binary star system :]
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extras under cut
matching backgrounds!!
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flipped image
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anddd the sketch
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semisolidmind · 4 months
May I please ask for some CatNap and Y/N content? (if CatNap is alive and redeemed ofc) thank you for your content, you are feeding us well.
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i think that if y/n managed to stop the prototype from killing catnap, just before the killing blow, then perhaps catnap could have a change of heart. he'd probably just... give y/n one long look (he's stunned that they saved him after all he put them through), then slink away into the shadows. y/n would then see him around occasionally, not really helping the survivors, but not attacking them or reporting them to the prototype either.
it seems the disciple is finally questioning the god he was betrayed by, and is beginning to consider following an angel instead.
then, after all is said and done (and maybe having a small role in overthrowing the prototype), catnap just kinda...shows up, to leave the factory alongside the rest of the survivors. the other toys aren't happy about it, dogday especially, but y/n feels too sorry for catnap to leave him there.
as for how catnap would live alongside the survivors; stalking the woods during the night and sleeping during the day, catnap stays out of everyone's way. maybe there's an old barn on the property, and he's made a nest for himself up in the hayloft. he knows the others don't trust him. however, his nocturnal schedule wouldn't stop him from trying to steal some of y/n's attention for himself (much to dogday's anger).
catnap just wants to be near his savior. y/n tries to be empathetic, but .... they're still a bit jumpy around the quiet feline.
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enthuzimuzzyme · 4 months
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Let’s get the ball rolling over here with some oldish/rough/unfinished doodles of Hades and Persephone from late last year
That middle one is a panel from a fifteen part comic that’s still in its veeeery early stage, but who knows when I’ll get around to finishing it!
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rogueddie · 2 years
Steve hates mixtapes, always has. He's made some for girls before, went all out, spent hours making them. But he doesn't get it. He doesn't understand why people like them so much, why people think the effort is worth it.
He remembers how those girls had smiled when he'd given them the mixtapes, remembers how sweet they'd been on him after, how they kept talking about it. Even though it's just some songs he thought they might like. He was never sure how to make any of them romantic, didn't know if they expected any input from him between the songs. He's pretty sure he'll never really get it, but…
He wants to make one for Eddie.
Eddie has been trying so hard to get him to like metal or rock or anything 'alternative'. And Steve doesn't know how to explain what he does or doesn't like, doesn't know how to explain why he likes Sabbath Bloody Sabbath but can't stand T.N.T.
He's tried to explain it. Tried to sit down with Eddie and explain that there is a happy medium betweent he ones too loud and the ones that are just… boring. And Eddie tries to listen, is so clearly trying.
But Steve can't explain it, doesn't know how to. Not without sounding like an idiot, anyway. Telling Eddie that a lot of AC/DC songs don't have enough going on to make his ears feel happy would ruin whatever thing the two of them have going on.
Which is why he's sat on the floor, desperately looking through the tapes Eddie has been forcefully lending him, trying to find the right songs for a mixtape. If he can't explain it to Eddie, maybe he can show him instead.
He refuses to acknowledge to odd bubbling excitement building in his stomach. Eddie is his friend, this isn't romantic. Eddie wants to show him his music, wants to share something he enjoys, there's nothing for Steve to be getting so worked up over. For all he knows, Eddie is straight.
It takes him three weeks to make the mixtape.
"Eddie!" Steve jogs to catch up with him. It's the third time they've run into each other by accident, outside of the kids or Robin. It's the first time that Steves had the mixtape in his pocket, ready.
"Hey Steve," he raises an eyebrow. "What's got you in such a good mood?"
"Day off," Steve lies. "And I'm done with the shit I need to do. Uh, anyway, I have- I mean, it's not… fuck. Ok, here, just…" He awkwardly holds the mixtape out, shifting when Eddie carefully takes it, like it's something precious. "It's, uh… I know you've been, like, struggling to figure out what metal songs I'm into or whatever so… these are the, uh, type. Things. I guess."
Eddie is smiling, small and soft. He hasn't looked up from the track list since he turned it over.
"I'm already noticing a theme." His voice is so gentle, almost adoring, that Steve feels his face heating up. It's only worse when Eddie looks up, turning that smile directly on him. "Thanks Steve."
"Uh, yeah, no worries?" Steve bites at his nail.
"I hope you know that I'm making you one," Eddie raises an eyebrow, smirking. He slowly starts walking around him. "After I'm done with this shelf for Wayne, I'm making you one. I'm gonna rock your world, Harrington."
Steve laughs a little, hopes it doesn't sound as awkward to Eddie as it does to him. "Look forward to it."
Eddie gives him a two finger salute, turning to walk a little faster to his van.
Steve waits until he turns a corner, looking around to make sure no one can see him and doing a little fist pump.
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howlonomy · 2 months
What would monster clover and kanako look like if they swap places.
Like amalgamate clover and monster kanako?
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amalgamate clover: combined with a cactony and a bowll
revived monster kanako: a mix of all of her friends!
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how-do-i-spell · 15 days
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Doesn't post in months
Gives you this
(going ghost again guys ✌)
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fin-the-fissssssh · 1 year
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qsmp egg refs! feel free to use it, thought it’d be nice to have a photo with all the eggs
pls don’t repost without asking/giving credit :D
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trasho-pando2011 · 3 months
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pepperonitowerask · 1 year
Oh btw happy pride month
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yourlocaltiredartist · 5 months
Introducinggggg TMNT: Broken Bonds!! here’s the turtles refs:
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there’s already some lore for this, so feel free to send me asks!!
more info under the cut :)
species! leo is a diamondback terrapin, raph is an eastern box turtle, donnie is a leucistic sea turtle, and mikey is a radiated tortoise
april is their childhood friend! i’ll post a ref for her and splinter soon :) oh and splinter is a raccoon
donnie doesn’t have a techbo, but he uses tech and chem in other ways while fighting! especially because being a sea turtle makes him the weakest fighter of the four
raph makes a lot of their clothes
they eventually all unlock magic
the hidden city is a thing! although i still don’t have a name for this version-
splinter and his past friends already have lore, but that would be spoilers :)
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hauntedtoybox · 4 months
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fiesta toy snugglies sea bunny (x)
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otiksimr · 1 year
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Delphi Corps is proud to present their first successful attempt of "reanimating" a body: D-472
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birdybirdnerd · 1 year
👀 bifrost incident stage play????
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youve opened pandoras box my friend. get ready
okay so i had this idea back in 2019 when i first got into the mechs and specifically first heard tbi. im a theater kid and have chronic amv/animatic brain where i visualize things real easy, so when i first listened to this album i was SLAMMED with the realization that, actually, tbi is PERFECT for a stage adaptation
imagine, if you will:
inspector lyf, at his desk side-stage and in front of the curtains. stalking across the stage, talking direct to the audience as he waves the black box, setting the stage and the story ahead and theorizing as to whats going on
the first chords of odins launch speech are heard, and the curtains open wide on the exterior of the train, odin at a podium, and a crowd listening intently
during each of lyfs speaking parts (cold case/person of interest/etc), he walks across the stage and explains things, as the set changes behind him. new characters arrive, spotlights shining as lyf wonders what theyre doing there, if they were the one that sabotaged the train
in the style of kabuki theater, the stagehands are dressed all in black, silently moving the set around the actors, changing things and completely invisible, the audience accustomed to ignoring them at this point
lokis song comes, and the whole time she sings, she is beset by these stagehands, dragging her around like another set piece, harassing her, interacting with her but still invisible to everyone else. sigyn tries to get her attention during her song, tries to pull her into their wedding dance- but the stagehands keep pulling loki into dances of their own, all while sigyn has no idea why her wife wont so much as look at her
losing track, lyf is losing track and the suspects are lined up onstage, singing, taunting as lyf stalks among them, grabbing their arms and faces and demanding answers. as he loses his mind, falling into despair, they turn to him and grab him back, pull him down, yell the only words they have left at him as he despairs.
the live band is dressed in theme, all steampunk-ed up, on a mini stage off opposite lyf with minimal lighting on them, until- expert testimony comes by, lyf bemoans having to go to the imprisoned bandits that annoy him so, as he crosses the stage, only for the lights to rise on the band and guess who theyve been the whole time!
red signal. lyf stands center stage, frozen in place as he chants, summoning that squamous something from beyond the veil, as those stagehands, all-black, all-invisible, shift and change before the audiences eyes, pulling out rainbow scarves, makeup once hidden shining bright and vivid in sudden black light. they dash off the stage as the rip between worlds widens, run amok the audience, slamming through doors and screeching as lyf voice raises higher, higher, until-
and when the audience comes back, the stage is... wrong
more black light, the set has warped and twisted. rainbow lights shimmer brighter on the backdrop, splashing in pools on the stage and the actors faces. the stagehands run free now, the monsters from behind the veil, the unholy things now attacking the actors directly, tearing them apart as the train falls into chaos
thor confronts the all-mother, transformed; she stands at the top of a podium now, the top of a platform while her costume has expanded around her, grandiose robes melting into a massive, writhing puppet manned by the stagehands, a bright and staring eye projected behind her head, staring at the audience, watching. thor fights off the hands, loses, and finally throws his hammer at the eye- replaced with a bright, white crack as the stars claim them both
loki and sigyn share a final tender moment in the engine room, they get their dance in before sigyn slips the line into her wifes arm. they share a final kiss as the curtains close on them, leaving...
lyf, standing center-stage. bottle in hand, exhausted, terrified. he bids the audience good luck, laughs wryly about the bandits disappearing - at some point, the live band quietly disappeared from their side-stage - and slips behind the curtain
the radio static fizzes, and as we hear the panic spread across the galaxy, the curtains part for bows. the bell tolls, flashing that bright, staring eye back as all other lights go off, plummeting everyone into dark and stark relief
so yeah, ive thought of this a normal amount
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rogueddie · 7 months
Something something mafia boss Eddie who is feared and thought to be the one that's the real threat but he's basically just the face and one who gathered everyone together, better at buisiness than anything else. It's Chrissy who is the biggest threat.
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rainybraindays · 2 months
I think everyone focuses on how Pens family doesn't get her but Colins really doesn't understand him at all.
In the show its show by the inability to understand Colin wanting to marry, not just from Anthony but really from everyone who either ignored him courting Marina or decided he wasn't serious, when he hasn't sown his wild oats, and the general annoyance they all seem to feel about his travels and the passion he has for them. How the one time he breaks just a little bit in front of Benedict its almost immediately dropped and he's never checked up on again. How no one cares when his engagement falls apart all telling him how he should be lucky he was lied to and then publicly humiliated. Thats all incredibly isolating, having all these people around you, and not one of them being able to understand you, not even really trying.
No wonder he masks even around them. No wonder he leaves and the spends his time home thinking about when he can, and no wonder he finds solace in his friendship with Pen. Shes the only person who really tries, even though clearly she doesn't always hit the mark.
Like main want for season 3 is getting to see these two just be them, not who they pretend to be for everyone else.
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ci-ah · 7 months
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the pilot but it’s Carlos’ PoV pt.6 - "Oh no he's hot"
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
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