#Technically all the Ancients and Beasts are referenced
the-millennial-tree · 6 months
As I try not to spoil my own comic, you get some fun facts! [ That also may be spoilers if you think about them too much, I am just impatient ]
- The current Soul Jam wielders all can hear their specific predecessors. Hollyberry often hears Eternal Sugar, which leads to some days where Hollyberry takes her suggestions and just lays about, while Pure Vanilla gets to constantly hear anything and everything from Shadow Milk, be it scripts for plays, teasing, or what he will do whenever he is freed.
- The only Ancient who does not have this problem is White Lily, as Silent Salt is Silent in every way. None of the others brought it up directly as they just got used to it, though it was mentioned in passing. White Lily just never got the quips or noticed.
- Normal cookies cannot use the power of the soul jams, but the other Ancients *can* use each others, so long as they are in physical possession of it. The original wielder is the only one able to use it's abilities fully, but that doesn't stop them from using each others soul jams. One Hero holding all the Soul Jams has never been done, as they get a bad feeling the more they have.
[ The Beast's communication follows similar rules to that of the Soul Jams power, always able to speak with the main wielder but are only able to speak with others if said other is in physical possession of the soul jam ]
- The Beast are kind enough with the Ancients, more so playing mice until am opportunity to escape arises. At most they try to persuade the heros to give in to corruption when viable.
- Lastly, Fun Fact! Pure Vanilla originally had a surprisingly lighter blue left eye than now, just barely counting as blue instead of white. Only after receiving his Soul Jam did his left eye darken to a more baby-blue shade, but he remains blind in both.
[ Funner Fact! Shadow Milk is able to see perfectly fine through this eye, albeit his depth perception becomes a little off due to only being able to see through the blue eye and not the yellow ]
If you figured out what was/is being spoiled, tag me! I'm curious to see if there are any other interpretations that could be made from this.
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ash-rigby · 9 months
Between the Flowers (Female Plantfolk) [M/F/F]
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Featured characters: A male human and two plantfolk women. All are adults.
Description: A week after leaving the area inhabited by Solveig the Silent, Caelan stops to set up camp for the day and comes across two plant women fucking in the woods. His intention is a quick peek, but he is caught and these women have a unique method of punishment. Contains: Femdom, Heavy Degradation, Light Vine Bondage, Aphrodisiacs, Fellatio, Anal Play (on a male character), Nipple Play, Edging, Overstimulation, Brief Creampie Eating, Plant Genitals.
Completion Date: December 27th, 2023
Word Count: 5508
Note: This story is technically a continuation of Solveig’s Lair, but it’s not essential to read it before this one. Its events are briefly referenced and it otherwise has nothing to do with this one besides featuring the same human. Caelan just keeps running into monster ladies that want to bully and fuck him.
Caelan stopped and set up camp much earlier than usual that day. Sometimes the days-long treks between towns wore on him; plodding down the path on his horse, becoming accustomed to having a sore ass, and only rarely seeing another person. There were times when it was nicer to pick out a quiet spot and disregard any responsibility for the day.
It was around an hour after midday when he dismounted Bandit and led her off the road and into the woods. There was a flat, relatively clear space a little way in where he chose to settle. He relieved Bandit of her saddle and his gear, letting her roam untied; even when spooked, he could always trust her to return to him. She set about feeding on the grass, her dark brown coat dappled by the sun streaking through the leaves above.
Caelan set up his tent and readied a small fire pit for when the night’s chill arrived. He relaxed at the base of an old oak, heaving a contented sigh before lighting his pipe. An aromatic scent surrounded him as he indulged. He sent a few smoke rings up into the canopy, watching them lazily waver and dissipate as his thoughts wandered.
They landed on Solveig of all things; that beguiling, insatiable beast. It had been a little over a week since Caelan left the area she inhabited. Mainly because of her, he spent more time there than he originally intended. She made for more than interesting company. He visited her many times after that first sensual encounter, sometimes winning her lewd game and other times losing. But he had departed on an intensely satisfying victory.
He reached into his pocket to retrieve his prize. The polished coin glinted in his hand. It was of an ancient, outdated currency and he probably could have sold it for a hefty sum. But he elected to keep it as a memento. Solveig had taken exceptional care of it for so long and part of him detested the thought of it gathering dust in someone’s collection. As he danced it across his fingers, nature called.
Caelan snuffed his pipe and stood, dusting the dirt from his backside. He turned to his horse before stepping out into the woods.
“If anyone tries to make off with my shit, you kick their knees backwards, alright?” he told her.
Bandit snorted loudly against the ground. He imitated the sound back to her and chuckled.
“Good girl.”
Caelan walked a long way out, not wanting to piss anywhere near his campsite, and did his business against a tree. He was set to return when he began to hear noises. They were strange in this setting, but not unfamiliar in the slightest; distinct moans of pleasure. The realization rooted him to the spot. Who would be out here fucking in the middle of nowhere?
He knew he should ignore them. Leave whoever was to their private passions. But he ultimately followed his curiosity—and his dick—in their direction.
Mentally cursing himself the entire way, Caelan stepped lightly through the grass. Just for a little bit, he thought. Enough to make some memories to use later. The voice grew louder as he approached. He hoped that those amorous sounds and the distraction of the acts causing them would make certain he wasn’t found out. He kept his ears strained but still startled a bit when there was movement in his peripheral.
Caelan ducked behind a tree, heart pounding with equal parts shame and excitement. He poked out his head and sucked in a breath at what he saw. About thirty feet away, standing at the foot of a wide trunk, was a young woman; not human.
She had rich, green skin and white hair that had a tinge of yellow and fell about her shoulders. On either side of her head were two large, golden flowers. From their centers grew long tendrils that cascaded down her back, their ends reaching her mid-calf.
Kneeling in front of her was another plant-like woman. It was harder to make out her features, but she was pear-coloured. Large, wide leaves made up her shorter hair; slightly darker than her skin and fading to reddish-pink towards the tips. She was licking at her partner’s pussy and doing a good job of it if the moans she was garnering said anything.
“Mmm! Fuck, Priscilla!”
Caelan watched on, transfixed. He could see Priscilla’s arm moving, certainly touching herself. She had a plump, round ass and his mind was swiftly filled with images of the way it might bounce with a rough pounding. Heat began to pool in his groin.
They were both so damn gorgeous.
The first woman’s moans and whimpers had raised to a higher pitch. Her hips rocked against Priscilla’s face, one hand buried in her partner’s leafy hair while the other teased her own breast. She fondled the whole of it, trapping her nipple between two fingers so she could simultaneously roll and tug at it.
The quick look Caelan intended turned to minutes. His cock had started twitching insistently. No, I can’t go that far, he told his wavering resolve. He wasn’t some dirty voyeur lurking in the shadows. But then why couldn’t he tear his eyes away? Why couldn’t he move? The impatient throbbing was getting harder to ignore.
Breath and pulse quickening, Caelan gripped himself over his pants. I’m fucking disgusting, he thought. He sucked in his lower lip against a hiss, gently stroking the shaft with his thumb. It took the edge off but he ached to bury himself in someone. To sink into the warmth of a lust-swollen cunt. He was holding back a moan when he became aware of something wrapping around his ankles.
Before he could properly process it, his feet were yanked out from under him. He was sent crashing to the forest floor. A breath left him in a pained yelp before he was dragged a long distance across the grass and dirt. He cried out as his world shifted jarringly and he was hoisted into the air, all too suddenly hanging upside down between the two women.
“Caught you!” came a sing-song voice.
It had come from the darker-skinned figure in front of him—whose face he was level with. Her eyes were strange; a vibrant, otherworldly green with three dark pupils in each iris laid out in a petal-like array at the center. There was no anger in her tone. More like Caelan had been found out in a game of Cheat.
“Shit, I am so sorry, ladies. I—,” he began.
“Ladies, he says,” scoffed Priscilla from his side. “If you’re looking for prim and proper, you’re sure as Hell not gonna find it here.”
The other woman giggled. “You found Polly and Priscilla instead.”
“And we’re far from the road, so let’s not bother with the ‘just passing by’ excuse, okay?” Priscilla said.
Caelan’s face was hot. And not just from his hanging position. He was wracking his mind for any sort of explanation, but he really had none. Polly’s hands cupped his cheeks, turning his head this way and that as she grinned.
“Aw, he’s cute though. Look at him blushing!” she said. Caelan felt another of whatever was holding his feet snaking down his leg. He gasped as a light, exploratory touch found his clothed erection, teasing up and down the length. “Mmm, and he’s hard.”
“He would be,” Priscilla said. “Didn’t even take it out. You into cumming in your pants, pretty boy?”
Caelan tried to speak, stuttering over every syllable that tried to exit his lips. Arousal and mortification warred in him; though he found they were one and the same. He couldn’t help feeling like their toy as they likely saw him. He shut his mouth and said nothing, deciding to act like it and see where it got him.
Priscilla chuckled. “Flip him around, Polly. His dick will make better use of that blood than his head.”
The change was a relief. A rush came over Caelan as he was situated upright. The tendrils held him, their movements elaborate as they managed to also get him out of his shirt without losing their grip on him. He looked up at them. They were thick, green vines with faintly glowing markings. He had seen similar marks on Polly’s shoulders glowing before he had felt the vines move; she was the one controlling them.
Caelan felt more than a little stupid, thinking that he had been well hidden. And then he was so preoccupied by his dick that he hadn’t heard the vines slithering at him through the bush. Now he was left standing, arms and hands tied above his head, awaiting—eagerly—to be put in his place.
He got a better look at Priscilla, mouth going dry at the revelation of how much taller she was than him; he was head-height to her substantial chest. The leaves on her head obscured her eyes. Her mouth seemed just slightly too wide for her face and as she laughed once more, laving a long over her bottom lip, he could see it was filled with deadly fangs. She moved behind him as Polly pressed up against his front, hands resting on his chest.
A scent came to him then, thick and sweet. Its effect was pleasant; warmth swimming in his head and travelling down his body. Something about it had his cock straining against his pants and throbbing madly. The flowers on Polly’s head, which upon closer inspection seemed alive beyond what was usual for flora, had parted further and begun twitching. The likely culprits.
Polly looked up at Caelan with those wide, odd eyes of hers. The tendrils originating from her golden petals moved. They tickled his ribcage before finding his belt buckle. His pants loosened and fell about his ankles, leaving his nearly-full cock to bob up into the air. It was quickly wrapped up in thin bindings that stroked his length.
Caelan panted, a pathetic whine escaping him as the tendrils teased the sensitive head and slit. He swayed a bit where he stood, but then Priscilla came up to his back, her breasts against his neck. Tied and sandwiched, he was completely at their mercy.
The tendrils upped their pace and Polly mouthed at his neck. He thought for a moment that this might be his punishment; cumming without the privilege of ever getting to be inside either of them. Maybe made to lick up his cum from the dirt like a dog. It’s what he deserved. But the tendrils released him.
Polly slowly kneeled, palms dragging down Caelan’s heaving chest and stomach as she went. Her eyes, sparkling above a devious grin, never left his.
“Please…more,” he begged.
A hand reached under his raised arm and found his throat; not squeezing enough to cut off his air but his chin tilted upwards instinctively as he sharply gasped.
“And where was that ‘pretty please’ earlier, hm?” Priscilla said, voice low and falsely saccharine. “That’s all you needed to come and say instead of spying.”
“Maybe he likes being a pervert, Scissy,” Polly said. Her breath ghosted over Caelan’s dick as she spoke. Warm and delicate like gossamer threads. He shivered.
“N-no,” he tried to refute, cut off by a moan as he felt the head of his cock being enveloped by Polly’s mouth.
“You really want her to stop?” Priscilla asked.
Caelan had been sorely misunderstood. “Fu-fuck, no.”
Polly teased, only sucking onto the tip while her hand slowly pumped the rest of his length. He wanted to go deeper; she seemed the type to be able to take it all. But a single, shallow thrust of his hips had them suddenly bound with vines. Everything stopped, the soft lips around his cock pulling off. He whimpered mournfully.
“Nuh-uh,” Polly chided with a quick slap to his thigh. “Who said you could do that? Be good.”
“I will,” Caelan said, hyper-aware of every heavy throb of his dick in this pause. “Sor—sorry.”
Polly continued pumping him, her tongue gently licking the underside of his head. Her tendrils caressed his thighs and balls. Slow strokes, light touches; still enough to have him seeing stars. He moaned, eyes fixed on the tree branches above and swallowing against the hand on his neck. It gave his throat a brief squeeze before joining the other in finding his pecs.
“Nice tits,” Priscilla said, derisive as she fondled and squeezed; long, dexterous fingers going for his nipples.
She lightly thumbed at them. Then rolled them between the soft, warm pads of her fingertips. Caelan hissed when she would surprise him by flicking or tugging at one of them, pleasure jolting from his chest to the end of his cock. He was sweating, finding himself unconsciously arching into Priscilla’s touch. She stopped, leaving his hard nipples feeling used as she dragged her nails over his abdomen.
Caelan felt her move, not sure what she was doing until her hands were on his backside. She gripped the meat of his ass and spread him open. A shiver ran up his spine as he was exposed. He gasped at the feeling of a puff of warm air against his hole, followed by impish laughter.
“We’ve got him twitching back here, Polly,” Priscilla said, fingers digging into his flesh. “Think he’s the type who likes it in the ass.”
Polly retracted her tongue for only as long as it took her to speak. “Ooo, lucky! It’d be so rude not to indulge him.”
“I want to hear it from our little pervert first.”
Caelan’s heart pounded, his face and ears burning hot as his head spun. “Wha—? Ahhh.”
“Should I give this nasty hole what it wants?”
“Details, boy,” Priscilla ordered sharply. “Spare. None.”
“P-play with my ass,” Caelan said. He groaned as Polly took the leaking head of his cock back into her mouth. “Fingers…t-tongue…god, whatever you want. I’ll take anything—mmm, fuck! I love it. I love it so much. Please!”
Priscilla gave an appreciative growl. “There’s a good boy.”
Caelan felt her tongue on his hole moments later. She licked at him, making him drip with her saliva. The tip ran around his quivering rim and dipped shallowly inside. It was a nearly unbearable tease. His mind fixated on the memory of how long that tongue was and he caught his lower lip between his teeth, holding back his begging to be fully filled.
Instead, he moaned, feeling incapable of coherent speech even if he wanted to give in. They were keeping him on the edge, just enough pleasure to have him raging and wanting but far from release; wet clay in their hands. He looked down at Polly, her gaze locked onto him. Her petals twitched, almost erotically, sending that pleasing scent dancing around them.
Priscilla gave a slurred, muffled chuckle against his ass and pushed in deeper. He thought she might torture him with small increments but she kept going—long past a regular tongue’s length. His legs shook as it squirmed its way against the tight walls of his hole. It felt filthier than a finger or cock would ever come close to but he reveled in the unique way it twisted and writhed, trailing slick saliva to his deepest parts.
The tongue reached that sweet spot inside him and his vision briefly whited. He let out a loud yelp of a moan as he squeezed onto it. A triumphant hum vibrated the muscle and Priscilla began to thrust it into him, aiming for his prostate. His insides grew hot and accommodating the more they were prodded, ecstasy sending his toes curling in his boots.
Polly’s hand slipped away from his dick and, apparently not to be outdone, she started to take the whole of him into her mouth. It was heaven. The softness of her tongue as it glided over the underside of his shaft. His voice wavered as he felt himself penetrate her throat; no gag reflex, no resistance. Her nose met coarse hair where she stayed for a moment before bobbing her head in long, slow strokes.
“Fuck…shit,” he hissed.
Receiving pleasure at both ends was driving Caelan wild. He could feel his cock leak into Polly’s throat with every nudge against that bundle of nerves in his ass. His shaft, full and straining, throbbed with desire; the need to burst. Breathing hard, he tried to focus. This would not so quickly be his undoing. He was already humiliated enough. But even without communicating, these women knew to begin upping their pace in tandem.
Priscilla was no longer giving his prostate a break, barely off it for a second at a time. His ass quivered and clenched but it didn’t deter her. She kept up a mercilessly quick thrust, her tongue shifting with lewd, wet noises. Copious spit dribbled from his hole and down the backs of his thighs.
Polly practically swallowed his cock. She slammed it into her throat over and over. His tip would be squeezed by the tighter space, released, and forced back in again.
Caelan’s head lolled against his bicep. His mouth was dry, open on moans that rode on panting breaths. Something about this was destroying the stamina he had built to best Solveig. Perhaps it was the flower’s scent hanging in the air. His dizzy mind couldn’t place it. All he knew was the pleasure surging in him beyond his control.
“Ah, fuck!” he cried. “I’m close, I’m close! I’ll cu—I’m gonna cum!”
Priscilla and Polly stopped, pulling off his cock and out of his ass. Caelan couldn’t stop the loud, pitiful keen that quavered from his lips. He breathed hard; his torso swaying, boots kicking at the dirt, his dick twitching and weeping in the open air. His eyes burned but he blinked defiantly; he couldn’t believe they almost had him crying.
“Oops, we can’t have that just yet,” Polly teased, standing and brushing a feather-light touch across his stomach. Even that was enough to make him throb in this state.
“P-please,” Caelan begged. “Please let me—I can’t take—I need—.”
Priscilla gripped his jaw from behind. “Quiet, boy. You’ll get what you fucking want.”
He pressed his lips together, feeling their traitorous trembling.
“But,” Priscilla continued as she released him, her breath hot on his ear. Sweetness clung to her tone like syrup. “Like before, you’ll have to ask nicely. We’re going to let you spill that dirty, peeping tom seed of yours inside us. Be grateful and beg for it.”
Caelan swallowed, heart racing.
“I…I want—ahh!”
He was interrupted as Priscilla reached around and began swiftly stroking his cock. As he nearly came again, she stopped.
“Didn’t catch that, sweetheart,” she said.
Caelan caught his breath. “Please—I want t—oooh, gods!”
He was teased to the edge and then pulled back.
“Speak up.”
It went on for an agonizingly long time. Caelan tried to voice his desire. Priscila’s request of him. But he would get a varying number of shaky, desperate words in before he was stroked mute beyond pleasured cries and had to start over. He lost count. His cock raged in her hand; flushed dark, veins popping. Finally, he spoke quickly enough, frustrated and tearful.
“I want to cum inside you! I need your pussy. Let me cum! Please, please, please, let me cum inside!”
“There…not so hard, was it?” Priscilla asked, cloying.
Polly giggled. “He makes such stupid faces when he’s all blissed. I can’t wait to see more!”
Caelan tried to glare but he doubted it came across. The vines manhandled him once more, ridding him fully of his pants and laying him out beneath the tree. As before, they kept his hands above his head. They also wove about his ankles to tie them down. His hips were once again immobilized. He looked down at his body, seeing his cock straining away from his body, eager for the hole he had earned.
A shadow fell over him and he looked up to see Polly standing above, hands on her hips and smirking down at him. His eyes roamed down her body. It was the first real look he had gotten between her legs. He blinked at the sight, though he should have expected it. White petals flared out and pressed into her thighs. At the center of them, which faded to a delicate pink, was some mid-point between floral and what he was used to; he could see folds and a clit amid the shapes.
Priscilla stepped up beside her, giving a similar reveal.
“Talk about stopping to smell the roses, eh?” she said.
Caelan could see fluid dripping off both their petals. For all the—albeit sexy—shit they had put him through, it had clearly excited them more than they would verbally admit to him.
Polly lowered herself, straddling Caelan’s thighs. She took his cock in her hand and thumbed the leaking tip. He shivered. Hold it together, he told himself, distantly mortified at the thought of cumming all over her when his prize was so close.
“Excitable thing,” she said. “So twitchy and wet. Adorably pathetic.”
Caelan throbbed at the word and she laughed, situating herself so she could line his dick up to her hole. He expected more teasing but within seconds his tip was breaching her. Inch by inch, she sank down until she was sitting snugly on his hips.
His breath caught. She felt incredible inside; the walls of her cunt felt like they were covered in thousands of small, independently moving cilia that were already caressing his shaft.
He was dying for her to move. The words got stuck in his throat. He wasn’t sure if he was allowed to beg for that.
Polly started to grind down. Her movements were short, keeping him nestled deep inside her. She was only a few thrusts in when a hairline crack showed in that smug exterior she had been keeping up.
The smirk quivered. “You’re…big. I knew you were from how far I got you in my throat, but…wow.”
Priscilla knelt down, reaching out and gripping Polly’s hair by the base of her skull and making her whimper.
“No way was I letting him get those first pretty little noises out of you,” she said.
They kissed as Polly rode him, deep and messy. Priscilla busied her hands; one arm wrapped around Polly’s back to tease her nipple and the other in front at her clit. It made her twitch around him even more, moans muffled in Priscilla’s mouth.
Caelan lay there, staring at the arousing display as his buried, aching cock furiously pulsated. Everything had slowed down and he found himself panting and loudly groaning after being denied for so long. All he could think about was the satisfaction of feeling thick cum pumping out of him; exploding, filling. He wanted to flood her.
Any part of him that wasn’t tied down quivered and shifted, his head lolling between his shoulders. He grunted like a beast and if he started drooling, he didn’t admit it later. Priscilla pulled away from Polly’s lips to give him a sideways glance and a sly look.
She scoffed. “Noisy bastard.”
Caelan whined as she returned to Polly, less from the insult and more from his burning need to thrust. To take control, fuck her hard, and not care if he came when they didn’t want him to anymore. He would accept the ridicule—any punishment. They could parade him naked on a leash through the nearest village for all he cared.
He needed to cum or something might have just broken in him.
Polly began to bob on him a little harder, the breast not caught by Priscilla’s hand bouncing with her. The walls of her hot, sopping cunt squeezed his cock. He could feel her dripping down his balls. The cilia upped their pace as well and squirmed fiercely like tiny tongues, tasting every inch of him.
Caelan didn’t bother giving them a warning at the risk of being refused again; damn the consequences. He tossed his head back and moaned, feeling the first of those deep, rhythmic throbs overtaking him. Warmth rose through his shaft and burst from his tip. That building, roiling pressure released. All he knew was relief and intense pleasure; pump after copious pump.
Polly moaned. “Ohhh, he’s cumming. He’s—ahh, there’s so much. He won’t stop. It feels—it feel—Scissy, I’m gonna cum. He’s making me cum—ahh!”
She paused on top of him, coming apart and held up only by Priscilla. The rich green of her sweat-glistening skin looked all the more vibrant somehow. Even the flowers upon her head had taken up an orgasmic throb. She quivered and came apart, Caelan’s cock pressed deep inside of her spasming pussy. It clenched around him, milking out his last few spurts with its wild twitching as the cilia seemed to clamp onto him.
“Good girl,” Priscilla praised, running her hand down Polly’s trembling side. “You might have gotten a punishment if you came before this little rat.”
“Aww,” Polly whined. Her words were laced with erotic breathing. “Can I have it anyway?”
“Maybe.” Priscilla paused, looking down at Caelan. “When we’re done here.”
Caelan swallowed. “Wh-?”
Polly pulled off of him. He gasped at the sudden sensation of sliding out of her coupled with that of his cock flopping down onto his stomach. It pulsed lightly, softening and pulling back towards his body. He watched, head spinning, as Priscilla took it into her hand.
“Thought you were getting off easy?” she asked, grinning as Caelan jolted at her touch. “There are two of us, boy.”
She started stroking and Caelan cried out, squirming under his bindings.
“P-Prisci—ahh! I’m s-s-sensitive. I just c-came—I—.”
Any further words were stolen from having those ignited nerves teased again. It was veering dangerously towards being too much. His legs were practically numb. But despite that, he felt his cock making weak attempts to harden again; when did he become this insatiable? Did Solveig make that much of a whore out of him? He could almost hear her harsh barks of laughter as his shaft twitched to no avail.
Priscilla smirked. “How about giving him a stronger hit, Polly? Poor thing can’t get it up.”
Polly laid out beside him, pressing in close.
“Oh, now he can’t,” she teased.
She ran her hand over his chest, settling over his pounding heart. He could see those telltale movements in her flowers again and it clicked what was about to happen. In an instant, that floral scent intensified. It flooded his senses and he moaned, eyes rolling as the resulting rush slammed down to his groin.
His cock sprang back to life, throbbing with an unnatural vigour as it rapidly filled once more. It felt overly swollen; thick and radiating heat. Excess cum squeezed from the quivering slit and ran down his shaft over Priscilla’s fingers. She took her hand off of him to lick up the mess from her knuckles. His engorged dick stood freely, veins pulsing.
“That’s better,” Priscilla said.
She licked her lips and extended her tongue, coiling it around the first couple of inches of his cock. Saliva dripped as she moved it up and down. Rivers of precum streamed from him to add to the slick mess. Caelan shook, the wet sounds barely perceptible over his whimpering.
A second tongue joined in; Polly lapping at one of his nipples. Even that seemed to be throbbing under the influence of her scent. So much power from an unassuming plant; something so pretty bringing out an utter, desperate filth in him.
Priscilla released him, panting heavily.
“Fuck, Polly,” she gasped, her voice rough. “That’s even getting to me a bit.”
She moved and positioned herself over Caelan’s dick. She was soaked; clear, warm fluid dropping onto him. Her petal-like folds seemed to quiver in excitement as she lowered them and lightly thrust her hips to tease the head. Caelan whined alongside Polly’s playful hum.
“Don’t break him, Scissy,” she said. An indirect hint for him to fucking brace himself. “He’s already pretty dumb. Don’t want to make him all cock-brained.”
Priscilla chuckled. “It’d be an improvement.”
She ended her sentence by roughly slamming herself down onto Caelan’s cock. He yelped at suddenly being enveloped in pulsating heat and squirming cilia again. The pleasure stole his breath.
“Isn’t that right, boy?” Priscilla inquired, slowly rising until only his tip breached her.
Caelan inhaled shakily. “Y-yes.”
“Your dick’s the only useful part of you. This is what you’re for.”
She dropped again. Hard.
“Ahh! Yes!” Caelan cried.
“Now, go on,” Priscilla said, rolling her hips to give the barest amount of friction to his raging cock. “What do we say?”
“Please, Priscilla! Fuck me. Let me be your toy! Please! Fuck me!” Caelan begged without a second’s hesitation, any pride left in him laying shattered at the feet of his desire to please her.
“Good boy.”
Priscilla began to ride him and she was nothing like Polly. Her pace built within moments until the quick, slapping sound of their slick flesh seemed to resound through the area. She grunted around her lolling tongue from the force of it, drooling as her pussy swallowed him up. The bounce of her large breasts sent her sweat flicking outwards.
Caelan could barely breathe as he lay there taking it. The ache in his ankles, wrists, and hips from being bound was forgotten. All he could feel was his dick—hot, wet, throbbing—and the kiss of Priscilla’s folds when she bottomed out. He was distantly aware of Polly licking and sucking his nipples, marking him up with her lips and teeth. But it was a little thing amid the shocks of pleasure that came with every rapid drop of Priscilla’s hips.
He moaned, loud and ceaseless. If there were words, they were nonsense. His vision blurred as he peaked again. It was dry. He knew it was dry. But everything throbbed wildly; his cock, his balls, even that spot deep in his ass. He came down from it. Still hard. Still being fucked.
Priscilla had clearly felt it.
“Not a drop left in you, huh? You gave it all to Polly, you stingy little shit,” she said. “But that’s okay. You’re gonna make me cum even if you can’t. That’s what perverts get. Fucking. Used.”
She interrupted her brutal rhythm to punctuate her final two words before resuming. Tears sprung to Caelan’s eyes, his moans becoming littered with sobs. His voice kept cracking to a higher register as overwhelming pleasure engulfed his body. His cock continued to pulse in Priscilla’s swollen, clinging walls. It couldn’t even muster a simple weep of precum anymore; just stay hard for her like a good toy should.
It was euphoric; this loss of control. To feel like an object made for another’s pleasure. No thoughts, no words; just a cock attached to a whimpering, whining, disgusting mess of a thing. Compliant to any erotic whims one wished to exact upon him. All that mattered was serving his purpose and making her cum.
Priscilla was throbbing inside and her pace became erratic. She had ceased her degrading words in favour of a stream of moans and grunts. Her fluids flowed in excess, every plunge into her cunt made audibly sloppy.
With a teeth-baring grin, she thrust down upon him a few final, quick times before dropping to bury him deep as she came. She was loud in her satisfaction; mouth open, tongue sticking out and dripping with saliva. Her orgasm was just as intense as everything else about her; walls squeezing down tightly, pulsing with fervour, a sweltering heat clamping down on his every over-sensitive inch.
Caelan’s heart knocked against his ribs so hard it ached. For a moment, he thought it might give out. His eyes rolled back. Priscilla wouldn’t stop cumming. Her pussy had him locked, endlessly twitching around him. A last orgasm was wrenched from him and darkness edged his vision, ears only privy to a high-pitched whine and his own rapid heartbeat but he knew he was crying out in mindless ecstasy. His throat was raw.
In a haze, he saw more than felt Priscilla lift off of him. His cock was still lewdly straining from him, throbbing and slick. It couldn’t want more. It couldn't possibly be ready for more.
Priscilla’s face dropped into his line of sight.
“You’ll stay and play for a while, won’t you?” she asked sweetly. “We’ve got some friends who would love to meet you.”
He nodded weakly, need twitching between his legs. “Please.”
Polly rose from his side, moving to straddle his head. He looked up into her wet, still-quivering floral folds and his mouth watered.
“I almost forgot,” she said. “Don’t good boys clean up their mess?”
She came down on Caelan and he readily lapped at her pussy; tonguing the hole, tasting his own cum flooding his mouth, and feeding that depraved part of him that loved getting into these situations.
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spicyviren · 5 months
Oh let me meditate on the beast of devouring that feeds on the stars, that star devourer dragon Let me repel this Star dragon and banish it from the light of my Sun
- Ancient Sunfire chant, Tales of Xadia
I'm thinking about the sun and the stars and how Laurelion is, probably, both.
(Reposted because I’m a damn fool!!)
The Big Bang, in real life
The majority of atoms which make up us, our earth, and even our very own sun, were formed in the hearts of the very first stars in the universe.
These stars were made of lighter elements, mostly Hydrogen, Helium, and Lithium. But under the immense pressure at the core of those first stars, heavier atoms like Carbon, Oxygen and Nitrogen were formed. The stars eventually died - exploded - and released those heavier elements into the universe to be crafted into other forms.
As Carl Sagan famously put it, "We are made of star stuff."
And so Aaravos's quote in the teaser for season six - We are, all of us, stardust - is a blatant nod to the Sagan quote as well as, I am assuming, that aspect of the universe in some shape or form. Allegorically, it speaks to the idea of the universality of existence in the basest sense. But also, it acknowledges that the stars, like everything else, operate generationally.
So in this way, if we are to assume the TDP cosmos operates at least somewhat similar to our own, Xadia's sun is a younger (but still old as balls) star, from a different generation than the stars which are far more distant and ancient.
(As a side note, the very first stars in the universe did not last very long. Though certain stars in existence right now have "lifetimes" which are projected to last longer than the universe has currently been in existence.)
So if Xadia's sun is technically a star, even by Xadia's own admission (see Sunfire chant), then by this metric I have to ask...
What makes the Sun arcanum different from the Star arcanum?
While those first, most ancient of stars produced the materials which would become life, only a sun can sustain life and is therefore inextricably linked with the earth and all the life on it. It's this connection which I imagine is responsible for the change in the nature of the magic.
In Callum's Spellbook, Callum makes some word-association lists for the different types of magic. He associates "truth" with both Sun and Star (perhaps a trait of their shared stardom). No other words match up completely, but it feels like they are referencing similar things within different contexts.
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The Sun teaches while the Stars are simply intelligent; the Sun is a "guiding light" while the Stars are associated with "destiny." Further, many of the other words Callum associates with the sun are about being in positive community with others (optimism, warmth, charisma, leadership). The nature of the sun is more giving, nurturing, and dare I say loving than that of your average star. Sun is revealing and honesty, Star is mysterious and reality-altering. Further, there is a dynamism in the words for Sun Magic that is absent from Star Magic - sharing knowledge vs simply having knowledge, guiding vs prescribing a set path.
(Another side note: Callum also mentions that Star mages are born, which, Callum's limited understanding aside, is perhaps a hint about what it will take to connect to the Star Arcanum. I have thoughts, but.... I'll just leave that there, winky face)
Obviously, these word associations can only go so far. Some of the most hostile and arrogant (eh eh!!) figures we've met have been Sun-aligned. But it does make me wonder about the beginning of Sun magic and what that introduction may have looked like.
Ever wonder what those sparkly dots are up there?*
Okay, so big question for me. Is Aaravos a star, like, literally a personification of a ball of gas burning billions of miles away, or is he just like, a very special elf? The same goes for all Startouch elves.
Zubeia refers to Aaravos as both a star and as an elf, and it's one of those things which I can't decide is real or simply a more poetic way of speaking of him. Is "Startouch elf" simply another type of star? Official art also sometimes depicts him and others as constellations. Are they the formed consciousness of a collection stars?
But it also makes me think of how often Sunfire elves personify the sun/the sun orb.
JANAI: You are a student of history, yes? Do you know where the Great Orb of the Sunforge came from? KARIM: Legends say it was a gift from the Sun herself. The gift of a millenium. - "The Drakewood," S4E6
In "The Queen's Mercy," we have...
Aditi nodded. “[...]and so, as the Sun’s daughter, I will lead you into her embrace.”
...and earlier, there is this:
Queen Aditi the Merciful, they called her. Queen Aditi the Kind. The Light of the Sun Incarnate. Kim’dael had thought it all an insufferable exaggeration. Sunfire elves gilded everything they could touch, of course they would do the same to their beloved leader.
Karim personifies the corrupted sun orb in "After Darkness":
He could still see it: the top of the Sunforge Tower, upside-down from where he lay, shrouded in inky corruption. It looked ill, its sickness weeping red and crowning the spire in a haze of blood. [...] We will come back, he promised his beloved, tainted city, his lost home. We will not abandon you. The orb pulsed mutely, a cry for help he could not answer.
TDP uses personification a lot, so it is kind of hard to parse out when it's being literal and when it's being lyrical. Perhaps in the examples cited it's simply the ostentatious way of the Sunfire elves like Kim'dael thinks. But if Aaravos, a known person, can be a star, then I can easily reason vice versa.
In the Book 1 novelization, Aaravos refers to himself as "of the First Elves." And if that is true, it follows that there must have been "Second Elves."
So who is Laurelion?
The significance of the laurel in the Western canon goes back to the myth of Daphne and Apollo.
There are various versions of the story, but essentially, Apollo (popularly associated with the sun), falls helplessly in love with Daphne. Though her reasons vary in different iterations, Daphne turns away from Apollo's affections. She runs and Apollo pursues. Just as Apollo is about to catch her, she begs for help - sometimes from her father, a river god, and sometimes from her mother, a nymph or Gaia - and she is saved by being turned into the laurel tree. In Ovid's Metamorphosis, when Apollo reaches Daphne post-transfiguration, he can still feel her heart beating below the bark. From that point on, the laurel wreath was associated with Apollo, achievement, and victory.
Gold, the element, takes the symbol Au from its Latin word, Aurum, which has etymological ties to 'aurora' (dawn). Names likes Aurelio or Aurelius similarly mean "golden" or "guilded."
So, taken together, I of course think immediately of this:
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THAT BEING SAID, this looks more like a weeping willow or a wisteria than it does a laurel, which has bushy foliage rather than hanging. The closest I can maybe get is a mountain laurel, which does have blooms that hang kinda sorta like a wisteria, though not nearly in such a dramatic fashion. But anyway!
The golden laurel...⋆。°✩Laurelion✩°。⋆
Interestingly, in Ovid's retelling of Apollo and Daphne, Apollo's love is the result of being struck by Cupid's golden arrow, while Daphne's disgust of Apollo's advances are the result of being struck by a lead-tipped arrow. And so, there is an association there with gold and love. And within the context of the myth - Cupid is getting petty revenge on Apollo after Apollo is boastful and arrogant about his own prowess with a bow and arrow - it's also an instance of weaponizing love.
Which brings us to that which is known everforth as...
The Nova Blade
It is actually quite common for stars to have companions and to exist in what is called a binary star system. In this system, two stars are gravitationally locked in orbit and can appear as a single object when observed by the naked eye. Sometimes, the proximity between these two stars results in what is called a nova - a sudden brightness which appears to be a new star. Novas are not associated with stellar "death" (you'd be thinking of supernova, in that case).
Now in our universe, novas are not actually stars. They are events, momentary bursts of brightness under specific circumstances between two stars. But the name "nova" originally came from the term "stella nova" which means new star.
…and though undying, took last breath, immortal Laurelion was no more. - "The Death of the Immortal"
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Did Laurelion just...die? You know, it was really unclear...
I do not think the Nova Blade killed Laurelion in the moment described in the poem. Kazi is so doubtful and Callum is so sure - Callum you fool! - surely that would be too easy (quote quote easy)?
I will grant that "Supernova Blade" would sound kind of hokey, and even originally I had thought, "Oh cool, 'nova,' like 'SUPERnova!'" And then I thought to look up just 'nova' and it turns out it was actually its own thing. But even without all that, the 'though-undying' of it all haunts me.
And so I hold to the idea that the Nova Blade makes an immortal mortal. It does bring death's bite, but in a way in which Laurelion becomes something else, reborn with death's promise like all other mortal beings are.
I have two point five ideas.
The Light of the Sun Incarnate
My first hypothesis is, of course, that Laurelion became the tree with the Sunseed with a name that's a nod to Daphne and Apollo. Of course, I'm assuming here that the tree in which the Sunseed is kept is responsible for producing/sustaining the Sunseed, which may not be true.
Now the drawback of this idea is the legend that the Sunseed was a gift from the Sun herself. So here, it would have to be within the context of the Sun sacrificing Laurelion in some way for this purpose. There's obvious Jesus parallels here which, full disclosure, is not really my bag, baby, but there are plenty of elements in TDP that very easily slot in with Christian canon. But also, in the laurel myth Daphne begs a parent to save her, which puts the sacrifice of it all in a different light. It makes me wonder if the event with the Nova Blade is self-inflicted and, mayhaps, an act of love. So in this sense, the Sun "gifted" the world (or just the Sunfire elves, I dunno) her child by simply letting her child go.
My second hypothesis is that Laurelion became the first Sunfire elf, of the second elves. We are, all of us, stardust. It would not come as a shock to me if all elves were ultimately descended from the Startouch elves of old.
AND THEN we've got Aaron Ehasz talking about how the red dragon scale amulet (...and look, this show does color coding, that's SUN) is somehow related to Laurelion?
Sunfire elf, I say! SUNFIRE ELF!
Combining both of these scenarios, I could see Laurelion being the child of the Sun (again IF we are to assume each star is a living entity). Or maybe Startouch elves are born OF stars while not, technically, being the same thing, like an egg hatching the next evolution of its mother.
And so, perhaps Laurelion chose to become mortal, to become the first Sunfire Elf. And all of Laurelion's children, and their children's children, and their children's children's children, they were all of them children of the sun, the light of the sun incarnate, bringing the hope and optimism of something new to the world; destined to return in death to the embrace of their very first mother. And as a symbol of her love, the Sun gifted Laurelion the Sunseed, golden and cradled within a tree.
*oddly relevant Lion King reference
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cookierunauprompts · 8 months
https://www.tumblr.com/cookierunauprompts/741012613726633984/great-now-i-cant-help-but-think-of-one-dnd-au?source=share same anon!
Yes kingdoms and cookies! Aaaaaaalso I think white lily and dark enchantress would be separate in this because of well...spoilers below and marked where spoilers are. but idea basically is like for the specific prompt if you want it...well got two prompts and idk which one you'd wanna do first so I'll list them both (also forgot to mention...imagine it being a big dnd club and the characters who arent in that specific part of the campaign like in the beast yeast chapter, when the other ancients arent with pure vanilla, they are gathered around the table to watch and eat snacks and basically be giving advice....oooor for the cookies who decided to watch to try to be the devil on someone's shoulder "hey, you should try blank!"):
Potential prompt 1: the session where y/n is like "ok guys! Today, shadow milk will be joining us and he already got his character sheet...and he wrote himself as...very crazy, which isn't surprising since he is crazy himself! Sooooo this should be fun!"
Potential prompt 2: the session of the final battle...the prologue to the campaign aaaaand maybe when golden cheese rolls her nat one...curious who would laugh buuuut I bet gingerbrave at the table might be like "OH MY WITCHES, GOLDEN CHEESE IM SO SORRY!!!"
Keep reading if you want spoilers:
Ok, I warned ya!
The fact that later on in the story, it is revealed that somehow white lily cookie and dark enchantress cookie are two separate people...surprising, I know!
Requested Prompts #37 - ✦
" Alright everyone, that brings us to the end of the Dark Flour War." You say, glancing around the table at the cookies gathered. A collective sigh of relief swept through them, it had been a rough session, that was for sure. " Now then," You say, clasping your hands together. " I'd like you all to roll for the status of your kingdoms, just a plain d20, aight?" " But what about me?" White Lily Cookie speaks up, ah, right, technically she didn't have a kingdom of her own. Then again, the two of you did have something planned. " Uh... Roll for your own safety." You advised, and you could soon hear the clatter of dice upon the table. " Natural Twenty! Woohoo!" You could hear Hollyberry Cookie cheer, and you gave her a small applause for what was her first and only nat20 of the session. She'd gotten close with some 19's, but no twenties. " Alright, that leaves the Hollyberry Kingdom with pretty mild, yet very fixable damages. Very few died to the flames of the war, and it's overall decent." You explain, referencing your small chart that you had prepped for a moment before looking back up. " Who wants to say their roll next?" " I will." Dark Cacao spoke up, taking a moment to glance down at his roll. " ...Fourteen. Is that good?" " It's good enough," You begin, checking your chart. " There are some decent damages, nothing too broken though considering your kingdom's defenses, and some casualties. But overall the Dark Cacao Kingdom should be able to bounce back." Dark Cacao gave a nod of approval, meanwhile Pure Vanilla Cookie was next to speak. " I got a ten, how well off is the Vanilla Kingdom?" He asked, you could just sense the nervousness in his voice. Though all of you knew that it wouldn't be doing any good considering that the final battle took place there. " Hm... Well, after the war; The Vanilla Kingdom is mostly destroyed and abandoned... Though a lot of the citizens were able to escape via airship." You explain, catching sight of Pure Vanilla's expression melting into some form of relief. Even though it was just a game of Kingdoms and Cookies, it couldn't help but feel real to a degree. That's just how good of a dungeon master you are! " Um.. I got a five." White Lily then speaks up, and you already know your response. " Comatose in a glass coffin over at the Faerie Kingdom." You say almost immediately before turning your attention to Golden Cheese Cookie, who was staring at her dice rather intensely. " Golden Cheese Cookie? How about you?" Golden Cheese Cookie didn't respond, simply just staring down at her dice, what she rolled, dumbfoundedly. The staring continued for a moment before Golden Cheese slumped on the table, head in her hands. " ... natural one." She whispered as quiet as a mouse. " I'm sorry, what did you say?" You asked, not having quite heard her. " I got a natural one..." Golden Cheese admitted, and now you felt sorry for what you were about to tell her. " Oh, I'm very sorry for your loss." You begin, " The Golden Cheese Kingdom... For as far as you know, is completely destroyed. It's people, your friends there, your treasures. All of them... are gone." Golden Cheese Cookie looked devastated beyond words, meanwhile Dark Cacao Cookie offered some comfort in the for of a few pats on the back. Due to the fact that he was the closest to Golden Cheese in their positions on the table.
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sleidog · 2 years
Tai's TED talk
annnnd tai's talk, also from @vampiricsheep 's event, i've added a little more to this given i don't have GW's text limit to make it a little more cohesive!
Tai steps to the stage, a ghostly looking sylvari. Just like Mu before, there's something off about his shadow. It seems to shift between two shapes, though it's quite subtle. Visually, he looks unnerving, certainly not a typical Sylvari. "Good evening, you may call me Tai, I am the current acting leader of the Order of Necromancy."
I am also here to speak of my research regarding the Forgotten, and their relation to the elder dragons.
Some of you may be aware that these ancient yet timeless beings went extinct long ago. They are reminescent of the Krait and Canthan Naga, yet far from the same.
These beings were caretakers to the elder dragon known as Glint beginning in 1769BE, although some scripture from the ancient races deem this to have actually been far later, perhaps even predating the death of the giganticus lupicus. This is also before humans were even present in the world as we know it, so scriptures recording the event are, unsurprisingly, lacking. What we do know is merely fragmented translations of text from the Forgotten themselves.
Tai straightens the collar of his robes, briefly referencing a set of notes. "As humans appeared, the Forgotten walked among them unhindered until the year 174AE."
At this point, they retreated from the world at large and became residents of the crystal desert. I should not have to tell you that Glint is older than time itself, as with most Elder Dragons.
So why were these beings created? Given that some records also say that they freed Glint's mind from Kralkatorrik using a powerful ritual in Orr. You can still visit the ritual site to this day. It would make sense that, given they now have an allied dragon champion on their side, that they would want to make her sympathetic to the races seiged by the elder dragons.
With Glint's percieved nature as being one of the only 2 recorded Elder Dragons; and I use the term loosely, Glint is technically a dragon champion and not an elder dragon- with a penchant for enjoying the company of other races, this leads to many an interesting question.
Scriptures contradict when exactly the Forgotten were wiped out. They claim falsely that Turai Ossa upon arrival in the crystal desert massacred the Forgotten to near extinction, viewing them as mindless beasts.
And yet, centuries after that, the Forgotten along with the exalted were building both Kesho and Tarir, the two glorious golden cities meant to house the Scions, Vlast and Aurene.
Turai Ossa would have been long dead with a human lifespan by then. I believe wholeheartedly that the Forgotten are still present and not extinct by any means, especially given that the group that splintered off to Maguuma would have little reason to suddenly die off. I also find it laughable that a race who fought alongside the other elder races against several elder dragons during the last dragon rise could be felled by a small human army.
You could call me an enthusiast and collector of early human history, however I specialise in Forgotten writings and relics. We know now, that this was not the case. The Forgotten were systematically corrupted by Kralkatorik shortly after Glint's death, yet the Forgotten did not all become loyal to Kralkatorrik by being branded, something truly fascinating. While some lesser willed Forgotten may have moved south, a large number, too large to be coincidence, focused around Augury rock and continued to run the trials for whoever wished to try. Another large group also went deeper into the Crystal desert and remained around their own ruins, showing they have enough understanding to know where they are.
Tai seems very sure of his words, perhaps too sure. It almost seems as if he's lived some of these latter events himself. Though, that shouldn't be possible, given he appears to be a Sylvari.
I believe that, given the chance and correct course of action, the remaining Forgotten, even while Branded, could potentially become allies again in the future, strengthened by corruption and not weakened by it. Perhaps by use of Aurene's specific brand to purify the Forgotten who have held onto some of their free will, especially with Kralkatorrik's death.
I welcome questions, this is a subject I have specialised in for quite some time.
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Monster High the Movie Review Part 4
Spoilers ahead!
I don't like this Komos guy... but his song "True Monster Heart" has been stuck in my head for DAYS! it's so dang catchy! it's like a mild form of torture!
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This purple kid could have been Andy beast. what a wasted opportunity!
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Is... is Cleo trying to flirt with the teacher?... Deuce isn't even in the room, who is she trying to impress? I don't like it. Back away from the underage girl
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My biggest gripe about G2 was the fact that the school was new and had no history... now THIS school seems to have a LOT of history... I don't wanna eat my own words here but like... can't we meet in the middle? I'm glad the school is really old but why is the tech super old??? Frankie was just bragging about having a smart phone not 10 minutes ago and now Clawdeen is in a library that looks like it was ripped directly out of the 1700's, peep that ancient wheelchair. its also so dirty and dusty. OG Monster High had cob webs but the school itself was clean and modern, it had wi-fi and computers. Is this supposed to be creepy? is that what all the kids are scared of now? the past? oooOOOOooo look out! its the dewey decimal system! I don't know y'all this is very anachronistic and it's taking me out of the movie, it's distracting.
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*puts on nerd glasses* There is no need to manufacture pointed teeth on human actors for mythical creatures... Humans have pointed teeth... they are called our canine teeth. The teeth that are pointed HERE are lateral incisors & don't make anatomical sense, it looks terrible in live action especially since in animation? fangs are often spaced much further apart than this. This isn't "True Blood" circa 2008. Put them fangs back on her canines. *takes off nerd glasses*
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Clawdeen becomes fully human!... her human ears grow in on the sides of her head ...ew... this is the opposite of a werewolf transformation. but it's equally horrifying!
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Magnesium bicarbonate is not soothing, it tastes like TV static. but technically Frankie is right it does help settle your nerves. Clawdeen is gonna have some interesting poops later, but I digress.
I don't really understand this big push to make Frankie really smart ... this started in G2 but it directly conflicts with their whole "new to the world naivete" thing they have going on. G3 is TRYING to have it both ways with them being very intelligent but not knowing how intelligent they are because they can't recall a topic unless it's referenced in front of them, they get that brain spark thing and know the info instantly but they don't have the power to recall that info at will. it's fine I guess.
Mind you, OG Frankie was never stupid. She was just newly created and had no experience yet.
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Frankie Stein has Alan Turing's cortex and they will not have any of your holocaust denying BS today!
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Movie thinks I won't notice looking at scrolls to get info in one scene and then using a smart phone in the next, movie is wrong. then again I guess looking up info on a smart phone just isn't as cinematic as finding the right scroll for the info you need on the fourth try. This would have been a good opportunity to use the sentient school! instead of years old info just chilling in a tube the school could have literally spat it out for them to see or lead them to where it was. tsk, tsk. wasted opportunity.
Clawdeen is still hiding the fact that her father is human, he gets an invite to a school function addressed to "Pierre Wolf", a fake name Clawdeen gave to Bloodgood to make it seem like he was a werewolf too. But so far? I don't think they've said his actual name, Mom's name is Selena but we don't hear Dad's name, it's possible I missed it.
Update: I did miss it. His name is Apollo, it's on his name tag when he comes home from work.
Part 4/?
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artemis-maia · 4 years
some SMTII and SMTIV notes
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救世主 Kyuuseishu
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Aleph is called the true ‚Kyuuseishu‘ (Saviour of the World). That expression is used when Jesus is portrayed in the Salvator Mundi position. Kyuuseishu is also used for all the protagonists in the Diamond Realm DLC in SMTIV Final.
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聖母 Seibo Hiroko is called ‚Seibo‘ (holy mother). This expression is always used in Japanese in connection to Virgin Mary.
More on the name Aleph:
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The name Aleph next to being from the Hebrew alphabet also has Christian allusions as well. Namely alluding to the expression Alpha and Omega/Aleph and Tav.
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Alpha and Omega are the first and the last letters of the Greek alphabet. The first and the last letters of the Hebrew alphabet are, respectively, א (aleph) and ת (tav). The letter Aleph means “an ox” and symbolizes a sacrificial animal offered to God. The letter Tav means “a mark“. I am the Aleph and the Tav, the beginning and the end, the first and the last (Rev. 22:13).
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Also the letter Aleph appears as IC in its cursive form looking similar to Jesus Christ. It‘s kinda cool since Aleph is so heavily modeled after Jesus that even his name might not just be randomly chosen.
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There is also a different variant of the letter Tav ת. It looks like a cross.
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Alpha and Omega is also often used in the Chi-Rho. Eli Eli lama sabachthani
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(my god why have you forsaken me). Quoted by Jesus on the cross. It derives from psalm 22 supposedly written by King David. This psalm is often interpreted by Christians to have Messianic symbolism since some lines seem similar to Jesus‘ crucifixion (for example ’They part my garments among them, and cast lots upon my vesture.‘ which resembles the Romans gambling for Jesus‘ clothes etc.) I have read that since Jesus quoted this psalm that means that Jesus basically claimed that psalm as his. Some spectators of the crucifixion mistakingly or mockingly thought that he is calling Elijah (who is responsible for saving innocents). Interestingly while the psalm starts dramatically it ends positively similar to the contrast between Jesus‘ crucifixion and later resurrection. Also small discourse on the relation between Jesus and David: Matthew 9 Jesus Heals Two Blind Men 27 And as Jesus passed on from there, two blind men followed him, crying aloud, “Have mercy on us, Son of David.” 28 When he entered the house, the blind men came to him, and Jesus said to them, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” They said to him, “Yes, Lord.” 29 Then he touched their eyes, saying, “According to your faith be it done to you.” 30 And their eyes were opened. And Jesus sternly warned them, “See that no one knows about it.” 31 But they went away and spread his fame through all that district. Jesus is often by side characters called Son of David as well. For example two blind men he heals call him that.
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Another scene in which he famously is called Son of David (along with Messiah) is on Palm Sunday when he enters Jerusalem on a donkey. The Messiah is said to be from the House of David. Jesus‘ mother Mary is related to Prince Nathan a younger son of David and Bathsheba. Nathan never ruled though which is why Jesus‘ foster earthly father Joseph of Nazareth is important. Joseph is actually related to King Solomon the oldest surviving son of David and Bathsheba, who was actually king. Joseph basically adopted Jesus into the main Davidic branch. Why the adoption? Due to the curse of Jeconiah who is an ancestor of Joseph of Nazareth. Jeconiah was cursed by God meaning that a direct descendant of Solomon couldn‘t technically become the Messiah anymore. Henceforth why this is broken with Jesus being from the side Nathan branch + his virgin birth. I personally always thought that his Davidic lineage was what actually killed Jesus. The Sanhedrin gave him to the Romans. The Romans did not care about Son of God, Messiah etc. What they cared about was that there were people around saying he the Son of the House David should be king which leads to the crown of thorns mockery and INRI inscription on his cross.
If you read up on the House David it‘s also a really hot mess. David who uses his position to sleep with Uriah‘s wife Bathsheba and sends Uriah to his death to solve this problem, Amnon who rapes his half-sister Tamar, Absalom who turns against David and rapes ten concubines of David etc.
The relation of Jesus to Bathsheba is actually emphasized along with Jesus relation to Rahab ‚the whore of Jericho‘, Tamar ‚who disguised as a prostitute to sleep with her father in law’, and Ruth ‚the Moabite thus seen as Gentile by Jews‘ to precisely not only emphasize women like Sarah (Abraham‘s wife), Rebecca (Isaac‘s wife) and Leah (Jacob‘s wife) who are seen as paragons (they all appear in Jesus genealogy anyway) and to hide stuff.
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מנא, מנא, תקל, ופרסין
Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin
“numbered, weighed, divided/Persia.”
“The writing on the wall”, or “the handwriting on the wall” or “Mene Mene”, is an idiom for doom and a set future.
It’s a story from the Book of Daniel (Old Testament) Chapter 5. At a banquet hosted by King Belshazzar a disembodied hand appeared and wrote on the palace wall, “Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin”.
Daniel was supposed to interprete this and it was seen as the end for the Babylonian kingdom. That same night King Belshazzar was killed and Babylon fell to the Persians and Medes.
Son of Man
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Daniel 7
13 “I saw in the night visions,
and behold, with the clouds of heaven
   there came one like a son of man,
and he came to the Ancient of Days
   and was presented before him.
And to him was given dominion
   and glory and a kingdom,
that all peoples, nations, and languages
   should serve him;
his dominion is an everlasting dominion,
   which shall not pass away,
and his kingdom one
   that shall not be destroyed.
The expression Son of Man is famously used in the book Daniel in a vision given to Daniel in which four "beasts," representing nations are judged by God. The "Ancient of Days" (God) gives dominion over the earth to "the Son of Man”.
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Ancient of Days also appears in SMTIV.
Daniel as I explained in another article was chief of the Magi in Babylon (interesting to think about considering the Magi who visited Jesus) and the archangel Gabriel also appeared to him explaining the 70 weeks prophecy (which Christians believe foretold the exact timeframe in which the Messiah would appear since it fits the timeframe of Jesus)
This expression Son of Man was later used during the Second Temple era as a name for the Messiah since people understood what Jesus was referring to when he used it.
Jesus when using this term applied Daniel‘s prophecy to himself. He quoted Daniel often even supporting Daniel‘s claim that the second temple would be destroyed. It also seems like most Christians listened to Jesus’ advice regarding the temple to flee to the mountains which is why Christians abandoned Jerusalem and hid in Pella when the Temple fell.
Matthew 26:57-67
The high priest said to him, “I charge you under oath by the living God: Tell us if you are the Messiah, the Son of God.”
64 “You have said so,” Jesus replied. “But I say to all of you: From now on you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven.”
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The most dramatic sequence in which Jesus uses this term is actually this scene.
The Sanhedrin has caught him and Caiaphas asks him to tell them whether he is the Messiah and Son of God. Jesus says that they are correct and once again makes a reference to Daniel. This makes Caiaphas so angry that he tears his clothes.
Acts 7:54-56
54 When the members of the Sanhedrin heard this, they were furious and gnashed their teeth at him. 55 But Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, looked up to heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. 56 “Look,” he said, “I see heaven open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God.“
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It‘s also once referenced in the story of St. Stephen the first Christian martyr.
Another instance where it is used is in the Book of Revelation.
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f-117-nighthawk · 3 years
Playlist Update Part 2: Electric Boogaloo
Part 2! Here lies Endless War, Dystopian Fiction, and Filaments. EW hasn’t changed much, DF has a bit and it's all INFECTED's fault, and Filaments has more than three songs finally. My explanations for these aren't quite as fleshed out (partially bc there's less in my head to flesh out with and partially because these aren't nearly as set in playdough as the main playlist. more like set in syrup)
Part One
In chronological order:
Endless War
Dark Matter is here because it always is, twining through everything else.
(Don’t stop, don’t think, don’t look back/You’re a bolt of lightning in the sky now/Don’t stop, don’t think, don’t look back/I’ve pulled you in, nowhere to hide now)
I Am the One links into Eater of Worlds as sort of the aftermath, sort of during Apocalypse 1992. Our Fifth General has her realization about [REDACTED] far, far before Team Voltron does because she’s there in the thick of it during Through Apocalypse Skies.
(I am the one/I hold the dreams from fallen heroes)
(We are gods, we are monsters/We create to devour/Not for love but for power/What’s a life worth in the end?)
(From the caves beneath Dundee/Ancient hermit arrives/A messenger to the war in the stars/Korviliath is nigh!)
The Truth Beneath the Rose is from the perspective of our last (and first) Blade in the aftermath of Through Apocalypse Skies, as she realizes just what she helped create. Also… kinda connects to a song in the main playlist, but not very obviously.
(Blinded to see the cruelty of the beast/It is the darker side of me/The veil of my dreams deceived that I have seen/Forgive me for what I have been, forgive me my sins!)
Raise Your Banner is The Fifth General’s newfound resolve as she starts collecting allies against Zarkon’s empire.
(Wake up/I’m defying you, seeing right through you, once I believed in you/Wake up/Feel what’s coming deep within we all know)
Obey is a bit of a weird one. It’s in the same vein as You Keep What You Kill in the main playlist, but it’s more specifically about the creation of the first Druids and how Haggar uses them against the Fifth General and her team.
(Obey, we're gonna show you how to behave/Obey, it's nicer when you can't see the chains)
Silver Moonlight is cracks forming in The Fifth General’s new set of alliances and her desperate and occasionally rash attempts to get them to believe in her goal. Not just the main one to take down the empire, but the one that will allow them to do that.
(I’m impatient, but it’s colors that I need/Too many shades of grey, I cannot breathe/The dreams I have ain’t tainted, I need you to believe/The only way to make them real, oh)
Endless War is the title track, connected to Holy Ground and I’d Rather Burn as a specific event but also sort of encompassing the Fifth General’s motivations throughout the series. She’s “hunting a miracle” that is also those colors from Silver Moonlight, and then the end of Endless War kicks in with Holy Ground, and the Fifth General’s final stand in I’d Rather Burn.
('Cause you’re fighting an endless war/Hunting a miracle/And when you reach out for the stars/They just cut you down/…/Is it worth dying for?/Or are you blinded by, blinded by it all?)
(You got inside my head, I want you out/'Cause I’ve been betrayed on holy ground)
(Won’t let you take my soul away/I’d rather go to the stake/I’d rather burn)
Empty Eyes is [long spoiler beep]. (and yes! I found it on Spotify finally!)
(I don’t know where I’m going/In search for answers/I don’t know who I’m fighting/I stand with empty eyes/You’re like a ghost within me/Who’s draining my life/It’s like my soul is see-through/Right through my empty eyes)
Dystopian Fiction
Dark Matter is on here because title track, but also it does end up with effects. Especially by the end… and of course, the Thing that is Wrong With Earth.
(Don’t stop, don’t think/Move up, don’t blink now/On your knees pray for rain/Don’t breathe when you take your aim)
The Human Condition is the Éskhayklos manifesto. A warning of the end times. The condemnation of the parasites. The reveal of the only cure. The final extinction cycle. Also their new image song, as Cross the Line got moved.
(We have the cure for the disease/Locked down inside us/When all is dead, then we will see/We are the virus)
INFECTED is the Éskhayklos’s slow, well, infection of the Sol Federation, and their descent into full-blown terrorism. (And yes, I know the actual lyrics have ‘he’. Shhhhhh. It’s a STARSET song, it’s about a Shirogane, even if it’s sort of from Cascade’s POV)
(Here's a challenge for all mankind/The preacher man is warning of the end times/The weatherman agrees but she don't know/So she's got to go now)
Who Will Save You Now here is about Sam, and the aftermath of Here to Save You, in addition to its referenced role in the main playlist.
(Alone with this vision/Alone and blind/Go tell the world I’m still alive)
Codebreaker is Adam’s song! But here it’s also in conjunction with Cross the Line as the final Éskhayklos mission before...
(Codebreaker can’t you find/Can you read between the lines of code?/Tell me all that you know/How far down the hole does it all go)
(Cross the line, redefine, break away unbent, unafraid/Together we stand in the dark/Seeking the light and what is right, together we cross the line/Our journey will come to an end and then our human cause will be/Justified)
The Day the Earth Collapsed
(How much time has been elapsed/Since the day the earth collapsed?)
Dystopian Fiction is the title track for this part. With the events of The Day the Earth Collapsed, the Garrison and our heroes on Earth are at their lowest point. It really is a piece of dystopian fiction, between [spoiler] and [spoiler]. They’re fighting for something that, at that point, must seem like ‘superstition.’ And also: “Nobody can shoot me down, not just yet” is about Adam bc Fuck Canon. Even if he does, technically, get shot down.
(I’m a dead man/In the wasteland/I’m a soldier fighting for superstition/Under searchlights/In the long nights/We’ve been written like dystopian fiction)
World on Fire and The Reckoning are the two of their subset that make it over here because they’re the two that happen before the result of This is a Call can come to fruition, and are more focused on our Earth heroes anyway.
(Sent by forces beyond salvation/There can be not one sensation)
(We’re all alone, walking in twilight/The night has been long and so many have fallen/Feel no remorse, light will be breaking/Our freedom is worth it all)
Filaments is still in flux but does have way more solid than it did. Like, you know, most of an ending. I just don’t really know how they get from A to B yet.
Dark Matter is here because, well. A) Title track, B) yes, it still has effects. It’s the overarching theme, after all. Filaments sort of has a subtitle itself, which is ‘The Undoing,’ after the other part of the lyric that the subtitle of the main playlist comes from. It’s about undoing a past mistake (that wasn’t obviously a mistake until much later) and reconciling the events of Your World Will Fail.
(I am the keeper/I am the secret/I am the answer/I am the end)
Filaments is the title track of this part. It’s… a little hard to explain without giving away the entire plot but it’s about the connections between different parts of the universe, and some fall-out of Cosmic Vertigo and Louder Than Words.
(These glowing filaments/Conducting this enchanting/Sarcophagus that’s holding us)
Starlight is, again, Adashi song, and this time the happy part
(Don’t leave me lost here forever/I need your starlight and pull me through/Bring me back to you)
Carry Me Home is its eponymous fic.
(Carry me home to the morning light/carry me home before you wave me goodbye/Oh, carry me home…)
And then we get to the new part. Know that stuff in Carry Me Home about “The record skip that only [Keith and Krolia] can remember”? Yeah, Prognosis is a huge step to figuring that out.
(How long is the body beholden?/How long 'til we run out of road?/Deep down in the black of the ocean/Fading from the glow)
The timey-wimey ball gets tossed around more in Blackstar. Partially due to [REDACTED] and a certain terrorist’s reemergence, but also due to Prognosis-related stuff
(They'll let you try/To reverse everything/Don't waste your time/Sing Hallelujah 'cause you can't change anything)
Eon straight-up plays Calvinball with the timey-wimey ball and gets the Paladins stuck in a groundhog-day situation, and the only way out? Isn’t good.
(If time's a song, I won't wait for its reprise/I am done wishing farewells and goodbyes)
The Art of War and Centigrade are the beginning of the end. The Art of War is Cascade finally showing his true colors, and the Sol Federation not having a good time. Centigrade is the other side of it, Team Voltron having a realization of just what they’re going to need to do.
(I can remember all the days of violence/I can remember all the days they fought for rights/When men united all by fear and interest/I mustered them with hopeful promises I've broken)
(What did you hope to find adrift and lost in time?/Is this the end ready to begin?/It's time to escape the fate of destruction, excavating within until salvation/No longer pretend the future's a lie from a past you cannot hide)
The Future is Now and A Theater of Dimensions are. Well. You’ll see. It’s a little hard to pick a lyric from AToD, I'll say that much.
(They said there was no way/But they forgot the black hole in the sky/Yesterday is nothing/I have half a life to rewrite)
(I’ve seen our freedom in the mist of time/The old signs I’ll follow and the day of relief will be yours and mine)
And then there’s Afterlife. Fitting to end on a UtA song, after everything, especially since The Immortal has repeatedly throughout DM been a metaphor for Voltron. Also fitting that it’s this one, considering the parallels between the end of The Immortal’s story and Filaments
(But with such power, think how you could rule/Hold to your promise to watch over those in despair/Why would you choose to serve when you could be master of all?/Be true to your honour and fight for a world that is fair!/Out of shadow, out of darkness, welcome to the light/As the day shines boldly over night/Follow me to finally be who you are inside/Open wide, embrace the afterlife)
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sophygurl · 5 years
Here is my list of unresolved questions/mysteries in The Raven Cycle, in no particular order:
What was produced at Monmouth Manufacturing?
Was Ashley spying in the Gangesy’s quest? If so, does she have a connection to one of the magical artifact hunters? If not, did she know about Declan’s magical dealings? She seemed smarter than she was letting on...
Why did Artemus disappear when Blue was born? Was he with the unmaker that whole time?
What is the joke that Ronan wrote on the rock in Cabeswater to signify to himself that it was him that wrote it? Also what was his joke that he made on the board in Latin class? Same joke??
Do the tree-lights in Cabeswater know that Blue is Artemus’s daughter? They only mention that they recognize her for being the psychic’s daughter, so do they know that she’s half-tree-light? Did any of them live through the unmaker’s slaughter? Does Blue have any other tree-light relatives in the world anywhere?
Blue and Gansey find Noah’s body somewhere that’s not directly on the ley line and nowhere near his Mustang, so did Whelk move the body? 
Why did Gansey’s mom think he wanted the Camaro?
Is the dreamer/greywarren stuff always genetic? Was one of Niall’s parents a dreamer?The Gray Man makes a comment about Niall also asking if he killed his father - what does this mean?? Was his father also a dreamer that was murdered for his power? What about Kavinsky? Were one of his parents dreamers? Another theory: Niall’s stories about when he and Ronan were born involve earthquakes. Do earthquakes happening on a ley line when someone is born cause them to be a dreamer, or does a dreamer being born cause an earthquake on a ley line? Cabeswater says “many thieves, one greywarren” - so only Ronan is a greywarren? Did Niall treat things the same way Kavinsky did, by stealing instead of creating and asking? How many other dream thieves are there out there?? Did Niall also use Cabeswater or did he have his own dream forest or did he not need one? When exactly did Ronan dream Cabeswater and what was it before he gave it shape and where were all the tree-lights when it wasn’t ... what it was?
What exactly is the reason Niall decided not to let his sons on the Barns after he died, until Ronan could figure out how to fudge the will? Why were Ronan’s powers treated as such a freaking mystery? Why wouldn’t he have trained his son in how to control and utilize that power, explain to him how it worked - instead of just telling him to never talk about it and then forcing Declan to run his business and never allow them to talk to one another about what was happening? Why did Aurora never bother to clue her sons in? I have so many questions about this! What about that devil creature he saw his dad with when he was a kid - was that Niall’s nightmare creature? Did Niall know Ronan saw that? It seems like Ronan knew/remembered/suspected some things and not others ... IDK ...
Also, like. How did they keep doctors and insurance people and such from questioning what was going on with Aurora after Niall died? Or all the cattle on the land? Like, someone must have been tasked with tending to that stuff, so WTF? And Declan was for sure sneaking onto the Barns to get dream objects to sell. What a hypocrite. 
Dream creatures are sort of PART of the dreamers, right? This is less creepy when thinking about Chainsaw or cattle. But Aurora was a part of Niall? Matthew was a part of Ronan?! How does that ... work?? 
That fucking Camaro wheel under the lake on the ley line that was hundreds of years old MIRITE?!?! And how is it related to the shield boss? They were both left behind? Calla talks about both Gansey and Glendower as people who reuse time, so ... uh ... the fuck?
Gansey DOES abandon his spare wheel at the airport to make room for Malory’s things - is that somehow connected??
What is with Gansey and sucking on those mint leaves anyway?
When Adam and Gansey are at that party and the lights go out and everyone hears that “Make way for the Raven King” stuff - wtf? Was that Cabeswater? Noah? Glendower? Someone else? Why that and then and there? Is the Gansey family mansion on a ley line??
Why does no one ever notice an entire fucking field of white Mistubishi’s with knives painted on the sides and odd fuck-ups in the design?!
Where was Ronan sleeping that Kavinsky saw him when he had his bad dream where he woke up all bloody? Just like ... in the street??
Why is Ronan paralyzed when he comes out of his dreams but Kavinsky isn’t?
What is the actual deal with Kavinsky’s family, speaking of? Like is his mom an addict or does he just drug her to keep her compliant? Does she know what he is? What happens to her after he dies? What about the whole story with his dad? Did he really kill him? Did he then copy him like he did Prokopenko?
Is Kavinsky’s creature also a night horror to him too? Or was it once? He seems able to control his, even though Ronan can feel the hate coming off it like he can with his own. Ronan’s creatures eventually stop hating him because he stops hating himself. Kavinsky clearly had a death wish, so how is he so comfortable controlling his creature?
Is Henrietta just kinda like Sunnydale and they all know something is a bit off and that’s why no one ever freaks out and calls, like, the FBI when actual fucking dragons start fighting in the sky?? (Also did the Gangsey have to bury Kavinsky’s creature that night to make sure no one found it?? What did the authorities think about Proko’s sleeping body??) Or like when Noah started throwing shit around in the counselor’s office - what did she think ... happened?? Or when there is water dripping off of a picture in the hospital waiting room - does ... does no one else see this stuff? NOT TO MENTION when there’s like a primal scream and an ancient beast appears in the street and then hordes of birds of all kinds start swooping about and flying cross country!??! 
So.... this whole three sleepers thing. The unmaker was the one NOT to wake. Gwen was Maybe the one to wake or Maybe the one in the middle or Maybe not even a sleeper since she was never fully put to sleep. Glendower was ... actually fucking dead so not a fucking sleeper at all? Adam thinks, symbolically, that he was the sleeper to be awoken, which is nifty, but prolly not what the ladies meant. Are there OTHER sleepers still?!? 
Okay. When Maura disappears, who becomes Blue’s legal guardian? I would think maybe Jimi, being her aunt? But it seems like Calla is the most responsible/parental one so perhaps Maura had already designated her as a guardian if something were to happen?? I’d love to know, honestly. I need so much more about this household,really. 
Was it one of the Fox Way psychics who came to sage the Greenmantle’s rental place? I wonder which one...
Is the sleeping that the dreamed creatures do when their dreamer dies somehow connected to the sleepers referenced on the ley line??
WHAT is the story behind the time Blue ran away and they had to call the police?!?! When did this happen?!? I need details!
Calla seems to recognize or sense something about Jesse when she meets him - what’s that about?
It seems like Gwen and Artemus, as tree-lights, can live a really long time and Gwen lived a long time not-really-asleep with no food or water or anything. Does this mean Blue will get to live a super long life? 
Can Persephone’s ghost come and go the way Noah’s does? Is that how she communicates with Adam? Why only him?
WHAT is the story behind when Jimi punched Calla??
Did anyone ever tell Declan that his mom got to be alive again for awhile in Cabeswater and how pissed was he that he never got to go and see her?
How does Gansey’s voice command thing work, and how is it/he connected to Glendower? I’ve got a LOT to work out about this one....
Which Laumonier is Piper’s dad? How did that all work? Did they all raise her as one? Does she even know which one is technically her dad? Why are they ... like that??
Who is the dead person in Calla’s life that Noah reminds her of when he’s doing the creepy 6:21 stuff? I want THAT story, too.
Are all of the Asian kids at Aglionby from Vancouver? Is that... a thing??
Here’s one: is Declan even Aurora’s kid or did Niall have him with a human person? I don’t know why I strongly suspect this so much, but I do.
How much does Matthew know about his weird-ass family? Any of it??
What is the story behind Blue dumping the stuff over the kid’s car at school? Also what’s behind the Not Your Bitch nickname the other kids have for her? Gods, tell me so much more about Blue being a badass trouble maker okay!
Also, omg, going back to the Lynch’s - so we talk about Chainsaw and Opal as being sort of part’s of Ronan’s psyche, right? So ... is that what Aurora is? Was she, like, Niall’s psychopomp??? That is so weird. 
When Blue has her tree-dream ... was she actually integrating into the tree?? Did she really take Gansey in there with her?!
The unmaker is a wasp. Gansey was killed by bees. Coincidence?! 
That woman who comes to the Barns in Opal’s story RIGHT?!?!? 
Also, gods, I have SO MANY QUESTIONS about Glendower and Artemus and Gwenllian and all of those folks. Why did the magic of putting Glendower to sleep not work? Or did it? Did it wear off? Did the kids just find another false grave and he’s still yet to be found? Did they just not do the right things to wake him? Will they come back to that? Did Artemus purposefully not put Gwen to sleep-sleep? If so that is seriously fucked up, dude. Why is Artemus so messed up after they find him again - so much lesser, I think, the narrative says? Is it because of having been down with the unmaker for so long? It feels like there’s more to it than that. Gwen seems simultaneously really ticked at her dad and really wanting for him to be found - what is their story? 
When the Fox Way ladies do their big reading at the start of TRK, they ask “does this mean she’s still alive?” - I’m guessing that’s about Neeve. And then “does this mean she’s leaving?” - probably Blue? And then “does this mean she’s coming back?” - could this be about Persephone? Is she gonna come back in some way PLEASE SAY YES, PLEASE SAY YES.
Also, omg, Persephone’s whole backstory is one giant mystery that I want uncovered. I mean - all of the lady’s stories are, really, but hers, especially. It’s said a few times how she never tells anyone anything about herself and they’re just not sure about anything about her, etc. She is so vague all the time and never answers questions about herself so ... yea, that means I wanna know everything.
I don’t know, folks. I have just so many other questions. Some are mundane things I just wanna know about the characters. Some are deep mysteries that there are probably clues to that I just have yet to piece together after my 20 re-reads thus far. Some are left hanging on purpose so we’ll have different theories and interpretations, probably. SOME ARE HOPEFULLY GONNA GET ANSWERED IN THE DREAMER TRILOGY?!?!? But this is long enough. Feel free to add to this or answer me if you think you’ve got one answered!
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Said to be obsoleted frightfully quickly after the order’s true establishment, some practitioners still remain.
[ ][ | ][ | ] Emoticonic Familiar – You are accompanied by an odd little thing, some manner of light-sprite, construct, or some other weird creature that communicates primarily through rendering emoticons in some way. It is highly emotional and reactive, and wears its heart quite liberally on its sleeve, always displaying at least one emoticon at a time per level of Emoticonic Familiar. All emotion-based spells that correspond to emoticons currently displayed by your Emoticonic Familiar cast by mages within 30 feet of the familiar increase their level by 1, even beyond the normal maximum.
[ ] Emoticon Speech – You have the odd ability to speak symbols and groups of symbols aloud, as if they were words. When you choose to speak an ordinarily unpronounceable symbol or an emoticon rendered out of symbols, those that hear you will be entirely unable to describe the sound they heard, but will immediately recognize it for what it is, as clearly as if they had seen it rendered on a page or screen.
[ ][ ] Conjure Emoticon – With a gesture of your hand, you can create phantom symbols in the air depicting emoticons, up to a range of 20 feet. At second level, you can change the colour of the text and will it to move.
[ | ] Emoticon Mark – By drawing an emoticon on someone's person, or an item they are wearing or carrying, you can drive them towards the emotion depicted. They will fall into it easier, and find it harder to be shaken from that emotion. If multiple emoticons are drawn on them, they will find it easy to shift between the whole set of marked emotions, but not out of them. This effect lasts for as long as the emoticon continues to be legible and carried with them. You can perform this without leaving an actual mark, simply drawing on them with the tip of your finger or a stylus, but the effect will only last for d6 rounds.
[ ][ ][ ] Emoticon Cypher – At will, you can project a mask in the form of an emoticon hovering in front of your face. You can project whatever emoticon you desire, and can change it at will. Though your face might well be technically visible beneath the emoticon, nobody attempting to discern your emotions will perceive it. Similarly, unless they especially wish to scrutinize you, they will not notice they are seeing only a projected emoticon, and will take it as a genuine and convincing expression of emotion. At second level, it becomes impossible to even notice that the emoticon is present without magical assistance. At third level, magic may recognize that you are putting up a mask, but will not be able to penetrate it.
[ ][ ] Scrawl Feelings – By providing someone with a means of denoting the symbols necessary, such as a pen, a keyboard, or a talking board, and paying them close attention, you can grant them supernatural ease of communicating their true feelings. If they will it, they will automatically depict emoticons that capture their inner emotional state, even if they have difficulty expressing it otherwise or are not themselves fully cognizant of their feelings. At second level, this overcomes even magical barriers to feeling or expressing emotion, and allows beings that do not feel emotions in a traditional way to express them in terms that can be understood.
[ ] Emotelicate – When you see or hear something beyond normal language, such as ancient markings, the language of eldritch gods, or the cries of a primal beast, you can magically interpret it into an outpouring of emoticons. You must have some means by which to let the emoticons pour out of you, such as a writing implement (or the spells Emoticon Speech or Conjure Emoticon). As you would expect, this magic is most potent at interpreting the emotional thrust of something, and to a lesser extent tracking relationships between characters being referenced, and is less intuitive when used to translate more emotionless data.
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endtimeheadlines · 7 years
What Were the Days of Noah Really Like? “Who are the Sons of God?”
(By Jeff Roberts) The term “Sons of God or (Bene HaElohim)” is a technical term that applies strictly to that of what many would refer to as “Angels of God” four times in the Old Testament. Genesis 6:4, Job 1:6, 2:1, 38:7. This term is also referenced in the New Testament in Luke 20:36 While the term angel is a title that simply means messenger, these are thought of more as divine beings that have ranks and responsibilities. This is not to be confused with the New Testament such as I John 1:3 , John 1:11-12 which involves a birth that takes place. This is not a figure of speech that is being spoken of here this is creative event that takes place in our lives when we receive Yeshua (Jesus) as our Lord and savior and that’s why it’s called a new birth or we use the term born again.
The Bible tells us that these Bene HaElohim had offspring with the daughters of men. The offspring that was produced is referred to as “giants” in most English translations of the Bible. While these particular offspring did happen to be large in stature the Greek LXX renders the word as “Gigantes” which means earthborn. This same word is transliterated in the Latin Vulgate as “gigas” which is where we get the term giants from in English but Latin scholars understood the word to be “delapsus angelus” meaning fallen angel. The Hebrew word for the word giants is Nephilim which comes from the Hebrew root verb “Nephal” which means to fall, to be cast or thrown down, to overthrow or cause to lie/lay within a sexual way. In Hebrew, the verb often become nouns and the spelling is the same but in this instance Nephilim is used instead The New Testament also confirms these Old Testament views in 2 Peter 2;4, For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment; In English the word used for Hell is Tartarus. Tartarus is only used once in the entire Bible.
In the Iliad (c. 700 BC), Zeus asserts that Tartarus is “as far beneath Hades as heaven is above earth.” It’s also known in Greek the dark abode or the deep abyss that is used as a dungeon of torment and suffering for the wicked and as the prison for the Titans. *It’s also worth noting that Tartarus in Greek mythology is a place and a deity. The Bible confirms this concept in Revelation 20:14 “And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. Death and Hell are titles of places and of fallen divine beings. Jude 1:6-7And the angels which kept not their first estate G746, but left their own habitation G3613, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day. Even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange G2087 flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. Jude said the Angels that kept not their first estate the word used for this is “arche” (which means the first place, principality, rule, magistracy of angels and demons) BUT left their own habitation. The word used here is “oikētērion” which does mean dwelling place but it’s used in reference to a spiritual body the same body that we on earth groan for in 2 Corinthians 5:2 “For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven”. Understanding this upfront, yields a much better understanding of Genesis 6.
Genesis 6:1 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them. Genesis 6:2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. Genesis 6: 3 And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be a hundred and twenty years. Genesis 6:4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. So, the offspring of the “Sons of God” became the same as the “Sons of God” which were mighty or powerful. The word used is “gibbor/gibbowr” which is an adjective. This means power by implication, tyrants, chiefs, leaders or giants. The term “which were of old” is the Hebrew word “owlam”. This is a term that means from the ancient of days, everlasting or without end. The best way to apply this word is of perpetual existence from the time they were created. The term men of renown is “shem” in Hebrew.
This is a unique term as it means name, reputation, fame in the sense of being infamous. Monument is also another word that is used for “shem” which is rather strange considering right after the flood and the earth was being repopulated the first thing they wanted to do was create a name for themselves and build a monument Genesis 6:5 And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. Now the word for wickedness is “ra” which means affliction, calamity or sorrow evil or wickedness. it goes on to say that every imagination (yetser) which can be imagination which also means (intellectual framework), form, creation, device, technology, graven image. It worth noting that we are Gods temple and while to defile it by mixing DNA would be considered creating a graven image. Thoughts is machashabah which can mean thoughts but also it means device, invention
Genesis 6:6 And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. Genesis 6:7 And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them. Notice that it was not just man that was evil. It was all flesh including man and animal. Genesis 6:8 But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD. Genesis 6:9 These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God. Notice here that the Bible states that Noah was perfect in his genealogy. The Bible also says that no man was perfect except for Jesus the Messiah, The word used for perfect is tamiym Which means complete or without blemish or whole.
So in Matthew 24: 37-39 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Could it be that Matthew didn’t understand what the days of Noah were like or is he assuming that we already knew from reading earlier books that we would know exactly what it was like. I think it’s safe to assume that he did. God’s laws are set into place
for a specific reason just like any other rules and regulations. There is always an example of why these are in place. In Leviticus 20:15-16 it demands the death penalty for any man that lies with or has sex with an other animal. If woman is caught lying with an animal, the Levitical law says that both the woman and animal involved shall be put to death. Even Paul in I Corinthians 11:10 is insisting that women wear a vail or covering over their hair lest they tempt the angels. Most people don’t understand the meaning of this verse because, in Paul’s time, they believed that the length of their hair was a sign of her fertility. They believed that the hair was used to help with child birth.
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