#What is Physical Literacy
ozlices · 10 months
that squid game reality show genuinely & sincerely makes me so irrationally angry & the stupid ass takes surrounding it make it so much worse.
i actually sincerely cant handle it. it makes me so irate bruh
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teddywesworl · 2 months
sorry to anyone who really loves spin of fate by aa vora but i've been struggling to get through the audiobook for an age and trying to figure out why it's such slow reading for me despite being really not that long. and at this point i think i have to get all the way through it just to do an in depth critique so my brain can rest
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noxiatoxia · 11 months
I like that the majority of people on this website's experience with narrative analysis began and ended in elementary school and you're out here still trying to drill it into their heads. It's so English Teacher-coded. I'll bless your heart because god certainly won't.
anon be careful saying these things to me because i'm already delusional about anything related to the carriage allegory youre gonna give me a superiority complex about this shit ..
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laureleikirsch · 3 months
me, using skills that in 2013 were just enough to get my certified in desktop publishing:
my coworker who seems to be about my age, possibly a couple of years older: YOU'RE A COMPUTER GENIUS
#this was prompted by a post I just saw where someone jokingly asked ''what do kids not use folders anymore?''#(i already forgot if i reblogged it or not)#and like. this example isn't quite accurate because this coworker is in my age group.#but the ''kids'' (born 2000-2005) i work with have almost zero computer literacy#none of them ever learned to touch type#none of them know how to use folders or attach files to emails (let alone how to WRITE emails)#and no one's being taught any troubleshooting or anything#(and a tangent but no one's being taught any professional or technical writing either - it's all academic writing)#(''academic'' being used very generously because i would have been skinned alive if i'd submitted writing like that for a grade)#old man screams at clouds#etc etc#it's just sad to me. like. i get that i have a past employment life in graphic design that was primarily based in desktop publishing#for the first half of it#and functional/elearning design for the second half#so i KNOW i work more quickly and efficiently than the average joe would#THAT PART IS FINE#but the fact that my coworker has so little of a fucking clue that she can't even process what i'm doing?#the fact that i've basically taken over all of our data entry tasks because she has no idea how to describe a physical location on a map?#i'm not a computer genius. my skills in the past were generally considered mediore or a hair above.#but computer literacy is getting worse and worse and it's terrifying in our current technology climate
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probablyaseamonster · 4 months
Oh, it's pride month today?
Sorry, I was focusing on how something really bad happened irl at 1 AM on June 1st by coincidence and I might be falsely imprisoned. Like legit, prison. Or the psyche ward. *it's one of the bad ones*
Sorry about the bad news folks. Super excited for pride month, obviously, as a bisexual asexual possibly nonbinary girl, wish I could celebrate it irl but the internet is better anyways! Please don't get me wrong I am not homophobic (I genuinely do need to say this I have been crucified on a number of occasions, sorry if you're offended or you think I think you're stupid. I am also a human being please.).
Also the only reason I'm asking here is because everyone who's in a position to help me has decided to gaslight for fun so I'm putting my voice here where it might actually be heard- tell my story pls ok goodbye *hurriedly shuts off audio recording/unwanting*
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wonnieaura · 9 months
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Getting your life back in 2024 (leveling up to the max)
In 2024, leveling up your life involves a holistic approach to personal growth. Start by setting clear, achievable goals in various aspects of your life—career, relationships, health, and personal development. Cultivate a growth mindset, embracing challenges as opportunities to learn and improve.
1. **Define Your Goals:** Clearly outline what you want to achieve in different areas of your life. Break down larger goals into smaller, actionable steps.
2. **Continuous Learning:** Invest time in expanding your knowledge and skills. Read books, take courses, attend workshops, and stay curious about the world around you.
3. **Health and Wellness:** Prioritize your physical and mental well-being. Incorporate regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and sufficient sleep into your routine.
4. **Mindfulness and Self-Care:** Practice mindfulness to stay present and reduce stress. Incorporate self-care rituals into your routine, ensuring you take time for activities that bring you joy and relaxation.
5. **Build Strong Relationships:** Cultivate meaningful connections with friends, family, and colleagues. Invest time in building positive and supportive relationships.
6. **Financial Literacy:** Improve your financial knowledge and habits. Set a budget, save, and invest wisely to secure your financial future.
7. **Career Development:** Set professional goals, seek opportunities for growth, and stay adaptable in the ever-changing job market. Network and build a strong professional support system.
8. **Embrace Change:** Be open to change and view it as a chance for growth. Adaptability is a key skill in navigating life's uncertainties.
9. **Time Management:** Organize your time efficiently. Prioritize tasks, minimize distractions, and create a schedule that allows for both productivity and relaxation.
10. **Gratitude Practice:** Cultivate gratitude by reflecting on the positive aspects of your life. This mindset shift can enhance your overall well-being.
Remember, the journey of leveling up is ongoing. Regularly reassess your goals, celebrate your achievements, and stay committed to continuous improvement. As you evolve and grow, you'll find that your life becomes more fulfilling and aligned with your aspirations.
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neil-gaiman · 4 months
Hello I hope you’re having a nice day!! I don’t know if you’ve answered this before but I had a question concerning The Sandman about a debate I can’t get a clear answer to.
About Desire and Unity’s relationship; would it be considered rape? In my initial interpretation (as someone who became a fan via the show and hasn’t finished the comics yet) I interpreted the comic’s mention of it as being through the perspective of the doctors — the only conclusion that would be understandable in the waking world. In the show, Unity regards Desire with fondness/nostalgia, so I assumed they ‘seduced’ or ‘courted’ her in her dream and thus was fairly consensual. But because it’s a very very complex and impossible situation, would it still be considered rape since she didn’t technically consent in the waking world? Does her consent hold the same gravity since she wasn’t fully aware? Would Unity herself consider it rape/sexual assault?? Are the situations (comic vs show) different canons??
(Again I haven’t finished the comics so maybe this has already been answered, I get confused and lost by small details very easily so my media literacy isn’t always the best lol)
What’s your general feelings on this?? BTW THIS IS NOT ME CONDEMNING YOU FOR EITHER OUTCOME OF COURSE!! I think these conversations are very important to have in all sorts of medias. And I know it’s especially difficult and even unfair at times to hold supernatural beings or situations to the same justices or perspectives as humanity. Also the time period would probably affect things as well. I just wanted to know cause Desire is one of my favourite characters and I’m not sure if I should feel guilty for that. Anyways I’m rambling THANK YOU FOR READING I LOVE YOUR WRITING ‼️
(Sorry if I was meant to censor rape I forgot if tumblr censors it or not 🤡)
Unity fell in love with someone in her dream, had a number of interactions and had consenting sex with them in her dream. In the waking world, her body parthenogenically reproduced. No physical interaction occurred in the waking world. No DNA was exchanged.
Beyond that, you're on your own.
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nightcolorz · 3 months
it’s so wild to me when people talk about Armand and Louis’s dynamic as if since Armand is a lot older then Louis he always has the upper hand and Louis can’t “really” hurt him, like 💀it’s not like Armand was severely tortured his entire childhood and treated like a slave who was incapable of being anything other then an object his entire adulthood until he was eventually kidnapped and indoctrinated into a cult where he was beaten and starved and tortured into compliance, all of this forcing him to believe that there is no existence for him that doesn’t include submission to the greater power. wow it’s not like Armand isn’t capable of understanding or fully comprehending any of the things he’s experienced throughout his long life because he has been so severely traumatized that he can’t remember 80% of his existence and has regressed to a point bcus of his upbringing where he starts to panic and loose his shit if he doesn’t have a daddy/master to take care of him and to submit to bcus if he doesn’t have someone there telling him what to do he’s nothing. It’s not like this means that Armand will do anything to not be abandoned bcus he literally can not live independently. It’s not like Armand’s age only says anything about his physical strength bcus hes the most lost, learned helpless, confused and fumbling character in the series and he has learned nothing from anything he has been through. But yeah for sure, Armand is older so he always has the upper hand and Louis hurting him doesn’t mean anything cuz Armand can’t be hurt haha he’s too strong. Seems legit. Armand is old so he isn’t capable of being extremely emotional vulnerable and Louis is young (over 100 yrs old) so he’s not capable of recognizing a vulnerable person and taking advantage of that vulnerability for his own gain (it’s totally not like his job as a mortal was doing exactly that). Ten out of ten nuance and complex analysis guys the old one is powerful and the young one is weak thanks for that stunning show of media literacy 👏👏
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nexysworld · 6 months
Dead Dove, Content Entitlement, and Fandoms
There's been no end of posts clogging up popular fandom tags with arguments and opinions on dark content, dead dove, and related things. While I've seen some decent posts that go over media literacy and dark content, I personally feel like none fully encompass my entire feelings on this nor provide all the points that I feel are important.
I know people have strong feelings on this subject, and I'm not expecting to immediately change anyone's minds. But I hope maybe I can toss some food for thought out there, or provide further context from both a victim of SA as well as a content creator. This has been bothering me for a while now to the point where it has been making me no longer want to write or engage in fandoms on Tumblr, and so I needed to get this out there with my stance. I've also had people in my inbox stating that my dark content is somehow morally better than other writer's dark content. TW: Mentions of dark content including discussions of noncon/dubcon, harassment, SA, etc.
Addressing Common Points
If you write or consume [INSERT CONTENT], you're romanticizing and endorsing it and that makes you a bad person. Or, you're weird/wrong/gross for it. I see this brought up primarily with dubcon/noncon topics. It should go without saying, but fiction is fantasy, it's separate from real life. Adults who consume this type of content understand that these things are NOT ok in real life. But to take it a step further, I want to stress that having noncon fantasies is actually INCREDIBLY common. In studies regarding these fantasies, nearly 50% or more of people who participated admitted to having fantasies that align with these topics the majority of which are women. Not only that but these kinds of fantasies are even more common in people who have been victims of these crimes. This isn't some niche thing only liked by a minority of people. If you don't believe me here's an example of ONE study, but there's plenty of easily accessible information out there. By conflating consuming/writing this content with someone's moral character stigmatizes these feelings further and does more harm than good. And I know what you're thinking though. But why? Why would someone who's gone through something like that fantasize about something so awful? Why is this appealing to anyone, victims or not? Fiction creates a safe space to explore topics. In fiction there are no real victims, no one is actually getting hurt, it's all fake. The characters aren't real and if at any point as the reader you are too uncomfortable to continue, you can stop and exit. You can like the idea of a fictional person tossing you around, while also feeling uncomfortable if a real life man tried to pick you up a the bar or didn't take no for an answer. There's also "normal" things you can fantasize about, but not want to participate in IRL.
Hypocrisy and what is considered dark content? This won't apply to everyone, but I've seen a number of people who claim to be anti-dark content but reblog things that are non consensual, perhaps without realizing it. And this is especially true for those who are younger on here. Please understand that noncon/dubcon does not inherently need to be violent or gory. Any situation in which there's a lack of consent or a power imbalance is inappropriate. Somno fics? If it's not explicitly stated that it was agreed upon prior in the fic, that is still non consensual even if it's written to be "sweet.", even if it's a pre-established relationship. Professor x student fics? There's power imbalance there. There's a reason you cannot have a relationship with your teachers in real life. Hybrid fics? Most people write hybrids as completely sentient people who are treated as sex slaves. They have little choice or are "following instinct." You cannot consent to someone who literally OWNS you after adopting you. You get the gist. There's far more to consent than physically manhandling someone. Yet because these things are written in a way that contextualizes them as being "sweet" and "normal", they aren't considered dark content by many people. If you're ok with the above, you have to understand that these ARE forms of dubcon/noncon. I would even argue that these are more romanticizing of these topics than stuff that's far more explicit in nature. If you would be pissed if your IRL partner tried to feel you up in your sleep, but enjoy somno fics, or enjoy the Taboo of Professor Leon, but wouldn't fuck your actual college professor - then that is the EXACT way in which people who enjoy even "darker" content can enjoy the fiction whilst not partaking in real life.
It sets a bad example for younger people on the website/"protect the children." Children shouldn't be looking at smut in general, dark content, vanilla content, etc. I don't know what else to tell you. It is NOT the job of content creators to try and police what teenagers do on the internet, that's between them and their parents. The majority of creators who make 18+ content explicitly state MDNI and block those younger than 18 if we discover them trying to interact with us. That is the most that we can and should be expected to do.
[INSERT CHARACTER] would NEVER act like that, it irritates me when people write them as OOC. Fanfiction is by definition NON canon. The only people who truly know how a character is supposed to act are the people who created those characters. But I want to add on to this, there are plenty of times in which a character acts entirely OOC even in fluffy or vanilla fanfiction. Every writer is going to have a different interpretation of how a character acts or thinks - and yet it's only really complained about when it's dark content. These characters are not real. Leon cannot be upset or hurt by people writing dark content about him, because he doesn't exist. Part of the fun of fanfiction, at least in my opinion as well, is justifying certain things within the context. Many dark content writers will and do explain why the character became how they are or why they think that way using canon as context - not that I think it's required because fanfiction can be whatever you want it to. The point is, dark content or not, not everyone will be on the same wavelength as you about your favorite character.
Even if you're a victim of SA or other crimes, you should get professional help, not read dark content. This is a very bad take in my opinion. Mental health care can be incredibly hard to get. Reading fanfiction is free, it's harmless. But genuinely, imagine you're a victim of a heinous crime, and you're already struggling with feelings regarding it - to then be mobbed by people online telling you that you're weird and wrong for having the feelings that you do? This is also in league with my first point, but having these feelings are actually VERY normal. This is a healthy way to process the emotions in a safe environment where no real person gets hurt, where you can leave whenever you want. Stigmatizing these things does hurt real people though.
You're hurting other people who're victims of these things. Look, if a fic is not properly TW then I fully understand. Every victim will have a different experience, and while some may be ok with dark content, others won't. So if you open a fic expecting it to be one thing and it's another, that's shitty. But tags are there for a reason. If you see something marked Noncon, and that's triggering for you, no one is expecting you to read it. And here's the thing with tags/tw's as well, everyone's trauma is different. Something that one person might not consider dark content, or is generally considered innocuous might trigger someone else. If you are one of those people who think even seeing the trigger warning could be harmful to people, then that's a prime example of WHY you must curate your own experience online. Block certain words, tags, and phrases to make sure you don't see them. But that's on YOU to do, not people who create content. Their only responsibility is to warn you about the contents of the content they've made, their responsibility stops beyond that point. You know what DOES affect real people besides the stigmatization of their feelings or kinks? Harassing them. Leaving hate comments, telling people to unalive themselves. These affect the mental health of the real people behind the content that you don't like. I've seen death and rape threats SENT to dark content writers.
Dark content in other forms of media. It's interesting to me that the majority of discussion around dark content comes from people criticizing fanfiction specifically. Take horror movies for example. The Saw Franchise, we'll say. Do you think the creators of that series want to enact those horrible things onto other people? Do you think they want to be the victims of Jigsaw themselves? What about people who watch content like that? You probably don't think that they do. There's TONS of movies, music videos, even horror novels that have incredibly, and I mean INCREDIBLY dark dead dove content - and yet most people understand that the appeal is in the taboo. That it's fiction. That people who consume THOSE forms of media don't want to participate in those things but do enjoy consuming that content. But when it's fanfiction it somehow becomes a problem.
Entitlement and demand of fandom content. In addition to all of the above, there is a major uptick in people complaining about the content within fandoms some not even relating to dark content. "There's too many stories where reader acts like X." "I hate how so many people characterize this person because that's now how they would act!" "Why is there so much smut? Why can't there be more of {insert what I want}". This is FREE content made by people who do this stuff as a hobby. No one owes you content, and no one HAS to write the way you want them too. If there's tons of content like that, then it's because it's popular. Perhaps your version of a character is in the minority opinion, and that's completely ok!
What's the solution to all of this discourse?
Be the change you want to see! If you feel like there's too many x reader fics where the reader doesn't act how you want - then write it the way you want. Do you have head canons about a series or character that you haven't seen discussed before? Make that post yourself! If you don't feel there's enough fluff in the fandom - then create some! And if you don't want to make content yourself - request it, commission it. Interact with your favorite writers! Encourage them, don't demand. Talk with them about their work, leave comments, and reblog, reblog, reblog!! Being a part of the discussion and interaction is the BEST way to help the community thrive. Surround yourself with the content that YOU want, curate YOUR experience. Block every dark content writer you see if it helps. Go into your Tumblr settings, block words, block tags. Don't set yourself up to be upset or bothered by the content you're getting. Even if you read the above and you still think every dark content writer is a horrendous, awful person - the best thing to do is still block them. Block their content. Harassing them and complaining on it will NOT stop that content from existing. But you will continue to upset yourself by not curating your own experience.
If you made it through all that, thank you for reading. I want to add that my blog WILL continue in the future to have a mix of both dead dove and regular content. I also interact with other dark content blogs, so if you're someone who followed me because of my "regular" fics and want to unfollow/block me, I'm ok with that. <3
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identitty-dickruption · 2 months
okay let's fucking go what is the social model of disability actually about?
the first thing you need to understand is the divide between disability and impairment. this is best understood as parallel with the sex/gender distinction drawn by some feminists. the social model says that impairment is medical and disability is social
impairments are understood as innate features of how your body functions (or. doesn't function). think about symptoms that are held in your body/mind. pain. fatigue. anhedonia. etc. you have an impairment when your body/mind/bodymind does not function in the ways expected of a healthy/abled human body
disabilities are more socially and culturally contingent than impairments. a disability is generated when a person's impairments are not met with adequate social structures, built environments, etc. this is where you might see claims such as "a wheelchair user is disabled by an inability to walk in the same way as an aeroplane user is disabled by an inability to fly". here we are thinking about social and cultural attitudes as well as a lack of physical accessibility
it is from this fundamental binary that the social model emerges. the social model says:
while impairments are real and can be disabling on their own, disability emerges or is worsened by a failure of society to adequately cater to differences of body and mind
there is a dialogue between bodies and environments that changes the nature of ability and disability from moment to moment
there is a coherent identity group we can call "disabled people". this group is bound together by shared social experiences, and are subject to shared discrimination/oppression
disability is contingent on social and cultural factors in such a way that someone who is considered disabled in one place would not necessarily be considered disabled in a different place (e.g. in an environment of high illiteracy and low reliance on written communication, dyslexia is less disabling than in an environment where literacy is assumed)
disability is not a personal tragedy, and disabled people do not exist to be pitied by abled people
all of these features of the social model of disability are 100% open to criticism. there is a grey area between impairment and disability that isn't well catered to by the social model. there are issues with calling 'disability' a coherent identity group for all the usual identity politics reasons. etc etc. criticisms of these nature are entirely acceptable and reasonable, and I agree with a lot of them (which is why I am not a supporter of the social model, I'm a supporter of the political-relational model)
however. criticisms that narrow down to "but not 100% of disability is socially constructed".... yeah not valid, acceptable, or reasonable. on account of the fact that the social model Does Not Say That. Michael Oliver (the creator of the social model) himself admits that it's not 100% social. which is why he isn't arguing that everything is social. he's just not
I recommend reading Tom Shakespeare's analysis of the social model of disability. the key parts of this analysis can be found in the disability studies reader 4th edition, which you can find here: https://ieas-szeged.hu/downtherabbithole/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Lennard-J.-Davis-ed.-The-Disability-Studies-Reader-Routledge-2014.pdf
sorry for the long post hope it helps
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girls--complex · 2 months
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So. Yeah. I can do this in the interest of vaguely trying to be helpful. I feel bad about brain vomiting at anon and then not editing myself when this is probably all they really wanted from me.
As you know I'm very much an intellectual who very much has a well researched and developed system of thought that I use and am not, like, just some woo ass freakazoid stoner, with holes in her brain and kind of a shitty education, who doesn't really inherently enjoy reading books. Yes reading books is extremely boring but I love to do it because I am oh so smart.
Soooo I'm limiting myself to FIVE books because five is a nice number. They are not books that require a great deal of literacy or education to read, or else I would not have read them. They are books that give what I feel is a helpful perspective on the Christian tradition. They will be listed in descending order of how much they mean to me personally to underscore the fact that I'm just some guy who is moreover just saying shit.
The Cost of Discipleship (Dietrich Bonhoeffer) Read this book if you want the text of the gospels to glow and pulsate when you read it and it doesn't already do that. Or you want it to do that more. Or you don't want to endlessly strive to be happy or healthy or a decent person anymore you just want to live. You won't like it but you can't argue with the testimony of Bonhoeffer's life. And then if you keep reading it you will like it. Sorry that it's Lutheran but no I'm not.
The Universal Christ (Richard Rohr) Read this book if you don't care about being cool or smart and you just want to be fucking happy for once.
Revelations of Divine Love (Julian of Norwich) Read this book if you want to encounter more than you want to interpret, if you enjoy freaky medieval shit that's actually awesome, if you are in the mood to scream and cry and throw up, or if you are considering a career in nursing.
The Sermons of Meister Eckhart (U know...) Read this book if you don't understand anything or if you feel like you understand anything or if you're a big fan of dharmic religions and want to read the Mandukya Upaishad as recieved by a catholic. Whats cool is they're all pretty short.
The Physics of Angels (Fox & Sheldrake) Read this book if you have some type of a heart for scary woo shit or want to develop a more balanced relationship to woo-ology, or if you want an overview of angels in the Christian tradition that steers clear of thoroughness or academic reliability in favor of wild psychedelic speculation and unchecked boomer optimism.
Thank U for asking me because I love to share. I know it's my blog so I can technically post whatever I want but I also don't want to post things no one cares about because that defeats the purpose of posting. OK bye.
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spocks-kaathyra · 1 year
thoughts about the Cardassian writing system
I've thinking about the Cardassian script as shown on screen and in beta canon and such and like. Is it just me or would it be very difficult to write by hand?? Like.
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I traced some of this image for a recent drawing I did and like. The varying line thicknesses?? The little rectangular holes?? It's not at all intuitive to write by hand. Even if you imagine, like, a different writing implement—I suppose a chisel-tip pen would work better—it still seems like it wasn't meant to be handwritten. Which has a few possible explanations.
Like, maybe it's just a fancy font for computers, and handwritten text looks a little different. Times New Roman isn't very easily written by hand either, right? Maybe the line thickness differences are just decorative, and it's totally possible to convey the same orthographic information with the two line thicknesses of a chisel-tip pen, or with no variation in line thickness at all.
A more interesting explanation, though, and the one I thought of first, is that this writing system was never designed to be handwritten. This is a writing system developed in Cardassia's digital age. Maybe the original Cardassian script didn’t digitize well, so they invented a new one specifically for digital use? Like, when they invented coding, they realized that their writing system didn’t work very well for that purpose. I know next to nothing about coding, but I cannot imagine doing it using Chinese characters. So maybe they came up with a new writing system that worked well for that purpose, and when computer use became widespread, they stuck with it. 
Or maybe the script was invented for political reasons! Maybe Cardassia was already fairly technologically advanced when the Cardassian Union was formed, and, to reinforce a cohesive national identity, they developed a new standardized national writing system. Like, y'know, the First Emperor of Qin standardizing hanzi when he unified China, or that Korean king inventing hangul. Except that at this point in Cardassian history, all official records were digital and typing was a lot more common than handwriting, so the new script was designed to be typed and not written. Of course, this reform would be slower to reach the more rural parts of Cardassia, and even in a technologically advanced society, there are people who don't have access to that technology. But I imagine the government would be big on infrastructure and education, and would make sure all good Cardassian citizens become literate. And old regional scripts would stop being taught in schools and be phased out of digital use and all the kids would grow up learning the digital script.
Which is good for the totalitarian government! Imagine you can only write digitally. On computers. That the government can monitor. If you, like, write a physical letter and send it to someone, then it's possible for the contents to stay totally private. But if you send an email, it can be very easily intercepted. Especially if the government is controlling which computers can be manufactured and sold, and what software is in widespread use, etc. 
AND. Historical documents are now only readable for scholars. Remember that Korean king that invented hangul? Before him, Korea used to use Chinese characters too. And don't get me wrong, hangul is a genius writing system! It fits the Korean language so much better than Chinese characters did! It increased literacy at incredible rates! But by switching writing systems, they broke that historical link. The average literate Chinese person can read texts that are thousands of years old. The average literate Korean person can't. They'd have to specifically study that field, learn a whole new writing system. So with the new generation of Cardassian youths unable to read historical texts, it's much easier for the government to revise history. The primary source documents are in a script that most people can't read. You just trust the translation they teach you in school. In ASIT it's literally a crucial plot point that the Cardassian government revised history! Wouldn't it make it soooo much easier for them if only very few people can actually read the historical accounts of what happened.
I guess I am thinking of this like Chinese characters. Like, all the different Chinese "dialects" being written with hanzi, even though otherwise they could barely be considered the same language. And even non-Sinitic languages that historically adopted hanzi, like Japanese and Korean and Vietnamese. Which worked because hanzi is a logography—it encodes meaning, not sound, so the same word in different languages can be written the same. It didn’t work well! Nowadays, Japanese has made significant modifications and Korean has invented a new writing system entirely and Vietnamese has adapted a different foreign writing system, because while hanzi could write their languages, it didn’t do a very good job at it. But the Cardassian government probably cares more about assimilation and national unity than making things easier for speakers of minority languages. So, Cardassia used to have different cultures with different languages, like the Hebitians, and maybe instead of the Union forcing everyone to start speaking the same language, they just made everyone use the same writing system. Though that does seem less likely than them enforcing a standard language like the Federation does. Maybe they enforce a standard language, and invent the new writing system to increase literacy for people who are newly learning it.
And I can imagine it being a kind of purely digital language for some people? Like if you’re living on a colonized planet lightyears away from Cardassia Prime and you never have to speak Cardassian, but your computer’s interface is in Cardassian and if you go online then everyone there uses Cardassian. Like people irl who participate in the anglophone internet but don’t really use English in person because they don’t live in an anglophone country. Except if English were a logographic writing system that you could use to write your own language. And you can’t handwrite it, if for whatever reason you wanted to. Almost a similar idea to a liturgical language? Like, it’s only used in specific contexts and not really in daily life. In daily life you’d still speak your own language, and maybe even handwrite it when needed. I think old writing systems would survive even closer to the imperial core (does it make sense to call it that?), though the government would discourage it. I imagine there’d be a revival movement after the Fire, not only because of the cultural shift away from the old totalitarian Cardassia, but because people realize the importance of having a written communication system that doesn’t rely on everyone having a padd and electricity and wifi.
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gynandromorph · 4 months
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this comic comes about 2-3 days (canonically) after this comic. it's occurring around dawn.
misgivings in design is a tongue-in-cheek reference to avery, but they are otherwise unrelated. misgivings is a [looks at notes] a neural researcher with a focus on doxastic and epistemic modality.
it felt weird to have it all white, so i tried to mimic the abstract coloring in nofna to save time...... it still took a century to color anyway.
Legend's style has developed so that she creates whole words at once after feedback from pegging on literacy -- literate people read writing as entire words, not letter-by-letter. word comprehension, like phonological recognition, is instantaneous and involuntary for a literate person.
after this encounter, Legend's style will develop to focus more on memory and the automatic perception of chronological events as a narrative than writing specifically. thus far, the style is less effective on people who can't read at all, but you can see here it does work on people who physically or mentally cannot read what she "writes," as with escapism working on misgivings even though she was unaware of the writing.
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bellamer · 2 months
My knowledge of X Men is minuscule as hell but I do know the people that claim that Rogue cheated on Gambit and that Rogue didn’t love Gambit as much as he loved her are fucking morons with the media literacy of potatoes. No not potatoes because even potatoes can see how much they love each other. Like they genuinely watched or read that shit with their eyes closed and with their fingers in their ears.
Like that’s they missed the entire tragic point of their romance and completely ignored Rogue’s feelings to paint her has some cheater who doesn’t give a shit about Gambit when the entire point is that she doesn’t trust herself enough not to hurt him and has this sense of self loathing because she can’t give him what she thinks he needs which is physical contact and she wants to be touched as well. She loves Gambit so much that she’s hurting herself by not letting him be with him and her self loathing of her powers isn’t solely based on Gambit, it’s because she’s hurt someone she cared for dearly before and she doesn’t want to risk doing it again.
Like seriously stop making it like Gambit is the sole victim in this relationship when he’s not, yall just like to villainize female characters for no fucking reason because your poor pookie male character got hurt
So like… fuck you.
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house-of-mirrors · 8 months
Positive post: I like math, it's cool and useful! The culture of blindly hating math is a problem in an increasingly anti-intellectual society. We need some revisions to the way it's taught to make it more accessible and relevant. In fact, an entire branch of science isn't arcane devil magic!
Comment on tumblr "how dare you say we piss on the poor" dot com: you weren't talking to me but this is ableist because some people have dyscalculia
Record scratch.
Every single post I've seen about enjoying math inevitably has at least one comment like this and it entirely misses the point on multiple levels. Would you say reading and literacy is ableist because some people have dyslexia? No, so leave math alone.
Not everyone can do higher dimensional calculus, but not everyone can read middle English or carve a marble statue either. The experts in each field find great beauty in what they study. Isn't the human spirit of exploration and creativity great?
Like... I use a cane, are athletes ableist because not everyone can participate? I have food allergies, is the dairy industry ableist? Is the sun itself ableist because I get migraines? My hands shake and make it impossible to create precise lines and painful to hold an instrument for more than one minute, is the entire field of visual arts and the community around artists ableist?
The rhythms of calculus and physics are as beautiful as a symphony or a poem or a painting, get out of my house
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mcytblrconfessions · 17 days
I'm eternally grateful to the life series fandom for introducing me to the crane wives band. They're my favourite music artist by far and have been a special interest of mine pretty much since I started listening. However. I don't think a single person in the life series fandom has an ounce of lyric literacy because why are you people assigning songs to characters that blatantly dont fit, then claiming its "literally written for them". Just no?? For example, "Pretty Little Things" is about a woman lamenting over her past physically and mentally abusive loves and how they have ruined her ability to love again and the trauma she bears from them (simplified). That is not desertduo? That is not flower husbands? That is not any popular yaoi ship? What song did you people listen to for you to think that fits them? this is a really small and petty thing to get annoyed over but my life series and tcw hyperfixations are completely separate and my autism is so utterly infuriated by people being wrong about my Thing.
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