#Willem Dafriend
venananix · 3 months
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i rly like that willem is just a head with legs
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acidhydra101 · 2 months
made this edit
video from wayneradiotv's og elden ring playthrough ending audio from ep 40 of rtvs podcast where do we begin
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jigjag7 · 2 years
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commissions are open! you can read more about them here: https://jigcomms.carrd.co/ please give me money i'm queer not rich
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8bitbutterfly · 2 years
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screen caps from The Florida Project by Sean Baker, 2017
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0tt00ctavius · 2 years
Little something while I have a break from collage work 🥲🥲🥲
Otto and Norman with a s/o who is tired
Otto Octavius
You had been working on a project for oscorp all week, only getting around thirty minutes of sleep each day. It was Friday and the project was due tomorrow…you had to get this done. Norman would chew you out if it wasn’t done!! It was 4 am and you were still at oscorp working on it. You had terrible bags, messy hair, and you were running off of about 7 cups of coffee. All of a sudden you felt a hand on your back and you saw your computer shutting off. “Time to go home my dear…you’ve been working on this all day…” Ah….your boyfriend octavius. “Mhmg….b-but I-it’s…..due…..tomorrow…..” you mumbled as you fell asleep on your desk. “Sweetheart…let’s get you home ok…?” Otto picked you up and held you while getting your work bag. “I l-love you otto….” You told your boyfriend as you kissed the side of his neck. “I love you too Y/n….now take a nap while I get us home alright?” Otto softly said as he covered you up with his trench coat. “A-alri…..” You fell asleep mid sentence and otto just smiled.
Norman Osborn
It was Monday morning and you hadn’t slept in two days, insomnia and just not being comfortable wasn’t a good mix. Norman was being a little mean that day and put a lot of work on you. He was making you run stuff to different offices, take stuff up and down steps, get lunch for everyone, etc. It was now 9pm and norman was about to leave when he saw you cleaning up…he saw how exhausted you looked and felt a little bad. He just shrugged it off and went home. The next day he went to ask you if you were alright but you weren’t in your office. Now he was worried. You were never late..never. He tried calling you a few times but you never picked up. Norman just gave up and went to your house. You had gave norman a key a few weeks ago since you guys had been dating so he had a way in. “…y/n? Pumpkin are you alright…?” He walked in and looked around..you weren’t in the living room. “Y/n?…” Norman walked around when he finally saw you. Sick looking and barley able to walk. “Y/n! Oh dear are you alright? You look terrible sweetheart…” Norman Immediately went to you and held you up. “t-thanks for telling me I look horrible…” You spoke as you leaned into your concerned boyfriend. “I didn’t mean it like tha-….honey?” Norman looked down and you were dead asleep in his arms…he carried you to his car and took you back to his house. You needed some good sleep.
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ivan-the-dionysian · 11 months
Last night I dreamt I was golfing with Willem Dafoe and he was becoming more and more mildly uncomfortable with how many of his films I’d seen
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-ᴡɪʟʟᴇᴍ ᴅᴀғᴏᴇ ᴀᴛ ᴀɴɴᴜᴀʟ ᴀᴄᴀᴅᴇᴍʏ ᴀᴡᴀʀᴅs.
I treasure these photos of Willem Dafoe so much. The man somehow manages to look magestic whilst being photographed(even when he's not. He still looks magestic either way) and im here for it. Also, HIS SMILE, MAN. His smile is really wholesome and gorgeous. IT'S WOW. I can just comment about it all day.(And he also looks really silly at the same time like having those cigs on his ears.) i appreciate this man a whole lot. He's a wonder to my eyes.
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inkubadoramagica · 2 years
showing this before I die again
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I show you this before I die again. Willem you will always a be good base for a lot of my Dave Miller fanarts.
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i had a dream last night in which i was at a movie theater, and the movie that was playing was just 3 hours of Willem Dafoe walking around an apartment and picking up various objects and just naming them.
It won like 52 Oscars and was labeled "the greatest film of all time forever and anyone who tries to top it will be shot"
and then Quentin Tarantino tried to top it, and he was publicly executed at MetLife Stadium
They tied his hands behind his back, put him on his knees, put a blindfold over his eyes, and shot him in the back of the head
his last words were literally just "the n-word"
not the slur
literally just
"the n-word"
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billkill · 1 year
I'm honestly more interested in lord of war 2 than nosferatu.
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cyberth0t · 2 years
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btw i got this comment on an episode recently, cant really beat that honestly babes
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chaos-pigeon · 1 year
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mozzarella-stickz · 2 years
my willem dafoe era was so iconic i miss that
currently reading elias fics because ❤️❤️❤️
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0tt00ctavius · 2 years
Norman Osborn x fem!reader
Summary: You started staying at Norman’s house more often, then it turned into you moving in with him. When you see that he’s having a nightmare you calm him down and ask him to tell you what’s been going on.
Tw: mentions of blood, and well a little bit of other gorey stuff. Angst and some fluff but mostly angst 😀.
It was a Friday night meaning that you and Norman just got off work and would have the weekend together. You both went home and got showers. Norman was wearing a pair of grey sweatpants and a green, baggy, shirt. You were also wearing a pair of gray sweatpants on with a black shirt. You two watched a movie and ate dinner. It was time for bed and both of you decided to sleep together. Norman was scared of waking you up with one of his nightmares but he finally gave in and let you sleep with him. He started having nightmares of what the goblin made him do and would sometimes wake up screaming due to one. He was just hoping tonight wasn’t one of those nights.
“Are you comfortable?” Norman asked while holding you, scared that he was hurting you due to the performance enhancers. “I’m fine darling” You replied while smiling and slightly laughing, making Norman’s face turn red. Norman loved it when you called him darling or love, he doesn’t know why but it makes him feel safe. “Ok just let me know if I start hurting you in anyway.” Norman held you close, the warmth from his body made you even more comfortable. “Norman…you don’t have to worry about hurting me or making me uncomfortable.” He sighed in contentment as he held you closer.
It was around three am when his nightmare started. Every other nightmare was of what the goblin made him do in the past but tonight it was what goblin was going to do. He dreamed of the goblin hurting you. you. Why was he having a nightmare about hurting you? You did nothing to make him even have the thought of hurting you. It also felt so real to him. Feeling as though it was happening right then and there. The dream was of him beating you to a pulp. You two were apparently in a fight it seemed like and he just lost control. Once his dream self regained consciousness he was able to see what he had done to you. You were bloody and bruised, you crying as you held up your hands to some-what block his hits. His dream self looked at you and then the whole room went black. He was leaning on something that seemed like a wall. Then he saw you. Slowly limping towards him. “you hurt me…” You whispered as you began getting closer to norman. “you promised…to never lay a hand on me…” Blood started dripping out of your mouth as norman watched in horror, him starting to cry in terror and guilt. “I-I’m sorry! I lost control I-I didn’t mean to!” Him trying to back up but he was still against the wall. Then all of a sudden you disappeared only to reappear right in his face. “YOU HURT ME.” Dream you screamed at him as he looked at you, his eyes full of fear.
You had woke up to norman mumbling in his sleep. He looked frightened as his forehead started to sweat. You were worried about him, you didn’t know he had nightmares so this was an absolute first. Sometimes you would walk in on him asleep on the couch but he never looked like he did tonight. He always looked like he was at peace and now he looks like he’s just went through a haunted house. You went hold his hand and to try and wake him up but you apparently scared him right out of it. He sat straight up and was panting like he had just ran a marathon, his hand tightly grasped around yours making you wince in pain. It felt as though he was crushing your bones. His nails broke the skin on your hand and they dug right into you. You shouted in pain while trying to pull away from Norman. He looked at you, his eyes full of fear but then slowly started to soften at the sight of you. Though his eyes started to fill with worry as he saw the amount of pain on your face. “Y/n?…what’s wrong?” He looked down to see him hurting you. He instantly let go as he looked at you, his eyes filling with fear once more. You held your hand in pain as norman watched, scared to go near you, fearing that he might hurt you again. Your hand was throbbing in pain, but you had to make sure Norman was ok. “N-norman?..” Pain was clearly in your voice as he looked at you. “Y/n… I’m so sorry!” He starts getting closer to you. “I didn’t mean to hurt you!” He cupped your face as he kissed your forehead. “I am so sorry my love, may I see your hand?…” He wanted to see if he broke the skin or not, either way he would bandage your hand. You uncover your injured hand only to see that you had been bleeding a bit. He sees the blood and he can feel guilt rising inside himself. He looked at your bloody hand and almost started crying. Knowing that he has caused pain upon you just crushes him. He’s always wanted to make you feel happy not sad, mad, or feel pain. He looked up at you and was about to say something but the look of terror and pain that was shown by you instantly caused him to loose his track of mind. “I-I’m sorry…this is all my fault…I didn’t mean to scare you.” You spoke so softly that it could put a man to sleep but expressed enough fear and pain to make someone feel bad. “It’s ok! You have nothing to apologize for.” Norman gently helped you out of bed and helped you to the bathroom. He inspects your hand to see if anything else is bleeding. “I’m so sorry darling…” Norman started to clean your hand as you winced in pain, the warm rag softly went back and fourth over the wound. He wrapped your hand in an ace bandage before asking you if you wanted to stay up or go back to bed, but you wanted to stay up and ask about his dream.
“Norman you don’t have to tell me but… what were you dreaming about?” Norman looked at you as you spoke, fear filling him again. “…I….” Norman fell silent, wrapping himself in a blanket. “y/n…I’ve been keeping something from you” You looked at him confused and curious. “Ok? What is it? You can tell me anything.” You moved closer to him and started hugging him. Norman was scared to tell you that he was the green goblin. He didn’t want you to be scared of him. He didn’t want to lose you. He took a deep breath and began to speak. “Have you ever heard of the green goblin?” He asked while his voice began to shake a bit. “Yeah isn’t that the green elf lookin’ thing from a few years ago?” Norman looked at you and almost started laughing but he kept his composure and started speaking. “Yes and ummm…” Norman was afraid to continue that sentence, scared that you might be scared of him. “I-I’m was the green goblin..” Your eyes were filled with fear, you moved away a bit as well. Norman, the man you loved was the green goblin?!? You couldn’t believe what he was saying, but after hearing him start crying after seeing your reaction, you quickly hugged him. “Its ok..it’s ok!” You gently swayed him back and fourth while rubbing his back. He wasn’t crying because you moved, he was crying because he was scared of you leaving him because of his past. He held onto you tightly as he cried into your chest. “Norman it’s ok!..” He was trying to calm down the best he could. He kept apologizing in between sniffs and him trying to catch his breath.
You finally got norman to calm down and talk to you about the green goblin and his nightmares. He was scared the whole time while telling you about it, you was all he had left. “I’m really sorry for keeping this from you..and I understand if you don’t want to date me anymore I-“ You hugged him tightly. “Norman I will love you no matter what, he took control over you, whatever he did, he did not you.” Norman almost started crying because of that. You loved him way to much…there was no way you could just leave him. “It’s ok my love…shh…it’s ok…” you softly said as you rubbed your boyfriends back. He couldn’t believe you still loved him after he finally revealed the truth. “y-you’re…staying….right…?” Norman mumbled as he slightly pulled away to look at your face. Poor bud had tears going all down his face and snot coming out to- he looked like a sad two year old. “I- oH euOGh-…y-yeaHhHh I’m staying buttttt I need to get you a tissue. You’re snotting all over my shirt hon-“ You slightly moved away and grabbed the box of tissues you had on your nightstand….sometimes you’d wake up crying due to a night mare so you made sure ya had tissues. Norman just chuckled and sniffed it back up. “eUOGHHHHH!!!! NOOO! I- you nasty-“ you said looking at your boyfriend like ‘you did not’. “How a-am I nasty?-“ Norman mumbled, he sounded so stuffy from crying. “because. You very easily could’ve blew that out onto a tissue. hErE-“ your hand was slightly shaking-…norman still had snot on his upper lip so you just bArLey stuck it to him. “There- I’m not ya mama-.” You said as you sat beside of him, norman started laughing a bit and he blew his nose. After he cleaned himself up norman just held you. “I love you so much Y/n….you have no idea.” Your sOon To bE hUsbAnd softly said as he rubbed circles on your back. Some how he had this magic trick- he rubbed your back and almost a second later you’d fall asleep. he’s just a magic man. Norman was talking to you and he kept saying the most swEeTEsT things ever-. He loved you so much…he really did. “Y/n how about in a few minutes we watch a movie? Mhm? Is that alright with you my dear?” No response. This poor man was starting to slightly worry. “Y/n?….” He mumbled as he looked down at you. You was o u t. Flopped over on his chest and just dead asleep. He smiled big and got both of y’all positioned. “G’night my love bug…sleep good…” He kissed your forehead and cover both of y’all up. Not to long after that he fell asleep as well.
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barnettshale · 1 year
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theofficialsucc · 1 year
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