#Who knows maybe he'll recover somehow :'D
tabellae-rex-in-sui 2 years
Acquitted 馃槍
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(there's no mention of his friends and allies idk what's the deal with the others)
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highlifeboat 2 years
What if the mercy killing was about to happen around the same time Ethan goes to the castle?
Lady D is half certain Ethan was sent on behalf of Miranda (because for all she knows maybe the two of them struck up some sort of deal) and says she'll take care of the girls and he doesn't need to be here.
Cue a very confused Ethan because he's only here for one girl.
It's a very awkward conversation but both sides learn something. Lady learns that Ethan is not working for Miranda and is actually here for his daughter that is not. Ethan learns that he didn't think he could hate this place anymore and sure, this place is filled with monsters, but there is a fine line between a very tall vampire lady that is being forced to kill her fly daughters to keep them from a very agonizing death and the bitch who is ordering the vampire lady to do it.
Lady D realizes she has a potential ally. Ethan realizes that Mother Miranda really needs a few dozen bullets in the head.
Lady D calls up Heisenberg, because if anyone has it out for Miranda it's him and maybe she can strike up a deal with him.
The TLDR is Ethan suddenly has Magento and the scary vampire lady hyping him up in a impromptu mission to kill Miranda (That's the only way you're going to get Rose back, Ethan) and he barely has any idea what's going on but he'll deal with that later as he's literally rolling up one of Lady D's daughters in a shit ton of blankets to look like a very large dead body and deciding not to question why the wine he and Lady D are throwing on the covered body looks a lot closer to blood than it does wine.
Heisenberg arrives, takes the bundled body of one of his fly nieces, and starts dragging it through the snow back to the factory where Miranda would never think to look.
The process is repeated twice and now all Ethan has to do is recover the flasks from Donna (who Lady D is certain can be dealt with without any altercation once Donna hears what Miranda was going to make her do) and Moreau (who probably needs more convincing or can't be reasoned with) and then him and Heisenberg and Lady D are somehow going to kill the insanely powerful Miranda and save Rose all without dying.
Ethan very much needs some of that blood looking wine when this is all over.
Idea for Moreau: Ethan does what he should have done and just steals the fucking flask and gets out. Fish man can be consoled after, but he'd probably go straight to Miranda if they tried to convince him to betray her.
Donna will go along with it but Ethan would need Alcina to convince her. (She'd never believe her sister would team up with a man, nor that Miranda would order any of the family to slaughter, unless it came from Alcina herself. And even then it would take a bit of convincing). Donna is not a fighter, however, and she has incredibly mixed feelings about the idea of fighting Miranda as a whole. It's a lot to process.
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yanderes-galore 2 years
for scp, are we allowed to rp the docs? cause if so, can i ask for yam dr. bright? maybe the darling is someone whos got no connection to the scp foundation, yet he somehow found 鈥榚m?
Dr Bright is an exception because he's an SCP himself/hj
Concept as not specified.
Yandere! Dr. Bright with Darling not part of the SCP foundation
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Kidnapping, Mentioned death, Selfish behavior, Forced relationship.
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- You being found by Bright while not being part of the SCP Foundation would be rare but not impossible.
- The Doctor himself is essentially an anomaly ever since he got in contact with SCP-963.
- He can make infinite clones of his consciousness by just having people touch the amulet he has.
- I theorize Bright collects knowledge somewhat through these clones if they have the amulet to make this concept work even if it's not canon.
- As Doctor Bright is... himself, a clone might have gotten out of the foundation somehow.
- The foundation is quick to hunt it down as breaches can happen, but not before Bright finds you.
- Bright has some issues with growing attached to others due to his immortality.
- Yet when he meets you he forgets that for just a moment.
- He forgot just how wonderful outside the foundation is.
- It's only like this because of what they do, but Bright does miss it just a bit.
- It's a pain to him when he realizes this clone will be disposed of just like the others once they find him.
- He won't have much of a chance to see you again if he dies here.
- This leads to Bright becoming your friend along with being on the run from the foundation.
- He goes by a fake name, changes his appearance, etc.
- The reason all his clones will remember you is because the one that met you had the amulet on them.
- You are completely clueless that this new friend of yours is actually some anomaly who is on the run from a secret foundation keeping Earth safe.
- Bright also hides the amulet from you, too.
- You never know just who will be a spy for the foundation....
- It's not like he's malicious or anything, either!
- He's still getting work done at the foundation through one clone, while this one is staying by you!
- Jack Bright hates how the foundation demonizes him and his family....
- He doesn't plan on using his immortality for anything evil!
- Except for... the little experiments he does with SCPs but-
- Those are just for fun!
- Bright may develop his obsession with you when his runaway clone hangs out with you.
- Yet it may intensify if he is eventually killed.
- The amulet is safely recovered and given to a new host once all others hosts are gone.
- Bright still has the memory of you which makes him think of you a lot.
- You may have no connection to the foundation... but Bright is high enough in power to try and manipulate you into the foundation.
- He misses you... while you two may not be in the outside world, you can stay here.
- Bright will make sure you're brought in as a D-Class, witness to an anomaly, or an anomaly yourself with some convincing of higher-ups.
- Then he'll place you under his care with a smile.
- He calls you in to meet him, standing in front of you in his new host and lab coat.
- A strangely familiar grin is on his face when he looks at you.
- "Nice to see you again, (Y/N)! We've met before, I'm known as Dr. Bright here, but you may know me as [Fake Name]."
- Wrapping your head around Bright's existence is a difficult task for you.
- Then again the existence of this foundation is hard to comprehend, too.
- What may scare you the most is why you were brought here.
- You were brought here because the friend you met, Dr. Bright, couldn't bear to go back here without you.
- With no consideration for you, Bright drags you into this hell for personal feelings.
- If you never met him you wouldn't be here.
- However, he promises no harm will come to you as long as he's here!
- Dr. Bright will be here for a long time, too.
- "Trust me, the foundation can be fun once you get used to it! Plus, I'm here! I'll be sure all your needs are met just as long as you don't leave me here alone. You'll do that for me, won't you?"
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op-sheepy 3 years
One Piece Manga spoilers ahead...
Got a message from someone expressing disappointment that the recent OP manga chapters dashes their headcanons that the Heart Pirates are medically trained... or at least competent enough at it... I can see how the latest chapters could somehow change this perception which is a totally valid interpretation. (Likely to be canon too though it could all be interpreted some other way with our favorite headcanons intact.. :D)
Of course, bringing my attention to this could only mean that they wanted to be convinced otherwise. Using my favorite fandom tools of some recontextualization, selective interpretation, and some basic relevant medical tidbits (my friend preferred calling it me 'bulsh*tting' my headcanons into the realm of possibility, which fair) I did manage to convince them (it helps that they really wanted it to be true lol) and they've convinced me to share here. Remember to take the following with a grain of salt and to not take anything mentioned that's medically related seriously or as an absolute fact that would automatically reflect in real life. I mean, it's a manga and we're definitely stretching things here... Anyways, here goes...
Let me start off with this panel:
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Now it's been years since I've had any use for BLS but still the first thing that struck me when I saw this was, 'That is not how one does chest compressions...'
You can do a quick search for proper hand placement for CPR and it will tell you that the heel of one hand is at the center of the chest with the other hand on top of the first hand, fingers interlocked. Now, I'm not really that good at making out details from manga panels but the hand placement does not look correct at all.
My first instinct was to make another WIP fic where their captain drills them and they review this (which I did do lol). And then made my assumptions if I go with the premise that the crew is doing their best to their knowledge.
This would bring up the following points:
As mentioned, the hands do not look correct for chest compressions.
Water is spouting from Luffy's mouth like a fountain suggesting that the pressure being exerted on the chest is pushing the water out.
The purpose of chest compressions in CPR is not to expel water but to emulate the heart beating and maintain circulation. (so the Oxygen can get to your brain continuously)
The incorrect hand placement would then suggest that Bolero Hat guy is not trying to maintain circulation but instead trying to expel the liquid from the lungs. Sort of like a lung massage. This is somewhat confirmed in a succeeding panel with them with someone trying to affirm whether they've gotten rid of all the water.
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Basically, they are clearing the airway. Which they would only do if they've established that Luffy's circulation is fine and that the obstruction is the immediate issue that needs to be addressed.
Now, during drowning, generally, aspirated water should end up in the stomach because of laryngospasm (vocal cords spasming). For some reason, maybe force of will (because he did look like he was still screaming while he was drowning) or his strange anatomy (because he is rubber), the water somehow ended up in his lungs. We assume this because Luffy with water in his stomach looks like this:
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Not as relevant but we can also assume that his rubber powers affect the displacement of liquids within the different membranes inside his body.. because otherwise, the next image wouldn't be possible (Bolero hat guy would have had better luck performing some modified thoracentesis with a spigot)
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If you're still following my rambling, what we've pretty much established is that whatever the Hearts were doing it wasn't necessarily the chest compressions done in CPR or rather, it has maybe passed that (also note the lack of defibrillator use which should be available in that submarine).
Right after clearing his lungs of water, they move on to the next thing they need to address which is his lack of consciousness ('Open your eyes, man!') because from the image above the 'sh---h' sound coming from Luffy suggests that he is already breathing.
For alteration of consciousness, the treatment would depend on the underlying cause. Here the presumption was the lack of Oxygen (or whatever gas is being breathed in One Piece).
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This is pretty much the scene that shows them seemingly not knowing what to do but given the circumstances, I thought it was understandable. Also, Luffy's physiology is pretty unique. I doubt squeezing the lungs would have been viable as a method of removing the fluid (it would have been postural drainage, some modified Heimlich, or straight up inserting a tube) had he not been made of stretchy rubber. Any further intervention without the accompanying knowledge could be more detrimental. Here is a picture of our other resident genius doctor saying as much regarding administering medication he doesn't know enough about.
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Since no return to consciousness was imminent and there was no doctor to make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment, the team is left to determine the next step by themselves. (Look at them looking for their captain who happens to be their doctor...)
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'I don't know what more to do for him,' suggests that they've already performed all necessary procedures based on the circumstance and Luffy's unique anatomy.
If we dissect the scene further, their panicked suggestions could only come from people who have some passing medical knowledge.
Someone suggests giving him some pills and someone quickly rebuffs by suggesting giving him an injection instead. Between the oral route and intravenous injection for drug administration after drowning, the latter should be the preference (to maintain the airway and because of possible injury to any part of the airway). But they probably have prior experience on the difficulty of getting a normal needle through Luffy's rubber skin.
It also suggests that they have a specific medication in mind to give him as they are arguing route.
Someone notes that Luffy is pale. As we are assuming that they've established the lack of a possible cardiac arrest, they should be looking into addressing any other possible underlying cause. It could be blood loss, poor peripheral circulation, anemia, hypoglycemia, hypotension, etc.
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Ultimately, though, the team was successful in reviving him. Given that Luffy pretty much recovers from eating excessive amounts of food, he'll be fine and will probably be rejoining the battle good as new. The same could not be said for the Polar Tang's food supply.
TL;DR: The Hearts did a good enough job. Their captain would still drill them but he'd still be proud. And now they really need to win that battle because they'll be out of food.
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tdoompoet 3 years
Keep You: Preservation of Papyrus
Sans had snapped from the humans endless genocide routes, and so took the option away from them by killing everyone himself first. After so many times doing it on his own, he grew tired (and desparate) from the loneliness. He can't keep it up, but he can't stop, either.
(Full story under Keep Reading, with alt link to Ao3 in notes)
(Potentially triggering drawing at end of story)
(CW: injury, violence, genocide, decapitation, body horror)
Keep You:
Preservation of Papyrus
Not again.
He couldn't do it again.
Yet here he was, covered in dusty remains once more, the population under the mountain made silent.
It had become routine:
Wake up.
(was he really awake?)
Recognize the world had Reset.
(again. he had to do it all again. and again. and again--)
Spend an hour staring at the ceiling, bracing himself for the day's work ahead.
(--again. and again. and again. he had to--)
Slip by Papyrus, busy preparing a fresh batch for his spaghetti trap.
("Today I, The Great Papyrus, WILL capture a human! Nyeh-heh-heh!! --Brother! Don't forget to Calibrate! Your! Puzzles" --yet again--)
Murder Everyone.
After so many repeats (thousands? tens of thousands? how many by the kid's hand, how many by his own?), he was able to go about his self-appointed duty on auto-pilot. Easy enough to slip on his smile, walking alongside the townsfolk and make them laugh or groan at corny jokes as though it were any other day, until they were out of sight of anyone else. Then they couldn't react to anything anymore.
Easy enough for the first dozen or so, as he built up his first few levels of LoVe (don't think about how with his single ATK lousy damage that the only ones he could take down swiftly and quietly at first still being in stars damned stripes--). Even easier once the LoVe trickled into his Soul and what little guilt he could still feel was replaced with adrenaline and the growing reinforcement of the knowledge that he would soon be completely alone in this world once more.
But things would be different this time.
He dusted his way through Snowdin, then Waterfall, and Hotland along with the Core, and finally on his way to the Capitol, careful to keep a good distance between his brother and himself even as the population dwindled to be replaced by gusts of dust, and his growing LoVe became more and more obvious to the point that others went on the defensive as soon as they laid eyes on his on imbalanced red-tinted gaze.
No one would be allowed to stop him. He must complete this before the human arrived and destroyed everyone themself. (was he really any better than the kid, or even that damned flower?)
An encounter with the King would have been likely to end in Sans' favor even before he gained any LoVe, what with the King's own LoVe and guilt making him weak to the mercies of the Judge. This, it couldn't even be counted as a fight. Sans couldn't afford to stop and think of why, if it was because the King believed he deserved the Judgement for all his own sins when there was nothing left to lose, or if it was the shock of grief and betrayal from one of his most trusted-- No, can't think about that. There was a goal to complete.
One last task. And then..
The trip to the Room of Souls was quick. Anyone who earned a Royal title was made aware of its exact location, and given a general knowledge of how the Soul containers functioned. No point in limiting the information to the King alone if his death would also result in the loss of the six souls the Underground had managed to collect so far. No point in denying them what little HoPe was left to cling to.
Now, they were Sans' only means of preserving his own last HoPe.
Soul container collected and stashed in his inventory, a detour through New Home where he quickly found and claimed that damned knife (so many Resets since the kid was last able to hit him, and that scar-that-never-happened still fucking BURNED), and a shortcut later found him blinking a gust of dust mixed snow out of his sockets. And ahead of him on the path, same spot as every other time it had come to this point--
Deep breath. Don't get distracted yet. He was so close to finishing this.
So close to saving Papyrus from the non-existent mercies of the creature masquerading as a human.
Papyrus stood there, seemingly expecting him (as he did every time it came to this point of the timeline), the small remainder of hope being replaced with that soul wrenching mix of grief, disappointment, and ever-present Mercy once he took in the changes to his brother. Once he saw the effects of the LoVe he'd earned.
Sans said nothing. Time was of the essence. The human would be through the ruins soon. But--
"All the Dogi are gone. And all of our neighbors."
"..yea." There was no denying the evidence, he fully knew and accepted what he'd done, but somehow it was still a struggle to get the admission out past the sudden tightness in his non-existent throat at admitting it to his brother.
"Undyne isn't answering her phone."
Sans said nothing. The reason why was obvious. He can't think of how his actions hurt his brother just yet. He'll accept everything Papyrus has to throw at him once this is over. He deserves nothing less.
"She's never going to, is she. Nor any of our other friends." A statement. Not a question.
Every other timeline, he ended it immediately upon shortcutting here before his brother had the chance to talk him down. To allow his guilt and grief to overwhelm him before he could finish and result in his brother being left to the tender (non) mercies of the kid. But if this worked (it WOULD work) Papyrus would be able to say anything he wanted to his Soul's content. He'd be ALIVE to do so.
"..i'm sorry, Papyrus. i have to do this." He was cracking. He needed to get his shit together. He needed to finish before that door opened and everything was ruined.
"Brother, this isn't the way to solve any problem! You KNOW this! Talk to me, I don't underst--"
His barely-wavering appeal, a tangled mess of bravery, belief in his brother, and wet with tears of grief finally released when the truth could no longer be denied, was cut off by a wave of bones surging up behind him. Familiarity from years of training with his brother had him dodging forward into Sans' space without a thought. It was playing dirty, but right now that didn't matter.
Sans took advantage of the familiar routine, manipulating Papyrus into position to move under his outstretched arm, yank him down by the scarf, and within a blink the cursed knife was out of his inventory and through Papyrus' neck.
Everything stopped as quickly as it started, Papyrus never even having a chance to recover from the shock before his body started dusting away beneath him.
"W-well, that's not what I expected," Papyrus managed to say. Sans' soul damn near broke right then from hearing the familiar words usually spoken to the human all those genocide runs ago now directed at himself. But he couldn't let it affect him. Not now. No time.
With speed few would believe he possessed, the knife was dropped, the Soul container was out of his inventory, on the ground, opened, and the orange soul of Bravery tossed aside without a thought. With hands starting to shake, Papyrus' head was reverently lowered inside in its place.
The lid was quickly sealed. Sans remained crouched, staring into the jar and shaking with anticipation as the rest of Papyrus dissolved to dust beside him. The scarf caught up in a sudden gust of wind, fluttering down to catch around himself and the container holding what (HoPefully) remained of his brother. It was hard to tell whether it felt more like a threatening noose or a comforting embrace.
(It was his brothers. Of course there was only ever one option it could be, regardless of what Sans thought he deserved.)
The silence stretched on, Sans refusing to break eye contact for a moment even as a stinging mix of magic and dust dripped into his straining sockets. He couldn't look away, not even to blink. Not until he was sure it worked. Not until--
"Brother, I believe we need to have a talk. There are much better ways to solve problems than shoving people into jars! Well, parts of people! That was very rude! I was very attached to my body! And where did you even find a jar that already seemed to have people parts in it?? They--!!!"
Sans couldn't help it. The tension melted out of him, body falling into a heap between the jar containing his ranting (LIVING!) brother and the dissolving human soul. Tremors wracked him as dreaded anticipation of failure switched too quickly into hysterical laughter, the disbelief of success overwhelming.
Alive. Papyrus was still alive, and still very much himself. Well, until the shock wore off, at least. He was well aware he had a lot to make up to Papyrus for, not that he could ever make up for everything he had done. But Papyrus was safe, ALIVE. With him, and unable to needlessly sacrifice himself to the human yet again.
Sans managed to save him, and he would never have to be alone with his ghosts again.
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At the far end of the path, through the woods and over the bridge, a stone door creaked open. The human child stepped out into the snow.
A.N. Wasn't sure how to do it, but had the idea of the human coming out of the ruins and being horrified out of their genocidal stupor at the image of Sans gleefully hugging the jar containing his brother's decapitated head, evidence that he'd willfully done it surrounding him. Who knows, maybe it would be enough of a shock to get them to reconsider their choices up to now.
Alternatively, there was the idea that Sans would manage to evade the human while keeping the Papyrus jar close to him at all times (perhaps he even did this early on before killing everyone else), and.. just enjoying what he can of his brother's company before using him as a last resort EXP boost, even going so far as to break the jar and finish dusting his brother in front of the human for the extra shock factor.
But I couldn't bring myself to go that route. With Papyrus having the chance to natter on and chip away at his brother's mental walls while trapped in the soul container, I don't think Sans could have brought himself to murder Papyrus a second time in one run.
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girlwithshipsshitshow 3 years
Part 25
(Misaki Kneeled in front of his parents grave, tightly holding Usagi's hand, even though his tie had just been fixed before they left they house, it was somehow already crooked. He had no idea what to say, should he start by apologizing that he hadn't been to visit in the last fourteen years? Or introduce Usagi first like it's just a normal conversation.)
Misaki: (lets out a long sigh, Usagi Squeezing his hand for encouragement). Uh, hey mom, dad. This feels weird, I know I never really came to visit, mostly because for the longest time I thought your death was my fault, a-a-and I know that sounds dumb but it's true, so I never came, I'm here today because I lot is happening. I'm graduating!, I'm also getting married, to this guy. He's the love of my life, if you guys we're alive I'd think you'd love him. (He smiled gently at Usagi), His name is Akihiko Usami, but I call him Usagi. He's amazing, the best thing that's ever happened to me. I'm so lucky to have him, I want you to meet him.
Usagi: Um hi, I don't know how to introduce myself, should I say Usagi? (He ducked his head), No that sounds weird, I'm Usami. Misaki says he's the best thing that's ever happened to him, but truthfully, he saved me, I would not be this person without him. Before we met I was kinda an awful person, I never let anyone in, I was a mess, I almost died a few times, I never ate properly, I never really opened myself up to anyone, I had al these walls up, then Misaki came and I was this a different person. (he chuckled softly), Some might say softer. Misaki is the only person I've truly felt combatable with, he's my soulmate and best friend, the best person you could ever ask for, he's doing okay, he's happy, I'm so grateful for him.
Misaki: (softly), Usagi... (He wrapped his arms around the older man, leaning into him), I love you.
Usagi: I love you too. Thank you for bringing me here.
Misaki: Thank you for coming.
Usagi: You're parents would be so proud of you.
Misaki: How do you know?
Usagi: Because I'm so proud of you, how could they not be.
Misaki: Thank you.
(They stayed there for a while, in a silent embrace paying their respects, Misaki was happy he decied to come, he needed it. He was so grateful to have this man in his life, and really needed the support today.)
Monday March 16, 2020... six days before graduation.
(Misaki woke up feeling beside him, the space was empty, he was confused, usually this early in the morning Usagi would still be asleep, he rubbed his eyes, blinked a few times then gave his eyes a few seconds to adjust to the light, turning his head towards the alarm clock he realized it was only eight am, yeah Usagi should definitely still be asleep).
Misaki: Usagi?! (He called loudly, his voice was groggy from just waking up)
Usagi: Good morning, (He smirked entering the room with a tray of breakfast consisting of coffee, eggs, hash browns, and bacon).
Misaki: (Smirks): What's all this?
Usagi: (Sitting on the bed carefully placing the tray between them, he hands Misaki the cup of coffee and places a kiss on his cheek). I made you breakfast.
Misaki: You didn't have to do that. (He takes a sip of coffee, the warmth wakes up his body, he smirks, taking Usagi's hand), You're amazing.
Usagi: I know it's not a trinational bra-
Misaki: Stop it, I love it. (He smiles, taking a bit of everything), It's great.
Usagi: I'm glad you think so.
Misaki: So why are you up so early?
Usagi: A man can't wake up early to make breakfast for his fianc茅?
Misaki: (Smirks, giving him a knowing look).
Usagi: Um, Isaka called last night after you went to sleep-
Misaki: How rude, Doesn't he know not to call in the middle of the night?
Usagi: I agree, but he's my boss.
Misaki: He's your friend, and as your friend he should know not too.
Usagi: He wanted to talk to you, but I told him you were asleep.
Misaki: Why does he want to talk to me?
Usagi: He wants to have a meeting with you today about us, and you being my assistant.
Misaki: Um, why now? I'm not starting until like the begging of may.
Usagi: I don't know, but he want's to meet at noon, so eat up.
Misaki: I'm supposed to tell you to do that. You're still recovering you know.
Usagi: So, feed me.
Misaki: (Smirks, feeds Usagi a piece of bacon, the older boy takes his hand lacing his fingers through his, pulling him into a kiss, knocking the food on the bed). Usagi!
Usagi: We can clean it up. (He pulls Misaki on top of him, running his hands through his hair, they kiss passionately), Hey, (he pulls away breathing heard, pushing hair out of Misaki's face, (wanna take this to the shower?
Misaki: I don't know Usagi... (He trailed off, he Missed having Usagi inside off him, he missed being inside of Usagi, but they only had six more days till they could have sex again, surely they could wait it out right?)
Usagi: I know we have six more days till we can have sex again but.. I can help you shower right? (He grinned kissing Misaki's neck, the younger boy moaned.)
Misaki: Um, do you really think it's a good idea to show up to a meeting with love bites on my neck?
Usagi: That's okay, I can put them other places.
Misaki: We can shower together, but maybe nothing that will cause a delay in getting ready?
Usagi: Fine, (He sat, gently pushing Misaki to stand), But you owe me.
Misaki: (Grins leaning down), We have three whole weeks alone once I graduate, that trip you planned, I know where it is by the way, not in Tokyo, we'll have plenty of time to do other things.
Usagi: (Wraps his arms around Misaki's neck), Good, and we are never leaving the bedroom.
Misaki: Okay. (Kisses Usagi, then pulls him up leading him to the bathroom), Now help me wash my hair, I love when you do it.
Usagi: No problem.
(Misaki Stood outside Isaka's door he was nervous, he kept messing with his tie, it was crooked again. Usagi glanced at him, fixed his tie, and his hair).
Usagi: Sweetie, you have to relax, you already have the job, trust me, being my assent will be easier for everyone. (He kissed him softly on his forehead). Just go in, he's expecting you.
Misaki: You should come to, I'm sure he'd loved to see you.
Usagi: I can't help you with this one, he told me I wasn't allowed.
Misaki: (Sighs), Okay. I love you.
Usagi: And I love you. You're amazing, you can do this. I'm going to bug Eri.
Misaki: Leave her Alone.
Usagi: She loves me.
Misaki: Usagi-san!
Usagi: TOO LATE (at the elevator), I'm already here! Good luck! I believe in you!
Isaka: (Opens door): Misaki! (Hugs him tightly), Get in here! Lets talk.
Isaka: You already have the job, this is just a formality. No one wants to be his assistant.
Asahina: No one.
Misaki: (Angry): No one asked you lover boy.
Isaka: Things you can't do in public, Holding hands.
Misaki: What about y'all?
Isaka: You already know about us.
Misaki: When I start the Job, everyone will know the two of us are engaged.
Asahina: Fair point, even so, you can't be all over each other.
Isaka: Keep it professional.
Asahina: To be fair Isaka; If you had it your way, we would be all over each other at work, but you don't so.
Isaka: Anyway, Meetings, he still hates them.
Misaki: I know, but he has to have them, we need to keep them to an hour, book signings and releases should be at least an hour and half not all day events, although if I'm there we can probably get them for two hours, he won't do much more than that, even if I'm with him. Events that have to be longer, he would only do a day long event, no matter what, he hardly wants to be at my graduation, I don't even want to be there.
Isaka: What about b-
Misaki: Book tour? That's a joke.
(Isaka and Asahina glanced at each other, frowning).
Isaka: He wrote four books, we want all of them out at the same time, we figu-
Misaki: Okay, some of those we're written under his pen name you can't-
Isaka: Maybe it's time for him to come clean about that.
Misaki: What?
Isaka: He came out, you guys are going to come out as a couple, I'm sure he'll be fine with it, plus he would probably make more money if people knew the books were about you two.
Misaki: The early ones weren't. He doesn't want my brother finding out about that. (Misaki blushed he was turning beat red, this was not happening).
Isaka: Him, or you? We'll just call him up here and ask... (He picked up the phone, dialing a number).
Eri: So have you guys deiced on a date?
Usagi: No, but Misaki knows how much I love Cherry blossoms so maybe in the spring, but also snow is important to us, so could be in the winter.
Eri: You can't plan that though.
Usagi: Doesn't matter, ever significant event in our lives happened when it was snowing, or snow started. It's fate.
Eri: (Smiles) Like you two.
Usagi: Exactly.
Eri: So d, (Her phone starts ringing) One sec, (She rolls her eyes), Its Isaka, (Picks the phone up), What? he is, we're busy, fine, he'll say no but I'll send him up anyway... Okay, Yeah we can do lunch, the five of us? you ask them. Bye Isaka. (Puts the phone back in the receiver, roiling her eyes), He's a pain in the ass.
Usagi: I know, what did he want?
Eri: He want's to talk to you, I told him you'd say no, but you should go up there anyway.
Usagi: What was his question?
Eri: (Sighing), I'd go find out.
Usagi: Okay. (Stands, leaning down to hug Eri).
Eri: Oh, and we're all having lunch together.
Usagi: Of course we are.
(Misaki taps his fingers in the desk, he can feel himself turning red by the second, when Usagi walks in and sits beside him he freezes, he hasn't felt like this around him in A long time).
Usagi: What's up?
Misaki: (Through gritted teeth), you don't want to know.
Isaka: How do you feel about doing a book tour?
Usagi: (Folds arms, leaning back in seat), I think you already Know the answer to that. What else?
Isaka: You're books about the two of, the ones under your pen name?
Usagi: Yeah, I know the ones? What about them?
Misaki: He want's you to say you're the one who wrote them.
Usagi: No, I can't do that, I don't want anyone to know I wrote the early ones.
Misaki: That's what I said.
Isaka: Like Misaki's brother?
Usagi: I can't ever let him know how I felt about him. If it was know I wrote those books, and thought about that... oh god (Places head in hands), and if I think about doing that stuff with Misaki.
Misaki: (Blushing harder)
Isaka: Wow, I didn't know you could turn that red.
Asahina: That is interesting.
Usagi: I can't do a book tour, two of the three books I wrote are the books about Misaki and I.
Isaka: But the other two aren't.
Misaki: He'll do a two month book tour with his books under his name.
Isaka: I think we can figure out a way to release the books under your pen name without any trouble.
Usagi: The scenes were Eri's ideas, most of them.
Misaki: My brother doesn't read that, but he will if he knows that you wrote them.
Isaka: Maybe we only print the new ones? Wipe the old ones out of exc-
Usagi: I'm telling you no!
Isaka: Some people already know, you kinda let it slip when you came out.
Usagi: I know, but I don't want anyone to know who doesn't already, plus I have the "All names are completely a coincidence"
Misaki: Yeah, right. We are going on tour with his two new books, "Beautifully drawing swords" and "Broken scars".
Isaka: Why are those titles so sad.
Misaki: A lot of his are, do you even read his books?
Usagi: The books aren't sad, "Broken scars" is-
Misaki: It's about two who are broken, they meet by chance after running away from home, fall in love and learn that broken people can heal scars.
Usagi: (Smiles) Yeah, You read the manuscript?
Misaki: Of course I did, Beautifully drawing swords was good too, more of a short story though, I wish it was longer.
Usagi: I wanted it to be, but the more I was writing it, the more I thought it worked better as a short story.
Isaka: What's that one about?
Misaki: A girl who collects swords finds a broken one a thrift shop, and makes it into a new one, she bonds with another girl across the street, and they talk about their sword collection, it's cute.
Isaka: Doesn't sound like something you'd usually write.
Usagi: I know, but I Got inspiration from a picture that Mahiro made, Eri thought it would sell, if she didn't I wouldn't have written it.
Misaki: I think kids will love it, and teens.
Isaka: I like it.
Usagi: You did agree to it.
Isaka: Did I?
Asahina: Yeah you did.
Isaka: Oh, well... it sounds sweet.
Misaki: I'm proud of him.
Isaka: You should be. Misaki, you're going to make a great assistant for him. No one can handle him like you, I mean I guess Eri, but you got him to write four books in two months, and all of them are amazing.
Misaki: (Shrugs), I don't know how.
Usagi: (Wraps his arms around Misaki), Because you're amazing, and I love you.
Misaki: I love you.
Isaka: What do you say we all go get lunch? Anyone up for pizza?
Asahina: Sure, call Eri, lets meet her in the lobby.
Misaki: Thanks for lunch Eri, (He hugged her tightly).
Eri: Anytime, hey so can I come hang out with yall later, Rose is working all week, and it's going to be lonely going home.
Usagi: Sure, but just for a bit, and you can't spend the night.
Isaka: (Laughs), Classic Usagi, not letting anyone in. (Points to Misaki), except Chibi here. (He pulls him into a hug. You're the only one.
Usagi: (Annoyed), Get off him.
Misaki: (Pushes Isaka off), Go hug your boyfriend.
Isaka: How did you do it.
Misaki: Even If I knew, I wouldn't tell you.
Usagi: (Takes Misaki's hand), No one can but him, and if we have kids.
Eri: You would spoil your kids, especially if you had a baby girl, Please have kids now!
Misaki: Can we finish building our house first? and get married?
Eri: (Clears throat), Oh yeah, sure. But after.
Misaki: You'd still want to be our surrogate right? because it might be hard japan stil-
Eri: Misaki, yes and don't worry, Rose said Ren can help, it's going to be okay.
Isaka: speaking of marriage, you guys still can't technically-
Usagi: We Know, Go to work, Asahina, take him upstairs.
Asahina: Got it, (Smirks), Pulling Isaka inside.
Asahina: (whispering) I'm the boss in this relationship.
Isaka: (Blushes).
Usagi: We know we need a Partnership certification.
Misaki: And that it doesn't grant us everything that a marriage would, but It's the best we can do right now.
Eri: When do you guys want to get married?
Misaki: (Grins), Winter, (He takes Usagi's hand), The snow is special to us.
Eri: You should get started now, at least looking at the documents, I heard it can take up to five moths. (Walks towards building). I'll email some information.
Misaki: (Siting on Usagi's lap, they are in his office on the couch, documents for the certificate in front of them. He sighs bowing air out), I didn't think it would be this much, we have to do this much!
Usagi: Yes. It doesn't change your mind, does it?
Misaki: (Turns to look at Usagi), What? Of course not, (He takes Usagi's face, rubbing his thumbs against his soft skin), No, it just means we have to look through all of this carefully, so we only have to do it once. If we start in August, we can have our certificate by December, maybe a little before. We'll also start the movie process by then, if we don't have any problems our house should be ready by the summer right?
Usagi: (He places his hands on Misaki's), Right, and by December we'll be moved in, we wanted to have a ceremony at our house anyway.
Misaki: Exactly It's perfect! (He grinned kissing Usagi hard), Now we need to put this in a safe place.
Usagi: I have just the spot. (He lifted Misaki, placing him beside him, stood up walked over to his desk. Opening a drawer in the bottom of his desk, he pulled out a binder marked wedding. He grinned hoping on the couch handing it to Misaki).
Misaki: Wedding?
Usagi: I've kinda been planning our wedding ever since you proposed.
Misaki: (Grins), Usagi, this is so sweet. (He holds the binder to his chest).
Usagi: Don't you want to look at it?
Misaki: Yeah, but I just remembered, I have to go get my graduation stuff, and the suit.
Usagi: Want me to come?
Misaki: Can you drop me off at the school?
Usagi: Yeah, and I can get our suits.
Misaki: Perfect. When we come we can look at the binder.
Usagi: (Eyes lighting up), Good because I have lots of ideas.
Usagi: I can't believe they had a gown that small, I bet it could fit Suzuki-san. we should test it.
Misaki: No, this, along with our suits stay in the closet until Saturday, then you can give it to Suzuki-san. (He took the suits and the gown from Usagi hanging them in the closet, then took Usagi's hand grinning at him). Okay, so let's look at the binder, you've been grinning about it all day.
Usagi: I'm so excited. (He smirked leading Misaki to the office, once there he placed the smaller man on his lap then opened the binder.) Okay so for us I'm thinking purple and blue wedding suits, purple for me.
Misaki: Of course, it'll bring out your eyes.
Usagi: Something like this. (He pointed to a picture).
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Misaki: That's amazing.
Usagi: And for you, this one.
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Misaki: I love it.
Usagi: And everyone else can wear black or red.
Misaki: Okay, any ideas on cake?
Usagi: Lemon, but I want it on theme, maybe this one?
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Misaki: Maybe.
Usagi: You don't like it?
Misaki: It looks good, but I know we won't have a lot of people, we might need something smaller.
Usagi: Right.
Misaki: Don't say it like that (Kiss cheek), We have time.
Usagi: I know, I just wanted you to like it
Misaki: I do, and honey, we don't have to agree on everything okay?
Usagi: It would just be easer if we did.
Misaki: I know.
Usagi: We agreed on everything for our house easily.
Misaki: But not everything, there was some stuff you thought wouldn't work, and that's fine.
Usagi: I loved must of the stuff, some things I thought didn't work, so we changed them.
Misaki: Right, and it'll be like this planning our wedding.
Usagi: Okay, right. So the ceremony, you want it outdoors?
Misaki: Right.
Usagi: It might be cold though so should the reception be indoors?
Misaki: Maybe, we can look into that the closer we get.
Usagi: Okay.
Misaki: OH, the theme is amazing!
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Usagi: Really?
Misaki: Yeah, I mean we won't need that many seats, but I get the idea.
Usagi: Purple winter wonderland.
Misaki: I Love it. (He turns to face Usagi embracing him), I LOVE YOU, so much!
Usagi: I love you too. (Picks up documents), Now these need to go in.
Misaki: We're getting closer.
Usagi: I know.
Misaki: I can't believe it, we've come so far huh?
Usagi: Yeah. Sure have. (He hugged Misaki tighter taking in his smell, he loved ever single thing about him, he always wanted a person, and now he had one).
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