#White Buddha
christadeguchi · 9 months
j… jesus oppa ;____;
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torao-d-water-ya · 1 year
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The civilians you're sworn to protect.
The civilians you're sworn to bloody protect???
Like these civilians?
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These ones?
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These ones?
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These ones?
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These ones?
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cyberianpunks · 4 months
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class warfare
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mahayanapilgrim · 6 months
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White Tara, the female Buddha of longevity.
Tara is a completely enlightened buddha and as a young bodhisattva she promised always to appear in the form of a female bodhisattva and goddess for the benefit of all beings and especially to protect from the eight fears. In this white form she appears specifically for the purpose of bestowing longevity.
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kacievvbbbb · 2 months
Garp and Compliance
I do think Garp is a very complicated man with very complicated motivations and actions. He is the definition of lawful chaotic. And I do genuinely believe that he joined the marines cause he wanted to do good in the world and that was how he saw how. But I also believe he is a great example of how the willful compliance of the few "good" help maintain the power of a bad system and how that is a part of the problem. does it matter if there are a few good men if the entire system is bad?
But I also do believe that he wanted his kids to drink the marine cool aid like him to keep them safe, Ace particularly. Like I do genuinely believe that.
Like listen they have the "D" just by being alive they are a threat to the world government and it will always want them dead and those they love dead by association. Hell even Sengoku tells Garp that he would have been executed long ago for the crimes of his family if he wasnt so valuable as the Hero of the Marines, anf it's played off like a joke but given everything we know about the marines and the world government it was very much a real threat.
But they haven't because Garp is valuable, he doesn't follow order, his family are all some of the most dangerous criminals in the world and he acts entirely too much like a pirate himself never mind that he and his lineage bare the ultimate sin of having a "D" in their name. But he gets to live, he is safe because he is valuable. And so by that logic if those kids get into the marines, if they complied and become strong, indispensable, invaluable. Then maybe that will keep them safe, maybe it will keep even Ace safe, a boy who committed the gravest only crime against the marines by being born the son of a man the government killed 22 years ago.
And if they are safe then maybe Garp doesn't have to confront the tyranny he swore to protect.
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lild00td00t · 1 year
What are they like when they kiss: MARINE EDITION!
I started to maybe try to add some story to this little series, would you guys like for these to be short stories instead of imagines ? :)
Also ! I added Sengoku just for you @condoriano-67890 !!! I hope u like it <3
• His kisses are usually brief, but there’s so much thought behind them
• His kisses are surprises, and also payment for the rice cracker he just took from your hands -
• You’ll be wrapped up in his arms, and feel your feet leave the ground, his boisterous laughter filling the room as he peppers your face in kisses
• Hell poke your side and laugh when you swat at him, fighting through your defensive oscillations only to kiss all over your face, laughing in between <3
• Garp makes fun of him every time you kiss, which usually ends up in an argument, that you have to end, ah the life of a retired fleet admirals partner.. it’s hard
• Beneath the rough and tough exterior, he is the sweetest marine to ever sail the seas
• You never miss the smile you catch him donning when a group of children runs by, playing in the streets, it makes your heart swell at how soft he is with children
• When you bring it up to him later he’ll only flush, stating that they’re children, and it’s not a big deal
• So when you lean in, your nose barely grazing his, a smile gracing your face, he can’t help but smile
• The kiss you share is so soft, and loving, he dips his head down, pulling you flush agianst him while he rubs up and down your back
• He loves to nuzzle his nose with yours when you’re alone after your kisses, just another small gesture to show he loves you, even if it isn’t in his “ rough and tough “ exterior <3
• Help this poor boy. Should he kiss you first, he’ll be so insecure about how good he is
• The setting was perfect for your kiss, at a festival with plenty of activities for couples
• Hold his hand through the night, stay by his side and lean close to him, and when he talks, gaze up at him with bright eyes, let him know you’re attentive and listening
• When he’s talking start leaning in, even if he stops talking.
• The kiss is.. awkward, his face is stiff, hands are clammy and cold, until you lean into him more, and wrap your arms around him to show you genuinely want him
• He finally gets comfortable enough to return a short kiss before clambering on through the night, his face turning 10 shades darker than his hair whenever you look his way <3
• She never initiates kisses first, unless it’s on the cheek or temple
• So when you pull her in close, you do all the romantics, like tucking hair behind her ear and adjusting her glasses. Once you cup her face she starts to change shades in the face, stammering incessantly until your lips finally meet hers
• She’ll release a surprised noise, her hands would find your shirt or hips as she melts into the kiss EVENTUALLY, she is very shy about kisses :(
• Please, keep her face cupped after you pull away, tell her how much you love her, and how sweet she is, she might just start crying tears of joy <3 <3 <3
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kojiarakiartworks · 8 months
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June 2012 KTM Kathmandu Nepal Bhaktapur
© KOJI ARAKI Art Works
Daily life and every small thing is the gate to the universe :)
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astroboyart · 1 year
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Source: Osamu Tezuka Manga Museum (official website)
The Capcom vs Tezuka characters art exhibit is returning in 2023!
Originally held in 2020, the 「テヅカプファイティングユニバース CAPCOM VS. 手塚治虫CHARACTERS」 "Tezukapu Fighting Universe: Capcom VS. Osamu Tezuka Characters" exhibit will be held from June 30, 2023 to October 29, 2023 at the Osamu Tezuka Manga Museum. Information about the exhibit can be viewed in the sourced link.
Poster art is by Kazuya Nuri.
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ilikedetectives · 1 month
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ecbanda · 5 months
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nale-it-art · 8 months
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Finished the 1st Buddha drawing I've ever attempted.
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2001hz · 1 year
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Zi Won Wang: 'Buddha_z' (2009)
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cyberianpunks · 6 months
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you understand that in the mundane there is nothing sacred, but what you have not yet understood is that in the sacred there is nothing mundane
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mahayanapilgrim · 4 months
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White Tara Sitatara is associated with long life. Her mantra is often chanted with a particular person in mind. She's another representation of compassion, and she's pictured as being endowed with seven eyes look at the palms of the hands, soles of the feet, and her forehead to symbolize the watchfulness of the compassionate mind.
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samuraijackenjoyer · 7 months
sometimes I wonder what the fuck Genndy was thinking with Jack and his mother’s robes. I don’t even know where he got the idea for plain white kimono, considering that’s not really something in any samurai movies and such. The thing that’s especially amusing to anyone who knows abt traditional Japanese clothing is that. that’s essentially long Johns or a slip. It’s the underwear of the actual kimono and is sometimes a sleep dress. I think I know of one Japanese media where a plain white kimono is used as an actual public presenting outfit, and it’s Okami where Kushi wears one as the sacrificial offering. (hold on, getting to that.) If he wanted it to be an actual training gi, for one it doesn’t make sense that his mother is wearing the exact same thing, and two, it’s not a single layer kimono. anything samurai wore was not a single robe— the kimono shirt was double layered (with the white juban underneath normally) and the hakama pants were pants, not an open robe, despite often looking like a dress to outsiders bc of how flowing and wide they are. A gi looks even less like Jack’s robe— think of the white karate outfits. That’s a gi. For Iaido and Kendo and such the training clothing does tend to be the kimono shirt and hakama, but it’s not white on white, and I don’t know that it would be called a gi like the type worn for judo and such. I just wonder where the hell Genndy got the idea of Jack just essentially wearing underwear all the time lmao. I DO understand why he chose white, he wanted the contrast between Jack and Aku, but choosing a single layer plain white robe, beyond just for the sake of simplicity in animation, is the thing that surprises me. (Not in a negative way, just that I wonder where it came from). I have to wonder what people watching in Japan thought of Jack wearing that. No one seems to feel strongly enough to comment, and I believe part of that is just suspension of disbelief and Samurai Jack being such a simplistic cartoon in its displays that it’s kind of easy to ignore, but there have to be times ppl wonder why he’s wearing that lol. Especially bc Genndy KNOWS the proper attire, evidenced by the clothes he puts on Jack’s father in both the opening scenes and Birth of Evil.
I highly doubt this much thought was put into Jack’s clothing, but I do like to think that the reason Jack wears such a shockingly minimal and unarmored outfit is because of his function as the one meant to defeat Aku. Going back to the mention of Kushi in Okami, she wears those clothes bc she is meant to be the “pure, innocent, sacrificial offering”. The robe is not unlike those worn in Shinto purification rituals, or robes worn by Buddhist priests. It’s also very well known for being the clothes a dead person is put in. Kushi was basically wearing her shroud. Tying that in with Jack, I believe the reason Jack wears what he does is because he is meant to be similar. Jack is an offering from his parents, giving up their son to be the nameless warrior in order to defeat Aku for good. They want him to be the antithesis to everything that Aku is, so Jack wears robes meant for purification and to an extent representing sacrifice, a simple, genderless and unadorned kimono very uncharacteristic of the Emperor’s son, because as long as Aku lives, that title is not his. Jack wears that robe because he is meant to be the pure, innocent, forged and powerful sacrificial challenger to defeat Aku, or die trying.
As for Jack’s mother, part of me wonders if she had connections to the monks she stays with in the opening, and therefore from the moment she and the emperor decided on their son being the backup plan in case Aku returned, she was preparing both herself and him in her own way. (That’s the best explanation I can think of bc all things considered his mother should have been wearing some very heavy and ornate court Kimono. Maybe she and the emperor just weren’t into the style lmao.) edit: she DOES wear what looks like a simplified layered kimono in a few scenes, but the ones where she’s with her son, like the opening and I think the scene where she’s making a straw hat, she’s usually wearing a white robe.
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k-martins · 1 year
I feel like as we go along, JJK's theories are getting more complex than JJK itself.
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