#Wife Ingo
glassesblu · 1 month
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Finished these!!! Theyre so cute ehehe I'm happy 🥰
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A meeting! Well I’m not sure how these two actually met, so take it with a grain of salt :V
Mermmet AU by @glassesblu ! I love seeing them
Prompt list by @belltrigger !
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belltrigger · 2 years
Submastober Day 29 - Date Night (Free Space)
Both yesterday and today, I've been busy streaming Yume Nikki for Riso! And then Riso streamed while they were drawing! It's been great fun, but unfortunately I got distracted >w<)/)
However, one thing just wouldn't leave my mind! ddIngo and Wife Ingo were sent on various dates during their time on the Death Train, and for a very long time, they didn't understand why. But, eventually, they fell in love, and now Wife Ingo gets to be loved by both ddIngo AND Mermmet. And although writing the dates through RP is much more fun, my brain insisted I write their date spot! So, here it is! Please enjoy!
Title: Date Night (Free Space) Word count: 527
Once again, they were in a garden, the fading sunlight being replaced by the slowly appearing stars above them. Soft fairy lights were laced through the hedges around them. The air was gently fragrant with newly blooming flowers, not yet closing up in the evening hours. It was a cool night, but not cold enough to be uncomfortable.
Dropping his gaze from the sky to the man also standing in the garden near him, he kept his sigh to himself. Of course, Ingo sighed for him, once again showing his dissatisfaction for who he was with.
It wasn't as though ddIngo planned these sudden arrivals in highly secluded areas. He was just as much swept into this as Ingo was. The easiest thing to do was to just pass the time, and they would soon return to the train. At least the locations were pleasant, even if he was certain would prefer to spend it with Emmet.
"Once again, it seems like we've been sent somewhere," he tried. Ingo shot him a look, but then it softened.
"Yeah, it would seem so." His speech was halted, as if he was trying to contain his disappointment and frustration. But, he didn't walk away, and the rest of his body language did not indicate a need to escape. "Perhaps we should look around?" was offered back to him, accompanied by a shrug.
In an effort to appease the man who was so important to his younger brother, he offered a bit of smile. His smiles were closer to a smirk, but with how he and Ingo had been interacting, it was probably for the best. "A romantic stroll through a starlight garden? You're too good to me," he teased, taking a few steps closer to Ingo.
The roll of the eyes was obvious, but Ingo didn't keep the distance between them. If anything, he also took a step closer. There was a weird tension turned truce between them, and he was trying to be less antagonistic to the man. His younger brother had shared his first life with this Ingo, and more than anything, he'd decided that he wanted Emmet to smile freely.
And so, he would behave any time they arrived in one of these scenic locations together. Truth be told, he had started to enjoy the time he was spending with Ingo. Plenty of discussions would end in them both laughing, Ingo loosening up enough to taunt him back. Once, he'd presented himself as an expert on trains (and he was), only for Ingo to remind him that while Ingo might not be as well versed on trains (he wasn't), he *also* had knowledge on many varieties of boats. Ingo had said, with a twinkle in his eye, that maybe he shouldn't go waving his pride in someone's face when that someone was him from another timeline.
It was around that time that he'd realized that maybe they were capable of being, at the very least, friends. There were plenty of reasons why that might not be viable, but it was worth thinking about. Perhaps he would bring it up tonight, under the light of the stars.
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mocc-tok-flip-flop · 3 months
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*shows up, posts a meme for a ship that I've never interacted with, leaves*
(Hello shippers! Please take this lovely offering. I scrolled across the og pic and couldn't help that this was the first couple I thought of.)
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hoofpeet · 1 year
crystal spending hundreds of years roaming, heart lingering on the zoroark that’s probably dead by now, missing him like she would her own fur…
… spice holed up in nimbassa, taking a day to mourn his hisuian wife, one he knows damn well has to be dead by now.
it takes years. coincidence keeping them apart, always close, but the universe keeps them dancing around one another like a tragedy ballet.
it’s sugar who finds her, first. it doesn’t matter how. “you remind me of a lover I had, once. he always longed for fur like yours.” the vixen sighs, a somber expression on her lips, “I miss him. He’s long gone by now, though.”
she connects the dots.
when spice and crystal meet once again, they flock together like wild birds with the only food left. they crowd around one another, happy tears dotting their faces, sobbing into cold fur. it hurts to watch. you can practically see the grief explode onto the floor, spilling like sickly acid, yet it’s so joyful at the same time. sugar isn’t sure if he’s doing it on purpose, but theirs an illusion of gleaming beauty bedazzling the two. flowers form at their feet, petals blooming at their fingertips.
it is warm. it is sunny.
it is cute.
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dragonanon · 5 months
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@leggerefiore In honor of MerMay, I bring thee Primarina hybrid reader! She’s beautiful and it’s easy to see how much Popplio Erin takes after his mother appearance wise.
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cartoonishreal · 2 months
he's so stupid I love him and his wacky ass stance
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waywardstation · 7 months
Cold to the Touch
Phione Akari AU
As a phione, it's hard for Akari to find anything fun or entertaining to do. But she still manages, even if it's at Ingo's expense.
I wrote this after I got a request to write about something for this AU with lower stakes and let Akari have some fun, after putting out several segments that were pretty stressful and sad for the characters. And if possible, to have her prank Ingo. I did my best hopefully!!!
OR read here on AO3!
AND check out the Phione Akari AU masterpost!
There were many, many things Akari hated about being a Phione. 
Many changes. Many limitations. Many problems. 
But this was not one of them. 
In fact, she found that this was quite fun.
“And if I could have two of those leek salves, and a half-bag of those dried apricorns?”
Choy grabbed two small purple bottles and began weighing out a bag of the nut fruits as Ingo browsed the wares at the storefront, pointing out what he wanted to purchase. While there wasn’t much room with everything out on display, he did his best to keep himself under the protection of the storefront’s awning — the rain was coming down hard today.
And as much as he disliked the idea of dragging all of this stuff around with him in the coastlands, especially in weather like this, he had promised Akari he would actually take better care of himself out there now while continuing his search.
No more sleeping on the ground, or against trees and boulders. No more living off whatever he picked off of bushes and trees. No more foregoing needed sleep for a few more hours of searching. No more sacrificing his health when he didn’t need to.
“Anything else for you today?” Choy asked as he placed them down next to the other items that had been requested.
“Oh, one last thing; do you perhaps have a lightweight roll or sleeping mat?” Ingo searched past the shopkeeper at the storage shelves behind him, leading Choy to look over his shoulder — he could see what looked like a few different sleeping rolls. “Like the ones the Ginkgo Guild members are equipped wITh-!”
An awkward jerk as Ingo scrunched his neck into his shoulder, crashing the sentence with an odd jump. A subsequent squeak from somewhere in his coat collar, quiet enough for only Ingo to hear.
“Everything alright?” Choy looked back from the shelves, giving him a look halfway between confusion and concern.
“I uh, apologize. Unfortunately, too many nights sleeping on the ground has left me with a sore spine, is all.” Ingo tentatively answered, rubbing at his neck. “It… pulls sometimes. I’m sure you can now understand my need for an adequate sleeping mat.”
“Oh yes, of course,” Nodding his head, Choy stepped away from the shelf he had been approaching. “I understand! These rolls might be too thin; I have some thicker ones in the back that might be better for that. I’ll be right back with one.”
Ingo watched the man disappear behind the rows of shelves, making sure he was out of earshot before he hooked his lapel with a finger and pulled it back.
“Miss Akari, please!” He whispered into the collar of his coat. He could not see her and he was too saturated with rainwater to feel where she was, but he knew she was in there somewhere; he could hear her snickering. “You know I’m not fond of that!”
“Phi-phi!” She retorted. While Ingo had no idea what she was saying, the bubbly tone of amusement in her voice indicated she wasn’t taking him seriously.
He was sure it was because of a phione’s adaptability to water and its strange thermoregulatory characteristics — Professor Laventon had said something about it — but whenever it rained, Akari became just as cold as the falling water that mixed with her. Like ice cold. It turned her little flippers into something more like the freezing hands of death. And she unfortunately found it funny to -
“AH!” The frigid touch of Akari’s ribbon-like appendage (now more comparable to the frozen fingers of a froslass) against his neck made him flinch before forcing himself back down into a whisper. “Miss Akari-!”  
“Warden?” Choy called out from the back. “Are you sure you’re alright?”
“Not to worry, it’s simply an instance of my neck bothering me again!” Ingo lied through his teeth. One last quick whisper into his coat collar, towards quiet giggling. “Please-”
“Alright, I’ve got a couple here that you can look at!” Returning from the back shelves, Choy heaved a bundle of various mats onto a display table with a grunt. “All varying degrees of sturdiness, but maybe you’ll like one of them.”
Ingo browsed the mats, pressing down on the different materials and lifting edges to test heaviness. Some were too firm to be kind to his back, and some were too bulky to comfortably carry. None of them seemed very suitable for him, honestly... 
As he browsed, Ingo couldn’t help but notice he was actually being left alone. No icy jabs, no startling coldness. Maybe Akari was listening to him now. it was nice not feeling the freezing hands of death grasping at the back of his-
“GHh-!” Ingo jerked awkwardly again, tucking his chin down against his chest and hissing through his teeth. He spoke too soon.
“Are you sure you wouldn’t like a thicker mat? Or at least a neck roll for support? It seems…” Choy stalled for a moment, filtering his words into something kinder. “Bad.”
“No no, I can assure you it’s temporary! It’s simply rather distracting, ” Ingo emphasized the last word quite forcefully, rubbing at his neck. “I’m confident that’s the last time it’ll happen.”
“Maybe at least have the medical corps look at it before you go.” Choy did not sound any less concerned.
“Perhaps I will make that detour,” Ingo brushed it off kindly. He was going to have to make this quick, it seemed Akari was intent on embarrassing him in public just for some amusement. “I apologize for having you drag all of these mats out, but I may have to go with one of the previous, lighter alternatives.”
“Not a problem,” Choy pushed the heavier rolls aside and turned to pull down one he had initially suggested; a simple green one, tied with wound rope. “This mat’s good then?”
“I believe so,” Already searching through the inner pockets of his coat for money, Ingo only gave the roll a passing glance to confirm. “I think that’s everything I need.”
“Sounds good,” Choy lugged the mat up onto the table, bunching it with everything else he had requested and quickly reevaluating it all. “Alright, together that’ll be seven-thousand six-hundred.”
“Mm-hmm,” Head down, Ingo began counting out what he had in his hands. He should have enough…
“Oh, but wait-”
Thinking something was wrong, Ingo glanced up only to see Choy setting a small box on top of his pile of supplies.
“Just a few honey cakes, no extra charge.”
Ingo blinked, not catching the sudden tiny squeak from within his coat. “No charge? Thank you, and please understand I am not at all ungrateful for the offer, but… I’d like to know why?”
“Well, because I appreciate your business!” Short and simple, Choy clasped his hands together.
Ingo sized up the box; it wasn’t terribly big, but it certainly wasn’t small either. Truely, it was a kind gesture, but to him, all he saw was more cargo to lug around, more weight to tug at his back. And he wasn’t sure he could keep it from becoming soggy in the rain, anyways. 
And he couldn’t help but feel that it was perhaps a pity gesture; he knew Choy had seen him practically drag himself through Jubilife’s gates the other day.
“I greatly appreciate it, but I couldn’t in good conscience, really.” Ingo gave Choy an apologetic, flat-lined smile, putting up a hand. “Those are your wares! Please, keep them.”
Another small squeak, and this time Ingo heard it. He preemptively placed his hand over his neck just before she could touch him, her icy flippers patting his fingers instead.
“Then take it as a gift of support, please.” Choy extended a more genuine tone now, he confirmed what Ingo had suspected about it being a pity gesture. “I know what all of these supplies are for, Warden. You’ve been doing so much to find Akari, and this weather definitely isn’t making things any easier for anyone right now. And I can empathize; all this sudden rain’s been making it hard for Yui today. She can’t seem to shake this terrible sickness that won’t leave her alone, and it’s been really difficult lately to-”
“AAa -HaAH-!” Ingo interrupted with an embarrassingly loud shout, suddenly jerking forward with scrunched shoulders as both hands frantically clamped against his neck. “Just- Ahck! Stop it-!”
“...I’m sorry?” Staring at Ingo in bewilderment, the appalled tone of Choy’s voice was painfully shame-inducing. The heavy atmosphere pressed down on Ingo’s shoulders, the rain in his coat suddenly pulling down on him like heavy weights.
Oh Arceus. Did he really just laugh while Choy was empathizing with him over his sick wife? 
Did he really just say stop it??
“Ahem!” Ingo cleared his throat gratuitously into a fist, his face burning like fire as he realized what he just did. “M-my deepest apologies for that! Illness is terribly unfortunate, and I hope for nothing but a quick recovery for your poor wife! I absolutely didn’t mean to- Please, excuse me for a moment!”
“Right.” Choy crossed his arms, eyes narrowed and brows furrowed as Ingo stiffly hurried out into the rain, rushing around the right corner of the store.
Reaching the bridge that led to the housing units, Ingo stopped and made sure no one else was around to hear. Reaching into his coat collar and fishing Akari out of it, he held her close to his (still very red) face with one hand, sternly shaking a finger at her with the other. “Miss Akari!” Don’t- don’t do that! Just because I said no cold shocks, that doesn’t mean you can start tickling m-!”
“Phi-phi!” She squeaked back at him avidly. He didn’t understand, but with her troubled eyes and tone, he could clearly see she wasn’t laughing anymore — she probably realized how inappropriate the timing of that was, regardless of how accidental it was.
Ingo’s frown pulled, his eyes narrowing from behind the raindrops now dripping off his hat’s brim. “Forgive me if I’m wrong, Miss Akari, but I recall you fervently requesting me to keep you both concealed and inconspicuous while in Jubilife. I’d say this is making it difficult to do either!”
“Phi!” Freezing cold flippers wrapped around his thumb as she hugged it tightly. She often did that when expressing gratitude or apologetics to him, an extension of hugging him as a whole. Her guilty eyes indicated it was clearly the latter reason, this time.
“It’s alright, just please, please, don’t repeat it. I would very much like to complete this transaction in peace.” Ingo accepted the apology. He had planned for that to be the end of it and moved his hand to place her back in his coat collar, but she squeaked at him again.
When Ingo pulled her back, she made an exaggerated motion that resembled eating, holding her flippers up and mimicking taking bites out of something. 
He couldn’t make a guess until she pointed at the side of the general store, then repeated the motion again.
“The honey cakes? You wanted those honey cakes?”
“Phi!” She clapped her flippers together, celebrating his correct guess.
“Just one of those is bigger than your head; it takes you two days to consume one.” Ingo shook his head. “And there are several in that box; I’m afraid they’ll go to waste.”
Akari made a pleading motion and held her flippers together up at him with big eyes, but otherwise she grew quiet, and Ingo’s features softened.
She’s had it very hard. He knew that. These past few weeks had been terrible and frustrating and confusing. And while the last three days had certainly been much happier with his revelation over who she was, it still… it didn’t have much in it to be happy about in general, and he knew Akari was depressed with her limitations.
The giggles she had let out in his coat earlier was the first time he had really heard her laughing or having fun in a long while (even if it had been at his expense… but really, as a phione, there weren’t many things she could do to entertain herself right now).
So what was the harm in getting her some simple sweets? Giving her something to be happy about?
Ingo’s words left his mouth in a cloud of breath, visible in the frigid air. “Alright, Miss Akari. I will get them for you.”
“Phi!” She squeaked, a little surprised, but clearly happy. She hugged her flippers around his thumb again in a gesture of gratitude as he brought her back to his shoulder, tugging the lapel of his coat back.
“But please do your best to finish them! And please, no more cold touches. Or tickling.” He added as she wiggled back into her spot, amongst the folds of his tunic’s hood. “I would not like to laugh at that poor young man’s sick wife for a second time.”
The subsequent giggling at his shoulder was his only response as he smoothed his coat collar back down, but that was enough for him.
Now. To somehow find the strength to go back and face Choy. Ingo took a deep breath, steeling himself as he turned to walk back around the corner of the building. Ugh, he could already feel the blush of shame returning.
“I’d like to once again apologize for that outburst,” Rounding the corner, Ingo took his place back before Choy, who still appeared rightfully upset; arms now crossed, the store owner seemed much less amiable now. “Truely, I didn’t mean to laugh during such a sensitive subject.”
“Was that the fault of your sore neck as well?” Choy reached up to take his glasses and clean a few stray raindrops off them with his hanten. His words were painfully flat.
“Ahah… uhm, no,” Ingo coughed. “My mind simply reminded me of very ill-timed joke. Very unfortunate timing.”
Choy didn’t really believe him, Ingo could see it in his eyes. Regardless, he adjusted his glasses back on his nose, and went to grab up Ingo’s items, sliding them across the display table. “Unfortunate indeed. Here are your items, Warden.”  
“Oh, thank you. Though also, before I depart-” Ingo held out the money he owed, but began searching through his coat pockets again. “I believe I’ve had a track change; I would like those honey cakes after all. But please, allow me to pay for it in full; it’s the least I could do. And again, I do hope your wife recovers swiftly.”
It seemed Choy’s hardened features softened a little as Ingo dropped the money into his hand.
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jenasu · 6 months
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When your protagonist retires from adventuring (mostly) and enters her office lady era
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peachy-doodles · 4 months
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Day 4 of dojoshipping week "Jubilife Village"
Always love the thought of the both of them trying on new outfits together at the clothier but I think Zisu tends to be the more embarrassed one especially when it comes to prettier clothing considering shes the Captain of the Security Corps and is usually seen throwing hands in the dirt.
Ingo loves everything she wears of course! But that can be... an awkward mindset when trying to make a hard choice between which she might like better... Good thing Anthe is there with a keen fashionable eye to help her pick out the best outfit if she ever gets overwhelmed :)
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glassesblu · 11 days
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These all came out sooooo cute!!!! Heehee its super fun to make standees
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nell0-0 · 1 year
Dunno if you ship it but what about conductorshipping (elesa/emmet) with some optional third wheel Ingo tossed in?
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Tbh, I don't know. I HC Emmet as grey-aroace and Elesa as a lesbian, so this feels a bit out there. But I could totally see them tentatively dating before figuring themselves out and staying as very good friends! They would totally joke about it and be overly dramatic just to tease Ingo.
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belltrigger · 2 years
Does DD Ingo get redeemed by Mermet, DD Emmet, and Wife Ingo?
Hi hi Anon!ヽ(* ̄▽ ̄*)ノ
Well, at the end of the day, ddIngo *does* have to redeem himself. It was entirely his fault that he came to the conclusions he did, and his fault that he mistreated ddEmmet as much as he did. Even after Emmet escaped him, he went on to misbehave across several universes, chastising and just generally harassing other Ingo and Emmet.
That being said, Mermmet is probably the most instrumental to his start down the path of redemption. He first starts acting like a decent person for Mermmet, and actually puts effort into being a good brother for their first life together. In fairness, due to his connection with ddEmmet being severed and no new connection being allowed to be forged for him, he doesn't feel the inherent connection and longing that Ingos and Emmets have for each other. But when that life goes awry, he panics emotionally and pulls away from Mermmet, and they have to learn to trust each other.
He is an absolute antagonist to Wife Ingo for quite a while, though, even after he's started to be nicer to Mermmet. Though, since time is odd on the Death Train, the timeline is sort of strange, and his progress with Mermmet is sometimes independent of his interactions with Wife Ingo.
They are only able to start being civil the more and more ddIngo becomes fond and caring for Mermmet. That and the train forces them to go to idealized, peaceful places together while they wait for their respective Emmets. They start to become more familiar with each other, and soon their antagonistic interactions become more teasing.
ddEmmet is still not comfortable with ddIngo, even in the part of the AU where @glassesblu and I currently are. He's started to warm up to him, but-! ddEmmet is the one that ddIngo wants to make the most amends to. He accepts that ddEmmet probably never wants to reconnect with him, that he's ruined that chance forever. But, he still does his best to allow ddEmmet to vent his rage and frustrations at him. He will do whatever ddEmmet wants in order to even slightly make up for his wrongdoings, but he's very stiff, and allows himself to be chastised, while not disagreeing with anything Emmet accuses him of.
Granted, ddEmmet is a good person, and does not actually accuse him of anything he *didn't* do, even though ddEmmet is suspicious of most everything he does.
Gosh, that got long and didn't even cover half of what's happened in Death Train AU! Hopefully, though, it gave you some of what you were looking for!
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ngwun · 2 years
Arceus has random magic arms and stuff idk either
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hoofpeet · 1 year
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Ingo brings his ace ring with him to Hisui, spends the entire time there thinking he had a wife at some point
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cartoonishreal · 2 months
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