#Wilted Lily Cookie
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3/5 complete! Wilted Lily is finished! Weirdly enough, I think she might be too plain, but seeing the details the others have I think it works out. Transparent images below!
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the-millennial-tree · 6 months
As I try not to spoil my own comic, you get some fun facts! [ That also may be spoilers if you think about them too much, I am just impatient ]
- The current Soul Jam wielders all can hear their specific predecessors. Hollyberry often hears Eternal Sugar, which leads to some days where Hollyberry takes her suggestions and just lays about, while Pure Vanilla gets to constantly hear anything and everything from Shadow Milk, be it scripts for plays, teasing, or what he will do whenever he is freed.
- The only Ancient who does not have this problem is White Lily, as Silent Salt is Silent in every way. None of the others brought it up directly as they just got used to it, though it was mentioned in passing. White Lily just never got the quips or noticed.
- Normal cookies cannot use the power of the soul jams, but the other Ancients *can* use each others, so long as they are in physical possession of it. The original wielder is the only one able to use it's abilities fully, but that doesn't stop them from using each others soul jams. One Hero holding all the Soul Jams has never been done, as they get a bad feeling the more they have.
[ The Beast's communication follows similar rules to that of the Soul Jams power, always able to speak with the main wielder but are only able to speak with others if said other is in physical possession of the soul jam ]
- The Beast are kind enough with the Ancients, more so playing mice until am opportunity to escape arises. At most they try to persuade the heros to give in to corruption when viable.
- Lastly, Fun Fact! Pure Vanilla originally had a surprisingly lighter blue left eye than now, just barely counting as blue instead of white. Only after receiving his Soul Jam did his left eye darken to a more baby-blue shade, but he remains blind in both.
[ Funner Fact! Shadow Milk is able to see perfectly fine through this eye, albeit his depth perception becomes a little off due to only being able to see through the blue eye and not the yellow ]
If you figured out what was/is being spoiled, tag me! I'm curious to see if there are any other interpretations that could be made from this.
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bunnypel · 1 year
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doodle of an old cookie run oc
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aloysiavirgata · 4 months
Some kinky/m-rated post-revival headcanons for msr, please?? ☺️
1. Her moisturizer is obnoxiously expensive. It comes in a fancy little purple jar that he always winces at seeing in the recycle bin because he feels as though even the empty vessel must be worth money that he does not need.
Scully runs her fingers down her Vespucci throat, fingers slick with obscure polymers, and he remembers why he doesn’t care.
“Can I help you?” she asks, massaging nightingale shit or snail venom or some other unholy thing into those impossible cheekbones. Into eyelids taut and fine as dew-jeweled spiderwebs. Watching him in her Edwardian silver-glass mirror through lashes like opera curtain fringe.
Decades of touching her, but he cannot say she has skin like the finest vellum without sounding like Ed Gein. He cannot say, “I want to bite your calla-lily throat until it bruises into a violet,” without sounding like Ted Bundy.
“Nothing,” he says, his lip between his teeth. “I didn’t mean to interrupt your ablutions.”
He bites at his tongue like a cherry in April, almost ripened but not quite. He twitches a little in his faded yellow pants, twitches and considers, but isn’t fully hard yet.
Scully watches him in the mirror. Runs lotion between her high, bare breasts with her Rodin hands; studies him with her tourmaline eyes.
2. His forearms. She fell in love with restrained sexuality - no. No, she had a concept of it after she watched Casablanca one afternoon home from school with a stomach bug. Catholic girls fall in love with restrained sexuality very young, only they don’t know it. They iron their kilts and they pray and they confess to all the wrong sins. They fall in love with dark wool blazers and satin ribbons and the brave wilted starch of hand-me-down blouses.
The muscles below his elbows, woven like a braid. Like a scourge.
He’s past sixty. He’s past sixty and if she’d met him now at the same age she was then she still would have bitten her lip and said “Jesus H. Christ” and quietly, secretly, shamed her father.
Let him finger her in a Ford Taurus. Called her sister and said, “Ohh, Missy, I think I fucked up.”
Daniel, Daniel. She thought that was love.
Mulder smirks, a five-o’clock-shadow on his disparately perfect face. Mulder with his squinty eyes and his too-short chin and his beestung jigsaw mouth like the reason kissing was invented.
“Can I buy you a drink?” he asks, tapping his nutmeg fingers on the scarred kitchen table.
“You don’t make very much money,” Scully notes, running her thumb along his brachioradialis. His skin is the color of sand castles, of the the edges of chocolate chip cookies. “With your blog.”
Mulder pouts. “I made it the old fashioned way,” he says, his thumb against her philtrum. Her lips. Her tongue.
“You certainly didn’t marry it,” she teases. “Living in sin.”
He nibbles the fleshy pad of her thumb. “I inherited.”
3. Her waist is sister to a Stradivarius. Her waist like Maud of Wales. He knows he shouldn’t obsess over this, her taut palimpsest belly, especially after the birth of a child they can no longer even claim. He knows it’s a quirk of genetics, like her startling eyes and her amber hair and her glorious brain. He knows she was born to be someone’s muse and that he has thwarted her destiny of Gauloises and pouting silver-nitrate immortality in a coffee table photography book.
She could still launch a thousand ships, she could bring Rossetti to his knees. He does not realize that the muse she is - a Perugino angel, a Lovelace polymath - remains his alone by her desire.
Scully, nearly sixty. So soft and so hard and angular and curvaceous. How had he ever waited, her waist and breasts and hips all bound in wool and gabardine and fitted black poplin? How had he let her beg off the lyric of “If I were the king of the world/Tell you what I'd do/I'd throw away the cars and the bars and the wars/Make sweet love to you.”
He curves his hot palm below her rib cage with his left hand, thumbs her tailored blouse open with his right.
He sucks at her rosy-brown nipple, her clavicles, her pale calf; he a ucks at her like Eve drinking in the first sweet juices of the apple.
4. Mulder should have been a pianist or a surgeon, she thinks. Should have been conducting an orchestra with fingers that beautiful, but instead he’s massaging a focaccia into a lazy rectangle.
He’s a tactile animal, her love, with his rangy hands and his absence of physical boundaries. Mulder has loomed and leered and poked and prodded for decades. He’s touched her in wildly inappropriate ways since Monica Lewinsky could legally drink. The 90’s, what a goddamn time, with his wholesomely filthy calendars and his flagrant innuendo.
Scully’s watched him squeeze limes and kill terrible people and braid challah and still - shameless - she sucks her bottom lip when he unbuttons a cuff, grips the gear-shift in their Highlander.
Mulder slices a tomato, chiffonades the basil.
“How long to rise,” Scully murmurs, cupping her palm around the tender juncture between his thighs.
Mulder sucks in his breath, arranges a flower garden on his dough. Adjusts an olive slice with the precision of Michelangelo.
“Twenty-four hours in the fridge,” he says, pressing deeply into her hand. “I hope you haven’t got plans.”
5. He licks at it like someone’s elderly aunt, like a mother cat, like a judgemental yiayia, bubbie, meemaw.
Scully swats at him, irritated. “Stop it. It’s not schmutz.”
“No,” Mulder says, tenderly. Stubbornly. “All those years, who did you think you were fooling?”
She scowls, too thin and too pale and too aristocratic for his comfort. “When I was nine Aunt Olive said it cluttered up my face.” Scully presses a forefinger to the birthmark above her lip. “It made me self conscious.”
“Je suis coquette,” Mulder says, his tongue teasing her lips apart, pleased with his own cleverness. He took three semesters of French, traveled there, but studied Les mouches independently.
A gentle swat to his nose. “It’s a cluster of melanocytes.”
He would absolutely love to slap Scully’sAunt Olive. Scully's dreary biology professors. “Tell Marilyn Monroe,” he mumbles against her fleur-de-sel mouth. “Tell Cindy Crawford.”
Scully says nothing, but her skin warms. Softens, loosens. She melts, midway cotton-candy at the State Fair, into his waiting mouth.
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ashuribbon · 7 months
How would Wilted Pure Vanilla feel about White Lily?
Gonna make a few comics about some of the stuff I mentioned, but for now I'll just give a full summary! All under the cut!
In short, before Pure Vanilla became Wilted Vanilla, as a kid in the Blueberry Yogurt Magic Academy, he was friends with White Lily, but it was slightly rocky at times...
Since he is Shadow Milk Cookie but reborn and he didn't know until years later, Pure Vanilla was an outcast at a young age. He would always do that evil laugh that can give any Cookie a fright, mean-spirited pranks on other students that he always got away with (with White Lily always finding out), mildly concerning remarks towards other Cookies when they say anything negative, either saying it's funny or teasing them about it. Pure Vanilla KNEW it's immoral to do these things since it'll only make other students stay away from him, but he kept doing it and didn't know why.
White Lily would be the one who became pals with Pure Vanilla, hoping she can get him to at least get along with the others in the academy despite knowing he was trouble (she nearly got banned from entering the library because he got the book before her but she ended up caught). She tried to get him to fit in, pointing out the problems and teaching him the rights and wrongs. Sure, she had to put up with him from time-to-time and Pure Vanilla had trouble trying to behave himself, but she tried to help him get rid of those "bad habits." After a while the two became really good friends (alongside the other Heroes), even when Pure Vanilla founded the Vanilla Kingdom!
Unfortunately, as years passed, Pure Vanilla went on to discover more about the Beasts, and finally realized why he was the odd one out his whole life... And ultimately, the realization corrupted him into the new Shadow Milk Cookie.
As Wilted Vanilla, he has since cut ties with a lot of the Heroes and refuses to read any letters from them or hear from any messengers, but he only makes White Lily the exception to a small extent. He is too far gone to go back to how things were, but it's nice to hear from her... when she isn't trying to get him to come back to his sense, of course. Even then, White Lily just wants the old Pure Vanilla back...
Yet it's already too late.
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crkstuffidk · 4 months
So in my boredom I could've been building more Lore for my current au, or even atleast thinking of Redesign ideas for Fire Spirit, but did I do either of those things? Not at all, infact I made another au where a what if the beasts and ancients swapped, in this the Ancients corrupted soul jams are the opposite of the beasts original virtues. Anyways here their new names and info I guess about them.
Pure Vanilla and the Light Of Truth became Immoral Saint Vanilla or just Immoral Vanilla and Force of Ignorance. He literally just doesn't do anything to help cookies anymore or just chooses to be unaware, and usually is laughing as he watches his friends torture innocents. He's a 'great' guy though.
Dark Cacao and the Light Of Resolution became Berserker of the North or The North Berserker and Force of Prohibition/Restraint I cant decide which one sounds better. He is probably the one that tortures the innocents the most, and he relishes in it, usually killing them slow and painfully.
Hollyberry and the Light Of Passion became Toxic Yewberry and Force of Misery. She's often called insane by cookies, she does end up 'befriending' Pitaya Dragon but instead of them becoming nicer and more tolerant to cookies, together they cause misery to not only her Kingdom, but also any cookies that try to stand in her way. She has no clue what to do about her son, daughter-in-law, and grandkids though, currently she keeps them alive just to have them watch the misery she causes.
Golden Cheese and the Light Of Abundance become Dreadful cheese and the Force of Constance. Her Kingdom is set in the old times just like the others rather than having technology and that stuff, she also tends to keep everything the same, and if one of her residents die, thats the only time she'd allow change to happen but she's certainly annoyed by it. Like Pure Vanilla she doesn't do anything but dare someone question her role, they don't die but are instead thrown into a dungeon, unless of course the person questioning her is one of her very important staff members then they just get turned into a golden statue where they remain for who knows how long, usually until Dreadful Gold needs them specifically for something.
White Lily and the Light Of Freedom become Wilted Faerie and Force of Dissension. She refuses to see any of her 'friends' If she even dare call them that, and instead stays in the Faerie Kingdom where the remaining faeries that haven't died from questioning her abide every word she says, which usually means no having conversations with the other faeries unless it's needed for one of their assigned jobs, if they talk about anything else she would usually cause flowers to bloom in their mouths muting them entirely only able to be removed if they are plucked out, but the flowers don't let anyone besides her touch them, so if they are plucked out its if she wants them to and only if she wants them to. Yes they can breath and eat with the flowers, as it's only in their mouths and there's gaps within the flowers that allows them too, Wilted Faerie hates seeing bodies of cookies in her kingdom as it ruins the appeal of the Silver kingdom, so she is extremely strategic with the punishments of the faeries, if too many bloom causing restriction of airflow or being able to eat she'll pluck some out. Side note: I got a bit disturbed writing this but I think it makes sense with her in-game powers.
Yes the Corrupted ancients get sealed in the silver tree just like the beasts did, and also the ancients lived in beast-yeast just like the beasts did, the beasts or now called Divine Saviors live in Crispia. Wilted Faerie is now being kept in imprisonment by her citizens and probably can still see or atleast hear when Elder Faerie gets named the title of king now.
Now onto the beasts who are called the Divine Saviors. Side note: I came up with the other beasts Pre Corruption names today which is why I didn't use them in my last post with pre corruption beasts. But Shadowmilks I made a post of earlier, anyways let's get started on them.
Shadow Milk and the Power Of Deceit went back to being Myrtille Milk and the Virtue Of Knowledge. He lives where the Dark Cacao Kingdom is in the game, He's generally a great leader, sometimes has his nose in books to much but generally he's a great guy. On occasion he does put on shows for the youth of the Berrymilk kingdom. side note: I was almost tempted to name it the berries and cream Kingdom, or the Milky Kingdom. Anyways he's pretty great, and quite protective of his friends. meaning the crap Clotted Cream pulled on the ancients in game ain't going to go well if he pulls that crap with the Divine Saviors as they all are extremely protective of eachother. Yes he fought the two dragons and also the prowler, well he more of tamed the prowler.
Burning Spice and the Power Of Destruction went back to being Calming Spice and the Virtue Of Change, He lives where Golden Cheese used to, and like in GCs kingdom in game it has technology the other kingdoms don't have yet. He's a very relaxed ruler, his name is literally Calming Spice what would you expect. Again he's protective of his friends and would lose his cool if Clotted Cream pulled the crap he did in Cookie Odyssey. The Golden Kingdom is called The Kingdom Of Spice in this AU
Eternal Sugar and the Power Of Sloth go back to being Ethereal Sugar and the Virtue Of Happiness. Her Kingdom is where Hollyberrys is in game but now it's called The Ethereal Kingdom of Paradise(long names for the kingdoms is common in this AU) She's an amazing leader and almost everyday will visit the orphanages I'm her kingdom and sing the orphans lullabies while she flies just slightly above the ground with them in her arms, side note: the orphanages are pretty great in her kingdom and take amazing care of the orphans. The same as the others she protective of her friends and would be the one to probably throw herself at Clotted Cream just like Dark Cacao.
Mystic Flour and the Power Of Apathy went back to being Serene Flour and the Virtue Of Volition. She'd be in the same place as Hollyberry in Cookie Odyssey, meaning she holds Ethereal Sugar back from attacking Clotted cream, although she feels the same way she just doesn't want violence. Her Kingdom is where the Vanilla Kingdom is, its called The Kingdom of Flowing Flour. She is notorious for healing in her kingdom and is known to be an extremely doting queen.
Silent Salt and the Power Of Silence went back to being Noble Salt and the Virtue Of Solidarity. He lives nowhere in particular, he usually travels around a lot, but usually stays around where Blueberry Yogurt Academy is in game, it isn't named anything different because in this AU it was created after Myrtille Milk became king, and MM actually Created it with Blueberry Yogurt for the future Healers/Magic users Noble Salt also occasionally lives with MM usually only during Winter until spring comes along and he can continue exploring.
Other honorable mentions for this AU: 1st of all, since Creme Republic isn't necessarily tied to any Kingdom it and the residents of it stayed the same hence why Clotted Cream is still an annoying cookie. 2ndly, so far I haven't yet made the decision if Noble Salt becomes whatever this AUs Dark Enchantress will be called, so currently every things very sunshine and rainbows. 3rd of all, Parfaedia is a college in this au, and BYA is like an Elementary/Middle school, maybe even High School(don't ask how Cream Puff is in Parfaedia then in this au, I haven't thought about that much). And lastly(for now) Burning Spice x Shadowmilk and Eternal Sugar x Mystic Flour are generally Canon in this AU so are Golden cheese x Hollyberry and Pure Vanilla x Dark Cacao, White Lily is a grumpy women that hates literally everyone so she aint going to be in a relationship in this Au, and Silent Salt is too busy exploring to feel the loneliness of not having a partner plus hes got friends that are in relationships and hes perfectly happy with being their third wheels on occasion, but I probably won't mention the relationships much because this AU is still very much a rough draft or whatever you want to call it. Anyways I'll probably work on the other AU or Fire Spirits redesign later.
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revisitingfandoms · 8 months
I got an idea for a prompt to show how the cookies outside of their game of 'cookies and kingdoms'...maybe they are doing a session....like the one where they free dark enchantress and dark enchantress is hyped to be able to FINALLY play a bit! they end up taking a pizza break when the pizzas and snacks y/n ordered for everyone arrives and they pause to eat....maybe end up talking about the session and/or life outside of the game...like gingwrbrave talks about his non-saving the world (because world doesn't need saving since it's basically happy ending thing lol) adventures, dark enchantress could talk about the cake tower and how all the cake citizens and hounds are doing...ooor they can talk about the session and what they hope will happen in it and other session stuff they'd talk about as they eat their delicious pizza and snacks.
Sure thing! Although I kind've went with a more modern take. Both White Lily and Dark Enchantress are half sisters in this AU!
(Also I may have add someone else you might see later down the line for my own planning)
The doorbell rings as the group pauses, The current dungeon master- Caramel Shade pauses in what he was doing and turns to one of the game watchers, “Can one of you go get that? I bet its the pizza.” From the silent thumbs up and the dragging a formerly dozing Eternal sugar- it was silent salt who was grabbing it.
Caramel shade then turns back to the actual game players, “Alright, we’re gonna wrap this portion up- As our heroes break open the moonstone containing white lily cookie- Her frown turns to a smirk as she changes right before their eyes. To our hero's horror- white lily cookie has changed into Dark Enchantress cookie!” Caramel Shade looks over his book, “If you could roll for intimation, Enchantress.” 
Reader cookie whistles at the Nat19 role from the white haired woman. The Kiddos watch on in a barely concealed horror. 
Caramel Shade nods, “As the moonstone crumbles- a great cake beast rises with her, its arm carrying Dark enchantress cookie upwards as it frees itself. She commends you for breaking her out of imprisonment.” The kids seem to wilt at Caramel shades next words, “Welp that's all for the morning session- we reconve at two sharp, anyways silent salt should be back with the pizza hop to it.” There's a minor bit of whining but the kids run to the kitchen to grab their slices, White Lily goes over to her older sister- and he vaguely hears the plans they were making. 
Reader cookie walks over with a hum, “So whats the future plans in mind?” Caramel shuffles through his notebook, “Well, I figured that since we’re working in the same universe as the Beasts and Blood campaign that Mirror Moon ran and our previous campaign that I ran, so you can guess what's coming up.” Reader’s eyes widen as they snicker, “Yep, I can’t wait to see Shadow Milk on the table again- that was chaos on its own.” Caramel Shade waves them off, “You go get some food, I’ll join later.” Reader walks off to the kitchen.
Entering the kitchen, Reader cookie notes that the big fold up table was out with a variety of pizzas on the table with a big container with bread bags that was already halfway gone. Several of the younger members were seemingly discussing possible future plans and what they could do while a few of the others namely Strawberry crepe were suggesting that they just join DEC- It was hard to not snort what he was bopped on the nose with a breadstick by the younger custard cookie. 
Reader cookie hums to themself as they walk over the drink and decide to go for a water before nabbing a slice or two of pizza and bread bag. Mengering over to the living room they spot Dark choco suplexing licorice cookie, while velvet did the same to his dog chiffon and Choco Brute did the same to a giggling Poison Mushroom. 
Reader plops onto the couch beside pure vanilla- the older man offers them a smile, “So, I take it custard and his friends are discussing their future plans?” Reader nods as they offer a bread slice- the man originally tries to refuse what accepts after a bit of insistence much to readers' delight. They nod to his original question, “Yep- and I can’t wait for Custards reaction to when you sit down at the table.” The older man opens his eyes with a raised eyebrow before closing them, “Oh, so Caramel shade told you?” Reader snickers, “Nope, just said that thing linked to previous campaigns were gonna show up.” Pure vanilla lets out a laugh with the shake of his head. 
And Custards little screech after they found out pure vanilla was in their team was quite adorable.
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bobathing · 11 days
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🦕 — Pond Dino Cookie ID Pack
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— Names
aktaios, atlantic, delmore, dimple, hydro, muir, okeanos, palmiro, pelagius, pepito, philemon, pompeo, pontius, poseidon, prospero, psamathe, seabert, seafowl, triton, wells, yam
alaska, almus, amphi, ceto, cherie, darya, eema, eione, ena, hydra, lily, marina, marisol, marvena, meri, mira, morti(mer), myriel, oumi, pamela, pandora, peony, pepita, piety, pomona
atlas, bubble, chao, elkhorn, eryl, hai, hals, kai, kipper, kyma, lian, lotus, lotusette, marine, navy, nerina, ocean, pondette, ren, rex, sacred, seashine, staghorn, starflower
— Pronouns
affe / affection, ba / baby, blu / blue, chat / chatter, coo / cooing, cor / coral, cu / cute, dada / dadada, dino / dinosaur, di / dive, flower / flowery, forget / me / not, fri / friends, glitter / glittery, joy / joyful, lot / lotus, love / lovely, para / paradise, pond / ponds, pur / purple, rip / ripple, splash / splashing, swim / swimmer, tea / teal, wa / water, won / wonder
🪸/🪸 s, 🦕/🦕s, 🪷/🪷s, 🌊/🌊s, 🩵/🩵s, 🐠/🐠s
— Titles
[x] who won't be forgotten, the kyute dino from the pond, fishy fishy, the treasure born from the depths, [x] born from the ashes of battle, the good of battle, [x] who lures cookies in with glittery eyes, the glittered dinosaur, the cacophony of giggles from a lotus paradise, the joys of discovery, [x] with a pudding-like tail, [x] from lotus paradise, the bundle of childlike wonder, the newborn flowery dino, the lotus-adorned smiler, [x] surrounded with friends, the worry-not child, [x] with a dislike of sadness, the never-wilting determination of a newborn, [x] with an unstoppable desire to spread joy, keeper of lotus paradise
— Genders
animagauditraitic, aquagender, aquatifungender, aquatix, cherishlexic, confettdinogender, corallexic, fishdigital, fishscrunklin, flowerpondmulviboard, gelatineux, glitterbombbrightic, hapjoyfulian, jollyfeelin', joybasis, joyousloveic, lotusfloatic, lovelyaltlexic, marijoy, petalfloatic, pondinocharic, reeflexic, schizzlio, sealexic, seamelogender, splashaudiomonic, sunsearayec, sweetstelic, telalen, whimisiaquata
— System Names
the riptides of childlike joy, the puddlejump collective, those born of bloomed lotuses, the joys of discovery, those who came from the pond, the inhabitants of a lotus paradise, the splashing of waves, the lilypad hoppers, those with hope for a better future, the underwater explorers, those who dance with marine life, the pond-dive collective
— Usernames
lotus-hopper, pond-dino, chirpjoy, lilypadlover, pondexplorer, smileykid, dinoworld, babypond, tinyjoy, wavesplasher, rippleplayer, pondthing, pondiea, lotuseater, kyutedino, bundleofdino, starflowersmoocher
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— My other pond dino posts
buttons, dividers, pfp masks, post borders, rentry graphics, rentry template, replycons, stamps, tumblr layouts, userbars
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rainyydxyz · 3 months
chucks my crk oc at you
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"Let life flourish..!"
" The moonlit sky shined down upon a flower bud as a single dew droplet fell on the enclosed petals. As the flower bloomed, a small cookie came out, instantly bringing the forest to life. It is said that this little cookie goes around the forest, bringing wilting flowers to life for all to enjoy. "
✧ Trumpet Lily Cookie doesn't look like a faerie due to her mother having connections to the faerie kingdom, but because while she was baked, faerie powder got into her dough by accident, and it was too much trouble to remove the powder.
✧ Trumpet Lily Cookie was released as part of the "Withering Forest" event, alongside Withered Orchid Cookie.
✧ Trumpet Lily Cookie was orginally baked to be her parents "perfect cookie", as stated in episode 4 of the "Withering Forest" event.
✧ Trumpet Lily Cookie's two quotes: "As the Faerie Princess, it is my duty to protect all of my subjects..!" "My father is an ancient hero, do you know him?", alongside small details in her appearance, and "Withering Forest" Episode 3, 4, 7, and 8, hints towards her being related to White Lily Cookie and a male ancient, likely, Pure Vanilla Cookie, but there has been no upright answer.
✧ According to her loading screen, "Silverbell Cookie taught Trumpet Lily Cookie how to use a bow and arrow when she was six, but Trumpet Lily Cookie eventually forgot over time."
✧ In Withering Forest, Trumpet Lily Cookie calls Withered Orchid Cookie, "Sis", which does give confirmation about one of her family bonds, seeing as it is confirmed that Withered Orchid Cookie is related to Dark Enchantress Cookie.
I LOVE MY BABY SO MUCH!!!! Also who am I kidding, she is most definitely a Purelily fankid, I just wanted to make this look like a canon crk fandom wiki's trivia. I'll be honest, I came up with "Withering Forest" on the spot, and I'm definitely expanding on that, maybe writing it, once summer break begins.
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phorolytte · 11 months
Lily Flower
Relationships: Platonic, Pure Vanilla & the Cookies of Darkness
Summary: Seeking the fleeting shadows of his old friend, Pure Vanilla joins the cookies of darkness. Unknown to him, they are a group of ragtag outcasts and damaged people, held together by mirrors and faded strings. His presence just happened to be the tipping point.
Everything begins to fall apart.
Excerpt (what you’ll be getting into):
This is the truth I had sought all along. The secret to life. 
The little girl dissolved in front of her eyes. She had been reaching out to White Lily as if the mage could save her.
On the shelf, a forgotten staff wilted. 
How utterly meaningless! 
White Lily had not felt the initial burn. She had been in shock, but it was only a second delay. The liquid seared against her skin, and she screamed, but more liquid entered her throat. She snapped her mouth shut, but resisting made no difference. Melting was inevitable. She watched as her legs boiled and crumbled into the mixture. Her vision seemed to flatten as part of her head joined the melting pot of the dead. 
What a pointless existence. She spent all her life learning the secrets of magic, but had yet to apply them. Her curiosity led to dissolve in the bottom of a witch’s cauldron. She will die alone, her life cut short. There was still so much in the world she wanted to do, so much to experience. She wanted to try one of Golden Cheese’s infamous baskets, lose in Hollyberry’s drinking competitions, join the Make Dark Cacao Laugh group. She wished to see Pure Vanilla again, his angelic smile and hidden mischievous streak. If only he were here with her. 
I want to live… 
The liquid tasted sweet. 
A monster rose from the primordial soup, far larger than any singular cookie. She was the amalgamation of all the lives tossed into the cauldron, warped half-living cookies consumed by a singular consciousness. 
The Dark Enchantress clawed her way out of the boiling liquid amidst gasps and cries. Witches screamed and fled as they were lifted off their feet by powerful magic, spells woven together from a lifetime of research. A dead staff flew into the monster’s grasp, useful beyond the grave. 
These are my gods? She sneered at the heaving, ugly creatures, as they screeched in an incomprehensible language. No, I don’t accept that. 
Plants broke through the ground, ensnaring witches and plunging roots through them, new life growing where they wasted space. Light and dark magic flooded the space, twisting in tandem, the cumulative reactions they caused with each other far stronger than they would be alone. Witches wailed as their bodies were replaced with sugar. Unable to sustain flesh and blood, the sugar crumbled and the witches crumbled with them. Cold, efficient magic stopped hearts and burst blood vessels. 
She threw her hand into the air. Normally, large crystals were catalysts for opening rifts in the world, but the dark enchantress was powerful to the point where tools did not matter. Magic crystallized at her will, dense enough to substitute. She waved and the crystals burst, opening doors to new possibilities. 
Creatures stuck within the burning fires of the ovens came through the rifts, ready to do her bidding. Cake monsters and summons crawled out of the depths of hell as she cackled. She flew above them, freer than she had ever been. 
The Dark Enchantress hated the truth. She hated the fact that she was born to be eaten, to die. She refused to accept her fate; this time, she will create her own truth and the world must bend to accommodate. 
Guilt no longer chained her down, starlight no longer haunted her every move. White Lily had finally given up, fading along with the scores of others in that cauldron. What monster took her place feared not the darkness, the forbidden nature of magic. What could compare to the horrible reality she had seen? 
The Dark Enchantress was worse than the fallen heroine’s nightmares. She embraced the darkness, for she was darkness itself. 
“Come, my monsters, my dear abominations!” she cried, pointing her dead staff at the fleeing creatures. “Tonight, we have a witch hunt!” 
And the shadows danced, no longer smothered by light.
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pure-vanilla-lilies · 2 months
And now completely random fresh dough thing I just find silly :3
Hollyberry is very much still primarily a plant despite being transformed into a cookie, she goes through wilting and flowering with the seasons just like any plant
However this does also mean her and Cacao have more than just their height in common, which leads to some advice from Lily to uh, not catch her during her flowering season
I wish you one speedy recovery if you do :salute:
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In the distant past, after the chaos and flame subsided, many creatures baked by the witches scattered across the world. Among them were the Five. Five cookies graced with Soul Jam of the purest kind...
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That's how the story begins, that much hasn't changed. A group of five heroes, chosen by forces greater than themselves to protect the world of Earthbread against the forces that seek to destroy it. But the line between heroes and villains is one that can easily shift under the right circumstances.
And these five cookies, heralded and held up as saviors of cookie-kind, became nothing but agents of chaos.
Exchanged Fates is an alternative universe(AU) that takes the Five Ancient Heroes and switches them with their primeval predecessors, the Five Beasts. Essentially, the good guys are bad and the bad guys are good. The difference is that this AU will be using the existing traits (and speculative ones for unreleased characters) of each character rather than just switching personalities. This also provides unique and varying kingdoms, locations, and character interactions, as well as completely new characters.
Every ancient has switched with their respective beasts, meaning:
Pure Vanilla > Shadow Milk Hollyberry > Eternal Sugar Dark Cacao > Mystic Flour Golden Cheese > Burning Spice White Lily > Silent Salt
Any posts related to this project will be located under the tag #exchangedfatesau. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, feel free to ask me in my inbox or in the comment section! Your support is greatly appreciated!
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Original Concept Text Post
Concept Post #1 Concept Post #2 Concept Post #3
New Beasts
Everlasting Vanilla Cookie Baneberry Cookie Midnight Cacao Cookie Opulent Cheese Cookie Wilted Lily Cookie
New Ancients
Blueberry Milk Cookie Date Sugar Cookie Rice Flour Cookie Ghost Spice Cookie Fleur de Sal Cookie/Oblivion Knight Cookie
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the-millennial-tree · 5 months
Design for Wilted Lily Cookie! Technically spoilers for the comic, so warning for that.
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Not too different, but it's supposed to be hard for others to notice anyways. This also includes the headcanon mentioned in my prior headcanon post that having the Soul Jam of truth gave Pure Vanilla his blue eye.
The eye on the Soul Jam only appears when Shadow Milk 'appears' infront of either Vanilla or Lily, no matter who has the jam at the time.
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Cookie Run Oc ideas for people who need them! (#3) Key Lime Pie, Chili Choco, Bagel, Choco Cake, Supangle, Beignet, Baklava, Beautyberry, Bearberry, Serviceberry, Dewberry, Canistel, Langsat, Marble Choco, Broccoli, Parsnip, White Pumpkin, Pepper X, Macadamia, Sunflower Seed, Black Walnut, Cashew, Thunderstorm, Shadow, Mastic, Geode, Pecan, Chocolate Habenero, Chocolate Lily, Lilly Pilly, Wilted Rose, Pavlova, Meatball, Hot Dog, Sriracha
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cookiesofthecosmos · 5 months
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White Rose Enchantress Cookie
Often referred to as White Rosie, she is scarcely seen in harsh sunlight due to her being sensitive to it thanks to her pale coloring aside from the darker patches of dough covering half of her body. Her clothing is entirely made of plants! She is safe in dim sunlight, or under a shade where the sunlight isn’t as bad. If she has been kept out of sunlight, the plants making her clothes will start to wilt and start to crumble so it’s necessary she keeps some sun near herself.
White Rosie has quite the unusual origins; A piece of White Lily’s soul landed in a garden where white roses had been growing. Over time, the roots of these flowers began to grow over the piece until it was completely absorbed by one of them enchanting the mere common plant and causing it to grow much larger than the rest and seemed to attract the attention of another white rose themed cookie who was known as Enigmatic Flower Cookie. The cookie disguised themself as a cookievorous plant and guarded the other rose as it continued to grow larger and larger. Until one day the quite massive white rose slowly opened and revealed a peculiar cookie fast asleep within the soft petals. Enigmatic Flower tilted their head, but decided they would be this Cookies minion/friend. After some time, great darkness fell over the garden and White Rosie absorbed it to save her garden. But it was too much, and she collapsed to the ground as the ominous minion quickly surrounded her with their own white petals and nursed her back to health before blooming and releasing her again. From then on White Rosie has been quite fine, though a fight at some point has left her unable to fold her wings. WR did eventually return the shard back when she heard its owner had returned. She also currently is missing her minion after they revealed themselves to be called the ghost of Kindness before disappearing.
White Rose Enchantress Cookie is a master of nature; She can summon rose vines with a staff and ensnare her opponents to prevent them from moving. However, her main ability is healing! She can summon white rose blooms from her staffs tip and use the petals to soothe injuries. These odd roses also keep darkness at bay, often providing a guiding light in the shadows when necessary. Her wings, while large, grant her flight and the flaps create a cool breeze that smells like roses. White Rosie can also summon black roses to keep light away for those who prefer the shadows. She is balanced, all thanks to the soul jam that shines from her other horn. A gift from Kindness, aka Enigmatic Flower Cookie. With this, she can draw upon ancient magic to transform into a powerful but also quite formidable appearance: Rose Enchantress.
White Rosie is generally found in her secret garden, where roses and petunias grow together. She seems kind of lonely there when not hanging out with visitors or her close friends. The horns she has are thick stems, but only her curved horn can be broken. She often gets into fights with Dark Enchantress Cookie, but gets along fine with White Lily Cookie.
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ashuribbon · 4 months
A silly little idea, but I always imagine that Wilted Vanilla Cookie, while cold-hearted to the brim and literally the face of the devil himself, does show some bits of kindness to a few Cookies. Not to everyone, because he's not showing any ounce of respect towards the Ancient Heroes. Rather, he shows respect towards White Lily Cookie since she actually cared for him until he became the new Shadow Milk Cookie. By extension, his own Cookies of Darkness (that he made them go to dark paths and corrupt them).
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