#end hate
alwaysbewoke · 4 months
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palatinewolfsblog · 7 months
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Untitled (Hommage a William-Adolphe Bougereau).
9/20 is World Children's Day. Just sayin'...
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ghl-osty · 3 months
christians and homophobia
look this doesn’t apply for all christians AT ALL but some of us be slandering gay people with the bible as if the bible literally doesn’t tell us to:
-love everyone (matthew 5:44, john 13:34-35, 1 peter 2:17, 1 peter 4:8)
-it’s not our place to judge people (john 8:7, matthew 7:1, john 8:15, 1 corinthians 4:5)
-we’ve all sinned (romans 3:23, psalm 106:6)
honorable mentions include
-do not kick a relative (especially your child) out for ANY reason (1 timothy 5:8)
-all sins are forgiven (mark 3:28)
-the study about leviticus 18:22 being about pedophillia and not homosexuality due to an error in translation. there's a lot of debate about this, and so i’m not putting it as actual evidence, but it’s worth checking out.
-if some christians hate members of the LGBTQ+ community because they’re sinning, why don’t we hate liars like that? cheaters? divorcees? i’m not saying we should start, but if those sins aren’t being viewed as taboo, why are gay/trans people any different?
i’m bisexual. i’m also christian. i see both sides of this issue. but nowhere, and i mean nowhere in the bible does it encourage hate crimes, slander, and flat-out bullying towards gay people. and i don’t know very many christians who could endorse it while sticking to the word of God. it’s contradictory, babes.
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beekindac · 4 months
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Though it's a little late, I wish everyone a Happy New Year! I hope we all find more moments to breathe and be peaceful to our core, to find a tiny bit more patience than we feel we can muster and smile rather than yell, even though it is SO difficult not to do sometimes. I hope, especially when we see so much not going well, we can breathe and use what we have in the space we have to promote kindness and understanding. It's often easier to be kind in our own bubbles, so I hope we all have the courage to start there in a renewed effort to make kindness more fashionable this year. to that end, I will continue my search for peace and calmness within myself so I can be a better promoter of it. To start off this year, I will strive to be 'Zen as Fox'. I painted this guy so I could hang him up as a daily reminder to be part of the peacefulness in the world I wish to see more of. I hope you enjoy him also! I truly wish you all an over abundance happiness and peaceful times for 2024!
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pinkpetalbee · 11 days
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Silent Eyes
Living in a time loop While the world falls to pieces The horrors of the past Repeating in the present While once again The world watches on And waits As we scream To save them And they scream Raging against the injustice Of power seeking power The world watches on And waits Until the screams are just loud enough To intervene and play the hero With the excuse It wasn’t bad enough Until that point so The world watches on And waits Did they not learn from the past Didn’t they know we could save them Stop the genocide in its tracks and Save the innocents But all that happens is The world watches And waits The horrors of the past Repeat in the present Screams echoing in the void While those in power Abuse their charge The world watches on And waits
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mckitterick · 1 year
Yet another shooting spree.
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story on BBC news: X
we're always hearing how violence and mass shootings have worsened since covid, but you know what else happened during that time? Trump in the USA and the related rise of fascism everywhere
hate has thrived so much in recent years, and that's not the fault of a virus. it's much more attributable to how right-wing extremists have seized power and influence across the world
right-wing extremism (political, religious, and otherwise) breeds hate and greed, which flourishes in the rancid soil of fascism, and conservatism ignorantly fertilizes it all with their thought-waste. we need a return to intolerance of intolerance and hate
even more importantly, we need a return to human values - not religious ones, but putting empathy and the good of living things first
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reggie-gayflx · 2 years
Do you ever get overwhelmed by how our current real world is absolutely and totally a genuine dystopian nightmare... but everyone just keeps acting like "ahhh, oh it's ok" cause it's just the new normal?
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leighlew3 · 1 year
Having grown up around enough far right types, I can assure you they do not care about what happened to Pelosi’s husband, nor the attacker’s confirmed plan to brutally assassinate her. In fact, if pressed they’ll admit “it’s her fault, they/she deserved it” etc and excuse the violent piece of shit as just “frustrated with a fraudulent government”.
So this call for GOP to condemn it? Falling on deaf ears. They’re currently smirking and shrugging right now, if not even openly laughing and cheering behind closed doors together, and we all know it. They’d LOVE it if more of these things happened and the people opposing them all just fearfully gave up, and even stopped existing. They’re LOVING this real world violence, and they LOVE the idea of their perceived enemies dying at the hands of their cult.
It’s sickening, but it’s not at all shocking, at this point. I mean Trump and his Klan wanted his own VP to die on January 6th, yet Pence is still pushing the extremist agenda. Those people are beyond change, or redemption. But unlike those people, no one wants them to see any kind of a cruel or sadistic fate. People with any sense of reason or decency simply want them removed from positions of power, where they can no longer continue to incite violence and attempt to overthrow democracy and turn our nation into a fascist state. 
Get to the polls. 
Remove/reject these extremist lunatics. 
All of our lives and freedoms LITERALLY depend on it. 
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Since Oct is Anti Bullying Month even adults get bullied. Hate at the gym. If there are no gym rules it’s a free for all do whatever you’d like. No rules to enforce to its members. Not surprised with the new crowd that comes here who also invites non-members to the gym. How can you have a safe environment for its other members? Hopefully it’s not happening elsewhere. This type of monkey business needs to stop. Gym manager acts like he cares but doesn’t.
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alwaysbewoke · 4 months
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stormofneurosis · 7 months
Fun/stupid thought time
I don't like all of this random-ass pansy-parker transphobia going on right now, and I keep having this stupid ass thought about combating it
basically my thought is renting out a public venue, like a library or town hall. Call it something like "Educating yourself about gender and peoples' place in society" or something equally likely to make TERFs think it's going to buoy up their egos and fuel their hatred. Don't do anything to dissaude this notion.
if you can, let a local protest movement know what's going on - if TERFs see a pride protest this will help their belief.
Oh! Make sure that the venue understands your aim, no need for them to be caught in the crossfire. Make sure they're on board.
Ok, so "discussion" night comes, you have all these terfs in the room. First few slides talk about physical sex
then have a little quiz, a whole bunch of different animals, let them confirm they can tell a boy from a girl
Bring XY XX into it
bring a chicken into it, ask them if it's XX or XY
hit them with the ZW
but still "male and female" chickens right?
time for more birds.
Sparrows, male and female? ducks, male and female. Now for... Ruffs
Who here knows what a faeder male is?
Angler fish :]
how about what bees do?
introduce the Universal Public Friend
The doors are locked. There's no escape now
Just wait until you get to the section on mushroom genders
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winwinwinterb · 1 year
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I saw two dogs today. First was a big white dog with no owner. He walked passed me and didn’t care. Then, a black dog walked by. Nothing happened. But if you notice, they were both dogs. The color of their fur didn’t matter and didn’t change the story in any way.
Why can’t humans do this. Why must we judge people based off of skin and appearance.
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sweaty-confetti · 9 months
idk y’all should treat fat men better. and i don’t mean mildly chubby guys i mean honest-to-god love-handles-and-double-chins fat guys. stop calling them shit like discord mods or gross weebs or nasty creeps or neckbeards or that they’re stinky or sweaty or beer bellied or whatever else. fatphobia isn’t cute, even repackaged in a neat little box of “ew men”
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cronaz-diary · 5 days
I WAZ AT THE HOLOCAUST MUSEUAM TODAY FOR SCHOOL (2nd timeee) AND THESE 4 FUCKING BOYZ PISSED ME OFF SO BAD when we were at the musueam they were whispering and laughing abt the night of broken glass (a rlly sad day of naziz destroying jew owned buisnessez by breaking the glass and stealing) then when we watched a video abt genocide in general mainly the holocaust and Rwanda (the rwanda genocide waz when 2 tribez from there, tuti and hutu were fighting but then the hutu killed millionz of tutiz and put them in campz and shit) and the girl who went through what happened in rwanda az a tuti waz talking abt one of the big reasonz were how hutuz were making rlly bad jokez abt tuti and dehumanizing them waz one of the main causez AND THESE MFZ WERE MAKING FUN OF THE TRIBEZ NAMEZ AND HOW THEY LOOK. and we were looking at paintingz and picturez of diffrent minoritiez making or taking them to represent fear or stuff like that, a painting and 4 picz specifally iz wut caused thiz, it waz a painting of a black women suffering from the jim crow lawz and picturez of 4 korean women who were forced into prositution when japan waz in control of korea but how they looked when they were older, so they r ofc all wrinkly and they dont look good bc theyve been through sm abuse and ONE OF THE FUCKING BOYZ SAID "would u hit that thing" AND THEY ALL GO "EW NO" BITCH WHAT?? THEN AT THE END WHEN A HOLOCAUST SURVIVOR WAZ TALKING THEY WERE SAYING THE NWORD WHICH BTW THEY R ALL MEXICAN AND THEY WERE SAYING HOW WHITE PPL R STUPID AND SHOULD BE GENOCIDED INFRONT OF THIZ GUY WHO SURVIVED A GENOCIDE
OH AND THEY ALSO SAID SHIT ABT HOW "hitler isnt az bad az they make him out to be and jewz r a race" NO U DUMB FUCKZ 1 HITLER IZ WAY WORSE THAN PPL MAKE HIM OUT TO BE BC NOT EVERYTHING IZ TAUGHT IN SCHOOL AND 2 U CAN BE ETHNICALLY JEWISH BUT NOT RACIALLY FUCKING HATE HIGH SCHOOL BOYZ we rlly gotta normalize not being antisemitic bc itz so normalized to the point where itz in a lot and ppl just dont care and get mad when u point out actual antisemitic shit but same mfz wanna use that card when it benifitz them and make them look good or if itz a thing they dont like even if itz not actually antisemitic...
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