#Willie Lewis imagine
What Lurks In The Dark
Pairing: Marcus Lopez Arguello x fem!reader
Word count: 3.7k
Warning: Mild cursing, Mild Graphic description of violence
Summary: Paranoia had always been a common occurrence in her life so when the feeling of being watching started to rise in the back of her mind she couldn't tell if it was just a conjured-up feeling or reality. After a heavy night of avoiding anyone and everyone at all costs, a deal is sent her way that she would be a fool to pass up on or maybe a bigger fool for agreeing to it.
(Y/N): Your name
(H/C): Hair colour
(E/C): Eye colour
(F/C): Favourite colour
*Gif does not belong to me
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Worn out Converses smacked against the concrete sidewalk as (Y/N) walked through the streets with purpose. Her hands were tucked into the pockets of her oversized hoodie, the back of the (F/C) piece of fabric falling past his skirt and rubbing against the back of her stocking-clad thighs. Her (H/C) was pulled back and out of her face, a few wisps of hair falling out of the tie that kept the rest of her hair back and invading her vision.
(Y/N) tried not to stay in one place for too long, not when she had a doped-up dad with buddies all over the city. It was still beyond herself why she hadn't decided to flee the city yet. Perhaps the only reason she chose to stay was to keep an eye on her mother, but even then there wasn't much the woman was doing that gave (Y/N) a proper reason to stay behind.
She had only ever run into a few people that seem to recognise her. Normally, they would try and ask her if her dad had anything good going around or if she was carrying any on her. There was only one occasion where one of her dad's mates had tried to get physical with her, claiming she had to be brought back to where she belonged. It didn't take much to get the man off of her, mainly because he was drunk and clutching onto a half-empty beer bottle for dear life.
Tonight felt just like any night to begin with as she walked through the streets of San Francisco. She kept her head down and her hood up as she tried not to draw any more attention to herself than a teenage girl walking through the dark streets of San Francisco could get.
It was only when she saw the same boy with a bright green mohawk skate past her for the fourth time that she began to raise her guard. (Y/N) was willing to shake it off at first, but after seeing him a few too many times for comfort she began to realise she was being circled by the boy.
(Y/N)’s pace picked up only slightly along with her heartbeat. Her original plan was to try and lose him in some back alley that ran behind some of the apartment blocks and led back to one of the main roads. But upon further evaluation, it probably wasn’t the best idea to be followed into a back alley, even if she was being followed by a rather flimsy-looking boy that seemed to be around her age.
She had two other options that could work out in her favour, of course, with the possibility that her plans could backfire in her face. Her first option was to wait the boy out and lead him out to the main roads where she could hopefully lose him or he would be detoured because of the uprise in people. The second idea that had come to her mind was to try and meet the boy head-to-head and throw him off his course where she could try and get away from him in his moments of instability.
Both ideas could work out in her favour but just as easily give the green-haired boy the upper hand. In the case where she tried to lose him, he could get to her before she made it to a more crowded area and with the second choice he could overpower her, his looks may be deceiving to something stronger. Neither necessarily worked out in her favour but at least with the first option if she needed to she could make a run for it or later dissolve into the fight she was hoping it didn’t have to come down to.
In her head, the decision had already been made before she could properly think and weigh out her choices.
Turning left, (Y/N) felt the flesh of another hand latching onto her upper arm. Whipping her head around with a few strands of hair flying in the wind, (Y/N)’s eyes landed on the same boy that had been circling her as the night progressed. A choked yelp escaped from behind (Y/N)‘a lips at the sight of the boy, instantly trying to pull her arm away from him once it registered that the limb hanging onto her belonged to him.
“Woah,” The boy quickly called out, a laugh on the tip of his tongue as he planted a foot and held onto (Y/N) a tad bit tighter. Raising his chin a little, the green-haired boy said, “I’m just here for a fun time. You have nothing to worry about.”
“You creep,” (Y/N) quickly exclaimed, her lip curling in disgust. The boy's eyes seemed to widen at (Y/N)‘a words, like what he had said had finally registered in his head for the first time. Trying to keep a steady voice, she said, “Get off of me.”
“No can do, Runaway Legacy,” The boy’s overjoyed voice rang out, a matching unwavering grin plastered on his face. “Need to get you back to King's Dominion so I pass the assignment. I can’t let Lex get a good grade for this assignment this time around or he’ll have two to hold over my head.”
“One, I'm not going anywhere with you and your greasy mohawk,” (Y/N) started, getting cut off by the boy as he made his dissatisfaction known.
“It’s not greasy.”
(Y/N) gave the boy a deadpan at his words, watching as he raised his free hand in surrender and gave her room to speak once more. “Two, I don’t care about Lex or this assignment you claim that I supposedly am. If you want to kill someone, pick a different target. And three, the hill is a 'Runaway Legacy?'"
“I’m not going to kill you,” The boy exclaimed with a mortified gasp. “The whole point of this is to bring you back alive. Master Lin wouldn't have a use for you if we brought you back dead.”
“That’s not helping your case,” (Y/N) said, giving the boy a moment to answer before she kicked the skateboard out from under his foot, sending him skidding back in his moment in surprise. In his fall the boy had let go of her, so with a few steps forward, (Y/N) took control of the skateboard that the boy had just lost.
“Oh, come on!” She heard him call out from behind her as she began to pick up speed. As the boy stumbled to his feet, preparing to run after her he yelled, “Not cool man. Not cool.”
"Looks like your gonna have to go back to Master Lin empty-handed and fail your assignment," (Y/N) shrugged as she looked back at the boy only to find him a few paces from where he had originally fallen, not putting in too much effort to go after her. "I guess Lex is gonna be the one to bring home the gold."
"You would have much rather gone back with me, I promise," He called after her in a sing-song tone making chills shoot down (Y/N)'s spine. "If I don't get you, Lex or someone else will."
Shooting her head back around, (Y/N) focussed on getting away from the creepy boy and out of the part of San Francisco where she currently found herself in. But no matter where she went the feeling of someone watching her stuck with her throughout the night, making her never stay still for too long on the stolen skateboard she had obtained.
In the end, she didn't end up getting too far before another mysterious figure was making their way towards her.
"Oi, you've been assigned," A boy with cornrow braids said as he stepped towards (Y/N). He wore a dark athlete's hoodie with a toothpick between his teeth as his eyes scanned over her, landing on the skateboard beneath her feet where his lips twisted upwards. "Master Lin don't do well tardiness so we gotta move."
"I'm not going anywhere with you," (Y/N) uttered quickly, turning around the boy as she leaned heavily on one side of the skateboard. "As I said to your green-haired freak of a friend, this is an assignment you're gonna have to fail."
A loud scoff rang out from the taller boy. "Don't let any of the Rats hear you speaking about one of their own like that. They're known to not be as friendly as I am."
"I'll keep that in mind," (Y/N) said dryly, her (E/C) eyes half-hooded as she circled the boy. "Note to self, if you ever see someone looming in the dark, ask them if they are a Rat are not. It will certainly work out well in your favour."
A bemused chuckle left the boy's mouth as his shoulders bunched up and his head lowered. He reached up to pluck the toothpick from his mouth and flick it somewhere behind himself. "You're going to have to drop the attitude. That's the sort of thing that gets you killed in King's Dominion."
"Well, as I said to your Rat friend," (Y/N) began, not bothering to look over her should as she escaped from the boy as she already knew he would be lent against the wall behind him, "Master Lin's gonna have to learn that he ain't gonna get everything he wants."
"I would congratulate you for your bravery if what just left your mouth wasn't complete stupidity," The boy called out, not bothered by the ignorance he got in return. "Good luck escaping this one kid. No one gets away from Master Lin."
(Y/N) tried not to pay any mind to what the boy had said, attempting to let the words go through one ear and out the other. But the warnings she got from both strangers were daunting. Once was a coincidence but twice was an omen. And it didn’t take long until that omen was put into play.
Coming to a quick stop, the skateboard whipped out from under her feet as something knocked (Y/N) off her feet after rounding a corner. As she came crashing down a tall boy with blonde hair made his presence known. He spoke with a thick accent as he said, “We were told you were a Legacy, but I don’t see anything but a Rat.”
“Are you sure we’ve got the right girl?” Another voice spoke up with a just as thick accent. Coming to stand next to the taller dude was a girl with curly blonde puffed-up hair. She wore a cheerleader outfit with two dark-shaded pom-poms resting on her hips. “I’m not one to say Master Lin is wrong but this can’t be the girl everyone’s throwing a hissyfit over.”
“Would hate to agree with the emo cheerleader,” (Y/N) started as she stood from the ground, eyes landing on where the skateboard had fallen before looking up at the two blondes in front of her again. The girl had a glare on her face as she watched (Y/N), the title not sitting well with her. “But I think you and your other friends running around have to reevaluate who your stalking and threatening to kidnap.”
"We ain't going to have to kidnap you if you follow along willingly," The girl spoke up, popping a hip to the side as she stared expectedly at (Y/N).
"You see, as much as I would love to make this easy for you both," (Y/N) started to circle the two of them, stopping once she was at their sides and they had turned to face her. Trying to keep the attention on her face, she slowly stretched a foot out until it bumped into the skateboard lightly. Lifting her foot up until it rested on top of the board, she slowly pulled it back towards her. "I was taught not to go with people I don't know. You know, stranger danger."
The girl scoffed while the guy's face seemed to lift slightly. "There is no need to worry about strangers. I assure you, if you are the Legacy Master Lin claims for you to be, I am positive we will be far more than strangers."
"Ew, gross," (Y/N) shook her head, face twisting into disgust as she backed away from him with a few stumbled steps. "As enlightening as this whole interaction has been, I'd much rather decline and be on with my day."
"That's not going to happen, sweetie," The girl said stepping forward. With her steps, her hands moved from her hips, her pom-poms growing two large blades out of each one. (Y/N)'s eyes quickly flickered down to the spikes, taking a gulp as they seemed to glint in the streetlights. "We're allowed to take you back using whatever means necessary, and if that means by force… then so be it."
(Y/N) didn't need to wait another second to figure out what that means. Turning and launching herself onto the skateboard and onto the pathway. Thinking back to her earlier plans, (Y/N) starts to migrate her way back to the more crowded places of San Francisco. Maybe then she would finally be able to escape the several advances of strange teenagers and Master Lin, whomever that may be.
The pair of blondes must have been prepared for (Y/N) to make a run for it since they weren't too far behind her. The skateboard didn't act as much help and she probably would have been better off legging it herself but there was no time to jump off and hope for the best.
At the first sight of a large crowd of people, (Y/N) could feel some relief starting to creep up inside of her. That hope quickly diminished as something sharp pierced through her shoulder. She didn't scream but a deep disgruntled sound tore through her throat as she fell from the skateboard, crashing into a few pedestrians that gave her disgusted looks as they went barreling down with her.
Climbing to her knees, (Y/N) pushed herself up quickly. She crawled forward a step before she was tripping over her feet to stand once again. People parted the way for her as a hand craned back to wrap around one of the blades that had lodged in close to one of her shoulder bones. A steadying breath was taken as she began to inch the blade from her flesh. She kept walking as she tried to pull it out, stuttering in her steps every once in a while as she fought down a wince and had to pause in her movements. When a coalesced hand gripped hers, she turned around quickly, ready to see one of the attendants she had already run into that night. "I wouldn't do that if I were you."
"What?" (Y/N) questioned as she focused on the boy that had come up behind her. He had dark curly hair that was cut into a short mullet. He wore a black long-sleeved shirt and some jeans, something plain to blend in. In one of his hands was the skateboard (Y/N) had discarded earlier.
"Pulling the weapon that punctured you from the wound," He said as he carefully tore (Y/N)'s hand away from the blade stuck in her shoulder. "It's like basic knowledge at this point."
"I think I was more concerned about getting away from the two lunatics that were chasing after me." (Y/N) watched with narrowed eyes as she pulled her hand away from the boy. "And why do you sound so calm? Anyone else would be a bit more worried about the massive chunk of steel sticking out of my back…"
"Well…" The boy said, bringing a hand up to scratch at the back of his neck.
"You're one of them, aren't you?" The words came out like venom, already backing away from the boy as her hand shot back up to clutch at her shoulder while her head tipped back so she could stare up at the sky. "Why won't you and the rest of your Rat and Legacy friends leave me alone?"
"If it makes you feel any better, you were able to avoid Saya and Maria last night. They didn't come back to King's Dominion until lunch today because they didn't want to be failed," The boy offered the information to (Y/N), trying to smile in some form of reassurance. All the boy got in return was the annoyed stare of (Y/N) as she began to turn away from him. With hurried steps to keep up with (Y/N), the boy said, "Of course that wouldn't make you feel better. Look, I know I'm probably one of the last people you want to trust, but if you let me take you back to King's Dominion-"
"Absolutely not," (Y/N) exclaimed, effectively cutting the boy off. She shook her head as she waved a hand at the boy, trying to shrug him off. "I've been running away from people trying to drag me to that place. Why would I willingly go with you of all people?"
"Because we have healers," The boy said exasperated. One of his hands jotted forward to reach out for (Y/N) but stopped at the large flinch on her part when he got too close. "I'm not saying you have to stay, hell you could be out of there as soon as the medics are done with you. But you'll have a better chance of coming with me than you will be trying to get help at a hospital.
When (Y/N) couldn't think of anything to say, the boy took it as his signal to keep on speaking.
"I was just like you once, okay? Scared and living on the street, on the run from cops and anyone who got too close. King's Dominion is far from a home or somewhere safe, but if you're willing, you can find yourself fitting in with the right group of people and making something for yourself there," It wasn't the lecture (Y/N) wanted to hear but it seemed to knock some sense into (Y/N)'s head. “Yeah, most of the people there are scum-sucking ducks, and the teachers couldn’t care less if you got poisoned or shot at, but at least you’ll have a future there. And hey, maybe in a month or two you’ll get to be the one chasing kids down the street trying to recruit them into this secret society where they could go and work for NASA even.”
“What does NASA have to do with any of this?” (Y/N) questioned with furrowed brows, allowing the boy to get a little closer to her and place a steadying hand on her back near the puncture wound.
“More than you think,” He laughed. (Y/N) turned to him, trying to arch one of her brows to show her confusion, only getting a shake of the boy's head as if signalling it was for another time. "I'm Marcus."
"(Y/N)," She says, allowing Marcus to push her forward and lead her King's Dominion, keeping an eye out for any of the strange faces she had run into previously that night. "You know your little rant wasn't very effective if you were hoping to get me to stay at King's Dominion."
"Yeah, the more I spoke the more I began to realise that." No one seemed to care much for the blade sticking out of (Y/N)'s back, passing by as if there wasn't a thing wrong with the image. (Y/N) couldn't decide if that was a good thing or if it was alarming how much people were willing to ignore what was right in front of them. "But I was inspirational, wasn't I?"
"Oh, very," (Y/N) concluded, a scruff of a smile appearing on her face. "Had the troops rallying. Could barely contain my excitement to get to this place where I'll have scum-sucking kids drooling over me and knobs of a teacher cursing me to do homework that will hopefully get us all killed"
"Don't be surprised if that's their objective," He warned before abruptly turning into a food store where a few people were already waiting. As (Y/N) followed after him, a question on the tip of her tongue as she stepped into the store which quickly dissolved as she saw some familiar faces.
"Hey Marcus, you got my skateboard back," The green-haired boy from earlier yelled happily as he jumped off one of the tables he had comfortably taken a seat on. Bounding over he extracted the board from Marcus before looking over at (Y/N). "I thought Marcus may have been able to woo you over here. I get it, I'm not your type. At least Lex wasn't able to get to you and bloody you up too badly."
"I wouldn't say that," Came the voice (Y/N) grew to find annoying. The same bush of blonde hair came wandering over, plucking the blade from (Y/N)'s shoulder, earning a gargled-out wince from the (H/C) haired girl as a hand shot up to apply pressure to the now exposed wound. Thick welts of blood began to smear across her fingers as she was guided through the store. "I think I did a pretty dandy job of giving her her first King's Dominion scar."
A scorn flashed across (Y/N)'s face as Marcus kept her moving, pushing her away from the blonde girl. It was then that her attention was caught by a boy with poorly bleached hair that he had been able to spike up. "Looks like you were able to strike out before me Marcus, good work there chap."
An uncertain familiarity took over (Y/N) at the sight of the boy. She found herself going out on a limb and asking, "Are you the famous Lex that greasy over there was going on about all night?"
"Someone been talking about me?" Lex asked with a bemused grin, eyes skittering around the room.
At the same time as Lex spoke, the green-haired boy yelled out, "My hair is not greasy!"
"Oh, I'm gonna like this one," Lex announced before he started to walk to the backdoor of the small building. "Now, you've been keeping Master Lin waitin' a long time. You ready to meet the man and be turned into a killer?"
Despite herself, (Y/N) found herself looking back at Marcus. She was either seeking out his reassurance or guidance, something she wasn't sure why she was doing. His shoulders quickly raised in an act of surrender. He spoke lowly, almost a whisper like it was a secret between them, "Don't look at me."
Turning back around to face Lex, she found him leaning against a door with a sign on it that read staff only. The boy with green hair was standing next to him while the other three he had seen earlier were standing slightly out of the way, waiting for her answer.
"Lead the way," She settled on saying.
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moonferry · 2 months
anyway how old i imagine the stardew characters are !
starting with the marriageables:
* elliott: 34-35
* harvey: 33-34
* shane: 32
* sebastian: 24-25
* emily: 24-25
* sam: 23-24
* abigail: 23-24
* alex: 23
* leah: 23
* penny: 22-23
* maru: 22
* haley: 21-22
now npcs:
* vincent: 10
* jas: 9
* leo: 10
* marnie: 48
* kent: 43
* jodi: 42
* pierre: 47
* caroline: 44
* willy: 53
* gus: 49
* lewis: 52
* marlon: 53
* gil: 56
* george: 73
* evelyn: 74
* the wizard: 47
* qi: ????? (he's immortal)
* pam: 46
* sandy: 25-26
* clint: 27-28
* gunther: 30
* linus: 54
* robin: 43
* demetrius: 43
this is just my opinion and is based solely on the vibes i get for them <3
please lmk what ages you think they are in either the cmnts or reblogs bc i'd love to know ^__^
* remember, this is just for funsies and it's okay if you view them differently than i do !!!!
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annaizscribbling · 9 months
In which the farmer is not quite human pt 4: Gus
(start at pt 1 here) also I'm posting these on ao3 gradually, but tumblr will still get them first aye.
Gus unlocked the front door to the saloon at exactly noon, just like he always did. He didn’t really expect somebody for a couple of hours, but sometimes a few folks will wander in for lunch or a midday refreshment. He doesn’t expect much on a random rainy Tuesday, but he’s consistent—an important trait in a business owner. He takes great pride in being dependently consistent.
He walked back to the bar counter and picked up a couple of glasses that needed to be polished. He kept everything perfectly spic and span, homey, and comfortable. It was important that the other townsfolk felt cozy in the saloon, that’s why Gus kept a bit of ragtag furniture, warm lights, and the scent of delicious food at all times.
And it worked! Friday nights especially were so busy that he wouldn’t know what to do with himself if not for Emily helping out part time. Robin and Demetrius usually play some nostalgic song and dance together, Shane hangs out by himself with a sparkling water these days, Pam sits by the bar and gets intoxicated while chatting with him, Mayor Lewis and Marnie flirt in the corner, Elliot and Leah share some wine, Willy orders himself something strong and indulges Clint, who just stares at Emily and mopes, Harvey gets and strong coffee and tiredly enjoys the show, Pierre escapes his family to get some scotch alone, Abigail claims her favorite couch to watch the weekly pool games, where Sam and Sebastian play until Sam gives up on trying to win a single match.
And sometimes, Sebastian’s wife tags along. Not always, she doesn’t come every week. Farming is a taxing job, Gus imagines, and she does a whole lot more than just farming, so it makes sense that she has less time than her househusband. She rarely showed up at all before they got married, and even then, she showed up solely to see Sebastian before sprinting out the door again.
Gus liked the farmer; she was a nice woman. She helped Gus out on more than one occasion when he was in a pinch, she was a great listener, a valuable customer, and a friendly, albeit unpredictable face. When she shows up on Friday nights, she usually hangs around her husband, watches them play pool, sits with Abigail, and then stares. She does a lot of staring, not usually at people or anything, but at the wall, or the ceiling, or the floor. It seems like she sees things that aren’t there, like she’s reading or browsing through sometimes. Most of Pelican town doesn’t question it, it’s just something she does.
Other Friday nights she seemed to be in a more excitable mood, which meant that she didn’t smile more or anything, but continuously paid for a variety of food from Gus then distributed them among at least half of the customers in the saloon. Salad for Leah, beer for Pam, spaghetti for Robin, pizza for Sam and Shane, coffee for Harvey, and whatever the special is for anybody who wants it. She was a very generous person, a little odd, but undeniably generous. She brought him a crate of oranges from her orange tree every time she had a good harvest, which he would thank her for by sending her and Sebastian something special for dinner.
Gus is interrupted from his thoughts when the door swings open.
Standing in the door way is one sopping wet farmer, who smiles at him as she drips all over his welcome mat. A cold draft breezes into the room, clashing against the warm saloon air. Gus pauses from polishing.
“Hey,” Gus says with a wry smile, “you look like you could use a beverage. And maybe a towel,” he tosses the rag he was using at her. Her arm shoots out without her glancing at it, and she snatches the rag out of the air like an instinct. He’s heard things about her skill in the mines, maybe the reflexes are a result of that.
“Sorry,” she says, dabbing some of the water off of her skin and wiping her feet on the mat politely. She’s still extremely damp, but not quite dripping wet anymore.
“It’s no issue, make yourself at home,” Gus said kindly, picking up another rag and gesturing with his chin at some of the bar stools. The farmer slid into a seat and picked up a menu, though any resident of Pelican Town knew exactly what was on it save the special.
“Thirsty?” Gus offered. “There’s nothing like a glass of dry red wine on a day like this, huh?” he chuckled, but raised his eyebrows, wondering if she’d be swayed into a drink. He knew she didn’t drink very much at all, but every so often she indulged herself.
Today, it did not seem to be the case. She shook her head and pointed at the menu with a shy smile.
“Oh, a pizza? Good choice, for here or to-go?” Gus asked, rolling up his sleeves.
“To-go, please,” she said politely.
Gus nodded, and began to walk toward the oven to put a few in. “Just one?”
“Thirty-five?” Gus repeated her in disbelief, eyes widening. He turned back to gape at her, to see if she was trying to be funny or something, but she looked completely serious.
“Yes please,” the farmer said with a little nod.
Gus blinked slowly. There weren’t even that many people in all of Pelican Town. What could she possibly do with thirty-five whole pizzas? She and Sebastian couldn’t eat all those. Did the rain mess with her head?!
“… so, you want thirty-five pizzas to-go,” he said slowly, waiting for her to stop him. She didn’t. “Alright. Well. That is going to be, um, 4200 dollars.”
“Okay,” she said before digging around in her bag before pausing to look back up at him. “What’s the special today?” she asked, tilting her head.
“… pumpkin soup.”
“Two of those as well please.”
“Right. Why not? Yes. I’ll have that right out for you,” Gus said a little faintly as he rung up her total and accepted her payment, which she handed over without any hesitation.
She nodded patiently and began to organize her backpack as Gus crept away to go get her food ready.
Twenty minutes later, Gus managed to get everything done. He was sweating and a little frazzled, but he did it. Though he would have killed for Emily’s help. He had half a mind to call her in desperation, but he pulled himself together and got the food. The money was more than worth it.
He had all thirty-five pizzas and two pumpkin soups laid out on the counter in some Styrofoam containers, ready for her to somehow transport it all in the torrential rain.
“Are you having a party or something? That’s quite a bit of pizza for two people,” Gus said casually, trying not to seem invasive. Usually, people just told him all kinds of things about themselves and their days, the farmer wasn’t quite as much of an open book. Though even if she was, Gus wasn't so sure he'd be able to even understand her language.
“The soup is for Sebastian and me. For dinner,” The farmer said quietly, popping open the lid to one of the pizza containers.
“And the thirty-five pizzas?”
“I’m going mining. Keeps up my energy,” she said as she picked up the open Styrofoam container in one hand and her open backpack in the other.
“And you’re bringing full pizzas with you? Thirty-five of them?”
She nodded once, before tipping the to-go box over, forcing the pizza to fall with a wet squelch directly into her open backpack.
Gus stared in horror.
The farmer proceeded to do this exact same thing to every single one of the remaining thirty-four pizzas, dropping them face first into her bag and neatly stacking the empty to-go boxes. When she was done, her bag was full of pizzas stacked on top of each other upside down with absolutely no container. She gingerly placed the soup bowls on top of the pile of dough and sauce and cheese. It made a squishing sound. She didn't even bother with lids for the soup.
Gus did not manage to find a single word to say for the entire duration of this.
“Should last me a few trips, thank you, Gus,” the farmer said chipperly before putting her backpack on, turning around and sprinting out the door, back into the rain, before Gus could so much as wave her goodbye.
Gus considered calling Harvey and telling him to expect a case of food poisoning but thought better of it. She was a successful farmer, friend, businesswoman, and wife to her husband. The farmer must know what she was doing. She could have her … eccentricities, he supposed.
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Some random SDV headcanon:
"If it was up to me, I'd probably have a pizza festival at the saloon instead..." Sam heard Shane grumbling during the Ice Festival, and thought Shane was a genius.... Pizza Festival, an entire festival dedicated to the food of the gods, coincidentally being his favourite meal! Now they must organise pizza party! 🍕
The two pizza lovers approached the Mayor about the idea, however Lewis wouldn't let them have the festival the next day as the residents weren't notified in advance, not enough money in the fund, blah blah blah.... So Shane and Sam decided to ask Gus for help, ordering about a dozen different pizzas and asked him to set up a tables outside.
From the morning, while Shane and Gus set up the table, Sam raced on his skateboard to each house announcing the festivities. Many people surprisingly liked the idea so much (after all, who wouldn't like a hot, delicious meal in the middle of winter?) that the Pelican Town residents decided to make pizzas, too, using their family recipes. Meat, veggies, pineapple, classic version, multiple cheeses, seafood, fruits and sweets - every topic you could imagine! Even the non-pizza lovers (Leah, Harvey and Willy), brought their own versions of baked goods, although in Leah and Harvey's case there are more vegetables than pizza itself, so the dish can safely be called a salad. But still, everyone enjoyed the feast, and Lewis is seriously considering making this an official festival next year.
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scotianostra · 3 months
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On July 6th the Scottish author Kenneth Grahame died.
Remembered for his children’s classic, The Wind in the Willows, Grahame was born in Edinburgh, on March 8th 1859. He had three siblings: Helen, Willie, and Roland. After the family moved from their Castle Street home to Inverary,, where his father was appointed Sherriff substitute, his mother Bessie contracted scarlet fever and died soon after. he took to drink and soon proved inadequate to raise his growing children.
His father fought to overcome his drinking problem and regain custody of his children. After he had a significant relapse, however, the children returned to their grandmother’s care in Oxford, while their father moved to France. The Grahame children were not in contact with their father after that time.
These years left a positive impact on young Kenneth--the stately country home and its gardens and orchards proved to be fertile ground for his young mind. They attended church in nearby Cranbourne where Kenneth's favourite uncle, David Ingles, acted as curate. Kenneth tended to be shy and he had a great imagination and love of nature. Boating on the nearby River Thames and jaunts in the surrounding fields and woods became some of his favourite past times and proved to be excellent fodder for his future creativity as a writer.
Excelling in both academic and sports pursuits like Rugby whilst attending St. Edward's School in Oxford (from 1868 to 1875), Grahame did not continue on with his dream of a university education due to the financial constraints of his Uncle John Grahame, who had been supporting him. In 1879 Grahame obtained a position with the Bank of England in London on Threadneedle Street as a clerk. He found the routine dull and boring and so, from his rooms on Bloomsbury Street, turned his pen to fiction and non-, submitting articles and stories to such publications as St. Edward's Chronicle, the National Observer [previously The Scots Observer], St. James Gazette and The Yellow Book. His first published story was titled By A Northern Furrow in 1888 and his most famous short story is, probably The Reluctant Dragon.
Grahame's works were printed in collections titled Pagan Papers (essays, 1893), his stories of orphaned children in The Golden Age and it's sequel Dream Days To critical acclaim. There is a ten-year gap between Dream Days and the publication of Grahame's triumph, The Wind in the Willows.
During that decade, Grahame became a father. The wayward, headstrong nature he saw in his little son Alastair he transformed into the swaggering Mr. Toad, one of its four principal characters. The character in the book known as Ratty was inspired by his good friend, and writer, Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch. Grahame mentions this in a signed copy he gave to Quiller-Couch's daughter, Foy Felicia.
Despite its success, he never attempted a sequel. The book is still widely enjoyed by adults and children. It has given rise to many film and television adaptations, while Toad remains one of the most celebrated and beloved characters in children's literature. In 1929, A. A. Milne wrote the play Toad of Toad Hall, which is based on part of The Wind in the Willows, which won the Lewis Carroll Shelf Award in 1958. In the 1990s, William Horwood produced a series of sequels.
Grahame died in Pangbourne, Berkshire, in 1932. He is buried in Holywell Cemetery, Oxford. Grahame's cousin Anthony Hope, also a successful author, wrote him an epitaph: "To the beautiful memory of Kenneth Grahame, husband of Elspeth and father of Alastair, who passed the river on the 6th of July, 1932, leaving childhood and literature through him the more blest for all time."
He was buried side by side with his son in the same grave.
The blue plaque and house in the pics are his birthplace at Castle Street Edinburgh.
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salemcantupdate · 1 year
I’m sitting here, thinking about possible ships in Stardew Valley that don’t involve the farmer. I’ve seen quite a few. Of course there’s the canon stuff, aka the married couples and Marnie with Lewis. It’s also canon that Alex says he’s jealous if you get with Haley. Ignoring Clint and Emily because I’m sorry but that’s literally “nice guy creepy incel” getting the girl.
But! I don’t like most of the married couples AND I don’t like Marnie with Lewis. So I’m gonna go on a little exploration here.
Lately I’ve been thinking a lot of Caroline and the Wizard. First of all I absolutely think that Abigail is the Wizard’s kid, but I also don’t think those two actually… like each other? I think it was more of a fling than anything. But low key? Part of me thinks the Wizard and Lewis could be kinda fun, I’ve also seen art of the Razzy with Marlon. Which would be fun! But I do think it’s really cute when Marlon says that Marnie is really pretty. It’s just precious to me.
But BUT, crazy thought
Willy and Razzy mic Dazzle???? HEAR ME OUT HEAR ME OUT
Willy is a traveler! He fishes all over the place!!! He’s gotta have experience with sea monsters and weird magics, and imagine the Wizard requests some specific sea based spells or works with him to help find merpeople OR ensures the seas and skies are calm so that he can sail safely. DO YOU SEE MY VISION???
Cough, so— I’m thinking Willy with Razzmocious and Marnie breaking up with Lewis and Marlon slowly winning her over himself. Caroline though? Honestly don’t think she’s the happiest with Pierre, he’s pretty shit. Low key I like her with Jodi haha. Like Kent isn’t bad, not at all, I just don’t think Jodi loves him. But Caroline and Jodi feel a bit too obvious, so… hear me out… Caroline and Gunther. She regularly visits the library so— gah yeah that’s stupid. Caroline deserves someone who will just cuddle with her and Jodi needs someone who makes her feel alive again. They’ve got different needs. Kent also needs a lot of love and therapy, which I don’t think Jodi can provide. Ok, I’m gonna move on to an easier one I’m dying here.
Sam and Sebastian are so obvious, going insane here. 100% ship them. I’ve seen some people throw Abigail into the mix, but personally I’m not the biggest fan of that. Honestly? I’m kinda into Abigail and Haley—
OK LISTEENNNNN, listen. Abigail’s 14 heart scene… imagine if Haley was there instead of the farmer. It just fits so perfectly. Pretty girlfriend loving buff girlfriend. I THINK ITS CUTE OK LEAVE ME ALONE SOB SOB SOB
Speaking of the girls, I like Maru and Penny together a lot. I just see them around town together all the time and I think it’s super cute haha. Ah shoot, that reminds me of Robin. I do not like Demetrius, personally. Though I suppose there marriage seems to work. I wouldn’t break them apart.
Ok, now on to my hotter tea. Harvey and Shane. Harvey is just so sweet and so loving and so nice and caring and Shane has no experience with that and Harvey gets Shane access to a therapist dhkfhwkd— I think it’s cute. I think it would be really cute if they started hanging out and Shane realized how poorly Harvey ate and started scolding him like “You’re always scolding me but you eat like this?” And just keeps going as he cooks them both a meal and gruffly sets it out for Harvey and—
Ok my other somewhat hot take, Elliott and Alex. The reasoning here might be iffy, but I like the idea of Alex getting with a guy who broadens his range of what masculinity means. I think it would also be cute if Alex slowly gained a love for reading through Elliott. Plus I think Alex could be a magnificent muse given his past. It could be cute.
Oh and my final take is Morris and Pierre should hatefuck
But yeah, I don’t necessarily ship all these. Like, actively and actually ship them. I might one day, but right now I’m just sitting in my thought stew.
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redrikki · 9 months
Miscellaneous Literature Masterpost
Chronicles of Narnia - C.S. Lewis
The Start of a Long Summer - Azula steps through a wardrobe to find a kidnapping faun and a wintry kingdom ripe for regime change. (Chronicles of Narnia/Avatar: The Last Airbender crossover) Azula, Tumnus.
Earth’s Children - Jean M. Auel
Only a Motion Away - The mother and child reunion is only a motion away. (Druc, Nezzie)
Harry Potter - J.K. Rowling
An Odd Place For It - Southern California is an odd place to find a horcrux but there are stranger things in the Sunnydale High School library. (Harry Potter/Buffy the Vampire Slayer crossover) Harry, Hermione, Ron, Scoopy Gang
Have to Start Somewhere (The Words to Rebuild Remix) - This diary belongs to Ginevra Molly Weasley and no one else. (Ginny)
Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins
Panem and Circuses: A look at the woman who made the Games - As Panem prepares to celebrate the Third Quarter Quell, Games Gab takes a look back at the brilliant innovator who almost single-handedly transformed the Hunger Games from a rather tedious affair mandated by the Treaty of Treason into the entertainment juggernaut they are today. (written before A Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes)
Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell - Susanna Clarke
Requiescat in pace - In which Jonathan Strange discovers that returning the dead to their natural state is more difficult than he would imagine. (Jonathan Strange)
Oxford Time Travel Universe - Connie Willis
Primary Sources - In the dark years when the net won’t open, Colin has a lot of growing up to do. (Colin Templer, Kivrin Engle)
Not the Last Goodbye - Polly isn't ready to let Eileen go without saying one last goodbye. (Polly Churchill, Eileen Reilly, Colin Templer)
Temeraire - Naomi Novik
Epistolary - Dear Lady Allendale….yours, etc., Emily Roland
The Broken Earth Series - N.K. Jemisin
Seismic Shift - Schaffa tells himself he will stop if Eitz says no. This one will be allowed to say no. The boy says nothing at all. (Schaffa, Eitz) Warning: Child Sexual Abuse
Tortall - Tamora Pierce
Hole in the Sea - The whales say there is a hole in the ocean and a monster stirring in the deep. (Tortall/Pacific Rim crossover) Daine, Kaiju.
Young Wizards - Diane Duane
So You Want to Be a (Space) Wizard - Finn finds a mysterious book, takes an Oath, and starts one hell of an Ordeal. (Young Wizards/Star Wars Sequels fusion) Finn, Rey, Poe Dameron
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simp-ly-writes · 1 year
Dance of the Moonlight Jellies
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Pairing: Stardew Valley Harvey x Reader
Summary: On the final nights of the summer season, Harvey and your family enjoy a cool night on the docks with the town for the "Dance of the Moonlight Jellies" Festival.
Warnings: N/A
A/N: I really want to go back to playing SDV now... (links to Meet the Doctor series).
Masterlist | Taglist | edited.
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Imagine... it was nearing the end of the summer season. You had just finished up work across the farms; coming to the beach just on time. There you found the entire town conversing in their own little worlds, waiting for the ceremony to start.
As you walked further down the shoreline, you found your family waiting by the tide. The kids were obviously wet from splashing one another, Harvey looked to be caught in the cross fire with his button-up shirt soaked through as he drank out of a transportable green mug you gifted him a few holidays ago in an effort to warm himself up.
He looked exhausted from the day at the clinic but was happy to see you there. He saw you as a lifeline to get the kids out of the water and dry in time for the ceremony.
Playing sea monster you pooled your kids in your arms, towels wrapped snuggly across their frames as you all made your way to the docks. Once there you could find Major Lewis smiling softly at the image of you all together as he looked to Marnie soon after.
You raised an eyebrow in reaction and looked towards your husband as he chucked at the interaction. Soon you could feel little hands pulling your face down in their direction, asking you what was so funny.
Distracting them both with tickles, you sat your kids on the bench in front of Willy's fish shop. Making extra sure that there were warm and sung, they soon both fell asleep atop one another as Mayor Lewis sent the boat out to sea and the music began to play.
Turning back around, you notice Harvey holding his warn-green jacket out for you as he sets it upon your shoulders and brings you to lean against his frame. Kissing your forehead swiftly with the action.
You stare at each other lovingly, his glasses reflecting all the soft lights of the jellyfish below as you fall deeper into the embrace. He then points out for you to look at the rare green-jellyfish in front as he teases you for being distracted.
You hum in response, sneaking a drink from his mug, to only find wine in it instead of the usual coffee inside. What a pleasent suprise. You chuckle to yourself, slightly shaking your head at him lovingly as the night carries into the early morning.
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Yall it’s probably a teen/ya tradition in Pelican Town to hear the train’s horn and go running to make it before it arrives then see if anyone can out-run it. They know they probably can’t but it doesn’t stop them. How many generations do you think it’s been happening? George, Marnie, and Lewis had to have been at least a little wild and I can imagine Evelyn and Willy just watching on in amusement, ya know?
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lolahaurisfw · 1 month
*ೃ༄ STARDEW˚◞♡ ⃗
All Fics
Kent - Demetrius - Pierre - Lewis - Caroline - Jodi - Marnie - Robin
All Bachelors - Alex - Elliot - Harvey - Sam - Sebastian - Shane
All Bachelorettes - Abigail - Emily - Haley - Leah - Maru - Penny
Clint - Marlon - Willy - Wizard - Gunther - Mr. Qi - Bouncer - Sandy
All Fics
Giffany - Soos - Melody - Ford - Stan
All Fics
Ramona - Kim - Gideon - Wallace
*ೃ༄ OTHERS˚◞♡ ⃗
Princess Rosalina - Napoleon Dynamite - Self Ship Imagines - Castaspella Wizard -
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devoutjunk · 10 months
Novel Syllabus 2024
This coming year I think I'm going to be on here more often than I am on twitter or elsewhere, and as part of that, I'm going to start documenting the process of writing my novel more actively. I want to return to/resurrect the momentum and energy I had while writing the first draft and be more intentional about setting aside time to work, even when it's difficult. Below are my writing goals for the coming year as well as my reading list of texts for inspiration, genre/background research, comps, etc. Would welcome any suggestions of texts (any genre/discipline) pertaining to Antigone, death & resurrection, Welsh and Cornish myth and folklore, ecology & environmental crisis, and the Gothic.
Writing Goals
Reach 50k words in draft 2 overall
Finish a draft of Anna's timeline
Finish a draft of Jo's timeline
Polish & submit an excerpt for the Center for Fiction Prize
* = reread
Sci-Fi, Fantasy, & The Apocalyptic
The Memory Theater (Karin Tidbeck)
Who Fears Death (Nnedi Okorafor)
Urth of The New Sun (Gene Wolfe)
Slow River (Nicola Griffith)
Dream Snake (Vonda McIntyre)
Black Leopard, Red Wolf (Marlon James)
Notes from the Burning Age (Claire North)
Invisible Cities (Italo Calvino)*
Frankenstein (Mary Shelley)*
The Last Man (Mary Shelley)
The Drowned World (J.G. Ballard)
Strange Beasts of China (Yan Ge, trans. by Jeremy Tiang)
City of Saints and Madmen (Jeff VanderMeer)
Freshwater (Akweke Emezi)
The Glass Hotel (Emily St. John Mandel)
Pattern Master (Octavia Butler)
Sleep Donation (Karen Russell)
How High We Go in the Dark (Sequoia Nagamatsu)
The Magician's Nephew (C.S. Lewis)*
The Golden Compass (Phillip Pullman)*
The Green Witch (Susan Cooper)
The Tombs of Atuan (Ursula K. Le Guin)
Black Sun (Rebecca Roanhorse)
Gideon the Ninth (Tamsyn Muir)
Lives of the Monster Dogs (Kirsten Bakis)
Brian Evenson
Sofia Samatar
Connie Willis
Samuel Delaney
Jo Walton
Tanith Lee
A Wild Swan (Michael Cunningham)
Til We Have Faces (C.S. Lewis)
Gingerbread (Helen Oyeyemi)
Circe (Madeline Miller)
The Owl Service (Alan Garner)
Literary Myth-Making, Mystery, and the Gothic
Nights at the Circus (Angela Carter)
Frenchman's Creek (Daphne Du Maurier)
Possession (A.S. Byatt)*
The Game (A.S. Byatt)*
The Essex Serpent (Sarah Perry)
Wuthering Heights (Emily Brontë)
The Secret History (Donna Tartt)*
The Wild Hunt (Emma Seckel)
King Nyx (Kirsten Bakis)
The Name of the Rose (Umberto Eco)
The Lottery and Other Stories (Shirley Jackson)
Beloved (Toni Morrison)
The Night Land (William Hope Hodgson)
Interview with a Vampire (Anne Rice)*
Sexing the Cherry (Jeanette Winterson)*
Night Side of the River (Jeanette Winterson)
Bad Heroines (Emily Danforth)
All the Murmuring Bones (A.G. Slatter)
The Path of Thorns (A.G. Slatter)
Gormenghast (Mervyn Peake)
Prose Work, Perspective, and Stream of Consciousness
The Chandelier (Clarice Lispector)
The Waves (Virginia Woolf)*
The Years (Virginia Woolf)
The Intimate Historical Epic / Court Intrigues
Wolf Hall (Hilary Mantel)*
Menewood (Nicola Griffith)
Dark Earth (Rebecca Stott)
A Place of Greater Safety (Hilary Mantel)
The Mabinogion (trans. Sioned Davies)
Le Morte D'Arthur (Thomas Malory)
The Collected Brothers Grimm (Phillip Pullman)
Angela Carter's Collected Fairytales
Mythology (Edith Hamilton)
Underland (Robert Macfarlane)
The Wild Places (Robert Macfarlane)
Wildwood (Roger Deakin)
Vanishing Cornwall (Daphne Du Maurier)
Lonely Planet: Guide to Devon & Cornwall
A Traveler's Guide to the End of the World (David Gessner)
The Lost Boys of Montauk (Amanda M. Fairbanks)
A Cyborg Manifesto (Donna J. Harraway)
A Treasury of British Folklore (Dee Dee Chainey)*
The First Last Man: Mary Shelley and the Postapocalyptic Imagination (Eileen M. Hunt)
Antigone's Claim (Judith Butler)
Theories of Desire: Antigone Again (Judith Butler)
Ecology of Fear (Mike Davis)
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felicitysmoaksx · 11 months
JJ’s Fic and Moodboard Masterlist Updated 7/14/24
Best Friends Brother AU || One Chicago || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Sarah Reese: Police Officer || One Chicago || Sarah Reese Centric
Single Dad!Severide || One Chicago || Kelly Severide Centric
Halstead Brothers Adopt Reese || One Chicago || Gen
Merlyn Twins au || One Chicago & Arrow || Tommy Merlyn & Connor Rhodes
One Chicago x Jatp Fusion || One | Two | Three || One Chicago & Julie and The Phantoms || Mult-ship
The Andi AU || One | Two || One Chicago || Sarah Reese Centric & Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
The Resident x One Chicago Crossover || One | Two || The Resident & One Chicago || Gen: Conrad Hawkins & Sarah Reese
Ballet au || One Chicago || Sarah Reese Centric
Voight Family Values || One Chicago || Gen and Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Sarah Reese as a Former Black Widow || One Chicago & Marvel Studios || Gen: Sarah Reese & Bucky Barnes
The Sisters Halstead || One Chicago || Gen: Makayla Ward & OC
MCU Spiderman Meets The Amazing Spiderman || Marvel Studios || Gen
Mockingbird || One Chicago & DC TV || Gen: Sarah Reese & Dick Grayson & Mult-Ship
Severide & Reese Step-Siblings au || One Chicago || Gen: Sarah Reese & Kelly Severide
Burgstead Pregnancy AU || One Chicago || Jay Halstead x Kim Burgess
Superstar Juke AU || Julie and The Phantoms || Julie Molina x Luke Patterson
NHL Star! Connor Rhodes || One Chicago || Connor Rhodes Centric
What if Paulo took Daisy with him when he left Clump? || Irreverent || Gen: Paulo Keegan & Daisy
Some Kind of Haunted || One | Two || One Chicago & Criminal Minds & CBS FBI International || Gen: Brian Lang & Connor Rhodes && Connor Rhodes x Sarah Reese
Marvel Comics
The One Where Tony Survives (Alt Endgame Universe) || WIP (Series)
A Handful of Moments I Wished I Could Change (And a Tongue like a Nightmare that Cut like a Blade) || Complete || One Shot
Two Worlds (One Family) || Complete || One Shot
The Darcy Lewis Chonicles (Series)
Just Tony || Darcy Lewis and Tony Stark || One Shot
Julie and The Phantoms
Found a Time and Space || WIP || Multi-Chapter || Juke & Williex
In These Small Hours (Series) || Complete
Hollywood Tragedy Aftermath || Complete || Bobby | Trevor Wilson Centric
Do You Hear That Love? || Complete ||  One Shot  || Willie x Alex
Melancholy Kaleidoscope || Complete || One Shot  || Julie x Luke
Little Wonders (These Twists and Turns of Fate) || Complete || One Shot || Julie x Luke and Willie x Alex
One Chicago 
You Held Me Up on Your Shoulders Way Up High || Chicago Med and Chicago Fire || WIP || Multi-Chapter || Sarah Reese and Kelly Severide 
It Was a One Night Stand Until I Woke Up Next to You || Chicago PD || WIP (Series)
It Was a One Night Stand Until I Woke Up Next to You || WIP ||  Multi-Chapter || Jay Halstead x Kim Burgess 
Blood Thicker Than Water || One Shot || Complete || Jay Halstead x Kim Burgess
Married But As Friends (Series) Chicago Med || Complete
Delicate || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
You Could Still See the Best in Me || Chicago Med ||  Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Cause I Clutched Your Arms like Stairway Railings || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Freeze Time, Baby Rewind  || Chicago Med ||  Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Friends Don't Look at Friends That Way || Chicago Med || Complete || Multi-Chapter || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Come Back Be Here (Series) || Complete
Never Stop || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Guilty by Association || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
If I Drift in the Wrong Direction (You Turn the Tide) || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
You & Me || Chicago Med || Complete || Multi-Chapter || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Reader Imagines (Series)
Apartment Fire || One Chicago || Complete || One Shot || Jay Halstead &  Disabled fem!reader Halstead sibling
Doctor Visit  || One Chicago || Complete || One Shot || Halstead brothers Will & Jay Halstead &  Disabled fem!reader Halstead sibling, and Manstead if you squint
One Chicago Soulmate AU || WIP (Series)
Your Words (Burned into My Skin) || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
In Your Eyes (and it all makes sense) || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Sweet Nothing (All You Wanted From Me Was) || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Long Story Short  || WIP (Series)
Rare as a Glimmer of a Comet  || Chicago Med || Complete || One Shot ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Voight Family Values || WIP (Series)
Yeah, I Just Wanna Take You Home || Chicago Med || Complete || Multi-Chapter ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Hold On, I Still Want You  || Chicago Med || Complete || Multi-Chapter ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Interlude: What If || Chicago Med || Complete || Drabble || Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
Bottled Up Feelings are Silently Screaming (You Were Breaking Down) || Chicago Med || WIP || Multi-Chapter ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
What Happened in Russia, Didn’t Stay in Russia || Arrow || Oliver x Felicity (An AU season 2 rewrite) || WIP (Series)
You’ll Always Be My Girl (or Felicity’s first scar and Oliver’s lecture) || Complete || One Shot
Slade’s Promise (Or Oliver’s Overprotective But with Good Reason) || Compete || One Shot
DC TV/Chicago Med Crossover
Mockingbird & Co.
The Same Little Breaks In Your Soul || Chicago Med || Arrow || Titans ||  WIP || Multi-Chapter ||  Sarah Reese x Connor Rhodes
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hawyeein · 7 months
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❀ *◦ lewis tan. cis man. he/him. bisexual biromantic. ⇝ hey, isn’t that jie liu ( nickname: hydra )? i think that the thirty-seven year old from yishun, singapore works as janitor at peppy's pizzeria; empty eyes for the grim fox, but outside of that people describe them as how can I imagine a face if I don’t know what kind of expression I need on it, forced to partake in the broken record that is life, crushed neon green SURGE cans underfoot. i hear they are bullheaded & impulsive, but they are also known to be hardworking & thorough. consider giving them a visit at their home in seal harbor apartments and get to know why they’re called the reconstructor.
It's foggy — it's always foggy — but one thing continues to ring true. You're no stranger to the happenings of unspoken oddities. The distorted warble of two voices still visit you when the horizon goes dark.
“It’s a blessing that you weren’t one of them. You're our miracle child.”
“Don’t stay out past dark. Don’t do that, don’t go there. Why? Because it’s dangerous, it’s dangerous, it’s dangerous.”
You never really understood what they meant. Probably never will. You do understand that singe of annoyance in the pit of your stomach. Just before it twists into something.. Else.
None it matters come morning, though.
There's floors to clean. Stalls to upkeep. Opinions to keep to yourself as familiar faces come and go — some more permanent than others. It's none of your concern, you tell yourself. Not really. Not yet.
>> Record holder for at least 2 pinball machines. If he's not working, then he's going at it with pinball and a can of SURGE.
>> Doesn't remember 90% of his echoed past. Only voices every now and then. He can't make sense of them and hardly bothers to. It does stand out how.. efficient he is when it comes to tinkering and instructing others. Give him a busted thing and he'll have it diagnosed and fixed in a jiffy. Has an incredible knack for explaining / teaching concepts in very digestible bits of knowledge. Even if he may come across as short fused.
>> Vastly indifferent to the animatronics. They're freaky, sure, but so is getting a hand cramp 10 points away from breaking yet another pinball record.
>> Thinks pizza's just okay.
>> Just like a hydra's head, it doesn't matter how many times he's cut down. He'll always get back up despite it all.
>> heavily inspired by the janitor from willy's wonderland!!
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It occurred to me that Lance probably doesn't appear in Pelican Town often, given his occupation.
Imagine being in a relationship with Lance but none of the townspeople are really aware of him because most of the time he spends with the farmer is a) on the farm b) the guilds c) ginger island d) the outpost etc.
After a while though, someone might spot him with the farmer one day on the farm and now everyone knows the farmer has a handsome rugged adventurer for a lover 🫢
How would everyone react?
You're so right, dear anon. In fact, aside from festivals, Lance doesn't really show up anywhere except for the farm and the Guild in Stardew Valley. And the Farmer goes to Lewis one day and says, "This is my lover. Please marry us." He's fucking stunned at the news, and then everyone else who was invited to the wedding. Like excuse me, who the fuck is this handsome pink haired man?
Sorry if the answer came out a little short and chaotic, but I thought it would be better this way. I hope you like it. Thanks for the question!
Lewis will be friendly with the now frequent tourist, but will keep an eye out for Lance and Farmer. Even if Farmer is a Lewis's friend, they can be such a daredevil! Robin and Marnie talk him into relaxing and "letting the young ones enjoy their youth".
Willy didn't realize Lance knew so much about fish. Some species even an experienced sailor had never heard of. Torpedo trout? Now that's interesting. Another friend to tell fish stories with over a beer.
Abigail, having gotten to know Lance better, would immediately beg him to train with her: "Let's sword fight!", "Train me, please!". Lance sees great potential in the unusual girl, and later agrees to show her a couple of self-defense techniques.
Victor almost shit his pants with happiness. An adventurer - and not just any adventurer, but second in command of the First Slash clan! Victor was a little shy, but he could see that Lance was friendly enough to chat, so he asked him questions about monsters and the adventurer's life in general.
Sophia will burn with shame when she accidentally mistakes Lance for a cosplayer, luckily Scarlett defuses the situation and also meets a nicely dressed man. Farmer's husband? No way! That means a new friend!
Lance wouldn't refuse to show the kids (Jas, Vincent and Leo) a couple of safe magic spells. Morgan wouldn't be surprised by magic, but they looked at Lance with admiration as well. He's just as cool as Marlon!
Shane doesn't give a shit about Lance, but he'll keep an eye on him. After all, Farmer has also become a friend to him, and he doesn't want them to get hurt, who knows what kind of guy this adventurer is....
The first rumors about Farmer's new lover came from the gossipy trio of Olivia, Jodi and Caroline. A stranger (and a very handsome one, Olivia said) suddenly appeared in Pelican Town, always with Farmer, and they were even caught kissing. You don't keep quiet about something like that.
Sam would probably be the very first of all the young Valley residents to welcome Lance with open arms. The Farmer's friend (lover?) is Sam's friend! Too bad, though, that Lance doesn't share his love of pizza (a food of the Gods!), but oh well.
For Marlon, Magnus, and Gil, the news that Lance has befriended their friend and student is not new. Although they didn't realize that the two of them would have an affair. Magnus and Gil congratulate Lance and Farmer. Marlon does as well, but he has a heavy stone of memories in his heart that was accidentally disturbed. After all, he too was in love with an adventurer. Faithful to her even now... Even when she has been with Yoba for a long time....
If Alex meets Lance for the first time at the Stardew Valley Fair, he'll definitely call him out on the strength meter ride (hoping to show off to Haley).... And lost to Lance. So yeah, whatever, he just gave in to him so Farmer wouldn't be upset! Haley, on the other hand, will be interested in Lance, since a new face in the Valley is a great excuse to gossip with the girls. And if she catches them two in an embrace. Oh-ho-ho-ho!
Susan and Evelyn will terrorize Lance with care and sweets as a sign of their first acquaintance. Poor Lance can't say no to such kind people. The Farmer is sure to be laughing their ass off when Lance returns with a basket full of pies, cake and other goodies.
The rest of the residents will react normally. They'd all congratulate the two of them, they wouldn't mind when Lance made the first step towards getting to know them, but they wouldn't be fanatical about it. After all, the Farmer knows Lance better than anyone.
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13thpythagoras · 1 year
why Dune is crap
Tolkein and this English lit scholar explain my pov quite well
Martin Turner · BA in English Literature and Language, University of Oxford (Graduated 1988)
Tolkien stated “I dislike DUNE with some intensity,” but he did not give a reason why.
However, you don’t need to look far—only as far as Tree and Leaf—to understand Tolkien’s views on story and artistry.
Tolkien was interested in stories that were good for their own sake. Even in dark moments, the story should be a delight to the reader. By Tolkien standards, Dune is quite gratuitous in its bloodthirstiness, violence and corruption. Herbert takes a positive delight (it would seem) in describing the debauchery of the Harkonnens.
On a similar level, Tolkien always wrote in a way which was suitable for children. He discusses this in Tree and Leaf. He did not see any benefit in filling out his stories with sex and gore.
Tolkien’s world is ultimately a world of grace and kindness. These, to Tolkien, were the marks of the true hero, of whom Gandalf and Aragorn were the contrasting pinnacles. These are qualities almost entirely absent from Dune, which is much more focussed on power and revenge. This is somewhat like the difference between Shakespeare and Webster. The Duchess of Malfi has a very similar milieu to Dune. Tolkien’s own heroes were Gawain and Beowulf, rather than Machiavelli.
Tolkien describes world-building as an imaginative journey. He discusses the difference between simply writing ‘the green sun’ and thoroughly imagining it. To him, the imagination was the main thing. Dune, by contrast, is ‘Lawrence of Arabia in space’. Herbert was reportedly[1][2] very taken by the film,[3]and transplants the milieu wholesale into a science-fiction setting.[4][5] To Tolkien, this was an unacceptable shortcut. Remember that he criticised his friend CS Lewis for borrowing and mixing in Narnia. Herbert’s method is far more heinous, from a Tolkien point of view.
Tolkien loved language. He plays with it endlessly, and there is an extraordinary sound to his prose if you read it aloud. Herbert has a superficial reference to multiple languages, such as Chakobsa, but it is quite evidently that of the non-linguist.
Tolkien didn’t like preachy writing. It wasn’t just allegory he was opposed to. Dune is full of little asides telling us about ideal societies, and what it means to be human. It would have grated Tolkien on most pages.
Tolkien did not like modernism. Dune is a child of modernism in a much clearer way than, say, Foundation or Islands in the Sky. Its philosophy is a blend of existentialism, proto-New-Ageism, nihilism and rationalist scepticism. All of these would have seemed barren to Tolkien, and Herbert lets them go unchallenged.
Tolkien is concerned with heroes. Dune is concerned with anti-heroes. Herbert is quite explicit about this: “Here lies a toppled god / his fall was not a small one / we did but build his pedestal / a narrow and a tall one” (Tleilaxu epitaph, Dune Messiah).
Above everything, Dune had been very publicly compared to and described as the science-fiction equivalent of The Lord of the Rings. Tolkien would have been aghast to see what people thought was an equivalent to his writing, which was opposite in almost every respect.
Ultimately, Dune is full of the things that Tolkien detested, and having the book described as the equivalent of his own book must have irked him deeply.
“Going Native” with Dune’s Paul Atreides
Dune, 50 years on: how a science fiction novel changed the world
Dune (1984) - IMDb
Interview with Frank Herbert and Beverly Herbert by Willis E. McNelly
Frank Herbert’s Dune and the Dune Series
Watching Dune is like watching a documentary of gratuitous violence rather than an actual story, even the director of Dune (2021) states this, Denis Villeneuve: "I tried to do a sci-fi movie like a documentary." [Nerds of Color]
Calling Dune punk-anything is like calling Godzilla a rom-com...
Dune's white savior complex is stinging and constant, and there is no defense, even as we see director Villeneuve attempt to defend on this point as:
"There is a storytelling trope called the White Savior where a Caucasian will go into a foreign land and act as a rescuer or messianic figure to the indigenous people there. And Herbert’s work has been criticized for falling into that trope. So how do you contemporize the story to avoid falling into the problematic areas that trope may potentially present?
That’s a very important question. And it’s why I thought Dune was, the way I was reading it, a critique of that [trope]. It’s not a celebration of a savior. It’s a condemnation and criticism of that idea of a savior. Of someone that will come and tell another operation how to be and what to believe… it’s a criticism. That’s the way I feel it’s relevant and can be seen contemporary. And that’s what I’ll say about that. Frankly it’s the opposite [of that trope]." -[Nerds of Color]
Is it though? It seemed to me like Paul Atreites frees the fremen and re-establishes his dynasty, this time as ruler of the universe. How is that anything except a huge shining perfect example of the white savior complex? Villeneuve and Herbert just kind of wave their hands and say "ehh it's the opposite" and walk off from the topic, and I'm just over here with an actual soul, left wondering, what in the goddamn fuck was that gaslighting?
Villeneuve and Herbert are like "Well it didn't end well for Paul, we fucked him up pretty bad in the end so therefore it's a critique of the white savior model"
and I'm just over here like,
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you can't just kill the white savior and assume he's gone and you're rid of it, the Romans tried that and it didn't work out for them...LMAO fuck dune... sorry not sorry!! Long live liberty, democracy, education, justice, and Tolkien, not that glorification of fascist racist bullshit called Dune. /rant
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bobbybutterfly · 1 year
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Last time I drew Stardew Valley's favorite MILF (according to me). This time I drew Stardew Valley's favorite DILF(according to me) Willy! Although if it really came down to it I would go for the wizard. You know. Something smells fishy about Willy.
For the face I used this picture of Tom Hanks as a refrence. You be a judge if there's a resembelace.
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In my imaginary Stardew Valley film adaptation I would cast Tom Hanks as ither Willy or the Wizard. Can you just imagine his wonderfully campy pirate accent?
Although if it came up to me I would have him play half the town. Tom Hanks as Pierre. Tom Hanks as Morris. Tom Hanks as Mayor Lewis.
I bet if there was a real Stardew Valley movie and Tom Hanks was in it he would be like Gill or the most likely, Grandpa.
I don't really know why I will draw next. We got the MILF. We got the GILF. I guess it's time for the GILF.
We do have the literal Grandpa. But he's like your Grandpa and although I wrote 2 incestuos Succession fanfics, incest is not my thing! I feel like I have to specify it because I have this fear that in 10 years I will land my dream job. And then I will recieve in the middle of the night a phone call from my employer saying they found them and I'm getting fired.
I won't explain here why I wrote them because I'm pretty sure I made everyone sufficiently unconfortable. I'm also following the not a furry advice. The more you get defecive about not being a furry the more people will think you're a furry.
By the way, I am a furry.
What was I talking about? The top Stardew Valley GILF? So who do we have here. George? Nope. Evelyn? Sorry. I love you as a grandma but not in that way. Technically if you marry Abigail and have kids with her Caroline becomes a GILF. But I already did a picture of her.
I dunno. I want to do a bit of traditional art. I'm begining to see the world in pixels. I also plan to do a Spiderman OC for a fanfiction.
Bobby out.
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