#Why magic makes Equestria unstable
arcs-journal · 8 months
Magical Physiology; Pony Species
The Thaumaturgic physiology of the basic pony species is interesting, if naught else. And each subspecies of pony has different strengths and weaknesses on the basis of these magical pathways throughout the body. In this entry, I plan to attempt to explain these as best I possibly can, within the four pony species.
Earth Ponies
Beginning with the easiest to explain, Earth ponies have a very basic thaumaturgic physiology, in that most of their magic is spread evenly through their body. However, unlike their cousins, Earth Pony's mostly reinforce their own physical bodies with this latent power. Much of their raw physical strength comes down to just how much magical power they can cycle through their muscles and bodies.
It's also why, historically, Earth Ponies are hardier, tougher and much more resistant to damage and disease than their cousins. Consequently however, their magic can be fed into the land as well, thus their famed abilities to cultivate and sculpt landscapes, leading to some of the best farmers in Equestria, such as the famed Apple, Orange and Cherry families, all being Earth Pony lines.
That being said, their power to sculpt can into the power to destroy as well, as is possible for all power. Records indicate the very first Earth Pony to make her way into the guard, a little known 'Shale Stone', earned her spot by decimating a well known lieutenant in a challenged duel at the time by kicking small boulders at him that she herself broke out of the grounds of the dueling field. Lieutenant Thunderclap, respectfully and rather enthusiastically, petitioned to have her inducted immediately for training.
It's said her family line still exists today, but as rock farmers, whatever that means.
Pegasus Ponies
Pegasi are nimble, light and known for their aerial acrobatics. However, physiologically, their wings should not be capable of lifting their own weight. From a purely scientific standpoint, a pegasi's wings would have to be twice their body length in order to lift them off the ground.
However, their innate magical power allows them to do so by manipulating just how much air they displace as they flap. The magical pathways of a pegasi don't lend well to physical power, but does lend to endurance and speed, with much of their magic pushed into their wings, and tips of their hooves. "Tips of their hooves Arc?" I hear you ask, "Why would that matter?"
It's how they mold the clouds, and how they harvest rainbows. It also helps prevent them from being electrocuted by storm clouds when they jump on them at three in the morning outside your bedroom window. Some pegasi are less inclined to fly than others, and that does show in their thaumaturgic physiology. The caretaker of animals in Ponyville and Element of kindness, Fluttershy, is a perfect example of this.
In other cases, like her fellow element Rainbow Dash, the magic pathways are almost overdeveloped, leading to air splitting feats of aerial speed that could lead to shockwaves as they break the sound barrier, moving faster than you could hear them. These feats have, naturally over time, made their bodies more resistant to forces like gravity, but still, according to Thunderclap, very much vulnerable to taking a rock to the face.
Unicorn Ponies
The most unique of the first three subspecies, Unicorns are physically weak, and often push towards physically fragile. With almost all of their magical pathways being pushed solely towards their horns, the focal point for their ability to physically manifest magic, it leaves very little for other improvements, save for a reservoir or, as we will call it, a 'pool' of raw mana held generally in the chest area.
As a result of this, Unicorns are often considered smart, clever, or dangerous, and it's rarely just one of those. A unicorn's inherent ability to absorb magic at a higher rate, and also externalise it makes their pathways the most unstable, but also the largest. Historically speaking, unicorns used this ability to look down upon the other pony species, and it's a great stain upon our legacy.
That being said, Some unicorns are much more proficient, or are perhaps wired better, in using their natural born talents than others, and others show a natural proficiency not just for efficiently utilising their own magic, but also in absorbing more to keep casting. Powerful, well known unicorns such as Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Shining Armour and Starswirl the bearded were known to have immense storage capacity, fantastic absorption, or a mixture of both.
Others, such as myself, not so much.
It should be stated I am no expert in Thestral physiology, either thaumaturgically or physically speaking. However a cursory study has lent itself well to the development in the olfactory and visual organs of our nocturnal cousins, alongside similar strengths to the Pegasi's wings. The ability to screech to debilitate foes appears to be a purely physical ability evolved from their nocturnal habitats. This warrants further study, and I would be greatly lucky to have such a chance.
Asking to study one's thaumaturgic physiology, by the way, usually leads to being accused of perversion and slapped upside the head. Many apologies and a swift refusal met my explanation.
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ask-de-writer · 6 years
To begin with, let us consider the consequences of the use of magic on massive scales and the nature of time itself.
Let us begin with TIME. 
Seems obvious, doesn’t it?  I mean Past, Present and Future.  The only problem with that division of time is that it REQUIRES predestination and is wide open to paradoxes.  The real issue with it lies in that part known as the Future.  If it is fixed, it cannot be changed.  You are stuck, no matter what you do.
Worse, if every action in the Present causes a new line to begin, Cup O Time Noodles, anyone?  At what event scale does a new time line begin?  With each heartbeat or breath?  With each deadly accident avoided, or not?
Thus, Past, Present and Future leads to chaos.
For the purposes of my tales time does still have three parts but they are the Immutable Past, the Plastic Present and the Absolute Instant of the Present.  The Future exists only as a range of mathematical abstractions.  These become reality in the Absolute Instant of the Present.  There follows a short period called the Plastic Present in which things are perceived and reacted to.  As the Plastic Present passes, it becomes the Immutable Past.
This has multiple consequences for the very creation of the whole world of Equestria.   It is obviously a created world.  The Creators I sort of stole from a long gone comic by Digity Demon.  He had Applejack as a Religious Conservative who pities Twilight for her lack of faith in the Creator Titans.
My Equestria was a project of the Creator Titans that all but one of them dropped.  The Titan of Life Creation, who presented herself to De Writer and later to Luna and Celestia as a young pegasus mare named Skyglow, has tried to repair the inherent flaws built into Equestria.
Celestia and Luna jointly are her fix.  They have been given a LIMITED control of the Magic of Creation for the purpose of preserving Equestria as a habitable world. 
Celestia does not control the rising and setting of the sun, though it appears that she does to ponies.  What she actually does is adjust hundreds of factors relating to the planet itself.  These include such things as the rates of rotation of the crust, the core, the strength of magnetic field and the very angle of the axis of the planet.
Luna does a similar service for the moon but includes maintaining the orbital distance, among other things.  The moon keeps trying to orbit in closer and closer until destructive break up at the Roche’s Limit.  The fragments, some huge, would fall in a rain of meteoric destruction.
What makes the world so unstable in the first place?  Magic.
Magic?  Right.  Literally billions of ponies are doing everything from lifting and holding objects, pegassi flying, to harvesting apples.  Apples?  AJ bucks a whole tree and the apples all fall into the baskets!  Tell me that is not magic at work.  Earth pony magic is just not as obvious as a unicorn’s.
So, how does that magic mess up a world?  It comes from somewhere.  For it to work at all, it needs to alter the physical constants that make the rest of the universe work.  Little things like G, the universal gravitational constant.  The strong and weak nuclear forces need to be manipulated.  e, that electronic things need.  Newton’s Laws, anyone?  Seen Twilight, at a couple of hundred kilos tops, flip about a water tank that weighs tonnes?  That is only a few examples.
Any of these things done by one pony alone would make no measurable difference.  Billions of ponies all messing about like that makes for bad news indeed.  Around Equestria G is in a state of constant flux.  It is not alone, either.
That is WHY Celestia and Luna are needed to balance things out!
Pity that they don’t just raise the Sun and Moon.  That would be easy by comparison!
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
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smile-files · 4 years
melon’s comprehensive kinlist!
including name of character, source, image, short personality description, mbti, and then why i kin them! take your time to read, or don’t. i get it if you don’t want to scroll through an entire page just to psychoanalyze me lmao, have a good time
1. wirt (over the garden wall)
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an angsty, socially awkward dweebus who nerds out over interior design and plays the clarinet. fears death. infp.
my first kin! for a month after rewatching otgw i desperately wanted to be him. to be like him. anything!! it eventually wore away but i still feel that urge sometimes - the urge to write r/im14andthisisdeep poetry and to distance one’s self from their siblings... and heck - his tape for sara is indeed just as awkward as he is but let me assure you that his poetry and clarinet are actually pretty cool. 9/10 i need to see him more. give me more otgw comics. ok thanks.
2. snufkin (moomins)
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a philosophical vagabond of vague age. acts stoic all the time but can and will leave every social situation whether or not it’s humanly possible. infp.
after watching some 90s moomin (and later on moominvalley) i realized how much i liked him and how much i was like him; i soon daydreamed of myself, as snufkin, venting to someone. it made me very happy. i vibe with his general demeanor and ideals (minus his gripes about rules, i follow those by the book) and i love psychoanalyzing him. so fun. so fun.
3. arnold perlstein (the magic school bus)
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overly-anxious jewish kid and certified expert on rocks and panicking. owns a pair of fire-proof pyjamas in a lovely shade of green. isfj.
you all saw this one coming. my early childhood lives in my mind rent free and such i can’t help but revisit arn and his character. i’ve always loved him (even in, and quite possibly especially in, the reboot) and i’ve always loved psychoanalyzing every single little thing he does (remember that one time he said he was traumatized? me too). i soon realized a lot of it was me projecting! so sue me. actually, sue miss frizzle. either one of them. i mean, if arnold really didn’t like the field trips he could’ve just filed a restraining order! ...just saying.
4. fluttershy (my little pony)
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anxious pastel butterfly baby child. probably loves animals more than she loves herself. cries upon impact. isfj.
the pony i’d mentally point to and think “me”. i had like 10 fluttershy-related things growing up, like plushies or funko pops or that sdcc guardians of harmony thing. while not shy in the same manner, it was nice having a character i could relate to about so much! i cosplayed as her equestria girls form for my first comic con as well, so that’s pretty cool. in addition, me being a little lepidopterist means i was bound to love her. it was destiny~
5. lammy lamb (um jammer lammy)
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socially anxious and generally anxious rock star who thinks literally everything is a guitar. has an emotional support girlfriend. infp.
man!! she embodies the feeling when you have to go to the eye doctor by yourself to get your glasses fixed or when you have to call someone over the phone... that sheer tension. the panic. the feeling of ‘i want to throw my entire being into the trash can’. but lammy has a bunch of friends to support her, so she’s cool. died by slipping on a banana peel! same, sister. and man would i like to shred on my ukulele now...
6. loser (bfb)
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humble (screw bfb 21), supportive, well-loved cube dude who’s voice is like that of an angel. has an entire fanclub in his honor. enfj.
okay, no, i was never a cool kid or ‘popular’, really, but in school i was never bullied for whatever reason and was generally well-liked; i hung out with a squad of weirdos and yet the cool kids would often talk to me? and try to engage me?? despite my very apparent self-deprecation and awkwardness??? either way i feel like it’s such a blessing to me, that i have so many friends! i often feel like i don’t deserve it, but hey. it’s nice! and heck, back when i was on scratch i had a little fanclub myself :0
7. fan (inanimate insanity)
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nerdy, friendly aspie boyo who subliminally vents via blogging. longs for stability in his life; was best friends with an egg. entp.
ever since i noted his aspergers-like behavior i became super attached to him - whether or not it was intentional, i found it nice having a character i can relate those feelings with. he’s really sweet and dorky and i love how he gets along with test tube, paintbrush, and lightbulb! it makes me really happy to see him whenever i do. it made me really sad when he was eliminated. what the heck. yeah i dunno i don’t kin him super strongly but i love him to bits.
8. spinel (steven universe the movie)
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emotionally unstable clown girl who stood in a garden for thousands of years. patience of a saint. edge like an 11-year-old me. esfp.
uhh um uh totally wasn’t completely disturbed by how much i related to spinel after watching steven universe the movie... totally wasn’t reminded about how and why i hated middle school... totally didn’t rethink my life that day... that’s it. this is all i’m saying.
9. molly blyndeff (epithet erased)
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innocent child who has a terrible father and a wonderful demeanor. teddy bear who needs a hug and a criminal as her new dad. infp.
epithet erased is adorable okay?? i knew molly was infp in the first few minutes... more precisely, i knew she was me. man!! i don’t relate directly to her angst but i still feel it. i can replicate her voice so accurately it’s scary. also, i coined a new thing -  ‘molly cake’! you have a chocolate cake, preferably with chocolate chips inside. use chocolate frosting and add little pastel star sprinkles! on top! my mom would make this cake for us anyway but then i realized it was literally just molly in cake form. and it’s just as sweet!
10. tommy coolatta (hlvrai)
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a 30-something-year-old child who rocks a propeller hat. chose his last name off of a dunkin donuts menu despite the fact that he has a father. infp.
everyone loves tommy. he’s so sweet? and funny and loveable?? often times when i say something funny but bizarre, i just remember that tommy has said ‘soda helps you see faster’ and it makes me happy. if i’m going to be a weirdo i want to be the wholesome weirdo who loves soda and has a .png for a dog! also i legally have to kin tommy. i took a test for it (and i’m not complaining! i find it quite flattering).
11. twyla (monster high)
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the daughter of the boogeyman; would very much like to boogey out of here, if you know what i mean. avoids people like the plague. infj.
seeing her role in the show and in the movies, i really love twyla? first of all, her voice is my new favorite thing. it’s like... gravelly? and soft? she’s the type of person who would very much like to disappear when in a crowd; thankfully, she literally can. i am drawn to any sarcastic, self-deprecating introvert who takes care of their bonkers extrovert friend (in this case howleen), as i often act as such myself. also the phrase ‘boogey sand’ will never leave my mind now :)
12. lapis lazuli (steven universe)
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water gem who wants you to leave. cynical as all heck, sensitive as all hell. is there such thing as a gem therapist? just asking. infp.
in a similar way to twyla, i vibe with lapis’ sarcasm and wit as well as her emotional side. it can be kind of addicting, isolating one’s self. anywho, me and my sister used to do this routine of yelling up to each other this certain dialogue between lapis and peridot when peri was leaving for something (in which lapis replied to everything she said with dry ‘yeah’s); i would always do lapis’ part. i do reply a lot with ‘okay’ or ‘yeah’ or ‘cool’ to things people tell me, as i never really know what to say.
13. brad meltzer (xavier riddle and the secret museum)
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shy jewish butterfly kid who absolutely hates time travel. attracted to people who know how to socialize like a normal human being. infp(?).
okay okay so... combine everything from arnold and everything from fluttershy and that’s basically what brad is to me. a jewish socially anxious nerd who loves butterflies and drawing. badabing badaboom, there i am. that’s it.
and boom! all of the kins i can think of, of course not including comfort characters like will byers from stranger things or isabelle from animal crossing. if you have any kins to suggest to me, i would love it! thank you for taking your time to read this, friend! have a fantastic day :)
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beyondourborders · 5 years
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Hello! Welcome to this blog. I’m BootsDotEXE (aka Lividcreativity), the artist and creator of this comic. Normally I’ve only uploaded this comic to my Deviantart page, however recently I’ve decided to branch out and create a separate Tumblr blog for it. :3
Since I’m an MLP fan among many other things, I make alot of MLP;FiM art. Being a long-time fan, I’ve been spending alot of my free time working on this fan-comic of the series. You can click Here for some extra teasers and concepts if you’re curious about reading into more of the general lore and artwork around it. The name of the comic is Beyond our Borders, and is a more realistic, mature AU (Alternate Universe) of the original cartoon that is set in a universe my friend and I are working on together.  Keep in mind that the comic is not Canon, and is a completely alternate universe of the MLP;FiM lore. Some things are very different from the canon lore, and it WILL bend the rules a slight bit.
This story is an AU where Equestria is part of a universe that my friend and I are building. (more info on that universe on my Deviantart lividcreativity.deviantart.com .)
Equestria is highly unstable due to magic levels rapidly rising for unknown and uncontrollable reasons, making their land unstable and breaking apart. The excess magic is causing ponies to act out and lose control over themselves, turning against each other and causing massive tension between relationships. Other unknown “creatures” who have waited centuries for this to happen are waking up, and might cause even more havoc to an already unstable land, eventually tipping it over the edge if nothing is done. This comic will follow this story of how Equestria and beyond is rapidly deteriorating and what kind of events happen on the inside when this all goes down, and how the characters desperately try to figure out why it’s happening and how to fix it before the planet falls into hands it doesn’t belong to. The story follows the main protagonist, Featherfall. A lonesome earth-pony of the southern Hitchocki tribe, that has a taste for exploration beyond his tribes’ forbidden borders. Recently, a lot of tension has began rising with the influx of modern ponies colonizing their lands, forcing him and his tribe to hide and slowly get choked out. He begins going behind his Chiefs’ and tribes’ back to venture North towards the kingdom of Equestria, wanting to know what else is out there and why his tribe is so adamant on never letting one of their own venture to those lands; hopefully finding a way to make peace with the enemy from the north and prevent his family from extinction. But soon enough, what he finds up in the foreign lands was way further beyond the limits of his imagination and fears. His search for answers turns into a journey far beyond what he could’ve ever wished for, shifting his understanding of Equestria’s borders over the edge to the point of no return.
Quick note: This is an AU of MLP:FiM and is nothing canon to the original cartoon. I am not claiming the concept of MLP:FiM as my own, It’s simply a fan comic of the show that is mixed in with my own original universe. So please don’t get you pickles in a twist. Thanks! ———————————————- Equestria has faced many hardships. Discord, Nightmare Moon, King Sombra, Queen Chrysalis, The Umbrums, Tirek, the Storm King… there are many. And every single time, the kingdom and it’s many neighboring empires has managed to stand up for themselves no matter the challenge that stands in their way. They have all the magic they need in order to sustain themselves from evil. And not a single drop goes to waste. But then there are times when magic can become a little bit too… overwhelming. The times when you’ll need more than the magic of Friendship to come save you. The times when the very land you’re standing on is turning against you. The times when the ponies you trust most are turning against you. The times when you turn on yourself. The times when you realize there’s more beyond the borders you thought you knew. Way more than even the most powerful of alicorns can comprehend. It’s there, kid. Waiting for you to come say hello. Waiting for you to slip up. And once you do, well… then it’s your turn to wait. I’ve been doing it for a thousand years and then some. it gets boring after a while. So I won’t keep you waiting for long like I’ve done with that old friend of mine. I’ll take good care of you. Forever.
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kittykatanimelove22 · 6 years
Sonic/Equestria Girls Au Information and Lore
It's finally time to show you all something that I've had in my head for years and I promised myself that this year I would introduce it, AND TODAY IS THAT DAY. This crossover isn't like any other story where "sonic and his friends travel to the world of equestria girls because eggman messed up the timeline or mephiles miraculously came back and sent them there on a magic portal thingie for revenge" Nope, this is vastly different. Before I begin, I'd like to clarify that this takes place in a hybrid universe where the IDW/archie comics/games take place. I love the archie characters too much to NOT let them be a part of it. Basically, it's the IDW/game verse but with archie characters in them, along with a few events that happened and some cities that are in the old comics (i.e Knothole, Meropis etc.). Another note is that some of my ocs, and their species, are in this au as well! The species is called Novians.
Here's a list of the Archie characters: Sally Acorn and her family (Elias, Max etc.) Uncle Chuck (I'm a bit unsure if I want to add Sonic's parents since I'm still figuring things out) Scourge the hedgehog Fiona Fox The Freedom Fighters (Bunnie, Nicole, Antoine etc.) Mina Mongoose Shard the Metal Sonic Razor The Shark Coral the Betta Pearly the Manta Ray Honey the Cat Nack and his gang Hope Kintobor Rob O' the Hedge Some of the Echidna clan (which is honestly a huge maybe because I want Knuckles to have at least SOME of his people alive) Snively Robotnik (Also a huge maybe) ..and that's it so far! I'll update the list if I forgot a character. Some of the character's backstories are a mix of what Archie had and what the post-genesis wave had for them. For example, during the war with Eggman, King Max sent his wife Alicia and their son Elias to Angel Island to escape to safety when Sally was a baby. When they crash landed, and were presumed dead, Max groomed Sally to be the next heir for the Acorn kingdom until her father was banished in The Special Zone years later, he came back though. Alicia and Elias came back the same way they did in the Archie comics. Another thing to know is that some of my ocs, and their species, are in this au as well! The species is called Novians, they coexist with the equestrians. My OC's that exist in this au Isis Minorel Pacifica Catrine Jackson Somber and a few more that I haven't introduced yet! Jack and Isis are not energy vampires in this au but they still have their powers. NOW ONTO THE PLOT!! ~__________________________~ Basic Information: In this au, the Mane 7 are all sisters and Celestia is their mother, Isis is their adopted sister and Derpy is their first cousin, making her Luna's daughter. Celestia is queen of the equestrian humans, while Luna and Cadence are her royal advisors. Jack's father, Fredrick Somber is the monarch for all of the Novian species, he has a good friendship with Celestia. They reside in the kingdom of Equestria on Mobius, while the Seaquestrians live in the deep blue ocean not too far from where the kingdoms reside. They aren't from Mobius originally, they come from their own separate planet but it became uninhabitable. The equestrians are on peaceful terms with most of the species on the planet, especially the Mobians, and do whatever they can to help. Equestrian Human Species Info: Equestrian humans look the same in the original EG movie but the difference is that they have abilities based on their pony counterparts. Pegasi-based Equestrian humans can summon their wings at will, just like how Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy did in the first movie and so on. Magic-based (AKA unicorns) Equestrian humans can use their magical abilities to lift things or use them as a weapon for self defense, they DO NOT have horns. Earth-based Equestrian humans are just like regular humans but with a slight enhance of strength. Alicorn-based is just magic and pegasi mixed together. The Mane 7 and the Elements of Harmony: The Elements of Harmony were assigned to the 7 princesses at birth, much different to how the elements were assigned to their previous users. There are seven elements: Honesty Kindness Magic Laughter Loyalty Generosity Forgiveness There used to be six, but their late father had unleashed the element because of his forgiving nature and heart. Isis doesn't have an element but is still considered very powerful. ALL of the Mane 7's abilities in this au are the same powers they have in the fourth movie and mini series, the only difference is that they don’t transform unless they use their elements. They do have different transformation designs throughout the story, like how Sailor Moon does. I wanted Sunset's element to be forgiveness because she started out as an arrogant and cruel person when she was introduced. After her defeat, she had worked so hard to not only become a better person, but to also receive forgiveness from the people around her, including herself. Sunset is the literal reason why this au exists and I love her for that. An important fact about Sunset is that she has pyrokinetic powers in this au, which she inherited from her mother. It is dubbed, The Royal Flame. Pyrokinetic Abilities - Can control ANY kind of fire - Can breathe in fire - Can control her body temperature in cold weather - Her fire won't burn people she trusts, unless she commands it too - If she gets wet her powers won't work for a little while - When angry or frustrated, her body gets super hot - If she becomes emotionally unstable, she turns into her she-demon form, it happened once Mane 7 Ages and Birthdays (From oldest to youngest) (These birthdays are not canon to MLP, I made them up)
Sunset Shimmer: Age: 19 D.O.B: June 16th Species: Alicorn-based (yes she has wings sHHH-
Applejack: Age: 19 D.O.B: November 29th Species: Earth-based
(Isis would be here)
Rarity: Age: 18 D.O.B: February 14th Species: Magic-based
Fluttershy & Rainbow Dash: Age: Both 17 D.O.B: March 4th Species: Pegasai-based
Pinkie Pie: Age: 16 D.O.B: April 1st Species: Earth-based
Twilight Sparkle: Age: 15 D.O.B: December 3rd Species: Magic-based
((Before you ask, equestrian humans reproduce fast and the gestation period is at least 6-7 months)) Relationships this is what happens when the creator is a huge shipper-
Sunset Shimmer x Shadow the hedgehog (ShadowShimmer)
Sonic x Isis (Sonisis)
Pacifica x Jet the Hawk (Jetcifica)
Jack x Blaze the Cat (Jackaze)
Applejack x Elias Acorn (EliJack)
Rarity x Knuckles the Echidna (Knuxity)
Fluttershy x beret-wearing jackal from the Jackal Squad (Crimshy) 
((Crimson is my headcanon name for him))
Rainbow Dash x Gadget the Wolf (GadgetDash)
Pinkie Pie x Espio the Chameleon (EspioPie)
Twilight Sparkle x Silver the Hedgehog (SilverSparkle)
Celestia x Infinite (Celestifinte)
Derpy Hooves x Scourge the Hedgehog (Derpourge)
Princess Skystar x Razor the Shark (Skyzor) ((I haven't seen the movie yet so please no spoilers))
Zecora x Uncle Chuck?? and many more I have yet to introduce~ ~~~~~~~~~ History: Before they arrived on Mobius, the Equestrian humans weren't just one of Mobius' "inhabitants" and Equestria wasn't just a series of kingdoms. Oh no, it was once an entire planet bursting with life. The Equestrian race and the other inhabitants of the planet, Novians, coexisted together in peaceful tranquility. Throughout the years the two species would adapt and expand, turning villages into towns, towns to cities, cities to kingdoms. With the Novians vast knowledge of elements  and alternative fuel, and the Equestrians intelligent and superb skills in magic, it seemed that it would be perfect... but like all harmonious times, the destructive flames of war will soon come when unexpected and burn it all to the ground. There was another species among the Equestrians, Novians and Seaquestrians. They were the Centaurs. The Centaur race currently has a very rocky relationship with most of the other races from Equestria, the reason why is because of one single Centaur, Tirek. Many years ago, when he was just an organizer at a scroll store, Tirek had a huge dislike towards the Equestrian race, he hated them because the Centaurs didn't have much land nor much help at all. He thought they were selfish and greedy, hogging all the land for themselves and not leaving any for his people. He studied the arts of Dark Magic along with his brother Scorpan who also shared the same disdain for them as he did,  Once Tirek mastered it he had a battle to the death with the Centauran leader with him being the victor, after he disposed of him he took it upon himself to become the new leader of the Centaurs and wage war on the Equestrians and every other race that dared go against him. The Centaur War was the most brutal war ever, countless soldiers were killed, innocents were slaughtered, and kingdoms had fallen.Scorpan, now seeing the consequences of all of this tried reasoning with him. Feeling betrayed, Tirek murdered him out of anger and continued with his plans. For many, many years the Equestrians and Novians had fought long and hard but it seemed that they had reached a stalemate, they started to lose hope. It wasn''t until Galactus Centauri, a vigilante from the Crystal Empire had stepped in to help. Without knowing it, his kind heart and forgiving nature had revealed the lost element of harmony, Forgiveness. With the power of the 7th element, Galactus, Celestia and the other elements of Harmony had forced the Centaurs into submission. Most of them gave up and surrendered to the Equestrians, but not Tirek. Tirek, along with his minions and followers had disappeared. After they left for the time being, Galactus and Celestia married and had seven beautiful girls which would later on be eight when they adopt a 5 year old Novian orphan named Isis. Things seem to slowly get better for the Equestrians.....until Zecora had a horrifying vision. She had quickly told the king and queen that the planet was slowly dying and forming dangerous volcano's everywhere, the reason being all of the magic Tirek took during the war. She stated that in approximately 7 months the planet would become nothing more than a volcanic wasteland. With no time to lose they informed every citizen and species on Equestria that they will be evacuating the planet. Every spaceship was filled with Equestrians, Novians, the animals that were saved, and even some Centaurs. Galactus thought it would be okay, that they would finally be free from the war, and Tirek. Until he heard that his daughters Pinkie Pie and Sunset Shimmer were kidnapped by the centaur warlord. Galactus and a few soldiers went on a rescue mission to save them, unbeknownst to them that the volcano's were coming toward to where they were. In the end, Galactus, Sunset and Pinkie were the only ones who escaped Tirek. When they had reached their home castle the ships had already left because it turns out that planet's core was ready to burst early. After confronting, and defeating, Tirek once again in the castle, the three had reached to a magic teleportation chamber. There was another chamber on the ship that could teleport them back, but it required a lot of magic to do so. Galactus was heavily injured from his battle with Tirek, he didn't have time to heal because a volcano had formed under the castle and would burst any second. He had to act quick, he only had enough magic to teleport two people. So with every last bit of his magic and energy he teleported a heartbroken Sunset Shimmer and Pinkie Pie back on the ship, leaving him to die as soon as they were gone. Equestria had mourned for it's lost king and their lost home, but soon they would find a new home, with new allies and new foes as well. They would rebuild, adapt, expand and help those in need, just like they did all those years ago.... ANNNND THAT'S MY AU FOLKS!! I HOPE TO DRAW IT REAL SOON! I didn't go into full detail on the history part because I want to keep some things secret for now ;3 I really hope you love it as much as I do!! I poured my heart and soul into this au, it's one of the best creations I've ever made ;v; it felt so good to pour out all of this after keeping it to myself for so many years, especially the ships TwT Feel free to ask questions and tell me what you think! ^O^/
DA Link: Here
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allspark · 7 years
It’s time for our weekly Diamond Comics Shipping List! Another week light on Transformers titles, but IDW does not disappoint. Check out some interesting titles being released this coming week like the Hasbro Heroes Sourcebook, M.A.S.K., DuckTales, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Back to the Future, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and  more! All coming your way for December 12th!
John Barber, Cullen Bunn, Sina Grace, Various (A) Robert Atkins, Guido Guidi, Paolo Villanelli, Various (CVR) Marcelo Borstelmann
From the pages of Transformers, G.I. Joe, Rom, M.A.S.K.: Mobile Armored Strike Komand, Micronauts, Action Man, and Revolutionaries comes the ultimate guide to the heroic and villainous champions of Hasbro! The new post-Revolution universe’s biggest movers and shakers from Acroyear to Zarana are all here with detailed bios and astonishing art by today’s top talent! Plus, three back-up stories that expand upon the new lore of the shared universe; fantastic spreads of the bases of G.I. Joe, Optimus Prime, and the Micronauts; and if you look closely, hints of things to come! •   From today’s top creative talent! •   Advance solicited for December release!
Brandon Easton, David Rodriguez (A) Juan Samu, Drew Moss, Andrew Griffith (CVR) Marcelo Perez Dalannays
M.A.S.K. is a team of heroes that streaks into the dangerous, unstable landscape of dark wars, high intrigue, and non-stop action where they’ll encounter the nearly unstoppable threat of Miles Mayhem and his black ops squadron known as V.E.N.O.M.
THE ORIGIN OF V.E.N.O.M.! As the M.A.S.K. team constructs a new headquarters in Miami, Matt Trakker goes on a solo mission to identify new recruits. Along the way, Trakker crosses paths with Dr. Mindbender, who instructs him on the art of leadership and manipulation. But Trakker quickly uncovers Mindbender’s twisted goals and learns the true history of his former teammates who became members of V.E.N.O.M. Collects issues #6-10 and the 2017 Annual.
Bob Gale, John Barber (A/CVR A) Marcelo Ferreira (CVR B) Xavi Montell
“TIME SERVED, FINALE!” Endings and beginnings! As the first volume of the smash hit series races to a close in this oversized final issue, Marty uncovers the last secret of Jailbird Joey Baines-while Doc Brown and family prepare for an all-new adventure! •   Oversized grand finale to Volume 1 of IDW’s hit BTTF ongoing series! •   Sets up an all-new BTTF adventure-coming soon! •   Chock full of fun extras!
Joey Cavaleri, Joe Caramagna (A) Luca Usai, Gianfranco Florio (CVR A&B) Marco Ghiglione
The adventures of Duckburg’s most famous citizens continue! First, Scrooge and company find themselves stuck in Happy, Happy Valley, where everyone is a little too happy! Then, can Huey, Louie and Dewey overcome the Curse of the Twin Samurai (and maybe make a little money too)?
(A) Tony Vargas, Sam Barlin, Mark Fitzpatrick
Few diversions in Republic City offer as much excitement as attending a pro-bending game! This is doubly true when the teams facing off in the hexagonal ring are the reigning champs, the White Falls Wolfbats, and their fierce challengers, the Future Industry Fire Ferrets!
In The Legend of Korra: Pro-Bending Arena, 2 players face off as either the White Falls Wolfbats or the Future Industry Fire Ferrets in an attempt to defeat their opponent and take of the title of Pro-Bending Champions. Blending card drafting, resource placement, and area control, players in The Legend of Korra: Pro-Bending Arena draft unique decks for each bender on their team, equip special team-ability trick cards, and strategically place their team members and the elements they bend on the board. Push the farthest forward, or in a real show of strength, knock out the other team entirely, to claim the pro-bending championship! •   Advance solicit for December release! •   Game design from Sen-Foong Lim (Junk Art) and Jessey Wright (Pocket Adventure)!
Jeremy Whitley, Christina Rice (A) Tony Fleecs, Agnes Garbowska (A/CVR) Jay P. Fosgitt
Celebrate the magic of friendship in these stand-alone tales featuring all of your favorite characters. Share adventures with Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash, Shining Armor and Prince Blueblood, Pinkie Pie and Granny, Princess Luna and The Cutie Mark Crusaders, Rarity and Maud Pie, Fluttershy and Daring Do, and more! Collects issues #25-38.
James Asmus (A/CVR A) Brenda Hickey
The New Year is around the corner, and the ponies of Equestria are ready to celebrate in some very silly and unexpected ways! (Except Pinkie Pie. Her celebrations are always silly and unexpected.)
Fabian, Jr. Rangel (A/CVR A) Warwick J. Cadwell
Samurai Jack: Kaiju style! It’s Samurai Jack meets Pacific Rim, as the amnesiac, time/universe hopping Jack finds himself teamed up with a group of scientists, at the controls of giant battle robots, fighting the monster known as Krogo! Bas as Jack is slowly beginning to realize what’s happening to him, the question remains: How and why is he jumping back and forth through time-and who’s behind it all!
Mike Johnson, Ryan Parrott (A) Tony Shasteen, Megan Levens (CVR) George Caltsoudas
All-new adventures of the new crew in the new timeline! As the Federation and the Romulans convene in the wake of the Borg attack, the precarious peace is threatened by the murder of a key diplomat… and a Starfleet cadet is the prime suspect! Don’t miss this all-new adventure, guest-starring Jaylah from STAR TREK BEYOND, and the cast from the hit STARFLEET ACADEMY series! Collects issues #7-12.
Caleb Goellner (A/CVR) Chad Thomas
All-new stories set in the world of the hit Nickelodeon cartoon! Baxter Stockman is looking to become the new major villain on the streets! His first step to world domination? Turn the Mutanimals into robots! •   YA TMNT adventures for readers of all-ages!
IDW Comics Shipping List for December 12th! It's time for our weekly Diamond Comics Shipping List! Another week light on Transformers titles, but IDW does not disappoint.
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the-crystal-muse · 7 years
Crime in Equestria
You know, after looking at the ask from @ofinlustris (gee, you’re giving me a lot of meta fuel lately. XD), I actually have to wonder: What exactly is Starlight’s crime? I mean, it’s pretty confusing, especially given her “punishment”. I can’t help but wonder what her legal track record is?
I mean, looking back on it, she hasn’t exactly broken many laws. The ponies in her village gave up their cutie marks willingly. Sure, they did so based on deception (that she gave up her mark too) and persuasion that hinged on emotional manipulation, but that makes her about on the same level as a cars salesman. Considering everything, her only actual crimes during the season five premiere would be assault of a princess + heroes of the land, and leading a cult. And even then, I’m not even sure if the latter constitutes as a crime. Does it? I’m not too sure.
And then there’s the season five finale, which makes the line blurrier. Starlight’s crime there is, again, assault of a ruling princess as well as Filly Dash abuse. She’s technically committed treason twice due to this. Her other crime is genocide of what could be a nation-wide scale, but...Does that count? She’s killed thousands, millions maybe, through alternate timelines and wars caused by her time travel, but do those lives matter in the end? What is the value of a life that was killed or erased, and most citizens of Equestria don’t know about it? That’s not even considering the fact that Starlight’s actions were predestined. Since there is no alternate Twilight in this timeline, there’s reason to believe that the Season 6 timeline is the exact same as the season 1 timeline, and that the time travel spell used by Starlight did the exact same thing it did in “It’s About Time”: It made a stable time-loop and that these events were always meant to happen. Can you punish destiny and fate? Is Starlight truly at fault for what she did when it’s possibly not her true choice?
And then you have to consider how Equestria has punished criminals in the past. Each of the Mane Six have done things that count as crimes in the past. Twilight mind controlled the whole of Ponyville, Rarity used dark magic to cover the place in crystals (likely causing property damage as well as actually affecting ponies such as the ones trapped inside the crystal), Rainbow Dash infiltrated Cloudsdale and let loose a ton of rainwater collected by the pegasi, as well as delaying winter which ensured the earth wouldn’t heal after the harvest seasons, Fluttershy unleashed parasprites on the town twice, Applejack poisoned the town with her baked bads, Spike rampaged through town as a giant dragon monster, and Pinkie let loose hundreds of Pinkie clones that destroyed property all over Ponyville. That’s not even taking redeemed villains such as Sunset Shimmer (who bullied students relentlessly until she had an iron grip on the school, mind controlled the student body, and destroyed part of Canterlot High as a she-demon) into account.
In fact, Equestria seems to have an interesting policy on crimes like that. Even acts of treason (like trying to conquer the country led by your sun-loving sister) don’t seem to warrant punishment as long as you have friends in high places. Maybe the Heroes get slack cause they saved Equestria x amount of times. Except Sunset was a stranger to Twilight and she was redeemed. Maybe because as the only Equestrian there, Twilight was the only one with authority to deal with a magical Equestrian supervillain, so the principals deferred to her. And Twilight is something of a naive mare when it comes to dealing with other ponies...
You also have to consider the mental health of the ponies in question. Twilight showed signs of extreme cases of OCD and anxiety during “Lesson Zero”, while Rainbow dealt with the latter during “Tanks for the Memories”. Rarity was possessed by a magic spell book, Spike was at the whim of his biology, and Applejack was sleep-deprived. Do these things excuse what they did? No, but you have to wonder why none of them are getting help. If they lived in the real world, Twilight could’ve found help through medication if she wished. Rainbow too.
And that is a weird thing, because Equestria lives in a quasi-modern-fantasy world. It’s the textbook definition of urban fantasy, a genre I love! But I have to wonder, are there psychologists? Therapists? Medication? I don’t know! They have a ton of technological advancements (that according to the comics from from the mirror world and maybe even the human world), but we don’t really know how they deal with mental health. Which is sad, cause that’s kinda important. During “Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep”, we saw Luna dealing with an extreme form of depression where she forced herself to go through painful trials every night as a form of self-penance. Instead of getting professional help, though, she was told, “You’ll be okay because you have friends”. It’s a nice idea, and I really do believe that her friends start helping her with problems after that, but it is worrysome. Especially when you consider how many supervillains in Equestria come to power.
A pattern in MLP is that supervillains become such due to two things: Desperation and a power high. I’m serious, that’s what caused about half of the disasters the Main Six caused, but it also caused Starlight’s crimes (panic over Sunburst + huge magical power), Sunset Shimmer (a desire for power + an unstable magic crown), Nightmare Moon (depression + unstable magic power), Gloriosa Everfree, Midnight Sparkle, the Comics’ King Sombra, Trixie...In Equestria, most super villains exist because their negative emotions make them choose bad choices, and those bad choices tend to end with magical power taking control of them. It’s something that citizens of Equestria might just live with, the cost of living in a magical world.
This was a long tangent...A lot of long tangents. But my point is basically, Starlight’s crimes are interesting to consider, because she’s one in a long line of ponies who’ve done terrible things, but got let off the hook for one reason or another. Be it magical mind control, nepotism, or the police looking the other way, magical threats to Equestria really don’t get punished like they did in the good old days. Can’t help but wonder why, but it’s interesting to consider how this world works and why. Now, I should probably get to replies about now...
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shippingpenguin · 7 years
My MLP Future AU (beware long post)
Please if you read this tell me what you think...I spend hours on this. I will try to explain this as easy/organize(not so many rambling) as possible. I'm awful at story telling. But first.. -ENGLISH IS NOT MY LANGUAGE! PLEASE HAVE IN MIND I CAN MAKE MISTAKES.... and my dyslexia doesn't help shit -This Au is canon divergence. -5-30 years after season 6-7. -Some ponies don't exist in this AU (but just a few) -Believe me there's only 2-3 OC (One is a maybe) -The only ship that is canon in this AU is SunLight. I mean I will not say which other ship is canon because it will be for the people to interpret what they want....Okay I'm a multi-shipper and can't stand not having almost all the ships here. -If someone has ideas for this AU please tell me, I'm all ears. -This AU needs a better name Main story: Few years after season 6-7: It all starts with Sunset coming back to Equestria. Sadly in the human world is all gone to chaos and magic was actually discovered and exploited. This cause wars and shit to happen. Sunset and Sci Twilight (btw they are married) found a way to destroy all magic but learn that would destroy the connection with Equestria but either way they tried. In the process Sci Twilight...die (sorry) Sunset heartbroken that her wife died she destroys magic and in the last minute got through the portal. When she got to Equestria she stayed in Twilight's castle(no one trusted her and Twilight saw she was emotionally unstable) everything was normal (heartbroken and sad but normal) at first but later on the counselors of Equestria learn that Sunset return and so they bring up that Sunset once stole the crown/element of harmony and wanted her to be punished for it. Twilight and Celestia try to stop it. Both parties made a compromise and decided that Twilight will have to keep a watchful eye on Sunset and keep her custody. Sunset can't leave Twilight's side, she only will have freedom when they are inside the castle. Few months later: Celestia and Luna decided that they will retire (didn't tell any pony about it, just the counselors). This cause for them to choose somepony to be the next successor on raising and lowering the sun/moon, both choose Twilight and Sunset. Sunset started learning from Celestia, while Twilight from Luna (both Twilight and Sunset didn't knew why the princesses where doing that) But the counselors weren't very happy with this decision. They try to stop both Celestia and Luna and even suggested that they will be the ones raising/lowering the sun/moon like the old days. Both princesses shot the idea down so they decided to take action by their hooves. But they knew they needed power and this led them to Tartarus; there they were looking for a specific box, Pandora's box, and they open it. Inside the box there was a creature and they TRY to control it but fail. The creature needing life and well magic, he killed them. More months passed and ponies started to disappear (almost a 10% of the ponies population by then). This of course started to cause panic and dysphoria. This led to Celestia asking for help from Discord; he started investigating (mostly because Fluttershy made him promise he will help) but when he finally learned what was wrong it was too late. The creature already too powerful, took control of Tartarus and controls the minds of Chrysalis, Tirek, even bringing back to life, Sombra and create creatures to destroy Equestria. Attacking from different parts of Equestria at the same time cause the Royal Guards/police/Wonderbolts to be scarse and transforming Equestria in chaos. Both princesses command the mane 7(actually 8, with Starlight's help) to bring the ponies to safety(aka Canterlot). The princesses made a safe barrier to prevent the creatures from entering Canterlot. But before the Mane 8 leave they asked about the creature. Celestia with a little time, explain that it was a pony that found so much power that began to be corrupted. This cause him to look for more power and knowledge and found a way to control and mold ponies the way he wanted. The first pony victim been Discord. Twilight a little destroyed and disappointed to learn that this evil creature is actually Star Swirl the Bearded, wants to help the princesses but the help was refused for her safety. So Mane 8 helps with the evacuation. The princesses and Discord knowing that they will fail eventually,they reached a decision. They will sacrifice themselves to create a spell. This spell having 2 outcomes, is quite what they needed it. What this do is actually divide their power into some sorts of crystals and creates a barrier around Equestria. But there is a catch, not only they will lose all their power and possibly die, they will doomed all the ponies that are under the barrier to never aged (immortals but still can die from illness and other stuff). The crystals in the other hand(hoof?) can be use as a weapon for ponies to use against the dark creatures Star Swirl created. After doing the spell Starl Swirl had to return to Tartarus. While the spell did worked to keep Star Swirl out of Equestria and creating the barrier, his creatures could still create havoc as well at those he controls. Both princesses and Discord disappear later but during the spell Discord didn't quite go with the decision of the princesses made about dividing their power into million pieces. He actually stored all his power in one crystal. 15-17 years later: Sunset and Twilight rule over what is left of Equestria. Equestria still isn't the same. Those creatures destroy almost everything and there's only 30-40% of the pony population. Only Canterlot, Crystal Empire and a few shelters are inhabited while there rest of Equestria is covered in darkness. During those years ponies learned how to used the crystals and later called them 'Vidres'. But vidres aren't that easy. Each being different in many ways, their powers, shapes and how to control them. Not anypony can used it. But more importantly, they choose the wielder. Thanks to this no pony or monster can steal a vidre but it can be destroy. The pony doesn't die if the vidre is destroyed but if the pony dies the vidre shatters and no longer has the power. As well, using a vidre brings consequences, it gives you power but take something in return (this is why they cast a spell of the barrier to let everypony immortal). While they can't take the ponies lives anymore, they take something from the wielder, like the ability to walk or talk or see, etc(depending on the vidre's power). After this discovery Twilight and Sunset with the help of the Royal Guards and Wonderbolts create a school to help find and train ponies. So they can help protect Equestria and bring it back. More Facts about this AU: -All of Mane 7 have a vidre (Starlight does not have one) -Because there isn't much ground, races and tradition are mix up -In one place can be a lot of ponies with different accent -There's Batpony/pony hybrids -Sombra used to ruled Crystal Empire until the Mane 7 killed him. -During the invasion Sunset save a lot of lives turning her into a hero and later on she ascended into alicorn (with the help of Twilight) but in one accident she hits her head and got into coma and when she wakes up a few months later she didn't remember few stuff, one of those stuff been what happen in the human world (she still remembers a few stuff from there but not everything or why she left). She often tries to see if the portal works or tries to fix it but always fails. -Starlight is actually Twilight future daughter that came from the future by accident (Only Trixie knows this) -Trixie and the crusaders have vidres and teach at the school. -The barrier does prevent ponies from aging but is when that pony reach maturity. -For this reason the Crusaders are grown. -Spike is a full size dragon. -Discord's crystal nopony has it. Instead Discord gave it to Angel bunny and turned him into a pony to protect Fluttershy. -Angel is actually a white Batpony/pony hybrid now. -Fluttershy doesn't know is him but she has this deja vu every time she is with him and sometimes she just stares at him trying to figure it out. And it doesn't help that he is very overprotective of her, so she is very confuse. -Angel goes by different names, he never gives the same one every time someone ask him. -Because he has Discord's vidre he can lose control very easily. -Star Swirl had two daughters, those been Celestia and Luna, and one son. -Trixie is actually a decedent of Star Swirl's son. -Granny Smith die during the invasion, Applejack blames herself and this cause her to be a little more distant and quiet. -Each darkness of Equestria can be destroy if somepony(ies) destroy the point of concentration/portal of darkness that connects to Star Swirl. When destroy the barrier reacts and turn time(only in that space of Equestria) to when the invasion started. -Thanks to this places that used to be farms are top priority to save. -Some of the point of concentration are Chrysalis, Tirek and more. Mane 7's vidres: -Twilight and Sunset both have the power of illusion. -Twilight's more darker while Sunset usually involves fire. -Consequences in the long run: They both lose their sanity, not knowing what is real or fantasy. -Pinkie is teleportation -Consequences in the long run: Loses the ability to walk -Rainbow Dash can manipulate weather -Consequences in the long run: Loses the ability to fly -Rarity can read ponies minds (she doesn't like it at all) -Consequences in the long run: Loses the ability of magic -Applejack have small premonitions (she only can see a few seconds in the future and that's it)(Ex: If she is walking she can have a premonition that somepony will rob her in the next 5 seconds, and that's it, she can't see more than a min. into the future) -Consequences in the long run: Blindness -Fluttershy can heal -Consequences in the long run: Every injury she heals she actually transfers to her body. -One time she healed Rainbow of a terrible wing injury and she no longer can fly (this was before ponies knew about the effects) -Rainbow blames herself for this. Facts I'm still undecided to incorporated in here or not: -Twilight adopts a filly, her name is Dawn (original ik -_-) -Dawn is actually Sunset and Sci Twi daughter. -Before Sunset coming back to Equestria she was actually pregnant and came through the portal. -She gave birth a few days before the invasion -After waking up from the coma she didn't remember she had a wife, much less a daughter. -Twilight took full responsibility of Dawn, raising her like her own. -Dawn knows she is adopted but doesn't know her real parents. -Twilight not knowing how to tell her she keeps pushing for later or when she is going to tell her something occurs that stops her. Random facts that has been said before on my DA: -Sunset Shimmer is actually a (half) alicorn but a WINGLESS alicorn. This is because she was born premature, her wings didn't develop in a correct way; so she was put through surgery to remove her wings. -She does have scars on her back. -Alicorns are slow in development. Even so they look younger than the rest of the 'normal ponies' they have the same mind capability than the rest. Thought they do not live forever; they have the same live span of a 'normal pony' but they never get to appear old. But if it is a alicorn that was transform from a pony to an alicorn, they do get old and do not grow the same size of a full alicorn. -For this reason Sunset is smaller than the rest; even in the human world she used to use boots that had heels to appear taller to others. -So Twilight use this as a advantage (not always, only when Sunset get on her nerves). Like Sunset have to be with her 24/7, it gets to the time that they tend to annoy each other. -Example: Twilight want to re-shelve the library (again), by this time Sunset is tired of it and decides not to do anything even if Twilight ask her to help and this conversation happen somewhere in there. Sunset: "Tell me a reason why I have to do this again? You know I'm older than you, you should do what I ask fo-" Twilight: "'You know' I'm taller than you, plus I'm a princess.*smirk* So help me and don't make me turn it in to a order....please." Sunset: "I just realize I'm a bad influence towards you." -Through the years Sunset does grow taller than Twilight. She has Luna's height while Twilight stays the same. -Twilight doesn't like wearing her crown, and this make her kinda forgetful about the crown. Most of the time is Sunset, Starlight or Spike that reminds her to put it on before a meeting. -Sunset likes to tease Twilight....a lot but there are times that Twilight surprise her. -Celestia and Luna were both earth ponies. -They both lived with their father in a small village. -Their father owned a library and Celestia always had something to read, but Luna didn't liked when Celestia ignored her and always tried her best to get her sister's attention. -Most of the time Luna got her way but when 'Tia start to read a really good book, it was impossible to get her attention. And there it is...God it took me hours There's more but I will later draw them. So what do you guys think?
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mikaila-orchard · 8 years
Cadence, Discord, Sunset and Starlight
general opinion:fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life
I’m more intrigued with Cadence’s potential as a character than what the show has actually done with her.  Still, she’s pretty cool.
hotness level:get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
Magic horse or not, you bet your ass a Love Princess would be amazing in bed.  Don’t kid yourself.
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: The fact that she’s pretty much down for anything.worst quality: Her lack of actual developmentship them with: Discord (sorry Shiny)brotp them with: Lunaneeds to stay away from: Hatersmisc. thoughts: Her husband could stand to stop hogging the character development
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life 
This fucker has stolen 5 years of my life and I don’t regret it!
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
Well the Spirit of Chaos is obviously a freak in the sheets. No question.
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: He knows how to put on a show.worst quality: Emotionally unstableship them with: Pretty much everyone (including Cadence but except Fluttershy)brotp them with: Fluttershyneeds to stay away from: Tirek.  The man’s no good for you, Dizzymisc. thoughts: Discord is a prime example of Man vs. Self storytelling.  When you’re the most powerful guy around, the only one left to be your worst enemy is yourself (barring magic stealing mcguffins)
Sunset Shimmer
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life 
Right next to Discord as my absolute favorite!
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
Fucking absolutely!  
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
A prime example of a good Slytherin
best quality: Her ‘element’ of empathy worst quality: Her deeply rooted inferiority complexship them with: Twilight (either one) Sonata Dusk and Applejackbrotp them with: Pinkie Pieneeds to stay away from: Timber Spruce (for his own safety)misc. thoughts: When is she gonna fucking reconcile with Celestia, DHX?  We’re waiting!
Starlight Glimmer
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life 
I can’t properly explain why I don’t like her here.  Remind me to make a post later.
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
My bias gets in the way of any ‘hotness’ that could be found.
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
A prime example of a BAD Slytherin
best quality: Her villainous method was actually unique and interesting when she was introduced.worst quality: Her unforgivably weak villainous motive, her status as a bootleg Sunset, her status as an insufferable writers pet, the fact she has to be taught that mind control is bad (MORE THAN ONCE!)ship them with: Angel Bunny.  These little fuckers deserve each other!brotp them with: Common sense?needs to stay away from: The showmisc. thoughts: Howzabout you go stay in Equestria Girls so we can have Sunset in the main show?  Sounds fair, don’t you think?
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ask-de-writer · 4 years
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@mordenheim​ READ, LIKED and REBLOGGED
@nevermord​ where he wondered:
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You nailed that in one!  They did have a rambunctious fillyhood!  It was specifically the Titan of Life Creation who was not giving up on ponies and others on Equestria (the world) as a failed experiment.  
How magic works and why it makes the whole Equestria / Luna system unstable was covered in the story  A DIFFERENT POINT OF VIEW.
As for how they became Princesses instead of Queens that will be dealt with in the third story of this group.  To fully grasp the whole transition, we first need to deal with the Hearthwarming Invasion, with their flight for their lives, and later their return and the foundation of Canterlot.
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ask-de-writer · 5 years
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@mordenheim​ reblogged
And had this cogent thing to say:
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I finally figured out why the Creator Titans gave up on Equestria with the work of Creation not finished.  When there were only a few ponies scattered about the world, their use of “magic” which if examined, needs to temporarily change the basic constants needed to make a natural system function, it did not matter too much.  As the numbers of ponies grew, each one murdering every constant from the strong and weak nuclear force, gravity, the speed of light and many others, they made the whole structure unstable. 
Celestia and Luna make constant “adjustments” to bring the planet/moon system back into balance.
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