#Whispers Of The Soul Blog
scottrandygerber · 5 months
Tampa Bay Area News
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The Multifaceted Entrepreneurial Journey of Scott Randy Gerber
Scott Randy Gerber is a name that has become synonymous with success and innovation in the world of business, finance and investing. Born and raised in rural Michigan, Gerber's entrepreneurial spirit and passion for business and the financial markets have propelled him to the forefront of the investment community.
A Lifetime of Financial Acumen
Gerber's journey in the world of finance and investing began at a young age. With over 40 years of experience under his belt, he has established himself as a respected authority in the field. After graduating from the University of Michigan with a Bachelor's degree, Gerber embarked on a career that would see him navigate the complexities of the stock market, honing his skills as a day trader and investment strategist.
The Gerber Investment Group: A Diversified Financial Powerhouse
In 2010, Gerber took over the lead for his family’s business group,Gerber Investment Group, LLC, a business and financial services firm with offices in Bloomfield Hills and Tampa, Florida. As the President and visionary behind the company, Gerber has spearheaded the firm's growth, leveraging his extensive knowledge and industry connections to provide bespoke investment management and financial advisory services to a diverse client base.
Emergency Medical Service: Mobile Medical Response
In addition to his endeavors in the business and financial sectors, Gerber has left an indelible mark in the realm of emergency medical services. He dedicated the majority of his life to EMS, serving as a paramedic and holding the position of Vice President at Mobile Medical Response. Through his leadership, he propelled the company to become one of Michigan's premier EMS providers, renowned for its excellence and size.
Gerber's contributions extended beyond his roles within Mobile Medical Response. He was elected to the boards of both the American Ambulance Association (AAA) and the Michigan Association of Ambulance Services (MAAS), where he served with distinction for several years. His tenure on the MAAS Board concluded upon his departure from Mobile Medical Response in 2010.
Throughout his career, Gerber garnered numerous accolades for his life-saving efforts as a paramedic. His visionary leadership in expanding paramedical care across rural Michigan was particularly noteworthy. He spearheaded a pioneering program that supplied automated external defibrillators (AEDs) and training to rural fire departments, police units, and school districts throughout Michigan. This initiative earned him recognition from the United States Congress on February 14, 2002, with the honor presented by Michigan Congressman James Barcia.
The Traveling Day Trader: Sharing Insights and Experiences
Gerber's passion for the markets extends beyond his professional endeavors. He is the author of "The Traveling Day Trader," a book that chronicles his personal experiences and trading strategies as an active day trader. Through this platform, Gerber shares his insights and expertise, empowering others to navigate the dynamic world of stock trading.
The Tipping Point Podcast: Connecting with a Wider Audience
Recognizing the power of multimedia platforms, Gerber co-hosts and produces "The Tipping Point Podcast," which airs weekly on the I-Heart Radio network in the Tampa Bay area. This podcast serves as a conduit for Gerber to engage with a broader audience, discussing a range of social, financial and investment-related topics.
A Commitment to Community and Philanthropy
Gerber's success has not solely been about personal gain; he has also demonstrated a deep commitment to giving back to the communities he serves. Through his various business ventures and personal initiatives, Gerber has supported numerous charitable causes and community development projects, leaving a lasting impact on the lives of those around him.
A Multifaceted Entrepreneur and Trailblazer
Scott Randy Gerber's story is a testament to the power of passion, perseverance, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. As he continues to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of business, finance and investment, Gerber's influence is felt across multiple industries, inspiring others to embrace their entrepreneurial spirit and strive for greatness.
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whispersofthesoulblog · 5 months
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cemeteryonline · 7 months
Undeadsweetheart ;
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A gender tied to being undead & and a sweetheart .
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albincloud · 13 days
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Happy birthday to me :)
Today is the end of the day and no one congratulated me, but here I am doing it. Congratulations to me, I feel excited about what the Universe has in store for me, I know it's something good and different. I now open my soul, spirit and heart to good changes and abundance in my life. Every day is a new learning experience, growth, I'm learning. And it's okay if we're not doing well today, it makes us stronger and prepared for better days. I keep going. I believe. I embrace my inner child, I truly love myself, my own company is all I need, I am my own best friend. Oh,, gratitude Universe. This new stage of my life will be better.
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brownsugar4hersoul · 3 months
I Need You
"I need you as I spin you in my daydreams with golden webs so fragile they are bound to break in the passing rain but before it happens I need you I need you in front of me in the vision, drowning every other shape and colour into nothingness. I need to feel you on me, you hands, your lips and your eyes. To have the entirety of you hooked on me as mine is upon you. I need you, in pictures, not you and me but you as I see. The moments wherein you are you. No faked moments, no fancy moments. Just a 4x3 frame and your existence in time. I need you in my life, like the breath I breath, the poetry I sing and the words I pray to my Hari. The reverence which I shall devote you with shall run both ways for I will be nothing but starved for your love too. I need you more than they say should be possible. And if they are unkind to our love, I shall start an entire religion in our praise. I don't have you yet. But I need you. I am unable to give my heart yet but I desperately wish to do so. My parents marriage has left me ruined for anybody. Their love has left me far broken to trust anybody. But if I ever do so, I will live and breath for you. Till then I'll wait and live on the line of what could be more. I'm sorry to me and us that can be. But I pray for the us that would be. I am sorry dear me, for I cannot be. But till then I'll hold out hope for you because I need you." | Dead Whisper |
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infinitrix · 6 months
Intervention for you freaks
@thehumanofjustice @whisper-the-human @goldeneclipsee
Yall need help stop killing or severely injuring your characters for 5 MINUTES like just STOP,ENOUGH ok like im with traumaing the children but at the very least stop killing them like as if the mutilation isnt enough but like at least the mutilation can be fixed relatively easy but not DEATH
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jils-things · 1 month
me wanting to make a dress for irene that would align with my fav skins of his BRBRRHFHRJHR
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munniexinsomnia · 1 year
// As someone who is been struggling with mental health issues over 10 years, these news about Moonbin have been shock. 💔
I wish that mental health issues wouldn't be so taboo in some cultures, because we all are humans and we deserve to be treated as ones too, no matter what and idols shouldn't be any exception either, they deserve to get help they need and they should be allowed to talk about their mental health / other issues too, none of us is perfect and we don't need to be perfect either, my friend took these news very heavily and me too, even I wasn't Aroha but I did loved Moonbin and some ASTRO's songs too, these kind of news are always so damn devastating and sad, my heart goes to his family, friends, other ASTRO members and their fans. 💔
But this yet proves again, that even behind brightest smiles and laughter, there can be darker and hidden side, people should really take mental health issues more seriously, because they can be more damaging and triggering than any other issues / injuries, be kind, care and love others unconditionally, you never know what they're going through. ❤️
My deepest condolences and prayers are going to Moonbin's family, friends, other ASTRO members and their fans, may his beautiful soul rest in peace, I will miss him and remember him always. ❤️
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bookhighlightss · 2 months
Book Review on Imperfectly perfect series by Neva Altaj:
i. Painted Scars ( book #1 ) ( roman and nina )
1. Okay I've got complaints on this book because first of all what was this mentioning her " tiny " body that it ticked me off. WHAT TICKED ME OFF MORE IS HOW HE WAS LIKE SHE IS THE SAME HEIGHT AS ME WHILE IM SITTING DOWN. LIKE WHAT??!!! U MARRIED A CHILD OR SUMN???!!!!
2. What was her going on about being scared because he was HUGE and that scared her but at the same time validated bcs of her trauma but still.
3. I hated the fact that the fmc wasn't all strong and could fight n shit bcs um ur the pakhans wife???? What r u doing if ur not kicking ass????
4. Overall the book was um mid???
ii. Broken Whispers ( book #2 ) ( Mikhail and Bianca )
1. Okay love the fact that he was always obsessed with her and her whole ballet dance and him watching her was like so cute n shit.
2. The daughter father bond was peak so love it.
3. I absolutely also HATE the fact that she also wasn't a strong fmc bcs ur the daughter of another mafia leader????? Wdym???? I wanted kickass fmc.
4. AGAIN TINY PETITE BODY WILL BE THE DEATH OF ME but kinda will accept it cuz she's a ballet dancer. So fine I'll allow it.
5. HERE'S THE ICK IN THIS BOOK. he forces his ex to give birth to their child bcs she got pregnant and wanted an abortion....HE THREATENED TO KILL HER???!!!! And obv he's a man he wouldn't know the thousand problems that comes with pregnancy so makes sense yk don't let woman have her own right over her OWN body. Like srsly he's a book bf make him a green forest please.
6. Loved the book bcs it was a level up from the first mid book.
iii. Hidden Truths ( book #3 ) ( Sergei and Angelina )
1. Love the fact that the serial killer scenes were serial killing bcs wow they really went all graphic and I'm here for it. I'm sorry but they really gave justice to his psychotic character and behaviour when he was killing.
2. Okay this girl could fight so it's accepted.
3. The tiny and petite wasn't mentioned that much prolly bcs she starved herself but yea.
4. Okay she was retarded. Like hella retarded. SPOILERS AHEAD. basically their enemy said they would kill him if she didn't come back or wtv and SHE CHOSE TO HIDE FROM A MAN WHO WAS MADE INTO A WEAPON!!!!! like this guy could kill 3 ppl in 15 secs and u wanna hide this shit from him???? HE CAN SAVE HIS OWN LIFE!!!! YOU CANNOT!!!!! I hate it when main characters r all dumb and retarded and r like omg I was protecting him??? Hun.....he can fight trust me.
5. SPOILERS ENDED. um overall book was fine better than the second book.
iv. Ruined Secrets ( book #4 ) ( luca and Isabella )
1. This book is an ICK. ICK. ICK. ICK. They have a 16 yr age gap and idk bout u but that doesn't sit well with me. HE PRACTICALLY WATCHES HER GROW UP FROM WHEN SHE WAS 6!!!!! THAS NOT OKAY
2. Can I just say that the father daughter bond was not shown the tiniest bit in this book. She didn't even exist in the book like that less cameos. And that actually shows how he wasn't there for the daughter. Prolly would've been more scenes if the author wasn't busy putting more smut scenes but eh.
3. Okay she is super badass I will not lie. She did actually fit the role of a capos wife unlike the first book and I loved it.
4. Ummm he actually calls her HIS TEENAGE WIFE???!!!!! EXCUSE ME SIR???!!!! JAIL. HE LITERALLY SAYS I'LL WAIT TILL SHE IS 21???!!!! Excuse me??!!!! U don't wait!!!!! Thas a child!!!!! U said it urself. U could practically be her father. WHAT???!!!! Fr she was 19 he was 35 and thas not okay and it actually makes me pukish.
5. Also um the way her whole family was okay with them getting married bcs she has loved him since forever is a no. I'm sorry but thas a weird obsession and it needs to be gotten rid of and not fueled.
7. The plot is super nice tho. Fast paced but nice. If they minused the WAYYY TOO MUCH SMUT and age difference.
v. Stolen Touches ( book #5 ) ( Salvatore and milene )
1. To say I went through it while reading the book would be an understatement is just wild.
2. ICK. ICK. ICK. one this woman needs a reality check BCS TELL ME WHY all the characters she writes go through the absolute worst " mafia " torture but come back out with little harm LIKE BFFR thas impossible.
3. Can I just say the guy is psychotic bcs there's no way his hyperobsession was romanticised in the book the way it was. This is how serial killers are born. Okay this should have ended with him in therapy and divorce but okay I think it's not a shock that her are weird.
4. OKAY SO APPARENTLY THIS GUY BARELY SMILES AND WHEN HE HAS A DAUGHTER THAS WHEN HE DECIDED TO FINALLY SMILE???? you're telling me this girl went thru practically years without seeing her husband smile??? And he smiles for his new born baby for the first time??? Fuck off pls.
5. This book made me question my existence and will for life but thas just me idk.
vi. Fractured Souls ( book #6 ) ( Pavel and Asya )
1. This book had so much potential and the way she ruined it with smut😭. THIS COULDVE BEEN SO MUCH BETTER.
2. AGAIN THIS BOOK WAS BACK WITH THE TINY AND PETITE AND EXTRA SMOL OUTFITS🥺 like oh yea sure not only is there a 15 year age gap but there's also child fetish LESGOOOOO AND THE FAVT THAT HES BLONDE??? DAFAK??
3. Okay so the book starts off great and tbh I thought this book would have no smut or one smut scene BUT NO THE BITCH ASS AUTHOR PICKED A SENSITIVE TOPIC TO WRITE ABOUT AND SOMEHOW MANAGED TO ADD SMUT IN IT
4. Look here's my opinion even tho I'm a hea girly but I feel like this book would be SO MUCH BETTER if they didn't end up tgt yk...like she never got to grow her own wings and fly?? Like this was just transfer from one gold prison to a rotten prison to another gold prison but it's prison at the end of the day. Like if they never were together and she just became an artist and he actually continued depressed and on with his life even tho he fell in love with her but he knew she could do better than that life then it would have been beautiful. Also if they never fucked then it would be even more beautiful.
5. I actually liked this book way much more than the previous 5 bcs he was a green flag if we forget the age gap ( I did for my own sanity ). Also the mall scenes were so CRINGY that I had to put the book down or I'd cut a vein. AND ISTG IF A RANDOM TATTED MAN THOUGHT HE COULD SHUT ME UP WITH A GLARE IN A PUBLIC PLACE...THE WAY I'D FUVK HIM UP....
6. Overall this book had potential which was horribly destroyed. Thank you.
vii. Burned dreams ( book #7 ) ( Alessandro and Ravenna )
1. Am I saying this book is shit? Yes. But am I saying it's better than the first three? Hell yes. Ig it took her 6 books to get a tad better but it'll do. I didn't wanna kms by the end of it.
3. So this book actually had a somewhat a good plot so ig I liked it. But um basically he has an ex wife who died but I just didn't like the way he moved on and fell in love again even tho it took him 8 yrs but meh.
4. Again the smut....ick....also the way her books are so predictable is annoying but it'll do ig.
viii. Silent lies ( book #8 ) ( Drago and Sienna )
1. Omg was this book the best out of all 8? Hell yes. Okay the usual icks were petite and tiny and the 16 year age gap but ATP I just make myself forget those two.
2. GREEN FLAG. GREEN FLAG. HES A GREEN FLAG. SPOILER AHEAD. so like when he finds out she went thru his phone and he thought she was a spy but she was just going thru his gallery BUT LIKE he never asked her what she saw on his phone and thought she was a spy but he decided to love her despite of it.
3. I fucking love her wardrobe and I need it desperately.
5. Okay genuinely I relate to her character a lot and this was fr fr grumpy x sunshine and I'm just happy about the fact that this was the first proper book in the series so yea
ix. Darkest sins ( book #9 ) ( Kai and Nera )
1. This book was the SHITTIEST of all books in this series. I got the ick throughout the book. I felt sick to my stomach and actually wanted to barf.
2. This man deserves to be in a high security jail or killed. There's no redemption for him bye. This book was crazy. He's a psycho killer and look Ive had my fair share of reading those kinds of books but this one didn't even make sense.
3. Idek if I can call their romance Stockholm syndrome bcs it's worse than that and there is no romance in this its basically him lusting after a child and objectifying her.
4. ISTG IF THIS AUTHOR DOSENT STOP WITH FILLING THE BOOKS UP WITH SMUT TO THE BRIM. While the age gap of this book was acceptable ( 10 yrs ) the storyline was unacceptable and absolutely shit I couldnt even read it properly I just kept skipping bcs this book was just not it and horrible.
ix. Sweet prison ( book #10 )
( hasn't been published yet )
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scottrandygerber · 5 months
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willow-wispys · 2 months
ur a wisp ?! thats so cool !!! what ' s it like being 1 ? :0
- switcheroo shrimpanon ( he ' s BACK )
If I had to be honest, it's fun to just fly around the woods and light it up along the way. I'm a little chilly all the time, so its great in the summer, not the winter. But I don't think I'd want to be too close to anything after it dies..
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fellshish · 8 months
Secret to getting to know other fans on tumblr is reblogging. This sounds like a trap to get you guys to reblog art and fics and gifs which yes that’s an added benefit but also the way you get a feel of followers or mutuals is the little comments in the tags of a post like subtle little whispers and you start to recognise names like oh that’s the one who’s always nice to artists or that’s the funny one or maybe they have a funny queue pun tag or maybe there can be a little prev tags interaction like that’s how you start creating your own little likeminded souls club here. Also you get to put pretty art and fics and gifs on your blog
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cemeteryonline · 6 months
Cannibalbitten ;
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A gender under the undead ones ' s gender system " Genderbitten " where ones gender is tied to biting someone and eating them or somehow biting the concept of cannibalism .
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darkstaria · 3 months
Yandere Batfam - Soulmate Soul Animal AU.
Chapter 3:
Chapter 1. Chapter 2. Chapter 4. Chapter 5.
Chapter 3 is finally here! Hooray! Hope people enjoy this, cuz I'm going to sleep now zzz
Taglist: @moonchild-artemisdaughter @jjsmeowthie @madine11-blog @xxrougefangxx @hadesnewpersephone @neerathebrightstar @mel-star636 @jaythes1mp @rosecentury @lov3vivian @gaozorous-rex-blog @victoria1676 @vrsin @silverklaus @ryukyuin @kurai-hono-blog @thisisafish123 @isawyourbrowserhistory @ain-t-no-way-bsfr
A week had passed since that encounter that had sent you running home, and you could only be grateful to yourself that you hadn’t given Tim your number back. He had probably expected that you would have messaged him back by now. Instead, you were going to avoid that cafe for a while.
As if to spite you, Red was currently fluttering about you. Or should you call him Tim? That might make things too confusing. Red it was.
You had looked at the card Tim had given you, and in all honesty, you regretted it. Mainly because of the name on the card.
Tim Drake.
Tim Drake, who is also commonly known as Tim Wayne. The adopted son of Bruce Wayne.
Tim Drake is Red Robin.
You stared down at Red, who had started dozing in your lap.
Did that mean that the Wayne family all were..? No, surely not. You mean, Brucie Wayne as Batman? That felt a little ridiculous. You could definitely see Robin as Damian Wayne though, he had the right energy.
Richard Grayson had ties to acrobats right? Something about a tragedy. Nightwing did perform quite the stunts.
It was way too late in the night for these revelations.
There was one way to know for sure though.
“Wing!” You called out, attracting the attention of the bird that had previously been messing around with your stuffed animal. Wing had way too much of a vendetta against your plushie sometimes. Honestly, if he destroyed one of them, you certainly wouldn't be hugging him anymore.
Wing flew over to you, in a graceful arc that included several unnecessary loops. Showoff.
Wing landed on your hand, and you took a deep breath. Stay calm. The weight of Red in your lap gave you a little comfort, keeping you grounded.
“Richard Grayson.” You said, staring.
No reaction. Not even a twitch, Wing just started tweeting cheerfully as if you hadn't said anything of interest.
Maybe Richard Grayson wasn't Nightwing then? Or was it Richie? Although, he could be called by a nickname instead. What nickname would a Richard be called though…? Maybe..
A clutter caught your attention, the sound of a window being opened and slid down. Your window.
Uh oh.
You immediately panicked. What? What could you do? You likely only had about a minute or two until the invader located your bedroom, you needed to make a decision quickly. Even as birds, you knew Red and Wing could defend themselves, but were you willing to take the risk?
If you got robbed, that would be awful, but a robber could do so much worse with the knowledge of a vigilante's civilian soulmate.
You'd take the risk. You pick up Red’s prone form, placing him into an empty bag you had laying around. If your life was in danger, you'd simply free them, and all would be okay.
You turn around, aiming to grab Wing. You reach for him, but Wing evades, darting to the left. Frowning, you try and grab him again, but Wing continues to evade, tweeting in joy.
Wing! You felt like screaming, blood racing to your head and flushing you with panic. This was not a game!
You swipe at him, starting to grab at him in increasingly frantic motions. Each movement is skillfully evaded, with Wing adding a flourish to each dodge.
“Stop dodging!” You hiss, whispering as quietly as you could. It was only when you paused in a moment to calm your frustrations that Wing showed you solace. Landing on your head in a smooth movement, Wing gave a little chirp.
Holding your hands to your head, you felt Wing climb on. You lowered him to eye level, taking a second to glare, before suddenly remembering that you had a literal home invader and stuffing Wing alongside Red in your bag. You had just clipped the bag shut when the creak of your door alerted you to their entrance.
Turning, you were beginning to lament the loss of all your earthly belongings when you locked eyes with a familiar face.
Red Robin.
“What..?” You mumble, horrified. Why was Red Robin here, in your house? The only place you could count on. The one sanctuary you had where you never had to worry about getting caught. Where you were safe.
You didn't feel safe anymore.
“Why? Why are you.. in my home?” The words stumbled out, barely registering even as they left your mouth. You had started shaking. When did that happen?
Perhaps noticing how shaken you were, Red Robin had the decency to look ashamed.
“I’m sorry for invading your house.” He began, with an apologetic tone. “I got quite a bit injured while patrolling, I was hoping I could camp out here for a while.” He gestured to his leg, where a grievous scratch bled. He smiled at you, a polite, small thing, as if it would convince you.
No, was your immediate answer.
“Yes.” Was your spoken response. “I guess that will be fine, but don't linger too long, I don't want to be targeted because a vigilante came into my window.” You tried a smile. It felt like a mask. “And I don't know any medical care. I can offer you my first aid kit, but that's about it.”
“That's fine.” Red Robin seemed reassured, happy to be here. “I have some medical supplies of my own, but I'd appreciate it if I could use your medical kit.”
“I'll go get it. Could you go to the kitchen, please? I’d rather not have you bleed out on my bed.”
He chucked. “Sure.” Then he was gone, headed off to your kitchen. He acted as if it was so simple, as if your life hadn't just shattered to pieces all around you. So nonchalant.
You took a moment to catch your breath. It was difficult. Then, you lifted the clip of your bag, checking in on your soul animals. Wing was cuddled up to Red, the two dozing.
You frowned. Red was fine. He was completely calm, fading in and out of sleep. There was no trace of an injury on him at all.
When it came to injuries, soul animals had some quirks. They only reflect injuries if the soulmate found the wound to be serious enough. Because your soulmates were vigilantes, you were plenty familiar with when they were injured or not. Red was not injured. Not in the slightest.
Red Robin’s wound was intentional. Calculated. If it was a genuine issue, Red would be suffering as well. Which meant only one thing.
Red Robin was on an investigation.
And you were the subject.
You took a couple extra minutes to compose yourself, minutes you didn't doubt Red Robin was utilizing to his full extent. You just had to remind yourself, you were a civilian, you had nothing to hide.
He could look everywhere in the house and not discover a thing. The real secret was already contained in your bag. You could not let him find your soul animals. He can see everything else, but that.
It would be really convenient if both Red and Wing suddenly left to visit some other soulmate of yours, but you knew better than to expect that. If anything you'd be lucky to not have some other soul animal of yours show up. Ever since Spoiler and Orphan showed up, they'd been more persistent than usual. Maybe the new bonds had reminded them that they still hadn't met you.
Well, it was time to face the music. Or the Tim, that worked too. You had already wasted enough time.
Shaken, you slowly stood up. You gathered your bearings, breathed.
You could do this.
Opening the door to the kitchen took much longer than usual, you could only blame the nerves. You locked eyes with Red Robin.
You couldn't do this.
“Hey.” He said. He had his own kit open, taking out some bandages. Despite the illusion of busyness, you didn't doubt he had already skulked around your home. “Did you get the medkit?”
The medkit. The kit of medicine you had said you'd bring. The very reason you had your precious minutes of safety in your bedroom. The medkit you forgot. Fu-
You darted back into your room, ripping open a cabinet, and yanking the kit out as if it were the cause of your problems, before dashing back over to him. It was a miracle you hadn't tripped on the way over.
Play it cool.
“S-sorry!” You tried. Your heart was beating out of your skull. Could he tell? Did he already know? Was it over?
“Here.” He took the kit from your shaking hands, laying it across the table and opening it. “You said that you didn't know any medical care. Gotham has clinics, but it's a little dangerous to not have any idea of how to treat an injury, I'll show you.”
You felt yourself nod.
No. It couldn't be over. He’s got nothing on you, and will never have anything. You are a normal citizen, you just need to act like it. You didn't live a life separate from the world, hidden from birth, just to get caught.
You noticed a flutter of movement in the darkness behind his shoulder, and stared. After a bit of squinting, you could make out a small figure in the darkness. A bat.
Uh oh.
A rush of horror gripped you. The bat was smaller and slender than the Bat. It was Orphan. You gave a little twitch, a small shake of the head, begging for it to not move. Orphan didn't react.
Red Robin began explaining how to properly cleanse and sanitize wounds. You did your best to pay attention. Somehow, he was a decent teacher. He then moved on to explaining how to properly bandage. You assumed that he was just going to talk you through it. This assumption was broken, as Red Robin instead took your hands in his, and guided them through the correct technique. Once you seemed to have gotten it, he then let you apply them to his leg.
“A little tighter, just like that.”
“Like this?”
Why would he let you do this? Aren't the bats supposed to be paranoid? Your thoughts were interrupted by a ruffle of your hair. You looked up, locking eyes with Red Robin. He smiled.
“Well done.”
What the hell was going on.
The only good thing about today was that Orphan still hadn't moved. You almost forgot about it, since Orphan had stayed in complete darkness the whole time. Perhaps Orphan was content just watching?
Ah, but you're getting distracted. Red Robin received his medical care just like he wanted, now it's time for him to leave. And never come back.
“Are you doing any better?” It was a tentative question. Unfortunately you didn't think a ‘get the hell out of here’ would work any better, as much as you wanted to say so.
He nodded. “Yep. I'll head out now, goodbye.” Red Robin stood up, gathering his medkit up and placing it in his utility belt. He vaulted up to your kitchen window, sliding it open once again and climbing up to it. Now you knew what window it was, you were absolutely fixing that shut.
A glance in Orphan’s corner told you that it was still there, still watching. In that aspect, the soul animal was rather like the Bat. A stalker. Still, you'd take it.
You had never been so glad to watch someone leave before. He didn't let you enjoy your happiness for long, however, as he turned back to you at the last moment. “Oh, by the way”. He began, as if you weren’t screaming inside.
“I'll be coming over again in a few days, possibly next week.” He glanced at some gadget you didn't care about as he said this, nonchalant.
“W-why?” You stuttered, completely bewildered. He had definitely checked out your house, there was nothing to be found! For what insane reason would he be coming back for?!
“It’s not safe for any Gothamite to lack basic first aid training. Your parents should have taught you better.”
The world was becoming red, you hid a clenched fist behind your back. “That's nothing that a first aid course wouldn't teach me, really, it'd be fine if you didn't come over.”
You wanted to outright protest, you really did. But you couldn't. Drawing any excessive attention would be your downfall. It'd be much easier, if Red Robin would pick up that you clearly didn't want him here!
And besides, your parents were busy enough, paying to keep you safe, hidden from the world. They have done enough.
“A course can't teach you like a hero can. I'll know when your in, so, keep an ear out.” Of course. Thanks Tim, so much.
So now you had the choice between staying at home wherein Red Robin could show up at any moment and find out your soulmates, or you could leave home and get caught with having vigilante soul animals outside. Great, what wonderful options.
You're about to protest, give a better argument, at least something. But you're interested by a squawk coming from your bedroom. You realised what happened immediately. One of the robins had finally woken up.
He needed to get out. Now.
“Okay fine, but please leave. Having a vigilante hanging out of my window is even worse than being inside my house.” You gave up. It didn't matter what concession you had to give, you needed him out immediately.
Red Robin had the audacity to chuckle, as if you had made a joke. He lifted his hand in a wave, before vanishing with a swoosh.
As if he had never been there to begin with.
A shaky sigh left you, your knees losing strength. But you snapped back to attention a second later. It was time to attend to your soul animals.
Orphan landed on your shoulder as you made your way over to your bedroom. You reluctantly petted it, sapped of your usual enthusiasm. At least it knew of subtlety, unlike certain soul animals you had.
Maybe it was time to finally get some sleep.
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peachsayshi · 1 year
cc x·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ thinking about...reader trying to break up with yandere gojo  
minors / ageless blogs / blank blogs - do not interact.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ tags: yandere; dub con; lovesick gojo & he’s obsessive/toxic about it; he’s mean but yummy, okay?; size kink (ish?); gojo showing off his strength; sex without protection
notes: I had this written as an idea right after I wrote my hc’s for the jjk men in their yandere version. twylm readers, please forgive me for not posting the next chapter. I am working on it but I am really struggling - I had the worst burn out after the last chapter, and have been having a hard time trying to get back into the story >.< 
wc: 1,228
gojo plays with the hem of your skirt - the flat expression on his face telling you that he’s listening but appears unbothered by your statement. you can see the annoyance in his eyes, the irritation that you would say something so ridiculous in the middle of a make out session. 
his hands find the back of your thighs and with one swift motion he pulls you over his long legs so you’re hovering above his lap. the imbalance forces you to clutch onto his shirt with frustration, and he mindlessly reaches to undo his belt before tugging your underwear aside with his long, slender digits. 
“toru, are you listening to me?” you whisper in a small voice. 
“you want to take a break?” he repeats calmly, but those last two words are laced with disgust, barely slipping through his clenched teeth, and he lowers you down just enough for him to press the tip of his swollen cock against your slit. 
“I need to slow things down...” you breathe, lashes fluttering at the sensation from the contact. 
your thighs naturally start to tense up when he holds you there, and the pads of his fingers dig roughly into your hip to keep you in place. you hiss against the harsh touch, gazing down to find your lover pouting at you like a disappointed child.
any stranger would consider this an adorable expression with the way his big eyes widen while his brows upturn sorrowfully. 
to you, however, it was an entirely different message. 
“are you unhappy?” he asks, his words weighed down by hurt. 
a warm sensation travels up your calves as you try to maintain the pose and you shake your head no while squeezing him gently with reassurance. satoru flickers his attention back to the point of contact. your pelvis feels tight from holding this awkward position, and the ache to have him inside you naturally makes the space between your legs pulse with need. 
satoru gojo has given you everything and more. there is no reason for you to be unhappy. 
he made sure of that. 
“okay,” he confirms with a sigh, one palm moving to grope the curve of your ass while the other stabilizes your leg as he draws you down his length. “do you not love me?” 
a hard lump forms in your throat. 
you’re careful never to actually say those words to him. 
satoru’s devotion consumes your entire your soul - you can’t help but feel like you would be making a deal with a devil if you decided to admit your true feelings. 
you managed to keep his peace of mind this far by reassuring him with deep, promising kisses and strong acknowledgements of his feelings. 
technically you aren’t lying, but the reality is that you’re afraid to love him...and of what your love does to him.
giving him another silent reply, you nod your head as your fear creeps up the back of your spine. the only relief you find is the stretch between your legs, and your lips part into a circle as satoru gives himself to you inch by glorious inch.
your skirt flaps over you both, concealing him buried inside you. he arches forward to kiss your jaw, his large hands finding your breasts and he massages them over your fitted tank. 
he delicately trails his fingers down your waist to latch onto your hips once more. “then why...” he murmurs into your neck, “do you want to take a break?” 
your hand finds the back of his head, a moan leaving your parted lips when you feel him lick a stripe up the column before lightly nipping at your earlobe. 
“it’s just...” you gasp, feeling flowers of heat bloom in all the places he’s touching you, “I just feel like we are getting ahead of o-ourselves..ah...” 
he rocks your hips back and forth, moving at such a languid pace that you can’t help but clench your thighs around his own. your fingers curl around the snowy threads of his white hair, tugging at it gently before pulling his face away so you can meet his eyes. 
he looks smug - but he always does because he knows that you’re just addicted to him as he is to you. 
“isn’t that what we want?” he questions, the corner of his mouth twitching into a lazy smile as he takes off your top and unfastens your bra, “we’re already so perfect...” 
“satoru,” you whine, “that’s not the point-” 
this time he ruts his pelvis upward, interrupting your thoughts as he hits you at the right spot that makes your eyes disappear into the back of your head. he leans against the chair, maintaining full eye contact with you as he casually lifts you up before dropping you back down on his cock. “just want to make you m’pretty wife, is all...fuck you like this every single night...” 
you bite your bottom lip, frustrated with how wet he’s making you with his words. your body subconsciously succumbs to his demands and you slowly start bouncing up and down over his length. 
“that’s right, angel,” satoru grunts with approval, his hungry hands grab your ass roughly, and you squeak when you feel a slight sting from behind as the sound of his palm slapping against your skin echoes around the room. “see? I’m making you feel s’fucking good, your pussy’s so wet f’me...just for me...” 
when his mouth finds yours, you know you’ve lost the battle. his scalding kisses leave your lips swollen but you still search for him out of desperation to feel the fire. he’s reminding you how hard it would be to let go of him, reiterating that there is no man in this world who could ever love you as much he does. you feel silly for bringing this up, questioning your own trepidations about him and wondering if this is simply you sabotaging what you already have. 
you are in a daze from the way he fucks you but he isn’t slowing down his movements and you feel like he might actually split you in two. he would never speak to you with angry words, but you can feel it in his movements.
“gonna c-cum, gonna cum, gonna cum...” 
it comes out of you like a warning, but it only makes satoru go deeper and before you know it your vision is white. your body feels everything all at once, and the coil that’s been tightening around your lower belly loosens from the intense orgasm. the pleasure is euphoric, sinfully so, and it drains you of all the energy you’ve preserved. your body goes limp in satoru’s arms, and he keeps them wrapped securely around your waist as he pumps his cum inside you.
he holds you in this embrace, allowing the seconds to pass. his breath fans your collar bone while he tries to catch himself. your eyes feel heavy when you blink them open, and you cup his face in your hands as you seek to cool yourself down with his azure eyes.
“I’m never going to let you go,” he confesses with a sweet kiss to the inside of your palm, before placing another on your cheek while he tightens his grip, “so stop trying to push me away.” 
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