#What is BB x Balloon called?
lilacs-stash · 1 year
Ship swap Grand slams!
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look at my guys I love them so much. So I know most of the swaps in ship swap haven't been explained so I'll explain these guys here.
Balloon 🔄 Test tube
Suitcase 🔄 Fan
Nickel 🔄 Paintbrush
Baseball 🔄 Lightbulb
This AU belongs @maxphilippa (And also maybe me and @burgycreeper405-blog I do not know)
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missvelvetsstuff · 2 years
Cold Hearted
Steve Rogers x reader, Steve Rogers x Sharon Carter, Bucky Barnes x Natasha Romanoff, Bucky x reader x Natasha, Reader x ????
Chapter 6
Warnings: swearing, angst, cheating, Steve and Sharon suck and not the good way.
The next morning before the sun came up BB woke up. She heard beeping and felt someone holding her hand, she was groggy from the pain meds and squeezed the hand "Stevie?" She barely whispered, her throat dry and lips cracked.
"It's me baby, your Jamie." Bucky responded softly as he pressed the call button.
Then BB remembered why she was here and the last few days with Steve. And Sharon. Her eyes filled with tears. She tried to look up at Bucky but couldn't see through the tears.
Bucky gently touched her cheek "Hey, shhh, don't cry BB, I'm here. You're ok. I've got you, always."
A nurse came in after hearing the call ring. She smiled "Oh, you're awake. That's wonderful." then checked the machines BB was hooked up to and made a note on her chart. "I have to call Dr Cho to let her know. She should be here shortly. We'll get you something to eat too, you must be starving."
Bucky smiled softly at BB "Some water? You sound pretty parched" BB nodded. Bucky brought a cup of cold water with a straw up to her and BB drank, the cool water soothing her throat.
BB sat back, overwhelmed with the memories of the last few days. Part of her ached for Steve and wondered where he was but she realized that she wasn't important to him anymore. Steve was no longer her person and her heart hurt.
Bucky waved his hand in front of her face "Hey, BB, where did you go? How do you feel? Are you hurting? How can I help you?"
BB laughed a little but felt a sharp pain in her chest. "I'm hurting and a little hungry. How long was I out? I feel like I slept for days."
Bucky pushed the button for more pain meds. "That should help some. They should be bringing something to eat.
You were out for a couple of days, in surgery for hours. The bullets were coated with a toxin that kept your blood from clotting so it was touch and go for awhile." He paused and went on, voice thick with emotions "You flatlined twice in surgery, they didn't know if you would pull through. I was so scared BB" his eyes filled with tears which he tried to laugh off and wipe away.
"Look what you've done to me, doll. Oh shit I have to call Nat and let her know you woke up. Gimme a second" Bucky quickly called Nat and returned his attention to BB.
BB looked around the room that was filled with flowers and balloons, she smiled thinking of Tony calling his florist and ordering a bunch of flowers for her. She knew she had the best friends, no the best family. Not bad for a girl whose parents sold her to the red room when she was little, so they could afford to feed her siblings
She looked back up at Bucky "Is Steve alright? Did he get hurt?"
Buckys face pinched in anger but he shook it off before trying to talk, he didn't want BB to think he was angry with her. "You still worry about him? He's fine. Took a leave of absence and left last night."
BBs face fell "He didn't even check to see if I was ok? He just left?"
Bucky tried to soothe her "He was here yesterday morning but we weren't letting him anywhere near you. He's done enough damage. You're better off with them gone."
BBs face fell "Them? He left with Sharon" she said flatly "He really did choose her over me. It's for the best, he really wants kids and I can't give them to him. I mean a former widow with Captain America was a ridiculous idea." She seemed to deflate into the bed.
"No BB" Bucky said sternly "Don't you dare make excuses for him or be down on yourself. You are worth so much more than both of them combined"
BB looked at him with wide eyes "But, Jamie, he's your best friend, your brother"
Bucky scoffed "I don't see any of my friend in him anymore. He's not the man I thought he was."
Bucky heard footsteps coming down the hall, his wife was running to get there and stopped a few feet from the doorway to catch her breath.
"BB, you're awake. I've never been so relieved to be woken up at 4am" she leaned over Bucky to kiss BB on the forehead and BB giggled a little until the pain in her chest stopped her.
"Please don't make me laugh, it hurts."
Nat looked at her lovingly "I wasn't trying to make you laugh but I'll work on that. Look, here's Dr Cho"
Dr Cho came over to check up on BB, smiling softly when she saw her with Bucky and Nat. "Well Miss BB, you look much better than you did last night. How do you feel?"
"Very tired but hungry and my chest hurts"
Helen looked at her wound under the dressing "Looks like it's healing well. The bullet grazed your heart and we are still trying to figure out what was on it but that was why you were in surgery for so long. If you hadn't had the serum, you wouldn't have survived. You were very lucky."
BB sighed "I guess I was due after all the recent bad luck"
Helen frowned "I'm still shocked at the captain's recent actions. Doesn't seem like him at all. They are gone for right now so you can heal in peace."
Bruce came in with a tray of food for BB "Hey BB it's good to see you awake, you really scared us. I brought something for you to eat. It's all soft foods that are easy to digest. Don't want to give your body anything too heavy until we see how you handle this."
He set the tray down in front of her. It had scrambled eggs, toast and some apple sauce. BB almost inhaled it but Bruce told her to slow down and take it one bite at a time.
BB grumbled "Easy for you to say, I haven't eaten in days. Hardly at all since, you know everything.
Steve and Sharon checked into the Plaza because she insisted that he deserved it. They spent 2 days in bed, only getting up for food and bathroom breaks. All he could think about was getting Sharon pregnant and watching his own child growing inside her, swollen belly, swollen breasts, he was excited for all of it, almost obsessed.
The third morning after sex and a shower, well sex in the shower, Steve was looking at the room service menu trying to decide what he wanted when Sharon came out in a pretty blue dress with her hair and makeup done.
Steve looked her up and down."Why are you all dressed up sweetheart? I hope you don't like that dress too much because-"
Sharon shook her head at him "Now Stevie it's been 2 days so people should have calmed down some and I want to go out for brunch. I promise I'll lose the dress as soon as we get back" she smirked at him.
Steve nodded "Then we better get going soon because I don't know how long I can hold off" and went to put on something to go out. Sharon texted her friend at the Times again while she waited.
When they reached the restaurant it wasn't too crowded and they were seated right away. Sharon ordered mimosas and they drank and canoodled until their food arrived.
Steves omelette tasted odd, it took him a few minutes to figure it out but it was musty like a dirty dishrag. When he told the waitress she smirked and offered to replace it in a sickly sweet voice. He accepted but Sharon wasn't having it.
"Steve, someone in the kitchen messed with our food and that waitress thinks it's funny. I'm going to speak to the manager" she proceeded to go full on Karen at the waitress in the half full restaurant. "How dare you people do this. Do you know who he is? This is Captain America and I'm-"
The waitress cut her off "Yeah we know, you're the bitch who came in and ruined his life. He might not know it yet but he will. A little dirty water is much less than both of you deserve. You make me sick."
The waitress walked away as the manager apologized and assured them she would be fired. She wasn't fired, the manager had wanted one of the bus boys to jack off onto the omelette but they couldn't risk an even bigger uproar so did what they could to placate Sharon before laughing about it in the kitchen.
The paparazzi caught it all and it was online before they left the restaurant.
Sharon insisted they go out for a little bit but it went like this everywhere they went. Most everyone who recognized them treated them like they were lepers and called names, a couple even spat at them
Until Steve had enough and lost his temper at some poor 19 yr old barista who hadn't done anything wrong. He threatened her if their coffee order was messed up. The paparazzi caught all of that too.
Steve couldn't take all the animosity, the people had always loved Captain America and treated him like a favorite son. He never expected the blowback to be this bad. He thought everyone would be happy for him but that wasn't the case.
They spent two weeks together and every time they went out it was the same. Some stores even refused to help them at all and asked them to leave.
There were more incidents, Steve's anger spiraling out of control until a man called Sharon a whore and spat at them and Steve hit him, breaking his jaw and nose. Steve was even more angry after that. It wasn't fair. He was Captain America damnit, how dare these people treat him this way.
They decided to try leaving the country but the reception was the same everywhere they went. They spent another week traveling around Europe but the people had lost their faith in Steve Rogers and wanted nothing more to do with him.
One morning Steve and Sharon both received a text from Nick Fury demanding their attendance at a team meeting the next day, so they flew back to New York.
BB had been mostly sleeping and resting the entire time they were gone and Dr Cho was pleased with how she was healing. She was walking around some, with support, and doing some light exercises.
Nat was sitting with her while Bucky was training some cadets when they received the message from Nick. They looked at each other confused.
"Why do I need to go?" BB wondered "I'm off missions for at least another month."
Nat shrugged, she had seen all the media attention that Steve and Sharon were getting and hoped it wasn't about that. "I guess we have to go see. There's a wheelchair here for you. You can take a quick shower and get some fresh clothes on."
When they arrived at the conference room, BB as fresh as she could be considering and dressed in some Avengers sweats looking around anxiously trying to figure out what's up. The first person she saw was Steve. He looked terrible, not like someone who had been on vacation for 3 weeks and certainly not like someone who had been indulging in the love of their life. She had seen some of the media reports but refused to dwell on them. She felt bad for him for a moment but he made his own bed.
When Nat wheeled her into the conference room they found Bucky had moved one of the chairs so she could be wheeled into it's spot.
BB saw Nick Fury and General Ross and knew it must be bad.
Once everyone sat down the general looked at her
"How are you feeling BB? The reports I'm receiving on your progress sound very positive. You let me know if this all becomes too much, I don't want to mess up your recovery"
BB nodded "I'm feeling much better. Still moving slowly but improving. Thank you for asking general."
Ross smiled at her but that smile dropped the moment he saw Steve and Sharon. He cleared hia throat.
"Due to recent events and the negative media coverage that has come about from them, on behalf of our Congress and other parties who help fund the Avengers initiative I'm here to ask Captain Rogers to step down. The public has lost trust in him and our benefactors are getting a lot of heat from their constituents and customers. People don't want their tax money going to a team led by a man they believe to be a cheat and a liar.
Captain Rogers you will be given a house and a generous severance so you shouldn't have to work again unless you want to live like a Kardashian. Agent Carter you will receive a smaller severance as a thank you for serving your country. The powers that be have confirmed they want Sam Wilson to take up the mantle.
Steve was in shock, he knew people were upset but always expected it to blow over. He never imagined he would be forced out. The worst part was that he looked around the table and no one looked upset or spoke up to defend him. Even Sam just looked uncomfortable but still said nothing. Bucky, his closest friend since childhood had a smug grin on his face. That betrayal cut him deep.
"After everything I've done, you're just going to force me out like this?"
Ross stared at him "Yes, captain, let's look at everything you've done. According to reports a couple of weeks ago you screamed at some poor teenager to make sure she got your coffee order right. Then a few days ago you assaulted a civilian and broke his jaw and nose.
Those are off the top of my head. Apparently the paparazzi has been following you two around and they reported incidents every day you left your hotel. You are out of control and a liability. Submit your resignation or I have the authority to fire you. Your call."
Steve bristled and looked at his friends "I expect this from the general but I thought the rest of you were my friends, my family. How can you do this to me?"
Tony scoffed "You have got to be kidding. If we are your family then why did you do that to BB? We did what a family should do, circle the wagons and protect those who have been wronged. From anyone who would harm them, even other family members. You did this to yourself Rogers. Take your ahem fiance and go make that life you always wanted. You are getting off easy, all things considered."
General Ross was sitting back in his chair observing. He had been concerned that the team would rally behind Rogers and this would get ugly. This was a pleasant surprise and the team's support meant this transition should go smoothly.
Sharon was sitting next to Steve with a huge grin and trying to convince him this was good. That she would be open to having kids soon after they married since neither of them would have to worry about long, dangerous missions they might not come back from. That wasn't really why she was so happy, her plan was falling into place and Steve was none the wiser. The team hadn't figured it out either. Just a little longer.
Chapter 7
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zachsreaderinserts · 4 years
sleepy boys inc x gn!teen! reader headcannons
trying something new! i like bbs and all, but i wanted to write for other youtubers! lemme know if yall wanna see more content like this lol.
this takes place in a minecraft au!!! also, mentions of bad parenting/abusive parents
wc: 2,319
okay the sleepy boys
chaos incarnated, all of them. you can’t deny it
so, when tommy invites a friend from a local village, at first, everyone else is skeptical. since when has tommy made a friend who didn’t hate him within 20 minutes from all the screaming and insults he spewed?
unlike his friends, phil is more excited than anything. though he isn’t tommy’s dad, he feels like it sometimes, so he really wants to meet this new person who has caught the youngest’s attention
techno is very much not on board. he has a hard time trusting people at first glance and having been friends with tommy for the longest, he knows that tommy readily jumps the gun and attempts to befriend literally anything just because he can
and wilbur? indifferent for the most part. yes, he feels the need to make sure tommy is protected and cared for, but he also recognizes that this situation is out of his hands. the best he can do is hope that their friend isn’t an absolute asshole
so, it’s saturday. all three men are sitting on the couch in phil’s cottage, talking amongst themselves as they wait for tommy to come back. techno makes a joke about murdering them, which leads to phil scolding him about his violent tendencies
“you haven’t even met them yet, techno, what the fuck.”
wilbur is simply adding fuel to the fire, making little remarks here and there and watching the whole thing escalate to phil lecturing the piglin hybrid.
because of this, not one of them had noticed that tommy returned, with his newest friend. they both stopped at the sight of phil in dad mode, tommy considering just turning around and taking his friend as far away as physically possible
too late, since techno’s sixth sense made him whip around and stare at the newcomer. this made phil stop lecturing and wilbur quit giggling long enough for tommy to introduce his friend
after saying their name, the friend lifted their hand shyly, face burning from slight embarrassment. their other hand was latched onto tommy’s, feeling intimidated.
can you blame them? the fucking blood god looks like they wanna skewer them and cook them over a campfire.
tommy took notice of their shyness and cleared his throat, “we were planning on going to the carnival in their village if you three assholes feel like tagging along.”
like there was any way they were gonna let tommy and his friend go out without chaperones.
tommy turned back to his friend, “give me a second, i’m gonna go grab my sword just in case.” and proceeded to run up the stairs and towards the guest bedroom in phil’s house that he claimed.
the millisecond he was out of earshot, techno grabbed his friend by the front of the shirt.
“what are your intentions with tommy?”
the friend blinked once, twice, then bit back a smile. “you’re asking that as if i’m about to date that motherfucker.”
this time, it was wilbur who bit back a grin of his own. who would’ve expected the originally shy kid to have replied like that????
techno’s brain short circuited and his grip on their shirt loosened slightly. did.... did this kid just brush off his question???
“can you put me down? you’re gonna stretch my shirt.”
techno’s brain blinked back into focus and he gripped the kid’s shirt harder, shoving them against the nearest wall. “i asked a question, kid.”
“you know, tommy told me something like this would happen. i’m glad i came prepared.” and then, tommy’s friend sucked in a deep breath. techno leaned back, expecting the worst...
oh god, this was far worse than anything he thought of.
he dropped the teen out of disgust more than anything, reeling backwards. if there was one thing that haunted his dreams, it was uwu-speak.
phil started howling of laughter, clutching his stomach and hunching over. originally he was going to stop techno from threatening a literal child but this outcome was so much better than anything he was anticipating
wilbur was no better, already tearing up from how hard he was snickering. he started choking on his own spit at one point, smacking his arm against the couch.
tommy was so fucking confused when he came back down the stairs, seeing the mayhem that was, for once, not caused by him. he glanced at his friend, who had the world’s biggest shiteating grin.
yeah, they were gonna fit in just fine.
and they did! phil took them under his wing (both physically and metaphorically) and allowed them to come visit his home whenever they wished. and whenever they did, phil was the first to ask how they’ve been and what they were up to
to phil’s surprise, the kid was overall calm in their choice of activities. things like playing soccer or drawing or figuring out how to learn instruments in their free time. it seemed like they were desperate to get their hands on anything and everything just to learn
he found it funny, though, when their chaotic side shone through. they easily were on tommy’s level when they got into that headspace and it was so hilarious to him.
his favorite memory of the kid was when they walked into the house and marched right up to where techno was reading idly in the corner. planting their hands on their hips, they spoke.
“if you were to fuck a clone of yourself, would it be masturbation or would you be considered gay?”
phil, who was washing the dishes six feet away from them, just about crumbled into a ball on the floor from how hard he was laughing and sobbing.
of all questions, that was the one that came out.
but he had no idea that the chaos was a coping mechanism. he just thought they were naturally like that in their free time.
he soon found out the truth when they came home with tommy, who was cursing up a fit, visibly angry. his friend was slumped over, as if trying to hide themselves from the world
when phil asked what had happened, tommy exploded.
“their fucking dad took all their money from their savings! said he needed it more than them and when they asked for it back, he called them a fucking disappointment! that fucking bitch--”
phil can count very few times when he felt true anger and he can confirm that when tommy had told him what had gone down, he saw red.
but he knew better than to outwardly show it. judging by how hunched over and defeated the kid was, what they needed was a stable support system
so he walked over and shut tommy up with a hand on his shoulder, “why don’t we take the rest of the night to build up that game room you wanted in the basement. i’m sure if we knock it out before techno and wil are supposed to be back, we can all play something like monopoly.”
seeing where phil was headed, tommy nodded and brushed away his anger. he knew that what his friend needed was a serious cheering up. tommy ran towards his guest bedroom, claiming that he was going to find his blocks.
phil crouched in front of the teen, tilting their head up to look him in the eyes. “you’re not a disappointment. you’re an amazing person with a chaotic joke machine going 120 kilos over the speed limit in your head and you are talented. your dad doesn’t know shit about what you’re capable of doing.”
oh boy, the kid’s crying. those are tears, full on tears.
that night was one of the best nights of their life, however. they enjoyed the entire three hour long game of monopoly where they watched the light leave everyone’s eyes. it was funny when wilbur lunged across the table when he landed on a railroad, out for phil’s blood.
speaking of wilbur, he enjoyed every minute in the kid’s presence. they often asked creative and random questions and went along with the abstract jokes he made, the two of them laughing heartily the entire time.
when the kid first mentioned wanting to learn how to play the guitar, he practically burst through the wall of the room next door, breathing heavily and exaggeratedly.
“did someone say guitar”
yeah, he’s feral. that’s canon.
they proceeded to spend the entire day in phil’s garden, each of them equipped with a guitar. despite their outwardly smooth brain and stupid demeanor, the teen was a fast learner and could play the most basic chords by the time the sun was setting.
wilbur’s favorite moment was the first night they met, when they went to the carnival. there was the game where you shoot the water and fill up the balloons and the kid was going head to head against techno and tommy.
it was when techno won that the teen turned to techno with murder in their eyes and spoke in a deadpan tone of voice,
“you’re lucky you won this time, you gentrified mayo monkey.”
wilbur’s jaw dropped, as did techno and phil’s. tommy was already in hysterics, smacking his hand against the counter that held the guns.
needless to say, wilbur found his favorite, not-quite sibling in a heartbeat.
techno was the last to come around with the child. can you blame him? every time he tried to threaten them or had beaten them at something, they would respond in a cryptic threat--
“i’m going to pee your pants if you don’t let me win”
or just brushed him off. without a second thought.
“anyways, i was murdering a chicken the other day, and the fucker had the audacity to ribbit at me.”
to say he was confused was an understatement. he was terrified of the fact that a literal child held so much power and disinterest in things like their own life. so for the first few months, he avoided them.
but he had seen past that when it was around midnight on a weekday. tommy was hanging out with tubbo and ranboo in their village miles away from the area. wilbur was out drinking with schlatt, niki, and fundy, and phil was already asleep.
techno wasn’t too far behind, sitting in front of the fireplace and staring out of the window that showed the front yard. it was only then when he saw the flash of a familiar face and looked closer as the teen walked up to the house quietly. their head was down and they carried a small bag with them.
techno opened the front door with a long creak as they reached the porch steps. it was only when they jumped and looked up in surprise that techno had noticed a deep bruise on their left cheek in the moonlight.
despite the fact that he kept away from them, techno was very protective and territorial of tommy, phil, and wilbur. and since they were attached to the teen, he became protective of them as well.
so all the voices in his head went quiet for a second. before exploding into a mixture of screams and threats, all leading back to protecting the child in front of him.
without thinking, he reached forward and cupped their face for a better view of the bruise. at the warm and soft touch, tears slipped down the kid’s cheeks and they sniffed pathetically.
the voices quickly took a 180, all screaming to take care of them. make them feel better. so, techno led the kid inside and let them spend the night in his room, with them falling asleep on the bed and him falling asleep on the rocking chair in his room.
phil did not hesitate to officially declare himself as the teen’s official father, saying that their biological father was a “little bitch”
now somewhat living with the teen, techno found an appreciation for their quieter moments, when they were reading or simply daydreaming. it was cute, in his eyes. but he also grew to enjoy when they were absolutely feral, especially toward tommy.
his favorite moment with them was when they had gifted tommy a music disc for his birthday. it was sweet and sentimental and tommy just about burst into tears when he saw it.
all of the sappiness quickly vanished when tommy put it into a jukebox.
tommy had let out the most terrified scream and it practically engrained itself into techno’s brain. it was the first time he ever laughed at something the teen had done and the teen felt proud of themselves.
and finally, tommy. he was already happy to call himself a friend of the teen’s. they were like peas in a pod, working together.
tommy came to them when his insecurity felt heavy and they came to him whenever their dad’s words got to them. they had a nice system of dependency on one another and neither of them would trade it for the world.
tommy’s favorite moment of being friends with them was during their first birthday living in phil’s house. it was a birthday befitting their personality, with brightly color streamers hung and confetti all over the floor. he knew that they enjoyed it severely and once the cake was cut, the kid turned to phil.
“phil, where’s the big tiddy strippers i requested?”
tommy was GONE
he all but choked on his slice of cake and walked away, shaking his head while trying to stifle his giggles. but when he heard phil’s scream of “WHAT”, he just lost it.
all in all, his friend had made a fine part of the sleepy boys. they were a happy face in an otherwise somewhat bleak and dangerous world. and all four men appreciated it.
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apricotgojo · 3 years
hello love! I got bored and thought of this. So it’s the readers bday and they like Adrien. Adrien like the reader and marinette hates that he does. So like reader is planning on throwing a party bc it’s their birthday so marinette decided to throw a party on the same day at the same time. And since reader is kinda new, everyone decided to go to Mari’s party. So that happens, but when Adrien gets to readers party, they’ve done gone batshit crazy, like screaming, crying, smashing things, idk just losing their shit. Not like in anger, they’re just really hurt by it. No hawk moth tho😩 hawkdaddy go on vacay or sum🤺🤺 Mk sorry this is long and it’s late and I’m kiiinndaaa drunk and in da feels anyway bye bye
HELLO ANON! SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT BUT HERE IT IS! I never thought that i would have to write about mean marinette but here i am LMAO. i hope you like it bb <33
Pairing: Adrien Agreste X Reader
Warnings: Swearing. 
Tags: angst, Marinette is a bitch in this oops, alexa play pity party by melaine martinez. 
“Love, Adrien.”
“Wow, that’s really cringey Adrien.”
“Shut up plagg, I need to confess to her some way or another.”
Adrien Agreste is sprawled out on his bed and he just finished writing a birthday card for you. Yes, it was quite cheesy but he decided that today was going to be the day he confesses his feelings towards you. He’s had his eye on you ever since your first day of school and you’ve both gotten closer to each other, flirting constantly but never making a move. Needless to say, he was head over heels for you and was too much of a pussy to ever admit it. But tonight was the night.
You invited him over to your house for your birthday party along with your other classmates and he didn’t even think twice to agree – especially since his dad is at a fashion expo in Spain. All he wanted was for you to have the best birthday party you could possibly have. You really meant a lot to him.
  his thoughts disappear when all of a sudden his phone beeps.
  ‘Sorry, can’t come tonight.’ You frowned as you stared at your phone, seeing a text from Marinette. You and her weren’t really that close to be honest but you still wished for her to come and have a good time. You sighed and plopped down on your bed. It’s your sweet 16th and you wanted it to be perfect. You hoped that enough people would show up. It was your first birthday here in Paris and although you haven’t been here for a while, you thought that you already made close connections with your classmates, especially a certain blond.
All you wanted was for him to show up mostly, maybe tonight you could make a move. Maybe tonight you could possibly hold his hand, maybe dance with him, maybe give him a kiss on his soft cheek or a small peck on the lips-
Your face heated up at that thought and a grin appeared on your face. You hugged your pillow and quietly squealed. Tonight was the night and nothing could possibly ruin it.
Or so you hoped.
 Everywhere was decorated with fairy lights, balloons and glitter. Music was already playing and there were drinks and snacks for everyone to enjoy. You were wearing the outfit you’ve been planning for ages and you were sitting down, leg bouncing as you wait for people to arrive.
Did you get the time incorrect? you did mention to everyone that you’re meeting up at 7pm. It was 7:15.
Maybe they were running late? But how could it be that all of them were running late?
You furrow your eyebrows and grab your phone. You go on Instagram to see if anyone posted anything about their whereabouts.
Kim was live.
You click on it and see him walking through a crowd of people.
“Marinette, this party is amazing!” you hear him shout.
“Thanks Kim.” You hear her say.
Your jaw drops Anger starts bubbling inside of you.
Kim turns the phone up and shows Nino on the dj stand. He waves to the camera.
“Adrien! say hi to my live.” Adrien appears next to Kim. He was caught off guard. He smiles sheepishly and waves at the camera awkwardly.
Your phone drops out of your grasp and tears start rolling down your cheeks furiously.
 Adrien was looking everywhere for you. it was already 8pm and he was wondering when you’d show up. He held your gift and note close to his chest, he wanted to personally give them to you.
“H-hey Adrien..” The voice of Marinette makes him turn around to face her.
“Marinette! Where’s the birthday girl?” He asks, furrowing his eyebrows.
Marinette stares at him for a moment and nervously chuckles. “oh- well- she uh- she can’t make it!” He shrugs and laughs again. “did you get something to drink? We have pomegranate juice, peach lemonade, spr-“
“what do you mean she can’t make it? Why the hell is the party still going?” Adrien questions, looking around in disbelief.
“Adrien i-“
“Marinette, your plan is totally working, can’t believe everyone fell for- “ Alya stops speaking when she notices that Adrien is in front of her and purses her lips.
Adrien stares at Marinette for a moment, narrowing his eyes and shaking his head. “On her own birthday? Marinette, this is so not like you.” He was disgusted by her actions.
“Adrien wait!” She calls out. “I can explain.”
“I don’t know why you did this, or what the hell is wrong with you but this was really low. I’m out of here.” He glares at her before walking away from her.
 You were out of control. You cried, you screamed, you threw everything you saw in front of your eyes until you fell on your knees, sobbing.
You couldn’t believe Marinette would do this, you couldn’t believe everyone would do this to you, especially Adrien.
You thought you’ve grown close to the people in your class but you were wrong. They didn’t show up to your birthday party, they lied to you. Your heart was broken.
You held your knees close to your chest as the music lowly played behind you. It was mostly drawn out by your sobs and sniffles.
You hear footsteps approaching you and you look up, with red puffy eyes and see a familiar blond through your blurry vision.
It was Adrien. You look away and sob even harder at the thought of him seeing you like this, with everything destroyed around you. Why did he come here? Did he want to taunt you further?
He kneels down next to you and rubs your shoulder, moving you to his chest and causing you to nuzzle your face there.
“I hate this. I hate today, I hate Marinette.” You mumble. Maybe hate was a strong word, but you didn’t care at that moment.
You look up at him. “Why did you come here Adrien? Do you want to make me feel even more embarrassed than I already am?” You croak out.
He shakes his head. “Please, I swear to you Marinette told me that your birthday party was moved to her place, she told everyone that.” He sighs and shows you his phone so you could see the message Marinette sent him.
“Fucking bitch!” You exclaim and hide your face in your hands again.
“Hey, hey. I got here as soon as I found out she was lying. All I wanted was to celebrate your birthday and make you happy” He says quietly.  “I’m so fucking sorry that this happened.” He says and rests his head against yours in a comforting manner.
You look up at him and wipe your eyes, sniffling. “Well, there’s nothing I can do now. It’s ruined.” You mumble and sigh. “I thought Marinette was my friend you know?” You mutter.
“I know.” Adrien nods and looks down. He stares at the card in his hand and bites his lip, his heart racing at the thought of giving this to you.  “Maybe this will make you feel better.” He says, a small smile twitching on his lips as he hands you the envelope.
You widen your eyes and look up at him as if hesitant to open it. You open it though and you begin to read it.
Ever since the first time I saw you, you absolutely took my breath away. Ever since the day I first saw you, I thought to myself that I have to get to know you better. I did. And that may have been one of the best decisions of my life. You have a beautiful mind, a beautiful soul and a beautiful heart. To be honest, I think I keep falling for you every day. Happy birthday Ma belle, i hope you have the best one yet.
Love, Adrien.
Tears start rolling down your cheeks again, but this time it was because of his sweet words. Your heart finally felt whole.
You look up at him with glistening eyes and give him a wobbly smile.
He smiles sheepishly at you. “Will you go on a date with me?” He asks.
You didn’t even answer, you just leaned in and placed your lips on his.
It was small, but you felt fireworks burst inside of you.
You pull away and watch him flutter his eyes at you, his cheeks glowing red.
“Does that answer your question?” You ask.
He chuckles and kisses you again.
Maybe your birthday wasn’t so bad after all.
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starryevermore · 3 years
disney adventure ✧ chris evans
masterlist | send in a request (consult request faqs first)
pairing: dad!chris evans x mom!reader
summary: the evans family takes a trip to disney world. 
word count: 872
warnings?: nicknames for kids (sweetie, bub), chris and reader are called “mommy” and “daddy”, not proofread
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You didn’t know who was more excited for this trip: Chris or your two kids. Chris had been practically begging to take your kids, Madeline and Eric, ever since Eric learned to walk. For better or for worse, though, Chris’s ever busy filming schedule, as well as the kids now being in school, prevented him from being able to take off enough time at a good time to make the trip down to Florida. Now, though, it was summer vacation and Chris didn’t have a project to work on, so it was finally time to go. 
Unfortunately, that meant you were having to deal with three children instead of the regular two. 
Of course, you couldn’t be too mad about it. Chris didn’t get to spend a lot of time in this world with Madeline and Eric, so when you got to see all of them together, it was really special. Plus, even you had to admit that you were a huge fan of all things Disney. That was one of the things you and Chris bonded over when you first started dating all those years ago. So many of your early dates were staying in and watching The Rescuers or The Fox and the Hound. Hell, he even made one hell of an argument to get married at Disney World (though you eventually talked him down and said you could do part of your honeymoon in Disneyland Paris). When you had Madeline, her nursery was decked out in Dumbo and Winnie the Pooh decorations. Then, when Eric came along, it was only natural that the tradition be passed along of starting their love for Disney young. 
And, really, you had to admit, it was really cute to see Chris helping your kids pick out their own little Mickey ears, Madeline going for a pair that was based on the movie Up that had clear ears with little pom pom balls to represent the balloons while Eric went with a BB-8 pair.  
“Where do you wanna go next, Maddie?” you asked, holding onto Eric’s hand so you wouldn’t lose him as your VIP tour guide led you through the crowd.
Madeline, who was holding Chris’s hand, whipped around and chanted, “Space Mountain! Space Mountain! Space Mountain!”
“You really are your father’s daughter,” you laughed, shaking your head. You looked down to Eric and asked, “You wanna go on Space Mountain, sweetie?”
Eric shook his head, his blue eyes wide with tears. “No, no. Don’t like rollercoasters.”
“That’s okay, bub, I can stay back with you while Maddie and Daddy go on the ride,” you said. You looked over at the guide. “That’s alright, isn’t it?”
“Of course!” she chirped. “And if you want to go on the ride, you and Mr. Evans can switch off.”
“Wait, does that mean I can ride TWICE?” Madeline asked. “Oh, Mommy, do that! Please, let’s do that!”
Chris looked down at her, grinning, “Yeah, you really are my kid. Need to work on your brother, though.” Eric whined and Chris chuckled. “Just kidding, bub. Tell you what, you can pick the next ride and you can sit with me.”
You pretended to be offended. “Woah, woah, woah, you’re not about to steal my ride buddy from me!” You leaned down to Eric. “I’ll get you a Mickey ice cream bar if you promise to stay on my side.”
Eric looked over to Chris, and declared, “Sorry, Mommy loves me more, so I’m stickin’ with her!”
He scoffed. “I’ll get you TWO Mickey ice cream bars.”
“Then I’ll get you a Mickey churro whip, too,” you bargained. 
“Wait, wait, what about ME?” Madeline asked. 
“Oh, you know we’ll get you anything you want,” you teased, tapping her on the nose. “We spoil you rotten enough for you to know that.”
“Hmm, well, then I want to pick the next character we take pictures with after we go on Eric’s ride,” she declared. 
“We can make that work,” Chris said, then leaned down to whisper in her ear. “If I can sway you, my vote’s on Winnie the Pooh.”
“Don’t listen to him, sweetie, you can pick whatever character you want,” you said. “And don’t rush, you got plenty of time to figure out who you wanna see.”
“Oh, don’t worry, I’m gonna make the perfect choice,” she declared. 
By then, you reached Space Mountain and the guide took the four of you down the VIP line, some of the other guests you passed gawking at your family, as if they couldn’t believe Chris Evans was there in the flesh. Chris, though, was busy being dragged by Madeline to pay attention, so you gave a small wave to the people you saw staring. 
When you reached the front of the line, Chris and Madeline were put on, leaving you and Eric with the guide.
She leaned over to you, saying, “You know, it’s real sweet how much fun he’s having. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone that into a vacation like him.”
“Well, that’s why I say I have three kids and a fur baby,” you joked. “Honestly, I have no idea how I got so lucky.”
“You know, something tells me he feels the same way.”
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jaedore · 4 years
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< prev | next >
parings: jung jaehyun x reader
genre: ceo!au, arranged marriage!au, angst, consumption of alcohol, asshole/player Jaehyun, swearing, smut
[ ☽ smut (unprotected sex-always use protection!!, blowjob) | ◇ angst (mentions of cheating) | ☼ fluff ]
note: BB deals with themes of mental and physical abuse, which can be upsetting for some readers. If you feel uncomfortable reading these types of plots, you are advised to not continue. MINORS, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK, but I advise you to skip the sexual parts.
[ 9.1 k words ]
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“Chaeyoung? What are you doing here?” Jaehyun’s head perked up at hearing the sound of his door open, the click of her heels becoming louder by the second.
“I wanted to talk.” 
“What about?” Jaehyun’s brows furrowed. What possibly could she be wondering after I ended things with her? He didn’t think of it vilely, he was truly curious about what her intentions were for asking them.
Chaeyoung’s head fell low, “I just had some questions.” 
“Okay,” Jaehyun held his palm up from his desk, offering her the chair in front of it. 
Chaeyoung sat down timidly in the chair, her fingers fiddling with the hem of her shirt, and her gaze darting from shoe to shoe. Of course, he could tell she was nervous, he knew everything about her. But now, he wanted to know everything about you, funny how even in this situation his mind always wandered back to you. 
“Do you love her like you love me?”
Jaehyun’s forehead creased, wondering if these were the kinds of particular questions she came asking about. If so, it wasn’t her business, he was no longer her business. “Why would you ask me that?” 
“Because I see the way you look at her-” she sighed, “-because you used to look at me the same way. No matter how angry you were when I came over last night, I know your body language more than anyone, Jaehyun. We were in love for 6 years.” 
“I’m with y/n, now, you know that,” Jaehyun stood from his seat, walking towards her on the other side of the desk, “yes, I loved you, but that was in the past. I was tired of waiting for you.”
“But I came back,” she retorted.
“Not in that way, you were always busy focusing on your dreams. As much as I admired you for it, it just seemed like I was just there as a body for you.”
“That’s not true, you know that.” Chaeyoung’s voice broke.
“Do I? Ever since you came back from New York, you’ve been a completely different person.” he specified, but he knew Chaeyoung wouldn’t accept it no matter how hard he tried, “I love y/n and I don’t want to change that. It’s time you move on,” he leaned on his desk in front of her. 
Chaeyoung stood up and with hesitant steps, leaned on his desk beside him. “Then why did you always call me? Why was I always the one in your bed at the end of the day? I was there even when this all began” she sighed. Turning her head, she forced him to look at her, but he never did, Jaehyun didn’t move an inch. 
“Is this why you’re here?” he turned his head to her, but he didn’t look at her with love, it was cold, dull. Giving her the sense that it was truly over...maybe it always has been. 
Chaeyoung shifted her weight on both feet, “do you still love me?” 
Jaehyun stood in front of her astounded, it was like she didn’t hear a single word he had let out. Letting out a scoff, he remarked, “I-” but before he could finish what his mind processed, Chaeyoung quickly pressed her lips on his. If Jaehyun hadn’t realized his feelings for you, he would’ve melted in the familiarity of Chaeyoung’s lips. He would’ve held her in his arms kissing the woman he used to love, but the image of you burst in his mind like an inflated balloon reminding him of the love in your eyes, the warmth of your body next to his, your admirable face in the morning, day, and night. 
Startled by Chaeyoung’s impulsive deed, Jaehyun tightly clutched her shoulders and was just about to shove her away until he heard his door open. Wide-eyed and creased brows, you stood at his door with now empty hands, palms up as the food you held fell, almost as if you were asking him, why? Why would you do this? How could you hurt me again?
Jaehyun pushed Chaeyoung away and chased after you, that’s when Chaeyoung knew that Jaehyun was no longer in love with her. How close he stood in front of her, but how far he felt. How far away he is now, she looked at him, who appeared to be smaller and smaller as he ran to you. 
Before your mind could even process what you were seeing, but your heart managed to beat it to it. In front of you and the window that showed the peaceful blue sky, stood the chaotic feeling from seeing Jaehyun hold Chaeyoung by her shoulders while kissing her lips. At the delayed sound of the door finally making it to Jaehyun’s ears, it was too late when he glanced at you. Hurt and shock brimming in your eyes, he pushed Chaeyoung away and ran to you, but you had already made your way to the elevator door, frantically pressing the elevator button door to shut faster. 
“Y/n, please!” He called after you but the doors had already been shut. Spotting the nearest door that led to the stairs, Jaehyun sprinted down the steps until he reached the first floor. No matter how breathless and tired he was, he didn’t care where he stepped, not giving a thought that at any moment he could trip over his own feet as he tried fleeing to you. The only thing that ran through his head was that he had to get to you before he lost you. Physically and metaphorically.
The musky cement walls smell was eluded as Jaehyun’s head whipped left and right in front of his building, panic rising in his lungs when he lost you in the sea of people. He knows he should keep looking for you.
Jaehyun quickly pressed your number, “pick up, pick up,” he begged, his voice shaking from hearing your voicemail again. 
“Jaehyun!” Chaeyoung called after him
Jaehyun sighed, “just please- Chaeyoung- go home.” 
“Why aren’t you picking up? Please y/n, pick up,” he spoke into the phone, focused on the thought of you, maybe you were hurt or doing something brash. Did he really know you to the point that he’d know what you’d do after seeing what you saw in his office?
You were long gone by the time he ran out after you. You drove off to wherever the road led you, you just needed to get away from him. From everything. When you saw the man you loved, kissing Chaeyoung, it felt as if every moment, every memory, and every kiss you shared was all a dream, a hallucination of your own fantasies. Everything just came crashing down. The moment you wanted to profess your love to him, felt like it was snatched away from you. Like Chaeyoung and Jaehyun’s past was making fun of you for having so much hope in what you wanted with Jaehyun, reminding you that he never loved you in the beginning. That he couldn’t even stand you in the beginning. 
You stopped at the edge of a cliff, overlooking the small city below you. The snow falling from the sky blanketed the entire city, making it look like Winter Wonderland. How easy it must be to be free and fly among the sky and then to land, disappearing from all problems. Why must the world be so cold and cruel?
Snapping you from dreamland, your head looked at the ringing phone you threw on the passenger seat. You hadn’t even realized Jaehyun and your mother were constantly calling you. There were several voice messages, missed calls, and texts asking you to pick up and asking about your whereabouts. You picked up your phone about to call your mother, but just like your heart wanted and the world listened, Jaehyun’s name popped on your screen. 
“Hello?” your voice was so quiet, you were so afraid to show any sign that you were distraught from the other side of the line.
“Finally, y/n. Where are you? I called you several times. I even called your mother because you weren’t picking up,” Jaehyun quickly spoke, clearly in a panic. 
“I know,” you gulped, “I just needed to leave.” with shaking hands, you clamp onto the steering wheel in front of you, thinking if you tighten your hold on it, maybe you’d stop shaking. 
“I thought something bad would’ve happened to you, please come back y/n.” 
Your name, the way he said your name clenched your heart. You didn’t know if it was because you were hurt or because you longed to go back to him, to ask him why he was holding Chaeyoung, why he was kissing her. It would be right to let him explain, but a big part of yourself didn’t want to face the truth. You’ve been rejected so much, what if this was just another? That he came to realize that he didn’t really love you, but it was because he had broken up with Chaeyoung and felt lonely? That the only fabrication of this arrangement was his feelings towards you?
“I- I don’t want to,” your voice broke. You found it absurd how you used to be strong and forthright, yet you let one person shatter it all. 
“Don’t do this,” you could hear Jaehyun’s voice also break, “please come back and let me explain. It isn’t what you think.” 
“I’ll talk to you when I get back home,” you weren’t up for the confrontation. This was the last thing you absolutely wanted, just when you wanted things to work out. What did you do to deserve this...no, you did this to yourself and you know it. 
Ring Ring Ring
“Hello, mother.” 
“Where are you? Why didn’t you pick up any of my calls? Are you okay?” 
“I’m fine, I’m coming back. I just needed some air,” you started your car, heading back into the city.
“I thought you were having lunch with Jaehyun?” 
“No, something came up,” you lied, “I’m hanging up. I’ll be there in 20 minutes.” 
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When you came home that night, you spotted Jaehyun sitting on the sofa, elbows propped up against his knees as his palms buried his face. His white silhouette coming from his shirt stood out from the dark winter sky that barely lit up any stars. Jaehyun was still in his work clothes and he looked distressed, frantic as he bobbed his legs up and down.
“Y/n,” Jaehyun walked up to you, enclosing you in a tight hug. You stood stiffly against his hold that was incredibly tight against you, afraid that if you wrapped your arms around him too, you’d dust away.
“J-Jaehyun,” given the fact that you struggled for air and space in your lungs, your voice also broke from the reminder of earlier today, “let me go.” 
“Please let me explain,” he stroked your head, tightening his hold, but you gently push yourself from him away to lead him to the couch. You sat before him, waiting to hear something...anything, but he was too busy looking at the glistening in your eyes. It follows the quote “eyes are the windows to the soul” and that was the moment Jaehyun knew that the reflection he saw told him how much he did hurt you. Not just this time, but the entirety in the beginning when this all started. 
“It isn’t what you think, y/n,” Jaehyun started, looking at you with seriousness, “Chaeyoung dropped her things off because I think she wanted closure. She thought I was only going to be home, so she came over today and started asking all these questions about you and me.”
“Questions like what?” you wondered what was so interesting that she had to go to Jaehyun?
“If I truly love you-” Jaehyun sighed in hesitation, “and if I still love her.”
You lowered your stare to your lap, onto your fingers fumbling with each other, “Do you? Is that why you kissed her?” your brows furrowed, afraid to look him in the eye.
Jaehyun lifted your chin with his warm fingers, the tips of them pleading for you to look at him. He cupped your cheeks with seriousness in his eyes. “Do you trust me?” He searched your eyes but all he got was a void. Nothing, but hurt.
When Jaehyun pulls your gaze to him, for the first time in a while it gives you tranquility, despite your harsh stare. It reassures you that everything's going to be okay. You slowly nod, “I do.”
Jaehyun’s hands fell back into his lap. He cleared his throat like he was preparing a speech for you, “Chaeyoung asked if I still love her and I said that I didn’t...because I love you, I meant it y/n. You have to know that. Then she just grabbed me and kissed me, but before I could even push her away, you came.” the strong, low voice you found harmonizing broke before your ears, sadness singing through his words. “Just please believe me. I love you,” Jaehyun grabbed your hands, “I love you,” he emphasized, afraid you were going to leave again. “And I mean it,” Jaehyun mumbled, “I’m sorry you had to see that, I pushed her away when I saw you and ran after you, but as soon as I came out of the building, you were gone. The kiss meant nothing.” 
“Don’t say that when you’ve waited for her after high school,” you murmur. Despite his profession, you found it hard to believe him. How could you when they have so much history? So many years of loving each other? And here you are with him, barely reaching 3 months. You thought to yourself that maybe this would be best if you two just went back to ignoring each other’s presence like before, that way no one could get hurt.
“Y/n, what are you trying to say?” he questioned you, tone rising in frustration. 
You stood in front of him gazing at the face you loved to see first thing in the morning. His beautiful, strong features, highlighting the point of his nose, his red-plumped lips, and those lost dimples you loved poking. It hasn’t even been 24 hours yet but here you two were, lost. Or was it just you? 
“That maybe you still love her,” your voice was barely above a whisper, but it was loud enough for Jaehyun to hear.  
“I don’t,” Jaehyun grabbed your forearm as you stood up, preventing you from leaving him, “please stop thinking that, y/n,” Jaehyun begged.
“Jaehyun, let’s not talk about this anymore. I need time to think, okay? I’m going back to sleep in my bed.” You shook his grasp from you, the cool air from the air condition blowing away the warmth Jaehyun’s hand imprinted. 
“No, please y/n, don’t you understand? I love you, I’m in love with you and I want to keep loving you. I’m not with Chaeyoung anymore and I don’t want to go back to her. I want you, I want you!” there was hurt and anger that tainted his voice as you walked off to your room, but you didn’t stop. If you did, you’d only be allowing him to hurt you more. 
If you were to ask Jaehyun what one of his fears were, he would’ve answered that it was you walking away from him again...or even forever and never coming back. He was afraid that you’d go onto your days ignoring him like how you two always did whenever one of you were angry with one another. But Jaehyun was a coward as he watched your figure leave, letting the sound of your door ring through his ear without moving an inch from the couch.
As usual, Jaehyun made dinner for you and stored it in a container, leaving it in the fridge because he knew you didn’t have the appetite. While you sat on your bed, contemplating if you truly were being overdramatic. You thought that maybe you should stop being so insecure about your relationship with him and fully embrace your love for him and his for you. But the thought of Chaeyoung’s history with him, their relationship and her always spending the night over, was tucked in the back of your head constantly reminding you what they had. It shouldn’t be a big deal, but due to your past experiences, you couldn’t help but feel hurt. Especially when you love him.
The lonely nights continued for the next couple of days, you slept in your own bed while Jaehyun slept alone, the brisk air brushing over both of your bodies and sleep failing to reach your eyes. Both of you never got a lick of sleep. Every night before Jaehyun would go to bed, he'd sit outside of your door, begging you to let him in. Into your room and into your heart. He’d tell you how sorry he is, he’d always reassure you of his love for you and tell you that he’ll wait until you’re ready. 
It was 10pm when you laid in your bed, your hair damp from your shower, and your skin cold as ice as you snuggled yourself in your covers. You hate to admit it, but you didn’t miss your bed one bit, you wanted to be in Jaehyun’s bed with him. Lay beside him with his strong arms around you, his breath tickling the surface of your skin, and his low hums whenever he pecks the top of your head, temple, or forehead. You stared at the fan above your bed in the longing feeling of wanting to be with him. 
You forgive him, you forgive him with all of your heart, and you’ve known that deep inside you, you’ve just kept denying it. You know that you just want to be with him for the rest of your days. With your emotions taking control, you sat up and walked to the door. You held the knob hesitantly, thinking if this was the right decision. As you open the door, you let out a loud gasp as Jaehyun fell back into your room, just below your feet.
“Jaehyun!” Your eyes widen in surprise. He rubbed his eyes, mumbling your name as he sat up, clearly awakened from the nap he took while waiting outside your door. You knew he’d sit by your door every night, you just thought that he’d be in bed by now, but it seems like he must’ve fallen asleep. “What are you doing?” You asked. 
With quick feet, Jaehyun stood in front of you, “I wanted to wait for you.” As he searched your eyes, he no longer found constraint but instead a comforting feeling of yearning. 
You looked down to your feet, escaping his gaze, “why would you wait for me when all I’ve done is shun you?”
“I told you before and I’m going to keep telling you,” Jaehyun’s hand reached up to caress your cheek, “I’m so much in love with you that it makes me go crazy. I hate not being able to see you and I hate it when you ignore me like that.”
Your eyes shifted to his, a smile curved upon his lips as the words dripped like honey from his tongue. “I’m sorry,”, you’re truly unbelievable y/n. How could you hurt the man you found yourself in love with, yet managed to hurt him in the process too? 
‘No, no, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for making you doubt me. I love you so much,” Jaehyun gripped your shoulders, bringing you into a tight hug.
“You do?” your forehead creased.
Jaehyun let out a hearty chuckle with tears brimming his eyes, it was unbelievable that you still questioned his love for you after all this time he’s professed it through his actions and words, “Yes I do,” he brought his forehead to meet yours, “-always.”
Inhaling a breath and closing your eyes, you whispered, “I love you too.”
“Hm?” Jaehyun heard you clearly, but he just wanted to hear you say those words to him again.
You gently push him away teasingly, not in the mood for his joking matter, “I said I love you too.” You avoided eye contact with him, nervous about what’s to come.
“You do,” he cupped both cheeks with his warm hands, not saying it as a question, but more of a reassuring statement for himself. That he has you, loves you, and that you love him back.
When you finally looked up again, Jaehyun was closely before you, closing the space between your two bodies. A loving smile coating his lips and looking at you with adoration. Asking permission from his coffee-colored orbs, you lightly nod as he gently pressed his lips on yours. It wasn’t like the hungry, lust-filled kisses that you two usually would have, but it was full of love and passion and it was heart-wrenchingly slow.
“Please don’t run away from me again,” Jaehyun pleaded between kisses.
“I’m sorry…I won’t do it...anymore. I love y-,” your breath hitching when Jaehyun continues indulging your lips.
Jaehyun held onto your hips, his hands lightly leading you to your bed. You let out a small breath of air as it leaves your body just as you fall onto the sheets. The familiar, yet prolonged image of Jaehyun hovering over you returned and the warm feeling at the bottom of your stomach grew as he lowered himself to you, pressing his strong body on top of yours. 
His wandering hands tugged onto the hem of your pajama shirt, “can I?” He panted breathlessly against your lips. You nodded, too much in your head to even speak. In seconds, you found yourself entirely naked, so vulnerable in your skin in front of him, who came on top of you fully clothed.
Jaehyun pulled the last article of clothing that covered your womanhood, so slow it was torturous, but he wanted to take in the sight of you, “you’re so beautiful.” Jaehyun hummed, grazing his fingertips against your thigh, leading up to your chest.
You let out a loud gasp when his strong hands grasped one of your breasts, gradually massaging it as you let out a couple of heavy breaths. Taking note of your reaction, Jaehyun lowered himself until his mouth was above your neglected breast. You could feel his hot breath fanning against your perking nipple and you desperately just wanted to have his warm mouth around it that you involuntarily began letting out choked groans. 
As if Jaehyun read your mind, he kissed the plump skin surrounding the point, gently biting it and creating little spots of red before bringing his warm lips on it. A loud gasp elicits from your throat when he swirls the hot muscle around your nipple and then harshly sucks on it, making your back arch up against him. 
“Oh…” you sigh as your hands find a steady place on his back.
Jaehyun switched from each breast from time to time, making sure to give each one attention and to hold onto your waist, preventing you from moving so much. But the feeling in your stomach was growing and you just wanted to feel him. You cup his face and bring it to you, bringing your lips to his. 
Your hands descend to his chest, feeling his firm chest until you realize that he’s still fully clothed, “Hey, this isn’t fair,” you frown, tugging at his shirt. 
Without question or hesitation, Jaehyun hastily threw off of his shirt and sweatpants like they were nothing and swiftly came back to your lips, kissing you like he was stranded and you were his only source of water. Licking your bottom tongue for permission, you allowed him to immediately let his hot muscle into your mouth, letting it dance with yours. 
With panting breaths, Jaehyun pulled away concerned, “we don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”
You instantly shake your head, “I want to,” you heave, “I want all of you Jaehyun.” 
Jaehyun groans at your confession, sending his hand down to your panties to strip you from the last piece of thin clothing that laid on the skin he wanted to litter kisses all over. He was gradual in pressing his fingertips against your folds, taking the time to feel your dripping core painting his fingertip. Jaehyun runs them up and down, making sure to coat the slickness all over, earning a gasp from you. “You’re so wet for me baby,” he coos as he pulls away from your kiss with a smirk on his face, his eyes glinting with passion.
You nod, your mind unable to come up with any words. Grabbing his nape, you bring him back to your lips like you needed them. You roll your hips against his hand that’s palming your womanhood, trying to create friction between them. 
“Slow baby, slow. I want to take it slow with you tonight,” he confesses. Your cheeks instantly warm up and you hope he didn’t see it because it just made you want him more. Jaehyun wanted to take his time with you, ensuring every inch of your skin is felt and every wall inside you is tasted, he wanted to give you all of him. 
You bite your lips and comply with his wish, you halted your hips and continued kissing him, feeling how well his lips molded perfectly with yours like it was created to be. The room was filled with fast pants and the lewd sounds of your tongues and his fingers drawing shapes on your drenched core. Jaehyun was quick to become hard, but he wanted to care for you tonight, he felt like it was long overdue. 
You arch your back once again when you feel Jaehyun insert two of his fingers into your pussy, immediately curling them in you without a warning. As he inserts his long digits over and over again, you grab a hold of his wrist, the free hand holding your waist, a sign that you wanted him to keep going. 
Soon, the tightening feeling could be sensed at the bottom of your stomach, “J-Jae, I’m...close,” you stutter. 
Jaehyun instantly stops. You shoot him a confused look as to why he suddenly stopped, but then he gives you a bouying look as he lowers his lips to your throbbing core. You know what’s coming next and you brace yourself for it. Jaehyun on the other hand peered up to you and sensed your nervousness. He grabbed your hands that laid limp next to your naked body and placed them in his hair. With care, Jaehyun flexed his warm tongue against the lips of your pussy, licking the wetness and tasting you all while nuzzling his face against you. 
You release a lengthy moan, stars blanketing your vision as you tug onto his hair. Jaehyun lets out a low chuckle sending vibrations to your clit, shooting pleasure to your head. When he gets to your clit, he sucks long and hard onto it, making sure to bring numbness to your mind and legs. You grasp onto his hair, tugging it with the pleasure that he brings, absolutely itching for more. Jaehyun taps your hips, finding the pain a little too hard to endure in his hair. 
“Sorry,” you sigh, trying to relax with your chest heaving. 
Jaehyun looks up at you with dark eyes as he begins to lower himself until his tongue is poking directly into your pussy. You nod, giving him all access to your body. A strained groan is released from your throat as he does, circling his warm muscle with the strong desire to taste each inch of your walls. Your hands are back onto his hair again, but you’re too focused on trying to not pull on it so hard that you instantly come undone with his tongue in you without any warning. He laps onto your slit, hungry for your release. Until you’ve calmed down, he continues doing so just before your pants soften as you lay down, staring at the ceiling. 
You look at Jaehyun and the only thing that catches your eyes is the glistening substance of your wetness on his lips. Making direct eye contact, Jaehyun licks them and you whimper from the view of him doing so, the carnal deed giving you butterflies. Crawling towards you, he presses his lips onto yours, entering his tongue in your mouth and letting you know how good you taste. You moan through the kiss as your hands travel down to his boxers, prying them off of him. This was only the second time you were having sex with him, so you never processed how big he was. Jaehyun pulls away from you, removing the final clothing then comes back, kneeling in front of you. You looked up to his body, he looked so handsome, like a statue made for an art museum. The strength of his body, the robustness of his chest and abdominals contradicted the innocence of his face, you couldn’t help but trail your fingers down his sturdy body, feeling the bumps of his muscles. As your fingertips went lower and lower Jaehyun stopped you from going further down when you reached his lower stomach, you glanced up at him without any guilt.
“Don’t,” he caressed your cheek, “I want to take care of you tonight. We have all the time in the world for that.” He navigates your body until you’re below him again. “Are you sure you want to do this?” he asks again. 
“I’ve never been more sure Jaehyun,” you whisper into his ear, kissing his jaw, down to his neck. 
Jaehyun lets out a huff of breath as you suck harshly on his skin on the sensitive spot on his neck you found. You pull away to meet his soft lips. Everything was hazy for you, nothing but the thought of him inside you filling your thoughts. You’re completely sober but you’re so intoxicated in his scent, his mind, body, heart...him. Jaehyun pecked your lips before giving your neck attention, he wanted to litter you with his love bits. No matter how big or small, he wanted the physicality of it to show everyone that it was him that was making you feel good, that it was him that loves you and only you. Jaehyun pulled away, looking at you with devotion, he was so tender in his eyes and touches that you felt like you could come right away with the look he was giving you. 
“Green to go, yellow to slow down, and red to stop, okay? Just tell me when you want to stop, baby.” 
You chuckle at his resourcefulness at wanting to be careful with you, you knew you were already in safe hands when you’re with him. You weren’t scared of him, not anymore. You only felt the swelling of your heart whenever it felt any kind of love for him.
Jaehyun finds your lips again, this time with caution as he eases himself into you slowly. He wanted to feel each inch of your walls, he wanted to feel it pulsate against his hard member, he wanted to feel the unknown pleasure it brought to be inside of someone he’d do anything for. 
You both let out a delayed moan as he entered you, the feeling of him filling you up making your mind go numb. Jaehyun waited for you to get adjusted to his size and looked down at how beautiful you were in the dark moonlight. You give him a smile, letting him know that you were ready. Holding onto your hips, he eases himself in and out of you, stretching you out in the most painful but pleasuring way. With your tight grip on his arms, Jaehyun distracts your pain with scattered kisses that he leaves painted around your neck and your chest. Your throat burns from forcing yourself to be quiet, afraid that you might be too loud for him, but Jaehyun takes your hands from your lips and places them on his shoulders. 
“It’s okay,” Jaehyun pants through half-lidded eyes, “I want to hear you. I want you to scream my name, angel.” he convinces you as he’s rocking in and out at a steady pace. You could feel your cheeks heat up at the fact that he doesn’t mind hearing you he wants to hear how loud he can make you feel. And without you being aware, Jaehyun lowers to your ear, whispering, “you good?” licking the skin on your neck that leads up to your ear.
You nod persistently, “go faster,” you command, “and deeper.”
Jaehyun groans, hearing your wishes for the night. He listens to you and picks up his pace as you grip his shoulders, fingertips digging into the sturdiness of it. As Jaehyun keeps rocking into you, he repeatedly hits your sweet spot, making your toes coil and throat tear at the sounds of your gasps and moans. He kisses into your lips, taking in your moans like you were the voice that he lost. 
Jaehyun pulls away from the heavy kiss, looking at you with loving eyes as he slows down his pace, remembering that he wanted to feel every velvety wall inside of you. “You’re so beautiful,” he murmurs, kissing every feature of your face. He sat up and admired your features. The way your hair was disheveled, a red streak of paint coated your cheeks, the tenderness of your eyes, and the sweat that glistened against your adoring skin that held the scattering marks of his bites and kisses. Like the sky that held the stars of the night, you looked absolutely captivating. “I love you,” Jaehyun caressed your cheek, “I love you,” he pecked your lips, “I love you,” rocking in and out of you at a faster pace, “I love you so much,” he quoted it like it was a mantra as his hands caressed your head, stroking his fingers through your hair. It was a promise to you, for you to know his unconditional love.
You shudder from his confession, you wish you could say the same but moans threatened to breach your vocal cords at the pace he was going. The familiar fluttering feeling grew in your stomach once again, “I-I’m gonna...I’m so close...again,” you were losing composure in yourself and you didn't know what to do, because usually, you’d be the one that fights dominance with him. Tonight you don’t know what came over you, but all you wanted was for him to control you, ruin you.
“Cum angel, cum for me,” Jaehyun pants, he picks up his pace and brings his hands to your clit, tracing infinite signs causing you to come faster. 
And it worked because you did come faster than your mind was prepared for, Jaehyun held your body as it shook from the overwhelming pleasure that washed over your body. He gave your neck soft kisses, distracting you from the pulsation of your pussy tightening around his still-hard cock. 
“I love you Jaehyun,” you hum as your body manages to calm down, your voice hoarse. He hums against your neck, but you could feel a smile growing on his lips. “And I hope I’m not too late,” you barely smile as he comes face to face with you, your fingers playing with the hair that laid on his nape. 
“No,” he chuckles, “it was worth the wait.” you bring him to your lips as he begins to move his hips again, already fastening his pace. 
You keep in mind that he’s already made you climax twice and he hasn’t not once yet. You throw aside feeling the overstimulation of his cock as you let him rock in and out of you at the fast pace he desires. You hold onto your breasts, for they become sore from bouncing so much, but Jaehyun pries your hands away to put them around his back. The pace Jaehyun goes at is impeccably fast, yet so pleasurable you couldn’t help but claw his back while arching yours from the overpowering feeling of his cock pounding just the right spot over and over again. He curls his arms around your body as you do because he has a depriving feeling of wanting to hold you as close as possible as he climaxes. 
Your mouth lets out a silenced moan, your jaw going slack because you could feel yourself about to release again. Jaehyun softly kisses you, the tenderness of his lips relieving you from the overstimulation. As he begins to go faster, the knot in your stomach is close to snapping the third time for the night and it brings you into a frenzy. 
“Are you...gonna...come for me...angel?” Jaehyun grunts as his hips brutally hit yours. 
You're dazed at this point as you try to nod while your vision is painted with little specs of stars. Your hands try to grab anything, it was like you were trying to reach for the stars. Since there was nothing to hold onto, you quickly grasped his back to feel the surface of his strong back anchor you down. 
“Together,” he grunts, the knot in your stomach tightens more and more as Jaehyun begs you to be patient. You’re afraid that it might become undone before Jaehyun climaxes, but when you begin hearing his choked groans along with his stuttering hips, it lets you know that he’s close to finishing. 
“I’m close,” he moans into your mouth, tongue tasting sweet like candy.
“Inside me,” your whispered pants making their way to his ear. “I’m on the pill, cum inside me please, please ” you’re practically begging him.
“Oh,” Jaehyun groans and begins going faster again. Sweat coating his skin, his hair sticking to the sweat of his forehead, his abdominals flexing as he pushed balls deep into you. A sight you knew was addicting like the taste of his lips.
Soon enough, the man on top of you comes undone. With his lips on your shoulder, he gently bites down to help him come down calmly. You climax at the same time and you hold onto each other like you were bringing the other back to earth. Your hands gripping the muscles of his back as his body shakes off the orgasm with his hands clutching onto your hips with a firm hold.
“I love you,” you breathe, your hands stroking his head to massage his scalp. You kiss the top of his head with heavy eyes as he hums, completely worn out on top of you.
“You know I love you also,” he pulls out of you and falls beside you to only bring you closer to his sweat covered body. Jaehyun kisses your forehead as he wraps his arms around you, “should we shower?”
You look down to him, looking at those dark-chocolate orbs and nod. Jaehyun gently pushes himself from you to draw water into the bath. You shift your eyes to the ceiling, indulging how sensual Jaehyun made you feel physically, but also how compassionate he made you feel emotionally. You reflect on the relationship you’ve had with him and you smile in happiness when you think about how you two managed to grow the love for each other, despite hating one another in the beginning. You were always persistent and convinced that people can never change, but Jaehyun was the first person who ever proved you wrong. 
“You okay?” Jaehyun walks in, noticing your pleasant expression. He lays next to you, propping himself on his elbow as he gazes down at you. How could a person look so enchanting? Jaehyun keeps thinking to himself. Even if your hair was a mess, the dried tears sat in the corner of your eyes, and the flush that was now on your face, he’d take a picture just to remember how precious this moment was. Not because you two just made love, but you found it for each other.
You give him a bigger smile, nodding as Jaehyun lifts you into his arms and carries you to the bath. He carefully sets you into the hot water that ripples as he sets you in, then follows behind you. Jaehyun brings his arms around your waist to tug you closer to his body, kissing your shoulders.
“Did I tell you that you’re beautiful?” he whispered in your ear. 
“Yeah,” you chuckle. Jaehyun said many things, but this, you would never get tired of. 
“I mean it, you’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen, inside and out.” 
You let out a small huff as a smile grows on your face, “and you’re a strong man too you know, you hold many things on your shoulders, and I believe and trust in you,” you turn around until you’re facing him, he gives you a slightly wide-eyed look as he waits for you to continue, “I love you Jaehyun,” you put your hands on his face, caressing both cheeks as you look into those eyes you wouldn’t mind being stuck in.
Jaehyun only smiles and pulls you by the waist until you’re chest to chest with him. You both let out a series of giggles, now getting shy as you avoid eye contact with him. Jaehyun lifts your chin with his fingers until you’re looking at him, then he presses a loving kiss to your lips, reminding you both how well they molded together.
You pull away with tired eyes and turn back until your back meets his chest again, you lean your head back onto his shoulder as Jaehyun hums an unrecognizable melody, lulling you to sleep. With heavy eyes, you could feel Jaehyun maneuvering around to get the shampoo and soap, attempting to clean you in the best way possible to not wake you. You raise yourself until you’re sitting away from him because you wanted to get out of the tub as soon as possible. Plus, you wanted Jaehyun to take care of himself also, for he worked harder than you tonight. 
“Come back, sleep. Let me care for you again,” Jaehyun holds onto your shoulders to only pull them back into the previous sitting position you were in against his back.
“I appreciate that, but I’d rather sleep in bed with you,” you grab a hold of his hand that held onto the shampoo and set it down yourself before kissing his palm.
Jaehyun giggles and brings you closer to his naked body, completely wrapping his arms around you and kissing the nape of your neck. You hum from the soothing feeling of his strong arms around you and the delicate kisses he presses against your wet, warm skin. Jaehyun continues humming the song you fail to give the energy to recognize. Your lids begin to weigh on you after a while and your head is back on his shoulder. Jaehyun chuckles at your ability to meet your words to stay up and wash yourself, he grabs the shampoo and begins lathering your hair with it, careful not to tug too tight or tangle it. 
You know he’s washing you up, but you don’t stop him anymore. Your earlier words contradict your actions when you’re lying on him with eyes closed and soft breaths escaping your lips, clearly worn out after having climaxed three times. Jaehyun gently massages your muscles as he innocently washes your body, avoiding to give you any discomfort.
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When you wake up, you feel those familiar arms around your waist and this time you don’t run away. There’s nowhere else to go and even if there was, you don’t plan on running away from the man you love. 
With your head on his exposed chest, you can hear the steadiness of his heart and the wind of his quiet breathing. You stir a bit to only realize that you’re completely bare, not a single clothing was covering you and you chuckle at Jaehyun’s antics. 
“Good morning beautiful,” the grogginess of his voice makes you turn your head up to him. His tired eyes crinkling up to the cutest smile as his dimples set beside them, how precious he looks in this moment, you think to yourself.
“Morning,” you smile, closing your eyes as he lays a kiss on your forehead. 
Jaehyun’s head quickly turns to the clock beside his bed and his body shoots up as he’s still holding onto your shoulders. “We’re late for work!” 
Your body mimics his, darting your head to the clock and jolting up as you realize that it’s almost 8, the time you’re supposed to already be at work. You were gone into your feelings for him that you completely forgot that it was another weekday.
“I’ll drive you to work!” Jaehyun calls from his bathroom as you run to your room, holding onto your bare body as you cover yourself from the cold air conditioner.
You quickly brush your teeth, comb your hair, and throw on some clothes, bringing a clutch that holds your makeup. There wasn’t any time for breakfast, but Jaehyun somehow found time into your room without you knowing and firmly grabbed your hips from behind. 
“Jaehyun, we don’t have time right now. We’re gonna be late!” You lightly swat his wandering hands from your body. 
Jaehyun pouts, “but we’re already late, mind as well be even later,” you knew he was smirking when he decided to harshly suck your neck then giving it a warm lick. 
You let out the quietest groan, careful not to feed his pride into doing more, “you’re insatiable.” Once again, your actions counter your thoughts as you grasped onto his arms that managed to snake it’s way under your blouse, already massaging your breasts. You bite your lips, preventing you from releasing anything more sounds.
“Why do you keep covering your mouth? I wanna hear how good I make you feel,” Jaehyun mumbled through his kisses. All of a sudden, you’re turned around to face him by the grasp of his hands.
Jaehyun crashes his lips into yours, it’s a harsh kiss, a kiss that lets you know how much he craves for you at this moment and lets you know that this is going to be a quick one. The familiar feeling of his warm, plump lips against yours makes you want more. You know that you’re tight on time, but you find it hard to control yourself, your heart just wanting to burst out of your chest. You push him against the wall and he lets out a small grunt, following his impact. Jaehyun’s breath hitches when he sees the darkness of your eyes as you slowly walk to him, stripping every single clothing you tossed on. 
“Fuck, you’re so…so mesmerizing,” Jaehyun mutters, eyes boring through your body, “all for me,” it comes out as a whisper, but you pick up on it, amused that the sight of your naked body can send him in such a trance. 
“Shhh,” you bring your finger to his lips, “it’s my turn,” you kiss his jaw, making sure to mark his neck so everyone can see it. You long to litter bites all over his body and you convince yourself that you have enough time to do so. Leaving some around the base of his neck, the dip of his collarbones, through his chest, you pull away to admire your work. Jaehyun looks at you breathless, nothing escaping his lips but the soft pants and the half-lidded stare he gives you. You wanted more, you always do. You’re kissing him again, this time with your tongue doing the action as the sound in your room is filled with the naughty sound of your tongues, lips, and teeth clashing each other. When you pull away, it’s like you were both gasping for air, like you almost drowned in each other’s lusts.  
With glinting eyes of lark, you continue kissing him, midway bringing your palm against his hard member and making sure to apply the utmost best pressure to him. You know what you want and Jaehyun can tell that from the look in your eyes when you’re looking up at him as you unbutton his button-front shirt. 
Cupping your face, Jaehyun brings you to your feet before you could get on your knees, “you sure you want to?” he asked, tenderness in his eyes, “you know that you don’t have to.” 
You only answer by nodding diligently, eager to have him in your mouth. He chuckles but suddenly switches his demeanor as he puts his hands on your shoulders, weighing you down until you’re on your knees before him. 
“Then take all of me, angel,” his voice coated in sultriness but at the same time, it’s desperate. 
You slowly unzip his pants and pull it down, seeing how impatient Jaehyun looked from above. His hair all gelled back, veins protruding his arms, all you wanted to do is wreck him. 
“For goodness sakes, just take it all off already,” he pants. 
“Patience, baby,” you coo as a smirk lifts your lips. It felt empowering seeing how much in a frenzy he was in because of you. 
Jaehyun’s hard member was already poking through his boxer, begging to be released from the strained cloth. You gently press a kiss to it, knowing how sensitive it is and Jaehyun’s hands shoot to your hair, but he’s soft in how he clutches it. You know how desperate he is, it’s almost as much as you, but you want to take your sweet time with him. You want to make him feel good in the end. When you pull down his boxers, Jaehyun’s cock springs up, almost hitting your face before it hits his lower stomach. Precum slowly dripped down it.
“Well look at you,” you snicker, kissing his shaft up to his tip, making sure to lick around his member.
“Please stop teasing me,” he mutters down at you.
“And what are you going to do if I don’t?” You bat your eyes at him. 
“I’m gon-” before he could finish his sentence, you had already slid your lips over his cock, sucking onto it hard. “Shit,” he drags out, his grasp on your hair becoming tighter. You’re slow in your actions, knowing that if you were to go too fast, he’d come right away and you wanted this moment to last as long as it could.
Jaehyun felt the same way. With your innocent eyes batting at him, your lips around his cock, and the sound of your gag whenever his tip hit the back of your throat made his stomach knot up faster. 
You quicken the pace a bit, making sure to hollow your cheeks and give his balls more attention. You’re massaging them when you can hear honey-like groans escaping Jaehyun’s lips, inspiring you to go faster. His hips are sputtering against the wall as you’re bobbing your head on his cock, your hand holding onto his shaft as tears brim at your eyes and moans beg to be released.
“Fuck,” he moans, “so good...with your mouth,” his hands in your hair are now controlling your movements, making you go at a rate Jaehyun finds pleasure in. Curses and groans are ripped from Jaehyun’s throat as his tip consistently hits the back of your throat, giving him the encouragement he needs to release, along with your moans. 
The mix of his precum and your spit are spilling from your lips, tears are streaming down your face, and your ruined hair is all for Jaehyun. He wanted to give you all of him, but it seems like you were giving all of yourself to him. You weren’t complaining.
“Almost there angel, just hold on a little more,” he releases his tight grasp on your hair and holds onto your cheek, the other on your chin. 
You look at him, nodding, listening, and obeying his words. You’re eager for him to come since your jaw is fatigued from the draining movements. The sound of your whimpers has the rhythm of Jaehyun’s hips changing his beat, making him completely shake at the movement of your mouth as he spills his hot seed onto your tongue. You’re looking up at him as you swallow as much as you can, completely breathless and panting below him. 
“Swallow it...all,” Jaehyun pants. You try to stand but your legs are weak from the excitement and duration of kneeling, but Jaehyun’s quick to catch you and carry you to your bed. He gives you a chaste kiss, making sure that all of him is swallowed and gives you an admiring look. “You sure we can’t call in today?” he’s wiping your tears and the spit that spilled from your lips. 
“Yeah, I’m sure,” you groggily reply, your voice hoarse from the abuse of his cock. 
“Okay, okay,” he pecks your temple before picking up your clothes and dressing you, buttoning your blouse on, sliding your panties back on, and zipping your pants. You giggle as you watch him being soft and all after the vigorous blowjob you just gave him, it’s funny how he did a complete 180. 
“What’s so amusing?” He glances at you as he finishes zipping your dress pants. 
“Nothing,” you sit up with his hands combing through your hair, “loverboy.” 
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You’re in the car, quickly applying a smidge of makeup on as Jaehyun drives you to work. 
“Why are you putting makeup on? I tell you every time that you look beautiful,” Jaehyun grabs hold of your thigh while the other steers the wheel.
“I have a meeting today, Jaehyun. I can’t look like I just gave my fiance a blowjob,” you playfully scoff, but immediately stop when you realized your words went faster than your mind, “I-”
“Well, it was a great blowjob. I, your fiance, enjoyed it very much” he commented, teasing you at the same time. Jaehyun was surprised that the word fell from your lips, but as shocked as he was, it sounded like music to his ears. It sounded natural. Fiance...how lovely that sounds.
“Oh stop it,” you nudge his arm. 
Jaehyun turned his attention to the road as he was approaching the driveway to Audace, “y/n,” 
“Why don’t you move into the master bedroom with me. We can turn your room to a guest bedroom or whatever you want.” 
You looked at him with your brows raised and your mouth agape. His invitation was genuine and warm, you knew that from his caressing touch on your thigh, “really?” 
Jaehyun nods when he stops the car, “yeah, I can’t imagine a morning without you,” his words come out quietly, but he’s beaming, those familiar dimples settling beside his plush lips and the cute whiskers you never got tired of seeing. 
“I thought you’d never ask,” you lean in, giving him a quick kiss before you open the door, “Pick me up after work?” 
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notnctu · 4 years
CONGRATS ON UR MILESTONE BBY!!! SO PROUD 😭😭 (also hehe can i request quote #4 with Jaehyun? with angst, fluff, and suggestive/smut- lol gimme all of them flavorssss) (also no pressure if it’s not all three haha ik it’ll be great anyways)
THANK YOU BB <3 we’re so happy to have ppl who actually... care and read our shit ? LOL i hope you enjoy reading your request! i tried my best to season it with all the yummy flavors hehe you can read it under the cut
-author doie ❀
jaehyun x reader prompt #4 - “You can do this but you can’t return my calls?” genre - angst, fluff, slightly suggestive (wow flavor packed)
dating jaehyun isn’t the easiest love you’ve ever experienced. the valentine boy enjoys to test your patience, but always knows how to mend his mistakes. in this relationship, it’s about compromise. however, you aren’t entirely sure how he is going to be able to make this one up.
you’ve been ringing his number for the past hour and to no avail. it’s your second year anniversary and you’ve overly expressed how important this one is to you. it’s a toast to another year together, when every living person has been fighting you for your favorite boy.
“jung jaehyun, where the hell are you?” you sigh and toss your phone. the restaurants are practically closing by now and your extravagant outfit has been sitting uncomfortably on your body.
not that you two had planned anything grand, just a simple dinner at your favorite restaurant and possibly indulge in a bottle of champagne. did he forget? he has been ignoring you the past days, and you’re not one to jump to conclusions, but he has been distant.
and nothing in your brain brings up any bad memories that you two didn’t amend. so why is he giving you the cold shoulder, especially on your anniversary night? it’s slightly hard to blink back tears when you stare at yourself in your bathroom mirror.
jaehyun loves you, right? you two trust each other. perhaps, he’s been having a hard week and needed space. one single droplet falls abruptly and hits your sink. but you wipe it away, remembering the foundation of your relationship is compromise. you had to meet him halfway.
so you sniff away any malice thoughts that threaten to break your relationship, and as you rush to grab your car keys. your phone rings and your heart falls into the pit of your stomach when you see the caller id.
“how was your anniversary date?! you gotta tell me all about it! did jaehyun get you flowers, he seems like the big bouquet type---”
“he never showed up.” you cut off your best friend, and the line goes silent on the other side of the receiver. it hurt more speaking it into existence, finally admitting it to yourself that your boyfriend never came for you.
“oh.. i’m sorry..” your best friend pauses, “do you want to come over here instead? fuck men.” she sounds persistent and a small vigor in her voice.
you take another deep breath, unsure now where to head to. you were so ready to barge into his apartment and check if he was even alive. “hold on.” you say as you check his location to make sure he’s home, but when you’re searching for his goofy contact picture, it doesn’t show up on the map. jaehyun turned off his location.
“he turned off his location.” you begin to tear up, but the gasp of your best friend catches you off guard.
“no fucking way. that piece of shit!” she yells and you cover your mouth to suffice the cries.
“i’ll come over.” you barely let out and your best friend wishes you a safe drive, telling you how she is ready to bust out all forms of social media to track if anyone was messing with your man.
but you feel a bit numb, more confused. he’s never turned off his location, is he hiding from you? but there are no secrets between you two. you hurry to your friend’s shared house, with unbelievable and unwanted tears running down your face.
there is no way. you reminded yourself of jaehyun’s loyalty and the trust you had in this man. he could never.
and when you pull up to the drive way, your affirmations are right. he could never.
jaehyun stands with the largest rose bouquet you’ve ever laid eyes on. his hair nicely slick back, in a suit to match your equally dressed up attire. he looks up from your head lights announcing your arrival and he can see the sadness that lingers on your cheeks.
he hurries to open your car door, and you shut the car off. “what the hell, jung jaehyun!” you lightly push at his shoulder when he reaches down for your hand.
he smiles sweetly, dimples deeply in his cheeks. “happy anniversary, y/n. you’re still absolutely breathtaking.”
you take his hand as he guides you to the entrance walkway, the bouquet of roses now in your other. rose petals are scattered on the pavement that lead to the front door and your best friend stands with the biggest grin on her face.
“you traitor!” you jokingly yell at her, but she cheekily hugs you.
“surprise! happy anniversary, y/n!” she guides you into her dining room and the table is full of your favorite dishes, prepped and cooked by two important people in your life.
you marvel at the fancy table cloth and pink balloons that roll around on the floor. it’s over the top cheesy, and definitely something you see in classic romance movies. and you laugh. you smile. you kiss jaehyun with gratitude.
“you can do this, but you can’t return my calls?” you raise an eyebrow at the handsome man, who blinks back at you with a gaze that makes your knees weak.
he chuckles, the baritone sounding lovely, “it’s because i was doing this, that i couldn’t return your calls. i wanted to surprise you with something special on this very important day.”
“you let me wait an hour!” you pout, of course you are more than grateful for your boyfriend setting up everything perfectly. you just wanted to express a few grumbles for more explanation.
“aw i’m sorry, baby. your best friend forgot to set an alarm to wake up from her nap... and i lost track of time when i was blowing the balloons. i swear she was suppose to call you earlier.” his thumb rubs circles on your jawline, as he gently caresses your face.
“i know, i’m the worst. but hey! you’re using my house, so i say we’re a little even.” your best friend laughs, grabbing her keys from the table. “have fun, lovebirds. you know which one the guestroom is.” she smiles before shutting the front door and leaving you two for privacy.
“why are you using her house?” jaehyun’s hand snakes around your waist, drawing you close to his toned torso. he plants a sneaky kiss against your neck, mumbling into your skin the answer to your question.
“jungwoo’s friend is staying over for the weekend. i can’t fuck you properly if we don’t have a bed, right?”
“don’t act like we haven’t done it without one before though.” your laugh is cut short as jaehyun gives your ass a small squeeze, groaning in your ear as filthy memories on his bedroom floor, bathroom, kitchen flood his thoughts.
“i’m a little hungry.. ready to eat?” when you meet his dark eyes, his devilish smirk and the suggestive tone imply something else. he is definitely going to make the lost hour up to you.
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ceo-of-daichi · 4 years
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Characters ~ Ukai Keishin x Fem!Reader, Sugawara Koushi x Fem!Reader
Summary ~ Just some fluffy headcanons about what these 2 would be like for your birthday :)
Genre ~ Fluff
Warnings ~ Swearing, Slightly Suggestive
Word Count ~ 1.5k
A/N ~ HAPPY BIRTHDAY @super-noya !! Hope you have the best day and enjoy these fluffy headcanons🥺
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Ok so this man is not one for extravagant acts of love and affection like I feel Suga would be! 
He just wants you to have a good time and enjoy your special day because he really appreciates you
SO hear me out, I feel like he would go to your friends and start to organise a surprise party
Fully organising it for weeks before, he wants everything to be perfect
Why do I feel like he makes bunting for it, and banners? I feel like he is hands on, he wants you to know that you are loved by everyone and this is the perfect way
Gets to the point that you almost catch him making the banner and he legit has never moved so fast in his life, quickly spinning you round and walking you out the room.
‘Hey Keishin, what you want for…’ Before you could finish your sentence he had turned you around. ‘K-Keishin what the fuck are you doing?’ You asked as he pushed you down the hall away from his room. 
‘Oh i just.. Erm, I thought we could make dinner together? A real couple bonding experience you know?’ He smiles through his rapidly thought up plan.
‘But you're a shit cook,’ You state, raising a brow at him and laughing slightly.
You are so confused the whole time, he starts acting hella weird on occasions and honestly you have no idea why. He was suddenly trying to keep you busy a lot more than usual...was he cheating on you? Basically you start to worry
He sets up the school gym, hanging his homemade banners and bunting. The boys and your friends help him (you don’t go to Karasuno because that would be pedophilia HOWEVER you know the boys through Ukai and therefore the gym is the perfect place)
ALSO lots of balloons that Hinata and Kags spent the whole day blowing up, Tsukki kept laughing at Hinata because he could NOT tie a balloon. This meant Tsukki now got left to tie all Hinata's balloons.
You get slightly worried because all you received from your boyfriend was a simple text in the morning saying ‘Happy birthday love! Hope you have a good day.’ 
You also received a text from your friends that said ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Be ready for 7pm we are taking you out!’ 
Ngl low key sad that you weren’t going to see your boyfriend that day! SIKE.
Your friends pick you up for 7 and they walk you to the gym, because you don’t live far away. 
Confused af because… WHY are you at the school gym, when you left highschool like 3 years ago.
Open the double doors to reveal all your friends, the volleyball team and Ukai.
Honestly almost had a heart attack, but you quickly hugged your friends before running over to Keishin and giving him a BIGGG hug and a lil kiss
You had a bomb ass time, they all got you little gifts which were super cute! 
Keishin definitely is someone I feel goes above and beyond for gifts like, something you really need, or something hella practical you didn’t know you needed.
Like… a chainsaw or something you get my point
So you are really grateful for what he gets you and from that you can tell he really cares and pays attention
At the end of the night you thank your friends because you have had an amazing time but they are like… it was mainly Ukai
This kinda shocks you
So you thank him! And also I feel like he would really say happy birthday with soft sex after :3
‘It was really Keishin that organised all this?’ You questioned, unsure why he hadn’t said anything. He was letting other people take the credit for something he worked really hard on, sounds like him.
‘Yeah, he roped us in but he worked on all the decorations and cake.’ Your friend says as she picks up her bag to go. Waving her off you go to confront your boyfriend. Sauntering up to him with your arms crossed over your chest and a brow raised, you began to speak.
‘So… this was all you huh? How come you didn’t say anything honey?’ You gave him a playful glare.
He chuckled and moved closer to you, ‘Mainly because i didn’t want you to call me that…’ you saw the blush appear on his ears as he stood inches away. 
‘I thought you loved that nickname babycakes’ You teased, wrapping your arms around his neck. You knew he hated pet names; this was the perfect revenge for letting everyone else take credit for his work.
‘You know I hate your pet names love…’ He whispered before catching your lips with his, hooking his hands under your thighs and hoisting you up. You wrap your legs around his waist as you melt into the kiss.
‘Happy birthday [y/n]…’ He said after pulling away from your lips to start roughly kissing your neck. You had a feeling this is where your actual birthday gift was about to be given.
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I feel like Suga is hella big on birthdays, like he wants to make it the best day for you (as you deserve)
So he probably starts off waking you up early with a balloon in his hand, softly singing happy birthday (even if he doesn’t live with you he will find a way into your apartment or house)
Soft kisses all over your face when you awake, whispering how he has the whole day planned for the both of you
Suggests you wear something summery before leaving you to change
He is DEFINITELY someone who has pre prepared your favourite breakfast so when you come out your room all you can smell is food.
After yall have eaten breakfast and chatted for a bit allowing you to wake up, he leads you to your car, not letting you know where he is taking you
KING of being cute af on the drive, either holding your hand or thigh
Why can i see this man taking you to a little seaside town, letting you go into all the amusement arcades and paying for all your games so you can try win an awesome prize
Won’t leave till he has like thousands of tickets bet
After yall are done with the arcades ( i also feel like he would wanna play mini-golf?) he takes you to a really cute restaurant on the beachfront
Definitely told them it was your birthday when he booked so they would sing you a song or something like they do in TGI Fridays i love the balloon crowns ok
He requested when he booked that you got a table next to the windows that look out onto the sea because he knows you love to watch the ocean
 But he also pays for the food, even if you insist you should split it (it's your birthday... he ain’t letting you pay for shit)
After you both have had food, he takes you for a walk along the pier (boardwalk) and onto the beach
You both just chat nonchalantly and bask in each others presence, allowing the sea breeze to wash over you
Before you leave he takes for ice cream and you both sit on a bench on the pier looking out
Probably lean your head on his shoulder and be all cute
Then he drives you back home… WRONG he takes you to a cute location and you star gaze
Safe to say its the best birthday you have had in a while
‘Koushi, where are you taking me? I thought we were heading home?’ You question, gazing out at the field where he had parked his car.
‘You really thought your day ended with ice cream huh?’ He chuckles as he got out of the car, running round the side and letting you out. Confused you let him lead you, eventually you got to the top of a small hill that looked over a lake. Sitting down on the grass looking out on the view, you couldn’t help but think about what an amazing day you were having. All thanks to your boyfriend.
The lake was surrounded by greenery, not a house or big road in sight. Your eyes immediately focused on the small forest off to the left of the lake, the trees gently swaying in the wind. You loved trees, and wondered what type of habitats would be hiding inside. It truly was a beautiful place. Especially the stars, the way they twinkled a light gold against the contrasting night sky. You found yourself sighing deeply as you let your thoughts be taken over by nature. As you were lost in thought a soft pair of eyes landed on you, not being able to look away at how engrossed you were with the surrounding scenery.
‘Wow this is beautiful…’ Noticing how the sky wasn’t polluted by light and how clearly you could gaze off into the sky.
‘Yeah… my favourite view’ He wasn’t looking at the sky though… his eyes locked on your figure once again as you gazed off into the sky. Being with you was his favourite place to be.
Tags: @stcrryskies​ @iwaxme​ @bb-noya​ @vventure​ @scorpiosanssexy​ @sugawarasimp​ @watermelonsugawara​ @kageyamathegrump​
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kpopmalereader · 4 years
disney ; kim seungmin
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• summary: you and seungmin spending the day at disney • pairing: kim seungmin x male!reader • word count: 1139 • to do
You called Seungmin over to help you choose which Mickey Ears you should buy. Instead of helping you, he’s caught watching you from one of the walkways. He’s carrying a shopping bag filled with a BB-8 plushie, two different special collections, two autograph books, a bundle of clothes, and more than your fair share of pins to trade and collect (not counting the ones pinned to your lanyard). He wants to buy you everything you look at for more than two seconds but you’re not allowing him to buy most of it, most of what he’s bought you was fought for on his part. He can’t help it when you smile and show him every cute, pretty, or interesting piece of merchandise, explaining what movie or franchise it’s from even if you watched the movies with him. You put almost everything back on the shelves and Seungmin comes behind you picking them back up. Now you’re looking at the shelves of Ears and headbands, meticulously thinking over every pro and con about them before making your decision and your happiness emanates off of you, pulsing in waves over to him. Seungmin finds himself unable to move closer to you, stuck in the spot a few feet away from you, watching you flip the different hats and Ears between your hands.
You turn to Seungmin, showing him the pile of things in your hands. “Come on! I need your help. You know I’m bad with choices.”
“How many options have you narrowed it down to?”
“Too many.” You answer. The Ears almost fall out of your hands and you pull them apart. “This one looks retro. This one glows and they look like the balloons! This one is designed after Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas, these are from Up, Maleficent, there are too many good ones.”
“We can buy all of them.”
“No, we can’t. We still have parks after this, and even then, nobody needs to buy five pairs of Ears at once.”
Seungmin looks at each of the ones you’re holding. “How about two pairs? You can pick a pair for you and me.”
“Ooh,” You hand him the Ears and grab the more retro pair. You slide them on his head and nod your head. “No question, those look very good on you.”
He smiles, believing you completely. “Well, I just brought your options from five to four.”
You look over the one’s he’s holding and put the balloon-ears away. You chew on your lip. You’ve never been the best at making decisions or choosing between different options, and despite the situation in front of you being Mickey Ears, you’re about as concentrated as you would be for a life-threatening situation. Seungmin watches you closely examine every detail of the Ears. You grab the ones designed after Sally and nod.
“I think these are the ones.” You slide them on your head and pose. “Do I look cute?”
“Always. Are you sure? We can always buy-”
You shake your head and take the other Ears from him. “No, we’re not buying all of them. I want these.”
Seungmin nods, putting the other Ears on the shelves. “Okay. That’s a nice choice.”
You wear the ears out of the shop, checking your clock. “Our fast pass for Space Mountain is in ten minutes, do you think we should do People Mover or Carousel of Progress beforehand?”
“People Mover.” Seungmin slides his hand into your back pocket. “We can get a preview of Space Mountain before actually riding it.”
“That’s a great idea.”
“I think we should find a good place to watch the fireworks.” You scroll through your lists of to-dos for the parks. “We can take our snacks with us and chill out for a little while. Then after the fireworks, we can ride some of the shorter wait-time rides.”
“I like that. Somewhere nice and secluded.” He nods. “We have a few days here, an hour or so of calm won’t make us miss too much.”
“Pretty fireworks next to a pretty guy.” You smile at him.
He rolls his eyes and takes an exaggerated step forward in line. “Am I the pretty guy or are you referring to yourself?”
You giggle softly. “Both.”
Seungmin walks to the counter, reading over the menu one more time. “Can we get one of the fruit waffle sandwiches, a strawberry funnel cake, a chocolate chip cookie sandwich, a lemonade, and a bottle of water?”
“Feeding a group?” The worker asks with a smile. She inputs everything into the computer while her partner begins getting some things together.
Seungmin shakes his head, pointing to you with his thumb. “Just us. We have a tendency to go overboard.”
The workers gather everything and ring Seungmin out, matching smiles on their faces. “No such thing as overboard. I hope both of you have a magical day!”
Seungmin fixes his backpack. He puts the bottle of water into the backpack and picks up two of the plates. You take the other plate and your lemonade, following him.
“We need a good view of the front of the castle.” You mention. “I put a blanket in the bottom of the bag, we can spread it out and keep other people away from us.”
You find a patch of artificial grass to sit down on. Seungmin follows you around the area, waiting for you to pick the perfect spot. You decide and dig into the bag, throwing down the packed blanket. You place the food down and just about drag him down with you. You hum part of a song. You catch Seungmin’s eye and start the song over, singing this time.
“Be… Our… Guest! Be our guest, put our service to the-”
Seungmin’s laugh cuts off your singing, nodding his head along with the song. You finish the line and lean closer to him, egging him on. “Tie your napkin ‘round your neck, cherie, and we provide the rest.”
You go back to humming as he continues singing. You take a bite of your waffle sandwich, humming switching from rhythmic to a hum of delight. “This is delicious.”
“Don’t have too much of one thing.” He warns, digging in with you.
Soon after, the streets and waiting areas begin to flood with other park-goers. Your small domain remains fairly empty, a few different families put out their own blankets to watch the show.
You collect the trash and move in closer to Seungmin. “This is wonderful.”
Seungmin gently takes your hand. “I agree.”
He kisses your knuckles lightly, barely brushing his lips against your fingers. You chuckle softly and lean closer to him. You put one of your legs over his and push your shoulder against his.
“I’m sure tomorrow,” He starts leaning forward to kiss your lips softly. “Will be even better.”
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snarkwrites · 4 years
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Title: snowbound pt 1 of 2/3
Theme: snow
Fandom / Character(s):Ben Solo/Kylo Ren x Earth!FemaleReader.
Warnings: First up. I preface with two strong warnings.. I am not a medical professional in any capacity. Second, I am only kind of a casual Star Wars fan, so Idk how things work in their universe as compared to here on Earth. The actual warnings here are blood!tw and injury!tw. Again, I remind you. I am neither a veteran star wars fan nor a medical professional. So, some things may be entirely wrong. And Ben Solo is most likely written totally OOC as he is not a character I am used to writing, by any stretch although i love him with my whole heart... Anyway... The warnings are: Blood!TW, Injury!TW, OOC fandom character and a strong dose of hurt comfort / fluff in the next parts I kind of hope i get to do for this. This part is so long because I was using it to sort of set things in motion..
Word Count: 2k. Listen, I was setting things up and got carried away, rip me.
Listen... You all just don’t fucking understand how much I love Kylo/Ben... I know, I know, he’s a bad guy. Anyway, this is me doing something I’ve literally been dying to do, a scenario in which Ben somehow winds up Earthbound just in time for the holidays...This is my daily entry for my bb @champbucks over on the @12daysofchristmas challenge blog...
OH YEAH.. for the sake of a timeline here.. This part takes place around the end of November/beginning of December. Part two will take place two and a half weeks later and part three will take part a day or so, maybe two, after part two. Trust me, this needed to be said.
Also, again.. I made the banner for this. Don’t steal or repost.
So, here’s the thing.. There really isn’t anyone on my Star Wars masterlist and like... I haven’t really written anything Star Wars related... Until now. So, if you want to be tagged in my star wars stuff, click the little link below or send me an ask/dm on my main and I’ll happily add you.
@champbucks and @12daysofchristmas
[ about my writing | masterlist | multifandom tag doc ]
“What the hell?”
The boom from outside had the windows to my grandma’s old cabin rattling and I quickly sat up just in time to look out the window at the head of my bed to see a bright flash of blue as it disappeared beyond the treeline across the road.
,, Curiosity killed the cat, remember?” my brain nagged at me the whole time I was slipping on the jeans I’d worn earlier in the day. That nagging only grew as I slipped on my warmest boots and by the time I had my daddy’s old shotgun loaded and I was heading out the door, I wasn’t entirely sure if going over to see what the hell was going on in the woods across from my house was a good idea or not.
I mean yeah, the odds were that some idiot kids were racing around Deadman’s curve and one crashed.. Or a drunk trying to drive home on an icy road hit black ice and lost control… At the thoughts of what probably happened, I stopped in the middle of the road and felt my back pocket.
As soon as my fingers grazed the cool weight of my cell phone, I took a deep breath and started to walk towards the woods on the other side of the little country road.
My eyes were adjusting to the semi darkness, so when the wrecked craft came into view just a few feet into the trees, I had to stop and really stare at it, rubbing my eyes.
“What the fuck?” the words left my mouth in a soft gasp as all the breath left my body. I knew exactly what I had to be looking at by now… And rather than turn and walk away, back to my grandma’s cabin, I kept moving closer. Pushing through bushes and trees and overgrown weeds and dead grass as I made my way towards the clearing to get a better look.
I knew it probably wasn’t a good idea, because everybody knows there’s a damn good reason we have a military base on the outskirts of our little town and we all know they’re not testing weather balloons out there.. I knew that if this were a military thing, there would most likely be a cover-up.
So I did what anybody would and I pulled out my camera, recording the crash site and taking a few pictures of the craft as I walked around it slowly.
I froze completely when I heard a wounded groan.
Now, I’d assumed that whoever crashed whatever this… Thing.. Was… they’d gotten the hell out of dodge as soon as the crash was over.
,,Or they were dead on contact because the impact was really hard.’’ my brain finished. I glanced all around the clearing that the craft crashed in the middle of. Everything was silent. Almost deathly silent, as if something had come along and sucked up all the sounds and background noise. I shivered and hugged myself, swearing under my breath about not having the presence of mind to stop for a jacket or grab my first aid kit on my way over here...
A scream died on my lips when I felt a strong grip wrap around my ankle as soon as I stepped closer to the wrecked craft, bending down to peer inside, my phone out and ready to call for emergency services.
When I looked down, after I dove away as quickly as possible, of course, I swallowed hard and tried to find words.
As he said it, I got the distinct feeling that this was not a word he enjoyed saying, not at all.
I could only nod and when my brain finally felt it had enough time to process what was going on, it kicked into overdrive.
“Can you pull yourself out?” I finally managed to ask the question.
“Trapped.” the word came on the heels of words that were totally unfamiliar to me, yet somehow I knew instinctively that this guy had to be swearing up a storm and in immense pain.
I guess tonight’s one of the few reasons I’m glad I went into the medical field instead of becoming a horror novelist or a starving artist like I used to want to when I was a kid. Tonight my years of school and training and the experience I’d gotten thus far as an intern at the hospital in town was all going to come in handy.
Because the lack of military vehicles or police by now only meant one thing to me.
The military either didn’t know yet so this gave me a chance to finally do something about the way they were polluting the water supply and making people sick or… Nobody knew about this.
Laughing softly at the thought that I might’ve stumbled onto an alien crash landing, I bent lower, peering into the smashed window and I dug around in my jeans pocket until I found my dad’s old pocket knife.
“I’m gonna.. I’ll try to cut you out, okay?” I muttered. He grunted, a light pained scowl playing at gorgeous and full lips.
I leaned inside a little, swearing as I felt shards of glass.. Or whatever the material was on the windows, digging into my hand..As soon as I got a good look, I realized that he wasn’t trapped by a harness or belt of any kind.
He was trapped because when the craft he was inside made impact, the damn thing basically folded like a soda can. I winced. Drawing a few sharp and shaky breaths, the fog from their warmth lingering in the air as I tried to stop and think.
I should be calling EMTS. I should be leaving him here because everything I’ve ever learned about accidents of any kind clearly predicates that if someone is hurt and you don’t know how fucking bad, you don’t move them.
But here’s the problem with that knowledge and my current situation… If I didn’t do something, then either that military installation was going to get away with the shit they’ve been doing the past few years since they mysteriously popped up on the outskirts, show up to finish this guy off in the time it took me to get help on the way… And then they might just do me in also because I had evidence and proof that they were up to something shady out there... Or… They’d find him and take him back to the base and do God only knew what to him.
,, but he might be an alien…” my brain gave me the gentle reminder and the counter argument arose almost immediately, ,, he can’t be. He looks like I do. He looks human. I can’t just turn my back and leave the guy… If he is military and they do realize what’s happened, he’s as good as dead… And I cannot live with someone’s blood on my hands.” 
And with that thought, I proceeded to try and figure out the safest way I could to go about breaking years of protocol that had been drilled into my brain.
I started with the obvious. I leaned in, my body brushing against him as I raised my hand, pressing my fingers to his neck, feeling for the jugular so I could attempt to see if his pulse was steady.
He groaned quietly and I explained in a hushed tone, trying to keep him calm, “I’m trying to take your pulse… to make sure it’s okay to move you if I can get you loose. Because we’re gonna have to get you out of here somehow.”
He merely nodded. I almost asked if he spoke the same language as me, but that was a later question. I was still operating under the assumption that I was working with a very small time frame, either way. 
Because even if the military didn’t know what happened out here, they would soon.. Because this just felt like something they would be aware of or become aware of. And I wasn’t going to let them get their hands on the guy, especially when he was injured and far too weak to fight them off.
Or so I thought…
,, where the hell am I? What happened? Need to.. Get out of here. Get back to the others.”
I heard it so clearly that for a second or so, I thought he might’ve actually spoken. I answered quietly, “You’re in Montana. Apparently, you crashed whatever the hell this thing is. If you’ll be still and stay calm sir, I’m trying to get you out of here. We have to hurry. If those damn military guys realize what happened and come down, we’re both probably fucked.” and continued checking him over.
I dreaded what I was about to have to try and do, because if there was any internal injury, I was about to make it worse. The goal, I decided mentally, was to move him as carefully but as quickly as possible.
He gritted his teeth and gave another long and wounded grunt as he seemed to pick up on my rush and started trying to maneuver his legs free from the part holding them in place.
“Okay, whoa. Easy, sir. Stop moving, damn it!” I said frantically, eyes widening as they settled on the dark depths of his eyes.
He glared at me, speaking in a calm but firm tone. “I have to get out of here.”
“And if you’ll go about this carefully, like I said before, you might actually live through this. I don’t know if you’ve been injured internally or not. I won’t know how severe your injuries are until I’m back at my cabin. I’m hoping that since you’re vocal enough to be an entire stubborn ass right now, that you’re really not seriously injured.” I snapped back because he’d snapped at me just seconds before.
He eyed me, almost wary. Almost as if he weren’t entirely sure whether to trust me. But I stared him down, firmly as I could. He managed to get his legs free and clear of the way they’d been pinned somehow and if I hadn’t thought the guy might be strong as an ox when he grabbed my ankle before, I now knew that fact beyond a shadow of doubt.
Oh, he grunted and groaned and growled in pain the entire time, but he seemed to be entirely too stubborn for his own good, too hell bent on getting himself out.
Once he was slowly pulling himself through the busted glass and lying on the snow, I cleared my throat. He winced and gritted his teeth as he pulled himself to a sitting position in the snow. The form fitting black garment he wore on his upper body was shredded in a place or two from the way he’d pulled himself through the window of the wreckage.
“Do you think you can walk? Because we need to figure something out.” I asked the question as I worked on keeping calm. But I was in a bit of a panic see, because internal injuries are difficult to spot and often, they go unnoticed until the person injured either dies or suffers massive complications. And I knew that me, moving him as little as I had and then him freeing himself from the wreckage somehow and all that movement… It was tempting fate, in my own opinion, but I was that determined not to let all this be covered up or to have this man’s blood on my hands.
He looked as if he were going to attempt it and I stood, holding my hands out to him to at least try to help him. But after the second or third attempt, the fight or flight response within me kicked in and I was… Growing impatient to get him indoors and both of us hidden away somewhere safely.
“I’ve got an ATV up at the cabin. It’s literally just across the road at the top of the hill… I need you to stay here and stay hidden. Are we clear?” I didn’t mean to bark it at him like an order, I guess I just assumed at the time that if he were a soldier who worked that base, he was used to it.
He bit his lip and eyed me.
“Don’t tell me what to do.” that firm tone, I won’t even begin to go into the effect it had on me, but I was the one who wasn’t injured and didn’t possibly have the US Armed Forces about to pop up at any second, so I had to act as if nothing he did or said had any sort of effect on me at all.
And god was it ever hard!
“Which one of us crashed a fucking piece of government property and is injured, sir?” my hand dragged through damp hair and tugged a little as I tapped my boot against the crunchy snow covered forest floor.
“ The ship is mine.” he corrected. I eyed him with a brow raised.
“Whatever you say. Either way, arguing semantics with you is not getting either of us to my cabin.”
The searing pain that shot through my palm as I rubbed it against my jeans had me grimacing, but I tried to ignore it. He stared me down, head tilted slightly.
“Alright. I’m going now.” I turned on my heels and I bolted up the hillside, hurrying so fast across the slippery pavement separating me from my cabin that I nearly slipped a time or two and I finally got to the shed that I’d parked the ATV under after riding it along the creekbank earlier to look for fallen trees I could use as firewood.
The keys were still in the ignition. I jumped on and fired it up, biting back a pained whimper as I curled my hand around the handlebar and that only put more pressure on the wound that I didn’t even realize I’d gotten trying to help the man out.
I shoved out the pain and focused on getting back across the road as quickly as possible. And in the back of my mind, yes.. I did find it more than a little odd that nobody had come down. The neighbors a mile away from me have to have heard… Then I remembered that Herb and Isla were out of town, in Kentucky with their oldest daughter and her family for the holidays.
,, c’mon lady luck, don’t fail me now.” the thought came and went and I took a shortcut through the treeline that I knew would put me straight in front of the crash site. Now I just had to hope to God that the guy was okay and he hadn’t left the scene.
Right as the crashed ship came into view, I spotted him trying yet again to use the wreckage to pull himself to his feet and I rushed over.
“You’re a stubborn one.”
“Trying to..” he took a few heavy breaths and grumbled before continuing, “Get back home.”
“And you can do that.. The second you’re at least partially healed, sir. I’m gonna…” I trailed off, awkwardly positioning myself against his side so that he could use me as a crutch and lean on me to get to the ATV so I could take him back to my place, “Lean on me.”
But the guy was an actual fucking giant.
And normally, in a non life or death situation, I’d have been absolutely mesmerized by… Pretty much everything about him. But tonight, I was too focused. Too intent on getting both of us to safety.
,, daddy always told me curiosity killed the cat. Now look what I’m smack in the middle of.” I thought to myself, grunting a little as he leaned into me heavily, my arm around his lower back and his arm around my shoulders as he clumsily tried to make his way to the ATV.
Once I got on and he managed to get himself on behind me, I took off. “Might wanna cover your face.”
And a minute or so later, as I parked the ATV right at my porch steps to make it a little easier to get him inside, he eyed me warily again, this time questioning, “Why are you doing this? Don’t you know who I was?”
“What do you mean was?” I asked the question, all the worst possible scenarios flashing through my mind. And that adrenaline surge from earlier that I had yet to come down from? A little more panicked.
He muttered something and shrugged, putting a shoulder around me again as he grunted and managed to get himself standing.
The light overhead on my porch caught on his bloodied pants leg and I grimaced. “Well, pretty sure that’s a broken leg.”
I kicked open the front door with my foot and helped him into my living room, letting him sink down onto the couch. After I got him all settled in, I rushed around my pantry gathering up my medical supplies that I kept on hand.
And I wandered back into the living room, taking a seat on the handmade heavy wooden coffee table in front of my old plaid couch. “You’re gonna have to… Take off the shirt..”
He eyed me, this curious gleam in his eyes that quickly vanished when I firmly repeated myself.
His eyes caught on my palm and he eyed my own smaller wound, then fixed his eyes on me. “You’re dripping blood on the floor.”
“And I’ll worry about that as soon as I’m totally certain that aside from a possibly broken leg and a few cuts and bruises, you’re fine.” I insisted, a firm tone of my own as I started to tug the ripped fabric up and over his body. I grimaced at the older scars and bit my lip as I surveyed the bruises already starting to form against pale skin. “Are you in any pain at all when you breathe?”
Bear in mind here. I am still only just an intern. So I haven’t actually had to deal with a whole lot in the way of injuries. The most I’m currently allowed to do is make rounds and do consults, checking in on patients to let their actual physician know what they might need or how they might be feeling on that particular day.
So this was all trial by fire for me.
One glance at his well muscled body had me definitely continuing to think that he was one of the guys from the military base and I made a mental note to maybe NOT turn down Carrie if she offered to set me up with one of the guys her fiance knew in the future as I had been doing.
He cleared his throat.
“A little.”
“Most likely dealing with a bruised rib or two. I’ll wrap those for now.. I’ll call in a favor with Dr.Albertson in the morning...I don’t think he’ll tell anybody.”
The man nodded, agreeing.
I went back to cleaning and patching the wounds I could patch and then I turned my attention to his leg.
“I’m going to have to cut your pants leg…”
“Or I could take off my pants.” 
I eyed him as soon as he said it because truth be told, not only did he have me flustered in saying it, but also, I couldn’t entirely tell if he were being helpful at last, or if he were being a flirt.
As if to prove he was serious, he rose up slightly, unfastening the black pants he wore, working them down his hips and I have literally NEVER… ever.. Turned away and tried to still catch a peek as I did in that moment.
“Christ. You could’ve given me a second to turn.”
“Why?” he tapped my shoulder as he asked the question and I turned around.
 My breath caught in my throat and I quickly had to refocus myself. Because if I thought taking his shirt off was a bit of a distraction… Then him sitting there pantsless was.. A bit more.
I bit my lip and my eyes settled on the lower portion of his leg. The swelling was bad. The leg was definitely broken. I sighed and clucked my tongue, shaking my head. 
“I’m gonna have to call in that favor with the old man now. Because this can’t wait to be looked at. And I need to be sure you’ve got no internal injuries.” I stood abruptly, nearly doing so fast enough that I almost landed on top of the guy.
He eyed me and I pulled back and away from him, raising to a full stand. Walking quickly into my kitchen and sliding the pocket door closed behind me.
“Hey, doc? I know it’s late, but if you get this, can you please swing by my grandma’s cabin on your way home tonight? I need your help. And I need someone who can be trusted to stay quiet on what you’re gonna see.”
I’d just walked back into the living room when my cell phone rang in my hand.
“What’s wrong?”
“I’d rather explain when you get here, doc.”
“I’m on my way now. Just grabbing my equipment.”
“Thank you, doc.”
“I always told you and I promised your grandma when you were knee high to a grasshopper. If you ever need me, kid, I’ll be there.”
I hung up and sank back down onto the coffee table, letting a deep breath escape my mouth. The adrenaline was starting to wear off finally and all I could do now was… Process everything. Try to figure out just how far up the proverbial creek I might’ve gotten myself.
The man shattered the silence in the room by clearing his throat and reaching out. I eyed him, a brow raised.
“What are you doing?”
“If you’re not going to do something about your hand, I’m going to.”
“It’s fine. It’s a little scrape.”
“There’s blood caked on it.”
Something in the look he gave me had me extending my hand. It almost felt as if I wasn’t in control of myself, though I didn’t realize this until much later…
His larger hand gripped mine carefully, holding it on bare legs.
“You still haven’t put any pants on, what the hell..”
“If you called that person and they’re going to come and examine me, doesn’t make sense to.” he didn’t look up as he answered, instead, focusing on swiping the cloth that I’d gotten as a spare in case I needed a clean one for his wounds. When the light overhead caused something in the wound to glisten, I tried to yank my hand free in a hurry, but that sensation was back in my mind and his grip on my wrist tightened to a point where I couldn’t move.
“Be still.”
That firm tone again, honestly, fuck him for it.
“Fine. But I feel like I should remind you, I am a medical professional. I could get this looked at when Doc arrives.”
“Well, I’m doing it now.” he stated calmly, as if I had no say in the matter. And when I opened my mouth to argue, to insist I could just wait the ten minutes it would take Doc to get to my cabin, nothing came out.
He gave me this smug look as he took my tweezers and worked them into the cut, making me bite my lip and take a few deep breaths.
When he finally got the shard free, I pulled my hand back, cradling it against me.
He eyed me, amused it seemed.
“I’ll clean it out and wrap it now, thanks.” I mumbled in a softer tone, giving him a small smile and thanking him.
Now, we just had to wait on Doc to arrive...
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bokutoblivious · 4 years
~Tsukishima Kei~
nsfw headcannon alphabet
Tumblr media
A is for Aftercare (what are they like after sex?)
Tsukishima may be an ass, but he will take care of you.
He will probably check to see if you are hurting, and get you some cold water and cold/hot towels if needed
He might also get you something to eat (probably a bowl of cereal) if you're lucky
also, he WILL ABSOLUTELY cuddle you, of course making you be the big spoon so he can make fun of your shortness.
B is for Body Part (what's their favorite body part of their s/o, and vice versa)
Tsukishima has 2, your ears and thighs.
You like his long fingers.
The finger thing is pretty self explanatory.
He likes your ears, because of the way they turn red when you blush, and he also likes to nibble on them to tease the hell out of you.
And, it's obvious why he likes thighs. 1 is kissing them, and number 2 is down below
C is for cum (where do they like to cum? also, whats the consistency?)
He finds it easier to cum on them without aiming specifically, and also he likes to lick it off for some reason.
Also, it's pretty thin but THERE IS SO MUCH OF IT OH MY GOD
D is for Dirty Secret (uh, a sexual experience or encounter that was weird as shit)
Yamaguchi walked in on him
while he was masterbating
Yams forgot about it but Tsukki never will
E is for Experience (how experienced are they at doing the do?)
Not that experienced, but he learns easily.
Back when you first did it, the only thing he was good at was rough, unsynchronized thrusts. He thought, "if it feels good for me, it must feel good to them"
Sooner or later thought, he got better at it.
F is for Favorite Position (what's their favorite position to thrust and bust?)
Tabletop. Since he is (most likely) taller than you, this puts you at a height where you can do missionary without the struggle.
He also loves it when you wrap your legs around him, so this position is great!
P.S, you dont have to do this on a table. Just a surface that puts you at missionary level. Its basically the same but he doesn't climb on you.
G is for Goofy (are they goofy or serious during the act?)
Serious af. The only time he laughs is when he teases you, or when you make a weird noise trying to hold back a moan.
H is for hair (Does the carpet match the drapes? Also, is it well groomed?)
It is the same color, but a little bit darker.
Also, he usually shaves it all off. He doesn't like hair down there. Its a weird pet peeve of his.
I is for Intamacy (are they romantic during s6?)
Im not sure if you can call it "romantic" during it.
Sometimes hes a real sweetie, but mostly he's just either...
An asshole or
A tease.
J is for Jerk Off (do they masturbate?)
Only if he's stressed. He thinks its awkward to just be like, "damn my dick is hard, TIME TO MAKE A PUSSY-"
When he does it, he puts on music to make sure nobody hears the faps.
K is for Kinks (a kinklord or a vanilla bean?)
Praise kink
Also, he likes to pull hair/get his hair pulled
It shows that you are enjoying whats happening, and it makes him put in more effort.
L is for Location (favorite place to do the do?)
Bedroom. Somewhere alone.
If he ABSOLUTELY had to do it in public, he would pick a car.
Its the right place where nobody will hear the noises, but they will know something is going on in that car.
M is for Motivation (what gets them all hot and bothered?)
Literally nothing more
Just praise.
O is for Oral (do they like giving or receiving?)
To be honest, he really doesnt have a strong opinion on either.
Hes fine on getting head or giving head, but he really just likes good ol' cock in pussy action the best.
P is for Pace (are they a fucking speed demon or a slow and steady type?)
I don't know if this makes sense, but he's really fast, but sensual.
He like, goes fucking speed run in you but he makes sure it's not painful, but enjoyable.
He will literally make you pass out if you want.
Q is for Quickie (opinions on those?)
ew no
who do you think Tsukishima Kei is?
oK he will give you a quickie with his fingers.
R is for Risk (do they like to experiment or not?)
If he hears (or sees) anything that seems like it would work with you two, he will probably ask
But he won't try to convince you if you say no.
S is for Stamina (how long can they go for?)
About 2 rounds, because my bb gets tired easily
He will still tease the shit out of you after, though.
T is for Toys (do they own any? are they for them or their s/o?)
Im just gonna say it.
He owns a whip.
Nothing else but a kinky ass black leather whip.
U is for Unfair (are they a tease or a sneeze?)
Not as much of a tease as Kuroo, but HE IS SO A TEASE
He teases you about anything and everything, your height expecially.
V is for Volume (what sounds do they make? are they loud or soft?)
Tsukishima is a natural moaner, and hes ashamed of it.
He tries to hold it back, but it usually just comes out like a long, soft groan/grr thing.
One time he moaned REaLLY LOUD and it scared you and you had to stop because you laughed so hard.
W is for Wild Card (random nsfw headcannon)
He tried to whip you during foreplay, and ended up whipping his leg sO HArD and he couldn't play volleyball for about 3 days.
Serves him right for trying to pop our ass open like a balloon.
X is for X-Ray (are they packing or lacking?)
Its literally just like him
Long and skinny
Its like, 6 1/2 inches but
the length is all there, but his dick is about as thick and a boiled hotdog.
No, but just saying. The girth isnt there.
Y is for Yearning (how big is their sex drive)
He doesnt have a high one.
His mind is too focused on other things to think about pounding you into the bed
bUT when the sex drive hits him, he's such a fucking horndog istg
Z is for Zzz (how fast do they fall asleep after sex?)
He stays awake for about an hour.
Not because he's trying or he's taking care of you
He was full of adrenaline and he's trying to calm down.
But if you get him to lay down, and snuggle him like a teddy bear, he will fall asleep in like, 30 minutes.
why was this fun to write-
why am i suddenly addicted to writing smut-
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mrcoltkaneko · 5 years
the debts of the gods are yours to keep (RoD)
a/n: I’m... really fucking proud of this one. I started this as a wild inspiration behind Colt’s backstory, writing at full-speed, and then got *major* writer’s block. I left the doc hanging on my desktop for a while, and I don’t know. I got major inspiration today and finished it. Fair warning, it’s not written in Choices-style, and reads more like snapshots throughout his life but I hope I did my best bb justice. Maybe I’ll write some actual romance, but for now, character study is where I live. CC is always welcome, and I hope you enjoy :)
pairings: Colt-centric, but some light Colt x MC + Logan x MC with Colt/Mona and Colt/Kaneko interactions
summary: Colt can’t tell when he stopped caring about his father. (Somewhere, deep in his heart, he knows that’s not true.)
rating: ehhhhh PG-13 for swearing but honest to god I had a sailor’s mouth when I was like 10 so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
length: 4612 words
The summer before his seventeenth birthday, Colt found his first love.
A 1989 Yamaha FZR-1000 – one of the first four-stroke sportbikes. He’d bartered for it at the local motor shop, offering $2000 and to fix up cars for an entire summer.
“You got your motorcycle license?”
The old man narrowed his eyes. “You’ve ever been on one of these before?”
He harrumphed. “No deal.”
“You’re serious?”
“You seriously looking to get arrested, kid?”
“You can’t get arrested unless you get caught, Dale.”  
For a second, the old man looked as if he was going to explode of anger. Then, he began to guffaw, the corners of his eyes crinkling like shiny little candy wrappers. “Fine. Entire summer. I expect you to be here, every day, you hear me? And I give you the bike after.”
“That wasn’t the deal –“
“That’s the deal I’m offering. Like I said, you can’t take this girl anywhere until you’re legal to drive it. Take it or leave it.”
Colt crossed his arms. “Fine.”
It wasn’t his ideal summer, but working at Dale’s shop beat working for his own father. He’d put on rock music from the 70’s and whistle along. He had regular customers coming in, charmed by his good nature and fair prices. Instead of throwing Colt onto his ass whenever he did something wrong, he’d patiently take the tool from his hand, lie back on the creeper, and would show him how to do it properly. It’d been a nice few weeks, one without trouble or disappointment or boredom.
“Where were you today?” It was the first thing his father said to him when Colt got back to the auto shop. He was sitting in the back room, eating a cup of yogurt. “I thought you were going to work for me over the summer.”
Colt opened up the fridge and pushed the milk aside. He snorted. “And do what – draw up price estimates for people and do paperwork? No thanks.”
“Colt, you made a promise, and I intend that you keep it –“
“Yeah, well, I don’t remember making that promise. Sounds like you and mom decided what would be best for me. As always.” He reached for the back and pulled out a Coke.
“And your driving lessons?”
He took a sip of his drink. “I passed.”
“You took the test already?” Colt tried to figure out if his father sounded upset. He decided that he didn’t.
“Yeah. Guess those driving lessons you gave me really paid off, huh?” Every year, since he turned fourteen, his father had promised him to take him out driving. He’d taken him out twice. Somewhere along those years, Colt decided that he didn’t care much about driving anymore. His father didn’t let him touch the cars, anyways, so what was the use?
“And I told you, I’m busy with the business here and –“
“Business? Yeah, keep on acting like I don’t know what’s going on here. You think I don’t know that you jack cars and sell them off to rich fucks with money to spare? You honestly think that you could keep this from me forever? You think you can just fix this by spending the bare minimum of time with me? Well you know what I say to that? Fuck. You.”
A tense pause blanketed the room. His father’s face darkened.
“Get out.”
It was strange, hearing those words coming from his father. His face was red and enraged, and Colt turned around to leave. “Yeah, I was about to leave anyways. Don’t bother calling mom to tell her what happened.” The door to the office slammed. He spun around on his heels, ready to stomp out, but someone was standing in the doorway.  
“Well, he-llo, Mr. PMS.” Mona stood by, leaning against the doorframe. He’d met her once or twice. She’d appeared one day in the shop, a couple summers ago, her face haunted with something wicked. It was the first time he saw her. And it was the last time he saw that expression on her face again.  
“Fuck off, Mona.” He pushed past her.
“God, I’m joking. Ass.”
“Yeah, well for it to be a joke, it had to be funny.”
“Seriously, kid? Where the hell is your sense of humor?” Mona rolled her eyes. “Come on. I’m done for the day. I’ll grab a couple beers and we’ll drink in the courtyard. Tell me about all your hormonal, teenage problems you’re dealing with.” She walked alongside him, grinning.
The “courtyard” was a makeshift junkyard for the auto shop. Whatever grass left planted was yellowed and rough from the sun beating down on the space. A decrepit chain-link fence encircled the area, rusted from years of weather.
“Christ, I don’t think I could ever get used to the summers here.” Mona fanned herself, taking a swig of her Budweiser.
Colt shrugged, sipping at his own drink. “Where are you from?”
“The Bronx. New Yohh-wk,” she said, exaggerating an accent. “Left when I was a little bit older than you are now. What are you, like fifteen?”
He sat up straighter and puffed out his chest. “Almost seventeen.”
“So around the same then. Been here ever since.” She finished her can and tossed it into a pile of junk.
“Why do you work for him?”
Mona paused. “What do you mean why?”
“I mean, what do you see in him? He’s a goddamn asshole.”
“That’s not how things work around here, kiddo.”
“You mean in the crime world.”
Mona chuckled. “Sure, if that’s what you want to call it.”
“So tell me how it works then. Because every time I walk into this goddamn shop my dad’s on my ass about something different. I know all of you think I’ve got it easy being the boss’s son and all, but he’s never treated me more than just some punk kid ready to get in the way.”
She stared at him, taking a long sip from her can. “Heard you bought a bike from Dale.”
“Yeah. And?”
“What, the old geezer strike you a deal or something?”
“Two-thousand.” Colt paused, gauging Mona’s reaction. “And I’m working at his shop for the summer.”
“Where’s the bike?”
“He says I’ve got to work it off first. What does this have to with anything?”
“Same thing.” She downed her beer and threw the can across the way again. “You’ve gotta pay before you get your bike. Except in my case, your father here gave me my gift first.”
“What was it?”
Mona paused, and looked over at him. He thought he saw that expression again, flitting across her eyes. “My freedom.”
Before Colt could answer, Toby swung open the back door, covered head to toe in car grease.
“Hey! No fair! You guys are drinking without me?” He grabbed a beer from the 24-pack and cracked it open. Mona snatched it from him.
“Yeah, well maybe you should have thought about how fair it was to drink all of my Red Bulls right before my job last week.”
“What? I didn’t know they were yours!” “What’s going on out here?” Ximena called, sticking her head out the door.
“Nothing, aside from the fact that Toby thinks he can just constantly take shit from me –“
“I paid you back!”
“Yeah, if you count adding dumb mods to my car repaying me. “
“It’s a cooler! Now you don’t have to store your Red Bulls in the communal fridge!”
In the midst of the commotion, Colt slipped out. The bus ride home was packed, the idle chatter of different languages humming underneath his thoughts. He watched the auto shop fade away into the distance, like a balloon, floating high into the sky.
He doesn’t understand her. Or him, for that matter. They walked around the sideshow, looking at each other with googly eyes and at him with daggers, like he’d done something to ruin their lives.
As if. He’d met them like, what, an hour ago? And soon after that, Dale had gently told him that the smirking kid in the t-shirt was his replacement. Logan, no last name. He snorted at that.
“Him? He couldn’t outdrive the girl he’s pulling around.”
Dale shook his head. “Everyone’s saying he’s the new hotshot driver that Kaneko’s been training. Came around a year ago, I s’pose. Don’t know anything else ‘bout him. Anyways, how’s school on the East Coast?”
Before Colt could answer, shouts filled the air. He rode his way around the crowd, finding the center of the commotion. Salazar. The man towered over Logan, an assured smirk plastered onto his face. Logan’s girl stood by, equal parts indignant and terrified at the events unfolding in front of her.
“Seems your boyfriend’s looking to add insult to injury.”
The girl whipped her head around scowling at his comment. “Whoever you are, this is none of your business.” She turned back around, watching as Logan popped the hood off of the…
Aylesbury. How many times had he seen his father drive off in that car, the deep green hunk of metal rumbling down the street? And how many times had his father slapped his hand away for even touching the side mirror?
And here the boy was, keys dangling from his back pocket as he fiddled around with the engine. He wasn’t going to. He couldn’t – not if Colt could help it.
“That car… he’s wagering it on the race?”
“I think it’s totally crazy… but yeah.”
“Then it just became my business.” He could feel the girl’s eyes on his back as he negotiated his way into the race. His heart pounded. Heat radiated from the inside of his helmet. There was no turning back now. This was his race to win.
“You could have gotten killed.”
Colt scoffed and slumped into the plastic seat by the office door, taking in his surroundings. His father paced the space behind his desk. Papers were strewn everywhere – on the ground, on the desk, and tacked up on the walls. By the furthest corner was a small pile of trash, mostly filled by yogurt cups and takeout containers, overfilling the wastepaper basket.
“Looks like you’re doing real well here.” His father glared at him. Colt groaned. “Ohhh, I see. We’re going to pretend to care for each other now. Well, guess what? In all my generosity, I won your fucking car back for you. Not him.”
“You’re careless. You don’t think. And you expect me to thank you?”
“No. I expect that we’re even now.”
His father stopped pacing. “You don’t understand.”
“Then help me understand! You’ve shut me out of this life – your life – for so long. And then you bring in some pretty boy to do your bidding, praise him for almost wrecking your car –“
“Listen here, boy, do not pretend to understand my relationship with them.” He pointed out the door, lowering his voice an octave. “I’ve told you time and time again that you’re not going to get involved with this crew.”
“Why not? You scared, Pop? Terrified that your own son will take the throne?”
“No. Because you’re weak.”
The words cut, like crawling naked on fine shards of glass. But he balled his hands into fists and bit his lip. “You need me. I’m staying. Whether you like it or not.”
After a long pause, his father finally answered. “Fine. But you’re working the desk. No questions.” And with that, he pushed open the door, ready to tell everyone the news.
Colt un-balled his fists. There, on his palm, were eight little crescent indents filled with blood.
“Where is he?”
The voice called out, above him somewhere, the words hanging in between the clinks of metal and occasional drilling. It half scared him, having gotten used to the loud humming of the shop. The noise was calming; almost white noise, with no expectation of conversation or small talk. It was why he hated the front desk. The crackheads, reeking of old sweat and smoke, trying to barter their way out of paying for the work on their jalopies. The lost LA moms, waiting for their SUVs, their sparkly designer sunglasses parked on top of their heads. Every few seconds, they’d touch them, as if he was going to snatch them and run.
Colt slid out from under the car. “What?” He snapped.
She looked mildly surprised to see him. “Oh. I thought you were only supposed to work the desk.”
“Toby left for some sideshow in Arcadia. Are we done here?”
“Logan. Do you know where he is?”
Colt snorted. “No.” He slid back to the undercarriage, hoping she’d take the hint.
Instead, she crouched down. “Come on, I know you’re here all day, you probably saw him leave.”
He slid out and threw his gloves onto the ground. He walked into the back room. She followed, right on his heels. “If you’re half as smart as I think you are, you should probably stay away from him.”
“I – What did he even do to you?” She crossed her arms, her expression darkening. “Or me, for that matter?”
“It only takes an idiot to see that you don’t fit in here.”
“Oh, so, what, this is middle school now? You’ve got a clique, and I’m not allowed because I’m not cool enough?” She narrowed her eyes. “You don’t even know me!” Her eyes were fiery now, defiant. It gave him a jump in his stomach. His fingers tingled.
“I might not know you, but I know your type.”
“Try me.”
“Let me guess, 4.0 GPA, Daddy’s Princess, and broke curfew once because you stayed late at the library? You’re the teacher’s pet, so everyone pretty much hates you, and let’s see – a virgin?”
He could see her steaming at the last comment, and he laughed. “Did I really get all of that right?” He shook his head. “I’m good, but I’m never that good.”
“You’re a coward.”
She stepped forward, closing the distance between them. Her eyes were all fire, the flames licking up whatever oxygen was left in the room. “You’re a coward. You think you’ll never measure up to anyone; not Logan, not your dad, not a single person out there. So you stopped trying a long time ago because you think that disappointing anyone, especially yourself, is worse than the chance at succeeding – and guess what? You’re right. You’ll never succeed. Because as soon as you get that slightest taste at victory, you get an ego, you think you’re invincible – and you’ll fall, right back down with all of us that work the daily grind.”
She was close now, her eyes barely an inch away from his nose. This is the part where you kiss her, his mind shouted, but he silenced the thought as soon as it blared out. A ridiculous suggestion, Colt thought, pampered by stupid movies and TV shows. He opened his mouth, ready to retort, but someone called out her name.
“Logan!” Her voice rose an octave, peppered with excitement.
Colt shoved his hands into his pockets as she floated away from him. He pretended to avert his eyes from them, sneaking glances at them from his periphery.
There was something wrong with this picture. He was going to find out what.
Who knew she was so dangerous? Even more dangerous than his own father. After all, they only targeted the wealthy, fingers well-oiled and fat off their own gluttony. Her father? As much as the cop thought he was keeping the streets clean, he picked up good, honest people in some dire times as much as he did the trigger-happy gunslingers, the greedy dope sellers. He’d seen the stories in the papers. Colt knew some of them, the ones that were swept away behind bars. Always labeled with their race, their age, their poison of choice. Black, 28, robbery. White, 35, aggravated assault.
In the back of his mind, Colt wondered when he’d see his father in those listings. His habits and idiosyncrasies erased, his identity reduced to the corporeal.
She doesn’t know what a deadly game this is. For him, for his father, for Mona, for Toby, for Ximena. For Logan. For her. His father’s voice boomed in his head. The cops don’t owe you. You owe the cops.
“I know how you feel.”
“My mom was sick.”
“It’s different.”
“It’s not different. We’d had a fight the night before, about something stupid, like cleaning up my stuff or not finishing my homework or something. I stormed out the morning after without saying goodbye. And… and – she collapsed while at was school. And when I found out, I thought it was my fault that she was there, that I somehow willed her to get sick. So every night, I’d pray to something out there, a God, or maybe a star, that if she lived, I’d promise to be the best daughter ever.”
“And here you are.”  
“She died a month later.”
“And the promise wasn’t kept.”
“My point is, it’s not too late for you. He’s in there. He cares about you.”
She reached out her hand. Colt gently took it. Her palms were soft, her knuckles smooth.
If the cop’s daughter was the end of him, so be it.
“You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.” Mona groaned.
She sounded more annoyed than worried, which relieved Colt. If he could show her how airtight the plan was, she’d agree.
“Not a big deal for me,” Salazar grunted.
“Your ex-wife’s kid doesn’t count.” Mona rolled her eyes and Salazar deflated, grumpy that she’d revealed his secret. “Why are we listening to him, anyways?” She leaned on the desk, towering over Kaneko, as if she could pull the answer from the man’s mouth herself.
“I’m not a kid anymore – “
“We’re talking about kidnapping. A fucking member of The Brotherhood.”
“About 3800 pounds lighter than stealing a car.”
She gave Colt a dirty look. “This isn’t the time for one of your wisecracks. Boss, you do realize that this is a dumb plan, right? We kidnap the guy, hold him for ransom, and then what? Have the fucking Brotherhood come after our necks with chainsaws?”
“Yeah, what’s in it for me, huh? Sounds like this is a whole lotta trouble for a couple thousand bucks.”
Everyone began to argue, but Kaneko held up a hand, shutting the three up. He cleared his throat. “Have you ever heard the story of The Hare and The Lion?”
Colt furrowed his brow. Mona rolled her eyes. “It’s official, the old man’s lost it.” “So I take it you haven’t.”
Salazar slammed his hand on the desk. “You better be going somewhere with this.” Kaneko gave him an imperceptible nod, barely flinching at the noise.
“Once upon a time, a lion ruled the jungle. The lion was very cruel, and every day, he demanded that an animal from the jungle be delivered to him, so he could devour it.
“One day, the hare was picked for the lion’s daily meal. Of course, the poor hare didn’t want to be eaten at all. So the hare, full of wit, presented himself to the lion and told the beast that on the way, he’d met another lion that claimed to be the King of the Jungle.
“The lion, very angry that another animal dare take his title from him, asked the hare where this other lion was. The hare led him to a well, claiming the lion was down there waiting for him.
“The lion looked down and roared, intending to scare the other animal into subservience. But of course, the lion was not very smart and mistook his reflection as another lion calling back at him. Furious with this imposter, he jumped into the well to attack the lion, and he drowned. And the hare ran off to tell the other animals of the jungle, free at last.”
Kaneko knitted his fingers together and placed them on the desk. “Well? What do you think?”
Mona glared. “I think if you’re not going to tell me what this goddamn nonsense means, I’m out.” Salazar nodded, in rare agreement with the other.
“What I’m saying is that we pretend to scratch their backs.” Colt pulled up the picture of the contact. “We tell them that there’s another enemy, a traitor in their ranks. We kidnap him, and offer him up to the fuckers.”
Mona widened her eyes, and smirked. “We give them their own fake lion.”
“They’ll be so wrapped up in dealing with him that they won’t see us coming. We’ll get them out of our way, for good. We’ll be arranging the pick-up…” He pulled up the picture of the stadium on his phone and showed it to Mona and Salazar. “…Here. The shithead’s a huge fan of the Badgers. It’s why we need you, Sal.”
Out of the corner of his eye, Colt caught a glimpse of his father smile. The first, he thought, in seven years.  
“And what about the others? Toby, Ximena, the girl… Logan?” Colt knew why she asked. After all, he’d been in on it up until this point. Up until he got tangled in her lips and her hair and that sunshine smile and… Colt swallowed. He shook the thought of her from his mind.
A slow pause filled the air. Finally, Kaneko answered. “He won’t understand. He’s weak with love. He won’t risk putting her in danger.”
No, he wouldn’t.
Pop… please… you can’t leave me.
Go, Colt. Go, and don’t look back.
**** He’d been on the cusp of twelve years – almost twelve revolutions around the sun, as his father liked to say. He’d grown a half-a-foot in the past summer, his legs long and spindly, like a baby doe. Sometimes he spent his time playing driveway basketball with the neighborhood kids – well, only if they’d let him. Most of the time, he sat on the curb, steaming as the kids called him “half-breed” and “slant-eyes” all while participating in a game of keep-away, six little demons against himself. So he’d sit on his front stoop and adjust the laces on his Air Force 1’s, trying to make room for his ever-growing feet. Occasionally he’d walk to the mini-mart and pilfer candy from the aisles. Last time though, the shop owner caught him pocketing a peppermint, and threatened to call his parents. Colt didn’t care. His parents never listened to him much these days. His mother would cry while his father would drive off, almost always with a knapsack and silent ruffle of Colt’s head. Moonlight would bounce off the shining silver rims of the car and Colt would watch until it was a tiny speck of green, floating on the edge of the horizon, the cries of the engine lasting far longer than his young eyes could see.
But his father always came back. Always.
Sometimes with a gift – a shiny new Hot Wheels that mirrored his father’s latest ride and half-wilted supermarket flowers for his mother. A sorry gift from a sorry man, Colt thought now, but at the time, it was the most romantic gesture he’d ever seen. The carnations would sit in a plastic thermos filled to the brim with lukewarm water, and he’d count the days down. By the time all the petals gathered around the makeshift vase, there would be another incident.
It’d been a good streak this time around. No incidents. The petals on the last bunch of flowers had long been swept up, leaving the shriveled stems in the vase like long, fragile pieces of straw. Colt hoped this time it’d be different, with his birthday in a week, and the arid LA heat withering to make room for cooler breezes. He imagined he’d ask for new shoes. He’d blow out number candles from a chocolate cake.
And different was what he’d got. Three days before his twelfth birthday, Colt jolted awake from the familiar sound of the engine. The sky was dark gray, hinting at the sun’s imminent arrival. He’s leaving, Colt thought. Without saying goodbye. Pulling the covers off his bed, he tiptoed down the stairs and burst through the door.  
“Hey!” His shout barely rose over the engine’s hum. “Wait!”
His father peered over from the driver’s seat window. He sighed and turned off the engine. “Colt, you should be asleep.”
“I want to go with you,” Colt replied breathlessly. “Please.”
Colt looked for a hint of give in his father’s face. There wasn’t any. His face remained stoic, like always. “All right. Hop on up.”
Colt stepped into the car, the fuzzy car mat tickling the soles of his feet. His father turned the keys in the ignition and backed out of the driveway. Colt looked out his window, watching his little house until it turned into a speck of dust. He turned back around, looking over at his father.  
“Where are we going?”
There was a pause. “Where do you want to go?”
Colt thought for a second. “In-N-Out.” His father laughed.
Soon, Colt was dangling his legs off the cliff, chowing down on a Double-Double Cheeseburger and dipping his French fries into a strawberry shake. He looked down as he ate, watching the waves slurp up the side of the precipice. Further into the horizon, the water rocked, reflecting rivulets of the orange sky in between the blue. There they sat, completely silent. He remembered the times when his father would push him off the cliff, rambling about courage and honor and bravery in the face of danger. And he’d fall, fall, fall, his father’s words lost in between the roaring folds of water.
“MMmreah?” He mumbled, mouth full of burger.
“When – when I was your age, my father didn’t give me a choice.” His voice cracked, and his usually serious tone was tinged with a hint of sadness.
Colt furrowed his eyebrows. He’d never heard his father stutter, and it made him nervous. “Whaddya mean, Pop?”
“He told me that in this country, we would never be seen as equals. So we had to take the power for ourselves. That to make a name for yourself, you had to yell it louder than anyone else.”
Colt thought of the kids down the block, who called him names and didn’t let him play basketball.
“Your grandfather was a great man. I strive to be as fearless as he was. But I’ve done some things in my life that I’m ashamed of.”
All he could think of was the kid’s face, bloodied and bruised. He’d called him a “dirty half-breed bastard”. Colt had pummeled the kid’s pudgy face, fat from a steady diet of Twinkies and Butterfingers he’d seen him munching. He could recall how soft his face was against his own knuckles. He remembered how he didn’t feel any pain, not for a while, not until two hands wrestled him off of the boy. He’d ran back to his stoop and cried, his right knuckles stained blood-red.
“You’ll be better off this way. I’m a better man than your grandfather was, and I know you’ll be a better one than me.”
The brightening sky cast a golden halo on his father’s face, and the water sparkled with the brilliance of a thousand diamonds.
“Someday, you will thank me.”  
His father rose and walked back to the car, and beckoned for Colt to get up. Grabbing the bag of food, he followed, and his father accelerated away from the cliff. Colt gazed at the fiery ocean, the distant sounds of the Pacific lulling him back to sleep.
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thewhiterabbit42 · 6 years
Full Circle: Part 7
Full Circle Masterlist
Pairing: Gabriel x Reader
Word count: 3.3k
Warnings/Tags: Winchester sister!reader, angst, revelations, more swears
Author’s Note: This was supposed to be the final chapter, but there was a natural break in the flow of things so there will be one more after this one.  Also, the second GMC prompt was designed to fit into this chapter:  Sometimes when you least expect it, you get saved.
Special thanks to @nobodys-baby-now for keeping me excited about my writing and all her awesome love today around this fic.  BB I love you <3
***Please do not repost or copy my work to any other site without my written permission.  Giving credit does NOT count.  Reblogging is ok.***
<<Prev Chapter       Part 7
Sometimes when you least expect it, you get saved, but it wasn’t always by the ones who should have been helping you.  
“Where the hell were you?” You demanded as Cas and Gabriel appeared back in sight, your eyes blazing as you pinned the former with a dangerous look.  
You had no idea where Cas’ ass had been that entire time.  The moment Raphael had returned you had prayed for help, knowing the look on Gabriel’s face had not been a sign this was a happy family reunion.  
Yet, your friend never came.  
He never came when you told him you were face to face (or more accurately, neck to hand) with an archangel who looked seriously intent on taking a chunk out of you.  
He never came when you felt a part of you being carved out as Raphael forced his grace inside you, the electrifying, detached energy tearing through your very being and making you feel as if you were being split into a million pieces.  
He never came when desperation choked the words in your throat as Gabriel was pummeled with the holy light of heaven’s purest bedtime prayers, or whatever the shit smites were made out of.  
And he certainly never came when you had a goddamn gun pressed against your head.  Though you might have been beyond coherent thought at that point.  Still, your connection to 1-800-dial-an-angel should have kept your so-called friend informed of your ongoing situation, which involved the most elevated level of fear you’d felt since you’d all gone toe-to-toe with the devil.  
So when things escalated once again, and you found yourself hip deep in winged dicks with awful odds, you sent up the prayer of all prayers.  So help me, Cas, if Gabriel dies because you bailed on me, I have at least a dozen ideas on how to deal with you, all of which involve the business end of an angel blade.    
It was a little dramatic, sure, but Gabriel was not dying.  Not here.  Not again, and especially not because of you.  Cas was lucky you didn’t stab him on sight after the smite-fest Gabriel endured.  The only reason you weren’t roasting some feathers and letting the archangel bring the marshmallows was because the seraphim had pulled through for you at the last moment.  
It didn’t make you any less angry at him, however.
“I came as soon as I could,” Cas informed you, a little testier than usual.  A red flag popped up in the back of your mind, waving casually back and forth.  Why he, of all things this evening, would be the one to trigger it was beyond you.
Unfortunately it was like waving red at an already raging bull.
“Well it wasn’t soon enough,” you hissed as you jabbed him hard in the chest.  How dare he sound put out after what you and Gabriel had gone through.
He brought his hand up, fingertips brushing gently against your side.  Coldness washed outward from his touch, and you shuddered as his grace pushed through your skin.  It wasn’t an inherently unpleasant sensation, but after Raphael’s invasion, feeling any of them beneath your skin was disconcerting.  
He must have been searching for wounds, and his eyes narrowed intently when he didn’t find any.  He must have taken a moment to slip in a little mojo sedative, however.  At least you assumed he did, by the way you were no longer considering the best place to stab him that wasn’t guaranteed to kill him, but still might.  
“And you,” you said, rounding on the archangel and giving him a poke of his own.  “You need to look up the definition of stupid.”
“Glad to see you too, babycakes,” he said, sarcasm splashing through words, though the smile he gave appeared to be genuine.  You could tell by the way his dimples appeared.  Usually those made whatever he was trying to achieve that much more successful, but you were having none of that right now, no matter how endearing he looked.
“We should leave this place,” Cas interjected eyes glancing around warily.  
That was the best plan you’d heard all night.  
The angel didn’t even wait for you to agree.  He grabbed you both by the shoulders, and your stomach lurched as a familiar rush whooshed through you.  You weren't sure you’d ever get used to that feeling.  It was like riding the world’s longest roller coaster in the span of a second.  
It took a moment for your head to catch up, but once it did, you found yourself back in your hotel room.  Everything from the candles to the balloons had disappeared, leaving no evidence of the evening’s previous events.  Gabriel eyed the room warily, no doubt sweeping it for signs of danger.  Cas, on the other hand, just eyed him.
“Our father could not have brought you back at a better time,” the dark-haired angel said.
Then there was that little matter.  Raphael had prattled on and on about the heaven’s burning, about war, taking sides, paradise.  For a little while you had forgotten what year you were in, because it sounded awfully like the apocalypse was still on the agenda despite your family having put the kibosh on it.  
“Would someone like to tell me what the hell is going on upstairs?” You demanded, arms folding over your chest.  
“We are at war,” Cas began.  “When Sam took Michael to the cage with him, Raphael stepped in to take his place as Heaven’s leader.  He, like his brother, is a traditionalist and believes that the story must end the way that it was written.”
You swallowed.  Your cup was feeling awfully full at the moment.  You weren’t sure you could handle being told all those sacrifices had been for nothing, in addition to dealing with the rest of the crazy that was flying around.
“Are you saying… it isn’t over?” Your voice had gotten quiet, nervousness edging into your words.    
“If I have any say in it, it is,” he promised.  “There are others like me who believe we have the right to choose our own ending and that is why we’re fighting.  For your freedom and ours.”
Not just a war.  Cas’ war.  
No wonder he’d vanished.  The man was carrying the fate of Heaven and Earth on his shoulders.  
“You’re the one leading the resistance?” Gabriel demanded, and you weren’t sure what was more surprised, the angel or his eyebrows with how they nearly shot clear off his browline.  “Way to go, little bro.”  
You slowly lowered yourself onto the dresser, giving your mind a moment to catch up.  Your brain took in the new information, kicking it around for a few moments, before throwing up its hands and reminding you this was all way above your pay grade.  
Your hand slipped into your coat pocket, fingers tracing over the contour of your cell before you realized you only had one person left that you could call.  Bobby was as much your family as your brothers, but it wasn’t his voice that was going to keep you from getting caught in the ever increasing riptide.  Dean was the only one left who knew how to bring you back from the brink, and he was no longer an option.  
“You alright, cupcake?” Gabriel asked, sitting down next to you.  The subtle brush of fingers across your back brought more comfort than you wanted to admit.  You looked over, surprised to find his features heavily shuttered.  
A guarded archangel was never a good sign.  
“Yeah, just…” You paused, hair on the back of your arms rising.  Unconsciously you reached up to your neckline, tugging on your sweater.  Was the room getting smaller?  Because it felt like everything around you was suddenly shrinking.  You forced yourself to take a breath, focusing on the way your heart responded to the slow inhalation before you released it normally.
“It’s a lot to take in,” you finished, your chest feeling heavy, as if there wasn’t much air to take in at all.  Your phone became forgotten as a dissonance danced along your spine, sending signals to your muscles to stiffen.  Your nerves tingled as if you were back in that tiny interrogation room, your mind trying to rectify the difference between what you felt and the spacious accommodations you saw.
“Understandably so,” Cas said sympathetically, though his compassion fell short, overlooking the tension tightening your frame as he continued to vomit Heaven’s issues all over you.   “You should know, however, that things are not going well.  Strategically we have the advantage, but we are outnumbered.  All Raphael has to do is outlast us.  We need something to give us an edge, something to turn the tide enough to break his ranks or take him out of play.”
“Like another archangel.”  Gabriel said flatly.
“An archangel would be helpful,” Cas admitted, “But that is your decision to make, brother.”
While it didn’t surprise you that the the third member of Team Free Will would advocate for just that, Gabriel seemed suspicious.  Considering the last few encounters he’d had with his family, you couldn’t blame him.  
By the way Cas turned to you and said, “It is your help I really need,”  you would have thought he’d had the sense smited out of him earlier, because what in the Virgin Mary’s pure and pious pants were you supposed to do about anything?
“And in turn,” the seraphim went on, as if making complete sense, “I would be able to help you.”
Hope sparked fierce in your chest, burning through the oxygen in your lungs, and for a moment you couldn’t breath.  It no longer mattered what it was he thought you could offer or that you knew better than to make deals with otherworldly beings.  This was the break you were waiting for.  
“You found a way to get Sam out?”  You almost hadn't dared to ask.  A let down of that magnitude after everything else would be crushing, and you weren’t certain you had enough left in you to survive that.
Your friend paused a moment, his eyes narrowing on you.  
“Sam has been free for months now,” he told you, features becoming a contrast of hard edges and sympathetic blue orbs.  “I thought you knew.”
Free?  Sam was free?  How the shit could that be possible?
“That - that can’t be right.”  You almost laughed at the absurdity of it.  Sam couldn’t be out.  If there was anyone he would have called, it would have been you.  He would have called somebody.    
Unless... it wasn’t Sam that crawled out of there.  
“I’m sorry.  I don’t know what to say except that he is, and it is him,” he continued as if reading your thoughts.  Any other angel you would have suspected, but it was Cas.  He must have known that’s where your mind would go.  Besides, he knew better.
But if you could trust him, then that meant…
“Oh my god,” you breathed.
Somebody was in for a royal ass kicking as soon as you found him.
Your shoulders hunched, your body giving beneath the weight of all the knowledge suddenly spinning around in your head.  You were thankful to be already sitting as you felt the strength leave your system.  The blows just kept coming, and at this rate it wouldn’t be long before your brain was completely beaten to a stump.
Your pocket began to buzz, the furious movement causing you to jump as the vibrations danced across your leg.  You pulled it out to find Bobby’s name flashing across the front of the screen.  
A thought, unbidden, skittered across your consciousness: what if Cas wasn’t the only one who knew?
You immediately dismissed the notion as crazy.This was Bobby.  He wouldn’t keep something like this from you.  Yet, you couldn’t help but answer the call, vaguely aware of something shifting in the angel’s stare.
“Christ on a cracker,” Bobby grumbled, exasperation adding an extra bite to his words, “What the hell is your --”
“Is Sam out?” You cut him off, desperation infringing on the even tone you tried to keep.  You weren’t sure what answer you needed to hear more at the moment: your brother was alive or your personal circle of trust was still in tact.
The silence that followed told you all you needed to know.   
“You mean he still hasn’t told you?” Bobby asked, just as taken aback as you were.  Your heart dropped deep within your stomach.  You suddenly felt sick, disbelief preventing you from reacting right away and a pregnant, laden silence fell between you.   
“Fuck, Bobby!”  You finally found your voice, though it grew thick as the floodgates reopened.  You wanted to cry.  You wanted to celebrate.  You wanted to scream at Bobby and your brother for joining the running for douche of the year because what the actual shit?
“Why do you think I’ve been calling so much?  To schedule tea?” He retorted.  
“How long?” You demanded, proud of how you managed to keep your voice from wavering despite the stinging sentiments gathering along your lashline.  
“I dunno… five months?”  He had the decency to sound chagrined, but it was lost within the rising tide of your anger.
Five months.  
Five fucking months without a word from either of them.  
“Listen, kid, this isn’t the type of thing you just drop in a voicemail…”
Oh yes it fucking was.  That was exactly what you did after the first few days. That or you GPSd their ass and showed up on their doorstep, which was exactly what Dean would’ve done in this situation.  
Oh God, Dean.  Did he know?  
No.  There was no way.  He would never have kept that information from you.  
Then again, five minutes ago you would have said the said the same thing about Sam and Bobby.  
“Dean?” You couldn’t fully say it, as if somehow not breathing life into the fear would somehow prevent it from ever being true.  
“I may be an idjit, but I’m not an ass,” he grumbled.  
Well that was certainly debatable.
Relief swept in, brushing aside the dread that had overtaken everything.  
“He deserves to know,” you insisted, fingers digging into your eyes as you realized you would  have to be the one to tell him.  More than just the news was going to get broken if Bobby was the one delivering the message.  
“What that kid deserves is a chance to be normal.  Happy.  Not to die bloody and alone, like the rest of us will.”  You were taken back by the vehemence in his tone and you couldn’t remember the last time he sounded so fired up about anything.  “And if it were up to me, your life wouldn’t be any different.”
Was he asking you to do what you thought he was?
“But I know you,” he continued, a deep-seated weariness entering his voice.  “I know what runs in your blood won’t ever settle for normal.  But you of all people know, choosing this life means sacrificing to protect the ones who are normal, and as far as I’m concerned, Dean’s one of those people now.”  
Christ, you couldn’t touch this right now.  You couldn’t even begin to know what you were going to do with the knowledge that Sam was alive and Dean didn’t know.  Your cup was no longer overflowing, it had overflowed, tipped over, and you were all but drowning in the liquid that continued to spill out from it.
“I’ll call you back,” you managed, your inner reserves flagging.  You didn’t give him the chance to say anything else before you disconnected the call.  Your finger dug into the power button, pressing against it insistently, and you resisted the urge to throw the damn thing across the room.
If only you could make the rest of your problems disappear that easily.
Your head dropped forward, fingers gripping the edge of the dresser, and you did your best to contain your emotions.  As it was, the only thing you seemed able to hold in at the moment was the air in your lungs.
“Breathe,” Gabriel reminded after a few moments, gently squeezing your shoulder.  You brought your hands up, palming at your eyes as you felt a few tears squeeze their way loose.
“You’re upset,” Cas’ gruff voice moved closer to you.  
“I’m exhausted,” you told him, weariness weighing down your words.  “I had the worst sleep of my life this morning, I woke up feeling like I’d been on the receiving end of a good smite, and returned to a place I never wanted to set foot in again, twice, because someone decided to drop a crumb for me to follow without telling me it led to the middle of a fucking angel war and that my brother has been out of the cage for months now.”  
“I don’t understand.  How does a fragment of food lead to anything other than bugs?” Cas asked, perplexed.  
You looked up, glaring at him through a thin curtain of hair.  You might have laughed if you weren’t so done with everything.
“The news story story, Cas,” you sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose.  Hard. 
“What story?” He asked, confused.  
“What do you mean what story?” The sound of your patience finally snapping came out as a snarl in your throat.  “I prayed to you in Massachusetts and you put on the local news for Indiana in my hotel room so I would know there was a powersurge and check it out.”
“I was never in your hotel room,” he told you.  “I heard your prayer, but I was in the middle of battle and couldn’t respond.”  
You swallowed, both you and Cas’ shifting your gazes to Gabriel.
“Don’t look at me,” the archangel said, putting his hands up in front of him.  “If I’d have been there, I’d have sent you in the opposite direction.”
Said the man who had been horribly desperate to get into your pants not even an hour ago.  
There were shit ways to be told you were just a mistake and then, apparently, there was Gabriel’s way.  
“Your inner archangel is showing,” you told him, anger varnishing your sarcasm as your stare began to burn.  “You may want to look into that.”
He stiffened at the remark, eyes darting briefly to the other angel then back to you.  You expected some flippant comment, maybe a smart ass retort that was also somehow endearing.  His silence, however, spoke volumes.
“It must have been Raphael.  He must have followed you here,” Cas interrupted, concern spilling over into his voice.  
“Why the hell would Raphael be following me?” You rounded on him.  You were sick of being left in the dark about things, and you had a distinct feeling there was far more of Heaven’s problems spilling onto you than anyone had let on.
Then again, you were also sick of this night and wanted nothing more than for it to just be over.  
“Because, like your brothers, you were meant to fulfill a greater purpose.  While they were meant to bring about war, you, I believe, are a catalyst to do the opposite,” your friend explained.  By the look on his face, he was gearing up for something.  Something that was likely to make your brain fall in on itself.  Something you guaranteed you neither had the time nor patience for.  
“Wait, what?” Gabriel broke in, as if that was the last piece of insanity he could handle.
“Cas, I - I can’t even right now,” you warned, putting up a hand for him to stop.  
“What I’m about to tell you is important —”
“I mean it,” you continued, ignoring the manic light blazing within blue.  Not now. 
Either your friend was especially oblivious to the level of your distress, or he simply didn’t care.  He grabbed you by the shoulders, forcing you to hear out this final piece of information.
“Y/n… you’re a shepherd.”  
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Full Circle: @melodymishahiddlestan @gabe-crowley-trash  @the-chick-with-the-best-fandom
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kissmekissme-calum · 7 years
A Hero To Us All - Part 2- Poe Dameron X Reader
Word Count : 1.8K
Part 1 is here!
Part 2 to A Hero To Us All. Hope you enjoy, please like and reblog if you enjoyed, send me ideas for more, if you want a part 3, be sure to let me know! Thank you all!
Reqested by many :)
After a week in the medbay you were released but that didn’t mean Poe was going to let you go back into action anytime soon, not that you could as you were still on crutches and had episodes of pain. Poe was still filling you in on what he had been up to while you were away on your mission, only he had kept a few small details to himself. For now anyways.
You had finally been able to meet Finn and Rey even though when you asked how they’d met, none of them gave you a believable answer. Poe only said he’d tell you later. After the tenth time or so of him telling you that, you finally snapped on him.
“Poe, tell me what happened? You seem to like both Finn and Rey, I like them too from what I can see, even though there’s something about Rey that I can’t quite place but, as for Finn, that comes to you! What happened? Why are you so scared to tell me?”
Poe sighed as you two entered your shared room so you could rest up again. “I went to Jakku.” You nodded, you’d been told about that part of the mission. “Got the map, gave it to BB-8 and sent him to wait for me.”
Poe closed his eyes tight, clearly he was fighting back something that you couldn’t quite place, it looked like he was trying to push a memory out, a memory he didn’t like. “The First Order was there.”
Your crutches had fallen to the ground and you leaned against the wall, a hand over your heart. You were not told about the First Order being involved.
“They killed Lor San Tekka, after he’d given me the map and I gave that to BB-8. I tried to shoot Kylo Ren but he froze me, and then brought me aboard his ship.”
Forgetting temporarily about your injuries, you trudged over to Poe, falling as you got close to him but he picked you up in his arms, holding you close, tears had already formed in your eyes. “You were captured?” Your voice didn’t project, Poe strained to hear you even as close as you were.
“Yes, but Finn, he was a storm trooper, he rescued me. Got me out of there in a tie fighter, we crashed and I got back to the Resistance, then Finn returned a couple days later with Rey and BB-8.”
“He rescued BB-8 as well?”
“Rey did, she found him and with Finn’s help, they got to us. She’s getting ready to leave soon actually, to find Luke Skywalker and bring him back to help us take down Kylo Ren. R2 woke up and showed us the rest of the map. (YN), will you look at me? I’m back safe, they didn’t hurt me too bad.”
“But they still did!”
“(YN)!” his hands gently caressed your face, his eyes boring into yours. “Just as you said, you did it for the Resistance! May not have gone the way we wanted but it happened and it worked out! We hoped for it to work, it did. Hope really has helped build this Resistance, we’re both proof of that.”
“I don’t like thinking of you getting hurt, did Kylo hurt you? What did he do to you? I’ll kill him.”
“No, you won’t. I know you have hard feelings towards him, more than many here, but right now we just have to take it slow. We’ll take them down soon, don’t worry. Can you tell me something though?” He lead you over to the bed so that you could get off your pained leg.
“What?” you grunted, scooting yourself to the head of the bed, sighing as Poe placed a pillow under your leg to keep it propped up.
“You said something about Rey. Said she looked familiar but couldn’t place it.” You nodded and he went on. “She said pretty much the same thing to Finn, about you. You recognize each other, neither of you remember how, but you both recognize the other. It’s curious to everyone, even the General’s tried to find a connection but she’s come up short too.”
That had come up in your head multiple times since being introduced to her, there was just something about her that made a spark go off in your head, but nothing came up clear, you knew there was something and now that she could see it too, it made the mystery even bigger. “I don’t know honestly, Poe, I’ve tried searching my head and nothing appears. I think it may be, that I recognize her face, but not how it is now.”
“Like a younger version? You remember her younger? How can that be?” He was now massaging your feet and muscles, it felt like heaven. “You used to live on Jakku yourself, maybe you saw her around the city or something.”
Instantly, your head became a circus. Thought after thought spun around, it was a madhouse, memories of you growing up, your parents doing anything they could to get you to make them money for alcohol. Sending you out with your younger sibling, she was smaller, she could fit into more places than you could which meant a better chance of finding something more valuable and making more money so that your parents had booze to drown their yells down til they fell asleep. Your sibling, much younger than you, didn’t look a thing like you, but you were blood. You had a connection that no other siblings could possibly have, or so you thought.
Years of these memories showed up, constantly that little girl showed up, a little older in some memories, then the most frightening day of all, worst memory anyone could possess.
Your parents had run their course with the First Order, they no longer cared about the pitiless objects they were given for weapons, that did them no good, so your parents did the only thing they could think of, they sold you and your sister. To the junker, make him money for no reason.
“Mom! Dad!” you had screamed, clutching at your sister, trying to keep the junker from touching her. “Come back!” They may not have been the best parents, but they somehow managed to keep a roof over your head, with them gone and under the ownage of a junker, who knew what would become of your life.
“Come back!” your little sister yelled as the ship carrying your parents took off, not long before they were out of the planet, the little dot that was their ship, disappeared like a popped balloon. They were now gone.
“Quiet girl!” the junker yelled and grasped your sister’s arm, dragging her to his shop.
“Let her go!” you screamed, trying to tug him away from her. No one was going to take her from you, not now, she was all that you had. She was your last family member you cared about. “Get your hands off of her!”
The junker kept a hand on her and used his free arm to hit you square in the chest, sending you flying back.
“(YN)!” the little girl was now shouting with tears streaming down her face. “Sister!”
The junker dragged her back and hovered over you, a nasty smile on his face. “You weren’t sold to me girl, just this one! Get out of here, off this planet.”
“Not without my sister!”
Another smack to the face, your head felt heavy, you couldn’t lift it off the sand. “I said, leave! She’s not your sister anymore.”
You couldn’t see what he was doing, so you didn’t know he’d called for a couple of thugs to come and get you. “Take her wherever, just get her off of this planet, far from this system. She’ll only be trouble for me if she stays.”
They nodded as he dumped some coins in their hands, they then dragged you to a ship. Your last glance was of your sister, still crying as she was pulled, you couldn’t hear her but you were sure she was yelling your name.
The door of the ship closed in front of you, tears now flowing down your own face. “I’ll come back for you, Rey! They won’t keep me from you, I promise! I believe that!”
For what felt like the thousandth time that day, a blow to your head knocked you out cold. That blow alone put you in a coma for months. When you woke up, you didn’t know where you were or why you were there. You didn’t know a thing about yourself.
“Are you okay? I’m here to save you.”
You were in a musty old cell, your eyes opened to see a middle aged woman staring straight back at you.
“Who are you?” your voice was weak.
She smiled. “I’m General Leia Organa, it’d be a pleasure to have you join the Resistance. You look like you could be of help to us.”
You didn’t know why, but you nodded hard, you knew that you had a reason, more so than just doing the right thing. You grabbed her hand. “It’d be my pleasure, General, count me in!”
“(YN)! (YN)!”
You snapped out of your haze, staring into your husbands, deep chocolate brown eyes, they were wide and his hands were on your shoulders, shaking you back to your senses.
“I now know.”
You smiled and placed a hand on Poe’s arm. “Rey, I now know why I recognize her.”
“Why?” He relaxed back now that you were back in the present moment with him.
“Poe, Rey’s my…”
The door to your shared room opened and Finn and Rey burst in, for some reason, this didn’t surprise you. Finn looked out of breath while Rey had a look of purpose and understanding and relief on her face. She met your glance and gave you a wide smile.
Poe and Finn glanced at each other before back at you girls.
“What’s going on?” Finn asked.
Poe shrugged. “I wish I knew.”
You smiled. “Help me stand Poe?”
He did as you asked and you hobbled over to Rey, instantly pulling her into a huge hug that lasted forever.
“I missed you.” She mumbled, tears in her eyes, sobs threating her speech.
Your arms held her close. “I know I missed you too.”
“You never came back.”
“Something happened that made me forget.”
“Same here.”
“What’s going on?” Finn asked again, a look of peaked interest on his face.
You and Rey shared a long look when you pulled back from the hug. “I was just telling Poe when you guys came in.” You released one hand and grabbed Poe’s pulling him close to you and Rey. “Poe, this is Rey.”
You pressed a finger to his lips.
“What’s…?” Finn tried but you sent him a look that shut him up instantly.
“Boys, this is Rey. She’s my sister.”
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marie12141989 · 4 years
Happy 3rd birthday Jack Kline! I wrote a story for his first birthday but I didn't do one last year and since I'm on a Star Wars kick while I wait for my first lightsaber to come in I decided to write another fic for his birthday. This kind of goes along with my Castiel x reader series too.
You walked up to the counter with Castiel close behind you "Excuse us." you said to the lady on the other side. She looked up from the sheet she was reading before smiling at the two of you.
"Can I help you?" she asked.
"We're here to pick up a cake." you informed her. She walked over to a computer and clicked on a few things before turning back to you.
"Name?" she asked.
"Novak." you replied with, you had done a quick search of last names a few weeks ago and while Novak wasn't to common no one would be asking questions if you used it from time to time. Plus Claire was ready to vouch for you if someone said something.
"Okay I'll be back in a second." the lady said before she disappeared around a corner. You could hear her opening and closing a door before she walked back over with a large cake in her arms. "Here you are." she said before handing it over. You looked down at the cake to see pictures of Luke Skywalker fighting Darth Vader on one side of the cake, on another was a picture of a younger Anakin at his home with his mother and the other side had a picture of Rey and Ben Solo fighting Palpatine. There were figurines of C-3PO, R2-D2 and BB-8 along with the various jets they used in the movies. Underneath all of it in green lettering were the words 'Happy Birthday Jack'.
"Perfect. Thank you." you told the lady with a smile before you and Cas left. You gently placed the cake in the backseat and drove back to the bunker. Sam and Dean had finished decorating it and were putting his gifts on one of the libraries tables when the two of you got in.
"Did you get the cake?" Dean asked and with a smile and a nod you showed him. Dean and Sam looked down at it before nodding their approval and moved out of the way. You placed it in your fridge and called Jody to let her know that you were ready.
"Okay. The movie ended ten minutes ago but traffic leaving the movie theater is kind of bad so we'll be a few minutes." she told you.
"That's fine take your time. Not everyone has shown up yet." you said. As if on cue you heard the flutter of wings and turned to see Adam/Michael behind you with their gift. Dean took it and placed it with the others while Sam showed him where the drinks and snacks were. Next Garth and Bess arrived with their children along while a few hunters that were on good terms with you dropped theirs off. Everyone handed their presents over before heading off to get their drink and snack of choice, five minutes after the last guest had arrived Jody sent you a text telling you that they had just gotten to the bunker. A minute later you heard Jack talking to Jody, Donna and the girls excitedly about the movie before they steered him into the library.
"Happy birthday Jack!" everyone called out and he froze before looking around at all of the decorations. You knew that Jack loved Star Wars so you had insisted that he have a Star Wars themed party. The adults had dressed up as Jedis while the children had dressed up as Padawans, everyone had a plastic lightsaber in either red, green or blue. The balloons were of the various characters while the paper plates, cups and other items were red, blue and green. Jack's mouth hung open as he stared at all of it before he looked at all of you with tears in his eyes.
"Thank you." he said before wiping his tears away. Once he had calmed down enough he walked over to get a drink and some snacks for himself while Jody, Donna and the girls went to change. When everyone was settled you played the various party games you had come up with before doing the cake and ice cream. Once that was all done you had Jack sit in the chair by the gift table and handed him his gifts, Sam and Dean had bought him a brand new game system with age appropriate games to play, Adam/Michael had gotten him movies to watch along with posters of movies and tv shows he had told them he liked while everyone else got him either a boardgame to play, a movie to watch or various toys that they thought he would like. "Is that all of them?" he asked.
"No. Cas and I have one more to give you but it's in our room." you told him.
"I'll go grab it." Cas said before he walked out of the room. While he was gone Sam and Dean set about handing out the little party gifts you had bought for the younger guests. Each one of them thanked them before talking amongst themselves about what they had gotten. Castiel came back with a gift that was almost three feet long and one that was almost a foot long he handed them to Jack who took them despite his confused look and opened them. He looked at the brown box that both of them were in before looking back up at you.
"Here. It makes opening them easier just be careful." Sam said before handing him a knife. Jack took it from him and opened the smaller one up before turning it and gasping when a long silver lightsaber hilt fell into his hand. He quickly put the empty box down before opening the other one and just staring at the blade that came out. Dean grabbed the wrench that was in the one box before helping Jack unwrap his blade and insert it into the hilt. He secured it for him before handing it back to him along with the charger for it. Jack stared in awe at it as he just gently waved it back and forth while the kids stared at him.
"Cool! Jack got an actual lightsaber!" one of them shouted.
"My dad took me to this store that let's you make your own. But I didn't see one like Jack's." another one said as Jack plugged his lightsaber in.
"Does this mean that Jack's a jedi now?" a little girl asked.
"No. But don't worry. I'll be training him as my Padawan." you said with a wink. You had bought yourself one when you ordered Jack's and had already practiced with it. Once his was charged and everyone left you would take him to the gym and teach him how to use his. Eventually everyone went home and the five of you cleaned up the library, you walked over to your room and grabbed your lightsaber. It looked exactly like Leia's and if Cas knew how much you actually spent on it he would of popped a blood vessel.
You walked back out to the library "Jack." you called out, he stopped and turned to see what you wanted. "Grab your lightsaber and meet me in the gym." you said before turning yours own and walking away. You listened with a smile as Jack quickly unplugged his and ran to catch up with you.
Here's what Jack's lightsaber looks like
And this one is yours
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plaid-lover-bay25 · 7 years
Pairing: Jared x OFC (eventually)
Characters: Becca Ackles (OFC), Jared, Jensen, Danneel, JJ
Summary: Becca always felt like her birthday was unimportant. Always having to share it with a national holiday. Maybe this year will be different?
 Word Count: 2676
Warnings: Suggestive flirting, language, a little bit of drunkenness, nothing too bad
A/N: This popped into my head and had to be written down. Thanks to @impalaimagining for being so excited when I told her about it. And a great big thank you to my live in beta @thisisnowmylife-gdi. Love you both!! 
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 “Surprise!” The sweetest little voice of her niece rang clear through the air.
 “Wait, what’s going on? What are you doing here?” Becca had found her niece standing outside her door after hearing a quiet knock. The little blonde stood there holding a bouquet of flowers and a small assortment of balloons. Her smile shone brightly as she looked up at her aunt.
 “Happy Birthday BB!” JJ yelled excitedly.
 “Thank you, baby, but how did you get here?” The woman looked around for a moment before finally seeing her sister-in-law appear from around the house.
 “JJ, I told you to wait. Sorry, Beks.” Danneel quickly grabbed the other woman and pulled her into a tight hug. “Happy 30th birthday.”
 “Ugh, don’t mention the number.” Becca grumbled as she squeezed back and finally released her sister-in-law.
 “Ha. I’m way older so don’t even.” Dani rolled her eyes and moved back. “Besides, this one wanted to come see you before the festivities.” She had put her hand on her oldest child’s head. JJ stood there proudly and then giggled.
 “Well thank you, Munchkin.” The woman leaned down and grabbed her niece before peppering her face with kisses.
 “BB! No!” giggles rang through the air as the birthday girl continued her assault.
 “Okay. I’m done.” She finally set the little girl on her feet before looking around again. “Where’s my brother and the rest of your brood?”
 “He stayed home with the twins. Jared was apparently coming over soon to help set up for later.”
 “Oh, right. The big Fourth of July barbeque. Not sure I want to come.”
 “What? Why?” Becca could see the hurt in the other woman’s eyes.
 “I hate sharing my birthday with this holiday. No one remembers and everyone would rather celebrate the holiday. I really just want to stay home and drink by myself.”
 “No way! No ma’am.” Danneel pushed past the woman and into the house. “Come on JJ. We’re going to give BB a makeover and take her to the party.”
 “D, no.” The woman tried to protest.
 “Beks, yes.” Danneel quickly sat her belongings on the couch and grabbed her phone. “I’m going to call Jay and let him know. JJ, take your aunt upstairs and get her in the shower. I’ll be up soon.”
 “Yes, ma’am.” JJ called to her mom as she grabbed her aunts hand and pulled her up the stairs. “Come on BB, mommy wants to play makeover.”
 The woman smiled and let the little blonde pull her up the stairs and into the master bedroom. JJ crawled up onto the king size mattress and switched on the television. “Go take a bath. You’ll feel better. I’m gonna watch ‘toons.”
 With a smile and a quick nod, the woman entered the master suite and turned on the shower. Removing her clothes, she stepped under the warm spray and quickly washed her crimson hair and her petite body. After drying off with a fluffy towel, she donned her bright blue bath robe and stepped into her room. JJ sat quietly playing with her tablet and watching a cartoon. Danneel, however, was raiding Becca’s closet.
 “Do you not have any red dresses?” The older woman sounded frustrated.
 “You know I don’t wear dresses D.”
 “Beks, you have to have something in here to wear that makes you look amazing.” Danneel turned to the other woman.
 “Black, garment bag.” Becca grunted. Danneel quickly unzipped it and squealed.
 “Rebecca Anne Ackles. When did you get this little number?” Shock crossed the woman’s face as she ran her hand over the soft blue material of the short dress.
 “Oh, god. D, I shouldn’t have told you about that. Just zip it back up. I can’t wear that tonight.”
 “It’s your birthday. You can wear whatever you like.”
 “Fine, but only if I get to wear my bathing suit under it.” Becca tried to bargain.
 “No way. That dress is so not to be worn with a bathing suit.” Danneel playfully glanced at her friend.
 “You are so mean. I have one strapless bra. I never wear it.”
 “Well it’s getting used tonight!” Danneel laughed and then walked back over to Becca. “Alright, Beks, time for a makeover.”
 The younger woman groaned playfully. “Do what you want. Not like it matters. I don’t have anyone to impress.”
 Danneel scoffed as she slowly brushed the long damp curls. “I know for a fact that you are head over heels for a certain best friend of your brother’s.”
 “Am not.” Becca scoffed back.
 “Whatever, you so are.” Danneel moved in front of Becca and looked at her face. “You can’t hide the way you look at him Beks. It’s so obvious. I’m surprised Jensen hasn’t caught on yet.”
 “I… uh… damn it.” Becca covered her face and groaned.
 “I knew it.” Danneel squealed then suddenly became serious again. “B, I think he might have a thing for you two.”
 Becca leaned forward into the laugh and a tear ran down her cheek. “I’m not kidding Beks. You should see the way he looks at you when you’re not looking.”
 “You must be crazy. There is no way he’s into me. Let’s just get this makeover done and over with.”
 “Fine. Don’t believe me but you’re going to make his jaw drop tonight.” Danneel grinned and began working on the other woman’s hair again.
  Two hours and a lot of convincing later found Danneel, Becca, and JJ driving back to Jensen and Danneel’s place in time for the party. JJ was bouncing in the backseat as she saw the house come into view. “BB, you’re going to love this!”
 “Justice Jay, what did we talk about?” Danneel looked at the young girl in the rearview mirror.
 “Sorry, mommy. I didn’t mean to ruin it.”
 “You didn’t, baby, but sometimes you need to remember secrets are secrets for a reason.”
 “What’s the secret?” Becca was confused about the talk between mother and daughter.
 “We bought some fireworks for the end of the night. Jen wanted to go all out. Him and Jared were prepping when we left. Wanted to surprise all the guests.”
 “Oh, cool. I won’t ruin the surprise Monkey. Promise.” Becca looked back at her niece who was finally grinning again.
 “Okay BB. Just wait for all the good food.”
 “If your dad is manning the grill then we are definitely going to be eating good.” The woman smacked her lips and rubbed her stomach. JJ giggled and then did the same motion.
 “You two and your pigging out.” Danneel shook her head as she pulled into the garage. “JJ get out and go tell Daddy we’re back. Beks and I are going to get the drinks from the back.”
 “On it. Hurry, please!” The five-year-old rushed through the door and slammed it behind her.
 “God, I wish I still had her energy.” Dani made her way to the trunk of the SUV before pulling cases of beer from it.
 “Right? It’s like it’s endless.” Becca pulled the other case and followed Danneel into the house. “Please tell me you have mixed drinks too.”
 “Of course. Everything is setup out back.” Danneel had a mischievous grin on her face as Becca made her way to the back doors and pulled them open.
 “SURPRISE!” A loud cheer sounded through the yard. Rebecca jumped back quickly.
 “What the…”
 “Happy birthday Beks.” Danneel had appeared behind the surprised woman.
 “Wait. This is a surprise party?” Rebecca turned away from the crowd, preparing herself to run.
 “Woah, no escaping.” Danneel recognized the look on the other woman’s face and grabbed her shoulders.
 “You guys shouldn’t have done this.”
 “And why not? Everyone here wants to celebrate you. Now turn around and greet the party people.” Danneel grinned as she saw Rebecca’s resolve fall.
 “Fine, but you and Jensen are in for it.”
 “Jay and I did not come up with the idea.” With that Danneel turned the woman and pushed her towards the patio and pool area where everyone was waiting.
 Becca slowly walked out to the waiting guests. “Happy birthday Sis. Did we surprise you or did my daughter ruin it?” Jensen was standing there with JJ on his hip and smiling brightly.
 “Definitely a surprise. Oh, and I’m digging the manly scruff there Jay.” The birthday girl laughed as she playfully pushed her brother’s face away from her after he pulled her into a big hug.
 “Oh, ha. Dani loves it.” Jensen stuck his tongue out at her.
 “I bet she does.” Becca winked at him before grabbing her niece and pulling her onto her own hip. “Come on Monkey. You’ll help me greet guests.”
 “Dani did a good job with the makeover by the way.”
 “Yeah, thanks for the sabotage.” Becca glared and then turned away.
 “Here comes the birthday princess!” Yelled JJ as the two of them moved into the throng of people.
 It seemed that Danneel and Jensen had invited most everyone Rebecca knew including coworkers and old friends. “Hey, Monkey, how about we find someone we both know? Yeah?”
 Before she could finish the sentence, JJ had yelled at the back of a tall form just a few feet away from them. “Uncle Jared!”
 “JJ!” The tall man whipped around to find the little girl reaching for him and he gladly took her.
 “Wait, I thought you were my protection from all the people?” Becca fake whined.
 “You can do it BB. It’s your party, you’re ‘posed to be happy.” JJ put on her scolding face.
 “You look just like your mother, stop it.” Rebecca shot back. Jared chuckled and then looked back at JJ.
 “Leave it to me little one. I’ll make her socialize with her guests.” Jared winked at the little girl and then set her down. JJ happily ran off, headed towards the covered patio.
 Becca groaned and glared at the man. “Please, don’t make me socialize.”
 “I would never. Come on, let’s get you a drink. You deserve it.” Jared led the way to the small tent. Inside the tent were multiple tables adorned with food and beverages.
 “Thanks. I can’t believe they did this. I would rather everyone just forget like usual.”
 “Oh, sorry, it was kind of my idea. Jay mentioned that your birthday was coming up.” Jared shrugged. “It’s a big one, figured you might want to celebrate.”
 “Wait. This was your idea?” Becca couldn’t fathom why this man in front of her would want to do this for her.
 “Yeah, but Jay and Dani wouldn’t let me help with anything except setup. Sorry if it’s too much.”
 “Oh.” It was all that the woman could say. Still wondering to herself why Jared would want to do this for her. Was Danneel right? Did Jared like her too? She brushed that thought away. There was no way.
 “You okay there Beks?” Jared looked concerned.
 “Oh, yeah. Sorry. Just thinking to myself.” Becca moved to one of the tables with all the bottles for mixed drinks. “I need something strong.”
 “I got you.” Jared moved quickly, putting together her favorite drink.
 “How did you know?”
 “Rum and Sprite. It’s what you always ask for.”
 “Am I that obvious?” Rebecca blushed as she took the drink from Jared.
 “No, only to those paying attention.” He gave her that dimpled smile and then turned to look around. “Doesn’t look like any empty tables in here. How ‘bout we go sit in the gazebo?”
 “Sounds perfect.”
 Jared led the way and they each took a seat on the swing. Talk passed between them easily, catching up and random topics. Before they knew it, the sun was setting and they had each drank a considerable amount. Rebecca giggled quietly as Jared made a face about a story from work.
 “I’ll have to tease Jay about that.”
 “Don’t tease him too much. He misses you, you know.”
 “I’m right here whenever he wants to see me. Just twenty minutes away.” The woman smiled and searched the crowd to see her older brother whole body laughing at something one of her oldest friends had said.
 “I’m a shitty hostess. I’ve barely talked to anyone but you.”
 “That was my plan. To save you.” He smiled again and nudged her arm with his shoulder.
 “Thank you.” Becca decided then and there to take the leap, alcohol pumping through her system. “Jared?”
 “Yeah, Beks?” Jared sounded concerned again.
 “Do you have a thing for me?” She lowered her head, too afraid to look him in the eye.
 “Oh, uh…”
 “Oh, god. I’m an idiot. Never mind. I never said anything.” She quickly jumped off the swing and sprinted across the yard away from the gazebo and its occupant.
 She didn’t notice that Jared had followed her until he puffed up beside her. “Jared, seriously, I’m an idiot. Ignore me.”
 “You’re not an idiot. I’m surprised it took this long for either of us to say something.”
 “I am an idiot. You would never have feelings… Wait. What?”
 “Beks, I’ve had feelings for you for a long time.” Jared reached up and rubbed the back of his neck. “It took Jensen smacking upside the head to realize that I should say something.”
 “How long?”
 “That first time I met you on set. You were eighteen and so pretty. You barely looked at me the whole time Jay showed you around.” Jared was blushing by this time.
 “It took you this long? I’m definitely not the idiot.” She grinned as Jared moved closer to her.
 “Is that your way of saying that these feelings are reciprocated?”
 “Using big words will only help your chances.” Rebecca grinned brightly and moved closer to the taller man.
 “Did I tell you how beautiful you look tonight?” He placed his hands on her waist and drew her up against him.
 “What? This old thing?” Another giggle escaped before Jared crashed his lips to hers. He had to bend slightly. It took just a moment before Becca responded in kind. Her arms moving quickly to wrap around the back of his neck. The kiss kept going till the need for air took over. As they pulled away a quiet cough came from just behind them.
 “Well, that was interesting.” Jensen stood there next to Danneel wearing a shit eating grin,
 “Took you long enough.” Danneel added.
 “Seriously? You saw that?” Becca stepped back and covered her face.
 “Who didn’t see that?” Jensen laughed.
 “Don’t tease her Jay. Come on. We just wanted to let you two know that we were starting fireworks soon.”
 “Thanks guys. We’ll be right there.” Jared finally spoke up.
 “Be good to her. I know where you live, and work, and where you hide at work.” Jensen jokingly scolded his best friend.
 “Come on Jensen. Leave the other adults alone.”
 “You’re no fun.” Jensen pouted.
 “I’m tons of fun and you know it.” Danneel turned and winked at the couple left standing there before pulling Jensen away.
 “Oh, god.” Becca covered her face again.
 “No, none of that. I want to see that gorgeous face of yours.” Jared slightly pulled her hands away and placed a chaste kiss on her forehead.
 “Jared, did that just happen?”
 “You mean did I just get the best early birthday present? Hell yes!” He laughed warmly and pulled the woman into a hug.
 “We can talk later but for now let’s go watch the fireworks. I get to sit beside the birthday girl.” Jared grinned and grabbed Rebecca’s hand. They slowly made their way back to the rest of the party and took their spots on an open blanket surrounded by balloons. Clearly marking where Becca was supposed to sit.
 “I think this has been the best birthday ever.”
 “That’s good. I’m glad I could help make that happen for you. Just wait till this fireworks display.”
 “Oh, really? Pretty sure I already saw the best fireworks earlier.” She grinned brightly and moved to capture Jared’s lips again just as the first burst of sparks lit up the night sky.
 “Happy birthday Beks.”
Hope you enjoyed. Here’s some people I think would enjoy. @lucifer-in-leather @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @grace-for-sale @deanwinchesterforpromqueen @spnfangirlforeversammyrules @sammyneedsadog @bradygabrielle-blog @ellen-reincarnated1967
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