#Which has been broken for like 5+ months šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€
wellitsjustmeagain Ā· 2 years
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It's finally raining and cozy šŸ’•ā˜”
11 notes Ā· View notes
garroth-k Ā· 1 year
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Start- 4/14
End- 6/1
Edited- 7/10
Published- 10/5
A/N: Please be aware that I'm not actually an active player of Genshin- I just like the character designs. However, I did at least try and research a bit of the information. So if something is off or incorrect, I apologize. It was simply what came up through google. Also, let's just- not talk about how this took me 2 months to finish šŸ’€. Also, I didn't focus very well on the editing, some grammar might be off, just don't mind that.Ā 
"Sir," you found your conversation was shattered by your employee, "What is it?"
"The Doctor requests your presence." You sigh in dismay. What could that psycho possibly want? Shuffling from your seat, you nod, "I'll be on my way then," you glance back at your guest. You had been speaking with one of the other Harbinger's. You collected your coat that had been draped over the chair, taking your sweet time before dismissing yourself from the room and stepping into the cold, wintry night of Snezhnaya. You were never one for the cold, the numbing of your fingers and nose. It was all a nuisance, but you had been stationed here by special request of the doctor himself. It wasn't unusual for the doctor to call for you. It was most obvious he picked favorites, quite confidently, too. With his choice in you, rumors began to arise. Nothing harmful to either you or the doctor's reputation. However, people began to speculate that you had become a sort of assistant for the doctor. It made sense, seeing as he called you in from time to time. Honestly, you heard the rumor so often that you were beginning to believe it yourself.
You made your away across the snowy plain, leaving footprints which luckily, your coat hung long enough to cover as you entered a new sort of domain. Your fingertips freezing thanks to the wind's icy touch. Speaking of, it seemed to be speeding up by the second. Your eyebrow twitched in irritation. What perfect timing he has. Snow was falling heavily and winds speeding up; the onsets of a blizzard. You picked up the pace, it'd be hard to make it through a blizzard, besides, you already hated the cold so very much. With no sign of the sun, only the dim lantern lit what was once a sidewalk, but had only been covered by the crunchy white sheet. You wondered curiously how many boots have tread this same path.
You reached the door eventually, stepping in with no worry to knock. It took a little effort to force the door shut, the wind beating against it harshly.
"Perfect timing."
The smooth yet threatening coo caught you off guard. Looking up, you could immediately recognize the azureous shade of blue that textured the doctor's feathered, sleek hair. You grit your teeth, biting back the thoughts that hummed about his beauty, the way pieces of his hair fell into place, perfectly framing his eerily serene face. Scoffing, you straightened up, dusting the extra snow from your clothes. "Worst timing," you shot back bitterly, knocking the snow from your boots, leaving his floor soaked. "Right, you never could handle the cold," Dottore hummed. You hated the way he seemed so at peace, how he never showed any weakness. "Make yourself comfortable," he chimed. It sounded less like an offer and more like demand, but perhaps that was just because of how you knew him to be; hardly ever polite or gentle.
You watched as he padded off into the depths of the building. You had hardly been to his living quarters, but, nonetheless, you slid off your coat, draping it over the coat rack before taking a comfortable seat on the couch. Thinking silently about what he might need this time.
The silence was broken as gentle footsteps alerted you of his return. Your harsh gaze glanced up to meet him. Your gaze softened in surprise as he passed you a mug of warm coffee. Coffee? This late?Ā  You rolled your eyes subtly, glaring at the cup. "Not to your liking?" He hummed. "I know you're not much for hot chocolate." You couldn't help but feel rather surprised that he managed to remember such a simple thing. It made you wonder what else he could recall.
"I'm not much for the cold either," you hissed, rather sarcastically. Earning you a soft chuckle from the other. You cupped your hands carefully around the mug, accepting his offer. Though, rather hesitantly. The warmth emitting from the gently painted porcelain heated your iced hands. You couldn't help but feel appreciative for the warmth. Taking a gracious sip from the mug, you look to him, who had taken a seat across from you. Draping one leg over his other as he rested, silently watching you divulge yourself in his creation. Your guard tightened as you lowered the mug, "Did you drug it?" You inquired rather harshly. "Oh, my," the harbinger chuckled. "Whether I did or did not... you trusted me enough to take it, yes?" He cooed. You grit your teeth. Trusted? Well, yes, you did take it, but it was hardly anything close to trust.
Silence filled the room for a few seconds before he sighed. "No, I didn't lace it," he leaned forward, moving his leg from the other as he cupped his hands in front of him. The way he leaned forward, almost over the table making you shift uncomfortably. Despite his plated mask, you could feel his eyes on you. Watching you. Observing you. You stared back, giving him his own treatment as you examined him entirely, his posture, his clothes, every bit of him, the way you could imagine his muscles flexing and moving beneath his shirt, the way his hands rested calmly against each other, imagining the temperature they'd feel like.
"Careful now, you'll break the cup with a grip like that." Your attention was brought back to the doctor as he chuckled. You hadn't noticed how you had begun to grip the cup. You avert your eyes before resting them, sighing as you sat back, your head falling back to rest against the padded cushion of the couch. "You seem a little out of it, hm?" He chimed. You opened your eyes. He had made it behind the couch staring down at you. "How did you -" You started, only to be caught off guard by his hand gently grazing your neck, you flinched. "Go on," he nodded. You swallowed harshly as your curiosity about what they might feel like was fulfilled. They were a gentle cold. You shivered a bit as you felt his finger trail to the indention above your manubrium. You flinched as he applied the slightest of pressure. "What are you doing...?" You growled lowly, your face heating a bit at his gentle touch.
"Feeling your heartbeat," He hummed. "Did you know that was possible here? Directly above your manubrium, there is a gap between the clavicals, also known as the suprasternal notch, or as you might know better, the jugular notch, it's visible externally."
You glared up at him, irritated by his sudden lesson on the human anatomy. You opened your mouth to bite back a response, only to quickly close it as he dug his finger in a bit more, the uncomfortable pressure rendering you silent, your heart sped up a bit.
"It's unguarded. I can feel your heartbeat best from here," he smiled. You grit your teeth as his smile grew. "Are you afraid?" He asked, his gaze that was so transfixed on your neck lowered to meet yours, releasing the pressure. Your eyebrows furrowed in disdain. "I have every right to be, with you touching me without my permission," you snap. Dottore hummed curiously, "And yet, you haven't moved from my reach?"
You flinch at his response. He was right, you knew he was, but the cold sensation from his hands felt good against your skin, despite your lack of affection for the cold weather. The contrast between him and your body heat felt calming somehow. You felt his hand suddenly wrap around your neck, causing you to gasp in surprise. "Did you know the neck is a very sensitive and vulnerable area? There's even a risk when choking someone, for example..." you felt his fingers press into your carotid artery. You breathe in a sharp intake of breath, dropping the mug on the floor with a shatter as your hands flew up to grab his, attempting to pry his fingers from your throat, only for his point of pressure to switch, his palm hitting your windpipe. "F-fuck off-!" You choke out, his grip releasing you entirely. You gasp out, catching your breath and rubbing your neck softly as you glared above at him. "Fucking prick..." you growl, a hot sensation tingling your thigh as you remove your eyes from him. "Fuck..." You sneer at your coffee soaked pants, you hadn't even realized the hot liquid in the heat of the moment. Let alone the shattered porcelain littering the ground, but you could care less about that.
Dottore seemed to hum contently as he found his way back around the couch, inspecting the incident. You wholeheartedly expected him to get mad and scold you. At least you hoped, you hoped he's kick you out...but that didn't seem to be the case. Dottore huffed before looking back at you, "I'll get you a spare set of clothes, don't worry about the mess," he nodded. You raised a curious eyebrow. "No, don't. I'm going home," you shoot back, sitting up and pushing past him to stand. You head for the door, grabbing your coat on your way. Weird, he wasn't objecting, but you shrugged it off. You reached the door and took hold of the handle before stopping. Right. The weather had gotten worse upon your arrival. You turn and glance back at the male. Dottore stood comfortably next to the couch, his hand resting against his hip as he watched you, a sly smirk teasing his face. You groan, silently cursing both him and the weather. Of course, he had planned to keep you stuck here through the weather. You set your coat back on the rack, turning and walking back to him.
"Large," you huffed. Dottore nodded, smiling triumphantly as he walked off. You took a seat away from the coffee spill resting your head in your hand. Praying to the Archons that the weather would let up soon. It was unpredictable how long the blizzard would last, but you hoped it wouldn't be long.
You'd managed to fall asleep before he had returned, unaware of the stress and exhaustion that had been weighing down on you.
Dottore returned, a set of clothes draped over his forearm. Humming softly before stopping as he spotted you, sleeping comfortably on the couch. The doctor chuckled, setting the clothes on the coffee table before heading to the hall closet, grabbing a dust pan and broom to sweep up the glass before cleaning the coffee to keep it from seeping any deeper into the floor boards.
You were startled awake by the feeling of something cold touching your forearm, you quickly jerked it back, "What in Teyvat are you doing?" You questioned the doctor who had been resting his hand against your arm. "Good, you're awake, I was beginning to think I'd have to change you myself," he smirked. You scowled, "I didn't think you were the type to advance on someone who was asleep."
Dottore hummed curiously, "Oh my~ I'd never do such a thing, dear. Besides, you were sleeping so calmly, I was almost convinced you were deceased."
You roll your eyes at his remark, spotting the clothes before leaning forward, glancing at the floor carefully to avoid glass. Only to realize it was no longer there. You were hardly a heavy sleeper, so how had he managed to not disrupt you while cleaning? You shrug it off, standing up and stretching your arms. "Bathroom?" You asked sharply. Less irritated than before. It appeared getting some sleep managed to alleviate a good chunk of your irritation. Dottore nodded down the hall to a room on the left. You picked up the clothes, taking them with you as you made your way to the room. Flicking the light on and glancing back at Dottore who had vanished into the depths of his abode once again. You closed the door, making sure to lock it before examining the room. It was indeed a bathroom, but, you found it looking rather pristine and polished, almost as if it was brand new. Even the mirror above the sink was cleaner than ever. You were appreciative that he was clean at least. You undressed, slipping off your pants first as they were damp from the coffee. Sighing you grabbed a spare rag, doing a half-assed job of wiping down where the spill had made contact before drying it, all before slipping on the pants he had given you. Luckily, the spill hadn't reached high enough up to stain your boxers.
Black sweatpants? You scoffed before dusting yourself down, at least they fit comfortably. You began to work at your shirt. Pulling it above your head and folding it along with your pants. You catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror, sneering at the scars that littered your torso. Quickly you slipped on the shirt he had handed you. You groaned softly, it was rather tight around your torso, fitting your figure snugly. You scoff before setting your folded pants and shirt to the side for later when you'd leave. It took everything in you to not just hunker up in the bathroom, but you eventually made your way out, flicking the light off before exiting back into the living room where Dottore was reading through a folder.
You carefully watched him, sitting further away and averting your eyes. You didn't want any contact with him. "Well, don't you look comfortable~?" Dottore cooed, you rolled your eyes. "Could you be anymore unprofessional?" You stare off to the side, avoiding eye contact.
"What did you need from me anyways?" You sighed, not only did he pull you from an important meeting, now he was wasting your time. The soft echo of rustling snapping you attention back to him. Your eyes widened a bit as they locked with his piercing, crimson set. Never did he take his mask off. You swallowed harshly as your eyes traveled along the flesh surrounding them, torn and scarred beyond belief. The stressed tissue etching slowly into your mind as you unconsciously finished piecing his appearance together.
"Hm? I just thought that since you looked so comfortable, I might as well too~" He chimed, ignoring your question, but you were too distracted to remember. You fought back the urge to reach out and graze the worn flesh. "Is something wrong? You look rather pale." You're brought back to reality, looking away, "It's nothing." Your curiosity grew unbelievably, what happened to him? It looked like a burn, but was that it? Did it hurt? What did it feel like? You stared off once again. Unaware of the rustling this time. Your attention brought back once again as you were startled to find a cold hand against your wrist. Looking over it appeared The Doctor had closed the distance. Your faces mere inches from each other. You gulp, coiling back a bit as you got a much closer look at him. Your hand stayed tense and balled into a fist as he brought it up, placing it against his cheek. You were alarmed by his action, but nonetheless you uncoiled your hand. Gently, your palm pushed against the warmth of his face, your fingers roaming his scar ever so lightly.
"There's that color I missed so much," he hummed, your eyes leaving his scar, meeting with his sharp ruby eyes. You flinch under his gaze, how could such harsh eyes feel so luring at the same time. "My~ Though it's not your usual hue, you've turned rather pink." You knew he was teasing you, but you bit your tongue. Of course you'd be flustered to have the doctor so close and being so gentle at that. Dottore pushed his face more into your touch, you couldn't help but think of it as cute. Your guard had fallen in contrast to when you had first arrived. Your hand tingled slightly at the warmth. Despite his usual demeanor, seeming so cold and harsh, you could very much feel the warmth radiating from him.
"You must be curious, I presume?"
You nod gently, still keeping yourself from speaking. "I'm happy to answer any of your questions, dear..." You raised a curious eyebrow. Why would he do that? He never talked about himself and even if anyone tried to ask, he'd bite back a distasteful response. You watched as the harbinger's smile seemed to grow, probably in response to your blatantly obvious expression of confusion.Ā  "You see, I've come to grow a bit of soft spot for you..." You focused on his eyes, startled by the way his name rolled past his lips at the end. Never had he ever called you by your name, but you loved the way it sounded coming from him. "....say it again." You finally mumble, earning a bit of the male's surprise in response. Nonetheless, it rolled out simply once again and then again.
You leaned in a bit, wanting to hear it more closely. In response, he leaned closer to your ear, humming your name one last time, his warm breath tickling your ear and sending a shiver down your spine. You could feel your face burning up. "Satisfied?" He hummed softly, moving back before your hand blocked the back of his head, keeping him in place. You couldn't let him see how flustered you'd gotten at the mere mention of your name...or rather the heat building in your pants.
Unfortunately, he wasn't that dumb. Softly chuckling against your ear he muttered, "If you wanted me to chant your name so much...you should've heard me the nights before~" You flinched, what did he mean by that? Was he...
You swallowed harshly, his hair felt unbelievably silky. Unconsciously intertwining your fingers in his light cobalt mane as you sighed a gentle, "Doctor," in return. You had meant it as some sense of karma. You tensed up a bit as you felt his head pull from your hand before finding the warmth of his lips pressing against your neck. You sighed shakily in return as he began to plant kisses along your neck. This is so...unusual. You couldn't handle the heat anymore. You pulled away from him, grasping his hands and bringing them up to your face. The lack of circulation felt pleasant against your overheating face. You needed more. You couldn't help yourself, directing his hand lower before he pulled from your grip. You looked up at him detestably as he denied you relief. "Ah-ah," he grinned. "I want to see you do it yourself."
Your needy look changed to irritation, glaring daggers at him, locking eyes in a competition for dominance. Your facade quivered before falling. So much for that. You swallowed hard, your face heating up as you moved your hands below you, gently rubbing your erection through the cloth. You grinned as an idea flashed across your mind. The doctor wanted a show, so why not give him one?
You moved further from the doctor, slipping off the sweatpants he'd given you, however, you moved painfully slow. Almost teasingly, as you lifted your legs to slide them the rest of the way down. Tossing them to the side before gently snapping the hem of your boxers against yourself, the gentle sensation causing you to sigh heavily. Your erection so obviously making itself apparent.
You pulled your boxers past your hips to your ankles, eventually tossing them to the side along with the pants. You spread your legs, revealing yourself to the doctor before thrusting two of your own finger into your mouth, your tongue working at them, wetting them enough to serve as a sort of lubricant. You smirked subtly as you watched the doctor, who was now leaning back, watching you in a mix of disbelief and lust.
You pulled your fingers from your mouth aligning them with your hole. Your cock twitching in desperation as you gently prodded into yourself. You let out a gasp as you thrusted your fingers in. Your expression tightening in pleasure as you rolled a bit to the side, closing your legs as you began to move them. Prodding against your walls. It wasn't enough, but you wouldn't dare back down. Putting on more of a show, you whined and moaned, gasping out when you almost reached a spot of immense pleasure. Silently, you cursed your short fingers. You looked back to the man before you, keeping your eyes on him as you worked yourself. Your other hand reaching between your thighs, where you took ahold of your hard-on, rubbing the tip gently. The wave of pleasure hitting you from both sides causing you to moan out, your body flinching.
Releasing your grip from your dick, you smiled at the doctor rather naturally, but that was more so due to the situation at hand and how needy you were beginning to feel. "Is something the matter doctor?" You hummed between soft whines, still finger fucking yourself. You noticed he looked rather irritated, glancing down, you could see his dick poking out of his pants. "Oh~? Does this turn you on, dear doctor? You look so eager to fuck me...perhaps you've fantasized about this exact moment? I wouldn't put it past yo- Mpmmmh..." You were cut short as your fingers pressed into your walls more, you had been moving them unconsciously.
You yelped as you felt a set of hands take ahold of your thighs, pulling your legs open and moving you closer. You pulled your hand from your ass as you grinned. "Did I strike a nerv- NGHH...!" You yelped gently as the doctor's hand took place where yours previously was, his fingers were thin and lengthy. Bringing a different kind of pleasure, a type yours never could. You found the doctors spare hand rising up your shirt, caressing your stomach before teasing your nipple. You covered your mouth with your wrist as you avoided eye contact with the doctor. Unconsciously grinding your hips against his fingers, each movement he mad, they seemed to slide deeper and deeper.
You gasped out as his finger's hit against your most sensitive spot, your hands immediately flying to the doctor's shirt. "Fuck..." You wanted more, more of him, more of this sensation, you wanted to calm the heat rising due to your erection. Your hands slid from his shirt, immediately working on unbuttoning his pants, pulling them and his boxers low enough to where his cock sprung out. It had a good size to it. You heard the doctor chuckle, bringing your attention back to him, his eyes seemed to shine even more than before. You knew well enough how dangerous this man was, that you should've just ran before this happened, but you couldn't go back now. Might as well get the most out of it.
"Fuck me, Dottore. ...Fuck me mercilessly," You whined. The doctor's confident and more relaxed demeanor seemed to falter at the mention of his name. You could read his eyes as his lust grew more animalistic. "And that I'll do..." his voice had dropped an octave, it was laced with seduction and lust and the mere sound of it made you shiver. You were in for it now.
Your pleasured expression grew solid at the sudden absence of his fingers, glaring daggers at him, "Ah, were you enjoying it that much?" He chuckled as he presented his fingers. You grew a bit red in embarrassment. "Do you want me to snap your dick off?" You paused, catching glimpse of his own erection, "Pfft, looks like I won't even have to do anything, it looks like your about to explode without me," You tease, your hand gripping his thick cock at the base. Your hand sliding up and down his length ever so slowly, pre-cum slicking your hand. The doctor let out a few sighs as he shivered at your touch. "I do hope you don't expect me to go as slow as your pumping me..."
You shivered at the thought of him treating you like a fucktoy. You smirked, "I very much agree, I'd be quite disappointed if you had pulled me all the way out here in the middle of my meeting just to waste my time," you scoffed. You had patience, but this man seemed to wear it down quite easily.
You perked up as the doctor let out a low chuckle, "And you're not even the slightest bit scared?" His words were laced with a hint of something similar to warning. It made you think, "Not at all, sex is sex, whether it be with a deranged man like you or not," you grinned.
It was true, sex was in fact sex, it would be the same as any other. If it got the job done, that's all that mattered. Besides, you didn't have much time for such a thing.
The heat in your abdomen grew more as you removed your hand from the harbinger's pulsing cock, the doctor didn't hesitate to push your legs open, aligning himself with ease before thrusting into your hole. You gasped out biting your hand to keep yourself from moaning.
He was in fact big, you could tell that much from the look alone, but to feel the way it pushed against your inner walls, filling you up was exciting. It was as if you could feel the blood rushing through your veins quicker than before thanks to the sudden adrenaline boost.
"Uncover your mouth."
You looked up to see the doctor staring down at you, his eyes fueled with desire making you shiver under his harsh gaze. Unconsciously moving your hand. You watched as the doctor grinned triumphantly. As if he had finally tamed you.
You yelped a bit as he flipped you onto your side, closing your legs before delivering harsh thrusts to the sweet spot he had found just moments earlier. "F-fuck- wait-!" You mewled, your eyes tearing from the feeling of his dick stirring your insides, every thrust driving the tip deeper and deeper into you and hitting your sweet spot perfectly.
With each repeated thrust you could feel the heat build up more, had you ever cum this fast? Your mind was jumbled. The doctor seemed to be enjoying this himself, his eyes watching you carefully as you unfold beneath him, becoming more and more determined to watch you lose your mind over him.
It was clear this wasn't his first time thinking about this, leaving your mind space to wander about his previous statement; What exactly did he think, what was he doing, when was he doing it? How long has he wanted this?
Your moans and yelps grew louder with each thrust, gripping onto the cushion beneath you for purchase. Each of your thoughts flashing as the direct abuse to your sweet spot filled you with ecstasy. You couldn't think. It was becoming more and more unbearable, "Wa-it!" Your voice came out broken and drawn out with pleasure.
Suddenly everything rushed back to you, your heart dropping as the doctor abruptly stopped, you were already so exhausted, was he done already? You didn't get the relief you craved.
Suddenly you felt the doctor drive himself into you once again, he was teasing you. You grit your teeth in irritation. You knew exactly what it was that he wanted, but you wouldn't give it to him. At least you hoped.
Each teasing thrust made you come more and more undone. It was unbearable. "Fuck!" You growled, using spent energy to grab the collar off his shirt and pull him close, popping a button off in the process. "Fuck me, Dottore, let me cum," you demanded.
"Nicely, Dear~"
You sighed, you didn't have time for this, everything already felt so out of order. "Please, please just fuck me! I want to cum, please let me fucking cum!" You whined out.
"There it is...that's a good boy~"
The praise sent a shiver down your spine, or maybe it was just the low coo he delivered with it.
Dottore forced your back against the couch, "Wait- not like-!" You were cut off as he started again, thrusting impossibly faster than before, leaving you to wrap your arms around his back for grounding.
You could hear a sly chuckle as you dug your nails into his back, the cloth bunching uncomfortably at your nails. You found yourself burying your face into his neck, concealing your moans and whines. Had he lowered himself just for this? Whatever, you couldn't care.
"Fuck- I'm gonna cum-!" You whined. The cord in your abdomen seemed to tighten unbearably so. You drove a bite into his shoulder, your teeth piercing the cloth to conceal your lewd calls as the cord snapped at once, ecstasy rushing through you.
When your high eased, you relaxed back onto the cushions, tears stained your cheeks and your eyes threatened to close from exhaustion. A familiar icy hand caressed your cheek, wiping away the trail.
You exchanged no words with him, you were much too tired, but it occurred to you he hadn't cum yet. Whatever he did, you were much too spent to fight. You fully expected him to continue, to pound you into the seat and take his fill. So it surprised you when his weight pulled from you.
Your eyes watched him carefully as he dismissed himself into the bathroom. Probably to go and finish what you didn't.
Naturally you would feel disgusted by the sweat and sex that stained your body, but you couldn't stay awake any longer. Your eyes closing carefully with the aid of the bathroom faucet running.
You shuffled around. The sheets below you felt crisp and fresh, everything coming back to you at once, you groaned lightly as your eyes opened, had you been asleep the entire night? You sat up looking around the unfamiliar room. That's right.
You didn't feel gross and sticky, did he clean you? He moved you to the bed? How did he manage to do that while you were asleep? Nonetheless you felt appreciative that he wouldn't just leave you to lay in filth.
Carefully you stood up, balancing yourself against the wall for leverage, of course your legs were exhausted due to the overexertion. Your face flushed as you recalled how you grabbed onto him the night before.
Anxiously you left the room, feeling your way down the corridor, a rustling sound came from the kitchen. It was early, too early for the doctor to still be here.
You stepped into the kitchen, your eyes meeting with the familiarity of the doctors back, or at least, one of his clones.
"How annoying..." you mumbled, turning to leave at once before the clone noticed you, but you were too late.
The familiar ring of the doctors voice hummed eerily in your ear, it was almost spot on. Almost.
"Would you like breakfast?" The clone cooed. "No." You made your way back to the living room.
"Are you sure?"
"Quit following me."
"You should eat."
"Fuck off already!"
"Please rest, master will be back soon."
You cringed at the title, how egotistical. "No, if he wants to see me tell him to wait in line, or just request me since he seems to do that however he pleases anyways." It was annoying how the doctor left one of his pests to take care of you. You could handle yourself and if anything, it would've at least meant more if he cared to do so himself.
You slipped on your boots and made your way for the bathroom, grabbing the clothes you had left before stepping back out. You grabbed your coat and threw it over your shoulders. "Goodbye," you said harshly, slipping out of the door. The last thing you heard before shutting it was the soft hum of the false doctor's voice.
54 notes Ā· View notes
theoneandonlyneonleon Ā· 5 months
I am not patient so ima answer these now
ask game
1. whats your favorite thing in your room?: my turtle wall <333
2. how tall do you wish you were?: much taller šŸ˜”
3. what color is your hair?: im a natural redhead :D
4. whats a rare fear that you have?: nit rlly rare i dont think, but I am TERRIFIED of deep water- like to the point of crying
5. are you single?: naurāœØ
6. has your heart ever been broken?: not really?
7. what was your favorite thing as a kid?: 2012 and Money Island SE
8. favorite coping mechanism?: Loud music and a weighted blanket šŸ‘Œ
9. whats your favorite love language?: defo physical touch. I am a veryyyy clingy person oncw I get comfy
10. how often do you get nervous?: really only before auditions (and ordering food)
11. if you had three wishes, would you use them?: uh- cha. Who wouldn't??
12. if you could be fluent in any language which one would it be?: asl fs. I like being non verbal, so it would be helpful
13. where do you wish to live?: I wish I lived with my aunt and uncle in Everett
14. whatā€™s something surprising about you?: I do cheer
15. when did you last shower?: last week I think? (I am ass at taking care of myself šŸ’€šŸ’€)
16. when did you first join tumblr?: A couple months ago (I think)
17. do you want any tattoos? if so, where, what, and why?: yerp. Probably my arms. Something meaningful. Idk it just sounds cool.
18. whats the most prominent dream youve had?: A reoccurring dream I keep having is where my mom lets me go to school for one day to try it out, but something always goes wrong (I lose my schedule, miss my classes, etc.)
19. whats your dream job?: Actor/Voice Actor
20. whats your ideal date?: just doing something easy and fun, like going to the aquarium!
21. what do you wish you could do better?: take care of myself
22. what country would you live in if you could?: idk Canada? I mean they get free healthcare-
23. whos the best person you know?: my brother Asher
24. have you ever walked into something you shouldnt have?: I didn't, but my mom once walked in on my neighbor teaching me the wap when I was like 9
25. Already answered!!
26. when have you been most embarrassed?: I accidentally blew snot in the boy I liked in 3rd gradeāœØāœØ
27. whats your favorite halloween costume?: so far, Carrie
28. what are you best at?: Acting
29. do you know how to tie your shoes?: yuh
30. do you have siblings?: three- almost four- little s shits
31. if you could know one thing about the future what do you wanna know?: if i make it to adulthood
32. whats a dealbreaker for you?: dishonesty
33. whats your favorite current class?: ELA
34. how many people have you dated?: 4
35. how often do you wash your hair?: every time I shower
36. do you daydream? what about?: living w my aunt and uncle
37. where do you go to be alone?: my room. people kinda forget I exist lol
38. which parent do you like more?: my dad. They both suck, but he's at least a little better
39. whats the one standard you hold yourself to?: not being hateful
40. whos voice do you enjoy?: BEN SCHWARTZ!!!!
41. if you could announce one thing to the world what would it be?: bingus
42. whats one thing you wanna do but havent yet?: actually learn an instrument (I am learning drums tho!)
43. what do you wish you never did?: came out to my friends in the gc where my ma could see
44. do you believe in life after death?: sort of? Im pretty open to whatever, but I do like the idea of reincarnation
45. do you prefer book over movie?: the book is definitely 100% better than the movie
46. whats your favorite season?: Autumn
47. Answered!!
48. do you have a beloved stuffed animal?: yup! Pussyslayer the turtle <333
49. whens a time you wish you acted differently?: 3rd grade when I drove a friend away by being to crazy
50. whatā€™s something you wish that you never bought?: nothing really, I thoroughly make sure the purchase is worthwhile before proceeding
51. do you have your own room?: sadly, no
52. whats your favorite book?: white rabbit
53. whoā€™s someone you hate?: Colleen Hoover
54. whats your best hottake?: ???
55. whats your favorite game?: I don't really play video games, but I'd say either Minecraft, Unpacking, or Sims 4
56. whens a time you felt real genuine fear?: when I went to twin falls in Hawaii, and my dad swam me across the third one, under the waterfall. I cried.
57. are you a morning person?: aaaaabsolutely not
58. do you drink enough water?: definitely not.... Im very dehydrated
59. how different are you from the little kid you used to be?: Ion know dawg- i cant even remember most my childhood šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
60. do you enjoy tumblr?: yeah! I just wish people would rebLOG INSTEAD OF LIKING.
61. have you ever had a tumblr experience that made you wanna delete the app?: No(t yet)
62. whats your least favorite game?: fortnite
63. were you a markiplier fan?: still am motherfucker
64. how do you respond to compliments?: If its in person, I usually just say thanks and give a compliment in return. If its online, I usually squeal and giggle and stimm big before calmly replying 'ikāœØāœØ' or 'ty!!'
65. whats something that would make you fall in love?: literally no idea
66. do you believe in marriage?: im kinda 50/50 here- on one hand I would love to have a wedding and get to wear a pretty dress. On the other, I don't believe in marriage as an idea- I feel like you shouldnt have to be legally bound to prive your love. But you do you boo <33
67. do you have a crush on someone?: other than Donnie? Nah.
68. do you like tumblr?: I do! So far everyone is really nice (but please for the love of Aphrodite REBLOGGGG)
69. were you a voltron stan?: naur
70. whats your favorite ship?: Leosagi
71. whats your favorite song?: atm im between Two Time by Jack Stauber and the entire Lucid Dreams album by Boywithuke
72. do you like loud crowds?: I would honestly rather be skinned alive
73. have you ever created conflict on purpose?: nah
74. how do you sleep?: very little
75. do you bite your lips?: only when they itchy
76. do you use chapstick?: frequently. I have eczema so my lips are constantly dry
77. do you have any pets?: two dogs and three cats!
78. what color are your eyes?: blue-gray
79. whatā€™s something you wish you could change about yourself?: nothing, im perfect alreadyāœØāœØ
80. have you ever had surgery?: nerp
81. whats your least favorite animal?: mosquito
82. whats something that youre really bad at?: math (I had to use my fingers to count 7-3 the other day, then I had to pause and rethink my entire life)
83. do you have an sqishmellows?: just one, the lil panda
84. do you enjoy fast food?: meh. I prefer eating at home
85. do you like soda?: yup!
86. Answered!!
87. do you wear any jewelry?: mhm! I have a bunch if cute earrings, and I love wearing bracelets
88. what socials do you use?: just Insta and tumblr
89. whats your lowest grade in school right now?: social studies at 73.24%
90. whats the latest youve stayed up till?: all night
91. did you ever have bangs?: Nerp
92. what trends did you hate?: thigh high uggs because for some reason those were a thing
93. whats your favorite item of clothing?: the dress I wore today, so affectionately called the 'coffin dress'
94. Answered!!
95. whats your opinion on body hair?: if you want to shave, go ahead. If you dont, thats okay too! I don't like telling people what to do with their bodies. Personally, I don't like shaving. I like me the way I am, body hair and all!
96. whats your least favorite time?: morning
97. do you make a wish at 11:11?: its basically mandatory in my house
98. Answered!!
99. have you ever been to church?: I don't go regularly, but have been a few times. Not a terrible experience, but not for me.
100. are you lgbtq?: queer as hell baby
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skyyknights Ā· 10 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
Tagged by @zeldaelmo @nocturne-side-blog @aegon-targaryen !! Thank you all!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
59 in total, but only 46 are available to the public šŸ˜… I think I ended up putting some of the ones I wasn't as fond of, or ones that I just didn't feel like updating ever again, to a private collection lol
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Legend of Zelda, mainly, but also: How to Train Your Dragon, Miraculous, LOTR, 1917, MCU, Narnia, Endeavour, and a few other extremely obscure fandoms hardly anyone else is in XD
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
the faces left behind (LU which I know many people hate but I like it so don't judge lol)
Marinette Has Cookies (Of Course Chat Showed Up) (what an annoying title actually??) (Miraculous)
Just Allergies? (How to Train Your Dragon)
Juli's Tree (Flipped)
The Power of a Hot Drink (Skyward Sword)
wow I am... not good at coming up with fic titles šŸ˜‚ nowadays I just pick a song lyric from a song that applies and slap it on the title but other than that they're pretty horrible šŸ’€
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! Although sometimes if there's really no way to respond to it I just mark it as read.
...also usually it takes me a while to get the motivation to reply. I've been known to take months before answering a comment šŸ˜¬
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oo hm... I can't decide so instead I shall dump a handful of them
One Last Look - Skyward Sword Zelink, after that scene
Age - Sksw Zelink through the years, with a bittersweet ending
Golden Sands - this is one of the first fics I ever posted (originally posted on Wattpad... oof). but basically it's about the robot Skipper from Skyward Sword, thinking about his past life while broken and unable to move in the present.
Incomprehensible - POV of other hobbits in the Shire, unable to understand why the four Travelers act the way they do, or why eventually their number drops to three.
Regrets - Joandeavour talking about... tough things :(
Please, Ada - Babeyā„¢ Legolas wanting to hang with his father and his father does NOT want to hang with him is the happiest way I can describe it
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Take three because I'm indecisive.
Worthy - Edmund Pevensie coming to terms with the fact that he is loved
Spidey - Spideychelle being oblivious. that is all
Rainy Days - TP Zelinkkkkkk
there's definitely more but I think those are probably some of the happiest
8. Do you get hate on fics?
My fics usually have a pretty small reception so I don't think so? The most would be someone saying the plotholes of the fic were killing them which then sent me, a major overthinker, into overdrive, even though it's not that bad XD so no, thankfully, I don't think I've ever gotten any (although anon hate is another thing entirely. LOL)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
nope! don't ever plan to either
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
erm. I don't think I ever have?? I've read one or two before, but I don't believe I have ever actually written one
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so XD
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
again, idt so!!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
nope! It's a dream of mine though, Noct and I have several things planned >>>>>>:)
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
oh boy.
this is a tricky question
the answer is.
all of them
ok jokes aside I genuinely cannot narrow it down, so I'll list... my top five, I guess.
Zelink, Joandeavour, Spideychelle, Rudy/Liesel, and Hiccstrid
(Hm. Thinking about it Joandeavour is probably my favorite just because it's so heartbreakingly tragic, but Zelink is a very very very close second)
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Probably this, a fix-it Spideychelle fic that I have a lot written for but idk if I'll ever have the guts to do much else with it
16. What are your writing strengths?
d. description I guess?? I've never been a good judge at what I'm good at XD
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I tend to be a bit Victor Hugo-esque with my sentences, aka I have to control myself so the sentence doesn't stretch on for five paragraphs
and we don't talk about my old fics <3
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I mean? For LOTR I would definitely sprinkle in elvish just for the vibe of it, also because he did so, but I would also provide translations. For real-world...hmm. I think I did throw in three or four German words in The Book Thief fic I posted recently, but again, the author himself did so, and I think so long as you're not adding a full, necessary sentence that the reader is then required to look up in order to understand what's going on, and if you instead just use a curse word or a muttered phrase of annoyance or something in the other language, I think that's fine.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
LOTR, I believe. Hand-written in seventh or eighth grade XD
(And then I wrote dozens of unfinished Loz fics in the notes app on my mom's ancient phone she didn't use anymore, fics that completely misunderstood any of the games because I hadn't played them yet. It pains me to think about those fics).
(also this is not counting those "add on to the end of the story!" assignments teachers used to give out in middle school)
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
oh hot dang lemme see
againnnn we are doing several (look my decision making has been ATROCIOUS lately, I cannot be faulted <3)
you feel like home - SkSw Zelink, a teeny tiny bit of angst but mostly fluff (also Link nearly throws hands with Scrapper which is a bonus. When I tell you I cranked that fic out in a day after getting so salty with Scrapper I nearly snapped my wiimote in half)
would I run off the world someday - a very recent TP Zinc fic!! It has traces of Midlink; essentially, it's about Link refusing to stop grieving Midna, and thus hurting himself and Zelda, who is in love with him due to having shared a soul with Midna. It's basically a 4+1 fic and does end happy with the promise of future Zelink, very different from my normal Zelink stuff though
Forbidden - Zinc week fic that didn't get as much attention as my other two ZW fics, but I actually really really love it so. <3 I just. idk I love the prose of that fic, I suppose :) and the ending hehe
I do have a few other favorites but I think it's unfair to include them because they're unfinished lol
tagging: @aheavenscorner @minstrelsmusings @onewingedsparrow (sorry if you've already been tagged oops)
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padfootastic Ā· 2 years
hcs about miss pen coming right upā€”
(I'm so excited to type this cause it's like those art videos where they choose colours without light and then is skin is green kwim? )
1) can follow along with a recipe/good enough cook but don't do it often cause don't want to wash up (absolutely valid if thoā€“ bartan are just not the vibe)
2) social actually like not daily put partying but have this group of 5-6 friends that you just have always have had you know
3) not teachers pet but also not a trouble maker. they used to have a soft spot for you but you were a bit sarcastic talkative in class or used to have longer nails or something that would make you occasionally get in trouble
4) either took 4 classes of art as kid or very good dancer.
5) I'm gonna go with favourite subject was EVS till 5th-6th
6) have never broken a bone but did have stupid injuries as a kid
7) type of person who complaints about it's too hot/too cold, says their favourite season is Mansoon but jab humidity hoti h you're like nah i think i actually prefer winter (it's a lie you don't like any seasons)
8) friends parents and relatives used to say like you're the role model (in the sense ki beta dekho ye kitni polite/ kitni achche se baat kar rhi h/ kitni helpful h/ basically auntie whisperer) and your friends/cousins would just look at the aunties that have they grown two heads cause ye ladki? ye ā€” abhi do second phle hame aise harkaton ke ideas de rhi thi.
9) absolutely not a morning person (which If thai you are i would be so surprised cause your sleep schedule šŸ˜­)
10) like fashion to a reasonable extent like whenever you step out you're put together in an effortless way it's not a remarkable oh my god look at this person's style. but a second they notice you properly wow you look good today type.
!!!! omg ash, lowkey impressed at how right u are for some of these? like,,,now iā€™m frantically combing thru our conversations tryna figure out where i gave myself away lmao
1. is half correctā€”iā€™m a pretty good cook (if i do say so myself šŸ’€) and i actually like washing dishes lol so thatā€™s never stopped meā€”i am very chindi tho, so i reuse bartan all the time to minimise.
2. true!! iā€™m fully an extrovert and i have about 2-3 groups of solid friends from different periods of my life; 10/10 would recommend, esp girl gangs.
3. no but this is literally so on point?? i was a very well liked child but i also talked the heck out of everyoneā€™s patience and i was always bouncing around to other classes + iā€™d exasperated many (including the principal) w my coloured hair & messy uniforms & generalā€¦rowdiness lol
4 & 5 are sadly incorrect :( i did take classes for almost everything as a child but iā€™m not great at any of it. and my fav class is and always has been english!! (until socio came & overtook)
6. beep! another winner!!! i have all sorts of scratches and cuts and scars bc i used to do so much stupid shit. i remember climbing this half-constructed structure once bc there were puppies somewhere inside and i rly wanted to see and ended up having this like. rebar rod thing fully slice into my forearm. u can still see the scar now, like over a decade later lol
and no yaar šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ i like to think 7 is not meā€”iā€™m v accommodating and i try not to complain even when i rly wanna (growing up around whiny rich kids has instilled a fear in me to not be the same lol)
8 is very, very true. i take a lot of pride in being almost all my friendsā€™ parentsā€™ favorite; aunty whisperer is a v good name for it too bc grandparents love me ;) (and yes, i was also the one to corrupt almost every single of them. fun times)
u already know 9 is true lmao what can i even say
and 10ā€“hmmmmmmmmmm iā€™ll give it a. 0.3. bc im a very. very staunch ā€˜grab whatever and put it onā€™ kinda gal which means i can (and have) live(d) off The Chair for months on end. it never looks terrible but yah. acceptable iā€™d say.
What do you think of me: HC edition
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g3z0 Ā· 4 months
ok im pretty sure this is gonna be long so i apolagize in advance
SO its a matt fanfic and the main chars name is angelina but she goes by lina and like when she and matt get tgoether hes gonna call her angel and shit cause its cute
and shes 19 and has an older brother 22 his name is aaron but goes by ron and his sister calles him ronnie cause i love when siblings have good relastionshit idc if its cringe !!! and aaron has a gf named patrica and shes also 22 and tey were highschool sweathearts and have been together since lina was 13 and ron was 16
and when they were that age they were out with their mom and like she decided to try and let lina drive and then she crashed them and killed her mom and she lives with this guilt foreva !! and like when she dies their dad is in denial and drinks alot and sometimes hits them so as soon as aaron turns 18 (which is 2 years later) he gets a house and like takes the guardianship of lina and like they all live together there (patrica ron and lina) and lina was 15 at that time btw
and like when shes 18 begging of the summer right before she starts college she meets a guy and they date for a few months but he was a dickhead af and ron hated him but didnt say anything cause his sister liked him and like when it came tothe aniversary of her moms death she opened to that guyhis anem is elijah btw and like hes a dick about it hes like come on thats like 5 yeats ago move one and that was the last straw for aaron and like aaron beats the shit out of him anc kicks him out and yeah !!
and then she starts college and like she doesnt date and she focus on grades only and shi to the point where shes ALWAYZ studying so patrcia comes up with a plan to get her out of the house and shit so she sets her up wih someone (matty b !!!)
she like gets a dating app and makes a profile for angelina and like on the other side with matt hes also always in his room for no reason so nick makes a profile for matt and like yeah they set them up !!!
and then angelina says like fine but im not seeing that guy eva again and shit and like they go and know eachother and shi and then like matt goes like id love to go out with you again bla bla and shes like im not ready for a relationship right now but we can be friends and they be friends !!!
then boom angsty era angel realises she likes matt and distances herself by studying alot then matt goes over and they like talk t out at the end and shit and she tells him she js had a shitty ex and like shes scared to get herself broken again bla bla and like he ressures her bla bla and they take things slow bla bla bla
then boom another angst era she gets to her exams time and gets a bit busy and that and then matt thinks she ghosetd him and thay and he like distracts himself iwth another girl and when he posts her angel gets jealous and like texts him but he leaves her on read and shit like that and then nick beats the sense into matt (he doesnt beat him up but yea you get it i hope) and like he talks with patrica (cause theyre bestires fr) and hears the side of the story from there and shit and then matt and angel talk it out bla bal bla angst over
adn then at the time of ehr moms death aniversty she doesnt text matt or talk to him afraid that hell do like elijah and he goes over to her adn patrica talks to him telling her tht shes ifne and will come aronud in a few days and that tis no her place to tell him bla bla and hten he leaves and when angleina gets better she talks to him and opens up to him adn yea theyre good aagain
thats it so yea
i usually use song names but i cant find a song so
Okay that was a lot šŸ’€šŸ’€
Quick question how is her brother going to buy a whole house when heā€™s 18 like where is the money from??
And thatā€™s actually a pretty hard one I canā€™t really think of a name fic maybe Winner from Conan gray as the song??
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has-bg-ended-yet Ā· 1 year
Since weā€™re sharing theories I wanted to share mine. I think this might be an unpopular opinion but I think Eleanor and bbg are linked in some aspects - since the news about Louis being a dad came out Eleanor was was repeatedly brought up despite her and Louis being broken up and there was that article saying how Louis met up with her in person to tell the news and her being devastated (lmaoo) because she always thought her and Louis would be have kids together. I know Eleanor has not been involved in bbg at all, like at all. No pictures of her with Freddie and Louis unlike with Danielle, in fact when it was known Louis was travelling to LA to be with Freddie Eleanor would make sure to post to show sheā€™s in London or literally anywhere else just not LA. Since she came back in 2017 we have no content of her with Freddie and with the way Louis has talked in interviews it sounded like he split time between Eleanor and Freddie and he didnā€™t spend time with them together. Also I think bbg was involved in the end of Elounor šŸ«£ during ltwt whenever Louis had a break from tour he would fly to LA and the only time he went to the uk it was for Glastonbury not for Eleanor lmao. And even though she was at Glastonbury as well from the pictures and videos we got it seemed like he was already checked out lmao she was trying to talk to him (guessing she was trying to ā€œsaveā€ their relationship???) there was no evidence of a ā€˜relationshipā€™ between them and in the bua they said the split was because of tour (same excuse as 2015 šŸ„±) and then said ā€œother things went down between themā€ and that made me go šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘ļø when I first read it and idk why but my mind immediately went to bbg and the way she was during LA night one when Freddie was thereā€¦ she did not interact with him at all despite him being in the same section as her she stayed with her friend and didnā€™t even smile and wave at her boyfriend of 5 years kidā€¦ šŸ’€also Christmas 2021 Eleanor didnā€™t spend it in Doncaster as she usually does and the only thing that was different was the fact that Freddie was thereā€¦ she posted herself in Louisā€™ house to show she was still in London and then wished him happy birthday and called him baby and mentioned him which she hasnā€™t done before but still didnā€™t go down to Doncaster. Once again publicly showing she wants nothing to do with Freddie and has no interest at all being around him. So that and then her behaviour during LA night one plus the footage from the documentary showing Louis being only focused on Freddie backstage leads me to believe Freddie was a massive reason for the end of Elounor. I have no proof of this and nothing to back this up but I think Eleanor doesnā€™t think Freddie is Louisā€™ biological son šŸ§˜šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø and I think that might be brought up once bbg ends but I donā€™t think Eleanor will be directly mentioned. So to summarise I think Elounor ending means bbg is ending sooner rather than later. Alsoo when Freddie came to Doncaster for Christmas in 2021 I told my friend within the next 2 years Elounor is going to be done and I was right lmao so I think with bbg it will end within the next two years as well
Despite all of the proofs about the kid not being his, one of the thing that would make me go ā€˜maybe??ā€™ if I believed in it itā€™s the fact that Eleanor, his girlfriend for so many years, didnā€™t care for his son at all.
There was a moment I thought they were ending both things months apart. An article would appear about Elounor break up with some rumours of ā€˜Louis is heartbroken since his girlfriend didnā€™t accept his child and has been telling him to take a pat test, which caused them to break upā€™ and them the article about bg ending. (I mention articles a lot because famous people use them to announce something/say something without saying it, so a close source is mentioned.)
And I donā€™t know if theyā€™ll mention people telling him to take a dna the past years or theyā€™ll end it without giving context, but itā€™s an option! But yes, I agree with you ending it in the next 2 years!
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tawilisss Ā· 2 years
From my drafts I left šŸ’€ sorry bout giving false hope šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
BTS Taehyung x Solo idol male reader
It has been 5 years since m.n debut and OMG the glow up is in your face.
Like he went from having braces and broken glasses, with a tiny limp to a person guys and girls droll over.
Like strait guys have broken up with their girlfriends just because of m.n.
A really popular idol by the way. The fact that he is gay in the idol industry makes him even more popular.
To be honest, taehyung really didn't like you back when you debited.
You were just plane ugly NGL šŸ˜±.
Pimples and acne on your face, just....... No.
But now, this man STARES like not even gonna hide it.
Whenever you walk past in your short skirt. Just ... Random boner....
He has fantasies of tying you down and railing you but oh is he soo wrong. (M. N is a Dom!, Just looks submissive)
You finally sit down on your van waving a last goodbye to your fans, you just finished another stage performance bringing home yet another trophy to your collection, though you had hoped the competing team to win, unfortunately you still had taken home the trophy
You smile at it before leaving it to the side
"Luke, let's go shall we" you smile softly as you tell your driver who's been a close friend of yours
They nod and start the car
As your car drives off you wave off to the fans at the further parts of the line
Though at the last few people you were surprised that they were glaring at you instead
"Oh" you audibly said
You brushed it off, you were still fairly new to the Kpop industry tho you have blown up as much as BTS
"Is there.. something wrong y/n?" Luke asks concerned from your sudden gasp
"Oh, it's nothing Luke just people with different likings" you smiled shrugging the topic off
He nods and drives off to your apartment
You lay your head on your bed, finally having time for yourself since you started practicing for your comeback after months ago
You smile as your back aches from the knots formed from dancing endlessly
You close your eyes and fall asleep, breathing a sigh of relief finally being able to rest
You shuffle more and more as you regain consciousness, you get a whiff of a savory dish coming from outside your room that finally makes you completely conscious
You groggily get up and release a groan as your feet touche the cold floors
You find your way through your house and notice a figure in the kitchen
You chuckle as you call the figures name
"Luke, what are you doing?"
You say, getting the mans attention
"Oh hey Y/n, how are you? I saw you were sleeping and since I just got home from the grocery store I made dinner." The bigger man replies keeping his focus on his dish to not get it burnt
"You should've just ordered, we've had a long day already, you deserve to rest as much as I do," you say approaching the man hugging him from behind
You stay like that for a while and Luke receives a small "soft~" coming out of your lips that makes the man flustered
You and Luke were always great friends, you two share intimate moments that someone outside you two would say that you'd be dating
You and Luke never really confessed your feeling but knew that you two care for each other a lot
You've talked about it and said to each other that you like each others company but like it, the way it is and don't want to deepen it too much or it could make things complicated
You huff slowly as you tighten your hug on Luke before letting go
"I'll prep the table for us~"
You wash the few dirty dishes before putting plates on the table and get yourself ready for the delicious meal Luke's making
"You really need to teach me how to cook you know" you insist while you set the plates
"And let you burn our house down? No thanks, besides I like cooking for us" he scoffs
"Fair enough" you shrug
You sit down after setting your plates and cups, you patiently wait for Luke to finish cooking
You hear a notification from your phone which gathers your attention
You scroll through various social media, taking photos and such to post
You're lucky enough to be in a company that lets you do basically whatever the fuck you want
You scroll mindlessly through Twitter but then a certain article grabs your attention
Headline: BTS V plays y/n's song in vlive and commends the idol and says that they were childhood friends?
"Wtf?" You mumbly say
"What?" Luke asks focusing on the final touches of his cooking
"What?" You look up at him
"You said smth?" Luke says finally looking at you
"Oh! Well, there's this article that says that Taehyung from BTS played one of my songs and he said that we were childhood friends, which is a complete lie" you rant to him
"Wait, you knew him before?" Luke asks wondering how you've never told him about this
"Well yeah, we grew up near each other, but I wouldn't say we were "friends"" you say acting air quotes with your hands
As Luke comes closer with the pot of food and gets the other plates
--- Flashback ---
You walk along the hallways minding your own business
your hands on the strap of your backpack and just casually walking to the stairs
you notice a few people staring at you but you shrug it off and leave
you walk more and more where you reach the stairs, you were about to go down when you were suddenly pushed down the flight of stairs
you tried to soften your fall but you were still landed heavily
you groan
---End of Flashback ---
You two talk about how people from school always used to bully you, and call you names, merely even ignoring your existence when you try to socialize
This made you a little wary about the people you surround yourself with and has made you into a professional when it comes to reading other people's true intentions
After an hour and a half of eating the large amounts of food Luke made you two snuggled on your sofa watching a movie
"That was wayy too much food for the both of us" you blurt out realizing how full you were
"I'm a big guy, what can I say" he replies
"I'm glad I'm here with you, just us two relaxing" you confess as your body relaxes onto the others
"Me too," Luke says combing your hair
You hear your alarm next to your bed as you gain back your consciousness
"Wait...." You said confused as to how you got to your bed
You look around seeing no sign of Luke, thinking that he might have been the one who brought you here
You recall your last memories from before you fell asleep and it wasn't much of anything
You reach for your phone seeing your manager had texted you saying that you have an upcoming performance soon and that the company has a plan for exposure and such
You groan just imagining the exhaustion you'll have to go through for this so you go back to sleep
Today was your free day, so you and Luke just wanted to go out somewhere silent
"Hey Luke, wanna go painting? Or like maybe visit a few art galleries? The guys might come too." You scrunch your nose saying the last words
"Sure," Luke says and nods while looking at his phone
"Yay!" You cheer
A few hours passed, a lot of singing and talking were done in the van whilst on the way to the art galleries
You didn't really post much about what you were doing that day so you were hoping not much media would be there
Though the place is famous, you did just hope to have some quiet time with your friends and Luke
You finally arrive and Luke parks the van
You get out of the car and to your dismay, the media was there
You sadly sigh and look down with defeat as the other got out
You put on your mask and glasses hoping to not be recognized by anyone
You all approach the building hastily but the media was easily able to recognize you faster than you thought but you were already inside luckily
Thankfully the museum was a reservation to enter the type of place so you and your friends weren't crowded
You all sigh a breath of relief as you slowly enter the entrance hall with beautiful statues and oil paintings
You walked around, some of your friends went to other floors to look at specific pieces and some stayed at certain pieces that they were intrigued by
Luke never left your side during the whole walk around and kept on asking you about what you thought about certain pieces.
Your phone rang and you answer it immediately, it was your manager
"Y/n, where are you right now?" They said
"In a museum, why?" You ask stopping in your steps curious of why you were called
"Well, there's a certain post that I think should gain your attention" they say as they send you a link to a fresh article
Headline: BTS V and Y/N spotted in the same art museum
You gag at the headline since you didn't even know He was here
You roll your eyes and put the phone back to your ear
"We'll leave I guess, geez," you said with annoyance in your tone
You say and end the call, Luke looks at you with worry knowing how much you wanted this moment
"Hey," he says softly
You ignored to which he grabbed your hand
"Hey," he said with force but still sounds soft.
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lokisasylum Ā· 2 years
At this point no one can tell me that everything thatā€™s been happening around Jiminā€™s OST isnā€™t anything BUT sabotage.
šŸ’€- The way it was promoted (by the kdrama agency, not even Hybe) as a solo, but then 4 days BEFORE its release we learned that it was a collab/duet with his bff.
šŸ’€- The ā€œfandomā€ spreading misinformation that the OST was fake.
šŸ’€- We didnā€™t get the title till the DAY BEFORE its release.
šŸ’€- The huge disadvantage in release time compared to othersā€™ ost (11 pm release on a Sunday, 10 hour tracking period, 4.5 days bb tracking. ).
šŸ’€- Jiminā€™s spotify profile/page not being updated nor Verified or searchable in the first 48 hours. Didnā€™t even had a proper profile picture to the point that the OStā€™s cover was used as pfp.
šŸ’€- When it FINALLY gets verified, 5 hours later it doesnā€™t appear to be again...
šŸ’€- ā€œWith Youā€ hasnā€™t been added to playlists like ā€œThis is BTSā€ and other BTS related playlists (like the other memberā€™s osts) which means 0 playlisting.
šŸ’€- The song wasnā€™t published as Kpop & Soundtrack (again, unlike the others), so it only appears in the Soundtrack Chart despite it holding the #01 Spot. Which means that if this isnā€™t fixed it might not be be added to playlists such as "k-pop rising", "k-pop daebak" and "new music k-pop" on spotify.
Again, 0 playlisting.
šŸ’€- HOURS after the ost was released suddenly thereā€™s media articles about the issue with his apartment which happened ...4 months ago? The issue had by now been resolved, Hybe took the blame because it was THEIR FAULT for their shitty management of personal information (all while giving 3 different versions of the events).
šŸ’€- Sungwoon had been SO EXCITED to tell everyone about how the collab between he and Jimin came to be and during the first 24 hours constantly expressed his gratitude to his fans and armys for the support theyā€™ve shown towards the song.
But soon after that he went QUIET and hasnā€™t appeared and neither has Jimin. No posts, no Vlives nada.
šŸ’€- Hybe out of the blue promoting S*gaā€™s collab with P/SY, that will come out this Friday at 6pm kst?? Videos and all from BOTH parts on how this came to be?
When all we knew from Jiminā€™s ost out of his own mouth was during that VHopeMin vlive ONLY BECAUSE the chat was filled with armys spamming it wanting to know about the ost and Hobi had no choice but to ask him..
And no, donā€™t gimme that bullshit that ā€œjimin is a quiet guyā€ speech. This OST wasnā€™t some personal project like Christmas Love or Promise that ended up on Soundcloud (for FREE), this was an official OST for a huge kdrama filled with A-List Actors.
šŸ’€- DAYS ago Billboard posted an article about the bts performance at the granny awards using ONLY Jimin and JKā€™s picture. But now thatĀ ā€œWith Youā€ dropped and has broken TONS of records (including Dynamiteā€™s), they wrote NOTHING on it and instead wrote... about the apartment issue?
No because the whole article is a mess and made no sense like first they vaguely talkedĀ ā€œabout what happenedā€ with a bunch ofĀ ā€œmaybesā€ (instead of facts) and then for some r*tarded reason they jumped to talking about the jikook vlive where they made the kimbaps and talked about it as if it happened a few days ago??????
šŸ’€- Oh but they had NO problem whatsoever making a whole article about ā€œProducer S*gaā€™s upcoming collaboration with spyā€ on the SAME DAY (or when the othersā€™ osts dropped and had their own achievements).
No, this is no longer a ā€œhuman errorā€. Itā€™s premeditated sabotage.
You donā€™t buy a shotg*n and 15 rounds of ammo as ā€œprecautionā€ only to go to school or workplace and sh00t your classmates/colleagues and then call it ā€œself-defenseā€ because they bullied you that day.
Lets stop sugar-coating bullshit and call it for what it is.
[P.S. Company Stans donā€™t need to engage, we know you worship Bighit/Hybe and think everything they do is all rainbows and butterflies no matter how many receipts youā€™re shown. And thereā€™s no worse blind than the one who does not want to see ]
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huntertherapyeras Ā· 3 years
:O Ramble about your Amphibia Gymnastics AU.
ok so this is a little less detailed than the toh gymnastics au bc ive had it stewing in the brainscape for less time BUT
basically its an artistic gymnastics au specifically. anne, marcy, and sasha have been doing gymnastics together since they were in kinder classes (so like 4/5)! and they all kind of move up together too, though sasha herself started at 18 months she didnt really like it at all at the beginning and didnt try until marcy and anne came along.
marcy was put in because she was really clumsy and had significantly delayed motor skills as a young child so her parents put her in it to help her coordination. sasha's mom is one of those Gymnast Moms vicariously living thru her child and is deadset on her being the very best (she wants her to go elite). anne's parents put her in it because she was a really hyperactive kid who like climbed all over the furniture and scaled walls and she kept trying to do cartwheels in their house and nearly breaking things so they were like šŸ’€ you gotta get out of this house kid
i would say theyre all hm jo level 8 but they all have different specialties. also theyre all aware that at this point with their ages and ability levels they are Not going to be olympians but despite sasha's mom being in total denial about it they are ok with that! marcy's parents are pretty uninvolved and just happy that shes Active, and anne's parents are extremely supportive but often struggle with tuition and meet fees and the like so its kind of hard for them sometimes esp since theyre small business owners
back onto specialties-
marcy is very good at beam because it takes all of her focus and theyre very flexible (hypermobile in fact - she has hypotonia too) but she really struggles with bars due to not being as strong as their teammates. their lines on floor are also really pretty so her dance is good but she struggles with generating power (im totally projecting mind u). they also get injured all the time because her coordination issues and the fact that their connective tissue is just Not With It. shes the type of person who does a super graceful floor / beam routine and then trips and falls the moment theyve saluted walking off the mat or floor uwu (again. projecting). if you haven't guessed this marcy like all marcys is very autistic and adhd and gymnastics is one of her special interests which is why shes stuck with it so long even with her coordination issues and injuries šŸ’œ marcy is also not very competitive and doesnt particularly enjoy competing but they love the sport and score very well on floor exercise and beam. she hates the way leotards feel and no matter how much she wears them they cant seem to get used to wearing them. oh also she is pretty short height wise and has very long limbs! they dont come out as nonbinary until maybe late high school
anne is a powerhouse! floor tumbling and vault are her specialties! she absolutely hates beam because flexibility and dance isnt her strong suit and she has trouble with focusing and applying herself when she isnt 100% into smth. her form is not immaculate, never has been, because she has trouble paying attention to detail (my girl has severe adhd šŸ˜Œ). bars is not her strongest event but shes much stronger than marcy upper body wise! she's also fairly tall (by gymnast standards - shes only 5'5) and had a growth spurt early on, so she towers over her teammates a little bit. she isnt insecure about her height though and likes that she is Strong and Fast. she isnt a perfectionist and doesnt really mind if she doesnt score as well as expected. most of the time she tends to ignore things that bother her to the point of detriment though, so she has gotten a few injuries - namely a broken arm caused by tumbling that didnt heal right because doctors are racist and didnt think she needed surgery right away. that has made bars a bit harder, but shes super stubborn and tries to not let it get in her way! oh and also shes a trans girl uwu (please let me know if im being stereotypical at all, this is mostly a brain storm and i am tme and dont want to hurt anyone) i am also aware that there are a lot of transphobic rules out there for athletes so i need to do some research as to how this would affect her ability to compete but in 2020 the usag rules changed to allow trans gymnasts to participate inclusively in gymnastics so i might just make it so in the fic that rule was changed earlier. ill think on it.
sasha is extremely talented. this being said, she has a mostly hate relationship with gymnastics. she loves her friends, and his mom wouldnt let her quit even without that, which is why he's stuck with gym so long. she really wants to be a cheerleader, but his mom wont let her do anything but gymnastics :( she also has significant body image issues and does struggle with disordered eating because of the perfectionism forced upon him. she eventually realized hes bigender but it... takes awhile. he actually gets really anxious before and during meets because she knows his mom is Watching and she can be... very easily disappointed. her best event is bars! hes super strong but also fairly flexible. she is also extremely short, like shorter than marcy short, and very Angy about it >:3
still deciding who owns the gym, but anne helps out with pre-k classes and wants to be a coach eventually. she's really good with kids ! sprig is on the boys gymnastics team (level 6 maybe???) and polly is competing jo level 2 this season. shes kind of a Prodigy and at only 5 is the youngest on team (little caveat: she still has super short arms and legs and she struggles with vaulting and tumbling just cuz shes still so small šŸ˜­ my tiny baby). oh and im considering making hop pop the team dance teacher bc of his performing arts bg idk....
andrias gets No Rights so he might not appear in this au idk for sure šŸ’œ i dont like him šŸ˜Œ
olivia specializes in coaching beam, bars, and floor, and yunan prefers coaching tumbling and vault!
i think thats all the ideas i have rn... but i will come up with more šŸ˜Œ
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bisluthq Ā· 2 years
I donā€™t see Taylor as one person that a lot of men get obsessed with, like ofc creeps online do bc well thereā€™s people for every thing but I donā€™t think men do try something with her a lot. She had a lot of boyfriends right, but they didnā€™t seem like they were OBSESSED with her (mostly bc most of them broke up with her after 3 months). Iā€™m not a hater, I like her a lot actually, but I think you live in a delusional world where sheā€™s like her own song Gold Rush. People admire her, sure they do, but in a sexy, beautiful, hot way? Donā€™t think so.
Letā€™s break down why this is a bad take:
1) Taylor didnā€™t have ā€œmany boyfriendsā€ break up with her at all. Taylor has had to end most of her relationships. Even her most famous ā€œhe broke up with herā€ breakup wasnā€™t that simple. Joe called her to talk about problems heā€™d identified, she hung up on him, he got angry and left a voice note telling her theyā€™re through. Neither attempted to reconcile tbh but itā€™s not like he was bored of her or whatever and wanted to break up. Evan Spiegel maybe broke up with her but even in his version of the story she told him ā€œFUCK YOU EVANā€ so itā€™s not like she was sad about it. Jake broke up the first time but she had to call it off forever. Like the VAST majority of her relationships were short because SHE had no interest in sustaining them dude.
2) If she did get broken up with a ton, idk what that would have to do with your takeaway? Like if dudes purely dated her because sheā€™s hot thenā€¦ they would break up with her super quickly because you can only fuck someone a certain amount of times before you want them to be able to sustain a convo. Like again thatā€™s not what happened with her but if it had what in the fuck would it have to do with her being hot?
3) Considering the amount of on/off arrangements she had, songs written about her tbh, and the stuff celebs with crushes (including Prince William) have said likeā€¦ ya men get obsessed with her (looks and personality wise).
4) These types of takes inevitably come from straight women (mostly), people for whom sheā€™s just not their type and who project (but like ScarJo isnā€™t my type and Iā€™m not going around saying she isnā€™t hot???), or people who bought into the media stuff of her as clingy and obsessive which she legit hasnā€™t ever been.
5) Again, I canā€™t make sense of ā€œshe had short relationshipsā€ being = to ā€œno one thinks sheā€™s hotā€ because that would not be supportive of your point. Like your point would be ā€œguys treated her as a set of holes and got boredā€ not ā€œthey liked her for her personalityā€ šŸ’€šŸ’€ (they reaaaally did but like if she DID get dumped a whole lot itā€™d realistically be because sheā€™s hot but annoying).
Taylor is genuinely VERY desired, very hot, and a huge catch lmao unlike a huge chunk of her fanbase which is why this projection happens. The big downside to her is her fame, her stalkers and her idiot fans.
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