#Wildfire Preparedness Week
oldfangirl81 · 5 months
This is for those that live in California in particular. We are at the start of fire season. Now is a good time to make sure you are prepared. Seconds can make a big difference in getting out safe.
Make sure you have an emergency bag packed. But if you don't then keep a bag where you put your dirty clothes. Clothes can be washed when you are safe but at least you'll have clothes you know fit/you wear regular that can be grabbed quickly.
If you can put extra meds in it the emergency bag do it. If not then another option is to always keep your meds/medical supplies in a box/bag you can grab easily if you have to evacuate.
Figure out what works best for up to the minute information for you. CalFire does have a Twitter account.
I use an unofficial app because I am extra nervous from past fires.
Biggest thing is if you get told to evacuate then do it! Staying in areas under evacuation increases the danger to both first responders and you.
And make sure you have at least kn95 masks because even if you are safe from the fire the smoke is not something to play with. And it can travel distances.
And here is official information link:
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Canada surpassed the record for area burned by wildfires in a single year Monday as hundreds of fires continued to blaze in almost every province and territory.
The Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre reported Monday afternoon that 76,129 square kilometres of forest and other land has burned since Jan. 1. That exceeds the previous record set in 1989 of 75,596 square kilometres, according to the National Forestry Database.
Last week federal Emergency Preparedness Minister Bill Blair said he wasn’t "looking to break any records" but acknowledged it was likely coming. "Unfortunately the fire season this year started earlier and has been more widespread across the country than in recent memory," he said.
It took less than six months to surpass the previous record for an entire year. And in 1989, more than 11,000 different fires combined to create the total, with an average size of about seven square kilometres. This year, there have been less than 3,000 fires so far, but they have averaged about 26 square kilometres in size. [...]
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headedoutleft · 6 months
The long-awaited jobs board for the American Climate Corps, promised early in the Biden administration, will open next month, according to details shared exclusively with Grist.
The program is modeled after President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Civilian Conservation Corps, launched in 1933 to help the country make it through the Great Depression. The positions with the new corps could range across a number of fields including energy-efficiency installations, disaster response preparedness, recycling, and wildfire mitigation.
The White House plans to officially launch an online platform in April. At first, only a couple of hundred jobs will be posted, but eventually up to 20,000 young people are expected to be hired in the program’s first year. Interested candidates can apply to the positions through the portal, and the majority of the positions are not expected to require experience.
“The American Climate Corps is a story of hope and possibilities,” said Maggie Thomas, a special assistant to the president for climate change. “There’s an incredible demand signal from young people who we see as being put on a pathway to good-paying careers.”
That path could include work such as installing wind and solar projects, conserving energy in homes, and restoring ecosystems, such as wetlands, to protect towns from flooding. Thomas announced a logo for the program at the Aspen Ideas climate conference in Miami on Wednesday
That demand was evident at a series of public listening sessions held by the White House earlier this year. The events were oversubscribed and ran over time with participants eager to sign up for potential jobs, Thomas said. Given the demand, President Biden promised to triple the size of the corps in a decade at his State of the Union speech last week. His newly proposed budget calls for an $8 billion expansion of the American Climate Corps to employ an additional 50,000 corps members per year by 2031.
Still, that’s nowhere close to the dreams some progressives had for the program: Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York had hoped it would put 1.5 million Americans to work addressing the climate crisis. Nor is it comparable to the original Civilian Conservation Corps, which hired 3 million men to plant billions of trees, fight forest fires, prevent erosion, and build trails you can still hike at national parks today.
“We’ll say this again and again — hundreds [of positions] is not enough,” Levin said. “We’re talking about a country on fire. We’re talking about people not being able to breathe the air outside. So the scale needs to be dramatically ramped up.” He sees the president’s call for billions in funding for the program as a signal that the administration is committed to expanding it.
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gdgaribay498 · 1 year
Important images of the summer 2023
Maui fires
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In early August a devastating series of wildfires broke out in Maui, mainly in the western town of Lahaina. The month of August is considered to be the peak of Hawaii’s dry season. According to the U.S. Drought Monitor, since the beginning of August, Maui has been under abnormally and severely dry levels of drought with increasing chances of wildfires. There have been multiple reasons as to why the wildfires began. One being that during Hawaii’s wet season vegetation grew tall which dried out during the dry season, making it extremely flammable. Dry vegetation, severe drought conditions and the strong winds created by category 5 Hurricane Dora were the main reasons for the fires. However, in the New York Times, it was recently released that “Maui County Officials have claimed in a lawsuit that intentional and malicious mismanagement of power lines by Hawaiian Electric, the state’s leading utility, had allowed flames to spark.” Due to the tragic events, more than 2,200 structures were damaged and destroyed, estimating a total of $5.5 billion, according to the Pacific Disaster Center and Federal Emergency Management Agency. A growing concern from the residents of Maui was the small amount of time they had to evacuate. Residents also questioned why Maui’s largest system of outdoor warning sirens did not go off, since its purpose is to alert people of life threatening events like hurricanes and tsunamis. As to date, the fires in Maui have mostly been contained, but now people have to live with the environmental hazards that remain. One being the contamination of water and air from the residue of harmful chemicals from infrastructures. 
This photograph is unique because it emotionally demonstrates the tragic event that occurred early August. As you look at the picture you see a house of fire, and in general fire all around, which is how the town of Lahaina looked for days. When you look at this picture you feel for those that had to evacuate quickly, leaving their houses and businesses to burn. This image is significant because this series of wildfires is considered the deadliest wildfire in more than a century and the deadliest natural disaster in Hawiian history, killing at least 114 people. Most importantly, experts say that this event can happen again due to climate change and droughts.
COVID cases on the rise
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For quite some time now we have gotten a sense of normality since the COVID-19 pandemic that broke out three years ago. The COVID-19 pandemic has been incredibly important and significant for several reasons. Not only did the virus rapidly spread worldwide infecting millions of people, but the pandemic also had effects on the economy due to lockdowns, travel restrictions, social distancing measures, job losses and more. The COVID-19 pandemic highlights the importance of preparedness and the need for adequate resources for any future events. In recent times, positive COVID cases have declined, in which ended social distancing and the mask mandate. However, in the mix between weather changes and flu season approaching, COVID cases have silently been increasing. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), COVID hospitalization and death records have been increasing since the beginning of July. However, according to CDC Director, Mandy K. Cohen, there has been an increase of 10,000 cases a week. But it is not a reason to get alarmed, for as during COVID’s highest peak in August last year, cases would total up to 40,000 cases per week. Due to stronger immunity, COVID vaccines, home tests and treatments are helping people remain from a trip to the hospital. During the summer a new strain of the variant Omicron, EG.5, has surfaced in the United States. The CDC said that there is no evidence that EG.5 causes a more severe illness than the prior variants. It is still important to practice good hygiene and washing hands frequently. This image is significant because when one looks at it they might be brought back to the challenges of the pandemic in 2020. Therefore, it is important to remain informed on the increasing cases and practice adequate precautions to remain in good health and keep others safe.
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tornadoquest · 1 month
Tornado Quest Top Science Links For August 3 - 10, 2024 #science #weather #climate #hurricane #drought #wildfire #heatsafety #heatwave #astronomy
Greetings everybody! Thanks so much for visiting. Debby has been the big weather story across the eastern USA this week. A storm like this is a good example of why flooding is more dangerous that the wind in many tropical cyclones. While the Atlantic is quiet and preparedness supplies are plentiful, now is the time to get prepared for a tropical storm or hurricane. I’ve plenty of hurricane…
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g4ljw-amateur-radio · 2 months
Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2440 for Friday August 2nd, 2024
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mattanaministry · 3 months
Mattana Ministry Welcomes You To:
Sunday Sermon: 7 July 2024
Theme: Are We Prepared?
Scripture: Matt.24:27; Matt.24:43: Matt.25:1-4 & Luk.12:37
How prepared are we today, and what contingencies are we prepared for? We have so many measures and safety plans in place for whatever contingency.
People in flood-prone areas have alarms that go off when the town or city is in threat of a flood. The residents of the area have their sandbags ready and know what to put where. People living in areas known for wildfires have their measures in place; fire extinguishers, fire hydrants, sand boxes, firewalls, and fire strips are all in place. Those who live in areas where hurricanes and tornadoes occur have their measures in place; they have their power generators, water, food, and shelter ready.
Nor are we just prepared for natural disasters; we are prepared for burglaries, political turmoil, power outages, water outages, and our day-to-day existence. We have our flashlights, candles, solar lights, gas, and water.
We can prepare for all of the above because there are usually warnings that are sent out ahead of time, yet there will still be people who do not know. They have no plan in place and go through life uninformed.
As we plan for all the onslaughts of life, in our spiritual lives, are we also prepared? Are we ready for the moment when Jesus will return? Are we ready for the big moment when it arrives?
For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
We're all going to know when Jesus comes; it's going to be known far and wide. No one is going to be able to say that they don't know that Jesus has come. It will be as unexpected as a lightning strike and as clear as the lightning strike.
But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up.
No one knows when Jesus will come, not even Jesus Himself. It's going to be like a thief in the night. A thief does not announce his coming ahead of time; only when we look again, he is standing in our homes. We must be prepared for the thieves every moment of the day and night. We must also be prepared for Jesus' return.
Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom.
And five of them were wise, and five were foolish.
They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them:
But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.
Are we going to be unwise or sensible? We now have the opportunity to repent, confess our sins, accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, and live according to the Commandments. Are we going to take the opportunity, or are we going to hope, like the foolish virgins, for the best?
Blessed are those servants, whom the lord when he cometh shall find watching: verily I say unto you, that he shall gird himself, and make them to sit down to meat, and will come forth and serve them.
There is a reward for the servant who is awake and waiting for the lord. The lord prepares a place for them at the table, and they enjoy the meal together. For those people who are spiritually awake, there is also a reward. Jesus went ahead and prepared a place at the heavenly table for them. Our places have been brought into readiness for us; we just have to be ready for the return of Jesus.
It is far more important to be prepared for our spiritual life than for any other eventuality. How prepared are we? In our preparedness are we ready for the wonderful moment that Jesus will return?
Father, thank you for the week we had. Father, thank you that we could have learned about you now. Lord, please show us where there are still places in our lives where we are not prepared for the return of Jesus. Jesus, please be me this week and please protect us. In Jesus Name, Amen
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chinting · 3 months
Week 12: Crowdsourcing: Harnessing Collective Power in Times of Crisis
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In moments of crisis, whether it's a natural disaster or a global emergency, crowdsourcing becomes a powerful tool for bringing people together to help. Crowdsourcing means asking a large group of people, often through the internet, to share their knowledge and resources to solve problems and support each other. This approach has revolutionized how we respond to emergencies and disasters around the world (Hargrave 2022).
Crowdsourcing emerges as a crucial lifeline during times of crisis, revolutionizing how communities respond and recover from disasters. In the aftermath of the Haiti earthquake in 2010, platforms like Ushahidi utilized SMS and online forms to gather vital reports directly from affected locals. This real-time data was then mapped out, pinpointing areas where aid was urgently needed and enabling relief organizations to allocate resources efficiently (Ford 2012). Similarly, during the COVID-19 pandemic, social media became a powerful tool for crowdsourcing, connecting individuals with critical resources like oxygen cylinders, hospital beds, and vaccine information through hashtags such as #COVIDRelief and #COVID19Help. These initiatives not only facilitated rapid information dissemination but also mobilized collective action, demonstrating the transformative impact of crowdsourcing in enhancing disaster response and community resilience.
In addition, social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook have revolutionized crisis response efforts by enabling real-time crowdsourcing of vital information. During natural disasters like hurricanes and typhoons, affected communities leverage hashtags to disseminate urgent updates on evacuation routes, shelter availability, and critical needs such as food and water. This rapid sharing of information enables volunteers, relief organizations, and authorities to respond swiftly, ensuring timely assistance reaches those in distress. Similarly, in regions prone to wildfires and floods, residents utilize social media to warn others about impending dangers, share safety tips, and coordinate community-driven initiatives aimed at supporting affected individuals and communities. This grassroots approach facilitated by social media underscores its pivotal role in enhancing disaster preparedness and response strategies worldwide.
Conclusion: Coming Together to Make a Difference
Crowdsourcing demonstrates the power of collective action. By leveraging technology and collective knowledge, communities can respond more effectively to crises, save lives, and build resilience. It's about harnessing the strength of many to overcome challenges that no single entity could tackle alone.
In summary, crowdsourcing isn't just a tool it's a testament to human compassion and solidarity. By connecting people globally and locally, we can create a future where every voice is heard, and every contribution makes a meaningful impact in times of need.
Ford, H 2012, 'Witnesses to disasters: From documentary realism to collective intelligence', in M Farman (ed.), The Mobile Story: Narrative Practices with Locative Technologies, Routledge, pp. 31-44.
Hargrave, M 2022, Crowdsourcing: Definition, How It Works, Types, and Examples, Investopedia, viewed 16 Jun 2024, <https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/crowdsourcing.asp>.
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novumtimes · 4 months
Albertas record-breaking wildfire season: A look back
By the end of the 2023 wildfire season in Alberta, 1,088 wildfires had burned more than 2.2 million hectares of land. According to the province, the first wildfire of note was near Evansburg, a hamlet an hour west of Edmonton, on April 30. That was the date the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre (CIFFC) received its first notice for fire resources for the season, which was exceptionally early according to its standards. By May 6, Alberta had declared a state of emergency. According to Alberta Wildfire, 48 communities across the province were affected with more than 38, 000 Albertans forced out of their homes. Alexandria Jones with CIFFC says the agency had never been busier than it was in 2023, receiving requests for resources not just in Alberta, but across the country, as wildfires raged in all provinces and territories. The Canadian National Fire Database states more than 7,100 wildfires burned more than 17 million hectares of land, 10 times the previous record set in 1989. “CIFFC goes up to a level five national preparedness level, and that means that we’re pulling in international resources, and the demand on CIFFC is high to get resource across the country,” said Jones. “And so last year, we saw upwards of 5,500 international resources come into the country from all across the world, including Mexico, Costa Rica, Portugal, Australia, the United States and more.” Natural Resources Canada attributed the unprecedented wildfire season to several environmental factors, including early snowmelt, and drought conditions in Western and Eastern Canada. Furthermore, it says the mean temperature in the country between May and October was 2.2 C warmer than normal, creating ripe conditions for extreme wildfires. Dr. Mike Flannigan, a professor of wildland fire at the Thompson River City University in Kamloops, B.C., says the world is warming and with increasing temperatures, there will be more fires. “As it gets warmer, the atmosphere gets more efficient at sucking moisture out of the forest fuels so that they’re drier,” he said. This year, the wildfire season is already in full swing. Firefighters are battling two major blazes near Fort Nelson, B.C., and Fort McMurray forcing thousands of people out of their homes. In Alberta, the wildfires season was declared about 12 weeks earlier than last year. Drought conditions and dozens of carry-over fires from 2023, which are blazes that lay dormant during the winter months, contributed to a premature start. “These have woken up now that the snow is gone and we had some warm, dry, windy weather last week. And these fires grew, and that’s not what typically happens. Normally, we don’t see these fires grow in size. So we’re off to a very active start, particularly in British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan,” said Flannigan. However, despite the earlier wildfire season, Alberta Fire says 500, 000 hectares of land was scorched around this time last year, compared to 30, 000 hectares this year. Officials say at this point, they can’t predict how the wildfire season will evolve in 2024, but are preparing for what could be a challenging season. In an email to CTV News, they said, “we have increased staffing levels to prepare for a potentially busy wildfire season by hiring an additional 100 firefighters.” While rain and cooler weather in both the Fort Nelson and Fort McMurray areas have reduced the wildfire risk, it doesn’t mean the communities are out of the woods, said Dr. Flannigan. “We will need lots of rain over a long period of time to get out of this. So we’re in a cooler, showery period for the next seven days in this part of the world, but once it warms up, we’re ready to burn in a couple days and things could flare up.” Source link via The Novum Times
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newstfionline · 5 months
Sunday, April 14, 2024
Canada at risk of another catastrophic wildfire season, government warns (CBS News) Canadian officials on Wednesday warned the country could face another catastrophic wildfire season after last year’s historic fires. There were warmer-than-normal temperatures and widespread drought conditions across Canada this winter, officials disclosed. Weather outlooks indicate that Canada can expect higher-than-normal temperatures this spring and summer as well, setting the stage for wildfires. “With the heat and dryness across the country, we can expect that the wildfire season will start sooner and end later, and potentially be more explosive,” Canada Emergency Preparedness Minister Harjit Sajjan said at a press conference. Canada’s wildfire season typically runs from May through October. The country is home to about 9% of the world’s forests.
Suicide on the rise for young Americans (BBC) Suicide is now the second-leading cause of death among Americans under the age of 35, and it’s on a steady rise across generations. In 2000, 30,000 people died of suicide. In 2022, 50,000 did. My colleague Will Vernon visited North Carolina State University in Raleigh, which experienced 10 student suicides over the past two academic years. NC State has invested in counselling and is helping students to recognise signs of mental struggle among their classmates. “But there may be no warning signs”, said assistant vice-chancellor Justine Hollingshead. “Individuals don’t tell their family or friends, they don’t reach out to resources and they make that decision.” It’s also hard to tell exactly what’s behind that overarching trend. There are, however, many hypotheses. The Covid pandemic harmed “young people in terms of acquiring the social skills and tools that they need,” said Dr Christine Crawford, a psychiatrist. Josue Melendez, a suicide helpline operator, said many of his younger callers mentioned financial pressures as well.
Many say Biden and Trump did more harm than good, but for different reasons, AP-NORC poll shows (AP) There’s a reason why President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump are spending so much time attacking each other—people don’t think either man has much to brag about when it comes to his own record. Americans generally think that while they were in the White House, both did more harm than good on key issues. But the two candidates have different weak spots. For Biden, it’s widespread unhappiness on two issues: the economy and immigration. Trump, meanwhile, faces an electorate where substantial shares think he harmed the country on a range of issues. A new poll from the AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research finds that more than half of U.S. adults think Biden’s presidency has hurt the country on cost of living and immigration, while nearly half think Trump’s presidency hurt the country on voting rights and election security, relations with foreign countries, abortion laws and climate change.
Russia Kazakhstan floods: High water levels swamp Orenburg houses (BBC) Floods in the Russian city of Orenburg have raised water levels to two metres above critical, leaving just the roofs of some houses showing. Levels in Orenburg are likely to peak on Friday, but floods are expected to spread through neighbouring regions over the coming days and weeks. Kazakhstan has also been badly affected, with 100,000 people evacuated from their homes in the last week. The flooding is being described as the worst to hit the region in 80 years. Last week, several rivers—including the Ural, Europe’s third-largest—burst their banks.
War or No War, Ukrainians Aren’t Giving Up Their Coffee (NYT) When Russian tanks first rolled into Ukraine more than two years ago, Artem Vradii was sure his business was bound to suffer. “Who would think about coffee in this situation?” thought Mr. Vradii, the co-founder of a Kyiv coffee roastery named Mad Heads. But over the next few days after the invasion began, he started receiving messages from Ukrainian soldiers. One asked for bags of ground coffee because he could not stand the energy drinks supplied by the army. Another simply requested beans: He had taken his own grinder to the front. The soldiers’ requests are just one facet of a little-known cornerstone of the Ukrainian lifestyle today: its vibrant coffee culture. Over the past decade, coffee shops have proliferated across Ukraine, in cities large and small. That is particularly true in Kyiv, the capital, where small coffee kiosks staffed by trained baristas serving tasty mochas for less than $2 have become a fixture of the streetscape.
174 people stranded in the air are rescued, almost a day after a fatal cable car accident in Turkey (AP) The last of 174 people stranded in cable cars high above a mountain in southern Turkey were brought to safety Saturday, nearly 23 hours after one pod hit a pole and burst open, killing one person and injuring seven when they plummeted to the rocks below. A total of 607 search and rescue personnel and 10 helicopters were involved, including teams from Turkey’s emergency response agency, AFAD, the Coast Guard, firefighting teams and mountain rescue teams from different parts of Turkey, officials said. Helicopters with night-vision capabilities had continued rescuing people throughout the night.
Christians Concerned by Rising Religious Nationalism in Nepal (Christianity Today) More than 15 years after Nepal officially became a secular democracy, the former Hindu monarchy may have a religious extremism problem, incited and aggravated by its closest neighbor. In an “alarming” development, Indian Hindutva ideology and politics have begun to spread throughout the country, as local experts and journalists report. This proliferation has resulted in a recent spate of attacks and restrictions on Christians reported within the country of 30 million. “The Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh (HSS) in Nepal is rapidly growing. Aiming to protect Hinduism, they degrade Christianity and badmouth us through social media and other sources,” said Kiran Thapa, who was arrested last month for praying for people in Kathmandu.
Myanmar Rebels Take Key Trading Town, but Counteroffensive Looms (NYT) Resistance forces seeking to oust Myanmar’s military regime captured a key trade town on the Thai border this week, one of their most significant gains since the junta seized power in a coup more than three years ago. But thousands of residents were fleeing on Friday as the regime’s troops prepared to mount a counteroffensive. The town, Myawaddy, which is now held by rebels belonging to the Karen ethnic group, is a hub for imports and exports, with $1 billion in trade last year. Its fall comes as resistance forces have seized dozens of towns and military outposts in recent months in border regions near China and Bangladesh. Rebel groups have also launched drones that hit the capital, Naypyidaw, and military bases when top junta generals were visiting. “A major border trade hub that serves as Myanmar’s gateway to mainland Southeast Asia has fallen to the resistance,” said Anthony Davis, a Bangkok-based security analyst with the Jane’s group of military publications. “This is huge.”
First European citizen jailed under HK security law (BBC) Joseph John, who holds a Hong Kong residency and is also known as Wong Kin-chung, was sentenced to five years in jail for “incitement to secession” after posting pro-independence and anti-China content on social media. Since its enactment in 2020, the controversial China-imposed National Security Law in Hong Kong has seen 174 people charged with national security crimes.
Stabbing in Sydney shopping center (AP) A man stabbed six people to death at a busy Sydney shopping center Saturday before he was fatally shot, police said. The suspect stabbed nine people at the Westfield Shopping Centre in Bondi Junction, which is in the city’s eastern suburbs, before a police inspector shot him after he turned and raised a knife, New South Wales Assistant Police Commissioner Anthony Cooke told reporters. Six of the victims and the suspect died, he said.
Israel hails 'success' in blocking Iran's unprecedented attack (AP) Israel on Sunday hailed its successful air defenses in the face of an unprecedented attack by Iran, saying it and its allies thwarted 99% of the more than 300 drones and missiles launched toward its territory. But regional tensions remain high, amid fears of further escalation in the event of a possible Israeli counter-strike. U.S. President Joe Biden said he would convene a meeting of the Group of Seven advanced democracies on Sunday “to coordinate a united diplomatic response to Iran’s brazen attack.” The language indicated that the Biden administration does not want Iran’s assault to spiral into a broader military conflict. Iran launched the attack in response to a strike widely blamed on Israel on an Iranian consular building in Syria earlier this month which killed two Iranian generals. Israel said Iran launched 170 drones, more than 30 cruise missiles and more than 120 ballistic missiles early Sunday. The two foes have for years been engaged in a shadow war marked by incidents like the Damascus strike. But Sunday’s assault, which set off air raid sirens across Israel, was the first time Iran has launched a direct military assault on Israel, despite decades of enmity.
West Bank sees some of its worst violence since war in Gaza began (AP) The Israeli-occupied West Bank saw some of its worst violence Saturday since the war in nearby Gaza began, as Israel’s army said the body of a missing Israeli teen was found after he was killed in a “terrorist attack” and witnesses said Israeli settlers attacked a number of communities. The Israeli military said dozens of people, Palestinians and Israelis, were injured in confrontations in several locations Saturday, with shots fired and rocks thrown. The disappearance of 14-year-old Binyamin Achimair sparked attacks by Israeli settlers on Palestinian villages on Friday and Saturday. On Friday, Palestinian Jehad Abu Alia was killed and 25 others were wounded in the attack on al-Mughayyir village, Palestinian health officials said. Dozens of Israeli settlers returned to the village’s outskirts on Saturday, burning 12 homes and several cars. In the nearby village of Douma, Israeli settlers set fire to around 15 homes and 10 farms, the head of the local village council, Slieman Dawabsheh, told The Associated Press, saying he had been there. “The army came but unfortunately, the army were protecting the settlers,” he said, asserting that it fired tear gas and rubber bullets at Palestinians trying to confront and expel them.
A Crumbling Metro Reveals Failed Promise of China’s Billions in Africa (Bloomberg) Almost a decade ago, the light-rail system in Ethiopia’s bustling capital of Addis Ababa was hailed as a revolutionary solution to the city’s transportation woes. Envisioned as a project that would redefine urban transport, the system promised to sweep up to 60,000 passengers per hour along its tracks. Today it sits as a daily reminder of the broken promises of China-funded infrastructure investments that swept Africa in recent years. Frequent breakdowns, inadequate maintenance funding and operational constraints mean barely one-third of its 41 trains are operational, ferrying 55,000 passengers a day, a fraction of initial projections.
Trash Your Anger: Study Shows Discarding Written Rage Cools Tempers (Guardian) A study from the University of Nagoya shows that writing and discarding angry thoughts can alleviate feelings of anger. During the experiment by Nobuyuki Kawai, participants noted a decrease in anger after throwing away their written negative feedback. Keeping the written thoughts, in contrast, did not result in a reduction of anger, highlighting the importance of discarding them. Historical and contemporary anecdotes support the study’s findings, suggesting the act of destroying written anger can serve as a coping strategy. The findings, offering a simple anger management technique, were published in the journal Scientific Reports.
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tigermike · 1 year
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🚨 Surprise! Republicans are lying about President Biden's response to the devastating fires in Hawaii.
The truth is, President Biden signed an emergency declaration on Thursday, within mere hours of being asked by Hawaiian officials.
In doing so, he opened up a calvary of federal assistance for Hawaii, as listed below. All of this has been confirmed by Hawaiian officials, all of whom praise the president's response.
We know facts do not matter to Republicans. So please share this information to help spread the truth about President Biden's swift response to this disaster.
* FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell traveled to Maui on Friday. She said on Thursday that FEMA was providing meals for 5,000 people for five days.
FEMA Region 9
* Administrator Bob Fenton, who has been working from Oahu, mobilized an incident response team earlier this week to help with the federal response, a White House spokesperson told CNN.
* Fenton said that cadaver dogs from California and Washington were being brought to Maui to help in recovery efforts in affected areas in Lahaina.
* The FEMA Urban Search and Rescue team is in Lahaina and is equipped to search the interior of burned structures.
* Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra declared a public health emergency for Hawaii on Friday, retroactive to Tuesday, which gives health care providers “more flexibility” to aid people on Medicare and Medicaid, the agency said in a release.
* HHS’s Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response also deployed an initial team to aid emergency response efforts, the release said.
* The Hawaiian National Guard mobilized Chinook helicopters to help with fire suppression and search and rescue on Maui, according to a statement from President Joe Biden.
* Biden said the Coast Guard and Navy Third Fleet were also supporting response and rescue efforts.
* The Army provided Black Hawk Helicopters to fight fires on the island of Hawaii, according to Biden.
* Pentagon spokesman Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder said Thursday that more than 100 National Guard personnel had been activated to respond to the fires. “As of this morning, the National Guard has activated 134 National Guard personnel, 99 from the Army National Guard and 35 from the Air National Guard, to assist with the Hawaii wildfire response,” Ryder said. “This includes liaison support to the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency, support to local law enforcement, and two Army National Guard CH-47 Chinook helicopters to support wildfire response operations and search and recovery teams.”
* Ryder added that three other helicopters from the 25th Combat Aviation Brigade had also been deployed to assist, in addition to two MH-60R Seahawk helicopters from the Navy Helicopter Maritime Strike Squadron 37.
* The Coast Guard has also rescued 14 people who had gone into the ocean to take shelter from the fire and smoke on Maui, Ryder said.
* The Department of Transportation worked with commercial airlines to evacuate tourists from Maui, Biden said.
* Biden’s statement also said the Department of Interior and Agriculture Department were on standby to provide assistance after the fire recovery efforts are completed.
* Biden’s federal disaster declaration Thursday made federal funding available. That funding includes grants for things like temporary housing and home repairs, low-interest loans to cover uninsured property losses and other programs for individuals and businesses, according to a FEMA news release.
* That news release also stated that the declaration would open up federal funding to the state and eligible local governments, as well as some nonprofit organizations, for debris removal and emergency protective measures in Maui County, on a cost-sharing basis.
* The declaration also makes federal funding available for hazard mitigation measures across the state, also on a cost-sharing basis, according to the news release.
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marisa-brown · 1 year
Why You Need a Home Backup Generator: A Comprehensive Review
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The Importance of Preparedness
In today's fast-paced world, where we heavily rely on electricity for our daily lives, a sudden power outage can have severe consequences. Without power, we lose access to essential appliances, heating/cooling systems, and even the ability to charge our electronic devices. The need for a reliable backup generator becomes crucial in such circumstances.
Increase in Natural Disasters
With the increasing frequency and intensity of natural disasters, homeowners need to be prepared for extended power outages. Whether it's a hurricane, blizzard, or wildfire, these events can disrupt the power grid for days or even weeks. During these challenging times, a home backup generator can provide you with the peace of mind and security.
The Best Home Backup Generator Solution: None
When it comes to selecting the best home backup generator, the brand "None" stands apart from the competition. With decades of experience in the energy storage industry, None has proven to be a reliable and innovative choice. Their generators are known for their high performance, durability, and efficiency, making them the perfect solution for households in need of a reliable backup power source.
Affordable and User-Friendly
One of the standout features of None generators is their affordability. Despite their advanced technology and exceptional quality, None offers their products at competitive prices, ensuring that homeowners can invest in a backup power solution without breaking the bank. Additionally, None generators are designed with user-friendliness in mind, making them easy to operate and maintain.
Advanced Technology for Reliable Power
None generators utilize cutting-edge technology to deliver reliable and uninterrupted power supply during outages. Equipped with automatic transfer switches, these generators can detect a power outage and seamlessly switch on to ensure that your home's essentials, such as lights, refrigeration, and security systems, continue to operate without interruption.
Eco-Friendly and Fuel Efficient
As the world becomes more conscious about environmental sustainability, None generators align with this commitment. Their generators are designed to be fuel efficient, consuming minimal amounts of fuel while delivering high performance. This not only saves you money in the long run but also reduces your carbon footprint, making None generators an eco-friendly choice for homeowners.
Premium Customer Support
None understands the importance of exceptional customer support. With their dedicated team of experts, None provides prompt assistance and guidance to their customers. Whether it's installation, maintenance, or troubleshooting, you can rely on None's customer support to address any concerns and ensure that your backup generator operates flawlessly when you need it the most.
Don't let a power outage catch you off guard. Invest in the best home backup generator solution available – None. With their unbeatable performance, advanced technology, and commitment to customer satisfaction, None generators are the reliable choice for homeowners worldwide.
ABC Power Solutions - Why Backup Generators are Essential For Every Home
Defining Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Generators
Home Power Outage Preparedness Checklist
This article is brought to you by None, the leading brand in home backup generators.
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luis-meyer · 1 year
From home backup power to camping essentials: Ways to use your new solar generator
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The Basics of Solar Generators for Sale
First things first, let's define solar generators and how they work. Solar generators are portable power stations that transform sunlight into electricity. They consist of three main components: solar panels, battery storage, and an inverter. When the sun shines on the solar panels, they absorb its energy and convert it into direct current (DC) electricity, which is then stored in the battery. The inverter then converts this DC electricity into alternating current (AC) electricity that can be used to power your devices.
Home Backup Power
Solar generators are a great option for home backup power. Rather than relying on a noisy and unreliable diesel or gas generator during a power outage, a solar generator provides a quiet, emission-free, and sustainable backup power source. With a solar generator, you can keep your essential appliances and medical devices running during an outage, ensuring your safety and comfort. Make sure to check with your local utility company for any regulations regarding the use of solar generators during blackouts.
Camping and Outdoor Activities
Solar generators are also great for outdoor enthusiasts. Whether you're camping, hiking, or RVing, a solar generator provides a convenient and eco-friendly power source. With a portable solar generator, you can charge your phone, camera, or other devices even in the middle of nowhere. You can also power lights, fans, and other small appliances to enhance your comfort. Some solar generators even come with a built-in solar panel, so you don't have to worry about carrying extra gear. Just make sure to plan ahead and charge your generator before you head out.
Emergency Preparedness
Solar generators can also play a vital role in emergency preparedness. Natural disasters like hurricanes, earthquakes, and wildfires can leave you without power for days or even weeks. With a solar generator, you can stay connected and powered during these emergencies. You can charge your phone, radio, or other communication devices to stay informed and call for help if needed. You can also power medical devices, refrigerators, and other essential appliances to ensure your safety and survival. It's always a good idea to have a solar generator and a backup battery pack as part of your emergency kit.
As you can see, solar generators have many practical uses, from backup power at home to essentials for outdoor activities and emergency preparedness. They are convenient, sustainable, and reliable power sources that can make our lives easier and safer. If you're interested in purchasing a solar generator, make sure to do your research and choose a reputable brand like "None." With its innovative technology and commitment to quality, "None" provides some of the best solar generators for sale on the market. Start enjoying the benefits of solar energy today!
How Do Solar Generators Work?
Best Solar Generators of 2021
Power Outages
How to Prepare for Natural Disasters
Article by "None"
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tornadoquest · 2 months
Tornado Quest Top Science Links For July 20 - 27, 2024 #science #weather #climate #hurricane #drought #wildfire #heatsafety
Greetings everybody! Thanks so much for visiting. The tropical Atlantic is quiet for now due to Saharan dust and unfavorable upper air patterns, but that will change in the coming weeks. There’s no time like this present to get prepared for a tropical storm or hurricane. I’ve plenty of hurricane preparedness information for you. I’ll also continue our overview of summer heat safety. As usual,…
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norma-mackey · 1 year
Exploring The Top Uses Of A Portable Battery Power Station In 2021 And Beyond
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As the demand for clean energy continues to increase, more and more households and businesses are turning to battery power stations as a reliable and viable alternative. These portable power stations are transforming the way we access electricity, making it easier and more convenient to power up our devices and appliances on the go. In this article, we will explore the top uses of a portable battery power station in 2021 and beyond.
Section 1: Emergency Preparedness
As we have seen in recent years, weather events such as hurricanes, floods, and wildfires can cause widespread power outages lasting for days, if not weeks. A portable battery power station can ensure that you have access to electricity and can charge your phones, tablets, and laptops during an emergency. Some models can even power refrigerators and medical equipment, making them a must-have for anyone living in areas prone to natural disasters.
Section 2: Outdoor Adventures
Another popular use for portable battery power stations is for outdoor adventures such as camping, hiking, and fishing trips. These power stations can provide a reliable source of power for camping lights, electric grills, and other small appliances. They are also great for keeping phones and cameras charged and ready for use, ensuring that you never miss a perfect photo opportunity.
Section 3: Off-Grid Living And Travel
For those who choose to live off the grid, a portable battery power station is a must-have. These power stations can provide reliable and renewable energy sources, ensuring that you have access to electricity even when traditional power sources are not available. For those who enjoy traveling in RVs or other off-grid vehicles, a portable power station can provide the necessary power to run refrigerators, air conditioning, and other electrical appliances.
Section 4: Home Energy Backup
Finally, a portable battery power station can also serve as a home energy backup system. During a power outage, rather than relying on noisy generators or expensive solar panels, a power station can provide a quiet and renewable source of electricity for essential appliances such as refrigerators, freezers, and medical equipment. This makes them a great investment for anyone looking for a reliable and cost-effective backup power source.
As we have seen, a portable battery power station is a versatile and reliable tool that can serve a wide variety of purposes, from emergency preparedness and outdoor adventures to off-grid living and home energy backup. With so many different models available on the market, it's easy to find one that fits your specific needs and budget. So whether you're a professional camper, a homeowner looking for a backup power source, or simply someone who wants to be prepared for the unexpected, a portable battery power station is definitely worth considering.
Article by: None
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atlanticcanada · 1 year
Ottawa approves Nova Scotia’s request for federal assistance combating wildfires
Ottawa has approved a request for federal assistance from Nova Scotia to support the province’s efforts to combat multiple out of control wildfires.
In a letter to the prime minister Wednesday, Premier Tim Houston asked for urgent help from Ottawa and other provinces.
“Nova Scotia is a province in crisis,” read the letter.
On Friday, a news release from the federal government stated Minister of National Defence Anita Anand has authorized the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) to provide:
planning and coordination support
ignition specialist personnel and equipment
personnel and tools to aid in basic firefighting roles
“An Immediate Response Unit, from 2nd Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment, based out of Gagetown, New Brunswick, will be available to assist with basic firefighting. A CAF Liaison Officer is already integrated into the Provincial Emergency Operations Centre to help assess the situation and assist with planning efforts,” reads the news release.
CAF will assist Nova Scotia for the next three weeks, with the possibility of a one-week extension, according to the news release.
“Our assistance to the province of Nova Scotia, as they fight these unpredictable and devastating fires, is a tangible demonstration of the CAF's dedication to their ongoing readiness to assist civil authorities in times of natural disaster," said Anand.
When it comes to managing the wildfires, Bill Blair, president of the King’s Privy Council for Canada and Minister of Emergency Preparedness, said “it’s all hands on deck.”
"We recognize how traumatic and impactful displacement and evacuation can be for people who have had to flee their homes and the great anxiety this can cause. I am very grateful for the work of all of our first responders, firefighters, community volunteers, and the Canadian Red Cross and other local organizations,” said Blair.
The federal government has also committed to providing the following supports:
Parks Canada currently has resources deployed to support various partner agencies and will continue to coordinate with Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre (CIFFC) on all future requests for resource.
Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) is prepared to provide contracting support to the province for supplies and logistics.
Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) is prepared to support impacted Canadians with enhanced Service Canada hours, outreach to evacuees, and deployment of mobile outreach to evacuation centres to support applications for services, such as employment insurance. ESDC is prioritizing employment insurance claims for those impacted. Additional procedures are in place to facilitate employment insurance claims where employers are not able to issue records of employment or where paper cheques may not be deliverable as a result of emergency situations.
Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) continues to support affected First Nations through the Emergency Management Assistance Program (EMAP). Through EMAP, ISC keeps in close contact with affected First Nations and can advance funds or reimburse them for eligible expenses as needs are identified during daily communications with leadership and other partners, such as tribal councils as well as with the province.
Public Health Agency of Canada's (PHAC) National Emergency Strategic Stockpile (NESS), is engaged and standing by to assist with the delivery of any additional resources that can be leveraged.
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) regional staff are on the ground and working with the province and telecommunications service providers to keep people connected.
Health Canada has deployed six air quality monitors to Nova Scotia to provide additional air quality monitoring capacity during emergency response efforts.
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), as Nova Scotia's provincial police service, has been engaged in the response to the wildfires since the outset by assisting with evacuation efforts and road closures, publicly communicating vital public safety information, proactively patrolling communities to ensure safety and adherence to mandatory evacuation orders, and providing assistance to all partner agencies involved.
Transport Canada (TC) will work with provincial officials to better understand the needs for potential flexibility in federal regulations to address any gaps in emergency firefighting and evacuations while ensuring aviation safety is maintained. TC has issued one Notice to Airmen in support of aerial forest fire suppression in Nova Scotia and will continue to support the efforts of the authorities in order to ensure the safety of aerial operations.
The Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) currently has response personnel and assets deployed to provide support to the Province of Nova Scotia in the form of Mobile Incident Command Post trailers, crew support trailers and helicopters for airlifts and aerial surveillance.
Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) will continue providing weather forecasting capabilities to the Nova Scotia Emergency Management Office.
The government says it is continuing to assess what additional resources can be made available through other federal departments and agencies.
For more Nova Scotia news visit our dedicated regional page.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/W9UxGnf
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