#Who Made This: DD's Player
after-out-of-place · 10 months
DD - Out Of Place
DD was sitting in her little cubby behind the scenes of the club. Tonight was exhausting, and her body felt sore. She couldn't wait to wash all those dirty fingerprints off her. A sigh left her lips as her coworker came in. "Yo, DD, did you hear about this new place?" DD looked up at her in the mirror. "It’s gonna be the new hottest place around, at least that's what they say. It's going to be bear themed? It seems the owner has a soft spot for them ever since-" DD tuned her out, that sounded like more work, and she was done for tonight. She got up, grabbing her necessities. As the hot water came over her, she began scrubbing away at her skin. No matter how much she showered before, during or after her work, she was always feeling dirty. She really needed an out, but what could she do? She couldn't read, write, or really do much else. Not only that, but she was good at ‘serving’ people in all types of ways. That's what she knew and could keep a safe emotional distance from. Most creatures were filthy, not much to redeem themselves with but the money in their pocket. It felt a lot like home in that sense, only this time she got to keep the money. "So what's it gonna be DD? You gonna join us to the club after work?" DD snapped back to where she was, seeing her skin slightly red from the scrubbing. "No, I'm not going." "Always the Ice Queen, huh?"
DD stepped out, wrapping herself in a towel. She stared at the clothing she had gathered here in the back. The owner let her keep it here, for some small favors in return. Her favourite bodysuit was slowly falling apart, it had served her well on the streets, but the ratty piece of clothing was too much to hide from potential customers. Another sigh and the bodysuit left its hanger and landed in the trash. Now what? Her eyes went to a little Blue dress she just got as a gift from a client. It might do the trick. Putting it on and giving herself a small once over, she left out the back, right as more coworkers came in. Wandering the streets, driving towards no goal at all, hearing the whistles of strangers she would rather not meet. It was then when a slightly blinking neon light caught her eyes. She hadn't seen it before, then again she was normally still working at this hour. Slowly, she stopped near the sign. ‘Out of place’. Well ain't that the invite she needed. Maybe it would give her a better clientele as well, wouldn't hurt to try. DD opened the door only to be greeted by a statue looking at her from behind the jukebox, playing a slightly odd tune. Making her way to the bar, seeing the people here and made sure to be seen if needed. When she laid her eyes on the bartender, ready to get her mocktail, she was silently taken aback by their skin colour. It was really similar to hers, as was their way of dressing, familiar to the way they did back home. Maybe she wasn't that alone after all? It’s when they said: ‘You look like you ain’t from ‘round here’ she let the fleeting hope go.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 7 months
Grandma cat!reader. Who was a old women who got experimented on and turned into a smiling critter but like the caretaker of the smiling critters.
Often seen walking around with a scruffed smiling critter hanging from her mouth(somehow-) and overfeeding the smiling critters or children.
How would a saved dogday and (maybe) good catnap react to the player bringing them to readers containment room. (She was locked in before the Hour of Joy due to something and just stayed there)?
I just want to see them get some sort of parental love 🥹😖
- Marshmellow🤍
I swear ya'll are gonna make me cry with these requests /nm <3
In your old age, you didn't wanna retire from Playtime Co. and spend the remainder of your life laying around, waiting for your body and mind to deteriorate.
So instead you became one of the few willing volunteers for the Bigger Bodies Initiative, being turned into a Smiling Critter (which made you especially happy since your grandkids adored the toyline and cartoon show).
In the show, the gang mentioned a grandma character several times (albeit she was unseen) and with Catnap being recalled from all promo materials, Playtime Co. took creative liberties and made you the newest feline replacement, fitted with a cinnamon scent and pie necklace.
Your tagline was something like "The Smiling Critters take care of our orphans, but who takes care of them? Why, their Grandma [Y/n], of course! She's full of love and wisdom!"
True to that, you became the caretaker of the Critters and children, ensuring everyone's fed well and staying out of trouble.
The incident with Bron (Thomas/Experiment 1199) had scientists rethinking how they'd introduce willing experiments to those...well..less-than-willing.
So you had a supervised introduction to the SCs (with children also present to discourage them from reacting violently). You were even given a containment cell you could retreat to in case of emergencies.
Luckily, you never had to use that room--as they accepted you and began calling you "grandma" since day one.
Dogday, especially, got attached to you.
You called him "DD" and "Doggy-Dearie".
Being a bit taller than the rest of them allows you to pick them up by the scuff of their necks if they're being too rowdy (Kickin and Hoppy, especially).
Even so, you're very sweet to all of them, letting them snuggle up to you as you shared stories and made them food so they could keep up with the little ones.
All was well in the Playhouse up until the Hour of Joy of course.
But you were unaware of it since Catnap sabotaged your room's lock, keeping you trapped to lower the Smiling Critters' morale.
Dogday was 100% convinced you were dead.
However you survived long enough for the Employee's arrival years later, never knowing what happened to the factory..
After rescuing Dogday, they find your door and powered it up, allowing the two entry into the perfectly intact space within.
Your fur was matted and you looked sickly, but you still jump up upon seeing the state your dear "grandson" was in.
It devastated you.
"My word..Dog-Dearie.." Your heart shatters. "Your legs..where are they? Where is everyone?"
Something inside of him ultimately breaks as he realizes you were alive...and you were here all along.
"G-Grandma...! Oh...god..I-I thought you were--" He crawls away from the Employee and towards you, sobbing into your lap. "You were h-here..this whole time! I-I wanted to see you, but..C-Catnap..he.."
"Shh, shhh..I'm here now, my sweet pup. It's alright." You hush, stroking his ears and resting a paw on his back, before looking to the Employee. "You must be terribly confused..as am I.."
After explaining your role--and calming Dogday down--the two tell you about what's happened to the factory, and at first you can't believe it...
Until you all wander through the Playhouse and see the horrid state it's in, but they're confused as to why none of the mini Critters attack you.
Only then do you mention feeding them over the years through little vents and holes in the walls, keeping their hunger moderately satiated.
Dogday feels awful, and even more upset at Catnap for lying about your fate.
But still, you don't show any ill-will towards any of the Smiling Critters, even if one of them had betrayed you all.
Instead you just let Dogday cling to you as you escape together and try your best to keep up.
Like the rest of the Smiling Critters, Catnap considered you family and often went to you for snacks and such.
Or if he needs a break from trying to put all the rowdy orphans to bed in Home Sweet Home. Only then is he given permission to see you.
He always liked curling up in your lap, purring while you stroke his fur and tell him a story (which is sometimes an event from your old human life, albeit you do accidentally confuse yourself since ofc you're not supposed to remember any details of your old life).
The Prototype sees this as a problem, as Theodore Catnap was getting a bit too comfortable with his life here and needed a reminder of his mission....and so he tells him the truth.
About how you not only worked at the factory until you reached retirement age...but you were also a willing participant in the experiments.
And suddenly, he couldn't look at you the same way anymore. Only with resentment.
It wasn't fair.
You got to lead a long and fulfilling life. Theodore barely got the chance to grow up and be a normal kid.
You had the procedure and associated risks explained to you clear as day. Theodore never had the luxury of being warned ahead of time before he was grabbed and put under the knife after recovering from the incident with the green grabpack hand.
All he wanted was to free the others, but he ended up becoming their warden instead.
He almost forgot all of that because of you.
He refuses your food now, and you worry for him when you see how skinny he becomes as the months pass.
But he's very cryptic in the way he talks to you, the other SCs, and the staff...so you didn't know for sure what you did to upset him so much.
"Catnap, dearie..you're skin and bones. Let me-"
"I know what you were, and what you've become...the Prototype told me so."
You don't know what to say. What could you say when he kept talking about this "Prototype" person?
Despite his hatred, the SCs were conditioned to love you regardless, and so before the Hour of Joy Catnap decided to sabotage the locks of your containment room.
That way, he wouldn't be tempted to kill you...and he'd spare you from the grief of what he ends up doing to the other SCs, including Dogday.
Years later, when the Employee finally knocks some sense into him after saving him from being sacrificed to the Prototype, he takes them to your room, believing you to be dead from starvation.
Instead, though, they break you out and he discovers you're very much alive.
And Catnap just breaks down, groveling and begging for your forgiveness.
You were the one who always tried to reach out and comfort him, giving him some relief from the misery of being trapped in this factory....and he pushed you away.
But you don't hate him for locking you up, realizing that he still cared about you after all this time. Even when the Prototype told him about your past.
He wanted to keep you safe.
That alone proves he had a heart, and you reassure him of that as he cuddles up to you for a little while.
Once he's calmer, you go with him, Dogday (assuming he was saved), and the Employee to meet with Poppy and Kissy--both of whom are relieved to see you alive
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kairiscorner · 1 year
Could you write a 42 miles x reader where the reader is on the cheer team and miles is on the football team and it’s game night and when the game is done the reader confesses her feelings for miles?
OOOOO sure thing anon !! i hope ya like this :DD
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
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i'm his biggest fan. — miles 42 x cheerleader!reader
summary: you've always admired him from a distance, always smiled at him, not knowing if he liked you back–not knowing if you wanted to know if he did indeed like you back, either. but you were through with hiding your feelings, you made up your mind. win or lose, you're gonna admit to him once and for all how you feel, wanting to be more than just his biggest fan. pairing: miles 42 x cheerleader!reader genre: pure fluff !! word count: 1,180
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as the football players were lining up on the field, you had your gaze on one of the players by the side. he wasn't the biggest nor tallest player, he wasn't even the quarterback or anyone too important to the game--he was just another player, another student in another extracurricular school activity, but not to you. while the other cheerleaders were calling out to their partners and friends, cheering on them, you were silently rooting for the boy who didn't even notice all your attention was on him, and him alone.
you were hoping he wouldn't look your way, though you were also wishing he could at least show bits his face through that helmet covering his head. you were constantly conflicting your wants at every turn when it came to him, and it confused you sometimes, but... in a good way. he made you feel so warm and buzzing, yet frozen in place when you'd see him during joint practices and compliment him, and hearing him compliment you back in an awkward yet sincere way, the way he always is around you when you call out to him... it made you feel a lot of things. it made you feel a lot of things you hadn't understood fully, but wanted to feel more of because he makes you feel good about yourself; he makes you feel like you're more than just a cheerleader, more than just another face on the team, even though you two hardly speak outside of practice.
you were the sole person on the cheer squad who remembered his name and wanted to cheer him on from the sides; you were always thinking of his name, it was like an involuntary reflex, an instinct, if you will. you took in a deep breath and from the bottom of your lungs, you shouted his name with a bright cheer. "miles! miles morales! go miles, give them hell!" you cheered, which took miles by surprise. he whipped his head around and looked for the voice who cheered for him, and there you were, smiling and cheering for him all the while as every other cheerleader kept calling for the quarterback and center, you were only focused on him, and he didn't... oh, he did not know how to feel about that.
the player next to him nudged him to get his focus back in the game, and he tried to, but knowing there was someone out there who bothered to call his name when he was no football star or legend on the team, it motivated him to do better than he ever had before. fast forward to the end of the game, your school's team had won by a landslide, with miles getting more recognition tonight as he played more vigorously and tactical than all the other players on the field, with you cheering harder and louder with more passion than you ever have before in your whole time as a cheerleader. a few of the other cheerleaders teased you, asking you in between the breaks if you had your eye on any one of the players, with you immediately laughing that notion off and giving them vague 'maybe's for answers.
as the players shook hands from both teams and went their own ways, they were bombarded by praise from the cheer squad, the coach and the assistant coach, the teachers, their family and friends. though you didn't join the commotion until you saw an older man with a goatee hug miles, telling him he did amazing. the boy hugged the older man back and thanked him as he pulled away, his mind elsewhere as his eyes wandered, searching for the cheerleader who lifted his spirits before the game began.
this was it, your chance, your chance to finally tell him how you've felt all this time, no more admiring him from a distance when your chance to be up close and personal with him is right here, right now. "um, excuse me, miles morales?" you asked in a small voice as both miles and his uncle looked your way. his uncle smiled and nodded, taking the hint as he placed his hand on miles' shoulder and wished him luck in a whisper, with miles trying to hide his embarrassment and removing his uncle's hand from his shoulder as the older man walked away. "ah, yeah. i am... and you're...?" he asked you as you gave him his name, with him involuntarily nodding as he snapped his fingers. "you're the cheerleader i keep meeting in joint practices, aren't you?" "i am...!" you exclaimed a little too excitedly with a smile, then soon reeled it back and hid behind your pompoms.
he chuckled as he saw your widened eyes and bashful expression being hidden behind your pompoms. "hey, no sweat, you don't have to get all embarrassed. i'm just a player, not the most valuable one, though." he said with a small smirk as he felt more flustered talking to you, soaking in all the pretty details and quirks about you that he never noticed until now, feeling a warmth and heat creep up his cheeks just like you. "well, for what it's worth, i believe you're extraordinary." you complimented him with a dorky smile as miles' smile went away and was replaced with a look of sheepishness. he toyed with his braid and chuckled. "that's... that's sweet of you, thanks." he said with a small smile.
"um, would you--" "um, would you--" you both began in unison, and soon stuttered to a stop, feeling more embarrassed. "no, no, you go ahead--" "no, no, you go ahead--" you both repeated, now feeling more flustered than ever. you decided to take that leap of faith and moved closer to him, boldly asking him: "do you wanna maybe... go out on a date sometime?" "i'dreallylovetoyes." he said in one breath as he looked at you with the most bashful expression ever, with so much heat filling his cheeks, he felt he might collapse. you felt even more flustered than before at his agreement, not expecting him to give you the time of day, but this was way better than any of your expectations or wildest dreams.
"great!" you exclaimed, breathlessly as miles stared down at his cleats, extremely sheepish at how dorky he must've sounded. "really great..." he muttered as he tried to hide the growing smile on his face with the cool poker face his uncle taught him, but the smile was too strong to keep hidden, and so it showed and broke through his facade, making you giggle a little seeing him be all happy about it. you gave him your number, which he hastily added to his contacts, and you promised to text him when you got home, with him telling you he's looking forward to that, to you, to this date you two were going to have. he's never been happier to know he's had a number one fan all this time, and now, he's thinking of making you more than just his number one fan.
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a/n: rio called when you left, and his uncle kept yelling in the bg "YOUR BABY BOY HAS A DATE" with her reminding miles she told him he can't ever date until he's 25 😭😭😭
tags !! @ii01vq @luvstarrstruck @maxoloqy @k4tsu3 @solecitoszn @toneystank-3000 @fiannee @popeheywardssecretgf @lovefrominaya
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creators-island · 8 months
Tell us more about your cotl Dangerous Devotion au please *looking up with my shiny eyes ✨w✨*
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The DD AU is mainly place after the second phase of relics of the old fate. I wanted to experiment on the dark side of the Lamb as a protagonist because in most fics/aus the Lamb is the “I can fix him” or the “I want the best for everyone” type of person, Which is not something bad (absolutely love it btw! Most fanfics are sooo healthy towards relationships and I stand by it!), big part of the fandom have adopted this as an only rule for the Lamb’s personality. But, after my third play through the game, I decided to take many different approaches to the Lamb as a character.
Maybe one in wich they’re not so different from Us as players! A reality in wich everything is made with cold heart, we marry someone not because we love them but because they’re cute or we need the health to revive on a crusade, the only reason we reeducate is because we need the numbers in our flock, not because of compassion… we make them (the flock) eat grass not because is healthy or morally right but because we have plenty of grass in our pockets, we make them eat a banket not because we care about their health but rather because cooking is tedious and we need the faith to avoid the bother of reeducating dissenters.
We save the bishops not because we think they deserve a second chance,but because we want them as living trophies…As a proof of what we’re capable of…our success.
The Lamb COULD be like that, like US AS A FANDOM, romanticizing Narinder the same way we do, seen the flock as mascots just like we do, seen the world as a possession to play with. Who cares if we fucked up? We’ll just erase it and start over again!.
We as the players are the true gods in the game’s world, the Au is a look of the Lamb slowly taking that same position. All narrated from the perspective of the former bishops and the flock. Who knows how it ends? Maybe it won’t end at all…
What do you think of that?
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onsunnyside · 2 years
³.⍭ 𝐖𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐈 𝐌𝐚𝐲, 𝐖𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐈 𝐌𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 (𝟏/𝟐)
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𝗣𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 | ghostface!ex-boyfriend!Ari Levinson x airhead/dumb!reader
𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 | soft DARK/DARK themes and elements, obsessed/controlling!Ari, possessive/obsessive behaviour, dumb!reader, size difference: 6’10!Ari, manhandling, DD/LG undertones, stalking (implied), alcohol, drugs (weed, edibles). SMUT - minors DNI, fingering (f), daddy kink, size kink, exhibitionism, dirty talk, dacryphilia, degradation, dumbification, p*ssy slapping, squirting.
𝗪/𝗖 | 4.55K
𝗔/𝗡 | welcome to my first kinktober fic ever !! i’m very excited for you all to meet mr obsessive ex ari, after all, he was just thot of last week. As always, all mistakes are my own and i hope you all enjoy !! 
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝐅𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 & 𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐨𝐧 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲: @𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲
𝐖𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐈 𝐌𝐚𝐲, 𝐖𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐈 𝐌𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | ˗ˏˋ𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟐 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭ˎˊ˗ ⋰˚ 𝐂.𝐄. & 𝐂𝐨. 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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“Hey, I heard you were going to the Halloween party tonight… I just wanted to say have fun and be safe. You know how Drysdale’s parties can be—”
“You unblocked him?” 
You jump, dropping your phone to the floor. At the doorway is your best friend, Wanda, with a black hat atop her soft auburn hair. She crosses her arms with a deep scowl, “Well? Are you going to explain yourself?”
You shrink under her harsh glare and nervously tug at the fur hem of your dress, “I got curious.” 
She stomps towards you, embodying the grumpy, grouchy witch she’s dressed as. With a swift motion, she grabs your phone off the ground and tucks it into her purse. “Do not drunk text or call your ex.” She commands as if scolding a child. “You aren’t crawling back to that dickhead, even if I have to babysit you tonight.” 
That was how plenty of people talked to you. Like you didn’t understand the simplest things and needed everything spelled out and demonstrated. 
And, you won’t lie—sometimes that demeaning exchange was what you needed, but other times it just made you feel stupid. 
This wasn’t the first time one of your friends has treated you this way, hell, you don’t remember when they treated you any other way. Ever since your breakup, they’ve kept you on a tight leash, snooping through your phone, keeping tabs on your whereabouts, and even passing you around like a baby who couldn’t take care of themself. 
The breakup was their idea—an ultimatum, more like it, “it’s us or him. We take care of you, and he—he treats you like a pet or a fucking baby.” 
You chose your closest friends over the guy who made your heart swell bigger than the moon. Even now, you still feel the ache in your chest, the gutting loss of someone you once loved and someone who made you happy. 
You’re happier now, that’s what Natasha told you every day. You’re happier without him. 
“I won’t!” You vow and reach for her bag, but she quickly steps away. “Wanda, please! I can hold my phone!” 
“No, because now I know I can’t trust you when you’re sober!” She snaps, “It’s been what? A month?” 
You wince at her volume, “Five weeks—almost six.” 
She groans in frustration, “Ugh, c’mon! He was always breathing down your neck and he never let you go out with us unless he was there. How could we have proper fun with a scary giant like him?”
Ari was on the rugby team, a D1 player, whatever that meant, you assumed it meant he was one of the best. He was tall and brawny, just over 6’10” with broad shoulders and a thick chest that nearly burst through all his button-ups. His firm arms were bigger than your head and his hand dwarfed yours. He used to wrap his bicep around your neck and tug you into him to kiss your cheeks—one of his love languages was touch. And his thighs, you mourned all the times you napped on his lap, rubbing your cheek into the coarse hair of his muscular flesh. 
He was so much bigger than most people on campus. His impenetrable presence towered over them. Oftentimes he’d manhandle you or carry you around. You thought it was cute when he had to duck through doorways sometimes. 
The first time he ever came to your dorm room, he didn’t even try to climb to your bed on the upper bunk. 
“You know, if we start dating, you’ll have to do some remodelling.” He smirked and tugged you to the edge of the mattress by your ankle, “Don’t you want me in your bed too, bunny?”
After a week of begging your roommate to rearrange the room, you both came to a compromise. Now, you were on the bottom bunk and she moved to the top. 
“You could sit here now!” You presented your clean, made bed with your dozens of stuffies all neatly sitting atop the coral covers. “Watch your head but just in case, I put a little cushion too.” 
Ari was popular and well-liked, he came from a good, wealthy family who hosted charity auctions and funded the college. His reputation was spotless, he was one of the top students, and he had many friends and admirers. If you two went out to dinner, it was guaranteed that someone would strike up a conversation. You didn’t care, you loved hearing Ari’s voice. 
You also loved when he introduced you as his girlfriend, always kissing your hand after saying your name in that creamy voice of his. 
“He isn’t scary… just intimidating.” You shyly countered, twiddling your fingers, “And he was there because I get nervous without him.”
“That’s exactly what we mean. You have to be your own person. Exist without needing someone to tell you what to do! Being so dependent on someone, much less some asshole like him, isn’t good for you.”
But Ari always knew what was good for you. 
You were never the brightest star, always fumbling and forgetful, ditzy and daydreaming every second of the day. Your grades not only proved how easily you got distracted but also your lack of drive and self-discipline. 
All your life you’ve flounced and fleeted, lived your days so blissfully ignorant to anything beyond the surface. That cluelessness made you vulnerable to any monster to sink their teeth into. It painted a self-portrait of your untouched, innocent soul, coloured like white chiffon. 
“I didn’t mind…” 
“You didn’t notice.” She corrects. “But he did. He knew exactly what he was doing, and he liked that you were—” stupid, it goes unsaid, “—oblivious. It made you easy, hun. That’s why he so effortlessly controlled you.” 
Your friends could try as they might, but it will never change the fact that Ari made you feel safe, secure and loved. And without him, you’re lying back on that heap of sticky disarray without a hint of how to take care of yourself. 
“We’re trying to protect you, don’t you understand that?” Wanda coaxes, tilting your chin up with her knuckle. The corners of her red lips turn down to a frown, “We care about you, we want what’s best for you and you know that Ari is far from that.” She wipes your cheek, and only then do you notice you’re crying. 
You heard the first breakup was the hardest, but you never expected it to be like this. You’re lost and alone. Abandoned in the middle of a bustling city, it was blinding, overcrowded and so loud that you had to cover your eyes and ears just for relief. You’re overwhelmed and disorientated, nothing made sense, no matter how hard you try to decipher it. 
There was no direction without him. 
You roughly wipe your nose and meet your reflection. Aside from the fresh tears and glossy pout, your skin glistened from the glitter on your eyelids and cheekbones—bunnies aren’t shimmery, Maria said, but you thought it was cute anyway. And you loved sparkles, that’s why Ari got you so much jewelry. 
Jewelry that your friends got rid of. You grieve for the gold ‘A’ initial charm, either sitting in the city dump or in a hidden box that you’ll never find. They’re all gone, just like his hoodies and sweatpants, and your beloved Hazel, the softest stuffie you’ve ever owned. You miss his weighted body covered in beige fur, floppy ears and lifeless but sweet eyes. 
“I had to reward you for doing so well on that test.” That was a stretch, you got a ‘C+’ but that was better than the ‘D-’ you got last time. Ari beamed proudly when you buried your nose in the stuffie, cutely kicking your feet in happiness. “You take care of him, bunny, he’s our little baby, okay?”
Ari pampered you, took you on dates and walked you to class every day. You thought he treated you like a princess, not a pet. 
Ari wasn’t that bad. To you, he was never bad. 
Wanda fixes your bunny ears and rubs your shoulders, a pitiful smile on her face. “C’mon, let’s fix your makeup before we go.” 
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“So, he treated you like a pet?” One of your friends asked. 
“…He just made sure I was well taken care of.”
“Didn’t he just plop you in front of the television while he did his own thing?” 
Yes, although his academic talents seemed natural, Ari was very serious about school and would spend hours at his desk, studying or perfecting assignments. Sometimes he even did your homework, “Dummy bunny, you just sit there while I take care of this, okay?”
You vaguely recall the times he would tell you to not make a peep until he spoke first, just to keep your glossy lips shut until he addressed you. To you, it was being respectful of his quiet time and letting him set boundaries. Your friends thought it was toxic and controlling.
“You’re a human being, not his pretty little pet to do whatever he says.”
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The mansion is packed when you and your friends arrive fashionably late. The bunch of you are clad in costumes ranging from a bright red devil to a dead cheerleader to a dark and mysterious witch. Unfortunately, you stuck out like a sore thumb with your egg-filled basket, sheer dress, and white fluffy ears and matching tail. You were the only one not in classic Halloween attire. 
You’re grateful Natasha suggested fake eggs instead of real ones. Although you wanted the joy of painting real Easter eggs, you’ve already dropped a few on the way to the party. You dreaded the mess and smell if they were real instead of just empty plastic. 
You suppose they were right, you didn’t think things through all the time. 
The whole property is decked out, from the jack o'lanterns on the porch and the ‘Enter If You Dare’ sign in the front yard. Inside the big house, strobe lights flashed across the room in red, blue and green, colouring the other guests in neon shades. The walls were covered in bat and spider decals, little white ghosts hung from the banisters, and fake spider webs occupied the ceiling corners. 
It doesn’t take long for your friends to get the night started. After getting drinks from a frat boy dressed as an ice cream man, the group of you migrated to the energetic dance floor in the basement. 
The music was louder and the lights were brighter, blinding you every time they found your eyes. As the colour sparks across the walls, inescapable memories flash through your brain. 
The last time you were at a party, it was to celebrate another win by the rugby team and being the girlfriend of their best player, you had to dress for the role. You squeezed into your old cheer uniform and cheekily stitched each letter of ‘LEVINSON’ on the back. Oh, Ari loved when you wore his name. If he could, he’d have you clad in his jersey every damn day.  
This wasn’t a party hosted by his fraternity, your friends made sure of that, but a few of his friends were in attendance. You’ve caught glimpses of their tall and burly figures but didn’t dare to say hello. It would be too awkward. 
What if he’s here too? 
One by one, your friends disappear and you're left in the middle of the dance floor with your basket half empty. The eggs were going to be impossible to find, so you didn’t try. After weaving through the sweaty, grinding bodies, you returned to the less packed kitchen. 
With your ears still pounding, you squint at the bottles, reading each name and smelling a few. Eventually, you give up and dumbly mix whatever looks good. Judging books by their covers never got you far, but it got you something, and you wanted to have fun tonight. Party, dance, get drunk and have fun.
A shadow appears next to you, crowding you against the counter with its mass and height. When you turn around, a radiant smile explodes on your face. “Hey, Brian!”
“It’s Bryce.” The light-haired man corrects with a quirk of his lips. “Forget me already?”
Your eyes widen, “Oops, sorry! No, how could I forget the world’s best lab partner?” You set aside your cup and hug him tightly, “I didn’t know you were coming tonight.”
“I just got here, I had to pick up some brownies that Jensen made.” He nods to the spread of snacks and punch. Like the rest of the house, the table was Halloween-themed with eyeball cake pops, blood-red punch, and the cutest spooky cupcakes. The surface was also decorated with old lanterns, fake candles and skulls. “You want to try?”
You shy away. The last time you tried Jensen’s brownies, you jumped Ari’s bones right in front of his friends, the baker himself included! You hadn’t felt like that before, that needy, desperate and wet. 
To this day, you’re still haunted by the memories of Ari slipping his hand up your tiny skirt and getting you off with just a few fingers. With his friends packed into the frat house living room, their eyes drawn to the sports game on the television, either ignoring or not noticing your quiet whimpers and the dull motions under the blanket on your lap. 
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“Dumb little bunny, are you gonna come in front of daddy’s friends?” He whispers against your ear, locking you tightly in his lap and stuffing your soppy core with two thick fingers, “I want you to make a stupid mess in your pretty panties, cream yourself like a pathetic baby so daddy could clean you up later.”  
You shake your head, grasping his wrist under the blanket. 
Ari cruelly takes that as a sign to speed up his pumps, rubbing your swollen clit with the heel of his palm. Your wetness smears down your slit, soaking your skimpy thong and the cushion of the couch. Between the pauses of the sports game, you can hear the horrifying sticky sounds from between your trembling thighs. 
“Isn’t this what you wanted, bunny? Daddy’s just helping you out. Poor girl gets all wet with just a lil weed.” 
You can still taste the chocolatey goodness. How shameful was it that you’d have another if he asked?
He kicks your legs apart and gets rougher, making you fall back onto his chest with a gasp, “Think I can fit another, baby? Or is your tight pussy still too little for me?” 
“T-Too small, daddy—not gonna fit.” You shakily reply, knowing all too well how he has to force himself into your tight walls. The thought of his girth stuffing your core has a wave of arousal pooling around his thrusting fingers, and your stomach tightening. 
He groans lowly, “Mhm, but you want me to try. Dumb little whore loves being filled to the brim, huh?” His ring finger slides alongside the other two, stretching your weepy hole as a burning sensation flows through you. “You love when I just pin you down and force you to take it. My bunny fuckin’ loves being used.” His bicep keeps you against his warm, muscled body, only reminding you how trapped you are, entirely helpless and vulnerable to his sinful actions. 
He was right, you loved it. 
A choked whine escapes your sealed lips, miraculously not catching the attention of the other guys. Your hips grind against his hand, practically riding his fingers as you topple over. You slap a hand over your mouth, silencing your moan as your juices spurt from your pussy. 
“Good girl, that’s it, use daddy’s fingers.” He spears into you relentlessly, hitting that rough patch with his long fingers and rubbing your clit with his palm. The lewd noises grow in volume, he doesn’t give a shit if his friends notice—he wants them to. He wants them to know you’re his and only his. “Cream yourself, ya little dummy. Make a mess in front of all my friends—let ‘em know what a filthy slut you are for daddy.” 
Your orgasm rushes down your leg, soaking his pants and the material of your leg warmers, and adds to the disgraceful puddle on the floor. Tears stream down your hot cheeks and your mind goes blank, drool dripping from your chin dumbly. Ari pulls away with a mean pinch to your clit and you spasm in his hold, uneven breaths shaking your frame. 
He growls and slaps your cunt, unable to resist rubbing your puffy button. “Fuck, I should’ve had you try those brownies earlier, could’ve gave this greedy little cunt what it needs.” 
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It was safe to say if you wanted a brownie, you wouldn’t spend the night alone. 
“I don’t know… It isn’t even midnight yet.”
“C’mon! It’s a new recipe, similar to his usual stuff but not as strong. You’ll be fine, sweetheart.” Bryce tugs you to the table with a firm grip on your hand. “I’ll get you a piece, do you like corners or middles?”
You don’t want to tell him about the problem from the last time. Who knows what he’d think of you? 
Those worries didn’t only stem from embarrassment, but you grew up in a household where the topic of sex was forbidden. Everything you learnt was from your past boyfriends, mainly Ari since he was your first serious relationship. Openness about the subject was still difficult, regardless of the escapades you and your ex have shared.
“If you have one, I’ll have one too.” Bryce urges, tilting his head like a puppy. “That way neither of us will be alone. Does that seem like a fair bargain, m’lady?” He bows. 
Your gaze drops to his thin white shirt, hanging on by two bottom buttons and tucked into the thick belt of his jeans. Sweat glistens on his pale, taut skin, highlighting the dips of his abs. Your grip on the Easter basket tightens as your eyes follow the trail of hair from his chest to his belly button. 
Bryce takes advantage of your glazed expression and holds a square to your mouth, cooing softly, “Open up, little bunny.” You make a confused sound and he uses that opportunity to feed you the brownie and tilt your chin, making you take a big chunk of the laced treat. “There we go, a nice big bite for me.” 
He’s so close you can count every freckle on his clean-shaven face. Bryce has always been pretty, but with his hair slightly longer and a gold crown atop his head, he’s even prettier. 
“So well behaved. Does it taste good?”
You nod wordlessly, not realizing he’s feeding you the rest of the brownie until he turns back to the tray. The rich, chocolate flavour spreads along your tastebuds, it’s gooey and moist, almost making you forget about the other ingredient. 
Bryce pops a whole square into his mouth and chews slowly. “Mhm, way better than his last batch.” He washes it down with a sip from a childishly cute monster-themed solo cup. “We should wait a bit before having more.” 
“I’ve never had more than one.”
“Then you’re in for a night, bunny.” He flashes a charming smile, all too fitting for his costume. “You’ve got some chocolate, let me get it for you.” He pinches your chin between his fingers and licks his other thumb, then delicately wipes the corner of your lips, as a mother would to a child. The single action brings warmth to your cheeks that only grows hotter when Bryce sucks the same digit into his mouth, his white teeth digging into his knuckle. “Always such a messy girl, I remember how stained your lab coat was just after the first semester.” 
“That class was so hard—I don’t think I learnt a thing!” 
Of course you didn’t, what could fit in your head other than air?
He doesn’t say that obviously, but he knows it’s true. Everyone on campus knew you were just a ditzy, clueless airhead with an irresistibly sweet personality. Nothing up there but you were plenty to look at with all your sundresses, mini skirts and those fucking tight shirts that you never wore a bra underneath. 
You didn’t even know you were collecting people’s hearts like trading cards. 
“You look great!” He says instead, reaching out to touch your soft ears. “Give me a spin, sweetheart.” 
You giggle and twirl around, showing off your puffy tail and almost tripping over yourself. “Thanks! My friends thought being the Easter bunny was dumb, but I’ve had this nightie forever and wanted to finally wear it—that’s why it’s a little small.” You whisper, gesturing to your breasts. 
If you jumped too suddenly, they’d surely spill out and Bryce mmediately thinks of ways to make you hop like a real bunny. “It isn’t dumb, I think you’ve got the best costume here.” 
You preen under his praise, smiling so dumbly that you don’t notice his eyes locking on your exposed cleavage. Usually, you’re wearing some fresh hickeys or marks from your boyfriend, all while he wears you on his arm like a shiny bracelet. Levinson knew he had the hottest piece of ass on campus, and he made sure everyone knew you were claimed, like a damn slab of meat. 
Bryce hated him but he can’t be upset about that, because he’d treat you the same way. 
“I like yours too. You’re the first and only prince I’ve seen all night.” 
“Yeah? What’s your boyfriend dressed as?” He cuts to the chase, “I haven’t seen him yet, and you two are usually inseparable.” More like he never let you get more than three feet away. 
Your shoulders go slack and if your ears were real, they’d surely do the same. “oh, we broke up…”
Bryce blinks in surprise, caught off guard. A rush of glee fills his body, but he hides it with faux concern, “What? When?” Just like that, your eyes start watering again—and he can’t help but admire how pretty you look when you cry. “Did he break your heart, baby?”
You gnaw on your bottom lip, swallowing the lump in your throat, “No, I-I dumped him.”
“Aw, I’m sorry.” He isn’t, not one bit. “Do you want to talk about it outside?” 
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Ari is fucking seething. 
Boiling with rage to the point where steam nearly blows from his ears. Under his black hooded robe, his skin is set ablaze as he watches you stumble after the brunet. You’re facing down but his sharp gaze follows those white and pink ears.  
He glances at his phone, the delivered sign right under the various text messages sent to you all night. He was checking up on you, making sure you were okay and not getting into trouble. 
Just because you were broken up didn’t mean he could instantly stop caring about you—that’s what he told his friends who were still wondering why he was so hung up on you. 
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“You could get any other girl, man.” Steve rubs his back, the locker room emptier now that most of the team had left. 
The rugby team won the game, no surprise there, but while the rest of the guys celebrate the victory, Ari can’t relax. He can barely sit still. The image of the empty seat of the very first row is burned on the inside of his eyelids, patronizing him. 
“But, none of them are her.” Curtis dramatically sighs from down the aisle, a towel wrapped loosely around his waist. “What? You think just because she was your girl, that I can’t find her hot?”
“The decent thing to do would be to not say it out loud, asshole.” 
“Too bad it’s hard to forget a piece of ass like that.” Another unhelpful voice speaks up as a dripping wet brunet emerges from the showers, his long hair still soaked. “I can’t imagine what it’s like having her then losing her.”
“I didn’t lose her.” Ari huffs, tossing aside his phone so he didn’t have to look at the painful one-sided conversations. 
“Well, you had her and now you don’t.” Curtis deadpanned. “Sounds like losing her to me.” Bucky finishes with a snort. 
Steve, the only one with a heart, tells them to shut up. He hated seeing his childhood best friend so upset. “Have you tried going to her dorm?”
Every damn day. “She’s never there. Always out with her fuckin’ friends. Bunch of dumb sluts, all of them.” 
“Your precious bunny included?”
Ari rolls his eyes. “She’s got no brains anyway.” 
Bucky laughs, drying his hair with a towel. “You know, it wasn’t her choice. They all pushed her to dump you.” Oh, Ari knows that. 
“So technically, she isn’t to blame.” Steve agrees, he tucks his blond hair into a baseball cap. “I knew she wouldn’t make that decision by herself.” 
“‘cause she’s stupid?” Curtis smugly wonders, “Because we know that already.” 
“No, because she loved him.” 
Loved—that isn’t right. You still love him. You had to. You were his sweet girl, his dumb baby, his bunny. He couldn’t fathom you just being you. Someone entirely detached from him, free of his authority and influence. 
That kind of independence was high over your head and you’d never reach it no matter how hard you tried. You could climb skyscrapers or trees that kiss the clouds, but it’ll never be enough. You needed him to lift you up and get you there, and fill up your empty little head with a false sense of self-rule. 
You should be thankful for him and kiss the ground he walks on, not break his heart over text. 
You’d be nothing without him in the same way he was nothing without you.  
After you met him, your perceptions and ideas, desires and fears were no longer your own. He fixed the little puzzle in your head, he did all the thinking and decision-making since you clearly couldn’t do it by yourself. 
He was electric and charismatic, and you were pure and gullible. 
The itty bitty seedling in a field of mature, vibrant flowers. Everyone crowded over you, stealing the golden rays and fresh breeze—that was until Ari came along and tucked you into an ivory pot, and took you home. 
He gave you everything you needed and then some, always putting your well-being above his own. He watered you, raised you towards the sun and made you into his slice of heaven. He made it so you couldn’t grow and flourish without him. 
Then, you took his heart and stomped on it like a bug. 
“She’s just an airhead who does whatever people tell her.” Curtis affirms, “Ain’t nothing up there but pixie dust and cotton candy.” 
Ari can’t deny that. He knows all too well about your naive obedience to orders and your wide-eyed, credulous view of the world. You were always focusing on the bright side, always holding other people’s opinions above your own—that’s what made it so easy to drill the hunger for his acceptance into your head. 
Bucky hums, “If anything, you’ve got to get even with her friends. If they’re out of the picture, who do you think she’ll run back to?”
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𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: hehe I think i'm in my sleazy daddy and airhead!reader era. i bet you aren't ready for ari fucking reader in mating press.
𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞! see you on oct. 6 for part two !!
As always, I hope you all enjoyed this and I’d love to hear your thoughts/feedback !! <3 — ☼ 𝐃𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐲 𝐊𝐨-𝐟𝐢 ☼
I don’t do taglists anymore. ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝐅𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 & 𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐨𝐧 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲: @𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲
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buriedpair · 4 months
The Sun
Double Down x GN Reader
Felt like writing some DD stuff instead of answering my asks. Sorry gang LOL
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Oliver’s hands are freezing. His warm breath does nothing to calm the trembling of his palms. He doesn’t mind so much. He can hardly tell at all. His shaking fingers encircle his arms and he watches the falling snow closely.
The cold is his friend. He’s always liked the snow, as much as he can like anything. An unfeeling machine, and an unhappy reality. 
Oliver is unequivocally alone.
“Hey, are you cold? Come back inside.” A voice calls from behind him. The warm, dulcet blanket that is his mother’s voice. He takes a calm breath, feeling the icy winds enter his lungs a final time before he turns and enters his home.
Oliver knew what warmth was supposed to feel like. He knew what it was like to be with another person. He knew all too well.
The first time his hands felt warmth was when you held them. Your radiance struck all the nerves in his system. He shut down the second your hands embraced his.
His breath shudders as your lips part to speak, anticipating your next words with short pants falling from his own lips.
“...Can I have my pen back?” 
Your eyes shone like marbles against the sunlight you seemed to emit. No, you cannot have your pen back. It’s his now, and he doesn’t want to give it back. He holds it in a tight fist against his chest, not speaking a single word.
You give up after a while, eyebrows furrowed as you awkwardly step away.
It’s cold again.
He sees you in the hallways, on occasion. He can’t stand to look at you, head down as he scurries past every time. He doesn’t deserve you. Not after all the people before you.
Graduation came and went. He left broken hearts in his wake, and you left nothing but light. He’s never felt so cold after that day. Frostbite nips at his fingertips the second you make your escape, leaving him alone for the last time.
Over the next few years, Oliver can hardly get out of bed. He stares at the ceiling, gripping his pillow and wishing it were you. He’s barely got enough money to sustain himself for the next month from his inheritance, but he couldn’t care less.
Gambit finds him alone at the bar of his casino one night. 
“You look like someone with nothing to lose.” Gambit leans his head against the palm of his hand as he glances at Oliver from the corner of his eye. His smile is kind.
“Join us.”
For once, he felt powerful. With a Scythe in hand, Oliver was the first to die. All that’s left is a cold-blooded player and executioner, Double Down.
Until you appeared at the casino one day. He could feel the ice in his heart thawing as he made eye contact. Surely you don’t recognize him, but he knows it’s you. He knows that warmth.
You didn’t stay for long. He didn’t either. He left without alerting anyone, just to get a taste of your warmth once again. 
Your home wasn’t far from his. How could he have missed that? He’s sure he’s had a few flings in your area. He shudders. Now’s not the time to think of them.
You’re alone. Alone in an empty house. Alone like he has been, all of these years without you.
He doesn’t hesitate to break the lock, even knowing you can probably hear it shattering under the weight of his Scythe. He doesn’t care about that now, not when you’re so close.
He’s panting as he stands in your living room, his eyes dilated as he stares at you. You, perfect and divine. You, who is light and the sun and all things holy. You, who saved him. So, then… Why do you look so scared?
“Oliver?” The name feels foreign on your tongue. This isn’t the kid you knew, who shyly avoided you in the hallways and scribbled your name in hearts in his notebook. 
For a moment, he really is Oliver again. Oliver, who loved you.
But he isn't. He’s Double Down, the mysterious murderer.
You take a nervous step back at his lack of response, and he takes a panicked one toward you.
“N-no! You don’t understand! You don’t know me, but I know you.” He takes several steps closer, trapping you between him and the wall.
“Please… Please, just touch me again. One more time.” He murmurs, his eyes never leaving yours.
When you don’t move, he grits his teeth and snatches up your hand, placing it to his heart.
“Do you feel it? My heart’s racing. I can’t stand it anymore.”
He smiles widely, trembling as he keeps your hand against him in his tight grip. 
“Please don’t leave me. Stay with me. Don’t go away again.” His smile never drops as tears fall down his flushed cheeks. 
“It’s so cold…” He whimpers, resting his forehead against your shoulder. His arms slowly encircle your waist and he pulls you right up against him.
It’s a perfect moment. You, squirming in his arms, his and his alone.
Billions of years from now, the sun will die and take everything with it. But you, the radiant warmth Double Down has never felt before, will always be within his grasp. From this day forward, the sun will never burn out.
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thegnomelord · 6 months
was thinking about drawing Ifrit from "Hell has a basement floor" and had some headcanons on his appearance.
on one hand i was thinking to make him tall and burly, built big to store all the mana and power he has, make him built like a volcano.
on the other.... what if and hear me out.... Ifrit.... skinny. tall and gangly, long limbs, underfed, outlines of bones poking out from underneath the skin, sunken eyes for that extra unsettling factor. besides magic does have a cost. maybe it's just your body that needs to be exchanged.
now i thought of the second hc because tall and skinny isn't exactly associated with the kind of brute force Ifrit has but he's still strong even if his lifestyle is gonna put him in an early grave. now imagine when he's finally part of tf 141 they notice that he's not very well in the food and weight department for his height and the amount of energy he spends so... they start feeding him (especially Price and Soap because protect and care hoard/pack)......
i've also been getting into the trope where characters gain weight as a sign of health and living a better life. so yeah tell me what you think
and maybe share your hcs on Ifrits appearance because i don't want to butcher your creation on accident
Okay 1: you have no idea how happy it makes me when I hear ppl want to draw fan art of my stuff :DD, internally I'm like that dog video where the dogs happily tapping his paws lol bc he can't contain his excitement lol. And also yeah, I'm a huge sucker for the trope and your little idea with Price amd Soap tickles my brain.
And 2: man you did some mind reading bc your hcs are actually very close to what I've made up for the lore of the whole au. While I want to overall leave Ifrit's body type ambiguous to give readers some space to imagine themselves in Ifrit's place, Ifrit is 100% underweight with more of a volleyball/basketball player type build, as mages focus on stamina and endurance rather than raw strength bc that can be augmented with magic. Also has stretch marks because their weight fluctuates a lot lol
Okay lore spoilers so if y'all want to find out through the story skip this-
Okay so— magic is increadibly taxing on the body, not just by eating away flesh and creating mage marks as a Mage's power grows, but just by simply existing inside the body magic stresses the body. Because fundamentally magic is toxic to humans, and even mages who have the needed adaptations to utilise magic are no better than our ancestors when they were first learning to stand on two legs.
The best metaphor I have for magic is chemo drugs. They're used to kill a cancer but they also damage healthy cells. Magic, similarly, damages the body by existing inside it, but also is used by mages to heal the damage as soon as it happens. This uses a lot of calories and also why mages have really irregular weights, losing 10kg in a week isn't an uncommon thing.
Someone possessing even half of Ifrit's capabilities would need to eat 3x that of a regular human of the same height and weight. Mages are literally Shaggy from Scooby Doo lol. And that's only to get the bare minimum their body needs, caloric need becomes much bigger if they're active like Ifrit is. So you'll find that many mages, but especially military ones, are underweight and need to regularly get Iv fluids and nutrients to help their body recover from using magic. They also need to eat a lot of highly caloric food, which isn't easy when one of the most common side effects of magic use is puking your guts up.
Most military mages don't reach 30. The average life expectancy is around 25, with active duty (i.e. constant missions and daily magic use) mages lasting on average 3-4 years before their body basically breaks down, but they can last longer depending on how conservatively they use magic.
Now, knowing all that, Ifrit has been actively using strong magic on par with military mages since they were 14-15 years old and while they're not the healthiest, they're healthy as a horse when compared to most mages. The reason behind their continued survival — their mage marks.
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rwuffles · 2 months
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pt: about. end pt.
hello & welcome to our 700 follower event! it will be going from 07/30 to 08/03 (mm/dd), lasting for 5 days with a corresponding theme for each! those who participate in all 5 days will be placed into a raffle for the event prizes :]
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pt: rules. end pt.
01.  ✦✦✦  those who are on my dni(link) may not participate
02.  ✦✦✦  you may make anything for the event days ( i.e. nputs, id packs, coins / flags, edits, etc. ), however, you may not make transids or radqueer-related terms
03.  ✦✦✦  to be eligible for the event prizes, you must: participate in all 5 days & have been following me before the event
04.  ✦✦✦  you must tag me in any of your event entries & use the tag "rwuffles700"!
05.  ✦✦✦  posting an entry after the day is okay, however, posting beforehand is not
06.  ✦✦✦  have fun :]
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pt: prompts. end pt.
DAY 01 (07/30)  ✦✦✦  a niche / underrated game you enjoy
DAY 02 (07/31)  ✦✦✦  least favorite video game character
DAY 03 (08/01)  ✦✦✦  an old-school game ( i.e. tetris, pac-man, galaga, etc. )
DAY 04 (08/02)  ✦✦✦  a random game genre
DAY 05 (08/03)  ✦✦✦  free day
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pt: prizes. end pt.
1ST PLACE  ✦✦✦  4 of anything we offer on our blog & a 3-page custom made rentry
2ND PLACE  ✦✦✦  3 of anything we offer on our blog & a 2-page custom made rentry
3RD PLACE  ✦✦✦  2 of anything we offer on our blog & a 1-page custom made rentry
prizes can be subbed out for something else after you're picked as a winner, please just discuss with me beforehand
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pt: extra. end pt.
if you complete the following list of tasks alongside the event prompts, your name will be placed into the raffle twice! these are not mandatory, but are more just for fun & give you a higher chance of winning :] you should include these in or in the reblogs of your event submissions!
01  ✦✦✦  add a screenshot of the / your player character on your current favorite game
02  ✦✦✦  share your favorite part of playing video games, if you do — if not, share a hobby & why you enjoy it
03  ✦✦✦ listen to & share a fansong ( or official song ) of any game of your choosing
04  ✦✦✦  show a picture of a meal or food from a game that you would eat in real life
05  ✦✦✦  talk about something you've wanted to for a while but haven't gotten the chance to
may our event get a boost? not forced, but thank you if you do!  :  @3dlove @puriette @kiruliom @sevvys @rabidbatboy @vampitsm @hanahakibf @jirai-doll @winecovered @disrealities @mantra-repeated
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pt: thanks. end pt.
thank you to everyone who helped us get here :] when we initially started this blog, it was meant as an escape & a break from coining and creating things for others. we wanted a space where we could just create for ourself, without having to worry about others' approval. i didn't expect it to grow, considering how niche what i made was.
but, through creating things for myself, i've found a small community of people like me. i don't think i'd have met, or even remained friends with a lot of people if i didn't start this blog. i'm forever grateful for it, and for the people i met through it. so, thank you to everyone! everyone who loved what i created and encouraged me to keep going!
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isa-ghost · 16 days
Something something sculk as a corrupting power. The ender king wants to take, wants to keep everything like a ship in a bottle but the deep dark? It wants to change. It wants to remake everything in its image.
There could probably be something cool having to do with sculk not being "native" to his world, but when rose "woke up" (phil updated the world and his bedrock lowered) so did the sculk. And now its lying in wait, slowly corrupting, slowly changing, slowly creeping.
And then... philza stopped avoiding it, and took some pieces to spread around. Is that gonna accelerate the corruption?
OKAY SO here's what I have so far (and restated stuff I said in chat yesterday during stream):
The Deep Dark Deity (I'm leaning female but also really fucking with them being genderless. Their gender is Corruption and their pronouns are they/it) has control over the Warden, sculk, etc. All things Deep Dark. The people who built and once lived in Ancient Cities were a cult that worshiped the Deity. Gods know when/how they died out, if they really died out or just went... elsewhere, and where they ended up if they aren't just dead. You can't tell me that's not a fucking portal. You know exactly what I'm talking about. They could've gone through there. But why?
Something something that portal being activated and the realm it would lead to being accessible is the only thing preventing the Deity from being able to escape DD biomes on their own. Currently they're bound to their own domain unless Phil takes a catalyst or other means of sculk spreading outside of the DD with him.
The Warden was created by the people who inhabited the cities (as we know from that one disc), meant to be a vessel for the Deity, if not straight up created in the Deity's image. Regardless, the Deity can indeed control/possess the Warden and command it whether they're inside of it or not.
Sculk contains XP, which is popularly headcanoned by most players as "life force" because living things drop it when they die (and it's earned though life experience, and life experience increases life force or whatever, blahblahblah, not explaining this in detail here, it's not my headcanon it's just the gist of what I've seen people cook with). This is what the Deity (EDIT: Deity name is Sculk Scourge!) survives off of. They consume it, and there is no such thing as "enough," it always wants MORE. If Ender King is greedy for the material, DD Deity is greedy for... whatever you'd call life force. When something dies in sculk, its life force is consumed by the Deity, and the sculk spreads because the Deity is being made stronger/more powerful and therefore their influence is spreading.
In addition to life force (killing mobs in DD biomes, bottles of enchanting, etc), some other "offerings" they enjoy include diamonds, lapis (gives lots of xp when mined), bones, god apples, infested stone, and beacons.
I'm cooking up a summary type thing like this for each of the Hardcore deities, but one of the things this Deity would represent is the concept of the apocalypse. It consumes to gain power, becomes so powerful nothing can stop it, and continues to consume until there is nothing left to consume.
Taking your idea of how the Deity only came to be after Phil updated Rose's power/influence over the world increased once more. Something something corruption something something Rose's evolution went Wrong somewhere and it turned into a whole ass new deity. Something along those lines idk. Whatever I go with, they have it out for Rose. It's her and her creations that they consume to grow stronger, that they want to remake.
They fucking HATE glow squids because they look like something THEY should've created, being all blue and glowy and ethereal like that. But no. Fucking ROSE did. 🙄 Their resentment of her knows no bounds.
Actually idk if it's resentment or just general ill will but again: They very much intend to do Rose harm. Including emotionally. Like by hurting her precious Child of the Sky. Or corrupting him to make him theirs instead. =)
This isn't a headcanon but like. The vibes of this deity? Scylla from EPIC: The Musical, both the song and the monster herself.
Given the nature of the Warden and the spirit of the Deep Dark in general, the Deity is blind. It navigates the world through hearing, smelling, feeling vibrations, and by sensing the amount of life force something contains. Phil should not enter the Deep Dark with more than 30 levels of XP. If he overstays his welcome in any DD biome, but especially in an Ancient City, the possession he'll undergo by this Deity will make Ender King's possession of him look like NOTHING.
Little does he know, his little recent escapade down there, and those souvenirs he took back with him, like his "doorbell," are, in a way, similar to the backpack Ender King gave him on Quesadilla Island. :)
Appearance-wise, the deity is feminine in body shape even if they're genderless, with long silky hair that looks like sculk. They have milky white eyes, sharp teeth, and everything about them is long and spindly. Their height, their limbs, their fingers. I'm not sure what they wear but it's long and flowy, also looking like sculk.
Idk if you've seen Owenjuice's New Life Series but when he's the Warden origin or whatever it is? This Deity can navigate through sculk like that, swimming in, out, and through it. Here's a timestamp of one of Owen's videos so you can see what I mean. They're always watching. So long as you can see sculk, the Deity can see you. :)
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helpinghanikan · 9 months
Domestic December: COD
Day 20: Graves, Like teenagers
DD Masterlist
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Philip Graves was a football player back in the day, and you can bet your ass he was captain. He told you this as an icebreaker. Neither of you sure of what to say on that awkward first date, the simple fact that he could find anything to say was a blessing.
He was popular back in the day. A cherry picker and handsome young man the mother’s love and fathers respect. They were certainly some of his best years. He’s told you so while driving one night.
“Nothing compared to now, though.” He said, taking your hand while he drove with the other.
“Of course not,” You reassured him, not completely sure if he meant it or not. Thankfully, the turn came up before you could think about it too much.
There’s a makeout spot in every town; be it a turnaround, a drop and ride, or just a clearing off the beaten path. Not every spot has a name, but they have one thing in common; fogged up windows and a look out for cops.
The visit back to Graves familiar home has been a long one. Tight quarters with a lot of family left zero room for alone time. Maybe some light making out before someone makes a comment. Even with him pressing into your back in the morning wasn’t as fun when a ten-year-old was sleeping on an air mattress barely a foot away.
“This was a great idea,” He says, both of you getting out of the car.
“Get in the back seat, like, right now.” You practically order.
“Yes, Ma’am.” He says, slamming the door shut behind him.
Going at it in the backseat of a car is always more fun in theory than practice. It’s a tight squeeze, which results in a lot of bumping and pushing when neither of you meant to. Your teeth clash when going in for the first kiss. In his excitement he’s ripped your pants down the seam. The same being said for the front of his shirt, opening down to his naval.
It’s a heated and amazing moment. When encourages you backwards what else could you do but obey?
The tapping on your window pulls a gasp from your throat. Graves grunting in a same level of surprise. The shock only staying for a second before it’s replaced with a smile.
“Graves, don’t-.” You say, but he’s already rolling down the window.
“Alright, Kids, zip it up.” Says the cop who immediately stops when she sees Graves adult-man face. “Oh, that’s pretty new. Most adults have a bed for themselves, nowadays.”
“Evening, Officer, something we can help you with?” Graves asks as casual as can be.
“Well you can start by putting a shirt on, then you can finish by wrapping it up before I take you both in for indecent.” She says with the grace of a chainsaw and the temperament to match.
Graves rolls up the window without adding anything.
“I thought you knew all the cops,” You said, pushing him up and off.
“Wasn’t aware the department made new hires.
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thewertsearch · 1 year
TG: i just want to know whats really going on here TG: before i decide to start choppin off the heads of outrageously good looking snoozing dudes [...] TG: something about this doesnt add up
Dave knows Terezi well enough to know he's being fucked with. What's her game?
TG: i dont remember sleeping on this bed TG: or reaching the god tier im pretty sure thats something id remember TG: so is he from the future [...] GC: NOP3!
I think I know what Terezi is trying to do.
This is an offshoot Dave. He's from a doomed timeline, and fate decrees he must die. Even if Dave Prime spares him here, it won't matter in the long run - the game simply can't abide his existence.
Now, when I first heard about this concept, I wondered if there was a way to rules-lawyer your way out of this predicament. Davesprite seems fine, and it's possible that his doom was suppressed or nullified by the Kernelsprite's resurrective properties. It can bring back the dead, so why can't it save a dead man walking?
The Quest Bed is an incredibly powerful device, and its capabilities aren't quite clear yet. This one is designed to resurrect Dave Strider - but can it only resurrect Dave Strider? Will it work for any Player, or any Knight of Time? Is it picky about which Dave Strider it resurrects? Can it undo an alt-Dave's death, or overrule it before it takes effect?
These things are worth looking into. Terezi seems to agree, and she's perfectly willing to sacrifice a few kids in the name of scientific enquiry - lest we forget the last doomed timeline she made.
Vriska, I assume. It's been strongly hinted that she tried to convince Tavros to kill her, and I've been wanting to talk about that for a while.
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I think her motivation was pretty clear.
Vriska desperately wants her victims to hate her, but Tavros just wants her to fuck off. He's too passive to make any grand gesture of revenge - so Vriska decides to manufacture one. She needs him to kill her, because then they'll be even, and she can put it all behind her for good.
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She cloned you, Dave. She cloned you, dropped the clone on a sacrificial slab, and told you to murder him.
Don't piss off a Scourge Sister.
GC: OK, R3M3MB3R WH3N YOU W3R3 4SK1NG M3 4BOUT TH1S GOD T13R STUFF GC: [...] SO 1 G4V3 YOU 4 CHO1C3 GC: TO F1ND OUT NOW, OR F1ND OUT L4T3R [...] TG: ok but you didnt actually give me a choice TG: you just flipped a coin GC: Y34H GC: 4ND 1 L3FT TH3 D3C1S1ON OV3R TH3 OUTCOM3 OF TH3 FL1P 1N YOUR H4NDS! >:]
Terezi's coin flip happened in the Veil, so it can't split Dave's timeline. Come to think of it, we've never heard about any offshoot timelines in Sgrub's postgame.
Plus, I'm not actually sure if flipping a coin would split the timeline. Each branch we've seen so far has been the result of a conscious decision, rather than an uncertain event.
The current Alpha Timeline was split off from Davesprite's when he made the decision to go back and save John.
The red-suited Dave's timeline was born from his decision to stop DD from stealing the Sburb Beta.
Quest Bed Dave, as we're seeing now, was born from a decision made by Dave during his conversation with Terezi.
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elendsessor · 5 months
i may be crucified for this opinion but
one of the many reasons i think dds deserves a remake is just how little impact some of the characters have and it’s really fucking sad. unless they’re party members or antagonistic forces they don’t get nearly as much screen time as they deserve and i think that hurts them as characters???
jinana and lupa especially. i get the setting of the first game is a battle royale that turned into a cannibal battle royale so of course not everyone could live but they kinda didn’t get as much screen time as they deserved. i mean think about it they kinda just exist to introduce their tribe, interact with the embryon for a bit, disappear, reappear once or twice, then next time you see them they’ve succumbed to hunger, you beat the shit out of them, and they end up dying. what little they are given does make you like them don’t get me wrong but a lot of that rides on dialogue which, as someone who loves seeing people experience certain plot stuff of games i enjoy, i kinda noticed that it was a really mixed result. it’s either “oh no anyways” with maybe the player getting a little melancholic when they get brought up again or the player doesn’t care. considering how important their struggles and mini arcs are that’s not good??? the fact that they exist solely to develop argilla and gale is a shame since unless you like the exchanges they have their deaths don’t have that big of an impact. they do get mentions and all that in 2 yet it kinda just. makes me question it more from the standpoint of what could’ve been done with them or the giant emotional aftermath that should’ve happened. this isn’t to say they can’t die or whatever but considering the interesting conflicts dds introduces and how it already struggled to explore it as much as it could’ve, jinana and lupa really did have the potential to help remedy some of those issues.
and then there’s fred aka the smokey of dds. i still don’t know why he exists except to explain why lupa somewhat knows what a child is and to introduce the existence of tiny humans to the gang. i’m sorry i straight up forget he was a character at points.
qds fixed a lot of this yes yet i still think it’s important to point out on a game standpoint, since most people who play dds don’t end up reading qds, and i really don’t think actual important contextual stuff or major aspects of a game’s themes should be exclusive to books. it’s not as bad as something like fnaf or other mascot horrors—that shit was over a decade later—but it is a major writing issue and i don’t think the fact that the original lead writer got sick and had to leave means there wasn’t a writing decline. you can tell there was stuff that was going to be built upon only to be abandoned or underdeveloped.
it’s extra sad because this is straight up one of the best instances of world-building the series has ever had, and the whole cannibalistic character drama mixed with spiritual and buddhist + hindu themes is something so inherently interesting while also being in some ways taboo??? there’s not a lot of games out there at least not made by indie developers that get that risky since it’s not marketable, and something like that is next to nonexistent now in the mainstream market. we fuckin need games like the dds duology that challenge the status quo and goddammit if it got expanded upon and had more development for side characters that would be actually perfect.
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skullsmuldon · 4 months
Do you think Monique's soccer career didn't work out because of her flat feet? I just realized that in her latest video. In addition to that and it might be solely me but she is trying very hard to be sexy + the cute girl next door and it is so not working for me. All I see is someone who is coming across like someone who doesn't know who she is or what she is supposed to do with her life, while trying to be a trophy wife to a once upon a time hollywood hottie who cannot face his own ageing and vanishing hairline
I have no clue why it didn’t work out for her. She was never a star athlete at university to begin with and always, if at all came in for minutes from the bench. That’s knowledge available from the stats on the soccer website. The press calling her a former soccer player made it sound to be more than it was imo. Because they also called her an alumni when we all know she is a drop-out who never finished Uni or got any degree. I wouldn’t be surprised if DDs team made sure she wasn’t called a dropout with his Hank moody character being fresh in ppls mind.
As for the rest, I think she will always be insecure and that’s where the cringe content is coming from. Like you said trying to hard and having no clear direction are just contributing factors to the whole trainwreck atm. The best thing for her actually would be if DD marries her so she at least is financially secure.
I don’t care if ppl call it mean or say we don’t know but if she wanted to have a career or her own business it would have happened already. DD has contacts and the money to support her starting her own business. But that would also mean you can’t drop everything for when your sugardaddy calls you up for a week abroad here and there when he feels like it and that is exactly why I personally believe DD is content with her being dependent on him + follow his every whim whenever he feels like it. 🤷🏽‍♀️
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websterweaver · 3 months
We have 10 people participating now (including you and me)! I also asked 3 people if they wanna join too. Waiting for their replies. Its just that we still have no rules. Do you wanna decide by public poll throughout the next week (I only have the option to set polls for a day or a week long and a day is too short) or should we just set a few rules and run with it? Nobody came with suggestions for that stuff yet. I know its only been like a day since I made those posts but I dont know how long you want this stuff to take. And it was your idea so I thought I should ask you. And I guess people need some prep time to prepare OC description sheets, which, me too. I have nothing yet T_T
Hello :DD What exciting news!!
I think it would be wise to run by some rule ideas with the people participating before starting anything. :3 I agree the poll for a week is a very smart idea indeed. As for when we should start this I think either a month or two in advance would be really nice to those (Like you and I) Who still need to create their TG OC(s) character sheets Also here are some ideas that I had for rules and what not: I think it would also be wise to have an account (or sideblog) Dedicated to this event, So that people can tag the event and they'll be easier to find here on tumblr.
TEAM & POINTS Your team will be picked at random Either Ghoul or Human When posting your art please post in the tags what team you are and the year example: #teamghoul24 or #teamhuman24 The team that draws the most wins!
Characters Section. 
Please have your OC(s) character sheets ready before the event. Along with a description of their back story. 
Make sure your OC(s) sheets are easy to find and to access for your other fellow players
Make sure you make a list about what you’re okay with. Like Example:  Are you okay with your OC(s) being drawn with gore? Or are you okay if they’re drawn shipped with certain canon character(s)?
When posting your drawing  please post the tumblr’s name (of the person you are attacking) in the description of your post. Also Please post the name(s) of the OC(s) as well.
If you don’t have any TG OCs that is okay you may use a canon character. I hope that this was helpful? Please let me know if there is anything more I can do to help out too.
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ryukang1995 · 3 months
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My latest collage of possibly the most prominent ships within my works based on Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat and Double Dragon.
Ryu x Cammy (American Street Fighter AU)
This pairing largely came from the what-if artwork that Akiman did of Ryu and Cammy's son, but beyond that? I do feel the two have quite a lot in common, especially personality-wise. Plus, Cammy actually admires Ryu in canon.
Guile x Chun-Li (American Street Fighter AU)
The idea of this pairing did technically start with Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie where Guile and Chun-Li teamed up to take down Bison and Shadaloo, but because Guile is more or less the main hero of the American SF AU, it just made sense to pair him with Chun-Li.
Even so, they do have great chemistry together in pretty much the entire franchise.
Liu Kang x Kitana (Main Mortal Kombat timeline)
The pairing that John Tobias intended as far back as the development stages of the first MK game where Kitana was planned to appear as a background character named Kitsune. It eventually was integrated into the canon starting with the 1995 MK movie, and to this day, fans wonder when will they have an offspring.
To me, this is like a mix between a classic fairy tale romance and the traditional tale of star-crossed lovers who may or may not be together in the end. Ultimately, I do want to see them settle together.
Johnny Cage x Sonya Blade (Main Mortal Kombat timeline)
This pairing was technically first hinted at in the MK comics by Malibu, but it first got major focus when it was featured in the 1995 MK movie. Since then, it was hinted at in the 3D games, and it eventually became integrated into canon with the NRS timeline where they ended up giving birth to Cassie Cage.
Despite my ups and downs with the relationship as well as how Johnny was often portrayed in later incarnations (mainly the NRS timeline and the Legends animated films), I do feel it can be done well when given to the right people. It's definitely an "opposites attract" dynamic, for sure.
Ryu x Chun-Li (Japanese Street Fighter AU)
Possibly the most popular SF ship, regardless of it not truly being canon. Many fans, myself included, have always wondered if Ryu and Chun-Li would ever hook up.
Even the SF2 manga from 1993 had it to where Chun-Li had romantic feelings for Ryu, so that might have been one of the seeds that planted the idea of them being a thing in our minds. Since then, Capcom have been teasing fans hard over whether or not they will get together.
Both characters greatly admire each other, and they definitely look cute together. I definitely wouldn't mind it being official either.
Liu Kang x Sonya Blade (Alternate Mortal Kombat timeline)
I would say this is my most prominent ship I have done fan work of, despite it not being the most popular out of these, especially when compared to Liutana and CageBlade.
The pairing was first hinted at in the MK novel by Jeff Rovin, but they never attempted to make it canon, or even drop hints of it in later incarnations. Regardless, I do feel it has great fan art and fanfic potential since the two actually have a lot more in common than you would think.
It genuinely helps that both characters respect and admire each other in canon too. I would also say both this pairing and Ryu x Chun-Li just make sense, considering it's the main heroes and the first ladies of both SF and MK.
Billy Lee x Marian Kelly (Console Double Dragon AU)
While Billy is indeed "player 1" of pretty much every DD game, several of the games also had it to where Billy and Jimmy had to fight for Marian (they were also a trio in the River City Girls games, but I digress).
However, it was the DD games for consoles such as NES that established Billy being Marian's true boyfriend, and so, that is ultimately why it's the case in the "Console" DD AU.
Jimmy Lee x Marian Kelly (Arcade Double Dragon AU)
The official artwork for Double Dragon II: The Revenge has it to where Marian is holding on to Jimmy as he and Billy battle the Shadow Warriors, which did sort of imply that Jimmy was Marian's boyfriend.
Since the arcade games never truly explored lore details, I decided to fill in the blanks as well as take some liberties by making Jimmy x Marian a thing. It also helps that Jimmy is the more mature and stoic Lee brother in this AU while Billy fills such a role in the "Console" AU.
There are some other pairings I left out, such as Ken x Cammy, Kung Lao x Li Mei, and Kitana with both Johnny Cage and Kuai Liang (again, as both Scorpion and Sub-Zero), but I would say these are the most prominent ones.
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rainworld-oc-showdown · 8 months
The Architect by @moss-and-marimos vs The Scholar by @starrysundae - round 1 set 1
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The Architect- Description:
The architect is a modified survivor slugcat, and so the amount of food pips would be similar to survivor but at least some of them would be required to be carnivorous. This is in order to sustain the energy output used by the slugcat's special ability, this being that they can weld things with their hands. They also have more physical strength than survivor and would most likely do 2 spear damage instead of one. This is in part because they are able to weld spears together to make them larger and more powerful, as well as helping the player to move around the map more easily. They would be bad at swimming, but because of this ability are able to more easily traverse terrain requiring more complicated parkour.
The Architect is a purposed organism made by Sewn Ends In Lilacs (one of my iterator ocs) to repair an ancient iterator that she found out about. This other iterator was built so early on that the ancients didnt know how huge of an issue the rains would be, and so was built without a retaining wall. Because of this, his structure is falling apart from beneath and around him, and is a similar state to moons in canon, though more overgrown rather than flooded. The course of the campaign if it was actually a game would be traveling from Lilacs' can to the can of Digital Dandelions, the broken down iterator, to repair his puppet and bring it back online, and then to connect communications between him and lilacs. Though this likely wouldnt be a part of the actual game, the architect would then focus on the long task of repairing and updating DD's structure.
The Scholar- Description:
They are slower than average on land and slightly faster than rivulet in the water, they also have limited breath above the water (about 45-65 seconds). They have bioluminescence and the ability to to read pearls and store up to 5 pearls in their stomach.
They’re just a silly guy who wanders the world in search of knowledge and their lost friend, who happened to run into an iteratior who gave them the ability to read pearls. (btw their campaign takes place just when five pebbles starts to collapse)
Fun facts:
they can’t ascend for reasons I will not specify :)
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