s being a butt and telling me i don’t have space-), which I’ve had for five years. Now, for some context, I don’t like just about anything I wrote before 2020. That leaves three years of cringy writing projects, audio files, and old photos. And much, much, more.
(keep in mind, most everything I wrote as a middle schooler I shared with my friends. They got to experience e v e r y t h i n g)
Here’s the running list of freaky things I’ve found:
-A Spiderman fic I wrote before I knew what fanfiction was
-Not one, not two, but three writing assignments where I had to write about my favorite book character. They’re all about Hermione, and they’re all hilariously terrible (I think I gave @ashgryff​ a heart attack when i showed them to her)
-My first self insert/projection story! The main character “Carrie” was discovered for her singing and guitar playing when she was twenty five, by playing in a cafe in her hometown.
-4000 words of an end of the world story where the main character’s love interest was the immortal brother of her adoptive father. don’t ask.
-An audio recording of me, singing Into The Unknown, in the echoey stairway of my old house
-A document titled “Butterfly”, with the only content being a recipe for waffles
-A picture of me and my kindergarten teacher. I look incredibly uncomfortable.
-A legend of Zelda fanfiction my friend wrote (and he tole ME fanfiction was lame. there’s ten thousand words of that thing written, with a full book cover)
-My library’s employee dress code (I worked there over the summer) that I typed up in thirty seconds flat while my supervisor was out of the room because I realized I didn’t have it
-Chords and lyrics to two separate Studio C sketches (and yes i can play and sing the entirety of “Everything Sounds Nicer When You Sing”)
-My weird, confusing version of Kung Fu Panda, but human, and I basically made myself into the main character. I had an obsession with injuring my favorite characters in 2018 too!
-Merlin fanfiction! An unfortunate amount of Merlin fanfiction. I had a celebrity crush on Colin Morgan, what can I say (can’t say i’m completely over it but shhhh 🤫)
-A retelling of the Myth Of King Arthur and Merlin, where Merlin is actually Meril, and a woman??.
-A story I basically mooched off of Pinterest, changed a few things, then showed to my dad to get him off my back about wanting to see what I wrote. He still thinks I wrote it
-2019′s failed NaNoWriMo that has the single best piece of writing I’ve ever done, surrounded by three thousand words of stuff I hate
-The Phoenician alphabet key
-Every photo taken for my sixth grade photography class. Every. Single. Photo.
-A photo I found of someone’s grave who had my name. Loving wife and mother!
-Three installations of the podcast I “was going to start” in seventh grade
-So much bad poetry
-Psalm 150, typed out in that font that makes it easier for someone with dyslexia to read (??? idk either)
-A short story I wrote about me and my friend going on a road trip when we were eighteen. I entered it in a writing contest. It didn’t win.
-A musical I wrote. I didn’t get past page three, but I wrote two songs for it!
-A story with multiple characters telling stories from first person, and each character had a different font. Each time the story switched to a different person, it switched fonts (Characters included Ariel, Georgia, Indie, and Garamond, aka Gary)
-An empty document, titled “Comedy Sketch Idea (don’t forget)”. Well, I forgot, little me
-A few instalments of a show, where my friend and I would record ourselves as if we were these wacky, radio show hosts. We all had different names and they were all hilariously wacky. I’m never getting rid of those files, ever
-A rip off of Death In Paradise, the main detective being a woman in her twenties, blind, with a guide dog. I was obsessed with two things in seventh grade: Murder Mysteries, and Molly Burke.
-A really depressing story I wrote about having an ED
-MORE sixth grade photography
-An untitled document with nothing but the line “What must I do to show this pain”
-An untitled document with nothing but the line “The brunette looked a little dazed walking into” (no, the sentence wasn’t finished)
-An untitled document with nothing but the line “We were tired of being feared.”
-At least three blank, untitled documents.
I deleted SO many things and I still only got less than ten percent more space 
But this list was fun at least!
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eretzyisrael · 3 years
Interviews with volunteers from the Jewish community who are helping victims of the disaster in Florida.
On Thursday, June 24, 2021, tragedy struck Champlain Towers, a 12-story residential building in the Miami suburb of Surfside. Half of the complex suddenly collapsed in the early hours of the morning, burying entire families in the rubble. Days after the disaster, the remains of several people killed in the crush have been recovered and 150 people remain unaccounted for.
Champlain Towers is home to a diverse community that includes many Jews. In the days that followed this catastrophe, Jews and others around the world have come together to help search for victims and to comfort the families desperately waiting for word of their loved ones.
Searching Through the Rubble
Leon Roy Hausmann, a volunteer with the Mexican Jewish rescue organization Cadena, is on the scene in Surfside and spoke with Aish.com about the sense of solidarity he feels with the community and the many victims of the calamity.
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Cadena volunteers help people “regardless of nationality, regardless of religion; we don’t discriminate,” he explains. After working around the world to help search for and rescue victims of over 1,000 natural disasters, helping search for residents of Champlain Towers feels close to home. “It just feels more immediate when it’s our people who are victimized by this event.”
When Cadena volunteers heard about the Chaplain Towers collapse, they sprang into action, dispatching seven Jewish search and rescue experts to Miami, and mobilizing local Cadena volunteers in the Miami area. “This is the highest technology in the market,” Hausmann notes of his team’s equipment, which includes sonar devices that can detect sounds underneath dozens of feet of rubble, search dogs trained to detect human scent, and x-ray machinery.
“We’re working with the Fire Department of Miami-Dade County," Hausmann notes, describing their work as round the clock and nonstop. Cadena volunteers have also dispatched psychologists and therapists who are working with family members who are still awaiting news.
Thousands of local residents have been volunteering to bring food and clothes and other items to the family members who are waiting and also to those families who made it out of Chaplain Towers alive and are currently homeless. “Thousands of volunteers have been bringing food and clothes and anything the families need. It has been very touching to see.”
One of Hausmann’s most moving moments during the past few days came on Shabbat, the day after the collapse. About 17 Cadena volunteers were at the site late on Friday night, providing support to the local fire department rescuers. “We made Kiddush for the whole team,” Hausmann recalls, “and also for all the Jewish people who are still trapped underneath the rubble.”
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Diaspora Affairs Minister Nachman Shai at the site of a building collapse in Surfside, Florida, just outside Miami, on June 27, 2021
On Sunday, June 27, a group of ten Israeli Home Front Command soldiers arrived in Surfside. They went straight to the site of the building collapse and got to work alongside Cadena volunteers and local Miami-area first responders, searching in the rubble for survivors and also for the remains of victims of the collapse, bringing their unique search and rescue experience and expertise.
Rabbi Counselling the Bereaved and the Waiting
“The need right now is endless. You think of all these different families that have been erased in the blink of an eye,” explained Rabbi Dr. Fred Klein, one of the key responders in the area.
Rabbi Klein is the Executive Vice President of the Rabbinical Association of Greater Miami, Director of Mishkan Miami, and is board certified in clinical pastoral care. When Champlain Towers collapsed, the Jewish Federation of Greater Miami sent Rabbi Klein to help. He spoke with Aish.com during a busy day, filled with meetings and work coordinating the many elements of response to the disaster.
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Right now, there are two main areas where Rabbi Klein and other volunteers are focusing their efforts. “One is actually the area where they’re doing search and rescue,” he explains. Throughout Sunday, June 27 – the Jewish fast day of the 17th of Tammuz, when Jews were fasting despite the extreme heat in Surfside – Rabbi Klein worked to take groups of family members to visit the site. “It’s extremely traumatic for them.”
A second area where Rabbi Klein is working is a local hotel where hundreds of family members of people who are still missing are gathered. “They came from around the country. They’re waiting for news and I think it’s a very difficult place to be psychologically.” He notes that many family members are praying “for a miracle” that their loved ones are found alive. “It’s hard to know what to do, or how to feel, or how to plan,” without knowing whether their loved ones are still alive. The hotel is offering kosher meals, all prepared by local volunteers. “So much good will has been flowing in from the Jewish community since the tragedy," Rabbi Klein explains, helping both Jewish and non-Jewish victims alike.
He notes that donations have poured in from throughout the area and that some local synagogues have transformed themselves into distribution centers for donated goods. “It’s not just the families who are waiting for news of a loved one,” he notes: “There are also families who lived in Champlain Towers who escaped. They are in need too. They’re homeless right now and are going to have to rebuild their lives.”
“I’m an Orthodox rabbi,” he notes, “but you see rabbis from all different walks of life – men and women – they’re on the ground right now. They’re trying to help diverse groups of Jews.”
Vital Medical Support
Many of the volunteers supporting the first responders in Surfside and aiding families of missing people are members of Hatzalah of South Florida, a Jewish group that improves health and medical outcomes by “augmenting existing emergency medical services in South Florida with community-based state-certified EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) volunteer responders.”
Joseph Dahan is one of the Hatzalah volunteers working in Surfside. “We’re broken down into several different teams,” he explained to Aish.com – with each team focusing on a different area of need.
At the site of the building collapse itself, “we’re providing the triage and medical support for the search and rescue teams,” he notes. When rescuers become injured or dehydrated on the job, Hatzalah volunteers help tend to the first responders.
Hatzalah also operates units of volunteers at the hotel where hundreds of family members are waiting for news. They employ psychotherapists and also work with other organizations to help counsel people. Hatzalah provides support medically and emotionally during these trying times.
Running a Storehouse of Donated Goods
Rabbi Gidon Moskovitz currently lives in Houston, but he and his family are soon planning to move to Bal Harbor – a neighboring suburb near Surfside – when he becomes the rabbi of Young Israel of Bal Harbor later this summer. As soon as Rabbi Moskovitz heard about Champlain Towers disaster, he knew he had to be with his Florida congregants, and flew to the area to help.
What he found was a huge outpouring of chesed (acts of kindness and help). Local Jews were collecting food, toiletries and other items to donate to families who lost their homes and possessions in the collapse. Soon, the garage of Young Israel of Bal Harbor was filled with donated items to distribute. Many of his congregants have friends and relatives who are still missing, and they are doing all they can to help.
“We knew they had nothing.”
“As soon as we heard about things Thursday morning at the crack of dawn, we checked on our (congregational) families,” recalls Mike Baranek, the Director of Congregational Engagement of Temple Beth Shalom in Miami Beach, in an Aish.com interview. He soon found that two of his synagogue’s members lived in Champlain Towers. “Thank God, both families were alive,” he notes. “One family walked out (of the building) in their pajamas” – unable to return to the destroyed building, they cannot access any of their family possessions.
Baranek notes that local Jewish families immediately opened their homes, giving displaced residents places to stay. “It’s been an amazing response from the city and from the Jewish community.” His congregants have been working to gather donations and to help in any way they can. “We got to the point where announcements were made that no more physical supplies are needed.”
The day after the collapse, Temple Beth Shalom delivered Shabbat dinner to their congregants who’d lost their homes. In addition to food, the synagogue also delivered kippahs, tallitot (Jewish prayer shawls), siddurs (Jewish prayer books), wine and candles for Shabbat. “We knew they had nothing,” Baranek explains.
What we can do
With the search and rescue operation still underway, there are many ways that we around the world can also step up to help. “At this moment the most important thing is to pray for the lives of the people who perished and who may still be alive,” notes Cadena volunteer Leon Roy Hausmann. Rabbi Moskovitz has been emphasizing the “power of what prayer can do.” He wants people to understand that prayer is just as important as other types of actions.
During times of tragedy, it’s a Jewish custom to recite Psalms. Consider spending some time reciting one or more Psalms each day. Here is a link to English translations of these powerful, timeless Jewish prayers. https://tehillim-online.com/tehillim-translated-into-english
We can also donate funds to help sustain the volunteers working in Surfside and the families who are in dire need.
The Greater Miami Jewish Federation has set up a fund to help victims of the Champlain Towers collapse. https://jewishmiami.org/gift/surfsidebuildingcollapse/?fbclid=IwAR318kF3kFQzOJaVXD3mVG0Zedgd0-f1SGr-wWGCZGi5B0zUhMOKafbr4Rk
The Shul of Bal Harbour, which is near to Champlain Towers and has served as a center for receiving and sorting donations, has set up the 8777 Collins Avenue Relief Fund. This fund will “be dispersed as needed directly to the victims and families.” https://www.theshul.org/8777
Donations to Hatzalah of South Florida can be made at this site: https://www.hatzalahsouthflorida.org/donate
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