#Why else would they make vore happen
sphoenix79 · 11 months
65 million years ago, the dinosaurs died, and their bones slowly turned into fossil fuels. These fossil fuels are used to power your electricity and fuel your online shenanigans.
Remember to thank the dinosaurs who died for your furry porn ane ESex sessions. You know who you are. The dinosaurs gave you the ability to do that. The dinosaurs caused Vore.
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nightmarevore · 2 months
I Get a Craving and I Wake Up For You
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Luke and Rowan finally talk.
Contains: mentions of abuse, implied physical abuse, blood, gore, facial injury, vore, same size vore, depictions of a breakdown, male pred, male prey, and vore with plot.
Luke takes a deep breath. He’d finally managed to get back to normal size.
“You’re going back?” Oliver asked, hiding the worry from his voice. 
“I mean… Yeah. It’s my apartment. I don’t want to freeload off of you.” Luke replied, rubbing his arm. 
“That’s not what I meant.”
“I know, I know. Just… I need to. He owes me an apology.” 
There wasn’t anything more to say than that. Yes, Luke deserved an apology from Rowan. He could admit that what Rowan did was uncalled for. He knew that deep down, there was a good person under there. Why else would he have opened up to him the first time? Rowan was just complicated. He was so sweet initially. There had to be a reason why he was being so rude. Luke just hadn’t found it yet. 
There wasn’t much for either of the two men to say to each other. Luke’s mind was set, and Oliver couldn’t do more for him. He’d already done a lot for Luke. The size shifter couldn’t ask for more from him. 
So, Luke left the ginger’s apartment and returned back to his own. Opening the door revealed a quiet, still room. The smell of something burning fills his nostrils, causing his nose to crinkle up. 
“Rowan?” Luke called out. 
“In the kitchen.” The predator replied with a raised voice. 
Curious, the shifter lifts an eyebrow before making his way over towards the kitchen. At the corner, he spotted Rowan throwing some dark-colored, hard cookies into the trash can. 
“Okay, so, I can see that opening the window didn’t work.” Rowan looked over to Luke as he approached, taking note of his disgusted expression. 
Silence filled the air. Rowan swallowed the lump in his throat. 
Laughter breaks the silence, catching the predator off guard. 
“Did you just burn fucking cookies?!” Luke snorts, holding his stomach in an attempt to contain his laughter. 
“It’s not…. a big deal!” Rowan’s face flushes. This was just like any cooking fuck up, honest. It just so happened that it also was supposed to be Luke’s apology cookies. 
“It’s okay, it’s not a problem. I can help you with the next batch.” Luke remains smiling, but Rowan shakes his head. 
“No, I can do it. It’s supposed to be for you.” The predator huffs. 
“For me? Why?” Luke asks, raising an eyebrow.
Rowan falls silent, looking over to the freshly stirred cookie batter in the freshly cleaned bowl. He turns back over to it, grabbing the ice cream scoop and stealing a ball of cookie dough, then hands the scoop to his roommate. 
“Because I’m an idiot and was rude to you. I-I shouldn’t have… done that. Yelled at you. I’m….” Rowan’s voice trails off as he stares at their hands. Luke takes the scoop, and the taller man looks back up to Luke’s freckled face. “I’m sorry.” 
“Wow.” Luke’s voice is flat and unemotive. It stings Rowan to hear. Luke tastes the cookie dough, and his eyes widen. “You’re…. really trying.” 
Luke ends up mumbling to himself, and it catches Rowan off guard. 
“Excuse me?” 
“Oh, um… Sorry.” Luke takes another lick of the dough. Soon, it’s gone, and he brings the scooper to the sink to clean it himself. “It’s just…. I dunno. Thank you. For apologizing.”
Rowan’s eyes widen, and he nods his head as he watches Luke, albeit awkwardly. He watches as he cleans the scooper, then dries it off, then brings it over to the bowl of batter. The size shifter hits Rowan’s hips with his own to knock him out of the way, throwing the predator off guard. Luke chuckles. 
“You don’t have to push me over!” The predator retorts playfully. 
“Clearly, I do. I don’t want the landlord accusing us of trying to commit arson.” Luke’s smile turns cocky. “I’ll show you the proper way to do this, deal?” 
Rowan swallows his pride and groans. 
. . . 
After Luke pulls the final batch of cookies out of the oven, Rowan’s green hues stare at the plate of perfectly baked, soft chocolate chip cookies. At least he got the batter right. He couldn’t trust himself to get that right, but at least he did. Hell, even his apology wasn’t that bad, right? It made Luke laugh. Things would be okay, right? 
…. So why did he want to put a shrunken Luke on top of one of these and eat him? He’s sweet. Like a cherry. It would be nice… 
The predator shakes his head in an attempt to shove the thought out of his brain. He can’t have pred-related thoughts right now. 
“Gonna let this sit for a bit. Have you tried one, yet?” Luke’s voice chimes in. 
“Huh? Oh, no… They smell incredible, though.” Rowan perks up, folding his arms. 
The size-shifter places the cookie tray on the top of the stove to let them sit for a few minutes. He turns the hot often off, then turns back around to stare at his strange roommate. Looking through the kitchen window, it looked like the sun was going to set soon. Had they been baking for that long? 
“Can you still smell anything burnt?” Asks Luke. 
“Uh….” With a few sniffs of the air, Rowan tilts his head as he attempts to snuff out any old burnt cookie smell…. Which he couldn’t find. “Nope, I think we got it all.” 
The pair stare at the floor. 
Luke can’t help but wonder what he tastes like to Rowan between the silence. He recalls Rowan calling him sweet. Like a cherry. Was that true, or just his fugue? 
This is way too awkward now. 
So much silence. 
The shifter reaches for a cookie, then grabs another, and shoves the second one into Rowan’s mouth. Rowan’s eyes widen in shock, and he steps back. Luke laughs, running out of the kitchen and into the living room. 
“Hey! You little shit!” Rowan calls out between chewing on the cookie and laughing. He uses his hands to catch the crumbs. Soon after, he runs after the little shit. 
“They’re supposed to be my apology cookies, I can do whatever I want with them!” Luke laughs. 
“I don’t think that’s how it works-!!” The predator gives chase towards the shorter man. 
It doesn’t take long for Rowan to catch up to Luke of course. There’s only so many places he can escape to in this apartment of theirs. Rowan grabs his wrist, and Luke turns around and laughs. 
“You can’t—!” Luke’s interrupted by Rowan grabbing his other wrist, and he’s quickly turned around. Laughing still, Luke attempts to fight his way out of the other’s grip.
“You little shit!!” Rowan smiles, fighting against Rowan’s arms as he attempts to fight and pull himself away. Laughter echoes all throughout the room. 
The two wrestle for a bit. Going back and forth between Luke and Rowan attempting to pull and push each other away between fits of laughter. Eventually, Luke’s legs give out, and….. 
A loud “thud” hits the floor, and Rowan’s eyes are wide, letting go of Luke’s hands as he falls down with him. He lands over on top of Luke, and attempts to stop his fall by catching himself with his hands on either side of the shifter’s head. 
Despite everything that had just occurred, Luke was still laughing. He landed on his back, sure, but it didn’t stop his laughter. He wasn’t sure what was so funny, but… 
Finally, Luke calms down. He looks straight up, staring into Rowan’s eyes. 
Rowan’s expression is worried, and his eyes are wide. This moment…. 
This moment, Luke realizes Rowan is right on top of him. His face flushes deep red.
Suddenly, Rowan realizes the same. His own face flushes, and Luke presses his hand into Rowan’s chest to press and push the predator away. Rowan chokes, pulling himself away and sitting on the floor next to his roommate. 
“So…. Apology accepted?” The predator asks nervously, rubbing his neck.
“Hm…. Apology accepted, big guy.” Luke smiles, sticking his tongue out. 
. . .
Luke lays in bed in his room, staring up at the ceiling. 
Across the hall in the other bedroom, Rowan is doing the same thing. 
The two boys struggle with their thoughts. 
Luke thinks that he wants to feel Rowan swallow him down again. He wants to see the inside of Rowan’s mouth. The inside of his throat. The inside of his stomach. He wants to hear Rowan’s body react to the foreign presence of another person’s body within it. Not just any body though, Luke’s body. 
Rowan thinks to himself about how delicious Luke is. How his sweet scent fills the apartment they share. How perfect he seemed to fit within his belly. How perfectly shaped his middle was. How… sated his hunger was. 
There’s something so poetic about this, Luke thinks. About the fact that he cannot sleep while thinking endlessly about the boy he likes. It’s almost like a fairytale. Like a story. But he isn’t part of some story. Not one of those plays where they end up together in the end. 
In what world would eating people be something to bond over, anyway? …. In what world did Luke realize he was into that? 
This is such a rare thing to obsess over. Yet…. 
Sitting up, Luke stares over to his bedroom door. Maybe… Just maybe, they can…. 
Would Rowan allow that? Would Rowan accept? He made it clear he didn’t want to do that again. That he didn’t want to eat Luke again, but maybe they can talk. Maybe…
… Did Rowan want to talk? 
( … Did Luke want to talk? )
Rowan’s stomach growls in the darkness of his room. 
He never said enough to Luke, he knows that. How could he? How can he find the words to tell Luke that he feels like the biggest monster—The biggest freak in the world? He is one. Luke wouldn’t understand, or he does and he’s just hiding his terror. 
But why would he be so adamant about trying to talk to him and to get to know him if… If he was terrified, Oliver wouldn’t have yelled at him like that. Luke wouldn’t have accepted his “apology cookies.” 
Rowan covers his eyes with his face, groaning. 
“Why is it so hard to just talk to you…?” He mumbles to himself. 
( Luke deserves better. )
Maybe Rowan deserves better. 
Maybe, just maybe, Luke thinks, I can be that better.
With his mind set, Luke stands up and walks out of his bedroom. 
. . .
A gentle knock at the door is enough to bring Rowan out of his mind. 
“… Rowan?” It chimes in. It’s Luke’s voice. He sounds tired. “Can… I came in? I want to talk. If… If that’s okay.” 
Rowan doesn’t respond for a second, instead blinking with wide eyes in response. Luke… wants to talk? This is real? Not a dream?
“Oh… Um…. Yeah, come in.” Rowan finally says, and the doorknob turns. The door opens, revealing Luke’s tired face. What time is it, anyway? And what are the chances that both of them are awake at such a time? 
Luke approaches, closing the door behind him. Out of courtesy, maybe. There’s nobody in the apartment but them. 
“So…” Luke starts, cutting himself off. His gaze falls to the floor as he stops just before the edge of Rowan’s bed. “I, um…. can’t sleep, so I was thinking I should talk to you about what’s on my mind.” 
The predator stares at his roommate in silence, nodding. He pulls his blanket down as he listens. 
“Yeah… Go ahead.” He responds. 
“O-okay… Uh… I wanted to… talk about everything. Involving….” Luke’s face flushes as he begins to talk, realizing how embarrassing this is. “… You eating me. Please.”
Luke’s voice sounds so desperate. It throws off Rowan. Does he… 
“I want you to eat me.” 
Rowan chokes. He was thinking it, sure, but the idea that Luke actually asked it was enough to throw him off. He didn’t even try to sugarcoat it or walk around it. 
Luke is being serious. Dead serious. 
“But—…. Why?” Rowan asks, his brows furrowing. 
“I can’t sleep. I can’t stop thinking about you eating me. It’s all I’ve been able to think about since the hike…. I know that’s weird, but please... Let me be a meal for you.” The pair make eye contact as Luke speaks. The other’s voice is deeply serious. He desires more than anything to be eaten. 
Rowan’s stomach growls in response, and Rowan places a hand over it in response. He can’t even lie and say he isn’t hungry. He can’t lie and say that he wasn’t just obsessively thinking about swallowing his roommate down again. 
“… Okay.” Rowan complies. 
Relief spills across the room between the two men. Of course it did. They both want this. To be eaten. To eat. 
Luke, albeit hesitantly, sits on the edge of Rowan’s bed. He stares at the other’s face, scanning it in an attempt to read his expression. 
“How, uh… Do you want to do this?” The size shifter asks. 
“Full size. Please. I… I ne—, no… want to eat you at full size.” Rowan replies. 
Luke’s face flushes. He looks down to the sheets and blanket of Rowan’s bed. Did Rowan enjoy it? Eating him? 
Luke nods his head, and the two men stare at each other as moonlight gently seeps through the window in Rowan’s room. 
Rowan’s stomach growls again, and he winces. It doesn’t hurt, but it means that he really should eat Luke. The predator moves forward, approaching the other. His hands reach up for Luke’s shoulders. 
“You’re sure about this?” Rowan huffs, “You really want to be eaten?” 
“Yes, Please. Please… I need it for my own sanity.” Luke replies, holding himself still. 
Rowan is taken aback by this, but pulls Luke closer. Their faces are lined up perfectly with each other. The space between them lessens. Rowan looks over his roommate in the darkness. He sniffs the air, taking in Luke’s irresistible scent. His fingers play with the fabric of Luke’s shirt, and without hesitation, Rowan opens his mouth. With sharp teeth on display, Luke gazes down the upon maw. The back of his predator’s throat. Moonlight can’t gently illuminate the space of his mouth like it can the rest of the bedroom. Luke’s hands grab the other’s sides, and he inches his face closer to Rowan’s mouth. Waiting for each other… Waiting for the inevitable. 
With a nervous swallow, Rowan commits, strands of saliva parting in his mouth as he gently guides Luke closer, and wraps his lips around his head. He wants to eat him. He needs to eat him. So fucking badly. He’s so hungry. 
Rowan swallows around Luke’s head as it reaches the back of his throat, locking his fate for the night. Luke’s eyes shut tightly as he feels the top of his head slip past the predator’s throat. Butterflies flutter in his stomach, and he tries to stop himself from squeaking. His hands ball the other’s shirt tightly, and he can’t believe this is real. His face must be red already. Rowan’s swallow was loud. Then it happens again, and Rowan swallows Luke’s head again, and the swallow is desperate and loud. 
The shifter is pulled further inside the mouth, his face disappearing past Rowan’s lips. The predator takes a few deep breaths through his nose as his chest begins to purr. 
Luke’s favor is as sweet as it was the first two times he ate him. His tongue brushes along his meal’s face, and his stomach grumbles impatiently for its food. For Luke. Who knew how perfect Luke was for food? He fit so wonderfully before. He’ll fit so perfectly again. 
Letting go of Luke’s shoulders, Rowan decides to make a huge leap. He needs to eat his roommate. His Luke. His prey. A huge, forceful push mixed with a swallow as he holds his upper arms guides Luke’s entire head and shoulders into his mouth. Luke lets out a yelp as he’s pulled far, letting go of the predator’s sides. Rowan’s gullet wraps tightly around the shorter man’s face, massaging him gently and filling his ears with the sounds of powerful swallows and purring. The esophagus pushes and kneads against his face and cheeks, attempting to massage and guide his form down. 
Luke faced this in the past only once, but it was far too fast for him to process properly. Rowan ate him at full size the first time. Though tight, it’s nice… Rowan’s insides seem content with his form inside of him, and it seems Rowan himself agrees with that assessment. Another loud swallow sends Luke’s head past Rowan’s collarbone. The beating of Rowan’s heart is right next to his right ear. He’s so close to Rowan’s actual life force. Rowan’s lungs inhale, then exhale. They inhale, then exhale. If he listens closely, he can even hear Rowan’s purrs synchronize with his breathing… Is this what it means to love? Luke’s own heart skips a beat at the thought. His eyes remain closed as the song of his roommate’s body serenades his ears. 
Rowan’s mind kicks fully into autopilot now that he’s caught this delicacy. His stomach craves Luke’s form. It yells out and cries, hollow groans demanding that Luke enter inside it. Rowan swallows again, sending Luke further inside him. Desperate swallows lock the man’s arms to his sides as the predator holds onto them and pushes his prey further down his throat. 
Luke’s head is forced through a small entrance and shoved into a slightly larger chamber. The dark chamber grumbles and groans in response to its new guest, meaning he begins to fill up Rowan’s starving stomach. More of him is desperately swallowed up and forced inside. Rowan leans his head back, lifting Luke’s lower half into the air and off the bed. The predator’s hands press down on Luke’s butt to force him inside his throat, causing Luke to fluster as his face is squished up against the stomach wall. His hands going there of all places throw him off. This whole situation is enough to fluster him, but it’s Rowan’s hands that end him.
Rowan’s middle begins to extend and grow out with Luke now filling up his stomach, and another swallow pulls the shifter’s hips and butt down his throat, leaving his legs left to get down. Rowan’s deep, subtle purrs overwhelm Luke, and he can’t believe how happy he’s making the predator…. It almost makes him feel better about such a selfish request.
Rowan begins to rush, his hunger overtaking him. He wants to get all of Luke down as he feels him enter his core. As his belly grows and stretches outwards. As his shirt begins to rise along the curved middle of his center.
A big, heavy, and loud swallow gets down Luke’s thighs. Gravity and hunger do wonders for getting such large prey down. Rowan’s hands reach for his stomach, placing them on both sides as it grows larger and larger. It forces his legs to either side of the organ as it presses down on the cushion of the mattress as his meal enters more of the organ. His stomach lets out a very audible groan as more and more of the shifter is deposited inside him. 
Luke’s entire being is squished into fleshy walls. The internal folds wrap and hold him in place as he is continuously being shoved inside. Rowan swallows more of him, pulling him out from cold air and into the warm flesh of the predator’s insides. Luke’s eyes shut as his face squeezes into the flesh in front of him. Internal folds continue to spread and push out as Rowan’s noisy stomach and loud swallows welcome him inside. 
The internal organ wraps around Luke as if to hold him in a tight embrace, accepting all of him. Another loud and hard swallow from above forces more of Luke’s legs into Rowan’s throat, and it almost feels like Rowan is telling himself to hurry up with how fast he’s being eaten. Definitely not as fast as the hike, but he’s still desperate. Is Rowan always like this when he eats others? Or is it just for him? Is… Luke that filling? 
The thought makes Luke tense up. Rowan wouldn’t think of him that way. He doesn’t even know what Rowan’s sexuality is. For all he knows, Rowan is straight. 
Rowan swallows again, pulling Luke’s calves down. The bottom of the shifter’s legs and feet remain out, though it doesn’t last as another swallow pulls him down again. Rowan purrs, brushing his tongue along Luke’s skin as the final, hard swallow pulls Luke’s feet past his lips and down his throat. 
The predator’s throat muscles massage the rest of his meal’s body downwards, sending him past his throat, his chest, and into his stomach. Rowan exhales, lowering his chin and keeping his eyes closed. He feels the rest of Luke get stuffed inside his stomach and shift around, and he burps loudly as he finally finishes his meal.
Luke sits inside him, now. Right where he wants him… 
“… Wow…” Luke’s muffled voice speaks through layers of flesh and skin. He shifts again, pressing down against the cushion of the mattress, Rowan’s legs, and even his hands. In fact, his stomach distends so far that his shirt can’t even cover it anymore. It’s all folded up at the top, right where he sees Luke’s head suddenly pop up after moving around into a better position. 
“Wow, what?” Rowan responds, realizing where his hands are. He removes them in hopes that Luke didn’t notice and uses them to support his weight, placing them on the bed as he shifts his legs to straighten out. 
“Just… wow.” Luke takes a deep breath. He curls up inside Rowan’s belly, sinking into the stomach wall behind him. It’s warm and comfortable. Just like he remembers it. “I’m inside your stomach again.” 
Rowan’s eyebrows furrow, looking down at his large middle. His head tilts, though he hasn’t stopped purring. A sign to his comfort, perhaps. He does know that he’s not sure what to say in response. He doesn’t understand why Luke made such a strange request. Why would he ask to be eaten? Why is he reacting this way? Does he enjoy it? Is it a game to him? 
Rowan wants to cry and scream. To tell Luke to just tell him what he’s thinking. He’s a monster, surely Luke understands that?! 
Luke nuzzles a nearby wall, and he hears Rowan gently gasp in response. His heartbeat is so rhythmic, his lungs breathe in and out. The organ that holds him in place grumbles and groans in response to his existence inside of it. Rowan’s voice comes down on him from above. It’s so nice. This reminds him so much of the first time they did this, despite how ridiculous it was at the time. The shifter remembers how comfortable it was. How easy it was to want to fall asleep. Maybe he can fall asleep now… 
“… Yeah?” 
In the darkness of Rowan’s bedroom, Rowan scoots backwards on his bed to lean up against the wall and his pillows, supporting his back. 
“… Nevermind.” 
Rowan closes his eyes. Luke shifts silently. 
“Um…. How big do I make your stomach?” Luke’s voice is quiet, and it would be hard to hear him had they not been the only two people in the room. 
Rather, had Rowan not been the only person in the room. 
“Shit, huge, I think. You’re at full size, so my stomach really sticks out. My bed frame creaked a bit while I was eating you.” Rowan’s hand mindlessly reaches over to the top of his belly, resting on it and gently rubbing his finger against it in a circling motion. “My shirt can’t cover you. It would take a while to get up and walk around, but I could handle it.” 
“Damn… You really are strong.” Luke speaks calmly, trying to hide the embarrassment in his voice. 
“Yeah? You think so?” 
“Oh, uh… I googled a lot about preds the other day, y’know? I learned… a lot. A lot, a lot. The strength was one of them.” Luke replies, and it almost sounds like he’s speaking through his hands. 
“You… googled… what?” Rowan looks directly at his stomach. 
“I-I wanted to understand you. To know more about you. You weren’t giving me anything, so I took matters into my own hands.” The man beneath Rowan’s skin sounds a bit more confident this time with his words.
Though what the shifter speaks of confuses him and hits Rowan hard. He thinks his heart sinks. 
Of course Rowan didn’t give him anything. He thought the distance would be better for the both of them. He didn’t want Luke to see him  as the freak he truly is. But to go as far as looking into something like that… Why did he do that? Rowan was so rude to him. Rowan hurt Luke. Yet here he is, inside his stomach and trying to talk to him. 
Oliver’s voice echoes in the back of Rowan’s head. He really doesn’t deserve this. 
“I… don’t…. Why?” Rowan spits out weakly, defeated. 
“Is it… Weird to say it’s because I wanted to?” Luke replies. 
Rowan doesn’t answer, instead he stares directly at his stomach. Maybe it’s better this way. That Luke can’t see his face. That Luke remains his dinner for the night. 
“I… really hate myself, Luke. It fucking sucks being me.” The predator hiccups, inhaling sharply. “I-I feel so awful all the time. I see someone, and the first thing I think of is how delicious they smell, or what their flavor must be, or how hungry I am. I’m a fucking monster.”
Luke pauses, looking up. This isn’t the cool and mysterious jock that Luke first met when they moved in…. This is a broken man who’s just been crying for help this entire time. 
“Why…. Why do you think you’re a monster?” 
“Have you even thought about where you are right now, Luke? You’re literally inside my stomach, for the third time! I’ve eaten you three times, which is three times too many. I shouldn’t need to eat people, but I do, and it’s awful. If I don’t, it hurts, and I lose myself, and I just can’t control myself. But if I do eat someone, they’re trapped inside of me for however long I need and it’s weird. This isn’t… normal. There’s gotta be some way to fix this, so I can be normal… I don’t want to be like this my whole life…”
“Rowan, I—“
“Now, I’ve dragged you into my crazy world.” Rowan’s eyes swell with tears, and his vision becomes blurry. “I’ve pulled you into my bullshit. I-I thought… It was better to push you away so you wouldn’t have to get hurt by me, but I hurt you anyway, and I’m so, so sorry. I can never do anything right, you know? I can’t… I’m a freak, and I shouldn’t be eating people. I shouldn’t need this, but nothing as of late has felt right. You know, I… I ate someone the other day. After work. After I let you out again. I couldn’t stop thinking about being hungry, about eating you again. That’s not… normal, that isn’t me. I can usually go two weeks without needing to eat someone, but… I just couldn’t get it out of my head. So I paid him and I sat there on the ground, and it wasn’t right. I wasn’t sated. Nothing even worked to keep my hunger at bay. I-I can’t even…. I can’t do the one thing I’m not supposed to do the right way.” 
Tears stream down Rowan’s face, and he can’t contain his emotions anymore. He sobs, letting his tears overwhelm and cover his cheeks. This is embarrassing. He shouldn’t be crying. Not in front of Luke. This isn’t his responsibility, he shouldn’t have to deal with any of this. 
“Oh, Rowan…” Luke’s voice is so quiet, and he begins to stroke the inside of the predator’s stomach with his hand. It hurts him to hear the predator speak of himself in such a way, but it’s clear he has as many struggles as Luke does. He’s… just a broken man. “You’re not a monster… You’re not a freak. Predators… This is normal, you know? Rare, but… Normal.” 
Rowan doesn’t reply. He can’t. He can’t stop crying. 
“I don’t think you’re a monster, okay? I never have. I… really like this. Being eaten. If anything, I think that’s weirder than needing to eat people.” Luke chuckles lightly, continuing to rub the internal wall closest to him. “I… struggle, okay? I’m sorry for being so… forceful. I should’ve taken a slower approach. I shouldn’t have forced you into that hike with me. We wouldn’t be in this mess, but I’m glad we did, because I got to know you. Inside and out. Pun intended.” 
“If I wasn’t me, it wouldn’t have happened in the first place.” The predator insists. 
The image of his father, horrified of him, haunts his mind. His fist raised in defense, and the man stands tall over him. Rowan’s face hits the corner of the table, sharp wood and splinters crashing into his face and cutting his skin open. The wood digs in deep and Rowan falls to the floor before he can even process what just happened. His face stings, and blood trickles from the wound and onto the floor. The boy presses his fingers to his face, only to see blood drip down his hand. Tears fall fast down his face and make the wounds sting. 
The scars on the predator’s face sting ever so slightly at the memory, as if the skin holds the memory of that day. 
If Rowan wasn’t a predator, his parents wouldn’t have needed to be afraid of him. 
This was a bad idea. He shouldn’t have agreed to eating Luke. Luke has to face the worst of Rowan, and it terrifies him. 
Luke looks down, closing his eyes as he hears the pain in Rowan’s voice. He continues to rub the side of the wall, remembering that Rowan asked him to keep doing that last time. He can attempt to comfort him in any way he thinks might help. Rowan’s breathing and heartbeat are so fast. He’s panicking and sobbing, squeezing the stomach walls against him. It’s really hard to imagine what got Rowan to think of himself this way. 
“… Rowan, I don’t care that you need to eat people. I don’t care that you ate me, okay? I saw you before I even knew you were one, and I thought you were so cool and interesting. Mysterious and secretive… I like that, y’know?” Luke speaks up as Rowan falls silent, “That’s why I brought you on the hike. Because I wanted to get to know this cool dude who is also my roommate.” 
The idea that someone could find him cool baffled Rowan. 
“But… why?” The predator asks. 
“I…. just wanted to.” Luke replies. 
That’s such a weird answer to Rowan. What if he’s lying? What if he’s just saying that? Nobody has ever thought that the fact that Rowan is a predator was ‘cool.’ Nobody. Even the people he bribed. 
“If you have to eat me to feel sated and satisfied, then I implore you to, okay? Listen, I just… You live here, too. You deserve to be comfortable, too. We can do something to make sure you have a schedule, or….” The shifter’s voice fades out. 
There’s a silence between the two as Luke hears a subtle purr from above. Rowan started purring, maybe in response to the internal rub? He even started breathing steadily. Maybe to calm himself down. 
“I researched predators, Rowan. I learned a lot. When I was at my computer I was actually reading about them. Before, y’know…” Luke clears his throat. “Anyway, I wanted to learn about you since you wouldn’t let me. There’s a lot… I think I can help you.” 
Rowan stares at his bloated belly, listening to Luke’s muffled words. Why did he research predators…? He didn’t need to, that’s so crazy to him. 
“You… You really want to?” Rowan asks. 
“… Yes, I do.” 
Another pause. 
“Can I share some struggles of my own?” Luke breaks the silence. 
Rowan nods, but remembers Luke can’t see him do so. 
“Uh… yes. Yeah… Go ahead.” Rowan replies. It’s only fair. He clears his throat. 
Luke nods, pulling his hand away from the stomach wall he was rubbing at. 
Rowan tries to hide his disappointment at the sudden stop. 
“So… My mom died when I was young. She was the shifter of the family, and my dad wasn’t. I didn’t know much about what it was like to be a shifter, only that I used to get stuck tiny all the time without any control of it. ‘Used to’ is now ‘still does,’ but that’s besides the point.” Luke tries to chuckle in an attempt to make it seem lighthearted. He doesn’t want Rowan to feel bad for triggering him. “My dad took me to doctors and all these things to see if there was anything wrong physically with me, but there wasn’t. It was just a lot of emotion from losing my mom. From being bullied. It’s weird when you’re shrunk down with no explanation, and elementary school kids are just… assholes, y’know?”
Luke shifts inside of the organ, pressing down on the stomach folds underneath him in an attempt to sit up straight. His feet press out as he does so, causing Rowan to gasp lightly. Luke thinks he feels a hand brush over his movement. 
“So… I was alone, until Oliver came around. He pushed people away from me and picked me up to bring me somewhere to calm down. Somewhere that wasn’t loud. He was my only friend. My dad thought that he could understand what was happening to me, but he couldn’t. He’s not a shifter, he’ll never know. I overheard him once, cursing my mother’s name for leaving him with me. It’s… definitely not on the extreme level that you faced, but… I just want you to know that I get what it’s like being someone who thinks that what makes you different makes you a freak.” Luke huffs, leaning back and letting the flesh of Rowan’s stomach wrap him tightly. To engulf him and keep him in place. He closes his eyes, realizing that the warmth of Rowan’s insides made him sleepy once again. “That… I don’t want… to see you suffer.”
Luke speaks through a quiet yawn, and Rowan leans back against the pillows underneath him. Luke’s weight shifts gently as he does so, but the predator keeps his hands on his exposed stomach to hold it in place. To hold Luke. 
“I…. Thank you, Luke.” Rowan mumbles, closing his eyes. He tries to imagine a small, younger Luke. He sees himself next to Luke, both the same age, terrified of their bodies. He remembers Oliver mentioning such a thing happening to him. They both have things they can’t control about themselves. 
Maybe, just maybe, they could help each other out. 
“Don’t… Don’t… Worry about it, yeah?” Luke’s eyes close as they’re too heavy to keep open. 
“Well, I’m going to anyway, but thanks.” Rowan chuckles gently. He feels himself wanting to fall asleep, and the tiredness in Luke’s voice doesn’t help. The quiet yawn he suddenly hears makes Rowan yawn himself. 
“… Good night, big guy.” Luke mumbles, and it’s almost too quiet for Rowan to hear. 
“Who are you calling ‘big guy’?” Rowan feigns offense, soon leaning back and resting his head on his pillow. “Good night, Luke.” 
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wolfgirlguts · 10 months
some vore asks I guess
Gonna be catered to my tastes so there's some implications of digestion and graphic stuff. Feel free to reblog or whatever
Picky: What kind of standards do prey (or predators) have to meet for you to consider them?
Looming: What's your preferred size difference?
Chase: Do you like to hunt your prey (or be hunted)? How does that go?
Cauldron: What are the conditions like in your stomach? Or for prey, what kinda stomach environment would you find ideal?
Gnash: How do ya feel about chewing?
Regret: You ever change your mind and wish you didn't indulge after the fact? If so, why?
Spice: Do you like doing anything to prepare your meals (or be prepared as a meal)? Could be anything from specific activities or foreplay to literal meal prep and cooking.
Clatter: How do you feel about stuff being left over from the prey? Accessories, bones, that kinda thing? What do you do/want done with them afterwards?
Siren: What methods do you use to draw in prey?
Release: Are there times you'd let a meal go free? Any ever escape on their own?
Heart: Do you feel anything for your prey? Are they just food to you?
Sparkles: Do you involve any kind of magic or indistinguishably-advanced tech in vore?
Blood: Blood (blood)?
Slosh: How long does it take to digest prey (or how long does it take to digest you)?
Dare: What's the flimsiest excuse you've ever made to eat someone (or get eaten)?
Delicacy: What's the weirdest or most notable thing you've ever swallowed?
Heft: Do you gain a lot of weight from your prey?
Rep: Do your friends know you eat people?
Crush: Does being into someone make you want to eat them more or less? Same question but in reverse for prey. You know the drill by now.
Smash: Do you enjoy fucking before, after, and/or during eating someone? If so, with the prey, or someone else?
Noisy: How loud is your gut when it's working? Or even when it's empty? Those growls ever give away your intent to prey?
Chatty: Do you talk to your prey? If you can hear them, do they ever talk back?
Strut: Do you like showing off your gut when it's full? Or even when it's not? Do you put your outfits together to emphasize it?
Hibernate: How well can you sleep through having a squirming gutful of prey?
Taunt: Do you like mocking or teasing? Lighthearted or cruel?
Combo: Do you like eating several people at once, or do you tend to stick to one morsel at a time?
Finisher: What happens when your prey finally stops struggling? Is it a special moment? Do you do anything to get there faster?
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callistosposts · 7 months
this is a callout post on notminako1 on tumblr aka notminako on deviantart.
fair warning this post will include screenshots of fetish work / vore portrayals.
Minako is a active member in the sailor moon and solarballs community of tumblr and deviantart, unfortunately, i mistaked them as a innocent person
Minako in the past as requested my inbox multiple times for art - specfically of their ocs, in which they would use this art I made for them for their vore fetish fanfiction without my consent or knowledge.
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this is just one of the instances of them taking advantage of my kindness of drawing their ocs for their fetish work.
not only did they use my artwork, but they drew their own vore art with MY designs without consent
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I had no knowledge of any of this happening and im highly disgusted anyone would even think of doing this.
my artwork is continuously used by Notminako with fetish work at least 50 times throughout their page, all done without my knowledge or consent
all this work will come up when you search my name on google, completly diminishing my public image and reducing it to this fetish.
Minako is a teenager, they are old enough to know this wrong.
I had sent them a dm warning them to take all those works down or else id make this post, instead of listening and letting this settle privatley they opted to block me. so here we are.
this is why i no longer feel comfortable drawing peoples original characters, this is disgusting and made me demotivated to create work for others - it diminished my image to public eye and diminished my happiness in creating for others.
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voraciousvore · 3 months
Giganterra (Chapter 28)
Prologue/ TOC | Previous (27) | Next (29)
Content Warning: Threat of vore, nudity
Word Count 4.3k
------ Chapter 28: Lemonade ------
The giant gardener grumbled under his breath as he entered the castle to access the kitchen. The nerve of that bratty prince, to order him around, when he was only there to tend to the plants! As much of an inconvenience as the errand was, though, he knew better than to refuse. He stepped into the chaos of the kitchen and accosted the first person he ran into, Chef Cruor. Cruor was holding a jar, stroking the glass reverently with the tip of his finger. 
“Prince Ronny demands food and drink,” the gardener informed him. Chef Cruor frowned and looked over at the giant covered in dirt with a curled lip.  
“Ask somebody else. I’m busy,” he growled. He turned his violet eyes back to the glass with a softened expression. The gardener glowered at the snooty chef but left to find someone else. He went up to Chef Gore, who was washing dishes with such violent movements that the gardener was surprised none of them shattered. 
“Prince Ronny is requesting refreshments,” he repeated. 
“I’m busy,” Gore grunted. Bucky, who happened to be walking by, stopped. 
“Gore! Get that taken care of!” he barked.  
Gore groaned loudly. “I said I’m BUSY! Why are you always heckling me when I’m in the middle of something?” 
Bucky slapped his hand on Gore’s brawny shoulder and wrapped his thick, hairy arm around his fat neck, leaning in close. “Gore…” he drawled with a nasty sneer. Gore pulled his head back and winced at the reek of his breath. “Get it done, or else I’ll make you work more overtime…” His voice raised at the end of his sentence in a teasing tone. Gore scowled and his face flamed hot to match his beard. 
“Ugh, fine,” he mumbled, shoving Bucky away roughly. Bucky grinned with crooked yellow teeth. Gore shook his head, muttering curses as he slapped together an assortment of snacks appropriate for a hot summer day. He finished off with some chilled lemonade with ice cubes. Hunter, the royal sorcerer, had provided the kitchen with magic-infused stones that emanated cold, so the chefs had access to miraculous luxuries like ice and cold water. 
Gore lumbered over to the human tanks, planted his hands on his hips, and surveyed his options. Most of the humans cowered in fear, but Eren glared back with her arms crossed. Gore glowered at her darkly before baring his teeth at her in the grin of a feral beast. He remembered this obnoxious human: how she refused to cooperate, threw clumps of risotto at him, fought him and yelled at him. He would get his revenge. Eren blanched but stood her ground. 
The chef plucked her out of her tank by her leg and dangled her high up in the air, upside-down at his eye level. He continued to grin as Eren swung her arms towards his immense face and swore viciously. He glanced down at the tray, stroking his beard as he debated what to do with her. Normally, he’d just stuff her in the fruit salad or something, but with how uncooperative she was, he knew she wouldn’t stay in place. Besides, he wanted to make the experience awful for her. 
He plunked her into one of the tall glasses of lemonade. Eren yelped in shock as she plummeted a long distance and was suddenly submerged in frigid cold liquid. Sticky sweetness forced its way into her mouth. She gasped for air and oscillated her arms to stay afloat. She clawed at the walls of the glass, too slick and high for her to climb out, and tried to scale monstrous cubes of ice larger than her entire body. The ice rotated with her weight, foiling her frantic efforts to climb out. She slid down the slippery edges and plopped back into the drink with every attempt. 
“H-hey! Let me out!” she shouted, but this time she sounded more afraid than angry. Her teeth chattered and her flesh quivered with the freezing cold. The giant chef, miles above her, looked down his nose at the tiny woman with a devious smirk. He was enjoying her suffering. 
“Okay, it’s ready,” Gore announced, directing his attention to the gardener as he shoved the tray into his dirt-encrusted hands. Eren cried out as the lemonade became a tumultuous sea and she was battered by titanic chunks of ice. She was not the strongest swimmer under the best of circumstances, but with the cold paralyzing her muscles and choppy waves threatening to pull her under, she could barely keep her head above the yellow liquid. She tried to grab the lip of the glass when the lemonade splashed higher, but the top was too far away for her hand to grasp. 
“Ahh! Help!” she sputtered as another wave doused her head and stung her eyes with sour lemon and sugar. The giant gardener ignored her. He wanted to deliver the tray and be done with his errand already, so he picked up the pace to reach the prince faster. Eren bumped into the hard glass and shouted in frustration as she was slapped directly in the face by a wall of liquid. The clink of the ice and sloshing of the drink was much louder to her ears, like a battle between ships at sea. She became dizzy from all the rocking and floundered to stay afloat as she was dunked under another wave. Eren began to fear she would drown. 
In a last-ditch effort, she called out again with the limited breath she could spare: “Help! Help! Get me outta here! I-I can’t swim!” To her surprise, the giant strides stopped and the tray was set down, allowing the liquid to settle. Even so, with her muscles chilled and exhausted, Eren still had to strain to keep from sinking into sugary death. She blinked lemon juice out of her eyes and squinted up. A plaintive shriek escaped her lips as she saw the fate that awaited her. 
There were two giants towering over her, and she recognized them both with dread. One giant was the prince, the man she had insulted and berated at dinner before he threatened to crush her bones and then swallowed her whole, without a second thought. The other was the giant she attacked with arrows, who had grabbed her in the forest. She had barely escaped with her life, saved only when she valiantly stabbed his finger with an arrow. He was also a member of the giant party that hauled her in a cage with the other humans to Giganterra. Eren realized she was doomed. Neither of them had any reason to show mercy, and both had ample reason to hate her and cause her harm. 
Prince Ronny’s dark eyes landed on her, chilling her even more than the ice cubes in the drink. His giant hand wrapped around the glass, obscuring her view of the outside world with layers of skin, and effortlessly lifted up the lake of lemonade she was swimming in. Eren splashed in the drink as the waves licked at her again, trying to drag her into the depths. Fresh terror stained her heart as the prince’s giant lips perched on the edge of the glass. She wasn’t ready for the horrors of being swallowed alive again. She recoiled to the opposite end of the glass, but the flow of the liquid pulled her toward the prince’s mouth with an inescapable force. She cried out sharply as her hands contacted the giant lips and she pushed hard against them. 
“NO, STOP!” a giant man’s voice thundered, shattering the air. The powerful suction dragging Eren in halted. She exhaled, heart slamming into her ribs, as she splashed back into the center of the glass. 
“What?” Ronny questioned, cocking a brow with a frosty stare at Joey. Eren shivered, realizing how close she had been to disaster. 
Joey gulped. “You’re not… actually going to drink up that human, are you?” he inquired in a tremulous tone, still stricken with shock at what he’d nearly witnessed. 
Ronny’s black eyebrows turned down. “Of course. Why wouldn’t I?” He absently swirled the glass in his hand. Eren squeaked as a vortex spun her in erratic circles. 
“S-stop, I can’t-” Her terrified voice was drowned out as a burst of cold lemonade submerged her head. She flailed to resurface, sucking in air greedily. 
Joey started to sweat. “You can’t do that…” 
Ronny glared at the lowly squire, radiating the full force of his regal authority. “Excuse me?” Joey was cowed into silence, his eyes darting from the giant prince to the poor victim drowning in his drink. Ronny raised the glass back up to his lips to take another sip. 
Joey panicked, not knowing what to do. Defying the prince was extremely dangerous, but he couldn’t just sit there and watch him swallow down a poor innocent girl. Not only did neglecting a maiden in need violate his code of chivalry as a knight in training, but also such an act was morally reprehensible. He owed her his protection, especially after what he had done to her. Before he could second-guess his foolish decision, he surged forward and wrenched the glass out of Ronny’s grip. He pulled the miniature woman out to rescue her from drowning and clapped her to his chest protectively. 
Ronny blinked in shock, not believing for a moment that Joey had been insolent enough to steal his drink. Joey stared back at him, wide-eyed and mortified, with his hand clasped firmly to his body. He could feel Eren’s small form trembling against him. He wasn’t sure if she was chilly or afraid, or a mix of both, as her body was very cold. All he knew was that he would protect her to the death, if needed. 
“Joey!” Ronny roared, finding his voice again. “What have you done?” 
Joey opened his mouth, but no words came out. His heart was racing. Ronny’s countenance darkened with rage and he took a deliberate step forward. Joey stumbled back, nearly toppling into the fountain, but recovered his balance. 
“Give it back,” the prince ordered with an intimidating scowl. 
“No,” Joey answered, hardening his resolve. The prince clenched his fists and advanced another step. Joey responded by thrusting the glass in his face and emptying the contents all over his white fencing outfit, staining it yellow. Ronny flinched back as the ice cubes tumbled down his sticky suit, shedding sugary droplets.  
The prince bristled with fury. Joey realized he’d made a terrible mistake, but he couldn’t turn back now. He prepared himself for the worst: If the encounter turned violent, he would not be able to defend himself. Ronny’s face turned red and he raised his hand to strike. Joey settled his lips into a firm line and wrapped both his hands around Eren. Ronny stared, ready to destroy the squire, poised in place like a statue. His eyes rotated from Joey’s determined face to the protective cocoon of his hands. All at once, he was reminded of Tanya. 
“Why?” he finally choked.  
Joey, expecting a violent smack rather than a question, paused. He knew he needed to weigh his words carefully. “She’s a person, and a woman,” he answered firmly. “She deserves basic respect and care.” He held her tighter. As he dug in his heels, his voice raised with passion. “You can’t just... eat her! That’s sickening!” 
Ronny’s expression tangled into a conflicting knot of emotions. Joey wasn’t sure if he was about to scream, lash out physically, or crumble into a sobbing heap. The prince lowered his hand. He flashed Joey a hateful scowl before spinning around and storming off, trampling on the flower beds instead of the paved pathway and kicking over the smaller plants near his feet. The gardener, who had been eavesdropping on the whole commotion from a safe distance, grunted with intense annoyance. 
Joey watched him leave with a shuddering sigh. The tension drained out of his muscles and he slumped down on the side of the fountain. His heart was pounding so hard he thought it might burst out of his chest. He took a moment to recover, breathing heavily. He wasn’t sure what terrible consequences he may face for his actions down the line, but at least for now the tiny human was safe. 
Eren had listened to the whole exchange with increasing bafflement. When Joey snatched her away from Ronny, she didn’t understand what was going on. She was highly disoriented as she anticipated being imbibed in a drink, only to be tossed around, grabbed by giant fingers, and smashed against a vast warm chest instead. Initially, she believed Joey had saved her for selfish reasons, to keep her for himself. As the two giants bickered, with Joey’s enormous voice blaring through his chest and rattling her bones, she could do nothing but shiver from cold, fatigue, and fear. She was too overwhelmed to resist.  
The giant’s hands and body were burning hot and throbbing with his vitals, but after swimming in icy liquid the heat felt like heaven. Eren appreciated the fleeting moment of comfort before the horrors resumed, despite how small and defenseless she felt pressed up against a man of unfathomable proportions. The giant’s body shifted around her and he exhaled with the bluster of a hurricane. Eren cringed. She was so scared and exhausted; she felt, for the moment, as if her spirit was breaking. She couldn’t handle another giant with his hands and mouth all over her, ready to take advantage of her and devour her—least of all one who held a grudge against her. 
His hands peeled back from his chest, exposing Eren to the sunlight. She ducked down in his palm helplessly as she stared up at his gargantuan face. She started to hyperventilate. Her hands compulsively searched the folds of the larger hand encompassing her, seeking an out that failed to materialize. 
“Are you alright?” he asked in a soft voice that rumbled through the walls of flesh towering above her. Eren couldn’t seem to comprehend what he was saying as his warm chocolate eyes, as big as windows, examined her from behind his glasses. 
“D-don’t hurt me...” she breathed. Joey couldn’t hear her, so he leaned in closer. To Eren, the sight was like a living mountain collapsing down over her. She yelped in terror and covered her head with her arms. Joey’s expression softened and he backed off. 
“Sorry... I didn’t mean to frighten you. I’m just trying to help.” The vibrations of his voice through his body reminded Eren of just how miniscule and vulnerable she was. She was completely at his mercy. The giant went quiet as Eren failed to answer. He opened his hands more so she wouldn’t feel so trapped, though he curled his fingers over her head to conceal her and keep her from falling. 
Joey glanced around to ensure that nobody was watching him. The gardener had disappeared, not wanting to deal with Ronny’s mess. He realized now was his chance to help her. “Let’s go,” he whispered to her. “I can save you. I can free you. I’ll get you out of here!” He jumped to his feet and began to hurry away from the castle. 
“W-wait!” Eren protested as she was jumbled in his hands. Joey stopped and looked at her intently. Eren hesitated. She was sorely tempted to take him up on his offer, even if she didn’t trust him, since he was a giant, an enemy. She wanted to be free of this hell, back at home where she belonged. She didn’t want to be eaten again. She didn’t want to be treated like a piece of meat, naked and on display in a glass box for all the giants to gawk at or drool over. 
Yet, she hadn’t forgotten her reason for coming here. She hated giants. She thirsted for blood. She’d feel like a failure if she didn’t succeed in her quest. She wanted more than anything to slay a giant, to prove she could kill one of the behemoths. Even more, she wished to slaughter the repulsive king, or the prince. Now that her enemy possessed a face, a head to claim, she couldn’t just give up. She was done with being powerless. 
“No,” she asserted. “I’m not going anywhere.” 
Joey tilted his head and adjusted his glasses on his nose. “Huh?” 
“Give me a weapon and take me back to the kitchen,” Eren requested. 
“What? No way! I can’t do that!” Joey balked. 
Eren folded her arms. “Why the hell not?” 
“Because—because that would put you in danger!” 
“So? What do you care? Since when did you care about any of us humans? Weren’t you one of the giants that collected us from Minimaterra?” She punched one of his fingers for emphasis. 
Joey crumbled as the truth of her words sank in. “Y-yeah…” His legs lost their strength and he leaned against the trunk of a tree. “I didn’t want to do it.” He knew any excuses or abdications of responsibility would ring hollow. He hung his head with shame. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I-I felt like I didn’t have a choice.” 
Eren scoffed and rolled her eyes. “Sure.” Joey felt even worse as he looked at her. As saucy as she was in her defiance, to a giant as big as him she looked fragile and small. He was fully aware how easily he could close his huge fist around her and squish her like a bug. How could he have been so beastly, to bring harm to such a tiny being?  
His face crinkled up with poignant sadness at his own moral failures, and tears began to form at the corners of his eyes. He was a horrible person. He should be ashamed of himself. He should’ve resisted and protected her, like when he stood up to the prince. He wanted to pour out his apologies, to show the little woman just how remorseful he was, but the words stuck in his throat as it grew thick with despair. 
“Are you… crying?” Eren asked with confusion. Joey sniffled and averted his gaze, too embarrassed to answer. “Oh my God, you are. You’re actually crying.” Eren shook her head. “I didn’t realize you giants could be so sensitive.” Truthfully, she didn’t believe that giants were capable of feeling any empathy for humans. To see this huge man crying over her was shocking. 
“I’m so sorry,” he repeated. “I wish I had never gone to Minimaterra. I don’t want to hurt anyone. I just want to make things right.” 
Eren pointed up at him aggressively. “You know how you can make it up to me? Do what I asked for! Give me a weapon so I can kill the giant king!” 
Joey’s eyebrows shot up at her blatant statement of treason. “But-” 
“No buts! Don’t you dare think you can just override my wishes because you’re bigger than me! That makes you no better than the rest of them!” 
Joey perceived the truth in her logic, and realized using his size against her would hardly be chivalrous, but he felt he should at least try to dissuade her from her perilous intentions. “But you’ll get eaten! You’ll die! I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I let that happen!” 
Eren stared at him. “Don’t you know?” 
“Know what?” 
“Being eaten isn’t pleasant by any means, but it’s not a death sentence around here. There’s a magic serum they give us that protects us from digestion.” 
Joey gaped. “What? No way. So the prince... wasn’t about to kill you just now?” 
“No.” Eren gave Joey a pointed look. “Do you not eat humans?” 
“Of course not!” Joey replied hotly. “I would never!” 
“Oh.” Eren was surprised. She had assumed that all giants were barbaric man-eaters, but she could plainly see that the squire was telling the truth. She was learning more about giants than she ever cared to know. They weren’t all the same after all.  
“Well, okay then.” Another awkward pause hung between them, before Eren decided to get the conversation back on track. “Now that we got that all sorted out, do you have something I could use as a weapon? Please?” 
Joey sighed, knowing nothing he would say could convince the stubborn warrior to choose a different path. “You’re sure this is what you want?” Eren nodded. “Alright.” Joey thought for a moment before pulling his sewing kit out of his pocket. He removed a few needles, but each one was as long as Eren was tall. 
“Those are too big,” Eren admitted. “I need one I can hopefully conceal on my person somehow...” She looked down. With all the excitement, Eren had forgotten she was stark naked. Apparently, Joey had been too preoccupied with saving her to notice as well, nor had he properly seen the details of her delicate bits with how miniscule she was. His face burned as hot and red as metal heating up in a furnace when he abruptly became aware of her nudity. He turned his eyes away, but he couldn’t avoid the incontrovertible fact that he was holding a tiny nude woman in his hand. His nerve endings lit up as his skin touched hers. He could feel in his palm her dainty limbs, soft and shapely, but still sticky from the lemonade. 
“S-sorry,” he stammered, mortified by the inappropriate desire unexpectedly aroused within him. He needed to set her down, but he feared someone would see her and try to steal her. He brought her back to the fountain and placed her on the ledge, shielding her from view with his body while keeping his visual focus on the ground. 
“It’s okay,” she consoled him. “It’s not your fault. I’m used to it by now.” She shrugged. “It’s not like any of the giants here actually see me as a person anyway.” 
Joey handed her one of his fabric scraps so she could cover up. He finally got the courage to glance at her, his eyes sad and soft. “I’m sorry.” 
“Stop apologizing,” Eren insisted. 
“Sor—I mean, okay.” Joey sheepishly searched through his sewing kit. He found a sharp sliver of a broken needle. “How about this?” Eren gripped the metal strand, about as long as her forearm, and flicked it around like a sword. Joey smiled down at the mini warrior, so fierce and ready to fight, yet so cute. 
“This’ll work. I still need to find a way to hide it though.” Eren frowned with concentration, which made her look even more adorable to the giant squire. Joey, not wishing to offend her, made an effort not to acknowledge these sentiments or act patronizing. 
“I have an idea.” Joey tore a strip of cloth that was roughly the same flesh tone as Eren’s skin and handed it to her. “You can affix it to your arm. You’re so small, I doubt anyone would notice unless they were looking closely.” He considered helping her tie it on, but he worried he might break her skinny arm if he accidentally twisted it the wrong way. 
“Thanks! That will do.” Eren looked down at her sticky skin. “I need to wash first.” Before Joey could react, Eren cast aside her new possessions and jumped into the fountain. Joey gasped and reached his hands into the flowing water to rescue her. 
“Don’t worry, I’m fine!” Eren assured him as she resurfaced. The water was cold, but not as frigid or tumultuous as the iced lemonade. Even so, Joey cupped his hands beneath her tiny feet so she had a base of support. Eren appreciated his consideration for her needs as she rinsed herself off. He tried to avoid staring at her as she bathed in his hands. When she was done, Joey gently lifted her out and gave her some cloth to use as a towel.  
Eren attempted to secure her weapon to her arm by herself, but she struggled to tighten the knot with only one hand. After some hesitation, Joey pinched the edges of the cloth with his fingertips and cautiously pulled the ends snug. He couldn’t help but observe that her entire head was smaller than his smallest fingernail. He removed his fingers and examined her. From his height, he couldn’t discern the needle fragment concealed under her arm, unless he squinted. He doubted a metal splinter would be enough to slay a giant, although he could see how a jab from the inside might be sufficient to cause internal bleeding. 
“Are you sure about this?” he asked a second time. Eren affirmed, her eyes blazing with determination. She had reclaimed her fire with a fresh chance at success. Joey sighed. He didn’t want to send her back to the kitchen: Such a fate seemed too cruel. More than anything, he wanted to rescue the damsel and spirit her away to safety. 
However, he had to admire her bravery and resolve. He couldn’t bear to crush that indomitable spirit with his own hands and betray her trust by using his power as a giant against her. To overpower her will through brute force felt immoral to him, not to mention ungentlemanly. He offered her his hand. Eren paused, a fleeting doubt passing over her features, before she climbed up into his gigantic palm. He curled his hand around her and raised her up to his chest level. 
“By the way... I never caught your name,” Joey admitted. 
“I’m Eren,” the little woman informed him with a smile. “You’re Joey, right? Thank you for helping me. And... for respecting my autonomy.” Her bright eyes shined as she stared up at him. 
“I hope to see you again, Eren,” Joey said to her solemnly, a trickle of melancholy in his tone. “I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors.” Weighed down by the gravity of his decision, Joey reluctantly chauffeured her back to the giant kitchen. He hoped he wouldn’t come to regret his choice. 
Chapter 29
Tag list: @yummynomms @tinycoded360
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smolgloves · 3 months
The perfect Crime: Part 2
Part 1
Summary: Astarion and Freya slip away from the group to do as they please but get in a sticky situation
Tw: dehumanizing language, mentions of murder, vore mention, sexual innuendos, slavery mentions, mentions of sexual slavery
Slipping away from the watchful eye of Wyll, easy. Pickpocketing that Zhentarim trader and slipping the gold ring into his breast pocket without anyone noticing, piece of cake. So slipping away without him noticing should have been child's play, but Astarion didn't get very far before that trader shouted something at him. He stopped in his tracks, already forming a lie in his head for when the accusations came barreling in. 
There was a tickle against his breast, his eyes widened knowing that Freya was squirming around in his pocket. He pressed his hand up against his pocket in an attempt to cease the borrower's struggles, yet she pushed against palm through the fabric. Did that miniscule brain of hers reduce more in size? She's going to get them caught and killed! Gritting his teeth, Astarion demanded her to stop, fortunately she seemed to get the message in time, as a hand grabbed onto his shoulder to spin him around. 
“Something of mine went missing, you wouldn't happen to know about it?” 
“Sounds like you misplaced it.” Astarion smiled, his lies were as natural as breathing. “Not very professional of you since you look to be in charge of the wares.” 
“Watch it, arsehole!” The trader flashed a dagger on his belt. “Or that silver tongue of yours will get cut.” 
Astarion let out a scoff, if only he knew how easily he could rip the vocal cords right out of his throat. 
It seemed the loudmouth trader attracted an audience, as the guard from earlier walked over. Gods, they were nearly identical in their atrocious features. If Astarion wasn't trying to get out of this with no bloodshed, he'd kill them for assaulting his eyes!
“Something wrong, Brem?”
“Yeah, thinking this faerie knicked a ring from me.” 
“Really? You think I'd risk getting killed for a bloody ring?!” Astarion spat out so convincingly that even he could believe his own lies. 
“What's that in your pocket?” The guard kept his gaze on Astarion, studying for any giveaways. “I saw ya fiddling with something in your pocket.” 
Astarion cursed under his breath, swearing he'll bite Freya in half if they get out of this alive! He tentatively dug his fingers into his pocket for the ring, only to have tiny arms wrap around them, what in the nine hells was she doing? Astarion attempted to push her aside, except she wouldn't budge, she pulled his fingers further into her, attempting to force him to curl them around her. It didn't take long to realize what she was doing. 
In a swift motion, the borrower was plucked out of the safety of his pocket and into the light. Astarion eyed her as his thumb and forefinger pinched her sides, the familiar shape of a ring wrapped around her waist beneath her clothing, hidden from all but the two. So that's why she was squirming? Clever girl, but did she anticipate that she would have to be revealed to a couple of Zhent traders? If she did, she couldn’t hide her panic from him at least. Her heart pounded against her chest, her eyes locked onto his, refusing to glance behind her to see the two Zhents. 
The guard narrowed his eyes at Freya. “Is that a fucking pixie?” 
“No Garias, I think they're called borrowers.” Brem corrected. “I believe cousin Orvul had one before.” 
There was a hungry tone as he spoke. It was enough to make even Astarion's skin crawl. Brem moved closer to look Freya in the eyes, those gray eyes dilated when she saw this unfamiliar man staring down at her like a piece of meat. There was no need for screaming; the fear was written all over her face, similar to the night she was caught by everyone in camp. 
“She's cute.” The trader spoke. “Your little slave, I take it.?”
“Why of course!” Astarion gave a haughty laugh. “Why else would I keep a pipsqueak in my pocket?” 
Tiny fingers tightly curled against his thumb, it was almost adorable feeling Freya attempt to subtly hurt him, but she'll have to get over it. The stupid Zhents had completely forgotten about that ring and offered a perfect cover story. 
“A four inch slave?” Garias scoffed. “She toss grapes into your mouth when you're too lazy to grab ‘em yourself?” 
“Forgive my brother, he's more of the muscle between the two of us.” Brem let out a laugh. “He never understood the profit that can be made by these beauties.” 
“Oh there's no offense taken, not everyone has the chance to tame such feisty little creatures.” He raised her up to his face, giving her a devious grin. “It took about a week to get this one to quiet down.” 
Oh, if looks could kill, the pale elf would be dead on the spot! He had to admit, it was surprising that Freya held her tongue for this long but perhaps traveling with him helped her grow a brain. 
“You know, it's been a while since I've seen these lil’ buggers in a while, especially one so well behaved.” Brem gave a toothy grin. “Wouldn't mind parting with some gold for some alone time with her. Garias could… try her out and finally see what the big deal is.” 
Gods below, how utterly repulsive of them. This whole conversation with them had left a bad taste in his mouth but after hearing exactly what they were going to do, Astarion feared he was going to vomit up that bear blood he got earlier. Fingers slowly coiled around Freya's waist to protect her from the lustful gaze of the two men, he's been on the receiving end of those stares before. “Sorry, but I don't share my toys.” 
“Then why not name a price? A borrower like that would go for hundreds maybe even thousands.” 
“Tempting, but I am in no mood to seek out another borrower and have to train them again.” Growing tired of this conversation, Astarion stepped back from them “Now if you'll excuse me, I need somewhere private to… whet my appetite after all this talk.” 
Fortunately, the men didn't bother to integrate him any longer. With quick and light steps, Astarion easily slipped away from anymore Zhents and retreated to the shadows, his eyes darting around the cavern before uncurling his fingers.
“Your toy?” Freya folded her arms across her chest. “Really?” 
His lips curled into a smirk. “Oh come now, don't act like you didn't enjoy the idea.”
“I think I'd rather get swallowed whole.” She fired back. “Less degrading.”
“Perhaps, I'll make that arrangement next time.” He let out a titter, before trailing his eyes towards her waist. “I must admit, hiding the ring beneath your clothes was a bold move. I'm impressed.” 
Her harsh glare melted into a softer gaze. “Y-You are?” 
“Of course darling! I didn't think borrowers could be so clever.”
Freya threw her hands up and sighed. “Would it kill you to give a genuine compliment?” 
“Maybe,” He quickly moved Freya towards his pocket, tilting his hand to slide her back into the safety of the cloth. “But we should get back to the group again so we can get out of this vile place. Then perhaps I can come up with a better compliment for someone despite your… stature.”
Freya muttered in agreement and shifted around to a more comfortable position. She didn't dare move once Astarion got moving, but he felt her rest her head against his chest. It was a small touch of warmth he had grown to enjoy feeling when she traveled with him. To think, someone so small could radiate such heat, to be able to seep past his clothes and reach his skin. 
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weirdsideblog · 1 year
Happy 8/8 everyone! Have a story
Just A Game
Contains soft, safe, non sexual vore
It had started out simply enough: dancing out of the way of danger, a taunt, a taunt thrown right back at him from the pred. Who then sought him out again. And again.
It was… oddly invigorating. It became a bit of a game: Jason thinking of better taunts and more elaborate maneuvers, and the pred doing the same.
They’d learned each other’s names: Samuel, the pred was. He was a few years Jason’s senior.
They talked sometimes, as they danced around each other: about their lives, their hopes, what they liked to do. Samuel started leaving snacks out for Jason; at first he’d thought it was a trap, but he soon realized they were genuine. (“Trying to fatten me up?” he laughed.)
Somewhere along the way, he’d forgotten why he was doing all this, what he was really avoiding. He wasn’t afraid of Samuel, not really; he regarded the pred as a friend more than anything else.
And so, he felt pretty good about following Samuel to a party to surprise him there. Samuel had said he was nervous about it, since it was hosted by the higher-ups in his company, and Jason hoped he could help lighten the mood by being there in secret just for Samuel to find out about.
Flash forward to Jason of the present, and he regretted ever coming to this place.
There were other prey here, but they weren’t guests, or stowaways like Jason. He shuddered. He’d forgotten what Samuel was, what all of his kind were: predators.
A giant hand grabbed at him from behind, and he yelped. He skillfully escaped the strange pred’s grip, but they were chasing him, and this time it didn’t feel like a game. He’d been so stupid to ever think it could be a game.
They were closing in on him, saying something about how good he would taste, and Jason ran with all his might. There was nowhere to hide in this place, he’d been so stupid. Stupid, stupid Jason. Now he was going to be caught and eaten for real, and it was his own stupid fault, and he wanted to cry, but all he could do was run.
He was almost caught, and he was getting tired. He couldn’t keep this up forever, there was nowhere to hide, and no one would help him, except maybe-
He wasn’t sure why he called out for him. Samuel was another pred, one that tried to catch Jason every time he saw him, but it was different with him. Familiar, at least.
Samuel’s head snapped up. His eyes went wide, and he moved quickly, toward Jason, reaching for him, and Jason didn’t hesitate to run right into his hands.
Safe, safe, he was safe now.
“Looks like this one’s yours,” chuckled the one who’d almost gotten Jason.
Jason tried to make himself even smaller in Samuel’s hands. Save me, save me, protect me.
“Looks like he is.”
Jason’s heart gave a lurch. He may have escaped, but now… Samuel had caught him. And he didn’t have a snarky remark, or an escape plan. He was going to be swallowed, and he could only hope Samuel was fond enough of him not to make it a one way trip.
Samuel was looking at him, and his eyes were warm, with something unreadable behind them. Jason was still shaking with adrenaline after the chase, but he tried to smile, a tremulous, hopeful little thing.
“You win.”
A tiny smirk. “I win.”
With that, Jason was being pushed inside Samuel’s mouth and swallowed. There was little he could do to resist. Down he went, headfirst, powerful muscles dragging him down, until he slipped into Samuel’s stomach and was forced to curl up there.
So that was that. Jason trembled. He’d never been completely sure what Samuel intended to do if or when he finally caught him, but it seemed he’d find out. He’d gotten comfortable with Samuel, and something had told him to call out to him for help, but he was still a pred, and Jason was in his stomach.
The stomach wall pushed in at him, and something rubbed gently: undoubtedly Samuel’s hand. It was overwhelming, everything that had happened, the racing of Jason’s mind over what might happen, his surroundings hot and slimy and alive because he was inside another person. The sounds of Samuel’s body all around him: his heartbeat, his breathing, the gurgle of a previous meal somewhere further along in his gut. He was talking to the other pred, something about how good Jason tasted, and Jason didn’t know if he wanted to recoil in horror from Samuel or be grateful he was now out of reach of that monster.
It was all too much. Jason curled in on himself further. Tears must have come to his eyes without his even realizing it, because now they spilled down his cheeks all in a torrent. He shivered despite the overwhelming heat, and then he couldn’t stop until it felt he would surely shiver himself to pieces.
“Excuse me a moment,” Samuel murmured above him.
He was walking, and the pouch Jason was in swayed with the movement. Who knew where he was being carried off to? Not that it mattered for him now, but it was a little humiliating, and it cemented the feeling that he was, in fact, prey that had been caught and consumed.
“It’s okay.” Samuel was touching him again, rubbing a hand over the outline of his little form. “You’re safe.”
“… Samuel?”
It was so good to be spoken to, like he mattered, like he wasn’t food.
“You’re safe.” Indeed, it was clear by now that Samuel must be holding off digestion. “Keep quiet for now. I’ll let you out when I get home.”
Jason sniffled back his tears as quietly as he could. He was safe. He was going to get out of here alive. He wasn’t really surprised, he hadn’t really expected Samuel to kill him, but it was so good to be reassured that it hadn’t been just wishful thinking or overconfidence in their relationship.
Samuel breathed a long sigh that Jason felt as well as heard, and then he was walking again, making stiffly polite conversation, and seeming to ignore Jason’s entire existence.
It was strange- and awful- Jason thought, to be so completely wrapped up in a person and yet be completely alone. Here he was, listening to Samuel’s heartbeat and feeling him breathe and being affected by every single little move he made- that wasn’t natural. He shuddered, thinking that he could instead be so intimately close to a strange pred as they painfully digested him. Well, this was more natural than that, at least. He knew Samuel pretty well at this point, and would more or less consider him a friend despite the nature of their interactions; this closeness was at least somewhat earned. In response to his shiver, Samuel’s muscles tightened momentarily around him.
That continued throughout the night. Samuel didn’t speak to him, but he occasionally squeezed him, or sometimes his hand would come back to press or rub at him for just a moment. It was weird, and scary in the way that it reminded him of exactly where he was, but the constant heartbeat and other sounds were already doing a great job of that, so something a little more personal was appreciated.
“Yes, he was,” said Samuel, and Jason got the feeling he was being talked about. The heartbeat was fast, and Samuel was tense around him. “No, I’m saving him for a while. More fun, I think.”
Jason could hardly move for how tightly he was being squeezed, like Samuel was not only tense but actively sucking in his gut. It was unsettling to be sure, pretty claustrophobic, but also a bit comforting that he was, maybe unconsciously, trying to hold Jason as far away from the other pred as possible.
Finally, Samuel was telling people goodnight, walking briskly, moving in a way that had Jason falling against the front of his stomach, and then a vibrating feeling suggested he was in a car. Going home then, where he would hopefully make good on his promise to set him free. His hand returned, stroking slowly over Jason, and then just stayed there, cupping his small body. He wriggled experimentally, and it tightened, just a little.
His mind was still reeling from his terrifying experience, but he felt… he felt safe. He trusted Samuel, he realized. The thought wasn’t as surprising as he would have expected such a thought to be. The heartbeat was less disconcerting and was now lulling him into something like a trance. The breathing was the same; Samuel was alive around him, protecting him. Even the other sounds- they were just sounds. He was safe.
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eldritch-spouse · 2 years
Okay, first off, I ADORE your blog. You're writing style and creativity? *Chefs Kiss*
Secondly, I wanted to ask, how do the Icons of Hell react to a reader SO that is self-conscious, and\or has low self-esteem?
(I also can't help but wonder if Vorticas[I think that's the right spelling] name is a pun?)
[Thenk you very much, I'm pleased you're having fun. <:7]
Self-conscious reader and the Icons
Vesper is perhaps the nicest about it, realistically. You're Queen of Lust, everyone wants you and everyone admires you! What kind of madness is this?! What do you not like about to yourself? He'll make you sit down and tell him, just list it off. He's no psychologist, but Vesper's sure changes in your routine and self-afirming exercises will strip that out of you.
Vorticia has had many kids, all of which have already gone through their very hectic adolescent phases, in which they struggled with all sorts of natural self-esteem issues. She knows the types of things that can be weighing you down, and although her attitude is very "no nonsense", the Queen of Gluttony will crack at your tilted view of reality jarringly fast. She's the first to notice how deep your insecurities go.
Zizz is entirely out of his depth. He doesn't know what to do with you. He's not sure why you feel this way, and he's even more stressed out when his frantic declarations of your supposed perfection are just shunned. He even gets a tad irritated. He doesn't know what to tell you, so he forces you into dreams where you're worshipped from top to bottom- Physically and verbally, by numberless faceless demons and himself. He hopes repeating this achieves something.
Kalymir is a cunt. An honest cunt. He doesn't know what the fuck is in that shitheap you call a brain, but it's all wrong. It fucking grates on his nerves hearing you say that shit, get out, touch the ground, do something you moping little ball of misery! What are you, some fucking loser? Chin up, bitch- You're the Queen of Wrath! Act like it, dumbass. Do you think he would have picked you if you were worthless?
Rinx unfortunately has a very linear approach to dissatisfaction. Materialism. But how can you be insecure, when you have everything you could ever want laid at your feet, woman?! What is there to be insecure about? Come on, you're overthinking it. You'll have to be more vocal about it with Rinx, he will gladly get you help, but he doesn't really know how to tackle it on his own.
Cero... Will only assert your insecurities. He doesn't even mean to do it (unless it's a punishment), but it's not in his nature to praise or lift spirits. He thinks the correct way to go about this is to have everyone else praise and worship the ground you walk on, instead of adressing you directly. See, don't be a fool, look how superior you are to them. This is childish honestly, the two of you have better things to waste your time on.
Livius is someone you need to urgently avoid, like the plague. Remember, he mimics you. If you're deeply insecure and unwell, he'll take on those traits too. What ends up happening is that he'll adopt your insecurities and create a cycle of negative feedback. No, you're not ugly- He's ugly!!! HE'S STUPID AND USELESS. Congratulations, now you're both mentally unwell.
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To address the name thing, a lot of these names are puns, and I've said it before too.
Vorticia = Vore + Morticia.
Rinx = "Rings".
Zizz = Catching Z's.
Kalymir = Derived from "calamity".
Vesper = Not exactly a pun so much as I'm determined to give vaguely religious names to sex demons as an inside joke.
Livius = From a roman origin, means "livid or envious". Liviu, a man who envies others.
(Di) Cero = Means wax in Latin, because this fucker waxes poetic. It also sounds like "zero" in some languages (including mine), and he's a whole ass 0/10. The name is also said to be associated with unstable, bitter individuals.
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smolghostbot · 9 months
A Little Role Playing
Because this scenario was rotating in my brain like a rotisserie chicken for at least a week. This was meant to be more of a microfiction but turns out I can't be brief to save my life.
(in my anxious opinion this is a little bit zestier than what I would normally post but it's still firmly a g/t story. Just keep that in mind.)
Word Count: 1.5k
CWs: consensual fearplay gone too far, mouthplay and vore vibes, vague spicytime allusions and that is definitely the intent but the fun turns unfun before anything serious happens
“I- I’ll never tell you anything, human!” shouted the diminutive voice at the towering form in front of them.
“Hehehe… I have ways of making a tiny little thing like you talk…,” spoke the form, a man named Evan. He quickly changed his tone, though, as he added in a whisper, “Was the laugh too much? Too on-the-nose?”
“The laugh was fine, babe, but don’t overdo it,” quietly responded Avery, caught in Evan’s loose fist. After quickly clearing their throat, they continued shouting, “I’ll never talk! You’ll never get me to reveal where my town is! I’ll take our secret to the grave, on my honor!”
Evan rolled his eyes at this. The human had regularly questioned why his borrower partner was so in love with this scenario, but based on their past experiences, it was always the one that made Avery tick. Evan simply played along as best as he could on days where they agreed to play out Avery’s fantasies, and this was one such day.
“Now now, little borrower, that’s a lot of words, but not a lot of answers. I said to tell me where your town is, or else!” Evan growled, as his fist gave a quick squeeze to Avery.
“Very well then… if you’re no good as an informant, I could find another use for you…” the human said, giving himself time to think over what to do as a threat. They had played this little game often, and this was always the part where things tended to diverge. What direction things progressed in depended on the mood of the two partners, but Avery was very clear about what they wanted out of their game tonight: Scare me.
Evan thought back to when they first met, when he had discovered Avery attempting to steal food from his pantry. The little thing was terrified of Evan back then, begging and pleading for their life before Evan had even said a word. From the sound of it, Avery was missing that thrill, that exciting fear of being caught by a human, and Evan decided to commit to the act in order to please his partner.
“Hm… what to do with you…” he murmured, before they were both caught off-guard as Evan’s stomach loudly rumbled. Evan decided to run with this as inspiration as he continued his “evil” speech… this was a direction things hadn’t gone in before.
“You know… if you won’t say anything of help to me, perhaps you could help me in another way…” Evan spoke, as he did his best diabolical grin. He saw Avery’s face begin to pale as they were moved closer to the human’s mouth.
“H-hey, wait, I don’t know what you’re thinking about, but…” stammered Avery, in what sounded like their role-playing voice. That simply wouldn’t do, thought Evan, as he spoke again.
“Oh? Your wandering eyes tell me that you know exactly what I’m thinking about, tiny one. Tell me where the others are, or I may help myself to the nice little snack in my hand…”
The fear in Avery’s voice was quickly becoming more real. “H-hey, uh, I don’t know if I like the direction this is going…” They said, as they gulped in nervousness. Evan only continued to smile as he spoke, “What’s wrong? I thought you wanted to be scared? Is the little nugget chickening out?”
Avery could only stutter as they thought of what to say. “C-come on, Ev, we’ve talked about how terrifying this kind of thing is to me… you were supposed to, um, you know…”
Unfortunately, their words fell on deaf ears as Evan began to laugh, a laugh which was somewhere between their fake laugh from earlier and the real deal. He continued to hold his borrower partner near his mouth, moving them out of his fist and into a loose grip, held between his index finger and thumb. “What’s wrong, little borrower? You wanted to be afraid, didn’t you? You love being afraid… I bet you’ve been wanting me to do this for ages, haven’t you?”
“N-no, no seriously Evan, not like this… knock it off…” whimpered Avery, being sure to emphasize the use of Evan’s name, which was their signal that things were turning very real.
“Oh no, is the little one getting scared? Tell me you’re scared and maybe I’ll let you go… maybe,” chuckled the human.
“Evan… I- I know you won’t hurt me, b-but, you’re acting very weird right now… it’s scaring me… can we change the script?” pleaded Avery, who was staring at the grinning, gaping maw that was moving right in front of them.
Evan chuckled, now was his chance to truly give his partner the adrenaline rush they craved. “The script? There’s no script, little borrower. This is very, very, real… and you’re about to become a very little meal… any last words?”
The fear on his partner’s face was palpable, and Evan could feel Avery’s heartbeat soaring. “Evan… Evan stop. Safe word time. Evan… Evan!” They cried, as Evan moved them closer to his mouth. Avery could feel the human’s breath on their skin as they were more close enough that Evan could easily bite down on them.
“S-s-seriously, Evan, Evan stop! Th-this isn’t funny! Game’s over! S-stop!”
But Evan ignored their pleas, gently moving the borrower close to their tongue, and giving them a small, but still gentle lick across the front of their body, causing Avery to shiver in fear.
“H-hey, s-stop! Say something! Stop this! Evan, I know this isn’t you!” Avery cried, desperate for this game to end. The human leaned their head back, so that the terrified borrower was dangling above the gaping mouth. As the human’s eyebrows furrowed, Avery continued to plead.
“Evan, Evan please, don’t do this, I-I don’t know what I did to upset you but this isn’t the solution, we can talk about this, please! I… I don’t want to die, Evan, please! I’m sorry, for whatever I did I’m sorry!”
With that, Evan smiled a devious grin, before moving Avery down closer to his mouth… and giving them a quick kiss. “Was that the fear you-” he started to say, before noticing something was off. That kiss tasted… different than usual. As the human looked down at their partner, it became obvious that Avery was sobbing, face covered in tears. “P-please, please Evan don’t do this, please…” was all they kept muttering to themself, seeming to ignore the kiss entirely.
“Woah, hey, hey Aves, it’s okay,” Evan quickly stated, as he finally realized he may have gone too far. “You… you know I was just playing, right? It wouldn’t have been scary if I just stopped. You wanted me to be scary, remember?”
Avery was clearly in shock at they stammered, trying to form words. “I… I wanted you to scare me, not… not threaten to eat me! What… why would you… why did you do that?!”
“Woah, Aves, calm down, calm down, let me just, uh, put you down…”
“Don’t… don’t ‘Aves’ me right now, Evan! You almost killed me!” cried the borrower.
Evan knew that he should be calm, but he couldn’t help  but rise to anger at Avery’s accusations. “I wasn’t going to actually eat you! I was just trying to scare you, like you asked me to do! You were the one whining that I was too predictable, so I mixed it up! You’re welcome!”
Avery flinched at Evan’s voice raising, and Evan could tell that Avery was uncharacteristically fearful. Normally, the little borrower was actually the more pushy one in the relationship, so to see them buckle like this was heartbreaking to Evan. “I- I’m sorry… I-I guess I did… y-you’re right, just… d-don’t do it again… please…”
Evan sighed and took a deep breath before trying to talk again. “Aves… I mean, Avery… I should be the one apologizing, I took things too far, but I just wanted to make you happy…”
“Just… just put me down, Evan.”
Evan complied, and placed Avery down on the floor, before getting on his knees on the floor to be as level as possible with the borrower.
“Look, I’m sorry… How about we wind down, watch some movies, and share an ice cream? We still have some of your favorite flavor left…” said Evan, trying to keep his tone as quiet as possible. However, the borrower had other plans.
“I… I want to go home… sorry, I think I just need… a little break from human time for now…”
Human time, Evan repeated mentally. That was a term Avery hadn’t used since they first started dating, when they were overwhelmed with the sheer size of the human, and needed to be around people their own size for a while.
“I… understand… I’m sorry again, Avery. Can you… forgive me? Please?”
“... I’ll be back in a day or two… we can talk then.” was all Avery said, as they turned and quickly walked towards the borrower hole in the wall.
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vorish-wonderland · 2 years
You're having a fun time swimming with your friends, but when you go to get out of the water, you feel something bite your ankle... that's strange... why are you falling...?
Includes: soft/safe vore, biting, unwilling prey
★✦You Can't Do It~!✦★
It had been such a lovely day so far, you didn't think anything could go wrong today...
Though every now and again, you felt something brush against your legs, almost attempting to grab you, but you just ignored it... after all, it's probably just seaweed... right...?
There's no way it's anything else.
You make sure to enjoy yourself the whole rest of the day! No worrying about your stress, no worrying about anything!
The whole day was... amazing.
But all good things have to come to an end.
You have to get out of the water.
But as you're getting out of the water... you feel something bite into your ankle. Probably just a fish or something...
But then you started falling backwards, back, back, back... into the water.
Something encases your head. What's happening? Why can't you move your body?
A deep, satisfactory gulp... your head was somewhere even tighter now. You weren't sure what was going on, but you had a good idea...
"(Y/N)? (Y/N), are you ok?" Your friends asked, seeing only your legs sticking up above the water, slowly sinking...
Then, the perpetrator raised its head out of the water, only your feet sticking out of its mouth...
And then not even that.
Your friends ran away the moment the creature made eye contact with them.
He sank below the waves once more.
You were horrified. You had no idea what was going on. It's so dark. So dark and noisy. You're absolutely in this creature's stomach.
You want to scream. You want to cry. You want to fight your way out... but your whole body is numb. So numb you can't even speak. Complete and utter paralysis.
"Ohhhh!! Jade, lookit!! Azul's all squishy again!!"
"Oh my~ Indulged yourself, have you?"
"What?! No! You two of all people should know why I did this. You told me I wouldn't be able to swallow a human whole, and here I am, proving you wrong!!"
"Eh? There's a human in there?"
"It certainly doesn't seem so."
"They snoozing or something?"
"No! I used my venom, idiots! I paralyzed them so I could swallow them easier!"
"Yeahhhh.... that doesn't count, Azul."
"Eat a human while they're kicking and screaming. Then we'll be impressed."
"Oh, but enjoy your meal~!"
"Yes, enjoy it while it lasts, Azul~"
After a while, you heard a loud, disappointed sigh.
"Maybe I should eat them while they're kicking and screaming. That'll show 'em..."
Slowly but surely, you regained the feeling in your legs. You gave a weak kick, desprate to struggle in whatever way you could.
"Oh, can you move again?"
You kicked a few more times, honestly panicking but not being able to do more than this.
"Don't worry, I plan to let you out. I simply wanted to prove to those two that I could eat a human, but... apparently, this 'WaSn'T eNoUgH' for them. I'll bring you up to the surface now and get you out."
There was a short pause.
"Actually... would you be willing to help me again sometime? I won't eat you... not entirely. I'll just need to swallow up to your calves, and then I'll let you go, understand? I want them to think I seriously can't eat something this big while it's panicking... and once they think that, I'll eat them!! Oh, by the way, what's your name?"
"It's... (Y/...N)..." You managed to say.
"I'm Azul, nice to meet you. Apologies it had to be like this. So then, (Y/N), do you agree to help me out? Again, you will not be fully swallowed like you were today, just up to your calves, and then I let you escape."
"That... that could be... f-fun..." You admitted. If those two were responsible for you being so rudely stuffed into someone's stomach, it seems only fitting they should be given the same treatment!
"Great! I'll see you in a few days, then."
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tummytimee · 2 months
🔞 minors dni 🔞
Happy vore day, everyone! I decided that today would be the perfect day to debut some of my writing. What better subject than some sa|moп run vore?
Content warnings:
Sp|аtooп vore, unwilling -> willing digestion, sentient fat
You were easy prey to the maws right below your feet. Out of ink and on top of a fly fish’s pole, there was nowhere else to run. With one mighty snap of its jaws, it swallowed you whole, and you were gone.
Usually, the life preserver on your back revived you 6 seconds after getting splatted, but this time was different. You’ve gotten better about getting ready to jump back into combat, like making sure not to signal for help until your preserver has fully emerged from the ink. But as time ticked by, you realized… You were still in the belly of the maws, fully alive. 
It was so dark inside the sa|moпid’s belly you couldn't tell your tentacles from your feet. With great effort, you reached your arm to the back of your helmet and turned on the headlamp. A sharp light blinded you momentarily before the reality of the situation set in. Illuminated in front of you were two things. One was that your body was almost entirely submerged with green ink as thick as syrup. The other was that your life preserver was torn apart, rendered completely useless. 
Panic set in. You didn’t know what happened when someone gets splatted without a spawn point, but you knew it wasn’t good. The maws didn’t give you time to think about it for long. The muscles of the stomach walls contracted and squeezed against your body, like a warm (and dangerous) hug. You held your breath just as the last bit of air was squeezed out of its stomach, and then you were completely submerged in the green ink. Most of your body was protected from it with your slopsuit, but your face was exposed. It began to tingle; and in a short time, so did your neck, shoulders, chest…. And as the ink crept down through your suit, these parts of your body began to tingle as well. 
Low, deep groaning and gurgling noises echoed all around your body. You couldn't help but let out a yelp of surprise when the flesh around you started to undulate and knead you into submission. It was relentless, it didn’t stop for anything. You could vaguely feel the maws swimming under the ink and the sound of your teammates fighting above, but it was nearly drowned out by the chorus of digestion noises surrounding you on all sides. They wouldn’t hear you if you called for hel-
Wait… Digestion?! 
Then, the reality of the situation set in.
You were being digested, and no one could save you. 
The tingling sensation that has extended to your whole body didn’t feel painful, but somehow you felt yourself becoming softer. You don’t know how or why, but it felt… good. Euphoric. Pleasurable, even. You’ve never felt anything like it before, and it just felt right to give in to the stomach that wanted nothing more than to make you a part of it. To make you into meat.
The stomach walls made a loud groan, and the digestion kicked into overdrive. The massaging and kneading of the stomach walls became more forceful and assertive. You were its food. You were nothing more than its prey, and you were melting into the maw’s stomach. 
Your vision faded as you lost yourself to the sa|moпid’s body, bubbling and gurgling into chyme to be processed deeper inside your permanent home. The groaning and gurgling continued as what used to be you was funneled into the intestines for the body to fully absorb.
And it absorbed you. 
You were no more. At least, not the same you that you used to be. Your consciousness melded with the body as much as your nutrients were absorbed by it. You were a hefty meal for the sa|moпid, so most of what you were was converted into blubber. It padded out the maw’s back and sides under a thick layer of scales. You felt yourself in every inch of this new fat that the maws displayed proudly.
As a part of this maws, you understood the sa|moпid speech that it said back and forth to its cadets. The maws was a sergeant and had legions of сoнoск under its command. It constantly barked out orders and battle formations, as well as a hearty congratulations each time its troops splatted an enemy. Funny, how easily they became enemies to you, now that you’re fish fat.
Suddenly, the maws tensed, and you did too. You could feel it in your fat cells- the vibrations of a кing sa|moпid’s screech. This cry signaled the arrival of Major General Сoнozuпа! These inkfish put up a hefty fight, but they would be no match for the might of a king sa|moпid- especially with only three fighters. 
You wonder what happened to that fourth inkfish anyways…
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lizard-shifter-noms · 2 months
Still Subject to Change Chapter 23 (NEW)
Hello everyone! i decided to repost arc 1 of SSTC
(the chapters were way too long and had a bunch of typos but hopefully this will make reading easier)
this Story contains Vore, Dont like dont read.
if there are still any grammatical errors i’m sorry.
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They were all standing around Nea and asking what had happened and why we were here already while the rest of the division wasn’t.
Nea herself raised her Helmet like she wanted to hit something and suddenly had a lot more space as nobody wanted to get hit by her.
She really did have an effect on people, just the wrong one.
“I’m fine! I just need tha see a medic, and tha rest of tha division will come here later! Just be glad we fixed tha stupid snow!
At her bellowing a good majority of the guards scrambled back to wherever they came from safe for a few that had offered to help her.
While she winked off most of it she still took the long and sturdy branch that a man gave her that definitely wasn’t a guard.
He was not wearing any sort of uniform whatsoever and had mud covered pants held in place by a toolbelt that had a variety of small shovels and other weird equipment stuffed into it.
I would guess him to be about forty, with Brown hair that had some gray streaks in it and a bit of a scruffy beard.
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The curiosity wasn’t aimed at me though, it was aimed at the very visible and in some places bent flowers, and I realized that this man must be the Gardener.
Well he’d be happy to know that he could pick up tending to the plants again now that the snow was gone.
I just hoped that he’d ask first if he intended to pluck one of the flowers on my back.
He seemed friendly enough and had not looked at me with hatred or fear like most people did when they first saw me.
That could come later, for now Nea needed medical attention and some of the Guards had already ran ahead when they saw the condition her foot was in, likely getting every medic they could find.
Since there were already enough people looking for a doctor Robin had opted to stay close to us, not like he would have known where to go anyway.
And neither did I, except the shed maybe.
The Castle was new to all of us and I didn’t exactly know how big it was so he could easily have gotten lost searching for a Doctor.
Since help was on its way I wondered if I should offer to get Nea closer to the castle or if we should stay here and let the Doctor pick her up.
Considering how her foot looked, The latter might be best to avoid further irritation.
That meant I was just awkwardly standing there with nothing to do.
At least the mud on my fur had stopped dripping some time ago so nobody got a surprise mud shower.
Robin had also mostly dried but now the mud was caked onto the fabric of his clothing and that did not look comfortable.
Maybe asking about where we could wash up would be a good idea as Nea was adequately supplied with care that she only reluctantly accepted so she didn’t need us anymore.
I would still go take a dip in the ocean though, just to get rid of the outer layer of mud and who knew what else.
I just hoped if i went out to do that they would open the gate again to let me in.
If not I would have to wait for Rikaad and that would be really stupid.
I turned my head a bit to face Robin and inform him what I was going to do.
While I was an okay swimmer it still was a good idea to tell someone that I was about to go out into the ocean.
Getting most of the mud off would be wonderful as the dried bits cracked when I moved and stuck my fur into unpleasant little clumps that gave an unusual tugging sensation.
“Robin? I’m going back out for a bit to wash out some of this mud in the ocean.
I’ll be right back after I get this annoying stuff off, okay?”
He nodded and stepped aside a bit to let me through, instead opting to stick closer to the only other person he knew, Nea.
While Robin followed Nea to wherever the Doctors room was i went back out the still open door and walked down the elevated peninsula to a spot where i could access the water.
I had to go a little ways away from the castle itself before I found a path that led down to the ocean, path being a generous titlement though.
To a human the path might have been nice and wide but to me it was a narrow winding route where I had to be careful not to misstep as it was very steep to my side and falling would hurt.
I made it down without any accidents and just jumped into the cool saltwater, watching it turn muddy from all the dirt that had dried on me as the waves sloshed against my body.
Getting it off felt great, now my skin didn’t feel like it was cracking anymore and the clumps that had tugged at my fur were also gone.
Using my paws to scrub off as much of the rest as I could with the thumbless appendage wasn’t very effective sadly, as I couldn’t reach much more than my underside and legs.
I decided that it was good enough for now, I could probably take a proper bath later, the castle surely had something like that.
Stepping out of the ocean i was dripping with saltwater, to combat that i shook myself like a dog, i mean if it worked for them it surely wouldn’t hurt.
Water was flying everywhere as I tried to get myself as dry as possible and I went back up the winding path up the cliffside.
Since I was wet I had sand stick to my paws but the grass managed to get most of it off while I walked.
Looking back up ahead I noticed that the Guards had not yet closed the gate, either out of consideration or because they were waiting for the rest of the division to also come through here.
Probably the latter as I knew none of them and doubted they would just hold it open out of kindness.
Regardless of what it was, I didn’t have to stay outside so I took it as a plus.
Though walking through I could see that none of the Guards got closer to me than they absolutely had to.
I ignored them as they clearly did not want to interact with me and instead went to the castle itself to find Robin who had trailed after Nea.
I hoped the kinda deranged woman was alright, and began to wonder where Oakley was, he could probably help her when he showed up.
The problem was when was he coming back?
he was stashing the ice staff somewhere safe but who knew how far away that was and when he’d be back.
I hoped he’d be here soon as I wasn’t sure what the human doctors would do to her or if they were even able to help at all.
And I could absolutely not ask them for something to help with my still itching pouch.
It took me a few seconds to realize that I currently did not fit through most of the castle doors, I only got through two as far as I knew and neither led me to where I wanted.
That and i didn’t even know where the medical wing was, let alone anything else.
“You alright there green being?”
I swiveled my head around to the source of the voice and saw that it was the Gardener.
“Just looking for my friend, and i realized i do not fit through any of these doors, did you see where he has gone?”
It was also weird that he didn’t call me a beast or monster or even a big guy like Nea, instead opting to call me Green Being, which was a pretty basic description of what I was at the moment.
The Gardener looked at me for a moment and his gaze once again lingered on the plants that grew on my back for a bit.
“What does your friend look like? I know most of what is going on in the garden so i might have seen him”
That was admittedly a first, someone just straight up offering me help had not happened before, and i didn't even know the man.
But it was strangely nice, I would make sure to treat all of the plants in this place with respect now.
“Well he’s ginger and not very tall, i think he went after Nea but i’m not sure where she is either”
The Gardener hummed and seemed to search through his memories for a bit before answering.
“Well i’m fairly certain he went through the yellow painted door over there after a group of Guards that tried to help Nea”
While speaking he pointed over at the mentioned door that had slightly chipped paint on it.
So that’s where I had to go and then?
I had not been in the castle itself except for the grand entrance hall with the throne that I didn’t bother to look at.
I had absolutely no idea of the layout of the imposing building, but before I could ask anything else I heard a commotion from the front of the actual entrance gate.
Alarmed, I looked over as fast as I could, trying to figure out what was going on.
“Ah seems like the rest of the Division has arrived, well then, i’ll be off for now but i’m sure you’ll see me around”
I looked back at the Gardener but he had already walked away.
Wait, he had said that the rest of the division must have arrived, which meant Rikaad and Arthur were also here now!
I trotted over as fast as I dared, I didn’t run as that would surely freak people out but it was still fast regardless.
Going around the bend of the castle I could see the muddy forms of the Royal Guard led by Norrin and Rikaad.
After a few more seconds I also spotted Arthur who looked like he had fallen front first into mud.
He probably had done just that, I was pretty sure all of us were in dire need of a bath.
At least my short dip in the ocean had helped a lot already.
I came up to the troup from the side and the first person to notice me was Arthur.
“HOW in the FUCK are you here before us?!”
At his sudden outburst everyone else in the division turned to look at me.
Great, not what I had wanted at all, being stared at like a freak, but seeing their confused faces was kinda funny.
I’d have to tell Nea that later, if I even found where in the castle she was, she’d be amused I was sure.
Still, being stared at was not something I liked and I wished they would go somewhere else.
I tried my best to ignore it as I approached Arthur, bending down a bit to be more eye level with him.
“I found out that i can run really fast, the other two just kept urging me to go faster and faster so i did”
He just stared at me as if it had not crossed his mind that I could actually sprint in this form.
“So wait, how long have you been here? And Where are the others?”
Well I wasn’t sure how long I had actually been here,
but the other i could at least answer half.
“I don’t really know how long, just long enough for me to go and wash off the worst of the mud in the ocean, as for the other two they brought Nea to a Doc in the castle somewhere and Robin followed her”
He looked past me at the castle looking like he wanted to barge in and search for the ginger.
He was however, like everyone else in the division, still dripping with mud.
Whoever was in charge of cleaning the castle would have a stroke if they all went inside like this.
I swiveled my head around to try and spot Rikaad, he was standing next to Norrin again and apparently had asked one of the not muddy Guards for a bucket of water.
Why became clear not even a second later as he poured it over himself to wash the worst of the muck off.
Norrins face to this was hilarious, he looked really shocked, like he had just seen someone grow a second head.
But it did make sense, it got at least some of the mud off and the rest could be scrubbed off later.
Some other Guards had brought even more buckets so the rest of the division could rinse off too, which they promptly did, following Rikaads example.
Rikaad came over to me and Arthur while everyone else was busy with trying to get the mud off.
His hair was dripping with water and his clothing clung to his skin showing off his muscles.
He could probably toss me if I was my human sized self.
Ignoring the fact that the man could just fucking break me if he so desired i instead asked him how the trek back was.
“So you finally all arrived too, anything else happen that’s noteworthy?”
He shook his head.
“No, it was rather boring even, but walking while covered in mud is not something i recommend”
“Yeah especially as it started to dry, urgh i feel like my skin is cracking and i just want a bath to get all of this off of me”
Arthur chimed in, and a bath did sound good as there was still some muck stuck between the hairs of my fur.
That was not a sentence I ever expected to think.
“That sounds like a good idea, and i kinda want to shift back to my human size but i’m worried about getting stabbed if someone sees my pointy ears”
This was the place the old king had declared to kill any Faefolk so it was pretty obvious why i was so nervous about it, But I couldn’t stay as Ardua the entire time, I wanted to be able to use my thumbs and actually fit through doors.
“They wont as long as i’m near you, and that is also one of the things i will have to fix later as soon as i can get access to all the papers the old man signed”
Well, that was reassuring, and it was nice to know that Rikaad intended to fix all the Bullshit the old git did.
But there was also the fact that i did not want to shift in front of so many people, stupid as it may sound i felt kinda embarrassed, like changing pants in public, also i didn’t want everyone to know i could do that.
I was pretty sure that would be a recipe for disaster, especially if it was found out that it was the bracelet that let me do this.
No doubt someone would try to steal it, even if I was the only one that could actually use the thing.
If the thief then tried to use it they would die, like Oakley said.
So maybe I should find cover instead and shift there?
The weird barn storage area would probably do, and there was a door into the castle right next to it that I could use.
Yeah, that sounded like a good idea.
“I’m not going to shift in front of so many people though, What if one of them gets the idea to steal the bracelet? I’d rather not have that happen.
I think i’ll just hide in the weird built on shed for that”
At a nod from Rikaad i went around the castle again, followed by both of the smaller men.
Well smaller for now, Rikaad was a good bit taller than me at my normal size.
Human size? Smallest size?
Nothing about me was normal anymore so i wasn’t sure if i should call that my normal height, maybe original height?
Thinking about that too much would probably give me a headache so I let it be, it wasn’t really important anyway since I could just shift whenever I wanted.
As long as there was enough space of course.
While stepping around the corner of the castle I made sure not to accidentally tread on any of the meticulously planted flowers.
Then before I could push the door to the oversized shed open I heard a voice behind us.
All three of us looked back to who had spoken in unison.
“Sire? Where are you going? Do you need anything?”
It was Norrin, apparently he had seen us leaving and decided to follow his new king.
Rikaad actually didn’t look too happy about it, likely realizing that his private and freetime would be rather limited from now on.
Regardless of that he wasn’t unfriendly or rude about it as Norrin was only doing his job.
“I was going to bring Donovan and Arthur into the castle and look for Robin”
Norrin looked confusedly at me for a second.
yeah i didn’t fit inside the castle as Ardua but i intended to change that.
“Wh- i don’t think Donovan can fit through the doors, or do you plan on letting him climb through one of the bigger windows?”
The poor man was thoroughly confused now, and I guessed that I actually might fit through some of the bigger windows, but those were not on ground level and to reach them I would have to get to the second or third story.
Oh what the hell, Norrin knowing what exactly made me shift wouldn’t be bad, he might even be helpful with it.
“No that’s not the plan, i’m going to shift into a more human form and use the door”
He stared at me for a few more seconds, one eyebrow twitching a bit for a moment.
“You can do that? Why did you stay in the fuzzier form for so long then?”
Well now he was just as confused as before, as for why I stayed as Ardua, well.
“My ears are pointy in human form, i thought if i shifted i would immediately get stabbed, or worse”
Well I did get stabbed, but not in human form and not while in the kingdom, The itchy stitching was a constant reminder of that.
It was really annoying and I would ask Oakley if he had anything to stop it as soon as I could.
But Oakley wasn’t even here right now, so I would first go look for Robin and then see if I could take a bath to scrub the rest of this muck off of me.
Norrin still looked a tiny bit confused but didn’t seem to have any more questions.
There was nobody else here so I probably didn’t even have to go into the shed to shift.
Besides there was a good bit of open space around us aside from the castle wall so I doubted that if someone was looking our way they’d see what I was doing.
So without further messing about I twisted the gem back into its original position with one of my claws after fumbling with it for a second.
Shrinking was not the most pleasant sensation as it felt like air was just rushing out of my lungs and I couldn’t inhale for the duration of it but once that was done I was back down to my five foot eight height.
Not a lot compared to Rikaad and Norrin, but at least I was still taller than Arthur.
I bet he was not happy about that, but suddenly being smaller than Rikaad again was really weird.
Norrin just stared, like his brain was having trouble catching up with what he saw.
I couldn’t blame him for that really, that was not something you see everyday after all.
He stared for a few more seconds and then his brain seemed to have caught up with the present.
“I don’t know why but i expected you to have green hair”
Were the first words that left his mouth, and honestly?
That assumption wasn’t even that out of the box.
My entire fur had been green so to someone who didn’t know what my human form looked like such a guess was not far off.
But it was still funny, my hair was a normal shade of brown but as Ardua i had a green mess.
I’d have to ask Oakley why that is when I went to get help for the annoying itching.
But for now he wasn’t here, probably still hiding that ice staff somewhere so I would do the other stuff first.
On the to-do list was to find Robin and then get the rest of the mud off.
Now that I was in human form the muck clung to me and had soaked into my shirt, It was really unpleasant as it was starting to dry again from my dip in the ocean.
Eurgh, that felt awful.
Whatever, I would deal with that soon enough.
“I mean, my fur is green so I guess that would be an obvious assumption?”
Norrin was still just staring, and his gaze ended up wandering to my pointed ears.
I already did not like being stared at, but having people look at my ears especially made me uncomfortable and I self consciously put my hands over them.
Normally having anyone see them would only spell trouble for me so I was quite nervous even if I didn’t really have to be anymore.
Years of hiding them out of fear wouldn’t go away in a few days, hell it probably would take quite some time to even get used to actually sleeping without worry of getting stabbed or worse.
At least Norrin had the decency to look away after he saw me put my hands over them.
“Well uh where in the castle do you want to go?
I can show you the way? I know the layout pretty well”
Right, none of us had been in the castle that long, I hadn’t even been inside before so I would have no idea where the hell I was going.
At a nod from both me and Arthur, as well as Rikaad’s go ahead, He went inside first.
“You are looking for your red headed friend right?
Where did you say he’d gone?”
I just realized that Norrin did not know all of our names, He knew Rikaad of course as he was the king and maybe mine but I was pretty sure nobody had told him the names of the other two.
“He should be with Nea i think? He did enter the castle with her while i used sea water to get the worst mud off”
He nodded.
“The medical wing then, well, if they managed to convince Nea to go there at least”
Convincing Nea would probably take twice as long as her just accepting help and getting it over with, but aside from that there weren’t many other places to go in the castle.
At least not that I knew of.
Following the armored man through the tall corridor I noted that I could actually fit through the biggest ones as Ardua.
Also walking on two legs again was suddenly weird, I had become accustomed to the four legs way too quickly and now I felt I could way too easily be toppled over.
And without the fur my skin suddenly felt way too exposed, which in turn made me a tiny bit nervous again.
I ignored it as well as I could as I knew that was just nonsense, I was IN the castle next to the king who the hell would try anything?
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dravidssideblog · 8 months
"Do I really HAVE to reform them? This is such a pain." "It would be a lot easier if you had kept their soul together." "They're PREY, I don't bother holding onto my food's soul." "Okay, if you're going to live here, you seriously need a lesson on vore etiquette." "Etiquette? I'm a predator, I eat people, there's no etiquette for eating people." "There is here, and it's the reason why prey is so easy to catch. It's also the reason why there's no consequences, so unless you want this to be a repeat of what happened back at your home town, you're going to learn it." "Ugh, fine, whatever, I just gotta reform any prey I eat, right?" "Yes, absolutely, but there's more than just that. For one, you can't hurt prey while eating them, so next time watch it with the teeth and claws." "What?! That's ridiculous, how am I supposed to subdue my meal?" "You don't have to, because the prey can't hurt you either." "… Okay…" "Second, you can't keep prey for any longer than a week. Doesn't matter if you digest them or just keep them inside, after a week, you gotta reform them or let them go." "Eh, that's fine, I guess. Not much of a long-term guy anyhow." "You can't eat someone with a prey in their belly." "Wait a sec, that means that if I catch a prey, no one can eat me? That sounds pretty nice! Hanging out with other preds was always too risky before…" "If you eat a prey who's with a group, you have to offer to eat the rest of the group too." "Wait what? Offer? This one does make sense…" "Well, if a group of friends are hanging out together, it'd be rude to separate one from the rest. You can still eat them, of course, but if the others want to join their buddy in your belly, you have to eat them too." "If they… want to? That's common enough that there's an etiquette rule about it?" "Yeah. Reformation is guaranteed, remember? Makes prey a lot less opposed to getting eaten." "Huh… And to be clear, even if they don't want to, I can still eat the whole group anyway right?" "Right. Another thing, you can't break into someone's home to eat them. Well, you shouldn't break into people's homes in general, that's rude, but I felt like I should specify to you. Homes are a safe zone." "A safe zone, huh? Sounds annoying… What if they invite me in? That's not breaking in, right?" "Yeah, if you invite a pred into your house you're kinda accepting the risk of getting eaten. But if you're just relaxing in your house, you shouldn't have to worry about someone sneaking in to eat you." "… Yeah. Yeah, that sounds nice. Okay, what else?" "Uh… Oh, some prey and preds here have committed relationships." "What, like, preys dating preds!?" "Kinda, except instead of dating its dinner." "Dinner dates." "Yeah. Anyway, you can't eat someone's committed prey without the pred's permission. The pred also can't eat other prey without their prey's permission, but I doubt that'll ever come up for you." "Couldn't a prey just lie and say 'oh yeah I totally have a predfriend, they're from another town, you wouldn't know them, but yeah I'm taken sorry!'" "How did you know they're called 'predfriends'?" "Wait that's actually what they're called? Dude I was joking!" "Well, anyway, a prey lying about that would also be a break of etiquette. If you really think they're lying, I guess you can call their bluff and eat them anyway, but don't be surprised when their pred comes to punch your lights out." "Yeesh, alright, fine. Hey, you mentioned before that prey aren't allowed to hurt preds trying to eat them? Are there any other rules like that?" "Yeah! You mentioned, like, lacing clothes with chemicals or something to stop preds from eating you by making you taste bad? That kinda stuff isn't allowed." "Niiice." "There's also rules about when it's acceptable for a prey to force themself down a pred's throat, but-" "There are prey that do that!? That's awesome!" "Yeah I figured you wouldn't mind that."
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lesbianoms · 10 months
I’d be so happy to be your giantess. I would have to be one of the caring, attentive type preds- how could I ever be anything else with you so tiny and vulnerable inside me? You’re practically lost in my giant body, and I want to be certain I don’t misplace you. (Although if you do happen to slip down into my intestines, oh well. That is one of the hazards of our arrangement. I’ll enjoy your every wriggle and squirm all the more as you’re gently squished and massaged through the seemingly endless turns)
I have a very slim figure, but even with my flat tummy on full display, nobody would ever know where you are. That’s why I have to take such care of you, my sweet. I feel almost guilty thinking of the amount of trust you’re placing in me: not only not to harm you, but not to just… keep you. Nobody would ever, ever know
Ah but I shouldn’t think such things. I lay back and let my hands run lazily above you. You’re so deep in my body thanks to gravity, I wonder if you can even feel that. Maybe I will go out for a bit, just to enjoy keeping our little secret from everyone I- we, I suppose- pass
Oh ma’am, yesss please…. 🤤
I tried to write some prose in this response but your ask made me so wet that I can’t really think fancy right now
Fuck I’d just love to be sealed away inside your big slimy belly, just sloshing around gently for the ride in that gurgly paradise 🥵 and slipping into your intestines? Hell yes!! 😍 I’d love to be constricted and squeezed in there as I slide down deeper into your body~ oough, I can only imagine how that would feel for you…
The fact that I’d barely even make a dent in your flat tum, even with all my squirming, is just so damn gooooodd…
There’s this vore animation by TheWiking2000 that’s so hot, where the prey gets gulped down and you can barely see her struggles…
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I would love to recreate this tummy shot with you 🥰
The phrase “I’d be so happy to be your giantess” makes me swoon… well, I’d be happy to be your meal… keep me in there as long as you’d like honey ❤️
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random-vore-blog · 10 months
Are your requests open ?
If so, can I ask for protective Hawks vore ? :D
Yes, requests are open! And sorry for the long wait!
Being unable to use normal human voices was so troublesome for them. Out of all the cons their quirk had on them, it just HAD to take away their ability to talk normally in order for the damn quirk to work. It made life difficult, making them a target for many robbers and villains even!
" Awoop!"
Y/n said, mimicking what they remembered or heard last. That was their quirk. To be able to parrot anything that had happened in the last two hours. It was very frustrating.
" Quirky! Love it! Chirrup!"
Yeah... they had bird wings to show that they had a bird-based quirk. But luckily, they had a certain Pro Hero that didn't push them away like everyone else.
They heard a familiar voice call out their name, and they immediately turned around and took off into the air.
They flew towards the one that hadn't pushed them away. It was none other than Hawks himself
You flew into his arms, and nuzzled him like a cat.
" Woah! Excited to see me? You really are my biggest fan!"
He joked, hugging them as he chuckled. He had known them for a few months now. He was happy to see another bird quirk.
Even though they had a parrot quirk. He didn't mind if they repeated every word from 2 hours ago. They couldn't help it.
It also helped the heroes a lot, actually. They repeat what they had last heard two hours ago. Whether it was a villian or robber.
The moment didn't last, however. Villains attacked and a blast of energy hit your back. You squawked, and began shrinking drastically.
" Holy- Little bird? Are you alright?!"
They nodded, and squawked again. Hawks didn't know why he wanted to store them. It had NEVER crossed his mind to do so.
Without thinking, he opened his mouth and stuffed them inside. He swallowed thickly before getting ready to fight.
He could feel them squirm in his crop. Poor person didn't know that they were safe. Maybe he has gotten protective? He didn't know.
All he knew was that he had the need to protect them. And protect them he would. Even if it was in a bizarre way.
Sorry for posting this so late! I was busy with a story on my main blog! I hope you enjoyed though! And sorry it is short! I didn't have an idea for where it should go!
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shadowwolfmemes · 7 months
Intro post
Should've done this shit sooner, but greetings! My name is Liana, I'm currently 17 years old, a female senior in high school, and I'm on a spectrum of autism with the side of ADHD and OCD.
I don't know why I'm doing this now, but whatever. Anyways, I like to write stories on Wattpad because writing has always been my passion ever since I was in Elementary. Enough about me, I would like to get to know you better and hope we can become good friends.
If I say anything that comes off too harsh and I don't seem aware of it, please let me know because my social cues are absolute dogshit.
Stay 10 galaxies away from me if you're: a zoophile, homophobic, a pedophile, sexist, racist, a necrophile, ableist or a proshipper.
And no strange kinks like foot fetishes or any kind of vore on my page. Keep that weird shit away from me.
And PLEASE read the rules before interacting!
My friends: @l4rge-spe4ker @coolbeardrunaway @luney2mooney @luciledrakkhen @sfhkbjdfsuihscn @mokenlol @silvermoon7172 @flowerzgacha
I'm going to lay down some rules for those who are new here.
Rule number one: Don't send a hate ask! Even if you ask anonymously, I'll just delete your ask out of my inbox. If you hate me too much, then don't waste your time interacting with me.
Rule number two: DO NOT ASK ME FOR IRL PORN! I don't care if you're joking or not, I'll block you if you mess around too much. Just a heads up for all those creeps who happened to run across this blog.
Rule number three: If you have a request like asking me to draw your character to meet any of my characters, please be precise with your ask. If it's too vague, then I wouldn't know what you want me to do.
Rule number four: If you sent an ask, please be patient with me. If I'm taking too long to answer, I might either be in school, offline for a while or unmotivated. Rushing me will only discourage me.
Rule number five: If you don't like my art, then go cry about it. I don't have to make it to your liking. Just scroll past my blog and ignore me, it's not hard at all. That's all I ask. TwT
Rule number six: If you want to draw my OC's for fanart or want to use them as profile pictures, that'll be fine as long as you don't claim them as your own character. If you want to use any of my OC's for anything content related, then please by all means, ask permission first. If I catch anyone stealing my art, I'm instantly reporting and blocking.
Rule number seven: Similarly to what I said in rule number two, do not send rule 34 images to my blog because not only am I currently 17 years old, but some of my followers are minors, too. Even when I come of age eventually, do be mindful. And that includes drawing rule 34 of my OC's and sending them to me because I don't appreciate that (even though most of them are adults).
[Friendly reminder: This is MY blog, I have the right not to answer an ask if I don't want to. If you don't like that, it ain't that hard to scroll past.]
Meet the mascot of my blog:
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For those who are new, this is the main mascot, Liana Longtail. She's 24 year old dire wolf lycanthrope who likes to make friends and just be herself.
She may look sweet, but she is not to be mistaken with the girl next door.
Liana may be gentle, but try not to take that for granted or else you'll be leaving with a sore bottom or worse, having a giant burnt hole in your pants.
She may look cute, but she will bite if she needs to.
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