#White Supremacists
I got the majority of this information from the YouTuber Annamarie Forcino's video "The Alarming "Gnome Hunting" Trend No One's Talking About". (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pf0bZOMuVFs)
This post is to help spread this information.
Please be aware:
• If you come across anything with the term "gnome hunting" or anything listed below online, block and report the account immediately. If you come across it offline, covertly and safely get the absolute fuck out of there. Warn others.
• Keep yourself safe. As with any bullshit like this these people may be violent. The wearing of tactical gear and the use of the word hunting when talking about a group of human beings is not peaceful or respectful of life. Exercise caution. Especially if you are in a group the groups they're in target.
• This is mostly on TikTok, DO NOT SEARCH FOR IT ON SITES WITH THE ALGORITHM. This will drive engagement and help it spread. If you come across it block and report it but do not search it.
The term "gnome hunting" is being used by antisemitists/neonazis/white supremacists to refer to themselves, they themselves being the "hunters" and those they target, Jews, being the "gnomes" and is a way for them to talk in code.
Things to watch out for with this specific wave of antisemitic bullshit are but are not limited to:
"join the hunt" = join us.
"millions wear the hats" millions = the Jews, hats = the Jewish Yarmulke/Kippah (a Jewish head covering). This phrase refers to Jewish people in general. When they use this phrase they are talking about Jews.
"kike" a slur against those of Jewish descent and or those who are practicing Judaism.
"88" H is the 8th letter of the alphabet. 88 = hh = "hail hitler".
"⚡⚡" "ᛋᛋ" "ϟϟ" Two lightning bolt emojis, two Greek letter ᛋ's, or two lighting bolt symbols side by side = the nazi ss. The nazi ss flag is two lighting bolt symbols side by side.
"Z" or "z" The English letter Z/z is used by russian nazis against Ukrainians who are being murdered by and suffering war crimes at the hands of russian nazis since the current russian dictator putin invaded Ukraine. Has unfortunately spread and is being used by nazis in other countries. The symbol has similarities to the wolfsangel.
"Ƶ" The wolfsangel. An ancient runic symbol believed to have been capable of warding off wolves, appropriated by nazi organizations in nazi Germany. Still used by white supremacists/nazis today.
(Cannot find a symbol for this.) The sunwheel, sonnenrad, or black sun. A symbol from old Norse and old Celtic culture. Also appropriated by nazis, still used by neonazis today.
"schizopost" "schizoposting" Used by neonazis when they use neurodivergence/mental illness (they do not struggle with) as an excuse for their bullshit. Ex: saying "I'm insane" "I'm schizophrenic" "me and the boys being schizophrenic" in the same post about "gnome hunting" or with any relation to nazi/white supremacists ideology.
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ktempestbradford · 10 months
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From The Atlantic: Substack Has a Nazi Problem
[that link is to an archived version, so no paywall]
Bottom Line: the CEOs/leaders of Substack aren't just being laissez-faire about the fascists and open white supremacists on the platform, they actively boost them by having them on the company podcast, featuring them, mentioning them, and boosting them. Because the newsletters bring in LOADS of money and they love money. Even newsletters that repeatedly violate the basic, useless guidelines of Substack, they do not get punished.
This isn't a huge surprise for anyone who has been following the major issues with Substack that have come up in the past few years. There was the whole scandal where the public discovered that Substack had been paying people secretly to be on the service while advertising that anyone can make it on their own here! Plus, they were paying bigots directly to put their newsletters on the srvice.
Good breakdowns of that from Annalee Newitz and Grace Lavery.
Then there was the disasterous interview one of the CEOs (Chris Best) did with Nilay Patel of The Verge when Substack's Twitter clone launched. Nilay -- who is, if you hadn't guessed, of Indian descent -- asked him pointed questions about content moderation and... well...
[Nilay] I just want to be clear, if somebody shows up on Substack and says “all brown people are animals and they shouldn’t be allowed in America,” you’re going to censor that. That’s just flatly against your terms of service. [Best] So, we do have a terms of service that have narrowly prescribed things that are not allowed. That one I’m pretty sure is just flatly against your terms of service. You would not allow that one. That’s why I picked it. So there are extreme cases, and I’m not going to get into the– Wait. Hold on. In America in 2023, that is not so extreme, right? “We should not allow as many brown people in the country.” Not so extreme. Do you allow that on Substack? Would you allow that on Substack Notes? I think the way that we think about this is we want to put the writers and the readers in charge– No, I really want you to answer that question. Is that allowed on Substack Notes? “We should not allow brown people in the country.” I’m not going to get into gotcha content moderation. This is not a gotcha... I’m a brown person. Do you think people on Substack should say I should get kicked out of the country? I’m not going to engage in content moderation, “Would you or won’t you this or that?” That one is black and white, and I just want to be clear: I’ve talked to a lot of social network CEOs, and they would have no hesitation telling me that that was against their moderation rules. Yeah. We’re not going to get into specific “would you or won’t you” content moderation questions. Why? I don’t think it’s a useful way to talk about this stuff.
Best wasn't willing to get into these "gotchas" around their new social network, which is a pretty clear indication that they won't get into it around content moderation on the original platform. (Their statement after the fact did nothing to make things better.)
It's also really clear from the Atlantic article that the Substack CEOs/Owners are, at best, more interested in making money than in keeping white supremacists and Nazis (literal ones) off their platform. At worst, the Substack CEOs/Owners are supremacist/Nazi sympathizers. Either way:
Substack Directly Supports the Alt-Right, Nazis, and White Supremacists
Openly, brazenly, and without remorse.
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An oligarch openly pushing to get a crooked billionaire fascist elected in exchange for tax breaks.
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shutinthenutouse · 6 months
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eretzyisrael · 28 days
by Zach Kessel
Santa Ana Unified School District (SAUSD) officials and hired consultants conspired to keep Jewish community members in the dark about ethnic-studies courses on the grounds that, as Jews, they are inherently racist and would disrupt plans to enlighten the student body, according to a new filing in an ongoing lawsuit.
The American Jewish Committee (AJC), the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the Brandeis Center, and the law firm Covington & Burling sued SAUSD in September 2023 over alleged violations of the state’s open-meeting laws. The organizations charged the district with intentionally skirting California policy to push a curriculum that casts Jews as oppressors. Information brought to light during legal proceedings suggests those behind the ethnic-studies curriculum promoted anti-Jewish rhetoric and conspiracy theories.
Understanding the Jewish community’s concern about the curriculum, members of the steering committee noted in an official agenda that they would need to “address the Jewish question.” They would do this by using “Passover to get all new courses approved” — meaning scheduling meetings on Jewish holidays so Jews could not attend — according to a text message between officials obtained as part of the lawsuit.
The message recipient responded that conspiring to exclude Jewish community members from the meeting was “actually a good strategy.”
The desire to freeze Jews out of the decision-making process stems from a belief that Jews are white supremacists, as the words of committee members show. One leader referred to the only Jewish committee member as a “colonized Jewish mind” and a “f–king baby” for expressing concerns over the depiction of Jews in the curriculum. Another individual on the committee reportedly said that “Jews are not a disadvantaged ethnic group in the U.S. because they were never slaves,” that “Jews greatly benefit from white privilege, so they have it better,” and that the school district should “only support the oppressed, and Jews are the oppressors.” Another argued that Jews are “racialized under the white category.” One committee leader described Jewish organizations that took issue with the curriculum as “racist Zionists.”
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alwaysbewoke · 6 months
A federal judge on Monday threw out a lawsuit by Elon Musk’s X that had targeted a watchdog group for its critical reports about hate speech on the social media platform. In a blistering 52-page order, the judge blasted X’s case as plainly punitive rather than about protecting the platform’s security and legal rights. “Sometimes it is unclear what is driving a litigation,” wrote District Judge Charles Breyer, of the US District Court for the Northern District of California, in the order’s opening lines. “Other times, a complaint is so unabashedly and vociferously about one thing that there can be no mistaking that purpose.” “This case represents the latter circumstance,” Breyer continued. “This case is about punishing the Defendants for their speech.” X’s lawsuit had accused the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) of violating the company’s terms of service when it studied, and then wrote about, hate speech on the platform following Musk’s takeover of Twitter in October 2022. X has blamed CCDH’s reports, which showcase the prevalence of hate speech on the platform, for amplifying brand safety concerns and driving advertisers away from the site. In the suit, X claimed that it had suffered tens of millions of dollars in damages from CCDH’s publications. CCDH is an international non-profit with offices in the UK and US. Because of its potential to destroy the watchdog group, the case has been widely viewed as a bellwether for research and accountability on X as Musk has welcomed back prominent white supremacists and others to the platform who had previously been suspended when the platform was still a publicly-traded company called Twitter.
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 3 months
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rejectingrepublicans · 5 months
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r7-b7 · 2 months
Y'know voting is like less than 1% of what you can do to make a difference in your life and everybody else's life, right?
Y'know voting once or twice for a white supremacist who's maybe less evil than the other white supremacist doesn't make you a good or morally correct person, right?
Be real.
Do you even know what's happening in your city? Do you even follow your town council decisions?
When's the last time you read a fucking book by a Black author about the Black experience in America in the 21st century? (Or literally anything focusing on race/sociology/history)
When's the last time you donated to your city or towns' mutual aid group? Not a church charity, not a non-profit, a mutual aid group. A group of your neighbors, your community members, who come together for no other reason than to give care to other community members. When's the last time you interacted with them?
When's the last time you offered anything to a houseless person? Do you offer them money or food or water or an umbrella to provide shade since most of our cities are eviscerating all of our tree canopies in a time of climate catastrophe and record houselessness?
Whose fucking land are you on!? You are most likely a settler, a gentrifier, and abusing your position as a "comrade" or "ally" to get away with not facing what violence you enact every single day. You are an uninvited guest using our resources and killing our indigenous ways. You are doing all of these things if you are not actively working against the colonial white supremacist model. You must be actively working against these systems or else you are simply part of them.
If you want to "stop fascism" or "save democracy" or "dismantle the system" you need to do it in your own home and in your own mind first.
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ridenwithbiden · 3 months
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shutinthenutouse · 10 months
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porterdavis · 1 month
No coincidence, no accident. Trump is signaling to his white supremacist followers.
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creature-wizard · 2 years
Every time I make posts criticizing the racism, antisemitism, and spiritual eugenics in stuff like New Age and starseeds, literal white supremacists crawl out of the woodwork to send me anon hate.
That should tell you everything you need to know about who this spirituality is for.
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