#What is Waiting in the Woods
samglyph · 1 year
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I can’t be the only member of the unhealthily obsessed with gravity falls as a kid to unhealthily obsessed with malevolent as an adult pipeline
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londondungeon2 · 2 months
ok but imagine you and jade are on a hike together for the mountain lovers club blah blah blah something something you happen to go further than you ever have before. a lot of foliage in Twisted Wonderland is magical to some extent. however, you two never imagined stumbling among woodland shapeshifters.
you only happen to realize it when jade grabs your arm in concern (sensing you two have gone too far) pulling you back to face him and coming face to face with one jade with another one behind him. soon enough, another you crops up from the foliage.
even with jade’s keen smell, he can’t distinguish between you and your double. after some comedic back and forth of trying to discover who the real one is (even jade’s unique magic cannot get the shapeshifter to reveal themselves!), it finally happens!
jade — seeing no other option and seeing yours / your double genuine distress — confesses through gritted teeth that he has feelings for you. serving you his best kept secret on a plate.
only for you (the real you) to take his double’s hand and run away in victory, smiling because you finally figured which one is the shapeshifter and which one is not!! YIPPEE!
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peachfruitcake · 7 months
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not really here anymore
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sherbetyy · 1 year
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what is he doing………………….
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yuwuta · 2 months
gojo assistant to gojo househusband is EVERYTHING to me he’d be so good at it. packing up bentos before work, visiting u for a lunch break, visiting u for a shoulder and neck massage. hes just so cute. i bet that even when he gets to a househusband role he’d still do some assistant duties and he absolutely is against u getting another assistant bc he’s been that guy and he knows u are too easily fallen in love with. he’d probably only give up that role to someone that he trusts 100% and knows that won’t fall in love with you like yuuta and even then he probs gets a tiny bit irrationally jealous when yuuta knows a lot about your schedule and habits bc that’s HIS job but a lil smooch from u will have him too flustered to even remember what initially ticked him off
when he finally makes it out of the work husband territory, he’s already wildly insufferable as a boyfriend. but when he finally becomes your husband? all bets are off—if people thought satoru couldn’t be louder or prouder of you they were so, so very wrong. he was born for this. 
sends you off with a bento and a kiss every single morning, and then calls you right before lunch time to remind you to actually take your lunch break and eat—and maybe because he wants compliments on the food he made you. when he can’t send you off with lunch, he has yuuta deliver it for you, or he drops it off himself, which is always a welcome surprise, not just for you, but everybody in the office. it’s nice that he’s remembered so fondly, and some days he does miss it, but he wouldn’t trade in being your husband for the world. 
so true about yuuta being his replacement—satoru was very, very thorough in the vetting process of hiring your new secretary. he knows how easy it is to fall in love you, he knows what it’s like to be the work husband and he refuses to hire anybody else who might think even slightly like him. so, call it nepotism or call it favoritism, but yuuta is one of maybe three people satoru actually trusts with the job. turns out yuuta is best suited for it anyway, which brings satoru even more relief. on the days he really misses you, it makes him pout when you recount all the times yuuta saved your ass, but a kiss or two really is he needs to be brought back to reality. 
he’s always calling or texting you with paint samples or fabric samples, and you’ve learned to not try and make sense of satoru’s interior design priorities. you really don’t think that the guest bathroom needs new wallpaper, but he does and if he wants to install it, who are you to stop him. so many days you come home from work and he’s like, “oh, babe, my mom called in a friend of a friend and turns out her husband can make us our own version of that vintage couch you saw in the museum display last week,” which is. absolutely insane because that’s easily a $25,000 couch, but he just waves you off about it and asks you what color you want it in—he’ll handle everything else. 
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fingerpee · 4 months
Small photo dump you can tell I’m excited for the comeback
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spockandawe · 3 months
Okay, it's not a good *wallet* habit, but i highly recommend cultivating a stress response of acquiring a new niche hobby. Work is hard? New hobby! Never enough hours in the day to do important things? NEW HOBBY. It's a flawless solution, don't even worry. I have no idea how long I'm going to be preoccupied with this, because I'm accelerating but have no gauge for max speed, but straw marquetry time
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frogatz · 9 months
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wind waker save me
wind waker
save me wind waker
(last page is frommmm march 2023 when my friends first played thw forest haven. the consensus on it has not changed)
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m4ggotm0ld · 4 months
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kazoohu · 11 months
Will Wood busting out his Nokia to release another banger song
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dramatic-dolphin · 6 months
feeling the urge to hop off the bus at budakeszi and disappear into the woods. as always.
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secondbeatsongs · 10 months
I have a saw, and I'm not afraid to use it (woodworking affirmation)
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sunmoontruth-stiles · 6 months
I need a completely rewritten teen wolf series with Derek Hale as the main character. I think it would heal me.
#we follow Derek from New York. Laura left for beacon hills. it’s been six years since he was back but he hasn’t heard from her#and hes going stir crazy waiting. he packs up and travels back. it’s almost too much immediately. he still can’t get a hold of Laura#he can’t resist going home. it’s like a natural pull that guides him back. all at once he’s 16 again. staring at the wreckage of his life#deputy stilinski is sherrif now. it’s reassuring in the slightest that the police force seems to have moved on from how corrupt it was#he catches her scent and it’s putrid. bile catches in his throat. he seeks it out. still in denial to what he knows it means.#when he finds Laura it’s like the world ends all over again. he can’t stand to see her like this. he gives her a proper burial.#the best he can do at least#he visits Peter. he’s not the man Derek remembers- so full of fire and cunning. their relationship may have been strained at times.#often Derek felt more like Eve being swayed by the snake than a normal friendship#but this isn’t the sharp tongued uncle who guided him. this is a broken shell. all that remained of his family. he was so lost.#22 but he barely knew how to function without his family- his pack paving the way#Laura handled everything. she got the apartment. she made sure they had food. Derek looks back and feels so useless#he was so lost in his grief. Laura must of felt the same way but she never let them drown in it#she made sure he got his GED. even got him to enroll in community college classes.#he took them online. he never was able to warm up to people the same way. he used to be so full of life. now he just wanted to be left alone#he studied English. never finished his degree. doesn’t look like he ever will now. he can’t go back to Laura and his shared home.#can’t bare to see another shell of a home#he vents to the vacant audience of Peter and his cold fixed eyes#Derek leaves. he wants to promise he’ll return soon#but promises feel costly these days#he decides to go back to the reserve. maybe he can find some clue as to what happened to Laura#someone lured her here. someone who knew them and their history here#his mind went to the worst. Kate. why would she go through the trouble six years later. why wait so long.#Derek couldn’t stomach the thought of facing her. he focused on the woods. the scents were all over the place.#clearly multiple people had been through here recently. two scents were much stronger. Derek follows them#but when he hears the crunch of leaves he realizes why the scents are so strong. they’re still here#he ducks behind some trees. listening in on their conversation. but an echo of their scent catches his attention#he spots an inhaler on the ground. he puts two and two together and swipes it from the leaves.#he comes out once they’re closer. tossing over the inhaler- he figures they’ll leave. dumb kids messing around in the woods#he reminds them this is private property. though that may not be true anymore. he recognizes the scent of a new beta. interesting.
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i will reduce you to your six essential elements
Um, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Carbon, Nitrogen, Calcium, and Phosphorous?
Air, Earth, Wind, Fire, Water, Wood, and Metal (I can assure you I don't have some of these in me)? Or some secret other thing?
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ssreeder · 7 months
Is it okay to ask a spoiler? (kinda, like, it's probably just for me I'm at the beginning of your fic and I'm anxious as fck 😂😂)
I'm reading LIAB (chapter Going the Distance), and loving every word of it! I'm considering it as a real book instead of fanfiction, because you're a really skilled author and I can't wait to read the whole series and become an unbearable fan annoying you!! 😜❤️🙏🏼
Anyway, while reading I can't help but wonder: during the series are we gonna see Zuko and Iroh together again? I can't stop thinking about how Zuko misses his uncle (for context, Chang just was left behind for me, so I'm a little emotional about that yet!!!) and I can't stop thinking if we get to see Iroh unleashing all his angry at Zhao once he finds out what happened to Zuko and how our boy suffered...
(Another question completely different: is there any scene in the story you would love to see draw? I actually got to know your fic because of the lovely fanarts hahah, and now I was thinking about drawing something that I read but can't decide which scene 😭😭)
HELLLOOOOO!! I had to look at the chapters to figure out which one was Going the Distance & then I realized you really are in the very beginning of the fic series haha! Well…. WELCOME! (&your anxiousness is super valid it’s a super anxious fic I’m even anxious just thinking about you being anxious lol)
AWWWWW I HOPE YOU LIKE THE ENTIRE SERIES!!! it gets a little wild in some places & super duper dark so I just like to always warn lol. heed the tags lol.
OK AYYYY so as for the spoilers: Iroh & Zuko will absolutely be reunited & it’s going to be a mess. So much will happen between where you’re at in the fic & where you’re going, that it’s hard to even explain without spoiling the entire fic! Which I will do if you want just let me know haha. but Iroh will be part of the story and I think you get an update on him towards the end of the first book & then you’ll hear about him in RIA & then they’ll be reunited in ITF. They have a long & painful journey ahead of them I’m sorry… you have quite a bit of angst to get through.
& I can promise you Iroh is going to be very very PISSED. I love me some slightly feral Iroh, especially when it comes to his nephew.
(omg omgomgomgommgggg fanart is like a proposal to me and I swear I’m rolling on the ground happily just thinking about it. But idk what scene I’d pick I really like people who create the fanart to pick because I like to see what they choose! Also you have a long way to go so maybe something will interest you?? I’m super excited either way!)
thanks for the ask I hope you enjoy reading!!
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I am interested in your Barnaby/Eddie/Howdy ship. Like, is Eddie dating both of them at the same time along with Frank or only one of the two
oh idk i didn't think about it too hard lmao
But. now that i Am thinking about it. at first i was like "eh we'll just go with a ridiculous hypothetical world where everything is the same except frank/eddie don't catch feelings for each other" HOWEVER! you saying Eddie dating both of them and Frank. ohohoho i like that
yeah lets just throw all of the neighborhood's 'guys' (minus Wally) into one big poly tangle. Laughingstock is together, so is Franklydear, Eddie is dating Laughingstock and Frank is dating Eddie/Howdy, Barnaby and Frank don't really have strong feelings except annoyance but they'll put up with each other for Eddie & Howdy's sakes. they still kiss sometimes i think. a three sided square!
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