#What are those dad sandals called. The ones they wear to literally any family outing
creepyscritches · 2 years
Been making amigurumis for a little over a month and a half now and my hands haven't broken down from anything yet :Oc
Imagine the little babies I could be making now if I hadn't had to stop crocheting when I was 17 bc my hands were deteriorating so bad and I had to pick a single craft to focus on and leave everything else behind (it was 2D art lol....)
I. Can. Make. Them. NOW!!! No gods no masters no limits baby I'm making shit so cute it makes me want to crush them >:O
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gwoongi · 4 years
best years
jeon jeongguk / reader genre: best friend au, bff-to-lovers au, fluff, angst, guk is pining rating: general words: 2.6k warnings: its a short little fic, sort of like one chunk of a big chocolate bar and im gonna slowly feed u one chunk at a time until you’re sick and full a/n: a squint into the mind of bff jeongguk who will star in an eventual “idol best friend” series that i routinely dream about but have always felt it disrespectful to write about but at the end of the day everything i write is fiction and jeongguk would probably be less offended by a “canon divergence bff au” than he would reading my drug addicted rockstar au so :-) read it & weep folks
Jeongguk’s always been scared of the rejection he might receive from you. He might be a dream for fans across the world, but there’s a split second where Jeongguk feels like he might not be good enough for you. He’s the world to other people. But you deserve the whole galaxy, and he’s afraid that’s something that he might not ever be, even with the money, and the fame, and the doubts he tries to hide.
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Jeongguk was taking a pretty big risk, he knew that. It was risky taking any step out of his house at any moment, even on the days where it was pouring outside; he’d think he was safe until he made it to the end of the road, earphones snug in his ears, and the flash of a camera behind the shrubs in the corner of his eye blinds him back to his front door in a twisted shame. 
Granted, he’d expected it to be worse as he booked a plane ticket and made a rather hasty, in-the-moment journey to the airport and on a plane with no layover. Usually when Jeongguk takes a journey overseas, there’s at least one or two fans hiding in the corner of the suites waiting for him, or someone on the plane who’d recognise his face. For this, he’d suck it up and take a photo. It was better to have good PR, and be a little bit pissed off that he’d been discovered, than to have bad PR and to be known as the member of BTS who didn’t give a damn when the ‘real’ reasons for travel were taken away.
But Jeongguk thought the risk was worth it this time. The plane touched down in Manchester, and from there, it was an hour long train journey to a station he didn’t know anything about to meet a friend of yours he’d only seen in Instagram pictures. You were at University now, a face he saw on a screen rather than a face he quite literally woke up next to months before. It had been four months since Jeongguk had seen his true best friend, and fuck anybody who was going to make him wait a second longer before seeing you again.
You were his greatest risk, but it was worth it. You were worth it.
“Fuck, it’s insane to actually be meeting you right now.” Frank is a good guy, ginger with circle glasses rested on the end of his roundish nose. He led Jeongguk out of the train station, offering to pull his suitcase for him. “I mean, I’m a huge fan.” Followed by a sigh and a quiet, “Who isn’t…?”
Jeongguk smiled at him, squinting in the sun as it hit his eyes in the direction of Frank’s face. “Thanks. I hear a lot about you, too.”
Frank grinned, whipping his head towards Jeongguk. “All sexy and scandalous things, I hope. You know, none of us believed Y/N when she said she knew you. We thought the pictures were Photoshopped, you know how she is.” They both paused by the side of the road going one way only, “Shit, she’s gonna freak out when she sees you.”
That was three minutes ago, but Jeongguk’s still playing that sentence on a loop. He walks alongside Frank down one of the streets, past a redundant furniture store that quirks his brows. A man stands in the doorway, a cigarette out of his mouth and ash dropping to his toes bare in sandals. It smells like doughnuts, and weed, and he smiles brightly. He’s missed the UK, and how unbelievably shockingly awful it is when you’re not looking at picturesque photos of London online.
“I thought you’d know that Y/N’s my best friend,” Jeongguk says thoughtfully. He pauses as Frank does as a car zooms past when they’re about to cross. “I mean, people know. The photos got leaked, all of them.”
“Hey, give me a break,” Frank says dramatically. “I only became a fan three months ago. And yeah, I figured. Finally, I understood why all the white girls studying Korean here wanted photographs with her and to be her best friend…”
Jeongguk frowns. “Is it bad? She doesn’t tell me this stuff on the phone. I mean, they go crazy on Twitter when she posts pictures and we interact, but I didn’t…”
Frank shakes his head and grins at Jeongguk until the words die out. “Nah, don’t panic. It’s not that bad. If anything, she might get a kick out of the fame. Trust, there’s always gonna be the girls who hate her because she’s friends with you and that’s like, what, threatening to their fantasy? But she loves you a lot, and a friendship like yours...it’s kinda like family, you know?”
Jeongguk feels his stomach flip, kind of like butterflies. These butterflies are sour, his heart racing that extra bit quicker. He likes the sound of family. He doesn’t like the way Frank implies it, because if Jeongguk is ever going to consider you as family, it won’t be as his sister. You’ve never been his sister, even when you were part of his family growing up. There were times you came to all of his Korean family events, the times his family called you their own, but you were never his sister. It was different to that, you both knew it but never acknowledged it.
Frank makes small talk until they make it to the student accomodation you currently live at, and because Frank knows basically everybody, a student comes to the gate to let them both in. They’re nice, big and pretty-skinned, wearing an Aston Villa shirt that Jeongguk remembers looks a lot like your Dad’s back in the day. Might be the same, might be a vintage.
He smiles at him, because maybe this guy knows Jeongguk, but the guy just turns back into the common room and doesn’t come out again. Frank doesn’t live here, he lives in a flat of his own around the corner, but Frank might as well be a resident here. He lets himself in towards the lift and shoots a text to one of your flatmates.
“Apparently she’s in the shower,�� Frank says casually. He locks his phone, taps his foot as the lift rises, “Let’s hope she doesn’t stride out completely stark naked as you’re in there.”
He almost blushes, “Ha, yeah.” He declines to mention the times you two have showered together, the time you went skinny dipping together when you were fifteen. Those were things that might end up getting misunderstood, and those are his memories he’d like to keep hidden and secret. He says nothing, nothing but a thank you when he enters your flat with Frank and takes a different turn to the left as Frank goes right, towards the kitchen.
Your room is at the very end, your name on the door in stickers from a set you got from the 99p store, and from inside, he hears the music in the bathroom. The door opens silently and closes with the same volume, and Jeongguk manages to wheel his suitcase to the end of the bed and plonks himself down. As expected from pixels on the screen, your room looks better in person- white walls and a bed set that’s white with a peony pattern. Above your desk, Jeongguk recognises all your photos together, new polaroids of you and the friends you’ve made at University who Jeongguk always felt kind of threatened by. He smiles to himself, and rests his neck at a strange angle against the wall your bed is literally attached to. From here, he can see the bathroom door in the mirror on the opposite wall, but he knows you’ll only see his feet when you come out.
Speaking of which; the Fleetwood Mac song ends suddenly and the shower water has stopped running. Jeongguk hears the toilet flush and his heart starts to race. Four months of falling asleep on Facetime and texting when there was no time left in the day, and now, here he is, on your bed, waiting for you to step out and...and, then what?
Maybe you didn’t even want him here. Maybe you were happier now that Jeongguk was in Korea and you were still at home, in a new city with new friends and a new life. Maybe the memory of Jeongguk was burdensome. Worse, maybe he was something you felt you had to remember but didn’t really want to.
Jeongguk’s always been scared of the rejection he might receive from you. He might be a dream for fans across the world, but there’s a split second where Jeongguk feels like he might not be good enough for you. He’s the world to other people. But you deserve the whole galaxy, and he’s afraid that’s something that he might not ever be, even with the money, and the fame, and the doubts he tries to hide.
The bathroom door opens and in two seconds, the light is shut off and he hears you sigh.
“Frank, you gotta stop letting yourself in here without telling me,” your voice says. “Good thing I’m semi-decent. Usually I’m not.”
“No fun,” Jeongguk teases, and silence follows. There’s a pause in the room, and Jeongguk cocks his head with his left cheek on his shoulder, waiting for you to click and appear in front of him. Suddenly, there’s small but quick thuds across the carpet and Jeongguk feels his chest tighten with a nostalgic feeling as you come into view with wide eyes, damp hair and nothing but a bra and those stupid black worn leggings you refuse to throw out.
The grin that reaches Jeongguk’s eyes now aches as he laughs at you, at the way you gape in his presence. It takes a moment, a moment of what feels like could be the rejection that Jeongguk absolutely fears, but then you smile so wide that Jeongguk feels it in his stomach.
“Holy shit!” you exclaim loudly, bringing a hand to your mouth as you hurry towards the bed. It dips beneath your knees and Jeongguk rises up to a sitting position. “What the fuck!”
He laughs out loud, and when you’re next to nothing away, Jeongguk wastes zero time in bringing you into his arms, tightly hugging you.
“Careful, my hair’s all wet,” you squeak.
“Don’t care.”
He really doesn’t. There’s probably going to be a damp spot on his clothes after, but that’s okay. You groan loudly with happiness as you hug him in return as tightly as he is hugging you, your weight on his lap and your arms around his neck. Jeongguk smiles so wide, sighing with content into your neck. Here, he smells the marshmallow wash on your skin, the fragrance of your hair that kind of reminds Jeongguk of cabbage patch babies.
“You smell good,” he mutters. You laugh quietly, squirming when his nose sniffs across your neck like one would kiss. “I don’t.”
“You do, you always smell good,” you reply. One sniff, he laughs, “See!”
“Mmm,” he plays along, “the sweet smell of planes and trains and jetlag.”
That makes you laugh, and at the mention of jetlag, Jeongguk realises he could probably fall asleep like this given the chance. He has missed this, missed you, so fucking much. The emotions are overwhelming. 
Jeongguk kisses behind your earlobe, and just underneath your jaw. That’s new. Jeongguk was a cheek-kiss kind of best friend, but never this. You’re not complaining. Your head drops to one side, almost giving him more access to the space free, and he occupies it. Those fucking butterflies; Jeongguk feels sick with nerves as he kisses you, under your chin and across your neck, on that spot on your collarbone you found out tickled after Seven Minutes in Heaven in Year 8. Maybe your fingernails in his hair are a way of you telling him to stop- it’s something he can think about tonight if he can’t fall asleep, something he doesn’t care to think about when he kisses on your actual jawline, to your cheek and the corner of your mouth, your cupid's bow.
He moves away with a blush that matches your own, but maybe you can’t see his in the colour of your fairy lights. He plays with the confusion as he moves the hair that's across your face around your ears, smiling and raising his eyebrows. Jeongguk convinces the role of casual to perfection and bites back a sour taste when he notices you’re the same. Casual, unmoved, maybe even like it didn’t mean a thing.
“Your hair is so fucking wet,” he sniggers boyishly.
“I told you,” you shrug. You shrink, relaxed, “Fuck, Guk, why are you here? I mean, I’m literally so happy, but...Are you gonna get in trouble for this?”
“I dunno,” he admits. “Maybe, probably. I mean...the guys know I’m here. Hoseok drove me to the airport with Jimin.”
“That’s not what I mean.”
Jeongguk sighs loudly. “Yeah, I know. Frank told me all about the girls.”
“Little fucker. Is he here? I’ll punch him for mentioning it to you. It’s honestly fine. Girls will be girls.”
“You’re my best friend for life, it’s important to me that you’re not uncomfortable by it-”
“I’m not,” you assure him, hands trapped in his hair. “Damn, this got long. Didn’t look long over the phone.”
“Was growing it out,” Jeongguk replies. “Heard you fancied Keanu Reeves, couldn’t handle the competition.”
“Ha!” you retort. “Simp.”
“For you,” frowns Jeongguk dramatically.
Conversation fizzles comfortably, to the point where you both forget that Jeongguk’s underneath you and your legs are wrapped like a koala around his middle. The fact that this is normality for you both is ignored. You’ve done worse things together. Jeongguk even knows that the bra you’re wearing now is one he bought for you. That could be why Jeongguk feels the way that he does, why this confusion wraps around his body and traps him. Jeongguk knows that the butterflies in his stomach don’t just appear because you’re his best friend he hasn’t seen in a while. He knows what they mean when they flutter when your name pops up when you’re calling him, when an interviewer tries to catch him out by bringing you up in another interview that you don’t need to be mentioned in.
Jeongguk knows that coming here was worth the confusion, and the nerves, and the fact that this will be a headline when it gets out. JEON JUNGKOOK GOES TO UK TO VISIT HIS BEST FRIEND...BUT ARE THEY MORE? Or worse, NETIZENS HAVE PROOF THAT BTS JUNGKOOK IS DATING HIS BEST FRIEND Y/N…
He doesn’t want to hurt you. That’s how he feels scared. For you to be scandalised by an article online that caught him out in his feelings, he knew it wasn’t fair. Jeongguk might be too afraid to say he’s in love, and too afraid to find out if you feel it too, but he’d risk those feelings and the headlines if it meant spending one more day with you.
Jeongguk’s got a week and a half with you. Something’s gotta give within this week. He doesn’t want to go back to Korea with more regrets than he came with, and for now, he’ll just have to swallow those butterflies back down when they pour out of his mouth. Right now, he can’t afford to be caught out. It has to be known on his own terms, when the timing is perfect. It has to be perfect, because it’s what you deserve. It has to be perfect, because if it isn’t, then Jeongguk doesn’t think it will be worth it.
Losing you to a headline and a butterfly is out of the question. One tries to escape when you hop off him and shrug on a jumper from out of your wardrobe. If you noticed his unease you didn’t mention it. He wants to cry, wants the confusion to go away for the night so he can enjoy it.
For now, he thinks as he follows you with an arm around your shoulders out of your bedroom and towards the kitchen to meet the others, he’ll just have to fake it til he makes it. Just like always. Put on a face, put on a show, until it all feels worth the spillage. He can’t let the butterflies escape yet.
It has to be perfect, and he’ll have to be patient.
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peachy-inserts · 4 years
Midoriya, Todoroki and Kirishima general head canons with a long distance, Australian s/o? I always see American s/o's and sometimes it feels as if people forget other places in the world exist lol. Thanks! (also a cute lil paragraph or smth of people finding out that the boys do have an s/o would be nice too) thanks!
Ah, the best boys who are so underrated on this blog. Seriously y’all, send in more Todoroki prompts
Truth be told, he’s probably the best ad handling a long distance relationship. He’s a very social person, so it��s not like he’s missing out on any interactions in his day to day life. He gets the stimulation he needs from his environment
That’s not to say it isn’t hard, though. Australia is awfully far away from him, and being the type of loving and protective person he is, it’s difficult for him to cope with not being able to aid you when you’re in need, whether that’s mentally or even physically
Deku is an outgoing and extroverted person; while he, like anyone else, has his reservations, he also likes to see just how far he can push himself. This has been one of his biggest challenges yet, not being able to do the simple things people take for granted, like breathe in your sweet scent or stroke your hand when you’re upset. It’s the simple things, always these simple things he craves the most
Boy, he sure does show you off though. Constantly showing people pics of you on his phone, going out of his way to bring you up in conversations and randomly calling you throughout the day so you can weigh in on whatever topic he and his friends are discussing
Tell him all about your home! He’s such a sucker for learning new things and is eager to know everything about where you come from, both to get to know you better and for future reference
Pretty much any penny not used for bills, food, or gas, is thrown into savings to come visit you. What can I say, he’s very enthusiastic and excited to finally throw his arms around you like he’s dreamed of
Honestly, the perfect listener. He sits and soaks in everything you say with such determined intent, and it’s one of his most endearing qualities. In a long distance relationship, the most you can really do is talk, which is one of his strong suits. The boy is a people pleaser!
Shouto is slightly worse at coping with having you so far away from him. Sure, he knew what he was getting into, and at first it was fine. But as time goes on and he finds himself becoming more attracted to you, it becomes more difficult to accept that he can’t actually see you on a daily basis
To be honest though, it’s a good experience for him. Being the emotionally damaged and distant person that he is, he can take his relationship with you in a relaxed stride. It’s all about baby steps
Please talk to him at least once a day! He’s insecure and quite frankly, a jealous lover. With you being in a different country, who knows whether or not there’s someone else sweeping you off of your feet
It’s not that he doesn’t trust you; once he devotes himself to someone, they’ve earned his whole and true self. He just can’t help feeling like he’s not good enough for you, and needs reassurance that you won’t leave him for someone closer to you in location
Shouto wouldn’t be very vocal about your relationship to anyone but his close friends and select family members. It’s not for any particular reason other than that’s just how he is; he doesn’t like too much of his personal life being known unless he consents to it
Boy has big money though, whether or not he’s a pro in this scenario or not is up to you, though. Either way, he’s got enough at any given moment to fly in and see you for a few days
Those few days he comes to see you, a few times throughout the year, he’s beyond nervous. Shouto is new to romantic experiences, and simply a stuttering, flustered mess. 
He tries to play it off by having you tour him around your home, wearing a fisherman’s hat, cargo shorts, socks and sandals, and a classic bahama style button up. He literally looks like someone’s dad, so be prepared
All in all, he’s just glad he has someone he can count on, someone who at any time he can call and express his doubts to. It’s the most comfortable he’s ever felt with someone, amazing considering the fact that he hadn’t known you prior
Creating and staying loyal to a bond between someone thousands of miles away? Now that’s manly as fuck! 
Kirishima is already an incredibly supportive and enthusiastic boyfriend. Not being able to see you other than over video calls just amplifies this trait of his. He’s a touchy person, preferring to enunciate his speech through actions. Because he can’t do that with you very frequently, he’s spitting out love poems and compliments 24 hours a day
Like Deku, he’d totally show you off to people. He tries to learn as much about your culture as possible so that he can talk about his totally rad Australian partner anytime that he gets the chance
Constantly tagging you in social media posts; he especially likes it when people in your family will respond to them, because it makes him feel like he’s really connected to your life instead of isolated from the world around you
He doesn’t need a lot of reassurance, simply because he would never date someone he thought he couldn’t trust. It takes a big fuck up to make him suspicious of you, or on someone else’s part for him to ever be jealous
Makes it his goal to visit at least twice a year! Although he’s content with your current arrangement, he wants to get more comfortable with the idea of being in a close setting with you
As much as he loves to travel and wants to understand your life, he would also be eager to introduce you to his world. All of his friends have heard so many stories about you, teasing him nonstop, and Kiri simply cannot wait to show off to them any longer
He truly values and respects you for being able to cope with an online relationship; it’s something he never really pictured himself doing, but he adapts at a rapid pace. 
However, while he’s not particularly needy (or at least pretends not to be), he still misses you like crazy! He’ll call you at random times throughout the day, asking you if you’ve eaten, how did you sleep, ranting about something that happened, or just looking to pass the time
Your favorite calls are when he tries desperately to stay awake with you despite the time difference and passes out in range of the camera, even in his sleep looking so determined
Also, expect lots of cooking tutorials, which are really just excuses to talk to you even more. He’s gotta be able to practice so that when you’re together, he can impress you with his cooking!
...That you taught him how to do
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spikeisawesome456 · 4 years
1. Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? Uh… None, actually. I use YouTube and iTunes mostly. I have YouTube premium family (means that for $15, I get six accounts that can have YouTube Premium) so I don’t have to worry about ads and all that. 
2. is your room messy or clean? Both? I only have a thin area of my room that can have movement, since it’s so small. The majority is taken up either of my bed or my dresser/end table/storage. So the room is full of stuff, but the main area is kept clean so I can move through it, ya know? 
3. what color are your eyes? Green/blue, but mostly green. I also have brown in the center of my eyes. I guess you could call it hazel? I don’t really know what hazel eyes mean, honestly. 
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Here’s a close up I took a while ago. I’m looking at you!! Ha!
... I just realized I’ve not changed at all since I was a child. :-(
4. do you like your name? why? Yep! I like it. I have a long, more formal name (Katherine) but also a shorter, more informal nickname (Katie). I like this dynamic of my name. I also like how it sounds. Both of them. <3 
5. what is your relationship status? Single, but okay with that. I’m starting to think I’m aro, as I don’t… ahh, like people? Much? It’ complicated. 
6. describe your personality in 3 words or less Very, very, annoying. 
7. what color hair do you have? I think you could call it golden?? I usually call it dirty strawberry blonde. It’s a coppery color, but also blonde. Not quite strawberry, not quite dirty. A mix? 
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This is a somewhat good example, but it is a bit more copper-toned than usual, due to the light next to my computer. The kids at work ask me sometimes if I dyed my hair, since it is almost completely orange on the badge my work printed for me, aha. But this shows the range of colors my hair goes through. 
8. what kind of car do you drive? color? Ha! What, you think I’m a functioning adult? I don’t know how to drive. 
9. where do you shop? Literally anywhere? I don’t care. I get my pants from Walmart, my shirts from wherever sells cute fandom shirts. 
10. how would you describe your style? Ha!!! I answered this one in an ask, but I determined I have no style. I just prefer comfort to fashion. 
11. favorite social media account Hm… I don’t tend to care much for social media accounts, personally at least. I just follow whatever is neat. I guess I like Game Grumps social media?? Eh. 
12. what size bed do you have? Twin. It’s pressed up against the wall and I just sleep pressed into the corner like I’m trying to merge and become one with the wall. One day, sweet wall……..
13. any siblings? Sadly, yes. _._ An older brother. He’s actually fine, but still siblings...
14. if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? Probably…. Hm. I liked New Zealand when I visited, but I don’t know if it would be the best place for me to live, since it’s just so different to how I live now. Same with Ireland, though both would be amazing for me. I think… honestly, where I currently live, since it has good weather and is familiar to me. 
15. favorite snapchat filter? Don’t use snapchat! :-D 
16. favorite makeup brand(s) Hm… I used to only use Bare Minerals, but they don’t have great coverage, I’ve found. I’ve been using Clinique now, but I think they make me break out, which is bad. I don’t like makeup and I always feel it on my skin, or else it makes me break out after usage. I have very sensitive skin, ya feel me?
17. how many times a week do you shower? Never! I hate showers. I don’t like the feel of being blind when the water gets into my eyes.
I take a bath twice a day, though. Once in the morning and once at night, where I wash my hair. I know I’m not supposed to wash my hair so often, but it’s a habit at this point and it helps me sleep now.
18. favorite tv show? Buffy the Vampire Slayer, mostly since it was so important to me growing up. I still love it, though! I just don’t tend to have favorites, ya know? But Buffy will always mean the most to me. 
19. shoe size? I don’t… I don’t really know? Heels I’m a size 8, I think? But I wear size 9.5 for sneakers, since I like my shoes a bit big. I think??? I don’t really know. 
20. how tall are you? Ehhhhhhhh I say I’m 5’4, but who knows. I think I’m 5’3 and a half. I just round up. According to my doctor’s records I shrank and am 5’2, so who even knows anymore. Height is a made-up concept to control the short. ;-)
21. sandals or sneakers? Sneakers, god. I wore sandals once for a fancy event and I got sand and dirt on my feet immediately. It was sad. :-(
22. do you go to the gym? HA!
23. describe your dream date I don’t really know. As I said, possibly aro. Maybe…… Uh…. Somewhere quiet. Private. I’m not good in groups or crowds. OR! Maybe a theme park, the absolute opposite of what I said. OR a fair. I love fairs! Anything, really. I’m not picky. 
24. how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? Oh! This one is a shock, because my dad just gave me a lot of money since I paid for dinner with my mom, since he was being an overly dramatic baby over me calling out his awful behavior and left us alone for dinner at Red Lobster, and he stubbornly paid me back. So I’ve got… let’s see… about $135, if you count the $30 I had in before. 
25. what color socks are you wearing? Ha! Jokes on you! I’m not WEARING ANY SOCKS!!!! AHA!!!!!!!
26. how many pillows do you sleep with? One. Too many makes me feel weird. 
27. do you have a job? what do you do? Well… I HAD  job, because Covid. I was an after-school teacher, where I looked after kids, kind of daycare style, ya know? I loved it, and I love kids. Currently I’m “teaching” some of the kids I used to look after STEAM over Zoom. Apparently, the girls- sisters- missed doing my STEAM experiments each week and asked their mom to contact me to do the experiments with them over Zoom. I use “teaching” in quotes, since I mostly just do science activities with them, step by step, without much teaching involved. I used to explain why what we did was science, but I don’t want to make the kids do more work when they have so much with Covid going on. Also, I’m lazy, ha. 
28. how many friends do you have? None! Seriously, but it’s okay. As I said earlier, I’m not the biggest fan of people so it’s kind of reliving to be on my own for the most part. I had been making a new friend before Covid, but we’ve not spoken much since. I did text her once and she seemed friendly still. Maybe we can meet up after this all is done with.
  29. whats the worst thing you have ever done? Uh… I don’t really know? I used to get into fights online, mostly just fighting for what I believed in, but I never really attacked anyone, or I didn’t mean to. I’ve not done many bad things?? Not to make myself out to be a goodie-two shoes, but I don’t like hurting people or being “bad,” so I tend to avoid things like that. I’ve probably done things others consider “bad,” but that don’t register to me, so I don’t really know. 
30. whats your favorite candle scent? Oh my god. I’m currently OBSESSED with this new candle from Bath and Body Works. It’s called Strawberry Pound Cake, but it smells like strawberry vanilla, and it’s AMAZING. I love it. I also have it in hand cream and hand sanitizer form and it’s THE BEST. It reminds me of those strawberry vanilla candy things from when I was a kid. 
31. 3 favorite boy names Daniel, William, and… uh… I’m not sure. Alex, maybe? I know I like Daniel and William though. 
32. 3 favorite girl names Emmaline, Clara, and… hmmm… Not sure, again. 
33. favorite actor? Hm. Not sure. I don’t do favorites much. I guess Misha Collins? If this were about YouTube people, I’d say Dan Avidan in a heartbeat. Though… technically he is an actor… he did an actual YouTube show, with a plot and acting, so he’s technically an actor. So, then, him. 
34. favorite actress? I’m even less sure about this one, honestly. I don’t pay attention to actors or actresses much, really. I know Misha since he does GISH, but otherwise I’m unsure about actors much. 
35. who is your celebrity crush? Oh, Dan Avidan, clearly. He’s amazing. My profile pic on Tumblr has been the same for 4 years because I can’t get over the fact I met him. I used to change my profile pic every so often, with my artwork, but now I’m never changing my profile pic. Ever. 
36. favorite movie?  Uh…. Probably Phantom of the Opera, 2004. I love that film. Again, not super into favorite things, but if I had to pick one it would be PotO. 
37. do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? Well, I DO read a lot. Mostly it’s fanfiction though, aha. And again, favorites aren’t really my thing. I used to say Island of the Blue Dolphins, but I reread that book a few years ago and didn’t like it as much. Still liked it but was more eh about it and never finished my read through. Maybe Stargirl, by Jerry Spinelli. I’ve not read it since I was a child, but I recall it being really good. My favorite book I’ve read recently would probably have to be Rebecca, by Daphne du Maurier. I had a lot of problems with it, but ultimately, I loved that book. 
38. money or brains? Brains, obviously. They taste better. :-)
Though to be honest, I do say brains. Money is good, don’t get me wrong, but with brains the person can actually think about doing what is right or wrong. Money corrupts and without thought, there’s so way around it. 
39. do you have a nickname? what is it? Yep! Technically I only go by my nickname, since I go by Katie, but my full name is Katherine. 
40. how many times have you been to the hospital? Ooooh, personally? Once, when I broke my arm when I was 4, almost 5. Well, many times for that, but one time overall. I’ve been in the hospital often for my mom and dad, though. My mom is disabled and is a bit of a hypochondriac, so we sometimes have to take her to the hospital whenever she has pain, just to be safe. She did once have kidney stones, though, so it was needed. My dad had a panic attack once and thought it was a heart attack, so we were there for that. I also went to the hospital once when my grandma was dying, to say goodbye with my dad. It wasn’t sad, which says a lot about my and my dad’s relationship with my grandma. 
41. top 10 favorite songs HA! Can’t. Seriously, can’t. I love too many songs equally for this one.
  42. do you take any medications daily? Yeah. I used to take Seroquel nightly, but that just made me gain 40 pounds and didn’t help with mood much. It only helped me sleep and that was replaced by over the counter melatonin and Benadryl. So I gained 40 pounds for nothing and I’m struggling getting the weight off. Yay!!!!!!
43. what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) Both, I think? 
44. what is your biggest fear? Death. 
45. how many kids do you want? I don’t know, one or two? I don’t know if I want to get married though, so… Single mom for the win? I also might want to adopt older kids, or foster them at least, give them a place to live. When I’m on my own and have a stable, good paying job of course. 
46. whats your go to hair style? Whatever my hair naturally does, honestly. I just brush it out and it does its own thing. I have thin, wavy hair, though, so it’s mostly fine. It parts in the middle, and I don’t have bangs. It refuses to grow passed my boob level, no matter how long it goes between haircuts, so it hangs there. It always grows back to boob level, but never passed. No idea why. 
47. what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) Very presumptuous, question thing, to assume I live in a house. I live in an apartment, with my mom, dad, and older brother. It’s fairly big, with two bedrooms and a converted den for my bedroom, but it’s small for 4 of us. Less then 1500 square feet. I think 1200? 
48. who is your role model? Hm. This is gonna sound conceited, but myself. Or, the person I want to be. I have an idea of what I’d like to be in life, and that is what guides me. It’s not based off anyone I’ve met, but based on my own personal desires, a mis-mesh of ideals. The only person you can be is yourself. Trying to be like someone else will only hurt you. Even wanting to be like someone else can be hurtful. Not that I’m putting down anyone who has role models! But it just… never worked for me. Putting people on pedestals hurt me, so I just look forward to being the best version of me that I can be. 
49. what was the last compliment you received? Hm… I get a lot of compliments on my Facebook page, people saying I’m doing a good job with that. So that, probably. 50. what was the last text you sent? It was too my dad, who, as previously mentioned, was being a bit of a butt and was mad at me for calling him on his rude behavior to me and my mom. I texted “alright,” to him telling me to not buy him a takeout dinner. I didn’t listen though, and he ate it when we got home after sulking a bit. He’s better now, but he’s yet to apologize. He never does. -.- 51. how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? Uh… Wait, Santa isn’t… real…?!?!?!
Aha. JK. I don’t know. Maybe 8?? I don’t remember. I just know I believed when I was 6-ish, when Polar Express came out, since I asked for Santa bells for Christmas. I think I also believed the next year, but I don’t remember much. I learned the difference between Judaism and Catholicism around then, and eventually decided to be Jewish when I was 12-ish, but who knows, man. Who knows? 
52. what is your dream car? One that self-drives and doesn’t ever crash, so I don’t have to drive myself. 
53. opinion on smoking?
Bad! Bad, bad, bad!!! No smoking!
Truthfully, honestly. My mom gets really sick around smokers, especially around pot and vape smokers. It makes her have an allergic reaction. 54. do you go to college? Yeah baby! I just finished and will be getting my (probably useless) degree in the mail soon! Summa Cum Laude, baby! (Highest honors, if you don’t know what that means). Now I just got to get into grad school so I can do something with my Psych BA! Aha. Haha. Ahahaha. Ha… 55. what is your dream job? School psychologist! I want to help children, but don’t have the temperament to be a teacher. I’m too lenient and would let them walk all over me. I kind of do as an after-school teacher. The kids respect me, though, and like me well enough. I don’t think I could be the only person responsible for them, though. I get frazzled, which I learned while doing my STEAM activities and the kids would NOT listen, sometimes. I could do it, though, if the whole school psych thing doesn’t pan out. Or school counselor, would be my second choice. Something to do with kids, though. 56. would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? Hm. I like city life, though I think I’d prefer suburbs. I live in a kind of suburb, though I live in a major city… We just don’t have skyscrapers near where I live, only downtown. We have over a million people in my city, and 3 million in the county. So, big. 57. do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? Uhm yeah??? Why wouldn’t you? They’re free souvenirs! I went to a kid-themed hotel once, near Disneyland, for my parent’s anniversary, which had this neat bubblegum shampoo from their kid spa. I loved it so much I asked my dad to buy me a whole bottle of it as a body wash. It was… expensive, but I still have some left over, which I’ve kept for some reason. 58. do you have freckles? Some, yeah. Not many on my face, just some around my arms, scattered. I have a big one on my left palm, at the base of the meat of my thumb, if that makes sense. Otherwise they’re just scattered all around. 59. do you smile for pictures? Yep! Well… my version of smiling. I don’t ever smile with my teeth, since they’re small and my lips are so long, so it looks awkward when I smile with teeth. Instead I just smile with my lips. 60. how many pictures do you have on your phone? HA! I had to get myself a 164 GB phone to deal with the fact that I take lots of photos. Over 2,000, now. 61. have you ever peed in the woods? Ew? No? I hate the woods. Or, going into the woods. I like the idea of woods and I like being in them, guided, but staying in them? No. Scary. 62. do you still watch cartoons? Yep! I’m currently watching She-Ra! I like it! 63. do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? Oh, no contest. Wendy’s. I do like McDonalds’ chicken nuggets, but Wendy’s are just *chef kiss* mwah! 64. Favorite dipping sauce? Ranch, but I especially like Wendy’s ranch. It’s creamy and nice. 65. what do you wear to bed? Pretty much what I wear during the day. I used to literally just go to bed in my day clothes, before I started taking a bath each night, about 6 years ago. Now I wear yoga pants (ones without pockets, since I finally found ones with pockets for day use!!) and an old faded T-shirt. 66. have you ever won a spelling bee? HA! HAHA! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I can’t spell. I’ve liteally been spelling half my words wrong this entire time. Spell check is my best friend. Though! I did get to the finals of a class spelling bee once, since they gave me easy words (to me, at least) and my classmates harder ones. It was almost funny. 67. what are your hobbies? I like to draw, paint, write, do other crafty stuff… Things like that. I also read, fanfiction mostly. :-) 68. can you draw? Yep!! 
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Behold! My digital drawings!
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This was my most recent traditional drawing, using charcoal for the first time. It was for GISH. 
69. do you play an instrument? Nope! Ha, but I do wish I could, ya know? But I’m bad at doing different things with one hand vs. the other, which is why I can’t clap my hands and stomp my feet with alternating rhythm. I can only do one thing at once, ya know? 
70. what was the last concert you saw? Ohh, hm. This is a good question… Hm… I think… It was at my county fair last year? A country dude with my parents. Trace Atkins, my dad said. I’ve not had the chance to see many concerts recently, sadly. :-(
71. tea or coffee? I like coffee better on the whole, but I’ve begun to like fruit teas, like raspberry or strawberry. I also like this nice orange/cinnamon tea. 
72. Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? Dunkin Donuts, is this supposed to be hard? We don’t have many where I live, though. I like their iced coffee from stores, though.  
73. do you want to get married? Ehhhh…… I’ve talked about this before. I’m not sure, really. If I find someone I like who likes me, maybe. But I have a hard enough time making friends, so I doubt it. 
74. what is your crush’s first and last initial? N.O.
(Stands for no one. :-) ) 
75. are you going to change your last name when you get married? IF I get married, probably not. I like my last name. It’s unique. 
76. what color looks best on you? Hm. I don’t really know. Maybe red? I don’t have style so I don’t know. I like blue and purples, but who knows. 
77. do you miss anyone right now? Eh, not really. 
78. do you sleep with your door open or closed? Closed, but my “door” is a curtain, since I sleep in a converted den which has two open windows into the living room that are covered by curtains, and no door, which I also cover with a curtain on a shower rod. It was good when I was a sleepless teen, but now that I’m an adult trying to fix my sleep habits, it’s not so good, ya know. 
79. do you believe in ghosts? Not… really. Not much more to say about this. 
80. what is your biggest pet peeve? People being rude. Like… stop it. 
81. last person you called` Hm. Prolly my dad? Or my brother. I don’t like calling people. Phone anxiety, ya feel me? 
82. favorite ice cream flavor? Rainbow sherbet! Fun fact, when I was younger at camp, maybe 16 or 17, our camp counselor asked us this question and I replied with rainbow sherbet, saying it properly (sher-bet, not sher-bert) and my camp counselor went OFF, saying “Thank you!” for saying it properly. He was… something else. 
83. regular oreos or golden oreos? Oooh, I like those cinnamon bun Oreos. You know the kind? They’re the BEST. I can’t buy them often or else… well. I’ve already gained 40 pounds the last couple years. No need for more, aha.
84. chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? Rainbow. Pretty!! 
85. what shirt are you wearing? My “Scare to Care” shirt that I bought for charity a few years ago. It’s a charity that raises money for Camp Kesem, which helps children who have a relative undergoing cancer treatment have a nice, normal camp experience for free, I think. 
86. what is your phone background? My lock screen is the picture of me and Dan, the background is the drawing I did of the Guardians of the Galaxy years ago. 
87. are you outgoing or shy? Both! Aha. I’m friendly when talking to people, seemingly outgoing, but I don’t go up and talk to people. I fear I’m annoying them, ya know? And I’m awful in groups. I never know when to talk and when I do talk, I fear I’m annoying people. Actually… I always feel I’m annoying people. Aha. Ha… 
88. do you like it when people play with your hair? Yep! People don’t do it often, though. Kids will, but you have to be careful when they do that. Sticky hands are not the best to be in your hair…. 
89. do you like your neighbors? I guess? I’ve not spoken to my neighbors since my next-door neighbors of 5 years moved out 5 years ago. They had kids my age, but we never really spoke. They were… not the brightest, or kindest. They once took in a stray puppy and locked it in their hot garage. My older brother and I freed it and kept it in our hallway outside our apartment, since we have emergency doors that we could close to keep him in, while we played with him. I’m allergic to dogs, though, and we have guinea pigs, so we couldn’t bring him inside our apartment. Luckily their parents got home after an hour or so and brought the dog to the shelter. They also had a different dog who kept escaping and my brother and I had to keep an eye on it often. It once got into our apartment and it was, ah. Fun. She didn’t hurt our pigs, though, so it was a plus!
90. do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? YES. Both morning and night. It has not helped my acne. 
91. have you ever been high? Nope! Not even when I got my wisdom teeth out. I was fine the minute I woke. I felt ripped off. I was a bit over tired, but no more than if I’d not slept the whole night. Maybe I’m just always in a perpetual “high” state??? 
92. have you ever been drunk? Nope! I have a high tolerance, so one or two drinks does absolutely nothing for me. And I’ve never tried more than a coupe drinks. I’m almost afraid to see myself drunk, ya know? I’m so energetic usually, but keep a lot of thoughts inside, so who knows what I’d be like. I don’t like being out of control and I honestly think I’d hate it.  
93. last thing you ate? Shrimp Scampi. From Red Lobster. ^-^
94. favorite lyrics right now Uh… Again, no real idea. I’m not good with favorite things. 
95. summer or winter? Hm. Summer, I guess? It’s not much different where I live, though we get more rain during winter. I prefer heat to cold generally, though. So summer in general. I also like summer aesthetics, you know?
96. day or night? Hm. Day, though I do love night time. I just usually am inside during the night. 
97. dark, milk, or white chocolate? Milk! I hate all other kinds of chocolate. 
98. favorite month? Do people have favorite months?? February, I guess? Since I was born in February! And it’s a rebel. Only 28 days compared to the usual 30 or 31. And sometimes it has 29. Take that, months! 
99. what is your zodiac sign Aquarius. :-D 
100. who was the last person you cried in front of? Hm… that’s a… good question… I don’t like crying in front of people. Probably my mom or dad. I tend to head off on my own when I cry, though. I don’t like people seeing me sad, ya know?
Yay!! I’m done!! This took waaaayyyy too long. I’ve been doing this for probably over 2 hours. Hope y’all learned something. Prolly that I’m uninteresting, aha. ^-^ If you made it this far without skipping, I love you. <3 If you skipped… YOU’RE DEAD TO ME! 
Ha, just kidding. ^-^
OR AM I?!?! 
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suckasstakenames · 5 years
Craig and Those Guys Week: Day 1 - The Beach 🏖
“You definitely brought the towels didn’t you Craig?”
“Yes Tweek, for the third time, you saw me put them into the bag.”
Five teenage boys cross the parking lot and make their way towards the beach. It was the weekend and this particular beach was quite the tourist spot, but it was one of the only days of the week in which all of the boys were free. They’d assigned this trip as their monthly event; an event that wasn’t just meeting up at the cafe or hanging out at somebody’s house.
Leading the group was a tall, slender boy. The tallest of the group. This was Craig. His beach attire was pretty basic; he donned navy blue swimming trunks and black sandals. He wore a beige bucket hat over his jet black hair, and covered his blue eyes with blacked out sunglasses. He was carrying a big beach bag, filled with all the essentials. Craig was their ring leader, the centre of the group. Whenever anyone else would talk about their group it would be referred to as his gang.
Trailing closely behind him was a noticeably skinnier boy; Craig’s boyfriend, Tweek. He too wore a bucket hat, white this time, and covered his bony torso with a vest of the same colour. He had untamed wild blonde hair, shooting out from underneath the hat in all different directions. His hand was fiddling with the bottom of his khaki swimming trunks, clearly on edge. His eyes were bagged, but he wasn’t a bad looking guy overall. Tweek’s anxiety around large groups of people meant that he was practically clinging to Craig for dear life.
Not far behind was a more boisterous boy, rambling about his friends’ sense of fashion. Clyde was a little chubby in build, but wasn’t afraid to flaunt it. He wore an open red shirt with a palm tree design on it, and on the bottom half…a pair of black speedos. He even accessorised with some aviators and a shark tooth necklace. He was clearly the most enthusiastic of the group; flicking his chocolate coloured hair in the wind whenever he sensed a female within range.
Next to him was Token, who didn’t try as hard on the fashion side, but still managed to pull off a pair of violet trunks and gold-rimmed sunglasses. He was assigned the role of carrying the parasol. His body was probably the most toned out of the group, but he was cool about it, and wanted to come across as casual as possible to his peers. But that was slightly difficult when you’re the son of a millionaire…and it definitely showed.
The last boy was a brunette, using his crutches to keep up a steady pace with his friends. His ochre coloured trunks were accompanied with a brown baseball cap and a grey t-shirt. This was Jimmy, who had a form of cerebral palsy, yet was one of the funniest guys in their town. He was wearing trainers and had no intention of entering the water at all, simply content with chilling out with his best friends.
The boys eventually reach the beach, finding a spot nearer the back that wasn’t too close to everyone else for Tweek’s sake. Token forcefully stuck the parasol into the sand and opened it, Tweek immediately running underneath. With the palest skin out of them all, he’d coated himself in 3 layers of sunscreen before coming out for the day.
Craig sets down the beach bag, whipping out a pile of folded towels, leaving a couple spare in the bag. “Take your pick.”
Tweek is the first to grab one; a simple striped design.
Clyde was next, opting for the one with the slogan ‘Cool story bro’ on it.
Token passed one to Jimmy that had fruit decorating it, and then took a basic blue one for himself.
Craig was left with the towel with an adorable looking cartoon shark on it, one of which used to belong to his younger sister Tricia. He didn’t seem at all bothered and laid it out next to Tweek’s towel.
“Alright so who’s coming for a splash in a little while?” Clyde enthusiastically asks.
“FUCK no. I’m not gonna be present while you awkwardly try to pick up chicks by the water.” Craig protests.
“Oh Craig,” Clyde tuts, “You should be more supportive of me!”
“Yeah well, I’m not supportive of those speedos.”
Token chuckles, “Again with the speedos…you really aren’t a fan are you?”
“Dude, look at him. He looks like a middle aged dad who flirts with teenagers.”
Clyde pouts, “HEY…at least I’m not flexing a damn fisherman hat!”
“Nghh, not cool Clyde! Don’t drag me into this too!!” Tweek contributes, awkwardly tugging on his hat.
“Firstly, it’s called a bucket hat. Secondly, fuck you. It keeps us cool.” says Craig.
“Appearance vs p-p-practicality. A truly difficult decision f-for sure.” Jimmy jokes.
“Who cares about how good you look when you’re frying to death?!” says Tweek.
“Chill out Tweek, we’re not frying! We’re just sun-kissed.“ Clyde teases. Token pushes him playfully, shaking his head and smiling.
Jimmy looks out over the crowd of people, stopping when he sees someone he recognises. An auburn-haired boy of their age was sat reading a book next to his mother, who was watching his father and younger brother throw a ball back and forth to each other.
“H-hey, isn’t that K-K-Kyle Broflovski and his f-family over there?”
Token squints his eyes in the same direction, “…oh shit, it is! Shall we go say hi?”
“What?! I’m not going all the way over there!!” Tweek protests.
Craig lies back on his towel. “If Ike sees Clyde he’ll just annoy him with pirate songs again.”
“I don’t need reminding of that you guys!!” Clyde whines.
“Kyle looks pretty bored…” says Token.
“Damn…and S-S-Sheila is looking pretty…th-th-th-thick.” Jimmy stutters, watching as Sheila rubbed herself with sunscreen.
“Gross Jimmy, put your boner away.” says Craig.
“Relax b-buddy! Only her m-mother could love t-that face.” he jests.
Token gets up, “I’m gonna go say hi, Craig come with!”
“Ugh fine but we’re not staying long.” Craig groans.
“Bring us back ice cream will ya!” Clyde declares, pointing at the ice cream van nearby.
“Anything for you, princess.” Token jokes, before helping Craig up by the hand and wandering off towards Kyle.
They quickly return with 5 ice cream cones, one with toffee sauce since Tweek likes toffee.
Obviously, Clyde had something to say about this. “Uhhhh, where’s my toffee sauce??”
“Go and get some from the van if you want it, you lazy twat.” Craig says, handing the cone to Tweek. Tweek smiles warmly up at him before thanking him. Clyde takes his cone from Token, pulls a sour face and sticks his tongue out at Craig before heading towards the van.
After not even 2 minutes of receiving his ice cream, Tweek has a sudden large twitch and accidentally drops the cone onto his leg. Clyde bursts out with laughter, while Craig grabs a spare towel from the beach bag and helps him to clean up.
“I will literally pay you half of my w-w-wage if you lick some of that.” Jimmy jests.
“WHAT?! Are you nuts?!” Tweek yells.
“That’s a comment I’d expect from Clyde, not you Jimmy.” Craig retorts. “Fuck off.”
“What if it was Token’s wage?” Clyde suggests.
“Not even for Token’s wage.” says Craig.
“You guys, my wage isn’t that much different than yours!” Token objects. He’s not wrong; he only earns about 3 or 4 more dollars than the rest of them. However he serves wealthier customers and the tips tend to be double, even triple the average waiter gets.
Once Craig finishes cleaning up a very embarrassed Tweek, and returns to the van to buy him a replacement ice cream, the five of them lie on their respective towels and sunbathe quietly in each others company. So quiet in fact, that none of them realise until 20 minutes later that Clyde had fallen fast asleep. Only when he suddenly lets out a loud snore, waking himself up in the process, does he attract the other’s attention.
“Jesus Clyde, scared the shit out of me.” Craig snaps.
“The heat must’ve knocked me out…” says Clyde. “I need to cool down…time for a swim!”
Almost instantly, as if he hadn’t just woken up, Clyde immediately springs to his feet and flings his shirt off. “Who’s coming??”
“I will. The water looks fresh.” Token gets up a little slower, taking off his shades and placing them on his towel.
“Ngh, maybe later…” Tweek replies. And by ‘maybe later’, he meant ‘probably not at all’.
“No worries bud.” Clyde reassures. “Jimmy? Oh yeah Jimmy said he wasn’t swimming today…Craig?”
The two standing look over to Craig, who’s very clearly pretending he didn’t hear them. Clyde bends over him, casting a shadow over his face.
“Craig? Yoohooooo?”
“Are you coming swimming with us?” Token asks.
Token rolls his eyes, exchanging a disappointed look with Clyde, before leaning in and whispering something into his ear. Clyde grows a mischievous grin and looks over at Craig, who is completely oblivious.
Craig is a slim guy and relatively lightweight, so it wasn’t a problem for Clyde and Token to grab him by the legs and arms and lift him up abruptly.
“Wh-? What the fuck are you doing?!”
“Taking you for a dip.” Clyde replies nonchalantly.
“I hate you both so much, fucking put me down!”
Craig wriggles a little in protest, his hat falling off in the process, but it’s not long before he gives in and simply lets the other two carry him over to the water.
Tweek and Jimmy laugh as they watch them go.
“Ngh…am I an unsupportive boyfriend if I just sit back and let them pick on him like that?” Tweek jokes.
“It makes a ch-change from Craig p-p-picking on everyone else, I suppose.” Jimmy shrugs.
They watch on as Clyde and Token count down from 3, and on zero, Craig is slam dunked into the water. He resurfaces flicking his hair and immediately targets Clyde by jumping onto his shoulders and sending him underneath the water. The antics continue as Tweek smiles from afar, happy and tranquil. Seeing his boyfriend and his friends messing around and having fun made him feel so relaxed and carefree, and distracted him from any worries he may have.
He sighs with contentment. At least he didn’t have to worry about being alone. His friends were always there for each other and supported each other an equal amount. And days like this just proved that the five of them were closer than ever.
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ear · 6 years
PLEASE share your vld reboot ideas aja the show canon is garbage and your mind is so galaxy brain
OK OK ALRIGHT!!!!!!!!!! alright so idk what kind of. earth landscape this reboot occurs in…. like yallve got this retro 80s/90s neon future verse going on but i didnt think my reboot version would fit into that so yall go wild with whatever hc for this earth reboot thing u want cuz im not creative and i didnt really think that far ahead
ALRIGHT here we go. this is so long i HAVE to put this under the cut but i hope yall enjoy the creations of my MIND……
- akeno “KEITH” shirogane: (age: 19) [gay] hes japanese/black/galran. hes still half galra in this reboot bc i fuck with that honestly but hes got more visible galran traits. his bottom canines are larger than usual and poke out from his bottom lip so he wears a mask to cover his mouth and his eyes r still purple but instead of his sclera being yellow(tinted), hes just like. got some odd golden flecks in his eyes. he normally wears a dirty mechanics jumpsuit with the top half tied around his waist and a black or white tank top underneath (hes still a high school flunk out so he works full time at a car repair shop so hes able to buy food and shit at LEAST + hes still got his motorcycle to keep in shape). his casual clothes r just regular grey sweats, hoodies, and adidas or whatever brand is closest in their future lol. hes blood related to shiro who ill get to in a second.. shiros blood related to him as his uncle (brother of keiths dad) ALSO his hair isnt long in this reboot, hes got a short messy head of hair that he mostly just pulls back into a TINY little pony tail on his forehead (like in the game show ep) so it doesnt get in his face while hes working. he also has goggles bc thats the one thing from yalls reboot ideas i actually like (endgame lion: he momentarily pilots black during shiros disappearance but his permanent and stationary lion is red)
- fal’allura “fala, ALLURA” naguna’ephy: [lesbian] (age: 21 or close to that in alien standards) shes altean on her fathers side and teem (what we’re gonna call nymas race) on her mothers side. she bares more altean features except her eyes are solid yellow and shes only got four fingers on each hand. instead of crescent shaped facial markings, she has painted on red and golden lines across her nose and her upper lip. her hair (very dark purple with silver highlights and literal glowing, twinkling stars) is VERY long, brushing the floor as she walks except and (now bear with me cuz this might be hard to explain) her hair, the farther down u look kind of fades away? like it becomes semi to absolute transparent… idk how else to explain it but i hope u understand…. she does wear a crown but its more like a headdress.. (imagine beyonces headdress).. she doesnt wear it often, usually only on diplomatic missions to greet other worldly rulers bc its heavy and it makes her neck hurt :/.. her dress! looks like this! but a little more spiffy .. u know.. her casual/training clothes are just…. idk imagine a royal looking sports bra and leggings?? i guess … ALSO ALSO ALSO she can still shape shift but instead of limiting her shifting to just the changing of skin tone and height, she can completely mimic different alien species but only humanoid races.. like she can have those indented looking knees and huge ass horns and all that but she cant like. turn into an earth lizard u know what im saying. also also also also she still speaks with an accent just… not a british one….(endgame lion: no lion. she keeps leading and piloting the castle ship until destruction, where she leads and pilots the atlas)
- alejandro “LANCE, ale” reyes-leon: (age: 19 ½) [bi] hes cuban/black/vietnamese. his dad is black and vietnamese and his mom is cuban! hes got longish afro textured hair he keeps back in a pony tail most of the time like this or a bun when training bc hes too lazy to put any actual effort into styling it. hes got a couple moles/freckles scattered across his face and hes got sectoral heterochromiaaround his left pupil so theres a little bit of blue in one of his other wise dark brown eyes (like this).. i havent really figured out what his clothing style is.. i thought about keeping his clothes close to vld canon like his jacket (bc that was a really good jacket) but im gonna go a little wild here so hold on. he wears one of those surfer type looking skin tight turtleneck shirts underneath his heavy bomber jacket.. he wears just regular ripped jeans and hightops like in canon…….. hmm……. he wears a pink bead necklace under his shirt that was made by his little cousin just a couple weeks before he was shot off into space and he hasnt taken it off since………��. he also has a tiny stick and poke tattoo on his ankle he did when he was thirteen bc he thought it would look cool but it turned out kinda lop sided so he never takes his socks off in embarrassment (endgame lion: blue to red (during keiths reign as black paladin) then to black when shiro leaves voltron to lead the atlas alongside allura)
- takashi “SHIRO” shirogane: (age: 31) [gay] hes japanese/black. hes keiths uncle and the only family keith really has .. his design doesnt really change much except hes got long hair (like kuron) but its pulled up into a messy bun or pony tail.. in MY canon hes still gay and married to adam (whos name isnt adam i just cant think of a new name for him yet) (and adam lives dont worry) and theyre working on adopting a daughter before shiro has to leave for kerberos. shiro usually dresses in work out outfits so like. gym shorts… tank tops.. leggings.. imagine those white blonde dudes who always wear a man bun and only eat vegan and drink chai from starbucks bc thats exactly how shiro acts but ONLY ironically ……… when shiros abducted on the galra freighter and forced to fight in the ring, his hair streaks white but instead of just a clean scar across his nose, he has multiple long scars scattered across his face from a one x one between his face and some debris thrown at him by a gladiator. his prosthetic looks and remains kinda the same i guess but this time its decked out with claws on the finger tips so it looks a little more galran yeah? (endgame lion: no endgame lion. he pilots the atlas alongside allura)
- francesca “frannie, frankie, PIDGE” eleonora: (age: 15) [trans girl lesbian] shes . just italian i guess. so anyway shes not gonna be an asshole bitch like canon pidge.. shes gonna be the caring sweet but KINDA mean little sister we always wished we had.. the little sister who would tell u, with all honesty, that ur winged eyeliner was smudged before u hit the town with the girls and made a fool of urself……. ANYWAY shes still gonna be the ‘hacker’/computer geek techno girl but not as much ykno? shes JUST a little girl so she just kinda does her own thing. i rlly like all the fanart i see of her wearing overalls and stuff SO thats her canon design…… she wears faded overall jeans over a short sleeved pale pink tshirt w a dog one it and scuffed up chucks. she wears glasses but instead of just taking them from matt she has an actual prescription and is basically blind without them. i literally cannot stress this enough but shes such a nice girl like the team pretty much adopted her as their little sister the moment they boarded the castle ship. idk what else to add on to her!!!! i literally did not put any thought into pidge at all! (endgame lion: permanently green)
- opetaia“HUNK” tuitama: (age: 19 ¾) [bi] hes samoan/black. hunk was adopted and has two moms and three other siblings, all of who are younger than him. im not sure about his fashion other than i KNOW deep down in my heart that he would wear cargo shorts…. i cant find it in me to get rid of his bandana thing so i let him keep it except he uses it to tie his hair up instead of using it as a head band thing….. HUNK in my au is more of a tech freak/engineer than pidge so he handles most of that stuff with the occasional help from pidge (like wiring… she has tiny fingers that can grab the wires easier) hunk probably wears the crocs/sandals with socks combo but just because he loves hearing lance bitch about it whnever he struts into a room. hunk also looks good in his vest so im gonna let him keep that but it looks more modified… like it has a bunch of pockets and stuff to keep bolts and nuts and other stuff he needs to work with.. thats also why he wears cargo shorts; just for the pockets.. (endgame lion: permanently yellow)
also ur probably wondering “if lance is in black and keith is in red and allura doesnt pilot a lion, THEN WHOS PILOTING BLUE????” …….. heh… peep this………..
- ADAM elsammak-althani(thank u mal @fuckvld for ur gorgeous arabic adam hcs..): (age: 32) [gay] i dont have much to say about him other than read mals hc lists and that ADAM LIVES IN MY REBOOT and he also joins the voltron team and pilots the blue lion (i FIRMLY hc that hes a very free/wild spirit and just loves to make jokes and is just.. a really fun guy to be around and obviously blue would open up to him in a SECOND. dont even @ me) (endgame lion: BLUE!)
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chemicalmagecraft · 5 years
I Would Totally Kick Jiraiya’s Butt Chapter 3
A/N: Sorry about the delay! My other fic was at a really good point, so it was all I could think about for a bit! Hopefully I'm going to be able to get a little more of both out, though!
I gave her a small smile and bowed. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Hinata-chan."
"Hello," she said. "Father said that you protected me from the man who wanted to hurt me."
I licked my lips. "I did do something like that. I probably would've just ended up captured along with you if it wasn't for Hiashi-san, though."
"Father also said that you're going to be my new brother."
I smiled slightly. "I might have agreed to something like that as well."
She smiled. "Now I have two big brothers."
I quizzically tilted my head to the side. "How so?"
"Neji-niisan was already like a big brother to me, even if he's a little mean sometimes. Now I have you too!" She smiled.
I shrugged. "Sure, I guess. So where is Neji-niisan?"
"Right behind you," a young male voice said from take a wild guess direction. "You're Kouki, huh?"
I turned around. "And you're Neji?"
He looked at me with an appraising eye. "Yes. I heard that you have some interesting jutsu."
"Oh, totally!" I told him, then waved a cat-clawed hand. "I mean, I only have three at the moment, but I'm so going to get more!"
"Show me."
I blinked. "Oh, sure. We just need something that nobody's going to mind if I break. Or cut in half. You got anything like that?"
"Ooh, can I see?" Hinata asked me.
I sighed. "I mean, I still need something I can break, but sure."
We managed to get a decent-sized log that I could cut up so long as I did it with adult supervision.
"Alright," Hizashi (Neji's dad, remember?) said to us. "Kouki, be careful. You two stay behind me."
I did some stretches as they got behind him. I then channeled the chakra into my nails. "Cat Claws Jutsu," I said, then charged at the log. I sliced it with both hands and admired the eight deep gouges that I had slashed into it. I then jumped back a bit and formed the seal. "Next, Wind Release: Mini Air Slash!" I slashed at it again. Similar scratches were put in the log, but this time from range.
"Wow!" Hinata said.
"Impressive," Hizashi agreed.
"But wait, there's more!" I said with some enthusiasm. "Wind Release: Dragon Claws Jutsu!" This time, I only used one hand to conserve chakra, but it was still impressive. The downward slash that I used ensured that not only was the log sliced completely through, but I also carved a bit into the ground. "And that's why I'm awesome," I panted as I turned around. It wasn't as bad as before because I hadn't been hemorrhaging chakra thanks to my expensive magical eyes, but I was still drained. Hizashi was nodding, Hinata was beaming with obvious admiration, and Neji gave a look that made me think that he begrudgingly admitted to himself that maybe I'm a little awesome. "Now if you'll excuse me, I really need a nap." I fell backward, making sure to fall properly to not hurt myself, and groaned.
"Are you okay?" Hinata asked.
"M'fine, jus' need a moment," I slurred out.
"I thought your reserves were high enough that you wouldn't be that exhausted," Hizashi commented.
"Why would you think that, father?" Neji asked.
"I'm not that tired, I'm just resting because I used some chakra," I said. "Those jutsu are still pretty draining, just not enough that I won't be able to fight someone my size right now. I could still beat up Neji if I wanted to. Him and Hinata at once might be pushing it, though."
"I could beat you easily," Neji scowled.
"You wanna go, Ice Cream?" I taunted.
"If Father will allow it, then I will soundly beat you."
Hizashi sighed. "Fine, just try not to dismember each other." I got up and entered a fighting stance.
"Your form isn't very good," Neji told me.
"And you're going to activate your-" Neji activated his Byakugan. "Oh, there it goes. You do realize that you're wasting chakra, right?" Neji said nothing and got into his Jūken stance. "Doesn't that hurt?" I asked. "Your veins are bulging like crazy!"
"No, shut up."
"Hajime!" Hizashi said. I rushed at Neji as he charged at me. I caught his forearm before he could hit me with his palm, then used it to push myself down and out of the way of his other strike. I repositioned myself so that I could sweep at his leg, then jumped up and punched at him while he was off-balance. He caught my arm, used it to steady himself, then began hitting my tenketsu. I didn't even bother trying to pull my arm away and instead punched him in the gut. He got the wind knocked out of him and went a few steps back. 
I decided to take the opportunity to use Mini Air Slash on him. Unfortunately, my hand had gone numb, so I just did my best to make a one-handed sign and tried to use that. The slashes were a little wobbly, but it ended up not mattering too much when he just ducked under them and smacked me in the stomach. That quickly turned into a combo where I took a bunch of thankfully-not-tenketsu-closing strikes all over me. The next thing I knew, I was groaning on the ground again. "You were both good, but ultimately you left yourself open too much, Kouki," Hizashi said. "You also might want to refrain from letting yourself get hit, even if it's to exploit an opening."
I sat up and shook out my numb hand. Some feeling returned to it and I was able to slowly open and close it. I guess being young and inexperienced with Jūken means that you can only partially disable someone with tenketsu strikes... "Got it."
"You might also want to not taunt your opponent as much. All you did was make Neji angry."
"Blasphemy! I just need to taunt harder!"
"I... sure, fine. If you want, I could help you with your fighting a bit," he offered. He then looked at Neji and Hinata and said, "You two too."
"Thanks," I said, "That's probably a good idea."
I looked in the mirror inside my room. I decided that I should probably give you guys a better description of my appearance, especially now that I was part of a ninja family and apparently encouraged to have my own unique style... despite the fact that ninja are supposed to blend in. My hair was getting long, almost touching my shoulders. I like my hair long, so I was just going to let it grow until I was either told to get a haircut or it got too annoying. My hair was a dark brown color, but if the light hit it just right it looked brighter and almost reddish sometimes. It curled at the ends, though I've been told that if I didn't comb it as much it'd probably be curlier. Of course, I get really bad bedhead, so that's not really an option. My bangs were combed to the left side of my face, usually just barely out of my left eye, though they sometimes did fall over my eye. As for my clothes, I wore a baggy long-sleeved shirt and pants that were basically sweatpants, both dark blue. 
It was actually really similar to my favorite outfit from real life. When not indoors, I wore a pair of comfortable boots instead of the usual sandals. I gave Hiashi an excuse about being leery about wearing open-toed shoes after banging my feet on a lot of things, including more than a few rocks. It wasn't a lie. At all... The look was completed by a pair of cool sunglasses resting on top of my head. The idea was that I'd make a habit of actually putting them over my eyes whenever I'd have to "get serious," which didn't have to include activating my Shōraigan but I'd have to use them to hide my Shōraigan in battle. Plus, my eyes were sensitive enough to light without whatever enhancements are involved in the Shōraigan, so they'd be good when the sunlight's being overly harsh. Thankfully, I was somehow not blinded by reflected light when I tested them out and they didn't show any of the light coming from my eyes somehow. I think that there might have actually been seals placed on it or something... Also! I still had that little bumpy thingy on the top of my left ear! I liked that little bumpy nub thing!
"Kouki-kun!" Hiashi said from outside my room. "We're leaving soon!"
"Coming!" I called out. We were going out to eat at a sushi restaurant to celebrate my adoption and the fact that I saved Hinata's and/or Hizashi's life. Of course, before we went there, we had to make a quick stop at my insistence. I stepped in the clearing right as a tree fell down. I looked at the multiple cuts in the bark. "I see you're starting to figure it out, Naru-chan. Now never use that jutsu unless someone's trying to kill you."
Naruto ran up to me and hugged me (thankfully after deactivating the jutsu). "Kouki! I missed you, 'ttebayo!" Aaaand there was his verbal tic.
I licked my lips. "It was only a day, Naru-chan. I was literally only gone for a day." I thought about what that could mean for a second. "Please tell me nobody was bullying you again."
He released me and put his hands behind his head. "Nah, it was just boring. Why are you back so soon?"
"Well it turns out that getting adopted by a rich guy has its perks." I smirked. "Wanna get rich people food for free and probably have a respected jōnin and clan head yell at anyone who's rude to you?"
"I hope that that isn't all you think of me," Hiashi said from behind me, Hinata hiding behind him.
"Nyahahaha~!" I laughed. "Of course not! You're also free housing and jutsu lessons." He narrowed his eyes at me. "Fine. Also a wonderful father," I faux-reluctantly added. I then brought Naruto over to Hinata. "Naru-chan, this is Hina-chan. Hina-chan, Naru-chan," I introduced the two to each other. "I hope you make friends, you'll be seeing a lot of each other. Tsehehehe~!" Yes I have a second, weirder weird laugh. Shut up.
"Whaddya mean?" he asked, looking a little suspicious.
"She's my new sister and you're literally my only friend," I said. "Now why don't we go get rich people food? I'm starting to get a little hungry."
"Rich people food, 'ttebayo!" Naruto yelled with glee. I smiled.
"R-rich people food..." Hinata muttered, which made me chuckle softly.
Hiashi just sighed. "Yes, rich people food. Please behave yourselves when we get there, though." With that, we left for the restaurant.
I snickered as I looked at the boy sitting on my right. Naruto had a really confused look on his face and I really couldn't blame him. Didn't mean I wasn't internally howling with laughter, though. He looked at my new father and his wife, now sitting across the table from him at the restaurant. He then looked at my new uncle and his wife, sitting next to Hiashi and... apparently her name was Hikari. By the way, for those of you who don't know what Hikari looks like due to her appearing in the Naruto literally once and only in a photo, she looks like an older Hinata but without the Byakugan. She gave Naruto a warm, kind smile, which was the only expression I'd ever seen on her face ever. Hizashi's wife, Hikaru, did the same. Hiashi and Hizashi were just barely containing their laughter, and even Neji, who I could see on my left even with Hinata between us, had a small grin. Naruto leaned over to me and whispered, "Kouki, I think your parents are ninja. They're using clones." With that, everyone but Naruto burst out into either laughter or small giggling (Neji was giggling and it was hilarious).
"We're not clones, Naruto-kun," Hikaru said. "I'm Kouki-kun's aunt." She gestured at Hikari. "My twin sister married Kouki's father. I, myself, married his twin brother."
Naruto furrowed his brow. "So you," he pointed at Hikaru," and you," he pointed at Hikari, "are twins, which is why you look so similar. And you married two people who are also twins and also identical."
"Yes, that's right, Naruto-kun," Hikaru warmly smiled at him.
"Neji-chan and Hina-chan might as well be brother and sister," I commented with a little laugh.
A waiter cleared his throat. "May I get you anything to drink?" he asked.
"A green tea for me and my wife," Hiashi and Hizashi immediately responded. They looked at each other for a second, then grinned.
"Tea for me as well," Neji told him.
"U-uh, can I have some apple juice, please," Hinata asked.
"Juice too," I said. The waiter nodded and started to leave.
"Hey, you didn't take my order, 'ttebayo!" Naruto yelled. The waiter scoffed and continued to walk away.
"Excuse me," Hiashi said as he stood up. "You forgot to get Naruto-kun's order.
"Why that riffraff is with you, I could never tell," he haughtily said. Hiashi glared at him. "Fine, fine. What do you want, boy?"
Naruto flinched a little, then said, "A-apple juice, please." I growled at the waiter, which sounded a bit deeper than I thought it would. For some reason, that made him flinch. He hurried off, apologizing.
Hizashi blinked. "Apparently your irises turn red when you get angry, Kouki-kun. That's... odd."
"Really?" I asked, then licked my lips creepily. "That is weird. Not bad, just... weird." As we were waiting for our drinks, we looked through the menu. "What am I allowed to get," I asked.
"You can get anything you want," Hiashi told me. "Though I would advise ordering less than Hinata. Same for you, Naruto-kun."
"Why less than Hinata-chan?" Naruto asked. Just then, a waitress came up to our table with our drinks.
"We're so sorry about the previous waiter," she told us. "He was... uh..." She looked at Naruto. "He was... greatly affected by the death of his wife three years ago. Still, he should never have acted that way to any guest of yours. "
"If you wish to apologize, do it to Naruto-kun," Hiashi said.
"So sorry," she told Naruto, then gave him his drink. "After your meal, we will be giving you a free dessert, on the house." She gave the rest of us our drinks. "What would you like to eat?" she asked us. It was at that point that Naruto's question was answered. Hinata ordered three dishes of sushi for herself. which was a lot. Even the adults only had one.
After we had all finished ordering our sushi, I said, "See, Naru-chan? Father stood up for you and you got free food. Did I keep my promise or what?" Naruto chuckled a little. After a little while and some small talk and chopstick-using lessons for me and Naruto (I already knew, but it'd have looked suspicious if I said that seeing as Naruto didn't), our food arrived. I will say this: Konohagakure sushi is way better than Walgreen's sushi. When in my sushi-induced rapture, I was vaguely aware of Hiashi asking me if I liked it, and then my head lazily bobbing up and down. Also, while I might have just been hallucinating in my sushi haze, I thought I saw sparkles. Unfortunately, though, all good things must come to an end. In this case, that end was that when I started chewing on one of my pieces of sushi, I felt a burning feeling and awful taste on my tongue. I gagged as I felt myself start to feel a little like puking, then swallowed the sushi. I looked down at my plate and saw that the sushi that I'd eaten was right next to the wasabi. I glared at the wasabi.
Hikari chuckled. "That's wasabi, Kouki-kun. It's fine if you don't like it." She gave Hiashi an amused look, and he rolled his eyes.
"I gag on sushi with wasabi on it one time and I never live it down," he muttered, though he sounded more amused than annoyed.
"I don't like wasabi," I confirmed. Wasabi is horrible. Truly the worst thing. "It tastes weird." I noticed that my last piece of sushi was also touching wasabi. "Does anyone here who likes wasabi wanna trade with me?" I asked. Hinata immediately placed one of her sushi on my plate and took the tainted sushi with her chopsticks. I looked over to her plates and noticed that she was somehow already done with all of her sushi. "Uhh-" I started to say.
"No, we don't know how Hinata-chan eats that much," Hiashi preempted, which made Hinata blush slightly. "All we know is that she somehow can without it being unhealthy."
I nodded. I remembered jokes in the anime about Hinata eating a LOT, so that made sense. "Okay..."
We continued to make small talk until the waitress came back. "Would any of you like dessert?" she asked. "Keep in mind that Uzumaki-san's dessert will be on the house."
Naruto looked at the dessert menu and immediately said, "Dorayaki," which was the first thing on the menu. I looked at Hiashi with my special Puppy Dog Eyes(TM).
"This is a celebration for your adoption and Hinata-chan's birthday," Hiashi told me. "Don't worry about it, you can get a dessert."
"Chocolate-strawberry crepe, please," I said.
"C-could I have the cinnamon bun?" Hinata asked. Cinnamon bun for the cinnamon bun. Got it. Hiashi nodded.
"If it is fine for me to get a dessert as well, then I would like to try the coffee jelly," Neji added stiffly. The waitress left with our orders.
Hiashi cleared his throat. "I'd like to say something. Hizashi and Neji-kun, I want to apologize to you two for the fact that the two of you have been given the Caged Bird Seal."
"But it was tradition," Hizashi said, "and we were children when I was given my seal."
"I was still the cause of you getting your seal. And as for Neji-kun, I allowed it. It has come to my attention recently that the Caged Bird Seal is an imperfect means of protecting our bloodline and causes more grief than it does peace. Because of that, I, as the head of the Hyūga clan, would like to apologize to the two of you." He bowed his head. "I shall do my best to... make things better for the branch house in the future."
"Thank you, for that," Hizashi said. "I apologize for the attitude that I used to have towards you."
Hiashi shook his head. "It was perfectly understandable, there is no reason to apologize."
Naruto leaned over to me again. "So do you know what's going on here? Because I'm totally lost, 'ttebayo."
"Don't worry about it," I told him. "It's a Hyūga thing."
"Your desserts are here," the waitress said as she arrived with... well... I really shouldn't have to say. She handed us our desserts. I inspected mine. A crepe with whipped cream, chocolate, and strawberries in it. It certainly looked and smelled delicious. I took a bite.
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"That... was beautiful," I said, on the verge of tears. I blinked, and my eyes felt really irritated. "Was I... crying?"
"How were you sparkling like that?" Neji asked, bewildered.
I thought about that for a second, then shrugged and made that "I don't know" noise. I took another bite of my crepe. It was freaking amazing. "This is probably the most delicious thing I've ever had." I really like sweet food.
"Mine's pretty good too," Hinata muttered.
"I'm glad you like it," Hikari said. "It's certainly nice to see you happy, considering where you were. How is yours, Naruto-chan?"
"It's great, 'ttebayo!" he exclaimed. "I haven't had dessert before, and this stuff is so good!"
I smiled slightly. "It's good to see you having fun, Naru-chan," I said.
I stared at the grey-haired boy before me. "Hatake Kakashi," I said.
"That's me, kid," he confirmed. "I owe your father one, so he told me to teach you some ninjutsu. He told me what you can do already, so don't worry about that."
I nodded. "What first?"
"Seeing as you can already do the tree-climbing and water-walking jutsu, I feel like I should teach you the academy three, then see where we go from there. The academy three are three jutsu taught in the academy, as you might be able to guess. First, the clone jutsu. It lets you create a construct made of your chakra that looks and acts exactly like you. While it can't use jutsu and is destroyed the moment it touches something, it's a lot more useful than people give it credit, given the fact that it can be used as a distraction. These are the hand seals needed to use it." He demonstrated. "And then you push out some chakra to create the clone." There was a small pop and a second Kakashi appeared next to him. "It should just come out naturally when you use the seals, but you need to get the amount down right or the clone will look off. Now you try." 
I licked my lips and shakily made the seals, sticking my tongue out slightly in concentration. I actually found it a little awkward to switch between the complex hand positions, but I was able to do it. I used what felt like an appropriate amount of chakra, but my clone ended up looking a little sick once the smoke cleared. Kakashi did that weird thing where you can tell he's smiling even though his mouth is covered. "That's actually really good for a first-timer. Your hand seals need some work, but that's nothing to be too worried about. Now, let's move on to the next jutsu."
It was the evening, after Kakashi finished teaching me the academy three and making sure I could use them decently. "The thing that he needs to work on the most is his hand seals," Kakashi told Hiashi. "His chakra reserves are very good for someone of his age and he has decent control. He might be ready to begin proper elemental training sometime within the next year if he gets his reserves up a bit more."
"Good. Thank you for this, Kakashi-san," Hiashi said.
"Don't mention it. Now, is there anything else I should teach him?"
"If you could see about get him started on genjutsu, too, that would be good."
I focused on something else, and my vision shifted. I saw the Council of the Five Kage, Danzō's death, Naruto's talk with Kushina, Naruto taking the Kyuubi's chakra, and parts of the Fourth Shinobi War, fading out around when Naruto fought Nagato with Itachi. "So that's everything that writer!Me has seen since I got here," I muttered. I deactivated my eyes and then opened them, taking in the sight of my empty room once more. There wasn't much there yet, just the mirror that I'd used earlier, a bookshelf, a dresser, and my bed. There were enough windows that it was well-ventilated, which was very good for my (admittedly very minor) indoor allergy. The bed, which I was sitting on at the moment, was really comfortable, which was nice. The sheets and pillows were also really soft, which is why I was currently rubbing my face in them. There was an equally soft plush cat sitting right next to me, which I had only had to accidentally look at Hikari with Puppy Dog Eyes(TM) for about a second after seeing it in the shop before she caved and bought it for me. I chuckled, then sat up. 
"It's kind of funny how I've already gotten rid of one of Kabuto's minions without even meaning to or knowing about, isn't it Fluffy-san?" Yes, I named the cat Fluffy-san. He was fluffy. Though he actually reminded me of Kyubey (from Madoka Magica, not Naru-chan's stomach). "Heck, I might have gotten rid of two, if that one guy was also one of the Edo Tensei zombies. Maybe I should start doing something about the rest... What do you think, Fluffy-san?" I grabbed Fluffy-san's head and made it bob up and down while saying, "EAT THEIR SOULS!" so that it sounded like Fluffy-san said it. For some reason, my voice sounded really demonic when I did that, even to me. "That's what you always say," I told him.
"Edo Tensei needs their souls, nya," Fluffy-san "said."
"True, but how am I going to eat their souls? I'm pretty sure those things give me indigestion."
"That sounds like a 'you' problem, nya."
I frowned at him. "You're kind of a jerk, Fluffy-san."
"That also sounds like a 'you' problem, nya."
I was actually really having fun with this. I fake-pouted. "Fiiiiine, I guess I'll just write down all the stuff I know and show it to Sarutobi..." I was about to get up to get the journal on my dresser that Hiashi had gotten me for my secret advisor duties, then stopped. "I've been meaning to do this... Hopefully I'm right about it." I placed my two index fingers together, then flowed a small amount of chakra through them. I bonded the two streams together, then pulled my fingers apart, making the chakra thin out until it was a barely-visible thread of chakra. I examined how it felt, then let it go. If tiny Sasori could do it, then I was confident tiny me could. I made a few attempts at it that didn't work quite right before finally recreating it without the weird pull-apart thing. I licked my lips. "Sweet." I tested out my new puppetry powers on Fluffy-san. It took me a few tries to stick it in him, but I got it eventually and it felt great.
"Didn't someone else do that first, nya?" I had him ask me.
"Yeah, but it's a power with so many uses and Suna just uses it for puppets. Puppets and literally nothing else. It's such a waste of a cool power and there are only two times that I know of that someone did something else with it that wasn't puppetry, and one of them used it to enhance her puppet-fighting! Now stop guilting me."
"You do realize that I'm literally just a puppet, right, nya?"
I gasped. "Oh no! I'm succumbing to Sunagakure Puppet Syndrome! I must use my new jutsu for something other than playing with killer dolls!" I shot chakra threads at the book, then reeled it in. "Yoink!" I said as I grabbed it.
"Why are you like this?" Neji asked me.
"NYAH!" I jumped so hard I almost fell off my bed. "Neji! How long have you been here?"
He rolled his eyes. "When you started trying to pick up your toy."
"My name is Fluffy-san, nya."
"His name is Fluffy-san," I said as if he was the weird one. "Nya."
He gave me a bewildered look, before sighing and giving up. "You know what, nevermind. Hiashi-sama wanted me to check up on you."
I gave him a thumbs-up. "I'm fine, how about you?"
"I'm doing well. Thank you for asking. I'm going to go to bed now. Good night."
"Good night!"
A/N: Shout out to Vapors by electrasev5n. I liked it. Someone finally used chakra threads for something aside from puppets. Seriously, why didn't any ninja do anything like some sort of Wind Release cutting wire jutsu? That would be so cool! Also Vapors was funny and made me laugh at several moments (Kakashi is a pretty pretty princess).
Right, so hopefully I'm doing a good job with this. I don't know if it's the best job, but it's at least good, right? Remember that, as always, I am very open to constructive criticism, so please criticize me constructively. Please.
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lolalexturnerlol · 6 years
Age of Consent (Negan x reader a/b/o) Part 3
summary: you’re moving on, slowly but surely. at least you think you are
warnings: lil bit of angst, mild smut, fluff, swearing, drinking, feelings
so yeah, this is late as hell. but it’s still here. thanks to everyone who came out, seriously i can’t tell you how happy I am that this was so well received. here’s the third and final part!
part one  part two
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Two months later
"Oh my god. There is literally no way I'm putting that on my body Sarah."
She rolls her eyes at you, tossing the thin dress at your head. "Stop being such a baby, Y/n. Just put the fucking dress on. It's cute, it'll look good on you."
With a sigh, you look down at the yellow fabric in your hands. You don't want to do this - get all dolled up and interact with people and pretend your happy to be there. But Sarah wouldn't let you ignore your birthday, yelling something about "don't you dare fucking think we're not celebrating god dammit" when you'd told her you didn't want to do anything.
You'd managed to dissuade her from the big, extravagant night-out-drinking plans she'd had. Your dad had suggested something quiet at home - friends and family type of thing. She hadn't been happy, but she'd settled for it. Besides, twenty four isn't a big birthday. You'd told her it was nothing special, nothing to go crazy about. 
You slip the dress on, not really wanting to wear something so happy, but knowing your best friend won't give you a choice either way. Turning to your full length mirror, you give yourself a once over.
It's obviously made for someone skinnier than you, the fabric clinging to your hips and stomach. It's not the most modest thing ever either, dipping to show a sliver of your breasts. It stops at mid thigh, and you thank god above that you decided to shave your legs for the first time in a long while. It's not really you, but despite that, you still feel pretty.
And that's something you haven't felt in months.
Sarah squeals, clapping her hands behind you. "See, I knew it would look good. You're so pretty!"
Your friends gushing makes you smile. Maybe this won't be so terrible.
You let Sarah put makeup on you, reigning her in when she gets too wild talking about glitter and lip liner. You also refuse to wear the heels she bought, forgoing them in favour of a pair of worn-in sandals. Sarah gives the shoes a dirty look.
There's a knock on your open door, and you turn around to see your dad there. He's in what he likes to call 'his best shirt,' a hideous pale blue thing with a banana print all over it.
"There's people downstairs waiting to see you." He says. You hadn't even heard anyone arrive.
"You look beautiful." He tells you, pulling you into a hug at the top of the staircase. You hear a squeal, and a camera flashes. Turning, you see Sarah clutching at your camera.
"Oh yeah, Sarah's chief photographer tonight. Forgot to tell you." You roll your eyes at your father.
Downstairs in the kitchen are a few people, aunts, cousins, uncles. And a rather unexpected edition; your uncle Daryl, who has been away for months doing who knows what.
"Thought you were off adventuring." You say as he hands you a beer from the fridge.
"Well, I was. But I figured I could give it a rest to come see my favourite niece."
You roll your eyes, popping the cap of your beer off on the kitchen bench. "I'm your only niece."
"Unimportant." He slings his arm over your shoulders, leader you out into the backyard. "I still couldn't miss your birthday."
The words from your uncle make you feel more at ease about the whole night. A little, at least.
You'd thought this birthday would feel different, with Negan absent. He'd been there for every birthday since you were eighteen. Back then you were too young to know what your attraction to him meant. There are parts of you that wish you still possessed that young naivety. That wish you could still look at him with those googly eyes and rose coloured glasses and think he's the perfect alpha.
But a larger part of you knows how silly and damaging that train of thought can be. Besides, they say you regret what you don't do. You can't bring yourself to regret what happened with him. At least you know. At least you don't have to pine over him anymore. Granted, that doesn't mean you haven't spent time on it. The last two months have been... hard, to say the least. And absolutely plagued with thoughts of the alpha.
So yes, this birthday does feel different. Not in a big way, but in a small, subtle way that nobody else but you notices. Even with your family and friends gathering in your backyard, it feels a little empty.
You spend hours catching up with people, being asked the same questions, congratulated on your new job curating a gallery down  in the north part of town. You'd finally even bought your own car. Things are looking up, there's no denying that.
You still miss Negan, though.
It's a while before you get to sit down. You squish next to Sarah on one of the wicker love seats your father dragged out of the shed earlier today. Sh wraps her arm around you, and you clink your drinks together.
"Cheers to you, baby." She grins.
"Cheers to me." You agree.
Her phone trills from her pocket and she pulls it out with a long sigh. When you give her a questioning look, all she says is "Max."
You roll your eyes so hard they probably come close to falling out of your skull.
You had gone on the date with the boy. And felt like a shitty human being throughout the whole thing. You couldn't even attempt to be into him. I t just wasn't going to happen.No one could match up to Negan, not yet anyway. Unfortunately, when you'd explained that you weren't really interested he'd made it his personal mission to change your mind. It hadn't been cute. When you told him you weren't interested, it wasn't an invitation to negotiate on the matter. You eventually blocked him, but he's still pestering Sarah.
"Tell him where he can shove it." You smile at her.
You laugh together, but it doesn't last long for you.
Fate must be laughing at you. God, having a good old chuckle at your expense. You've never been a believer of any fate, but it's hard to believe that there's not some higher being that's got it out for you.
Because before you even see him, his smell drifts out the back door, caressing your senses in the most bittersweet way. Cigarette smoke, fresh rain on grass, worn leather. For a second, you forget where you are.
But only for a second. Because then, he's coming through the door, laughing at something your dad has said. And fuck, he's so beautiful, of course he wouldn't want to be your alpha. How could someone who looks like that possibly want to tie themselves to someone like you.
He turns as he comes down the porch steps, looking straight at you. Your breath is stuck in your throat. There's no way you'd expected him to come tonight. Why would he? He'd been nothing but cold to you for months. What kind of power play is he trying to pull, showing up here and now?
"What's he doing here?" Sarah asks, eyes narrowed on him across the yard.
Her words make your gaze snap away from him. "I've got no clue. Dad probably invited him." You mumble, tipping your bottle back and swallowing the last mouthful. "I'm getting another drink."
"Mm. Get me one?"
You shuffle into the kitchen, having skirted most of the backyard to avoid going near Negan. You're digging in the bottom of the fridge, looking for the drinks Sarah bought, when you feel a presence with you.
You don't even have to turn around to know it's him. Despite everything that's happened, every fibre in your being just knows when he's around. All your muscles tense, and it takes you a second to stop locking up and face him. Being this close to him after so long could so easily make you faint right there. But you won't give him the satisfaction of knowing that he still affects you. You're stronger than what your body wants you to do, anyway.
He's leaning against the sink, hands buried in his pockets. Despite what seems to be a - dare you say it - nervous body language, he gazes at you steadily, unwavering. He looks tired, somehow older than you've ever seen him look. Good. Hopefully he knows how you've been feeling then.
"Beers in the fridge." You mutter, making your way to walk past him.
"I was hoping we could talk."
Your head whips towards him, eyes narrowed, tone hard when you say "about what?"
He sighs, rubbing a hand along his beard. You very nearly let yourself feel guilty for snapping at him. Nearly. "You know what about."
There's silence as you mull over your options. You could certainly tell him to fuck off - it's no less than he deserves. But the masochistic side of you want to stay, to hear what it is that he wants to say to you. "I'm not sure we have anything to talk about, Negan. I'm pretty sure you already said everything you wanted to." You tell him, begging your voice to stay steady.
For the first time in your years of knowing him, he looks guilty.
"I said some shit I shouldn't have, baby." There it is. That word is enough to make your heart melt. "When your party's over come home with me. Please. I just - we need to talk, y/n."
You have to wonder if this is some sort of game. It's not in Negans nature to be that cruel - at least you don't think it is. A few months ago you would've been sure of it. But you can't help but want to know what his angle is. Maybe he wants to apologise. Ok. Then what? It's not like things will ever go back to how they used to be. You don't want to question his motives, but this person that you've spent years of your life around you now feel like you hardly know.
"Why can't we talk here?" You ask.
He sighs again. "It's not really a conversation to be had when your whole family is around."
Don't do it y/n, don't give in, don't say yes - "ok." his face lights up, but you hold up your hand and continue. "But if I've had enough, if I don't want to 'talk' anymore, you take me back here straight away. No questions, no negotiations."
"I promise. Now, got one of those beers for me?"
You roll your eyes, but this time it's almost playful. God, you really can't help yourself can you? "Get it yourself."
Of course though, as you leave the kitchen and rejoin the party, the anxiety kicks in. You question everything you've just said, everything he said, everything you may have just agreed to. The fear of uncertainty is something that you hate, of not knowing what's going to happen and how you're going to end up feeling.
But you tell yourself through the night that you can't doubt your decision. You know better than anyone you would have regretted refusing him. You'll spend months  dwelling on it if you don't follow through.
So you try to quell your anxiety. It doesn't help that all night you can feel Negan's eyes on you though. The few times you catch his eye, he sends you a little lopsided smile that makes your heart flutter.
Maybe your being crazy. Maybe it's just a depressing case of wishful thinking. But you can't help but get the feeling that he wants to apologise, and the thought of that alone and the possibilities it holds scares you.
When the night is drawing to an end, you help your drunk father into bed, making sure he doesn't stumble down the stairs. He's blabbering, telling you how proud he is while he stumble around the hallway. When he's put into bed and the last person has left, you're left alone with Negan.
"Are you ready to go?" He says it quietly, but his words reverberate through you. His car keys are already in his hands.
You remember the first time you went to Negan's house, expecting it to be messy and disorganised, only to be surprised that it was the complete opposite. The whole place is a bachelor pad, definitely. But it feels cosy, it always has. That may have something to do with the fact that the whole place just screams Negan, his scent covering every inch of the place. But you'll keep that to yourself.
"Um, want some coffee? Tea?" He asks you, unlocking the door and ushering you in. You've seen him in a lot of different emotional states over the years, but you've never seen him nervous like this.
"I didn't come here for coffee or tea, Negan."
He nods, still staring. "No, no you didn't." Without waiting for you, he wanders into the lounge room, shucking off his jacket along the way.
You follow.
He's sitting on the couch already, hands clasped between his open knees. He pats the couch next to him, signalling for you to sit. You hesitate in the doorway, your breathe caught in your throat.
Breathe, y/n. He's human, just like you. You can handle this.
So you sit, far enough away that your not touching but close enough that his breathe still brushes your skin. At first, he doesn't say anything, and neither do you. You feel far to anxious to even attempt to form a coherent sentence. At first then turns to a solid couple of minutes, and the silence starts to drive you crazy.
It's all getting to be a bit too much.
"Negan, you better start speaking your piece. Believe it or not I have better things I could be doing."
Suddenly, he takes his hands in yours, linking your fingers together gently. A warmth stems from his touch, a sensation that makes your whole body thrum. For what feels like forever, he stares at you, his eyes darting to your cheeks, your lips, your foreheads and back. Like he'll forget your face if he doesn't keep reminding himself of what it looks like.
There's a thick tension in the air around you. You almost think he's going to kiss you and you're not sure if that's a good or bad thing.
Finally, after what feels like years (but what is probably only a few minutes) he speaks.
"I'm so, so fucking sorry baby. I've been tryin' to fight this for too long, and somehow I convinced myself I could stop this, whatever it is, before it got any further. You've got your whole life ahead of you and I - fuck, I shouldn't take that away from you. But I can't stay away, not for one more fucking second. I'll spend the rest of my life making this up to you if I have to. If you'll let me. You're my omega, y/n, and neither of us can change that. I was a fucking idiot to try to."  
You're speechless.
You attempt to say something but your mouth just hangs open, not even a sound escaping. Maybe this is fake, you think. Maybe you just had too much to drink tonight, and you've finally gone round the bend fully. It takes a full moment for you to snap out of it.
"Negan." You breathe out, eyes searching his, finding nothing but sincerity. It scares you a little, to be quite frank. No one has ever looked at you quite like that. "That - that wasn't your choice to make. You didn't even speak to me, and now you want to tell me that -"
"I know, y/n." He interrupts, gripping your hands tighter. "Shit, baby. I know I don't really have any right to be trying to drag you back. But fuck, please, you've got to belie-"
You've heard all you need to, plus it's getting damn near unbearable being this close to him but having such limited contact. An so you can't help yourself when you lean forward, cupping his jaw in your hands and placing your lips on his.
He's frozen for a second before you're melting against each other, lips moving in sync, his hands snaking around to your hips and your back. You can taste something salty, and realise that you'd started to cry.
"If you ever do shit like that again I'll kick your ass." You tell him, lips brushing, eyes still closed.
"I'll let you kick my old ass around every day for the rest of my life, sweetheart."
This is so different from the first time you kissed. He's so gentle with you, cradling your body to his like you'll break if you're mishandled. You doubt you'll ever feel any sensation better than his lips on yours in your life. And you're perfectly content with that, because the way he cradles you, laying you down beneath him with such carefulness, makes you feel like you could fly.
His hands are all over you, caressing your hips, your face, your stomach. You grip at his hair, gasping for breath when you can but otherwise uncaring, as long as he keeps kissing you the way he is.
His hand creeps up your dress, grasping at your thigh and hiking it up over his own. You let out a moan, the feeling of having him so close and pressed against you in the most intimate of ways making you gush.
"Fuck, missed the way you smell baby." He growls, pulling away only to nip slightly at the skin of your neck, right where his mark would go.
"Negan." You gasp, tilting your head back for him.
"Your skin is so fucking soft."
You lean down, tugging the hem of your dress up. He gets the idea, and sits back, letting you pull your dress up and over your head. To be honest, you've never been the most confident about your body. And laying in front of Negan in your old pink cotton bra and wonder woman panties, waiting for him to say something is nerve racking.
"You are so beautiful, baby." He breathes, leaning forward again.
"Wait." You put your hand on his chest, curling your fingers slightly. Your nails dig into your skin a little. He grasps your wrist, hand sliding up to intertwine your fingers.
"What's wrong?" He breathes, voice husky.
You feel like this could be going to fast. Then again, you almost feel like it's not going fast enough. Your head is muddled in the most delicious way, but that doesn't stop your fears from breaking to the surface. "I don't want to be just a convenient knot, Negan."
He pulls back to stare you dead in the eyes. His expression, his stare holds an amount of honesty and earnest that you didn't even know one human could show. "Baby, that's not what this is. That's not what this will ever be. We don't have to do this tonight. Shit sweetheart, we don't have to do this ever if that's what you want."
"No, I mean, I want to. It's just..." you gulp, your train of thought slipping further away from you with every passing second. "It's been a while for me and uh, I don't - I don't want us to fuck this up."
"Baby, I already told you; I'll wait f that's what you want. Hell, I'd go the rest of my life without sex if it meant I could get one last taste of those lips of yours. You taste like strawberries and fucking mint sweetheart."
And if you weren't soaringly happy before, you most certainly are now. And that's when you know that this is what you want. You want him. This man, who's willing to wait for you, and only you. Why should you deny yourself? Either of you. You both want this, and you for one don't want to wait.
"Fuck it." You growl, pulling him down. "Make love to me, you asshole."
He laughs, tugging off his shirt in one swift movement. "As you wish, ma'am."
And before you know it, you're naked. And even when he's fingers deep inside you, he's still gentle. An even when he's biting you it's still loving. And just before he enters you, he looks into your eyes and says "are you sure about this sweetheart? Not too late to turn back."
"I'm sure." You tell him. "Just - just go slow. Please." It's been a long time for you, and Negan is hardly small.
He nods, sheathing himself inside of you in one slow thrust. "Of course. We've got all the time in the world."
You lay tangled in the sheets, hair an absolute mess, breathing still erratic. You're absolutely ruined, but a smile is painted on your face.  
Negan huffs out a laugh next to you, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you close to him. "Why are you so smiley?"
You nestle into him, not minding in the slightest that you're both grossly sweaty.  "You know what's got me all smiley."
"Hmm, I suppose I do." His hand comes up to your head, tangling in your hair as is fingers rub at your scalp. It makes noises that come close to purrs escape you.
"You realise we have to tell my dad about us, right?"
He chuckles. "Already done it, baby. I wasn't going near you without telling him first. He'd have my head."
Your heart swells, and for a second you think you could float up to the ceiling, you're that happy.
"Well then," you raise your head to look up at him, a fond smile on your lips, "looks like you're really not getting rid of me now."
He laughs, tugging you down for a long, languid kiss. "I'm not going anywhere baby."
"Just - just go slow. Please." It's been a long time for you, and Negan is hardly small.
He nods, sheathing himself inside of you in one slow thrust. "Of course. We've got all the time in the world."
You lay tangled in the sheets, hair an absolute mess, breathing still erratic. You're absolutely ruined, but a smile is painted on your face.  
Negan huffs out a laugh next to you, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you close to him. "Why are you so smiley?"
You nestle into him, not minding in the slightest that you're both grossly sweaty.  "You know what's got me all smiley."
"Hmm, I suppose I do." His hand comes up to your head, tangling in your hair as is fingers rub at your scalp. It makes noises that come close to purrs escape you.
"You realise we have to tell my dad about us, right?"
He chuckles. "Already done it, baby. I wasn't going near you without telling him first. He'd have my head."
Your heart swells, and for a second you think you could float up to the ceiling, you're that happy.
"Well then," you raise your head to look up at him, a fond smile on your lips, "looks like you're really not getting rid of me now."
He laughs, tugging you down for a long, languid kiss. "I'm not going anywhere baby."
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chanzicoup · 6 years
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A/N: I got this template from tenseoyong and I could not find the original creator to give proper credit to.
A = Announcement.- How do you tell him and the world that you’re expecting?
He’d spread the word slowly, first telling immediate family, then the members and company, and then he’d wait a while to announce anything publically. He’d like to do it early on into the pregnancy to get it over with but if you two found out five months in then there is less time for him to plan.
B = Books.- Did he read the books?
He’d freak out at first and impulse buy baby books on the internet but then realize that they are only collecting dust on the shelf and return them.
C = Cuddles.- Who cuddles the baby more?
I can totally see him bringing the baby into bed or on the couch so then all three of you can sleep or spend time together. Except when the baby’s crying late at night, then he’d try his best to calm them down without waking you up as well.
D = Daddy.- His reaction to being called Daddy and it setting in.)
He embraces it 100%, bragging about how pretty the baby is even though they aren’t born yet.
E = Empty.- Who goes to the store when you guys run out of supplies?
If he’s already out or planning on going out for a bit he’d double check everything to make a list in his phone of what you guys need or might need sometime soon, but just in case he face times you while he’s already at the store and trying to hide the flowers he’s buying you from the camera.
F = Feeding time- Who does feeding time?
He’d try making homemade baby food that’s like vegan or something and wants to see if the baby likes the food or not by feeding them himself.
G = Grumpy baby. - Who is better at dealing with a grumpy baby?
Your baby is surprisingly moody for someone who can’t even sit up by themselves so it takes two to get them the slightest bit distracted so they forget why they were crying.
H = How?- how many kids does he want?
According to google, he’s an only child but I didn’t find anything about him feeling lonely or wanting a sibling growing up so I can imagine he’d only want one child. If you two got pregnant again he’d have no idea what to do with two kids tbh.
J = Jokes.- best dad joke?
“Did you hear about the restaurant on the moon? It’s no good, no atmosphere.”
K = Kisses.- His favorite place to kiss the baby.
He’d feel warm and fluffy on the inside kissing the top of their head while sitting in a rocking chair with the baby in his chest being lulled to sleep by the noise machine by their crib.
L = Little.- How he feels when he holds the baby for the first time.
He was by your side through the painful process and the moment when the baby’s cried could be heard bouncing off of the walls both he and you froze, the world stopping around the both of you. That little thing was finally here, now what?
M = Mommy.- what does he call you?
He’d suddenly become a grandfather and call you “dear” when it was “babe” before. Next thing you know he’s wearing knee-high socks and sandals wtf?
N = Nappies.- who deals with the really bad diapers?
It was his weird baby food that’s making the baby poop so much so you make him change most of the diapers as a joke, but he does it gladly while bragging that he’s the best cook. Meanwhile, you never let him make you dinner anymore.
O = Onesies- Who likes to dress the baby in ridiculous outfits?
He wouldn’t go all out but he’d occasionally get animal onesies with hoods that they wear to sleep and then surprises you with some that are your size and he’d even get one for himself too so you all could look crazy together like a real family.
P = Pet names- names he calls the baby.
Probably something cheesy like “Precious” or “Mochi”
Q = Questions.- How many questions does he ask the nurse?
He’d rely on his previous knowledge of kids and advice from parents to get through it but if there was anything alarming health wise for you or the baby he’d rapid-fire questions.
R = Rely- what is the biggest thing you rely on each other for?
He would want you to understand he’s trying his best since he’s afraid of not doing a good enough job with this part of his life, which you totally don’t get because he’s a great father, goes to work everyday, treats you right, and motivates himself and others to do better??? But you do get that he might be feeling insecure about not being experienced in raising a child and you feel the same way; meaning you want him to give you time to get used to everything and to be patient with you so you have time to learn.
S = Sleep duty. - who gets up when it’s really late at night?
I see him being a light sleeper and he’s wake up at the sound of a pin dropping. Most of the time when he gets up he’s back into bed within minutes but when you don’t feel him next to you is when he’s been up for a while and haven’t had any luck at putting the baby back to bed so you get up and tell him to get rest while you have your hand with the crying child.
T = Trepidation.- fears as a new parent.
He and you are scared in general from being so inexperienced, but that’s with all parents.
U = Ultra sounds.- His reactions to the ultrasounds.
You and him were trying to get pregnant and seeing the black and white blobs on the screen literally meant the world to the both of you.
V = Values.- what is the most important value he wants to teach your child.
This isn’t really a value but he wants his child to be multilingual as hell. Chinese, English, and Korean but if you speak any other language he’d want that in there too. “Languages open doors kid.”
W = Water.- Who gives the babe the baths?
The baby’s bedtime is just when Hao gets home from work most nights so you do the bedtime routine and Hao puts the baby to bed while you take this time to rest as well.
X = X-mas- what do you guys plan for the holidays?
He’d want to fly to his family so have fun with an x-month-old on a two-hour flight and popped ears.
Y = Yelling.- How many fights do the two of you get in?
You guys are good at communication, perhaps too good. While the stresses of life are collecting you guys are quick to tell the other that the littlest thing they did annoyed you and you guys would just be bitter back and forth for the rest of the day and lay in bed angrily. It was then that you guys saw how ridiculous you were and stepped up to apologize not knowing you two would end up fighting over who was sorrier.
Z = Zoo- How crazy is the house after the birth?
It’s a bit of a mess, the only thing that was clean was any place the baby would be since you guys focused more on those areas than anywhere else like your bedroom or the hallway closet.
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twinsimskeletons · 7 years
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Bett Goldfinch for @futurecarrie‘s DRSE2
This dude has a chronic problem of never taking anything seriously. It's not even that he hides behind a confident exterior, he literally doesn't get bothered by anything. His goals in life are to play football, look good, and get the ladies. Everything else is water off a duck's back. 
He plays the social game and he plays it well. He's pretty perceptive which helps with this, knowing what makes people tick, and what to say to get himself off the hook. He's rich with a heavy inheritance, doesn't want to work a day in his life, and coasts on by using the gift of the gab. He could easily be called the ultimate douchebag, and that would be just as fitting, but no; he's the ultimate jock.
(Also, he's one of those "only real men can wear pink" guys but sort of ironically does it. Would probably also wear sandals with socks but I couldn't make myself do that. He just likes getting a rise out of people, getting under their skin).
Traits: Perceptive, Athletic, Mean Spirited, Irresistible, Charismatic
Questions under the cut:
1.)    What is the most important thing to them? (meaning a person or thing specifically i.e. friends/family) 
For all his confidence and inability to care seriously about almost anything, the only two important things to him would be his old man (who is his coach and inspiration, and someone Bett wants to always make proud, but is super pressuring and encourages anything that makes Bett the ultimate jock, i.e. being an arse) and his ability to play sport, particularly american football.
2.)    Do they have any deep, dark secrets? What are they? Is their biggest secret the fact they killed someone, or is it more like they wet the bed until they were 8? 
Bett genuinely hates his little sister. She’s thirteen and a brat, and he has purposefully left her in tricky situations like abandoning her when shopping, giving her bad directions, making her run dangerous errands. He hides this from his father, who would be disappointed because family is important in america or some shit like that.
3.)    If something bad happened (i.e. their mum was killed), are they more likely to cry or get angry?
Bett would get mad. Not red-mist angry, but cunning, deadly mad. it would be like he was on the field. His vision would narrow to his target for revenge.
4.)    What’s one of their favourite generic items (meaning something that isn’t special to them in any way, but if someone gave it them they’d be very happy)?
Anything sports related (but none of those ‘fake’ sports like golf, darts, snooker, anything that doesn’t require a tonne of physical training. He also thinks tennis is crap). Anything relating to social status too, like a gift that showed he was someone’s favourite, or a crush.
5.)    What is one of their least favourite generic items (again meaning something that isn’t special/unique to them (like a chocolate bar or something))?
A fake trophy or award that he hasn’t earned. He has a massive ego and needs his achievements rewarded, but fake rewards are not tolerated. Also anything he needs to spend effort making, doing, or looking after. Don’t give him a fucking tamagotchi or he’ll hammer it to pieces. 
6.)    What’s their relationship like with their parents?
His mother has always been distant with him and dotes on the sister (Alexa), perhaps a reason he hates her as he always has to be best, but he doesn’t really give a fuck about his mother (though he wouldn’t be disrespectful of her). His old man is everything. 
7.)    Do they have any fans (if their talent permits them to have fans)? Do they like said fans?
He would definitely have fans for being Awesome at Sport. and yes, he loves his fans because they feed his ego. Also they sleep with him sometimes, so, you know.
8.)    Do they have any siblings? How do they feel about said siblings?
9.)    What three words would they use to describe themselves?
Awesome. Sexy. Legend.
10.)  What three words would others use to describe them?
bit-of-an-arse (he covers his arsehole ways quite well, esp. because he is pretty charming to make up for it), attractive, frustrating.
11.) Any fears?
Somehow losing the ability to play sport - an injury for example - and fading into obscurity. 
12.) If they were offered 1,000,000 of their currency to do something immoral, would they do it?
Mmm it would depend. Killing someone, no, because Bett doesn’t value money that highly. He’s in it for the fame and stardom, not the cash, though it is a convenient plus. 
13.)  What’s their stance on religion?
Sport is his religion, but he’s Christian by birth and his dad is Very Religious so he would pray before every game and say grace and go through the motions without it really having any say in his morals. He wouldn’t say God’s name in vain because his dad would come down with the fury of a thousand suns, so tends to say “oh my G,” instead, or ‘Christo’
14.) What’s their stance on the supernatural?
Bett doesn’t believe in it, but if he saw it with his own two eyes he’d accept it because his senses don’t lie (he’s a simple man). He wouldn’t believe anyone else until he did see it, though.
15.)  If they had one day left to live, what would they do?
Play a game, enjoy the rest of the day with his adoring fans.
16.)  What makes the earth turn according to them: Money or love (or is it because when the earth was a gas cloud it started to spin and hasn’t quite grown out of that phase yet) ?
Why does that matter? Bett doesn’t question these things. It turns because it turns. Maybe because God made it turn.
17.)  Knowledge, power or relationships: what’s the most important?
Power. Power in fame, in particular, or brute strength.
18.)  Do they like animals? What’s their favourite?
Bett doesn’t mind animals if they’re not in his way, being a nuisance or needs to be cared for. He thinks raccoons are funny because they annoy his neighbours.
19.)  Any weird talents (besides their ultimate/shsl) that they’re secretly proud of (like rapping for example)?
He’s pretty good at The Sex. He can dance the typical white boy dances, like the worm. He can do a ridiculous number of press ups and run for miles.
20.)  Tell me a random story about them!
Once upon a time Bett’s little sister was screaming and crying and generally sending him up the wall, so he covered her mouth to stop her without realising he actually covered her nose too. She almost died before his mother came in and realised what was happening (to be fair, he was also young-ish and didn’t understand what he was doing). It was then that he realised a) he was less caring than other people and b) he had to hide that under a layer of charm or he’d get into big trouble and be a social outcast.
21.) Do they have any illnesses or disabilities?
Bett looks down on weakness. But he has mild dyslexia. he just doesn’t consider that a problem since he shouldn’t need to read or write or do maths. People can do it for him.
22.)  Left handed or right handed?
Left handed for almost everything, but he uses scissors and writes with his right hand because that’s how he was taught by his teachers and father (because left handedness is a sign of the devil or whatever).
23.)  How would they react to being locked up in a school with no foreseeable time of leaving?
Can he play sport? No? Then man, he is pissed off. He wants out so he can be reunited with his fame. But, similarly, he’d also figure that said fame would get him freed at some point so he might as well enjoy it, if the surrounding area is luxurious, as he deserves.
24.) Will they miss their old high school? Why?
Nah. Bett doesn’t miss people or things. Waste of energy.
25.) Do they like the outdoors? If so, what’s their favourite outdoor activity and any memories linked to that?
Bett likes the outdoors because it lets him play sport, but he doesn’t care for it other than that. His favourite activity would be american football, his best memory being when he was still a rising star and helped his team reach a very coveted title or w/e the Big Thing would be for american football lmao. Do they get man of the matches? If so, he would have remembered getting that.
26.) How important is their talent to them? Does it not mean much or would they die for it?
Bett would die for it, yeah. Sports and the subsequent fame is the most important thing to him, the only thing that makes life worth living.
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boardwalk-absurdist · 5 years
All the numbers! 😊
Aaahhh thank you~ I haven’t done one of these in forever but I love them, so let’s go (under the cut)!
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans? Coffee mugs~ I have one standard reliable water bottle that I carry with me, but I love me a clever/cute coffee mug.
2. chocolate bars or lollipops? Chocolate bars, natch.
3. bubblegum or cotton candy? Cotton candy~
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you? Usually stuff like energetic, bubbly, and smart. They used to say gifted but around 4th grade they weren’t allowed to say that anymore.
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups? None of the above, I don’t drink soda. The bubbles hurt my tongue.
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear? Oh man this is an eternal struggle tbh. I think I usually dress a bit more grunge or boho, but I want to be pastel and goth as well? The others I could take or leave.
7. earbuds or headphones? Earbuds, as long as they aren’t those Skullcandy kind with the squishy part that you jam in your ear canal. I hate those.
8. movies or tv shows? Depends on my mood and how much time I have.
9. favorite smell in the summer? This may be weird, but like…sun sweat? You know when you’re laying out comfortably in the sunshine and there’s a nice breeze and you sweat a lil but it’s like just warm? Also the ocean, I love the beach but I live nowhere near one.
10. game you were best at in p.e.? Uh, avoid competitive people as much as possible by running in the opposite direction from the ball? Walk laps rather than play the game? I did not like gym class.
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day? Nothin’. Sometimes I’ll have a donut or poptarts or pain au chocolat but usually it’s a lotta nothing.
12. name of your favorite playlist? “Players musicals”, a spotify playlist with songs from the 4 musicals my college theatre group did while I was there. Or on my iTunes, I have one called “Power Up” that is all my pump-up jams.
13. lanyard or key ring? …both? I have a keyring on my lanyard.
14. favorite non-chocolate candy? Ooh, the Haribo gummy frogs. With like the white part on the bottom? Idk what that shit is but I love it.
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment? Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead. I know it’s a play but we did read it, and I loved it. Alternatively, maybe Brave New World? I found that one fascinating.
16. most comfortable position to sit in? Curled up sideways in an armchair or with my legs thrown over one arm and my back against the other.
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes? In the summer, I always pick one pair of sandals with a fun pattern so I get cool tan lines on my feet. Otherwise, Merrell Mocs 5evr.
18. ideal weather? Sunny and dry, maybe with a light breeze, and in the mid- to high-70s. Either that or clear, sunny, and between 15 and -15 for like a perfectly brisk day.
19. sleeping position? I usually sleep on my side with my top leg flung out so I’m like half on my stomach. But I can’t actually sleep on my stomach cuz I have titties and they are Not Comfortable.
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)? Literally anywhere and on anything. I doodle and write on p much any surface I am given.
21. obsession from childhood? …uh. There were several. But I guess Jerry Lewis was the biggie/most embarrassing.
22. role model? That’s a tough one. Probably Bonnie Bassler.
23. strange habits? I eat most foods around the outside and save the center for last. Like poptarts, waffles, sandwiches… I also have a tic where whenever I have my car in neutral I jiggle the stick shift back and forth to like prove to myself that I am in neutral. I’m sure there are more that I’m unaware of that I just think are normal, so hey, if you know me irl and you know of a weird habit that I missed, send it my way.
24. favorite crystal? Idk. Does tiger’s eye count? It’s my favorite semi-precious stone.
25. first song you remember hearing? LORDT I have no idea, probably a Bruce Springsteen song.
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather? Lay in the sunshine. Or swim outside.
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather? Play in the snow.
28. five songs to describe you? These are more songs describing what it feels like to be me, but: “Fear and Loathing” and “Teen Idle” by Marina and the Diamonds, “I Wanna Get Better” by Bleachers, “Yo Girl” from Heathers, aaaand “Carmen” by Lana Del Rey.
29. best way to bond with you? Work on a show together.
30. places that you find sacred? Difficult to say. I guess anywhere that feels like a liminal space.
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names? Ooh okay so I have this black cropped sleeveless hoodie that says “never trust the living” on a tombstone and has a skull, I like to pair that with some burgundy high-waisted short shorts and tights with embroidered skulls and butterflies. Then those go with my platform black and white sneakers or my 6 inch platform boots with flames on the heels.
32. top five favorite vines? rOaD wOrK aHeAd?; I AM THE SAND GUARDIAN; …wow; “little diddy”; and either happy crismus or WELCOME TO BIBLE STUDY
33. most used phrase in your phone? Probably “fair enough”
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head? “if you needed brain surgery, would you go to a general practitioner? No? THEN WHY ARE YOU STILL BUYING FISH FROM THE GENERAL STORE” fishtopia may finally be dead but that fucking commercial lives on
35. average time you fall asleep? Like midnight?
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing? I can has cheezburger?
37. suitcase or duffel bag? Depends. If it’s just for a few days, duffel bag. But I prefer to travel with a suitcase for anything longer than a week.
38. lemonade or tea? Lemonade
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie? Uh I guess lemon cake?
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school? Oh! One time this girl tackled this dude allegedly cuz he wouldn’t share his beef jerky. The school was put on a code yellow while the security guard separated them.
41. last person you texted? Myself, to send some gel pictures from my phone to my laptop.
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets? Jacket pockets. I have shitty girl pants pockets.
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket? why must you hurt me in this way. I have a denim jacket that I adore, so I guess that one? But I really appreciate the aesthetic of bomber jackets.
44. favorite scent for soap? Irish Spring. am cermet
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero? I guess sci-fi.
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in? I sleep in my underwear.
47. favorite type of cheese? Cheddar or Gruyere.
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be? No clue. Strawberry, maybe?
49. what saying or quote do you live by? “Once you’re in it, it’s okay.” - This is How, Augusten Burroughs Alternatively, “How unlikely! Yet here we are.” - Spaceman of Bohemia, Jaroslav Kalfar 
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have? An inside joke with the Brit, I think. 
51. current stresses? oh the thousands
52. favorite font? Currently I’m really feeling Book Antiqua.
53. what is the current state of your hands? Uh, fine? Clean? My nails are Ready for some new polish.
54. what did you learn from your first job? How to scoop ice cream.
55. favorite fairy tale? I don’t think I have one.
56. favorite tradition? So in my family, we have a routine for putting up the tree (we have a fake tree that we use every year). My dad puts the tree together, my mom rearranges and bends the branches to make it look more realistic, my dad puts the lights on, and then my little brother and I decorate it with all the ornaments. It’s a lot of fun and my favorite part of Christmas.
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome? An abusive relationship, getting help for depression/anxiety, and my mom’s attempted suicide.
58. four talents you’re proud of having? I’m a p good writer, a decent swimmer, I can do cross-stitch/needlepoint, and I am very good at taking tests/learning.
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be? “Eat an entire ass.”
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be? Slice of life goofy high school comedy. Like Ouran, or the lighter parts of Fruits Basket.
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.? There’s a line in @scifigrl47‘s fic “Hollow Your Bones like a Bird’s” that has really stuck with me over the years: “It is the farthest from death that I can get, to decide, second by second, not to jump.” In a similar vein, the line “I put a bullet in my mouth and the other guy spat it out” from the original Avengers movie really made an impression. On a funnier note, the lines “I’ve frequently not been on boats” and “One can hardly eat cucumber sandwiches in an agitated manner” from Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead and The Importance of Being Earnest respectively never fail to make me laugh.
62. seven characters you relate to? Lordt that is so many. Okay. Alissa Meson from the Truth series, Chidi Anagonye from The Good Place, Lee Fiora from Prep by Curtis Sittenfeld, Tohru Honda from Fruits Basket, Shiloh Wallace from Repo! The Genetic Opera, Augusten Burroughs in his memoirs (not technically a character but I relate so hard), and Bo Burnham’s stage persona (it COUNTS dammit).
63. five songs that would play in your club? “1, 2, Step” - Ciara, “Night Fever” - The BeeGees, “Separate Ways (Worlds Apart)” - Journey, “Chelsea Dagger” - The Fratellis, and “Damn You Look Good And I’m Drunk (Scandalous)” - Cobra Starship
64. favorite website from your childhood? Quizilla, RIP
65. any permanent scars? Several on my hands (they used to be cat scratches but I picked at them so much they scarred up), two punctures from my cat biting me on my right inner forearm, and one biggun on my left asscheek from when I fell out of a tree and had to get 6 stitches.
66. favorite flower(s)? Poppies, lavender, fireweed, and forget-me-nots.
67. good luck charms? Not really? I have jewelry that I wear every day but that’s more a habit/ritual rather than for luck.
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried? LORDT okay so I worked at an ice cream shop two summers in a row, right? There was this DISGUSTING cranberry stout flavor, and a p gross ginger one, plus every time someone ordered a weird milkshake we’d make a little extra so we could try some. One time someone got like a large stout (the regular, not the cranberry, which was still nasty) and pumpkin milkshake with malt. It was horrid.
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned? It takes as much pressure to bite through a human finger as it does to bite through a carrot.
70. left or right handed? Rightie.
71. least favorite pattern? Uh. I guess paisley? It doesn’t really do anything for me.
72. worst subject? Organic chemistry or physics.
73. favorite weird flavor combo? Oooh so nutella and honey is DELIGHTFUL if you’ve never tried it. Also those parmesan bread bites from Dominos taste real good dunked in the icing that comes with the cinnamon twists.
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen? Like a 4 or 5.
75. when did you lose your first tooth? I genuinely do not recall.
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)? Scalloped potatoes with cheese.
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill? Idk I kill all my plants. I have a lil sempervivum that I’ve kept alive for a few months though~
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store? Grocery store sushi.
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo? Lmao they both are bad but I’ll say driver’s license.
80. earth tones or jewel tones? Jewel tones.
81. fireflies or lightning bugs? Are they not the same thing? I call them fireflies.
82. pc or console? PC. I grew up without a console so I lack the intuitive understanding of their control mechanisms that most people seem to have.
83. writing or drawing? Writing.
84. podcasts or talk radio? Podcasts.
84. barbie or polly pocket? Barbie I guess?
85. fairy tales or mythology? Mythology.
86. cookies or cupcakes? …cookies.
87. your greatest fear? Disappointing people who took a chance on me.
88. your greatest wish? If I tell you, it won’t come true.
89. who would you put before everyone else? My little brother.
90. luckiest mistake? Not applying for summer internships. Instead I just talked to the one microbiology professor and she offered me a summer job in her lab and it’s because of her that I’m at the school I’m at for grad school and have experience and all that.
91. boxes or bags? Uh. Bags I guess? Easier to carry.
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights? Sunlight.
93. nicknames? My parents call me Squirrelle. Some people call me T (my real name starts with a T).
94. favorite season? Spring, I think. It’s so nice to come back out of the cold.
95. favorite app on your phone? I guess fb messenger, I use it the most.
96. desktop background? It’s a colored collage of Jareth and Sarah from pika-la-cynique’s “Girls Next Door” massive crossover series on dA.
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized? I dunno, like a handful? Some are totally useless.
98. favorite historical era? Probably the 80s.
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swearronchanel · 8 years
Who let me watch 5.06?
I should be doing an assignment that’s due tomorrow but ya know due tomorrow means do tomorrow. Lol I know I should be ashamed to be a procrastinator but university has ruined me anyway. I’m tired from literally going to one lecture haha, but in any event I’ve been rewatching mad men for the who knows what time but I thought I’d take a break from all that and watch an episode of CtM & @flyingnonny inspired me to do a reaction post so why not? I decided on 5.06 since last Sunday’s episode reminded us of that camping trip 😂😂  here goes nothing.. 
*skips intro bc I’m impatient*
Cute community moment ☺️
TRIXIE😍 slaying my life
Shelagh looks so good too 😍 and Angela melting my heart!
Why is shelagh forever wearing cardigans? I like cardigans every now and then but all the time, really?
Everyone is sitting outside, Trixie is in a sleeveless dress, as is Barbara, so it has to be warm?? take it off Shelagh
She’s still my bby though even if I don’t always agree with her fashion choices
what gross vejo pinching Trixie’s ass? That’s not ok
And Babs too lmao, creepy old man, die
Shelagh saying “hello dear” aw
But this is like the only interaction between Shelagh and Trixie & that does not suffice !!
I HAVE EVEN GIVEN REASONS WHY & I CAN GIVE THEM AGAIN ***        1) Why not?? Shelagh has like no real friends besides her husband and sort of Sister Julienne?                                                 
 2) just please, because I’m asking nicely                                                     3) When Shelagh was Sister Bernadette she was often friendly/ in the gossip and conversation with the nurses & remember that one time Trixie grabbed her to come listen to Jenny’s phone conversation?               
4) Trixie was the only one besides Sister Julienne to visit her in the sanatorium. That has to count for something!                                             5) They’ve both been on the show since day 1 & have known each other the longest (besides the nuns) why wouldn’t they be friends or least actually speak to each other?
Aye this is the lady who’s fake pregnant
Shelagh wearing earrings though >> here for it
Sorry there will be a lot of gushing over Shelagh and Trixie
And also I WANT TRIXIE’S HOOP EARRINGS SO BAD, where can I find them??
And how do I get her clothes and figure and her everything lol?
PHYLLIS ! My champion
“Would it have killed you to sit down for five minutes and eat the whole thing!” I LOVE HER, SHE IS A GEM, A HERO, A BADASS & IM NOT READY FOR SUNDAY. IM GOING TO BAWL WITH AND FOR HER
she deserves the best
I think this is the only time I’ve ever heard Trixie address Shelagh by her first name?? a prob.
They need to interact more 😭💔💕😍 I will stop saying it when I’m dead even then I’ll prob say it
Actually when I think of it no one ever calls Shelagh by her first name besides obviously Patrick? And Sister Julienne
And I need at least two seconds of them dotting on pregnant Shelagh
Helen looks so good like goals
“I threatened to put one man over my knee but that only encouraged him” HA IM DEAD NO KINK SHAME
I think there’s been a similar joke before but fuck it it’s still funny to me
But seriously everyone loves Trixie lol how could you not though?
Hey Pats, it’s been a while
Lol omg Tim in that uniform.. Not the best costume 😂😂
Never seen Whistle Down the Wind
But you see, Tom and Babs making out as usual, I’m not knocking it lol but this is why Sister J told her to chill when they went to South Africa😂
also lowkey jealous bc Jack Ashton is handsome af and that could’ve been me but it’s all good. He and Helen are adorable together and I’m here for it x10000
Omg I forgot this lady got assaulted
Oh shit I just remembered this is the episode where sister MC is attacked FUCK WHY DID I WATCH THIS
she can’t report it bc she’d get arrested for soliciting wtf
But remember Shelagh wore the headbands in like series 3 (so glad she stopped I was not here for it)? They must’ve gave them to Babs lol
I forgot Trixie didn’t tell the nurses about AA yet
But she looks gorgeous as ever, even with her mascara running
Lowkey nauseas looking at all that fish ugh. Funny becuase they put a grocery store that has a fish market on the block up from where I live in NYC and I hate it  
I forgot about Peter lol and he was in an episode this series whoops
LIKE WHERE’S YOUR WIFE LOL, *I know, too busy for this, I don’t think she’d fit in the series anymore anyway*
Sister Mary Cynthia 😰❣️
Lol she doesn’t sing loud enough ??
Sister Julienne is so cute when she smiles but don’t forget she’s a badass
How did this girl hide her pregnancy though?
And did her brothers just not realize she was pregnant and the mother wasn’t?
Oh jeez my cousin was a colic-y baby and my parents kept him like 3 days a week when I was in high school & it was a nightmare. I didn’t sleep for so long
Dont get me wrong I love babies. But when they scream when I’m trying to sleep, nope. Return to sender.
Shelagh is so excited about camping it’s the purest and most adorable thing 😭😭And I like her shirt  
Shelagh made Tim copy the napkin folding from a magazine, SHE IS A GEM
“We never have serviettes on a weeknight” wtf did they just not use napkins every day? I’m confused Lmaoo. What am I missing here 😂omg that reminds me of one of the times my family and I went on a cruise (2006, hella long time ago already wow?? 11 yrs yikes) and my brother & cousin were late to dinner and lied to my mom & aunt saying they were at a “napkin folding class” & my family deadass believed it up until 2 years ago😂
Shelagh’s accent is so cute. I’ve said that many times but it’s so sweet. But again why do we just have to accept she’s Scottish with no context as to how/why she came to England? Like I’m sure there were convents in Scotland. I dont even care that much I just will forever be curious as to why it seems she had no life before she got married lol? Like they don’t ever bring up the fact she was a nun, but ok maybe she feels awkward talking about it but what about before? 
They’re so excited it’s so precious, protect this family 😂😭💕💕
Sister MJ is fasting lol I should try it😂
Omg another dumb story, I didn’t realize today is Ash Wednesday and was hella confused seeing some people with ash on their forehead 😂😂 I should give up something for lent but idk what, we shall see. My mom gave up carbs last year & I died bc I lived at home and ate what she cooked and almost all my fav foods are carbs😂
Shelagh referred to Patsy as Patsy, I’ve only ever heard her say Nurse Mount??
lol Tim you’re what 14? you know damn well those arent* bullet holes
at least he has some of his innocence still. I didn’t @ 14
Sometimes I forget I’m gonna be 19 this year wtf. I’ve accidentally told people I’m 16 before and had to correct myself 😂😂
Patrick is excited about this holiday, boy you don’t know what’s coming 😂
I wanna fight him
Diane’s anemic ? Or her mum is just assuming
SHELAGH IN HER CAMPING OUTFIT!! The hair scarf and trousers !! I’m so here for it 😍😭
I want to see her in another pair!! yes lets get it 1962. Probably not likely this series but hopefully next series!! Ah can’t wait
Shit this series is almost over 💔💔 but omg 1963 gonna be lit as well?!
Like the space race started/orbiting the earth, Kennedy’s assassination .. wait never mind lol I’m thinking of American History moments. but still a lot of it was crazy world news so maybe it’s mentioned?? first bond film came out in'63, petition for Tim to go take Susan whatever from around the corner to see it since we know he liked the novels
Lots of famous films came out in ‘63 so there’s gotta be some reference.
Fun fact: I love pop culture references in period drama bc I’m lame jk I’m majoring in education (to teach history)
Old news but still relevant: Phyllis’s turn on: Rolodex systems 📇
“CRANE, as in the wading bird or industry lifting equipment, whichever you prefer” LOVE U PHYLLIS, YOU CORRECT HIM
lol the roof rack, bet it was Phyllis’s they borrowed when they moved
LOL THE THE NURSES & SISTER WINIFRED DYING OVER PATRICK’S SHORTS (EVen though sister W “swears she’s not looking”)
Poor Judith💔
It’s a vicious attack Sister J! But you don’t know it yet so I get u
Here comes summer..😂
Shelagh and Angela being adorable !!
Tim and Patrick proud that  they set the tents up & boom it falls 😂 which is symbolic for me taking exams, I think I did well or at least decent on them and then I find out I failed by like 5 points
Nonnatus table scenes <3 😭
”I’ve seen more dangerous marshmallow bunnies“ lmao Pats this is a serious moment I shouldn’t laugh
Shelagh took off her glasses 😉😏 but fr how is Laura Main so perfect
Patrick put scotch in its lit, pass it over😏
Lol Shelagh drinking is a strange thought but I’m so here for it. Nuns can’t drink right? Idk. Imagine her drinking alcohol for the first time and just getting drunk 😂 we know Patrick and Tim are lightweights getting drunk off one beer so I assume shelagh would too😂
Damn it Patrick, you spilled your cup. Furthermore proving you’re a disaster 😭
“And if you don’t mind my saying so, you’re not exactly Cliff Richards yourself” SHELAGH 😂😂 another great line of hers, love it
I love their playful banter lol we need more of that 😂 but lets be real series 6 has had some of the greatest Shelagh and Patrick moments so I can’t complain 😭😍
Peter and Barbara is such a unusual dynamic haha
“How is chummy?” Wait does Babs even know Chummy? I don’t even remember if they met tbh
But for real Shelagh did you really think Patrick would just forget about work completely ??
Lol Angela crying because she is petrified of squirrels😂😂and Shelagh running to her is so cute.
Why didn’t she just get rid of the *creepy* squirrel nutkin book? it seemed like they still had it in series 6 haha
rice pudding is I think the same as aroz con leche, lol it’s gross sorry
Diane’s water broke oh shit
the Turners all in the tent playing I spy bc it’s raining haha
I went camping for the first and last time this past summer w/ my sister in laws & her friends, it was awful 😂😂 I got like 100 mosquito bites that became welts, i literally slept in the car the second night & it was mid July fairly south of east coast aka it was humid and sticky af , there were wild horses that walked around..Thank God they brought alcohol cause it was a nightmare I don’t wanna remember 😂😂
lol yes go to a hotel, should’ve done that from the get
So what exactly does Fred run? some civil defense thing?
She’s in labor and can’t even scream omg, I’m screaming
“They are often incorrect in their opinion” Sister MJ is a gem. I want someone to look at me the way Sister MJ looks at cake and the television
Phyllis yelling at Dr Godfrey😂
There you are Beatrix, it’s been a while
Patsy being suspicious with the card game line lol. but when is Trixie going to find out about Patsy and Delia?
Trixie and Sister MC to the rescue but omg this is wild I forgot
Fred wtf you can’t be sneaking up like that
“There are flowers on the table, and feathers in these pillows, that’s all the nature I need to get back to” I feel you Patrick lol, I like nature but not camping
Lol remember Shelagh’s old nightgown? ah I don’t miss it. The bri nylon is such a look™ & obviously has magically powers i.e this miraculous conception.
“..or they’ve been mulled to death by squirrels” IM DEAD HAHA THAT WAS A GOOD DAD JOKE, NICE ONE PATRICK
aw the baby is so precious
Why is the operating room/being in surgery called theatre in the U.K.?? and why is the doctor’s office/practice called the surgery? so many questions from a confused American..
Sister MC by the docks😭💔 she was just chillin with God and THIS HORRIBLE MAN RUINS EVERYTHING WTF UGH
Oh no
Patrick even if you were there she wouldn’t have called you, don’t blame urself
it’s not your arrogance sister MC!!
“don’t you even say the word fault, do you hear me, I won’t allow it” 😭💔 it’s NOT your fault sister MC 😰
I forgot how upset/hurt this episode makes me
“The worst thing is that I actually stopped to pray…” my heart hurts
You can’t even blame her for being angry😪
Judith you’re not a bad mother!! This isn’t your fault either
Sister MJ IN THE BATHROOM WITH HER😢😢💔💔 I’m c r y i n
Everyone so quiet at the table..
Russian prison tats??
“I thought at first it was a test of faith, but it was a test of strength. I can bear more than I ever though I could and I can bear it for others because my strength is a gift, from him..” brb sobbing
I feel so bad for Mrs Hills bc I understand she thought she was doing the right thing and was trying to protect her daughter from the stigma & judgment from having a baby born outta wedlock 😭
But damn she almost killed her & now she can’t have any more kids
“I’m a mum, mum” Aw
lol I want children (obviously not anytime soon) but if I do Ima be shook for the rest of my life. Like my kids will  be like grown & I’ll still wake up like wtf I had them?  Lmaoo
Patrick jumping on the bed was cute lol
The Turners being cute and an unrealistically perfect family together as usual
Trixie 😍off to her AA💕
“I think it’s about time I came clean..”
Im so proud of her omg. She’s come so far in 6 series 😭💖💖😭
And Patsy and Delia are supportive yess👏🏼
“New truths were being spoken at Nonnatus house, but some remained concealed. While one voice rose, striving to erase its agony in song.”
Thanks Vanessa,, The End 😭
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ashley-virginia · 8 years
Alright I'm gonna be "that guy" and be totally annoying, but for the unusual asks thing, answer all of them (or whatever ones you want to/have time for) bc I'm honestly genuinely curious :)
Ahhhh thank you so much! I actually love you a whole bunch, because this was so fun and I never really get to do things like this!!
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? spotify
is your room messy or clean? my room at home is messy as hell, but my dorm is pretty neat and pretty.
what color are your eyes? brown, but like a nice chocolate brown!
do you like your name? why? i guess i like it, i think it’s kinda adorable when people mess up the pronunciation and add an extra syllable in the middle. so they say ash-uh-lee instead of just Ashley.
what is your relationship status? s i n g l e 
describe your personality in 3 words or less calm, friendly, shy
what color hair do you have? brunette
what kind of car do you drive? color? white ‘99 solara. i named him caspar :)
where do you shop? target, forever21, kohls (if i’m feeling like dropping big bucks), lush
how would you describe your style? terrible. i have zero style whatsoever. but i guess it’s classic? trendy? what words do you even use to describe style??
favorite social media account tumblr or twitter
what size bed do you have? queen i think
any siblings? only child!
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? somewhere warm so i don’t freeze my butt off, and my skin gets super dry when it’s cold out. so like maybe florida or cali. the outer banks is pretty nice in the summer, they have great beaches
favorite snapchat filter? the butterfly crown thingy
favorite makeup brand(s) COLOURPOP, maybelline, ulta brand?, nyx, too faced…(i have a ton of favs)
how many times a week do you shower? usually 7 because i work out quite often so i don’t want to go to work or class smelling gross like some people do 
favorite tv show? gotham, the flash, supergirl, ouat
shoe size? 6 or 7
how tall are you? 5′3
sandals or sneakers? sneakers because i have ugly, wide feet
do you go to the gym? not really, i usually go on runs or use the treadmill/elliptical that i have in my house. but since there’s a gym on campus i might start going, but it’s also out of the way so idk
describe your dream date cute lunch or dinner at a cute cafe. i’m sipping some hot chocolate and munching on a soft pretzel or muffin. and my date, whoever he or she is, is munching on their snack, telling me about a book their reading or something that makes them happy. maybe afterwards we’ll go on a walk and find a quite place to read
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? maybe like $30? about to be like 10 after i get my lab notebook
what color socks are you wearing? maroon and white
how many pillows do you sleep with? at home: two regular pillows, a body pillow, two pillow pets. at school, one pillow, three decorative pillows.
do you have a job? what do you do? i work part time at an agriculture company, currently at school though, so i work during breaks. but i help with harvest and such, i don’t really know how to explain it without going into major details
how many friends do you have? not a lot. it’s kinda embarrassing to put a number to it 
whats the worst thing you have ever done? give my phone to two of my friends while they prank called some guy that had called one of them while he was very drunk (the dude not my friend). it turns out he was in a very high position in our state, and we all got in a shit ton of trouble :/
whats your favorite candle scent? classic vanilla i suppose. or anything fall themed
3 favorite boy names noah, adam, jonathan (and any variation of it)
3 favorite girl names carrie, zoe, dorothy 
favorite actor? river phoenix or cameron monaghan. i could go on and on about why i picked them
favorite actress? i don’t really have one, but i like emma watson and elizabeth taylor
who is your celebrity crush? probably cam or river
favorite movie? stand by be, the mummy, and et are all collectively number 1 on my list
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? i’ve read 7 books in january so i guess i read a lot. and right now my favorite would probably be The Raven Boys (i’m patiently waiting on the rest of the series to arrive so i can binge read it)
money or brains? brains
do you have a nickname? what is it? sadly i have a very plain nickname. It’s Ash, just the first three letters of my name. but i do like it, usually on my family and few friends call me it, so it’s kinda special to me
how many times have you been to the hospital? oh yikes, proably like 15-20
top 10 favorite songs 
sexual by NEIKED
shout out to my ex by little mix 
anything that dodie calrk sings lol
all i ask by adele
make you feel by love (the glee version)
the dear evan hansen sounddtrack (it hasn’t been released yet but you know i’m gonna love it)
human by darren criss
driftwood by cody simpson (basically the whole album, free, is a bop)
last night on earth by green day
girls like girls by hayley kiyoko
do you take any medications daily? yep, nothing serious just stuff to keep me healthy
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) usually oily, but during very cold days, it can get very very dry
what is your biggest fear? probably being alone in life.
how many kids do you want? maybe 2 or 3
whats your go to hair style? well considering i have short hair, i just shower and let it dry
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) i guess it’s small, but before i left for uni, i was in the process of moving into a slightly bigger house, so now i guess it’s a medium sized house
who is your role model? lea michele
what was the last compliment you received? some girl in my psych class complimented my blue jacket
what was the last text you sent? “i love you” to my dad
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? 7, i saw one of my presents that had yet to be wrapped in the back of my dads truck, and then on christmas day, i opened the exact gift and it had said it was from “Santa”. i didn’t let my parents know for a couple more years.
what is your dream car? idk, i kinda like the one i have now.
opinion on smoking? it’s bad for you and your health, you shouldn’t do it
do you go to college? yep, just started my first semester on monday
what is your dream job? either a writer or an actress, i’m going to school for neither of those things
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? suburbs was always the dream, but i am starting to like more rural areas.
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? no, but my mom does
do you have freckles? yep, on my shoulders and face, though the latter are more prominent in the summer
do you smile for pictures? usually
how many pictures do you have on your phone? 37
have you ever peed in the woods? yep!
do you still watch cartoons? not really, but sometimes i’ll watch old pokemon episodes on netflix
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? i don’t think i’ve ever had wendy’s nuggets, but i’m sure they’re much better than McDonald’s
Favorite dipping sauce? BBQ or ketchup
what do you wear to bed? usually sweatpants and a tank top, but i’ll switch to shorts if it gets too hot
have you ever won a spelling bee? i’ve never been in a spelling bee
what are your hobbies? singing, acting, writing, reading
can you draw? nope
do you play an instrument? ukulele and a bit of guitar
what was the last concert you saw? hunter hayes in 2014
tea or coffee? tea
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? starbucks
do you want to get married? yeah, i’d like to
what is your crush’s first and last initial? JC
are you going to change your last name when you get married? maybe
what color looks best on you? i’ve been told dark green and blue?
do you miss anyone right now? yeah, my dog and family
do you sleep with your door open or closed? closed, i like to think that it keeps the bugs out
do you believe in ghosts? hell yeah
what is your biggest pet peeve? body odor
last person you called my dad
favorite ice cream flavor? vanilla or pistachio 
regular oreos or golden oreos? regular
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? rainbow sprinkles
what shirt are you wearing? not wearing a shirt ;) lol i’m actually just wearing a sweatshirt
what is your phone background? my date for prom and i
are you outgoing or shy? depends, if i’m with good friends, i’m outgoing, if not, i’m usually very very shy
do you like it when people play with your hair? not really
do you like your neighbors? not really
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? morning and night
have you ever been high? nope
have you ever been drunk? nope
last thing you ate? a granola bar for lunch
favorite lyrics right now literally the entirety of Waving Through a Window. like i relate to that so much it makes me cry half the time i listen to it
summer or winter? i guess summer, but i prefer fall to all seasons
day or night? day
dark, milk, or white chocolate? dark
favorite month? october
what is your zodiac sign cancer
who was the last person you cried in front of? probably my dad
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jen-19-blog1 · 5 years
My TTP Story
I wrote this and submitted it to a foundation that helps fund research to know more about TTP. I was diagnosed with TTP on Halloween of 2017. This is my story:
My name is Jennifer Rivera. I live in a very small town named Beasley in Texas. It is so small that if you drive by it and blink, I promise you will miss it. I am currently 24 years old, a recent college graduate from the University of Houston, and live with my parents. I have an older sister and a younger brother, which makes me the middle child. I am also in the process of getting hired as an elementary school teacher in a nearby district. I majored in Education because I finally decided to stop doing what everyone told me to do and followed my heart.
Halloween of 2017 is a day that I will never forget. I woke up with what I thought was a sinus infection, but I couldn’t go to the doctor at the time because I had to go to my Literacy for Children class. I decided to suck it up because I thought it was just a sinus infection since I always struggled with allergies. I honestly just remember feeling as if my head was going to explode because I had a really bad headache and flu-like symptoms. I got to class and felt like I was going to scream because of how much pain I was experiencing at the time. I had to leave in the middle of class because I could not handle how much pain I was in. I decided to go to urgent care because I did not feel well, but I was not comfortable driving because of how much pain I was in. So, I decided to call my sister because she, an accountant at the time, was off that day. She picked me up from school, and she drove me to the nearest urgent care.
When I got to urgent care and finally got in to see the doctor, I explained to her my symptoms. I was luckily wearing sandals at the time, so she was able to see the petechiae on the tops of my feet. She also noticed the gnarly bruise I had on my arm. Because of these symptoms, she decided she would run a CBC (complete blood count) on me. My platelets were at 11K at the time. Yes, you read that right, 11K. They are supposed to be above 150K. I did not know what she meant by this. I thought, “Okay, maybe I need to eat more protein?” Boy, was I wrong. She told me that I had to go to the hospital’s emergency room department immediately. Of course, I started hysterically crying. No one in the entire world wants to hear that they are to go to a hospital immediately.
Upon arriving at the hospital, I did not think I would get admitted. I thought I would just get checked out, be given medicine, and sent on my way. The weird thing is, that I saw a woman drinking tea out of a big hospital cup and told my sister, “I wonder how you get one of those cups. Do you think they’re just for patients? I really want a cup like that because it can hold so much water.” Literally 30 minutes later, a doctor came in to tell us that I was being admitted. When I got into my room, I finally did get a cup but I did not want to get a cup that way. The following hours were spent being wheeled around and getting tests done. I had a chest x-ray, abdominal ultrasound, an MRI, and what felt like dozens of tubes of blood being taken out. I noticed the bruises that I was left with when blood would get taken out of me. I looked like I got into a fight with a boxer and lost miserably.
Hours later, my parents and brother came to join my sister and me in my hospital room. My mom brought me some of my favorite things like my fuzzy socks and trail mix, and my brother made sure to take my backpack out of my car so I could watch Netflix on my laptop. I was so happy to have them with me. My mom looked like she had been crying, which definitely hurt my heart because no one wants to see their mom cry. My dad looked mortified to be in a hospital because he does not like (even more so now) hospitals. A few minutes after my parents arrived, my hematologist came in to talk to us. She sounded very serious, which scared me. She told me that my platelets were at dangerous levels and that I could have easily bled out if I were to get a minor cut. She also told me that with the lab tests that the hospital staff ran, I had an autoimmune disease called TTP. She told me that the best treatment option would be for me to get an intrajugular catheter and go through plasma exchanges. Of course, I did not know what any of that meant at the time. Later that night, after my family left, the catheter was inserted into my intrajugular vein which runs through the neck. When the catheter was being inserted, I was crying the whole time because of how much pain I was in. I thought the headache that I had experienced was awful pain, but the insertion of the catheter was much, much worse. My nurse that evening, Nurse Beth, was rubbing my hand reassuring me that it was almost over. When the catheter was in, I remember feeling so low. I thought I looked hideous with the catheter in my neck, and I remember being so uncomfortable. I think I got about 30 minutes of sleep that night.
The next day, I was alone because I told my parents I did not want them to spend the night in the hospital with me because I knew I was going to be miserable. I woke up crying. I missed being at home, I missed being in class, I missed my pets, and I especially missed not being connected to an IV machine. That night, I underwent my first plasma exchange. My nurse, Tony, gave me Benadryl which knocked me out. I was asleep through this first plasma exchange, so I do not remember much about it. I just remember waking up as the Astros won the World Series and that I had to wear a hideous mask for most of the treatment. The following days resulted in being visited by my family, me watching TV, me doing homework and the gruesome plasma exchanges. I was happy that my platelet count was going up, but I was sad that I had to endure the plasma exchanges.
Day four of five of being in the hospital was a nightmare. I was going through my plasma exchange. For every plasma exchange, I was given 10 bags of plasma. I was given the Benadryl so I would not have an allergic reaction to the plasma, but bag 9 out of 10 gave me a horrible reaction. I looked at my palms and they were breaking out into hives. My nurse, Jen, had to stop the machine and gave me the other half of the Benadryl shot. The hives were not getting any better, but luckily I could still breathe. I remember being SO itchy and having hives all over my body. I could not stop scratching, which would make it worse. I was given the maximum dosage of Benadryl, but it would not work. Between the hives, the pain I had with the catheter, and the Prednisone that was making me swell up, I was not a happy person.
I was very fortunate enough that the hives were the only pothole I endured at the time. I was released on November 5, 2017, which is now the day I celebrate my remission anniversary. The following months after my hospital release was consumed by anxiety that I was going to relapse again. It was also consumed by lab tests and hematologist follow-ups. I was getting labs done every week, but I am now getting labs done every 3 months. I was on Prednisone from November to March of the following year, which was a big factor in the depression that I had following the hospital. I ultimately gained about 50 pounds because of Prednisone. I knew that I should have been fortunate to be alive and that I should take this as a second chance at life. While I tried to make a conscious effort to look at it this way, my depression did not let me.
The day after Christmas, I was in a head-on collision. My mom was the one driving, and I was the passenger. This caused my depression to be even worse. I thought to myself, “Okay, well I almost died twice, why didn’t God just kill me?” It took me about 8 months after our accident for me to get help for my anxiety and depression. TTP is something that I still think about a lot. I am always worried about relapsing, and I am always nervous when I get blood work done. I cannot relax until my hematologist calls me and tells me that I am still in remission. I know that while I do have it better than most because I am a survivor and did not die because of TTP, I still cannot help but be nervous for the future. I try to take it day by day, and some days I completely forget about TTP. Other days, it is a constant in my mind.
I am fortunate enough to not have relapsed as I am writing this. I am fortunate that I have the hematologist that I do. She is definitely the best hematologist that I could have asked for. I am fortunate to have had the medical team that I did in the hospital. I am thankful that I am alive. I am thankful to still be in remission as I am writing this, and I am especially thankful for the second chance that I was given at life. I am not letting TTP bring me down. I am continuing on with my life and making the best out of it. I am looking forward to the future that I have. I am looking forward to teaching little humans the wonders of the world, and I am hopeful that one day in the near future we will know more about TTP. I know that in the future, I may relapse but I think that if I can kick TTP’s butt once, I can do it again. Thank you for taking the time to read my story.
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Usual asks 1-100
Tj I swear to god                                                                                                                                      
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? Soundcloud probably? I never really use any of them
is your room messy or clean? Messy, but it’s organized in a way askjhfdsjfkhdg
what color are your eyes? Brown, really dark brown
do you like your name? why? I do, because I chose it, and it matches my actual gender
what is your relationship status? Single
describe your personality in 3 words or less: Too Much™
what color hair do you have? Brown again
what kind of car do you drive? color? N/A
where do you shop? Online and bookstores afjdsghfskgjg
how would you describe your style? Trying to dress masculine
favorite social media account: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh idk
what size bed do you have? Twin I think?
any siblings? Nope
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? Either New York because I have family and Broadway there, or somewhere where the political climate was a little better
favorite snapchat filter? I don’t care about Snapchat so uhhhh none?
favorite makeup brand(s): Nope
how many times a week do you shower? I try to shower every weekday morning so five-ish?
favorite tv show? Will and Grace or The New Normal
shoe size? Fuckin uhhh last I checked it was like,,, five or something?
how tall are you? Barely 5′1 I’m very small
sandals or sneakers? Sneakers
do you go to the gym? Nah
describe your dream date: Uhhh idk watching movies together and cuddling or showing them all of my favorite places or showing them all the things I’m passionate about and then them doing the same
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? I don’t have my wallet on me but last I checked I had somewhere between twenty and forty dollars
what color socks are you wearing? White and purple
how many pillows do you sleep with? One really big one
do you have a job? what do you do? I don’t, but I’ve gotten five job offers from a candle store so now that I’m legal working age I might work there when it reopens?
how many friends do you have? A few idk
whats the worst thing you have ever done? Oh gosh lemme pull out the list,,,,, I think the worst thing I haven’t repressed is when I choked someone because they caused a panic attack, and then mocked me and I just kinda uhhhh lost it
whats your favorite candle scent? OOH LET ME PULL OUT THE LIST I really like the Autumn themed ones !!!!! And the sweet ones that aren’t too sweet !!!! I’m really passionate about candles so I’m not gonna get into specifics but I love candles !!!!!!!!!!!!!
3 favorite boy names: Dude I have no fucking clue,,,,
3 favorite girl names: See above
favorite actor? OKAY I KNOW IT’S PRETTY OBVIOUS BUT ANDREW RANNELLS ((((Or the entire cast of IT))))
who is your celebrity crush? Okay I know we all know this but it’s Andrew Rannells
favorite movie? Uhhhhhhhh I really like Blade Runner ig??
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? My childhood book series was the Secret Series so uhhhhh those are my favorite books
do you have a nickname? what is it? I mean,,,, Kazu calls me Tinny?
how many times have you been to the hospital? When I was born and that’s it
top 10 favorite songs: FUCKIN IDK IT CHANGES BY THE HOUR
do you take any medications daily? Nope
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) Dry and cold as hell
what is your biggest fear? Physical fear? Dolls, automatons, all that shit, Mental/Emotional fear? Rejection
how many kids do you want? None
whats your go to hair style? I try to get my hair as Kevin Price as possible
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) Kinda big I guess???? I’m not super sure
who is your role model? Have I said Andrew Rannells enough yet? Either him or like,,, Gavin Creel
what was the last compliment you received? Uhhhhh idk
what was the last text you sent? “Thank you”
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? Fuckin uhhhhh idk
what is your dream car? FUCKIN UHHH IDK
opinion on smoking? NOPE NO NOOO
do you go to college? I want to someday
what is your dream job? I mean,,,, actor,,, but that’s super unrealistic so ???? Idk
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? Suburbs probably
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? Yeah, I mean they literally can’t reuse them so they’d just get thrown away, so might as well take them
do you have freckles? Nope (((I love freckles though they’re uh cool))))
do you smile for pictures? Sometimes
how many pictures do you have on your phone? 596
have you ever peed in the woods? Yeah
do you still watch cartoons? Yep
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? Neither chicken is gross
Favorite dipping sauce? Idk???
what do you wear to bed? The clothes I wore that day
have you ever won a spelling bee? Nope, I got into the finals though
what are your hobbies? Is it ??? Not ???? Obvious ???????
can you draw? Kind of not really?
do you play an instrument? Piano
what was the last concert you saw? Idk ?????????
tea or coffee? Tea
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? Neither but I like the iced tea Starbucks
do you want to get married? Yeah
what is your crush’s first and last initial? I don’t have a crush right now ajkfhsekghes
are you going to change your last name when you get married? Idk maybe depends on my fiances last name
what color looks best on you? Uhhhhhhhh I’ve been told I look good in scarlet ????
do you miss anyone right now? Yeah probably
do you sleep with your door open or closed? Closed
do you believe in ghosts? Sometimes????
what is your biggest pet peeve? Idk ???? People not being honest and clear about things kinda annoys me ???
last person you called? My dad
favorite ice cream flavor? Chocolate
regular oreos or golden oreos? Regular
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? I feel like I have to pick rainbow because I’m gay
what shirt are you wearing? My black button-up
what is your phone background? Some fantastic by @speremint
are you outgoing or shy? Both tbh
do you like it when people play with your hair? YES
do you like your neighbors? I don’t really know them new people move in like every week
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? In the morning when I shower
have you ever been high? Nope
have you ever been drunk? Nope
last thing you ate? A sandwich
favorite lyrics right now? I don’t know alkghjhrdughdrog
summer or winter? Summer
day or night? Night
dark, milk, or white chocolate? Dark
favorite month? Idk
what is your zodiac sign? Taurus
who was the last person you cried in front of? Idk
0 notes