#What can I learn from Psalm 10?
jesuslivesinyou · 6 months
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Psalm 10: God’s Response to the Wicked Now. Psalm 10 begins on a rather negative note, “Why, O Lord, do you stand far off? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble?” This may seem negative, but it is also a very human reaction. At times, when we face trials and crisis, the Lord does seen to be far off and impersonal. This is especially true when we have to deal with those that reject the Lord. Verses 2 through 11 vividly describe a person who has no thought of the Lord, or his responsibilities to God. “His ways are always prosperous; he is haughty and your laws are far from him; he sneers at all his enemies. He says to himself, ‘Nothing will shake me I’ll always be happy and never have trouble.’ He says to himself, ‘God has forgotten; he covers his face and never sees.’” How many of us know people that reflect that attitude in their lives? When we look at unbelief and the evil actions that come from it, we may wonder why God allows this to happen. Why does He seem to stand off and watch?
Psalm 10: God’s Response to the Wicked Now
Today, it seems like the forces arrayed against the Lord’s people – the Church – are growing stronger. The doomsday prophets see the church in retreat. People challenge the fact that God is involved in the world of man today. “Look at the evil that exists. Look at how unfair things seem to be. Look at the people that seem to be doing just fine that never once thought about God or Jesus Christ.” These statements may be correct. There is a great deal of evil in the world. In fact, considering the nature of the world, it would be surprising if it was otherwise. However, the apparent strength of the opposition to Christ has nothing to do with the reality of God and His authority. What is David’s response to such thoughts? Verse 16 states, “The Lord is King for ever and ever….” Appearances are deceiving. Regardless how the world sees the present order, the Lord is King forever and ever. Simply because people may ignore that truth does not make it less real and true.
Psalm 10: God’s Response to the Wicked Now
One of the reasons why the Lord seems to stand back is His desire that all come to Him, and the Lord will give each person as many chances as possible to accept the offer of salvation. Peter wrote, “But do not forget this one thing, dear friends. With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” God is love, and He does love all people. That is why the offer of salvation is open to all. When we think that God does not seem to care, it may be that he is giving a person another chance to repent. As for us, we know that the Lord is King, and we know that we have an inheritance of eternal life. What can happen to us in this world that will change that? Can it be taken away or destroyed? No. There is nothing in this world that can affect our relationship with the Lord except ourselves. We can reject the offer that has been made; but other than that, our treasure is secure. Yes, as we have to face the day to day problems of life, we may echo the thoughts of David – “Why, O Lord, do you stand far off?” But as we consider the entire picture, we know better.
Psalm 10: God’s Response to the Wicked Now
God doesn’t stand far off. He is right here with us. Yes, we will have to face problems and trials. Yes, we will see injustice and tragedy in the world. God never promised to place us in a vacuum. But as we place our lives in the hands of our Lord, He will strengthen us and guide us to a more Christ-like life. The first verse of Psalm 10 began very negatively, but the last is a message of hope. “You hear, O Lord, the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them, and you listen to their cry, defending the fatherless and the oppressed, in order that man, who is of the earth, may terrify no more.” A final thought concerns verse 6 again. The wicked say, “Nothing will shake me; I’ll always be happy and never have trouble.” We know better. Such people are fooling themselves. Sooner or later, the sharp bite of despair will be felt. The words said with such arrogance in verse 6 are the words of youth and health. Everything in this life will surely pass away. Only the Lord stands forever. Only those that are joined to Him in Jesus Christ can say, “I will never be shaken!” That is a blessing that we need to remember.
Psalm 10: God’s Response to the Wicked Now
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Distorted Truth
+ 1 Corinthians 13:3 If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing.
+ Galatians 1:7 not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ.
READ TIME: 6 Minutes & 56 Seconds
    What does distort mean? It means twisting the truth: How many of us have had that happen? We meet someone, and they tell us a different story, or we buy something, and the person selling it isn’t sincere. They give us half the truth, and now we are stuck with something that isn’t worth the price. It has happened, and people do this with the truth of God; they twist it to fit their agenda, twist it to make their lives or twist it to get more people to follow them.
    I have listened to many people on YouTube and other sites, and they tell people half the truth. Still, the main problem is we, as people of God, don’t study our Bible. The bible says my people die from lack of knowledge; we won’t read it for ourselves. We take everything someone gives us, and we say this is what it is, and this is what the word says, but we should take what that person is saying and take it to God immediately.
    When we sit and allow people to tell us what the word says, we are trusting them with the essential part of our lives; we are trusting them to be the shepherd and to tell us things we don’t know and not to fill us with things that aren’t true, it's so simple to read the word, but all we must do before we start is ask the Holy Spirit to teach us. The Holy Spirit will teach you the absolute truth of your word. And sometimes I even say, Holy Spirit, show me something for me in your word, and he will.
   Psalm 56:5 All day long, they twist my words; all their schemes are for my ruin.
    Some people live to twist the truth of God to make others fall into this endless cycle of sin because some people don’t see it the way we do as believers. If you believe in God, you will try your best not to sin deliberately; the word even tells us not to do that because there is no sacrifice for sin.
   Hebrews 10:26 If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left,
  We can't do it, my friends. We no longer say I am picking up my cross when we do this. We allow the twisted words of this world and our lustfulness for sin to take over; we must pick up our cross every day, and sometimes reading the bible can be a bit much because maybe you are reading the wrong translation or maybe your mind is filled with all these questions, but as you read, and you have a question write it down.
   We want to read the word of God with the intent of learning more about God because if we read just to be reading, we will lose interest in it; God wants the word to be a light to our feet and a light to our path, without the word this world will be cold and dark and without the word we will always be lost.
   Acts 20:30 Even some men from your group will rise and distort the truth to draw a following.
   People will do everything they can to distort the truth of God to gain followers, and if we don’t ask God to give us discernment , we will be led away. Still, someone that says it’s okay to participate in a sin we are struggling with is leading us wrong , friends, it isn’t okay to continue to sin, it’s not okay to submit your body to sin; we must learn to submit or ways and body to God so he can free us from our sins, we must fast to keep away from the sin we are struggling with.
   2 Peter 3:16 speaks of these things in all of his letters. Some of his comments are hard to understand, and those who are ignorant and unstable have twisted his letters to mean something entirely different, just as they do with other parts of Scripture. And this will result in their destruction.
  The word tells us here that some people are ignorant and unstable and will twist the word to mean something completely different, and this will result in our destruction because once we allow people to whisper false doctrine in our ears, we will allow anything it might be hard to get away from these types of people theses wolves in sheep clothing. Still, we must ask God to show me who is in my life who isn’t speaking the truth in me and is tainting my spiritual ears with poison, and he will show you.
  ***Today, the Holy Spirit wants us to see what’s happening in our life; he wants us to study the word of God for ourselves; a lot of times, we refuse to study because we feel we need someone to teach us, but God has placed good shepherds here to teach us, he have place women and man of God to pour we just have to make sure we are drinking from the right place, and not strictly rely on them.
 We do this by asking the Holy Spirit to open our ears and eyes to see. A lot of times, we are blinded by being fed with things we want to hear. I have had many people stop reading or listening to me because I’m speaking the truth of God; if we want to have a relationship with God, we can’t allow what people say to distort the truth of God. We can’t allow just anyone to pour into us, and it happens, but when we see the error, we must correct it, and we must stay away; allow God to show us the error and the true truth of his word. ©Seer~ Prophetess Lee
Heavenly Father, thank you for everything you have given us, and thank you for always showing us the way; lord, if we allow someone to distort the truth, please show us and help us to stay away; lord, we ask you to give us a better discernment and ears to hear and eyes to see, lord if we are Lukewarm show us and help us to get back on fire for you in Jesus Name Amen
+ Psalm 56:5 All day long, they twist my words; all their thoughts are on my demise.
+ 2 Peter 2:14 Their eyes are full of adultery; their desire for sin is never satisfied; they seduce the unstable. They are accursed children with hearts trained in greed
+ Jeremiah 23:26 But refer no more to the burden of the LORD, for each man's word becomes the burden so that you pervert the words of the living God, the LORD of Hosts, our God.
Proverbs 4
Leviticus 4
Genesis 35
Numbers 19
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People will turn away from God in the last days
1 Let me tell you this. During the last days of this world, there will be times of great trouble. 2 People will love only themselves, and they will want lots of money for themselves. They will be proud and they will say how great they are. They will insult other people. They will not obey their parents. They will not thank anyone who helps them. They will not respect anything that is good. 3 They will not be kind to other people, but they will like to quarrel. They will tell lies to hurt other people. They will be unable to control themselves properly. They will be cruel and they will hate anything that is good. 4 People will turn against their friends. They will do foolish things. They will boast that they are very important. They will not love God, but instead they will only want to enjoy themselves. 5 Those people will seem to be serving God. But really they refuse to accept God's power to help them. You must stay away from people like that.
6 Among those people, there are some men who find a way into people's homes. They get power over silly women who feel very guilty about their sins. Those women want to do wrong things and they cannot stop themselves. 7 They are always trying to learn new things, but they can never really understand God's true message. 8 These are people who speak against God's true message, in the same way that Jannes and Jambres spoke against Moses. Their minds have become confused. The way that they serve God is false. 9 But they will not continue to do many more bad things. Everyone will see clearly that they are fools. That is what happened to Jannes and Jambres.
Timothy must copy Paul's example
10 But you, Timothy, have heard my message and you know it well. You also know the way in which I have lived. You know my purpose in life. You know how I trust God. You know how patient I have been. You know my love for God and for other people. You know that I have been strong during troubles. 11 You also know what happened to me in the cities called Antioch, Iconium and Lystra. People caused me to have a lot of trouble and pain in those places. But I was patient and brave in those bad troubles! And the Lord kept me safe in all those dangerous times.
12 It is not only me. Every Christian who wants to live in a way that pleases God will have trouble from other people. 13 Bad people like that will become even worse. Some of them will teach a false message and people will believe their lies. Those false teachers even believe their own lies!
It is important for us to know the Bible
14 But you must continue to believe the things that you have learned. You know that those things are true. You know the teachers who taught you those things. 15 Even when you were a child, you already knew the message of the Bible. The Bible has taught you how you can be truly wise. You understand that God saves you because you believe in Christ Jesus. 16 Everything that is written in the Bible comes from God's Spirit. It helps us in many ways. The Bible teaches us what is true. It warns us when we are doing wrong things. It shows us what is right. It teaches us how to live good lives. 17 As a result, people who want to serve God can know how to live properly. They will be people who are ready to do all kinds of good things. — 2 Timothy 3 | EasyEnglish Bible (EASY) EasyEnglish Bible Copyright © MissionAssist 2019 - Charitable Incorporated Organisation 1162807. All rights reserved. Cross References: Exodus 7:11-12; Exodus 8:18; Deuteronomy 4:6; Deuteronomy 29:29; Psalm 34:19; Isaiah 44:20; Matthew 4:24; Matthew 7:15; Luke 6:35; Luke 16:14; John 15:20; Acts 7:52; Acts 13:14; Acts 14:22; Acts 19:36; Romans 1:29; Romans 1:31; Philippians 2:20; Philippians 2:22; 1 Timothy 2:4; 1 Timothy 2:25; 1 Timothy 4:1; 1 Timothy 4:7-8; 1 Timothy 5:6; 1 Timothy 6:5; 1 Timothy 6:11; 2 Timothy 4:3; Titus 1:9; Titus 3:3
Complete and Equipped (2 Timothy 3)
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anamericangirl · 10 months
Hey there, I have a question.
First off, I used to self h«rm a lot and attempted suic!de multiple times. When I finally decided to talk to the social worker at my very Christian school, the first and only thing she told me was that what I did was a sin, and that I had no right to do it, since my body only belongs to God. Don’t get me wrong, I’m Christian too, but what she told me really damaged my faith. When I told her that I am bisexual (that wasn’t the main topic, it just came up), she told me that for that, I deserve to be kille?, and that it would’ve been better if my attempts had succeeded.
I tried dot educate myself on the topic of suic¿de in the Bible, but I couldn’t really keep doing that since it only triggered me and I couldn’t keep doing it. But I feel like you really know about the Bible, and so I wanted to ask what you know about that topic.
If you don’t want to answer this, that’s completely fine, I can understand it‘s a sensible topic.
Have a beautiful day, you deserve the best.
Wow, I'm so sorry you've had such serious struggles and the social worker would tell you such things. Some people really shouldn't be put in positions where they are supposed to be a trusted source of advice and counsel and she sounds like one of those people. Those are incredibly damaging things to say to someone who was in the very vulnerable state you were in. I'm glad you were able to keep your faith in God and made attempts to study the issue yourself even though you had an experience that understandably made both those things more difficult. Like if she actually told you it would have been better if your suicide attempts were successful that's very suicide baity and I hope she's not still in that position.
I'm very honored you feel like I know the Bible pretty well. I have been studying it more in depth this past year or two so I definitely know more than I used to but there's still a lot for me to learn!
The Bible doesn't explicitly address suicide and say not to do it, but we can get a very solid understanding of what God thinks about it by reading and studying his word. We know that God is the creator and he has given us the gift of life. And he makes it clear in the Bible that all life is unique and precious to him and he does not want us to take it upon ourselves to end our own lives.
There six or seven people mentioned in the Bible who committed suicide and several more who had suicidal thoughts but overcame them by putting their hope in God. Elijah, Solomon, Jonah, Job, even Paul all hit the point where they wanted to give up on life and some even asking God to end them, but instead of going through with these desires, they ended up putting their trust and faith in God and he pulled them through, which is what he wants us to do whenever we have to the point where we are in so much despair the only things we can think of to distract ourselves or end our troubles is self harm and suicide. In Acts 16 Paul even explicitly stops a prison guard who was about to kill himself after thinking a bunch of prisoners had escaped and tells him not to kill himself.
There are many verses in the Bible about coming to God when we feel at our lowest.
"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." - Isaiah 41:10
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." - Jeremiah 29:11
"Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken." - Psalms 55:22
"Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death." - Romans 8:1-2
"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." - Romans 8:38-39
"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. The righteous person may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all." - Psalms 34:18-19
Those are by no means all the verses, but it is a small sampling that shows that God wants us to come to him with our despair, sorrow and grief so he can give us healing and hope again.
Speaking theologically, suicide would be a considered a sin. It goes against God's commandments and disrespects the gift of life he has given and disrespects the fact that God is the giver and taker of life. Life is not ours to take. Not from another person and not from ourselves. God created us special. In 1 Corinthians it says “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.” This pertains to far more than suicide, but suicide is definitely a way to disrespect our own body.
God does tell us not to commit murder and suicide is technically self-murder. So while suicide is a sin, it's not unforgivable and it's not something you deserve for anything else you do or are struggling with and it's completely unbiblical for anyone to say you should be killed or your suicide attempts should have been successful.
I am very glad you made attempts to study for yourself instead of just accepting what that woman told you and I hope you have found healing and I hope I was able to provide a somewhat satisfactory answer for you.
Thank you for your kind words. I hope you are doing better and have a wonderful day! God bless!
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walkswithmyfather · 1 year
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Psalm 27:1‭-‬14 (AMP). “The Lord is my light and my salvation— Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the refuge and fortress of my life— Whom shall I dread? When the wicked came against me to eat up my flesh, My adversaries and my enemies, they stumbled and fell. Though an army encamp against me, My heart will not fear; Though war arise against me, Even in this I am confident. One thing I have asked of the Lord, and that I will seek: That I may dwell in the house of the Lord [in His presence] all the days of my life, To gaze upon the beauty [the delightful loveliness and majestic grandeur] of the Lord And to meditate in His temple. For in the day of trouble He will hide me in His shelter; In the secret place of His tent He will hide me; He will lift me up on a rock. And now my head will be lifted up above my enemies around me, In His tent I will offer sacrifices with shouts of joy; I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to the Lord. Hear, O Lord, when I cry aloud; Be gracious and compassionate to me and answer me. When You said, “Seek My face [in prayer, require My presence as your greatest need],” my heart said to You, “Your face, O Lord, I will seek [on the authority of Your word].” Do not hide Your face from me, Do not turn Your servant away in anger; You have been my help; Do not abandon me nor leave me, O God of my salvation! Although my father and my mother have abandoned me, Yet the Lord will take me up [adopt me as His child]. Teach me Your way, O Lord, And lead me on a level path Because of my enemies [who lie in wait]. Do not give me up to the will of my adversaries, For false witnesses have come against me; They breathe out violence. I would have despaired had I not believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord In the land of the living.Wait for and confidently expect the Lord; Be strong and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for and confidently expect the Lord.”
“Equipped for the Valley” By In Touch Ministries:
“God's Word builds the foundation we need for withstanding life’s storms.”“It is tough to remember everything we learn from the Bible, but the more we retain, the more wisdom we’ll be able to recall during tough times. And toward that end, writing can become a powerful tool in our spiritual walk. Putting words on paper etches wisdom deeper into the heart and mind, which helps build a solid biblical foundation.Consider King David, who wrote many of the psalms. He had a consistent habit of recording truths about God. As a result, he was equipped for hardship. In yesterday’s psalm, for example, David said that he did not fear evil (Psalm 23:4). What did he have to be scared of when the One who controls everything was on his side (Ps. 27:1)? How could he be stifled by anxiety while in the Spirit’s comforting presence (Psalm 34:4)? David held God to His promises, but he had to know those assurances in order to rely on them.Writing is not necessary for our walk with God, but when we’re struggling, it can help us remember valuable truths— such as the fact that God is upholding us (Isaiah 41:10) and our hardship has purpose (Romans 5:3). As we recall these spiritual realities, our faith is strengthened. Then we can face subsequent challenges with a more solid foundation of trust.”
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study-with-aura · 7 months
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Thursday, February 29, 2024
Do you see how much writing I had today? I am surprised my hand lasted through it all. In other news, I enjoyed the proofs I did in geometry despite them being slightly time consuming. I have a test in Biology tomorrow. I looked over all of my notes today and completed a study guide, so I hope I do well.
Tasks Completed:
Geometry - Learned about coordinate proofs + practice
Lit and Comp II - Reviewed Unit 19 Vocabulary + read chapters 30 and 31 of Emma by Jane Austen + began working on my poetry notebook project
Spanish 2 - Read a description in Spanish about houses in Spain + answered questions in Spanish
Bible I - Read Joshua 23-24
World History - Read two poems by Wilfred Owen + answered a question about "Dulce Et Decorum Est" + listed imagery from both poems read (the other was "Anthem for Doomed Youth")
Biology with Lab - Completed Ecology study guide + reviewed ecology vocabulary and notes (test tomorrow)
Foundations - Read more on responsibility + read another page on media bias + read a quote from Noam Chomsky's Media Control: The Spectacular Achievements of Propaganda + wrote about how slogans can be used as propaganda
Piano - Practiced for two hours in one hour split sessions
Khan Academy - Completed High School Geometry Unit 6: Lesson 2 (part 4) and Unit 6: Lesson 3 (parts 3-7)
CLEP - Completed Module 10 reading "World War I" 12.2.6-12.3
Duolingo - Studied for 15 minutes (Spanish, French, Chinese) + completed daily quests
Reading - Read pages 1-28 of Nigeria Jones by Ibi Zoboi
Chores - Put away the dishes + took the trash out
Activities of the Day:
Personal Bible Study (Psalm 124)
What I’m Grateful for Today:
I am grateful to myself for pushing through my study load today because it was a lot!
Quote of the Day:
Libraries were full of ideas—perhaps the most dangerous and powerful of all weapons.
-Throne of Glass, Sarah J Maas
🎧Waltz in F minor op. 1 - Alexander Scriabin
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inmarbleimmobility · 8 months
1.1.6 - How He Protected His House
THE ONE WITH THE CHAIRS!!! my youngest brother and i goof about this chapter All The Time because this is as far as he ever made it in the brick. so sometimes we'll be at a holiday gathering and my mother will inevitably ask about how many of us there are while setting the table and my brother will go, "seven? yeah we have enough chairs for that, we could do up to eleven actually, it would be more but that one upstairs is too big-"
"the most beautiful of altars [...] is the soul of an unhappy man who is comforted and thanks god" is fascinating. on the surface obviously he's talking about how compassion and love are more important than material goods. but also, the altar is *the* single most important part of a physical church to the point that the church is essentially built around it - compassion and love are the center around which Myriel's entire belief system (and the one Hugo argues for) is built.
I love that Myriel has "pupils from the secondary school" over!!! I'm imagining like tea in the headmaster's office but it's with the nice old bishop who just loves hearing about everything you've been learning lately
the bit about Baptistine's sofa dreams is actually kind of crushing?? "whoever attains the ideal"???? Hey Hugo, I know this is The Miserable Book but that's a little bit of a downer even for you. like, no, material things shouldn't be the ideal, of course! beautiful furniture is no substitute for the things that truly matter! (which, if I had a nickel...) But I feel so bad for her here. Let a woman have her one velvet sofa. (also, for someone who's going to talk so much about a certain "priest of the ideal" later, that's a weird way to talk about your ideal!)
it's fascinating also that Myriel still has the "grooming articles that betrayed the elegant habits of the man of the world"! it's a surprising bit of vanity that maybe he doesn't even realize is vanity? or maybe his 10 step skincare routine really is that good.
Myriel's "copper crucifix with traces of silver" caught my eye, because Valjean's crucifix in his terrible room in the Rue de l'Homme Arme is copper too. probably I'm reaching here and and all 18th century crucifixes were made of copper, but either way it's an interesting bookend.
i'm about to get very Red String Conspiracy Meme here for a second BUT! The Candlesticks. the church says you Must have a certain number of (specifically beeswax) candlesticks present on or near the altar at any mass. the absolute minimum is two, but the number increases up to 7 depending on who's celebrating mass/what type of mass is being celebrated. someone who needed a quick 1500 word essay could make something out of this - the fact that aside from the silver cutlery (which there were practical reasons for keeping) the only other Thing he has is those two silver candlesticks, the fact that two candles specifically are used for the low mass, the table/altar comparisons, the altar being a surface on which a sacrifice is made... all of this is an extreme reach but playing with catholic aesthetics is fun, okay, so sue me.
"The beautiful is as useful as the useful. [...] Perhaps even more so."
there sure are a lot of Guys Who Like Flowers in this novel, huh! Myriel, Mabeuf, Jean Prouvaire, even Valjean... I'm sure that means nothing at all!
"Nisi Dominus" etc is Psalm 127:1, "Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain."
"[the bravery of priests] should be peaceable" - and this is where we run into the limit of the Myriel Approach. his need to remain peaceable is the core of that whole interaction with G- and his aversion to the scaffold - he does not believe violence can be justified, which is why he can't change the system, he can only try to mitigate the pain it causes. it feels to me like a direct parallel of Enjolras' "death, I abhor thee, but I use thee".
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hiswordsarekisses · 2 months
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In Psalm 50 God says “You thought I was like you.”
In Isaiah 55 He says to forsake our own thoughts
- He says His thoughts and ways are not like our thoughts and ways, but much higher.
As I grew in my understanding of this it increased my trust in His heart. This kind of faith comes from hearing the Word of God with the heart. (Do a word study on Romans 10:17)
That’s why we do not often understand what He does, or allows - or what prayers He seems not to answer. He sees what we do my see, and this kind of understanding comes from only Him by revelation of His Word and maturing through having our minds renewed. (Do a word study on Roman’s 12:2)
In divine wisdom - beyond anything we could ever imagine - God, through Jesus (John 1:3), created this whole universe and everything in it.
……He created it to work together perfectly and in a certain, holy way. Because He understood we are human, He left us instructions. He knew that if we thought He was like us, or followed our own way - things would not go well for us at all, and His desire was that we would be blessed with abundant life in every way.
……Yet many refuse to pick up the instructions and learn to know and understand them. And unfortunately, many think they already do. (1 Corinthians 8:2) And many think that if something makes them happy then surely it has to be in God’s mind, but fail to know God’s mind through His Word, so most times they are wrong.
You are free to create your own Jesus if you want to - one who thinks like you do - but that’s not the Jesus that saves. And, in your freedom, if that’s the way you choose to live your life, then one day the true Messiah of the Bible will say “depart from me, I never knew you.” (Matthew 7:22-24)
Then what good did it do for you to follow your imagined Jesus?
To know God we must know His Word. (John 1:1, 1 Corinthians 2:16) He wants to write it on our heart (Hebrews 10:16) - and in so doing, change our core nature by renewing our minds with it to be like Him. (Romans 12:2, 2 Corinthians 3:18)
After 61 years of life, and 41 years of walking with Him, the single most important thing I have learned is how the MOST important thing is to devotionally read and study God’s written word daily. Tuck it deep in our heart where the Holy Spirit can bring it to my mind when I need it. (John 14:26)
The more I have become grounded in His Word, the more it comes to me like that just as He promised. It has been saving me from deceiving doctrines and the voice of the enemy who likes to speak lies over and over.
The more I have studied it, and read it, and loved it - the more I have noticed right away when something does not line up with it… sometimes it is in His whisper, and more like an uneasiness that takes me longer to grasp - but He has never failed me. (1 Kings 19:11)
The first thing the devil will try to take from us is our time in the Word because even HE knows how powerful it makes us against his shenanigans and lying words. Those who are deceived, are deceived because they lack a love for the truth, and secondly they lack time with God in a genuine devotional study of His Word. (2 Thessalonians 2:9-10)
2 Thessalonians talks about a great deception that will come on the whole world, and only the love of the truth will be able to save us from it. To love the truth is to want it more than we want our own truth. It is to want to know if we are wrong, and it is a desire to know the truth even if we think we might hate it.
It is for the truth to be most important - over being right - over our pride - over all of it.
Tell me, what do we have without it??
What good is a lie?
In the end what will anything matter if we have not followed the truth?! (Jeremiah 5:31)
One day all the stuff we do every day will be gone, and all that will be left is what we have with Him.
So make sure that you are safe when the end comes. Pray every day to love and to know the truth and stay abiding in His Word.
Please do not neglect spending time daily in His Word. Your spiritual life and your eternity depends on it.
When we put Him first - before all that we have to do each day (even if it means getting up even earlier) - it’s like He miraculously multiplies the time in our day. He makes sure we have time for all that we need to do, and then some, when we put Him first. (Matthew 6:33)
Now there definitely will be times that you will find that not be the case - in those times the Lord allows us to be tested. (James 1:3, Revelation 3:10)
The enemy will try to discourage us at times to try to keep us out of the Word. Fight that with every bit of determination you can muster and pray for strength, because on the other side of that testing is blessing beyond your imagination. (Matthew 4:4)
I went through a time about 10 years ago, where it seemed that every time I tried to create a routine of putting Him first in my day, literally something bad would happen!! It got to the point where I was actually scared to pick up my Bible and press in because I didn’t know what might happen next…… that went on for several months!
Eventually, after a whole lot of prayer, God showed me it was the enemy. He challenged me to push forward in spite of him, ensuring me that no matter what the enemy threw at me He would always be right there to help. And He allowed me to become desperate enough for Him that I finally threw caution to the wind and I dove in head first as deep as I could go. I can testify to you this day that since THAT day I have never turned back or given in to anymore tormenting attacks of the enemy - and God has blessed me. As far as I am given strength to control it, nothing will ever keep me from His Word again. It is life. (John 6:63, Deuteronomy 32:47)
There are so many more scriptures I want to share, but this has gotten pretty long, so I will just make some pictures with them. 😁
“His words are like kisses,
His kisses are like words.
Everything about him
delights and thrills me, through and through.”
(Song of Solomon)
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psalmonesermons · 11 months
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Finding the will of God for your life Part 8/8
How can circumstances inform the will of God?
Circumstances and events will sometimes indicate God's direction for us. Paul wrote about such a circumstance in his life in 2 Corinthians 2:12, "Furthermore, when I came to Troas to preach Christ's gospel, and a door was opened to me by the Lord."
Sometimes God opens the opportunity for making something possible, but at other times the door is firmly closed to us. Finances, family, church, travel regulations, health, world events can all be factors that facilitate or hinder the choices that we make. God wants us to be aware of our surroundings and circumstances. The are not the primary means of God talking to us, but they are however, crucial factors as we weigh up all the information.
Phil. 4:11 I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.
1 Thes. 5:18 Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
Common Sense
God has made us rational creatures (Gen 2:19-20). He has given us the ability to think, communicate, teach, and invent. We are intellectual beings with rational thought. This intellectual consciousness is what makes us unique. A number Christians believe that they have to stop thinking for themselves and let ‘God do their thinking for them’. God wants us to be down-to-earth common-sense people. Sadly common sense is not that common!
Prov. 2:6 For the LORD gives wisdom,
and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.
Prov. 19:8 He who gets wisdom loves his own soul.
he who cherishes understanding prospers.
Does the proposed course of action glorify God?
We are God’s ambassadors, and our lives should be a living representation of his nature and character. All too often people convince themselves that what they are doing is in the will of God. Most often than not in these situations God is not being glorified, they individuals are merely doing what makes them happy or brings attention to them.
1 Cor. 10:31 So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
Processing God’s Will
God often reveals his will to us in two or three stages. Initially we may get a ‘sense of direction’ in our spirits. The next thing that we should do is to be praying over that matter to see of we ‘sense anything different’ (Luke 11:9-10 Ask, Seek and Knock). Often his word will bring further confirmation; perhaps a verse will standout and really grab our attention (Psalm 119:105 Your word is a lamp to my feet). Our friends and Christian leaders can be praying with us and advising us in the way we should be going.
This kind of ‘searching’ is often much more beneficial to those who are really serious about ‘seeking God’s will’, it’s deliberate, well thought through and immersed in prayer and bible study. The alternative to this is a ‘quick flash in the pan’ idea that people rush into without thinking through the consequences of their actions.
When God Doesn’t Speak?
God does not always speak to us in a direct manner. Christians often feel that they must be doing something wrong, because God is speaking to everybody else apart from them.
God primarily wants us to live a life of faith. It is a quiet confidence that God is wholly and completely in charge – He is sovereign.
Hab. 3:17 Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails, and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls,
18 yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will be joyful in God my Saviour.
If we had all the answers and knew God’s will with pin-point accuracy then there would be no place for faith, because faith is being certain of what we do not see…
Heb. 11:1 Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
Seeking is as important as finding God! Through the process of seeking, we are learning to wait upon him, to depend entirely on him and to trust in him.
The most crucial factor in this process of waiting is that we learn to live a life that pleases God (Eph 5:10).
Heb. 12:14 Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.
It help to remember that is God is always speaking to us through his creation, his word, and his Son. This may not always mean a specific word, but his always trying to communicate his wonder and his love to us.
People often wonder what they should while they are waiting for a specific word of instruction from the lord.
- Be faithful.
- Be patient.
- Be holy.
- Be joyful.
- Be consistent.
- Be available.
This series of teachings was originally delivered as part of a 'Digging deeper' course by Pastor Paul Meiklejohn assisted by Charles Green. Any modifications to the original text were performed by the latter.
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steveezekiel · 5 months
12 I will fulfill my vows to you, O God, and will offer a sacrifice of thanks for your help.
13 For you have rescued me from death;
you have kept my feet from slipping. So now I can walk in your presence, O God, in your life-giving light."
Psalm 56:12,13 (NLT)
* The way and the door to God is Jesus Christ (John 10:7,9; 14:6).
- No one can access God through other means apart from Christ Jesus: "AND there is salvation in no one else; FOR THERE IS NO OTHER NAME UNDER HEAVEN THAT HAS BEEN GIVEN AMONG PEOPLE BY WHICH WE MUST BE SAVED [for God has provided the world no alternative for salvation]”(Acts 4:12 Amps).
- That being said, salvation in Christ Jesus does not make one irresponsible in the Kingdom. Becoming intimate with God, As an example, demands a price.
- There are rules, or principles, or ways, through which God can and should be related with.
- In receiving from God, a number of things are expected from the Believer concerned; Although salvation is free, because it has been paid for, through Jesus Christ's substitutionary death.
- Through the Bible, the Word of God, we could learn some things in the lives of those who walked with God and how they got their needs met: "FOR WHATEVER THINGS WERE WRITTEN BEFORE WERE WRITTEN FOR OUR LEARNING, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope" (Romans 15:4 NKJV).
- Vow is one of the principles through which whoever is walking with God can receive from Him (Job 22:27; Psalm 61:5; 66:13; Jonah 1:16).
- Some had considered a vow as unnecessary as If it was not found in the Bible. Some wanted to believe since God could not be bribed, or cajoled to do a thing for one; what then is the need of promising or telling Him of doing one thing or another before your prayers are granted.
- A vow is not a way of trying to bribe God, but rather a commitment, and a way of Honouring God with what you have.
- Someone who made a Vow is reverencing God with what he or she has. Such is making a Sacrifice. He or she is saying to God, through whatever you blessed me with, I would do this, or that, as a Sacrifice, or a pledge, or a way of Acknowledging you, and a gratitude in advance for whatever you wanted to do for me.
- A vow moves God to do, and It expedites whatever He has intended to do in a person's life.
- When you vowed, you provoked God's help. You committed God to work on the matter of your life.
- If a need arises in your life, or you are faced with challenges of life, and you had exhausted all the spiritual principles you know to do; make a Vow to God, which is also known as a covenant, that If the need is met, or you are delivered from the predicament, so and so things would be done by you for Him and His Kingdom.
- Hannah, the mother of Samuel, explored this when she had a delay in having a child. She did promise, If God should give her a male child, the child would be given back or be dedicated to God, to be used as His servant: "AND SHE MADE THIS VOW: “O Lord of Heaven’s Armies, IF YOU WILL LOOK UPON MY SORROW AND ANSWER MY PRAYER AND GIVE ME A SON, THEN I WILL GIVE HIM BACK TO YOU. HE will be YOURS for HIS ENTIRE LIFETIME, AND as a SIGN that HE has been DEDICATED to the LORD, HIS HAIR WILL NEVER BE CUT" (1 Samuel 1:11 NLT).
- A Vow should not be made rashly, without careful thought and consideration. Whatever you would not be able to do, that is, the Vow you would not be able to redeem, do not Vow or promise to do It.
* Making a Vow, a pledge, or a commitment, is a way of showing or telling God that you are not selfish, neither are you engrossed with your own needs alone:
- In That, you care and think about God, His Kingdom, and other fellow humans also.
- As a Believer, you should not be selfish in your relationship with God. You should at the time of need always think of what you can do to help others.
- That, in the place of serving others, meeting the needs of others; the Believers, the Needy, or the expansion of God's Kingdom, your own needs also would be met (1 Timothy 6:17-19; Hebrews 13:16).
- Whenever a need arises in your life, think of what to do, what to give, to God, His work, or those who might also be in one need or the other, or how you could help someone, another person, in a predicament.
* When you wanted to ask anything from God, always ask Him, Is there a price to pay? Or What do you want me to do, in order to receive it?
- This is not a way of bribing God. Someone who wants to give to God in order to have his or her needs met, is not bribing God. Such a person is Honouring God with what he or she has.
- Although, the Heart with which you brought a gift, or whatever you brought, matters to God: "THE SACRIFICE OF THE WICKED IS AN ABOMINATION; HOW much more WHEN HE BRINGS it with WICKED INTENT!" (Proverbs 21:27 NKJV).
- If you brought a gift with a wrong Heart, a heart or intention to use God, as in, you are not really interested in walking with Him, all you wanted, and the reason you had made or brought the Vow, or the gift, or whatever, is for you to receive solutions to whatever the problem or challenge your are having.
- God might not honour such a gift, or Vow, or pledge. And you might not receive any answer to your prayers or requests.
* You will not fail in Jesus' name.
- Should there be any ailment in your body, I declare you healed now in the mighty name of Jesus.
- And the Affliction will not rise again in Jesus' name.
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theprayerfulword · 3 months
July 8
Psalm 103:13 As a father has compassion for his children, so the LORD has compassion for those who fear Him.
Psalm 37:7 Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him; Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, because of the man who brings wicked schemes to pass.
Psalm 46:10 Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.
Matthew 11:28-30 Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.
Jeremiah 6:19 Hear, O earth: behold, I am bringing disaster on this people, even the fruit of their thoughts…
1 Peter 2:1 Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind.
May you cry out to God when you are engaged in battle against the spiritual forces which defy God and His will for His people, for He will answer your prayers and deliver His enemies into your hand because of your trust in Him. 1 Chronicles 5
May you not trust in fame, strength, or authority to receive God's blessings, but walk with Him in humility, faith, and love. 1 Chronicles 5
May God give you a revelation of Jesus Christ that brings light and life, understanding and wisdom, grace and mercy flowing from you to others. Acts 26
May the Lord not rebuke you in anger or discipline you in wrath, but deal with you in mercy and heal you in compassion. Psalm 6
My kingdom awaits you, My child. Are you willing to enter in and join in fellowship with Me, in agreement with, and submission to, the living Word of God? The ruler of this world has no part of, and nothing in, Me or My kingdom, having created his own kingdom in the world of man. The way of this world's kingdom is easy, and the gate leading to it is wide to accommodate all the various religious approaches. Anything will do; if you don't like what you see, make up your own. If it feels good, do it, and you'll find others who will join you. There are no restrictions, and no membership fees, until much later. The way to My kingdom is hard, requiring your submission and humble obedience, and the gate is narrow for My Father has designated Me, His only-begotten Son, the first-born among many brethren, to be the only Door. Yet I accept all who receive Me in faith, believing that I am sent by the Father, no matter what path you have come from. To follow My way in your own strength is impossible, no matter what you have accomplished by your own resources and skills in the world; yet even the weak, lame, and blind can walk in My way, for I send My Spirit to watch over each one who follows My Word as I confirm it in your heart, witnessing to your spirit that this is the Way. As you start along the way that leads to life, you will find that the clean water of My salvation, the fresh wind of My Spirit, the broken bread of My Truth, will cause you to grow stronger through the walking out of your faith and the exercise of your gifts. But it also means that all your interest and concern for the things of this world will narrow, while the straitened path you follow along the Way of Truth will permit all of your focus on and desire for God to broaden. This will allow you to disentangle yourself from the cares and worries of this world, and bring every power of body, soul and spirit into focus on nothing less than My will and purpose for you. This is the kingdom path which leads to sanctification and purity, by which you are prepared for eternal life in Christ. The inward work of the Spirit and the Word in your heart and mind, your spirit and soul, your thoughts and intents, your words and deeds, brings you into alignment with the Father's will and purpose, that you may be one with Me even as I am one with the Father. Come away with Me, My beloved, away from the noise and rush of the crowd, and hear My still, small voice speaking to you, leading you in the path you are to follow.
May God turn to you in deliverance and save you in His unfailing love that you may praise Him in remembrance of His goodness and lovingkindness. Psalm 6
May you find strength in the Lord when you are exhausted with sorrow, and joy in the Spirit after a night of weeping, for when you are weak, He is made strong and brings the victory over your foes. Psalm 6
May you cry to the Lord for mercy, for He has heard your weeping and accepts your prayer, therefore all your enemies will be ashamed and dismayed, and those who do evil will be turned back in sudden disgrace. Psalm 6
May the fruit of your mouth be sweet and the harvest of your lips be satisfying, for your belly will be filled by your speech, and your heart will be fed by your words. Proverbs 18:20
May your speech be prudent and given to God, for the tongue has the power of life and death, and from the abundance of the heart, its fruit will be known. Proverbs 18:21
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albertfinch · 5 months
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Luke 11:13, "If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him."
In the story of the prodigal son where the father killed the fattened calf and gave the returned son the signet ring and the robe -- the elder brother was hugely upset and complaining. The father's response to the elder son was, "All I have is yours..."
Luke 15:31, "And he said to him, 'Son, you are always with me, and all that I have is yours. It was right that we should make merry and be glad, for your brother was dead and is alive again, and was lost and is found.'"
In other words the father was saying, "It has been here for you the entire time." The father shows us how this elder son, which represents someone caught up in the rituals of religiosity, never accessed what had rightfully been his all along.
One of the most powerful ways we can "turn the tide" of what is going on in our lives and the things going on around us is through our surrendered worship. Maybe you feel like the tide is against you right now. Realize that you can turn the tide through your simplicity of worship to the Lord. Through the spirit of worship we are able to access the realms of glory where revelation flows (Revelation 19:10).
The Word of God is truth but it needs to be accompanied with the Spirit of Revelation, just as Jesus told Peter that He would build His Church on the rock of revelation.
Matthew 16:17-18, "Jesus answered and said to him, 'Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in Heaven. And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.'"
What Jesus was referring to here was not a one-time event in Peter's life or in our lives, but a continual flow of the Spirit of Revelation in us (Ephesians 1:17). Without the light of revelation making God's Word alive to us, it is still just ink on paper. God's Spirit makes the Word of God alive in our hearts (through affirmation, meditation, and visualizing the Word), thereby, propelling us into a place of living light and revelation concerning the truth of God.
Psalm 119:105, "Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path."
 Our worship powerfully transforms us and the atmosphere around us because it has an innate heavenly multi-faceted effect upon our lives.
 Worship: (in the context of vocalization and surrender to God):
Causes us to be filled with a Holy Spirit consciousness, making us habitations of God.
Changes the spiritual climates surrounding us.
Refreshes our spirit, soul, and body.
Enables us to enter into the courts of the Lord.
Establishes the Lordship of Christ in our hearts.
Ephesians 5:18-20, "And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ."
Realize that the Holy Spirit is an essential ingredient for your life to flourish by leading you into an understanding of God's Christ calling on your life getting you to a place where you can bear fruit that remains for His Kingdom..
Get your fresh bread from the Holy Spirit. Turn the tide of your life through the simplicity of devotion and worship. If you need to learn how to worship, then ask the Holy Spirit to help you. Yield yourself to God casting everything you are and have upon Him. Jesus said, in Luke 11:13, "If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him."
Realize what your Father has for you by asking, knocking, and seeking until you come to understand God's PURPOSE for your life, and begin to turn the tide through aggressively discipling new believers into their Christ identity, thereby, advancing His Kingdom. A fresh heart of worship will break you through to a new place where the rivers of living waters flow freely out of the depths of your heart!
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Promoting a Closeness with Him
+ 1 Corinthians 13:3 If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing
+ Galatians 1:10  Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.
SUBJECT: Promoting a Closeness with Him
READ TIME: 7 Minutes & 29 Seconds
 When I was younger, I tended to try to please the people around me. It could be my parents, my sister, or my boss. It didn't matter; I wanted people to be happy with me and what I did, and a lot of times, I didn’t see it as people-pleasing; I just saw it as doing something to keep the ones around me happy.
   I worked at this job once, and no matter what the boss wanted me to do, I did; I stayed over, cleaned the parking lot, cleaned the restrooms, vacuumed whatever he needed. I did it because I thought this would make him happy, but I noticed I was tired and I wasn’t happy, and I knew it was a job promotion coming up , and I thought he’d pick me for it, well it was time for him to announce the new supervisor and he didn’t call my name.
     I was so defeated and caught off guard that I didn’t know what to do with my emotions, so I buried them, tried less, and gave less of myself because I knew that it would hurt less if I gave less, which I learned as I gotten older that was the wrong way to handle my emotions .
  Psalm 107:9 For he satisfies the longing soul, and the hungry soul he fills with good things.
     When we people please, we are giving all ourselves to people. Often, people aren’t going to show us the appreciation we need or deserve, but that’s why we must spend our days and lives pleasing God because God sees us. He wants to make us better every day, and each day, we learn that he is what we need, he is what helps us grow, and as we give ourselves to him, we change into better people because we are willing to let go of our bad habits and to have power in him.
   That’s what we gain when we follow God. That’s one of the few things we gain: great love and salvation, and we gain power from on high, but we shouldn’t just be trying to please God to get things or money, like with my boss; that what I was doing, I was trying to obtain a promotion but he saw right through it maybe he didn’t but I realize that in this that we can't do anything to gain SOMETHING because at the end it’s pointless but God wants us to follow him because we love him, do you love him for who he is? Or do you love him for what he can do for you??
  Matthew 16:26 For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul?
    We won't gain anything just following him because God sees right through us. He sees us for who we are and for what we do; the verse tells us we forfeit our souls when we gain the world, but the Bible also tells us God wants us to be content at the end of the day with everything we want and desire God will give us according to his will, not ours, he will give to us to make sure we aren’t in need, but for us to create a bond with God just to get material things is wrong.
  Psalm 118:8 It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in humans.
    Again, some of us think if I can’t get it through God, I can get it through working all the time or through people! When we trust in humans, we will never win their approval. It will always be this endless thing to satisfy a desire that won't be satisfied. But the thing is about humans: they are never content. We always must have something to get and buy, or once we have something, we always want something else. Being content is hard when we are never satisfied and seek to please others or our selves.
   Ecclesiastes 5:10 He who loves money will not be satisfied with money, nor he who loves wealth with his income; this also is vanity.
1 Timothy 6:6 But godliness with contentment is great gain,
   One thing is for sure: we can always satisfy God with our life when we are walking in his will, we can always satisfy God with our praise, and we can never please man no matter what we do; sometimes we think pleasing people will get us ahead, but will be serving God with all our heart and all our soul when we do this ??
No, God is waiting for us to accept the plans he has for us! The Bible says being godly and being content is great gain because, in this, we see that things are meaningless and see that what God wants for us is way greater than riches
  *** Today, we learned that doing things to please people and doing things for the wrong reason never gets us anywhere, but whatever it is, when we seek the plans of God, we will achieve his will. Our desires start to become his desires; if I had sought God for what I wanted, I would never have been crushed about the promotions; sometimes we must ask God is this what you want and give me a discernment spirit to see what is happening, we choose to close our eyes to things because we desire them so badly. Still, God wants us to desire him; God wants us to desire him not for things but for relations.
  It’s easy to have our wants and desires and become complacent because we all want more, but God wants us to have more of him, more of his will, not our own. We can accomplish so much in our lives, and we can see the world, but if we don’t have a relationship with God, it all means nothing; having that promotion was all I wanted, but if I didn’t have a true relationship with God, I just would’ve had a job and promotion and nothing else because having things and money isn’t worth losing a relationship with God. ©Seer~ Prophetess Lee
Heavenly Father, thank you for helping us see the truth without any distractions. Help us seek you daily through our heartaches, ups, and downs. Lord, help us to love you not for what you can give us but for what you can be to us; Lord, help this devotion to be a light to our feet and our path with you. Lord, we thank you so much for everything; we ask you to forgive us of the sins we did and be with us this day in Jesus' Name, Amen
+Matthew 6:33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
+ Romans 15:13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.
Psalm 22:26 The afflicted shall eat and be satisfied; those who seek him shall praise the Lord! May your hearts live forever!
Proverbs 5
Leviticus 5
Matthew 22
Acts 13
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gosorsomething · 8 months
The Book of Josephine - Chapter 10
Hi everyone, I've published the next chapter of my Warrior Nun spin off. I was honestly overwhelmed with the response from the last chapter! thank you for hearing me out on this one haha
Here's an excerpt! From Chapter 10:
Job 12:12, "Is not wisdom found among the aged? Does not long life bring understanding?" [Genesis, Part X]
Correspondence File – I.3.2014-11/SHJ/NE
Dear Father Vincent,
A true miracle has occurred in New Jersey. But first—I must confess something to you.
Our reseArch into demonic possession has continueD beyond what I had previously communicated. The miRacle, however, is as follows. I tasked the Codex (and the Novice, keep in mind) with finding a solution to the increased casualties of our sIsters in recent outbreaks. Scouring our history, they discovered the use of divinium tattoos by sistErs in the time of Wn. Marthe to evade possession by wraith demons (Codex CdA 1798 for reference). This method has been tested using both organic divinium sources and divinium from the armor of AdrieL, and it is effective indeed. This conclusion also requires you to learn of other information I have kept from you—my sincerest apologIes for the deceit, but you will find it justified. LaSt year, we recovered the skeleton of a Tarask—yes, that Tarask—from the site of an outbreak in CoLorado. We have cOnfirmed the skeleton to be composed of divinium, vindicating the old records that speculated the metal comes from an oRganic source. The sisters useD the Tarask fossil for their tAttoos, while I chose to use diviniuM from Adriel’s armor for my own—I dislikEd the risk of demonic contamiNation. I suggest you do the same—use the angel’s armor for your own protection. We have enough of the Tarask’s remains left to send for other sisters, should you find this development useful. Results so far have been incredibly promising, as we have tested the tattoos using a demon in our care. Sisters will continue to report on the effectivity of tattoos on field missions. East Outreach leaves for North Carolina tomorrow morning.
Do this as soon as possible, Vincent—The Lord speaks to me in new ways.
Psalm 85:8
Father Isaac, NE-OCS
  In this life or the Next.
Catalogue note - Sister H. Josephine:
Language ambiguous. Flagged for clarity. Neglected to mention discovery and use of the Sclera. Flagged for missing information. Atypical use of script. Flagged for clarity (2).
Response Thread (See):
Correspondence File – SHJ.17.2014-11/SHJ/NE
Dear Mother Superion,
Suzanne, I hope you are well. I can only imagine how difficult it is to settle into your new responsibilities after the events of last few months. I sympathize with your grief, as I share in my own with the passing of Mother Superion. She was my third Superion, and the most personable I have served. We met many times during her life and wrote to each other several times a year. I want to reassure you that my line is always open—while I cannot speak over the phone, let my voice in writing bring you some comfort should you allow or ask for my guidance or friendship, personally, or if you seek information from the Codex.
Father Isaac has written to Father Vincent of our discoveries. The use of divinium tattoos will be effective in our fight, I believe. May this bring you some security and personal reassurance that you no longer need to feel responsible for putting your sisters in danger—at least that they will be at less risk on field missions. I am confident in the training that you provide them; without the danger of possession, they can rely on your ample guidance to find and defeat Satan in all his hiding places.
I must also inform you that information has been omitted from Isaac’s report, for a reason I cannot determine. When our chapter recovered the Tarask’s skeleton, the Novice discovered that a ring of bone in the eye socket of the demon provides one with the ability to see wraith demons and reveals the presence of Divinium without proximity to the Halo. We have named the ring “Sclera” due to its anatomical position in the Tarask. If you would like to read the reports of our exorcisms using this tool, I would be more than willing to send them to the Cat’s Cradle. If you would like us to send the Sclera itself for examination, I am sure it can be arranged, although Father Isaac was opposed to this idea.
Father Isaac has opened a request thread to all other chapters to send any possible extant uncatalogued records in regard to the death of the Angel Adriel, early OCS history, Areala, and Warrior Nun Cora. As you are aware, the Codex does not contain any of Cora’s records, and it is my belief these records were possibly destroyed by her adversaries. Did this request come from Cat’s Cradle? I can’t find any records of recent correspondence that might require this information. I would be willing to supply what knowledge I can on this subject should Shannon need it. 2 Corinzi 2:11 - ... affinché non siamo raggirati da Satana; infatti non ignoriamo le sue macchinazioni.
Pax tecum,
Codex Sr. Josephine
Catalogue Note – Sister H. Josephine: Above letter returned to sender. Sent with new postage 2015-1/CC.
Catalogue Note - Sister J.Y.: Above letter returned to sender. Previous postage opened and resealed with partial text redaction by apparent reader (Unk.). Redacted text (p.2) illegible. No apparent response from Mother Superion 2017-7.
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firstumcschenectady · 6 months
“Hosanna” based on Psalm 118:1-4, 19-24 and Matthew 21:1-11
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Within Christianity, we use “Hosanna” to express joy, and praise, and adoration. Just one little issue with that – the actual meaning of the word. Hosanna is a Hebrew word meaning “Save us, we pray!” The people around Jesus weren't shouting “Great is God” or “Jesus is good!” or “YAY, Jesus, YAY God!” Instead, they were shouting, “God, save us from our oppressor” which was clearly the Roman Empire, who – let's be honest – didn't appreciate that. “God, help us, the enemy is bigger than we can take on ourselves.” “God, we're in over our heads, help us out here!”
And, of course, they were shouting, “Save us, we pray” during a PASSOVER celebration, when Passover celebrates God's actions in saving the people from oppression in Egypt, which made the Roman Empire's representatives a “little bit” antsy.
The Roman Empire's representative Pontius Pilate was already coming to the city, like he did every year at Passover, with soldiers and fanfare meant to keep the Jewish people in check. The Roman Empire saw QUITE CLEARLY that getting a whole bunch of people together in the city to celebrate God's acts of freeing them from oppression was a tinderbox for revolt, and they sought to tamp it down with displays of power and reminders of their violent capacity. In fact, they came in from Pilate's normal abode on the Mediterranean – so from the West. With gleaming horses, and banners with the golden Eagle of Rome, with drums and the crowds shouting “Hail Caesar, son of God; Praise be to the Savior who brought the Roman Peace; Caesar is Lord….” the Empire sought to intimidate people out of revolt.
Then there was Jesus. Jesus who seems to have let the crowd claim kingship of Ancient Israel on his behalf, which sometimes feels a little bit strange but is in the story nonetheless. The Palm branches were a flag of Israel- the opposite of the Golden Eagle. The donkey was expected to be ridden by the Messiah entering the city – but also is rather opposite a gleaming horse. The soldiers accompanied Pilate – while a large crowd of people impoverished by the Empire accompanied Jesus. And Instead of “Hail Caesar” the people shouted “God Save Us (from the empire).”
The Roman Empire took this Jesus parade as a significant threat.
I believe they were meant to. The protest made the violence of the Empire stand out. They crucified Jesus with the accusation “King of the Jews” above his head, as if this was the charge against him. And, after all, they shouldn't have killed the leader of a PEACEFUL revolt, only a violent one. But sometimes the authorities have a hard time telling the difference between violence and what scares them. (Still true today.)
Then, of course, Jesus did another PEACEFUL demonstration – this time managing to make visible the ways the Empire had put in place Temple leaders who were aligned with Empire and not God's people. That one many of us learned as the “Cleansing of the Temple.” John Dominic Crossan reflects on the “den of robbers” the Temple is said to be saying, “Notice, by the way, that a 'den' is not where robbers do their robbing but where they flee for safety with the spoils they have robbed elsewhere.” (God and Empire, 133.)
Jesus made clear the city of Jerusalem was where “conservative religion and imperial oppression – had become serenely complicit.” (131) And, he dies for it. Crossan says, “He did not go to get himself killed or to get himself martyred. Mark insists that Jesus knew in very specific detail what was going to happen to him – read Mark 10:33-34, for example – but that is simply Marks' way of insisting that all was accepted by both God and Jesus. Accepted, be it noted, but not willed, wanted, needed or demanded.” (131)
Beloveds, this Palm Sunday parade is one of the most brilliant acts of non-violent direct action I've ever heard of, but it is part of the story of why the Empire responded with violence. I can't hear the Palm Sunday story without knowing that it walks us to the Good Friday Crucifixion and the Holy Saturday grief and disillusion. They're all a part of this one story – that when you make clear the ways people are oppressing others, there is a fierce lash-back and the power of violence is immense. Thank God, that isn't the whole story – we get to Easter next week – but it is a real story, one that we can't dismiss.
This year, the Palm Sunday parade that walks Jesus into Jerusalem sounds terrifyingly like Nex Benedict walking into school on their last day. I can't separate out Jesus being faithful to God despite the consequences from gender-queer and non-binary people claiming their space in the world – despite the consequences. But, friends, it is sickening.
There is a story out there, one that says people are supposed to stay in tight little conformist boxes that help others make sense of the world and, heavens, the VIOLENCE that comes out when people speak up and say, “this box doesn't fit me.” And it can be such small stuff:
I'm a woman, but the box “quiet and gentle” doesn't fit me
I'm a man, but the box “stoic” doesn't' fit me
I'm a woman, but the box “looking for a man” doesn't' fit me
I'm a man, but the box “looking for a woman” doesn't' fit me
… the box “wants to have kids” doesn't fit me
… the box “monogamy” doesn't fit me
… the box “woman” doesn't fit me
… the box “man” doesn't fit me
… the box “gendered” doesn't fit me.
And, I mean, you all know this but... WHO CARES? They're all just silly little made up boxes that no one should be forced into and everyone should have the space to occupy, or adapt or not occupy as they see fit? Sure, some people want the world to be black and white without shades of gray – that everyone is cis-gendered, straight, sexual, and single raced ;) But, too bad because that's just not true.
And yet, the violence that comes when people try to force others back into the boxes they think they should live in – it reminds me of the violence of empire. There seem to be gleaming horses, loud drums, and shiny swords all over the place. And, worse, it isn't just the external violence that attacks people – the very people who are brave enough to leave their ill-fitting boxes behind end up internalizing the violence. They're courageous, they're clear, they know who they are and they won't go back to pretending to be otherwise – but that violence is so darn insidious, and it gets inside them. Those silly stories about how we're supposed to be are so poisonous. That human need for connection gets twisted around and turned against people. And the beautiful ones who are brave and unique and wonderful end up dead.
Jesus could have stayed out of Jerusalem, except he couldn't.
Nex could have pretend to have their gender assigned at birth, except they couldn't.
They couldn't. It would have been safer, easier, …. some would say wiser. But they couldn't.
Friends, as you know, the trans and queer communities around the country and world are aching for Nex and Nex's family and friends. Their death has reminded people of prior losses, of other brave and beautiful souls who also internalized the violence against them. The heartbreaks are everywhere.
This holy week, we will worship through the blessings of Jesus, the death of Jesus, the heartbreak of the disciples, and land on the wondrous reality that God's work can't be stopped by violence or death.
But how do we make sense of Nex? And the ones before them? And the ones after them? How do face the violence of the Empire today, and the ways it gets internalized?
There aren't easy asnwers.
We grieve.
And we share the aches with God.
And we name the problems with each other.
And we keep on learning how to undercut the broken narrative, and break open little boxes, and keep people safe when they leave them.
We aren't going to do it fast enough – we already haven't, but just because we can't do it immediately doesn't mean we can stop. Jesus showed us the power of violence to stop people, and the ways religion can become complicit with violence. And he paid for it, paid to teach us those lessons. But we have them! So, we know that God and love are more powerful than violence, and love is the way we respond. And we know that religion that oppresses isn't religion at all, and we shout it from the rooftops.
God save us.
We pray.
Rev. Sara E. Baron First United Methodist Church of Schenectady 603 State St. Schenectady, NY 12305 Pronouns: she/her/hers http://fumcschenectady.org/ https://www.facebook.com/FUMCSchenectady
March 24, 2024
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walkswithmyfather · 2 years
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“The earth is filled with your love, Lord; teach me your decrees.” —Psalm 119:64 (NIV)
“Lord, you love everyone on earth; please teach me what to do.” —Psalm 119:64 (FBV)
“Your love, God, fills the earth! Train me to live by your counsel.” —Psalm 119:57‭-‬64 (MSG)
“Give me more revelation of your ways, for I see your love and tender care everywhere. Your extravagant kindness to me makes me want to follow your words even more! Teach me how to make good decisions, and give me revelation-light, for I believe in your commands. Before I was humbled I used to always wander astray, but now I see the wisdom of your words. Everything you do is beautiful, flowing from your goodness; teach me the power of your wonderful words!” —Psalm 119:64‭-‬68 (TPT)
“10 Things to Know About Psalm 119” By Kevin Halloran:
“Many of us desire to love God’s Word more, but are unsure of how to cultivate those desires. Psalm 119 is a heartfelt prayer from the Psalmist that can be used as a tool to transform your affections to love God’s Word more. Here are 10 Things to Know about Psalm 119:
Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in the Bible with 176 verses. It has a similar length to some of the Bible’s shorter books like Philippians, James, or Ruth!
The purpose of this Psalm is to celebrate God’s word and instruction to his people. It is used in Jewish tradition to celebrate Rosh Hashanah (which is Jewish New Year). This holiday is the first of a series of holidays called Yamim Nora’im, or in English ‘Days of Awe.’ It is fitting to use this psalm in that setting because the Psalmist beautifully expresses awe and adoration of God for his Word. Here is one verse commonly used in this celebration: “The law of your mouth is better to me than thousands of gold and silver pieces.” Psalm 119:72
The structure of Psalm 119 is comprised of 22 stanzas, each starting with a different letter in the Hebrew alphabet. Each stanza has 8 verses with two lines each.
There is a tradition in the Eastern Orthodox Church that King David used this psalm to teach his son Solomon both the Hebrew alphabet and the “alphabet of the spiritual life.”
Many of the verses mention God’s Word in one line, and then in the second line connect it to God’s revelation. Other words used to describe God’s revelation are: law, testimonies, precepts, statutes, commandments, word, and rules.
Psalm 119 is a prayer that includes many different elements, including prayers of praise (45-48), lament (81-88), vindication (132-134), obedience (57-64), and petitions for wisdom (33-40).
David Powlison observes, “Psalm 119 is actually not about the topic of getting Scripture into your life. Instead, it is the honest words that erupt when what God says gets into you. It’s not an exhortation to Bible study; it’s an outcry of faith…Psalm 119 is the thoughtful outcry that rises when real life meets real God.” (Speaking the Truth in Love, p. 14). “It is good for me that I was afflicted, that I might learn your statutes.” Psalm 119:71
Charles Spurgeon liked this Psalm so much, he said, “we might do well to commit it to memory.” That’s a tall order for a Psalm that has 176 verses! He also had this to say about it from his Psalm 119 commentary: “As those who drink the Nile water like it better every time they take a draught, so does this Psalm become more full and fascinating the oftener you turn to it.”
The song “Thy Word” by Amy Grant is based on one of the most memorable verses from this beloved Psalm, verse 105 which says, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path” (KJV). You can listen to the song here.
Use this Psalm as a tuning fork to tune your heart to love God’s Word more. Read the psalm straight through and pray that God will shape your life and heart to love him and his Word more!”
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